knizuu · 1 day
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amethystsoda · 2 months
Discovering a blog has you blocked via a blazed post about chiitan is objectively the funniest way possible to find out
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drenched-in-sunlight · 2 months
I don't even ship rellana and Messmer as they're related but nothing is funnier than yet reducing another character to be an extension of Marika, even the one who was explicitly said to abandoned her lineage to "chase after Messmer" yes the developers are lying 100% and it's was all about of Marika of course. boring & predictable take even more boring than those who make rellana Messmer's girlfriend. Maybe remove your uwu marika glasses and start seeing the lore for what it's rather than twisting in it for the sake of your headcanons. Do the Japanese version of the game say that Gaius, Rellana, and even the golden hippo followed Messmer because they've such massive boner for Marika , wouldn't you try to lie about the japanese desc this time🤔 like you did when you said Messmer was hiding himself lmao
imagine trying to pull up canon validity to the artist that started the whole Malenia/Gwynevere thing in 2022 and made a popular AC6 ship out of a weapon arrangement spreadsheet 🥲🥲 (also u r so mad that u had to go and make r*pe jokes about these characters in my inbox, like that second message is so embarrassing pls go outside and touch some grass)
secondly, i already clarified on my twitter it was my fault for reading Messmer's remembrance description wrong (i didn't post it on tumblr), the tweet is still there for all to see that i took responsibility if i misread something, and i always include the original Japanese text so ppl can recheck it themselves and inform me if there are any mistake, so i don't understand why you're using it as a gotcha here.
i won't even entertain the rest of your rant cuz i think they are kinda dumb, im just publishing this to commemorate yet another unhinged ask im getting and clarify those 2 points 😭
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tabithatwo · 1 year
HONEST QUESTION by why do u think no one (until shauna did at their fight) ever called jackie out on being oblivious to other people’s feelings? Like we all know jackie is never mean on-purpose nor does she ever want to cause any harm but there are times where she has no idea that she is indeed doing so.. or is somehow influencing that.. And its like why has no one else ever tried voicing this out to her? BC we can clearly see she would’ve done something to change her behavior if it was pointed out. I just dont get why no one tried to other than the fact that it was probably just pretty privilege or people just being too scared to say so
WELL okay this question really got me thinking lmao my answer is sort of twofold so walk with me here…I don’t fully think jackie IS oblivious to other peoples feelings and I don’t think people have any issues calling her out when she misreads tone. The people who do tend to snap at the others when they say stuff that annoys them—off the top of my head shauna (obviously lol), tai, nat, mari, and van—all do at jackie at some point.
I think in canon, with the group as a whole, jackie is actually very in tune with their emotions. She corrals them at the kegger and they genuinely react positively. I think she’s honestly extra in tune with people’s emotions, perhaps partly because has to work a little harder at things. I think that’s why she’s captain.
When I say “off” in my original post, I mean that I think people can sense the way that someone picks up on and addresses behavior (aka loading time/processing/trying to problem solve when that isn’t what’s desired/etc) more than I mean that jackie is saying shit that upsets people regularly. I think that, other than shauna, jackie doesn’t upset them much more than anyone else until later in the season when things get bleaker.
Once they’re in the woods, jackie has lost her entire social script. It’s funny to me how people say she was the enforcer of society, because really I think society has kicked her ass and she’s simply learned how to exist within it and doesn’t know how to adapt to change. This isn’t the setting she’s used to, she doesn’t know how the people she’s learned and adapted to will react to these things, because who the fuck does?? It’s now unpredictable and she’s just really lost in a compounding way. We see her actually cheer people up again when things fall back into a script that she has access to—the seance, doing mistys makeup for her, etc.
As far as shauna goes, she has NO problem letting Jackie know when she’s upset with her lol. She just gives her no clue why. Shauna doesn’t communicate her feelings with anyone really and she certainly doesn’t delve into big picture things. (There’s a tai shauna tangent here that I’ll go on one day but besides that relationship, shauna is really just closed off and expects people, especially jackie, to read her mind.) Shauna snaps or gives the cold shoulder and Jackie adjusts and readjusts, until she’s fixed it the best she can.
I think that shauna’s reaction to being called out for cheating with jeff is something that greatly colors a lot of peoples’ views on jackie, when really it says a whole fucking lot more about shauna herself. Shauna is a horribly fucking unreliable narrator. We see her get confused and forget what her own lies are when she’s fessing up to callie about adam. She was writing her own narratives and letting resentment build even before the crash. So to me, taking what shauna says during that fight at face value, over what we actually see of jackie and their relationship, is a mistake. Shauna’s backed into a corner. She’s caught out. Little miss I’m with homeland security, first panic instinct is to lie is going to make shit up. She was trying to hurt jackie. That was the goal. For a myriad of reasons—I love shauna shipman don’t get it twisted lol. (And we see jackie realize shauna is tying to hurt her. Jackie tries to hurt back for a bit and she sucks at it lol and then she slips back into shocked hurt.)
So anyway, yeah. I think shauna clearly felt overshadowed, but she just does. In general. All the time. We got to see that in 2x09 when she spells it out for us in her journal lol. So using this scene to read jackie as someone who actually does the things shauna is accusing her of feels like a big jump to me.
Shaunas feelings were real. But I don’t fucking think shauna hated soccer. I don’t think jackie ever actually pushed her into her shadow, unintentionally or not. I think that jackie couldn’t navigate shauna’s emotions in any way other than placating when she could and trying to cling to her, because she was constantly terrified that shauna would leave her. Why did jackie expect shauna to go to rutgers? Probably because that’d been their entire fucking plan and jackie had no way of knowing that shauna didn’t want that anymore. I’m gonna talk more about their fight one day when it isn’t a tangent on a different topic lol, but basically I think reading what shauna says in the fight as truth is a common and inaccurate take.
To the last point, I think prettiness definitely impacts a person’s life on like every scale and makes people overlook things they might not normally, but I don’t necessarily feel like jackie got off with no feedback basically. And I don’t think she was actually that hurtful. I’ve talked about the nat situation here and how it’s unique, but that isn’t jackie being oblivious, that’s jackie trying to get an outcome. She is clearly oblivious sometimes (when she tries to give a pep talk post insane leg breaking lol, when she tells travis about who nat has hooked up with, when she is pragmatic about things like rationing food) but really she rarely says overtly hurtful shit, even on accident. She does less so than the other girls.
So I think it all comes back to that thing that a lot of viewers do—view jackie as fake. The fact that she doesn’t really give any evidence of meanness sort of was my point. Even when there is nothing bad said, general social awkwardness can be taken as an indication of insincerity. I think this is sometimes especially true when someone is overall decent at masking, at least enough that they’re superficially seen as well liked. Because then people see a hiccup (which is really an adjustment to new input) and take it as an intentional behavioral change.
(Grain of salt, I am someone who had a keen fucking interest in being as pretty as possible at her age lol, to the degree that when I was asked how I got so good at “beauty stuff” I said “well, you can be weird if you’re hot enough!” Until I learned that was actually NOT the answer people were looking for of course lmao so I am close to the subject of performative attractiveness to skate by and I also know that it only tends to cover more superficial likability—aka homecoming queen, but you’re only got like 1-2 close friends and your teammates have no issue giving you bizarre looks when you miss the mark lol)
Thanks for the ask, clearly it got me thinking. Like a lot. Many tangents and I’m not even sure how well I addressed the questions lol but I don’t feel like going back and making it more focused so this is the ramble we get!! <3
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fanstuffrantings · 2 months
hi I still have your message you sent me . Here you go if you wanna keep it ^^
I have mixed feelings on how match ups were handled. Not because of a sourness towards the fights, but because they're supposedly random and yet we still got Cheria vs Wendy somehow which feels completely non random.
I didn't mind Lucy fight Minerva because it's a multi guild fight and I feel like having 2 celestial wizards summoning things would've made it feel too crowded. Personally, I want part of why Minerva is so aggrevating and angering to be that she manages to stay within the rules with everything she does while toeing the line just enough to get reactions. I don't mind her being cruel if it's well handled. I think my one note, I'd make Minerva not actually pound into Lucy and instead just hold her in place. Almost drown her. The officials don't intervene because the goal is to knock out your opponents, so as long as the action isn't continued once Lucy is unconscious, the rules have been adhered to. This would also involve rewriting Aquarius to have a better relationship with Lucy so we can explain the reason she leaves to be due to the gate getting closed when lucy runs out of air and her magic becomes completely unstable/she can't maintain it.
It's also why I would've wanted Lucy to fight someone else in her 1v1 dual and win. So that we'd be at a high point for Lucy and this Minerva loss would be the only one of its kind for Lucy in the games and hit harder. My sister is the one who will go on long tangent rants about Lucy because Lucy is her favorite character, but I do still agree that Lucy's treatment in gmg is bs and solely done to make the audience angry at people that hurt her.
As for Flare, I hate how Raven tail and Flare are written so much that I just don't want them to compete in the games. The way they can somehow manage to cheat feels so convoluted, the only way it makes any sense is if the officials intentionally are ignoring it. I for one would've loved to see Flare fight Lucy in-between matches, the the streets of the city when she maybe tries to kidnap Lucy and Lucy escapes/fights her off.
TL;DR- I do agree that I don't like how they handled fights and the writing, though how I would've altered things is a bit different.
Tbh I don't even know how this got sent as an ask lmao. I was intending to edit it because I misread portions of your ask and wanted time to fix things before I posted it publicly. The way tumblr operates does send me into a spiral sometimes lmaoo.
Thank you though, this does answer the "where did it go" question.
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planet4546b · 2 months
signoise questions!!! feel free to ignore as many as u want, sorry there are so many i am just very 🙇 (emoji of person leaning on folded arms and looking interested if it doesnt load right- just looked this up and it is actually a person bowing??? i have always parsed it as like a more restrained :eyes: emoji. huh) abt all of the parts its very cool!!!
-decade: have u read the city & the city by china mieville? whatre the inspirations for this if u have any off the top of yr head? was this like a rogue architect (i am thinking of the cartographers without borders post about a flat and level kansas watch out for the 900ft cliff bisecting kansas city post) or was it an official govt project or something?
-twins: i really like the name lariat for a city thats v cool also since theres a bunch of plays, are they all extant in their entireties or is it like a classical texts situation where we have fragmentary records? im really interested in the mixed media part of signoise & how different parts might be told, are u thinking of adding video or audio or anything?
-bell expedition: SO interested in how a caver becomes "disgraced." excited to see a bunch of cave content about the mar.
-pareidolia: a) VERY cool name i love it b) are u going to make the photographs they take?
-pepper's ghost: i dont have a specific q about this one i would just like to register my extreme excitement to see what happens w it.
& i guess just a more general q, do u have a rough idea of what media(s) each story is going to be in? also i am really really liking the name choices youve made for places etc.
i misread bowing as bowling and my confusion about that emoji only grew. but ozzy hi!!! thank you for the questions im gonna try to hit all of them :D
1. i HAVE read the city and the city (really enjoy it) although it ironically inspires a different city on the map (primary and meridian, which is where the playwright stuff mostly takes place). decade’s primary inspiration is pretty explicitly superstudio’s continuous monument, as well as a handful of other postmodern avant- garde architecture concepts, like constant’s new babylon. visually also something like blame, though i have yet to actually read blame i know not by reputation alone. the vibes of it are actually very much that pefectly level kansas post LMAO
decade’s architect is a supercomputer (also known as decade) that produces the plans that the people then construct (also very invisible cities, i’m just blanking on the name of the city itself that’s constantly building). a lot of decade’s story is pure mystery for this reason: how did they build a supercomputer? how and why does it create its plans? what is it building for? why is it that the only records of the city are from decade itself, and next to no records from its citizens exist? what was their form of government, who did decide to build, who led this project? much to uncover!!
2. mairzy finch was a relatively minor playwright during their life, and had one play that really became well known and four or five other less known ones. the bulk of their history is about a massive series of plays that are in fact fragmentary and were all found after their death and are being ‘completed’ and published by almas verrier. so there is a lot of classics to it in how those plays are reconstructed, published, and continually found (and the controversy around all of that), though this is not a project that gains a lot of scholarly attention, its pretty much only verrier and samira that are interested at all.
i would absolutely LOVE to add audio especially to these plays, within my ability as a single creator. although i will likely needle my sibling who used to act to get notes on things like stage and audio design (the entertainment interlude in kentucky route zero is a HUGE inspiration here).
3. quite simply, eric has previously led groups in which multiple members died, and while it is generally understood that that’s a bit of an occupational hazard, the general caving community has concluded those specific deaths could have been avoided if eric was not pushing the group to fuel his own ego. Oops! and glad you’re excited for the cave content because ohohoho so am i!!!!
4. my favorite thing about the name pareidolia is that when i’m researching other things i ALWAYS run into this word and go oh cool and go to its wikipedia page and forget one of the first images on the wikipedia page is a cave formation LOL. and yes i almost definitely will be!! i will at minimum be recreating them via digital art, but i have So many cave photos i can use various ways, and im thinking about getting some cheap ass camera to print physical photos as well. i have in my mind what his most famous photograph is and im so excited to recreate it GAH
5. i’m also SO excited about this one so glad to hear it!!! these two are characters that are close to my heart but have been at the fringes of signoise’s main story for a while, getting to spotlight them is super exciting for me. and there’s some weird late game plot developments with them that are fun. they also are the mechanism for my favorite Samira Realization and a catalyst for her downward spiral. woohoo!
6. the mixed media aspect of signoise is BRAND new and a lot of that i’m still brainstorming to figure out what’s even possible for me to do, but what i do know is the general format for each:
playwright: play scripts and academic papers (possible audio recordings/set plans)
decade: architectural plans, radio transmission transcripts
bell: interviews with bell and everett (god i would love so bad to make and photograph minis for specific cave scenes here)
pareidolia: photographs, research notes (?) i need…something else here but im still figuring out what (largely photo manips and limited animation. hopefully via physical camera)
peppers ghost: radio broadcast transcripts (i have the least wiggle room for other media in here i think, iltheres too much of it to be voice acted via just like dragging in family and friends and it’s pretty limited to radio. but i’ll find something im sure)
and thank you!!! naming things is difficult (the like…7 hours i spent trying to find names for all the new characters. god.) but i have quite a bit of fun with it. i like sounds ^^
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roguetelepaths · 2 years
It's genuinely so funny how fandom paints Weyoun 6 as this like hardcore anti-establishment rebel who just wants to burn the whole system down when if you watch his episode the canon version of him is literally the opposite of that lmao, people are out there treating him like he's an anders dragon age level revolutionary or something when he actually defected out of love for his gods and concern that the path they're going down will harm them further rather than keep them safe
he's not a traitor he's a conscientious objector
(and, of course, in a regime built on constant war and conquest those two things are the same, which is why it suits the Dominion's interests to brand him a dangerous rebel rather than acknowledge that it's love for the Founders that caused him to make the choices he made)
he WANTS the best for the Founders, for the Dominion, but due to his lack of power in the situation, all he can do is leave it behind, and the greater narrative surrounding him has ensured that he can't even successfully do that
eta: I feel like a lot of people are probably misreading this, or are likely to misread it, so let me clarify my intentions. this isn't a pro-Dominion, "the Founders did nothing wrong" type post. I am not implying that Weyoun 6's loyalty or devotion were deserved. however, I do think his genuine love for the Founders makes their cruelty in response even more shocking, and makes the overall narrative of the Dominion even more impactful. and if you paint him as a generic revolutionary who wants to destroy the system, so much of that tragedy is lost.
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spinnysocks · 5 months
For the choose violence ask game, 1, 6, 16, 18, 23 (for The Lion Guard)?
hiya! thanks for your ask!! :D
1. the character everyone gets wrong
hmmm. i would say anga. not everyone gets her wrong per se, but a lot of fans do and i suppose i get a bit sick of misinterpretations of her. as someone who struggles with communication i relate to her in some ways so i think that's why it ruffles my feathers a bit. other contenders are tiifu and zuri. yeah, most criticism of those three just make me think “let characters be characters!”
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
the homophobic ones. full stop. this extends outside of tlg to quite a few other shows and movies i'm a fan of - i actually haven't seen too much homophobia about the lion guard, so that's good. oh yeah! and those who only ship canon/hate interspecies ships and start arguments bout it 😭
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
nothing against her, but fuli. i do love her, but her general personality is so shallow. i love the episodes that are for her, they're great at giving her depth, but outside of that... there's like nothing to her. it actually makes me a bit sad for her
other than that, i'm pretty open to most characterizations, tropes and headcannons as generally i haven't found many i don't agree with, or at least i'm like “that's not how i see it, but cool!”. i'm not really someone who gets annoyed about it unless it's like, a really misread characterisation ig?? 😭 but that doesn't happen very often
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
in general, the outlanders. it's kind of the whole reason i started posting actually. there wasn't enough outlanders content in the fandom so i started creating what i wanted to see! if i'm going into specifics, the characters who i would say are very very very much slept on are Sumu, the Skinks, Tamka and Nduli. give some love to them all!!!
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
anyone reading this, please don't shoot me down, but admittedly... Janja x Jasiri. when i was younger i just didn't vibe with it ya know? i think i did somewhat despise it back then, but i've changed. i can definitely see the appeal, it's just not for me! i can ship them in canon, but as a lot of my tlg thoughts are based on AUs, i don't put them together in those. at least i'm not as salty as i used to be lmao 😭
(the choose violence ask game)
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youngjustus · 1 year
raven’s name has technically been rachel roth for 20 years too but im not fucking calling her that lmao…idk for me it’s partially 1) fuck johns and the way he sought to completely change kon’s character and spit in the face of all his prior development just to make his stupid fan theory canon 2) having a character go from going by kon to conner is like going from tim to timothy. why make it longer, yfeel? and 3) 50% of the people who call him conner misspell it as connor, which would be fine (annoying, but ultimately harmless) except dc already has a connor, and i’m vehemently against dc’s inability to come up with an original name for any of their characters. hashtag team jon should’ve been given literally any other name bc there’s already like 6 jonathan kents
i know there is a lot to criticize about johns's run, but i honestly don't find a lot of things with what he did with conner leading up to his death in infinite crisis in terms of characterization to be out of character. although, full disclosure, i haven't revisited teen titans vol. 3 in [checks calendar] 7 years, so there might be some gaps in my memory.
i like that he's getting used to having an actual structured life with going to school and living in a house with parents that care about him. he's also still dealing with the aftermath of the finale of his solo series and graduation day! he's adjusting! it would be normal for him to feel weird and off. this is a post that i made a few years ago with a good addition from another user that puts this well.
however, i do generally dislike the luthor reveal because of how many stories that came after for conner have so heavily focused on it, when a) we already did something similar in the 90's with his original backstory and b) it contributes to one of the most annoying fan discourses i've had to see for my entire comics reading experience regarding superman being a 'dead beat dad'. unfortunately, at this point, it is a part of canon that is ingrained in too many fans and writers' heads, and is tied into too many plot lines for them to go away with it. such is the nature of a shared intellectual property! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i think i'm probably misreading what you're saying, but kon isn't short for conner, and i don't think tim's full name is a good comparison. they’re two separate names. i've posted about the origin's of the name kon-el a few times over the years, and i even have the issue where he receives it in my personal comic collection. it is a very important part of the character's history, and a good thing to point to when people doubt the positive relationship between conner and superman. the name is one with real history, and it is a gift!
this is where my own headcanons and speculation comes in: it makes the most amount of sense to me that conner is a name that he specifically chose himself when he was adopted by the kents.
if somehow i missed a random issue of superman or action comics from between when his superboy series was canceled to him showing up in teen titans that gives an origin to the civilian name conner kent, or even just an interview with the creatives discussing the issue the name first shows up in, please send it my way!
if such a comic or interview does not exist, and if i ever had the chance to write the character, this is 100% something i'd like to explore. i have my own ideas that i've thought about a lot over the years (and even a middle name picked, too).
i also think that there are much bigger problems with dc comics than a few characters sharing a first name. like a lot more problems.
conner is his name as much as it is kon, and it's not wrong to call him it in the way that it's not wrong to refer to superman as clark or kal. the comparison at the start of this ask to raven is interesting, but i think the key difference there is that rachel roth feels like a regression (she's deaged and put in high school) and to me conner kent is further growth (being with the family that wants him in their lives).
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themanwhomadeamonster · 9 months
wahh reflection on social experiences on tumblr the past two years and whatnot and this has been in my drafts since like new years-ish but the last rb made me want to post this but i might delete it if i regret it idk
on one hand i kinda feel a bit ashamed (but VERY grateful nonetheless!!!) that it had to be other ppl to approach me instead of me approaching them when it came to making friends bc i was too scared to take initiative, but on the other hand whenever i DID try to take initiative in the past to make friends and DM someone, literally every single time i misread the vibes and it ruined any chance of us getting familiar (or maybe there was never any chance to begin with and i have poor judge of character/vibe checking etc etc 🫠). this feeling was especially worse when someone invites ppl to talk to them because they have open DM's and it turns out we don't really click and i know it's not necessarily my fault that that happens but i often feel like it is because i missed something...
I'M NOT VAGUEING ABOUT ANYONE I CURRENTLY TALK TO BTW THIS IS SPECIFICALLY ABOUT PAST SITUATIONS i've had pleasant interactions and friendships made the past year - which is WHY i'm making this post! because i feel so lucky and i'm looking back on it! but yeah i'm just wondering, still looking back, goddamn why do i struggle to read the room the badly lmao. and i still feel this way now - i'm STILL too scared to message anyone out of the blue! that's pretty much why i don't reach out to ppl first because i have an ACTUAL track record of fumbling the ball 😭
but ultimately these thoughts came about because the past two years i've made friends on tumblr! how exciting! i love you all c:
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killa-trav · 2 years
Sad about the cheating rumours but happy about the topic because I have sewis news… ok so seb arrives at Brazilian gp (Thursday) with bites on his lip w ‘dumb I have a secret and no one knows’ face and I immediately start thinking why is he so happy…. We know he went on the chile trip but in his table tennis interview he mentioned something about having few days free from hiking(where did he go?). On Wednesday night Lewis posts his music studio setup I think thats his code for come over… my theory they hooked up
P.S pls no moralising from other anons, if you don’t like it go read some children literature and turn off your Wi-Fi 🤫😊
P.S.S you don’t have to post this, if you don’t want too
the way i misread this massively and thought u said he had love bites and i was like huh what?? so i had to go through my brazil tag to go have a look n then got distracted by george’s win lmao but yeh ik what ur on about now
so basically what happened was seb had a few days free and instead of netflix and chilling he went lewis’ gaff n music and chilled, they made sweet love to some absolute banging tunes I LIKE IT
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wandering-doves · 5 months
i asked a guy i've been interacting with on tumblr for like the last 8 months, if he wanted my number and boy do i regret it [but not for the reasons you may think]
so, as i mentioned we've been getting to know each other and messaging for like 8 months. i remember the first time he messaged me... it was completely random. he'd liked a couple of posts/reblogs and followed me before reaching out and sending a simple greeting. i was naturally very suspicious as it had been years since anyone had messaged me on tumblr and since it was so out of the blue, i was very cagey and cold. he persevered another 2 days before caging up himself when i asked for his name. then he dropped off for about a month. when he returned again, it was to apologise for clamming up. i told him not to worry as he was entitled to his privacy. and then he did something that really surprised me. he gave me his name and a little snippet of his story. he told me that he was feeling lonely and wanting to make friends and that he was going to try chatting to people on here again and sort of freaked out. i let him know that i understood, as i was also being cagey. once we both were on the same page, things were okay. we would checking in every now and then, ask basic getting to know you questions and chat about our day. i got more and more comfortable with the idea of him as a friend and opened myself up to him little by little. sometimes i would reach out to him and not receive a message back for months, bc he would take breaks from tumblr [i'm assuming for his mental health, which is understandable]. he would reply when he next came online and we would chat more. he ended up seeing what i looked like through my side blog and began complimenting me on my looks. occasionally, he would ask a sexual question and i would answer it as honestly as i could. [normally, i wouldn't tolerate that shit, but i was starting to like him.] his line of questioning got more personal as time went on and it felt like maybe we were connecting. so as the months progressed, naturally, i thought maybe i wasn't delusional and that he liked me for me [i sent him a full body pic and it was received relatively well, i think] so i thought that maybe he would be interested in continuing this outside of the confines of this website and decided to work up the courage to ask him if he wanted my number. this is where it goes wrong. he meets my question with a question and i start to think that this is already a bad start and maybe i misread the situation. am i wrong for thinking that a man who's called me pretty and cute and hot would want my number? am i? well apparently, because he never ended up saying yes. this felt as good as rejection and immediately the walls came up and i started being short with him. I even wrote "i'll take that as a no then" to which he replied some bullshit like "i twasn't a no at all" and all i could think was "yeah but it wasn't a yes either", which is as good as imo. he wanted an explanation for why i wanted this bc he always assumed he was bugging me [which btw is another thing i want to touch on. in the past, he has mentioned feeling like he bugs me quite often and i thought i'd been doing enough to let him know that that was simply not the case but ofc that was his reasoning this time too] and i explained that i liked talking to him and wanted to respect the time he takes off from tumblr bc ik it can be disruptive and it was met with an "im sorry if..." and that shit makes my blood boil so i havent responded back to him. it's been over 24 hours since he replied to me. i spent that afternoon absolutely bawling my eyes out. then i spent the evening upset too. i was having big feelings, for sure and couldn't deal with them. i feel maybe i was too harsh but he was too.
anyway, i've been listening to sad music and crying abt anything and everything lmao...
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gallus-rising · 6 months
for p1: current favorite ship/first favorite ship and p2 current favorite character/first favorite character. also top 5 pokemon for 3
i'm afraid i can't give you first fav ship/character since my memory is terrible and also i'm probably over thinking it and trying to go too far back 😔 first fav character was assuredly someone from Digimon tho lol
ok under the cut because it got longish lol
current favorite ship: currently suffering from ekumob brainrot 😔
when I started shipping it if I did:
ok their friendship was already very important to me but when the broccoil arc was animated?? idk for some reason that Activated something in me..... there was also this one popular fanartist on twt who's since moved on from mp100 that def contributed. no idea where they are now but i hope they're doing well 🙏
my thoughts:
oh god we'll be here all day. they r. Good
What makes me happy about them:
hhhng human/monster ships always make me happy just because (´ ∀ ` *) but something specific to them is the slowbuild trust between them?? most of my ships are built on canon friendship stuff and mp100's platonic relationships are particularly good. i wouldn't be able to properly describe it w/o going into full series meta lol but this is a good place to start probably
What makes me sad about them:
we all know that mortal/immortal pairings never end well :']
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
there isn't enough fic for them for this to rly be applicable :''']
things I look for in fanfic:
thing i'm desperate for in both fic and art is ghost Dimple. get that claw guy outta here he is a mere means to an end
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
ekurei is always fun but Mob is aro to me u-u i'm shipping him in an aro way. i promise it makes since in my head
My happily ever after for them:
just very chill living together. Mob seemingly lives alone and his normal friends feel a lil bad for him and try to set him up w someone every once and a while but Mob always politely declines. when Mob is busy Dimple spends time with the extended S&S crew because those are his fwiends 🥺 sometimes Dimple is gone for a few days but he always comes back home <3
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
depends on whether Dimple is in Big Ghost mode or Little Ghost mode lol but i feel like they both equally enjoy either role
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Mob astral projecting so Dimple can possess his body and do the sorts of normal human things he misses. just. small ghost Mob hanging out while Dimple goes on a walk or has dinner or takes a bath or w/e. also. small ghost cuddles 🥺 tiny ghost Mob and tiny ghost Dimple snuggling 🥺🥺 Mob's unconscious body is about 5 feet away ig
current favorite character: bouncing around between various Dungeon Meshi characters atm but let's go with Laois
How I feel about this character:
autism to autism communication
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
no one. he is aroace to me u-u
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
i don't say this lightly but the Touden party is the found family of all time oh my GOD
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
as an autistic/autistic-coded characters he is ofc subject to Pure Sunshine Syndrome UwU so most of my unpopular opinions are just canon facts lmao. he's very smart and a capable leader, charisma is just his dump stat
also i know someone wrote a meta post explaining this way better but Laios is just so angry. the post was mostly about how in most media the character who is autistic misreads the social situation is always in the wrong. the character must always realize they've committed a horrible social taboo and eventually apologize to everyone for their bad behavior. but Dugeon Meshi lets Laios be angry. like yeah!! why didn't ppl just explain things to him?? he gets mad when other ppl pretend to get along w him but actually dislike him and are waiting for him to get a clue. so yeah, Laios is a chill guy but underneath that he is just so angry at the world all the time. he's pissed off ppl treat him like a freak for acting sincerely, he's pissed off ppl treat his sister like a freak for her natural talents, and Kabru is super valid and right for assuming that Laios hates humanity bc he kinda does a lil (tho not to the extent that Kabru thought ofc)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
let him have fangs and glowly cat eyes and all that. he needs to live out his furry/otherkin dreams.
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
you know what???? Venom.
a headcanon fact:
top 5 favorite pokemon: hhhhng picking just 5 is v difficult so consider this incomplete. listed in no particular order because i'm bad at that 😔
turtwig line. i yelled when the Big Torts appeared in Detective Pikachu
porygon line. split line evo where you can evolve proygon2 into porygon3 which is stated for Sp. Def vs porygon-z's Sp. Atk WHEN!!!!
pidove line. fav regional bird. unfezant is Peak bird design
smugleaf snivy line. it's a skink that evolves into a legless lizard what's not to love??
klefki. L + Ratio + Prankster + Thunder Wave + Spikes + Dual Screens + Light Clay. Taunt users DNI
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Episode 13: "Garfgoyle give me strength 🙏🏽"—Tony
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In this round: After Michael begging Tony to flip for several rounds, Tony finally makes the jump; Zee absolutely dominates 24-Hour Tasks; Champ plays a Safety Without Power since she lost her vote due to Masochism anyway; Champ gives the Bank Your Vote advantage she got from eman to Zee, who banks her vote; and Jack is left as the only one in that alliance able to receive OR cast votes, which sends him to Purgatory even with his Grow As You Go idol nullifying two votes
Michael's a fucking king. Like. Pulling that Chaos Idol out of his back pocket like that? Incredible. Then the teamwork of each of us figuring out a step in making it happen? OBSESSED WITH THOSE TWO!!! Everyone on the other side is blatantly lying to either me or Kaleigh LMAO except for Tony so MAYBE we can get Tony to work with us to take out Champ tomorrow. That's gonna rely pretty heavily on Michael, I know, and it feels like he'd be in kind of a tough spot no matter who comes back from Purgatory if he did flip, but also Tony might see it as an opportunity to make a move in this game since the girls are running the show over there. If not, I'll go to rocks, I don't care lmao and I know Kaleigh feels the same way. Lemme go out on my terms, baby. Not sure about Michael, he's been feeling too rough post wisdom teeth surgery to talk game, but I do feel that he'd be more willing to go to rocks than Jack or Tony. Entering merge, I wouldn't have guessed I would've been working so opposite Eman this game, and it sucks that's how that played out, but it just seemed like we didn't see each other as actual options for moving forward together (even before the Colin vote). I really thought Eman or Tony were gonna win Masochism and save each other, though.
Anyways 24 hours tasks is the bane of my existence. I legit was playing it all through the night while still camping and hanging with friends and I still feel like I'm not doing enough so that's super fun. I'm afraid to take a shower in case I miss another post that I'll probably fuck up by misreading a component of the prompt. So we're having a fun time right now. I don't feel like I'm going to win this game and I have no idea how many words this is but I'm hoping that we've reached 50 because I'm not living la vida loca right now.
this game is honestly driving me crazy. I can’t believe that zee is so far ahead of everyone even though Alex and I both stayed up until like 6 AM and Tony has been really playing his little heart out. This is just crazy I really don’t want Zee to win immunity LMAO I don’t even know why I don’t think we’re going for her but I guess we’ll see. poor michael is still laid up with his jaw swollen from wisdom teeth surgery so it truly is just me and alex LOL god i hope we can get tony to swing to our side. here’s hoping !! pray for us!!
Seems like the challenge is over already but why not do one. Also my mom kept me from posting in time. This round has been exciting to say the least. At the previous tribal council my alliance and I were able to pull off a successful play of the chaos idol, which only adds to my resume at this point. I fear that this makes me a large target? But I can't let fear keep me from making moves. Classic survivor bby.
They had us in the first half, I'm not gonna lie. I woke up at seven this morning after going to sleep super late last night because I thought people would sleep and I could catch up. I woke up FORTY POINTS BEHIND. Anyway nobody really went to sleep but I've mostly made that up by now with a solid 20 point lead, I'm just unsure if I can keep that up until the deadline tonight
Omg sorry I have like 15 minutes to put this in! I’m gonna play my safety without power so I’ll be in final 6! Yay :)
okay that 24 hour task challenge was hell on earth. and also kinda fun. but would have been more fun if i won. i stayed up till SIX AM TO LOSE. LIKE! okay hats off to zee tho she fought for her life fr. um. so. last night’s tribal. was nuts. a little bit before it started, michael sent me and alex info about this CHAOS IDOL advantage he had purchased (FROM WHERE ? STILL DONT KNOW) and he had to solve a riddle and then unscramble a sentence and say the sentence at tribal to activate it. fucken a. we did it. we did it ALL!! anyway the chaos idol protects whoever has had a vote cast against them, so we voted for each other and evvvvveryone else voted for alex. so we 3 were protected and they had to revote one of them out lmfaooo a couple mins into voting, eman was like put the votes on me, i’ll come back! and they ended up going home, with just two votes on jack. it was an insane move. michael is rly pissing these ppl off LMFAOOO i am obsessed. zee messaged me before tribal yday and was like girl i j wanna let u know they are gunning for u LMFAOOO BABY YOU REALLY THINK I AM A FOOL!!! LIKE WHAT!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO! after tribal she messages me and is like “i convinced them to vote for alex!” HAHAHAHA MY GODDD!!! now she’s trying to convince me that michael is a huge threat blah blah we should vote him out no one would see it coming if i swapped to them lmaoo. god. i was like babes champ doesn’t have a vote why would i swap now. lets go to rocks babes. idc. she also kept trying to convince me that michael is talking to everyone over there and apologizing for flipping and wants to work with them LMFAOOO NOT THE MICHAEL I KNOW!!!!!!!! so she is being wild, jack and champ are both messaging me without talking game, like y’all please give me a break. please. please! god i’m so glad we dont have tribal tonight. i am dog sitting this chihuahua who literally will whine until i TUCK HIM IN. WITH A BLANKET. it’s absolutely insane and adorable. michael thinks we can get tony to flip to us, which like… tony should. absolutely. but will he? i don’t FUCKING know. would it be a bigger move to flip to us to get one of them out, or to trick us into trusting him and get one of us out? either way he’s on the bottom of either alliance and is boned :( like, oopsies. um. idk if we’re gonna toss all our votes on 1 person and hope for no idol or put 2 each on champ and jack and hope they dont have an extra vote or whatever, then revote after the tie and get champ out. still dyin to know who PREVAILED in purgatory today. will i play my steal a vote? my idol? i dont knoooooow. it depends on what they do and who’s back from purgatory. ok. i’m tired.
Soooo, I think my time is near. I very well may be going home tonight. Zee and Champ are trying to Flip Kaleigh, and I honestly wouldn't blame her for flipping now but Zee and Champ are a dangerous duo. Hopefully Kaleigh stays with us, I absolutely adore playing with Kaleigh. But my spidersense is tingling hardcore. I've had fun!
That last challenge was hella fun! But goddamn I cannot stay up to save my life. Eman and I had something solid going with our alliance, but with them gone it’s time for me to flip over to the 28+ club. I’m making the flip at tomorrows tribal. Garfgoyle give me strength 🙏🏽. We’re gonna have to be smart about this, but from here on out, it’s gotta be Michael and I to the end 🤙🏽
It's funny that, like, one of my earliest confessionals in the game was me talking about like 'oooh am I gonna play a villian game???' after the lie about the extra vote being just a Shot in the Dark and now I'm ride or die with Michael and Kaleigh to the point that I am willing to go home tonight in rocks or have Kaleigh play her idol on Michael instead of me. And if that's the case, then the girls are playing are playing better than I thought because they are actually banking on us having an idol and believing they're gonna target Michael this time even though they've targeted me twice. Oh well. We'll see what happens.
I’ve been super busy but even with my two negated votes with the amulet I still think I will go home lol hopefully me champ and zee r all safe but we’ll see
Tribal Council
Lost Votes: Champ, Zee
Jack: Michael (sry baby ur too iconic at tribal)
Alex: Jack (This wasn’t the plan, but I wasn’t expecting Champ to do that. Sorry, buddy.)
Kayleigh: Jack (SORRY BABES <3 GL)
Michael: Jack (Damn, didn’t want to do this right now but kind of have to. Hope your vacation is fun!)
Tony: Jack (it’s been fun playing with you! You’re always great at breaking up tense moments with humor and it’s much appreciated!)
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So yesterday, I misread a post & it got me thinking about Eva and Eztli (2 of my vestiges). I haven't really gotten around to making a post about their pasts and fleshing out their personalities (& this isn't that post either lmao) but I did want to discuss the basis of their personalities because out of all my vestiges, they're the most similar.
Eva & Eztli pictured below:
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So, on the surface, Eva and Eztli are fun, flirty, and sometimes silly, and of course, they're also kind and friendly. It's a huge part of their personality, they tend to be friendly to most people (especially before meeting the hooded figure (for Eztli it might be before that but I need to iron out the details of her past)), and they like having fun which is part of the reason they started adventuring. They wanted to see different parts of Tamriel and meet new people along the way. Of course, by the time they become the Vestige, there is much more beneath what they show to the people they meet.
For Eva, where she used to be open and flirty, she's more hesitant and in denial about attention directed at her. Rather than being excited about making new friends, she is scared of how things will turn out further down the line.
As for Eztli, she threw herself into being flirtatious and silly, using both as a means of deflection from getting attached; unfortunately, it doesn't always work. She still finds ways to have fun while going on these big adventures, but at the end of the day, she is left feeling hollow.
Although they are both still initially kind to strangers, they're more wary; and despite their silly approach to some situations, it's possible to pick up on their pain and fear, especially the more someone gets to know them.
This is why I love the companions in the game, and characters like Raz, Fenn, Naryu (& Darien even though that whole situation remains heartbreaking), because these are (some) characters that get to know and befriend the Vestige, and in the case of the companions, they travel with them. They give the Vestige a chance of thinking, of hoping, that things will turn out differently, or that things will get better.
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chibitorra · 4 years
Why are SO MANY people convinced that this mysterious figure is Eneru?? (At least on this forum I frequent.) Did I miss something? Yea, Nami says she needs stronger thunder but... Eneru?? I honestly can’t even tell if peeps be trolling or not, I thought it started as a joke but there be people trying to make valid points as to why Eneru would show up on Wano and I’m genuinely confused.
If this mysterious figure is in fact Eneru I will eat my own foot. 
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