#King tony stark
moon-language-0 · 3 months
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ICYMI: all "Medieval AU" Stony manips by @fohatic! You can browse the master tag for the individual manips + related posts <3
(note that—yet again—the sexiest manip isn't showing up under the master tag for some reason, which is the same bs tumblr pulled when i tried to collect all my stony vampire manips in one place...)
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frankthesnek · 6 months
✨️ New Story ✨️
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The Oath (rated E)
Stony (Tony Stark/Steve Rogers)
Medieval and magic AU, king Tony, knight Steve, mild depictions of violence, mutual pining, bottom Steve
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Stony Bingo space T2: Magic AU @cap-ironman ; Stony manip in mood board by @fohatic
Tony has been in love with the head of his King's Guard for some time, despite never having seen the man without his helm or armor. His feelings had been easy enough to ignore because loving someone with no face didn't seem real, but when Sir Rogers' face is finally revealed to him—ignoring his desire becomes all but impossible. Tony finds that his knight is everything he had been dreaming of (and quite a bit more than he could have imagined).
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enigmaris · 4 months
All Father Thor, King of Asgard,
A new ruler of Hel has been chosen, the fearsome King Phantom, defeater of Pariah Dark. It is time for Asgard to prepare to pay the dues required to keep peace between the realms of the gods and of the dead. Bring the terms of your surrender to King’s Phantom’s representative on earth, Daniel James Fenton of Amity Park.
The Noble Scribe of King Phantom,
Ghost Writer
“Okay so let me get this straight,” Tony Stark, Iron Man and Avenger said. “Ghosts are real.”
“Yes.” King Thor Odinson, Asgardian and god of thunder agreed.
“And they’re evil.”
“A bit of an oversimplification, but yes.” Prince Loki Odinson, sometimes villain and would be planet invader, answered.
“And the ghosts have had one ruler, the most powerful ghost in existence. And that new rulers are chosen by combat, meaning that every new ruler is more powerful than the last.”
“Yes, you’ve got the idea.” Thor said looking down at his knees for a moment.
“And since ghosts are so evil and so powerful, that means that their ruler is practically an unstoppable force of destruction.”
“Doesn’t it sound delightful?” Loki asked, to which he received a glare.
“So, for the past 10,000 years, at least, Asgard and plenty of other realms have been paying taxes to the ghost king to avoid a war. A racketeering scheme.”
“I don’t know what a racketeering scheme is but yes, the ghost peace treaty does require that Asgard pay the ghost king gold and magical weapons every century and if we fail to pay that price, then the peace treaty will be broken and Asgard will likely be forfeit.”
“That’s a racketeering scheme!”
“Well then yes.”
Tony pinched the bridge of his nose. It was clear the man’s headache was only growing stronger as he walked through the information the two gods had dumped into his lap this morning. Thor and Loki both had rushed into his lab and started babbling about world ending threats and how they might possibly be absolutely screwed.
“So, now there’s a new king. Which means a new peace treaty has to be signed.” Tony said the words ‘peace treaty’ in the same way he’d say ‘nuclear bomb’ or ‘Steve Rogers’.
“I thought you said it was a racketeering scheme?” Loki asked.
“Shut it.” Tony hissed.
“A new treaty must be signed.” Thor repeated, trying to keep the three of them on track.
“And since the last king Pariah Dark was so powerful that he made the entirety of Asgard tremble, you’re pretty sure this new king, Phantom, is probably worse.”
“Pariah Dark had the power to suck entire planets into the afterlife, destroying them,” Loki said looking at his nails. “Stands to reason that a ghost powerful enough to defeat him could do much, much worse.”
“Right. Fantastic!” Tony practically shouted.
“I don’t think anything about this is fantastic.” Thor admitted, he was ignored.
“And according to you Asgard has been paying the ghost tax for both their realm and ours since we were under Odin’s protection. And since Hela and Sutur destroyed your entire planet and your entire people are refugees, now we have to figure out how to keep an ultrapowerful ghost from wiping out our home without any way of paying him.”
“Technically we don’t know if Phantom is a ‘he’.” Loki pointed out unhelpfully.
“The letter literally says he’s a king!”
“Could be a title. What do the dead have need for gender?”
“This is not the point of this discussion,” Thor cut in before an argument about the usefulness of gender and the concept of a female king burst forth. “We’re here to figure out how to make peace with King Phantom without resulting in a war that would destroy our world and our peoples.”
“We don’t even have Earth’s mightiest heroes anymore.” Loki said, referencing the painful results of the civil war and the Accords.
“We’re fucked.” Tony decided.
“Yes,” Thor agreed. “We probably are.”
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meidui · 4 months
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st4rking · 3 months
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Call back in a few hours.
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definitelyincorrect · 3 months
Peter: I may have lied.
Tony: You may have or you did?
Peter: I may have did.
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mx-pastelwriting · 5 months
Drafts are at spoiled level
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POV: Me after I finish all of my drafts.
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Ya'll ain't ready
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DP x MCU crossover
Sometime after Howard and Maria Stark’s death, Hydra decides to try and make a clone of Tony Stark, that’s infused with Super Soldier serum. They were hoping to get a super smart super soldier that they could control.
And thus Danny was born.
At some point when he’s like 2 or 3 one of the Hydra agents whose been his handler since he was born grows a conscious after witnessing the most recent experiment the other scientists in the lab put Danny through. They take Danny and run away from the lab. They don’t get away clean tho, they had to fight their way out of the lab and they were injured in the process. They wind up in Amity Park with baby Danny and come across the Fenton Parents. They hand Danny over to them and tell them to protect and look after the kid. And then they die.
The Fenton parents adopt Danny and raise him as their own. Danny grows up not knowing he’s adopted or that he’s a clone and a super soldier. The ghost portal accident happens when he’s 14 like cannon. The reason he survived and only half died is because of the super soldier serum in his blood.
Eventually, after the whole events of the Danny Phantom series has passed (minus Phantom Planet because fuck that horrible ending to the series). Danny, after defeating Pariah Dark, is now the king of the ghost zone. He still doesn’t realize he’s a clone of Tony Stark. Despite the fact that he looks exactly like a 17 year old version of the man!!!
And then New York happens. A portal opens up in the skies above New York, and aliens come pouring out of it! You bet your ass Danny hightailed it over to New York to help out the group of heroes that were trying to stop the aliens. He’s super hyped to fight aliens!!! He’s just having a blast zooming through the skies of New York, around skyscrapers, throwing punches and ecto-blasts at aliens, helping out the other heroes.
Meanwhile every time he helps one of the Avengers they all double take when they finally get a look at his face. Cause like yes this floating glowing child has glowing green eyes and Snow White hair, but the rest of his face looks like a very young Tony Stark. After each encounter with the boy the different Avengers call Tony over the coms to ask his status and to reassure themselves that Tony hadn’t been de-aged and given super powers mid battle.
Tony is the last one of them that meets Danny. He’s super annoyed at the fact everyone keeps calling him over the coms to ask his status. Like yeah he’s not a super soldier and doesn’t have powers, but neither does Romanoff or Barton!!! And unlike them he has his own super suit to protect him. So why is everyone calling in to check on him?!!!
And then finally Danny comes zooming around a building chasing after Loki’s chariot, shouting sarcastic quips at the god, while firing green blasts from his fists. And Tony just kind of blue screens for a minute. Jarvis has to take over piloting the suit for a minute while Tony reboots. He’s def got the surprised Pikachu face going on. Finally he reboots but Danny’s already flown off to deal with something else.
The battle comes to an end, the portal closes, the world is safe, and all the Avengers all head towards Stark tower. Danny sees them and where they’re headed and decides to meet them there. He’s been the only super hero around for a while and he wants to actually properly interact with these new hero’s!
Imagine his shock when he actually finally comes face to face with Tony Stark and finally realizes how much he looks like the man. He starts panicking thinking his mom had an affair with the man 17 years ago and just passed him off as Jack Fenton’s son.
Absolute chaos ensues as assumptions are made. DNA tests happen. They realize that no he is not Tony’s kid, he’s Tony’s clone. More assumptions are made. No body is having a good time.
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incorrectquotesmcu · 1 year
Steve: You’re either with us or against us.
Tony: I’m against you.
Steve: That’s not an option.
Tony: You just gave it to me as an option!
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Please ignore any plot holes
so after the Thanos snap 50% of a everyone dies.
So what if they all go to the Infinite Relams
King Phantom is now swamped with billions of dead people and piles and piles of paperwork so much so that he vows to get revenge because of all the all nighters
Or because someone he knows died in the snap.
So five years later, he hears about the leftover Avengers’ time travel plot and basically begs tells Clockworth to go and interfere to help him get revenge.
Naturally, because Danny is basically his son King he goes and help.
And there is no wayyy that Danny would let Natasha and Gamora die and stay dead, so naturally they become alive again (maybe liminal?)
And comes the final battle and Danny gets very involved, helping Strange bring them back and whatnot.
But what if, instead of Tony snapping, Danny does.
And because he’s king and already dead, he doesn’t die. So Tony lives and everyone returns.
BONUS: what if everyone that returns is now a liminal???
BONUS BONUS: what if Danny never shows his face and the victorious Avengers are scrambling to figure out who the hell snapped and brought Gamora and Natasha back to life???
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massivespacewren · 9 months
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Some Bucky/Tony medieval fantasy knight and king AU. Also inspired by 616 Bucky’s current costume, because pretty cloak! Bucky is all professional in public, but when they’re alone, he doesn’t like keeping his hands off Tony (who very much appreciates that).
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An easy way to explain RDJ being Doctor Doom is if it’s established that some variants are actually doppelgängers of established characters. Like as part of the chaos of the multiverse, some people end up looking like a completely different character in another universe. To retroactively justify this:
1) MCU Kate Bishop’s doppelgänger is Gwen Stacy from Spider-Verse
2) Apocalypse’s doppelgänger is Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley
3) Deadpool’s doppelgänger is Hannibal King from Blade Trinity
With this explanation, we also justify why certain characters are played by different actors (ex: the 3 Spider-Mans).
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I remember when I was young, and the hottest celebrity couple gossip was when everyone thought Iron Man and Tony Stark were dating.
The ship name was Irony.
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ironspidersblog · 2 months
Tony, returning home from multiple traumatic months of captivity: hmm I want a cheeseburger
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meidui · 5 months
one of my favourite things about tony is that he'll eat anything that sounds good to him? he has gluten free waffles for breakfast and offers green superfood smoothies to everyone and orders a plate of fresh veggies at a pub and tried to swear off dairy, but he gave that up when ben & jerrys named a flavour after him and had a box of donuts for his hangover breakfast and inhaled several burger king cheeseburgers in a row and tried to have a whole pizza as a workshop snack, but he also has sashimi with sake on his private jet because he insists you can't have one without the other and refuses to swallow a bite of a walnut date loaf even though he's already chewed it up, but also when he's banged up and tired he just wants shawarma or a tuna fish sandwich. i love him so much
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st4rking · 1 year
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pov: you're in the avengers mansion and these two freaks are in the public kitchen
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