hoerbahnblog · 2 years
Hitlerwetter 1a/12 – Begeisterung und Angst und Schrecken – von Tillmann Bendikowski (Auszug)
   C.BERTELSMANN Hitlerwetter Tillmann Bendikowski Einleitung + Begeisterung und Angst und Schrecke (Auszug) 1a/12 – Januar 1939 Literatur Radio Hörbahn stellt dieses Buch in besonderer Weise vor. Können die Menschen in einer Diktatur tatsächlich glücklich an einem Badestrand liegen? Frisch verliebt durch die Straßen schlendern, in ein Café oder ins Kino gehen? Können sie ausgelassen tanzen,…
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doctorwhogirlie · 4 months
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morbidology · 3 days
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This creepy photograph shows serial killer, Joachim Kroll, reenacting one of his murders.
Joachim Georg Kroll was born on April 17, 1933, in Hindenburg (now Zabrze, Poland), during a time of significant upheaval in Europe. The youngest of eight children, Kroll grew up in a poor family, facing the hardships of post-World War II Germany. His father was a soldier in the German Army during the war and was captured by Soviet forces, never returning home. The loss of his father and the subsequent financial and emotional strain on the family deeply affected Kroll's development.
Kroll was reportedly a slow learner and struggled with school, dropping out early. He had a low IQ, estimated to be around 76, and was considered mentally deficient by those who knew him. Despite these challenges, Kroll eventually found work as a factory laborer, living a solitary and unremarkable life on the surface.
Kroll's reign of terror began in 1955 when he committed his first known murder. His victims were primarily young girls and women, although he occasionally targeted young boys. Kroll would lure his victims into secluded areas, where he would assault, murder, and in many cases, mutilate them. What made his crimes particularly gruesome was his practice of cannibalism; Kroll admitted to eating parts of his victims' flesh, which he claimed helped him save money on groceries.
Kroll's method of operation was chillingly methodical. He would often dismember his victims, keeping parts of their bodies for later consumption and disposing of the rest in rivers, forests, or other remote locations. His killings were not driven by a need for material gain or revenge but by a deeply rooted compulsion.
For years, Kroll evaded capture, in part due to his unassuming appearance and demeanor. He was described as quiet, polite, and somewhat simple-minded, which allowed him to fly under the radar of authorities and those around him. Moreover, the police were unable to connect the murders due to the wide geographical spread and varying victim profiles.
Kroll's killing spree finally came to an end on July 3, 1976, after the disappearance of a four-year-old girl named Marion Ketter. Her parents reported her missing, and a large-scale search was initiated. During the search, a neighbor of Kroll’s reported a disturbing incident: Kroll had mentioned that the waste pipe in his apartment was clogged with "guts."
When the police arrived at Kroll's apartment, they discovered a scene of unimaginable horror. The remains of Marion Ketter were found in his kitchen—parts of her body were cooking on the stove, while other parts were stored in the refrigerator. Kroll was immediately arrested, and during his interrogation, he calmly confessed to the murders of at least 14 people over the previous two decades. He provided chilling details of his crimes, showing no remorse for his actions.
Joachim Kroll's trial began in 1982, and the sheer brutality of his crimes shocked the public and the judiciary alike. He was charged with eight counts of murder, as the evidence for these cases was the most concrete, though he admitted to many more. Throughout the trial, Kroll's mental state was a significant point of discussion. He was diagnosed with a severe personality disorder, and his low intelligence was considered by the defense, who argued that he was mentally unfit to stand trial.
Despite these arguments, Kroll was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment on April 8, 1982. He spent the rest of his days in prison, where he reportedly lived quietly, maintaining the same unremarkable persona that had allowed him to elude capture for so long. Joachim Kroll died of a heart attack on July 1, 1991, while still incarcerated.
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jiminysjournal · 4 days
How I would have done The Key to Time:
Tom Baker had been hoping to leave after this season, but the producers talked him into staying. If he had left, he would've last as long as Pertwee, tying them both for longest-lasting Doctor.
I'm curious if, had he regenerated, Mary Tamm may have been more willing to stay, as it would've given her a new dynamic to work with.
Anyway, I'm gonaa break it down, serial-by-serial:
The Ribos Operation
Some pacing would be adjusted, including introducing The Seeker earlier. Honestly, the best Ribosian character.
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The Pirate Planet
Mmm…no notes.
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The Stones of Blood
Cut to three parts, with the courtroom storyline cut entirely (don't worry; it'll come back). Just keep it supernatural. Because, why not?
By the way, Amelia Rumford walked, so River Song could run.
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The Androids of Tara
Cut to three parts. The fourth part is completely unnecessary. Rather than Grendel escaping and then being shot dead by K•9 offscreen, he gets killed by the monster he "saved" Romana from, earlier.
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The Power of Kroll
Replaced with the proposed but unwritten Chris Boucher story about an Earth outpost.
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The Armageddon Factor
The first two episodes are compressed into one, and the last four are compressed into three. The Shadow is, himself, the Black Guardian, removing the need for a tacked-on confrontation.
That being said! The courtroom storyline cut from SoB would be moved here, serving as parts 5 and 6. It would, instead, be the trial of the Black Guardian.
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In one last act of desperation, the Black Guardian kills the Doctor. Because he was killed by a Guardian, he cannot regenerate. As the Black Guardian attempts to take the Key, it instead absorbs itself into the Doctor, and he regenerates…into Lalla Ward.
As a result, the Key is not rescattered (by the way, the Doctor and Romana figure out Astra is the segment earlier), and Astra does not return. But, she lives on, through the Fifth Doctor.
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I'm also curious if a Doctor-playing Lalla might've stayed longer than she did as Romana. Who knows? Who…nose?
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The Right accuses their critics of the conspiracy they themselves engage in
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People on the right have some really weird ideas about their ideological enemies: that we’re “groomers,” that we’re secretly on some billionaire’s payroll, that we hijacked the education system to promulgate revisionist histories, that we steal elections, and, of course, that we are secretly plotting to take over America and subjugate them.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
The weirdest thing about this is that it’s the right that engages in revisionist race-history:
And it’s the right who stole a presidency:
Election-rigging is a right-wing specialty:
It’s the right who pay for fake grassroots activism:
Any time some right-wing politician comes out against queers and calls them groomers, chances are good that he’s spending his free time on Instagram, sending fire emojis to naked boys:
That’s especially true when we’re talking about evangelical youth pastors:
It’s almost like that old playground rebuttal, “I know you are but what am I?” contains a deep political truth:
Of all the absurd libels of the right, the weirdest one is that leftists are secretly funded by woke billionaires spending dark money to foment the overthrow of the USA. The idea of “leftist billionaire” is laughable on its face: how did this imaginary billionaire make their billions while paying a living wage and providing decent working conditions?
But it’s easy to understand how a group of people who are so positively *aslosh* in dark money — people whose every political maneuver is a carefully planned scheme to separate terrified xenophobes and rubes from their money — for “alternative” covid therapies, apocalypse-ready MREs, “sound money” gold coins, and so. much. culture. war. nonsense.
What I’m trying to say is: when the right accuses the left of being driven by cabals of shadowy, crepulent billionaires and their pathetic lickspittle Renfields, it is because the right is indeed in the thrall of those crepulent billionaires.
Meet Leonard Leo, a crepulent, shadowy billionaire. Leo was last seen around these parts when he was revealed to have been the bagman behind the ultradark money group Judicial Crisis Network. After spending $27m to block confirmation for Obama’s SCOTUS pick, Merrick Garland, they spent tens of millions more on campaigns to seat Kavanaugh and Gorsuch. Coney Barrett was seated thanks to a $15.9m campaign to make an unqualified, unhinged ideologue seem like a viable lifetime member of the highest court in the land:
Leo controls the Judicial Crisis Network, which worked with the Federalist Society to allow Trump to appoint a whopping 28% of all US federal judges — lifetime appointments for slavering Renfields who’ll follow his political lead. Witness the firepower of a fully operational billionaire.
Leo’s post-Trump side-hustle is a “Federalist Society for everything” — a secretive, lavishly funded cabal aimed at taking over campuses, corporations, news outlets with an army of “under 40s” conservative operatives. It’s called Teneo, and it was a secret — until its internal memos, videos and other materials leaked to Propublica.
Propublica’s Andy Kroll and Andrea Bernstein collaborated with Documented’s Nick Surgey to report out the leaks, describing how Teneo when from “a dinner club with partisan overtones” to a dark-money juggernaut whose annual donations grew by leaps and bounds (2017, $750k; 2020, $2.3m; 2021, $5m):
These financial good fortunes are not the result of excited small-money donors hoping to help Teneo with its good works — it’s a handful of ultra-wealthy sociopaths hoping to use a minority of willing lackeys to project their will over all of us.
Teneo’s network members are a Monster’s Manual of the wildest wingnuts in public life, from Josh Hawley (who wrote its founding manifesto) to JD Vance to Elise Stefanik to BenShapiro to three of Ron DeSantis’s top aides. Also: federal judge who struck down Biden’s mask mandate and the heads of the Republican Attorneys General Association, Republican State Leadership Committee and Turning Point USA.
The stated goal of Teneo founder Evan Baehr (a tech bro turned conservative organizer) was for Teneo members to infiltrate “the House and the Senate, as governors — one might be elected president.”
In a leaked video, Baehr identifies the “woke” enemy he seeks to vanquish, describing a hypothetical meeting between “a billionaire hedge funder, a film producer, a Harvard professor and a New York Times writer.” These four cook up a plan to give middle-school kids “free access to sex-change therapy paid for by the federal government.” The filmmaker promises to make a documentary to support the project. The Harvard professor promises to falsify studies to reassure people that the therapies are safe. The Times reporter vows to “profile people who feel trapped in the wrong gender.”
This irony is that this unhinged conspiratorialism was hatched by someone who was and is actively conspiring to take over the country with members of his secret society. After years in the wilderness, Baehr connected with Leo, who turned on the money spigots. Together, they recruited an “inner core” of FedSoc members “and recruit[ed] them for either specific roles to serve as judges or to spin up and launch critical projects.”
Other shadowy billionaires piled in: Home Depot’s trumpy founder Bernie Marcus, Charles Koch, and Betsy DeVos and her family. The new “Teneo 2.0” sought to “to help members find jobs, write books, meet spouses, secure start-up financing or nonprofit donors and learn about public service.”
Their vision is to create “Silicon Valley of Conservatism — a powerful network of communities where the most influential young leaders, the biggest ideas, and the most leveraged resources come together to launch key projects that advance our shared belief that the conservative worldview drives human flourishing.”
They funnel money to speakers from the absolute depths of the swamp: Erik “Blackwater” Prince, David Brooks, Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy. New members are assured that their involvement with Teneo is “private and confidential” and the group has kept a low profile — Propublica asked Sheldon Whitehouse — a bitter critic of Leo’s — about the group and got a blank stare.
Teneo’s latest project is to recruit “state attorneys general, state financial officers, state legislators, journalists, media executives and best-in-class public affairs professionals” to fight ESG policies — all the froth you’ve encountered about the evils of ESG are the result of this secret, coordinated project.
(To be clear, ESG is bullshit, but not because it’s bad for capitalism — ESG is a dumpster fire of greenwashing:)
Teneo organizes donors for members who run for local, state and federal office. Will Scharf, who’s hoping to become Missouri’s next attorney general, has received donations from dozens of Teneo members, giving the maximum allowable donation of $2650.
The paranoid style in American politics never went away. From the Witchfinders General of New England to Joe McCarthy and the John Birch Society, there has always been a rump of Americans who are very rich and very frightened and who want to put us all in their place.
For these fevered schemers, the Jack Chick tracts that depicted secret Satanic societies seducing innocent kids through Dungeons and Dragons games were hard-hitting documentaries, and as far as they’re concerned, they’re fighting fire with fire.
Image: Jack Chick https://www.chick.com/products/tract?stk=0046
Tendeo https://www.teneonetwork.com/
Fair use https://www.eff.org/issues/intellectual-property
[Image ID: A page from the Jack Chick tract 'Dark Dungeons,' depicting a sinister society of robed figures gathered in a circle, welcoming in a new initiate. The pentacle on the floor has been replaced with Teneo's stylized 'T' logo. The dialog has been replaced with text from Teneo's 2019 Community Vision report: 'The Silicon Valley of Conservatism — a powerful network of communities where the most influential young leaders, the biggest ideas, and the most leveraged resources come together to launch key projects that advance our shared belief that the conservative worldview drives human flourishing.]
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sataniccapitalist · 2 months
Ziklag Exposed: Secretive Christian Nationalist Network Tries to Purge Voters in Battleground States
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump made headlines this week after suggesting the 2024 election could be the last U.S. election if he wins in November. We look at a secret organization of wealthy Christians called Ziklag that is backing Trump's efforts by working to purge more than a million voters from the rolls in battleground states and mobilize Republican voters to back Trump. The news outlets ProPublica and Documented obtained thousands of Ziklag's internal files and found the group has divided its 2024 activities into three different operations: Steeplechase, which uses churches to get out the vote; Watchtower, which aims to rally voters around opposition to transgender rights; and Checkmate, which is focused on funding so-called election integrity groups, explains ProPublica investigative reporter Andy Kroll.
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rassilonwatchathon · 6 months
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It's the 9 year anniversary of The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon, so this month we're sharing our older episodes!
FOURTH DOCTOR SEASON SIXTEEN (March 12th, 2019-June 11th, 2019) Episode 98- The Ribos Operation (Binro WAS Right) w/ @truestoriesaboutme & Felicity Kusinitz Episode 99- The Pirate Planet (A Very Very Good Sandwich) Episode 100- The Stones of Blood (Rad Frocks Represent) w/ @radiantbaby Episode 101- The Androids of Tara (2 Brash 2 Young 2 David) w/ Mike Gordon Episode 102- The Power of Kroll (Kroll Show) WHOlanta Special- The Macra Terror (The Macra DO Exist!) w/ R. Alan Siler, @mgoldentumbls, & Mike Gordon Episode 103- The Armageddon Factor (You Can’t Just Steal a Dog!)
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adventure-showdown · 1 year
Fourth Doctor Rankings
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the DWM rank is the rank from Doctor Who Magazine earlier this year, the change (in brackets) is calculated as though Key to Time was not included
you can the scores for each story here
image description under the cut
ID: a table, the header row reads, RANK, STORY, DWM RANK, the contents is
1, City of Death, 1 (0)
2, The Robots of Death, 4 (+2)
3, Genesis of the Daleks, 2 (-1)
4, The Pirate Planet, 17 (+13)
5, Horror of Fang Rock, 8 (+3)
6, State of Decay, 15 (+9)
7, Logopolis, 12 (+5)
8, The Keeper of Traken, 14 (+6)
9, The Face of Evil, 21 (+12)
10, The Seeds of Doom, 6 (-4)
11, The Stones of Blood, 13 (+2)
12, The Deadly Assassin, 10 (-2)
13, The Horns of Nimon, 40 (+28)
14, The Ribos Operation, 20 (+6)
15, The Key to Time, NA
16, Pyramids of Mars, 3 (-12
17, The Ark in Space, 9 (-7)
18, Warriors' Gate, 16 (-1)
19, The Androids of Tara, 18 (0)
20, Terror of the Zygons, 7 (-12)
21, The Hand of Fear, 19 (-1)
21, The Sunmakers, 29 (9)
23, The Brain of Morbius, 11 (-11)
24, The Invasion of Time, 36 (+13)
25, Full Circle, 25 (+1)
26, The Masque of Mandragora, 26 (+1)
27, Planet of Evil, 24 (-2)
28, Image of the Fendahl, 22 (-5)
29, Robot, 23 (-5)
30, The Android Invasion, 28 (-1)
31, Nightmare of Eden, 33 (+3)
32, The Armageddon Factor, 37 (+6)
33, The Leisure Hive, 32 (0)
34, The Sontaran Experiment, 27 (-6)
35, Destiny of the Daleks, 30 (-4)
36, The Creature from the Pit, 35 (0)
37, Meglos, 39 (+3)
38, Revenge of the Cybermen, 31 (-6)
39, The Power of Kroll, 38 (0)
40, The Invisible Enemy, 34 (-5)
41, The Talons of Weng-Chiang, 5 (-35)
42, Underworld, 41 (0)
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quakerjoe · 2 months
Ziklag Exposed: Secretive Christian Nationalist Network Tries to Purge Voters in Battleground States
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump made headlines this week after suggesting the 2024 election could be the last U.S. election if he wins in November. We look at a secret organization of wealthy "Christians" called Ziklag that is backing Trump's efforts by working to purge more than a million voters from the rolls in battleground states and mobilize Republican voters to back Trump.
The news outlets ProPublica and Documented obtained thousands of Ziklag's internal files and found the group has divided its 2024 activities into three different operations: Steeplechase, which uses churches to get out the vote; Watchtower, which aims to rally voters around opposition to transgender rights; and Checkmate, which is focused on funding so-called election integrity groups, explains ProPublica investigative reporter Andy Kroll.
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Andy Kroll and Nick Surgey at ProPublica:
A network of ultrawealthy Christian donors is spending nearly $12 million to mobilize Republican-leaning voters and purge more than a million people from the rolls in key swing states, aiming to tilt the 2024 election in favor of former President Donald Trump. These previously unreported plans are the work of a group named Ziklag, a little-known charity whose donors have included some of the wealthiest conservative Christian families in the nation, including the billionaire Uihlein family, who made a fortune in office supplies, the Greens, who run Hobby Lobby, and the Wallers, who own the Jockey apparel corporation. Recipients of Ziklag’s largesse include Alliance Defending Freedom, which is the Christian legal group that led the overturning of Roe v. Wade, plus the national pro-Trump group Turning Point USA and a constellation of right-of-center advocacy groups.
Ziklag’s 2024 agenda reads like the work of a political organization. It plans to pour money into mobilizing voters in Arizona who are “sympathetic to Republicans” in order to secure “10,640 additional unique votes” — almost the exact margin of President Joe Biden’s win there in 2020. The group also intends to use controversial AI software to enable mass challenges to the eligibility of hundreds of thousands of voters in competitive states. In a recording of a 2023 internal strategy discussion, a Ziklag official stressed that the objective was the same in other swing states. “The goal is to win,” the official said. “If 75,000 people wins the White House, then how do we get 150,000 people so we make sure we win?”
According to the Ziklag files, the group has divided its 2024 activities into three different operations targeting voters in battleground states: Checkmate, focused on funding so-called election integrity groups; Steeplechase, concentrated on using churches and pastors to get out the vote; and Watchtower, aimed at galvanizing voters around the issues of “parental rights” and opposition to transgender rights and policies supporting health care for trans people. In a member briefing video, one of Ziklag’s spiritual advisers outlined a plan to “deliver swing states” by using an anti-transgender message to motivate conservative voters who are exhausted with Trump.
But Ziklag is not a political organization: It is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity, the same legal designation as the United Way or Boys and Girls Club. Such organizations do not have to publicly disclose their funders, and donations are tax deductible. In exchange, they are “absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office,” according to the IRS. ProPublica and Documented presented the findings of their investigation to six nonpartisan lawyers and legal experts. All expressed concern that Ziklag was testing or violating the law. The reporting by ProPublica and Documented “casts serious doubt on this organization’s status as a 501(c)(3) organization,” said Roger Colinvaux, a professor at Catholic University’s Columbus School of Law.
“Dominion Over the Seven Mountains”
Ziklag has largely escaped scrutiny until now. The group describes itself as a “private, confidential, invitation-only community of high-net-worth Christian families.” According to internal documents, it boasts more than 125 members that include business executives, pastors, media leaders and other prominent conservative Christians. Potential new members, one document says, should have a “concern for culture” demonstrated by past donations to faith-based or political causes, as well as a net worth of $25 million or more. None of the donors responded to requests for comment.
Tax records show rapid growth in the group’s finances in recent years. Its annual revenue climbed from $1.3 million in 2018 to $6 million in 2019 and nearly $12 million in 2022, which is the latest filing available. The group’s spending is not on the scale of major conservative funders such as Miriam Adelson or Barre Seid, the electronics magnate who gave $1.6 billion to a group led by conservative legal activist Leonard Leo. But its funding and strategy represent one of the clearest links yet between the Christian right and the “election integrity” movement fueled by Trump’s baseless claims about voting fraud. Even several million dollars funding mass challenges to voters in swing counties can make an impact, legal and election experts say.
Ziklag was the brainchild of a Silicon Valley entrepreneur named Ken Eldred. It emerged from a previous organization founded by Eldred called United In Purpose, which aimed to get more Christians active in the civic arena, according to Bill Dallas, the group’s former director. United In Purpose generated attention in June 2016 when it organized a major meeting between then-candidate Trump and hundreds of evangelical leaders.
After Trump was elected in 2016, Eldred had an idea, according to Dallas. “He says, ‘I want all the wealthy Christian people to come together,’” Dallas recalled in an interview. Eldred told Dallas that he wanted to create a donor network like the one created by Charles and David Koch but for Christians. He proposed naming it David’s Mighty Men, Dallas said. Female members balked. Dallas found the passage in Chronicles that references David’s soldiers and read that they met in the city of Ziklag, and so they chose the name Ziklag.
The group’s stature grew after Trump took office. Vice President Mike Pence appeared at a Ziklag event, as did former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, Sen. Ted Cruz, then-Rep. Mark Meadows and other members of Congress. In its private newsletter, Ziklag claims that a coalition of groups it assembled played “a hugely significant role in the selection, hearings and confirmation process” of Amy Coney Barrett for a Supreme Court seat in late 2020.
Confidential donor networks regularly invest hundreds of millions of dollars into political and charitable groups, from the liberal Democracy Alliance to the Koch-affiliated Stand Together organization on the right. But unlike Ziklag, neither of those organizations is legally set up as a true charity. Ziklag appears to be the first coordinated effort to get wealthy donors to fund an overtly Christian nationalist agenda, according to historians, legal experts and other people familiar with the group. “It shows that this idea isn’t being dismissed as fringe in the way that it might have been in the past,” said Mary Ziegler, a legal historian and University of California, Davis law professor. The Christian nationalism movement has a variety of aims and tenets, according to the Public Religion Research Institute: that the U.S. government “should declare America a Christian nation”; that American laws “should be based on Christian values”; that the U.S. will cease to exist as a nation if it “moves away from our Christian foundations”; that being Christian is essential to being American; and that God has “called Christians to exercise dominion over all areas of American society.”
One theology promoted by Christian nationalist leaders is the Seven Mountain Mandate. Each mountain represents a major industry or a sphere of public life: arts and media, business, church, education, family, government, and science and technology. Ziklag’s goal, the documents say, is to “take dominion over the Seven Mountains,” funding Christian projects or installing devout Christians in leadership positions to reshape each mountain in a godly way. To address their concerns about education, Ziklag’s leaders and allies have focused on the public-school system. In a 2021 Ziklag meeting, Ziklag’s education mountain chair, Peter Bohlinger, said that Ziklag’s goal “is to take down the education system as we know it today.” The producers of the film “Sound of Freedom,” featuring Jim Caviezel as an anti-sex-trafficking activist, screened an early cut of the film at a Ziklag conference and asked for funds, according to Dallas.
[...] A driving force behind Ziklag’s efforts is Lance Wallnau, a prominent Christian evangelist and influencer based in Texas who is described by Ziklag as a “Seven Mountains visionary & advisor.” The fiery preacher is one of the most influential figures on the Christian right, experts say, a bridge between Christian nationalism and Trump. He was one of the earliest evangelical leaders to endorse Trump in 2015 and later published a book titled “God’s Chaos Candidate: Donald J. Trump and the American Unraveling.” More than 1 million people follow him on Facebook. He doesn’t try to hide his views: “Yes, I am a Christian nationalist,” he said during one of his livestreams in 2021. (Wallnau did not respond to requests for comment.)
“Operation Checkmate”
In the fall of 2023, Wallnau sat in a gray armchair in his TV studio. A large TV screen behind him flashed a single word: “ZIKLAG.” “You almost hate to put it out this clearly,” he said as he detailed Ziklag’s electoral strategy, “because if somebody else gets ahold of this, they’ll freak out.” He was joined on set by Hiss, who had just become the group’s new day-to-day leader. The two men were there to record a special message to Ziklag members that laid out the group’s ambitious plans for the upcoming election year. The forces arrayed against Christians were many, according to the confidential video. They were locked in a “spiritual battle,” Hiss said, against Democrats who were a “radical left Marxist force.” Biden, Wallnau said, was a senile old man and “an empty suit with an agenda that’s written and managed by somebody else.”
[...] A prominent conservative getting money from Ziklag is Cleta Mitchell, a lawyer and Trump ally who joined the January 2021 phone call when then-President Trump asked Georgia’s secretary of state to “find” enough votes to flip Georgia in Trump’s favor. Mitchell now leads a network of “election integrity” coalitions in swing states that have spent the last three years advocating for changes to voting rules and how elections are run. According to one internal newsletter, Ziklag was an early funder of Mitchell’s post-2020 “election integrity” activism, which voting-rights experts have criticized for stoking unfounded fears about voter fraud and seeking to unfairly remove people from voting rolls. In 2022, Ziklag donated $600,000 to the Conservative Partnership Institute, which in turn funds Mitchell’s election-integrity work. Internal Ziklag documents show that it provided funding to enable Mitchell to set up election integrity infrastructure in Florida, North Carolina and Wisconsin.
[...] For Operation Watchtower, Wallnau explained in a members-only video that transgender policy was a “wedge issue” that could be decisive in turning out voters tired of hearing about Trump. The left had won the battle over the “homosexual issue,” Wallnau said. “But on transgenderism, there’s a problem and they know it.” He continued: “They’re gonna wanna talk about Trump, Trump, Trump. … Meanwhile, if we talk about ‘It’s not about Trump. It’s about parents and their children, and the state is a threat,’” that could be the “target on the forehead of Goliath.” The Ziklag files describe tactics the group plans to use around parental rights — policies that make it easier for parents to control what’s taught in public schools — to turn out conservative voters. In a fundraising video, the group says it plans to underwrite a “messaging and data lab” focused on parental rights that will supply “winning messaging to all our partner groups to create unified focus among all on the right.” The goal, the video says, is to make parental rights “the difference-maker in the 2024 election.”
According to Wallnau, Ziklag also plans to fund ballot initiatives in seven key states — Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Montana, Nevada and Ohio — that take aim at the transgender community by seeking to ban “genital mutilation.” The seven states targeted are either presidential battlegrounds or have competitive U.S. Senate races. None of the initiatives is on a state ballot yet. “People that are lethargic about the election or, worse yet, they’re gonna be all Trump-traumatized with the news cycle — this issue will get people to come out and vote,” Wallnau said. “That ballot initiative can deliver swing states.” The last prong of Ziklag’s 2024 strategy is Operation Steeplechase, which urges conservative pastors to mobilize their congregants to vote in this year’s election. This project will work in coordination with several prominent conservative groups that support former president Trump’s reelection, such as Turning Point USA’s faith-based group, the Faith and Freedom Coalition run by conservative operative Ralph Reed and the America First Policy Institute, one of several groups closely allied with Trump.
ProPublica takes a look at a secretive Christian Nationalist organization called Ziklag, a network of ultrawealthy Christian donors seeking to mobilize Republican-leaning voters to turn out for the general election with three different operations: Checkmate, Steeplechase, and Watchtower.
Read the full story at ProPublica.
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lucascecil · 1 year
Fourth Doctor - Project: Blue Box
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TV stories
◆ Robot
◆ The Ark in Space
◆ The Sontaran Experiment
◆ Genesis of the Daleks
◆ Revenge of the Cybermen
◆ Terror of the Zygons
◆ Planet of Evil
◆ Pyramids of Mars
◆ The Android Invasion
◆ The Brain of Morbius
◆ The Seeds of Doom
◆ The Masque of the Mandragora
◆ The Hand of Fear
◆ The Deadly Assassin
◆ The Face of Evil
◆ The Robots of Death
◆ The Talons of Weng-Chiang
◆ Horror of Fang Rock
◆ The Invisible Enemy
◆ Image of the Fendahl
◆ The Sun Makers
◆ Underworld
◆ The Invasion of Time
◆ The Ribos Operation
◆ The Pirate Planet
◆ The Stones of Blood
◆ The Androids of Tara
◆ The Power of Kroll
◆ The Armageddon Factor
◆ Destiny of the Daleks
◆ City of Death
◆ The Creature from the Pit
◆ Nightmare of Eden
◆ The Horns of Nimon
◆ Shada
◆ The Leisure Hive
◆ Meglos
◆ Full Circle
◆ State of Decay
◆ Warrior’s Gate
◆ The Keeper of Traken
◆ Logopolis
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Audio stories
- 4th Doctor Adventures & Audio Novels
◆ The Watchers
◆ Night of the Stormcrow
◆ Destination: Nerva
◆ The Renaissance Man
◆ The Wrath of the Iceni
◆ Energy of the Daleks
◆ Trail of the White Worm/The Oseidon Adventures
◆ The Auntie Matter
◆ The Sands of Life/War Against the Laan
◆ The Justice of Jalxar
◆ Phantoms of the Deep
◆ The Dalek Contract/The Final Phase
◆ The King of Sontar
◆ White Ghosts
◆ The Crooked Man
◆ The Evil One
◆ Last of the Colophon
◆ Destroy the Infinite
◆ The Abandoned
◆ Zygon Hunt
◆ The Exxilons
◆ The Darkness of Glass
◆ Requiem for the Rocket Men
◆ Death Match
◆ Suburban Hell
◆ The Cloisters of Terror
◆ The Fate of Krelos/Return to Telos
◆ Wave of Destruction
◆ The Labyrinth of Buda Castle
◆ The Paradox Planet/Legacy of Death
◆ Gallery of Ghouls
◆ The Trouble with Drax
◆ The Pursuit of History/Casualties of Time
◆ The Beast of Kravenos
◆ The Eternal Battle
◆ The Silent Scream
◆ Dethras
◆ The Haunting of Malkin Place
◆ Subterranea
◆ The Mavellan Grave
◆ The Skin of the Sleek/The Thief Who Stole Time
◆ The Sons of Kaldor
◆ The Crowmarsh Experiment
◆ The Mind Runners/The Demon Rises
◆ The Shadow of London
◆ The Bad Penny
◆ Kill the Doctor!/The Age of Sutekh
◆ The Sinestran Kill
◆ Planet of the Drashigs
◆ The Enchantress of Numbers
◆ The False Guardian/Time’s Assassin
◆ Fever Island
◆ The Perfect Prisoners
◆ Purgatory 12
◆ Chase the Night
◆ The Planet of the Witches
◆ The Quest of the Engineer
◆ Shadow of the Sun
◆ The World Traders
◆ The Day of the Comet
◆ The Tribulations of Thadeus Nook
◆ The Primeval Design
◆ Blood of the Time Lords
◆ The Ravencliff Witch
◆ The Dreams of Avarice
◆ Shellshock
◆ Peake Season
◆ Ice Heist
◆ Antilia the Lost
◆ The Wizard of Time
◆ The Friendly Invasion
◆ Stone Cold
◆ The Ghost of Margaret
◆ Storm of the Sea Devils
◆ World Beyond
◆ Matryoshka
◆ The Caged Assassin
◆ Metamorphosis
◆ The Face in the Storm
◆ Dominant Species
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- The Companion Chronicles
◆ The Child
◆ The Catalyst
◆ Empathy Games
◆ The Time Vampire
◆ Ferril’s Folly
◆ Tales from the Vault
◆ The Stealers from Saiph
◆ The Beautiful People
◆ The Pyralis Effect
◆ Luna Romana
◆ The Invasion of E-Space
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- The Lost Stories
◆ The Foe from the Future
◆ The Valley of Death
◆ The Doomsday Contract
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- Past Doctors, New Monsters
◆ Night of the Vashta Nerada
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- Phillip Hinchcliffe Presents
◆ The Ghosts of Gralstead
◆ The Devil’s Armada
◆ The Genesis Chamber
◆ The Helm of Awe
◆ The God of Panthoms
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- Short Trips
◆ #HarrySullivan
◆ Collector’s Item
◆ The Wondrous Box
◆ How to Win Planets and Influence People
◆ Chain Reaction
◆ Only Connect
◆ Deleted Scenes
◆ The Revisionists
◆ Death-Dealer
◆ The Ghost Trap
◆ Black Dog
◆ The Beast of Muir
◆ Sound the Siren and I’ll Come To You Comrade
◆ The Smallest Bride
◆ String Theory
◆ I Am the Master
◆ The Warren Legacy
◆ The Doctor’s First XI
◆ The Old Rogue
◆ Breadcrumbs
◆ Waiting for Gadot
◆ A Full Life
◆ Messages from the Dead
◆ Erasure
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◆ The Romance of Crime
◆ System Shock
◆ Managra
◆ The English Way of Crime
◆ The Shadow of Weng-Chiang
◆ A Device of Death
◆ The Well-Mannered War
◆ Eye of Heaven
◆ Last Man Running
◆ Millenium Shock
◆ Corpse Maker
◆ Tomb of Valdemar
◆ Festival of Death
◆ Asylum
◆ Psi-ence
◆ Drift
◆ Wolfsbane
◆ Match of the Day
◆ The Drasten Curse
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dailyclassicwho · 2 years
Doctor Who Stories
Season 01
001. An Unearthly Child 002. The Daleks 003. The Edge of Destruction 004. Marco Polo 005. The Keys of Marinus 006. The Aztecs 007. The Sensorites 008. The Reign of Terror
Season 02
009. Planet of Giants 010. The Dalek Invasion of Earth 011. The Rescue 012. The Romans 013. The Web Planet 014. The Crusade 015. The Space Museum 016. The Chase 017. The Time Meddler
Season 03
018. Galaxy Four 019. Mission to the Unknown 020. The Myth Makers 021. The Daleks' Master Plan 022. The Massace of St. Bartholomews Eve 023. The Ark 024. The Celestial Toymaker 025. The Gunfighters 026. The Savages 027. The War Machines
Season 04
028. The Smugglers 029. The Tenth Planet 030. The Power of the Daleks 031. The Highlanders 032. The Underwater Menace 033. The Moonbase 034. The Macra Terror 035. The Faceless Ones 036. The Evil of the Daleks
Season 05
037. The Tomb of the Cybermen 038. The Adbominable Snowmen 039. The Ice Warriors 040. The Enemy of the World 041. The Web of Fear 042. Fury From the Deep 043. The Wheel in Space
Season 06
044. The Dominators 045. The Mind Robber 046. The Invasion 047. The Krotons 048. The Seeds of Death 049. The Space Pirates 050. The War Games
Season 07
051. Spearhead From Space 052. The Silurians 053. The Ambassadors of Death 054. Inferno
Season 08
055. Terror of the Autons 056. The Mind of Evil 057. The Claw of Axos 058. Colony in Space 059. The Daemons
Season 09
060. Day of the Daleks 061. The Curse of Peladon 062. The Sea Devils 063. The Mutants 064. The Time Monster
Season 10
065. The Three Doctors 066. The Carnival of Monsters 067. The Frontier of Space 068. Planet of the Daleks 069. The Green Death
Season 11
070. The Time Warrior 071. Invasion of the Dinosaurs 072. Death to the Daleks 073. The Monster of Peladon 074. Planet of the Spiders
Season 12
075. Robot 076. The Ark in Space 077. The Sontaran Experiment 078. Genesis of the Daleks 079. Revenge of the Cybermen
Season 13
080. Terror of the Zygons 081. Planet of Evil 082. Pyramids of Mars 083. The Android Invasion 084. The Brain of Morbius 085. The Seeds of Doom
Season 14
086. The Masque of Mandragora 087. The Hand of Fear 088. The Deadly Assassin 089. The Face of Evil 090. The Robots of Death 091. The Talons of Weng-Chiang
Season 15
092. Horror of Fang Rock 093. The Invisible Enemy 094. Image of the Fendahl 095. The Sunmakers 096. Underworld 097. The Invasion of Time
Season 16 (The Key to Time)
098. The Ribos Operation 099. The Pirate Planet 100. The Stones of Blood 101. The Androids of Tara 102. The Power of Kroll 103. The Armageddon Factor
Season 17
104. Destiny of the Daleks 105. City of Death 106. The Creature From the Pit 107. Nightmare of Eden 108. The Horns of Nimon 108.5. Shada
Season 18
109. The Leisure Hive 110. Meglos 111. Full Circle 112. State of Decay 113. Warriors' Gate 114. The Keeper of Traken 115. Logopolis
Season 19
116. Castrovalva 117. Four to Doomsday 118. Kinda 119. The Visitation 120. Black Orchid 121. Earthshock 122. Time-Flight
Season 20
123. Arc of Infinity 124. Snakedance 125. Mawdryn Undead 126. Terminus 127. Englightenment 128. The King's Demons 129. The Five Doctors
Season 21
130. Warriors of the Deep 131. The Awakening 132. Frontios 133. Resurrection of the Daleks 134. Planet of Fire 135. The Caves of Androzani
Season 22
136. Attack of the Cybermen 137. Vengeance on Varos 138. The Mark of the Rani 139. The Two Doctors 140. Timelash 141. Revelation of the Daleks
Season 23 (Trial of a Timelord)
143A. The Mysterious Planet 143B. Mindwarp 143C. Terror of the Vervoids 143D. The Ultimate Foe
Season 24
144. Time and the Rani 145. Paradise Towers 146. Delta and the Bannermen 147. Dragonfire
Season 25
148. Remembrance of the Daleks 149. The Happiness Patrol 150. Silver Nemesis 151. The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
Season 26
152. Battlefield 153. Ghost Light 154. The Curse of Fenric 155. Survival
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shortangel333 · 2 years
Doctor Who The Key To Time Review
Doctor Who The Ribos Operation - 5/10 This one just drags. The 2022 7th Doctor Ribos story was slightly more interesting but I don’t see why they needed to return to such a bland setting. Doctor Who The Pirate Planet - 8/10 I know this is considered Douglas Adams's weakest contribution to Doctor Who but I had so much fun with this, there are so many cool ideas going on here that my only problem is that it's just a bit too messy. The Pirate Villain guy is so camp, love him. Doctor Who The Stones Of Blood - 10/10 Damn this one is as good as everyone says it is. It’s got comedy, horror, and mystery, all things that make a great episode. Amelia Rumford is an amazing side character. Doctor Who The Androids Of Tara - 5/10 This one also just drags. It’s just some boring marriage 4part run around with an evil person who clearly will not get what they want in the end. This one has great costumes, and interesting characters, it just needs an actual plot instead of filler, filler and more filler. Doctor Who The Power Of Kroll - 2/10 This one is just so boring. Doctor Who The Armageddon Factor - 5/10 This… was a mess. I feel that the pacing is very wonky, especially for a concluding story to a series-long arc, now I see where New Who gets it from. I think if Parts 1-4 were shortened to 2 parts, parts 5/6 were fixed with their rushed pacing and 2 parts were spent with the Black and White Guardians concluding the Key to Time saga, then the full story would have been a bit better. And Drax? Personally, for me, dropping a rando timelord character the Doctor knew once in Part 5 or 6 was weird but not establishing him earlier in the series is the bigger sin here. Overall, this was boring then confusing.
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tushar38 · 2 days
Cloud-Based Information Governance Market: Challenges and Opportunities
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 Introduction to cloud-based information governance market
The cloud-based information governance market is growing rapidly as businesses prioritize data management and compliance. With the increase in data breaches and regulatory demands, organizations are turning to cloud solutions to manage their information assets securely. Cloud-based information governance integrates security, data privacy, and compliance frameworks, providing real-time control and insight over critical data. This market is driven by the need for scalable solutions, flexibility, and the ability to streamline complex governance processes while minimizing costs and risks.
The Cloud-Based Information Governance Market is Valued xxxx and projected to reach USD XX billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 19.8% During the Forecast period of 2024-2032..As enterprises move more operations to the cloud, the need for sophisticated governance frameworks has grown. Cloud-based governance allows organizations to control data access, retention, and disposal in a secure, scalable environment. The market serves industries such as healthcare, finance, legal, and government, all of which face stringent regulatory requirements. The global market is expected to expand significantly due to increasing digitization and cloud adoption.to streamline operations and reduce costs. In response, key players are focusing on developing scalable and customizable AR solutions, further driving market growth.
Access Full Report :https://www.marketdigits.com/checkout/371?lic=s
Major Classifications are as follows:
By Type
Simple Storage and Retrieval
Basic Document Management
Complex Document Management
Functional Applications with Document Storage
Social Networking Applications with Document Storage
By Application
Public Sector
IT & Telecommunication
Key Region/Countries are Classified as Follows:
◘ North America (United States, Canada,) ◘ Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina,) ◘ Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia) ◘ Europe (UK,Germany,France,Italy,Spain,Russia,) ◘ The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South
Key Players of cloud-based information governance market
MC, HP Autonomy, IBM, Symantec, AccessData, Amazon, BIA, Catalyst, Cicayda, Daegis, Deloitte, Ernst and Young, FTI, Gimmal, Google, Guidance Software, Index Engines, Iron Mountain, Konica Minolta, Kroll Ontrak, Microsoft, Mimecast, Mitratech, Proofpoint, RenewData, RSD and TransPerfect among others.
Market Drivers in Cloud-Based Information Governance Market
Regulatory Compliance: Increasing regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA compel organizations to adopt advanced information governance solutions.
Data Growth: The exponential increase in data generation has driven demand for scalable governance solutions to manage, secure, and retain information effectively.
Cloud Adoption: Enterprises' transition to cloud infrastructure for cost-effectiveness and flexibility fuels the demand for integrated information governance solutions.
Market Challenges in Cloud-Based Information Governance Market
Data Privacy Concerns: Cloud-based governance solutions may face resistance due to apprehensions about data privacy and control over sensitive information.
Compliance Complexity: Navigating the varying global and regional compliance requirements is complex, especially in highly regulated industries like healthcare and finance.
Integration Issues: Seamless integration with legacy systems can be challenging, which can delay implementation and add complexity to the governance process.
Market Opportunities in Cloud-Based Information Governance Market
AI & Automation: Integrating AI into cloud-based governance solutions can automate compliance monitoring, data classification, and risk management, enhancing efficiency.
SME Adoption: As small and medium enterprises increase cloud adoption, they represent a growing market segment that requires tailored governance solutions.
Cross-Industry Application: Expanding into industries with new data regulations (e.g., education, retail) presents growth opportunities.
The cloud-based information governance market is poised for significant growth as companies continue to migrate to the cloud while prioritizing data security and compliance. Though challenges like data privacy concerns and regulatory complexities persist, the market is well-positioned for expansion, driven by increased cloud adoption, AI integration, and the need for robust governance frameworks across industries. Enterprises and SMEs alike are recognizing the strategic importance of information governance, offering opportunities for market players to innovate and meet evolving governance needs.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
The story of Richard and Mildred Loving, an interracial couple, whose challenge of their anti-miscegenation arrest for their marriage in Virginia led to a legal battle that would end at the US Supreme Court. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Richard Loving: Joel Edgerton Mildred Loving: Ruth Negga Grey Villet: Michael Shannon Sheriff Brooks: Marton Csokas Bernie Cohen: Nick Kroll Frank Beazley: Bill Camp Lola Loving: Sharon Blackwood Raymond Green: Alano Miller Garnet Jetter: Terri Abney Judge Bazile: David Jensen Phil Hirschkop: Jon Bass Theoliver Jeter: Christopher Mann Musiel Byrd-Jeter: Winter-Lee Holland Deputy: Michael Abbott Jr. Percy Fortune: Chris Greene Virgil: Will Dalton Chet Antieau: Matt Malloy Laura: Andrene Ward-Hammond Alex: D.L. Hopkins Hope Ryden: Jennifer Joyner Cousin Davis: Lance Lemon Cousin Gerald: Marquis Adonis Hazelwood Older Sydney: Brenan Young Older Donald: Dalyn Cleckley Older Peggy: Quinn McPherson Middle Sidney: Jevin Crochrell Middle Donald: Jordan Williams Jr. Middle Peggy: Georgia Crawford Toddler Sydney: Micah Claiborne Baby Sydney: Devin Cleckley Infant Sydney: Pryor Ferguson Clara – Cashier: Karen Vicks Reporter #1: Scott Wichmann Construction Worker: Benjamin Loeh Court Secretary: Bridget Gethins Store Pedestrian: Mark Huber Drag Race Spectator: James Matthew Poole Secretary: Coley Campany Secretary: Sheri Lahris Construction Worker: Jordan Dickey Telephone Man: Coby Batty Drag Race Spectator / Bar Patron: Chris Condetti Richard’s Racing Crew: Logan J. Woolfolk County Clerk: Robert Haulbrook Bricklayer: Keith Tyree Spectator: James Nevins Prisoner: W. Keith Scott Photojournalist: Tom Lancaster Street Walker: Lonnie M. Henderson Court Audience Member: Brian Thomas Wise Drag Race Spectator: Ken Holliday Antieau’s Secretary: Terry Menefee Gau Driver: Marc Anthony Lowe Racetrack Spectator: Jay SanGiovanni D.C Teen: Tyrell Ford Baby Boy #1: James Atticus Abebayehu Phil’s Dad: Jim D. Johnston …: Derick Newson Boarding House Boy: Miles Hopkins Construction Worker: Kenneth William Clarke Reporter: Robert Furner Secretary: Victoria Chavatel Jimison Field Hand / Drag Strip Attendee / Shot Gun Shack Attendee (uncredited): Darrick Claiborne Courtroom Spectator (uncredited): Raymond H. Johnson Drag Race Driver: Dean Mumford Pregnant Girl: Rebecca Turner Magistrate: Mike Shiflett County Jailer: Greg Cooper Supreme Court Reporter: A. Smith Harrison Press Conference Reporter: Keith Flippen Soundman: Jason Alan Cook Courtroom Spectator (uncredited): Lucas N. Hall Film Crew: Director: Jeff Nichols Editor: Julie Monroe Producer: Peter Saraf Executive Producer: Jack Turner Executive Producer: Jared Ian Goldman Executive Producer: Brian Kavanaugh-Jones Unit Production Manager: Sarah Green Art Direction: Jonathan Guggenheim Casting: Francine Maisler Production Design: Chad Keith Storyboard: Nancy Buirski Associate Producer: Oge Egbuono Producer: Colin Firth Producer: Marc Turtletaub Set Decoration: Adam Willis Producer: Ged Doherty Unit Production Manager: Will Greenfield Costume Design: Erin Benach Music Supervisor: Lauren Mikus Original Music Composer: David Wingo Still Photographer: Ben Rothstein Director of Photography: Adam Stone Script Supervisor: Jean-Paul Chreky Special Effects Coordinator: Gary Pilkinton Special Effects Technician: Trevor Smithson Property Master: A. Patrick Storey First Assistant Director: Cas Donovan Second Assistant Director: Tommy Martin Stunt Driver: Dean Mumford Key Makeup Artist: Katie Middleton Second Second Assistant Director: Ben LeDoux Construction Buyer: Roslyn Blankenship Assistant Property Master: Hannah Ross Dialogue Editor: Brandon Proctor Genetator Operator: Maxwel Fisher Post Production Supervisor: Susan E. Novick Boom Operator: Proctor Trivette Leadman: Stephen G. Shifflette Second Assistant “A” Camera: Stephen McBride Sound Effects Editor: David Grimaldi Foley Mixer: Judy Kirschner Makeup Department Head: Julia Lallas Hairstylist: Brian Morton Sound Effects Editor: Joel Dougherty ADR Mixer: Chris Navarro Sound Effects Editor: P.K. Hooker ...
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The global demand for Digital Forensics was valued at USD 9817.2 Million in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 29964.3 Million in 2032, growing at a CAGR of 13.20% between 2024 and 2032.In the digital age, where every aspect of life is increasingly mediated by technology, the importance of digital forensics cannot be overstated. Digital forensics involves the investigation and analysis of digital devices and data to gather evidence that is admissible in legal proceedings. This field has seen remarkable growth in recent years, driven by the surge in cybercrime, regulatory compliance requirements, and the widespread adoption of digital devices across various sectors.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/digital-forensics-market
Market Dynamics
The global digital forensics market has been expanding rapidly, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) projected to exceed 10% over the next few years. This growth is fueled by several factors, including the rising incidents of cyber-attacks targeting organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to multinational corporations. As cyber threats become more sophisticated, there is an increasing need for advanced digital forensics tools and techniques to detect, analyze, and mitigate these threats effectively.
Key Trends
One of the prominent trends in the digital forensics market is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms into forensic analysis tools. These technologies enable faster and more accurate analysis of large volumes of data, helping forensic investigators identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate malicious activity.
Another significant trend is the adoption of cloud-based forensic solutions. As more businesses move their operations to the cloud, there is a growing demand for forensic tools that can effectively investigate data stored in cloud environments while maintaining chain of custody and adhering to legal requirements.
Despite its growth prospects, the digital forensics market faces several challenges. One of the primary challenges is the rapid evolution of technology itself. New devices, operating systems, and communication protocols constantly emerge, posing challenges for forensic investigators to keep pace with technological advancements and acquire the necessary skills and tools.
Moreover, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of digital evidence remains a critical challenge in forensic investigations. Admissibility of digital evidence in court often hinges on demonstrating the reliability of forensic techniques and maintaining a clear chain of custody from the crime scene to the courtroom.
Future Prospects
Looking ahead, the future of the digital forensics market appears promising. As governments worldwide introduce stricter data protection regulations and cybersecurity laws, organizations are expected to invest significantly in digital forensics capabilities to ensure compliance and mitigate legal risks.
Furthermore, the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and the expansion of digital footprints across social media platforms are anticipated to create new opportunities for forensic investigators. These developments will necessitate innovative forensic tools and methodologies to extract, analyze, and interpret digital evidence from diverse sources.
Key Players
R3 Digital Forensics
FireEye, Inc.
Cy4or Legal Limited
Binary Intelligence, LLC
LogRythm, Inc.
Magnet Forensics
Global Digital Forensics Inc.
By Type of Digital Forensics:
Computer Forensics
Mobile Device Forensics
Network Forensics
Cloud Forensics
By Tools and Software:
Forensic Analysis Software
Data Recovery Tools
Forensic Imaging Tools
By Component:
By Deployment Type:
On-Premises Digital Forensics Solutions
Cloud-Based Digital Forensics Solutions
By End-User:
Law Enforcement
By Application:
Criminal Investigation
Cybersecurity Incident Response
Litigation Support
Employee Misconduct
By Industry Vertical:
Financial Services
IT and Telecommunications
Government and Defense
By Region
North America
The U.S.
The U.K.
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of the Middle East and Africa
About Us:
Credence Research is committed to employee well-being and productivity. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented a permanent work-from-home policy for all employees.
Credence Research
Please contact us at +91 6232 49 3207
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