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titenoute · 8 months ago
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I finally played Slay the Princess. About time. The existential horror and romance was *mwah*. My compliments to the authors. I'll probably play Scarlet Hollow next.
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glitchh1337 · 2 months ago
Voice of the opportunistttt
I want to bite that little car salesman so badly
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wynn-ing · 4 months ago
i love Oppy as the frog and or scorpion but consider also; Oppy as cordyceps. You have to take me higher. I can't do it myself. I need you to do it. I know it will kill you but I need you to believe it won't. Lift me up. Please. You have to. As high as you can. Until you can't climb anymore. Until I am all that remains. I don't know what happens next, but this is what I have to do. I don't know why. I have to. I will never apologise. I can't. This is all I am. Take me higher.
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burtontracks · 10 months ago
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Colour Bands – 240516ag
the seagull
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foundry-fabrications · 10 months ago
Roguish Archetype: Opportunist
Hey folks! This took an unreasonable amount of time to get done. I’ve returned to my roots for an easy project with a conversion of a Pathfinder prestige class. Writing it out was pretty simple, but it took forever to get with my brew buddy to get it looked at due to some unfortunate circumstances that I won’t elaborate on for privacy reasons. But then it took even longer to get the final…
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hermitessun · 9 months ago
being a 2/4 profile is like the moon tries to hide somewhere and have alone time but people find her and get up her ass no matter where she goes
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untitled-name-coming-soon · 3 months ago
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Hello! I made the Opportunist, a bit too much of him, actually.
His tie isn't actually just red, it's a lie detector, but he lies so often that it's almost always just red. I got tired of just giving out a mouth to everyone without reason, so I gave The Opportunist a stockmarket? Line diagram? Something like that, to look like a mouth. His ear is kinda like an arrow pointing up, but when things are going badly for him, the line points down to represent a frown, the arrow too. His talons are darker than the rest of his legs to appear as some proper footwear even though he isnt wearing any, and there are arrows on his legs. I gave his feather pattern the shape of a suit, kinda. I gave him those eyes, like a smile that doesnt reach them. He hides his (small) wings behind his back, and his hands are also behind his back to hide the (nothing at all) knife that he's holding. Also, with Smitten for scale, the Opportubist is quite short really. Like a slimy eel.
I really liked designing the Opportunist, he was so fun, and so is his character. He's so flippy-floppy, it's hilarious! He's a walking contradiction, and I love him for it. He's a self-serving people-pleaser, he has his own goals, but they "just happen" to be exactly what was just said before. It's like he wants everyone to like him, but he also doesnt care how he's perceived.
Spoiler alert, Pristine cut.
In the new Spectre chapter, "The hero and the dragon". The opportunist, in our body, after hearing we're with the Princess, just goes "Oho! Let's kill two birds with one stone!" And stabs the princess. But the moment we're back, he goes "You're back! :D I missed you the most!" And all that, so two-faced it's funny. He says "Let's kill the princess, we just stabbed her, she's probaply pissed!" But as soon as we hold hands with her, he's the one asking if it's nice.
I might talk more about him later, but that's all I've got for now.
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starry-teacup · 11 months ago
i know you like oppy but how do you feel about the (MANY) similarities between him and hero ? :3c
...I'm not gonna lie, I hadn't noticed any before, so I did a quick run through of the witch to answer this one properly.
They both flip sides a lot, don't they? I always assumed that hero would side with whatever the most obviously ethical decision was in the moment, but looking back that's not quite right. Even if he disagrees at first, he'll side with whatever the player chooses, and if it ends poorly, he never holds it over you- he's just disappointed, and more often than not, surprised that it didn't pan out. True to form, hero really and truly believes that we'll make the right decision, even when it seems obviously wrong. (Except if you attempt to get the Good Ending after your first go-round, which is interesting, but that's a thought for a different time.)
Opportunist definitely gets his I-told-you-sos in. His highest motivation, though, is always the wellbeing and success of the player, unlike some of the other voices, who may prioritize answers or fun or even love. Though oppy definitely has stronger opinions on the means to reach their goal, their motives are the same- the highest possible good for the body that they all share.
Similarly to the hero, opportunist also jumps into the boat of whatever option was chosen, though I suspect this is less of trust in us and more an attempt to retain our favor because we hold more power than he does.
It's also interesting how often opportunist will suggest an idea and then hero will like it. It doesn't happen frequently, but considering I've always viewed hero as our moral compass, it makes me re-evaluate his character a little.
I take it that these are not all the parallels, so if you have more to point out, please do! I love hero, and for some reason I don't understand oppy as well, so thanks for giving me a chance to let them occupy that much more of my headspace 😉
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glitchh1337 · 2 months ago
deciding to yap about my oppy design except it’s a bunch of little details I really like
I went for a car salesman vibe where he’s really shady and you have the feeling he’s gonna try to sell you something as he compliments you to get on your good side. Whatever he’s selling is NOT to be trusted. It’s probably already broken, is over priced, will potentially put you in danger, or all three. there’s like a 90% chance it’s a pyramid scheme product. Golden tooth for extra shady salesman vibes. His entire outfit is literally just what I could think of when I thought “shady car salesman”
His hands are red because he got caught “red-handed” :3 (yes it was entirely a pun) but looking at it again, it could be symbolism for the blood on his hands. other than that, it’s just one entire pun
His mask is permanently stuck to his face because of how his hides his true opinions just to suck up to whoever is in power. He’s constantly wearing a mask for people and only shows his true nature when he thinks he’s the one in power.
He has a deer tail for yet another pun, but this one is more symbolic in the way he fawns when met with a fight or flight situation. He tries to appease the threat as if he’ll be “spared”
His wings are clipped because I wanted him not to be able to fly. Something about looking like a bird but not being able to do the one thing birds are most known for.
He’s black and white to show how two-faced he is and how he’s never on just one side. His mask being white was basically just because it looked good, but also white being a symbol for purity ties in again with the mask being both literal and figurative.
I’m going to punch him and bite him and give him rabies. Also he’s probably 5’1 but wears heeled dress shoes or those shoe inserts that make you taller
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dk-thrive · 1 year ago
You were that way from the beginning. When you saw an opportunity to succeed, you took it. You knew how great you were—you were ruthless about it. That’s what I most admire in you. You never look back. You commit to be great and become even better. Me? I always look back. I am a pillar of salt.
— Isle McElroy, People Collide: A Novel (HarperCollins, September 26, 2023)
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curryvillain · 1 month ago
I-Octane & Shane O Put Themselves First In "Opportunist"
For close to 2 decades, Dancehall Artist I-Octane has delivered songs that tap into the everyday life of people. From songs to dance to, to songs that have you thinking about life, he has been one of the Artists on the frontline making a difference with some relatable music. Love him or hate him, his catalogue is extensive. Earlier, he shared the visual for the new single, “Opportunist“. Directed…
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starry-teacup · 11 months ago
Finally finished my opportunist design! Heavily inspired by @tai-janai’s design of him. Hopefully I captured his untrustworthy son of a bitch-ness properly :)
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 7 months ago
Am I the only one who remembers that this guy lobbied hard to make a deal with the DNC? Despite the DNC's coronation, Bobby was willing to make a deal and unite with team Harris Walz. His campaign was out of money and the DNC leadership refused to meet with him. He's more of an opportunist than a hero.
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greykolla-art · 25 days ago
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Ooooh careful, Alastor! Your line between manipulation and genuine care is getting blurryyyyyyyyyy 👀!
I missed drawing them man! Miss Sweet and mister Scary in situations together is my favourite! ❤️ (but did it have to span 9 coloured pages I almost died?!)
(No I won’t do a part 2 😘!)
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dodelof · 11 months ago
Traymont - T-Tekk wird selbst von KuchenTV gefrontet. Der Beginn der zweiten Staffel
Man mag es nicht glauben. Inzwischen hat Traymont stolze 14 Videos zur Causa T-Tekk auf seinen beiden Kanälen hochgeladen. Das hat bei Traymont schon lange nichts mehr mit "wir müssen ihn Fact checken" oder wir müssen ihn in Grund und Boden Canceln zu tun. Hier haben wir es mit Traymont zu tun, der seinem Hass freien Lauf lässt, der seinem Spass daran, dass T-Tekk gerade the most-hated-human-being-on-YouTube ist, in Grund und Boden zu haten. Vor allem aber macht er es, weil es Clicks garantiert. Wer hätte gedacht, dass seine T-Tekk-Takes die Videos sind, die am besten laufen. Ein Schelm, wer jetzt böses denkt. Eigentlich wäre es mir ja so ziemlich egal, wenn, ja wenn da nicht eine Problematik wäre: Traymont ist so clickgeil, so geil auf gute Clicks, Clicks die Geld bringen, Clicks, die neue Follower bringen, dass er sich nicht zu schade ist, auch auf KuchenTV zu reagieren, der sich T-Tekk vornimmt. Das ist für mich der Punkt wo ich sagen muss: Nö. Traymont, damit hast Du verloren. Wer so clickgeil ist und dann denkt, es sei valide, auch auf Kuchen zu reagieren, der kann sich getrost löschen gehen. Ein herzliches Fuck You bekommst Du von meiner Seite auch entgegengeworfen, mit dem Hinweis: wenn Du schon dabei bist, auf den Abschaum von YouTube zu reagieren, kannst du dir doch gleich noch die Videos von Nemesis vornehmen. Hey, da kommen dann doch auch gute Clicks reingespült. Ja, der wütende Traymont, der denkt, er sei etwas besseres. Traymont, der Wuttwitcher, der so tut, als würde er zu den Guten gehören, aber eigentlich nichts anderes als ein ScheissOpportunist ist. Go, Fuck Yourself, long, fast, hard. Keine Moral, keine Ethik, nur eine menschliche Hülle mit sehr viel Leere.
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keenflowercupcake · 1 year ago
One Line Is All I GOT
Passive Aggressive Behavior; GETOUTTAHERE You could have chosen any blog to read, but you chose mine, and I’m honored! ~Belladonna~
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