birdletss · 1 year
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tw: body horror, blood
vin and human
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spooklestibournes · 9 months
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Jastes & the koloss
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imonlyhereforcrem · 11 months
I’ve learned that bloodhound puppies work like koloss having to grow into their skin
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Link to the post below the cut
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thepermanentrainpress · 10 months
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Gallery: Meshuggah @ Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre - Vancouver, BC Date: November 25, 2023 Photographed by: Danielle Costelo
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butwhybother · 1 year
Breeze always insists that he is not controlling people when he Soothes them, yet it is by powerful Push on their emotions that koloss can be controlled.
Strong emotion seems to have been a key to Koloss escaping control, as well as a vulnerability that would make them open to being controlled:
"Only in the throes of a blood frenzy did they have any form of autonomy. [....] Koloss, however, could be taken by a determined regular Push, particularly when they are frenzied." (The Hero of Ages Chapter 66 epigraph)
Emotion & freedom & control are linked.
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solitary-shell · 1 year
Strive, strive, surmount the obstacles Become the essence of your goals, hereditary dream Pray that you may attain that destiny Fall into the coveted line Where life is but a theme of pretense in lustrous guise
Claims and values, charts of means and status Plaques to show your strife Do your neighbor clones approve? Picture perfect illustration, imitation of life Where the path is evened out, all obstructions removed
Great, viable citizen Are you happy now? Then praise your god and bow
Meshuggah really does have the best lyrics IMO
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belliesandburps · 2 years
Is there anyone who can rival the girth of Kentaro?
In HISS? Nope. Koloss is huge, but he's got a lot of muscle contrasting that doughy beer belly of is. Kentaro is ALL blubber to spare, baby! XD
And fair's fair, Kentaro worked miiiiiighty hard to earn dat mass. :P
The story reason is because Kentaro is greed personified. He's a neutral ally, but he's always got an angle to ensure he gets his metaphorical fill. And because he lives in pure excess, that includes getting his LITERAL fill too. ;)
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captainimbatmanus · 3 months
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gutachter · 1 year
Bau-Boom am Münchner Hauptbahnhof: Der neue Glaswürfel und andere Baustellen
München: „…Eine Baustelle reiht sich an die nächste: Das Bahnhofsviertel ist im Wandel. Wir erklären die Pläne für einen neuen Glaswürfel in der Bayerstraße – und wie der Stand bei anderen Projekten ist. Wie ein gläserner Koloss aus der Zukunft ragt der neue Münchner Hauptbahnhof im Hintergrund hervor. Diesen Blick wird man aus einem Konferenzraum eines Gebäudes haben, das ebenfalls zum…
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pimentadeacucar · 2 years
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wanderingmadscientist · 9 months
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Happy Koloss Head Munching Day, and Brandon's birthday too, I suppose.
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kingjasnah · 2 years
whatever happens one week from today. i hope that it continues mistborn tradition of being extremely fucked up
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sarahshoots1st · 2 years
"Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss."
-Vin, during the Siege of Luthadel (probably)
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(art credit: Jemma M. Young, from the Coppermind)
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obeetlebeetle · 5 months
Genuinely super curious as someone whos read a few sandersons and never had anything stand out to me as religious/propagandistic: what is the underlying Message he is getting to? I don’t doubt the claim at all I just would love to hear more (and am generally unfamiliar with a lot of Mormon beliefs which is maybe why I missed it)
i think it would be hard to say that sanderson is getting at a specific *message* so much as he has very mormon ideas about how religion functions, about how men and women should conduct relationships, and about "right" and "wrong" ways of being in the world. i think the core romantic attractions in the latter part of the mistborn series pretty much state my point:
waxillium and lessie -- devoted heterosexual marriage which can only end in the spouse's death. later on, when we bring lessie back, she has to be both evil and directly religiously opposed to wax/harmony in order to fully cement his attachment to steris.
waxillium and steris -- a man resenting his legal attachment to a woman he has no romantic (read: spiritual) attraction to, who eventually relents bc his strong moral (read: spiritual) and noble attitudes uh. "thaw her frozen heart" or whatthefuckever sanderson says abt it. which he can only do after resisting the threat posed by marasi.
waxillium and marasi -- the young naive woman who is a danger to wax bc of her incursion on his feelings for lessie and on his agreement with steris? who would be an ideal partner but cannot be accepted bc he only knows her outside the bond of marriage? cmon.
in general, all of sanderson's romantic relationships prop up his belief in mormon ideals for romance: highly codified, necessarily recognized by religious/legal authorities, socially agreed upon by men, directed and facilitated by men, often if not entirely driven by the man's need (duty!) to tame or domesticate the woman by taking control of her spiritual world/growth, and, whenever possible, ending in death of one or both partners. this is important bc of the mormon attitude towards celestial marriage. u can probably just google that and get the gist. and then go think abt vin and elend for twenty minutes. 👍
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occultamusica · 10 months
Koloss æ Therna - untitled I (in Visual Alchemy, 2022)
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awkwardtuatara · 1 year
I need a Mistborn (era 2) crossover with Discworld now. Imagine the possibilities. Marasi discussing the role of law enforcement and where its power comes from with Carrot and/or Vimes. Wayne and Nobby bonding over a) stealing (trading) b) crossdressing and c) teaching each other new tricks. Wayne would probably also get along with Moist really well, or establish an immediate rivalry. MeLaan finds out about werewolves and is like "TenSoon, stop moping in your cave, I think you'll like this" and there are discussions about shapeshifting and identity. Wax and Vimes share experiences and cases they've had, and Wax is like "it took me a while to get used to being back in the city but finally I'm at peace with it" and Vimes is like "this city has kicked me in the arse but it's my damn city, why would you ever prefer your Roughs" and both of them bond over suddenly being politicians and the awkwardness of formal events. Vimes is very agnostic while Wax is literally the Sword of Harmony, but neither of them are very fond of gods anyway so it's fine. Everyone's constantly freaking out over how many gonnes Wax and Marasi carry, either morally or practically. Vetinari's looking at Elendel and thinking about how functional it is despite having a barely functional government and semi-weak leaders. Steris and Drumknott get engrossed in accounting and filing systems. Vetinari looks at Steris' plans and wants to hire her, or maybe just observe her to see what she ends up doing; meanwhile Steris is analyzing the Ankh-Morpork political system and why it functions. Wax is appalled by the Assassins Guild and Wayne is fascinated by the Thieves' Guild. The Elendel Constabulary (somewhat normal) meets the Ankh-Morpork City Watch (typically unhinged). Death, a being trying to understand humanity, meets Harmony, a once-human who attained godhood and can barely handle it. Marsh/Ironeyes factors into there somewhere. Wax and Cheery talk about metallurgy and alchemy, and there are explosions. Kelsier pops in from his worldhopping journeys like "Saze, who are these people" and Sazed/Harmony's just like "please don't question it, it's working out pretty well."
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