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pix4japan · 1 year ago
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Scarf of Soft Clouds Enveloping Mt. Fuji
Location: Koyodai Observatory Terrace, Narusawa Village, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan Timestamp: 14:42 on November 15, 2023
Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 + ND Filter 58 mm ISO 100 for 30.0 sec. at ƒ/9.0
At an elevation of 1,167.8 m, a breathtaking sight of Mt. Fuji unfolds from the rooftop/terrace of the Koyodai Observatory in Yamanashi Prefecture when gazing southward.
In my most recent blog post (https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20231115-koyodai), I explore the history of the observatory (2-minute read). I also include Google Maps links for easy access by car or bus, and provide links to sources for a deeper dive!
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exile-osaka-zine · 1 year ago
Souka Chinese Restaurant Tondabayashi
Address: 〒584-0082 Osaka, Tondabayashi, Koyodai, 2 Chome−2−15 K1ビル 2階. Tel: 0721-28-1176. Facebook I’ve known chef Yoshinori Imai for 10 years. He used to be the head chef at Tachinomi Hiro, a standing bar near Kongo Station. Imai-san made the best izakaya dishes but his true passion was cooking Chinese cuisine. After working at Tachinomi Hiro for several years, Imai opened his own Chinese…
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theartofmany · 5 years ago
“Not a vlog, no intrusive faces or talking, pure Japan only. I came to Koyodai camping at 6pm and on the way to onsen I decided  to walk through Aokigahara forest (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aokigahara) There was nothing scary here, the point was to show that. Actually most scary thing there was... me, for deer. Not sure if you can hear but I heard like deer run away multiple times Sorry for heavy breathing sounds, I was most close noise source to the mic and it was very quiet around” From Youtube channel Rambalac: 【4K】Walking at night in Aokigahara forest (no pranks, not scary. ASMR?) It may look scary but there is nothing to worry about Enjoy (?) ...
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enjoycameralife · 5 years ago
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Koyodai and Sankodai Panoramic Platform
on my last day in Yamanashi, i went full on physical activity mode, starting with a hike up to both the Koyodai and Sankodai panoramic platforms. as if the last hike didn’t already knock me out half dead, this particular hike definitely took a lot of effort for yours truly’s unfit derriere.
the first stop, Koyodai, is a 45 minute hike from the bus stop, and visitors may either use the less physically demanding work road or challenge themselves with a hike through the Tokai nature trail. or you could also drive up. the Koyodai Observatory houses not only an observatory, but also a quaint old shop run by an elderly couple. for 500 yen, a visitor will be allowed to ascend to the observation deck that provides a 360 degrees panoramic view of the immediate surrounding area and beyond, including the infamous Aokigahara. from here, i could finally begin to grasp the vastness of Aokigahara, and it’s no wonder that Aokigahara is also dubbed as the sea of trees. it goes far beyond what i’m able to comprehend, and attests to the power of mother nature.
but my hike isn’t over yet, and i powered through one last 20 minute hike to the Sankodai platform. at at elevation of 1202 meters, you feel like you’re on top of the world, and that much closer to the sun (and with it being a cloudless sunny day, you do feel like you’re a little too close to the sun). when i arrived, a big group of elderly men and women were already seated and ready for their outdoor lunch feast. it always astounds me how fit the Japanese senior citizens are - and also how they know how to enjoy themselves outdoors. i parked my behind under the shade of a measly tree trunk and gobbled down my kombini onigiri lunch feast, basking in the cool, fresh air, and generally feeling like i’ve accomplished something. for all my unfit self, i managed to drag my unfit self all the way up here to Sankodai, and now i’m treated to a fantastic uninhibited view of Mount Fuji from 1200 meters high. i gave myself a proverbial pat on the back, and deliberated on the impending 45 minute hike down.
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mine-take · 3 years ago
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湖畔のキャンプ場 凄く気持ちの良い場所でした 強風は気を付けたいですけど #紅葉台キャンプ場 #西湖 #キャンプの思い出 #camping #camplife (紅葉台キャンプ場 / Camp Koyodai) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVyyAR8vmkp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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baishayuinjapan · 4 years ago
Hanami - Mont Fuji partie 2
La visite de ce petit village traditionnel terminé, de retour dans la voiture vers le grand lac de Kawaguchi. Un petit détail nous avait titillé en le voyant : de nombreux pédalos à tête de canard naviguaient sur le lac, il fallait bien en faire autant ! Malheureusement pour nous, le vent s’est levé et on essuie un premier refus lors de la location...on se dispute un peu avec lui avant de tenter notre chance chez son concurrent d’à côté qui est visiblement moins à cheval sur les consignes de sécurité. On a même réussi à rigoler en Japonais tant il semblait avare : on lui demandait “tu aimes l’argent?” - “oh oui j’adore l’argent !!” . Bref, nous voilà sur nos pédalos, face au Mont Fuji nuageux et à choper des coups de soleil (et oui, 4 mecs ensemble forcément personne n’a pris de crème solaire)
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Le temps est très changeant et le ciel se dégage une fois qu’on termine notre tour ! On part donc en voiture vers l’observatoire Koyodai. La route est mouvementée et arrivée en haut, c’est un couple de vieillards Japonais (chinois?) qui nous accueillent et récoltent l’argent de touristes comme nous pour accéder au toit. La vue valait bien le coup en tout cas, et celle ci doit être encore plus grandiose en automne pendant la saison des momiji vu le nombre d’érables Japonais qu’on voit
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Il est 17h30, l’heure pour un petit Onsen! On part à quelques minutes de l’observatoire au Fuji Yurari Onsen qui est très réputé pour sa vue (y a intérêt, car 15 euros pour un Onsen on aura jamais payé autant!). Le ciel est entièrement dégagé, voici un petite photo prise à l’entrée du bâtiment :
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Il est bien entendu interdit de prendre son téléphone dans un Onsen public, mais il est possible de trouver des photos sur Google, assez fidèle de ce dont on a été témoins. Nous sommes restés 1h30 à enchainer les bains extérieurs à 45°C face au Mont Fuji, bain d’aromathérapie, bain froid, sauna, hammam, bain bouillonant, bain carbogazeux (à priori chargé en gaz carbonique)...
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Une fois sortis de là, on est tous KO ! Les Onsen, ça fatigue et ça creuse l’estomac, bon moment pour un ramen tous les 4 puis direction de AirBnB qu’on a loué pour la nuit à Fujiyoshida! 
Le lendemain est une journée assez spéciale : en terme de tourisme, probablement une des meilleures journées mais que j’aurai passé avec une belle crève, certainement le fait d’avoir enchaîné les bains chauds et froids la veille...je ne suis pas non plus mourant :) Dès le matin, le Fuji se dévoile à notre fenêtre comme on ne l’aura jamais vu! Il se sera dévoilé progressivement le long de notre voyage, et le voilà trônant à notre fenêtre, ou au bout de la route !
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On commence donc la journée galvanisés par cette vue et allons vers Arakura Fuji. Cette endroit est mondialement connu pour son point de vue unique présent dans tous les guides, cartes postales et que vous avez forcément vus car c’est l’image supérieure de mon Tumblr lorsque vous le visionnez sur ordinateur (montez plus haut pour voir ;) )
J’ai toujours été fasciné par ce point de vue et impatient de le voir car il représente beaucoup de traits du Japon selon moi : l’histoire religieuse avec sa pagode à 5 niveaux rouge vif, la beauté de la nature avec les cerisiers en fleurs, et le mélange de vénération, de puissance et de calme représenté par le Mont Fuji. 
Visiblement je ne suis pas le seul à vouloir voir cette endroit car on nous annonce une queue de 1h30 pour accéder au point de vue tant attendu : il nous en faudra plus pour reculer, on se lance et ce sera l’occasion de faire quelques belles photos de Fuji et cerisiers pendant l’attente.
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L’attente ne durera finalement qu’une heure. C’est plutôt une bonne chose que cette queue existe, car l’accès au point de vue n’est accessible que pour 5 minutes par groupe de 15 personnes, une bonne idée pour permettre d’être tranquille et éviter une énorme foule une fois là haut. Le point de vue est absolument inoubliable, comme sur les photos et me laisse sans voix... on fait tous notre séance photo et en prenons pleins les yeux pendant 5 minutes. La petite pellicule de nuages s’étant formée ne vient même pas gâcher ce moment!
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Après quoi, nous repartons en direction de différents sites : le Kitaguchi hongu, un grand temple en bois 
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Puis Oshino Hakkai, un autre petit village traditionnel dans lequel un lac dont l’eau provient du Fuji est censé refléter la montagne (raté, il y a des nuages). On plonge nos mains dans la fontaine comme tout le monde (un panneau y invite à prouver notre bravoure face à la froideur de l’eau), et nous dégustons des poissons très frais provenant du lac (vraiment frais, ils bougeaient encore avant d’être passé à la poêle)
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On descend vers la mer en direction de Hakone, faisons le tour du 5è lac Yamanaka et nous nous arrêtons à Owakudani, une zone volcanique active contenant des émanations de souffre (ça pue comme il faut) et dont les rivières et sources sont chaudes. 
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La spécialité culinaire sont les kuro tamago, littéralement “oeufs noirs” qui sont cuits dans les sources chaudes de la vallée ; la coquille est noircie par le souffre contenu dans ces sources. Une légende locale dit que manger ces oeufs noirs prolongeraient la vie de sept ans, on aura pas fait ce détour pour rien au moins! On mange donc des oeufs durs sur un banc tous les quatre, accompagnés de petits pains à la viande, noirs eux aussi mais sûrement rien à voir avec le souffre. En tout cas ces oeufs n’avaient pas de goûts très marqués!
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Après quoi nous allons nous promener à Hakone qui fait figure de ville morte : beaucoup de commerces sont fermés à 19h, on trouve un endroit où manger un bout et retournons à l’hôtel. Pour ma part je ne rêve que d’une chose : mon lit vu mon état maladif que je traine depuis le matin et qui empire!
Après une nuit de plus de 10 heures, je me réveille le lundi matin bien plus frais que la veille! On prend un petit déjeuner à l’hôtel (il ont des Coco Pops!), on part au lac Ashi autour duquel on peut trouver un beau lac et un temple avec Torii flottant sur le lac. On ne verra malheureusement plus le Fuji qui a décidé de bouder sous les nuages.
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Aux alentours de midi, on mange aux abords du lac dans un petit restaurant servant entre autres de bons petits poissons fris pêchés dans le lac ainsi que des tenpuras
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Pas grand chose de plus à raconter sur ce lundi car 5 heures de route nous attendent jusque Osaka! On arrive de nuit autour de 20 heures, prêts à entamer une semaine de 4 jours au travail avant un nouveau weekend....repos cette fois!
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fudejapan · 5 years ago
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#Koyodai white Canadian squirrel cheek 21000 yen https://ift.tt/39zFu1Q
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pix4japan · 1 year ago
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Autumn's Tapestry with an Azure Canopy over Distant Peaks
Location: Koyodai Observatory Terrace, Narusawa Village, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan Timestamp: 15:11 on November 15, 2023
Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 45 mm ISO 100 for 1/250 sec. at ƒ/11
Enduring chilly temperatures, I patiently waited for the dispersal of the cloud cover. Finally, nature relented, revealing a breathtaking spectacle as sunbeams streamed through the parting clouds, casting a warm glow upon the peaks of Mt. Ryugadake and Mt. Kenashi. If you look closely, you can see sunlight reflecting off the surface of Lake Mototsu, situated to the right of thee two small summits.
To capture this view, you needs to gaze southwest from the rooftop terrace of the Koyodai Observatory in Yamanashi Prefecture.
For those planning to embark on a journey to this location, I've detailed access points such as the nearest bus stops and the two primary parking lots in my latest blog post, accessible here: https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20231115-koyodai.
In addition to practical information, I delve into the quaint history of the observatory in a quick two-minute read, and for those craving a deeper understanding, I've included links to all my source materials. Join me in exploring the beauty and history that converge at Koyodai Observatory.
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pix4japan · 1 year ago
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Momiji Autumnal Leaves & Mt. Fuji
Location: Koyodai Observatory Terrace, Narusawa Village, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan Timestamp: 15:58 on November 15, 2023
Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 28 mm ISO 100 for 1/30 sec. at ƒ/11
Using the Pentax “Pixel Shift Resolution II” feature, I captured four full-resolution photos of this scene from the 2nd floor landing at the Koyodai-Tenbodai Rest House. These shots, processed in-camera, synthesize the 4 shots into a single, super-high-resolution composite image. This not only enhances the resolving power but also eliminates false color, reduces high-sensitivity noise, and significantly improves overall image quality.
Positioning your tripod in the left corner of the landing on the 2nd flat of stairs provides an unobtrusive vantage point for capturing the breathtaking scene. The Japanese maple tree visible from the second floor of the Koyodai Observatory Terrace adds a captivating foreground element, complementing the vibrant autumn colors in the lower mid-ground of the scene.
For more in-depth information on the history of the Koyodai-Tenbodai Rest House, optimal parking locations, and nearby bus stops, check out my blog post. I hope to guide you through planning a visit to this off-the-beaten-path site, offering a serene experience away from the typical tourist crowds: https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20231115-koyodai
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pix4japan · 1 year ago
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Golden Accents on Mountain Ridges: Kagikake Mountain Range and Aokigahara Forest
Location: Koyodai Observatory Terrace, Narusawa Village, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan Timestamp: 15:17 on November 15, 2023
Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 105 mm ISO 100 for 1/80 sec. at ƒ/10
After a chilly and cloud-covered morning and afternoon, the thick clouds gradually retreated into the horizon, revealing a lovely scene as the warm, evening sunlight cast dark shadows and enveloped the landscape in a golden hue.
This shot was taken looking west from the Koyodai rooftop terrace, where after the clouds dispersed, the Kagikake mountain range came into full view with its foothills leading down into the enchanting Aokigahara Forest plain.
A 7 km (4.35 mi) foot trail, known as the Kagikake Pass (1,589 m/5,213 ft), winds along the ridge of the Kagikake Mountain range stretching from the southwest peak of Mt. Odake to the northern peak of Mt. Onigatake.
Explore picturesque views available from the Koyodai Observatory Terrace at my blog post where I provide Google Maps links, links to downloadable guide maps, and a brief history of the observatory (two-minute read): https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20231115-koyodai
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pix4japan · 1 year ago
📸 Join me on a serene photo journey to Koyodai-Tenbodai Rest House, perched atop a hill in Narusawa Village, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, with breathtaking views of Mt. Fuji and the Aokigahara-Jukai Forest. 🍂
🌟 Highlights:
Our photo shoot begins along the dirt road from the parking lot at the trailhead, gradually ascending to the peak of Koyodai. The three-story rest house, constructed decades ago, features a rooftop terrace providing a 360-degree panoramic view of Mt. Fuji to the south, with the Aokigahara-Jukai Forest spreading out across the flat plain in the foreground. Upon arrival, the skies were dark and gloomy, allowing me to capture moody, long-exposure shots as lower-lying clouds slowly navigated around the peak of Mt. Fuji. Later in the day, as the clouds cleared, spectacular sunbeams broke through, spotlighting ridges and peaks in the distance, creating a lovely contrast of golden highlights and deep, foreboding shadows.
Finally, we circle back from the Koyodai-tenbodai Rest House down the dirt road to the parking lot. The last rays of sunshine illuminate the golden, yellow, and stark red autumn leaves as the forest slowly fades into darkness.
For those eager to explore this picturesque locale at their own pace, I've curated Google Maps links within my accompanying blog post. This resource also offers historical insights and references, catering to those seeking a deeper understanding of this lovely destination:
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pix4japan · 1 year ago
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Narusawa Village on Northern Slope of Mt. Fuji
Location: Koyodai Observatory Terrace, Narusawa Village, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan Timestamp: 15:58 on November 15, 2023
Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 28 mm ISO 100 for 1/60 sec. at ƒ/11
The sky finally cleared after hours of gloom, revealing the northern slope of Mt. Fuji bathed in the warm evening sun, casting a golden glow on the autumn foliage in the forests of Narusawa Village.
A week earlier, unusually warm temperatures melted the snow, but this week's cooler weather brought back a beautiful blanket of white at the peak.
You can capture this scene from the rooftop terrace of the Koyodai-Tenbodai Rest House, offering a 360-degree panoramic view of Mt. Fuji, the Aokigahara-Jukai Forest, the Kagikake Mountain Range, Lake Motsu, Lake Shoji, and Saiko Lake.
For more details and access information, check out the latest Pix4Japan blog post, where I provide sources for English guide maps to help you make the most of your visit to Narusawa and the Koyodai-Tenbodai Rest House: https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20231115-koyodai
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pix4japan · 1 year ago
Part III: 60-second visit to Koyodai-Tenbodai in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, for Landscape Photography | 山梨県・鳴沢村の紅葉展望台レストハウスと風景撮影
📸 Join me for Part III of a photo journey to Koyodai-Tenbodai Rest House, perched atop a hill in Narusawa Village, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, with breathtaking views of Aokigahara-Jukai Forest and Mt. Fuji. 🍂
Explore this picturesque locale at your own pace using the curated Google Maps links prepared for you at my blog post where I offer historical insights and references, catering to those seeking a deeper understanding of this lovely destination: https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20231115-koyodai
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mine-take · 3 years ago
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西湖畔の夕焼け 気持ちの良い時間 #西湖 #西湖畔 #キャンプ場 #夕焼け空 #湖畔のゆうやけ #西湖畔の夕焼け (紅葉台キャンプ場 / Camp Koyodai) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVr77XdPfm4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mine-take · 3 years ago
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今日のキャンプ飯! 朝ごはんはフレンチトースト! 現地でつけ込んだから染み込みが甘かったけど美味しかった #キャンプ #キャンプ飯 #フレンチトースト #キャンプの朝 #Camp #朝食はフレンチトースト #キャンプ好き (紅葉台キャンプ場 / Camp Koyodai) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVrNHH7vuDk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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enjoycameralife · 5 years ago
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Aokigahara / Jukai
we all know Aokigahara’s grim reputation, but many tend to overlook the simple fact that it is a startlingly quiet and beautiful place. as walk along the trail, the only sounds you hear are your feet rustling through the fallen leaves, the occasional bird song, and if you listen closely, your breathing. i made no attempts at deviating from the trail, owing to my already exhausted state from my hike to Koyodai and Sankodai. my ankles and back were killing me, and i simply couldn’t wait to reach the end of the trail, but i absolutely couldn’t stop admiring the breathtaking results of nature’s synergy. the labyrinthine tree roots that engulf the soil. the trees reaching up towards the heavens at dizzying heights. the green moss living and thriving on every possible surface available for them. the evening light penetrating through the leaves and branches. the silence.
it’s easy to get lost in the neck of the woods, with every possible obstacle getting in your way. but never lose sight of the light. never give in to the eternal silence. there’s always a way out of the forest, if you choose to look for it.
your ankles will thank you.
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