#LED headlights
swankyangles · 3 months
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Is this bumper-sticker design illegal?
EDIT: SHEEEEEUT, guess we gon' find out!
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dyscomancer · 8 months
Introducing the new 2024 Ford Pedestrian Obliterator. This new pickup truck is 8 times the size of the average sedan, gets a half mile to the gallon, and has a truck bed no bigger than any other pickup made in the last 50 years.
Comes complete with LED headlights capable of shining at drivers in front of you at 200 octillion lumens. The perfect truck for annoying dudes who don't actually haul anything, guaranteed to grind any pesky driveway-dwelling toddler outside of your field of vision into a fine red paste!
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victusinveritas · 2 months
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geezerwench · 7 months
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bearbonespdf · 7 months
i am allowed to kill anyone with massive led headlights that shine brighter than gods nipples. fuck you and your death wish.
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puyoed · 5 months
lets all work together and make the roads unsafe for everyone
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deadboydyke · 9 months
For Christmas I want every LED headlight in the nation to die die die die die die die die
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coulsonlives · 10 months
Out here wearing sunglasses at night like I'm Corey Hart (c)
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elkian · 3 months
Seeing increasing complaints with LED headlights and absolutely agree (already struggling with night blindness and then moving to a rural area where it's much darker right up until that shit hits your retinas has only enhanced this), BUT:
All the complaints I've seen have been aimed at the... users? Which is pretty strange. I know exactly one (1) person who did actually remove his base headlights to install some shit with a probably illegal amount of lumen(s) and that guy had some personal stuff going on.
I think that the majority of those drivers just... bought a car. That happened to fit most/all of their important criteria. That the car companies put LED lights in.
If we want to do something about this (and we probably should), the complaints need to be aimed at law makers. Light intensity needs to be legally restricted, and LED bulbs need to be deal breakers. Car companies need to be losing money over this or it will only get worse.
I did find an article (the same article, twice, funnily enough) claiming this is solely the result of people installing LED lights into their car with the halogen reflective housing and nothing at all to do with LEDs being bad, and I do agree that it's possible to do LED installation that doesn't fuck with vision because that already exists, but I'm tentative to believe it's solely and completely user error.
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gramarobin · 7 months
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wild-jija · 6 months
Me: boy, I sure am ready to drive safely at night. Visibility is key!
Those fuckass LED headlights ready to give me a free trial of cataracts:
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pennyponna · 4 months
If you have LED headlights, don't
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theartisticcrow · 1 month
This is a post about light pollution and my absolute hatred of modern architecture and outdoor lighting.
This is not going to be a short post, but I had to get this anger and frustration off of my chest. Writing is the best way I know how to do that.
I have seen a great many stars fall from the sky. Most recently when I was out in the field in front of my house, roughly a month ago, and I was wandering around, listening to Queen on my headphones, and as I looked over towards the road, I saw a star fall from the sky. I stood there for a moment, unmoving, staring up at the part of the sky where I saw that beautiful flash of light as one life ended and it felt as though mine had only recently begun, and I thought to myself how this one was different from others that I had seen. It lasted longer, about two full seconds. I continued walking, a little happy yet also a little sad. How tragic it is, what humans will do to obtain power. They oppress people, they choose the cheapest options to save money that they do not need, and rarely do they seem to think things through. They'll do anything to get the people into their grasp. They will even steal the sky from us.
How fascinated we used to be with the stars, but not anymore, because the night sky looked so much different three hundred, four hundred years ago. People used to be able to look out their windows at night and see the entire galaxy. What do we get? A few specks of light scattered throughout the sky if we're lucky? If it is not a boring, grey abyss? I should not have to drive four days into the middle of the wilderness to see the night sky as it truly is. No one should have to put up with this. I remember, when I was fourteen or thirteen, when they built a big house on the property next to where I lived, with blacked out windows, a basketball court and a swimming pool. The owners were rarely ever there, and when they were, they were terribly obnoxious with their parties and loud music, perhaps not realising how exactly sound manages to travel through that part of the island. And yet, for some reason, they felt the need to install a big floodlight which did not even shine onto their own property, but rather the field in front of my house. It shined directly into my parents window, and so often did I wish I could shoot it with an arrow. Now, my family did not own the property that we lived on. We rented a house there and in the day, the property functioned as a business. I recall the day that they installed a floodlight shining over the small parking lot. I hated it then and I still hate it now. The only reason I did not throw rocks at it until it broke was because I did not want to accidentally set fire to the building, or get evicted. Not to mention, my parents would know that it was I who knocked down the light.
But it was so frustrating, because no one is there at night except for my family and our neighbours (until the landlord kicked them out so that she could use the space as her own personal office), so why should they need a floodlight at all? And why must it stretch so far across the property? I did not live out in the middle of nowhere, as much as it used to feel like it at times. There was plenty forest and farmland surrounding the area, but beyond that was just city and suburbs. It used to feel like the only place where you didn't have to see the ugly architecture of the city, but even it caught up eventually. The house that the obnoxious neighbours built was only one example. In the distant hills, there appeared more lights than there used to be, and when I stood at the top of the hill on the property and looked out over the land, I did not used to be able to see the cranes in the distance constructing five or seven story condos. I used to not have to worry about security cameras watching me. I used to be able to wander around in darkness. I used to be able to see the stars. There were many stars at one point, scattered throughout the night sky. It was not the entire galaxy, but it was still a nice sight. I used to see the stars, and now I get little more than the big dipper constellation. Some nights, I am not sure that I can see anything at all, especially when it is a night where there are more cars passing by than usual, and you cannot even see the road when they pass, because their headlights are so unnecessarily blinding.
The night itself used to have a different colour: orange and yellowish, not horrifically bright, but now it is plagued by sterile white lights. I might like to write a complaint to whichever council, board, or committee is in charge of architecture and construction and suchlike in this city, if only I knew how. But even then, I have little belief that it would make a difference, for I would be only one voice with no one to join me. We are capable of change, I am sure of it, but if only I knew exactly how. If only I knew exactly who were the right people to talk to, how to reach them, and what to say. If only more people knew how, then maybe we could recognise that we are not alone. People don't see the point in trying, for they do not feel like putting in that sort of effort because they do not believe it will make a difference if they as an individual do not participate. But tell me, how many individuals think that? How many of you people believe that your voice does not make a difference? Alone, it might not, but when placed among thousands of others who share that same belief, it makes a huge difference! Imagine what we could achieve if we all stood up together and called for action. Imagine if people realised just how much they are actually capable of, and imagine if they actually took the steps to do that thing.
It is not impossible that I could make a revolutionary change in my country, or my community at least, if I really put my mind to it. If I gathered people together, devised some kind of plan, or used all of my writing capabilities to speak against what I believe the government is doing wrong, it's not unrealistic to say that I could make an impact. Now imagine if an entire city's worth of people did that. Do you know how much is actually possible? Do you know how much could have already happened if we didn't wait until the fate of the world was on the line? If only I knew exactly how. If only I had the resources and information. If only I was more willing to take up more responsibility and actually start trying to do something. Ah, but what might parents say if I told them I needed to be driven to the post office to send a letter addressed to the city council? I'm sure they'd be supportive, but it might be an awkward conversation, especially if they tell me it probably won't do anything. And alas, I am a coward.
Look at this entire post. Look at what I have managed to write on such short notice because I felt like it. Imagine what I could do if I were given the right opportunity. This entire post, and all because I was pissed that I could barely see the northern lights those few months ago when it was the only chance I might ever get, only to be disappointed because of that FUCKING FLOODLIGHT THAT MY BITCH OF A LANDLORD DECIDED TO INSTALL FOR NO FUCKING REASON.
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forestshadow-wolf · 8 months
This isn't necessarily a driving tip but something I've noticed and think is worthy of sharing with you. I might be crazy but just hear me out on this.
LED headlights are very weird in the sense they seem to "flash" when the angle changes. For example, if the car hits a slight bump in the road, it'll seem like the lights are being flashed at you. It's definitely something to do with the way the lights are and the way they appear in your vision, but it sometimes seems like, on certain roads, the bastards with LED headlight vehicles are flashing their lights at me.
I live, work, and drive along very shitty, curvy winding country ass backroads. Especially after a long day at work, those "flashing" LED lights stress me tf out.
The piece of advice I would say with this is never ever sacrifice safety for fear of giving another driver road rage. If you are getting flash-banged every time the car behind you hits a bump, drive slower than you normally would
ESPECIALLY on curvy, hilly, winding back roads. Taking those curves and hills too fast will cause serious damage if you wreck. Driving slow and pissing off the person behind you is a better plan than wrecking your car.
9 times out of 10, the person will only honk to try and speed you up or just drive too close and speed off once they don't need to be behind you anymore. Driving safe means driving in a way that doesn't stress you out to the point you lose control of your vehicle. You want to be in control as much as possible, and anything you can do to avoid stress is better.
Anyways don't know if any of that made sense, but there, a thing
I'll never miss an opportunity to share driving tips
Thank you Anon for pointing that out. And tes this makes complete sense
Okay for anyone who is confused, or doesn't feel like reading a ton (you should still read the ask tho. Please)
Anon is saying that some people (a lot of people) will use LED headlights when driving at night.
There are times when shine at certain angles that make the light shine into your eyes more or less, and it can cause a flashing or maybe even strobing effect.
Anon is saying to drive in a way that makes you feel least stressed. And if that means driving slow or slower, then do it. The car behind you may honk their horn at you, but ignore them. They will either go around, or deal with it.
Thank you for pointing this out, Anon!
As always! Feel free to send me asks or other tips about driving! I have anon asks on in case that's something that you're worried about. There are no stupid questions, especially when it's about driving safety.
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fandumb-thoughts · 8 months
Hellfire is the color of LED headlights at midnight
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kodoandsangha · 8 months
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As someone with astigmatism, definitely coming back for Frank. But not at dawn or dusk.
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