#King Jesus Christ
judahmaccabees · 5 months
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Sometimes I have to play a fun little game of “Is this fanart of Jesus Christ (bible), Odysseus(Greek), or Jonathon Sims(The Magnus Archives)?”
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jofiah · 1 year
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tumblr live is just haunting me but. wait computer enhance
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who are these people. what is happening. real cool legitimate feature you guys got here @staff
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locallibrarylover · 1 year
*by live theatre i mean plays, musicals, operas, ballets, concert versions of musicals, staged readings, & things of that nature. EDIT: YES this includes amateur, local, kids, high school, & community theatre. almost every show i've seen has been local
if you want, list the names of the shows you've seen in the tags!
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“How long has this been happening to him?” Jesus asked his father.
“From childhood,” he said. “And many times it has thrown him into fire or water to destroy him. But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.”
“Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’? Everything is possible for the one who believes.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭9‬:‭21‬-23
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book-of-summer · 6 months
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God loves you.
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pax-romana200 · 4 months
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No matter how much you think you shame or sadden him, go to him and let him help you set you on the right path (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
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godslove · 2 months
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Return and tell Hezekiah the leader of My people, ‘Thus says the Lord, the God of David your father: “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you. On the third day you shall go up to the house of the Lord.”
—2 Kings 20:5
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heavens-words · 1 month
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“We can make our plans but the lord determines our steps”
proverbs 16:9
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alina-is-hollowing · 3 months
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this got ship of theseus'd so badly but idc this is how i feel on sote lorewise
note: its not like im disregarding the lore fromsoft put in completely. the story is still amazing and I recognize and understand the direction they want the characters to go down. It's just that I can't help but hold onto a scenario where all this didn't happened and they got to live as normally and happily as possible like pre-shattering ya know
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xehanortsreport · 5 months
you ever just think about the heartless manufactory. peak environmental horror (dreamy sigh)
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lovelyreny · 20 days
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holyspiritgirl · 2 months
What is Spiritual Warfare and how to overcome it with the help of God?
• Spiritual warfare is the idea that there's a battle going on between good and evil forces. In Christianity, this means a fight between God and His angels against the devil and his demons. It mainly happens in our minds, hearts, and spirits. It’s about resisting bad thoughts, temptations, and influences that go against what God wants for us. Though we believe that Jesus has indeed already defeated Satan by dying on the cross and coming back to life, the enemy still tries to lead us to sin in order to push us away from God, thus spiritual warfare.
• “Symptoms” vary since the devil attacks you where it hurts the most, to make you as vulnerable as possible; but here are some of the most common ones:
- believing that your not worthy of having a relationship with God or talking to God therefore feeling the need to distance yourself from him
-self destructive / sabotage / harm temptations
-paranoia / overthinking
-strong headaches / body aches
-temptations towards sin such as lust, gluttony, laziness, anger.. etc, depends on your weaknesses
-self hatred & self doubt / doubt in faithfulness
-hopelessness, fear, anxiety
-random depressive moods & replaying bad memories … the list goes on!
• Living a life more aligned with God’s will is seen as a threat to Satan and his purposes, leading to increased attempts to discourage or derail one’s faith journey. With a deeper relationship with God often comes a greater sense of purpose and mission, attracting more challenges and obstacles from evil forces trying to prevent one from fulfilling God’s plans. Our Father allows these intensified battles to refine and strengthen our faith, helping us rely more on Him and grow spiritually.
• Here are some bible verses that may help you during those tough times battling spiritual warfare :
-Corinthians 10:13
- Psalm 91
-Ephesians 6:11-18
-Isaiah 54:17
-Galatians 5:17-26
- Peter 5:8-9
-Romans 8:37-39
-Luke 10:19
-James 4:7
-John 16:33
-Deuteronomy 3:22
-Matthew 4:10-11
• Let me know if you’d be interested in me posting those verses and talking about some of them with you guys, sort of like a bible study kind of thing. It’d be a pleasure ;)
Have a blessed day 💞💓👼🏻
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ymoon01 · 2 months
I don't know who needs to hear this but hear me out, just because I consider myself a christian doesn't mean that i'm better and completely 'good and holy' and that my life is perfect. of course not. I'm still a human being after all. I still struggle with temptations, I still struggle with basic problems just like the rest of other people. I have emotions as well, I'm trying to be better and control my temper. my beliefs might be different from yours and that's fine. I respect you, and I am not gonna jugde you. Just keep in mind that i am a human, a human who makes mistakes, a human who's not always right. i have emotions too, and I also face struggles. just cause i follow and believe in Jesus Christ doesn't mean 'I'm completely holy and perfect '. I have flaws as well.
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