#ouat oneshot
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heliads · 11 months ago
Can you do Peter Pan x reader OUAT? Peter goes to the modern world with Emma, Snow, David and them as they are looking for someone. He meets this girl and takes an interest to her. He’s never seen someone with facial piercings, and dyed hair before, they come to realize she is the girl they’ve been looking for.
'magic finds magic' - peter pan
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Peter Pan is leaving Neverland. Worse, he’s leaving Neverland alongside Snow, Emma, David, and Hook. In terms of traveling partners, this has got to be the lowest of the low. However, the sand in Peter’s immortal hourglass is running out, and his first attempt at prolonging his life with the heart of Henry Mills didn’t exactly go according to plan. It’s this or nothing, even though Peter is starting to wonder if it would be better to just die than put up with these people any longer.
Never in his life did Peter Pan think he’d be working with the good guys. But never in his life did Peter think he’d be dying, either. A few compromises will have to be made in the name of preserving Peter’s everlasting life, and if that means he has to put up with some princesses and pirates for a few days, so be it. In no time at all, his immortal life will be restored, and he can go back to Neverland and put all of this behind him. Hopefully.
Peter was supposed to die back on Neverland. He was running out of time, anyway. He had set up the perfect scheme:  kidnap Henry, disorient the boy’s rescuers on his island long enough to win the Heart of the Truest Believer, and cut the organ out of the boy’s chest if necessary. He’d almost gotten away with it, too, except he was foiled at the last minute. Heartbreaking. So unlike him.
For some reason, though, he hadn’t been left to die in the caverns of Skull Rock. Emma and the others had needed him, for some odd reason, and although none of them trust him in the slightest, they do trust Peter’s single-minded selfishness to keep himself alive. So they claim, at least, and so they had gotten a spell to give Peter one more week of life in exchange for help. If this plan works out, Peter will have a way to continue his immortal life without needing to murder Henry. If it doesn’t, or if he betrays them, he’ll die anyway.
He can feel it now, the pang of his close call with death. There’s a pain in his chest that wasn’t there before, a certain weakness in his lungs. Peter gets tired more easily. He feels– well, he feels like Henry and Emma. He feels mortal. Like he could die at any moment.
Peter has, obviously, thought about double-crossing them, maybe even triple-crossing them, but it’s no use. He feels shakily mortal right now, and Peter does not much enjoy the possibility of his own demise. This is the closest he’s ever come to being beaten, and Peter hates the feeling. He’ll have to play along for now, but after that, he will have his revenge.
First, though, Peter has to do what the others want. They’ve been careful to reveal as few details to him as possible, but the idea is solid. There’s a magical person somewhere in the modern world, in a city far from Storybrooke. This person is like the embodiment of a true love’s kiss spell, designed to renew hope in storybook characters through small acts of power that ultimately drive two needed people together. They’re like a guardian angel of those on the brink of destruction, which is exactly what Peter needs right now.
Peter has plenty of time to mull this over. They’ve forced him into a terrible, small room with awful carpets– an apartment, Emma called it– while they talk out what to do with both him and their missing spell-person. Peter is trying to focus, but he’s getting stared at by Henry Mills again, which is absolutely ruining his mood.
“What do you want?” Peter asks, glaring at the boy.
Henry just goggles back at him. “Don’t you feel bad for trying to kill me?”
Peter snorts. “Why would I do that?”
Henry shrugs. “You pretended you were my friend. I know you like the other Lost Boys on your island, I thought you would have felt bad for killing one of them. I guess not.”
“I don’t feel bad about killing someone so I would live,” Peter says, then wonders why he’s arguing with a child. “Go preach your morals to someone who wants to listen.”
“The others are busy,” Henry pouts.
Peter eyes him unhappily. “And what, I’m your best option for polite conversation? You really are desperate, aren’t you?”
Henry rolls his eyes. “I’d say you’re desperate. You’re the one who’s still talking to me.”
Peter can’t really argue with that, so he deftly changes the topic of conversation before Henry starts looking proud of himself again. “Tell me about our target again. You said you saw them before?”
“Only in a dream,” Henry admits, “but it was a clear dream, I swear. I saw a girl who looked about your age. She seemed like any other teenager, but there was something about her that was different. The way she spoke, maybe, or the glint in her eyes. She was magical, I’m sure of it. She can save Storybrooke.”
“And save me,” Peter reminds him. “That’s the important part.”
Henry rolls his eyes again. If he keeps that up, they’re going to get stuck like that forever. “Yes, I know, you’re only interested in keeping yourself alive. So long as it helps us find this girl, though, I don’t care.”
Peter leans forward. “What’s your plan for finding this girl, then? A little scouting party? This city is big. You’ll never find her.”
Henry shakes his head. “Magic has a way of finding magic. Somehow, our paths will cross.”
“That’s a terrible strategy,” Peter grouses. Why is he entrusting his life to this boy again? He remembers something about having no other options, but it doesn’t seem as good an excuse right now.
“Ask the adults, then,” Henry tells him, and gestures towards the miniscule apartment kitchen, where Emma, Snow, Hook, and David are currently huddled around a table, talking in hushed voices about what to do.
Not wanting to mess with the kid anymore, Peter pulls himself to his feet and heads over. “Tell me you have a plan,” he says.
The adults look up at him. “Find the girl,” Hook says shortly. “That’s our plan.”
Peter scoffs. “You could search this city for months and not find her. What if she doesn’t want to be found? If this girl has any brains at all, she’ll know that people will want her magic and she’ll hide. It’s what I would do.”
Emma sighs. “We don’t even know if this girl knows that she has magic. She’s probably just living an ordinary life, and we’re about to drag her out of it with all of our trouble.”
“Don’t tell me you feel bad for her,” Peter scolds her. “You want this, don’t you? So go get it, or I will.”
Snow tries to tell him to calm down, but David, so quick to anger when it comes to Peter, surges out of his chair. “How about you do something helpful and think with us instead of just insulting us?”
“I will do something helpful,” Peter informs him. “I’ll find her first.”
With that, he lunges for the apartment door, and is out of the tiny room and down the hall before they can stop him. Peter hears the thunder of footsteps after him, but he hurries down the stairs and out of the building. He has the advantage of being quick on his feet; if Neverland taught him anything, it’s how to run when you don’t want to be found.
Peter emerges into the bright sunshine of the city and stops dead in his tracks. He’s not used to the modern world, how the knives of its buildings slash up into the sky, how loud it is with those cars and signs and people. Peter swears he can even see metal things in the sky, soaring along predestined paths. It’s all so much compared to the world he used to know. No wonder some of the others had a hard time adjusting. His mortal heart lets out a pang of sympathy.
The door of the apartment building flies open, revealing Emma and the others hot on his trail. Peter curses under his breath and takes off in one direction, hurtling around pedestrians and shooting down the sidewalk. He heads for smaller streets, hoping to lose them in a swarm of alleyways. The others, more used to the terrain of the modern city, are gaining on him, and Peter is just starting to think that he’ll never be able to shake them when someone grabs him and pulls him into a nearby building.
Peter’s first instinct is to defend himself, but when he isn’t attacked, he realizes that the stranger is only trying to help him. There’s a window just to his left, and Peter watches Emma and the others appear seconds after him. They didn’t see him enter the shop, and keep sprinting down the road in the direction they thought he’d gone. Peter waits a few more intense moments, then decides that he’s lost them for good and turns back around to see who’s gone to the trouble of rescuing him.
He’s greeted with the sight of a girl about his age. She’s eyeing him cautiously, although the corners of her lips begin to prick up with a wicked grin. “Sorry for the rough introduction, but you looked like you needed some help,” she tells him.
Peter lets out a short laugh. “I’m glad to be rid of them, that’s for sure.”
The girl arches a brow. “What, did they catch you shoplifting? I’ve never seen people run that fast unless they were getting chased by the cops.”
Peter narrows his eyes, trying to figure out how on earth he would lift a shop, then decides it’s probably some slang term he doesn’t know. “Something like that,” he says evasively.
He studies the girl’s face to see if he’d answered correctly, and, judging by her impressed grin, he had. “Nice,” she says. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Peter,” he replies. He gets the urge to introduce himself as he usually would– Peter, Peter Pan– then remembers at the last second that Emma had warned him about telling people who he was. Apparently, telling people he was a fictional character in their world wouldn’t go over too well.
“Peter,” the girl repeats. “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you, too,” Peter says, and realizes belatedly that he means it. He feels like how he had at the start of it all, when the Lost Boys had first started appearing on this island, but this feeling is far stronger. He wants to get to know this girl. He certainly doesn’t want her to leave.
“I’m new to the city,” he says abruptly. “Any chance you could show me around?”
Y/N laughs, surprised. “You’re new and you’re already in trouble? You’ll fit right in, Peter.”
He grins, in on the joke a half beat late. “I like to have fun, that’s all.”
“Well,” Y/N says, starting to lead him back towards the door of the shop, “I like fun, too. Maybe we should stick together.”
“I’d like that,” Peter says, then wonders why he’s being so honest all of a sudden. When he sees Y/N’s smile– real this time, not sarcastic or joking, but genuinely because of him– he thinks he knows why.
The two of them step back out into the light. “Where to first?” Peter asks.
“I was going to ask you that,” Y/N replies. “What do you want to do? Sightseeing, maybe? We can get some food, or just talk.”
“Anything,” he says. He’d follow her anywhere. The feeling in him right now is like nothing he’s ever felt before. The pain in his chest, Peter realizes with some surprise, is gone. He feels immortal. Like living in this one moment could last forever.
They end up spending the next few hours together. Y/N shows him around the city, taking Peter to her favorite spots. Peter stares at the vast cityscape and finally starts to understand why someone might choose the modern world over the natural one. He’ll always pick Neverland first, of course, but seeing the world through Y/N’s eyes, it makes sense.
The two of them get along like a house on fire. Y/N’s got this rebellious streak to her that fits in perfectly with Peter’s, well, Peter-ness. No joke is too dark, no sarcastic comment too caustic. They feel the same. Peter doesn’t think he’s ever met someone who thinks so much like him.
As the sun starts to set in the sky, Peter feels his spirits sinking. He doesn’t want to let go of this day, not when he knows it can never happen again. He’s supposed to be finding Henry’s spell-girl, but all Peter wants to do is spend more time with Y/N.
His mood is especially ruined when they turn a corner and find Henry Mills walking towards them. Peter’s eyes widen and he tries to steer Y/N back in the direction they’d come, but it’s too late. Henry lets out an audible gasp and starts hurrying towards them.
“Peter,” Henry calls out when he’s close enough to talk, “We’ve been looking for you all over! Where have you been?”
Y/N glances at Henry dubiously. “Who’s this?”
“My little brother,” Peter blurts out.
At the same time, Henry chimes in, “My friend from school.”
Peter shoots the younger boy a quick glare, then turns back to Y/N. “Both, actually. He’s my step-brother. Recent marriage. We’re still getting acclimated. Our family is a little chaotic.”
“You can say that again,” Henry mumbles. Peter fights the urge to butcher him.
While Peter silently advises himself on why murder would be bad at a time like this, Henry stares openly at Y/N. All of a sudden, the boy’s mouth hangs open. “Oh my gosh, it’s you.”
Y/N’s brow furrows. “Excuse me?”
All of a sudden, Peter feels a sick sensation in his stomach. It couldn’t be. It couldn’t.
“You’re the girl from my dream,” Henry announces. “We’ve been looking for you.”
Y/N looks back at Peter. “What’s he talking about?”
The open, carefree expression, which had been on her face all day, is starting to be replaced with deep, unsettled fear. Peter hates to see it directed at him. “There’s something I need to tell you,” he begins. “Something about yourself.”
“You’re sounding a little creepy right now,” Y/N warns him. “Get to the point.”
“Alright,” Peter says. “You’re magical. So am I. We need your help to break a curse and save my life. How about that?”
Y/N shakes her head quickly. “This is crazy. Magic isn’t real.”
Peter can’t lose her, not like this, so he leans forward and holds out his hand. A ball of light appears inside his cupped fingers, glowing and bright. It’s a simple charm, one of the first he learned, but it has the desired effect. 
Y/N stares at it, transfixed, and when she speaks again, her voice is hushed. “That’s impossible.”
“Nothing is impossible,” Peter says. “Not magic. Not even the fact that you would find me in this city by accident. Magic is drawn to magic.”
Y/N’s eyes slowly raise to meet his. “This is real, then. I have magic.”
“You have magic,” Peter confirms. “Come with us, we can show you. They’re good people, Y/N. You can trust them.”
It’s the closest he’s ever come to honesty. For once, Peter isn’t playing a game. He isn’t trying to trick Y/N over to his side. He just wants her to be safe, and he knows that isn’t through lies.
Y/N smiles at him. “I trust you, Peter. That’s enough for me.”
She reaches over and takes his hand. Now that he’s focusing on it, Peter can feel the slow loop of her magic when they touch. It feels like power, but more than that, it feels like life. A life with her, maybe. A life for both of them.
ouat tag list: @loveanimals0000, @eclliipsed, @w1shes43, @lost-ender
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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justanoasisimagines · 7 months ago
Fluff Alphabet
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Hey my lovelies back with another fluff alphabet, my requests are open and my guidelines are pinned to the top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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A = Affection - How afectionate are they? Do they like recieving affection etc?
Killian is an extremely affectionate person. Physical Touch is one of his love languages. He also likes you to be affectionate with him. Killian can be quite cheeky with his affection. Sometimes being affectionate to get a reaction out of you.
B = Bathing - Do they like to bathe or shower alone? What's it like to share a bath or shower with him?
Killian prefers showering with you. Killian witnesses bathing as an opportunity to relax, to talk about your days, to allow you both to soak off the week. A shower is another opportunity for Killian to roam his hands over your body, perfect for kisses and intimate moments. Being in a relationship with Killian means rarely showering alone.
C = Cooking - Can they cook? Do they like to cook? Would they cook for you? What type of dishes would they like to cook?
Killian is not the best cook in the world. In your relationship, you would do the majority of the cooking. Killian would not be eager to learn how to cook, he knows the basics, and he can get by. However, he doesn't enjoy the process.
D = Dates - What type of dates would they like to go on? Do they like to plan dates? Be taken on dates? How frequently is date night? etc
Going on dates is something Killian isn't used to. He knows how to court someone, but the modern idea of dating is confusing to Killian. You would have to teach Killian about all the activities you could do for a date. It could be quite fun, Killian would be happy with it too. It gives him an excuse to spend time with you.
E = Effort - How much effort do they put in? How do they show their efforts? Are they either an all out or all in kind of person?
Killian is an all-in kind of person. He's never going to do anything half-arsed. He knows early on if he wants to put effort into your relationship. Killian shows his effort by giving you his quality time being affectionate and merging his world with yours.
F = Family - Do they want to have children? What would family life look like? How many children do they want? etc?
Killian wouldn't be opposed to having a family, however, he's in no rush for it. He'd want his children to enjoy life on the sea as much as he does. He'd be a stern parent, wanting the best for his children. Killian would also love telling them stories.
G = Gentleman/Lady - How much of a gentleman/lady would they be? Would they hold out doors for you? Pull out your chair? Walk on the road side? etc
Killian is a gentleman in his own loveable rouge way. He's not going to be sweet, but he is charming and protective. No one is going to hurt you and get away with it. He will keep you out of harm's way. He'll open doors out for you, only to whisper something in your ear.
H = Honeymoon - Where would they like to go on honeymoon? What would it look like? etc
Killian would like to spend his honeymoon with you on the Jolly Roger. He'd like to travel across the oceans with you taking you to all his favourite spots. The length of the honeymoon would depend on you both. Killian wouldn't mind if you went away for a few days or several days to a couple of months. Only providing it's just you two.
I = I love you - How long would it take them to fall in love with you? How would they confess? Is it a big deal to them etc?
It takes a while for Kilian to fall in love with you. He doesn't expect to at first, Seeing it as nothing more than playful flirtatious banter yet it unexpectedly blossoms. Telling you is a big deal to Killian, he searched for the right moment. He fails on several occasions. He wants you to know he's serious and committed to you, so for Killian, the moment has to be just right.
J = Jealously - How easily do they get jealous? What makes them jealous? How do they react when your jealous? etc
Killian is a jealous person. He doesn't take too kindly to approaching you or flirting with you. He's naturally a possessive person. He has two forms of approach, direct and non-direct. Either way, he's not going to let it slide.
I've got a jealously headcanon here which goes into more detail.
K = Kisses - What kisses are they more likely to give? What kisses do they like to recieve? etc
Giving; Neck kisses, passionate kisses, come back to bed kisses, possessiv kisses,
Recieving; Good night kisses, good morning kisses, passionate kisses, sleepy kisses etc.
L = Love Language - What's their love language(s)? What languages are they most receptive to?
Killian's love language which he's receptive to and one of his love languages is physical touch. He prefers to show his emotions rather than have an emotionally deep conversation with you. Killian's secondary love language would be gift-giving. He'd surprise you with random things he'd found on his journeys to give you.
M = Marriage - Do they want to get married? What would being married to them look like? Do they want a large or small wedding? etc
Killian wants to get married more than he lets on. He wants you to have his last name. He wants to bind you together forever. When Killian marries you, there is no going back for him. Killian's not fussed over how big or small the ceremony is as long as he gets to marry you.
N = Nicknames - What nicknames would they use for you? Do you give any to them?
You; Love, Sweetheart, Darling, My Sweet, Beautiful,
O = Obvious - How obvious are they? What gives them away? Their face or actions?
It's difficult to tell if Killian likes you or not. He's naturally flirtatious and charming, it's difficult to tell if he's being serious about you. Even others around you can't tell if he's doing it because it's naturally him or because he likes you. Killian does have to be blunt with his intentions. Being more physically affectionate etc. In the end, Killian does have to have a conversation with you about his feelings and his intentions.
P = Public Displays of Affection - Do they enjoy PDA? How comfotable are they with PDA?
Killian loves public displays of affection. He does it in a kind of possessive way of telling everyone around, you belong to him. He also can't get enough of you. He's affectionate because he wants to me, if not being a little bit cheeky at times. Killian's always pushing boundaries of what's suitable in public.
Q = Quality Time - How do they like to spend quality time with you? How do they make time? Can they communicate effectively when they need quality time with you?
Killian loves traveling with you. He loves spending time with you on the Jolly Roger exploring the world together. It's his favorite way to spend any time with you. Kilian is not the best communicator, so when he needs to spend time with you, he'll eventually drag you away from whatever's taking up your time.
R = Romantic - Do they consider themselves romantic?
Killian considers himself to be romantic. He knows how to make you swoon. He knows what you like, so he'd considered himself to be romantic. Although, he finds himself learning about confusing courting methods. He's not going to follow all of them because he thinks some are odd. He does like to bring you flowers and chocolate from time to time.
T = Tease - Do they like to tease you? If so, how?
Yes, Killian does love to tease you. he likes to see you caught off guard when he whispers something into your ear. Killian feels powerful with the knowledge he can get a reaction out of you. It's usually by whispering something provocative in your ear.
U = Umbrella - Would they hold an umbrella for you? Would they kiss you in the rain? Dance with you in the rain?
Killian doesn't understand the point of umbrellas. It comes from spending so much time on the ocean, that he's experienced rough seas. There's not much you can do and it's only a little water. However, will he kiss you in the rain? Absolutely, he doesn't need the rain to find an excuse to kiss you. Dancing? He doesn't dance, and he doesn't want to lose his reputation, but if you ask him enough, he will just for you.
V = Vanity - How do they see themselves? Positively or negatively? What's their favourite part of their body etc?
Killian likes what he sees in the mirror. He sees himself as rugged and handsome. His favorite feature is his face. He believes that is the body party that attracted you to him in the first place.
W = Whole - When you're apart do they feel like part of them is missing? How do they deal with being apart from you?
Kilian can handle being away from you, it doesn't mean he likes it. He doesn't like being away from you for too long. A couple of days at most. While you're away life continues as normal, however, his mind flickers to you frequently.
X = Xtra - An extra headcanon
Killian keeps a picture of you in his pocket. He doesn't like most modern technology, however, cameras have proved to be useful. Now he can keep a picture of you wherever he goes. He can look at it whenever he pleases.
Y = You - What do you they like most about you? Favourite body part etc?
Killian's favorite of your body would be the whole thing. There is not a part of your body he doesn't like. His favorite part of your personality would be your ability to keep up with him. He needs someone who can keep up with him and the fact you do makes him even more eager.
Z = Zzzz - Sleeping headcanons
Killian likes to be the big spoon. He also sleeps by the door, if someone is going to attack you while you're sleeping, he wants to be the first person they make contact with. Killian doesn't sleep with his hook on, but his sword is placed beside his bed.
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poisonappleeater · 1 year ago
currently filled with thoughts of regina from s2 and 3… she was everything
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jahayla-parker · 1 year ago
Practice Run: Freddy Carter x Reader
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Part of Love of a Lifetime Mini-Series
Warnings: this part has some suggestive scenes/behaviors.
For full warnings and description, see mini-series masterlist
3.2k wc
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Freddy ran his hand down the back of y/n’s neck and to her middle back as he moved to sit beside her. “‘ere, let me help”. When she smiled over at him, he grinned back and took a small stack of fabric. “The way we studied on Pinterest, right?” Freddy confirmed, eyeing the folded napkins y/n had completed.
Y/n hummed and nodded. “You were right, it did get easier after the first few,” she commented lovingly. “So I redid the first few,” she added with a laugh.
Freddy chuckled and shook his head. He placed a tender kiss to y/n’s temple before turning his attention back to his current task. He’d helped get his groomsmen going on properly setting up the seating for the ceremony tomorrow moments ago. So now he was able to return to his fiancée’s side and help her with the task she’d chosen to start with.
Y/n giggled as she watched Freddy’s nose scrunch up in slight frustration. She leaned over and placed her hands on top of his that were holding the cloth and pressed them down to the table gently. With a smile, she then moved her hands to Freddy’s shoulders and turned him to face her. She giggled more as he gave her a sheepish smile. Y/n leaned forward and kissed his pouting lips. “They look fine, honey,” she encouraged sweetly.
Freddy smiled from the kiss. But his expression changed into a dramatically skeptical one as y/n tried to reassure him his napkin folding wasn’t as tragic as he knew it was. He couldn’t help but smile as her laughter rang out in the air again upon seeing his nonverbal disagreement.
“Here,” y/n spoke gently as she took hold of Freddy’s hands. “It’s easier if you do it like this,” she advised. She guided her fiancé’s hands as she instructed him on how to best handle the task. They’d both searched Pinterest weeks ago to decide which style of cloth napkins they liked best and had studied how to complete the style they’d chosen. However, y/n had quickly found a simple trick that made it much easier.
Freddy smiled and nodded as y/n’s hands left his; one napkin from his stack complete. “Thank you, darling,” he said, quickly pulling another piece of cloth to him.
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“What’s next?” Y/n questioned aloud as she spun around frantically.
Freddy watched y/n with an amused smile. “Right now?” He clarified, moving closer to her. He set his hands on her shoulders to keep her from twirling around again as she tried to think.
“Mhm,” y/n answered, her eyes scanning the dining hall to see what they still had to do.
“Right now,” Freddy hummed, lowering his hands to his side now that y/n wasn’t pacing in circles. “I think you should kiss me,” he smirked.
Y/n promptly turned around to face Freddy. She gave him a smug smile before she pulled him in for a kiss. She giggled against his lips as he pulled her closer while kissing her back.
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Y/n shifted the charger plate slightly as she worked on the current table. She was making final adjustments to the table settings their bridal party had set up. She was just about to move to the next table when she received a hurried kiss to her temple. She beamed as she straightened her back to stand up straight. Y/n’s eyes admiringly watched Freddy’s fleeting frame as he continued to rushed to whatever task he was currently working on.
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Freddy watched from afar as y/n stood at the end of the dining hall, clearly looking over the scene. He quietly strode over to her, analyzing her facial expressions as she studied the room. He smiled as he made his way to her, a satisfied smile on her face. He pressed a light kiss to her left shoulder before wrapping his right arm around her waist to guide her to his side. “Pleased?” He questioned in a whisper.
“Beyond,” y/n murmured warmly as she snuggled into Freddy’s side. She smiled and rested her head on the side of his upper chest. Everything looked perfect. And she was so excited for tomorrow.
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Y/n smirked to herself as she watched Freddy set up the welcome sign. His tongue was preciously sticking out slightly as he concentrated intently on making sure it was centered. As he stepped back to analyze his work, y/n shook her head lovingly. “Get over here, cutie,” she warmly commanded, staring over at her fiancé.
Freddy grinned proudly as he lifted his gaze to meet y/n’s. He blushed faintly upon noticing that others around them had heard her comment. But he didn’t truly care, he was more than okay with it. After all, he had the world’s most beautiful woman calling him cute. What was there to be shy about?
Y/n noticed the way Freddy’s cheeks briefly flushed in reaction to her compliment. “I’m not scared to admit my fiancé is so insanely adorable,” she defended, wrapping her send around his back to pull him to her. Upon seeing his blush deepen, she tsked playfully. “Don’t act like you don’t know how pretty you are, Freddy.” Y/n beamed at the prideful smile her fiancé now donned and pulled him in for a kiss.
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“Be careful,” Freddy gushed as his hands quickly found their way to y/n’s back. She was in the middle of hanging up some final touches, but in doing so, she was standing on a ladder. He knew she was likely going to be fine, but he couldn’t help but be slightly concerned that no one was around to make sure of it. After noticing her bridesmaids were busy working on the decorations in another area and not just ignoring her needs, he relaxed some. But it wasn’t until she stepped off the ladder and into his arms that Freddy’s protective worry fully subsided.
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“Freddy!” Y/n scolded despite her giggling. She had been absentmindedly standing in the center of the ballroom’s dance floor, mentally checking off the remaining preparations for tomorrow, when the flash from her fiancé’s camera caught her attention.
Freddy blushed and bit his lip upon having been caught. But, as he made his way over to y/n he shrugged and smiled innocently. “You are so stunning, I couldn’t help myself,” he defended, pressing his lips to her cheek.
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Y/n’s giggles echoed around the room while she squirmed in Freddy’s arms as he relentlessly tickled her. “Fr-Freddy,” she whispered through her gasps and giggles, “we’re not done yet”. She looked to the right as she watched her maid of honor smile in her direction before she stepped back into the main hall to continue setting up. Y/n heard Freddy playfully state that he didn’t care as he continued to tickle her sides; all while being sure to keep her from falling over.
When he noticed y/n was getting slightly out of breath, Freddy slowed his tickling until it came to a stop. He wrapped his arms securely around her waist and placed his chin in the crook of her neck. “Will you marry me?”
Y/n laughed loudly as she turned around in Freddy’s arms so she could face him. “Mmm, I’ll think about it,” she answered coyly.
Freddy’s shock was clear on his face as he began laughing. “You’ll ‘think about it’, hmm?” He teased. When she simply laughed more and nodded in response, he grinned and shook his head. “I guess I’ll just have to convince you then, hmm?”
Y/n bit her lip and innocently blinked at Freddy. “You can try,” she joked.
Freddy gasped, his eyes wide and mouth parted in disbelief. He chuckled and smirked as an idea formed. It took less than a few seconds for him to pick her up and set her on the bar counter.
It was now y/n’s turn to gasp. She giggled and clutched onto the material of his dress shirt as she steadied her hand on his shoulder. “Freddy!”
Freddy smirked, a visible shine to his eyes as he moved closer. He slotted himself between y/n’s legs, his right palm resting on the bar counter while his left hand caressed her cheek. He closed his eyes and hummed as he began to press sweet but lustful open-mouthed kisses across her forehead. He craned his neck to each side as he tenderly kissed her temples. Freddy then tilted her head up before moving his kisses down to her eyelids. He selfishly took his sweet time kissing all along her skin.
Next was her cheeks.
Then her earlobes.
Then her nose.
Her jawline.
Her neck.
Her collarbone.
As Freddy’s slightly hungry lips met her clavicle, y/n gave into the urge for her lips to meet his. She gently tilted his head up until his loving gaze lifted to her eyes. She silently but assertively pulled his mouth to hers, her hands instantaneously moving to his hair.
Y/n moaned lightly against Freddy’s lips, making him grin smugly. He moved his hands to her lower back and tugged her closer. Her butt was now resting on the edge of the bar’s counter, but his waist was pinned against it, keeping her from falling off. Y/n locked her legs behind Freddy’s hips and used them to force him closer. He echoed y/n’s earlier moan as his chest slid into hers and his hips grazed against her inner thighs. It was now y/n’s turn to smugly grin into the kiss .
“Woah,” Tom, Freddy’s older brother gushed as he sauntered back into the room. “Alright you two, save it for the honeymoon,” he joked with a wink. He shook his head playfully as he turned to grab the checklist y/n’s maid of honor was looking for.
Y/n and Freddy froze and bashfully detangled themselves from one another. He helped y/n down from the counter and straightened her clothes and hair for her. He smiled lovingly as he gazed down at her. “Would it be incorrect to assume you’re convinced?” He teased, seeing the dazed look in his fiancée’s eyes.
Y/n laughed and smoothened Freddy’s hair back out. She rose to her tippy toes and kissed his nose. “I never needed any convincing.” She lowered herself back to the soles of her feet and took his hand in hers. “I’ve been waiting for you all my life,” she said as she went to leave to help their loved ones finish.
Freddy shook his head and pulled on y/n’s hand, spinning her back to him. He bent his head slightly until his lips were at her level. He smiled and kissed her yet again, this time purely filled with love. While they knew they still had some more work to do, when they parted they simply gazed into each other’s eyes, smiling lightly.
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“Do you mind if we stay like this a little longer?” Y/n asked as she stood in the entryway, wrapped up in Freddy’s arms. She smiled happily when her fiancé shook his head and held her tighter.
“Alright mates, what’s next?” Thomas, one of Freddy’s groomsmen asked, walking up to the couple.
Freddy wrapped his arms tighter around y/n before answering. “Nothing, you’re all dismissed,” he stated. “In fact, can you tell the rest? We’re going to take a moment to ourselves”. He kissed y/n’s cheek as Thomas nodded and smiled widely at the pair before exiting.
“We have to get ready for the rehearsal dinner,” y/n spoke up begrudgingly as she rested her head in the crook of Freddy’s neck.
“Hmm, they can wait a bit,” Freddy argued simply. “We still have some time, they’ve all got to change still,” he reminded y/n. He held her closer to him smiling as she hummed in agreement and snuggled closer to him.
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“Can you zip me?” Y/n asked as she turned to face her fiancé. She had changed out of her white button up blouse and into an elegant black dress.
Freddy wore a smile as he dutifully spun towards y/n. “‘Course, love,” he cooed, stepping closer to help. He gently turned her around so her bank was to him. His fingers gripped the zipper and slowly pulled it up until he could secure the hidden clasp at the top of the seam. Once finished, his eyes lifted until he was able to proudly admire y/n through the mirror.
Y/n smiled back at Freddy through the mirror. She let out a soft sigh and leaned back against him. Her hands were placed over his as he held her waist. “I can’t wait to marry you,” she whispered after a brief silence.
Freddy’s smile grew. “Thank you for saying yes,” he commented happily.
“Thank you for asking,” y/n retorted softly. She closed her eyes as she let her body melt backwards into Freddy’s embrace.
Freddy beamed as he gazed down at y/n. He was truly the luckiest man. He pressed a delicate kiss to the side of her head.
Y/n opened her eyes at the contact. Instead of looking at Freddy through the mirror, she tilted her head back into his chest to peer up at him.
Meanwhile, Freddy was still watching y/n and himself through the mirror. He blushed as he noticed the loving look in her eyes as she peered up at him. “Ready my darling?” He asked quietly.
“Ready,” y/n hummed.
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“That went well,” y/n sighed with relief. She was thoroughly pleased with the walkthrough rehearsal of the procession and everything they’d just completed with their bridal party.
Freddy simply nodded as he tried to refocus.
Y/n noticed Freddy’s uncharacteristic silence and turned to see him better. She frowned on seeing his eyes were watering a bit. She quickly became worried and decided to lead him away from their guests who were mingling and dishing up. “Freddy, honey,” she cooed, squeezing his hand as she pulled him to a more private part of the room.
Freddy’s best men, his brothers, both smiled as they watched the scene unfold. It was sweet that y/n was so protective and worried about their brother Freddy. But, the brothers also knew why Freddy was tearing and they knew it wasn’t a bad thing. They were both happy for the couple and shared a pleased expression before they went to help their parents get some dinner.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Y/n asked, voice full of concern. “Was it the order of the groups? I thought you wanted Mikey and Will next to each other, but we can change-“ she began, hoping to find a solution to her fiancé’s sadness.
Freddy cut y/n’s worries off with a kiss. When he pulled back, he felt that the tears in his eyes had been to escape and quietly roll down his cheeks.
“Freddy,” y/n cooed again, quickly drying Freddy’s tears. “Talk to me, please,” she requested. “What’s wrong?”.
Freddy shook his head. “Nothing,” he said with a breathy chuckle, still in disbelief at how luck he was.
Y/n squinted as she analyzed Freddy’s facial expressions. “Handsome, I don’t-,” she mumbled in worried confusion.
“I’m just really happy,” Freddy answered in a whisper.
Y/n blinked slowly as she began to relax. “Really? That’s why you’re tearing up?” She asked with a wide smile.
Freddy nodded in confirmation and snaked his arms around y/n’s waist, setting his interlocked hands just above her tailbone. “Seeing you walk down that aisle,” he reminisced as he shook his head, starting to tear up again.
“Awe, Freddy,” y/n hummed. She pulled him in for a tight hug. “I love you so much, sunshine,” she whispered, holding him snugly.
Freddy returned y/n’s secure grip. “I love you too, my darling”.
When y/n pulled back, she met Freddy’s eyes. She hummed quietly as she dried the last of his happy tears.
Freddy grinned warmly at the action.
“Much better,” y/n commented lovingly. The heels she’d put on for tonight allowed her to not have to stretch upwards so much as she went to kiss his forehead.
“Let’s get you some food,” Freddy suggested, reconnected to the present moment. He shifted their stance so his hand was resting on the small of y/n’s back as he guided them to the dining tables. “Cannot have my darling bride be hungry,” he commented with a smile.
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“He was, and still is, so smitten,” Freddy’s mate Mikey laughed as he concluded his story. “Obviously, he’d do anything for her, no matter how embarrassing it might look in the process,” he teased, grinning as Freddy’s cheeks flushed again. “In all seriousness though, I am very happy for you mate, I know you two cherish each other more than one could ever imagine, cheers!”
“You’re supposed to save those toasts and embarrassing stories for after the ceremony,” Freddy scolded playfully. “Then she can’t back out,” he commented knowing full-well his cheeks were crimson thanks to Mikey’s cheeky story.
Y/n laughed and shook her head. She snuggled into Freddy, holding onto his bicep. “I’m not going anywhere,” she promised, peaking up at him.
“Good,” Mikey smirked. “‘Cause, don’t worry mate,” he said, grinning wickedly at Freddy. “I’ve got plenty more stories and toasts to give after the ceremony tomorrow”.
Y/n’s friend, y/f/n abruptly stood as Mikey returned to his seat. “If he’s going to say something now, I will too,” she grinned, winking over at the couple.
“Oh God,” y/n mumbled, closing her eyes.
Freddy laughed softly. He looked over at her lovingly and kissed her head as her friend began to tell everyone how y/n was after he’d taken her on their first date years ago.
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After dessert and everyone wishing the couple endless congratulations and best wishes, the evening came to an end. Meaning the couple was now standing a few meters from the main doorway, wrapped in each other’s arms.
“Do we really have to sleep apart tonight?” Y/n asked rhetorically as she frowned up at Freddy while he held her.
“No, not if you don’t want to, darling,” Freddy reassured.
Y/n sighed softly as she felt the eyes of her friend and Freddy’s brothers on them. She knew they were waiting for them to part for the night so everyone could go home to rest before the big day tomorrow. “I think it’s out of our hands,” she laughed lightly.
Freddy hummed as he peered over at the group who were trying to pretend they were not watching the couple as they waited. “It’s not up to them, my dear,” he argued. “It’s up to us”.
Y/n lazily shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I can handle one night alone,” she sighed dramatically, “for the sake of tradition”.
Freddy chuckled and kissed y/n’s forehead. “I don’t know if I agree,” he replied playfully. “But, anything for you, darling,” he said with a dramatic bow. He grinned as she began to laugh. Once he stood back up, he tenderly pulled her closer. “But tomorrow night, it’s me and you.” “And no one is going to convince me to part from you,” he whispered in her ear.
Y/n bashfully bit her lip and unnecessarily hid in Freddy’s coat collar. The action made him hum with a chuckle before he kissed the back of her head. She leaned back and cupped his face. “I love you, Freddy,” she smiled, “goodnight handsome”.
Freddy grinned widely. “I love you too, gorgeous, get some rest honey, I’ll see you tomorrow”. He gently kissed her one last time before letting her go, looking at the group as they headed over to separate the couple for the remainder of the night before their wedding.
Y/n peaked back over her shoulder at Freddy as she departed. Catching sight of her gaze, he winked. She gleefully giggled to herself as she turned her head back around and followed y/f/n out of the door.
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Taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @missdreamofendless @nikfigueiredo @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @alex-kazbrekkersimp @opheliaofficial07 @historynerd77 @el-de-phi
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kazoosandfannypacks · 3 months ago
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Just a little ficlet I came up with to celebrate Christmas! And yes, all of the information mentioned in this fic is truthful to the best of my knowledge! [now on ao3!]
taglist: @accidental-spice @kanerallels @ouatnextgen @booksteaandtoomuchtv
"Um, actually..."
"Uh oh," Hope said with a smile as she walked across the room to her boyfriend.
"Something wrong?" Gideon asked.
"Not at all," Hope rested her elbow on his shoulder, despite how much taller he was. "You're under the mistletoe."
"So that means I have to kiss you." Hope said, booping his nose with her finger. "You know how those silly little traditions are."
"Not really," Gideon said. "In actuality, the earliest roots of the tradition only related to ladies standing under the mistletoe. There's no historical record of if anything happens at all if a gentleman does."
"You're really killing the moment here, Gid."
"And also, the tradition didn't even require the men to kiss women who found themsleves under the mistletoe, it just said the women aren't allowed to refuse if they do choose to kiss them."
Apparently, the time-honored Christmas tradition of using a decorative plant as an excuse to do something you wouldn't mind doing anyways was no match for the time-honored Gideon tradition of frustrating Hope's coquette advances with oblivious intelligence. This one needed a more direct approach.
"Well, would you refuse if I chose to kiss you, Gid?" She asked, with a playful batting of the eyes.
"Of course not." Gideon said, then looked down at her with a surprised smile. "Are you gonna kiss me, Hope?"
"If it'll get you to stop ruining perfectly fine holiday traditions with all your stupid facts."
"Well in that case," Gideon smiled in his own understanding of the assignment, "did you know that, despite being widely regarded as one of the most beloved Christmas carols, Joy to the World is not actually about Christmas?"
"Yeah," Hope said, stepping up on tiptoes so her nose brushed against his, "ones like that."
He leaned down just a bit, closing the distance between their lips and sealing it with a kiss.
Hope pulled away and saw a smug smile on Gideon's face.
"Jingle bells isn't technically a Christmas Carol either." He said. "It's about Thanksgiving."
Though Gideon didn't always get her hints, she understood his perfectly, and gave him another quick peck on the lips.
"You know," Gideon said, "by definition, a carol is a song where the choruses are sung in Latin, but the verses...."
Hope sighed and rolled her eyes. As much as she loved his rambling, she loved stopping him from rambling all the more, and her preferred method of doing so: she grabbed his collar and interrupted him, not with words, but with another kiss, this time one that lasted a little bit longer.
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avatarlovers · 2 years ago
Everything changed when Peter brought a girl named Wendy Darling to Nerverland. He became distant and was more around Wendy.
What was so special about that girl? Something was it, if she got the attention from Peter.
I sat by the fire eating my lunch. I was staring at Peter and Wendy. They looked so happy together and that hurt my heart. I felt someone beside me and saw Felix.
"Hey are you okay?" He asked softly.
"No" I said, my voice breaking. I got up from the log I was sitting on and hurried away from there to my tent before anyone could see my tears. I didn't want anyone to see me crying. I collapsed on my bed and buried my face in my pillow and cried silently. I loved Peter very much. I thought we had something because we were so close before Wendy came. But it was obvious that he didn't feel the same. I heard my tent door opens. I looked up and saw Felix walking in.
"Hey it's Pan, isn't it?" I nodded and sat up.
"I love him Felix, but he doesn't feel the same. He obviously loves Wendy" Felix was thinking for a second.
"How about this? We act like we're dating. That way we can see if Pan really likes you or not" Felix suggested.
"Sure" I nodded. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
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The next morning I got up and went to sit by Felix. I was still a little tired. I sat down by felix and laid my head on his shoulder. In response Felix wrapped his arm around my waist.
"You okay there love?" He asked me and I was a bit confused why he called me that, but then I remembered what we talked about last night. 
"Yes I'm fine" I said and smiled. Felix kissed me on the head.
"Good. Do you want me to bring you some breakfast?" He asked.
"Yes, thank you Felix" I said. He nodded and got up. I could feel someone burning a hole in my back. I turned my head around and saw Peter, he quickly looked away. Felix came back and sat down beside me and handed me my food.
"I think it's working. I felt Peter glare at me and when I looked at him, he quickly looked away." I whispered to him. He smiled at me. 
"Good. Trust me you will be kissing and hugging at the end of the day" He said. I smiled back at him. He quickly kissed me on the cheek.
Soon Peter stood up and addressed the boys.
"We are going to play a game. We are going to play who can hit the most targets. Felix you'll be the second captain. Pick someone" He said.
"John" John walked to Felix. 
"Y/n" I smiled and went to stand by Peter.
"Daniel" After all the lost boys were on a team. Peter gave me the bow with an arrow ready to shoot the first target. I prepared to shoot.
"How's your relationship?"
"What relationship? And when did you and Felix start dating?"
"Umm, your relationship with Wendy? Yesterday" I lied.
"I'm not dating her" My eyes widened and I hit my head with my hand when I pulled the string too fast. I'm an idiot. Peter looked at me concerned.
"Are you okay?" He asked me.
"No. I'm an idiot" I shouted and I noticed Felix looking this way, but I didn't say anything.
"Why are you an Idiot?"
"Can't you see?" I asked him. He looked confused.
"See what?" I groaned.
"THAT I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU" I screamed. When I realized what I said I slapped my hand over my mouth and ran off.
Peter looked at me.
"Have you been listening this whole time?" He asked. I nodded.
"I have a question. If she is in love with me, why is she dating you?" I groaned and facepalmed. Is he so blind.
"You are an Idiot Pan. We were pretending because Y/n loves you and she wanted to make you jealous. She was jealous of you and Wendy"
"Oh. She doesn't have reason to be" I slapped him in the face.
"Ok, oww. That hurt" He said.
"Go find her and tell her that you and Wendy aren't together because she thinks you are. So if you really love, find her and tell her." I said and he teleported away. 
I ran and ran so deep into the woods. The air in my lungs ran out so I collapsed on the floor and started crying. There's no way he feels the same. I started hating myself and I should never have said anything. All of sudden I felt someone's hand lift my head up. I looked up and saw it was Peter. I gasped and I tried to get away from him but he grabbed my wrist making sure that I didn't leave.
"Could you please listen to me. I love you and only you. Wendy means nothing, she is only a pawn in my plan. If you don't believe me let me prove it to you" He said. Before I could ask how, he leaned forward and kissed me. I never thought Peter would do this because it was unlike anything I thought he would do. The kiss was gentle, his lips were soft and before he could break the kiss. I responded and wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to me and deepened the kiss. Peter responded and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. We broke apart from lack of air.
"I love you so much and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. Would you be my queen?" He asked. I kissed him again.
"I love you too and will gladly be your queen my king" He grinned widely and picked me up bridal style and walked to a tree and sat down with me on his lap, his arms around my waist, my head on his shoulder. It was perfect just me and Peter. 
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thestorybrookeclocktower · 2 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV), Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan Characters: Emma Swan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Violet Morgan (Once Upon a Time) Additional Tags: in qualche modo ci sono anche Cait e Vi, Caitlyn and Vi are in Love (League of Legends), and so are Emma and Regina, tutti sanno che sono canon tranne loro ovviamente, TWO IDIOTS, Oil and Water - Freeform Summary:
Henry organizza una festa di Halloween in ritardo e costringe le sue madri a travestirsi da Caitlyn e Vi di Arcane...
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gentil-minou · 2 years ago
a hop, skip, and a jump to you
Something about Wei Ying feeling safe in a place Lan Zhan regards as his own makes him flush, and his bunny ears turn pink again. But strangely, when Wei Ying gasps at the sight and reaches one of his hands over to run a gentle finger across the edge of one, Lan Zhan doesn’t feel embarrassed or ashamed by his ears at all. He feels something else entirely, something he doesn’t know what to call. Something equal parts terrifying as it is extraordinary, like the warmth from his mama’s hugs or praise from his brother. But more, somehow, and all thanks to Wei Ying. Just two soft magical bunny boys being soft together
Alternate Universe - Magic
Rabbit Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī
Rabbit Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Childhood Friends
Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Wangxian | Oneshot | 6K | Rated G
Based on this official merch art!
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Preview under the cut
The back hills behind Cloud Recesses are a place for tranquility and rest. When cool mountain air kisses the soft blades of bright green grass and the sound of leaves rustling like wind chimes, one can feel at total and absolute peace. With only woodland animals for company, friendly white rabbits hopping around and squirrels darting from one tree to the next with their hauls, it’s Lan Zhan’s favorite place in the world and his most prized secret. A space away from the pressures of being a Gusu Lan heir. Away from all the near-constant staring and placing of expectations on his still small shoulders.
It’s a place for Lan Zhan to let himself rest and think, to be free to fail in the one thing he shouldn’t be failing in. But at least, here, no one will judge him for those failures.
All witches are born with a hybrid form that they must learn to control by age ten. At that time, they’re given their formal witch's name and may join the coven officially as a fully-fledged witch. It’s the goal of every young witch and the Gusu Lan pride themselves in teaching exemplary witches year after year.
But this year, Lan Zhan is afraid he will become the black spot on the otherwise perfectly pristine record.
Because Lan Zhan is nine and a half, his naming ceremony is only a few short months away, and he still can't control his large white bunny ears in his hybrid form. The rest of his bunny traits had been easy to control. He’d learned to suppress his hopping instincts and figured out how to tuck his fluffy cottontail away on the first try. Even his stubborn whiskers had receded after a few hours of diligent practice.
But for some reason, Lan Zhan hasn’t been able to manage his ears, and they continue to torment him with their perpetual floppy nature.
And if he can’t control his ears, then he will disappoint his family and his entire clan. He’ll never be the witch he’s spent his entire life working towards.
Today, his usually outgoing and curious critter friends give him a wide berth, as if they know Lan Zhan is not in the mood for pets and cuddles. Instead, he kneels in the soft grass with only the gentle wind for company, along with his unkind thoughts and his vexing bunny ears that are the root of all this mess.
They're big and unseeming, and Lan Zhan has always been embarrassed by the way his ears give away his feelings no matter how hard he works to keep his emotions regulated and controlled. It doesn’t help that as the only rabbit hybrid in all of Cloud Recesses, he is constantly the victim of teasing by the elders and older witches. Even Ge enjoys tugging on his ears, cooing at how “fluffy and adorable” they are, and taking obvious delight when their tips turn red.  
It makes Lan Zhan puff up with anger and pout. He’s almost ten years old! He’s not a little baby bunny anymore, why won’t the others see that?
He knows it’s in part because of the rarity of his species. Rabbits aren't common hybrids, and he's the only one in the family since his mother passed away. It also means that he has to learn the complexities of shapeshifting and form control on his own, spending hours studying ancient text after ancient text in the library while his peers attend more practical classes.
Even his brother, an elegant snow-white crane, learned how to control his form at only seven years old! The elders were sure that with Lan Zhan’s talent in all other magicks, he would follow in his older brother’s footsteps as a child prodigy worthy of the title of Second Jade of Lan.
Except, clearly their hopes were misplaced, and Lan Zhan is going to be the first Lan heir in over a century to never learn how to control his hybrid form.
But he cannot let himself fail, so every day after his midday meal, he heads to the back hills to practice in quiet seclusion. He goes through a series of meditations designed to allow one to focus on their internal structures and self-regulation. He follows every step perfectly, exactly as the manual states, including envisioning his long fluffy white ears changing form into something more human-like.
He casts the spell, following the instructions he’s gathered exactly and precisely...but for the fifth time that day, nothing happens. He lifts his head and sees his bunny ears flopping mercilessly in his periphery, the same as they ever were and seem to always be.
Water wells up in his eyes and it takes every ounce of self-control he has left to hold them back from falling. Tears not filled with sadness but with immense frustration and anger towards himself. Lan Zhan is at the top of everything! The best in his class, an accomplished musician, and a talented student. He can perform spells older students still struggle with. He’s even been scouted to teach the younger fledgling students once he becomes a proper witch.
But, how can he, when this one spell keeps holding him back? Why is this one spell so impossible for him?
His ears droop down and Lan Zhan uses them along with the curtain of his long hair to block out the rest of the world, focusing on the ground he's sitting on. He wishes desperately that he wasn’t so alone, that he had anyone else to talk to. He takes his emotions out on the grass, heedless of the Gusu Lan precepts to Be kind to all that is living, and starts ripping up the grass in front of him. He’ll punish himself later, but for now, this is all he can do to keep from letting his tears fall.
But then, another child’s voice calls, "Hey! Don't do that, you're hurting it!"
Read more on Ao3
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snowbellewells · 1 year ago
Self Promo Sunday: "Bless What is Given You"
I realize that it's time to roll out the Christmas-y fics, but I had one more Thanksgiving story, and I didn't want to leave it out. I hope you will still enjoy it, even in December. There’s a nod to a missing moment from 3x19, but then it jumps to post s6 in Storybrooke, to all of them in their happy beginning… Most of this is also written in Robin Hood's point-of-view, so there is some Outlaw Queen in amongst the larger Swan Jones Charming Mills family fluff, if that is a deal-breaker for anyone...
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** Also available on AO3, if that is your preference **
by: @snowbellewells
“Do you mean to tell me you think you know better than a queen?” Regina’s haughty voice practically dripped disdain from each clipped, precise syllable she spoke. The perfect arch of her sculpted brow rose in question, disbelief and disapproval clear on her challenging, flawless face, even if her tone had not made her opinion more than apparent. “My mother was Rumplestiltskin’s most prized pupil; he sought me out himself to train me as well, chose me to cast his precious Dark Curse… Do you honestly think the fact that you can scare off a few monkeys with your arrows and you’ve been squatting in his deserted castle makes you a better judge of...of…” Even though she spoke the “you” as though her mouth was swallowing something foul and her face scrunched up accordingly, it seemed that the formerly Evil Queen was at a rare loss for words to express just how ridiculous the very idea was.
Unfazed, the scruffy archer gazed right back at her cheekily, seeming more than a bit amused by her ruffled feathers and inability to continue. “Not sure that is quite the distinction you’re making it out to be, Milady,” he offered with a smirk.
From across the way, Snow couldn’t seem to resist chiming in with the outlaw who had once befriended a princess on the run; who, in what now seemed like another life had helped her fine-tune her skills with a bow and advised her on spots in the forest where one could most easily hunt game to eat without encountering Regina’s guards. Though Snow had long since made the choice to put their painful and sordid history in the past, there was something that teased a warble of delighted laughter up her throat at the sight of this bandit who once graced “Wanted” posters by her side agitating Regina to the point of losing all her icy, polished reserve. “It is a bit of a dubious honor, Regina, you have to admit.”
Charming beside her dipped his head to hide the chuckle rumbling in his chest as well, reaching across their round council table’s polished surface to squeeze her hand. The shepherd-prince consort would have been lying if he refused to admit there wasn’t a part of him who enjoyed watching her Majesty flounder for her unaffected poise. It went without saying that the curse they were speaking of had ripped he and Snow apart and taken their daughter from his arms almost the moment she was born; consigning them all to 28 lonely years of misery. The truth was that plain and that simple, but he wisely held his tongue. At least since his recent pirate friend had gone off on his own after their arrival back in their land, Robin was someone with whom he could break a bit of the tension and who might lighten all of their dark and despairing moods once in a while.
As they returned to discussing the plan to raid Gold’s castle here in their home realm, knowing Zelena had holed up in the Dark One’s stronghold - with Rumplestiltskin himself still prisoner - it became clear it was really the only method they had left to try, to hope that the man who always knew so much more than anyone else would also know some way out of this mess, some way to stop Regina’s rage and envy fueled half-sister. Belle across the table looked pale and strained, her lips pressed together in a thin line but determined, needing to help in whatever way she could. Even if they couldn’t free her True Love, even if his mind were already too fractured by his near death, the half-possession that had held his son’s mind within his body as well, and then that son’s violent loss, he wouldn’t want things to continue as they were; with him under Zelena’s control and bent to her will. Belle had to cling to that truth if nothing else.
Seeming to sense her flagging spirit, Charming saw Leroy sitting next to her place a clumsily large, ax-calloused hand over her slender, tiny one and give it a reassuring squeeze. The dwarf leaned over to whisper encouragingly to the petite beauty, and the prince realized that even within his inner circle of friends and allies there were deeper friendships, and stories leading to them, that he didn’t know, as Belle’s petite frame relaxed and her tense shoulders lowered slightly at the stout little man’s clearly welcomed assurances. The former shepherd thought he just made out the kind, if gruffly voiced, words, “Hang in there, Sister, the battle ain’t over yet.” Charming smiled; that might as well be a mantra for all of them.
Robin of Locksley, otherwise known in the Enchanted Forest these days by his more colorful moniker of Robin Hood, simply could not seem to help it. He knew something about him - be it his cavalier attitude towards risk and danger, his leisurely and rather lax methods of ruling over his crew (Can he help it if he’d trust them with his life and has never had cause to question their loyalty or skill?) or perhaps it was just his very form and person she objected to. Whatever the case may be, he couldn’t help goading her Majesty, rattling that posh control of which the woman seemed so proud. Behind the cool and haughty veneer Regina Mills carefully wore, he sensed something injured - fragile, even - though she would be appalled at the thought that any weakness showed, he had no doubt of that. The irony, of course, was that bit of a chink in her flawless armor was the one thing that kept him from dismissing her as another selfish, cruel royal stepping on the backs of those less fortunate to get ahead. Her tiny show of pained humanity, the loneliness hidden behind those large dark eyes, beguiled him no matter how hard he tried to resist; drew his empathy where otherwise he would have had only scorn for her past actions and the villain she had been.
They were in the Dark Castle; seemingly, hopefully, having escaped Zelena’s notice so far, but stymied by a large door into the chamber where Rumplestiltskin had to be imprisoned. They had searched the entire rest of the castle and found it empty. None of them were foolish enough, however, to assume that the fact that they had not yet seen the Wicked Witch meant that the way ahead was safe or that she had not laid hidden snares for any intruders. Particularly not if this door were the barrier beyond which she was hiding the powerful being she meant to both use and prove herself to. There had been no other closed doors until this one, after all.
With a huff of impatience, as if she couldn’t be bothered to waste another second of her time - even with safety - the former Queen reached forward, her perfectly manicured hand nearly to the golden inlaid handle despite the Princess Snow’s warnings for caution and the Lady Belle’s wise suggestion that they wait. What appeared as bold unconcern and decisiveness radiated down her spine of steel, held ramrod-straight, but there was a slight tremor in those pale fingers, one he would have missed if he hadn’t been seeking it, just before they closed around the polished metal.
Some strange shiver of foreboding knowledge borne of a life in the forest, in the shadows, constantly on the move, pursued and on the run, made some more-than-tangible knowledge run through him, and Robin’s limbs and muscles were reacting before his mind issued a conscious order. Knowing the proud woman plowing ahead would not heed any words he called out anyway, he had silently reached over his shoulder, pulled an arrow from his quiver, nocked it to his bow, and let it fly before another moment passed, startling Regina enough as its course whistled past her ear to make her jerk back several steps. 
The feathered missile embedded in the heavy oaken portal with the solid “thunk” of a shot ringing true, but to the horror of all, rather than remaining there, vibrating from its landing, the arrow was lost from sight as the entire door was engulfed in instantaneous flames.
Watching the blaze which would undoubtedly have devoured her as well had he allowed her to pull open that door before loosing his arrow, Regina paused for mere moments before whipping around, dark eyes flashing, to arrest him angrily. “That arrow nearly took off my head!” she barked, voice as sharp as jagged glass.
Robin shot back, unable to keep himself from rising to the bait. Her lack of gratitude didn’t even surprise him by that point, but he hadn’t intended to be chastised for his quick-thinking aversion of danger either. “Where I come from a simple thank you would have sufficed.”
The regent’s black eyebrow rose in eloquent derision, making her opinion of where he came from quite clear without speaking a word. Yet, despite that hateful, snarling facade he could see the slight tremor he had previously noticed in her pale hands become a full-body quivering that, while still not plainly visible, had to be making it hard for her to remain standing, much less glaring at him with such vitriol. Her full, blood-red-painted lips trembled minutely as well until her perfect white teeth bit into the lower one, stilling it and making him swallow heavily with some reaction he couldn’t explain. She was shaken; that much he knew. But he could understand refusing to admit fear, not being able to let it show for the sake of those who follow, who must see strength to stay their course.
Thankfully, the clearly magical blaze soon expired and the way before them was as clear and unbarred as all the previous entryways they had encountered. Not without a bit of trepidation, but also as brave and determinedly as he had long since learned their hero contingent to be, Prince Charming and Snow pressed forward, followed anxiously by Belle (whom Robin’s heart panged for as she clearly ached to find the man she loved still able to recognize her and navigate his own mind) and the rest of their group. Regina just to the side, looked for all the world as if she were in no particular hurry to enter and see her former mentor, but could instead care less one way or the other. Hanging back, the outlaw of Sherwood Forest made sure the others had passed through the door and into the other room, well out of hearing, before he stepped up to Regina’s side, drawing almost nose-to-nose with her. He then leaned forward practically brushing the shell of her ear as he murmured. “There’s no need to pretend you’re made of stone, your Majesty…” He put precise emphasis on the title which she had let him know in no uncertain terms she preferred upon their first meeting in the forest. “In fact, with the present company, I believe you might get much further by letting them see that you have doubts and fears, just as they do. I know I like you much better seeing you as more than the Evil Queen.”
At her sharp intake of air with his last pronouncement, he pulled back quickly, half expecting a slap to be stinging his skin at any moment. Instead, he found color rising hotly up her neck, her chest rising and falling strenuously in that ridiculously low-cut corseted gown, and her generally looking more flustered and affected than he had ever seen her before.
She opened and closed her mouth soundlessly for several seconds until her tart tongue seemed to return to her, then spit out a quick, “Insolent bandit,” before moving to brush past him and follow the others.
Something in Robin snapped and surged to life in answer to her challenge; not allowing her to push him aside, he grasped her upper arm firmly and held on, her back to the wall and crowding in close to her, until their breaths were mingling in the same air, their faces were so close. Even as his pulse pounded and his heart rate skyrocketed, Robin wondered what had come over him. The woman had maimed and killed, schemed and plotted for her own selfish ends, and stood for everything he had devoted himself to toppling. She was nothing like his beloved Marian had been; someone with whom he would not have imagined sharing a thing in common - and yet he couldn’t fight the pull he felt. The need to imprint upon her not to put her life at risk so needlessly again.
Sweeping forward, he dove into an all-consuming kiss, taking her mouth with his and giving no quarter, delving further instead, and swallowing the whimper and hum that escaped her throat unconsciously, despite her best attempts to remain unaffected.  
Regina’s hands grappled blindly at his biceps as if trying to steady herself. She scrabbled for solid support before helplessly melting against him, opening for his questing mouth and giving herself over to the heated embrace. When they finally broke for air, she was breathless, and he huffed out a winded chuckle himself when she managed, “Well, Thief, that really was quite pleasant… Even if you do still smell of forest.”
Several realms, curses, and years later, in Storybrooke
The three men and their half dozen offspring of various ages creeping through the woods on the border of Storybrooke out near the town line are quiet and intent, completely and unabashedly focused on their prize. Up ahead, atop the small rise of a hill as the sun climbs fully into the cold, clear November morning sky, their prey struts proudly, stopping occasionally to offer its warbled call or peck at the rough ground beneath its feet. They have been tracking the large turkey for some time now, since before day fully dawned, and the time to strike has come at last.
Briefly, the thought flits through Robin’s head that this could be the same tom that had escaped himself and his Merry Men in this same forest years ago, when the hunt had been interrupted by the nightmarish interruption of a winged simian attacker and LIttle John’s subsequent transformation. To this day, the large and otherwise unflappable man stays far away from this particular section of the forest and refuses to go anywhere near the town line on foot. A quick glance at David and his preteen son to the right, then Killian and his little girl and second son to the left, gives him the hint from both men’s expressions that they are also remembering that rather ill-fated day, as bows are readied and last instructions offered.
He can only hope they will face nothing so unexpected this fine morn. The turkey before them has been promised to grace the main table of the large community Thanksgiving feast, and between the three men and their brood of adventurous junior hunters it is a matter of pride that they not return empty-handed today. Roland was promised the first unobstructed shot, and the young man, just barely a teenager but already capable and thoughtful as an adult, has already taken aim and is readying his shot to fly, much to his half-sister Margot’s displeasure as she stands just behind her big brother at Robin’s elbow. She is as untamed and mischievous as Roland is quiet and serious, and was much put out at the decision that Roland as the oldest child should get first chance, arguing rather heatedly that Roland might be biggest but she was the best shot. His blond-braided, green-attired second child is one of the best shots he’s ever seen at barely ten, but if she doesn’t learn to keep her temper and her slightly spoiled younger sibling petulance under control, he is certainly in for further trials in a few years.
Even in the few silent moments afforded him as they all hold their breaths, Rob feels the gratitude and love he has for his children, and the friends and adopted family surrounding them, surge through him with new strength. He had so very nearly left this world, numerous times over, as had the men on either side of him, and the women each of them loved. It was part of the heavy mantle they wore when standing against the Darkness in the world and fighting it back from the light and good time after time. Still, what better time than the present holiday to give thanks for the fact that they are all still standing and present to celebrate together?
Roland lets out a soft breath and then releases the arrow, just as a sharp cry rings out to the left.  His son’s aim is true, but the bird is startled from its perch just in time to have the shot glide by beneath its talons as it takes flight. David on his right is already directing Leo to adjust his aim quickly and get off a second shot, even as Robin’s eyes sweep to where Killian is righting Hope from a tumble over a jutting tree root, brushing off her dark leggings and checking her for injury as she clearly struggles to hold back embarrassed and disappointed tears.
What he hasn’t banked on is his daughter’s inability to wait her turn or hold back any longer. Quick as whip, Margot lets fly, striking the bird right as she intends and sending it toppling from the sky. Mouth falling open in surprise at her audacity and her skill in equal measure, Robin can’t help the surge of pride at his daughter’s prowess, even if he knows he should admonish her for taking Leo’s moment from him and wondering if he should be making certain Roland doesn’t feel overshadowed.  However, his eldest spares him the trouble when he whoops and claps Margot on the shoulder, crying out “You got him on the fly, Sis! Nice one!”
When the whole group converges together, he decides to let the lecture about abiding by the rules and taking turns slide for the time being upon noticing that Leo looks rather relieved that the pressure to prove his mettle before their quarry escaped has been taken off of his shoulders. Instead, he claps his little girl on the shoulder, squeezing with gentle affection until she looks up at him, beaming.  Like her brother before her, she is growing much too fast, turning into a young lady before his eyes, and so for a moment, he lets himself revel in the fact that she still wants to spend time out in the woods with him and wishes to make him proud. Her papa won’t hold the favored spot in her heart forever, so he may as well savor it while he can.
He thinks Killian’s youngest, barely old enough to be tromping around out here with them in truth, looks a bit teary at the downed and unnaturally still bird before them, so he hurries to bag their prize for the journey homeward and puts it out of sight over his shoulder while Killian picks his tired youngest up off his feet and begins asking him how many different types of trees he can recognize from their leaves on the way back. That seems a bit difficult for a five-year-old until little Liam David begins happily babbling (suitably distracted thankfully) and pointing out oaks, maples and scotch pines as the pirate’s unerring sense of direction leads their whole troupe out of the forest toward the main road where they’ve left their trucks, Margot takes his hand, and Hope her grandpa’s, and Roland and Leo fall in behind talking amiably and carrying the bows. Apparently they have a budding naturalist in their midst as well, and Killian Jones - as usual - knows exactly what he is doing.
When he, Roland, and Margot trail back into the mayoral mansion some time later, discarding their muddy boots by the door, but still scattering crumbled leaves and dirt in the entryway, Regina stands in the hall shaking her head, and directs the children toward the laundry room to discard their outerwear before heading up to wash for dinner.  She looks at him, trying to muster exasperation, but unable to do so. That flawless Queen is long gone; she has come a long way since they snapped and snarled at each other in self-preservation back in their home realm, neither wanting to fall in love and risk heartbreak again.
Snatching his jacket collar and pulling him in close, Regina nips at his lips playfully before murmuring against his scruffy cheek, “You still smell like forest,” she mocks, “but somehow you’ve managed to steal my heart.”
He shakes his head, offering back words she’d stunned him with once long ago, “That’s not quite the way I remember it.  If I recall, your heart was given to me,” he whispers, emotion taking over the jest, “and a person can’t steal what’s been given to him.”
All in all, he’s been given much more than a simple archer from Sherwood Forest could have ever hoped.
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writerartistdreamer · 1 year ago
New fanfic alert!
Title: Musings
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Characters: Belle, Rumplestiltskin
Summary: Belle happens upon Rumplestiltskin as he spins in the Enchanted Forest and admires him for a while- Belle's inner monologue regarding Rumplestiltskin and her growing feelings towards him
Around the hallways of the Dark Castle, the only sounds that could be heard were the creaking of Rumplestiltskin's wheel as he spun his thoughts away, fingers nimbly moving to catch the gold and let it gracefully fall to the floor, and the sound of Belle's heels as she walked around and dusted off whatever cabinet she could find, trying to make herself busy. It was a peaceful day in the estate, no desperate souls calling for deals and no trespassers trying to interrupt their day.
As Belle finished dusting in yet another chamber, she headed towards the Great Hall in order to catch a small break from the chores she had assigned herself for the day (since Rumplestiltskin had barely given her anything to do for the past few weeks). Perhaps she could even have a small conversation with the sorcerer, if he was ever so inclined. The girl rounded the corner and arrived at the large doors of the Great Hall, then carefully let herself in and closed the door behind her. Just as she was about to purposefully strut to the long mahogany table, where some of her usual conversations with her sorcerer took place, her eyes landed on Rumplestiltskin, sat on his stool in front of his wheel. His focus was solely on the straw he was spinning turning into gold and pooling at his feet and he hadn't seemed to notice her walking into the room. She took a couple of steps forward, yet remained on her side of the room, content with simply watching him, if only for a little while.
As Belle watched Rumplestiltskin so lost in the motions of his spinning wheel, her focus was on his fingers nimbly moving around, on his gaze so determinedly focused on the process, his teeth occasionally catching his lip. She had to admit she was strangely fascinated by the man, by everything he was and by everything he was not. He was not, as other people would say, a cruel monster who skinned children for their pelt for the fun of it, rather he rescued children and would almost never let them pay the price for a deal they would be striking. He was not heartless, as most of the stories had established him to be, rather he was often a grump, or a little awkward when he was at a loss for words (which, strangely enough, only seemed to happen when she was around), yet that could be justified by the stress and pressure the deals brought on him. Still, his grumpiness seemed to mostly be a part of the complex façade he was putting on in front of others, a way for him to let nobody see who he truly was- yet she was grateful for the occasional moments in which he did let her in and he acted like the man instead of the mask of the Dark One.
And she had to admit it- she found Rumplestiltskin to be handsome. The way his skin turned gold and shone in the sunlight, his amber eyes with such soul behind them, one could get lost for days in his gaze, his deft fingers, his soft curls and his silks and leathers were all incredibly fascinating to her. The thought of capturing his essence on a canvas struck her as a good idea, but then she thought that no painting could ever do her darling sorcerer justice.
Her heart skipped a beat and her breath caught in her throat as she kept on admiring him from a distance. Belle did not understand this sudden flurry of emotions bursting within, taking root in her heart. Her hands came to rest against her heart if only for a moment, at a loss for words. Yes, Rumplestiltskin was her friend, a very dear friend at that, yet she didn't think she had ever felt this way towards anyone else she had ever considered amicable. She was thankful that he still hadn't noticed her presence in the room, for she might have just burst out in flames if he turned around to acknowledge her in that moment.
Belle's hand reached for her necklace as she instantly started fidgeting with the pendant, a little motion that always managed to soothe her when she was nervous, or, in this case, when she had no clue what to do with herself or her emotions. Rumplestiltskin was indeed her friend, a friend she deeply cared about, for whom she would do anything in order to make him happy. Still, when the maid watched him, she was not sure her emotions were of a nature that she had ever related to a friend before. Perhaps it was time to delve into the library and try to understand what it was that was going on inside her mind or within her heart, what it might be that led to her breath catching in her throat whenever she so much as caught a glimpse of the sorcerer around the castle.
After what felt like an eternity of standing in the Great Hall, Belle made for the exit, ready to walk away and occupy her time with anything else, yet the spinning wheel came to a stop. As she made to exit the chamber, Rumplestiltskin stopped spinning altogether and turned to gaze upon her, finally noticing she was in the same room as him. "And you say I appear out of nowhere, dearie? When did you come in here?", Rumplestiltskin addressed her with his usual teasing smirk, his tone softer than the one he would generally be using around others.
Belle turned around to meet his gaze and walked closer to him, hoping her blazing cheeks would go unnoticed. "Not too long, I had just come in a minute ago, yet someone seemed too lost to even offer a greeting", Belle teased him right back as she was now standing right next to him.
"Right, well...I believe a cup of tea is in order, now isn't it?", Rumplestiltskin spoke as he stood up from his stool and waved his hand, making a tea tray appear on the mahogany table behind them. He offered her his arm with a small smile and she gracefully took it, ignoring the feeling of the butterflies racing in the pit of her stomach as they headed towards their respective seats to spend their next few hours in each other's company.
"I suppose it is"
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heliads · 2 years ago
like a heartbeat, drives you mad
From the moment you first dream of Neverland, you know that it's a home unlike any other. Waking up is terrible every time, but what if you were able to find a way to stay there forever?
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You are always alone when the thoughts catch up to you. When you’re with other people, it’s different, easier to convince your mind to race to better, safer topics. You don’t have to think about the fears or the worries, you just have to keep up with the conversation or do your best to not seem like the person you’re terrified you truly are. Everything hinges on the one other person there, distracting you from the relentless parade of thoughts, keeping you firmly in reality.
When you’re alone, though, you can’t hide anymore. You wave goodbye to your friends to head inside, and with your hand on the knob, you think, did they really want to see me? And, was that laughter genuine, or were they faking it the whole time? Worse, was it at me?
Things get worse once it gets dark. You lie awake at night thinking that you’ll fail at everything, that no one will want to associate with you after that, that everyone on this earth is going to live and die and no one will ever remember you again. You don’t like thinking along such dark lines, but the self-hatred is strong and won’t let you go. You’ve tried before, shaking it off, but it always comes creeping back when you want it the least.
Life is not the best, but at least the fall of dusk upon the streets and surroundings of your hometown brings you the blessing of finally being able to go to bed. You can push off schoolwork until the next day, chores until forever, just so long as you can shut off your mind and crawl under your covers and everything will go away.
Tonight is one of those nights when you want it most of all. It’s been a long day, followed by a long week, chased by an even longer month. You can only tell yourself that it’ll get better soon for so long before even that familiar lie loses its charm. It’ll be good to rest tonight, though. Maybe tomorrow will make you happier. You close your eyes and try to sleep, all but begging unconsciousness to fall over you and carry you away. Your waking life is horrid enough. In sleep, at least, you will be alone, but–
In your dream, there is a boy. He was not there before. He is, in fact, nobody you have ever seen before. This should not be a problem. Dreams are rarely perfectly photographic, but this boy is, indeed, perfect. He’s absolutely in focus, blurred by none of that dreamlike haze that most figures cling to in your subconscious. It’s like a memory, but it’s never happened. It’s like reality, but you are still definitely asleep.
You stare at him for longer than is perhaps polite, but he does not go away. You can feel this dream in a way that should not be possible– the carpet under your feet, the cool of the air conditioning. You’re in your room, standing by the door. He’s perched on a chair, eyeing you with interest, and as bizarre as this dream is, you cannot shake the absolute certainty that this is his fault.
The only thing to be left, then, is to get some answers. You work up the confidence to speak, and your voice sounds exactly as it should, not distorted by dreams or anything. “Who are you?”
The boy chuckles. “A friend of yours. Hopefully, that is. I’d like to get to know you.”
Having gone a record number of years of your life without any hyperrealistic boys disrupting your dreaming schedule, especially ones who specifically wanted to meet you of all people, this only adds to your confusion. “Why?”
The boy shrugs liberally. “I’ve been encountering fewer and fewer dreamers around. Yours are the most vibrant. I was curious.”
You fight the odd urge to laugh. “A lot of people dream. Maybe you’re just bad at looking.”
This is, of course, the most rational thing you can do, immediately pick a fight with some guy currently terrorizing your brainwaves. Luckily, he doesn’t seem offended by your need to argue, and he just grins. “See, you’re right, but most dreams are nothing more than surface level. Yours are deeper, richer, stronger. In all honesty, that’s the sort of thing that makes me more powerful, so I wanted to see what it was about.”
You scoff. “Sure thing, magic boy, you, like, eat dreams or something. Weird of you, but okay.”
He smiles again. He shouldn’t, but he does. “You don’t believe me? I can show you.”
He stands, holds out a hand to you. You’re certain this guy’s nothing more than a figment of your imagination, but still. You hesitate. “I don’t even know your name.”
“Peter,” he says, “but magic boy works too.”
It makes you laugh. Shouldn’t, but it does. Just enough to shake loose your hesitations– what could happen here, after all, in the confines of your own dreams? You take his hand and something sparks behind his eyes. Pride, maybe. Or justification of some sort. Either way, you get the feeling that he’s just proven himself right.
Peter walks over to your window, throwing it open abruptly and climbing out onto the ledge. “You have to trust me,” he tells you, “or this isn’t going to work very well.”
You want to argue with him that you have absolutely no reason to trust him at all, but for some reason you’re already crawling out the window before you can get the words out. Your body trusts him, even as your mind doubts it. Strange, but nothing about this makes sense, anyway.
Peter straightens up slowly, bringing you with him. “Are you ready?”
“For what?” You ask, concerned.
His eyes dance with mischief. “For this,” he calls out, and he pulls you from the ledge.
There is a terrible moment of falling, when the only sure thing is his hand still wrapped around yours. You are plummeting towards the ground with dreadful speed, but then you’re not, and you’re leveling out again, the two of you pulled through the air as if by some invisible string.
The wind whips through Peter’s hair as the two of you soar through the air. “How is it?” He shouts over to you.
You laugh delightedly. “Fantastic.” It’s almost a pity it isn’t real. The fact that it feels so true but isn’t is almost more heartbreaking as if nothing had felt like reality in the slightest.
Before you know it, you and Peter are well beyond the reaches of your town, or even your country. Dark waters skim by underneath you, the waves of some foreign sea. Thousands of stars twinkle above you, Peter points out a few, shouts, second star to the right and straight on ‘til morning, that’ll get us there. You frown at him, call back, where? And he laughs, delighted in the thought of all that you have soon to experience, and screams, Neverland! at the top of his lungs.
It sounds like a joyous place. It is, from the moment you step foot on its pearlescent beaches, and later still, when you’re striding through the lush forests towards a campsite. It’s all a blur from that moment onwards, a swirl of new faces running towards you and laughing at your jokes, the clash of swords without a trace of fear, promises that you’ll love this even better, or that, or everything.
It is paradise. You do a hundred things and never tire. The Lost Boys who meet you, take you by storm, and obviously enjoy the company of a newcomer. Throughout all of it, Peter watches, tucked into the shadow of a tree trunk, arms folded across his chest with that satisfied smile on his face again. He does not approach until earlier into the morning, once dawn starts bleeding out beneath the blushing fingers of the rising sun.
“We have to go back,” he tells you at last, slipping out from his hideaway to step carefully to your side, “Or, you do, at least.”
The memory that none of this is real comes crashing down upon you, and you can feel the ecstasy of this whole night leaving you in a flash. “Right,” you say, “This is just a dream. Forgot about that.”
The thought that you’ll have to wake up and go to school and exist again as a normal person without any of this wonder that you’d just experienced makes you feel sick and saddened. Peter shakes his head, eyes soft. “You don’t necessarily have to wake up, but you should. You can come back soon, though.”
You laugh bitterly. “Of course I can, dream boy. I’m going to forget all of this by morning.”
He frowns. “Do you want to?”
“No,” you insist, “but I don’t think I have a choice.”
“You do,” Peter tells you, “You always have a choice. Always.”
With that, he takes your hand, and pulls just so. You stumble forward, caught off balance, and when you look up again, you’re in your room. Same four walls, same ceiling, same everything. You know somehow that this is the dream no longer, even without mysterious boys or wonderful islands in front of you.
A dreadful sigh leaves your lungs, carrying only heartbreak and misery. What a pity, to have such a magnificent dream and then have to leave it. Knowing that none of it was real is perhaps one of the worst agonies you have ever encountered in your life.
Or– was it not real after all? There’s something clenched in your hand, and you raise it slowly, uncurling the fingers one by one. What falls neatly onto your lap is a stone, polished to perfection by centuries of tides. It’s like no stone you’ve ever seen around here, shiny in a way that nothing natural is. It’s dark and lovely and– and it’s exactly like the ones on the shores of Neverland when you first touched down. There was no way you could have gotten it anywhere but there. That means that you were there after all, and that it’s real, it’s all real.
You go throughout the day in a haze, barely able to focus long enough to remember where you’re supposed to be going. None of it matters, though, not even the snide comments of your teachers or the questioning looks from your peers. Nothing matters, because the second the day ends and night creeps back around you, you know it’s time.
You have a brief moment of terror just before you fall asleep when you wonder if you can get back after all, that perhaps that was just a one time thing. No, you decide firmly, I want it. I’m going.
And, when you open your eyes to that same slightly uncanny feeling of the dream before, you know it, you can get back. Peter isn’t here this time, but that doesn’t stop you from racing to your window and throwing open the sash. You leap out into the air again blindly, reaching for the stars even before your feet leave the threshold. You won’t get hurt, none of this is real. All of this is real, that’s why you can fly into the air again, caught by an unseen hand. Second star to the right. Straight on until morning. You know the way. You couldn’t forget it if you tried.
The beaches of Neverland are empty, but you charge forward anyway, nearly tripping over tree roots and loose plants as you hurry through the forest. You can just see the lights of the camp, and then, yes, you’re into the clearing, and you’re greeted by shouts of glee and joy. Peter’s waiting for you at last, slowly clapping with the rest of the boys.
“You made it,” he says, evidently proud, “We wanted to see if you could.”
“Of course I can,” you tell him, laughing, “I made that choice.”
“That you did,” Peter says, and the celebrations begin.
It is quite possibly the best time of your entire life. You repeat this process day after day, slogging through your daylight hours with the end goal of being able to fall asleep and go back to Neverland, back to your Lost Boys, back to Peter. Nothing matters but the island. They all get along with you better than any friend you’ve ever made on the mainland.
The journey takes a shorter and shorter time, gone in the blink of an eye, and half the time you just wake up on the shores anyway, so familiar is the destination to you. You learn archery, throw knives, spar with the boys, shriek and shout and spin around the campfire. It’s fantastic, all of it, but that only makes the morning even worse in your opinion.
For, no matter how excellent of a night you had on Neverland, you always have to go back. Always. Peter takes your hand and he gives you that same look, that expression of regret and acceptance, and promises to see you later, to see you soon. Then you’re back in your house, and every time, the storm of homesickness and grief at no longer being on your island pulls you under.
It makes you think, though. On your first night on Neverland, Peter had said something strange about how you didn’t necessarily have to wake up. Perhaps it fits in with what he’s been telling you about how everything is just a choice. Maybe he’s been waiting for you to want that choice, the one to live here forever. It’s one you’d make in a heartbeat if you could only do it.
Curious, though, you start looking around at the other Lost Boys. They had to have gotten here somehow, right? One night you see one of them arrive, ferried over by a strange shadowy thing that looks far more terrifying than the whirlwind flight you’d had with Peter.
You ask one of the Lost Boys about it that night, interested to know why you were brought by Peter and this newcomer wasn’t. Apparently, though, you were the anomaly, not this boy.
“Usually Pan makes his shadow bring newcomers over,” the boy tells you matter-of-factly, “but I guess he wanted to impress you or something.”
You frown. “Why?”
The boy lifts a shoulder, evidently unbothered by the whole affair. “You’re the last of the dreamers, I guess he wants to keep you around or something.”
It’s an unhelpful answer, all things considered, and basically just what Peter had told you in your dream bedroom that first night. Still, the story is consistent, at least, and it makes you even more certain that Peter wants you to stay. You’re one of the dreamers, right? Why wouldn’t he want you to stay here forever, at least to keep his magic strong if not for the obvious friendship the two of you have had since the very first time you met?
You resolve to bring it up to Peter the next night. You’ve barely been on Neverland for an hour or two before you pull Peter aside and tell him what’s been on your mind for the longest time.
The breath out of your lungs is shaky, but you’re determined to get this right. “I want to stay in Neverland,” you tell him. “Forever, I mean. Not waking up. I want you to bring me here in real life. You always say that we have to make choices, and this is mine. I choose Neverland.”
Peter nods slowly, and you’re almost getting up your hopes that he’ll be accepting when he starts to speak. “That certainly would be an important choice. I would have to choose to bring you, though.”
You incline your head once. “Yeah, that’s why I’m asking you now. I mean, we’re friends, right? You and me, and the rest of the Lost Boys get along with me, too. I belong here, you know that. You brought me here in the first place, at least let me stay.”
He’s not saying anything. Why isn’t he saying anything? After too many minutes, Peter sighs, raking a hand through his hair. “Dreaming is one thing. Actually living here is something else entirely.”
“I know,” you say, starting to get impatient, “I’ve thought about this a lot, trust me, but I feel more alive on your island than I have in the real world. This is my home, Peter. You made it my home.”
Peter stares at you, the ground, his hands, and back to you. “No,” he says at last.
It feels as if you have fallen off of a tall cliff, condemned to tumble down forever in endless emptiness. “What? Why wouldn’t you– you’ve let me come here every night for months, but actually being on this island for good is too much for you? Peter, was any of this actually real to you? Was I just here as a temporary thing while you tried to harness the power of a dreamer or something?”
Peter shakes his head quickly. “No, no. It wasn’t about that. You’re as good as one of my Lost Boys–”
You cut him off, feeling the horror build in your chest with every passing second. “But never actually one of them, right? I can hang around during my nights but I will never be one of them, because you don’t really want me here. If you did, you would have brought me like all the others.”
You want to scream and cry, perhaps both. You’ve trusted him and, hell, even loved him, more than anyone else. Peter was the one thing in between you and complete melancholy. He’s turned your whole life around, given you reason after reason to keep going, but he does not want you around for good. Maybe he doesn’t even want you around at all.
He’s trying to say something, come up with some excuse that’ll somehow exempt him from your heartbreak, but anger is quickly outweighing sadness in your mind and you won’t let him. “No,” you say shakily, “If you never intended to keep me, I won’t waste our time. Why have me here at all?”
Peter’s eyes widen. “Wait, please–”
You never hear the end of his sentence. You’ve woken yourself up from this glorious dream enough to be able to do it all by yourself, and you do it now. When you open your eyes, it’s still dark outside, several hours from morning, but it’s over now, it’s all over.
You know that with certainty. You’ll never be going back. If Peter does not want you, and it is suddenly crystal clear that he does not, or he would have already taken you to Neverland and never fought it, then you will not trouble him with your presence any longer. This is what he wants, even if it destroys you. 
It’s funny, realizing how much being on Neverland transformed your life. Your waking hours suddenly seem longer, the days filled with more dread and dullness than they ever had before. You had been miserable before you dreamed of Peter and the Lost Boys, and now that misery is back in full force. You compel yourself to forget him, to forget everything that had happened on that island, but picking up the pieces is a far harder task than you had ever anticipated.
Days pass. Weeks. Months. At first, you have to force yourself to wake up from that dream again and again, catching yourself with the image of second stars to the right even as you promised yourself that you would never think of it again, but it gets easier as time goes by. That hurts more than it should, but you have no other choice. Peter does not put himself in your dreams again. You do not show up to Neverland. Everything is exactly as it was before, but worse, because now you have those memories of a time that was far better than this one.
You’re walking home from school one day when you’re reminded of Neverland again. It’s a strong memory, forcing itself to the front of your mind. Green trees, the leaves waving overhead. The breeze whipping at your face. You can’t imagine why you’d be thinking of it again, and then you turn a corner and he’s there in front of you. 
It’s impossible. You’re not dreaming, so he shouldn’t be here unless– unless he actually came here. You stand stock-still, hardly daring to breathe, and Peter looks back at you, just as shaken even though he’s the one who came all this way.
“I miss you,” he says slowly, unsteadily. You’ve never seen Peter hesitant, or ever show any sign of a lapse in his typical cocky confidence. Not until now, that is. Truly, he has no idea how you will treat him now that you’ve already left once before and gotten away with it.
“I know,” you tell him, “I know.”
Peter tilts his head to the side, trying to get a read on you. “Did you miss me?”
You take a step to the side, looking at the nearby scenery, anything but him. “Yes. Parts of it. I missed running with the Lost Boys under the trees. I missed the bonfires and the dancing. And yes, I think I missed you. But I hated feeling like you didn’t want me there, and for a while, that was enough to make me think I didn’t miss you.”
Peter’s eyes are wide, twin emeralds twinkling in the quiet air. “And what about now that I’m here? Can you miss me now?”
“I can,” you decide at last. You do. You have, and seeing him again has ripped open a fresh wound you swore had already healed. Blood is oozing around your fingers, but for some reason being with him still takes away the pain of such a grievous blow.
Peter holds out a hand to you. He’s trembling slightly, far less sure of himself than he’d been in a dream of your bedroom many months ago. Still. He wants you even now.
“Come back with me,” he says, “Back to Neverland. We all need you. I need you. You don’t have to leave if you don’t want to. It was always your home, I didn’t realize it before. It could be your home again.”
You look at him. It’s been a long time. You’ve grown up in the time since you last stepped foot on the island, but strangely enough, you think he has too. That’s why you’re able to take his hand at last, and trust that he will not let you down again. He needs you, just like he said. As it turns out, you need him too.
Peter’s smile is radiant. “Shall we go back, then?”
You allow yourself to smile back at last. “I think we will.”
ouat tag list: @lovesanimals0000, @eclliipsed, @w1shes43, @lost-ender
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justanoasisimagines · 7 months ago
From the beginning
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Summary; Before their legendary story begun, two notorious pirates were on different courses. Pairing; Killian Jones x Female Reader (Nickname Smoke) WordCount; 516 Warnings; N/A A/N; Requests are currently open and you can find my guidelines pinned to the top of the page! This is connected to a blurb I reccently wrote you can find that here There is going to be a fic following suit. Someone gave me an idea for a drabble, but I've decided to turn it into a fully fledged fic. Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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A legendary female pirate traveled across the seven seas. Notorious for her wit, intelligence, her ability to outfight any opponent. She was a legend amongst the pirates. No one could give a definitive description of the woman. She often lurked in the shadows. Her hat covered her face, she often wore a pair of leather mahogany leather gloves. She demanded respect in her actions and words. Only a fool would dare to rise against her. She hadn't been nicknamed smoke for nothing. She could slip away into thin air. Some believed it was sorcery, perhaps she was a witch who'd chosen a life on the ocean. Perhaps she knew when to slip away. Perhaps she'd learned how to vanish at a moment's notice. Smoke heard frequent rumors and speculation about herself. She'd found some laughable, leaning towards the bizarre, others were closer to the truth. Yet she never confirmed which ones were. Fear often forces people to be cautious. Which they needed to be if they desired to be in her presence. It was one of the positives of keeping her identity hidden. She could explore through the world hearing people regard her freely. No one stopped their hushed conversations like they often did when " Captain Smoke" was in their presence. They say knowledge is power and it couldn't be more true. Captain Smoke liked to believe it was why she kept ahead of her rivals. How'd she managed to keep her reputation over the years? She kept learning and adapting to all the changes. It was why she'd become one of the most legendary pirates in Neverland. There was one other who could come close to her. He matched her in nearly every capacity. Killian Jones is a renowned pirate and captain of the Jolly Rodger. Killian was known throughout Neverland as a ferocious and vicious pirate. Killian below his legacy was a human being. He had inspiration, dreams, fears and faults. He was also a curious individual, specifically regarding a particular pirate. He'd heard of her legacy. Heard her battles, her brilliance and the capabilities of her crew. However, they had yet to cross paths. Whenever the two were in the same area, she appeared to disappear in front of him. He'd never had the pleasure of making her acquaintance thus far. For several years now, Killian had been chasing a different type of treasure. Her. Killian wanted to know her. He wanted to know exactly the person behind the moniker. What did she look like? What was she like behind closed doors? Killian believed the two would be an unstoppable force. No one would stand in their way. Perhaps with her by his side, he'd finally be able to defeat Peter Pan once and for all. Killian would find her one way or another. He'd capture her if he had to. One way or another. He'd know her. If. When he succeeded, Killian would mark this down as the greatest treasure hunt of his life. He was destined to meet her, he could feel it. What Killian didn't know was he already had…
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poisonappleeater · 1 year ago
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Regina x Trans Male Reader !!
regina mills x trans male reader (reminder that this is just in relation to my personal transmasc experience, everyone’s can be vastly different!!)
prompt: regina helping you out w/ dysphoria after rumplestiltskin says some crazy transphobic shit (takes place in storybrooke)
i also tried to not actually trigger anyones gender dysph lmaooooo so i do not get specific about it
Rumplestiltskin looked you up and down with a cold stare.
“I believe that you’re to use the women’s bathroom, dearie.” You felt your face go hot with frustration (and maybe even some embarrassment). God dammit. You just wanted to wash your hands in peace. To be quick and quiet was the best option, so you took a deep breath and scrubbed the soap off your hands with much more vigor and velocity than you had just a few seconds before. The water scalded your hands and turned them a little pinker. Mr. Gold scoffed through his nose.
“Even your low pain tolerance agrees that you are not a man, and it’s likely that you never will be.” Silence no longer felt like your best option. You’d come to Storybrooke as soon as your best friend, Aurora had told you that it would be easier to live as yourself, as a man, in a more modern realm. You didn’t consider that Rumplestiltskin would be trying to get under, well, your skin.
You spoke, as lowly as possible, “What would you know about being a man? You sacrifice your relationships for power. What does that make you?” His gaze faltered, and you felt like you had gotten to him. You also felt just a bit concerned for your safety. Gold took a steady breath and a thourough pause.
“I think that makes me a powerful man. At least more powerful than you. Correct? I recall you coming to me for guidance.” You scoffed, but your lip auivered. Seeking help from Rumplestiltskin back in the Enchanted Forest didn’t make you any less of a man. Everyone had at least once looked for help from the Dark One. Before a salty tear could escape your eye, you fled the men’s restroom and stepped foot back into the welcoming, red-and-blue ambience of Granny’s Diner. You released a shaky sigh and looked for your girlfriend.
Regina. There she was. Even the thought of her made your cheeks warm, despite your prior encounter with Gold. She was chatting comfortably with the Charming’s. Your need for your girlfriend’s warmth made you nearly start running towards your table. She spotted you instantly and smiled genuinely. It was clear you were equally enamored with one another.
“Hey, Y/N,” Regina greeted warmly. She noticed how fast you were walking.
“Hey, hey, slow down, it’s okay.” The well-dressed woman placed a hand on your back and guided you to sit beside her in the booth’s cushiony seat, with your leg touching hers. Regina laughed a little at the sight of you adorably speed-walking to the table. Taking a second glance at you, though, she could tell something bothered you. Your girlfriend’s face darkened with concern.
“Did something happen in the bathroom sweetheart?” Her arm wrapped further around you. Her line of sight travelled behind you when Rumplestiltskin came out of the bathroom.
“That son of a bitch.” Gina was livid. She tried to fathom how Rumplestiltskin could have possibly threatened her boyfriend. He could be up to literally anything. The vein above her right brow bulged so severely you thought it’d burst. You had to admit, her anger was hot. You felt her starting to stand up.
“No, no, Gina. It’s really okay,” you reassured. “No magical threats or sketchy deals were made. Promise.” The woman with burgendy lips looked into your eyes to ensure that you told the truth.
“Okay.” She sighed and crossed her arms, then sat down to kiss your cheek. You leaned in happily. The rest of dinner with the Charmings allowed the two of you to forget about Rumplestiltskin.
You locked the front door behind you and Regina and were suddenly too aware of your own body. Friendly chatter from Emma, Killian, David, Snow, and Henry filled your ears just minutes ago. And now, the quiet of Regina’s home flooded your mind with the words of Runplestiltskin.
“Hey, Y/N, baby?” Regina had both hands around your cheeks. You were sitting on the couch. You don’t remember moving at all since getting home. “I was asking you about a movie you wanted to watch, but-“
“Yes! Yeah, I’m sorry. We wanted to watch that movie. I’d love to,” you blurted. You gave your lover a half-smile.
“No. Gold said something to you. He’s plaguing your pretty little head,” she cooed. She sat down beside you and provided you with space to talk with her properly. You smiled at the gesture.
“It was nothing new. He said that I’m not a man. I can’t do anything about that. I feel like a man, but I don’t have the parts.” Regina intook your words with great conscience. Her glossy eyes looked into yours. She spoke after contemplating for a moment.
“If there’s anything I’ve learned from this realm, it’s that rules that we used to abide by back home were not laws of nature. They were laws made by people. And people can be so stupid, my love. That means that we, as smarter people, are allowed to live by rules that fit our logic. And according to my logic, you’re a man, sweetheart, regardless of what body you have. I know that because that’s what you’ve told me, that’s how you truly feel, and that’s how I think of you. You are whatever you think yourself to be. I love you for it, my sweet boy.”
“I love you, Gina. Thank you.” She took her time to memorize your handsome face for the thousandth time.
“Can I come close to you?” your lover asked, gently. You nodded and placed your head in her neck. she took you into her arms and stroked your hair.
“I still want to kill him,” Regina confessed. Her sharp words contradicted the gentle pets that she gave you.
You laughed. “Sure, Gina, just not today.” She couldn’t be upset when you were so calm and cute. Regina kissed your head and chuckled into your ear. You loved the sound of her laugh and the smell of her shampoo. Apple. So fitting.
“Okay, not today,” she sighed lightheartedly. “How about that movie?”
Soon, you had both showered and gotten ready for bed. There was no better feeling to you than being clean, on the couch, with your girlfriend about to watch a movie. You laid atop her chest while her legs entrapped your middle. Rumplestiltskin’s comments remained forgotten, and you and Regina remained content.
Hope this was okay!! Feel free to comment on anything, if anyone sees this. I’m kinda new to actually writing ff
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mzziatxt · 11 months ago
One shorts
Devin x Male Reader
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Era un día como cualquiera en Neverland en una parte muy ruidosa de la gran isla se encontraban los niños perdidos gritando, bailando, ‘peleando’ en forma de juego, uno de los más nuevos, Percy Karsten, se encontraba observando a Devin él niño perdido que estaba encargado de vigilarlo. a los pocos minutos se canso de observarlo y se fue a su cabaña a descansar un rato.
El ruido de los niños perdidos no cesaba, como no aguantaba más decide ir a caminar al bosque pero el ruido se escucha en cualquier dirección.
— ¿Qué haces aquí?, sabes que Pan no te deja estar aquí — dice Devin apareciendo de la nada por detrás
— Hijo de perr-, no me asustes así, y no me importa la opinión de Pan yo puedo ir dónde sea y dónde quiera, soy libre en expansión — el tono en que lo dijo de superioridad que hace que que Devin tire una carcajada
— Si le dijeras eso en la cara a Pan, ya estarías arrepentido y encerrado en un jaula... Solo, en un lado muy mugriento con muchas oportunidades a morir — Percy estaba temblando odiaba los lugares desolados y más si estaban sucios
— Como si me importará, tu y Pan son mugre al lado mío — se estuvieron discutiendo un buen rato hasta que escucharon un silbido de Pan — ¿Qué significa el silbido?
— Tenemos que ir rápido donde está, podría ser alerta, llamada de pelea o incluso notícia — informa, empezando a caminar en dirección a dónde vino el sonido, se detiene en seco — ¿Qué?, ¿Vas a venir o te quedarás ahí parado como muerto?
— Ya voy mandon... — murmullo para sí mismo
— Date rápido manos de princesa — burla
— Niños perdidos, aquí tenemos a alguien especial, Harry, nuestra salvación — Pan grita a todos los niños
— ¿Y? — pregunta Percy, acto que hace a Pan levantar la ceja en forma de duda
— ¿Cómo que y? —
— ¿Y? Y que necesidad de avisarnos, él puede presentarse solo — exclama — ni respondas, me voy a mi cabaña
— ¡Devin!, síguelo y no dejes que haga ninguna imprudencia — ordena con dureza
— Okay — sigue a Percy a su cabaña con sigilo
— Ayy Devincito, haz todo el sigilo que quieras te voy a notar — ríe
— Idiota, no me lo tenías que decir — se pone a su lado
— Sorry, el imbécil de Pan me tiene cansado, ojalá regresar a mi casa y ver a mi hermano — los recuerdos de su hermano no paraba, las lágrimas se acumulan rápidamente
— Eres un llorón — dice Devin al ver sus ojos aguados, no sabe que hacer al respecto así que solo le pone una mano en el hombro
Lo mira a los ojos en el momento en el que le tocó el hombro
— No lo soy —
— Si lo eres, y si no quieres que te diga así deja de llorar — Con el pulgar le seca las lágrimas que caen por las megillas y unas pocas acumuladas que tenía
Sonríe — bueno, dejaré de llorar, imbécil — burla a lo último — ¿Vamos a mí cabaña? — pregunta aún como una sonrisa en sus labios
— Okay, pero solo lo acepto porque no quiero que esos ojos... — se detiene en seco por lo que iba a decir
— ¿No quieres que estos ojos qué? Podré ser llorón pero noto cuando alguien no termina una oración, vamos, terminala —
— No iba a decir nada más, estás alucinando — exclama con una mueca de nerviosismo
— No te creo pero okay, vamos, y así jugamos juegos de mesa para enseñarte que la violencia no es lo único divertido en la vida —
— La vida es violencia, cariño- digo niño, carajo, ya me pegaste tu vocabulario estúpido — se queja con él rubio al haber tomado el vocabulario ‘Tonto’ de él
— ya deja de insultar mis costumbres, parece que yo te gustará o algo por el estilo — se acerca a Devin para ver a él castaño más nervioso de lo que ya estaba — ¿Qué prefieres un beso o decirme lo de hace rato? —
— Beso, no quiero decirte lo otro —
Se acerca más — ¿Enserio?
— Enserio — afirma
Le da un poquito en la boca — Wakala, todo por mi bocota —
— tanto no la saboreé, ¿Me das otro bebé llorón? — burla en tono que hace dudar a Percy, pero decide darle un beso más duradero hasta que los dos se dejan llevar un poco
Devin agarra a Percy de la cintura, pegándolo a un árbol atrás de él
— sabes muy bien, ¿Quieres seguir o detenerte? —
— quiero seguir con esto, pero mejor vamos a mí cabaña, así nadie nos verá con nuestras cosas — ...
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Holaa, este es mi primer One shorts, lo quise hacer para ver si me sale un poquito bien por lo menos
Hice lo que puede y taaal vez haga 2nd parte
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smittenbyvillains · 2 years ago
CHARACTERS: Valtor, Palladium, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Tom Riddle, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Captain Hook (OUAT) same with Peter Pan.
No forced things.
Dark themes are allowed.
Each prompt will be at least 300 words.
Don't complain if I don't do yours.
Smut, fluff, and angst are allowed.
Certain characters put together I will not do.
(characters), (theme or au), (type of context aka smut or fluff or angst, etc.) for example
"I wish for Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, platonic yandere to the reader. Angst for the context please."
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creative-soul-22 · 2 years ago
Welcome to Storybrook, Malvina Monroe!
Disenchanted x OUAT-oneshot
@monrolasia and I were texting on thursday night and we had a nice conversation. We came up with the idea of Malvina being in Storybrook and so I wrote this oneshot. Hope you like it!
Regina Mills, the Mayor of Storybrooke, calmly sat in her office going through some papers. This was so boring. She had NOT enacted a curse sacrificing her father's life by squashing his heart to do THIS. Why was a land without magic so horrible? Paperwork? Really? Was that worth killing her father for? Regina moaned. But then the already half-burned painting of a bird that Snow White had put there when she was the mayor for a brief time caught her eye. Luckily, it wasn't a land without magic anymore. With a diabolical smile on her face, Regina formed a fireball in her hands and threw it onto the painting. It imediately caught fire and light the room up. The fire reflected in the mayors eyes as her diabolical smile widened and grew into a wicked laugh. Regina liked the painting much more when it was on fire. It was way more interesting and much more fun this way.
Regina could have watched the painting burn for the rest of the day but suddenly her phone rang. "Yes?", she answered the phone. "Regina? It's me, Emma. You've got to come to the city limits. There's something going on here", Emma's clearly worried voice could be heard trough the phone. Regina was alarmed. It never meant good news when Emma said this. So she asked: "Emma? What's going on?" "I can't tell you on phone. Just come here as quickly as possible", Emma explained with her voice lowered before she hung up the phone. "Emma? Emma!" Regina exhaled before she teleported herself to the city limits.
A cloud of purple smoke appeared at the city limits, and when it was gone, it revealed the mayor of Storybrooke. "Emma! What's...", Regina asked, only to be immediately shushed out by the blonde woman. Emma carefully pointed to the city's red marked border. "Shh. Or you'll miss this", she whispered. Regina followed the savior's finger with her eye and then she saw it. Three people where standing infront of the city limits. Two women and one man. One of the women had strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes, the other one had black hair. Regina couldn't see her face because she had her back turned on her. "You are a disgrace for Monrolasia, Malvina Monroe", spat the blonde woman out. The man next to her grinned visciously. The black haired woman which had been adressed as Malvina Monroe responded in sadness: "I am disgrace to Monrolasia?! You are the ones who are kicking me out." "You deserve it", the other woman continously bullied her, "you tried to kill me! You poised an apple!" She than took an red apple out of her bag and threw it to the woman who Regina assumed went by the name Malvina. Malvina caught it. "Giselle, let me explain...", she started but quickly got snapped by the woman that she called Giselle. "No. You see this, Malvina?" The woman being called Giselle held a little glass with a purple liquid in it. "It belongs to us now", she stated. "No! Giselle, this isn't like you anymore. You were always so kindhearted and gave everyone a chance. Even me", the woman with the black hair and black dress explained. Regina felt like her heart broke. Malvina reminded her of her own. She was homeless, perspectiveless. Hopeless. "We've got to help her", the mayor of Storybrook decided. Giselle laughed. "Those days are over now." And then all of a sudden, she threw the purple liquid in Regina's and Emma's direction! It crossed the red line and hit the ground. Malvina turned around and looked for the liquid, but couldn't see it. Giselle and the man next to her also looked surprised but then smiled visciously, turned around and left Malvina alone. After watching them leave, she took the apple in her hands and threw it as far as she could. And then she saw it. "Oh no. She saw it. She knows it", Regina immeadiately recognized. "There is something beyond here", Malvina stated. She reached her hand out behind the invisible curtain that was in front of her and screamed when she felt a grab on her hand that pulled her on the other side. She Suddenly she saw two women standing in front of her. "Hi. I'm Emma Swan", a blond haired-woman with a leather jacket and jeans greeted her with a smile. "I'm Malvina Monroe. Queen of Monrolasia. Or at least I used to be", Malvina said with a sad voice. Then she saw her liquid. The glass was shattered and the liquid covered the ground. "My poison", Malvina sadly noticed. "I'm Regina Mills. Welcome to Storybrooke, Malvina Monroe", she was greeted by a black-haired woman. "Storybrooke?" Malvina looked around. All she saw was a road and woods on both sides. "Yes, Storybrook", Regina replied with a smile. "It's a quiet yet lovely little town." Emma got into her car followed by Regina Mills who encouraged the former Queen of Monrolasia to do so, too.
Former Queen of Monrolasia, Malvina Monroe thought while driving to Storybrooke. I really am the former Queen. All she could think was that she once had her little town, too. It had been lovely, pieceful and quiet. Until Giselle had showed up and had ruined everything with her stupid wish. Now Malvina's beloved Monroeville was Monrolasia and Giselle and Robert were likely to rule as King and Queen since they had kicked Malvina out. Storybrooke seemed nice and so Malvina decided to stay for recover. But Storybrooke seemed so lovely, it reminded her of Monroeville and she couldn't help but feeling heartbroken. A tear streamed down her cheek. Then Emma Swan stopped the car. "We're there", she stated. The three women got off the car. "Granny's Diner?", Malvina asked in surprise. "Who's Granny is it and why does she have a diner?" Regina laughed. "It's Red's Granny and she runs a diner, well because we need a diner here in Storybrooke." The mayor couldn't help but getting nervous. Everything was new to Malvina and she had just lost her home so Regina did not want to overwhelm her by telling her about the curse. She would have plenty of time to tell her about it. But for now she just wanted to offer the lady a place where she could rest her head. "Emma what are we doing here? We should take Malvina to Granny's Bed and Breakfast where she can have a room", Regina asked. Emma replied: "Yes, we will take her there. But Granny highly likely is in the diner now and I think Cruella De Vil is probably drinking one Gin after another. Maybe she wants some company." Malvina stood in front of the diner, looking around. "Okay, let's introduce you to Granny", the mayor of Storybrooke decided, quickly grabbed the hand of the newest citizen and took her inside the diner. Emma Swan remained outside. "Regina!", she shouted and followed them inside.
Inside the diner it was awfully loud and the lights where painfully bright. After spending time in silence and darkness, Malvina wasn't used to such a crowded room. Regina led her to the bar, where Cruella De Vil sat with a glass of Gin in front of her. After introducing her to Malvina Monroe, the mayor left them alone to talk to Granny about a room for Malvina.
"Hi, Cruella. I'm Malvina. Malvina Monroe", the Monrolasian greeted her. "Hi Malvina, Darling. Nice to meet ya", Cruella greeted back. She already seemed drunk. As she sat there, alone, with a drink, nobody to talk with, Malvina couldn't help but to feel even sadder. This could have been her sitting there. Although Cruella smiled, Malvina could see the loneliness and sadness in her eyes. "Do you always drink on your own?", she asked a little nervously. "Yes. I mean, you don't need somebody else for drinking. See? I can perfectly put the glass to my mouth without help", the fur-obsessed answered and demonstrated it. Then she giggled. Malvina chuckled along but noticed that internally, Cruella cried. "Mind if I sit here with you?", the Queen asked, "I could use a drink, too." Cruella's face darkened as she seem to take a closer look on Malvina Monroe. "You, too?", she asked in surprise. Malvina just nodded as a response and sat next to Cruella De Vil. Granny appeared to ask her new customer's wish. "A glass of Gin, please", Malvina ordered toneless. Granny looked at her in worry. Hopefully the newest citizen did not plan to get drunk on her very first night in Storybrooke. "Of course", she said, "and since it's your first time at Granny's and in Storybrooke, the first drink is free." "Thank you", Malvina replied. She did not try to hide her sadness. She couldn't hide it anymore. How could she sink so low to end up here, getting drunk with someone who's equally lonely because she had nothing better to do? For God's sake, she was the Queen of Monrolasia! But those days were over now. Forever. And as she drank her third Gin she started sobbing. She then sobbed it all out on Cruella's shoulder, telling her all about it. How Giselle first turned Monroeville into Monrolasia only to kick her out then and to rule it herself. How she hated it that her son Tyson was dating Giselle's stepdaughter Morgan. How much she loved and missed him. How much she missed her husband, who was trapped inside a mirror and probably now under Giselle's control. She could picture Giselle already sitting in her throne, wearing her clothes, living in her castle. She had taken Malvina's life without killing her. Cruella then also could not hold back her tears anymore and started crying. She told Malvina how much she'd love to have a friend but nobody liked her so she was always on her own. Which caused her to get drunk to forget about her loneliness and to not feel the pain and the sadness that came with it. She wished to feel numb only to be reliefed from it so she drank bottles of Gin until she felt numb. The two woman drank and sobbed until they were knocked out and fell asleep with their heads lying at the bar table.
The next morning Malvina Monroe and Cruella De Vil woke up in a room in Granny's Bed and Breakfast and felt like they had been run over by a truck. When they found themselves lying in the same bed they were shocked first and feared something had happened that shouldn't have happened. But they sighed in relief when they found that they were fully clothed. "Do you remember what happened last night or how we got up here?", Malvina asked. "No", Cruella replied, still tired. "Me neither", stated Malvina. But then a thought crossed her foggy brain. "Maybe Emma or Regina brought us up here?" "Maybe", Cruella agreed. "So... who's Tyson?", the black-white-haired woman asked. Malvina Monroe gave her a shocked look. "How do you know him?" Cruella shrugged her shoulders. "I don't remember. Maybe you talked about him? It's just that his name was running through my mind since I woke up." Malvina looked sadly at Cruella. "He's my son", she answered. And all of a sudden, a wave of memories crashed Malvina's brain that still felt foggy from all the alcohol. Tyson. The sad look on his face when he watched his mother leaving. Giselle kicking her out of Monrolasia. Regina and Emma welcoming her to Storybrook. Meeting Cruella at Granny's. A tear ran down her cheek. She turned away from Cruella, unable to meet her eyes. "Please don't ask. I don't want to talk about him", she said with her voice breaking. Cruella carefully put her hand on Malvina's shoulder, who turned around and met her eyes. Cruella could see all the pain in her eyes. A damage. Just like David and James. But even worse. "Hey, Malvina. I'm here for you. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But if you like, we can be friends." And for the first time, Malvina smiled. "That sounds great. Thank you, Cruella." She put her hand on Cruella's, which was still resting on Malvina's shoulder. Then she closed her eyes and layed her cheek on her's and Cruella's hand which made Cruella grow closer and lay her cheek on Malvina's head. They enjoyed the moment and the way it felt. And in this moment, they both were happy.
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