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tehshelaroxx · 6 months ago
Me not being surprised that I wanted to fuck Longlegs after watching the movie....
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are-we-really-doing-this · 2 months ago
Am I an Asking Alexandria t shirt because
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just like a male peacock has his bright feathers to attract a mate I, too, shall attract a mate with my funky socks
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happyman42 · 1 year ago
Things I didn't believe were real when I was a kid
Multiple personality disorder
JFK Assassination
Vampire bats
The Holy Grail
Santa Claus
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maitter-of-creepfell · 6 months ago
She took my ability to die in the divorce
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wiggly-fruit · 9 days ago
how does Hatsune Miku use the restroom
she takes a leek
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pandulce135 · 1 year ago
If I had a nickle for every time I got to use the "If I had a nickle" line yesterday, I'd have two nickles, which for me isn't weird, and proves that I am, in fact, and opportunist.
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tehshelaroxx · 6 months ago
Does Nicolas Cage have social media? If so, I want to send him "Geef Me Een Klap Papa" every day until he blocks me. Then I'm gonna do the same to Hugh Jackman. 🥴
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number-1-panstander · 2 years ago
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Da bee comic
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essektheylyss · 3 months ago
I love that Caleb does not ever seem to take opportunities to take any kind of "this might be the last moment I have" actions. No matter what, when everyone else is going around and making their desperate moves, Caleb doesn't. Even after he recommends otherwise to others, it is notable that he among the group doesn't do so, and this is consistent with his previous behavior.
I like to think that stems from the moment he opted against trying to work with Trent—which I think, at its core, was an attempt at such an action. If Caleb had died fighting the Somnovem, he had every reason to believe that Trent would continue in his actions. Though Astrid and Eadwulf were willing to subtly undermine him, they had made it clear that they were not willing to challenge him outright. Caleb tells the Nein, when they are discussing their last wishes at the Blooming Grove before returning to Eiselcross, that he would appreciate Trent being eliminated in the event of his death. I have to believe that there was a fear or regret that his dearest motivations would not come to fruition which spurred his interest in using an alliance with him in Aeor to trap and kill him.
I've mentioned elsewhere that I believe Essek's willingness to disagree with him was one of the factors in Caleb being able to trust him and his judgment, but I would also argue it was a wake-up call for Caleb—about letting himself be distracted; about not focusing in on the mission at hand; about, potentially, expecting failure in this goal, especially after he has watched his friends say their goodbyes as if they too expect to die. "Stay on task, Widogast," is a mantra he uses in Vergessen, but he does get caught up, to an extent, in enacting as much damage as he can to the place in the process, and regardless of whether this ruthless assault slowed or sped their discovery, Trent did catch up to them, and very nearly caught Veth and Jester as well as himself. Given Caleb's fears throughout the campaign that he will draw the danger that dogs him onto his newfound friends, and his later apology to Essek in the same conversation for drawing Trent's attention to him, it is not a stretch to argue that this is yet another guilt he shoulders.
It isn't lost on me that Caleb almost died before the Nein even met, he was perpetually aware of his fragility among the group, and he was the last member of the Nein to go down and need to be revived. So I just think it's very fun if he, who so often seemed to be on the verge of death, who in fact planned to step back in history and in the process erase the person he had become, found himself at some point determined to live, and firmly confident in his ability to do so.
He does not wrap up his affairs, he does not say goodbyes, and while he may acknowledge the stakes for the group, he does not entertain the idea that he personally will not make it out alive—because, as Dorian notes, he has a lot to live for. He has to get back home to his partner and his well-maintained garden; he has to make sure the Cerberus Assembly's nefarious schemes do not continue in Ludinus's absence, perhaps even in the absence of the Assembly itself, depending on what its members do in its wake; he probably has to go egg on his godson's shenanigans as payback for Veth threatening to shoot him out of the sky.
Caleb Widogast is an absolute cockroach of a wizard, and, in true Mighty Nein form, he is at all times thriving on unfinished business.
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sgt-tombstone · 7 months ago
Ghost: you look tired, Johnny
Soap: yeah, I didnae sleep well last night, I went to bed early but tossed and turned for forty-seven hours straight
Ghost: that’s literally not possible
Soap, leaning into the bit: actually, I was on a plane going from *stops to think for a second* east to west, so I was in the air for fifty hours but it was only about eight hours local time
Ghost: is this your way of telling me that you only got three hours of sleep last night?
Soap: yeah…
Ghost, fondly: you’re so fucking stupid, sergeant
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idwisp · 6 months ago
a glimpse into my twisted psyche
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my mind is incomprehensible and truly dark i dont blame anyone for looking away or (continues monologue in next room over)
anyways enjoy Sebastian and Aurelius stuff i drew this week
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beedalee · 2 years ago
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Kissing in the Starlight. ☔
I reposted my older makoto x ami fanart on instagram (it's beedaleeart if you'd like to follow me there. i am trying to be active!) and it reminded me of this sketch I made eons ago. so this is me making good on my promise to myself to make more Makoto x Ami art. ...as a birthday treat!!
I had this scene in my head while listening to makoto's “kissing in the starlight”. (please listen to it... i am begging... her original seiyuu is SO DREAMY in it...)
ALSO...!! I found out they did a duet song for Crystal called "Secret Midnight Talk" where they discuss their insecurities and loneliness with each other... if that's not kinda sapphic IDK what is 🥴
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fang-feraligatr-blog · 1 year ago
It would appear not all people share your sentiment.
It seems some find them rather. . .
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. . .Corny.
I think trans women are pawesome
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I’m not fucking ok. I thought I was prepared for it because I knew how Gideon the Ninth ended going in. AND I WAS SO SO WRONG! I WAS NOT PREPARED! What the fuck is this Song of Achilles self sacrificial-esk shit!?! WHY CAN’T THE GAYS JUST BE HAPPY?
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eiswolfzero · 5 months ago
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okay, one more
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