#Killian Jones imagines
justanoasisimagines · 2 months
Jealously Headcanons
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Hey lovelies back with another jealously Headcanon. My requests ar open and you can find my guidlines pinned on the top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider
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❀Killian will admit he's a possessive person. If you're his then you're his. Plan and simple. He wants people to know you're together so they're aware you're off limits.
❀He knows you're beautiful, an alluring little siren. He's heard your song himself. With that being said, it doesn't give anyone the right to attempt to attempt to steal you away from him.
❀Kilian is not afraid to confront anyone. He doesn't want anyone flirting with you whether it's verbal or touching. He cannot stand when someone brushes their hand over your back or wraps an arm around your waist. You are not theirs to touch like that.
❀Killian has two forms of confrontation. The first he approaches them with his usual confident self. Many find his presence intimidating enough and some scapper off. However, some people are brazen enough to stick around. Naturally, Killian uses his charm and wit to passively get the individual away from you.
❀Killian's sarcastic and nonchalant, underneath it's bothering him. Most of the time, it's enough to get them to leave. Sometimes the individual when they realise you're with Killian.
❀The second approach is much more direct. It usually occurs when Killian notices the individual is not backing off When they've laid their hands on you. Killian is more direct. He's threatening as he warns the individual off.
❀Killian's not afraid to get in a physical fight with someone who doesn't know how to respect you. They will learn to respect you one way or another.
❀He likes to remind people you two are very much together every once and a while. Killian finds enjoyment in it.
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ghostwoe · 1 year
killian jones masterlist
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** means nsfw content &. you are responsible for what you read, so minors please do not read / interact with any of my nsfw content.
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Perfectly safe
Title: Perfectly safe
Pairing: Killian Jones x reader
Word count: 863
Warnings: alcohol
Tags: Fluff, a loooot of flirting
Synopsis: Reader get's really drunk, and needs Hook to take care of her.
A/N: I am quite braindead so forgive me if I make some mistakes or anything in that direction.... Once again, enjoy reading :) btw, figured out the "keep reading" thing, so now it's not that long hihi
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In the end, you are grateful in a way. If you wouldn't have gotten that shitfaced, you would never have met him
You are sitting in a tavern. It's late. You felt lonely, and since you didn't have a person to solve this problem with, you decided to use your only friend available. Alcohol.
He's sitting in a corner of a bar, with his crew. He's had a few ales, but is acceptably sober. He notices a person with y/h/c hair sitting at the bar, all by themself. He walks over to you, and from this angle, he can tell you've had one too many.
"Hello darling." He says, in a flirtatious way, trying to asses your state.
"Hello sir." your words are slurred. You look to the man who appeared next to you, not having a clue who he is.
"Are you alright, my lady?" He asks, his brow slightly raised, his voice deep and gentle. he can tell by the way you're staring at him, and your speech, that you've had too much to drink, but he's a gentleman, and you've drawn his attention with your beauty. He takes the opportunity to lean in closer to see the color of your eyes.
"I'm fiiiine"
"You are anything but, darling, let me escort you home"
"I do not," you hiccup, "need escorting home." you switch up the way you sit, showing him that you are fine, but the act does not last long.
"My, my, you're a feisty one, aren't you?" he says, letting out a chuckle. He takes a moment to observe you, a curious look on his face. You are quite the sight, that's for sure. He leans in a bit close to you, looking deep into your eyes. "The only thing you need to do, is trust me." he has a devilish smile on his face, and then he tries to take your hand.
You pull your hand back. "I do not need anything from you."
"Are you quite sure, my fair lady?" He says, his voice sweet, yet with a small edge of authority. "My offer is still open, if it is of your desire", He says in a seductive tone - one that would have a lesser person weak in the knees, so to speak, but you are much braver than the usual ladies he pursues.
"Leaaaveee" You push your hand out, in an attempt to push him away. You miss completely causing you to fall.
"Hm," He grunts as he catches you before you hit the ground. "That was most unladylike", He says teasingly, but with an air of seriousness. He lifts you up and holds you steady under the arms, letting you rest against his chest and begins moving towards the exit, assuming that his gentlemanly gesture had changed your mind. "We would not want to make a scene in this fine establishment, would we, my lady?"
You mumble something, but he can't make much out of it.
He notice how your breath is heavy, and the blush on your cheeks is rather intense. He gets curious. With a swift move, he puts you back on the stool you were sitting on. "May I ask what a beautiful lady like yourself is doing in a place like this, and all alone, at that?" He asks in a gentle voice, but his gaze is intense, and the slight edge in it makes it seem like he wants to know the genuine truth. It is almost as if he's a detective who has to figure someone out.
"That is-" Suddenly, you become aware of your surroundings. you notice people glancing at you and smile or snicker once they notice your current state. "I need to get out of here."
"As you wish, my lady", His voice is deep and smooth. "I'll take you away from this place. But, please, tell me, what's your name, lovely one?" he asks, taking an opportunity to move closer to you, as he wants to get his hands on your waist. You can feel the heat of his body as he stands this close, and it would be very hard for a woman not to be intrigued by such proximity.
"Y/N." you say shortly, trying to put an end to the conversation.
"y/n. A pretty name for a pretty damsel. Killian. Killian Jones." He says, as he lays his hand on his chest. "Is there somewhere you'd like to go that is more quiet?"
"I want to go home. Ssso tired."
"Then we shall", He says in a gentle voice, with a small smile. "I'll escort you home, my dear." He starts taking you to the door, and then, with some effort, he hails a carriage. He opens the door for you so that you can get in first.
"Please don't do anything bad to me. I am in no state to defend myself" you say, as you hiccup for the 1000th time.
"You will be perfectly safe", he says, a genuine, reassuring smile coming on his face as he enters the carriage with you. "I will be your escort and your protector through the night, and the nights to come…"
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Headcanons for being in the throuple with Killian and Charming...
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The sex. Oh god the sex.
It's so good like mind-imploding, body trembling, toes curling good.
Every time the three of you have sex, there's always something new and god, how does it get better every time?
A little healthy competition is the answer to that. The two of them compete to see who can make you moan the loudest, orgasm the hardest...
Killian's great with his mouth and David's great with his hands.
They're both kinky as hell. You expected it from Killian but David surprised you.
Killian has a breeding kink, rough/bdsm kink, he likes making you beg, likes teasing you.
David likes to have a hand around your neck, likes teasing you and denying you orgasms; he likes how whiny and annoyed you get. He soon develops a breeding kink after watching how turned on you get with Killian. He likes watching the two of you as well and then once Killian's finished, he smirks and makes some joke about how now he'll show you what a good time actually is.
They're both incredibly kind and sweet to you.
Adjusting to life as a throuple has it's struggles but you navigate them together. They understand that you need time alone, with them both and with them separate so they plan out a schedule but it doesn't need to be followed completely. Just a guide but if you feel differently on the day, that's okay with them.
David takes you out for coffee after work. Holding hands as you walk through the town, laughing and leaning on his broad shoulders. He's sweet and charming and will kiss your forehead so gently that you just melt every time. When he kisses you, you go weak at the knees and your heart races.
Killian takes you out on the sea at the weekends, always bringing you a fun adventure. He'll dance with you on the deck and kiss you fast and hard and god you could do that all day.
Going out to dinner with the two of them, having a few drinks and singing in the streets as you stagger home (David ends up having to take care of the two of you the next morning as you nurse bad hangovers).
The two of them would do anything for you; no matter what. If it meant keeping you safe, they'd go to extreme lengths.
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swanimagines · 11 months
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Regina Mills
Henry Mills
Peter Pan
Killian Jones
Mad Hatter/Jefferson
Elsa of Arendelle
Anna of Arendelle
Robin Mills
Drizella Tremaine / Ivy Belfrey
Zelena Mills (coming)
Archie Hopps (coming)
(Any of the other characters don't have any requests written nor pending as for now, so I'm unable to have serieses for them as AO3 requires you to have at least one oneshot written to be able to add it to a series, and I can't promise serieses for characters who don't have requests pending/I have no ideas of my own for them)
For anyone who's concerned, THESE ARE NOT ONESHOT COLLECTIONS, they are made using AO3's "series" feature.
If you want to be informed about new fics for OUAT or its individual characters, create an AO3 account and subscribe or bookmark any of those serieses listed above. There are buttons at the top right corner for those, or on top on mobile. I do not do Tumblr taglists anymore.
Also, if you're wondering, requests are ALWAYS open and you're welcome to leave one or multiple. Just remember to read my rules and pick a request type from this list.
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Small Talk and Mediocre Coffee | Missing Person
Chapter Sixteen | Masterlist | Buy me a coffee
Summary: You recently moved to Storybrooke and began working the morning shift at Granny’s diner. Meanwhile, Killian Jones has been working the night shift on the docks of Storybrooke for years. When his routine gets turned upside down, he begins to understand the simple joy brought by an early cup of coffee, as long as you’re the one pouring it.
Pairing: Killian Jones x Reader
Warnings: mentions of death, PTSD
Word Count: 3K
Extras: Playlist – A playlist for two idiots in love: a gruff outcast who hates coffee but now drinks it every morning because the waitress at the diner keeps smiling at him as they pour it.
Author’s Note: So this chapter is about a month late (life really had other plans for me), but I think this one will be worth the wait. Let me know what you guys think. I’m excited for you all to read it.
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“If you stare at that booth any harder, you might burn a hole into it.”
Your head snaps toward Ashley who just broke you out of your trance. You don’t know how long you were staring at the empty booth near the corner of the diner; however, it was long enough to garner a comment from Ashley. Attempting to shake off your thoughts, you roll your shoulders back and turn to face your colleague and friend. 
“Sorry, Ashley. I’m just a little distracted this morning.”
Ashley nods at your words. She seems to hesitate for a moment, as if she’s deciding her next words very carefully. For a second, it seems as though Ashley isn’t going to say anything at all until she meets your gaze.
“I didn’t see Killian come in this morning. Is he working the night shift today?”
You knew this was coming at some point. Even though you tried to let it go, the fact that Killian Jones has been missing all morning has thrown you off. You like your routine -- in fact, you live for it -- waking up early, opening up the diner, pouring Killian a cup of coffee before his morning shift. It’s not even the fact that he didn’t show up that has you worried; there have been plenty of mornings since you met him when Killian didn’t come in for a cup of coffee, but in all of those instances he’s sent a message letting you know. You’ve spent all morning casting glances toward your phone on the counter and there is still no message from your pirate. 
You shrug your shoulders at Ashley’s question which causes her to furrow her brow. Ashley doesn’t know Killian very well, but she knows you and she’s witnessed your budding relationship with Storybrooke’s resident bad boy firsthand. She knows he stopped coming into the diner for coffee ages ago -- she’s not even sure if the need for caffeine was ever the reason why Killian was in that booth every morning. So, the fact that he’s not here is odd and the fact that you seem confused by his actions is a bit troubling.
“Is something going on with you two?”
You let out a long sigh, dropping the towel you were holding onto the counter in front of you. Ashley crossed her arms, waiting for you to continue.
“I don’t know, Ash.”
Ashley takes a second to scan the diner, the two of you were already done with the morning breakfast rush so there are only a couple of morning stragglers left in the booths. The few patrons seem to be content for the time being, so Ashley takes your hand and drags you into the back of the diner away from the prying eyes and ears of Storybrooke’s curious residents. 
“Okay, spill.”
You roll your eyes at Ashley's antics, but you can’t help the small smile that spreads across your face. After glancing over your shoulder, making sure that no one is watching, you explain the situation to Ashley. Her face lights up as you explain your ‘almost kiss’ from last night. 
“I’m just afraid that I scared him off.”
Ashley shakes her head furiously.
“Absolutely not. Killian is so into you. Maybe he got switched to the night shift and forgot to send you a message?”
You know that Ashley is trying to comfort you and you wish that her words settled your nerves, but the entire situation is so unlike Killian. Ever since your conversation with him after your trip to the emergency room is been much better at communicating with you. You nod your head, but Ashley can tell that you’re still anxious.
“Have you talked to Emma or David this morning?”
You shake your head.
“Maybe you should stop by the station. Who knows, maybe he got caught up with David or something?”
Her words give you a little relief. Although you don’t know for sure, it is totally plausible that Killian met with David this morning and lost track of time. 
“I can close by myself, if you want to head over there right now.”
“Are you sure?”
Ashley places her hands on her hips before answering.
“Of course. Go find loverboy.”
A small chuckle escapes your lips at the nickname that Ashley has decided on for Killian. You don't waste any time -- unwrapping the apron from around your waist and throwing Killian’s heavy hide jacket around your shoulders. You’re about to exit through the back door when Ashley’s voice stops you in your tracks.
“Can you do me a favor?”
“Of course.”
“When you find Killian, just kiss him already.”
You flash her a bright smile before opening the door and heading out.
Lucky for you, it was a slow day at the station. When you arrive, David is sitting with his feet kicked up on his desk. The case file in his hands distracts him from your entrance. You call his name from the door, hoping not to startle the sheriff. David drops the case file in his lap and glances toward the door. When his eyes meet yours he smiles brightly. 
“Hey, Emma has the day off if you’re looking for her.”
“Actually, I’m here to talk to you.”
David straightens himself, removing his feet from his desk and motioning to the chair a few feet away from him. You move further into the station and sit in the chair.
“What can I help you with?”
“It’s about Killian.”
David nods, but stays quiet, letting you continue. 
“Have you seen him today?”
David lets out a soft sigh and his shoulders slump forward ever-so-slightly. His reaction causes your nerves to spike and begin to wring your hands together. David senses your nerves and reaches out to you. His hands grab yours and stop your anxious movements.
“He’s okay. Today just happens to be a really traumatic anniversary in his life and every year he just disappears for the day. I don’t know where he goes or what he does, but he always comes back the next day.”
This time, you nod at David’s words. There’s a part of you that desperately wants to ask him for details, but you know Killian Jones. He’s a guarded and cautious man. Although he’s slowly let you break down the walls he built up to protect his heart, you are not naïve enough to think that you know everything about the man. However, you do know that although Killian Jones is familiar with solitude, it is not his friend. Right now, you’re worried that he is drowning and without any help in sight, the waves of guilt and grief that he must be experiencing might swallow him whole. 
“Do you think he should be alone right now?”
Although you’re aware of what you believe, you also know that David knows Killian better than anyone else in this town. If he believes that space is what is best for Killian right now, then you’ll leave it be. But, if David agrees with your line of thinking, then you’ll confidently spring into action.
“I think Killian believes that he has to go through this alone, but we both know he doesn’t.”
You nod at his words. That’s all you need to hear.
“I think I know where he is. Can I borrow your truck?”
David doesn’t even think about your question. He reaches into his pocket, grabs his keys, and tosses them to you. He looks at you, a passionate ferocity burning in your eyes for the man that he calls his best friend, and fondly smiles as he is overwhelmed by a feeling of relief. He’s watched Killian close himself off from others for years. Although he let David and his family into his life, there are still parts of him -- the parts of him that feel suffering and fear and loneliness -- that he conceals in order to protect the ones he loves. He’s managed to push almost everyone else away, but here you are -- prepared to move heaven and earth just to make sure that Killian isn’t alone tonight. 
“Good luck.”
You give David a curt nod and head out of the station. Once you get into David’s truck, you take out your phone and punch in the coordinates you’re heading to. He may be able to disappear on David, but you know where Killian goes to escape Storybrooke. You know you’ll find him at the state line.
It takes you several hours to reach the state line, which gives you time to rethink your decision several times over. You almost turn the truck around multiple times. A part of you worries that Killian will be angry when you arrive -- maybe you’re overstepping one of the invisible boundaries you created over the past several months. However, when you spot Killian’s truck, your concern for Killian’s well-being outweighs the anxious pit growing in your stomach at the prospect of making him uncomfortable. 
Killian is sitting on the tailgate of his truck. At the sound of another car approaching, his head turns. Reluctantly, he slides off the tailgate and begins walking toward David’s truck, which you parked several yards behind his own truck on the side of the road. 
“Listen, David, I don’t know how you found me, but--”
The words get caught in Killian’s throat as you step out of David’s truck. He shouldn’t be surprised. If anyone was going to find him, it was you. But there is still a small part of him that doubts just how much you care about him. And that small part of him, made him believe that you wouldn’t notice if he went missing for a day. But here you are. 
“You’re not David.”
A small smile spreads across your face at his words. As you approach Killian, you take a moment to look him over. He’s in his usual dark jeans, leather jacket, and black work boots. His obsidian hair is more disheveled than normal, most likely due to his nervous habit of running his hands through it. And his eyes are tired. You’re used to  a hardened and weary Killian Jones, but today he just looks exhausted -- as if he didn't sleep at all last night.
“No, but I could go get him instead.”
You’re joking, he knows that, but he couldn’t help the panic that spiked in his chest. His mouth opened before his head could catch up.
“No, no, I want you.”
In that moment, Killian wants to take a shovel, dig a hole and fall into it. The panic in his chest begins rising to his throat as you just stare at him. He takes a moment to collect himself before speaking again.
“I mean, I want you here.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I want to be here.”
Killian can’t help the smile that spreads across his face as you repeat his words back to him. He remembers the day he picked you up from the emergency room and promised that he wouldn’t disappear on you again -- which is exactly what he did today. And with that thought, the panic that once filled his chest is replaced with guilt.
“I’m sorry. I should have at least sent you a text that I wouldn’t stop by the diner today.”
“Killian, I’m not mad. I’m just worried about you. David didn’t tell me anything, but if you want to talk about what’s going on in that head.”
Killian lets out a heavy sigh and leans against his truck. You don’t follow him, you let him have his space as he works through the thoughts running around in his head. 
“You don’t have to tell me.”
Killian looks up at your words. His eyes are glossy and your heart aches as you realize that Killian is on the verge of tears.
“I was engaged. Years ago.”
Killian notices a look of confusion and curiosity flash across your face, but you stay silent, allowing him to continue if that’s what he wants to do. And he does. He wants to let you in. 
“Milah. Her name was Milah.”
“What happened?”
Killian drew in a painful, shaky breath. It’s like he was back there all over again. He can feel the heavy rain against his skin. He can hear the sirens in the distance. Hell, he can practically see the steering wheel of his old Mustang. And then he could smell it, the blood. It’s all over his dashboard, and his clothes, and his hands. His hand…
Your voice replaces the sirens. It washes over him, wraps around him and pulls him out of that night.
“I was in an accident -- before prison, before I started running with Liam. We were coming back from a dinner and I was driving. We were fighting and it was raining so hard. I didn’t see the other car in time. They blew a stop sign and…”
Killian’s voice trails off. He doesn’t have to finish -- you know. 
You want to comfort him, but you know that there isn’t anything you can say that can help him. There isn’t anything you can say that can bring Milah back. Killian shakes his head vigorously, as if he’s trying to physically rid himself of the thoughts inside his head. 
“I blamed myself for years. Punished myself for not expecting the unexpected. I damn near drank myself to death because I couldn’t justify how the accident killed her, but I walked away with only this to show for it.”
He pushes his left sleeve up, exposing the scarred tissue that encompasses the skin of his entire hand and wrist.
“I didn’t even lose my hand. The doctors said it was a miracle. I thought I was cursed. Everything I touched, I ruined.”
Killian’s eyes close as he remembers the darkest period of his life. As he remembers everything he did -- everything that he’ll be atoning for, for the rest of his life. There was a time when he thought the guilt of who had become would eat him alive and swallow him whole. But that was before David, and Emma, and Henry, and you.
“I didn’t think I deserved to be happy for a long time. And then I met David and he gave me a second chance. He let me into his life and into his family. He let me live again.”
He lets out a shaky breath as he prepares himself for what he’s about to say next. He’s about to cross the invisible line that the two of you have created throughout the span of your friendship. And although that terrifies him to his very core, Killian Jones is sick and tired of being afraid to live.
“And I never thought I could allow myself to open my heart up and love someone again. That I was too bitter and bruised.”
For the first time since he brought up Milah, Killian fixes his gaze on you.
“Do you think you could let yourself love someone now?”
“Aye, I do.”
He doesn’t look away and neither do you. Your heartbeat is ringing in your ears as you ask him the question that could change everything.
“What made you change your mind?”
You aren’t certain what gets your feet moving -- maybe the ferocity in his eyes or the sincerity in his voice. You don’t tell your legs to move, they just do, as if it is instinct that draws you closer to Killian. Throwing caution to the wind, you follow your heart instead of your head and take several long strides toward Killian until you’ve closed the distance that you created.
As you stand in front of him, close enough to feel the heat radiating off of his body. It draws you closer to him, into his orbit. You take a breath and study Killian’s features, looking for any sign of doubt. But, instead of doubt, all you find is adoration. 
You take a leap of faith. 
You reach up, wrapping both of your arms around Killian’s neck and pull him toward you. You stop just for a second once your nose brushes his, his lips just a breath away, giving him the chance to pull away. Killian notices your hesitation and backs away slightly so he can meet your gaze. His hands move to envelop your cheeks. His grip on either side of your face is gentle.
“If this isn’t what you want…”
The smile that graces your lips is sweet as honey -- just like when he first walked into the diner. 
“Killian, just kiss me.”
You don’t have to ask him twice. He closes the gap between you and presses his lips against yours. The kiss is tender and sweet, until you let go of Killian’s neck and slide your hands down his chest. You grab onto either side of his leather jacket and pull him closer. Just like yesterday, when Herc called Killian, he lets out a low, guttural growl that reverberates in his chest. He moves his hands down your body until he’s got a tight grip on your waist. The kiss turns into something desperate and needy. 
Eventually, you both have to break away and take a breath. Killian presses his forehead against yours as the two of you attempt to control your breathing and settle your nerves. You move a hand up to cup Killian’s cheek. His eyes close and he leans into your touch. He lets out a tired sigh as he just enjoys the sensation of your skin against his. His eyes flutter open and he presses a soft kiss into your palm.
“Stay with me. Please. I don’t want to be alone.”
“I’m not going anywhere. You’ve got me.”
Your words begin to stitch up an old wound, deep inside of him that he’d long forgotten. He steals another kiss from your lips, leaving you breathless, before wrapping both of his arms around your waist and pulling you in for a tight embrace. His head burrows into your neck as you wrap both your arms around his shoulders. In the comfort of your arms, Killian’s lips twist into a small smile. When he woke up this morning, he was prepared for yet another painful day of remembering all that he’s lost. Ready to drown his sorrows with a bottle of rum. But right now, with you in his arms, Killian Jones finally feels alive again.
Taglist:  @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @alexa-fangirl-forever @mossnomori @captainamericasinnocence @fictionalhoomanofnowhere @ceruleanrainblues @lily-d247 @victoria-a567 @drinkfantasy @thisismelayla @its-not-too-late-for-coffee @rinymichelle321 @aesteticthotiere @popcrone818 @helplesslydevoted @limelightliterature @unlikelyandrogynousghost @theslytherinwriter @no-soup4u​  @scaraza​
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manchblack · 6 months
whenever people talk about shows that they wish would've come out now instead of when they did, once upon a time is always on the top of my list. not because i want it to be better written but because the fandom would be batshit insane and it would be SO funny
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jjaylove27 · 1 year
True Love
This story is about Killian Jones. Him and Emma are together but he has a past with a girl from the Enchanted Forest that he long forgot about.
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I grew up in the Enchanted Forest when the curse was cast I was left in the forest. But I got separated from my husband I don't know if he went where everyone else did but I'm determined to find him again.
It was like any other day in the forest I was at a tavern drinking rum before I had to get back to the ship. Yes, I'm a pirate the sea is my second love. That is when I seen him walk in. It can't be true. I must be seeing things. I've been looking for him for so long and here he is in front of me.
"Luv you must be crazy! You can't just walk into a tavern wearing the clothes from the other world. People will think you are crazy."
"Hook I'm going to look crazy regardless! I'm looking for the pirate who is Jack Sparrows daughter and ask her for her blood so we can get home."
Then she just walks in though the doors. I just grit my teeth and follow her. No matter how much I love her she just loves putting her self in danger.
As I walk in I see a girl at the bar with y/h/c and y/e/c. She looks like she's seen a ghost. She looks very familiar to me but I just can't put my hook on why.
"Excuse me we are looking for Jack Sparrows daughter. We need her help with something."
Then I see her stand up and walk towards us. "It's Caption Jack Sparrow. I'm his daughter how can I help you?"
That voice it sounds so familiar almost like I know her. Made it's Because I was on her dads ship when I was young lad. She just keeps looking at me.
"Hi my lady, My name is Hook we-"
"Yes, Killian I know your name. Do you not remember me?"
"I'm sorry lass. I assume I know you from your fathers ship."
H-he doesn't remember me. My own husband the man I grew up with doesn't know me. I've have been searching for him and I finally have him in front of me and he just looks though me.
"What do you need my help with?"
"Emma here needs your blood to take us back home to Story Brook."
Emma that's her name. The women he showed up with. The women he is staring at so fondly. I found him and I already lost him.
I've seen her in Henry's book. A lot of the pages was ripped out about her. Almost like someone didn't want anyone knowing about her.
"All we need is a drop of your blood to open the portal."
She finally looked at me and all I seen was sadness in her eye's.
"I'll help you. Just give me something to put my blood in."
"Well we need you to come with us."
She nodded her head and threw out her hand for us to start walking.
"So luv tell me about the time I was on the Black Pearl my memories are foggy."
I watched a light come into her eye's. Like she just got asked to see the Queen of England.
"Well you and my dad use to get into a lot of trouble. He taught you how to sail and what loving the ocean was about. But to never trust anyone but your right hand man Mr. Smee."
"Sounds like I owe your father a thank you."
We finally reached where we was going. All we needed was her blood.
"Do you think I can come with you?"
They both look at me and then look at each other before nodding. I pricked my finger and the portal opened. We closed our eyes and jumped in. When I opened them up I see that I'm standing on a road.
"Well I have things to do. Hook do you mind showing her around?"
"Sure I don't mind love." Then he leaned in and kissed her. That hurt but he is with her. I just hope he remembers me. He turned around to me and flashed me his famous smile. It made me melt inside. He offered me his arm.
"So I never actually got your name Miss. Sparrow."
"It's Y/n."
He showed me Granny's Dinner and helped me get a room. He intruded me to several people.
"So luv why did you want to come with us?"
"Well I'm looking for someone and I was hoping I would find some leads here."
"Well there is a whole book of our story's that someone wrote. Maybe we can look and see if your story is in it?"
"What do you mean-"
"Well if it isn't Hook and Sparrow. Mrs. Sparrow I wondered what happened to you."
"Leave her alone Gold." Then he grabbed my arm and kept walking.
"Who was that Kill?"
"Huh? Oh that was Rumpelstiltskin he goes by Gold here."
I just nodded my head. So he remembers me I'll have to talk to him. He must know something. We walked around for a little longer before he took me back to Granny's.
"Well that ends our tour my lady. Maybe tomorrow I can take you to my friend and we can look at the book."
"Sounds like a plan. Noon?"
"Sounds like a plan."
He walked away. As I watched him I seen Emma come around the corner they talked for a minute before walking away. I walked into Granny's and sat down. Ruby walked up to me.
"You hungry or thirst?"
"No, I think I'm gonna go lay down."
I got up and went into my room. I took off my boots and pulled my necklace out from under my shirt and looked at Killian's wedding ring. Tomorrow I'm gonna talk to Gold. Then I laid down and went to sleep.
I know this doesn't follow OUAT story line. I hope you like it! Thank you for reading.
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deadlymistletoe · 2 months
Moonlit Misery
Pairing: Killian Jones/Captain Hook x Reader
Request: @notalizard asked: Killian Jones x GN! Reader but they have a a son who is stuck on pans island (pre curse) and they are both angsting about potentially never getting him back together
Genre: Angst
Description: On the anniversary of being separated from your beloved son by the devil known as Peter Pan, you and Killian despair under the moonlight with thoughts of your failure.
Warnings: mentions of manipulation; peter pan
Word Count: 1262
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You glanced up from your spot where you sat on the edge of the pier, legs dangling in the air when the familiar footsteps stopped beside you and leather rustled as your husband sat down beside you, swinging his own legs over the dark ocean below.
The moon cast a gentle light over the water, its reflection moving with the swirl of the water and you raised an eyebrow as its reflection glinted off the bottle of rum the dark-haired pirate held in his hand.
“Really?” You questioned, watching as he used his teeth to pull the cork, dropping it from his teeth to the side. Normally you’d find the move incredibly attractive, and he’d accompany it with a suggestive wink. Not tonight though. Instead he only shrugged, the tiny, crooked smile he gave you forced and full of pain.
“Now, love, surely you’ve worked out by now that bemoaning over our loss isn’t complete without a bit of rum to sip depressingly at. Ruins the image.” Even as he held out the bottle to you, the spark in his eyes that usually accompanied his quips was gone, the blue that mirrored the ocean below dark and blank, void of life or happiness.
You sighed, taking the offered bottle and taking a long sip, grimacing only slightly at the flavour - you’d never been a massive fan of rum, but tasting it on Killian’s lips so often over the years had gotten you used to it. Besides, he was right. The two of you may as well fit the image.
Said image had become a yearly occurrence for the two of you ever since that fateful night. The rest of the crew knew well enough to keep away, and to keep others away by now. They also knew never to speak a word of it: both the yearly routine and the event that it was the anniversary of. Instead you would only receive sad glances you hardly noticed as the two of you stumbled back onto the Jolly Roger in the morning, slightly tipsy, slightly hungover and ready to ignore the event for another year.
But for tonight the fake ignorance was gone, the raw truth that weighed on both your hearts loud and clear.
“Do you think we’ll ever get him back?” You murmured as Killian finished taking his own swig of the drink.
You heard the sigh more than you saw it as he stared at the drink in his hand. “I hope so,” He answered, but you could both feel the worry between you that his hope would never be any more than just that: a hopeful wish that would never come true.
The truth was, the likelihood of getting back your son was very unlikely. The likelihood of getting him back unscathed was almost non–existent.
The absolute devil known as Peter Pan would make sure of that. Years ago, when he had sucked your son into his circle of lost children with fake acts of kindness and sincerity, none of you had known what you’d been about to lose. Not you, not Killian, not the crew who also adored your son, and not your son himself. The truth was, you didn’t even know if your son saw it as a loss.
A young boy of 11, he had been captivated by Pan and his charm and promises. Peter used that to his advantage to keep the boy drawn in, so there was no telling what Pan had told your son about the absence of his parents. Neither of you said it, but the worst fear of both you and your husband was that Peter had poisoned your beloved boy’s mind with lies of his family abandoning him.
It had haunted you ever since that even if you could get your son back he wouldn’t want to leave the so-called ‘family’ made up of lost boys.
What had started out as a tentative alliance - particularly when your son had taken an interest in Pan - had ended when the devil refused to let you take your son off shore after a venture through the island after he found out you intended on leaving, the alliance turning forced as he kept your son hidden and away from you, taunting the two of you with stories of how happy your only child was without you - how he had found a real family that didn’t steal and plunder for a living - as he used threats of the 11 year old’s safety as a way to keep both you and the rest of the crew of the Jolly Roger in check, doing his bidding.
This continued, pieces of you and Killian’s hearts chipping away as time continued to go by until Pan struck the final blow; giving you the option to finally leave the cursed island and its waters, only without your son. The ‘option’ had ended up being an order, and the night after Killian turned down the offer with a few choice words the lost boys went into action, forcing Killian to turn the boat away from the island lest more of his crew fall victim to the ruthless children, the lost boys chasing you until you passed the barrier and it shut behind you, casting you back into the waters of your own realm with no way back in, cursed to age and die while your son stayed young with Peter for eternity.
The only signs of what had transpired had been the youth of those who had been there along with the absence of your son and the dead and wounded bodies on your ship.
Now you leaned into the welcomed warmth as Killian put the bottle aside, wrapping his arm tightly around your shoulder and pulling you into him. You swallowed tightly, staring out at the dark sea.
“This is our fault.” You muttered. “We never should have risked taking him to that damn island, let alone the realm in the first place.”
You felt Killian’s fingers tighten on your shoulder as you uttered the same regrets you did every year. This time though, Killian pulled his arm away, turning your head to look at him, fingers lightly on your chin. Determination hardened his features. “This was not our fault. We didn’t know what would happen. And I swear to you and the gods, we will get our son back, however long it takes - whatever condition he is in - and we will be a family again.”
You swallowed once more, taking in the steely glint in his eyes that replaced the blankness. “What changed since last year? What makes you so sure?”
“What changed is that I won’t let us keep suffering like this. I won’t let that devil keep our family apart to prove a point.” He glanced at the water before looking back at you. “I am a very patient man, and mark my words, sooner or later we will get him back if I have to bargain with the Dark One himself.”
You pulled Killian’s arm around you again, leaning into him as you picked up the rum to take a last sip. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, yeah?”
When dawn came and the two of you stepped back onto the planks that made the deck of your home, the crew took note of the difference from previous years; the new determination in both of your gaits and the hope that burned in your traded glances.
It was in silent agreement that the crew would do whatever they could to get your son home again.
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A/N: I am open to writing a sequel at one point set in S3 where they reunite with their son if enough people are interested, so let me know if you are.
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goosin-around · 1 year
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once upon an alignment table pt. 1
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justanoasisimagines · 30 days
Fluff Alphabet
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Hey my lovelies back with another fluff alphabet, my requests are open and my guidelines are pinned to the top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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A = Affection - How afectionate are they? Do they like recieving affection etc?
Killian is an extremely affectionate person. Physical Touch is one of his love languages. He also likes you to be affectionate with him. Killian can be quite cheeky with his affection. Sometimes being affectionate to get a reaction out of you.
B = Bathing - Do they like to bathe or shower alone? What's it like to share a bath or shower with him?
Killian prefers showering with you. Killian witnesses bathing as an opportunity to relax, to talk about your days, to allow you both to soak off the week. A shower is another opportunity for Killian to roam his hands over your body, perfect for kisses and intimate moments. Being in a relationship with Killian means rarely showering alone.
C = Cooking - Can they cook? Do they like to cook? Would they cook for you? What type of dishes would they like to cook?
Killian is not the best cook in the world. In your relationship, you would do the majority of the cooking. Killian would not be eager to learn how to cook, he knows the basics, and he can get by. However, he doesn't enjoy the process.
D = Dates - What type of dates would they like to go on? Do they like to plan dates? Be taken on dates? How frequently is date night? etc
Going on dates is something Killian isn't used to. He knows how to court someone, but the modern idea of dating is confusing to Killian. You would have to teach Killian about all the activities you could do for a date. It could be quite fun, Killian would be happy with it too. It gives him an excuse to spend time with you.
E = Effort - How much effort do they put in? How do they show their efforts? Are they either an all out or all in kind of person?
Killian is an all-in kind of person. He's never going to do anything half-arsed. He knows early on if he wants to put effort into your relationship. Killian shows his effort by giving you his quality time being affectionate and merging his world with yours.
F = Family - Do they want to have children? What would family life look like? How many children do they want? etc?
Killian wouldn't be opposed to having a family, however, he's in no rush for it. He'd want his children to enjoy life on the sea as much as he does. He'd be a stern parent, wanting the best for his children. Killian would also love telling them stories.
G = Gentleman/Lady - How much of a gentleman/lady would they be? Would they hold out doors for you? Pull out your chair? Walk on the road side? etc
Killian is a gentleman in his own loveable rouge way. He's not going to be sweet, but he is charming and protective. No one is going to hurt you and get away with it. He will keep you out of harm's way. He'll open doors out for you, only to whisper something in your ear.
H = Honeymoon - Where would they like to go on honeymoon? What would it look like? etc
Killian would like to spend his honeymoon with you on the Jolly Roger. He'd like to travel across the oceans with you taking you to all his favourite spots. The length of the honeymoon would depend on you both. Killian wouldn't mind if you went away for a few days or several days to a couple of months. Only providing it's just you two.
I = I love you - How long would it take them to fall in love with you? How would they confess? Is it a big deal to them etc?
It takes a while for Kilian to fall in love with you. He doesn't expect to at first, Seeing it as nothing more than playful flirtatious banter yet it unexpectedly blossoms. Telling you is a big deal to Killian, he searched for the right moment. He fails on several occasions. He wants you to know he's serious and committed to you, so for Killian, the moment has to be just right.
J = Jealously - How easily do they get jealous? What makes them jealous? How do they react when your jealous? etc
Killian is a jealous person. He doesn't take too kindly to approaching you or flirting with you. He's naturally a possessive person. He has two forms of approach, direct and non-direct. Either way, he's not going to let it slide.
I've got a jealously headcanon here which goes into more detail.
K = Kisses - What kisses are they more likely to give? What kisses do they like to recieve? etc
Giving; Neck kisses, passionate kisses, come back to bed kisses, possessiv kisses,
Recieving; Good night kisses, good morning kisses, passionate kisses, sleepy kisses etc.
L = Love Language - What's their love language(s)? What languages are they most receptive to?
Killian's love language which he's receptive to and one of his love languages is physical touch. He prefers to show his emotions rather than have an emotionally deep conversation with you. Killian's secondary love language would be gift-giving. He'd surprise you with random things he'd found on his journeys to give you.
M = Marriage - Do they want to get married? What would being married to them look like? Do they want a large or small wedding? etc
Killian wants to get married more than he lets on. He wants you to have his last name. He wants to bind you together forever. When Killian marries you, there is no going back for him. Killian's not fussed over how big or small the ceremony is as long as he gets to marry you.
N = Nicknames - What nicknames would they use for you? Do you give any to them?
You; Love, Sweetheart, Darling, My Sweet, Beautiful,
O = Obvious - How obvious are they? What gives them away? Their face or actions?
It's difficult to tell if Killian likes you or not. He's naturally flirtatious and charming, it's difficult to tell if he's being serious about you. Even others around you can't tell if he's doing it because it's naturally him or because he likes you. Killian does have to be blunt with his intentions. Being more physically affectionate etc. In the end, Killian does have to have a conversation with you about his feelings and his intentions.
P = Public Displays of Affection - Do they enjoy PDA? How comfotable are they with PDA?
Killian loves public displays of affection. He does it in a kind of possessive way of telling everyone around, you belong to him. He also can't get enough of you. He's affectionate because he wants to me, if not being a little bit cheeky at times. Killian's always pushing boundaries of what's suitable in public.
Q = Quality Time - How do they like to spend quality time with you? How do they make time? Can they communicate effectively when they need quality time with you?
Killian loves traveling with you. He loves spending time with you on the Jolly Roger exploring the world together. It's his favorite way to spend any time with you. Kilian is not the best communicator, so when he needs to spend time with you, he'll eventually drag you away from whatever's taking up your time.
R = Romantic - Do they consider themselves romantic?
Killian considers himself to be romantic. He knows how to make you swoon. He knows what you like, so he'd considered himself to be romantic. Although, he finds himself learning about confusing courting methods. He's not going to follow all of them because he thinks some are odd. He does like to bring you flowers and chocolate from time to time.
T = Tease - Do they like to tease you? If so, how?
Yes, Killian does love to tease you. he likes to see you caught off guard when he whispers something into your ear. Killian feels powerful with the knowledge he can get a reaction out of you. It's usually by whispering something provocative in your ear.
U = Umbrella - Would they hold an umbrella for you? Would they kiss you in the rain? Dance with you in the rain?
Killian doesn't understand the point of umbrellas. It comes from spending so much time on the ocean, that he's experienced rough seas. There's not much you can do and it's only a little water. However, will he kiss you in the rain? Absolutely, he doesn't need the rain to find an excuse to kiss you. Dancing? He doesn't dance, and he doesn't want to lose his reputation, but if you ask him enough, he will just for you.
V = Vanity - How do they see themselves? Positively or negatively? What's their favourite part of their body etc?
Killian likes what he sees in the mirror. He sees himself as rugged and handsome. His favorite feature is his face. He believes that is the body party that attracted you to him in the first place.
W = Whole - When you're apart do they feel like part of them is missing? How do they deal with being apart from you?
Kilian can handle being away from you, it doesn't mean he likes it. He doesn't like being away from you for too long. A couple of days at most. While you're away life continues as normal, however, his mind flickers to you frequently.
X = Xtra - An extra headcanon
Killian keeps a picture of you in his pocket. He doesn't like most modern technology, however, cameras have proved to be useful. Now he can keep a picture of you wherever he goes. He can look at it whenever he pleases.
Y = You - What do you they like most about you? Favourite body part etc?
Killian's favorite of your body would be the whole thing. There is not a part of your body he doesn't like. His favorite part of your personality would be your ability to keep up with him. He needs someone who can keep up with him and the fact you do makes him even more eager.
Z = Zzzz - Sleeping headcanons
Killian likes to be the big spoon. He also sleeps by the door, if someone is going to attack you while you're sleeping, he wants to be the first person they make contact with. Killian doesn't sleep with his hook on, but his sword is placed beside his bed.
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str8up-vanilla · 10 months
Emma: You know Killian, it's real weird how we constantly get interrupted in the middle of intimate moments.
Killian: Aye love, if I didn't know better I'd say someone out there was doing all they could to stop our fun.
Emma: I know, it's weird right?
Killian: Very.
Killian: !
Emma: !
Emma & Killian: Henry!
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laianely · 10 months
This song was suggested by @scleroticstatue. Thank you very much! It's so wonderful and I literally couldn't cut it into pieces. So this time we have not-TikTok format. Maybe later I'll make short version too.
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helpless pt1
Title: helpless pt1
Pairing: Killian Jones x reader
Word count: 984
Warnings: blood, swearing
Tags: angst, hurt-comfort
Synopsis: when reader gets really hurt, she has no choice but to go someone who is not really her friend....
A/N: I'm back!! I think this will be a multiple part story, I wanted to test something new. so the idea was that y/n arrives at his door beaten up and weak, and he has to kind of take care of her, but she's cold and doesn't wanna open up to him. enjoy :)
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They got you good. Your face is bloody, and you're covered in bruises. You're a long way from home, and won't make it back in one piece, so you have only one choice.
You new his house wasn't far from where you were, so you gathered yourself and went.
You stand in his doorway, bloody and beaten up. Your knees are weak and you're on the verge of collapsing right then and there
"I'm sorry. I didn't know where else to go" You say, weakly.
His eyes instantly show concern. While you are definitely not his friend, he's not a complete monster.
"Come inside"
You try to get over to a chair, but your legs are unstable and it causes you to stumble. He lifts you to the chair as gently as possible, and leans you back. He takes a moment to study the bruises.
"You are beaten pretty badly. Who did this to you?"
Your breathing is heavy. Blood drips out of your mouth on the floor. there's a huge cut on your face, and blood leaks from it. You exhale, not giving him a response. You don't want to open up.
He gives you a stern, but concerned look, waiting for you to speak. It's breaking his heart to see you so roughed up. If this were any of his men in this state, he would be furious.
"You got any antiseptic?" I say, with a cold tone in my voice, breaking the silence.
He gets to work quickly, cleaning the injuries and getting the necessary supplies for stitching it up. He takes a deep breath and asks the dreaded question
"Who did this to you, y/n?"
You wince in pain as he touches the cloth to your open wound "It's none of your concern."
He shakes his head. "Your pride is going to get you killed. I have never seen an enemy left in such a state. You can hardly walk. Tell me. Who did this."
You lean your head against the wall, closing your eyes. You let out a groan, feeling discomfort because of your wounds.
"No offence y/n, but you truly are stubborn. I'll ask again. Who did this to you?"
"Let it go Killian."
"No. This could be vital information. The person who nearly killed you could attack you again, or attack me and my men. Or we could have some common ground on this matter. Please just tell me who it was."
"It's nothing!" you yell in frustration as you stand up with trouble. "Thank you for the care. I'm going now." You stand up, regretting your decision of coming here in the first place.
He stands in front of the door and sighs, shaking his head "I can't let you leave in this condition, y/n. You are practically helpless."
"Let me leave." You try to push him aside, but you have no strength left, and it causes you to have to take a step sideways, leaning into the wall with your hands.
"You cannot leave. You are in no condition to move. If whoever attacked you finds you leaving this state, for all I know they would just finish you off. Do not be so stubborn."
"Why are you acting like this? As if you care about what happens to me."
"You may not believe me y/n, but I do care. You have caused me a great deal of grief and rage, but seeing the state you are in right now fills me with empathy. So I'm not asking you again. Who did this to you?"
"It's nothing of your concern Killian"
"I am telling you, it is my concern." He takes a deep breath "Whoever did this to you, they are not good. I am willing to set our little rivalry aside to make sure this person doesn't cause any further trouble. I am only telling you this once, y/n. Who did this to you?"
"shut up." you say, softly.
He rolls his eyes. "What a surprise, the proud, stubborn woman finally breaks." he steps closer and towers over you, looking you dead in the eyes "Who. Did. This. To. You!"
"SHUT. UP!" You yell at him, your voice shaking. Your eyes tear up a little bit. You take a deep breath and put your hands at the wall, holding yourself up.
He notices how much this is obviously hurting you. You are on the verge of tears and it takes all your strength to keep from collapsing. It secretly pains him to see you in such a state. He sighs and looks at you. He takes a step closer and places a hand on your shoulder. He speaks in a softer tone
"I know this may be a shock to you y/n. But I'm willing to put a hold on his hate for you to help you. We can put our rivalry away temporarily and focus on this matter at hand. All I ask is for you to tell me who did this to you, so that I may ensure this does not happen to you or anyone I may care for again."
"Fine. It was Sunamo and his men." You say softly, having your eyes closed.
His eyes show shock and his jaw drops at such a name. Sunamo is a sadistic monster who knows no mercy. He lets out a slow exhale. For the first time in all his time knowing her, you are showing slight trust in him. This is certainly a breakthrough.
"What did they do to you?"
You look at your shoes with a puzzled look on your face, looking for words.
"Take your time. I am not going anywhere until I get the whole story. This Sunamo is someone I have had my eye on for a while. You are not the first to suffer at his hands. What did he do?"
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Headcanons for being a mermaid and falling for Killian Jones...
headcanons for Killian Jones falling for a mermaid!reader
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You've heard the stories of the infamous 'Captain Hook', you're taught to fear him, to hide from him so for years, you did... until one day you're lounging on a rock hidden from view and you see a ship pull into the harbour.
On the side in cursive letters is written Jolly Roger and you know who the Captain is.
Your heart beats fast and you go to leave but then you catch a glimpse of him.
He's young and... handsome? Surely that wasn't him but as you floated closer, you realised that he was indeed the Captain.
He wasn't at all like the stories your father used to tell you. He wasn't seven foot tall with a beard down to his navel or a scowl. Yes, he had a hook for a hand, hence the name, but as you got closer you could hear laughter... his laughter, the crew's laughter. He wasn't mean, he wasn't angry... he was... funny? You watched him for a long time as he spoke to his crew, laughing with them. You watched as he left his ship, the way he charmed the ladies at the dock... He was normal.
You dive underwater and swim away quickly with your mind reeling.
Sleep doesn't come easy for a few days after that. You find yourself obsessing over the mysterious Captain. He seemed so normal, minus the hook for a hand. He seemed so nice, so friendly...
You asked your father again about him. Your father eyed you suspiciously but you tell him that you'd heard rumours of his kindness. Your father shakes his head.
"It's all an act," your father tells you, "smooth as silk but as soon as someone wrongs him... he won't hesitate. You stay away from the water's edge, you stay away from that ship."
But you couldn't.
For weeks, you find yourself breaking the water's surface to follow the ship from afar, watching with keen eyes. You're taught to hate pirates yet... why did your heart skip a beat every time you see him?
You stay hidden when you're floating nearby, always listening and smiling at his stupid jokes.
You don't tell your father or anyone for that matter, you keep it a secret.
You don't dare let him see you but there are a few times where he glances into the sea and he swears he saw the flicker of a mermaid tail.
headcanons for Killian Jones falling for a mermaid!reader - continuation
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happy-emmdings · 1 year
some captain swan honeymoon concepts…
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1) wearing cute outfits
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2) smooth sailing 💕
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3) checking on Storybrooke on facetime a.k.a. what it looks like when Emma is handling the phone versus when Killian tries
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4) being cute and romantic
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BONUS: doing each other’s make up for an evening out✨ 
They got there🥺
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