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goodlucksnez · 9 months ago
So after listening to Zen's Wav, I had a idea to continue. So I gathered some friends and we continued the story with a little nod to @instarsandcrime as well!
So enjoy the continuation!
Al//astor: @onetrickponi
Lu//cifer: @zensations35
V//ox: @goodlucksnez
See below for script!
Alastor: Ah! The man of the hour! Just the person I was hoping to encounter…Now then. Time for a little r̴̈e̷͋g̵͛i̷͊c̷̉ǐ̵d̷̃ë̴́
Lucifer: Oh no…*sneeze* Not you again. What is it this time?
Alastor:  As it turns out, sire, not only do you bestow hellish grace upon your subjects, but pestilence as well! ’Allergies.’ Hah! I should have known. 
Lucifer: Well if someone hadn’t insisted I come on their show with only two days notice!
Alastor: Aha-hA!  If someone would answer their phone more than once a month, your nibs–
*Lucifer sneezes*
Alastor: Well. Glad to see your smoky sternutations aren’t exclusive to my studio, at least. Goodness, I do hope this wallpaper is flame-resistant.*ṣ̶͐n̸̺͐ḙ̸̽e̸̲͂z̸̩͋i̷̠͐n̴̨̊g̸̩̿* Pardon.
Lucifer: Hey! Don’t bust out my lights! I’m working on an important project!
Alastor: And now no one has to see it! Pity. :)
*Voxtech Show Theme Plays*
Vox: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the most electrifying news show in the multiverse! I’m your host, Vox,  and I’m here to deliver the latest headlines with a dash of charisma, a sprinkle of wit, and a whole lot of tea *clinking cup* *cup falls* 
Vox: *ignoring fallen cup* Tonight on our program we will go over the most recent broadcast from the King of Hell and the less important interviewer *cackle*
Vox: Ahh how good it feels in my studio! I must say our brand is perfection, it just won't do for anything Less. Than. That. *snigger*  
Vox: Unlike a certain old tyrant my studio is made for the highest of royalty. So if any princes or kings want a real experience, come down to Vees tower and I would love to give you a personalized tour from the Man in Charge. 
Alastor: *sneezing* Pompous, vicious little prick…
Lucifer: Ugh.. *sniff* I hate that guy…”Man in Charge”? And they call me prideful??
Vox: I mean really you just walk in, and it’s chaos. Papers everywhere, coffee stains on the desk, *laugh* it isn't even in a proper studio but an old water tower! Talk about tacky. Unprofessional, if you ask me. But here? Every cable is tucked away, every surface polished--
[Vox continues his spiel while Alastor sneezes]
Alastor: *sneezing* 
Vox:-- to a mirror sheen. We believe in excellence, not just in our content but in our environment, that that is what VoxTex is here to provide you. So, when you tune in to our show, rest assured, you’re getting the crème de la crème. Quality, class, and cleanliness–
Alastor: That isn’t even properly alliterative…
Lucifer: Are you kidding me? His place is a walking fire hazard! Or, not walking. Standing? But I know fire hazards! Man, I wish I could just…*sneezes*
Alastor: HaHAh!…Well, then I’m sure you will appreciate this next bit, Sire.
Vox: *sniffling* *sneezing* I must apologize, my dear viewers *sneezing*  but it seems that even the most prepared among us can be caught off guard. It appears I’m having a bit of a g̶͎͑-̵̓ͅg̵̪̑-̷̖͠G̴̥͒L̶̟̈I̷͈͑T̵̀͜C̸̣͝H̸̖͒—nothing serious, but we believe in safety first here at Vox industries.
*Vox continues sneezing throughout his spiel*
Vox: We’re all about transparency and this is as real as it gets. Fucking bitch! I’m going to step off for a moment to take care of this, and in the meantime, we’ll be ending today’s broadcast a tad earlier than scheduled. FuckI’mgonnafuckingkillhim--Our team is top-notch, and they’ll ensure everything is handled with the utmost professionalism. Thank you for your understanding. We’ll be back on air tomorrow, bright and shiny as ever, ready to bring you the stellar content you love. 
Vox: Cut it! That fucking bitch, I know this is his doing I’m gonna kill him!!
Alastor: *sneezing* *laughing* 
Lucifer: Hoh yeah! Highfive!
Alastor: I beg your pardon?
Lucifer: You…you just take your hand and…uhh…*high five sound*
Alastor: Mmm I suppose. But don’t make a habit out of this, sire.
Lucifer: Eheh…okay…
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novorehere · 3 months ago
Can’t sleep. Brain too full of “tired old man gazes lovingly at stomach”
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patheticandmiserable · 3 months ago
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um- anyways, I made a post about making A/lastor sneeze while tying up his hands, and then I started thinking about tying him up with ribbons and christmas lights and shit, and then I thought of this
(Background is official art that I edited)
Flat color version below
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glitterrosesnzz · 1 year ago
do y'all think that since L/ucifer mostly rebuilt the hotel using his magic, that him being sick would actually affect the hotel itself???
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hcppyhotel · 1 year ago
still a few hours of sinday left... maybe i shall jot down some n/sfw hcs...
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savidem · 1 year ago
a h.azbin h.otel / h.elluva b.oss verse.
perhaps,  he  should  have  expected  this  ending.  but  his  mission  was  complete  --  what  happened  ?  the  strings  have  been  cut  and  finds  himself  in  control  of  his  own  body.  huh  ---  a  weird  feeling.  and  if  he  were  to  express  emotions,  he  would  feel...
(  𝐼  𝑃𝑈𝑅���𝐹𝐼𝐸𝐷  𝑇𝐻𝐸  𝑍𝑂𝑁𝐸𝑆  .  )  you  left  the  world  empty
(  𝐼  𝐿𝐼𝐾𝐸  𝐼𝑇  𝑇𝐻𝐴𝑇  𝑊𝐴𝑌.  )  that  was  not  for  you  to  decide. 
despite  falling  a  higher  being's  mission  --  or  perhaps  misconstruing  the  mission,  the  batter  finds  himself  in  hell.  with  no  purpose  or  command,  he  finally  has  control  over  his  own  body.  he  intends  to  make  the  most  of  it.
his  form  remains  the  same  --  a  man  tailored  in  a  baseball  uniform,  his  hat  conveniently  covering  his  face.  though,  there's  rumors  that  some  may  spot  an  eye  --  or  4  peeking  from  the  darkness.
his  main  choice  of  weapon  remains  his  bat  --  and  if  managed  to  strike  a  nerve,  his  monstrous  form  takes  a  horrid  shape,  though  this  is  a  final  measure.
he  holds  no  regrets,  though  he  often  misses  heaven  and  his  creator.  he  doesn't  dare  speak  ill  for  it  was  his  own  decision  to  eradicate  specters  and  other  beings. 
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tvkissercentral · 3 months ago
Smooches For The TV Man
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Note: I am not responsible if you're uncomfy with Hazbin or HB but didn't put that in your DNI. Please just block me. Please respect my DNI. If you hate Hazbin or your circle hates Hazbin, please do me a favor and block.
Hi hi! I'm Lee. My main blog is @silver-heller, and this is my Hazbin and HB selfshipping blog! As an FYI, I block pretty liberally for my own comfort. Please read my DNI, and I can't wait to interact with you!
S/I Bio
I'm fine with sharing unless the person gives me bad vibes.
Vox Ask Blog | Angel Vox Ask Blog | Vark Ask Blog
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📺 Minors (those below eighteen), pro/shippers, or those who ship adults with minors, incest ships, romanticize abuse, ship themselves with real people, etc.
📺 V/ox/V/al or S/taticM/oth make me super uncomfortable, so please don't bring that here. I'll probably block you if I see you shipping V/al with my other F/Os. Sorry, it's for my own comfort. Please properly tag posts concerning V/alentino so I can block them, thank you.
📺 Plural unfriendly individuals. If your F/O is a bad plural stereotype (aka having an evil "alter" or something along those lines), sorry, but I am just not comfy interacting.
📺 If you hate Hazbin or HB, my F/Os, or believe my F/Os can't be redeemed, please don't interact.
📺 Don't bring purity culture bullshit here. I use this show to discuss religious trauma and trauma from purity culture. Please be respectful. This is also an adult show with adult themes, which I will also discuss.
📺 If you're very "pro Heaven" please don't interact with me. Aka, you believe S/era or Heaven did nothing wrong or paint L/ucifer as the bad guy.
F/O List
Main F/OS
Vox - Queerplatonic - #turnthetvon📺 / #staticspeaker🎵
Adam - Queerplatonic - #getintoit🎸 / #guitarspeaker🎵
Alastor - Queerplatonic - #radiolove📻 / #radiospeaker🎵
Lucifer - Queerplatonic - #appleduck🍎 / #duckspeaker🎵
Angel Dust - Queerplatonic - #cherryontop🍧 / #dustspeaker🎵
Blitzo - Queerplatonic - #the⭕issilent / #leeitz🎵
Side F/Os
Husk - Platonic - #bartenderbuddy♠
Charlie - Platonic - #insideisarainbow🌈
Velvette - Platonic - #velvetandswirl💕
Lute - Platonic - #steelangel⚔
Rosie - Familial - #roseontop🌹
Emily - Platonic - #heavensbrightestlight😇
#leespice💖- my NSFW tag
Relevant Tags
#leespice💖- my NSFW tag
#newstatusquo📺 - Transwoman Vox
#evilhugsgood🤗💚 - Vox x Adam
#inthistogether💞- Vox x Angel Dust
#appleontheradio - Lucifer x Alastor
#appleonthetv - Lucifer x Vox
#forbiddenfruits🍎🍏 - Lucifer x Adam
#radiomeetstatictv - Alastor x Vox
#shark🦈xdeer🦌xsnake🐍 - Alastor x Lucifer x Vox
#thesharpteethcollective🦷 - Alastor x Adam x Lucifer x Vox
#sinner&saintkiss - Vox x Lute
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kohimi · 11 months ago
I need an sick H/H L/ucifer x listener/reader thing like- WHZ9AIAIAV
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goodlucksnez · 1 year ago
This is @onetrickponi fault!! (Just joking)
They made art of al/astor and l/u/cifer in a kitchen and al is suffering because of spices, so I made a very quick and bad script and recorded when i was having a allergy attack (because yes pollen is killing me) so as promised here you go, is it the best?.... no but i had fun making it and isn't that the point lol
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dragonbleps · 2 years ago
We're not doing a full committed re-watch of L. ucifer, but it comes on TV every Wednesday, and it's apparently at the S.inner man arc with P.ierce in the cast and. man. I just do not care for this character at all
Like, at first, you're supposed to dislike him, even though some characters do like him for some reason that I don't comprehend. I guess because he's conventionally handsome? Even if he's mean and without charisma.
But later, they try to make him a sympathetic love interest for D.ecker and it STILL doesn't work because he's manipulative and still kind of an ass and obsessive/possessive, but not in a way that makes it fun to watch as a fictional character. He's lackluster and gets in the way
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glitterrosesnzz · 1 year ago
good afternoon i am here to drop off an extensive list of h/azbin snz 'prompts' directly from my Notes, cause i had to cut a TON of stuff out of my list of things to write (it was getting far too long) but i still felt like these Deserved to be seen and ive seen a few other people put up prompt lists so-
long explanatory ramble aside boom here's the list;
A/lastor, as we all know, HATES modern technology. what if... there was another reason he despises flash photography... (aka, photosensitive!A/lastor).
this is less of a prompt and moreso something i think would be neat to see... mayhaps, some S/era snzfic?? idk, i think there's potential there
L/ucifer being sick during one of the meetings at hell's Heaven Embassy.
V/ox vs A/lastor vs A/dam vs L/ucifer. i don't actually remember what this prompt was about i just think the four of them arguing ft. some kind of snzkink stuff going on would be really fun. bonus if at the start A/lastor and L/ucifer are arguing while V/ox and A/dam are Teamed Up, and then by the end A/lastor and L/ucifer are teamed up while V/ox and A/dam are arguing-
Initially, after falling, L/ucifer was allergic to more sinful/demonic stuff. As time went on these allergies faded, and he ended up developing allergies to more holy stuff. The existential/identity crisis he went through when this started to happen was intense. ft. L/ucifer sneezing fire for the first time and scaring the hell out of both himself and L/ilith
C/harlie was given some sort of allergy pills before leaving to Heaven, so that she wouldn't be bothered by all the holy stuff there. V/aggie didn't take any cause she believed she wouldn't need them. This was a mistake.
A/lastor with a dog allergy. C/harlie brings a hellhound (or something like that?) to the hotel. I don't think this one requires any further elaboration.
L/ucifer constantly wears this apple scented perfume/cologne for the Vibes. he's secretly mildly allergic/sensitive to it. (as in, it'll set him off when recently sprayed, but it's fine once it's Been a Bit. this usually adds an hour (or more) to his morning routine).
what. what if messing with A/lastor's shadow could make A/lastor himself sneeze. like as in, if A/lastor's shadow went over a dusty shelf or something, it'd make the shadow sneeze, which would then make A/lastor sneeze??? idk i just think it could be fun
idk why the idea of A/ngel Dust, H/usk, and C/herri bringing L/ucifer to a club only for him to either be a) hiding that he's sick or b) allergic to the drinks/a sneezy drunk (or whatever you call it?) is so fun to me but it IS
C/herri should be allergic/sensitive to smoke i think. i think that'd be really fun.
this one's just cause i think it's a funny scenario but; L/ucifer outright being allergic to soul deals-
A/ngel and H/usk feel the most like caretakers to me, so whenever they get sick, especially if it's at the same time, everything dissolves into chaos from everyone else trying to look after them
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hcppyhotel · 1 year ago
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her  dad  continues  to  worry  her....
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patheticandmiserable · 2 months ago
I know this was the second request, but I ended up finishing it first
I love soft 📻//🍎 they’re so cute
Angelic Comfort (A/lastor & L/ucifer)
Alastor woke up to the screech of audio feedback and the ominous green glow of his own magic flickering through his room. Taking shaky breaths, he pulled the covers tighter around himself and tried to regain control over his magic. It was just a bad dream. Nothing to tear his room apart over.
The shadows lashing out of the floorboards slowly calmed down. His own shadow crept out from where it had been cowering under the bed and settled in its natural place under him. Alastor slowly sat up, coughing into his fist. Feverish nightmares were dangerous when he could lose control of his power even in his sleep. It was also a waste of energy that only left him feeling more drained after waking up. This was the second time he’d startled himself awake that night. He needed a change of scenery. He needed someone to distract him for the night.
Lucifer woke up to a knock on his door. He got up with a groggy groan, wondering who the fuck was awake at this hour. Opening the door, he was greeted by the sight of Alastor in red pajamas, looming over him in the darkness. “You’re still awake?” the Devil asked through a yawn.
He leaned on his staff in a way that was meant to look casual, looking down at the man with glowing eyes and a gleaming smile. The staticky filter over his voice was stronger than usual when he spoke. “I was just getting ready for bed when I remembered that I needed to look for something in your room.” He leaned a little further into the room to peer inside, holding onto the doorframe. “I believe Niffty lost a sewing needle while she in here earlier.”
“Why can’t you look for it the morning?” He could believe that Niffty had been in there—she had a tendency to just appear places, but he was suspicious as to why Alastor needed to look through his room now, in the middle of the night.
“I don’t want to forget about it.”
“Then I’ll look for it and give it back to her.” Alastor gave him an annoyed glare, and he responded with a smirk. The Radio Demon, waiting to be invited inside instead of teleporting in and probably stealing something from him? “What, am I getting in the way of something? It’s not like you to just ask to go through people’s rooms. I know you’re plotting something.” Playing pranks on each other was their way of bonding. Lucifer had learned that anything unexpected was most likely part of one of his games—or, he thought that was what was going on with him.
“I am not—” he cleared his throat, his voice coming out strained, “It would be faster if I looked.” His smile wavered, just slightly, weighed down by fatigue.
Lucifer swore he saw him shudder a little, and narrowed his eyes. Whatever Alastor wanted with him, he was quickly losing faith in the idea that it was something malicious. His expression shifted into worry. “What’s really going on?”
Now the sinner narrowed his eyes, briefly looking away. “Nothing that concerns you. I’m tired, that’s all.” He sniffled once, feeling his nose getting increasingly itchy.
“Then you should go to bed and send Niffty over here in the morning.” He watched the other carefully, and this time, he definitely saw the hand gripping his staff tremble. Something was clearly wrong, and whatever strength he was using to try to hide it was wearing thin. Lucifer could have just waited for him to break, but he was honestly a little afraid of what would happen when he did, because the guy kind of looked like he was barely standing. He was staring into the empty room, his breath shaky and uneven. “You, uh, you good there?”
“Yes—snf! Excuse me one momehh—hehh—” He had to let go of the doorframe to cover his mouth, turning away with a harsh, “EHKT’ZZKSHHEW! HEHHT’ZZH-tshieww!” His antlers grew, and the hallway lights flashed wildly for a moment. The shadows cast on the walls stretched and contorted, then settled back into place once Alastor regained a bit of his composure.
Now that he’d backed up further into the light of the hall, Lucifer got a much better look at him—and that didn’t help his claim that he was totally alright. “Holy shit, you look pale. Do you wanna come and sit down?”
He rubbed under his nose before turning to face him. “I suppose I could rest for a moment,” he said, sounding much more reluctant than he actually was. The longer he stood, the more he started to feel dizzy. His legs were getting weak, yet he managed to not sway on his feet as he walked to the couch at one side of the room.
Lucifer sat down next to him. “Can I touch your forehead real quick?”
“What?” His ears flicked back, the question so direct that it caught him off guard. “There’s no need for that. As I said, I am simply tired.”
“Al, you’re shaking. I just want to check.” He reached out and pressed a hand against the sinner’s forehead before it was grabbed and moved away. “You’re burning up,” he stated, furrowing his brow in concern. “Why are you up this late if you’re sick?”
“It’s not that bad.”
Bullshit, he thought. That had to be the reason Alastor was making excuses to be in his room. He just didn’t want to admit that he wanted someone to help him. “Wait…” His eyes widened, and his heart practically melted at the thought. The big, scary Radio Demon doesn’t feel good and wants to be taken care of. “You came here because you wanted me to take care of you, didn’t you? You know, you could’ve just told me instead of making me piece it together through layers of denial.” He kept his tone gentle, careful not to aggravate him now that the facade of strength was crumbling right in front him.
Actually, he was fairly confident that he broke the Radio Demon. Lucifer wasn’t quite sure how antique radios worked, but there were gears turning somewhere in that overtired mind as he searched for words. “I don’t want to be alone,” he finally said. “My magic is… unstable at the moment, and you, Sire, can handle it better than anyone else here.”
“Right, that’s why you chose me. Well, I’ll make sure you don’t blow anything up in your sleep or something.” His smug grin softened into one of reassurance as he looked at the shivering, feverish sinner. “Let me get you some blankets.”
He got up to gather blankets, a pillow, tissues, and provided him with medicine and water. As soon as Alastor laid down and got settled on the couch, he found it hard to keep his eyes open. When his nose started twitching, he simply ducked into the blankets. “Hheh-kzzzshhu! Hih’tkzzhh!”
Lucifer sat beside him, watching over him until he was sure he was asleep. It was hard to tell, because he was pretty sure Alastor was only dozing off for a few minutes at a time before waking up and coughing or grabbing a tissue, but he eventually stilled.
After a half hour or so, he grew restless. He kept shifting position, emitting the sound of crackling static as he did. Sparks of magic started to flicker around him, then grew into unstable wisps of shadow, surrounded in a green glow. He pushed the blankets off of himself, his ears pinned back and his smile more of a grimace. Lucifer looked around at the warped embers of magic, then back at Alastor, hearing his breathing quicken. He frowned at how troubled he looked and gently nudged him. “Al? You still asleep?”
The sinner’s eyes opened and the gloomy haze forming in the room abruptly disappeared. He shakily sat up, sweat glistening on his skin, sniffling and rubbing his eyes.
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I’m too uncomfortable to sleep,” he mumbled in between sniffles. He sounded like he was on the verge of tears. “I feel dreadful…” Too hot and too cold at the same time, utterly exhausted yet unable to stay asleep.
Lucifer knew he had to be feeling bad if he was willing to admit it. The Devil moved closer and put a hand on his back. At first, Alastor tensed, making him pull his hand back, but he then sat back and leaned into the touch. Lucifer took that as permission to start slowly rubbing up and down his back, feeling every bony protrusion of his spine. “Then let me try to make you more comfortable.” He pulled Alastor closer and got him to lay across his lap, covering him back up with a blanket. Lucifer then summoned an ice pack and placed it over his forehead. He put a hand on Alastor’s shoulder, softly stroking him as he watched his eyes close. The deer demon gradually started to relax, soothed by the gentle aura of angelic magic that the King gave off. The only time he moved was to scrub under his sensitive nose, breath shuddering as he muffled another set of sneezes into the blanket.
“Hh-hehh— Heh’kzzhhh! Hhn’tshheh—Eh-HHENKZH’shh! Hh… Hhhngk-shhew!” Lucifer felt every quivering movement each time he curled in on himself. This time, his magic didn’t act up. Lucifer repositioned the ice pack once he was done—and he really hoped that Alastor was done sneezing for a while. The box of tissues was shoved into the crook of the sinner’s arm, a silent way of telling him to stop getting his germs all over the blankets.
Although the two loved to get on each other’s nerves, they also knew how to calm each other when they needed it. Lucifer was left in a rather uncomfortable sleeping position, but it was worth letting Alastor sleep off his fever. How he was supposed to get up with a deer demon laying on him was a problem to solve in the morning.
I have a request if you're open to it!
So, I'm not 100% sure you ship rad/io//app/le, but you can write it as friendship if you aren't a fan of it. Lu/cifer wakes up in the night to Al/as/tor knocking on his door. Al/as/tor brings up all sorts of reasons to stay in Lu/cifer’s room (i.e. checking the pipes and making sure the doors weren’t squeaking) Eventually Lu/cifer has had enough and tells Al/as/tor that he needs to leave. Al/as/tor, looks a little upset, begins to go, but Lu/cifer then notices that Al/as/tor looked a little unwell/sees Al stumble or something. Lu/cifer tells Al/as/tor that he can camp out on the couch if he wants, and Lu/cifer pesters him about what’s up with him. Al/as/tor eventually (after a long long denial period) admits to not feeling well, and that he didn’t particularly want to be alone. Al/as/tor eventually dozes off bc being sick wore him out and Lu/cifer gives him a blanket so he’s not cold and just other random caretaking stuff
it's kinda garbage so tweak as u want and have fun <33
Oooh this is a cute idea! I love r/adioa/pple fluff
I’ll start working on this next!
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infernal-general · 1 year ago
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"Who the fuck you think you are?!" came the outraged yelling after the legion commander could barely dodge the dagger thrown by the seething demon
“The one who can singlehandedly slaughter your whole fucking mercenary horde, you limp dicked bastard!” Rozália snarled viciously, fangs bared, scales creeping onto her face as well with a vivid glow in her fury.
The demon lord Sorgath from Greed had the advantage of height, 10 feet to her 8'5, but that hardly mattered when she already knew his next move before he figured it out himself. Her back harshly met with the table, the strong wood creaking in protest from the amount of force and weight.
Calculative serpent eyes stayed calm despite the demon now on top of her, his long fingers bruisingly wrapped around her neck. Her retaliation punch carried enough force to create momentary distance between their bodies for her legs to snake around his neck in a secure triangle chokehold. Only after fully securing the upper hand she allowed herself to grin, too wide with too sharp teeth, the crimson of her iris steadily bleeding into the sclera.
Rozália wrenched the hand still clawing at her neck away and bent the index finger fully backwards till she felt the tendons tearing. The response was a sweet howl of agony mixed surprise, Sorgath struggling even harder to get her hold loosen, spikes from his body pierced through her iron thighs, yet his screams increased in volume as liquid hellfire flowed onto him from the punctures.
Dark laughter mingled into the symphony of agony, the being hardly resembling to a woman by now.
“Too bad you missed the femoral artery.”
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Was the only ‘warning’ before an another finger was mangled, his scramble at her unbreakable hold growing even more frantic.
"You are mad! You insane bitch!" The commander wheezed out in panic, making her pause for a moment.
“That would be the first correct statement ever leaving your mouth.” she nodded in validation, weaving her legs even tighter to make sure it will be the last as well
The rest of the room was only watching in silent horror until now, Rozália too busy wrestling an another finger into position to notice.
"M-my Lord!" Sorgath tried as last hope "L-ucifer-!!!" the last syllable turning into an another pain filled yell as Rozália accidentally broke the finger at the realization that the King was actually...present during the...what supposed to be a meeting.
“Your Majesty, I can explain.” she stated, still while half underneath the other legion commander with her blood still searing him “Lord Sorgath wanted to send a mercenary group famous for violating everything that moves into a sector of civilians. Then insulted my mother and my female soldiers in such ways I would rather not repeat.”
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tvkissercentral · 3 months ago
I'm honestly happy I've found people who like A/dam but don't like Heaven, because I can just not understand the point of view that Heaven is being unfairly painted as the villain and A/dam somehow proves that. Heaven has essentially caused half, if not most, of the problems within HH's universe.
Nothing Heaven has done in the story is really that forgivable to me, sorry not sorry. They are all so stuck up in their point of view and not feeling the need to explain anything that they practically left the backdoor open for L/ucifer to make the mistake that he did. Yet they still had the gull to blame him and L/ilith for it. They forced a group of humans into a heteronormative sandbox, then stroked A/dam's ego without thinking of the consequences. They then let this ego boosted human exterminate human souls of all things. I see some people blame it on A/dam as his idea, but he's not a high enough authority to completely put that plan into action, he needed backing and he needed enough Heavenly officials to turn a blind eye for him to do exterminations in the first place.
Like, I feel a lot of people overlook the fact Heaven is chalk full of commentary about how easy it can be to condone violence against groups you are lead to believe are "not redeemable" or you have been led to view as "dangerous". Heaven also shows how important nuance is in abusive situations to stop cycles of abuse from happening. For example, if Heaven pushed redemption to begin with, V/alentino probably would not have managed to collect as many desperate souls as he did, and A/ngel D/ust likely would not be in the abusive situation he's in now. Teaching others that there are no second chances only makes people and their situations worse, and Heaven is ultimately responsible for that push in perspective across the board.
Yes, C/harlie is not the best at explaining her idea and its easy to get frustrated with her at points, but I also think it's important to keep in mind the officials in Heaven are the people pinning C/harlie and A/dam against each other in the first place. They let things get this bad, C/harlie and A/dam are just working within the system they were pressured into.
A/dam is a victim just as much as everyone else, and for that reason I can't take the approach that Heaven didn't deserve to be treated as the bad guys. I also think people are forgetting that E/mily is a character too when they say that. Clearly not everyone in Heaven is bad, but the upper management in Heaven is coming from an extremely flawed position.
But at the same time, I think people are really unfair to HH when there is only one season out thus far. We have no idea how the show will approach A/dam's character going forward, or even Heaven for that matter, so.
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foxxsnacks · 3 years ago
Might I inquire about any Netflix Lucifer headcanons?
Oh absolutely anon! Here ya go :)
• Lucifer is definitely a teasing pred, who likes to verbally taunt his prey and press at them while they're inside to get them a little riled up
• However... if the prey is someone he cares about? That teasing definitely gets toned down quite a bit. He still won't hesitate to crack jokes and be an overall nuisance to whatever poor soul (likely Chloe) has to deal with him, but there is also a certain quality of gentleness to him when it comes to anyone he likes or knows well
• definitely loves it when his prey puts up a fight even when he doesn't intend to hurt them, specifically because the squirming just feels nice
• oh but this man will melt if he gets belly rubs
• the first person to ever be that gentle with his insides is, of course, Chloe; and since then it becomes routine whenever she's the one getting tucked inside
• she figures out pretty quickly that it's one of the easiest ways to get him to settle down and relax or sleep and uses it to her advantage whenever he's stressed
• he has those glowing white lights in his stomach that shows his angelic divinity, and he's grumpy about it
• whenever he's out in public with prey his hand always strays to his stomach. He doesn't even really notice that he does it, it's just a subconscious habit for him
• definitely eats Dan a little while after he finds out just to fuck with him
• it leads to him getting lectured by Chloe and being forced to apologize
• Dan can't look him in the eyes after that and Lucifer thinks it's hilarious
• Lucifer attempted to eat Mazikeen once thousands of years ago. He quickly decided to never do that again. It was not worth getting his insides get beaten into a pulp.
• Mazikeen has also likely eaten some people at some point I would think? But doesn't do it regularly unlike Lucifer
Those are all the thoughts I have, really! If anyone has any other ideas though, I'd love to hear 'em 👀
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