#baelfire x reader
infiniteimaginings · 7 months
〔𝘕𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘊𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘺 - 𝘉𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘦〕
Started: February 18th, 2024 Updated: February 18th, 2024
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All my writings for Neal Cassidy (Baelfire) - Once Upon a Time
None yet
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I know that I have a bunch of requests to write, but I’ve been rewatching/watching Once recently and I noticed something that little me didn’t. That is that young Baelfire is SUPER cute! This boy is making me fall in love with him! Anyway, requests are open for this little boy only! He is so cute and sweet and there are like NO fics about little him that I could find! If you have any recommendations for fics of him, PLEASE let me know!
Fair warning; I have NOT finished the show all the way through yet! I just started season 2 (I’m in the middle of episode 2 right now) which means I haven’t watched enough of it to be decently safe when it comes to spoilers. I do know a couple of spoilers, but the less I know the better! I do know that Baelfire is Neal, but I don’t remember much about his character or how he acts (I never got past halfway through season 2 and that was quite a few years ago, so I don’t remember much about it). I love Baelfire when he was/is little, but different actors bring different things to each role and I don’t know how much Baelfire changes between little him and grown him.
All this to say, please give me young Baelfire requests and fic recommendations!
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mrs-billyrussooo · 2 years
Is there anyone who still writes for OUAT? I need more Neal Cassidy fics in my life! 😩
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eleonoraalbright · 2 months
An Ill-Timed Confession Part 2
Pairing: Peter Pan x fem!reader (kinda)
Summary: Peter Pan is loose in Storybrooke with revengeful schemes. Fortunately for you, the heroes and villains have a plan to stop him.
A/N: Thank you for the kind comments left on An Ill-Timed Confession Part 1! They really motivated me to write a second part.
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Careful not to trip over any headstones, you paced the forest’s floor in a restless manner. A few yards away Mr. Gold stretched out a hand, attempting to undo the magical wards Regina had placed around her vault. Bell was behind him offering silent encouragement for his swift success.
Tinkerbell, Baelfire, and Captain Hook stood off to one side; their faces betraying various degrees of distrust and doubt. Mary Margret, David, and Emma were in a separate group, talking in hushed voices. They seemed to be having an argument.
That left you and Henry alone. You stole a glance towards the boy who was still trapped in Pan’s body. For the hundredth time that day, you cursed yourself and your big mouth. Speech is silver, but silence is golden.
Oh, how you wished you had remembered that saying when accidentally telling Pan that he was hot. Why did you have this knack for getting yourself into these almost laughable scenarios? At least, it would have been laughable if you weren’t the person in it. Right now, the set of circumstances was terrifying.
At any moment, Pan could command his shadow to rip your own shadow from you, or worse abduct you. And what would happen then? You would be at his mercy until the others managed to switch Henry and Pan to their rightful bodies. If they ever did.
You knew from Henry’s storybook and real-life experiences that good somehow always did triumph in the end, but that didn’t mean there weren’t any casualties. What if this was the one time you didn’t make it to see the light of day?
Henry noticed you staring at him and raised an eyebrow in question, which sent another ripple of unease down your spine. Gods above and below, he was attractive when he did that.
In truth he was attractive all the time, but that cute little eyebrow quirk made your heart do a flip. You had to remind yourself that he wasn’t Pan, he was Henry who was your dearest and closest friend for many years and someone you didn’t feel for in that way.
And even if he was Peter Pan, he would want to inflict such torment on everyone here in the graveyard that they would beg for death’s sweet release to escape him.
Peter Pan should not be the type of person who turned your insides into mush, your legs to jelly, made your heart beat faster and faster until it would burst from your chest leaving a bloody and gaping wound behind, and grant the death you craved for so you would not have to face the consequences of admitting to Pan himself that he was blessed genetically!
“Can you stop looking at me like that?” Henry’s words broke you out of your wild and frenzied thoughts. He shifted his weight to his other foot, avoiding your gaze and went on, “Like you want to kiss or stab me. Or both. It’s pretty weird.”
Hoping against all hope that you weren’t blushing, you let out a big sigh and dragged a hand down your face. You had to get these turbulent feelings under control for Henry’s sake. Being stuck in his great-grandfather’s body with his friend ogling him must have been a nightmare.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I just have a lot of thoughts running through my mind and–” Your voice dropped to a whisper. “I don’t think we’ll win this time.”
He was startled at your blunt statement. “What? Of course we will. We have to. All we have to do is get me in my body and Pan in his body. Then we’ll imprison him and we’ll win.”
You snorted at your friend’s naiveté. You were sure that Mr. Gold had something more in mind than imprisonment for his father. The Pied Piper clearly couldn’t be stopped by simple incarceration; he had thousands of tricks up his sleeve to free himself.
Pan needed to die. As tasteless as killing was, what other option was there? You tried to cast away your misgivings about the possibility of overcoming Pan. You had to believe that victory and survival would be on your side, which was easier said than done.
“I’m afraid that Pan will put us all through the nine circles of hell. And I-I can’t go through that again.” Tears blurred your vision and your knees wobbled so bad that Henry had to help you stand up right as unbidden memories leaped into your mind about your hellish existence in a life lived long ago.
“It’ll be okay. My mom will save us. She’s the savior, it's kinda her thing.” Henry knew about your past. He read the story in his book, but that didn’t mean he would fully understand the terrors you had endured or why everything seemed so hopeless. You heard a sudden whoosh and saw the vault’s door creak open.
“Shall we?” Mr. Gold marched into the gloomy interior.
Emma, Mary Margret, David, Tinkerbell, Baelfire, Bell, and Captain Hook followed him. Emma ordered, “Wait here until we know the coast is clear.”
Normally you wouldn’t obey and would rush head first into danger, but a moment was needed to calm your addled mind. Besides, if Pan was in there, you weren’t too eager to see him. You took hold of your senses and forced air up your nose and out your mouth. This wasn’t the time to have a breakdown.
You needed to be composed for Henry's sake, even with his newly acquired height, he looked up to you for how to react to the ongoing madness in Storybrooke. Well, he used to, maybe that changed in the last twenty-four hours with you acting like a twitterpated school girl.
You heard Emma yell, “We’re clear down here!”
You and Henry raced downstairs to see the group clustered around Regina. The mayor was disoriented and brushing invisible flecks of dust off her pants. She was in the middle of saying, “–missed all the signs. I just wanted to believe he still needed me to be his mother.”
Without missing a beat, the boy next to you soothed her fear. “I still do.”
Regina gasped, “Henry?” She tilted her head in bewilderment and narrowed her eyes, not convinced he was her son.
He walked over and threw his arms around her. It was a touching scene to witness. Too bad you didn’t have a camera; it would be hilarious to have a picture of the former Evil Queen sharing an embrace with the Pied Piper.
Meanwhile, David asked a very pertinent question. “So what exactly did Pan come down here to get?” Mr. Gold raised his hand over an empty box before jerking it back, a frown fixed on his features. “What?”
A hint of exasperation leaked into the older man’s voice as he said, “Please tell me you didn’t keep it down here.”
Regina appeared to be almost contrite and she shrugged her shoulders. “Where else would I keep it?”
For a moment you thought Mr. Gold would strangle Regina with her own scarf or beat her with his cane. To what thing were they referring? You broke the heavy silence. “What is it? What did Pan take?”
Henry's grandfather answered, “He took the curse that brought everyone from the Enchanted Forest to Storybrooke.”
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You sat down next to Henry with an arm thrown around his shoulders. He was nervous, fiddling in his seat. You couldn’t blame him; this was a high stakes situation.
When Mr. Gold used the black fairy’s wand to place him back in his proper body, Henry would have to find his family and give Regina the scroll so she could destroy it before the curse transformed Storybrooke into the New Neverland and made everyone in town Pan’s slaves.
Worried for his well-being, Emma asked her son, “You doing okay, kid?”
“Yeah, I’m just ready to be me again.”
“Not much longer now, Henry. Not much longer.” Mr. Gold flipped through his spell book. “Once we have the wand, all will be as it should.”
“And then you can help your mom save the day,” you added with a smile. It was your turn to provide reassurance whether or not you actually had confidence in this plan. No, no, that wasn’t right. You had to have hope that this would work out.
You would imitate Mary Margret and fully accept that a happy ending was in the future. “And when this blows over, we can have another party at Granny’s. Hopefully with more cake than last time because the sisters really plowed through them.”
Henry liked your suggestion. “That’d be nice. And maybe I don't have to have a bedtime either?”
Regina vetoed the idea. “Absolutely not, young man. You need your sleep, especially after all of this.”
The sound of footsteps stopped a discussion of the correct amount of sleep for a boy Henry’s age. David walked into the room with the rest of the gang behind him. “She’s back. The Blue Fairy. She gave us the wand.”
You exclaimed, “That’s great! Do we need anything else?”
“Only one more item.” Mr. Gold crossed to a cupboard and retrieved a black cuff and explained, when Snow inquired, that it would render anyone with magic utterly powerless.
Regina snapped at Hook, “I haven’t forgotten about all that, by the way.”
“May I see your wrist, Henry?” Ignoring her comment, he placed the cuff on his grandson. “I want to make sure that when my dear old dad awakes, that he’s weakened. This will block his powers. Now I enact the spell, you fall into a deep sleep and when you awake, you’re back in your own body.”
Regina told him, “And then you hang on to that scroll and you come find us as fast as you can.”
Henry contemplated their words then scoffed, “When I gave my heart to Pan, I thought I was being a hero… I'm sorry.”
You patted him on the back. David was about to speak, but you spoke first. “It was stupid thing to do, but it’s not like anyone here hasn’t done anything that stupid too.” You didn’t pay attention to the glares a few select people sent your way, and instead focused on Henry’s laugh.
Mr. Gold said it was time and you stood up as Henry laid back on the divan, apprehensive of what was to come soon. Everyone retreated a couple of steps back and watched the process. Mr. Gold tapped the wand on his forehead and, after a blinding flash of light, Pan’s body started violently convulsing.
“What’s happening?” Emma shared a concerned look with Baelfire.
“Henry’s spirit is leaving Pan’s body.”
You hoped Pan wasn’t anywhere near concrete. If Henry’s body dropped to the ground and hit his head, he was going to wake up with a bad ache. He stopped shaking and remained still.  “It worked!”
You were delighted the spell had been fortunate, however, some part of you was a tad sad. You wouldn’t be able to squish his cheeks again. You could try, but Pan would most likely chop your hands off for such an affront. No matter, there were more important things to do.
“Let’s go find our son.” Emma darted out of the shop with everyone except Mr. Gold and Pan accompanying her. “Where would he be?”
You proposed, “Let’s get Ruby or Granny! They’ll be able to track his smell!” Emma agreed with you and went to the diner to enlist Granny’s keen nose for the job. The elderly woman sniffed the air and it didn’t take long for her to pick up his scent. You ran down the street toward the clock tower and were overjoyed when you saw Henry—in his own body—run out of the library doors.
“It’s me! It’s me! It worked!” Both of his mothers enveloped him in a big hug. “Mom, Mom. I just saw you guys. You guys just saw me.”
 “But we didn’t see you.” Regina cupped his chin.
“And trust me that makes a real difference!” You wrapped your arms around him and squeezed him tight, glad that Henry returned to his rightful body.
“Oh, he’s got it,” Emma said as her son gave her the scroll. She passed it to Regina. “It’s up to you now.”
The mayor hadn’t held the scroll for even five seconds when a bright flash of purple light illuminated from it and she passed out cold. “Regina! Regina!” You, Henry, Emma and Baelfire crouched next to her.
Dammit, with Regina unconscious, who could undo Pan’s curse? There couldn’t be that much time left. Emma continued to call Regina’s name and shake her. Gasping, Regina opened her eyes. “What happened? Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine. I just… I saw what needed to be done.”
“Mom, are you gonna be okay?”
You had a gut feeling that she wasn’t. As you suspected, she side-stepped his concern. “The important thing is you will be.”
The scroll vanished from Regina’s grasp. “No, he won’t.”
Your stomach dropped when you heard the dreaded voice. Your head whipped backwards to see Pan walking towards the group. Everyone backed up several paces. You shouted, “Watch out! He has the–”
You were cut short as an eerie red glow alighted over your and everybody else's bodies. It was as if molasses had coated your entire person, slowing down your movements until it hardened. The enchantment froze every single one of your limbs; it was difficult even to breathe.
Beaming from ear-to-ear, Pan finished your sentence. “Curse.  How observant that I do. Look at you all. A captive audience.” He took his time inspecting each and everyone of you. His gaze lingered on you last. “I could play with you like a pack of dolls, couldn’t I? You’d like that, wouldn't you?”
He pointed an accusing finger in your direction. He came closer and whispered, “I have a special treat for you for that wonderful but woefully timed statement you confessed to me. It was delightful to know the peculiar effect I have on you.”
You were grateful that your features were frozen to hide the terror swirling and building up inside you. Had you the ability to move, the road would have been sprayed with your vomit. Relief overtook you when Mr. Gold hobbled up to his father and gripped his shoulder. Rumplestiltskin could save everyone right? He growled, “Stay away from them.”
Pan performed the same freezing spell on his son. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, you haven't learned your lesson, have you Rumple? You should’ve stayed where you were, cowering, but I suppose you wanted a front row seat when my little curse descends upon your woved ones. Glutton for punishment, aren’t you? Don’t worry. They’ll be more of that. For all of you.” Pan disappeared without a trace and you were released from his spell.
You collapsed to the ground in a heap. Your fingernails dug into the cracked pavement. Everything was numb. Around you the others were talking in frantic voices, trying to figure out a way to thwart Pan’s plan, to find a miracle to save the day.
Someone was crying out that the curse was here. In the distance, getting closer and closer, you saw the green smoke that signified the town’s demise. You failed. 
Nothing could be done about that. You would forget your memories, forget your family and friends, forget who you were and become Pan’s plaything.
The thick smoke obscured your surroundings and filled your lungs. Your brain was getting foggy; it was too exhausting to think. You should sleep. One final thought echoed through your mind—Peter Pan won.
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allzelemonz · 2 years
Comfort: Rumplestiltskin X Male Reader
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Fictober Prompt: Day 11, Cockwarming Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader referred to as ‘Da’ by Baelfire Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: pre-Dark One Rumple, wholesome father with anxiety, Reader is a Stepdad to Baelfire, mentions/depiction of minor injury, fluff in the beginning, smut is brief and fluffy, top Reader, bottom Rumple, cockwarming, anal fingering Summary: A domestic life with Rumplestiltskin before his time as the Dark One. You are the comfort he needs, especially on cold nights.
The sun setting over the horizon only brings another day closer to Baelfire’s birthday. A day you dread as you meet him near the trail that leads into town. He has come back from selling everything he could at the market in an attempt to get enough money to flee. Of course, he doesn’t know that. He just knows that your small little family desperately needs money and his father is already working himself to the bone. You walk with him back to the hut, here you know you’ll find Rumple spinning away. Be it from nerves or the need to make something worth selling, he’ll be at the wheel.
Bae enters first, excited to show his father the money he earned from selling what little could be scrapped together. You follow him inside just in time to see Rumple smile and praise his son for a job well done despite the sadness behind his eyes.
“That’s enough work, Bae. Why don’t you go out and play?” Rumple suggests, wanting to see his son’s bright smile while he still can.
“Really, Papa? I could stay and help with the wheel.”
“Oh, no, Bae. You’ve done enough for today.” Rumple seems to be on the verge of tears, realizing how fast his son is growing up. “Your Da and I can handle it, you go play.”
Baelfire started calling you ‘Da’ just a few weeks ago. Rumple was all too happy to lean into it. The hope he has for Bae to live a normal life may be stunted by his calling to the Ogre War, but having you here with them gives them both hope.
“Okay, Papa.” Bae gives Rumple a small smile and quickly runs outside to play with his friends.
Rumple’s hands cradle the pouch of money Bae brought back as if it’s the only thing of his in the world. You find him doing that alot lately, gripping onto things of Bae’s. The man is so terrified of losing his son and he knows there’s only so much he can do to keep him.
“Do you want to keep spinning?” You ask.
Rumple looks up at you, that steady sadness in his eyes as he nods. “I-I’d like that.”
You join him by the wheel, feeding him the straw as he spins. A simple but silent act that made the two of you fall in love. His attentiveness to the spinning is only ever rivaled by the attention he shows his family. He would drop everything at the wheel if you or Bae asked him to. But this little activity isn’t just his primary source of income, it is also his peace and comfort. The two of you could sit like this forever.
“Papa!” A voice, unmistakingly Baelfire’s, calls out.
Rumple freezes in place, hands hover over the wheel and straw. Both of you look to the window, confused by the cry.
A beat passes before another cry, “Da!”
At that you both jump up and run to the door. You manage to get Rumple’s walking stick in his hand before he hurts himself trying to walk without it. Outside there is a group of children, Bae’s friends, and Bae is on the ground.
“Bae!” Rumple mutters the exclamation before he hurries over to him.
Baelfire is holding his leg, clearly in pain. Rumple reaches him and drops to the ground, already fussing over every inch of his son. You push past the children and look over the scene.
“Everyone home, alright?” You shoo them away.
The children turn and leave at their own slow pace while Rumple tries to ease the pain in Bae’s ankle. You kneel down with them and get Bae’s shoe off to look at the injury. It doesn’t seem terrible, he likely just stepped on it the wrong way.
“Let’s go inside and get dinner started.” You suggest, both to get Bae’s mind on something else and to get Rumple to fuss over making his son’s favorite meal rather than worrying over the hurt ankle.
“Yes, I… I’ll get it started.” Rumple fusses, his hands shaking when they move away from his son.
Before he can say more you put a hand over his shaking hand. “I’ll get Bae inside and comfortable, you just focus on dinner.”
His eyes flicker between his hands and your face as he slowly becomes less worried. He leans over and gives Bae a kiss on his head before giving your hand a squeeze and pulling himself upright with the help of his walking stick. You follow close behind, getting Bae up without putting weight on his bad ankle and walking him inside. Rumple works away, getting everything together while you get Baelfire in bed with his leg up.
It doesn’t take Rumple long to make Bealfire’s favorite dinner. He makes it whenever he can, he has a habit of doting on his little boy when money permits. Bae thanks his father and eats before promptly falling asleep. You help Rumple clean despite his protest that he can do it and you should rest. When the sun is fully gone from the sky you and Rumple get into bed with smiles on your faces as you reminisce over Bae’s many injuries sustained while playing with his friends.
“It’s not the worst he’s gotten.” You insist.
“He can’t walk!” Rumple argues.
“Neither can you, but I love you.”
Your hand moves to rest on Rumple’s cheek as you both lay facing each other. His hand rests on top of yours as his eyes well with, not quite tears, but more just love. He blushes quite often when you say you love him, but it’s always in his eyes that you see just how much he loves you back. The way he smiles a thin line and can’t quite find the motive to speak tells you all you need to know.
“I do love you, Rumple.” You lean forward to kiss him.
He rests his head against yours as you separate. His hand squeezes yours lightly before he moves it to wrap around you, pulling you closer. Your hand moves to brush his hair from his face as you smile at him.
“You were scared when he got hurt this time.” You note as your hand fiddles with his hair. “More than usual, I mean.”
He sighs. “He’s nearly fourteen!”
“The age is still sixteen, we have time.” You try to reassure him as his eyes trail down from the nerves.
“They’ll lower it.”
You lift his chin so he looks at you again. “He’s not going anywhere, neither am I.”
You press your foreheads together, closing your eyes to simply savor the moment. Rumple is always the type to worry about his family and it is his family that calms him down. In moments like this, where you hold each other close, you worry about your family too.
Rumple wakes you up while it’s still dark out. He speaks softly and you feel his hand fidgeting with your tunic. You open your eyes to see Rumple clinging to the thin blanket and furs, shivering as if it’s well into a winter blizzard. You feel the shiver come over you now that you’re awake. Early last winter you and Rumple had decided to give most of the blankets to Baelfire, now the two of you are left shivering.
In most times like this you could simply snuggle closer, but Rumple is already clinging to you like a man starved for touch. You get your arms around him as he buries his head into your chest. Even through your tunic you can feel how cold his nose is. After a few minutes of shivering an idea comes to mind.
You angle your head down to press a kiss to the top of Rumple’s head. Your hand moves down to mess with the waist of Rumple’s pants, hinting at your intentions. Rumple curls into you and his hands make fists as they grip onto the fabric of your tunic. Your leg against him allows you to feel the growing agreement to your idea. His hand joins yours and together you lower his pants just enough to free his now half-hard dick. He grips your hand, moving it up to his mouth to suck on your fingers. After a soft kiss to each fingertip, he licks them and takes them fully in his mouth. You watch happily as he pays them eager attention, his eyes fixed up at you just as doe-like as always.
When he finishes the coating, he turns himself around and you rub down his back gently. You take the time to massage the pale skin of his cheeks before carefully running your slick fingers around his rim. Rumple whines, muffled by his hand, and arches his back to feel more. You steady him with a hand on his hip as you press your fingers inside. With slow movements, you stretch him open, a process all too familiar by now. 
When he begins to shiver again, you pull yourself away enough to lower your own pants. You line yourself up and slowly begin to push in as your arm goes around Rumple to hold him still. He lets out a breathy moan swiftly followed by putting his hand back over his mouth. He’s usually quiet about this, but it has been awhile since you’ve had the opportunity. He drops his hand once you're buried completely in him and you press a kiss into his shoulder. When you start to move he reaches a hand back to stop you.
It’s nothing you haven’t done before on colder nights. Just laying beside one another, using what you have to keep warm. Rumple snuggles back into you and you find it hard not to move inside him. But you manage when you hear his light snore, a sign of his comfort thanks to your efforts. You feel your own eyelids get heavy too and you make sure your arms are wrapped around him as tightly as you can before you drift off to sleep.
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Welcome to @classic-disney-imagines!!! Feel free to request something!
I’m excited to be taking my first shot at this! Just some information you ought to know before sending anything in!
Aladdin (Live and animated)
• Aladdin
• Jafar
Beauty and the beast: (Live and animated)
• Beast/Adam
• Gaston
The Lion King: (Live and animated)
• Mufasa
• Simba
• Scar
Cinderella: (Live and animated)
• Prince Charming
Peter Pan: (Once Upon A Time & Animated)
• Peter Pan
• Felix
• Hook
Once Upon A Time:
• Peter Pan
• Felix
• Hook
• Charming
• Mr. Gold
• Baelfire
• Robin Hood
• Emma Swan
• Regina Mills
• Snow White
• Tinker Bell
• Ruby
• Dorothy
• Elsa
• Anna
Maleficent: (Live action only)
• Maleficent
• Diaval
• Aurora/Brier Rose
• Phillip
I write:
• Fluff
• Angst
• Happy endings
• Female character x female reader
• Female character x male reader
• Character x reader shipping
I don’t write:
• Smut
• Incest
• Pregnancy scenes
• Toxic relationships
• Past/present abuse
• Animal abuse/cruelty
• Male character x male reader
• Character x character shipping
Additional information:
I’m going to be updating regularly, so please send in a request for any of these movies/characters!
If there’s a character/movie you like that’s not listed, feel free to request it and I will add it onto my list!
Please don’t get offended or feel let down if I decline a request. If I decline it, it’s not to just be rude, it’s just because it’s probably something I’m not comfortable with writing. If I do decline, feel free to send in a different idea!
That’s all for now!
Happy reading!
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shortandslytherin · 1 year
Blog Information
First of all, this is a side blog so if you are followed by @probablybleedscoffee that's me. 💕 I would prefer if you follow one of my blogs you follow this one. I don't really use my main blog much and when I do it's just babbling about random things.
So anyway most my posts will include a Slytherin Y/N and maybe even Y/N Malfoy or Y/N Lestrange. I'll write a lot of reader x Neville Longbottom. These all come from things I'm absolutely in love with.
Moving on to more important things...
I will write for MCU, Once Upon A Time, Harry Potter, and Never Have I Ever.
I love a good description of Y/N. Race, hair color, eye color, nicknames, hobbies, Hogwarts house, is Y/N an Avenger?, pronouns, sexuality, family members, etc. Just anything that defines who Y/N is. If you don't have any description that's fine too.
There's very few characters I'm open to writing so feel free to send me requests outside my comfort zone.
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Bucky Barnes
Natasha Romanoff
Shuri Udaku
Yelena Belova (Platonically)
Steve Rogers
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Neal Cassidy/Baelfire
Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold
Peter Pan
Ben Gross
Aneesa Qureshi
Things I will not write under any circumstances
R#p3/s3xual assault (this includes the non-con kink)
Pedophilia (This includes dating as soon as they turn 18)
Character death unless canon or Y/N
Unexplained hate towards a character
Age regression/DDLG
Sexual orientation erasure (meaning all characters stay their canon sexuality unless their sexuality is unconfirmed)
it should be noted that suicide/self-harm almost made this list. But I know what it's like to feel lost and need help from your comfort character. So if you ever need that, I will write it. But I won't write it often I'm not really comfortable with writing suicide and self-harm so make sure you really need it.
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beccanimes · 1 year
hi guys i’m opening request for these following fandoms and the people:
The Walking Dead 
Daryl Dixon 1
Rick Grimes  1
Negan Smith 
Glenn Rhee
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline 
Criminal Minds 
Spencer Reid
Derick Morgan 
Arron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss 
Penelope Garcia 
Luke Alvez
Alex Blake 
The Vampire Dairies 
Damon Salvatore 
Stefan Salvatore   
Kai Parker 
The Originals 
Klaus Mikaelson (Both TVD or TO)
Elijah Mikaelson (TVD or TO)
Marcel Gerard 
Rebekah Mikaelson (TVD or TO)
Divina Claire 
Kol Mikaleson (TVD or TO) 
Steve Rogers
Clint Barton 
Peter Parker (Tom Holland 
Perter Parker (Tobey Mcguire) 
Peter parker (Andrew Garfeild)
Tony Stark 
Buck Barnes   
Wanda Maximoff 
Stephen Strange 
Harry potter/ Fantasic Beast
Harry Potter 
Ron Weasley 
Hermione Granger 
Draco Malfoy 
Siruis Black (harry potter and maruduer era)
Seamus Finnigan 
Cedric Diggory  1
Fred Weasley 
George Weasley
Remus Lupin 
Newt Scamander 
Tina Goldstein 
Theseus Scamander 
Stranger Things 
Steve Harrington 
Johnathan Byers
Nancy Wheeler 
Robin Buckley 
Billy Hargrove 
Eddie Munson 
Regina Mills 
Emma Swan 
Snow white 
Killian Jones 
Neil Cassidy/ Baelfire 
Robin Hood 
Ruby Lucas 
August/ Pinocchio
Chicago Med
Will Halstead
Connor Rhodes
Ethan Choi
Crockett Marcel
April Sexton
Natalie Manning
Chicago Fire
Mathew Casey
Kelly Severide
Joe Cruz
Peter Mills
Stella Kidd
Gabby Dawson
Chicago PD
Jay Halstead
Adam Ruzek
Antonio Dawson
Sean Román
Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz
Erin Lindsey
Kim Burguss
Chicago One
Jay Halstead and Will Halstead x sibling
Kelly Severide x Platonic best friend
Kelly Severide x Sibling reader
Hermann x child reader
Gabby and Antonio x sibling reader
Hogwarts legacy
Ominis Gaunt
Sebastian Sallow
Garreth Weasley
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sassyandclassy94 · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @fictional-at-heart (can always count on sisters to tag you in fun things!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Once Upon a Time (SwanFire specifically), Masters of the Air, and The Boys in the Boat (I’d love to write for How to Train Your Dragon and Little House on the Prairie but alas! The Plot Idea Farm has been dry for years)
4. Top five fics by kudos?
Secrets, Lies, and Blessings - 42
Tell Me You Didn’t… - 28
What’s In a Name? - 25
Words of Comfort - 25 (Oo, we’ve got a dead heat!)
I’m Not Much of a Talker - 23
Princess Kidnapped! - 20 (this one I still plan to finish but it’s DARK.)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! It takes me a long while sometimes but I do! I want my readers to feel comfortable giving feedback
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angriest ending?
Oh, “A Hero’s Sacrifice” for sure!!! I wrote Graham’s death to fit my medieval AU and… it’s one I’m really proud of and really politely urge you to read👉🏻👈🏻🥹 I cried writing it (I also researched a lot for it… like what happens when you bleed out from the stomach👀 Someone said writing a battle scene is like writing a sex scene and… she was right. Or he, whatever.)
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably “Secrets, Lies, and Blessings”. I mean, Bae and Emma get married at the end and what gets happier than that?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes. I wrote (am writing) a Don x OFC fic and someone invaded my ask box a couple months ago calling it a ‘boring het fic’ with a ‘dime a dozen OFC’. Behind the gray face too of course. Screw you, Nonny. I’m still writing it, and my all time favorite Don x OFC author commented lovely words on it too so😁
I feel like I also had someone come after me once for Princess Kidnapped because it’s anti Hook. Yeah well I gave you plenty of warning in the tags; it’s your own darn fault you didn’t read them, chickie.
9. Do you write smut?
Some. But as a rule of thumb I try to keep it extremely tasteful with zero uses of gross/rude words. I posted two SwanFire ones (one’s restricted) and I’m working on one about Don and Kate (my OFC)
10. Craziest crossover?
I haven’t written a crossover. But if I did? Hmmm… maybe SwanFire and hiccup/astrid?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! Thank goodness.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Actually, yes; there was a German girl who liked my fic so much she asked to translate it on Wattpad. Don’t know if it’s still there though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I almost did, but we lost touch and I didn’t agree with writing fanfics about ice dancers…🥴
14. All time favorite ship
I think you all know that👀 Emma Swan and Neal ‘Baelfire’ Cassidy from Once Upon a Time
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well I thought that was going to be Secrets Lies and Blessings but last week I had a crazy random spurt of inspiration… lately I feel like it’s gonna be Princess Kidnapped… it just has to get so… dark before it gets better and I don’t don’t know if I want to put my mind in a place like that (I mean, Hook is told he can do whatever he wants to Emma as long as he keeps her alive🥺 and then the eventual execution I have planned for the end is gonna be… graphic. So yeah. We’ll see if I ever finish that one.)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and emotional angst. I really enjoy writing heated arguments. CC Emma and Charming
17. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
No. Just, no.
18. First fandom you wrote in?
Once Upon a Time. I read an awesome SwanFire fic after a rewatch in 2018 and she inspired me to give it a try and I never stopped.
19. Favorite fic you’ve written?
A Hero’s Sacrifice
About to Throw Hands - This one was my first ever request and only fic written with a deadline in mind. My friend Rachael mentioned she was craving a reader fic where Bobby defends the female reader. Lo and behold I have it a try and voila! It turned out better than I expected and she loved it!! A double win!!
There is no 20 - it should be called 19 questions😆
Tags: (let’s see if I can think of all the writers in my notes…) @eviebelieve-y @selkiesstories @strangethings-everywhere @swanfireprincessmydear @okieedokes DARN YOU, MICHAIAH!!!! I CANT TAG YOU AND I CANT THINK OF ANYONE ELSE😡 there are two SwanFire writers who I remember buy can’t remember the correct usernames😕 HELP. Any other writer who sees this (especially my SwanFire writers, please consider yourself tagged by me if you want to do it! You can even say I tagged you!!)
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opheliadawnwalker3 · 4 years
Nevermore Teaser *Dark Peter Pan*
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Author’s Notes: A teaser for a Dark Peter Pan fic I’m working on. Just a little break from Marvel stuff and is pretty much written just for me lol. Because why the hell not? Characters from the show Once Upon A Time. Big thanks to @threeminutesoflife for encouraging me to write this and reminding me how much I love that show with her amazing Dark Jefferson fics. I didn’t tag anyone bc I’m assuming no ones gonna wanna read this 😆 Also: Robbie Kay was 18 when he played Peter Pan and since Pan in OUAT is basically a middle aged man in an immortal teen’s body, he’s not a minor.
Synopsis: Reader is a mermaid who sneaks on the Neverland regularly to see Neil and plots to help him escape. But Pan knows all and will punish those who betray him. After all...Pan loves to play.
Contains: violence, kidnapping, dub con, sexual content, and lots of angst
Your legs surged forward through the trees, each step slicing your bare feet against any obstacle littering the island floor. Branches painfully scraping across your exposed arms and legs. But you can’t stop. Pan’s shadow howls just behind you. So close you could feel its searing breath on your back. You just had to make it back to the water. Back to your world. 
You choke out a panicked sob when you hear Neil scream loudly in the distance, only to be cut off quickly. There was no telling what Pan would do to him now. You hoped more than anything he was still alive. But you would not let his sacrifice be in vain.
With a burst of speed, you finally break the tree line and see the waves crashing along the shore. Behind you, there are no sounds of your phantom pursuer. No crashing of the trees or its demonic screech. Apart from the waves, everything is silent and you feel a chill crawl up your neck.
Shaking it off, you quickly run to the water’s edge, anxious for the familiar warmth of the magic to return your tail. But nothing happens.
Horrified, you look down and see the shell bracelet that you had been wearing, is now gone. Without it, you couldn’t get your tail back. Without it, you were trapped on this hellish island. With him.
“Looking for this?” That terrifying familiar voice, utters behind you. You feel your shoulders tense and your stomach drops with quiet panic as you slowly turn to acknowledge him. The demon with the face of a boy.
Pan slinks out of the shadows with your bracelet draped over his fingers. His ethereal impish features bearing a playful yet contemptuous expression. You lick your lips as you struggle to remain calm and not show any fear. But you know it’s all for not. He can smell it on you.
“Yes. I should like it back.” You reply softly, carefully. Though he doesn’t show it, you know Pan is livid with Neil’s betrayal. He loves his little games, but even he has limits. It wouldn’t do well to test his wrath now.
“And why would I do that? You seem to be fairing well without it.” He retorts slyly as he plays with it in his fingers. His bright green eyes slowly taking you in with a devious look that prickles your skin.
“So you’re the little mermaid that’s been sneaking onto to my island to see Baelfire.” Pan muses, taking a calculated step towards you. You take a small step back, feeling the salt water touch your heels. You shift your eyes back towards the ocean. Your home...so close and yet may as well be miles away. You take a deep shaky breath before turning back towards Pan to accept your doomed fate.
“I am.”
@theonceoverthinker @lucifers-trash-stash @threeminutesoflife
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imagine-this-that · 7 years
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allisonbaelfire · 3 years
Hope and Destiny - 2
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Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader / Bucky Barnes x Reader / Tony Stark!Brother
Summary: After the Sokovia accords, were you teamed up with your boyfriend, Steve Rogers, instead of your Brother, Tony Stark... You and the rest of Caps Team had to go into hiding. For a while it went well, you continued to protect civilians, tried to have a normal everyday life and Steve and your relationship seemed okay in spite of everything that happened.
One day Steve gave a Quinjet route, you didn’t know. He flew to Wakanda and dropped Bucky and you off and left. Years later he comes back, now where Thanos was on his way.
Chapter Summary: Y/N was about to have her child without her fiancé Steve Rogers, but she had Bucky who didn't leave her side. Y/N was completely healthy but fell into a deep coma with no logical explanation. Shuri tries the best she can to wake her up, meanwhile Bucky has to take care of Y/N’s child while he has to fix himself.
Words: 2,631
Authors Note: This chapter contains spoilers for the Falcon and The Winter Soldier Series, Episode 4 - Hope you’ll like it :)
Shuri was pleasantly surprised by Bucky's protective behavior towards Y/N. She nodded to him and looked at her, "Y/N has to stay awake" Shuri seemed worried but tried to stay calm.
Shuri covered Y/N below her stomach, not everyone should see what was about to happen down there and she wanted Y/N to feel more comfortable. Shuri cut her pants quickly and carefully. She tried her best to stay calm because Y/N pulse wasn’t stable, it was important not to worry her too much.
Bucky was about to ask Shuri, if she had ever helped give birth to a child, but she was almost still a child herself. He could guess the answer and at the same time he tried to suppress it, since his concern for Y/N would only get bigger.
He wouldn’t let go of her hand and squeezed it gently. Y/N started screaming and for a brief moment, Bucky thought he had hurt her, maybe he grabbed her hand too tightly. He was frightened and wanted to pull his hand back, but Y/N wouldn't let him. She gave him an exhausted glimpse. She tried to suppress her screams but the pain tore her from within.
“Okay, Y/N, I don't know why but the contractions will be stronger with every second instead of every hour or even every minute. The baby is coming and it's coming now, you have to push!”
Y/N did what Shuri asked her to do. A pain penetrated her. She couldn't describe it, getting a knife rammed into her stomach or even being tortured, couldn’t come close to the pain she felt when she pressed. 
Y/N gritted her teeth, she hated showing weakness. Bucky noticed how hard she tried to suppress everything. He saw that she wanted to cry, he leaned against her ear. "I'm with you til the end of the line, doll.” He paused. “I’ll never leave you."
She stared at him and tears welled up in her eyes. Y/N started whimpering. Actually, Steve should have been standing next to her, holding her hand and be there for her. But he didn't even know that she was pregnant, he left her, he lied to her and now she had to give birth to his child without him. And no matter how grateful she was that Bucky was there and doing the best he could to be there for her, he wasn't Steve. 
Y/N lost the strength, she could barely press, her grief and anger overwhelmed her. All she could still perceive was a scream that wasn't hers. She smiled and then she passed out.
“Y/N! Wake up!” Bucky shook her gently.
He jumped up and was overwhelmed by his fear, the devices around Y/N were all starting to make loud and shrill noises. Her blood pressure dropped and her heart flickered. Before Shuri could say anything, he started a heart pressure massage and yelled that he needed a breathing mask for Y/N.
Shuri wrapped the baby in blankets, "You take it, I'll take care of Y/N" she spoke in a calm tone, as not to aggravate Bucky's panic. Everyone could see and feel how important she was to him and how much they seemed to need each other.
Bucky gave Shuri an angry, brief glance, "Take that thing away from me. I’m not losing her because of it."
Shuri would've expected everything but not this as his answer. She held the baby in one arm and with her free hand, she slapped Bucky in the face. He was startled and looked at her speechless.
“This is the child of your best friends, and now be the man that Y/N thinks you are and take care of her daughter”, She demanded. “and let me save her life.”
Bucky looked at Y/N one last time, it didn't feel right to leave her alone, but Shuri was right. Y/N would never forgive him, if he didn't take care of her daughter now and she would come into the arms of a stranger.”
He took the little girl in his right arm, he didn't even dare to use the left one. Bucky didn't know much about children and certainly nothing about babies, he was still confused that Y/N was pregnant and he didn't even noticed, now there was a baby in his arm.
The baby snuggled up against Bucky and was clearly feeling good. The situation overwhelmed him, he didn't want to hold the baby, he wanted to help Y/N, he felt useless.
The machines started to get louder, people ran around Y/N. She got some injections and Shuri told Bucky to leave the room, he didn't want to but he knew it wouldn’t help and in the end she would throw him out by force.
Bucky went into another room where nurses were already waiting for him and the baby. They wanted to take the little girl from him to do a few tests. Bucky took a few steps back, his glance shifted around and without wanting to, he analyzed every possible escape that this room had. Bucky looked into the face of the little one and the nurses quickly realized that this little girl would be protected forever and never have to be alone.
One of them smiled at Bucky, “Does she have a name?”
He couldn't take his eyes off the little creature in his arm, she already had an incredible resemblance to Y/N.
“Hope.” He muttered thinking about Y/N. “Her name is Hope.” A tear rolled down his face as she snuggled closer to his chest.
Hope, as Bucky called her, couldn't understand what influence she had on him. In the 20 minutes she was born, she had given Bucky a part of himself and for a brief moment relieved the pain of the Winter Soldier.
Bucky now looked at the nurse who continued to smile at him with her kind eyes. He didn't know what was happening to him. Bucky didn't know what feelings had just aroused in him. He looked helplessly at the nurse while she gently touched his shoulder.
“Its fine, you don’t have to leave her for one second. You can watch our every move.”
Bucky scratched the back of his neck, gave her a small and quick smile and nodded. He leaned on the door frame, carefully watching the nurses while also keeping an eye on every person that moved outside of the room.
After a few hours Shuri entered the room and Bucky looked at her with an exhausted glimpse.
Shuri smiled slightly when she saw him holding the baby, but the smile didn't last long, “Y/N, she- she is a coma”
Bucky didn't say a word, he waited until Shuri continued, telling him when Y/N would wake up again. But based on her body language, he knew her answer before Shuri could even find the right words.
“Where’s she?”
He got up and looked at the nurse who had taken care of Hope, she nodded to him and gave him a diaper bag. She had already taught Bucky the basics of caring for a baby. He walked out of the room with Hope.
Shuri was surprised by Bucky's reaction, hours ago he didn't even want to hold the baby.
“Y/N was brought to the palace to better monitor her condition. Follow me.”
Bucky felt uncomfortable walking around the palace with a baby. He noticed people's looks and heard them talking. They wondered how Y/N could hide a pregnancy for so long and whether Bucky was the father and if someone like him should even hold a baby, what if he snapped again?
Shuri noticed how tense and exhausted Bucky was. She asked him, if she should to take Hope while he went to Y/N to rest a bit... but he shook his head. 
“Y/N should be able to get to know her daughter, even if she cannot hold her right now.”
Shuri agreed and took the bag from him.
“Don't be afraid of the machines surrounding Y/N. She is stable and if something should change, we will notice it immediately. To be honest, she's fine, we don't know why she's not waking up.” She informed Bucky. “I’ll wait for you outside.” 
Bucky hardly looked at Shuri, he tried hiding his feelings in front of others with everything he had, for himself it was enough feelings for one day.
He went into the room and even if he wasn't actually surprised by it, the room was huge. Bucky looked around and it was beautiful decorated but when he saw Y/N in the corner of it and also heard the noises of the machines around her he felt sick.
Hope whimpered for the first time since she was in Bucky's arms. 
“I don’t like this either, kid.” He mumbled. “But I’ll introduce you to your mommy now.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow, wondering if he had really talked to a baby like that while he went Y/N’s bed. He turned his head slightly when he saw Y/N lying there. She seemed like she was sleeping peacefully and that's why he knew she wasn't feeling well. 
Bucky always woke up at night because of his nightmares and mostly he would go outside to get some fresh air. Y/N's house was right next to Bucky's and every now and then he checked whether she was still there and whether she was okay. Y/N never looked like she was sleeping peacefully, but always waiting for the next fight.
He looked at his metal arm and took a deep breath. "Don't you make a wrong move," he threatened himself. Bucky supported Hope's head and her body with the metal arm and put her in Y/N's arm.
Even if it seemed impossible, it was as if Hope recognized who she was lying next to because she turned even more to Y/N.
“That’s right-” Bucky smiled. “Y/N, I promise you, I’ll take care of her but you’ve to wake up and meet this little worm.” Bucky chuckled soft, “I'm sure if you've heard that I'll get in trouble for it, but please wake up. She needs you.” He paused and stroke Y/N’s hair softly. “I-I need you.”
6 Months passed and Y/N's condition didn’t change. Physically Y/N was fine and absolutely healthy. Shuri didn't understand what was going on, it was like she didn't want to wake up. Meanwhile, Bucky took care of Hope, he had the help of all of Wakanda but he seemed to be getting along by his own. His thoughts only revolved around Y/N's wellbeing, Hope and sometimes Steve.
Steve was Hope's father but he had no idea about the existence of what Bucky called her lovely, the little miracle. Steve was still Bucky's best friend but the more days passed and the more time he spent with Hope, he understood less and less why Steve was leaving Y/N behind and lying to her on top of that. Bucky struggled very much whether to tell Steve about Hope or wait for Y/N to wake up. He still was her Father, he had the right to know.
Bucky thought a lot about the consequences, if he told Steve about Hope without Y/N’s permission, she would never forgive him and then there was the other question, would Steve continue to trust Bucky with Hope or would he take the only thing he had to a real family away from him?
“White Wolf” 
Bucky shook his head as he was pulled from his thoughts. “Ayo”, he looked confused.
“Its time. Tonight.” She commanded. 
Bucky's eyes opened wide , “Tonight? I’m not ready yet.” 
“Then you can’t see her anymore.” Ayo looked at Hope who was playing with her toys.
“What if I hurt someone?” he also looked at Hope.
Ayo had expected Bucky to get angry, if she forbade him to see Hope, but she understood that he was just afraid to hurt her if something went wrong.
“I won’t let you hurt anyone.” Ayo’s tone became soft. “You’re ready James.”
Shuri came across, "I'll take care of Hope tonight." She added and seemed proud of her work with Bucky.
“But for now I need some time, the little worm needs a bath.” Bucky told them to get some space.
If Ayo's test wouldn’t work and Bucky becomes the Winter Soldier again, he’d lose everything... so he wanted to spend a few last and nice moments with Hope, she loves nothing more than bathing. Shuri and Ayo nodded. Bucky picked up Hope and went inside.
Later that evening he put Hope to bed bathed and tired. He explained to Shuri what she had to pay attention to and how much Hope needed her stuffed animal Wolf to sleep good. After Shuri rolled her eyes a few times, because it wasn't the first time she was taking care of the baby, then Bucky finally kissed Hope on the forehead and left.
“Hello Doll.” Bucky smiled as he stroke your hair.
Bucky visited you at least once a day and more often when he was not feeling well. He knew that they would be taken care of Y/N but he always wanted to make sure that she weren't missing anything.
“Ayo thinks I’m ready, that the Winter Soldier is gone for good.” He sighed. “I-I want it to work but what if it doesn’t?” He couldn't look at Y/N, even where she was sleeping he was afraid to say what he was thinking.
He put his head ins his hands. “I don’t want to hurt anyone, I don’t want to be a killer again.” 
Bucky looked at the values of Y/N on the computer next to her. “You breath on your own, your values are okay, god damn it-” he stood up and walked around. “Why won’t you wake up.” He throw a plant of a table and walked back to Y/N. “Hope and you’re my family and I need my family now.”
For the past few months, Bucky has tried everything to be worth it and to be able to take care of Hope. By now he knew everything about baby food, diapers and Hope's habits but absolutely nothing about how he could get Y/N to open her eyes again.
Bucky kissed her hand, then he lay his head on it and hoped as always she would wake up. As Bucky calmed down, he remembered how you would kick his ass, if he continued to doubt himself like that. Bucky did an impressive job with Hope and especially with himself the last months. If he wasn't ready, nobody would have let him near the baby, he wasn't a killer anymore, he just had to hear it from Y/N. He had killed her father, he had hurt her and he still couldn’t forgive himself for it.
“I promise I won’t hurt anyone.” 
Bucky placed a light kiss on her forehead, said goodbye to her, and left. Had he stayed a second longer, he might have noticed Y/N's hand moving
It was already dark in Wakanda, Shuri and Hope slept in Bucky's house while he and Ayo went deep into the forest
“It is time” Ayo stated. Bucky gave her a questioned look but Ayo didn’t care. “I won’t let you hurt anyone.” She assured one last time and started.
Ayo moved around the fire, “Longing, Rusted.” she spoke the winter soldiers trigger words in russian. “Seventeen” Her eyes never leaving Bucky.
“It’s not gonna work.” Bucky stuttered. 
Bucky looked into the fire, he heard the words but only thought of Hope and Y/N, of how he would never want to hurt them.
His heart started beating faster and memories of his days as Winter Soldier crept into his head. He saw the red book with the black star in front of him. His eyes filled with water.
His eyes tightened and he clenched his teeth.
Bucky saw himself how he carried out orders for Hydra. He was aware that he wasn’t to blame, but it was him who killed so many people.
His gaze didn’t turn from the fire. His thoughts overwhelmed him, his guilt overwhelmed him. 
Bucky tried to fight off his feelings.
His face became more and more tense...
“Freight Car”
...Until he couldn't hide his tears any further.
“You’re free” Ayo smiled soft as Bucky looked at her. “You’re free”
Shrill and loud noises from the machines surrounding Y/N could be heard in the palace. 
“Sister, sister, the machines, bring Shuri over here - Y/N is finally waking up.”
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digressfromreality · 3 years
Our Hearts Are Monsters
“A deal?” Hades asked, Peter nodded. He would trade her story for his passage out. Macaria, was Pan's soft spot, the girl who could bottle the sea and hold the world hostage if she wanted to. But it wasn't in her nature, just as it wasn’t in his nature to grow up. He had to let her go. Far away from him, and far away from her father.
Part 1 and Part 2
A/N: There really isn’t much Pan in this one, but he will be in a future part. I think there should be at least 1-2 more chapters yet. And I’m to be real honest, I’m not totally happy with how this part turned out. It’s kind of different than the other two chapters were set up. Possibly because I had a majority of this wrote and sitting for a long ass time. But I will be finishing this and hope someone enjoys it yet.
Part 3
How does this THING WORK? Neal tried skipping rocks, talking to it, pulling weeds around it, trying to see if there was a magical lever or button.
He was frustrated.
He had watched Sunny time and time again be able to recall paths, see memories and watch events in past, present, and future; but he had never bothered to ask her how to make it work. It appeared so easy for her.
It should have been easy for him. He just wanted to know what was going on. Was Pan loose? Did the others make it back? What was her father up to?
He had been tempted to find McKinley. Sunny had left her son in the care of a trio of old women. The sweetest grandmothers he probably ever met honestly; they were overjoyed to take care of a child while waiting for their own families to join them. He didn’t have the heart to tear that little boy from those doting ladies, at least not now.
“FUCK!” He paced around the body of water, only to stop mid stride in the other direction. Neal was vexing at his lack of progress. He just wanted to see Sunny…to see Emma…to see his dad.
“I was supposed to see Bae, not-not this.” Rumple remarked, sullen at his confession.
Papa? That was the voice of Rumpelstilskin.
“Zelena, that evil-vile-putrid creature…she…ruined everything!” Rumple roared with a hostile swish of his dagger. Trinkets flew violently across the shop, while glass panes broke with sporadic bursts.
Neal turned again; his father’s anger so clearly felt he nearly flinched from it. He could hear the anguish in his voice. He looked down, nearly elated and morose that the pond had done what he had asked. But this image in the swirling water appeared distorted.
“Papa!” Neal dropped down to his knees, hoping his father could hear him. “Papa, what’s wrong!”
Someone was in the shop, a spasm in his bum leg told him that much. If it were Hades he wouldn’t stand much of a chance against the god, but the Dark One wouldn’t go down easy. Anyone foolish enough to bother him would feel his wrath.
Sunny was… clumsy to say the least. She had walked into a cabinet in a giddy fever. She was uncertain as much as she was nervous. Her father had directed her toward the Dark One, Bae’s father, Peter’s son.
Mr. Gold would have the answers she sought…
Where was Peter?
“Are you here to threaten me?” A derisive sneer bit at his thin lips. She jumped, surprised by the sudden voice, and rubbed her arm awkwardly, trying to think of a reply.
Rumple was rattled at seeing her.
The girl, mangled with time and a rather unfortunate curse. Something familiar in her twinkling green eyes, just as his papa had shown him. Her appearance didn’t frighten him as much as her presence in his shop, his sanctuary. Had Hades sent her? Had she come of her own volition?
“That’s not what I had intended, I um... had just wanted to talk.” Rumple flinched when he connected eyes with the girl. Hades’ daughter was in his shop. “Hello Mr. Gold, my name is-”
“Macaria-” Rumple interrupted.
Sunny smiled sweetly, keeping her sights on Rumple, who looked unnerved by her approach. He recoiled from her touch, but that hadn't dissuaded her initiative. Her green eyes immediately filled with pity for her pseudo son. Ire filled his own stare back as she reached for him once again. 
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” He hastily swung at her, as if he was trying to disperse an illusion. She didn’t even cower, just dodged skillfully from experience.
"You are in so much pain. And it's okay. You're safe here." She whispered. 
There were subtle nuances in Rumple’s anger, where she could see Peter in his features. She desperately wanted to reach out and connect with some semblance of her lost love, whether it would be his smile or temper. It would be real enough…even for a moment…to ease the loneliness buried deep within her heart.
"Do you value your life so little?" She dared to call him weak? "Do you know who I am?"
She nodded, sliding her palm up from his chest to caress his face. 
"Rumple, I've been here all along." She paused, now clearing her throat. "And I do not fear dying. Death is my friend."
He was bewildered by this ominous woman. Her words were softly spoken but held little comfort.
Death was her friend?
The way her puckered scars stretched as she announced this added to the uneasiness of her truths. Gold's eyes shone as if seeing her for the first time.
“I was hoping we could talk about your father, Peter Pan.”
"Hope. A ridiculous notion really, there is no more hope. Nothing you could have done would have saved your precious Pan from his fate." He spat at her. She was wasting his time, and who in the hell was this girl to him? “Peter Pan wasn’t all powerful, he didn’t even manage to prevent his death, twice by my hand, no less!” He stormed away, heavily padded across the wooden floor toward the back room.
“Twice?” She whispered with remorse; her world seemed to spiral as she scurried behind him. Was Peter not coming? Was Peter okay in the Underworld? What did Rumple do?!
Rumple turned on a dime, ready to unleash a vicious tirade on this pathetic girl. The girl abruptly stopped, slamming into the doorway. Her feet hadn’t caught onto his action as fast as her mind had. “Do you know why he surrounded himself with children?”
She flinched, wrenching her hands back and forth anxiously, “Because he-“
“Because he was weak. BECAUSE HE WAS INTIMIDATED BY MEN! He was a foolish, impotent man... He surrounded himself with children to feel powerful. He couldn’t handle being a father, he couldn’t-” Rumple cursed. Angry, shameful tears glistened in the corner of his eyes. Pain shot through his bad leg causing him to clench the nearest display case.
He would not cry over his father; he wouldn’t allow it. That man already had taken too much of Rumple’s time, through spilt tears, misguided wishes, and downright loathing. Rumple would have been better off if he had abandoned him after his mother had.
He noticed Hades’ daughter tremble. Her teeth gnashed between the broken parts of her lips, nasty, nasty little urchin. 
She was blubbering in silence. Peter wasn’t coming back. She was never going to see Peter again…never…ever…again.
A seedy discomfort wormed its way into his stomach, something about a girl crying, it made Rumple hesitate. “He isn’t worth your tears.” He added, hoping to assuage her.
Her green eyes glared directly into his. “But he is worth yours?” Rumple stepped toward her, before he thought better of it. He may want to scream and belittle her, but he should think better of attacking someone that could influence death even without the threat of his dagger.
“Why did you kill him again?” Why would he turn down a chance to make amends with his father? Had he given up after losing Baelfire again? Rumpelstiltskin owed her that much.
“Because he didn’t deserve to exist! He tried to convince me that death had changed him. He was still the greedy, arrogant bastard he always was.” Rumple seethed.
“But he could have-
He waged a finger in front of her face, “You see only the best in people, people are vile, greedy beasts.”
“Over time he-
He cut her off once again, “What makes you so truly believe he could have changed?”
“Because I did.” She answered, feeling rather small.
This pitiful girl, Rumple thought, his father had been sowing seeds long before…his heart ached, this misguided girl never had a chance. “You’re more invested in your delusions than I had originally thought.”
“Peter loves me!” She shouted, nearly shaking with rage.
“LOVED, dearie, past tense. If he or any of the others ever loved you at all.” 
“Hades.” Rumple spat with disdain.
He needed to distract Macaria before she knew what was truly happening. What errand should he send her on?
“Papa, are you alright?” Sunny asked, after watching her father’s face turn dark.
He nodded, “yes my darling girl, yes... I just thought of something.” She internally groaned. She knew her love had always come at a price. “Think of it as a favor.”
“Peter Pan.” Rumple spat out his name as if it was dirt beneath him.
“Peter, I don’t like doing this anymore. I’m tired of hurting others-
His face was suddenly inches from her own, “Well, then you’re free to leave.” He pointed toward the entrance of the camp.  Her shoulders tensed. Peter sounded upset with her. Why did she have to say that?
“Never mind, you were saying Peter?”
“Everyone you have ever loved will disappoint you because you ignored their flaws in favor of the little kindness, they bequeathed you.”
Macaria flew out of Mr. Gold’s shop, putting as much distance between her and the slam of his shop’s door. The way he spoke about her family was more hurtful than anything he could have done to her.
Because for a moment, she believed.
Sunny had decided to climb the trees around her. They were barer than she felt they should be. No matter, she just wanted to take in the very essence of their life. Nature in their finer elements, the never-ending circle of life. The sun gave the tree life, and the tree in turn made oxygen for its people. She spotted a harbor. Perhaps the water wouldn't be too chilly. It could maybe cool the fire burning in her heart.
She had believed in every heartbreaking word he threw out so seamlessly without hesitation.
It felt like decades had passed since her feelings wavered from what she knew and comforted her.
"Macy?" A rather boyish tone questioned her. She turned toward the visitor standing only a few feet from her. He was tall and lanky, not nearly finished with growing.
Did she know him?
His boots were familiarly hand crafted, stitched of pelts and leather, but his clothes were more modern. His trousers were dark in color and looked soft to the touch, while his overcoat puffed and bubbled out with a glossy sheen.
The face seemed similar, almost reminiscent of Lord Magnus. Even the eyes were the amber brown as she remembered. But there was a youthfulness, a softness in his reflection that seemed off? "Sunny?" She twitched at the name Peter had given her. Her mouth turned upward into a grin.
"Marcus, is that you?" He heaved a sigh he hadn't realized he had been holding. After all this time, she was standing here in front of him like the day she had left. His hands caressed her face, trying to banish her happy tears.
Over time he had forgotten the details and contours of her mangled face. Only her loving, green gaze was clear enough to remain in his fading memories. Her callous hands gripped the edge of his face. "I've missed you brother." 
“I’ve missed you too.” She smiled, moving her hands down to tug on his own. “Walk with me. Tell me everything? How long have you been here? How old are you now?”
It had felt like a millennia since the two siblings had spoken to each other without guilt or a sense of urgency.
By the time they had reached the edge of the forest from the beach where they had started, Sunny had decided to finally pause. It was quite cold for whomever had been following in the distance. “Who is your little friend?” Sunny asked, waving at the woods. She knew whomever it was just shy. She could hear the little tramping of boots and giggling.
“Friend?” Marcus stated in general confusion. Sunny smiled, pointing toward an overgrown willow.
“He has been following since about a click back.” Marcus’s eyes narrowed. “Arthur!” He hollered, causing the giggling too abruptly to cease. It was hard to contain her amusement, nearly snorting as she heard mumbling from the tree. “Arthur, you might as well come out or go home. It’s cold out here.” “Marcus, I'm just trying to see your friend.” The boy named Arthur stared at the ground guiltily as Marcus sighed. “Arthur...” Marcus chided, pinching the skin between his brows. Sunny dropped down to look at the boy from his level. He was short in stature, maybe 7 or 8 years old. His face seemed familiar, almost cherub-like in nature. But she hadn’t remembered anyone named Arthur. “Tootles?” She quietly asked. “Sunny!” The boy practically shrieked in delight. He had never forgotten his den mother. She had been gone so long. Sunny laughed as the boy nearly knocked her over with his excited embrace. A flurry of anxious limbs and feverish babbling kept her steadfast. She hadn’t thought any of the boys had remembered her so. She smoothed down Tootles’ hair and patted him gently as he held her tight. “Oh, Tootles. It will be alright. Remember tears- “Get me nowhere.”
She nodded, wiping his eyes with her sleeve. “Peter wants us to be brave.” He whispered, as she nodded in agreement.
Peter couldn’t stand the tears of the boys. Something about a sniveling child made him uneasy. He would also grow restless the nights the boys would cry for their parents the loudest. Sunny always made a point to distract Peter when he returned to camp in a foul mood. In hindsight, it probably reminded him too much of Rumple. He had been a weepy child from what she had observed from her pond. “Macy? Would you want to accompany me back with Arthur? If I don’t walk him back, he will try to get himself into more trouble.” She nodded, straightening back up. She offered her hand to Tootles, which he gladly accepted. “Perhaps you could tell me something about this land?” She inquired as he swung her hand and skipped alongside her. “Did you know that they have jungle cats here? Oh, oh! But they’re small and fluffy and make weird buzzing noise, and... uh, they have their own food! Like go and pick up cat food? Isn't this great!" She laughed, delighted to hear childish enthusiasm. His jubilation was brilliant as it was naïve. His giggles were as fulfilling as the elation he had showing her the pouch from his pocket. "Oh, and have you played marbles?! It's like the funniest game ever. We should play!"
His smile was so infectious, she could hardly say no.
"Do you have enough for us to play?" He nodded quickly, digging through the pouch.
"I haven't lost any, I promise!"
“Better not!” Another boy scolded Tootles as the three of them entered an alleyway leading to a stairwell. “I spent a lot of time trying to find them before.” The boy stopped, his eyes growing wide. “Sun-
“Thud butt!” Sunny squealed, snatching the teenage boy. His cheeks felt hot. He certainly had grown taller, and much of his previous baby fat was disappearing.
“It’s Raushan now.”
“You’ve grown to be so handsome.”
“Sunny?” As soon as she let go of Raushan, more boys came tumbling her way. “Devin!” She hugged the boy tightly. “Darien!” She exclaimed, pouncing on the next boy. “Nibs!”
“Oh, you finally did figure out how to get this to work. I thought it would have taken you more time, nephew.”
Neal froze, his eyes bewildered. His previous attempts to view the current situation in Storybrooke quickly forgotten. 
What…how…who, what was going on?
This teen? This slightly gangly, wisp of a man reminded him dearly of his own father and Peter Pan; why?
“McKinley?” He laughed; his tone was deeper than he had imagined. “Why do…do you look like this?” Neal clutched this boy, his eyes investigating, exploring every inch of his features. “McKinley how…how are you this old?”
The teen laughed at his nephew Baelfire bepuzzlement. “This is my chance to express myself, to grow.” He shook from Baelfire’s grasp, understanding his shock.
“But you’re a child?” His head was swimming. This age progression stuff was going to make his head explode.
“Am I really? We both know we aren’t the age we appear to be.”
As stories dwindled between the group, it was a familiar and comfortable silence that fell between them. A feeling they hadn’t had in quite some time. But Sunny didn’t want to fall into her thoughts and doubts, she had come along in hopes of a distraction.
Sitting up in the pile of blankets she had found herself in, she turned toward Marcus who had been quietly smiling at her.
“How about we play a game for old times’ sake?”
“We could go bird hunting?” A gasp made the crew of boys turn toward Tootles who avoided the other boy’s eyes, staring at the floor with an embarrassed intensity.
Nibs held his hands up apologetically, “I mean like actual pigeon hunting, not what you’re thinking!”
Tootles lifted his pouch in protest, still unable to meet the other boy’s eyes, “We could play marbles.”
“We’re too old for that.” Slightly was aghast by the suggestion, Sunny couldn’t help but snort. She bowed her head, trying to hold her laughter in.
Marcus held in a laugh himself, this was the happiest he had been in a while. “How about hide and seek? First one caught has to jump into the water.”
A chorus of shaking heads and excitement roared through the clubhouse, submerging in open water during the winter sounded like a fitting punishment for the first loser.
Next thing was to determine where should set the play area and a time limit, if they were going to pick somewhere outside, they would have to dress warm and avoid being out too late...per Sunny’s concerns.
About half an hour later, the boys were bundled and ready to run wild. They had decided that the forest would be big enough area to hide in and they would have a 40-minute time limit. Being exposed to the colder climate for long period was not ideal.
Before she could reach the handle for the door, it flew open with such force that the whole group were knocked back on their asses and some clear across the room. Coming face to face with a desperate savior, Marcus shouted, “SCATTER! NOW!”
The fervor of footsteps and the slamming of doors and windows most of the boys disappeared in a matter of seconds.
“Macaria?!” Emma screeched.
Startled, she pointed to herself. “Me? Uh…yes?”
Before she could blink, a sword was pressed against her throat.
“You need to go to city hall!” Emma demanded, while Sunny looked over her with disdain. This is the woman that Bae loved. Threaten now, talk later type?
This woman was jaded and headstrong. Peter had taught her to seek the details out in tight situations. It could be a matter of life or death to do so.
Sunny focused on Emma’s armor, a defensive, well-worn, and well-loved leather coat. The savior was feeling rather vulnerable, gripping it tightly in her free hand. Emma’s gaze turned toward her brother who had stood beside her in solidarity. She needed the attention focused back on her and not Marcus. Emma had others behind her.
Sunny tilted her head, causing the tip of the blade to slice an irritated, angry line across her throat. “Would you like to give me matching scars? Go ahead Savior.” The Marcus shivered; his sister never spoke like this, not aggressively at the least. His heart was pounding, her tone echoed similar to her grief after Rubio’s death. “Emma, you can’t do that.” Mary Margaret warned. Emma’s eyes darted back from her mother’s worried face to the voided eyes of her target. She sighed, sheathing the sword.
Sunny was... rather...disappointed by this outcome. She had thought meeting the savior would be… less anticlimactic. She was beautiful, with her cascading blonde locks and determination. But she was unable to follow through, a pity really.
“Are you going to explain what you want and why you’re asking in such a rude manner?” She gestured to the room, “This isn’t even my territory that you busted into.”
She was relieved the boys had left, they didn’t need to be involved in this matter.
Behind Emma, Charming agreed with her sentiment, bowing in his daughter’s place. “We apologize for barging in like this.”
“Marcus, how did we treat trespassers on Neverland? Was it one or two fingers that were taken?”
“Macy!” Marcus hissed. That name, and his scolding tone made her flinch.
Her behavior was scaring him, to say the least. They had avoided one meltdown, only for the Savior to possibly start another of monster proportions. Pan had always had his sister’s back, and he didn’t know how to remedy this situation. He placed a firm, but gentle hand on her shoulder. Macaria was a kind soul, never asking for anything, even as she was starved and beaten harshly for every discretion. And even though he had been too cowardly to protect her, she cherished him. But if she felt any harm was to come toward him or the other boys, he gulped, he knew exactly what terrible things Macy would do in the wake of her despair. She quieted, looking toward his feet in shame. “I’m sorry Sunny, I didn’t mean to lash out. I-I don’t want you to do something you’ll regret.” He apologized. She nodded. Her weary eyes connected with his. Her brother had grown so much, and she had missed it. This tall handsome boy would be a great man one day. A resourceful and kind Lord, unlike his father.
“What do you want, Emma?” 
“You need to stop your father.” Sunny’s face just dropped.
Death had dropped her into a situation without a moment to spare. She gasped. Her father had the crystal pointed high, threatening Zelena’s sister and former lover.
The power radiating from the crystal seized all control from her, fear gripped her insides. Her very existence could be forever erased.
Hades froze time, expending a majority of his power to do so. He sighed as he turned toward his heartbroken daughter. The disbelief in her green eyes was misplaced. It pained him as much as it annoyed him.
“What are you doing? I…I thought…” she hiccupped, “I thought you wanted to be a family.” She shielded her face, trying to hide her tears.
Pesky girl, he sneered, too smart for her own good. Hades easily cornered his daughter, his breathing erratic. He couldn’t lose her this soon. Pan spoke of her misery, reveled in tales of her bloodshed, yet it appeared his daughter had lost all nerve.
“Macaria, you need to see, we need to protect ourselves. If we leave ourselves vulnerable, they will come for us.” He cradled her trembling face between his hands.
“Who will come for us?” She gestured to the Olympian Crystal, “Who would dare hunt us when we have the ability to kill a god?” She could feel the pulsing of power, the pulsing of murderous intent.
“I tried to keep them from us, but my brothers... Zeus and Poseidon have once again found others to fight in their place.” He yelled in rapid fire, his arm raised at Robin and Regina. She didn’t understand where this resentment had come from. In mere hours her tearful and joyous reunion had been replaced with malice and harbored loathing. Had the Dark One been right all along? Was her love really that blind? CHIP. Tears bit the corner of her eyes. She ached as each miserable drop fell. She was so stupid. “You’re so bitter, you can’t see what is right in front of you.” His hand wiped the tears, his face full of stern determination.
“Do you forgive the family that maimed you? Did you forget those who kept us separate all this time?” She placed her scarred hand on top of his and smiled at him as no person had in several decades. The radiance of her smile and gentle sincerity made Hades’ determination waver…slightly.
“But we have now. We have each other.” He embraced her, running a free hand through her tangled hair. This girl, his girl was too precious to handle what was to happen. Her naïveté and optimism could be detrimental to his revenge. He let out a heavy breath, keeping this state was taxing on his magic. 
If she couldn’t see his vision now…he may have to sideline her until she understood what sacrifices he had to make for their safety, for his vengeance. He whispered, “You’re not my only child, biologically yes, spiritually no, just the one I need to shift the balance of power. So, until then, you’re on a timeout.” She gagged, the binding spell crawling across her skin like a swarm of ants.
She cried out, “But father, we-I, why would you do this?” He dreaded having to do this to her.
“To protect us! To gain our revenge!”
“No...” Her refusal sounded smaller than she felt. “No, no, no.” Her heart screamed with terror as Hades ripped back the veil, trapping her in a space no one else could reach her.
“I didn’t want to have to do this, Macaria. But either you are with me, or by default, against me. I had hoped for the former. Once I build our kingdom, you will see.”
“Papa, please, papa. Don’t leave me here,” she begged, tears streaming down her deformed cheeks.
“You have no dominion over me, nor do my brothers. You have to see this, Macaria, this is for us.” He dropped his hand, imprisoning her.
“NO! NO! PAPA NO!” Sunny roared, pounding the walls of her cage. She didn’t have the ability to travel without assistance. She couldn’t peel back the veil between worlds, she didn’t have that strength.
She was alone and utterly helpless. She could only watch the scene before her.
“Oh sorry. Ladies first.” The blast of the crystal was bright, and its power was enough to ring through their ears.
She could feel the destruction, the decay, the nothingness. Her father was erasing a soul, forcing the unnatural.
“Death, please help me. Help me stop him.”
I cannot assist, Macaria, this must play out, as it is, as it was, and how it began.
The crystal dropped to the floor in their struggle, Sunny could see-
“But she’ll kill him! She will!” She shook Death’s robe with everything she could muster. He couldn’t let this happen again, no, not in front of her.
“Zelena!” Hades shouted, before he was reduced to a pile of cinders. The decay of his soul was too much for Sunny to bear. His existence was erased…forever. CHIP. CHIP. CHIP.
Zelena and Regina stood in twin horror as Hades’ daughter hit the marble floor with a resounding thud. Had she been here the entire time? Would she be able to forgive them?
“You were on that island for more than a century. And my mother had only been there a handful of years during your stay. And you now know the reason for her departure…”
Neal had to sit down, as McKinley continued, “Besides there is something…ironic…no poetic about how this family values the gift of youth.” His nephew’s statement had him so mad he was ready to spit blood.  
“How old are you?” McKinley shrugged, plopping down next to Neal. He started swirling the images in pond while mulling over his answer. “Give or take seventy or eighty years, I think. I mean no one knows when I exactly was born other than my mother.” He threw the stick and leaned back on his hands. Closing his eyes he added, “I’m not really sure anymore, when you get that age your memory starts to fade unfortunately.”
God, what happened to this family?
Neal marveled over the fact that McKinley had already lived a full life, when just a gangly teenager sat before him.
“Do you know why she did this? I just can’t understand.”
McKinley’s mop of brown hair lulled to one side, smiling at his uncle. “Mom prefers me as a child, although it does become tiring to celebrate your sixth birthday so frequently. It was only interesting the first few times that we had a party.”
“I think the last one was Neverland themed.”
Neal gulped, terror spreading across his face. She kept him young, for McKinley to stay depend on her? What, to cure her loneliness?
He understood that look from a child, being loved by the eyes that only show for him, but she can’t force that.
She can’t.
Neal was at a loss for words, frustrated, he ran his hands anxiously through his hair.
Why was life like this? No…why was the afterlife like this too?
Was all his friends and family certifiable psychos? What the hell did he just listen to? How could Sunny, no, how could Macaria do that to her son?!
“Last question.”
“Shoot.” McKinley’s finger guns made him chuckle bitterly.
“Do you want to live a life without your mother this time?”
Love wasn't enough. Zelena and she weren't enough. She could have had a younger sister, a baby for McKinley to play with. Sunny kept her distance from the heroes. She had no right to join them. They didn’t know her, and she personified everything that they came to mourn. Her father and her love were nothing more than a conduit of evil and greed.
Dressed in mourning black, accompanied by death's veil, fat tears rolled down her cheeks. 
It was wet and crisp in the graveyard. She observed each one lay an arrow to rest on Robin's casket. Devastation was wafting through the procession in equal strokes. Sunny watched them depart one by one, leaving the savior there to mourn alone.
Her back was twitching as she tried to rein in haggard breaths. This woman standing in the rain, soaking in her misery, made her heart lurch in her chest. Baelfire. He wouldn't want this for Emma, the mother of his child, to suffer like this anymore. She had lost so much.
Death disappeared.
A tingle in her spine, a rattle in her bones, something was happening. Hook appeared not ten feet from Emma. The savior embraced him cheerfully as Sunny’s mood soured.
Fury, unaltered fury. Sunny turned to where Death reappeared.
Her fingers clenched and she released a slow, calculated breath through her nostrils. “Haven’t you taken enough from me?”
Macaria, please it is beyond my-
She shook her head and stormed away from the cemetery, unable to stomach her heartache.
It had taken several days of coaxing for Sunny to even come out of the forest. Marcus wasn’t sure if he would have been able to convince her if it hadn’t been for Tootles and the others. She hid from the others, and they allowed her to do so.
Sunny spent her time, staying on guard above the boy’s clubhouse. She needed to protect…no one… She wiped her tears away; she wouldn’t let anyone see her this weak.
“This is a delicate time; we shouldn’t approach her so hastily.” Snow White warned, as Emma and she skulked up the street toward the Lost Boy’s lair. Sunny lifted her head when she heard their voices, her heart hammering away in her chest.
The last time she had listened to these heroes, she had lost more than she ever wanted to admit.
“I’ve seen Hook accept dangerous and frightening situations with smarmy pirate pride… but it wasn’t like that this time.” Emma panicked when she witnessed Killian’s legs give out beneath him. His face pale and developed a cold sweat. He hadn’t even tried to hide his fear with false bravado.
Snow squeezed her daughter’s hand. Emma continued to revel in her fears, the fact the girl was Hades’ blood had little to do with Hook’s paralysis; it was when she repeated the name…Sunny…that made Killian flinch.
Hook could only muster one truth to her as he shook in her arms, he had wronged that girl in a way she would never forgive him.
“I-I just got Killian back, and I’m not letting anyone, or anything take him away.” Her fist clenched, as she wiped her face.
A smart decision, Sunny mused, the savior’s tears were too precious to leave unprotected. To think their hesitation was due to her ‘feelings’. What good would appeasing her do now? The savior pushed forward, disregarding her mother’s advice.
“What if she comes for revenge? She is Hades’ daughter, and Pan’s ex.” The creases in her forehead furrowed further as all the what ifs plagued her mind.
“Emma, she has lost so much in so little time. Perhaps what she really needs-”
“What, a shoulder to cry on?” The Charmings flinched. Sunny was far from surprised, she was always the monster. “To welcome a mother’s understanding touch. To be coddled and comforted like a child?” Their sympathetic stares already twisted knots in her stomach, she wouldn’t accept their pity.
“If you gaze upon my beautiful face, you’ll understand the cost of being close to my mother.” Her cheeks burned as she turned from their stares of disbelief. Their need to comfort and protect were written so plainly. “Besides, I’m not the teenager you perceive me to be. I’ve been a mother longer than you’ve been alive, curse or no curse.”
Emma raised her hands; she knew she was in the wrong. Panicking made the situation considerably worse than she had intended. “I came here to ask a favor. Please?”
"Hello Captain." A sweet voice spoke to the right of him.
Killian clenched his rum bottle a little tighter. It was a voice he hadn’t heard in many years. A shy melody that had haunted him in a past life. The countenance that silently stood in his nightmares. A girl, who scared him just as much as her former lover. "Your reaction seems to be the customary greeting for me." The captain snorted, unable to keep himself from doing so. Not the sort of chivalry he tried recently to be known for. 
He could see the rage simmering below the surface. This girl was restraining herself. "Did you truly want to chat, or do you do whatever your girlfriend bids you to do?"
He remained tight lipped. Emma was not up for discussion. He would rather die than speak about her to such...his hard glare met her solemn figure. Her face was still as brutal and mangled as the last day his eyes had settled on her. It reflected the monster within.
“Do you remember dying, Captain?” She asked so softly, it made Killian’s skin crawl. This wicked girl could be so delicate about such gruesome topics.
He sighed, “Not my most pleasant memories, I’m afraid.”
She leaned against the rail, resting her head on her arm. Those deceptively green pits were boring holes into him as she contemplated her response to his own.
“Was it the betrayal or was it just the fact you would die a hero too soon?” She noticed the pirate’s knuckle whiten. He lifted the bottle higher, polishing off the rest of the liquor. “It can be a wonderfully freeing concept once your mind finally succumbs to death’s hold.”
“You shouldn’t speak about something you haven’t experienced.” Killian placed the bottle back into his inner coat pocket.
She studied his tense posture, “I feel every death, all of it. Whether by my hand or not. I can read everyone’s last moments. For you in particular,” she smiled again, grotesque and sinister as it was, “it certainly wasn’t punishment enough.”
"Why are you here? Ready to do me in yourself?" He joked.
"What happened to the man that had wanted to save me all those years ago?" A statement that if said by another would sound endearing, but from her, he knew better than to believe the false sincerity.
There was always something...unnerving about Pan’s girl. Killian had figured it was because of her association to him; but now, he was certain it was her presence altogether. From what Emma described, she was an emblem of death all on her own.
The misfortune of her lips could not shadow the ominous presence in her bold green gaze.
Did he flee from her father’s torture only to be cast down by her malevolence?
“Still doing Pan’s bidding from the grave?”
“You think it, as if I had no real feelings of my own?” She tapped her fingers along the rail. She was impatient. She hadn’t liked being cornered, but the savior had wanted them to bury the hatchet.
Her eyes flashed dangerously at the pirate. Tick tock, Captain, tick tock. 
“Even now, nearly a century later, you speak his words, and know none of his truths.” She laughed bitterly, a divisive guffaw. This pirate was so bold in challenging her belief.
Everyone doubting Peter, doubting her by proxy, she wasn’t dense.
“His truths, Captain? That we’re murderers... that we were burdens to our family... to the community, the land?” Killian avoided her glare, “or are you afraid of your truth?”
Killian didn’t like the feel of her scarred fingers digging into the skin of his chest. His heart beating wildly beneath her touch. He watched many good men die from a feathering touch from those very fingertips. He knew Emma was nearby, but nothing could save him from Sunny’s ire.
And he deserved all of it, rightly so.
“No. But I fear for what you will do in return, love. All I ask is that I bear your punishment, and not my friends.”
She quickly inhaled, stepping back suddenly. Panicked confusion warping her face. This wasn’t the response she pictured.
She imagined, something... something, ANYTHING, but that. Why wouldn’t he beg for his own life- that’s not the selfish pirate she remembered? Hook would have sent dozens of others in his place to save his skin. This wasn’t- he wasn’t-
His hand reached out to—
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” Sunny shrieked, pulling so hard she dropped with a hard thunk. A sob bubbled up in her throat.
Killian inched closer, as far as he dared to. As terrifying as it was to be near her, she was just a slip of a girl, a girl that had held onto her anger for too long.
This girl, who he had had a hand in securing her ruin. Murdering that lost boy had only made Pan’s hold over her definite and unyielding, her spirit broken.
“Love, I wish to give you the sincerest reparations.” Killian started-
“A life for a life Captain. Yours for Rufio.” Her green eyes locked with his. She was struggling to keep her brooding facade; inner turmoil made her anxious to escape.
Killian chuckled, knowing well what she would demand.
“If that was the only way to satisfy your ire, we would both have to relive many deaths to seek atonement. Wouldn’t you agree?”
She refused to keep her glare, shying her gaze toward her hands.
Killian stared passed her, his memories leading him toward dark times. Pan had shown him, time and time again, the error of his actions. Killian witnessed countless torture of his men, any of Pan’s enemies, and the Natives.
Death, death please, take me home, Sunny begged silently. I just want to go home.
“Sunny, could we-” When Killian looked back again, she was gone.
The smell of the sea, the grittiness of the sand between her toes, the dull ache of loneliness in her soul: she knew she was home. Death led her from the shoreline toward her shanty. Each step harder than the last, her heart felt surprisingly heavy despite the emotional stabbings it had taken in the days she dared to interact with the real world.
She wanted nothing more than to crawl in her bed and try to forget everything. Wishing that the last few days to have never existed.
As her steps grew closer, she paused taking in the crude familiarity of her shanty. She had modeled it after the one she had shared with Peter in Neverland. So the outside lacked any metal and was fabricated from timber and secured with thick had braided rope. She had been meticulous it recreating the wrap around steps that had led to the treehouse loft from the back of the shanty. 
Normally, its appearance would stir reminiscent longing in her gut, but today, it was a small comfort.
She sighed, and finally deciding to go in.  
Her tired smile turned to shock upon the sight of her son. If she hadn’t seen this previously, she would have mistaken McKinley as his father as she had done once before. Why was he so grown? Why did he age so much in her absence?
She reached for her teenage son, “Baby. Why-why do you look like this?” Her hands shook as McKinley pulled away from her, staring her down with such disdain. “Baby?”
“No mom. I’m not your baby.”
“No-yes,” she stammered, “McKinley, please. Let’s talk.”
“No!” He stomped passed her, letting the door slam behind him. She huffed, instant annoyance gripping her senses with sharp fury. How dare he speak to his mother that way!
Neal stepped in front of her path, “Leave him alone. You’re going to talk to me, not him.”
“Why isn’t he allowed to grow old? We’re not on Neverland. I mean, seriously Sunny, we are not even in the land of the living. Why are you preventing him from living his life?” Neal demanded; adrenaline was pumping crazy through his chest. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been so riled up, feeling so abjectly angry and betrayed.
“Do you know what it’s like to watch your son live a beautiful life and grow old?”
Neal shook his head in frustration, he didn’t even want to look at Sunny. He didn’t want to witness whatever nonsense she was going to spew from her lips next. He would give everything to watch Henry grow into an adult. What parent wouldn’t love to watch their child thrive? He just didn’t unde-
“Now imagine, you’re still beside him while in his nineties, holding his hand…” she sniffed, “Imagine, watching and waiting as he struggles to breathe.” She paused to wipe her eyes, “You know in those moments, as his parent,” Neal could hear her voice waiver through her tears, “all you can think about how you’re going to outlive your son.”
“How could you do that to your son?” Neal mumbled angrily, causing Sunny to lash out.
“Why do I have to be left alone?! Why do I have to give up the little piece of happiness? McKinley may not be a god, but he is my son. He will be in Olympus! Not here! Not with me! What’s so selfish about that?”
Everything she said was so egotistical, he didn’t even know where to start with her. McKinley had spent an entire lifetime with his mother, living under her whims, spending all his moments under her constant care; and that…that wasn’t enough for her.
She turned back time, a deal much like the one his father had offered him, except she hadn’t asked his permission. Instead, she kept him trapped at an age where he depended on her. Through memory manipulation, which was shaky at best, she tried to keep her son at a period in his life where he had a personality, but no desire for independence. It made him nauseous, honestly, this was the first time the word monster seemed appropriate for Sunny. Only monsters would inflict their desires on the unwilling.
Sunny’s eyes narrowed, pinching nearly shut with rage. The look on Bae’s face clearly showed that he didn’t believe her… no it was because he didn’t care to believe in anything she said.
She was tired of defending herself, tired of everyone who was supposed to care, turning on her whenever convenient. She just wanted to rest her mind, ease herself into a dream where the last few days didn’t matter. Where she could serenade her thoughts and create a sinful melody of peace, she desperately craved.
She sighed; it was exhausting. Why try to beat a dead horse, Bae wasn’t going to agree with her. “It doesn’t matter, you’ve already formed your own opinion.” She shuffled passed him, pushing the door open. She was going to go collect McKinley and go to bed. She was done.
“Don’t you dare!” Neal squeezed her wrist, pulling her from the entryway. She was not going to do this, not now. “You run from everything Macaria!”
He didn’t- why did he even bother with that name. All that name brought was heartburn and indigestion. Macaria, the girl who couldn’t secure the love of her mother, the trust of her brother, or the life she wanted to live with her father. Macaria was a weak girl, much less a mother or friend, she was a pitiful little nobody freak that no one had wanted.
She stated with a sneer, “You know I prefer to go by Sunny...right Neal?”
“That’s fine, Baelfire is the name my father gave me. But you,” he laughed bitterly, “you have run from your name, from your life, you run from anything that may alter your perception of reality.”
She shook free of grip, holding her hands in the air as a physical manifestation of her feelings. “Please enlighten me Bae? Everyone seems to have a keen opinion about how I should feel.” She sobbed furiously. “I remember you doing something very similar, you hypocrite!”
Bae chose to ignore her; her words were not going to sway his temper. He stepped closer, distorting the light around Sunny. Her body was trembling within the darks of his shadow, but it did not hide her completely. “You live in the past and ignore your future. You need to own up to the truth, face the facts.”
“You were the last person I figured would attack me like this.” She admitted, sounding defeated, staring at the ground angrily, “is it because you spied on me?”
“You will defend Pan with all that you have, but then swear death upon Hook? Pan will never be a good man like Killian.”
“Pan was a monster!”
“I’m a monster!” She pulled Bae close, clenching his jacket between her hands. “I’m the monster. You think I can’t tell when people look at me, judge me.” The cruelty was dripping from her broken lips and her eyes burned bright with exasperation. Neal sympathized with her, but it wasn’t an excuse.
“They flinch when I’m nearby. I’m hideous. I’ve done hideous things. The only thing that I ever did right was loving Peter.” Sunny snapped, her anger was holding by a thread.
She was so tired of this, of everything!
Neal pushed her back, trying to put some space between the two. He was disgusted for even having to look at her. “He used you, just as everyone else had. And when he was done with you, he disposed of you and another son. Same for your father.” He sighed. “You have always been the victim and it seems...that’s all you’ll ever be.”
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allzelemonz · 11 months
Events Masterlist
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These fics are listed here as well as under the characters and fandoms they are relevent for
Kinktober 2021
Armitage Hux X Male Reader X Kylo Ren
(To be reviewed to standard)
Eobard Thawne X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Eric Coulter X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Alexsandr Kallus X Male Reader X Mitth'raw'nuruodo
(To be reviewed to standard)
Maul X Gender Neutral Reader X Savage
(To be reviewed to standard)
The Swedes X AFAB Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Mitth'raw'nuruodo X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Henry King Sr X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Kinktober 2022
October 1st, Clothed Sex with Douglas Davenport
Pronouns: None mentioned, Marcus calls the Reader ‘Dad’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Reader is a step/adoptive-dad to Marcus, sex, mentions of cum, grinding, allusions to Douglas’ evil activities, nothing is proof-read Summary: Just a normal Friday with the smaller Davenport family, you bring Douglas some snacks and find him stuck in thought. You both decide you have ample time to yourselves.
October 3rd, Sex Pollen with Pavel Chekov
Pronouns: None mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Non-established relationship, but they’re in love, hinted Kirk/Spock and Chapel/Uhura, sex pollen enhances arousal and attraction but no fuck or die, allusions to bad wig Chekov, focus on how cute the Russian is, top reader, bottom Chekov, mentions of Chekov’s love for Russia Summary: The away team gets separated and the Captain orders for exploration in the meantime. Chekov and yourself wander across some strange plants that cause some interesting side effects.
October 5th, Mind Control/Dub/Non-Con with Tom Riddle
Pronouns: None mentioned except in summary Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Dubious consent, non-con vibes, mind control, drugging, Viagra potion, Tom Riddle being Voldemort in the early days, oral sex, anal sex, bottom reader, multiple orgasms, hopeful open ending, not proof read Summary: Tom Riddle met a nice boy at Hogwarts. One he couldn’t let get away. He keeps him away from his work and uses him as he sees fit.
October 7th, Generating Warmth with Leonard McCoy
Pronouns: None mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Non-established relationship, but they’re in love, stranded together, stuck in a cave, McCoy calls the reader “kid,” but he calls lots of people that, riding, hand-job, standard McCoy snark, long set up Summary: When Spock’s away team get stranded a second team is sent to locate them when the ship’s sensors fail. As a part of the rescue team, yourself and Doctor McCoy happen across a cave that needs investigating. A spontaneous collapse of the entrance leaves you both stuck in a freezing cave with limited sources of heat. You have to find a way to stay warm.
October 9th, Toys with Simon
Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ in dialogue Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Toys, grinding, Simon hates dildos and thinks he’s too good for toys, mentions of Negan loving his wives, anal plug, handcuffs, prostate massage, rough sex, both of them are switches but Simon’s more of a top, Negan needs his Lieutenants to loosen up, asexual author that had to do a lot of fic reading to figure out how toys work Summary: On a run with Negan, the Saviors happen across a sex shop and bring home the lot. Being Negan’s right hand, Simon and his S/O get first pick.
October 11th, Cockwarming with Rumpelstiltskin
Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader referred to as ‘Da’ by Baelfire Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut, Tooth Rotting Fluff Warnings: Pre-Dark One Rumple, wholesome father with anxiety, Reader is a Stepdad to Baelfire, mentions/depiction of minor injury, fluff in the beginning, smut is brief and fluffy, top Reader, bottom Rumple, I proof read nothing Summary: A domestic life with Rumplestiltskin before his time as the Dark One. You are the comfort he needs, especially on cold nights.
October 13th, Somnophilia/Waking Up with Edward Nashton
Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Edward being needy, mentions of Riddler stuff, light somnophilia with pre-established consent, multiple orgasms for the Reader, oral sex, riding, rough sex, not proof read, very little dialogue, top Reader, bottom Edward Summary: Edward often wakes you up when he’s feeling particularly needy. The trick is figuring exactly how he wants it. So long as he’s dizzy by the end, all is as it should be.
October 15th, Mating Cycles/In Heat with Spock
Pronouns: None mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Pon Farr, Spock having an animalistic drive, multiple orgasms, () used for custom name and rank, verbal consent is sexy, top Spock, bottom, Reader Summary: Spock has been careful to keep track of his Pon Farr, but it still snuck up on him before you could have your first time as a couple. Now Spock has to ask something very intimate of you.
October 17th, Power Imbalance with Mirror Kirk
Pronouns: He/Him, Reader is referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Mirrorverse runs on sex and blood, Mirror Kirk is mean, switch Reader, sub Reader, dom Mirror Kirk, references to Reader giving oral but it doesn’t happen, hand job, sex as a threat, sex a discipline, mentions of execution and torture, use of the pet name “good boy,” mentions of prior sex partner and Reader, mentions of Reader’s time at the academy, inexperienced Reader, dirty talk, handjob, mentions of grinding, sex Summary: As a Commander aboard the ISS Enterprise you get the occasional privilege of sitting in the Captain’s chair. When the Captain comes to relieve the Beta shift he keeps you behind for some fun, but things don’t go quite how he planned.
Tropesgiving 2022
Wrong Door: The Master X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 1: Enemies to Lovers Pronouns: He/Him Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Canon typical violence, double meaning/implied future intimacy, background Yaz/Doctor, Dhawan Master Summary: The Doctor responds to a distress signal and meets an unexpected enemy with the intention of hurting her and the fam. When everyone’s plans are ruined, a certain Timelord has to improvise.
Pelt: Snotlout Jorgenson X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 2: One Bed Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: G/Fluff Warnings: Snotlout the flirt, the twins fight, written with a male reader in mind - but it’s never stated Summary: When someone forgets to bring enough blankets for the no-dragon training trip the group ends up having to share the few they do have.
Those Blue Eyes: Leonard McCoy X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 3: Evil Twins Pronouns: He/Him, use of boyfriend, reader called ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Canon typical violence, flirty mirror counterparts, mentions of surgery and death Summary: A mirrored version of Doctor McCoy is on the Enterprise and you have him at phaser point, but things are much more complicated than they seem.
The Prince: Armitage Hux X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 4: Arranged Marriage Pronouns: He/Him, reader called ‘prince’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Foundation of a queer platonic relationship, marriage for politics, aroace Hux and Reader, asexual bonding, sex/romance repulsion Summary: The First Order needs a strong alliance to beat the Resistance out of your system. Your government agrees, so long as there is a strong tie between the two governments. Armitage Hux receives an order from Supreme Leader Snoke himself.
Free Comics: Stuart Bloom X Male Reader X Barry Kripke
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 5: Love Triangle Pronouns: He/Him, reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Barry is an asshole, Stuart stares a lot, Reader enjoys Silver Age DC, mentions/hints towards sex, hint of poly ending, Captain Sweatpants being a good guy Summary: Stuart and Barry are both flirty towards you, but when Barry finds out someone else is flirting with you he feels the need to do something about it. You have no problem laying out their options for them.
Not Your Tie: Oswald Cobblepot X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 6: Clothing Swap Pronouns: He/Him, reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/Mature Themes Warnings: Oswald stays in the closet to get votes, mentions of sex, Ed knows everything and doesn’t hate Oswald, Oswald isn’t in this very much Summary: After a long night of celebration you arrive at the mayor’s office wearing Oswald’s tie. Luckily for you, Edward is a good friend.
12 Days of AU 2022
Dragons Know Things: Viggo Grimborn X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Soulmate Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Viking typical violence, minor injuries, hunters are hunters, Reader is an older dragon rider Summary: Shot down during a storm by the dragon hunters, you meet their leader.
The Death Knights: Severus Snape X Male Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Royalty Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader is called ‘sir’ as in the knightly title and acts as a traditionally masculine knight Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Mentions of death and war, arranged marriage, Voldemort still looks human, Snape is still a spy Summary: King Dumbledore’s precious school has fallen to the Dark King Voldemort’s forces, now they celebrate that victory.
Gaslight Hatter: Jervis Tetch X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Historic Pronouns: None Mentioned *Reader is a cop and the first female cop in America would have just joined the force around this time so there’s no room for pronoun plot holes, use what you want Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Mentions of murder/serial murder, based on the comic not the movie, reader is a cop but a cool one I guess, Reader referred to as an Alice by Hatter, I hope you’ve read the book Summary: 1890s Gotham is facing a new threat after the demise of Jack the Ripper. A madman dressed as the beloved Hatter from a popular storybook who has a pension for playing dress up with the young adults of the city. As an officer working under Inspector Gordon, it’s your job to protect the people.
Necromancer: Milton Mamet X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Magic Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Zombies Warnings: Mentions of death and zombies, use of ‘biters’ instead of 'walkers’ Summary: When science fails, magic is needed to learn more about the dead.
Navyman: Malcolm Reed X Male Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Modern Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: G Warnings: Malcolm’s family is clueless, aquaphobia, mentions of scary/life threatening conditions at sea Summary: In modern times, Malcolm Reed didn’t have any Starfleet to join and is pressured into the Navy despite his fear. His family is proud, but knows nothing about his phobia so you have to help him through it during a storytelling session.
Traditions: Montgomery Scott X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Holiday Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Alcohol Warnings: Multiple holiday celebration, Scotty’s tree has to be perfect, mentions of scotch, holidays/faiths mentioned specifically: Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, and Christmas, author celebrates Yule and did research for other holidays Summary: When the holiday season rolls around the Enterprise has an annual party, limited to one night due to the dangers of space. Scotty and the Operations division are in charge of decorations for all of the holidays and it’s time to set up.
Fictober 2023
Street Urchin: Dutch Van der Linde X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 1, Age Play Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘son’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Age play, role play, begging, slight pain/rough handling, anal fingering, anal sex, prostate massage, biting, neck kissing, dirty talk, teasing Summary: Dutch suggested you pretend to be one of those young street boys while in Saint Denis so he can teach you a lesson.
Big, Not Dumb: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 2, Compliments Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Language Warnings: Referenced bullying, referenced crime, fluff, comfort, kisses, cuddling, bashful Bill, use of Bill’s birth name Summary: You get back to camp to find Bill in a bad mood, that simply will not do.
Annoying: John Marston X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 3, Hate Sex Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Hate sex, anal fingering, anal sex, prostate massage, dirty talk, teasing, mentions of John’s situation with Abigail and Jack, Reader is an asshole, pre-Blackwater, violence, punching Summary: You’ve been sent on a scouting excursion with John to find a good spot closer to Blackwater, John is annoying through the whole ride.
Never Again: Kieran Duffy X Bill Williamson
Fictober Prompt: Day 4, Hurt/Comfort Pairing Type: M/M Rating: T/Language, References to sex Warnings: Referenced/Implied forced prostitution, trauma, mentions of past torture, the tongs, Dutch is an asshole, soft Bill Williamson, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, protective bahavior, hugs, internalized homophobia, Bill is at war with himself Summary: Kieran finds himself forced into something he doesn’t want to do in order to make money for camp, Bill is there to keep that from happening.
Little O’Driscoll Dog: Micah Bell X Kieran Duffy
Fictober Prompt: Day 5, Collaring Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Smut, fluff, tooth rotting?, repressed Micah Bell, kinky Kieran Duffy, admittance of feelings, established relationship, slow sex, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, marking, protectiveness, possessiveness, top Micah and bottom Kieran Summary: Micah and Kieran spend their first night in a hotel room, giving them both the opportunity to admit things.
Sit Still: Arthur Morgan X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 6, Dubcon/Frottage Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Slight dubcon, frottage, sex with clothes on, grinding, kissing, neck kissing, marking, low honor Arthur Morgan, dominate Arthur and submissive Reader, sleeping, slight cuddling Summary: With the whole camp noticing Arthur’s darker turn recently, Dutch sent you out to keep an eye on him.
Helping and Teaching: Colm O’Driscoll X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 7, Virginity Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB, Mention of chest hair Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Colm O’Driscoll has a virginity kink big time, Reader is an O’Driscoll, praise, dirty talk, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, proposition, kissing, grinding, clothed dominant/naked submissive, anal fingering, anal sex, top Colm/bottom Reader, gentle Colm for once Summary: While out on a job with the other O’Driscoll boys, you let slip that you’re a virgin. When this news gets back to Colm, his interest is piqued.
Not a Drop: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 8, Breeding Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Passing mention of having a kid (but not really talking about it, just dirty talk), Micah being a needy bottom, Reader is confused but supportive of Micah’s breeding kink, multiple orgasms, playing with hair, cuddling, cockwarming, breeding, anal fingering, anal sex, dirty talk, top Reader and bottom Micah Summary: Micah has a bit of a surprising request, he wants to be filled like he’s being bred.
The Map: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 9, Kisses Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/References to sex Warnings: Kisses, fluff, light bickering, spoiling Brown Jack of course, use of Bill’s birth name, established relationship, implied future sex, slight appreciation of Bill’s thighs Summary: Lost in a new area when trying to find a new town, you have a sweet moment with Bill.
Sweet: Kieran Duffy X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 10, Praise Kink Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Kisses, fluff, smut, outdoor sex, praise kink, self anal fingering, anal sex, top Reader and bottom Kieran, statements of love, established relationship Summary: A moment away from camp in which you notice Kieran reacts rather pleasantly to being praised.
Lesson: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 11, Humiliation Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Kisses, smut, outdoor sex, long term humiliation, anal fingering, anal sex, top Reader and bottom Micah, established relationship, jealousy, rough sex Summary: When Micah gets too close with Dutch, you feel the need to remind him of something.
Wake The Bear: Bill Williamson X Micah Bell
Fictober Prompt: Day 12, Somnophillia Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Smut, sleep sex, slightly dubious consent, insomniac Micah, thicc (™) Bill, clingy Bill, established relationship, kissing, marking, possessiveness, top Micah and bottom Bill Summary: Stuck in Bill’s bear-like cuddles, Micah comes across something to entertain himself.
Trustworthy: Arthur Morgan X Albert Mason
Fictober Prompt: Day 13, Cuckolding Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Smut, established relationship (Arthur/Albert), fluff, kink negotiation, domestic themes, soft sex, gentle sex, masturbation, exhibitionism, cuckolding, kisses, oral sex, blow jobs, anal fingering, anal sex, cuddling, fantasies come to life, top Charles and bottom Albert with viewing Arthur. Summary: Arthur finds himself thinking of a new dirty fantasy and he is lucky enough to have a sweetheart and friend that are willing to help him fulfill it.
Training The Workhorse: Arthur Morgan X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 14, Orgasm Denial Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Arthur being needy, orgasm denial, kissing, anal fingering, oral sex, blow jobs, rimming, teasing, top Reader and bottom Arthur Summary: Arthur has been overly needy, so you give him just enough attention to ensure he listens.
Rebound: Dutch Van der Linde X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 15, Noncon/Rape Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ and holds a generally masculine mindset given the circumstances Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Rape, grief, drinking, mentions of Annabelle’s death, unhealthy coping mechanisms, hints of victim blaming because Dutch is an ass, threats, semi-public sex, hand jobs, anal fingering, anal sex, marking, neck kissing, slight cum fixation, vomiting, crying, Dutch is such a bad person in this one dude, shifting perspective Summary: After losing someone he loves, Dutch drinks to forget and gets an idea in his drunken mind when he spots a man he likes the look of.
Flipped: Sean MacGuire X Male Reader X Kieran Duffy
Fictober Prompt: Day 16, Gentle threesome, Double penetration Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: threesome, rimming, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, double penetration, fluff, smut, guys being dudes Summary: Sean’s big mouth ends up with you taking both he and Kieran at the same time.
Dare: The Van der Linde Boys X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 17, Multi Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘fella’ and ‘man’, heavy masculine implication Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: (have you ever been in a men’s locker room and things got a little weird), smut, background relationships, masturbation, hand jobs, kissing, oral sex, blow jobs, dirty talk, facial, cum swallowing, Micah being an asshole, flirting, casual sex, everyone is gay but especially Bill Summary: Drunk Sean wanting to get off prompts a dare to jerk off and last longer than anyone else at the fire. Gay chaos of a sort ensues.
Bruises: Arthur Morgan X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 18, Spanking Pronouns: None Mentioned, masculine implication Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: M/Mild sexual themes Warnings: Mentions of violence and injuries sustained, marking, spanking, bruising, fantasizing, masturbation, anal fingering, cuddling, kissing, aftercare, sex put off in favor of cuddling Summary: Arthur loves being put over your knee but this is the longest you’ve been apart.
At His Lowest: Dutch Van der Linde X Micah Bell
Fictober Prompt: Day 19, Exhibitionism Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Exhibitionism, epilogue setting, power dynamics, dom/sub undertones, anal fingering, anal sex, bottom Micah/top Dutch, mentions of past grief, Dutch is not mentally healthy Summary: Now that Dutch has reunited with Micah, he has an opportunity he should have taken years ago.
Needy Firsts: Sean MacGuire X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 20, Rimming Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Kissing, established relationship, begging, Sean is loud, rimming, first time rimming, mentions of prior sex, slight aftercare Summary: After a few days without much alone time you decide to do something with Sean that you haven’t done before.
Sweet Blood: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 21, Blood/Murder Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut, violence Warnings: Appreciation of Bill’s size, kissing, gunfight, blood, murder, oral sex, blow job, hint of anal fingering, mentions of bathing together, goofy fluff, Bill is clumsy Summary: After a shootout Bill gets a little show that he enjoys more than he might expect.
Thickness: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 22, Intercrural Sex Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Prior failed sex with injury, mention of blood, a lesson in lubrication, Bill’s thighs getting the attention they deserve, intercrural sex, prepping, aftercare, kissing, hand job, soft sex, fluff Summary: After a painful failed attempt at typical intimacy, Bill has an idea that won’t worsen his injury.
Practice Makes Perfect: Abe X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 23, First Time Deepthroating Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Fluff, oral sex, blow job, deepthroating, cum swallowing, domestic-ish, established relationship Summary: After a lot of practice, Abe finally manages to get you down into his throat.
Slow: Kieran Duffy X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 24, Sounding Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Fluff, careful sex, sounding, safe sex for the time period, the fence has a spicy inventory you know he does, communication Summary: A new toy from the fence means testing it out with caution.
End: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 25, Crying Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence, language Warnings: Angst, crying, betrayal, Reader doesn’t take Micah’s side, violence, guns, shootout, drinking, Micah doesn’t know how to do emotions, Baylock is a good horse, extreme coping mechanisms Summary: The end of the gang, everything is going Micah’s way. There’s just one little snag that Micah doesn’t know how to handle, something he didn’t know how to account for.
A Dynamic: Dutch Van der Linde X Arthur Morgan
Fictober Prompt: Day 26, Grooming Pairing Type: M/M Rating: M/Grooming, references to sex Warnings: Underage, dead dove, grooming, dark themes, Dutch’s mind is a wasteland, bad father Dutch, groping, head kissing, cuddling, affection Summary: Dutch doesn’t think what he does with Arthur is all that wrong. A/N: Goes without saying this is your extra dead dove warning. This is an interesting dynamic I had read a few fics on and I wanted to explore Dutch’s odd interest in ‘younger women’ that he has in the game. It’s short because it’s gross.
Messed Up: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 27, S&M Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘sir’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: E/Smut, blood Warnings: Rough sex, rough masturbation, anal fingering, sex toys, anal plug, knife play, blood, marking, dom/sub, bottom Micah and top Reader, aftercare, cuddling, choking, asphyxiation, blacking out, passing out  Summary: After misbehaving before, Micah gets a well loved punishment.
Well Behaved: Colm O’Driscoll X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 28, Daddy Kink Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/References to sex Warnings: Colm being sweet, cuddling by a fire, blankets, soft behavior, daddy kink, neck kissing, sensual touching, cozy setting, I wrote this in thirty degree weather because cold Summary: A warm night by the fire with Colm.
Squeeze: Charles Smith X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 29, Breathplay Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Choking, anal fingering, anal sex, cockwarming, kissing, neck kissing, slight aftercare of sorts, birthday presents, fluff, Charles being extra pretty, established relationship, bottom Charles and top Reader Summary: Charles gets everything he wants for his birthday.
Misadventures: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 30, Failed Date Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Language, mention of injury Warnings: Fluff, romance, date, picnic, kissing, mention of violence and injury, Micah trying his best Summary: Micah plans a date to make up for being a bad sweetheart, only for things to turn on him all at once.
Boys’ Night: The Van der Linde Boys X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 31, Orgy Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Orgy, threesomes, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, oral sex, blow jobs, rough sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, Sean’s drunken mind, marking, viagra-esc tonics, almost everyone is passed around to everyone else, Reader takes both top and bottom roles Summary: Sean has an idea that leads most of the boys in the gang to a damn fun time.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 4 years
Daily OUAT Drabble - Tyrsday
Prompt From This List
041. Temptation
Neal Cassidy
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“Come on, give it a try.” Neal says. He sends you his best puppy eyes. You shake your head.”I don’t belong here, baby. I belong in New York.” You tell him. He pouts. “We can make a home here, too.” He attempts. “You maybe, not I.” You whisper. “No, we.” Neal places his hand on your knee and looks you in the eye. “I love you and I want a future with you. But I also want to get to know my son and see my dad again.” He mutters. He says it so sweetly and hopefully. Your heart goes out to him. You want to stay with him as well. But Storybrook makes you feel like you are one step behind. You don’t like that feeling.
Neal nudges a big cup of cocoa towards you. “It’s with extra whipped cream and some maple syrup.” He says. He is buttering you up. It is rather obvious. You squint at him.  “You are trying to make me sweet.” You huff softly. Neal nods. “Of course I am.” He sends you his most handsome smile. “Stop it.” You protest feebly. Neal shakes his head. “Never.” He cooes. 
He puts his arm around your shoulders. “I love you and I am not going to give up on making this work. For the both of us.” He murmurs. He presses a kiss to your temple. You sigh softly and lean into him. Neal should count himself lucky you love him too...
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Earth’s Princess (Neverland Fanfiction)
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Once  Upon A Time in the realm of the Earth a baby was dropped in the woods.Just a blanket keeping her from being killed by the harsh winds and rain.Meant to die,tossed out of a carriage and forgotten.The Earth took pity on her,growing her a pair of heavy,autumn colored wings to keep her warm.The Universe favored this baby,having a sweet witch stumble across her and take her into a safe place.The Witch raised the green eyed girl as her own,teaching her the ways of magic and keeping her safe from the villagers.The villagers did not believe that a human should have magic and that if they did that they were evil and should be killed.That lead to most of the witches finding ways to leave the realm to go elsewhere and fled the village.But Mariana was smart,she stayed in a cottage deep in the woods with her baby.After a year of having the odd child she named her (Y/N).All was well until (Y/N) turned thirteen years old.Mariana had left once and never came back.You had stayed inside the cottage for several days,living off of what was in the cabinets and managing to wash her hair twice.
At the sixth day You realized that Mariana wouldn't come back.SOmething terrible had happened to her,You just knew it.You got what was left of the food,her knives and a few of your favorite books,putting it into a bag with a sheet.You added some of your clothes that could fit.Mariana had sewn you special shirts for your wings,two small slits on the back for if You ever had to fly.You kept them folded around your torso most of the time and the slits were covered by your brown cloak.You laced up your black boots,cleaning up the cottage and making your bed before You stood at the door nervously.You grabbed two last things.A gold ring and a blue knitted hat,You slipped the hat on your head and the ring on your finger.Normal.You was completely normal.Walking away from the house,You realized You really had no idea where You was.You had gone outside a whole four times in your life.When You had been thrown into the woods,when You had learned how to fly,when You was learning to manipulate the Earth and when Mariana had gotten hurt.
You had ran out stupidly to help your mother figure,getting in trouble for being so careless.The young girl wondered what Mariana would think of your actions now.You walked carefully,looking around at all the trees and rocks on the ground.It was a warm day.Pale flowers started to sprout from the ground,creating a path for you to follow.You looked back at the cottage one more time before following the path,tears growing in your eyes.You followed the path for hours until the sun was going down,the sunset matching the color of your wings.The path stopped abruptly at a large tree.You stood behind it,looking out from the side.There was a small cave,just large enough for your to fit.You got a good nap in there,crawling out a few hours later.You had to get further away,knowing for sure that You wasn't safe yet.You took flight,still half asleep.
You didn't quite know where You was going or how to get there,just flying.You stopped at a large tree in the woods.The bark was gray like ash,old and dead.You reached your hand out,stroking the bark as it became brown and full of rich green leaves.You smiled at your work as some jewels and chunks of metal came out of the ground.You picked them up,putting the shiny,expensive rocks into your pocket.All except one,a dark blue crystal.You picked it up before putting it back down. “Bring this to Marianna.”You whispered,the gem being eaten by the dirt.You sat on the ground,listening to all the noises from the woods.You could hear men conversating from far away.A town.Go and trade your gems for some food.You stood up,climbing to the highest point of the tree.You could see buildings and light in the distance.You flew low,being covered by the trees.You found a bar,full of people.You stood at a window,staring at one man in particular. “Hey!''A boy's voice whispered.Crap.You turned,seeing a boy with dark brown hair around your age. “What are you doing?”He asked.You shrugged,turning back to the window. “Im waiting for my dad.What’s your name?”He asked.You ignored him,still looking in the window.You gained control of one woman.You walked over in a daze,opening the window and handing (Y/N) a loaf of bread.The woman closed the window,turning around and leaving. “How did you get her to do that?”The boy asked.
You turned your attention back to the boy,eyes focusing in the darkness. “You didn't see that happen.”You told him.He nodded,walking away.Flowers budded at his feet and he turned around. “Hi.”He smiled.Talk to him.(Y/N) sighed quietly. “Hi.”You answered softly. “What’s your name?”He asked.You can tell him. “(Y/N).”You answered quietly. “Im Baelfire,you aren't from around here.”He observed.You shook your head,sliding the bread into the inside of her cloak.He looked into the bar,seeing a fight breaking out.He sighed. “So where are you from?”He asked.You just shrugged. “You don't know where you're from?”He asked.You shook your head.You had come from somewhere far away. “Oh.Okay.”He sighed.You went to go walk away,going down the street.It was pretty empty,You could hear mice and crickets.Baelfire jogged,catching up behind you. “Where are you going?”He asked. “I don't know,somewhere.”You answered.He nodded. “Can I come?”He asked.You raised an eyebrow. “You should wait for your father.”You answered,watching an emerald come from the ground two yards in front of you.He shook his head. “He doesn't care where I go,he doesnt love me.''He shrugged.You kneeled,picking up the emerald and putting it in your pocket. “How do you know for sure?”You asked,beginning to walk down the brick street.
“Well,my father.He’s the dark one.”He sighed quietly,waiting for you to freak out.You didn't though,still walking along. “Is that bad?” asked.His jaw fell. “Seriously?”He laughed.
You nodded. “Wow,you’re really not from anywhere around here.My father is evil.”He grumbled.You nodded,listening to him complain about his father. “I never knew my parents.”You huffed.He stayed quiet for a minute.They were really far away from the bar now. “Oh...im sorry.”He spoke quietly.You just shrugged,smiling as a lily sprouted between the bricks of the streets. “It's fine.”You answered,picking up the lily. “Are you a witch?”He asked,stopping as You ran your finger over the lily petals.You can tell him.You nodded. “I am a garden witch.”You answered.His eyebrows furrowed. “What does that mean?”He asked.You laughed quietly. “It means I'm a garden witch.The Earth likes me.”You answered,taking a turn into an alleyway.He followed you. “But you’re...you’re a good witch?”He asked.You just nodded,going into the forest. “Do you know where you’re going yet?”He asked.You nodded. “I know that you're gonna go back home.”You grinned,turning to look at him.He shook his head. “Nope.”He answered.You rolled your eyes. “Let's make a deal.”You suggested.He gulped.His dad said that far too much,but he listened anyway. “If you go back home now,I'll talk to you tomorrow.”You suggested,waiting for his answer.He bit the inside of his cheek. “But how would you find me?”He asked.Another flower grew next to you.
 “It’ll be easy to find you.Deal?”You asked.He nodded,waving good bye.That had been a lot more difficult than You thought it would be.Now You had to stay around for a while,deal with the boy that wanted to leave his father.How bad could that man possibly be?Quite bad,but he has his reasons.It was probably around three in the morning now.You sat down on the ground,ripping off a piece of bread and burying it. “Bring that to Marianna,please.”You whispered.You walked around the forest for a while.You walked for hours,helping the sad trees before You was brought to a house in the woods.It was separated from other houses,the closest ones probably a fourth mile away.A lily grew at the door.That was the boy's house.Baelfire's house.Who would name their kid Baelfire?Well maybe that was a normal name,You wouldn't know.When the sun began to rise over the trees and You heard shuffling from inside the house You walked around to the front door and knocked.A man with a sword opened the door,ready to attack.He was half a foot taller than you,wearing red robes with long dark hair.He was awfully pale,skeleton like.He had lizard like eyes that seemed awfully surprised to see a child. “Hello.”He said in a questioning tone. “Are you a friend of Bae’s?”He asked.(Y/N) just nodded awkwardly.
The man held up his finger,closing the door.You could hear him jogging to go get his son. “Papa...it's too early.”He groaned. “You have a friend here to see you.”He told the boy.Baelfire practically jumped out of his bed,going to the door and opening it. “(Y/N)!Hi!”He smiled at the short (Y/H/C). “Hi.”You answered quietly.He let you inside,closing the door behind him. “I haven't scared everybody away.”Rumple said proudly.You stood awkwardly. “Breakfast!Let’s have breakfast.”Rumple said quickly,going into the kitchen. “Do garden witches eat breakfast?”He asked the (Y/H/C) quietly.You nodded,laughing quietly. “You know that I'm not a cactus,right?”You asked.He looked at you funny. “What?”He asked.You sighed quietly. “Nevermind.”You mumbled.They went into his room and You went over to his bookshelves. “Do all humans know how to read?”You asked,looking at the dusty books. “Um...Some of us I guess.How did you find my house so easy?”He asked.You shrugged. “Sorry about my papa,he isnt used to people coming around the house.”The boy apologized.You nodded,scratching at your cheekbone. “You have a bruise.How did it happen?”He asked,pointing at your cheekbone.You shrugged.He looked at you for a few seconds,like he didn't believe you. “Your father isn't so bad.”You said quietly,playing with a chunk of gold. 
“Not around you,I guess.Where did that come from?”He asked. “The earth just gives me things.”You replied.He stayed quiet,watching the metal shine in the sun. “You know that all magic isn't bad.”You said quietly.He nodded. “Breakfast is ready.”Rumple announced,standing in the doorway.Baelfire got up first but (Y/N) took a minute. “Are you okay?”He asked.You nodded,standing up. “So I heard that you're a witch.”Rumple said,sitting at the table.Baelfire gulped nervously.You nodded,sitting next to the young boy. “So what is it that you do with your magic?”He asked.Three plates were on the table,one with pancakes,one with fruit and one with eggs.You tapped your foot awkwardly. “Just little things.Its an Earth based magic,I just help out plants.”You mumbled,grabbing a single grape.Rumple nodded. “You are mortal,I assume?”He asked.You shrugged. “So what are your plans for the day,Bae?”Rumple asked.The boy looked over at the (Y/H/C) girl. “I don't know.Are we doing anything today?”He asked,eyes widening.you took the hint. “I promised to show him the difference between sad trees and happy trees.''you said softly.Baelfire smiled,nodding along.Rumple’s eyebrows and nose wrinkled. “Trees have feelings?”He asked.You nodded. “Of course they do.”You answered.Rumple nodded along,not quite believing you.The two children went to leave,Rumple saying that he wanted to speak to Baelfire for a moment alone before they left.
You stood outside the door,ears listening to the conversation. “You like her?”Rumple questioned.Baelfire did not respond. “You be careful out there,be back before the sun goes down.”He instructed.Baelfire opened the door,jumping when he saw (Y/N) right next to him. “So what are we actually doing?”He whispered. “Difference between happy and sad trees.”You repeated before running off into the woods.He grinned,running after you.You stopped at one tree,breathing quickly. “Wow...the outside world really is wonderful.”You said softly,approaching the tree. “The outside world?”He asked.You nodded,pointing to the tree. “He is sad.Can you tell?”You asked.He shook his head.It looked pretty normal.You poked it with your finger,the bark firming and becoming dark as hundreds of purple flowers grew off the sticks.Baelfire smiled in amazement,looking at the tree. “He’s happy now?”Baelfire asked.(Y/N) shook your head. “No,but he’s healthy now.Thats always a good start.”You sighed.Baelfire looked around,seeing a small tree with light colored bark and dying leaves. “What about that one?”He asked,gesturing to it.You looked over,smiling. “She’s happy.”You answered.Baelfire looked confused. “But she’s not healthy.”He mumbled.You looked up at him. “She’s healthy,she just doesn't look like the other trees.”You told him before running again.He sighed,running after you.
He had no idea where You was going,he usually did not go into these parts of the woods.You stopped at a large rock.He was panting and out of breath,but You wasn't.You jumped onto the rock,pulling out a knife. “What are you doing?”He asked,getting onto the rock. “shhh…..”You said quietly,scratching the rock gently with your knife.The rock moved slightly.He stood up,alarmed.You scratched it again.The rock quite literally stood up,walking around slowly.His eyes widened.You seemed unfazed,sliding off of the creature and putting the knife back in her pocket.He jumped off,watching as the rock walked away. “What was that?”He asked. “That’s a rock.”You answered,grabbing his arm and dragging him along.You’re welcome,you wouldn't be friends if it weren't for me.You sighed quietly. “We should be careful,there is a cliff ahead.”He warned.You nodded. “I am aware.”You answered,letting go of his arm eventually.He trusted her,for some reason.He was told to never trust a witch.But then again,you were only a  five foot tall garden witch after all.You couldn't really do much harm.You stopped right by the cliff.He was kind of worried that You was gonna push him off. “What are you doing?”He asked.You didn't answer him,looking at the other side of the gap. “Have you ever been to that side?”You asked quietly. “No.”He answered simply.
 “Do you want to go to the other side?”You asked.
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