#Knee joint pain treatment without surgery
drramakantkumar · 1 year
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Marina x daughter!reader gets hurt during a soccer game. She’s obsessed with the sport lives and breathes it. So when she gets injured it’s her ACL( care ending injury)
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A painful outcry, which went through the marrow and bones of Carina and Maya´s body and drove a shiver down their backs, caused the doctor and the firefighter to run onto the field after a brief shock. Their daughter had clashed with her opponent, been knocked off her feet and thrown a few centimeters through the air.
After that, you hit the ground and your loud scream echoed across the soccer field. It was completely silent, the whistle sounding a break while not a sound could be heard from the fans. All eyes were on you on the floor, a small team of doctors already squatting with you, while you were writhing on the floor, your face contorted in pain.
All your fellow players, even the opponents, had gathered in a small circle around you and the doctors while Carina and Maya had pushed themselves through the crowd and got on their knees next to you. They talked to you softly and watched in shock as you held your knee frantically and it was already beginning to swell under your fingers.
"Hey baby. Stop moving, it is alright. We are here," the blonde said softly, staring down at you in shock. You seemed to despair of the pain, slightly opening your shiny, tearful eyes while you mumbled incoherent whines. You looked between your mothers before the brunette found her words. "What hurts? Can you tell me that?"
Without words and with a face turning red from pain, you pointed to your knee joint, which took on a bluish discoloration and on which the doctors were already touching around. Maya gently stroked your hair and rested her hand on your shoulder while trying to calm you down with soothing words. "The doctors are doing what they can, but you can expect that you will not be able to play today and we are going to the hospital instead."
"No! No. We have to win the game! I have to play,"
Your mothers gave you a slightly annoyed look and shook their head hastily. How could you think of winning a stupid game while lying on the floor in unnatural pain? "Bella, non c'è modo. You are injured and we will not allow your addiction to the game to cause further injury." it burst out on the Italian and you stared at her defeated.
Your mother was right and you could not persuade the two rock-hard women anyway - you could not play like that.
With a firm grip under your armpits, Maya had clawed you and pulled you up, Carina carefully supported your balance with two hands on your shoulder blades. "Can you put your foot down?" a small but nice question that made you say no when you tried to do so. "No, it hurts so terribly!" you replied whimpering and leaned on the blonde's shoulder.
"Ti portiamo in ospedale. Maya? Hospital. It is probably the anterior cruciate ligament, it needs treatment." nodding, she pulled you closer to her. With quick steps, you both walked and hobbled down the muddy path from the soccer field until you reached the Italian's parked Porsche.
It had been two days since you were discharged from the hospital. As revealed by an X-ray, this was not just a simple injury, but a serious one that caused problems. Your mother was right and you really did destroy your anterior curciate ligament as a result of your accident and had to have surgery.
Now you were lying on the couch at home, your leg propped up on three pillows, while your favorite show was playing that you were not even paying attention to. Instead, you dwell on your thoughts.
Anything could have happened. Everything, but not that. It was the penultimate game of the season and now you had destroyed your knee in the decisive game for the final, which meant a four-month break for you. Now you could not attend such a big event and play for the cup.
"That is bewitched!" you shouted and slammed your fist angrily on the pillow that lay on your lower stomach. The blonde and brunette who had taken time off work to take care of you, quickly moving over to you and ignored the washing machine calling for them.
"Honey, what do you mean?" Carina whispered softly to you and gently ran her fingers through your hair. Tears wet your cheeks and you let out a soft sob, the pain brewing with the feeling of failure inside you. "I have failed."
"Hey, you did not fail. You are injured and that has nothing to do with failure. You will still get the trophy, I promise you that," the blonde continued the conversation and pressed a big kiss on your head, her hand softly touching your thigh and caressing it. Her voice was still a whisper.
A simple whisper that meant so much to you.
"But I let you down. You ran a 10,000 meter sprint with a sprained ankle and won the gold medal. And me? I just fell on the floor and now I have…this" you admitted, pointing to your braced knee. The last few weeks, the last few months have been so beautiful. Maya, Carina and you, were looking forward to your soccer game and had imagined what it would be like to celebrate your beaming face with the trophy in your hand.
But now everything had gone differently and you were lying here on the dreary couch and all hopes were destroyed.
Two horrified and deeply saddened faces exhaled loudly and were silent for a brief moment while they looked down dejectedly. You had no reason to compare yourself to Maya, you were unique in your own way and they hated that they could not take your worries away. "I beg you, Y/n.. you are not a failure." the Italian broke the silence and looked at you invitingly.
"Look at me little one," the blonde said cautiously, bending slightly over you and always looking into your eyes. You looked up at her questioningly, blue eyes boring into yours. "Neither Carina nor I are disappointed in you. Rather, we are happy that you did not injure yourself worse."
You nodded cautiously, holding back your words. The blonde smiled and got up from her seat before disappearing again. "Mom?" you called after her as she was about to disappear into the bathroom and she turned around questioningly. You held up the already heated ice pack. "Can you get me some new ice? It's starting to hurt again."
"An ice pack for the princess with extra painkillers and vanilla ice cream is coming right away!" she said curtly and hurriedly walked towards the kitchen. A few minutes later she came back two her wive and you with all the things and sat down next to you again. "Now back off. We are going to watch a horror movie to distract you a little," she giggled, grabbing the remote control. With a little nudge on your nose, you pressed yourself to the blondes side and rested your head on her chest.
"Se metti un film horror e lo guardi con lei, sei una donna divorziata."
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As much as I agree that people who have EDS shouldn’t talk over people who have worse disabilities than us, and as firmly as I believe that disabled people should let other disabled people speak about their struggles without comparing it to EDS, I need you to know that having EDS, especially my type— the one you find more often than other types, is not just “being bendy”.
I was diagnosed with EDS when I was a baby. I was very lucky, and was able to receive treatment (whether good or bad) quicker than others. However, EDS caused my hip dysplasia, it caused the condition that affected my mobility to the point where I needed three corrective hip surgeries; it was the cause of my bone not forming, I needed a bone donor to aid in correction. I have three long scars on my bikini line where Dr Caroll (from Shriner’s in Utah) cut into me in order to give me a better chance of having less limited mobility.
EDS isn’t just me being able to play bendy straw with my hands, it isn’t just me having to deal with “fake dislocations, it’s subluxations so it’s not that bad”. It caused my scoliosis, it caused my arthritis from my joints going out of place so often. I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis as a child, but as I got older, my arthritis spread to more places. I have burning nerve pain that makes me want to die, I have partial paralysis whenever my body decides to attack me spontaneously, I have dystonia, I have hearing loss, allergic reactions, and pain in every joint in my entire body. From head to toe, all of my joints, all of my muscles.
EDS is something that has severely impacted and negatively effected my entire body. It took everything from me, it took my already limited mobility, it took my peace, it took my mental health, it took my most beloved hobby ever— riding horses. I cannot sit to play piano, use my hands for my guitar, sit in a chair for more than 30 minutes without my back muscles screaming.
I took 14 pills every single day with multiple prescriptions because of what EDS has caused. I am undiagnosed with something that nearly killed me last year, everyone was preparing for me to die, and it has been dismissed by anxiety or an eating disorder, it is caused by my disease. EDS will affect me for the rest of my life.
EDS isn’t “just” being hyper mobile. This isn’t just a small disease that people go through, it is life altering and life compromising and life threatening from all of the comorbidities that come along with it; it is debilitating, it is isolating, it is pain that cannot be treated with even IV morphine, it is a constant, unrelenting acid rain condition just as many other physical disabilities.
People who have EDS shouldn’t try to play the Sick Olympics, we shouldn’t go to someone’s page and say “I’M JUST AS SICK AND DISABLED AS YOU ARE”. We should take the time to listen to people who have it worse, because so often they get ignored by abled people, they don’t need other disabled people to say that their conditions aren’t worse just because we have it bad. So many people are definitely more disabled than I am, and that absolutely does not erase my struggles.
Every physical disability affects the body in different ways, and every physical disability isn’t necessarily comparable to others. My degenerative arthritis isn’t the same as someone’s ankylosing spondylitis. My joints are fucked and my mobility has been significantly decreased as my disease has progressed. I am not going to compare my knees that will need to be replaced to someone whose spine is literally fusing together. Even though it’s a form of arthritis, it isn’t the same as mine and it isn’t my place to pretend it is.
But someone saying “it’s just hyper mobility” is perpetuating a harmful narrative, because people already don’t believe us, our stuff doesn’t show in labs and it only shows during further and extensive testing that many doctors don’t want to pursue because we’re “faking” or “being over dramatic”, because it isn’t “that bad”, it’s just bendy joints, it’s not debilitating./s It isn’t just being bendy, it is so much more and doesn’t need to be dismissed solely because it isn’t the same or as severe as someone else’s condition. Even if someone does have it worse, it doesn’t mean that EDS isn’t bad, and just because someone has EDS, it doesn’t mean it’s always comparable and needs to be shouted to the world on people’s posts about a completely different situation.
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disabled-dinosaur · 11 days
Living with a progressive autoimmune condition is BORING. Boring because if you’re not working, all you do is sit at home and if you are working, you have to be careful how much time you take off for appointments and treatment plans.
First, I was a CNA/ medication aide working in the skilled nursing and memory unit section. When I could no longer lift 200+ lbs, I moved to the memory unit/ assisted living section, which was less heavy lifting as the residents were pretty much independent.
At that point, it wasn’t that bad and I was still searching for a definitive diagnosis. In 2014/2015, I was diagnosed with just degenerative discs and sacroiliac joint problems. So, no big deal— it was just back pain right? At one point, it was Fibromyalgia, then that flopped. I didn’t really have any symptoms of that, yet one doc still diagnosed me with it. Very briefly, afterwards, I was diagnosed with MS. That flopped too. It didn’t make sense either. Then, they said that I’m drug-seeking or crazy. So I quit looking for a diagnosis because I felt like I could keep going, until 2020. I had a major surgery, went back to work. 2020 came around and I knew I was feeling worse. I *still* felt like I could keep going.
In 2022, I moved to doing a desk job. That felt pretty good. I was happy and didn’t feel bad at all. I loved the group of maintenance men that I worked with. When something didn’t work out, those guys informed me and they were vocal about concerns or anything like that. I had their respect (I hope) and they had mine.
In May of 2022, I was officially diagnosed with Bechterew’s Disease (aka Spondylitis), a progressive fusion of joints beginning in the spine and moving to fuse what’s called peripheral joints like hips, hands, knees and shoulders. This year, my hands began bothering me, aching. My previous rheumatologist who has since retired had me on infusions for about a year and a half, from May 2022 until October/ November 2023. In December 2023, the new rheumatologist thought it was too much and we moved to injections that I give myself.
Ever since March, things have been going wacky. I woke up one day in March with fever-like aches and chills without the actual fever. The first noticeable change came from a blood test in March where my liver enzyme levels were through the roof (some liver damage). Normal liver numbers are supposed to be somewhere between 25 and 44 and mine were 109. 300 to 600 is when you apparently become jaundice, but they didn’t get that high, thank goodness. The second sign that something was wrong was decreased movement in ligaments and joints. Sitting down or bending anything was next impossible and very little sleep. I went through this pain until about early June and spent those weeks on 80 different medications and steroids trying to get that inflammation down. Fever-like chills and body aches eventually went away. I would wear thick socks, two pairs of leggings and a hoodie during that time. In May, when I spoke to my rheumatologist, she said, "Honey, had you felt like this in years prior?"
"No, I’ve never even had a cold this bad."
She said, "Honey, you’re going through your first major relapse/flare."
For two whole months, from March to May, I had no idea what was going on. I quit my job on May 13th after Cody and I had discussed it. In June, I started to feel okay again after all the medications and injections. My liver was reacting to my flare 🔥 and trying to give me a sign. That was the first clue. All that time, I blamed the injections for the elevated liver enzymes, because one side effect is liver issues. Turns out, I had a GI problem causing this flare and symptoms and couldn’t eat anything solid but noodles with only broth and crackers. We avoided tubes and surgery, thank goodness. When something major happens in your body, your liver can decide to react and freak out. This might not happen to everybody— this was just my unique case. In late July or early August, after all the inflammation died down, my legs became really weak and somewhat tingly/numb. After joint inflammation comes muscle weakness apparently, like an after-effect. I fell about two or three times. I couldn’t hide my gait anymore and I’d rather have my cane than worry about what others think. I found it difficult to walk longer distances than before, so I swallowed my pride, started to use my cane more often and ordered a custom-fitted wheelchair for those longer distances. This is fitted to my dimensions. I went to a place in Missouri and it took a whole hour to measure. Out of desperation, I bought a semi-custom wheelchair back in late May. It gave me some freedom. And recently, I finally got out of this house for an outing that was longer than an hour. I had not gotten out of the house much since March, except for appointments. On Sunday, September 15th, I went to a museum and got lunch with my wonderful husband, using that wheelchair. We were there for about two or three hours. Walking for that long would’ve been impossible ever since all this started this year. It used to be that every once in a while, as I was driving, that my foot would be so weak that it would slip off the accelerator. That only happened a very few times. Lately, after the inflammation dissipated, the muscle weakness and numbness has been more persistent, so I’m getting portable hand controls that will attach to the pedals of my truck soon and I can attach them to any vehicle that I drive. But as of lately, I’m feeling great. After months of noodles and broth soup and crackers, I’m eating normally. I don’t know how long the muscle weakness/ numbness will last, but I’m not dwelling on it. The main focus is going to PT, dealing with treatment and going to appointments. It’s the little things that are worth more than the big things. When you look back, you’ll realise that those little things were actually the big things.
DON’T IGNORE YOUR HEALTH. When something feels off, keep persisting.
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drsanjaygupta-1 · 2 months
Best Orthopaedic Doctor Vaishali Ghaziabad
Discover Top-Notch Orthopedic Care with Dr. Sanjay Gupta in Vaishali, Ghaziabad
If you’re searching for exceptional orthopedic care in Vaishali, Ghaziabad, look no further than Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Renowned for his expertise and compassionate approach, Dr. Gupta stands out as one of the leading orthopedic specialists in the region. In this blog, we’ll explore what makes Dr. Gupta the best choice for your orthopedic needs and why you should consider visiting him for your hip, knee, and joint concerns.
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Why Dr. Sanjay Gupta is the Best Orthopedic Doctor in Vaishali
Extensive Experience and Expertise
Dr. Sanjay Gupta brings years of experience and specialized training in orthopedics, focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of hip and knee conditions. His extensive background includes advanced training and certifications, ensuring that he provides the highest level of care. Whether you’re dealing with a sports injury, arthritis, or need joint replacement surgery, Dr. Gupta’s expertise will guide you through the best treatment options available.
Patient-Centered Care
At the heart of Dr. Gupta’s practice is a commitment to personalized, patient-centered care. He understands that every patient is unique, and he takes the time to listen to your concerns, evaluate your condition comprehensively, and develop a tailored treatment plan. His approach ensures that you receive not only effective treatment but also compassionate support throughout your recovery journey.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Dr. Gupta’s clinic in Vaishali is equipped with the latest technology and medical advancements in orthopedic care. From diagnostic imaging to surgical procedures, the clinic’s state-of-the-art facilities ensure that you receive the most accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. The use of cutting-edge technology aids in minimally invasive procedures, reducing recovery time and enhancing overall outcomes.
Comprehensive Range of Services
Whether you’re seeking treatment for chronic pain, recovering from an injury, or considering joint replacement surgery, Dr. Gupta offers a comprehensive range of orthopedic services. His expertise spans:
Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery
Sports Medicine and Injury Management
Arthritis Treatment
Fracture Care and Rehabilitation
Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques
Positive Patient Outcomes
Dr. Gupta’s dedication to achieving positive patient outcomes is reflected in the countless success stories of his patients. Many have praised his skillful surgical techniques, effective pain management, and the improvement in their quality-of-life post-treatment. His patients often commend his ability to restore function and mobility, allowing them to return to their daily activities with renewed vigor.
Accessible and Convenient Location
Located in the heart of Vaishali, Dr. Gupta’s clinic is easily accessible for residents of Ghaziabad and surrounding areas. The convenient location ensures you can receive top-tier orthopedic care without needing to travel far. The clinic’s friendly staff is also available to assist with appointment scheduling, insurance queries, and any other needs you may have.
What to Expect During Your Visit
When you visit Dr. Sanjay Gupta, you can expect a thorough evaluation of your condition. Your initial consultation will involve a detailed discussion about your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle. Dr. Gupta may recommend diagnostic tests to understand your condition better. Based on the findings, he will discuss the most appropriate treatment options, whether they involve conservative management, physical therapy, or surgical intervention.
For more: - https://drsanjaygupta.info/best-orthopaedic-doctor-vaishali-ghaziabad/
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skippyv20 · 1 year
Our Prayer List🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend who has a tumor on his prostate and had biopsies. He will get results next week.
Prayers and good thoughts for our dear friend, who is suffering from severe back pain & pain in other hip
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s neighbor who is mourning the loss of her beloved son.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has been facing many trials, and is in need of prayers. The last 18 months have been hard, and things still not what they should be.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is mourning the loss of her beloved cat Merry who has passed away.  
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family friend who had a stroke. His right side is paralyzed, but he has some sensation.  He is very down at this time.  He will now face new trials because of his condition.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s cousin.  She has 4 children and aggressive cancer, and now has organ failure.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose family is going through many things…and all while she is preparing for her daughter’s wedding.  This is a very stressful time for all.
Prayers and good thoughts to our friend recovering from surgery on her foot and is still not able to walk.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother who has had knee surgery but is in much pain.  He is restless and feeling depressed.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family member who will be joining AA.  We pray for success. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is feeling unloved.  We pray she feels the love we have for her from around the world.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who had surgery today.  It was successful, now we pray for a quick recovery. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s patient Sissa who has third-degree breast cancer.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is in financial despair.  She is really struggling as she has no one to turn to in real life.  She is out of work, and there are no jobs to be found.  All of her savings are almost gone and she is afraid she may lose her home.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is having surgery next week after a 4 year battle with chronic pain brought upon by a medical malpractice procedure.  She is very nervous.  She can’t even remember what it is like to live without pain daily.
Prayers and good thoughts for Brian.  He is doing well after surgery.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is appealing her disability payments claim, which was denied.  She is still waiting for that to end.  This is affecting her financially & physically with worsening migraines.  Her BIL had surgery and is recovering.  Her sister has been very stressed.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who has not been well.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has severe iron deficiency and the treatment is very harsh and makes her sick.  Her husband has been unfaithful during her illness and her family is ignoring me. She feels very alone.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother in Spain.   Prayers they work, and prayers for his partner.  His recovery is coming along slowly.   There is still concern about infection but doctors are keeping a close eye on it.  Our friend is very appreciative for the ongoing prayers for her beloved brother.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who suffered from sciatica.  The sciatica has resolved itself now, but she has 4 ruptured disks, 2 of which are torn. They have done a laser ablation of the nerves in her upper lumbar region which helped some. Also, she has had several epidurals in her lower lumbar & sacroilliac joints but that hasn't helped. She has an appointment with a neurosurgeon on the 14th.
Prayer and good thoughts for our friend’s newborn grandson who was admitted to the NICU yesterday with a Group B Strep infection.  Baby Elliott was intubated last night and placed on a ventilator.  Please pray for him, his parents, and his grandmother.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s beloved nephew, Norbert.  He is heartbroken after a breakup and is depressed.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is going through a very difficult time.  Her husband is divorcing her after 33 years. After the first hearing, the judge is having him give her so little that she will have no place she can afford to live, while he has already gotten himself a new house. She fears her attorney is firing her due to how emotional she is.  The day after the first hearing she had to go to the hospital for kidney failure, she has stage 4 heart failure, a tumor in her lung and leg. Please pray for judge to rule in her favour.
Prayers and good thoughts our friend’s brother in law. He has severe heart failure and he had colon cancer removed last nov.  He must get chemo to be put on heart life saving machine but heart is too weak for chemo. This is his 3rd week in the hospital and the prognosis is he might live a couple months. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has been battling depression long-term due to trauma and the resulting difficult circumstances.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s little boy who will be going through treatment for speech impediment.  We pray for his quick success.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s father who has been diagnosed with early stage dementia.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s son-in-law’s mother.   She has cancer in her spine, leg and lung.  She will be having surgery on her spine.     This woman raised 4 boys by herself, her now 23 year old son is  severely autistic and needs 24/7 care, which his mom has provided him his entire life.    She is only 64 years old, a wonderful person, warm, loving and very independent.  My heart breaks for her.  Please also pray for my son in law - he is in the Navy, fortunately stationed only a few hours from his mom.  He has power of attorney for his mom and his brother’s care - he has some very difficult and no doubt heart wrenching decisions to make.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend whom was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Myelodysplastic Syndrome, or MDS is now in remission.  She is still doing chemo and is still waiting for the bone marrow transplant.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter who is struggling.  She is in much pain mentally. We prayer for her family as well as they try desperately to help her.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is battling an undiagnosed mental illness which led to decisions with consequences.  Praying for her to stay strong in faith, for her family issues to be resolved.  Also, for her to be free of financial hardship.
Prayers and good thoughts for Baby James and his heart brother Matthew.  Also their heart brother Conrad
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sugunahospital · 9 months
What are the Types and Treatments for Arthritis?
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Many of us aim to move freely without discomfort throughout our lives. However, life’s challenges often include maintaining stable health as our bodies undergo wear and tear, leading to pain and discomfort.
When it comes to mobility, one prevalent condition worldwide is Arthritis, causing concern for many. Yet, Expert Orthopedic Doctors associated with the Leading Arthritis Treatment Hospital in Bangalore assure that successful methods exist today to manage this condition..
A bit of awareness and taking care at the right time can help a lot
Understanding Arthritis
The Best Knee Specialists in Bangalore at Suguna Hospital describe Arthritis as a condition that causes swelling and tenderness in one or multiple joints throughout the body. As your age or with certain health issues like high blood sugar levels, this condition may worsen.
Different Types of Arthritis
Arthritis isn’t restricted to a particular age but is commonly noticeable in later stages.  
Some of the common types are:
Osteoarthritis – Affecting joints in your Hands, Knees and Spine.
Psoriatic Arthritis – Caused due to a very complicated skin disease called Psoriasis, this condition can be very challenging.
Reactive Arthritis – This causes joint pain and swelling. It is caused either due to infection or malfunction of key organs of your body including the intestines, genitals, or urinary tract.
Rheumatoid Arthritis – This is a chronic inflammatory disorder. In addition to affecting the different joints, it can deeply impact premier organs like heart, lungs and eyes.
When to See a Doctor? Experts recommend seeking immediate medical attention if you notice specific symptoms, like
Stiff joints
Acute pain in the joints
Difficulty in moving or standing
Swelling observed in or around the joints
Redness observed in the joints
Treating ArthritisManaging Arthritis requires a systematic approach. It’s crucial not to overlook persistent symptoms as mere discomfort. Ignoring these signs can lead to costly consequences. 
Your treatment is based on how severe is your condition and can include: 
MedicationsDepending upon the type of Arthritis diagnosed, your medications may include:
Physiotherapies and light workouts to begin with
SurgeryThis is the last resort which your doctors might recommend only if there are no signs of improvement after persistent medication.  Some of the types of surgeries successfully performed include,
Joint Repairs
Joint Replacements
Overcome Arthritis and lead a pain-free, confident life. Avoid welcoming Arthritis! Consult the top Arthroscopy Surgeon  in Bangalore at Suguna Hospital for a safe and successful journey ahead.
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unitedhospital · 9 months
What are the Different Types and Treatments of Arthritis?
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Leading a beautiful life doesn’t come without challenges. Our body goes through a lot of stress and grind in the process and there comes a stage when it needs more attention and care than ever before.
The Best Orthopedic Doctor in Bangalore at United Hospital explains that the wear and tear, our body is subjected to, leads to pain in the ankles and knees. Sometimes, it can get pretty hard to walk!
Are we welcoming Arthritis in this case?! Well, in the worst case, unfortunately, we may be. However, experts indicate that there is no need to panic. With rapid advancements in medical science, there is not just hope, but more confidence that we can defeat Arthritis.
It is all about being aware of what Arthritis exactly is and taking precautions at the right time that could be the best beginning to arrive at a successful solution.
Understanding Arthritis?
Experts at United Hospital, a dedicated Orthopedic Centre in Bangalore focusing on Arthritis care, explain that Arthritis is a medical condition involving swelling and tenderness of one or more joints. It may worsen with age and is a prevalent cause of discomfort among senior citizens
Types of Arthritis
Arthritis can affect individuals of any age, but the elderly are more vulnerable.
Some of the common forms of Arthritis are:
Osteoarthritis - It is a condition that affects joints in your Hands, Knees, Hips and Spine.
Psoriatic Arthritis - This a condition that develops in people due to a very challenging skin disease called Psoriasis.
Reactive Arthritis – This causes joint pain and swelling triggered by an infection in prominent parts of your body — most often your intestines, genitals or urinary tract.
Rheumatoid Arthritis – This is a chronic inflammatory disorder which can affect more than just joints including premier organs like lungs, heart, eyes and blood vessels.
Some of the other conditions faced notably by the elderly include Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Symptoms of Arthritis
The most common signs and symptoms of arthritis involve the joints. Hence, it is important to seek an expert opinion if you observe one or more of the following symptoms:
Pain in the joints.
Stiffness felt in the joints.
Swelling observed in or around the joints.
Redness observed in the joints.
Difficulty in moving.
Treatment for Arthritis
Arthritis, if untreated, can be a really painful thing to handle. However, what really matters is the right type of medical attention at the right time and from the right source. Your treatment is based on how severe is your condition and can include:
Depending upon the type of Arthritis diagnosed, your medications may include:
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Creams and Ointments.
Physical therapies and exercises.
Surgical Interventions
In case you do not get any relief from the above medications your doctor might recommend surgical interventions to bring you back to your routine lifestyles in quick time. Some of the types of surgeries performed include,
Joint Repairs
Joint Replacements
Joint fusions
Let’s say Goodbye to Arthritis forever and welcome a painless life. For many of us, life may begin at 40, but so does Arthritis! Hence, if you are wondering as to, “Which is the Best Orthopaedic Clinic near me to treat Arthritis”? feel free to connect with United Hospital.
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weathernerdmando · 1 year
so i have a doctors appointment tomorrow with a new primary doctor and im going to get situated with them bc i need a place to get my adhd medication, but im also gonna ask if they could do at least a preliminary or whatever evaluation for elhers danlos or hypermobility spectrum disorder or something along those lines. and im hesitantly looking forward to that. bc i would really like some answers.
gonna put my reasonings behind a readmore (this is mostly for myself but also if anyone who’s offically diagnosed sees this and has thoughts on it you’re totally welcome to).
in short, something is wrong, even if it’s not ehlers danlos or hsd like i suspect right now.
Its not just bc of the joint issues that i want to look into it honestly. its the joints, yes, but its the Moderate to Severeish (i think i was borderline for surgery iirc, 40 degree curve lower back, 30 degree upper before treatment, its probably back to around close there bc i haven't been to the chiro in probably 6 months now?) scoliosis, the gi issues (fucked up hunger signals (rn, for example, i dont get them half the time even if i know i havent eaten in close to 24 hours, as well as just not feeling hungry but knowing i need to eat bc im shakey, irritated, anxious and unable to focus), constipation that feels like im getting stabbed that i just have to wait out, stretchy and soft skin, the heel lump thingies (can’t spell the offical term), i think the stretch marks, the high and crowded palate, the inability to write for longer than 2 minutes without severe cramps and pain (amongst other issues with my hands, apparently i dont just suck at using chopsticks, my fingers are straight up collapising and htey shouldn’t be. apparently.). i had a submucus cleft palate as a kid, which was surgically corrected (i dont have a uvula lol!) as well as at least one eye muscle surgery and at least one ear surgery for tubes (possibly two, i can’t remember). i still have really shitty vision (-6.5 in left, -3.5 in right, and they’re crosseyed when i take my glasses off. this is with corrective surgery and wearing a patch on my right to make my left eye stronger). as well as the back pain, the neck pain, etc.
I also have what i’d guess is a 4/5 ish to possibly a -8 out of 9 on the beighton. thumbs to wrist - check. elbows - check. i think my knees might actually hyperextend after all, but im not sure, what i do know is i dont think ive ever passed out bc my knees were locked/all the way back and ive stood in that position for a while before. If im standing with the kneecaps forwards but the feet angled, i think that’s where i can see it. The other thing is one of my pinkies is iffy (depends on the day, and i think it doesn’t quite go to 90), and the other i think is at 90 but im not sure, and that one also depends on the day. so at minimum, 4, at highest, 8 i think. 
My ribs also go under my hip on my right side if i just. Lean over. Fun to show people but that is most likely not fucking normal. My upper and lower ribs move and some of them Shouldn’t. If this gets me answers as to why sometimes it feels like something catches in my chest (one of my boobs, usually my left) and makes breathing Fucking Painful I’ll be thrilled. And my scapulas *definitely* move in a way they shouldn’t and I suspect my shoulders might actually too. As well as my ankles (what do you mean that ballerinas work to stretch like i can do normally?? also the ankle injuries and the growing-pains-that-might-not-be-growing-pains-especially-since-they’re-still-happening as a kid??) and i swear my right wrist either didn’t heal properly or something else is wrong bc a) it shouldn’t be clicking i don’t think and b) i dont think the bones are supposed to sit like they do. And also my hips. something is up with those but idk exactly what but i think you’re not supposed to be able to do what i can.
im autistic and adhd too which raise the chances Something is up bc they’re incredibly comorbid, as does having the scoliosis i think.
just hoping if they don’t know, they won’t say well nothing is wrong, but maybe “we dont know, lets refer you to someone who does” even if I can’t afford that yet.  
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reliefeastbrunswick · 4 hours
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Advanced Laser Therapy for Knee Pain and Sports Injuries in Brighton, MA
If you’re suffering from knee pain or recovering from a sports injury, advanced laser therapy offers a non-invasive and highly effective solution. At our clinic in Brighton, MA, we specialize in using cutting-edge laser technology to accelerate healing, reduce pain, and get you back to your active lifestyle quickly.
Knee Pain Laser Relief in Brighton, MA Knee pain, whether caused by injury, overuse, or chronic conditions like arthritis, can significantly limit your mobility and daily activities. Our knee pain laser relief treatment targets the source of pain, using Class IV laser technology to reduce inflammation, promote tissue repair, and enhance blood flow. This therapy stimulates the body’s natural healing process, allowing for faster recovery without surgery or medication.
Patients suffering from conditions such as ligament tears, tendonitis, or cartilage damage can experience significant improvements in knee function and a reduction in pain after just a few sessions. Laser therapy is a safe, non-invasive option for both acute injuries and chronic knee pain.
Laser Therapy for Arthritis in Brighton, MA Arthritis can lead to chronic joint pain and stiffness, but laser therapy for arthritis provides a powerful solution. Our Class IV laser technology helps to reduce inflammation in the joints, improve mobility, and relieve pain. Many patients find significant improvements after just a few sessions, making laser therapy an excellent option for managing arthritis symptoms.
Laser Therapy for Sports Injuries in Brighton, MA Sports injuries can sideline even the most active individuals, but our laser therapy for sports injuries is designed to speed up recovery. Whether you’re dealing with a sprain, strain, or muscle injury, laser therapy helps to reduce swelling, enhance circulation, and stimulate the repair of damaged tissues. This treatment is ideal for athletes or active individuals looking for a faster, non-invasive recovery option.
In addition to providing pain relief, laser therapy can shorten the recovery time, allowing you to return to your sport or activity sooner. It’s an excellent option for injuries related to running, cycling, basketball, or other high-impact activities that stress the knees and other joints.
Ready to relieve your pain and get back to the activities you love? Visit our website at https://knee.bostonlaserrelief.com/ to schedule a consultation and discover how advanced laser therapy in Brighton, MA can help you recover faster and live pain-free!
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Advanced Laser Therapy for Knee Pain and Sports Injuries in Brighton, MA
If you’re suffering from knee pain or recovering from a sports injury, advanced laser therapy offers a non-invasive and highly effective solution. At our clinic in Brighton, MA, we specialize in using cutting-edge laser technology to accelerate healing, reduce pain, and get you back to your active lifestyle quickly.
Knee Pain Laser Relief in Brighton, MA Knee pain, whether caused by injury, overuse, or chronic conditions like arthritis, can significantly limit your mobility and daily activities. Our knee pain laser relief treatment targets the source of pain, using Class IV laser technology to reduce inflammation, promote tissue repair, and enhance blood flow. This therapy stimulates the body’s natural healing process, allowing for faster recovery without surgery or medication.
Patients suffering from conditions such as ligament tears, tendonitis, or cartilage damage can experience significant improvements in knee function and a reduction in pain after just a few sessions. Laser therapy is a safe, non-invasive option for both acute injuries and chronic knee pain.
Laser Therapy for Arthritis in Brighton, MA Arthritis can lead to chronic joint pain and stiffness, but laser therapy for arthritis provides a powerful solution. Our Class IV laser technology helps to reduce inflammation in the joints, improve mobility, and relieve pain. Many patients find significant improvements after just a few sessions, making laser therapy an excellent option for managing arthritis symptoms.
Laser Therapy for Sports Injuries in Brighton, MA Sports injuries can sideline even the most active individuals, but our laser therapy for sports injuries is designed to speed up recovery. Whether you’re dealing with a sprain, strain, or muscle injury, laser therapy helps to reduce swelling, enhance circulation, and stimulate the repair of damaged tissues. This treatment is ideal for athletes or active individuals looking for a faster, non-invasive recovery option.
In addition to providing pain relief, laser therapy can shorten the recovery time, allowing you to return to your sport or activity sooner. It’s an excellent option for injuries related to running, cycling, basketball, or other high-impact activities that stress the knees and other joints.
Ready to relieve your pain and get back to the activities you love? Visit our website at https://knee.bostonlaserrelief.com/ to schedule a consultation and discover how advanced laser therapy in Brighton, MA can help you recover faster and live pain-free!
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bsaw617 · 4 hours
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Advanced Laser Therapy for Knee Pain and Sports Injuries in Brighton, MA
If you’re suffering from knee pain or recovering from a sports injury, advanced laser therapy offers a non-invasive and highly effective solution. At our clinic in Brighton, MA, we specialize in using cutting-edge laser technology to accelerate healing, reduce pain, and get you back to your active lifestyle quickly.
Knee Pain Laser Relief in Brighton, MA Knee pain, whether caused by injury, overuse, or chronic conditions like arthritis, can significantly limit your mobility and daily activities. Our knee pain laser relief treatment targets the source of pain, using Class IV laser technology to reduce inflammation, promote tissue repair, and enhance blood flow. This therapy stimulates the body’s natural healing process, allowing for faster recovery without surgery or medication.
Patients suffering from conditions such as ligament tears, tendonitis, or cartilage damage can experience significant improvements in knee function and a reduction in pain after just a few sessions. Laser therapy is a safe, non-invasive option for both acute injuries and chronic knee pain.
Laser Therapy for Arthritis in Brighton, MA Arthritis can lead to chronic joint pain and stiffness, but laser therapy for arthritis provides a powerful solution. Our Class IV laser technology helps to reduce inflammation in the joints, improve mobility, and relieve pain. Many patients find significant improvements after just a few sessions, making laser therapy an excellent option for managing arthritis symptoms.
Laser Therapy for Sports Injuries in Brighton, MA Sports injuries can sideline even the most active individuals, but our laser therapy for sports injuries is designed to speed up recovery. Whether you’re dealing with a sprain, strain, or muscle injury, laser therapy helps to reduce swelling, enhance circulation, and stimulate the repair of damaged tissues. This treatment is ideal for athletes or active individuals looking for a faster, non-invasive recovery option.
In addition to providing pain relief, laser therapy can shorten the recovery time, allowing you to return to your sport or activity sooner. It’s an excellent option for injuries related to running, cycling, basketball, or other high-impact activities that stress the knees and other joints.
Ready to relieve your pain and get back to the activities you love? Visit our website at https://knee.bostonlaserrelief.com/ to schedule a consultation and discover how advanced laser therapy in Brighton, MA can help you recover faster and live pain-free!
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drsanjaygupta-1 · 3 months
best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR | Dr Sanjay Gupta
When it comes to best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR, choosing the right surgeon is crucial for ensuring the best possible outcome. In the Delhi NCR region, Dr. Sanjay Gupta stands out as a leading expert in the field. With years of experience and a reputation for excellence, Dr. Gupta is the go-to choice for patients seeking top-notch knee replacement care.
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Why Choose Dr. Sanjay Gupta?
Expertise and Experience
Dr. Sanjay Gupta is a renowned orthopedic surgeon with specialized expertise in best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR. With over two decades of experience, he has performed thousands of successful knee replacement procedures, helping patients regain mobility and improve their quality of life. His extensive knowledge and skill set make him one of the most sought-after knee replacement surgeons in Delhi NCR.
Advanced Surgical Techniques
Dr. Gupta is known for his proficiency in the latest surgical techniques and technologies. He utilizes minimally invasive procedures that reduce recovery time, minimize pain, and ensure a quicker return to daily activities. His commitment to staying updated with the latest advancements in orthopedic surgery ensures that his patients receive the best possible care.
Personalized Patient Care
Understanding that each patient is unique, Dr. Sanjay Gupta provides personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs. He takes the time to understand his patients’ concerns, medical history, and lifestyle, ensuring that the chosen treatment aligns with their specific requirements. This patient-centric approach has earned him a reputation for compassionate and effective care.
Comprehensive Pre- and Post-Operative Support
Dr. Gupta’s care extends beyond the operating room. He provides comprehensive pre-operative consultations to prepare patients for surgery and detailed post-operative care to support their recovery. His holistic approach ensures that patients feel supported throughout their entire treatment journey, from initial consultation to full recovery.
What is Knee Replacement Surgery?
Knee replacement surgery, also known as knee arthroplasty, involves replacing a damaged or worn-out knee joint with an artificial implant. This procedure is typically recommended for patients suffering from severe arthritis or significant knee injuries that do not respond to conservative treatments. Knee replacement surgery can alleviate pain, restore function, and improve overall quality of life.
Success Stories
Patient Testimonial: Mr. Rajesh Kumar
“I had been suffering from debilitating knee pain for years. After consulting several doctors, I was referred to Dr. Sanjay Gupta. From the first consultation, I felt confident in his abilities. He explained the procedure in detail and answered all my questions patiently. The surgery was a success, and the post-operative care was exceptional. Today, I can walk without pain and enjoy my life again. I highly recommend Dr. Gupta to anyone in need of knee replacement surgery.”
Patient Testimonial: Mrs. Sushma Verma
“As a senior citizen, I was apprehensive about undergoing knee replacement surgery. However, Dr. Sanjay Gupta and his team made the entire process seamless. Their professionalism and care were evident at every step. The surgery was smooth, and my recovery was quicker than I expected. I am grateful to Dr. Gupta for giving me a new lease on life.”
Contact Information
If you are seeking the best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR, look no further than Dr. Sanjay Gupta. With his expertise, advanced techniques, and personalized care, Dr. Gupta ensures optimal outcomes for his patients.
Clinic Address
3D-5L, Wave City Centre, Sec 32 Noida 201301
Ug 9 Amrapali Green1/3 Vaibhav Khand Indirapuram
Contact Number
+91 8826318986
+91 7303804513
Knee replacement surgery is a significant decision, and choosing the right surgeon is paramount. Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s extensive experience, advanced surgical techniques, and patient-centric approach make him the best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi NCR. If you or a loved one are considering knee replacement surgery, trust Dr. Sanjay Gupta to provide the highest standard of care and help you achieve a pain-free, active life.
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skippyv20 · 1 year
Our Prayer List 🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose family is going through many things…and all while she is preparing for her daughter’s wedding.  This is a very stressful time for all.
Prayers and good thoughts to our friend recovering from surgery on her foot and is still not able to walk.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother who has had knee surgery but is in much pain.  He is restless and feeling depressed.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family member who will be joining AA.  We pray for success. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is feeling unloved.  We pray she feels the love we have for her from around the world.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who had surgery today.  It was successful, now we pray for a quick recovery. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend NZ.  Her country NZ was hit hard by a cyclone, and extreme flooding recently.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s patient Sissa who has third-degree breast cancer.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is in financial despair.  She is really struggling as she has no one to turn to in real life.  She is out of work, and there are no jobs to be found.  All of her savings are almost gone and she is afraid she may lose her home.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is having surgery next week after a 4 year battle with chronic pain brought upon by a medical malpractice procedure.  She is very nervous.  She can’t even remember what it is like to live without pain daily.
Prayers and good thoughts for Brian.  He is doing well after surgery.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is appealing her disability payments claim, which was denied.  She is still waiting for that to end.  This is affecting her financially & physically with worsening migraines.  Her BIL had surgery and is recovering.  Her sister has been very stressed.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who has not been well.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has severe iron deficiency and the treatment is very harsh and makes her sick.  Her husband has been unfaithful during her illness and her family is ignoring me. She feels very alone.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother in Spain.   Prayers they work, and prayers for his partner.  His recovery is coming along slowly.   There is still concern about infection but doctors are keeping a close eye on it.  Our friend is very appreciative for the ongoing prayers for her beloved brother.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who suffered from sciatica.  The sciatica has resolved itself now, but she has 4 ruptured disks, 2 of which are torn. They have done a laser ablation of the nerves in her upper lumbar region which helped some. Also, she has had several epidurals in her lower lumbar & sacroilliac joints but that hasn't helped. She has an appointment with a neurosurgeon on the 14th.
Prayer and good thoughts for our friend’s newborn grandson who was admitted to the NICU yesterday with a Group B Strep infection.  Baby Elliott was intubated last night and placed on a ventilator.  Please pray for him, his parents, and his grandmother.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s beloved nephew, Norbert.  He is heartbroken after a breakup and is depressed.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is going through a very difficult time.  Her husband is divorcing her after 33 years. After the first hearing, the judge is having him give her so little that she will have no place she can afford to live, while he has already gotten himself a new house. She fears her attorney is firing her due to how emotional she is.  The day after the first hearing she had to go to the hospital for kidney failure, she has stage 4 heart failure, a tumor in her lung and leg. Please pray for judge to rule in her favour.
Prayers and good thoughts our friend’s brother in law. He has severe heart failure and he had colon cancer removed last nov.  He must get chemo to be put on heart life saving machine but heart is too weak for chemo. This is his 3rd week in the hospital and the prognosis is he might live a couple months. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has been battling depression long-term due to trauma and the resulting difficult circumstances.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s little boy who will be going through treatment for speech impediment.  We pray for his quick success.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s father who has been diagnosed with early stage dementia.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s son-in-law’s mother.   She has cancer in her spine, leg and lung.  She will be having surgery on her spine.     This woman raised 4 boys by herself, her now 23 year old son is  severely autistic and needs 24/7 care, which his mom has provided him his entire life.    She is only 64 years old, a wonderful person, warm, loving and very independent.  My heart breaks for her.  Please also pray for my son in law - he is in the Navy, fortunately stationed only a few hours from his mom.  He has power of attorney for his mom and his brother’s care - he has some very difficult and no doubt heart wrenching decisions to make.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend whom was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Myelodysplastic Syndrome, or MDS is now in remission.  She is still doing chemo and is still waiting for the bone marrow transplant.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter who is struggling.  She is in much pain mentally. We prayer for her family as well as they try desperately to help her.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is battling an undiagnosed mental illness which led to decisions with consequences.  Praying for her to stay strong in faith, for her family issues to be resolved.  Also, for her to be free of financial hardship.
Prayers and good thoughts for Baby James and his heart brother Matthew.  Also their heart brother Conrad
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premiumsoc · 3 days
What Makes Special to Orthopedic Doctors in Fresno?
Orthopedics is the study, treatment, and prevention of medical conditions related to the musculoskeletal system: the bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles. Be it chronic pain, sports injury, or a degenerating condition, right at your doorstep is a specialist who will make all the difference in your recovery journey.
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In this blog, you will learn the importance of orthopedic doctors in Fresno. The right orthopedic doctor can guarantee mobility and overall health.
Orthopedics in Fresno
Orthopedics Fresno is so well-equipped to deal with the conditions that would improve the lives of its patients. Orthopedics involves dealing with arthritis, joint pain, fractures, and sports injuries.
Many patients visit professional orthopedic specialists in Fresno for joint replacement of some sort, spine surgery, and sports injuries. Specialist surgeons are equipped with the latest technology and advanced medical knowledge that will help them recover as soon as possible and safely.
Advantages of Sports Medicine in Fresno
For the athlete and active person, healthy performance is very significant. The sports medicine clinics in Fresno serve the needs of the athlete at hand-to-injury or performance enhancement in essence, the focus of sports medicine is the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries and the improvement of fitness.
Most of the sports medicine clinics are tied up with orthopedic specialists who provide complete care. Whether it is shoulder dislocations and knee injuries or sprains, fractures, and injuries, sports medicine clinics offer specific treatment plans to get the athletes back on the field or court safely, and with maximum efficiency.
Selecting a Fresno Orthopedic Specialist
The right Fresno orthopedic doctor will be one vital step in your journey of healthcare. A doctor must specialize in your condition and also have an excellent track record in achieving successful outcomes for any one of you. When you select an orthopedic doctor to take care of your specific condition, these may also include factors such as:
Experience with your specific condition
Reputation and patient reviews
Use of advanced technology and minimally invasive techniques.
The complete care in terms of physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.
Orthopedic care is a long-term commitment, and it is important to find a specialist who can communicate with you and has concurred interests with your medical needs. It will help you get the best possible care for long-term recovery.
Whether you experienced a sports injury or some degenerative condition, orthopedic treatment, and therefore finding the right orthopedic doctor in Fresno will make all the difference in your health and life. Orthopedic doctors can help patients improve mobility, relieve pain, and generally improve their quality of life by providing the prospect of orthopedic medicine in Fresno. You will have the power to reclaim your health and enjoy life again without pain having professionals in orthopedics and sports medicine on your team.
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jameswilliamjw · 3 days
Benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections for Healing and Recovery
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Are you or someone you know struggling with injuries or ongoing pain in The Villages, FL? Whether it's a nagging knee injury, lingering joint pain, or a sports-related issue, finding the right treatment can be a challenge. If you're searching for effective, natural healing options, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections could be the solution. This regenerative treatment has gained popularity for its ability to promote healing without surgery or medications. In this blog, we’ll break down how Platelet Rich Plasma Injection work, their benefits, and why people in The Villages, FL, are choosing this therapy for relief and recovery.
What Are Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections?
Before diving into the benefits, let’s talk about what PRP injections actually are. PRP therapy is a process where a doctor takes a small sample of your blood, spins it in a centrifuge to separate the plasma and platelets, and then injects this concentrated mixture directly into the injured area. The plasma contains healing properties that can help your body recover faster by boosting the natural repair process. Think of it as using your body's own resources to heal itself.
How PRP Therapy Promotes Healing
Your blood contains platelets, which are tiny cells that play a major role in healing injuries. When an area of your body is hurt, platelets rush to the site to repair the damage. They release growth factors that help tissue heal. With platelet-rich plasma injections, doctors concentrate the platelets and inject them into the injured area, providing a much higher dose of healing factors. This can significantly speed up the healing process for injuries like torn ligaments, sprains, and even chronic pain conditions like arthritis.
Quick Fact: PRP injections are often used by professional athletes to recover from injuries more quickly and get back to their game!
The Key Benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma Injections
If you live in The Villages, FL, you might wonder why you should consider PRP injections over other treatments. Let’s look at some of the key benefits.
1. Natural Healing Without Medication
One of the biggest benefits of PRP injections is that they rely entirely on your body’s natural healing process. There’s no need for medications or synthetic materials, which means fewer side effects. If you’re someone who prefers natural treatments, PRP therapy is an excellent option.
2. Non-Surgical Treatment
Unlike surgery, PRP therapy is non-invasive. This makes it a much safer option with little to no recovery time. For people in The Villages, FL, this is especially important if you want to stay active and avoid the long recovery period that comes with surgery.
Quick Tip: If you want to stay active, PRP injections allow you to return to your daily activities much faster than surgical procedures.
3. Effective for Chronic Pain and Injuries
PRP injections are particularly effective for those dealing with chronic pain, such as arthritis or tendonitis. For people who have tried physical therapy, medications, or even surgery without results, PRP therapy can be a game changer. The treatment helps reduce inflammation and promote long-term healing.
4. Minimal Side Effects
Since PRP is created from your own blood, the chances of an allergic reaction or complications are extremely low. This makes it a safe and low-risk treatment option, especially for older adults in The Villages, FL, who may be more sensitive to certain medications or surgeries.
Who Can Benefit from PRP Injections?
If you're wondering whether PRP injections might be right for you, let’s go over who typically benefits from this therapy.
Athletes and Active Individuals
For those who love playing sports or staying active, PRP injections can help recover from injuries like sprains, muscle tears, or ligament damage. It helps athletes get back on their feet faster, whether you're playing tennis, golf, or pickleball in The Villages.
People with Arthritis or Joint Pain
As we age, joint pain can become more common. PRP therapy can be used to treat osteoarthritis, particularly in the knees, shoulders, and hips. It helps regenerate cartilage, reducing pain and improving mobility.
Anyone Recovering from Surgery
If you’ve recently had surgery and want to speed up your recovery time, platelet-rich plasma injections can aid in the healing process. The concentrated platelets help repair tissues faster, allowing you to get back to normal life sooner.
What to Expect During a PRP Injection Procedure
If you’re considering PRP injections, you might be curious about what to expect during the treatment. Here’s a simple breakdown:
Consultation – You’ll start with a consultation at a clinic, such as the Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic in The Villages, FL, where your doctor will assess your injury or condition.
Blood Draw – The doctor will take a small sample of your blood, usually from your arm.
Platelet Concentration – The blood is placed in a centrifuge, where it’s spun to separate the plasma and platelets from the rest of the blood.
Injection – The concentrated plasma is then injected directly into the injured or painful area.
Recovery – Most people can return to their regular activities shortly after the procedure, although it’s recommended to avoid strenuous activities for a few days.
Quick Tip: Some mild soreness is normal after the injection, but it usually subsides within a few days.
Why The Villages, FL, Residents Are Choosing PRP Therapy
In a community like The Villages, where staying active and healthy is a priority, PRP injections are becoming an increasingly popular choice. Whether it’s maintaining mobility in your retirement years or staying in shape for sports and outdoor activities, PRP therapy provides a safe, effective way to recover from injuries and manage chronic pain without invasive surgery or long-term medication use.
Quick Fact: Many local clinics in The Villages, FL, now offer PRP therapy due to its growing demand and effectiveness in treating a wide range of conditions.
Take Control of Your Health with PRP Injections
Are you ready to explore a treatment that can help you heal naturally and get back to the activities you love? Platelet-rich plasma injections are a powerful option for anyone looking to recover faster, reduce pain, and improve their overall quality of life.
If you’re in The Villages, FL, and considering PRP therapy, start by consulting with a healthcare provider. Make sure to ask about their experience with PRP and how it can be tailored to your specific needs.
Discover the Power of Natural Healing Today!
Don’t let injuries or pain keep you from living life to the fullest. Contact a local provider in The Villages, FL, to see if platelet-rich plasma injections are right for you. By choosing Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, you can take an active role in your healing process and enjoy the benefits of natural recovery.
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