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PIC INFO: Resolution at 1988x3056 -- Spotlight on a beautiful rendition of Silver Age Sinestro crashing the proverbial party (and rescuing Grodd in the process), from the pages of "Justice" Vol. 1 #9. February, 2007. DC Comics.
Story/script by Jim Krueger & Alex Ross
Artwork by Doug Braithwaite & Alex Ross
Letters by Todd Klein
Source: www.zipcomic.com/justice-2005.
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who-is-muses · 4 months
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[ waking up today thinking. Extremely Hard about speculative biology/evolution. Sorry to everyone that's here for things like character studies and developments, I'm thinking about shit like ectotherm mammal-likes and icthoid cynodont-esques being the "humans" (dominant, hyperintelligent, civilation-producing species) of their respective planets ]
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thenewgirl76 · 2 months
Why Can't We Be Friends?
Before John can spend his rare downtime bonding with his childhood friend Angela Foley's son for the next two weeks, he first has to find someone to babysit the... weird looking creature that's apparently his nephew in all but blood's best friend. Not an easy feat given how clingy to the point of being attached to the hip the ferret shaped thing is.
Tucker has to bribe his pet(?) with hanging with the Green Lanterns along with the rest of the Justice League up in the Watchtower(they'll definitely be discussing that later) just to convince him to not try and tagalong. And that's how Hal finds himself dealing with the major headache that is Phantom.
No, he's not exaggerating. That's exactly what the measly gremlin is with his constant demands for food, affection, or playtime from anyone who's present and insistence on getting into whatever he can, one never-ending headache. What makes it even more taxing is how everyone else, even Batman is so wrapped up in how "cute and lovable" the little bugger is they see nothing wrong with his annoying antics.
And as if it couldn't get any worse, the tiny menace seems to have taken a liking to him the most out of all the League and won't quit following him around. It's like dealing with an abnormally needy and scarily intelligent cat, and Hal absolutely abhors cats.
That said, he does find himself feeling just a smidge of regret when he allows his stress over a grueling patrol to get the best of him and yells at the little creep for drinking his coffee. If it'll get everyone off his back and stop Phantom from making those hurt puppy dog eyes at him he'll make it up to the diminutive devil later somehow. Right after he sneaks a nap in while he's stuck on monitor duty.
But of course Phantom won't even allow him that, as he's now pestering him rather persistently with that aggravating chirping and trilling. Since napping is no longer an option he'll just see what Phantom wants and hopefully get rid of him for at least a few minutes afterwards. So Hal slowly drags himself into consciousness, and is met with a large oddly colored hunk of swiss cheese?
Waking up a bit more he starts hearing the swiss cheese begging him for death. Okay, clearly something's wrong with this picture. Wiping the last of the sleep from his eyes Hal looks again, and is instantly screaming in horror upon realizing what he had mistook for swiss cheese in his sleepy haze is actually Sinestro, looking very much like he'd fought a school of piranhas and the piranhas won. With all the blood and all the chunks of missing flesh and skin Hal can see why his former mentor was pleading with him to end him.
And throughout all this that little monster Phantom is staring up at him, perched on the barely alive korugaran, covered in his blood and looking far too pleased with himself. If it weren't for Hal's training and fortitude he'd either be running scared or having a nervous breakdown. That doesn't stop him from being immensely relieved over no longer having to be on guard around Phantom once John finally comes to get the miniscule hellion off the Watchtower.
Though it would be nice if; Superman stopped trying to guilt trip him. *He swears on everything holy he's gonna find the biggest piece of kryptonite and shove it where the sun don't shine if he has to listen to how Phantom never would have did what he did if Hal hadn't been so harsh one more time.*
Wonder Woman ceased with her badgering about how he should have shown more appreciation towards Phantom and the gift he had bestowed upon him.*He'd love to see just how appreciative she'd be if it was Cheetah getting dumped in front of her all chewed... oh wait.*
Flash quit laughing at him. *Shut the hell up Allen. He did NOT scream like a little girl.*
And most of all, John and all the other GL dropped it about how they were so jealous he was the one Phantom gifted instead of them. *Seriously guys? With all that little miser put him through, that's what you're taking from it?*
Missing Scene
*When Sinestro was confronted by Little Baby Man*
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*What Little Baby Man did to him before hauling him off to present to Hal*
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The Trinity of Monsters: Gregor Ng, Kirk Langstrom and Vanessa Kapatelis (plus Nekron in Abin Sur's body as "Necro-Man")
this is mostly just for fun. Gregor's the Superman Zero/Emperor Superman in the headverse as well as the Sand Superman, so idk if he'd realistically work well with Kirk and Nessie, who skew more neutral overall despite being "villains". Kirk's an elaboration on my Vampire Batman take on him (from Gods and Monsters, natch) and Vanessa is based on the version from Wonder Woman: Evolution where she was modified into a doppelganger of Diana using nanites. I was thinking of having her use the name "Evolution" instead of Silver Swan or Wonder Woman in this form, but who knows.
Nekron-Sur plays on two ideas I've been noodling on but having really post abt: Necro Lad, Hal's Ungaran-Korugaran Black Lantern sidekick, and the White Lantern Arin Sur from the headverse version of Flashpoint (aka "Wallypoint").
Also while Vanessa specifically will probably remain mostly a Diana adjacent character, I kinda want to move the Silver Swans overall into being Hawk rogues, Helen for Carter and Shiera and Valerie for Kendra and Shayera.
Gregor's well and set, but I do want to do a complete (expanded?) Justice League of China line-up, since I've only really done Kenan (and Laney, but she's only Supergirl in the AU)
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 months
I have some thoughts about the ending of Sinister Sons and what it does with the characterization in comparison to the series it's a counterpart of (Super Sons). Spoilers ahead!
Super Sons is a series about the partnership and gradual friendship of Jon Kent and Damian Wayne. This starts when their fathers deal with the boys' less than pleasant initial meeting by arranging a situation that encourages them to learn to work together. This isn't a manipulative set-up; the boys know what they're in for, and it's just a matter of their learning their lesson for themselves. The boys' vitriolic but ultimately mutually caring relationship is the core of the story, but parental relationships play an important role too. Jon has a beautifully uncomplicated and warm relationship with his parents, even if he sometimes clashes with them about minor things, and his parents are nothing but loving and supportive. Damian's relationship with his father is much more complicated and often fraught with conflict, but although his father can be strict and critical, it's also clear that there's genuine love there. The tone of the series is light-hearted and fun, with its appeal being the enjoyment of watching these wildly different personalities bounce off each other.
The recently completed miniseries Sinister Sons is presented as the villainous counterpart to Jon and Damian's team--Lor-Zod, son of General Zod, and Sinson, who believes he is the son of Sinestro. The series shares its predecessor's emphasis on a budding friendship between two very different boys who initially don't get along at all, and there is similar banter and shenanigans. But even more so than Super Sons, it is about parental relationships.
Specifically, failed ones.
Lor-Zod (unlike the original version of his character, the boy who took the name Chris Kent) has been raised in an almost princelike role by parents who ostensibly prized him and instilled in him their violent, conquering mindset and a massive belief in his own entitlement. But a disagreement with his father leads to a fight and Lor's being disowned and exiled. This is apparently a setup on Zod's part on the grounds that it's part of the traditional training of sons of his house, but Lor doesn't know that--and it would be even worse for him if he did. His parents have already made it clear that their love is conditional and that he is valued only when he is unquestioningly subject to them. So Lor deals with this by clinging to his pride and insisting to himself that he doesn't need or care about his parents anymore--all while trying to somehow make a name for himself in the hope that they'll change their minds and take him back.
Meanwhile, Korg is a boy from the planet Korugar who leads a miserable existence thieving for a crime boss whom his mother left him with when he was very young. She never came back for him, and the only clue he has to his identity is a syringe she left behind inscribed with the name "Sinestro." Korg becomes convinced that he is in fact the son of this famous supervillain, who, like him, is Korugaran. He starts calling himself "Sinson," paints a black mustache on his face with a marker in imitation of Sinestro's, crafts a weapon for himself meant to resemble a Yellow Power Ring, and starts making plans to escape his planet and reunite with the man whom he believes is his father. He fantasizes about the two of them spreading fear throughout the galaxy, side by side. His current life is so bleak and he is so isolated and unloved that he is willing to grasp at any hope for a family that he can find, even if it means that he's the son of a supervillain.
Sinson isn't a bad kid. He just wants a family. Lor is no innocent. But behind the violence and self-importance, he too just wants acceptance. And that's where they are when they meet and Sinson proceeds to steal Lor's spaceship.
Shenanigans ensue, and the boys spend most of it slinging insults at each other, but they gradually, begrudgingly come to warm up a little to each other. It starts as a sense of obligation, but the investment gets emotional when Sinson finally gets his opportunity to speak to Sinestro and get a blood sample to test. It doesn't go the way he plans, and Sinestro gives him a long, cold lecture that ends with informing him that he is "insignificant." This sets off Lor, who is reminded of how his father treated him, and he intervenes on Sinson's behalf--and if he can also manage to take down Sinestro and make a name for himself while he's at it, so much the better. Sinson sees this as interference with what he believes was a connection in progress, and the boys end up fighting. Sinson thinks Lor is a self-seeking jerk for trying to come between him and his father for his own gain; Lor believes that Sinson is willfully delusional to cling to his hope for a father despite the obvious rejection. Not like Lor! No! Lor is strong and independent and totally isn't doing any of this to try to restore his honor impress his parents!
It turns out that the emotion of the fight triggers something in Sinson, and he finds out that he can tap into the Red Light of Rage without a power ring. Sinestro knows this already. This whole thing was a set-up to see if Sinson's powers are effective and controllable and to test the extent of Lor's Kryptonian powers. The boys have both passed the test. They are useful, and Sinestro rewards them with the leadership of the Korugar Defense Force--under him, of course. Fear rules, he tells them, and under all that blood they're now covered in, they look pretty sinister.
And the boys, now fully aware that they've been manipulated and used by a man who clearly doesn't care about either of them...
...they dub themselves the Sinister Sons and head off to start rounding up troops for the Defense Force they're now leading.
Sinson is so desperate for a father that he is willing to work for a man who rejected him and transparently wants to use him, and he still insists on calling himself Sinson, even if he's unsure if he wants to test the blood sample Sinestro condescends to give him. Lor is so desperate for acceptance that he is willing to work for a man he cannot respect, who sees him as a convenient tool--but who still wants him for something, unlike his own father. Better scraps of false connection than none at all, as far as these boys are concerned.
Unlike Jon and Damian, who are building a friendship and their own heroic identities thanks to the encouragement and support of their fathers, Sinson and Lor get wedged apart and put back together again to suit the purposes of a manipulative pseudo-parental figure who sees them as just so many more powerful tools at his command. Both pairs of boys are bonded to each other through their mutual roles as legacies of heroes/villains (even though Sinson's parentage is still a mystery, his powers still link him to Sinestro), with all the heavy expectations that come with that. But Jon and Damian come from backgrounds of support and love that help mitigate that burden, while Sinson and Lor now share a history of rejection and hunger for approval that now drives their partnership. There's no personal investment in their fathers' missions that leads them to carry on those legacies; they're just two kids trying to earn love in the only way they believe is available to them.
The story isn't over yet, apparently. There's a promise of further adventures for the Sinister Sons in another title. And I'll be curious to find out if these arcs will end in tragedy or the realization that there are better options out there.
After all, in another life, Lor turned his back on his abusive parents to become the son of their greatest enemy. Who's to say that he couldn't do that--or something in a similar spirit--again? And why not bring a friend with him too this time?
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divinesmith1023 · 10 months
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This is Liliosa Wintergreen. Liliosa was an Korugaran student. Liliosa is the daughter of Stingray
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mandarinsan · 3 years
Mixed DC characters:
Connor Hawke (Caucasian, Korean-American and African-American)
Damian Wayne (Caucasian, Chinese and Arab)
Emiko and Robert Queen (half Japanese)
Rose Wilson (half Hmong¹)
Cassandra Cain (half Chinese)
Karate Kid (half Japanese)
Jai and Irey West (half Korean-American)
Lian Harper (part Vietnamese)
Traci 13 (half Chinese)
Raven (half demon)
Ra's al Ghul and Talia (Chinese and Arab)
Cheshire (French and Vietnamese)
Sandra Hawke (Korean and African-American)
Ryan Choi (Hong Kongese and Korean)
Grace Choi (Korean-American and Bana-Mighdall Amazonian)
Khalid Nassour (half Egyptian)
Arthur Curry (half Atlantean)
Koryak (Inuit, Atlantean and Caucasian)
Kaldur'ahm (Atlantean and African-American)
Andy and A.J. Curry (Atlantean and part Caucasian)
Kon-el (half Kryptonian)
Jon Kent (half Kryptonian)
Ariella Kent (half Kryptonian)
Tommy Blake (part Vietnamese)
Mar'i and Jake Grayson (half Tamaranean)
Melinda Zucco (half Chinese)
Diana Prince² (demigod)
Cassie Sandsmark (demigod)
Yara Flor (demigod)
Circe (demigod)
Jason (demigod)
King Shark (demigod)
Marcus Sun (demigod)
Lyta Trevor (half Amazonian)
Robert Long (half Amazonian)
Warhawk (Thanagarian and African-American)
Kyle Rayner (Mexican-American and Irish-American)
Selina Kyle² (Irish-American and Cuban)
Deborah Perkins (Atlantean and Japanese)
Nora, Jason and Jenny Allen [JL: Legacy] (half Hispanic³)
Lorena Marquez (half Latina)
Bane (British and Caribbean)
Aztek (half Mexican)
Jenni Ognats (half Afro-Aarokian)
Sam Troupe (half African-American)
Mongrel (Cambodian and African-American)
Thunder and Lightning (half Vietnamese)
Grail (Apokoliptian and Amazonian)
Soranik Natu (Korugaran and Ungaran)
Voodoo [Wildstorm] (Kherubim/Daemonite/Human hybrid)
Lara and Jonathan Kent [Earth-31] (Kryptonian and Amazonian)
Clark Wayne [Earth-3839] (Kryptonian, Caucasian and Vietnamese)
Lois and Lara Wayne [Earth-3839] (Kryptonian, Caucasian and Vietnamese)
Lar-El and Vara [Earth-3839] (Kryptonian and New God)
Kara Kent [Elseworld's Finest] (Kryptonian, Arab, and Chinese)
Aquagirl [Earth-22] (Atlantean and part Japanese)
Luthor-El [Earth-3] (half Kryptonian)
Lor-Zod [Earth-16] (half Afro-Kryptonian)
Carol and Jane Kent [Superman: Secret Identity] (Kryptonian and Indian-American)
1. Hmongs don’t live in Cambodia so this is kind of a retcon
2. depends on the origins story
3. Jessica Cruz, their mother, is of Mexican and Honduran descent
I won’t list every AU descendants of Clois/BruTalia/AquaMera and other interracial couples but obviously those characters (Lara, Ibn, Mareena, etc.) are mixed too.
When only half of the character's ethnicity is written it's because the other parent is white American, which is the norm in mainstream American comics.
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once-was-muses · 2 years
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[ Love that my two Lanterns are like. One has a slightly lower life expectancy than humans due to faster aging, but not terribly different. Then the other regularly lives into their 280s, or 980s in human years. ]
[ Sal won't necessarily have to outlive the weird Terrans, Korugaran, and Bolovoxian he absolutely has not grown attached to. But Bro'Dee will survive multiple generations of his loved ones. He'll be there for Kyle's and Hal's and Razer's and Guy's and John's and Baize's and Kilowog's deaths, he'll be there for any of their children's births and deaths, and their children, and their children, and their extended families- ]
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luthcrbornarchive · 4 years
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@bludhavenbluebird​ said:                  ❛ 🚶 ❜
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            Send me a 🚶 and I’ll introduce you to an NPC in my muse’s life. –Accepting.
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       Fc: Lucy Hale  Name: Senya Elik         Relationship: Acquaintance turned nanny
Senya Elik is a very proud Alien who is a Korugaran/Ungaran Hybrid. She is member of the Lantern Corp who decided to resign on earth. Where she later meets Supergirl and Lena Luthor. After a few encounters where she aided in a mission or two she confessed to Supergirl despite being a member of the lantern corp, she didn’t want to do it any more. So she took odd jobs to keep herself a float but when she heard the Luthor-Danvers where looking for a nanny, one who could understand the needs they both need but the one their daughter would need, Senya asked if she could consider her. When they agreed she changed her attitude and learned what she needed to become a helpful nanny to Logan, even as far as wearing an image inducer in public when she had her to change her yellow eyes and fair pink skin normal. She seems soft and loving when it comes to children however she is tough brutal and mean if any one got in her way or dared hurt the Luthor-Danvers children she comes to love and adore.
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thedcdunce · 5 years
“Nothing frightens me. I am fear.” - Sinestro
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Real Name: Thaal Sinestro
Green Lantern
White Lantern
Yellow Lantern
Gender: Male
Height: 6′ 7″
Weight: 205 lbs (93 kg)
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Black
Skin: Red
Race: Korugaran
Fear Attunement
Indomitable Will
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic)
Genius Level Intellect
Qwardian Power Battery
Green Lantern Power Battery
Qwardian Power Ring
Green Lantern Ring
White Lantern Ring
New Earth
Base of Operations:
Ranx, Warworld
New Korugar
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Widowed (Arin Sur; wife)
Yellow Lantern
Green Lantern
First Appearance: Green Lantern Vol 2 #7 (August, 1961)
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Fear Attunement: Sinestro has an innate understanding of the fears of others, even without access to his ring. He also seems to have some form of mental link with his corps members which possibly is attributed to his understanding of others fears as well.
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Indomitable Will: According to Ion, the living embodiment of willpower, Sinestro has the single most indomitable will in all of creation.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic)
Genius Level Intellect
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Qwardian Power Battery
Green Lantern Power Battery
Qwardian Power Ring
Energy Construct Creation
Force Field
Energy Projection
Green Lantern Ring
White Lantern Ring
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Thaal Sinestro of Korugar is the arch-nemesis of Green Lantern. At one point the greatest member of the Green Lantern Corps, he was corrupted by his power and exiled for crimes against his own people. He now seeks to impose his own order and control onto the universe, employing a yellow power ring to combat the green he has grown to despise. His prowess and ruthlessness have made him one of the most feared villains in existence, and eventually, he establishes his own Sinestro Corps.
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Green Lantern Corps
Sinestro was selected by the Guardians of the Universe to become a member of the Green Lantern Corps for his honor and fearlessness. At his height, he was considered to be the greatest of all the Green Lanterns, and Sector 1417 was almost entirely devoid of crime and lawlessness under his vigilant protection. The Guardians had never erred in their judgment before, and he would later be considered one of their greatest mistakes. His prowess was so great that he was assigned as a mentor to a number of rookie lanterns showing similar promise the greatest of which would be his last student, Hal Jordan. Ganthet had specifically requested that the two train together, and they quickly became great friends. Throughout his time in the Corps, Abin Sur was Thaal Sinestro's best friend and trusted confidante, so much so that they considered each other to be brothers. He would eventually fall in love with and marry Arin Sur, his friend's sister, and the two would have a child together. Abin confided in Sinestro what he had learned of the Blackest Night, where a darkness would rise to destroy all life, something Sinestro dismissed as lies by the Five Inversions who told Abin the prophecy. Eventually, Abin was killed by the monster known as Atrocitus. Sinestro would later bring Atrocitus to justice for Abin's murder with the help of Abin's successor, Hal Jordan. After Sinestro dropped him off at the prison world of Ysmault, Atrocitus taunts Sinestro with a prophecy of the chaos and deadly coup that would lead to Sinestro's fall from grace. However, Sinestro ignores him and leaves. However, as he became increasingly stressed with keeping his sector as perfect and as ordered as he needed it to be, Sinestro slowly became more unhinged and started employing more questionable tactics in his behavior. His actions were unwelcome by the Korugarans, and threats were made against his family. Arin recognized the danger posed by Sinestro's methods and secretly gave their daughter away. Sinestro would be unable to find his daughter, and Arin soon died through unknown circumstances.
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Dictator of Korugar
On their first diplomatic assignment, Hal proved to be reckless and Sinestro believed that he was a waste of his time. Then upon returning to his home planet of Korugar, they were met with very much opposition and Hal discovered that Sinestro forced his planet to worship him and that he had a very strict and unjust set of rules. After being gone so long, Korugar's citizens rebelled and Sinestro lost control. After a short battle, Hal knocked some sense into Sinestro and he realized that he must hide for the Guardians will punish both of them. After hiding in one of Earth's prisons with Hal Jordan, Oan manhunters brought him to Oa and he was tried. After Hal testified against him, Sinestro swore revenge against Hal and the Corps right before he was banished to Qward in the Antimatter Universe. There, he met the Weaponers of Qward, who helped him forge a yellow power ring to counter the Green Lantern Corps.
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Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Sinestro was captured and imprisoned within the Central Power Battery. After being converted into energy inside the Oan power battery, Sinestro waited for the opportune moment to strike back. In the battery, Sinestro also spoke with Parallax, which was the source of the yellow impurity in all Green Lantern rings. When Parallax gained control of Hal Jordan and turned him insane, Sinestro knew that his time was near. Eventually, after defeating the entire Green Lantern Corps in his attempt to drain the power of the Oan power battery, it came down to Hal and the Guardians. In their stead, the Guardians released Sinestro to fight against Hal as the lesser of two evils and even gave him a green power ring. Much verbal torture occurred on Sinestro's part and he even enraged Hal Jordan, the greatest Green Lantern ever, to have a bloodlust. A great battle went on and both sides had their attacks hit, but Hal was winning. Eventually, it came down to a one-on-one without their rings and Sinestro did what was necessary to bring Jordan over the edge, he allowed him to snap his neck. After this, Hal gains the power of the battery, goes on a rampage as Parallax, and is eventually defeated. After this, he becomes the new host of the Spectre while his real body was elsewhere.
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Return of Parallax
It turns out that Sinestro survived and he returned to torture Kyle Rayner at the same time that Parallax returned. He revealed himself to be the one behind all of Hal's torments and problems, but now he chose to take direct action. After soundly defeating Kyle Rayner in the JLA Watchtower, Green Arrow managed to fire one Green Lantern arrow from Hal's old ring. He was also beaten by Sinestro and his apparent new power over fear given to him by Parallax. This power coincided with his yellow power ring and it gave him a new charge that surpassed any Green Lantern's. Due to other circumstances, Hal Jordan returned to his old body and smashed Sinestro through a wall with a will-powered blast from his power ring. Soon they were in intense battle and Sinestro once again taunted him and tried to bring him over the edge while truly fighting to win instead of knowing that he will have his neck snapped later. In the midst of battle, Kyle Rayner returned and aided Hal in his war against Sinestro. To end the battle, Hal and Sinestro both swung at each other and their rings clashed. All focus was bent and altered until Hal smashed Sinestro's ring into pieces. As Sinestro instantly teleported back to the Antimatter Universe of Qward, he said, "Heh... Jordan... Welcome back."
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The Secret Society of Super-Villains
After some time passed, Sinestro joined Lex Luthor's new Secret Society and was responsible for the apparent but uncertain murder of the Freedom Fighters' Uncle Sam. During the Battle of Metropolis, Sinestro was easily captured by Hal Jordan and received the same treatment as the rest of the Society.
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Sinestro Corps
The events of the Infinite Crisis brought about a restored Multiverse, and with it, the resurrection of the Anti-Monitor. With his help, Sinestro established his own Sinestro Corps, which served in direct opposition to the Green Lantern Corps, using yellow rings instead of green rings. Sinestro masterminded a massive attack plan against the Green Lantern Corps in an event that has come to be known as the Sinestro Corps War. Sinestro's motives behind instigating the war were to manipulate the Guardians into allowing the Green Lantern Corps members to use lethal force in combat - an ability that had always been restricted in the past. The Green Lanterns proved victorious over the Sinestro Corps and Hal Jordan faced Sinestro in physical combat on Earth with Kyle Rayner. Jordan and Rayner defeated Sinestro in hand-to-hand combat and placed him in a Sciencell back on Oa where he sits on Death Row.
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Rise of the Red Lanterns
When sentencing finally came down, Sinestro was to be publicly executed on his homeworld of Korugar. The prisoner transport to the planet was to be secret and security tight. A guard consisting of Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Kilowog, Salakk, other corps members and three Alpha Lanterns was to make the trip. The task was going off without any event until the group was ambushed by a contingent of Sinestro Corps members seeking to free Sinestro, only for them, in turn, to be attacked in an ambush by Atrocitus and his newly formed Red Lantern Corps. They then kidnapped Sinestro and what corps members that were still alive to sacrifice in a blood ritual to reign at the beginning of their campaign of rage.
Arriving on Ysmault, Atrocitus had Sinestro crucified to a replica of the Red Lantern symbol before the Red Central Power Battery, vowing to destroy the Sinestro Corps, Korugar, and the Green Lantern Corps in an effort to break him. However, Sinestro nonchalantly shrugged off Atrocitus' threats, saying he had no fear of pain or death, and that the Red Lanterns were a group of uncontrollable animals who would not even be able to beg for their lives. Desiring a means to find what Sinestro feared, Atrocitus used the heart of a dead Sinestro Corps member to learn his secrets. The ritual was a success, and Atrocitus vowed to destroy what Sinestro had so desperately hidden— his daughter.
Sinestro is rescued by the Sinestro Corps members who remained loyal to him, however Hal Jordan along with Saint Walker and Warth from the Blue Lantern Corps arrive on Ysmault to retrieve Sinestro as well, which causes a battle between the Sinestro Corps, the Red Lanterns, Hal and the Blue Lanterns. He murders Laira just as Hal is started to break through her red ring's influence, so he can taunt him. Hal's anger draws Laira's red ring to him and under the influence he nearly kills Sinestro. Fortunately, Walker gives Hal his own blue ring which frees Hal from the red ring's influence which saves Sinestro. Sinestro and his Corps members escape Ysmault and regroup on Qward. He plans to attack both Mongul's faction of the Sinestro Corps on the planet Daxam, along with the Star Sapphires. Before he goes through with his plan he goes to Korugar to check on his daughter.
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Return to Korugar
Sinestro returns to Korugar where he quickly incapacitates Princess Iolande and subdues Soranik Natu to tell her that she is his daughter. During his time as a Green Lantern Sinestro was married and eventually, his wife gave birth to Soranik. When Sinestro began to take control of Korugar away from the people, his wife left him with Soranik; she gave Soranik to Karoll and Dgibb Natu to protect Soranik. Sinestro had not known about Soranik's whereabouts for years, but eventually found her, and gave her mark on the face that was their family's secret coat of arms and laced it with a microscopic transmitter so he could always locate her. He also returned to Korugar once, using his ring to alter his appearance to see Soranik receive her medical degree and even took her picture along with her adopted parents.
Sinestro reveals that he is proud of Soranik's accomplishments and that she is establishing his plans; getting the people of Korugar to accept a Green Lantern. Soranik questions Sinestro's goals and denies being similar to him. He warns Soranik about Atrocitus and tells her to contact him if she needs help. He visits Arin Sur's grave where he plans to attack the Star Sapphires.
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Blackest Night
During the attack on Zamaron, Sinestro is surprised to see Carol Ferris, Hal Jordan's longtime lover and frequent host of the Star Sapphire, willingly fight for the Corps. Carol places Sinestro in a crystal and forces him to relive events regarding Arin Sur's death. Breaking free of the crystal, Sinestro attacks Carol in a rage, but they are stopped by the arrival of the Black Lantern Corps, the agents of the Black Abin Sur had long feared. These particularly Black Lanterns were members of his corps who had died, seeking to claim their hearts and raise their master. Hal Jordan was then teleported to Zamaron by the Indigo Tribe, whose leader, Indigo-1, knew Abin Sur. When the Black Lanterns destroy the Star Sapphire Central Power Battery, the others teleported to Korugar, where Mongul was trying to reestablish his coup. Enraged that Mongul tried to steal both his corps and world, Sinestro attacked. Though Mongul was the stronger physical opponent, Sinestro revealed that he had installed security directives in the yellow power rings to prevent them from harming him. Sinestro overpowered Mongul and imprisoned him in his ring, and was unanimously hailed by the rest of the Sinestro Corps. Sinestro then announced that he would be leading the coalition against the Black Lanterns, but was interrupted by the arrival of two other Black Lanterns—Abin and Arin Sur.
While Hal and Carol were fighting against Abin Sur, Sinestro faced off against his late wife Arin Sur. She made him question whether all of his actions were for her, which he believed was necessary. Before he could answer, however, she was blasted by Indigo-1 by combining her power with the Green Lantern ring. Afterward, Sinestro joined with the other three and together, they combined their powers to destroy Abin and Arin. Now that the threat of Mongul's coup and the Black Lanterns on Korugar was removed, they all decided that they needed to get the heads of other three Lantern Corps to recreate the white light necessary to destroy the Black Lanterns. Hal was distrustful of Sinestro leading the coalition and took charge himself. The Lanterns then teleported to Odym and managed to get the Blue Lantern Corps to join them before heading to Okaara where they found Atrocitus and Larfleeze fighting each other as the Black Lanterns on Okaara were gathering. After destroying the Black Lanterns, Sinestro tied Atrocitus up saying that despite their encounters, Sinestro was willing to join forces with the Red Lantern Corps to destroy the Guardians and their Green Lantern Corps, but Atrocitus was unwilling to even listen and attacked him before he was subdued by Hal. After getting Atrocitus and Larfleeze to join up, they all teleported to the dead planet of Ryut, which was the home of Atrocitus and the base of the Black Lantern Central Power Battery, which was transported to Coast City to help resurrect the mastermind behind the Blackest Night, Nekron.
After destroying the dead Guardian Scar, Sinestro and the other heads of the seven Lantern Corps, along with Ganthet and Sayd, tried to destroy Nekron and the Black Lantern Central Power Battery, but was ineffective since their power only created a small fraction of the white light. As such, in order to bolster their ranks, Indigo-1 contacted her other tribesmen to gather the remaining members of the other Lantern Corps, while Ganthet initialized a program in the seven power rings, since all their rings are based on Oan technology despite their differences, to duplicate and seek out sentient beings that had power over their respective emotions as a temporary member for each Lantern Corps. Sinestro's ring duplicate found and attached itself to the Scarecrow because of his ability to instill great fear, and inducted the villain into the Sinestro Corps as a deputy. With their numbers increased and with the Indigo Tribe gathering all the other Lanterns, they resumed their attack on the Black Lanterns.
When the Spectre attacked them, due to being trapped in the body of Crispus Allen who was resurrected as a Black Lantern, Hal had Ganthet summon his Power Battery, along with Guy Gardner's, John Stewart's, and Kyle Rayner's. When Sinestro asked, Hal told him that after the Sinestro Corps War, the four Green Lanterns of Earth, along with Ganthet, separated and imprisoned Parallax inside their batteries so that no one, including Sinestro, could release him. Saying that Sinestro was the only one who could release Parallax, Hal reasoned that if he rejoined with the parasite, then he would have the power to stop the Spectre. Sinestro released Parallax from the batteries, but intended to join with the entity because of his control over fear, but was stopped by Hal, who joined with Parallax and managed to stop the Spectre.
After Hal was freed from Parallax's control, Sinestro tried to join with the fear entity to stop Nekron, but it was pulled away by a mysterious force. However, after killing one of the Guardians, Black Hand used the Oan blood to create a symbol in the ground, which Nekron used to order the sentient embodiment of life to rise. After seeing the Entity being attacked by Nekron, Hal realized that it was an entity like Ion and Parallax, so it needed to bond with someone in order to fight against Nekron, but Sinestro stopped him, citing that he had his turn with Parallax, and the Korugaran joined with entity, with the ring telling him, "Thaal Sinestro of Korugar. Destiny Awaits."
Now with this new power, Sinestro was destroying the Black Lanterns with ease and was even shown the history of the entity, from its creation at the dawn of the universe, so when it landed on Earth and created life, as well as the sentient embodiments of the seven emotions. As that was happening, Nekron attacked and managed to sever Sinestro in half, trying to draw out the Entity and destroying it. While the other Lanterns were looking at Sinestro, Indigo-1 realized that despite the severing, there were no wounds on Sinestro, who used the power of the white light to heal himself and resume his attack on the Black Lanterns.
Sinestro has the advantage over Nekron and appears to kill him. However Nekron being death itself cannot simply be killed, his spirit simply takes a new body. He separates Sinestro from the Entity. Hal used this chance to bond with the Entity and with the help of other resurrected heroes defeated Nekron by restoring Black Hand's life thus cutting Nekron's link to the living plane.
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Brightest Day
Sinestro discovers that the White Battery is on Earth, he tries to pick it up but is unable to do so. The Life Entity tells him to retrieve Hal Jordan. Sinestro finds Hal who is with Carol, and after a brief struggle, he brings them to the White Battery. The Entity warns the trio that the entities of the emotional spectra are in danger and urges them to find them before a mysterious enemy does. After that, the trio is teleported to New York City, where they find Atrocitus. After a brief struggle, Lobo arrives. Apparently, someone offered a bounty for Atrocitus and Lobo came looking for him, dead or alive. The trio decides to protect Atrocitus and the four ring wielders fight against Lobo. After driving away Lobo, the four of them separate to search the Entities. Sinestro must also work with Kyle Rayner and the Green Lantern Corps in an effort to rescue Soranik Natu from a Qwardian, who made Sinestro's original yellow ring.
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War of the Green Lanterns
When Sinestro and the other "New Guardians" are trapped in the Book of the Black by Lyssa Drak while trying to recover the entities from Krona, Hal Jordan escapes with their rings. He later uses Sinestro's ring when Parallax is returned to the Central Power Battery, allowing Krona to control all Green Lanterns- Hal and others escaped only thanks to their prior experience with Parallax-, in order to give himself a weapon against the other Lanterns.
While attempting to escape the Book -which forces the New Guardians to re-live their lives prior to acquiring their current rings-, Sinestro discovers Indigo-1 in a prison cell, angrily proclaiming that she will escape whatever Abin Sur has planned for her, although he chooses to focus on his own escape rather than remain to question her more about this, only for Krona to burn the page that Sinestro is on before he can escape.
Later, Sinestro was redrawn in the Book of the Black and freed by Kyle Rayner. He was then denied his yellow ring by Krona. As Hal Jordan fought Krona, Sinestro was granted a green ring for unknown reasons. He then helped turned the tide in Jordan's battle with Krona, leading to the latter's death.
Following the battle, Hal Jordan was expelled from the Corps for killing Krona, but Sinestro was allowed to keep his ring and new position, with his fate still being determined by the Guardians in the Citadel. Much to the outrage of all the other Green Lanterns.
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Fun Facts
Sinestro's predecessor has been said to be either Jewelius Blak or Prohl Gosgotha.
Sinestro is also known as the Wicked.
Sinestro is usually portrayed as being left-handed.
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on a character profile of Sinestro, from Bruce Wayne's private files in the Batcomputer, from the pages of "Justice" Vol. 1 #11. June, 2007. DC Comics. Artwork by Alex Ross.
"Sinestro is what will happen to Hal Jordan if he is not kept in check. Power corrupts. And these Green Lantern rings seem to be the closest any of us could have to absolute power. Sinestro was chosen by the Green Lantern Corps to police the specified region of his home planet. He was judged to be fearless.
But over time, the power of the ring changed him. Sinestro began to rule and abuse the world's he was charged to protect. The Guardians stopped him. They took away his ring. In their desire to teach him a lesson, they banished him to a world of terrible cruelty and despotism. But for someone like Sinestro, it was like coming home. The race that lived in that placed hated the Guardians and their intergalatic police force. They created a weapon for Sinestro, one not without its own brand of irony. They gave him a ring that operated exactly like those of the Green Lantern Corps. Except his ring did not rely upon power from the central Green Lantern Corps battery. And it was capable of breaking through any form generated by a Green Lantern ring.
It is more than a desire for revenge against the Green Lantern Corps that has caused Sinestro to especially hate and strike at Hal Jordan. It is far more personal. Jordan was not corrupted by the ring as Sinestro was. Jordan was hailed as the greatest Green Lantern of them all. So, despite having a superior power ring, a weakness is revealed: Sinestro's pride."
-- BATMAN, from Bruce Wayne's private files in the Batcomputer (script by Jim Krueger & Alex Ross)
Source: https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Sinestro_(Justice).
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who-is-muses · 5 days
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sonicanary · 6 years
“Wake up, Goldilocks!”
          The throbbing noise of the engine was lulling the blonde laying in the bed, droplets drooling along her lips. ( classy ). The sweet voice of the Korugaran had her waking up slowly. Weary, Dinah brushed her eyes with a long && loud yawn, while straightening herself with a sigh of content. It’s been weeks she didn’t get to sleep like a baby like this. 
“Mhm…”     squinting her blue eyes at the pinked woman, canary remained suspicious as she glanced through the vessel’s window ; space, space, && space again. 
“Where are we heading to ?”     Dinah asked as she sat properly on the edge of the bed, watching Soranik with puzzle expression.      “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love you guys, but basically y’all abducted me in the middle of the night for a mission.”       Her bony finger twirled around && motioned towards her own outfit aka her pajamas; some old band t-shirt && polka shorties, with some stripes socks.       “I didn’t get to really… get ready. Sorry ?” 
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Ed, Edd && Eddy.  sel accepting.  @octhbound
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All-Star Green Lantern:
Runaway Jesa Cruz finds a glowing lantern and an unconscious person with pointed ears and red-pink skin on an active train track. Attempting to get the alien to safety, Jesa is too late as the locomotive barrels towards them…and is completely wrecked against a wall of solid green light. Growing up fascinated by stories of space--especially the lost crew of the USS Sentinel (Jordan, Stewart, Gardner, Ferris, and Rayner)--Jesa had always looked to the stars...they just never expected the stars to find them first.
Thaal is a Korugaran stranded on Earth after the death of his partner Abin, he befriends Jessica Cruz only to discover she’s runaway with a dark secret of her own. He gives Abin's ring to Jesa to protect herself. The Lantern used to power their rings is an incubator for an infant Oan, Aya.
Pursuing Jesa is the Cult of Blood, led by the charismatic sociopath Sebastian Sanger. He and his followers worship Atros, the Spirit of the Blood Lantern. While the Lantern has transformed others with its power--Bernie the Animal Boy, Johnny Rankorr, and The Great Red Beast Sorov--others await its blessing, Sebastian among them, and believe Jesa's sacrifice will curry its favor.
In Sebastian's employ are the Manhunters, a group of assassins hired to track Jesa. The team sent after Jesa includes The Tattooed Man, Sonar, Deathstroke The Ravager, though their mother organization is a much larger league of mercenaries and assassins.
Finally, there's Prof. Jack Crane: an former academic who inserted a “Fear-Entity” into his body via self-administered surgery. Moving independent of Sanger and the Manhunters to capture Jesa and Thaal, Crane may prove to be the most dangerous of all...
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cfarayner · 6 years
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Hello !!! here’s my new angel Adrianne I’m super excited about her !!
Name: Adrianne Rayner
FC: Cierra Ramirez
Age: 19
DOB: January 21st 1999
Chinese Zodiac: Year of the Tiger
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Yellow - inherited from her mother
Height: 5’1
Ethnicity: Half-Mexican (Earth), Half-Korugaran (Korugar)
Korugaran features: Yellow eyes, pointed ears
Father: Kyle Rayner
Mother: Soranik Natu
Grandfather: Thaal Sinestro
Godfather: Guy Gardner
Sexuality: Pansexual
Powers: Green Lantern Ring
History & info:
Adrianne grew up on Oa with her father
She was two years old when Soranik left after the discovery that Sarko was her and Kyle’s son and he had hid the information from her
Being so young, she doesn’t have very prominent memories of her mother and most of what she knows is what’s been told to her by the other Lanterns and by her father
Kyle raised her in space for the most part! She moved between Oa and Mogo depending on what Mogo was doing, though she frequently returned to Earth with Kyle so she could get used to both aspects of their life
For the most part she was homeschooled by her father and godfather, and taught by the other Lanterns - she is a very bright kid and gets her intelligence from her mother, but because of the way she’s been schooled so far she will struggle with college as it’s such a different structure to what she knows
Kilowog has been training her in hand-to-hand combat since she was six purely because she snuck into one of his beginner training sessions and thought it looked fun so she wouldn’t leave him alone until he trained her
She is an artist, Kyle has been teaching her art since she was little. You will always find her with a sketchbook and, from time to time, paint on her clothes or in her hair from her latest projects
She is fluent in both English and Spanish.
She is a very new Lantern - she received her ring just after her 18th birthday (2017)
Having spent so much time training with Kilowog already, and having grown up around the Corps, her training was a bit more advanced - she already had combat skills but needed to learn how to incorporate the ring’s abilities into her actions
She has only recently completed her training and begun patrolling with Kyle
They have very recently returned to Earth and moved to Paragon so Adrianne can attend college
Adrianne is pretty chilled out, she’s much more of a doer than a talker - she might think up of these great ideas and grand plans but next thing you know she’s off trying to figure out how to make them happen rather than talking it out first. This doesn’t always work out so well and she is trying to learn to discuss her ideas and plans so she can gain other people’s insights, but her instincts are to just run in and do what she thinks is best in a situation
She’s very emotionally driven - being an artist she’s more inclined to react based on how she feels and what pulls her emotionally more than anything else. Guy has tried to teach her to be a little more tactical and she’s definitely learning, but her instinct is to emotionally react to situations and work on how she feels more than anything else
She’s a little self conscious - having picked up features from both her father and her mother, her appearance is not what people would normally see. She has Kyle’s complexion but Soranik’s pointed ears and yellow eyes, meaning she draws attention to herself without even trying. Fortunately she’s grown her hair quite long and it’s pretty thick so she can hide her ears if she wants to, but the eyes aren’t as easy
She has trouble reaching out to people but wants to make new friends. She’s not used to Earth and how people behave and act here - so much of her life has been spent in space and she’s so used to the Green Lantern Corps and how things operate on Oa that she’s unsure on how to approach most situations on earth
She expresses herself in art a lot as she’s been drawing for pretty much as long as she can remember. It’s a really good outlet for her to channel her emotions and in turn helps her control how she uses those emotions by putting them into some kind of structure via her drawings
She has a very strong sense of right and wrong - having grown up around the Green Lantern Corps and now being one alongside them, her sense of justice and doing the right thing is very distinct and she will not back down from a fight if she believes someone is doing bad
Very dedicated and loyal to those she cares about
She doesn’t talk about it but she has very deep-seated abandonment issues from when Soranik left her and Kyle. She doesn’t understand why Soranik abandoned her the way she did and likely will never forgive her for it, even if she does some day move on from it
When she dreams she dreams big - her aim is to eventually train to use the full emotional spectrum and become a White Lantern like her father, however she’s also terrified of having to learn how to use Fear as the last thing she wants is to turn out like her mother and grandfather
She is a soft angel who wants all the friends
Kyle Rayner : Father - Adrianne loves her father so much, he’s always been such a bright light to her and such an inspiration of who she wants to be. Despite being a single father he’s made sure she knows she’s very much loved and given her as much as he can to make her happy and for the most part she always has been
Soranik Natu : Mother - Adrianne doesn’t know much about her mother aside from what she’s been told by other Lanterns, and what very slight fleeting, and faint, memories she has of her from when she was young. She feels very much abandoned by her mother and has no idea how she would handle meeting the woman.
Guy Gardner : Godfather - Despite his reckless nature, Guy was always good at getting Adrianne to listen and learn, to consider her tactical approach more than her emotional one. She’s still learning but he’s good at teaching and training her, and he’s always been a source of fun and amusement for Adrianne. He’s also extremely good with children and has done a lot to help her work through her abandonment issues related to Soranik
Maura Rayner : Grandmother - Adrianne adores her grandmother. She and Kyle visit almost every weekend for dinner and Maura spoils her absolutely rotten. She also doesn’t seem to mind Adrianne’s appearance - her pointed ears and her yellow eyes clearly aren’t of Earth, but Maura never seemed bothered by it. Adrianne feels very much at home with the woman.
Marisol Grayson : something - Marisol is something else entirely, Adrianne hasn’t really figured out what yet. It’s hard to really pinpoint what the girl is and why Adrianne feels so drawn to her but there’s something about the girl that makes Adrianne want to know more. She’s easily one of the strongest people Adrianne has met.
Wanted connections:
Friends - preferably those related to the JL or the Titans ! There’s potential for Adrianne to have met kids of the members when Kyle was on Earth working with the teams!
Other Lantern kids - Please give her space friends
Ex’s - this would be a little hard - she’s probably had more flings than serious relationships purely because Earth was never really a permanent home for her
Sparring partners - she trains a lot and very intensely and always wants new challenges so she can test her skills and training!
I’ll update this as I go but please come bother me for plots !!!
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thaal-sinestro · 7 years
Panfandom Character Hunt
Site name and link: Basura Site genre: Chat-based Panfandom Site info: Standard panfandom fair- characters are brought to a strange new planet. I play Sinestro (Green Lantern), Rumplestiltskin (Once Upon a TIme), Nicholas Rush (Stargate Universe) and Hamish Macbeth (The books) Your name: Toon Contact info: Discord: Twin#0972 Role(s) requested: Soranik Natu Soranik is Sinestro's daughter, though they doesn't have a very good relationship. He became a villain and she became a hero, and it was one of her main goals to stop him. She never considered him a father because he was out of her life at an early age (though not because he wanted to be, she was hidden from him for a long time.) You might go as far as to say that she hates him. But he forced her into the yellow lanterns and she started to see he wasn't as evil as he seemed to be- that his intentions were good even if he was using an unusual tool for it. She came to understand fear better, as well as her father. She was just starting to lower her guards when he fought the Pale Bishop and saved earth from the Paling. That was when, in my canon, he disappeared. Hal Jordan Hal Jordan is the man Sinestro trained to be the first Green Lantern from earth. He is hot headed and arrogant, but very loyal and a true hero at heart. He has courage for days! He and Sinestro are friends, but that friendship is anything but sensible. He hates Sinestro for betraying the corps, and Sinestro hates him for turning him over to the Guardians. They hate and like each other. It's complicated. Arkillo Arkillo is Sinestro's second-in-command and someone Sinestro ALMOST trusts. He is a large, hulking alien who is very brash and always ready for a fight. But he has a loyalty to Sinestro that I really just enjoy, and I think I would love for a buddy to be on earth with him. Arkillo just started to learn about earth before Sinestro was pulled into Basura, so he would probably still be learning when he got to town! I don't think you can change from being a fear monger to a hero entirely over night, but he had a lot of redeeming moments in the comics! Abin Sur closest to Sinestro, and the only one he openly acknowledged as a friend before Hal Jordan came along. They were very close, and Abin introduced him to Arin, whom he instantly fell in love with and married. They were always a happy, close family and Abin's death was the start of Sinestro's decay. He became obsessed with fear and ensuring order in the universe through it when will power was what got his best friend killed for no reason. Arin Sur Arin is Sinestro's former wife, who died when he took over his home planet. She is not actually a Korugaran, like he is, and comes from another planet. She is the sister of Abin, who was Sinestro's mentor and friend, as well as the reason they met. He loved her more than anything in the world, and continues to love and miss her even now, though he refuses to acknowledge his feelings no matter who might prod him. Love is a weakness, and he wants very much to blame love for his various troubles. However, in his heart of hearts, he will always love Arin. Baelfire/Neal Cassidy Rumple's first son, who died in Storybrooke after being tricked into bringing Rumple back from the dead. He is a kind man with the heart of a hero, though his complex backstory makes him something of a broken man in his adult life. Still, he always did what was right for his family, and Rumple always wanted to do right by him. He could come from any point in his timeline, as a child or as an adult! A child might actually be a bit more fun, for Rumple, but I'm happy with whatever is fun for the person who makes him. Gideon Gold Rumple's second and most recent son. He has his child in Basura with him, along with his mother Belle, so it would be hilarious if an older version were to pop in. It could be the manipulated Gideon who hates his father from season six, or the more loving, raised right version from season seven! Generally, he is a good man, but if he comes from season six, he has a lot of issues to work through! Fiona/Black Fairy Fiona is Rumple's mother and the black fairy, who accidentally created a villain for her son to stop in her efforts to keep him from becoming the savior. Her love for her son made her a twisted woman who was willing to hurt anyone to protect him. Ultimately, Rumple killed her for the sake of his own family, as well as for the sake of his town. She could come from before or after death- I'm really not picky! Peter Pan Pan is Rumple's not-so-great father who abandoned his son for eternal youth. Great guy, eh? He wanted nothing more than to enjoy never growing old and not even his son was important enough to him to keep him from that. Rumple hates him, and killed him for his disagreeable antics. Killed him twice, actually. I don't have a preference what time period he comes from. Obviously I would prefer if he come from after becoming Peter Pan, but I'm open after that! Everett Young He is prone to emotionally collapsing under stress and failing to lead in moments of crisis, often telling people that everything would be fine without actually having any assurance of that. But he is brave and tries his best for the sake of everyone around him, even though he makes mistakes. He and Rush are rivals who have clashed since the beginning, even trying to kill one another at times. But they ultimately respect and look to one another for guidance. Chloe Armstrong She is a young girl who was also trapped on the Destiny with Eli and Rush. She is not a scientist, and spends most of her time offering moral support. As far as Rush goes, Chloe was one of the few people he liked. He saved her multiple times during their run on the ship and made sure she was always taken care of. They had a quiet sort of friendship with one another, even though Chloe found him justifiably difficult to trust from time to time. I think there was a father/daughter kind of relationship between them, and I would love for that to continue if she ever appears in town! Other notes: Any of these characters can be taken from any point in their canon history for the site. Characters don't need to come from the same 'dimension' as one another, so even if they're dead in one timeline, you can bring them from a timeline where they're just fine! Also, other characters from these fandoms would be loved, too! If you like panfandoms, and chat-based RP, then check it out regardless! Reblogs would also help. <3
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