mothsakura · 8 months
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my gossip girly <3
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ididdedurmom · 4 months
More evil head cannons
I have silly ideas about the gang after the event of the story, everyone lives, except Bob
Has a thousand yard stare when he zones out
Has the loudest, most disgusting, mucus filled cough ever
Actually really good at drawing
Has drawn every member of the gang at least twice
Loves physical touch, he leans on his friends when their sitting next to him.
Actually screams during horror movies, like loud genuine screams
Loves play fighting with Darry, like full on wrestling
Steve taught him how to drive
He either walks like a ghost or stomps, there is no in between
He can play one song on the guitar, and that’s it
His legs are super strong, so his kicks hurt really bad
He would be better at track, but his smoking habits hold him back
He feels jealous of Soda and Darry because they had more time with their parents
He and Darry have matching reading glasses
He says “I’m just a girl” anytime he gets in trouble
He has used his pretty privilege to get out of being arrested multiple times
Despite how handsome he knows he is, he still feels super insecure about his looks
He steals from the DX station constantly
He and Steve spend hours gossiping about their customers once both of their shifts are over
A dog bit him when he was a kid, now he’s deathly afraid of them
He loves physical affection, hugging him is the best way to cheer him up
Absolute candy addict
Candy is the #1 item he steals from the DX
He broke his dominant hand once, and now his handwriting is permanently ruined
He reads insanely slow and monotone when he reads out loud
He either sleeps like a rock, or wakes up from the slightest sound, there is no in between
He lives in his flannel, that thing hasn’t been washed in literal years
He suffers from middle child syndrome, he knows his brothers love him, but they don’t pay enough attention to him
He hates his jobs, he knows he has to go but he can’t stand them
All of his coworkers are old and they treat him like a child (which he’s kind of okay with in a way)
He loves watching cartoons but he feels like he’d be wasting his time
He sneezes like a dad
He wakes up at 4 am and works out immediately
Loves compliments and words of affection
Doing favors is his love language
He has the whitest legs ever, he’s all tan on the top and snow white on the bottom
His tan ends where his pants start
Small bits of his hair are grey, he doesn’t know
He has a fear of abandonment
He is insanely flexible for a man of his size, like he can touch the floor standing up with ease
He hit a dog with his car once and cried for 2 hours straight
He loves cuddling on the couch with his brothers, it helps him relax
He despises Curly Shepard, he’s civil with Tim, but he HATES Curly
When he comes home from his ski trips with his old friends, he actually looks his age
A woman once assumed he was Pony’s father, and it made him die inside a little
He can’t stand Mother and Fathers Day
He was mad at Steve when he found out he taught Pony how to drive
He and Dally bond by harassing women
He has a box full of things he’s stolen
His slight alcoholism stems from his father
He let’s his sister paint his nails, and he shows them off proudly
He gets his nails painted before rumbles
He watches soap operas with his mother every night
He can play the trumpet
He has never purchased a pack of cigarettes, only stolen
He listens to metal
When he passes Johnny’s house, he has to actively stop himself from walking in and beating Johnny’s parents half to death, especially his father
Its not that he doesn’t want a job, I mean he doesn’t, it’s that he thinks he’d only mess up whenever they had him do
He constantly forgets to brush his teeth
Pop and beer are the only things he drinks, he doesn’t touch water
He religiously wears Mickey Mouse merch, you will never catch him in a plain shirt
Baby Pony and him got along really well, he was kinda like Pony’s goofy cousin
Two-Bit and Darry have been friends since they were little kids
Two has no plans for his future, and it weighs on him
He broke both of his elbows once
His teachers have kinda given up on him, they just treat him like a bother instead of a student
He messes up Pony’s hair every chance he gets
He uses the most hair grease out of everyone
He has had the same comb for 3 years
He constantly smells like oil
The underside of his nails are always black, no matter how much he washes his hands
He and Soda have matching scars from a shared failed attempt to climb a barb wired fence
He is terrified of the police
He and Soda make your mom jokes at each other, despite neither of them having mothers
His voice is scarily deep when he wakes up
He and Two-Bit have an inside joke no one in the gang understands
He, Soda, and Two-Bit all have matching stick and poke tattoos
He hates his father, and by extension the fathers of Johnny and Two-Bit
He and Dally don’t hang out much, but when they do they are absolute menaces
Dally and him steal cars and hub caps together
He is genuinely upset by the size of his nose
He’s dyslexic
His handwriting is atrocious
His best subject is math
He and the gang all picked out stickers to put on his crutches
He loves sleeping around his friends
His hands are rough
He can’t stand the smell of beer, unless it’s one of the gang
He and Curly hate each other for literally no reason
Pony has slowly been teaching him to read better
No matter how much grease he puts in his hair, it won’t stay back
He hates going out in public because people always look at him funny
He hates looking at his burn scars
He, Dally, and Ponyboy watch sunsets together
He either sleeps at the Cutis’s house, Two-Bit’s house, Steve’s (very rarely), or Dallas’s place.
He’s not allowed to sleep in the lot anymore
He has tons of freckles, you just can’t see them against his skin
He loves sleeping outside when he wants to
He never wants children, he’s to scared he’ll become his father
His pain tolerance is so high that sometimes he won’t even notice when he gets injured
He likes how defensive Dallas is of him, makes him feel confident
He smokes marijuana with Dally sometimes, he’s super anxious when they do though because he doesn’t want to get arrested
He will not talk about his feelings
The cops forced him to go to therapy, it didn’t fix anything
He is amazing at lying
The police know him by name
He hasn’t told the gang much about the past other than where he came from and that he doesn’t talk to his folks
Darry nicknamed him “Rat”
He actually feels bad when Darry yells at him
He gets sun burns very quickly
He has his own personal stench
He doesn’t want Johnny to end up like him
He cried for 3 hours straight when he found out Johnny was still alive, it is his most embarrassing moment
He chugs drinks insanely fast
He can’t read very well
He needs glasses but he thinks he’d look like a wimp if he had any
Even though he knows he could have an asthma attack from coughing to hard, he still doesn’t carry his inhaler
He was happy when he thought he was going to die
Then he woke up and had an epiphany about life, it didn’t do to much, but now he knows death isn’t the only option
He proudly shows off the burn marks on his arm
He loves pushing Johnny around in his wheelchair
He listens to outlaw music and Frank Sinatra
He loves horror movies
He toned down his bad behavior once he got out of the hospital, he’s still a dick though
That’s it or whatever. I hope you like them, I’m sorry if some of them don’t make sense. I’m just so silly. I apologize for my horrible grammar lol. Feel free to tell me some of your head cannons!! :D
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astralis-is-typing · 1 year
Gossiping with skz
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⚝fic type: head cannon (comedy/crack)
⚝word count: 1.4k
⚝A/N: I had so much fun writing this lmao, enjoy my unhinged assumptions ʕ⁠ノ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠ノ Thanks to @yonglixx for helping me find the gif.
。Bang Chan*゚
Knows all the tea before you even bring it up.
Homeboy knows everything about everyone somehow. I guess it’s because Chan has this really welcoming aura that just makes people deem him trustworthy. He won’t even pretend to be surprised by what you’re telling him, so you might feel a little put out… but he’ll more than make up for it by telling you what he knows! Your eyes are literally bulging out of your skull, your jaw hanging open by the time he’s done. It feels like you brought a snack and he pulled up with a whole five course meal. He’ll smirk at the expression on your face and tease you for thinking you could top his tea.
To put it simply, you cannot outdo the doer. Bro literally knows it all haha. Also, he’s very low-key about what he knows– so consider yourself lucky that he’s chosen you as his gossip buddy.
。Lee Know*゚
He'll pretend he’s uninterested and act like he’s ignoring you, only dropping the act to scold you that it’s bad manners to gossip. That is, until you mention something or someone that piques his interest. Now he has to know.
You’ll probably be teasing him like, ‘oh, I thought you didn’t want to know’, sticking your tongue out and walking away. If he needs to pin you down to the seat/couch HE WILL. As Han once said, “I can’t tease Lee Know-hyung, he’ll use force”. Will grant you one of his death stares if you try make him apologize before you finally spill for ignoring you. Literally will not let you leave till you finish the story.
Lee Know probably gets so smug when he’s the one bringing in the tea. Like his eyes glimmer and everything. I feel like he’d do that pose where he’s got his legs crossed and his hands on his lap; flashing you a cat-like grin and sitting so stoically upright while you’re borderline dangling out of your seat, just to hear what he’s saying because he won’t speak up.
  。Seo Changbin*゚  
Gossiping with Changbin would have to exclusively be done in private because he’ll be reacting so loudly! Gaping and pointing when you mention someone in his line of sight. And heaven forbid the tea in question walks past you guys… man will STARE.
Brace yourself because he’s the type to smack your shoulder exceptionally astonished.
I feel like both he and Lee Know would ask loads of questions. They love gossip but also would like to verify that it isn’t all just hot air, you know? Also, whenever the two of you were in the same room as the people you were gossiping about he’d keep looking over at you and grinning or pulling faces that make you struggle to hold in a laugh. You’d be scolding him and hitting him (playfully of course) afterwards, vowing to never share ANYTHING with him again. He’d whine, promising he won’t be as obvious with future topics of discussion (a promise that barely lasts 2 days).
Bonus: Changbin is the type to store screenshots from group chat arguments like court documents. He has pretty incriminating evidence on that android of his so better not test the guy.
 。⁠Hwang Hyunjin*゚
The type of friend to have just as much beef as you do with whoever you guys are talking about by the time you’re through with the tea.
Very reactive and will definitely be adding things on. Stuff like, ‘It isn’t even in their place!’ if someone’s talking smack about you and what not. With him it’s like sparring or a tennis match. When you serve, he will serve back; it builds up like a jenga tower. Just best friend material if you catch my drift.
Honestly there’d be a lot of tone variation haha. At some points you’d be whispering conspiratorially, leaning close to each other and whispering even if you two are alone. At other points your exaggerated hand gestures will be running the conversation. Gossiping with Hyunjin would be such a rewarding experience to be honest. In addition, he’s got a really expressive face, so you’d be knowing his opinion on whatever you’re saying immediately. Would definitely be slapping a hand over his mouth, frowning in disgust… the whole package.
Hyunjin has previously mentioned that he doesn’t judge a book by its cover, preferring not to believe rumours about people, and this is true. Nevertheless, he’d indulge you (thoroughly) because he trusts your judgement and you aren’t one to think badly of a person without reasons.
Bonus: Snacks and actual tea (or in his case, iced americanos) are FOR SURE part of the conversation. Would be sipping dramatically with raised eyebrows when you mention someone he knows. Let’s out a dramatic ‘SAME!’ because he doesn’t like them either. “I thought I was the only one,” he’d say while clutching his chest before shaking his head and continuing to munch on whatever flour-based snack he’s brought that day.
 。Han Jisung*゚
Cannot keep still while gossiping. Will keep standing up and will even pace/ walk around when something is particularly juicy. And with his weak ass legs he’d probably trip and end up just lying on the floor for a while… unbothered by it because the story is getting good. Yes, Han is a floor gossiper. (Insert Rose’s “everything I need is on the ground” meme.)
Han also is the type to get SO wrapped up in a tea time session that he won’t notice the time passing lmao. He’ll probably remember an even juicier story mid-story haha. “BY THE WAY! Did I ever tell you-?”/ “SPEAKING OF WHICH-!”.
Like, every new point you make reminds him of something else. The two of you are out here putting pieces of a puzzle together until you’ve found out who the neighbour is cheating on her husband with or something lol. Like it’s part gossip part detective work, you two actually deserve salaries for how good you are. If you guys are texting and you drop a bomb, be prepared (preferably with low phone volume) for an impromptu facetime with a SHAKEN Jisung. Also, if any of the other members know something about what you two are talking about he’ll be dragging them in. If it’s Seungmin, who’s very stingy with his tea, the two of you will be offering your kidneys for the information he most definitely can give you.
No snacks/ drinks here because he’s probably the type to spit out his water in shock haha.
 。Lee Felix*゚
Bro gets astronomically shocked. Like his reactions when he’s gossiping, watching people roast each other or similar situations are just priceless.
At first he’s pretty tentative with it because he doesn’t gossip much, but he’ll come around. He’s more subtle than Changbin but will still be nudging you with his elbow or foot when the ‘issue’ is in the room with you.
An adlib gossiper- he even gasps on beat and all that. You’ll be all like, “Felix you won’t believe what they said-” and he’ll be like, “Gurl what did they say??!” (You know, in the best aussified alternative for this sentence, cannot imagine the term gurl/gworl coming out of Felix’s mouth lmao).
If someone’s watching you guys they’ll feel so excluded (how I felt when watching skz talker in the gif *sigh*… feeling intensifies when there are no subs). Also I feel like a prime location for a gossip session would be the car! Long journeys where there’s not much to see outside the window, and you turn to him like, “Did you hear about…”
 。Kim Seungmin*゚
Now if you’ve ever watched 2kr (2 Kids Room) you KNOW this man has the inside scoop.
It’s an elite feeling to be gossiping with Seungmin because, as I’d mentioned before, he’s very choosy when it comes to who he shares his tea with. That stuff is scalding hot. Like between him and Chris, those two know all the jyp ent. secrets. Like bro probably has documents proving that Hyunjin and Yeji are related. Seungmin is INFORMED.
This is another member who’ll have actual tea with him, cradling the cup delicately with both palms and sipping slowly as he watches you lose your mind over the rim of the mug. Crosses his legs and acts so nonchalant while slapping you with the fattest, juiciest conspiracy/rumour you’ve ever heard. If you tell him something he actually doesn’t know, his composed aura will fade so fast- mouth forming a perfect ‘O’ as you share your story.
 。Yang Jeongin*゚
Jeongin will 100% end a gossip session saying, “But anyways, who are we to judge?”
Between Innie’s attitude and Grandma identity your boy is a prime candidate for a gossip buddy. He’s just THE ONE. His yt/vlives are literally titled ‘Maknae’s Private Life’- doesn’t that scream tea to you? Like if you’re gossiping in a group his input is for sure the most awaited. People will be leaving to go look for him if he isn’t already present.
Gossiping with Jeongin is all hushed tones and huddled conversations. Bro might even go as far as putting his phone on silent if the tea is hot enough. I feel like he’d unintentionally switch to his Busan accent when things start to get really juicy lmao.
Abruptly keeps quiet or changes the topic whenever someone passes by the two of you. If you aren’t used to this you’ll get so confused, looking at him like ‘???’ when he randomly starts telling you about the new shoes he bought.
Idk why, but to me I.N’s really good at insta stalking and he would be pulling up people’s pages if you didn’t seem to know who he’s talking about.
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⚝A/N: How would you rank them MTL? I'd love to hear about it. P.s: in case you like them, the orange dividers originally by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more​ 
+Thank you for reading!♡ Here's a present for making it to the end😋:
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valsdelulucorner · 5 months
More Asmo head cannons<3
Ok, so this will be more selfcare head cannons with you then other things, hope you guys dont mind<3
He 100% buys one of those "make your own facemasks" makers and is surprisingly good at making them, making everyone envious as theirs always falls apart. He always helps you with making yours so you two just enjoy some wine and facemasks while the others struggle with theirs
I love to think that he does those "Trying out every brand social media suggests to me" things and joins you in on them. He does sometimes records these hauls to devil gram but when he's not recording, he loves to experiment them with you. He can tell which ones will make him break out or not so he just put them into a "Give someone else" pile and will slap your hand if you try and reach for them. He will not allow himself to see his darling use just cheep crap like that, i think its best to listen to him. The man knows his stuff
After a long day at rad and having to deal with every day to day shenanigans, he has a bath when he gets home. If you look tired and stressed after the day, he will invite you to join him. If you do, he will help you with your hair and back while you guys enjoy the warm water and each others company. If you don't, he wont really bother you much, maybe reminding you to relax and have a bath when you have time
100% the type of guy to sit with you on his or your bed, face masks on both of your faces while you both drop the dirtiest gossip to each other. He will literally be telling you that one of his friends almost became a father but found out his girl was cheating while doing your nails, stoned face while he goes into deep detail about what happened while you sit there shocked. Loves hearing you gossip about people up in the human world, names and all. He will never meet these people so its fun that you get to name drop, gasping and tuning in while you reveal shit about people from the human world
Loves spa days with you, its always relaxing and he gets a cute buddy to talk with. If his brothers see you two relaxing together, they will basically alert everyone and they will have to join aswell. He's annoyed that his time with you got interrupted by his brothers barreling into his room and joining you both, but is quite amused while he watches things unravel.
Will smugly sit with you on his bed, you both in face masks and holding drinks while his brothers squabble and get confused about the sheer amount of skin care he has. Will make them relace every single one they touched, just out of spite<3
If you have acne and or acne scars, he will use this as a excuse to have a skincare day with you. Will sit you down in either his or your room and just start using products that suit your skin perfectly. If your skin is sensitive and will break out with stronger products, he will use a lot more softer and more organic products that will try and help with your acne. I feel like hes the type of person to not like the feeling of acne so he will use a soft brush and gently use that to spread out the products, its not that he doesn't absolutely adore you, i just have that feeling he is very particular with textures
This man loves the look but hates the feel of velvet, you can not argue with me on this one. He will wear it if its the only thing that suits his outfit but he will be so uncomfortable with it on
Will love to do a clothes swap with you, trying on your clothes while you try on his. He wouldn't normally wear the type of clothes you wear so its such a nice change to see him in something else. "Oh MC darling! These are so comfy, though I think you could use abit more colour" "Oh I just have to borrow this from you sometime hunny"
I absolutely love asmo, hes such a amazing character<3
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soaked4mk · 4 months
Kung Lao Head Cannons
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Sfw 😇
★ Kung Lao adores you. Literally everything you do, he adores.
★ He loves your home made cooking, but also loves to cook for you too. He finds it fun when you take turns on making dinner.
★ He finds it even more fun when you two cook together. The two of you are pretty good in the kitchen, and it’s good quality time with the love of his life.
★ The two of you are the remaining villagers of yappersville. The banter and witty conversation you have with each other is the foundation of your relationship.
★ Even before you two got together, he would always joke around with you—poke fun at you. He loved to tease. his relentless banter and cockiness is what made you fall for him.
★ Like seriously you two are freaking giggling and snickering as if you were schoolgirls. And it doesn’t stop there.
★ Working on the farm together? He’s gonna have some friendly banter or even juicy gossip to share with you—if you don’t for him that is.
★ Hand holding, walking through the gardens while the moon shines your path, having late night conversations are very sentimental to him, and he enjoys every second of it. You’ll share dreams and passions, and Kung Lao will (not so casually) bring up how he can’t wait to have a family with you. “Imagine…a mini you, or even a mini me? We would be fantastic parents.”
★ Kung Lao does everything in his power to make you laugh everyday, every night. The sound of your laughter is fuel to his never ending love.
★ Which isn’t very hard. He’s a really funny guy, he doesn’t have to do much to get you to start cracking up.
★ You two are like best friends who also happen to be in love. Your chemistry is impeccable and you keep him on his toes.
★ Kung Lao loves it when you play with his hair, watching movies in bed, his head in your lap while your fingers rake through his locks.
★ He’s definitely a cuddle bug. And though he’s often the big spoon— by all means, that doesn’t mean he’s against being the little spoon either. It’s just you fit in his arms so perfectly.
★ Though he does find comfort in you holding him and kissing the shell of his ear, whispering sweet affirmations to him while your fingers lazily trace his shoulder.
★ Despite his bravado, only you are able to get his resolve to weaken, to get him to let his walls down. Even in public. And speaking of public, he definitely doesn’t mind some PDA.
★ In fact, it’s his favorite way of showing off that you belong to him. He likes to rub it in people’s faces that only he can hold you by the waist, nuzzle your neck and kiss your soft lips.
★ He feels comfortable enough to cry in your arms if needed, to express the laden of his insecurities and fears.
★ He trusts you completely with his feelings. And he expects you to feel the same whenever you’re in need of a shoulder to cry on.
★ Cupping your face has become a custom for him. He admires your delicate features often. before he leaves for a day of practice, or even while you two are side by side on the field. He’ll take a moment to approach you and cup your face, grazing his thumbs over your adorably soft cheeks. “My little bunny.”
★ You and him partake in friendly sparring. And this is where you keep him on his toes. Your battle strategy never ceases to amaze him. You two sometimes get in trouble for being rowdy. In fact, if you two didn’t spar so well together—you would be separated from being a distraction to the rest during training.
★ Special dates at Madame Bo’s are a given—and let’s be honest, it’s adorable. He loves introducing you to new foods on the menu and literally gets offended if you offer to pay.
★ Kung Lao isn’t controlling by any means. But he does get a little jealous. He can’t help it though—it’s in his competitive spirit.
★ He only gets a little possessive about his favorite person in the whole world. It’s just…you’re his. Plain and simple.
★ You’ll be talking with Johnny, and he usually has a joke up his sleeve for you. And nine times out of ten, the joke lands. Kung Lao over hears your laughter and strides casually over, with a tightened jaw.
★ “What’s the occasion? Sharing jokes without me now?,” he’ll say, his voice strained with forced cheerfulness, his hand subtly finding its way to your waist, a possessive gesture aimed at Johnny.
★ But he knows where you stand at the end of the day. And that’s by him. Even if he has his own personal insecurities—his trust in you is definitely not one of them. Though his trust in others…might be a different matter…
★ Loves to get you sentimental trinkets for you to carry around. To remind you of him of course.
★ You have already obtained three small lotus key chains, a marble frog that fits in your palm, a straw hat badge for your bag, but the most recent he’s gotten you is a rabbits foot keychain. For good luck—duh. But also because of his affectionate nickname for you.
★ “now you have to think about me, whenever I’m off on a mission or vice versa.” He’ll say, feigning a smug tone. Though it’s only true love and affection in his expression.
★ Alright for starters, this man is a brat tamer—don’t come at me it’s just the facts.
★ Like, he will and does put you in your place.
★ He’ll smack your ass and face, pounding into you relentlessly while whispering dirty little things into your ear.
★ His large hand will grip your chin, forcing you to look at him. “Who said that you were allowed to curse?” “Do that again and see what happens.” “You like that, don’t you?”
★ He loves your stomach, hips and thighs. They’re the most ‘grabable’ in Laos terms.
★ Always smacking your ass, affectionately of course.
★ This might be an obvious one but he’ll eat food off your naked body. Talkin bout chocolate syrup, whip cream, strawberries. Whatever—he’s into it.
★ Sometimes he’ll have you sit right in front of him, playing with yourself while having you whine about how much you need him and love him.
★ “Who makes your legs shake?” He’ll ask while sitting in front of you. “You—Lao~” you whine, circling your clit with your fingers as he pumps himself, watching you with a sharp eye.
★“I’m the only one allowed to see you like this, hmm?” Fingers digging into your plump thigh, impatiently waiting for your response. If you’re not quick enough, he’ll smack your ass harshly. Leaving a mark. “I asked you a question.” “Only you!” You’ll cry out, back arching as you keep probing yourself with your digits.
★ Usually it ends with him cumming into his hand as he coax’s you to reach your own summit. “That’s it beautiful.” “Keep going, come on.” “Cum for me baby.”
★ He praises you of course! “You’re such a good little slut, taking every inch.” “Look at you~ covered in my cum like the good girl you are.” “That’s right baby, keep going…” “god, you’re so good at this.”
★ Hair pulling when he’s giving you back shots.
★ Lao really enjoys marking you as his. He can’t not leave dark hickeys on your neck, chest, stomach, and hips. It’s just, you’re so sweet!
★ He’s not one to turn down your affection either. If you’re wanting to have an upper hand that’s totally fine by him. Even better if you catch him at the right time. he’s an absolute puddle in your hands.
★ You can straddle his lap, lightly kiss his neck, whisper sweet nothings into his ear. Really, you don’t have to do much to get him hard.
★ “please, Y/N, don’t tease me~” “God, you’re driving me mad…” “don’t stop~…” he whimpers, biting his bottom lip, his gaze never leaving yours.
★ Loves oral. Receiving, and giving. He loves the taste of you. And honestly does cunnilingus often as foreplay. He’s really good with his tongue.
★ In fact, I believe this man will—and has gotten pussy drunk. Like he’s lost in the sauce. I’m talking about making you cum twice, three times in a row. Just milking every last drop out of you.
★ “mmhh~ just a little more baby~ please?” “You taste sooo good” “you can go a little longer, right?” He’ll be nose deep, mumbling into your cunt with a Cheshire grin.
★ If you’re giving head, great! Because he’s quite the reward giver when it comes to you and your mouth.
★ He’ll lace his fingers through your hair, lightly bobbing your head onto his shaft, letting you go at your own pace, his head drops back in pleasure.
★ Releasing into your throat, he pats your head, sliding his hand to your cheek, cupping it. “Good girl.” He’ll pant out, pulling you up into his lap, into a searing kiss. He doesn’t care about tasting himself on your lips. It adds to the erotica.
★ Rewards vary from special date ideas—to straight up pushing your face into the pillows while fucking you vigorously. Depends on his mood really. Either way though, you’re getting something good from him.
★ His after care? On par. He understands the classic hot shower, or nice bubble bath, and certainly loves the intimacy that follows. But he prefers a more pampering approach. After all you must be famished from all that railing, right?
★ He’ll fluff the blankets and pillows, turning the tv on to whatever you desire. He’ll cuddle you for a moment, holding you in his strong arms, stroking your hair and kissing the top of your head. “You did so good, bunny.”
★ After a moment he’ll get up to retrieve the necessities for cleaning you up, and after he’ll head to the kitchen, coming back with various items of food and treats. “I just pulled out all your favorites” he shrugs, crawling back into the bed with you.
★“Hope you’re craving everything?” His voice is soft, laced with a tint of playfulness as you nestle back up to him.
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brights-place · 11 days
I noticed how you did miles (1610) with a sister but what ab 42?? Also if you do this can you add uncle Aaron hc too???
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42! Miles Morales & Lil Sister! Reader
Pairings: Miles & Lil Sister! Reader
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: I'd say the same rules reply from the head-cannons for 1610 miles but also with this one!! if you want to see it I'll put it here 1610! Miles & Lil sis!, 42! miles & lil sis (your here!)
- You and Miles as siblings are Chaotic like REALLY! fucking chaotic I mean one moment you two would be loving siblings next when mama rio turns her back your brawling with your brother who is 3 years older then you - You surprisingly won and you would cheer but Miles would let you because you were his younger sister - In this universe you are trying to learn spanish but Miles who is older KNOWS spanish so would laugh and mock you - Miles would chuck you around the house as you shout You and Miles do rock paper scissors to see who does chores like others - Miles is a Mama's boy and your a Papa's Girl well you WERE a papa's girl... - after what happened with Jeff you and your mother struggled along with miles because in this nasty ass crime ridden town you were all you three had left and Uncle Aaron - Uncle Aaron and Miles grew close though taking a vow to protect not only to Rio but also YOU - Uncle Aaron would give money to Rio to help her out and for you he would sit down ask you how your doing and you'd say fine - too be honest Uncle Aaron and Miles knew that you were an expressive person very animated when talking but after Jeff is death you bawled your eyes out with your Mother - You lost your father and your mother lost her husband HOW FUN!! FAMILY TRAUMAAAAA - When you were learning still he would flex how he was able to speak fluent spanish to piss you off as you shout at him to stop speaking in spells - He stares you down when he see's you steal his clothes because you claim you wear it better then him "Hey big bro can I borrow this?" "No" "WHY!" "BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS WEAR AND STEAL MY SHIT!" "NUH UH!" "YUH HUH! YOU SEE ME WEARING YOUR CLOTHES!" "NUH UH CAUSE YOU CAN'T WEAR GOOD SHIT!" - Mama rio came in with her sandal and chucked it at you too shouting "¡TRANQUILIZARSE! ¡Estoy intentando chismorrear con la tía!" (CALM DOWN! I'm trying to gossip with Auntie!) - You both break into eachothers rooms just to piss the other off - You were once on your laptop talking to friends on call but he broke into your room and entered laying on your bed as you side eyed his ass before he literally SLAMS YOUR LAPTOP SHUT !! and runs out of the room as you chase after him - Another time was when he is drawing or building something for his prowler duties and you enter his room eating something or sipping a drink as he pauses what he's doing staring at you as he turned to look at his work and back to you once more to see you slowly closing the door before swinging it open quickly and running away as miles shouted you to close it properly chasing after you - He can hear that gremlin cackle that he finds so annoying - You want to be an amazing artist like him cause you find him amazing but you never say it to him
- Miles was going to put on his prowler costume and you told him how he looked like an edge lord and good luck on comic-con but thing is - You respect him and want to be like him an amazing artist and get to a amazing school just like him! He pretends he doesn't see you trying your hardest - When he became the prowler he tried to hide it from everyone especially you and your mother :<< - Him and Uncle Aaron work hard for you and mama morales aka RIO - When he goes out on nights as the prowler he always makes sure to check if you're asleep or distracted - Sometimes when he comes back after doing all that he'd check up on you and if your not asleep he'd walk in and force his lovey little sister to sleep even though you have beef with him "I'm going to finish this last game" "no go to bed" "but-" "get your ass in bed" - When stressed he makes you braid his hair as a way bonding time together sometimes you ask to try hairstyles on him and he'd deny but then he's having his little sister show no remorse yanking his hair and braiding it - When Miles and Aaron sometimes leave out of nowhere you ask them to come back with food because well FOOD - You'd notice him and Uncle Aaron speaking to each other sometimes privately as you look at them but Uncle Aaron would close the door - Uncle Aaron would take you and Miles out to eat sometimes when Rio wasn't home and working late shifts - You would chat away eating ice-cream happily as Uncle Aaron would listen to you ramble about your Interests and how fun you've been having with friends even in this shitty city you were a glowing gem - sometimes you are in your room staring at the crime ridden city scared for you and your family and miles would come over and hug you as the amazing older brother you are - BLASTING YOUR FAVOURITE SONGSSS - Sometimes arguing over who gets to have the speaker as you guys drive around the city to get food - Always being high on Alert around you. Miles takes care of you he is your brother he doesn't wanna see his sister or his mother hurt - he wants to keep his family safe as his younger sister he protects you and as prowler with the help of Uncle Aaron he makes sure you and your mother never get hurt.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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callme-holly · 7 months
dating ponyboy head cannons 🙏🙏🙏
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - this boy is actually the sweetest <33 not proof-read!!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 449 words
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - none
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It's cliché but you definitely both met in school when you were paired up together for a project.
You would hang out with him outside of class and you would even stick around to have lunch with him and Johnny.
Needless to say, he instantly fell in love with you.
He was so nervous when he finally asked you out. He hadn't expected you to say yes at all and when you did he kind of just laughed and went: "Cool." before skipping off to gush about your upcoming date to Johnny.
Speaking of Johnny… This boy becomes your new best friend. He goes everywhere with you. You and Pony are going to see a movie? So is Johnny. You’re hanging out at the lot? What a coincidence, Johnny was just heading there too!
Sodapop adores you. When he found out his brother had a girlfriend he was bouncing off the walls. He wanted to meet you immediately and would not stop grinning as he introduced himself.
Also, if you ever need to gossip about someone or something, please go to Soda. He could talk with you for hours about that shit. He loves you like another sibling!
Darry on the other hand… He was very wary of you at first. If you and Pony are hanging out at the Curtis house, he’s got an eye on you at all times.
Once, you and Pony were sitting on the couch and acting a little too friendly towards each other for Darry’s liking. He was very quick to step in and you were both forced to sit apart for the remainder of the evening. He will have no funny business as long as you're living under his roof.
He will give you the whole "you seem like a decent person, but just remember, I've got my eye on you. Don't mess with my sibling" talk.
Ponyboy is not a huge fan of pda. He’ll hold your hand when you’re out walking together, but that’s about it.
In private, however. This boy will not leave your side.
He’s a sucker for cuddles.
When he’s stressed or sad please let him lay in your lap and please run your hands through his hair. He will literally fall asleep in seconds.
Cuddling together and reading on the couch!!!
He’s pretty hesitant to introduce you to the gang. He knows they can be pretty over the top and he doesn’t want to scare you off.
When he does finally introduce you, expect a lot of teasing from Dally, Two-bit, and Steve. They can't help it.
If you two are walking home from the movies or something, he’ll stay very close to you. It’s dangerous out there and he’ll do anything he can to protect you.
Sneaking out to watch the sunrises together <333
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𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬!!
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anzulvr · 1 year
In which two friends like their other best friend.
COVE / DEREK X READER (head cannons might make a oneshot 🤞🤞)
— reaction
Cove is kinda confused, he never really expected Derek to like you in that way, he never really got any signs (Derek was trying to hide it) but he wouldn’t be upset or anything. You’re all friends in the end, besides Derek was being considerate trying to hide his feelings for everyone else’s sake.
Chalks it up to “Well who wouldn’t like MC?”
(Final warning for Derek dlc spoilers!!)
Derek has always been aware of Coves crush since it’s super obvious to everyone. In his DLC if you tell him you thought he was cute he admits his first impression of you was that you are cute too! So I think after he hangs out with you and Cove for the first time he realizes early on that Cove already likes you so he’d just try to act like nothing but the more you hang out the harder ignoring his feelings get. Derek’s reaction to Cove finding that out that he likes you would be worried cause he doesn’t want to make anything weird. Cove wouldn’t throw their friendship away just cause he’s got a crush on you. Derek would go down a spiral of “what if Cove hates me.” “What if they both never speak to me again.” So just make sure he knows you’re not going to ghost him over this😭
more in cut!!
Extra hcs for u!!🫶🫶
How would people figure out both derek and cove like you?
ft — Mr Holden, Moms, Elizabeth, Lee, Kyra! In that order!!
Derek was over for lunch with everyone and at the table it was just too obvious. They knew Cove liked you but they hadn’t really payed mind to how Derek acted until then. Cove still would have been completely oblivious to it. At home Mr. Holden would say something like “so, you have competition huh sport?” with zero context and wouldn’t further explain when coves all lost. Cliff decides not to break it to him💀Maybee if it comes up sometime he’d give cove advice like in the soirée DLC where he makes him to bring you a flower! He’d always be up to help out cove but cove would be too embarrassed to ask😭
For the moms they’d just tease you how they do with cove and they’d also just mess with Derek in the same manner. Probably not around Cove so he wouldn’t catch on😭 when they’re feeling out of pocket they’ll say something to you both like “I wonder what has him all nervous” once derek is out the room and just laugh while shushing eachother.
Elizabeth canonically knows and she doesn’t care who hears her when she says things lmfaoo
it’s not super regular she hangs out with you since she does her own thing but I feel like she’d be down to gossip about it all the time like. “ELIZABETH GUESS WHAT-” and that’s literally the only time she lets you in her room without arguing about knocking or telling you you’re being annoying 😭
Lee knows every detail she’s so invested lowkey she’d instigate just a little but nothing comes out of it because it’s Cove and Derek. You can’t leave this girl in a room with one of them because she’ll say somethingg 😓
“Hey Cove, didn’t derek ditch soccer’s practice to hang out with [MC]? It’s so unusual of him huh? To willingly SKIP a day to hang out with them..”
“Not really? I think it’s nice, he needs breaks once in a while.”
And then when Lee gets Derek alone for like 5 minutes;
“Hey Derek- do you think [MC] and Cove are cute?”
“Huh? Oh- well yeah [MC] is has the prettiest eyes and they’re so cool and funny and amazing- Coves a awesome guy too but I’m not interested like that ya know?”
“I meant cute.. like together. ”
“Oh. ”
Kyra time!! She’s the bestt
She noticed your little love triangle in that one trip to the mall while she was spying on all of you. The little drink share?? Derek blushing when you snuck up on him and Cove too freaked out to let you drink his smoothie?? She almost got caught by cove when he heard her laugh but he just wrote it off as him hearing things.
She TRIES to help Cove take you places because he drags you to the beach every other day 😭 like “Hey babyyy, you’re not hanging out with [MC] today?”
“Not today, they’re out helping Derek with his brothers today.”
“Oh alright, maybe tomorrow? I can take you two out some place? Maybe the tropical place again.”
“yeah I guess? I’ll ask them if they can later! Thanks mom.”
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pendragon1400 · 8 months
More modern BG3 au head cannons! How they would all react to being at a party.
Gale: Goes out of being polite. In his head he pictured dinner party, not loud music and this much dancing. Attempts conversation, goes on tangents about his latest research. Loiters around the food when his friends are off dancing. Either leaves early or is the designated driver (basically me at any event).
Astarion: Stands to one side and judges people's fashion choices, and you stand with him, he will gossip with you. If asked to dance he says no unless it's Tav, than he dances flawlessly. (This is spawn Astarion, Ascended Astarion would be the one hosting, and would not go to someone else's poor excuse for a party)
Shadowheart: Stands with Astarion drinking wine and sharing gossip. Goes to dance after a few drinks, and Gale has to drive her home.
Wyll: Middle of the freaking dance floor all night! Loves it, talks to people, very social and bubbly.
Lae'zel: Her friends made her come. She does not socialize with people. If forced she will display some battle moves that people interpret as dancing.
Karlach: Happy. Just radiating happiness, she sees someone standing alone is with drag either figuratively or literally into the party. No one is going to be left out and not having fun on Karlach's watch.
Halsin: Either Found a cat, followed cat into a quiet area and stays there all night. Or stayed home watching bluey.
Jaheria: Actually has fun once she gets a bit tipsy. Convinced by either Minsc or Wyll to start dancing, and blows everyone's minds with how freaking good she is at it.
Minsc: Hamster pictures all night. Loves to listen to people and share his thoughts, and joins in any games or dancing going on regardless of if he understands the rules.
Durge: Likes corners and likes to lurk in them. Is very nice when you talk to them, but then they say the strangest things unprompted like you spill wine on your outfit, "Oh, just use this! I get's out waaay worse things then red wine. Haha" And just pulls a spray bottle of homemade stain treater from their bag. Likes to say intrusive thoughts out loud, "Do you ever wonder what would happen if you fell and busted your head on the table? Like who would care? Who would help?"
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 6 months
avery and xander head canons
i've never done this before. hope you guys actually like these (my anxious overthinking brain tells me people will hate it but anyways). if you guys like the hcs and would like more or have suggestions, i'd be happy to take requests (i have nothing to do with my life)
they blast london boy whenever jameson is around ever since it was revealed he's half british
avery and him will spend hours talking about all the wild experiments he's done and funny stories she has from when she was younger
xander makes her funny/cute gadgets and hides them in her room for her to find
avery and him will spend hours just gossiping while watching netflix and doing face masks
xander and her talk shit about people they hate
they're always coming up with ways to prank grayson (they once replaced his entire closet full of suits with lingerie)
when they attended the eras tour (cause they most definitely did), xander fake proposed to her during love story.
they made friendship bracelets
they also had so much fun singing the rep set
ok this one isn't really a xander and avery head cannon but the hawthornes and their girlfriends (+rebecca, thea) has a blast singing anti hero bc of that one verse with the funeral.
they also teased grayson when shake it off started playing
during the vigilante shit performance, xander grabbed a chair and tried to recreate the dance. he forced avery to join along (jameson was simping so hard in the corner)
they also made bets on the surprise songs
last eras tour one, they had so much fun singing bad blood thinking about eve, tobias, sheffield grayson, etc (grayson was secretly also vibing to the song in the background happy that eve got what she deserved (although i believe she deserved worse))
on the day of her wedding with jameson, xander gave her a blueberry scone (his favorite) for the first time to celebrate her officially becoming part of the family
once avery got a slew of hate comments on this one post bc people thought she looked ugly and xander (and jameson) responded and reported every single one of them. xander also came up with the wildest insults you could ever imagine
although xander could literally never hate anyone, he hates anyone who ever does or says anything wrong to avery
sometimes when she's feeling slightly insecure but doesn't want to admit, xander hypes her up like crazy (jameson too)
sometimes avery will go sit in xanders lab whilst he works on his gadgets and reads. he always feels so loved whenever she does this
xander once had a panic attack on his way to an event, and avery cheered him up by ditching the event and bringing him to a bakery to buy scones. they then headed home and watched rom-coms.
they make each other playlists
they love waking each other up in the weirdest ways (xander once woke her up by reading her smut)
they ask each other relationship advice.
xander sometimes gets in this mood where he's convinced everyone secretly hates him. avery always makes him feel better by making scones with super weird flavors.
they once had a fanfic writing competition. avery won bc she wrote smut and xander wasn't expecting it (xander thought it was so good he posted it)
xander once walked in on avery getting dressed. he got so embarrassed he started banging into everything and stuttering. avery likes to tease him about it from time to time. (she wasn't even completely naked, but he was still traumatized)
sometimes when they're at events, they'll sit in the corner and talk about the people there (for example, they'll pick one person and try to figure out how many kids they have, if they're married, etc). xander also has all the tea you could possibly wish for when it comes to the guests (no one knows how he obtains it).
xander knows how much avery hates galas and stuff, so he always comes up with different games to play/things to talk about.
they sometimes go live together and the fans love it (they find their friendship hilarious and people always make compilations of like funny things they've said and stuff).
1/4 of these are literally just eras tour related but eh. i hope these are all original and i'm not remembering some old ones i've seen before not realizing that they've already been made. if some of these aren't, i apologize (i also apologize for any spelling mistakes, i wrote these late at night). anyways i literally love avery and xander's friendship. i actually really enjoyed making these.
i'm thinking of making head cannons for avery and each of the brothers (libby, max and Rebecca too) (maybe even thea though i don’t particularly love her).
i tried to get my friend @catapparently to help, but she came up with the weirdest things like 'xander told avery her toes were crooked so he made her a gadget to wear at night to fix them'
if anyone has requests, feel free to send them to me.
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seph-ic · 2 years
My favorite unofficial friend group is Rachel, Grover, Percy, Annabeth, Nico, and Will cause yes I am well aware that some of these have no basis in cannon whatsoever but I think the dynamic would be fun like:
They’re all first arc kids and I like to think there’s some odd unspoken bond from that
Tartarus club
Golden trio
Also people forget that Rachel and Grover spent a lot of time together during hoo so I’d imagine they’d be close
Nico and Percy as the token big three kids
Grover and Percy are best friends I will die on this hill
I like to think that Annabeth and Will had a similar relationship to Percy and Nico (minus the crush lol) and that they’re super close these days.
All of them fought in both big wars
Grover as the token straight friend
Rachel + Will dying all of their hair
Solangelo Percabeth double dates
Rachel and Grover stop each other from feeling like third wheels (which rarely happens)
They all hang out at Sally’s … like a lot. Cause she’s pretty much the closest any of them has to a mother figure (except will??)
Annabeth and Will nerding out about science (Physics v.s. Biology)
Nico and Rachel are liberal arts kids to death
They all have a lot of fun introducing Nico to modern day things. It’s so entertaining that they dedicate one day a month to all meeting up and showing Nico something new.
(Annabeth is black eat me) Rachel has curly hair as well so her and Annabeth swap hair care tips.
The girls actually become SUPER close and hang out all the time.
Everyone kind of takes up a big sibling role for Will and Nico. Percy and Annbeth especially and they often coach them through a lot of being-a-good-councilor-hurdles
Rachel teaches Nico how to paint. (I just remember him admiring her paintings in TON and I won’t let it go)
Will and Grover (and probably Percy) grow weed. Will uses it a lot as a medicinal herb, but he also smokes it with Grover and Percy from time to time. Also they all make weed brownies together one time and then watch Disney’s Hercules together and it’s a wreck.
TONS of karaoke, made all the better by the fact that none of them can sing. Rachel is definitely the best tho
Sparring/training together
Rachel and Will do tarot together
Grover Percy and Nico (sometimes Annabeth) play video games together alot.
They gossip a lot
They babysit Estelle
When they’re all a bit older sometimes they’ll just rock up to camp to help out and tell the kids stories
Just hanging out and drinking and being teens
Nico loves to braid the girls hair (like he used to with Bianca)
Nico will summon ancient artists, architects, and physicians, for Rachel, Annabeth, and Will to talk too
They all teach Will how to drive
Beach days
They might go camping or something
Annabeth helps Rachel work the analytics on her social media art accounts so she gets lots of followers
They all borrow each other’s clothes. This leads to a lot of interesting fashion choices
Rachel introduces Will and Percy to anime and they get SUPER into it
Annabeth and Grover build eco-friendly treehouses at camp for the nymphs and satyers
They talk about their trauma a lot. It’s much easier for them to talk about it to one another because they know they’ll understand
SLEEPOVERS. The do all the stereotypical stuff: face masks, truth or dare, movies.. ect
Percy and Nico have a lot of adventures in cooking, which they both like to do. They’ve make at least 8 different types of blue pasta
Will and Percy are honorary horse girls (wills from the country and Percy just likes horses) and they go for Pegasus/unicorn rides around camp
They all work really well in battle. Anytime there is a monster the six of them can usually take care of it in 15 minutes
Capture the flag
Secret handshakes
They will literally just show up at one another’s at 3 am to go get shakes
Percy Nico and Rachel have the same/ similar music tastes and they go to concerts together
They help each other for quests and stuff
A very active group chat
Idk I just want them to be friends and do friend things cause it’s nice and they deserve it.
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crushedsweets · 5 months
As someone who had been part of the creepypasta fandom since 2012, I agree with anon. I see SO much BS now that I never had to deal with until now. People apparently can't have head cannons anymore; you can't like so and so or the classic hate against AU's. As someone older, I do not care. This is supposed to be fun for everyone. I'm not letting some 12–15-year-old tell me how to enjoy myself. Also Gatekeeping is just cringe.
Really ?!? When I was 9-11 on qoutev reading fics/roleplaying, I remember people were really mean about anything that wasn’t “canon” (whatever that means at this point) and being really mean to “Mary sues” and self inserts .. Nowadays I feel like everyone I meet is like “yeah my AU is like this, but I like how your AU does this!” LOL
I think the biggest gatekeeping issue I see nowadays is “they’re killers!!! They’re cold hearted and this is supposed to be the SCARY FANDOM!!! If you make them anything other than horrifying monstrous creatures, you’re stupid and lame and boring and a child!” And the realism vs fanon vs canon etc debate.. but I literally couldn’t care less like this fandom was built on anime boy jeff the killer x readers you cannot convince me otherwise
I wish there was a better way to distinguish creepypasta (the scary stories) from the creepypasta fandom (the characters and relationships and comics and animations and cosplay etc etc)
Anyway that’s just my experience but I hope that u guys are able to find good healthy circles of people who embrace new interpretations and creative story telling and interesting designs and all! That’s the best part of this fandom and what makes it so much fun
Edit; not to say that what u described DOESNT happen though HAHA I’ve had people make some remarks about my stuff and whatever so I know it’s true !
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wastingawayinmyroom · 3 months
Can you do Artemis and Thalia head cannons pls
ofc! here’s some food, anon! (tw: noncon in the greek myth i ramble abt)
so, obviously artemis is a little wary of getting close to her hunters (bc pf the whole calliope thing)
if you don’t know what i’m talking abt, basically calliope was one of her previous lieutenants
and zeus thought she was pretty, and yada yada
and calliope ended up with a baby (against her will), but she didn’t tell artemis, so when artemis found out, she was forced to turn calliope into a bear so she could never come near the hunt again
otherwise she would be killed, bc she was a bear
so yeah
depressing stuff that was entirely zeus’ fault
back to the topic though, artemis probably wouldn’t be fully into being close friends with thalia at first, given how thalia didn’t join the hunt bc she didn’t want to be romantically involved with anyone
but because she was trying to escape a prophecy
and said prophecy said that if she was 16 she would die
so yeah, she just took desperate measures
and was VERY likely to have a baby or whatever on purpose (just to clarify: calliope was raped by zeus, she did not get with him at ALL)
but slowly thalia gains artemis’ trust
and by slowly i do not mean by the time reyna joins the hunters
i mean like at least 6 or 7 years after that
because artemis seriously does not want to hurt herself or her hunters by getting too close to them
but seeing thalia and reyna’s friendship, and all of the friendships thalia’s friends have back at camp (same thing with reyna’s friends at camp jupiter) sort of changes her mind
like she yearns for someone to talk to and spar with
she WANTS a friend, she’s just afraid to have one
and then yeah
thalia and artemis!
they spar with each other a lot, and most pf the techniques thalia uses are from artemis
the sparring is honestly more like an outlet for anger for both of them, and they learn a lot from each other along the way
so win win!
also most people think artemis is like stone cood and does not participate in like anything social
thalia will tell you you’re wrong
bc artemis is literally the OG gossip
everyone on olympus confesses random shit to her
and then she tells thalia
and they giggle about it for a while
then thalia tells reyna
and they both spread the info to both camps
so moral of the story: don’t tell artemis secrets if you want them to stay secrets
sry for rambling a bit abt greek mythology lmao, send in an ask if you want another one :)
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cayennesugar · 3 months
Could we possibly get some head cannons for quick shadow if you didn't do that already? (I love your blog and I agree quickshadow is definitely pookie)
- she was hella popular in the academies she went to growing up but preferred to live a low-profile life once she graduated
- she sneaks on the bot sized console in the firehouse every night to play GTA and Forza Horizon
- she’s everything LUXURY if you present her something she doesn’t like she will gag and walk away from you
- she’s secretly a literal goober around people she’s comfortable with, it’s basically how she and Blades got along so well after she settled on Griffin Rock
- before Quickshadow and Heatwave devoted their sparks into a committed relationship together; Quickshadow would barge into his room at night and wake him up because she wants a sparring partner
- it annoyed heatwave at first but he eventually warmed up to it agreeing without hesitation whenever she demanded a sparring partner or someone to go on late-night drives with🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀
- She loves late night drives, she will use her built-in space/ground bridge tech to go anywhere in the world and take a breather, and all the beauty around her
- nobody else knows but she watches Mavin Dangers movies (idk and idc if I spelled that guys name right lmao) and other action/spy/mystery films
- she loves watching Formula 1, her favorite driver is Max Verstappen because she understands how it feels to be pressured into performing her best
- she someday hopes to attend a race in her free time and scan an F1 vehicle
- she has entire collections of luxury and exotic vehicles hidden in some of Windblade’s cashes, she can scan any of them, enabling her to blend in in different countries during missions. 💶💶💶
- one of her favorite songs is perfect love by House of Prince (literally listening to it as I’m typing this 😍)
- in her human form, she met Lady Gaga 👀
- she takes everyone shopping and offers to look after the kids when needed
- she HAD an ex boyfriend who was very abusive (Heatwave killed him and obviously didn’t go to jail) 🤭
- she’s really good at long and short-range combat, which made her climb the autobot ranks pretty fast and allow her to roam freely around the galaxy
- she and Blurr squabble every single day and they somehow end up racing with each other or falling asleep like cats in a lil pile on a bot-sized beanbag 💀🥺
- she and Hightide are a therapy duo; in Faxian, they take time and go to the beach and just talk about whatever they feel needs to be heard, like stuff from the war, deaths of loved ones, life before the war, etc. 😔
- Quickshadow does the Cybertromian equivalence of ballet, which is how she’s so immediate and firm on her peds 🩰✨
- she shares gossip and talk with the local residents of Faxian 💥
- she knows how to play the violin and piano very well
When you said some I hope you meant a lot 🫣🫣🫣
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lovemidnighteclipse12 · 9 months
First Impressions - Lilac
Lilac's opinions on each person apart of the exchange program
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Fuck you - Lilac after finding out it was him that choose her for the exchange program
Instantly after talking to Lucifer properly she could tell that he was someone that hid things from his family to protect them and would do anything for them even if he appears like a villian, which Lilac could understand to a certain extent as she feels that way for those she sees as family.
Unlike the cannon MC and Lucifer's starting relationship at the begining, Lilac and Lucifer can often be seen around each other, quiet, it's their little solice until Lilac starts to be a little chaotic
This my bitch - she easily becomes Mammon's partner in crime because it's fun.
And not because the two can relate to each other feeling like out casts noooooooo.... no acting okay here
Mentally unstable friendship acquired
Don't ask how - she thinks she somehow adopted an intovert as her friend, they game every friday night, Mammon joins them
Lilac just wants Levi to stop talking down on himself, she aims to boost his confidence and self worth
There is not a 15,000 grim bill for a wreck room that is being hid from Lucifer
Satan gets close to Lilac a little bit more earlier then the game storyline mainly because of his curiosity of Lilac's wrath deep inside her, however did not expect to be in a 4 hour heated debate about Shakespare and then promptly dragged to a wreck room.
He has a new destructive way to let out his anger now.
But the bill is being hid from Lucifer, Lilac and Satan are going half half on the wreck room bills they have
The two become friends after they accidentally came across each others' skin care rountine.
They have a gossip hour each day about what they see, their literally gossip friends and they have some alcohol whilst they do, Asmo will not question on how Lilac managed to sneak human alcohol to Devildom, definitely thinks Mammon helped her (It was Lucifer he was getting sick and tired of Lilac having photos of him drunk and him not having the same blackmail back, it helps reduce headaches).
It might sound silly but the two had a rocky start because neither really likes sharing their food, but they eventually came to an agreement to not knowingly pinch the other's food and then their friendship blossomed like in the game.
'Oh wow can't break yourself out skill issue
Oh my says the idiot human'
A regular conversation between the two
These two don't get along too well, Lilac is helping him however they just mainly insult each other...
But they are friends for now, they just have an odd way of talking to one another
Let's see what changes after Lesson 16.
Bitch- Lilac 100% would have cussed Diavolo out if he wasn't a prince and could risk relations of the human realm and Devildom, doesn't appreciate the kidnapping and will use it to make jabs at times, but the two definitely gets along eventually after a few tea parties.
But not before Lilac had invited Maddi to Devildom without telling anyone, Diavolo definitely plans to not annoy Lilac like that again so then he can avoid Maddi
Look.. look if you were in Lilac's situation and met a demon of time you would imeaditly want to find a way to get into his good graces and hope he's willing to atleast let you know how your family got cursed.
But nope, instead she became genuine baking buddies with Barbatros, he will say friends but that doesn't stop Lilac, Luke, her and Barbatros all bake together
Dodgy dealings, best friends
Unlike the game, Lilac imeaditly searched for the other human exchange student, and befriended him because she is trust issue galore and Mammon is the only demon she properly trusts and she'd rather be friends with the only other human their in Devildom.
These two get along too well for anyone's liking
However he is questioning why she's Maddi's apprentice, he is slowly taking Lilac as his apprentice.
However Lilac vows to make this monster of a cook an actually decent cook... after trying his food for the first time.
I can tell he's fucking shady - thinks Simeon has some sort of oracle like ability because of TSL, because the seven lords are obviously the brothers and she's the counterpart of Henry, there are too many coincidences within the book and the adventurers she has in Devildom, she swears she's going to find out what the hell he's hiding.
However they are friends, Simeon definitely knows what Lilac thinks about him and definitely teases her about it.
Don't tell anyone but she taught Simeon how to successfully play minecraft after 2 months, he's a scarily good at combat the two have a private minecraft server together, neither of them tells anyone.
He's baby, must protect - she sees Luke as her own kid and treats him as such, even if Luke pretends to hate it, the two definitly has a mother and son vibe and they get along really well.
Her, Luke and Barbatos all bake together, so the three are close, the demon and human definitely teases Luke.
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Obey Me Master list
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soupbabe · 1 year
If you can, can you make a Latino (specifically Guatemalan) reader with the stardust crusaders head cannons? I love reading your work ❤️🫶🏼
Stardust Crusaders with a Latino! Reader
Hopefully these are alright! Way more family centric than expected, but I think these are still pretty fun 😅 also very all over the place I wanted to do a lot but no clue to how organize it all
Quick Disclaimer: I am white. If anything I write is inaccurate/offensive/harmful/etc, I'm begging readers to tell me! I want to make sure my writing is for everyone, so I'm v open to any feedback!
- To start things off: I think Kakyoin and Avdol are well loved by your family!
- They put some effort into learning about different customs just enough Spanish to get by
- Though it's hard to say they can carry small talk by themselves- both of them don't have a good grasp on the regional dialect you and your family is used to
- It's so easy for them to win your parents over
- Avdol and Kakyoin exude the confidence to reassure your father that they can take care of you and they both so easily can charm your mother and all the other women in your family!!
- Fr I think Kakyoin (and Polnareff) could easily gossip with women in your family, absolute darlings in their eyes
- Jotaro and Polnareff are just fine, but they definitely less well rounded compared to the others <3
- Jotaro's stubborn ass and (just in general) Polnareff would turn your parents away from the relationship, I think they could butt heads a little bit more
- And the language differences don't help either, you'll have to translate for them
- Literally you and your family could make fun of Polnareff too his face and he'd think they are LOVING him
- Where I think they could all come together is at parties, especially for stuff like soccer games
- Those boys know their sports and let loose around your family! Definitely a great bonding time for everyone involved, easy option for first-meeting scenarios
- Head empty only trying to show the boys music like reggaeton and latin pop
- From most to least likely to get on board and genuinely enjoy it goes from: Polnareff, Avdol, Kakyoin, and Jotaro
- Ik Polnareff has absolutely no rhythm and 2 left feet, but dammit he are enjoying all the different kinds of dances you show them
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