#Kidnapper Azula
the-genius-az · 3 months
Azula kidnaps the Omega Mai after leaving the asylum.
But it's not what you think, my good friend! Azula won't treat her badly, noooo, she'll make Mai think that the princess is the only thing that's right in the world.
She'll put her on the bed and tie her up so she can't escape, leave her in bad condition for a week and then BOOM! That will change her little by little, giving her the best things, praise and pampering until Mai melts little by little.
And so Azula will finally have the Omega of her dreams!
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waterfire1848 · 5 months
[ Sokka has been kidnapped. ] Azula, reading the kidnappers list of demands: This is an agreement that basically gives them the throne and permission to use Sokka's head for a wall decoration. Zuko: WAIT, WHAT!?! One of the kidnappers: Just making sure you're paying attention. Here's the real agreement. [ Hours later. ] Zuko, grabs the kidnapper by his collar: That's it! I'm going to end you life!! Sokka, who has just escaped: Zuko? Zuko: Sokka! Sokka: Zuko!
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discordiansamba · 25 days
thinking about Zuko in the avatar Yue AU is both so funny to me and also very depressing because like... somehow in the period before Sokka joins them, between himself, Yue, and Aang somehow he's the only one in this group that has common sense. It's part of the whole reason he decides to upend his life and travel with the two of them- because one of them is a talented airbender to be sure, but one that is still very much a naive child, and the other is a princess who has been isolated from the rest of the world since she was born.
he'd like to protect Aang's naivety if he can, but on some level, he knows that's not possible. and Yue... he understands her. it's not like he knew that much about the world either, when he found himself tossed into the Earth Kingdom wilderness. if he hadn't been found by a theater troupe, he probably would have starved to death.
officially, Prince Zuko was kidnapped by Earth Kingdom spies and likely killed. unofficially, Zuko knows that's a load of bullshit. After his mother vanished, and Azula's flames turned blue, the writing was always on the wall- that his days in the Caldera were limited. Or at least- he can see it now, when he looks back. Hindsight is 20/20.
(the kidnappers his father hired burned half his face, so that no one would recognize him as the missing prince.)
then again... Zuko also spends half of his time acting as the vigilante Blue Spirit, so maybe he doesn't have that much common sense.
(sokka is going to be a very, very welcome addition to the team.)
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drpoisonoaky · 11 months
[Occasionally, someone kidnapped Zuko and Azula to blackmail Ozai]
[Spoiler: It never worked]
Kidnapper: Zuko, Azula, I’ve left a letter telling your father not to worry-
Azula: He won’t.
Kidnapper: That you’re safe-
Zuko: That’ll just depress him.
Kidnapper: —and you’ll see him in a few weeks if he-
Zuko: Do we have to?
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commehter · 8 months
The Spirit Tale of Fire Lord Ozai - Avatar the Last Airbender Fanfic
Rating: Mature Genres: Political Drama + Family + Paranormal Adventure = Slice of Life for Fire Lord Zuko Pairings: Mostly Gen, Tui/La (thus far) Characters: Zuko, Iroh, Azula, Agni, Various Spirits, OCs as needed Summary: When La demands justice for Tui's favored mortal, Agni proposes a compromise and spirits become more active in the world of man.
Fire Lord Zuko finds himself entangled in the spirits' schemes. He has been stripped of everything -- down to his name -- except for the golden flame that adorns his head and the throne from which he guides his country. He... has a lot he needs to process, and even more to do.
Chapter 1: The Meddling of Spirits
One moment, Fire Lord Zuko is drifting off to sleep after signing the last of the major peace treaties required to officially end the war between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdoms. In the next moment, he is standing barefoot in a forest and unable to open his eyes.
"Who's there?" he snarls. He can hear his abductors whispering amongst themselves. He hasn't been left unwatched. "What do you want?"
This is far from the first attack he's suffered since ascending to the throne, but it's already the most successful. He has no idea how his kidnappers have removed him from his bedroom, let alone how they got past the high palace walls and transported him beyond the heavily patrolled streets of Caldera.
"Peace, Zuko of Second Fire," a man's voice says from directly in front of him.
Zuko throws a fist blindly at his kidnapper's head. The man laughs as he catches the punch.
There are no flames. His bending isn't responding. Has he been drugged? Is that how they got him out of the palace? The man steps closer -- Heat pours off of his abductor as if he is a living furnace. -- and presses the Fire Lord's fist over his own heart. Enough of Zuko's focus is on not panicking that he allows the repositioning of his arm without any resistance.
"Your favored has poor manners," observes a deeper voice from somewhere to his left, "Are you sure you wouldn't rather just end his line to pay the debt?"
Zuko stiffens. They're after more than just him. Is Mai also being held captive somewhere nearby? Has the baby been harmed? Does their reach extend far enough to threaten Uncle in Ba Sing Se? Do their plans include Azula and Ozai? Both have been officially removed from the line of succession, but that doesn't mean much to some.
"The council is agreed," the man in front of him refutes easily, "The debt can be repaid in full through my plan."
"If your favored is as different from the last three of his line as you think he is," the deeper voice huffs, "If. He is still very young, even for a mortal. He could become much the same as they were, given some time."
"He won't," the first kidnapper states in confidence, "He is young, but he has been tried thoroughly. He will not forget himself to the lure of power or ill-founded ambition."
"My brother is correct," a woman's voice joins the conversation, "Fire Lord Zuko has proven himself to be a man of honor and compassion to the other nations. Do not forget, beloved, my brother's plan also benefits our own favored."
"I have not forgotten, my love," the second voice says, "I simply remain unconvinced. Your brother's plan is radical and has many delicate balances. It may fail more easily than it could succeed, especially with this one's inclusion."
"His inclusion is necessary or the plan has little chance to succeed at all," the first states calmly.
"Who are you people?" Zuko demands, temper nearing its end.
A mix of grumbling and laughter answers him. There are... a lot more kidnappers surrounding him than he had previously thought.
"Oh, child of fire, I am afraid you do not yet realize the magnitude of the situation you have been brought into," the first voice says in gentle amusement. Zuko tenses as the man walks a tight half-circle only to stop behind him. The dull red that has been the shade of his closed eyelids fades to pitch black and a steady heat beats against his back. "Dear Tui, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Zuko of Second Fire, open your eyes and know those who address you today."
His eyes fly open as soon as the words are spoken and his legs immediately buckle at the sight that greets him. It is only the arm suddenly secured around his chest that keeps him upright. There is a second hand resting lightly at his throat. Zuko isn't sure whether or not that's meant to be a threat.
"Peace, child," the first man -- No, he is not a man at all. -- says, breath a warm breeze rushing past his right ear and cheek, "It is not our goal to harm you."
"Spirits?" Zuko squeaks, twisting to look at the being holding him. It is an attempt that is quickly thwarted.
The hand around his neck slides ever so slightly higher to put pressure on the underside of his jaw and effectively traps his head against the spirit's shoulder. Zuko swallows his pride and yields to the hold. It burns to do so, but he isn't equipped to fight spirits, let alone so many and without so much as his firebending to protect himself or a viable exit strategy. The hand at his throat reverts to being a deceptively light and unrestrictive touch.
The spirit laughs merrily, seemingly unbothered by the actions of the mortal man in his grasp. "Indeed," he answers, "This is the Council of Greater World Spirits."
Zuko scans the odd beings before him again but one in particular catches his attention, if only because she is the sole spirit approaching him. The female spirit is almost suspiciously normal-looking compared to the wilder physiques that some of the other spirits possess. Zuko frowns even as the spirit smiles at him. The form she wears is one he recognizes, but not in regards to any spirit.
"I know you," he says, "You were the Northern Water Tribe's princess."
The woman's smile brightens. "I would not have expected you to remember my favored's mortal form. It is a shame you and my Yue were never properly introduced to each other. I believe you would have gotten on well," she tells him, "My name is Tui."
"The Moon Spirit," Zuko whispers. The others have told him the story, about how Princess Yue sacrificed herself to resurrect the moon. Well, Sokka had told him the story once, after he had gotten drunk at some festival, and the others had clarified a few things when Zuko had thought to ask. He's still not completely sure which parts of the tale were factually true and which parts were alcohol-fueled rambling.
"Yes," the pale spirit says, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Zuko of Second Fire."
"Second Fire?" the man amongst spirits finally asks. He's heard the phrase too many times now to continue ignoring it.
The spirit at his back chuckles softly before answering, "I bestowed the gift of flame upon the dragons first, and to mortal man second, child of fire."
"Agni?" he questions weakly.
"So I am," the spirit responds.
He's being held by the greatest deity of the Fire Nation, one of the great spirits that support life throughout the entire world. He doesn't know how to process that thought.
"Tui, if you would," Agni requests as he continues to support Zuko's shock-numbed body.
"Of course, Brother," the moon says before returning her attention to the Fire Lord. "You would no more be able to gaze upon the Sun Spirit's native form than you would his physical manifestation in your world's sky without being blinded by his great light. It is, as it has always been, my happy privilege to reflect Agni's brilliance. Please, allow me to be the means through which you might know my brother's face."
Tui turns on her heel and suddenly a very different spirit is standing in her place. Or, not quite. The Moon Spirit's form remains, as if in dark shadow, behind the shining reflection of Agni. It looks as if the two spirits are standing back-to-back in the space intended only for a solitary spirit. It's surreal but, from what Zuko has heard and occasionally experienced, spirits only make sense about half of the time anyway.
The hand at his throat carefully closes Zuko's dropped jaw for him. The reflection's outstretched arm and hand don't quite line up with the fingers he feels gently pressed against his jaw, but it gets the point across well enough. Agni's reflection looks unexpectedly fond. That's... probably a good thing?
Zuko feels himself being lowered to the ground but he can't tear his eyes away from the reflection sinking into a relaxed kneeling position in front of him. The arms retreat for a moment but heavy hands soon fall upon his shoulders and Zuko honestly isn't sure if he currently has enough control over his own body to prevent himself from falling down completely without the support. Again the reflection is an imperfect match for the real thing, given the angles, but he can't be bothered to care when he's staring up at the face of Agni.
"I have a task for you, Fire Lord," Agni says, expression turning serious, "I am sorry to say it is not one you will be given a choice in taking up, but the council is in agreement that you deserve to be told why it must happen."
Zuko tries to breathe through the building panic. "Okay," he wheezes past his fried nerves, "I'm ready."
"Three years ago, Zhao of Second Fire attempted to slay the Moon Spirit."
"I remember," Zuko says through his tightening throat, "The Ocean Spirit sank the entire invasion fleet and dragged Zhao down to the bottom of the Northern Sea. I saw it happen with my own eyes."
Agni tips his head in a shallow acknowledging nod. "The Ocean Spirit swept up Zhao of Second Fire into a fate far worse than that of a man drowned at the sea floor, but that is a matter already settled. La's actions that day repaid in full the debt for daring to attack a spirit. However, Tui's favored was lost to the mortal world as a result of Zhao's actions and that debt has yet to be repaid. Balance would require that I, likewise, take from the mortal realm my favored. It is no secret that I have promised my strongest blessings upon my first children, the dragons; the leaders of my second children, the Fire Lands' royal line; and the mortal bridge, the Avatar.
"Yue of the Northern Seas was the only favored of Tui and La among mortal men. The council reached the decision that balance and justice would require that every living member of the Fire Lands' royal line be wiped from the mortal realm."
The breath in his lungs stutters as he processes the meaning of Agni's words.
The spirits have condemned his entire family to death.
"No! Please, I can --"
"Peace, child mine." Agni's hand cups his unscarred cheek and Zuko feels a face press against his hair. "And listen well." The spirit withdraws so Zuko can again see the reflection's face.
He can't give up without a fight, and especially not when the fight is for more than just himself. Still, Agni has bid him to listen and he has learned the hard way that it is often best to listen before acting. Zuko takes a steadying breath and nods.
"This was not a decision the council reached quickly and, in that time, I had put together another plan to repay the debt. My proposal caused yet more arguing amongst our numbers, but, eventually, my plan was accepted. Only Ozai of Second Fire will be removed from the mortal world."
"Oh," Zuko's relief bursts from him in a gust of breath that he had not meant to give voice to. Ozai's death will doubtlessly cause a stir, and there will likely be rumors of patricide, but... Considering what the alternative is, he has no complaints. He'll find a way to deal with the fallout.
"There is more to the plan and it will demand much of you," the spirit warns, "It will not be accomplished quickly."
"I can do it," Zuko promises. Whatever the plan is, he'll do his part. For Uncle, and Mai, and the baby, and even Azula.
Agni smiles but something about the Sun Spirit's expression is nonetheless pitying. "You can and I have faith that you will, but, as I said, you are not being given a choice in the matter. You will take up this task. But you will not be working alone. Now that the council is set on this course, many spirits are eager to participate. Tui and I in particular will remain near to guide you, and lesser spirits may also seek you out to offer their services."
Agni retreats and stands. Zuko's head is swimming under the warring relief and dread but he manages to remain sitting upright. "Now, we should get started," the Sun Spirit announces. "La, are you ready?"
The oddly normal-looking Water Tribe man that is actually the Ocean Spirit, apparently, flashes a shark-like grin. "Don't worry about me, King of Flames. I've had more practice in the mortal world than any of you in recent memory," he says in the same voice that had earlier disparaged Zuko's manners and openly wondered if they shouldn't go back to the old plan of indiscriminately killing his entire family. "I'll manage just fine."
"Wait! You still haven't told me what my task is!" Zuko yells.
"Your task is nothing more or less than you would do regardless, given what you have already been told and the situation we are sending you into," Agni says, "Be an honorable Fire Lord. Seek to create and maintain peaceful relations between the Fire Lands and the rest of the world. But please, child of fire, take some time to rest and think. The path before you is long and difficult."
"My moon," La says, offering a hand to Agni's reflection, "let us begin."
Tui spins and Agni's visage drops from her form like the illusion it is. The Moon Spirit takes the ocean's offered hand. She smiles at Zuko as she says, "Remember, young Fire Lord, the burden is not yours to bear alone. We all must do our parts. Call for us if you have need. We will answer."
Agni briefly touches the back of his neck and Zuko has to resist the urge to glance over his shoulder at the Sun Spirit. "I give you now the same charge that I once gave your forefathers: Fire Lord, my blessing is upon you. Go forth and tend to my children and my lands. Bring prosperity and honor to that which has been entrusted to you."
Between one moment and the next, Fire Lord Zuko exits the spirit world as abruptly as he had been pulled into it.
You can read the rest of the story on AO3 or Royal Road.
30 Chapters (WIP)
80k Words (and counting)
Posted 04/16/2022
Happy reading!
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snifekinner · 9 months
there's a theory that iroh has been to the spirit world (based on the conversations between him and the earth kingdom kidnappers and how he could see aang flying past as a spirit) and based on that and the chase i have another theory -
after iroh gets struck by azula, it sends him on another trip into the spirit world. its a near death blow and he's been there before. we see him have a vision of lu ten and the aftermath of his death before he comes round. when he does, he has a noticeably different attitude: he tells zuko he needs to take azula down, and he offers to teach zuko a new and very risky firebending move (contrast s1 where he shows a lot of reluctance to give zuko any more dangerous ideas).
why the change of heart? well, my read of his reaction in siege of the North is that when zhao kills the moon spirit, iroh finally snaps out of his post-ba sing se funk and realises how serious the situation has got. he realises hes been passive too long but hes not ready to take action. instead, he wants to take zuko away from the danger and protect him. of course that goes great because zuko listens to iroh and doesn't put himself in danger lol
that second experience in the spirit world, meeting lu ten? that was a call to arms. that was the spirits telling iroh that the time for distance is past. its time to stand and fight, and support anyone else who is ready to fight. from here on we see a more active iroh, ready to use the full extent of his knowledge, power and connections not just to keep himself and zuko safe, but to fight against ozai.
i think the reminder of what can be lost if you become complacent, or of what can be lost in the quest for domination and power, is what switched iroh fully from passive to active.
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attackfish · 2 years
@ebonydraygon asked for five headcanons in the Avatar Ursa AU.
Continued from: [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], and [Link].
1. Iroh still remembers when he was a little boy, his mother showing him the hidden corridor, showing him how to open it, and walking with him down to its hidden exit. He remembers getting too tired to walk, and his mother, the grand Firelady llah, carrying him on her back until he was ready to walk again. He doesn't know if their father ever showed Ozai, if anyone ever showed Ozai the corridor, or explained to him what to do if the palace were invaded. Ilah was dead, and Azulon... As Iroh has gotten older, he has come to realize Azulon never treated Ozai as his son, as his family. Not like he did Iroh.
2. The memory is so vivid as he pops the secret latch, that he swears he can smell the traces of his mother's jasmine flower perfume. The door slides open. Iroh steels himself for a fight, a fight to defend his innocent niece and nephew against their kidnapper.
3. Only to find... Ursa? His mind stops. He is distantly aware that the smell of jasmine has gotten stronger, that it's an old, slightly papery smell, dried flowers instead of expensive perfume oil. And for a moment, she just stands there, holding her children's hands, all three of them open mouthed and stunned to silence. Iroh can do nothing other than take a good look at her, looking nothing like he has ever seen her before. Her hair is braided back and out of the way instead of loose and flowing. Her clothes are dark and edged in white, a short robe and leggings. She looks... he doesn't know what she looks like. Not like Ozai's wife.
4. She reacts before he can. She yanks Azula up into her arms and pushes past him with Zuko hot on her heels, and Azula protesting at the top of her lungs. "Wait, Iroh yells, taking off after them, but Ursa doesn't listen. She keeps running.
5. But Iroh is still the Dragon of the West. He is still quick and cunning, and he might not be able to outpace Ursa, but Zuko is another story. He grabs his nephew and pulls him close to his chest. Zuko squirms, and starts crying, but Iroh only holds him tighter, and he calls again to Ursa: "Wait."
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
The Desert Re-watch
This was an intense episode. Appa is missing, the Gaang is lost in the desert, & everything is feeling very hopeless. Not only is the situation dire, but the circumstances are bringing out everyone's worst traits. It's just good writing the way that everyone's bad behavior while infuriating, is understandable & makes perfect sense for the characters. Aang is snappy with everyone & honestly pretty horrible to Katara, especially because she is doing everything in her power to keep them all alive & he still snaps at her consistently. But also - as angry with Aang as I was for his treatment of his friends & specifically Katara in this episode, I still felt awful for him. Appa has been such an important character in this show. He's Aang's best friend, he's saved everyone's lives countless times, & they're pretty screwed without him. Another thing that adds to the emotional weight of Aang losing Appa is that Appa & Momo are the only two pieces of Aang's old life & air nomad culture that Aang has left. Well, he has his staff, but Appa & Momo are of course living companions. I think you guys get what I'm trying to say.
Anyway, Sokka is back to being relegated to comedy relief in this episode but I have to say, it didn't bother me the way that it has at other times. Unlike totally ignoring the mission & purpose of being somewhere ('The Blind Bandit') or getting trapped in a hole ('Bitter Work') I don't feel like Sokka's motivations made no sense nor do I really feel like he was unfairly treated as the butt of the joke for no real reason. Like I've said before, I'm fine with a character being comedy relief if it makes sense & works. And the cactus juice trip is hilarious while also contributing to the overall tension of the episode. Plus, 'it's the quenchiest!' is a hilarious line. I also really liked the moment when Sokka mentions Yue during his trip in reference to the moon. It's funny but it's also a subtle nod to the fact that she's still heavy on his mind & I'm a huge fan of comedy with a darker underlying note. Also, Sokka gets +100 points for iconic behavior when he licks gunk off a cave wall after hallucinating all day. Smart? No. Did it make me say "iconic"? yes & that's how you earn points. I once saw someone say Sokka is the kid who gets straight A's & builds computers in his free time but also would eat pizza out of a trash can & I think that's totally accurate.
I felt bad for Toph in this episode. Even though she's not that helpful to Katara, compared to Sokka & Aang she's doing a lot. It's also obvious how guilty she feels for not being able to protect Appa, & I hated her getting yelled at even though I understood why Aang did it (again, it's just really good writing when I feel bad for both parties involved in a conflict.) Also, I loved the moment when Katara & Toph worked together against the sand hornets.
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Katara in this episode is just....amazing. This episode really just encapsulates all my reasons for loving Katara. She is the strongest member of the Gaang, mentally & emotionally. She is carrying them through this. The moment when everyone is ready to give up & Sokka is hallucinating & Aang is so upset over Appa & it just feels so hopeless & she says...."alright, we're getting out of here, & we're doing it together." That's freaking strength. +1000 points for iconic behavior. (Katara, Toph, & Azula are now the only three characters with over 2000 points.)
The ending of the episode is just fantastic. I don't ship Katara & Aang romantically & stand by saying that Katara often feels like a big sister to Aang. However you choose to read the scene at the end, it's a pretty intense moment & Katara's emotional strength continues to shine through as she comforts Aang when he goes into the Avatar state after confronting Appa's kidnapper. Actually...Katara gets another 500 points for that. She is now only 100 points behind Azula for the lead. Aang gets 1000 points for going into the Avatar State in anger over Appa's theft.
This was a very strong episode & I really enjoyed it.
I forgot to comment on Iroh & Zuko's side adventure but I don't know what to say about it because I'm still deciding how I feel about Iroh & the White Lotus Club. I thought it was interesting, & I remember my intrigue being sparked the first time I watched it & it is again but I still haven't decided if I like it. Oh well, it's about time I skimped on the Iroh & Zuko commentary for once, I'm always giving them attention lol seems right that at least once I have nothing to say about them.
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Zutaras try to justify their rancid aang us a rapist takes by comparing him to their ex so we look like jerks if we argue but if we applied reality to zutara katara is dating a guy that invaded her house stalked her kidnappped her all to get to her best friend. Attacked her to kidnap her best friend. And Sent a man to kill her best friend . Reality days zuzo is in juvy or prison with azula for the murder of aang since reality says he can't come back to life
Reality says katara hates em for killing aang. Canon did too but they call it tension or her being mad they almost lost the war. Zutara reality is a fake stale fantasy
the biggest problem is they compare kataang to reality and it's a fantasy show no one cared about realism in ships or how healthy zutara was until they kept yapping about and get mad when their ship is criticized or zuko called colonizer cause only kataang is fair game only aang can get called abuser zuzo was abused so that makes him nearly killing em OK in real life this is def not shitty behavior according to em
its a kids show of course aang and katara got together that's the ending for kids both boys and Girls not teens and grown ass adults who can't get over the ship that had 8 minutes of positivity out of 60 eps isn't canon It never had a chance and it def wasn't deserved considering they have zero love for the characters
There really isn't anything I can add to this
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Okay as much as I love a good AU, there is not nearly enough exploration of all those good, good canon-compliment moments in ATLA. 
Thinking about the immediate aftermath of Aang finding out about the Air Nomads, knowing he had nightmares about it all throughout season one. Him reconcilling the fact that he’s living in a different word. Dealing with the fact that he’s a time travler. Aang turning to love and being scared every day that it could be taken away from him. Aang being scared that Katara and Sokka could be hurt or would leave. This kid just trying to find familiar places and feelings while coming to terms with his own loss and responsibility. 
Thinking about Sokka and Arnook grieving Yue after her sacrifice. Arnook who may have known for the entirety of Yue’s life that her connection with the spirits posed this risk. Sokka coming to terms with his own spirituality, knowing how he felt about it at the beginning of the series, and wondering if there were cosmic forces working against him. His feelings of guilt and regret and anger that we know he buried for the rest of the series. Those two loving Yue so much, being proud of her, and facing the overwhelming unfairness of the universe. 
What about the Freedom Fighters? How they had to come to terms with the fact that they followed Jet and almost killed innocent people. The rift that caused? The realization Jet had before he came back in season two where he realized he couldn’t let his anger consume him for his sake and for the sake of others. Smellerbee and Longshot knowing and loving him enough to follow him, but coming to their own realization about how they needed to start over for their sake. The conversation they had to have had about change. The transition from season one Jet to season two Jet and how the freedom fighters breaking up affected him-- affected all of them. 
Ty Lee and Mai after they were imprisoned having to come to terms with cutting Azula out of their lives. Ty Lee meeting and bonding with the Kyoshi warriors? The reconcilliation of those feelings and formation of those alliances? These two girls finally finding and accepting real happiness, finally free of expectations and self doubt. 
And Suki? Shifting her stance on isolationism after meeting Sokka, Aang, and Katara and deciding to risk it to help other people. The work she did at the refugee camp and the time in between when she found Appa. What happened there? And her being fifteen and sent to the highest security Fire Nation prison in the middle of the ocean, across the world from her home, not knowing if her warriors are okay, and the only hope this strong and independent girl is left with is that someone she loves will eventually find her. 
So much of canon-compliment ATLA focuses on post-Day of Black Sun when Zuko joins, which is understandable as we love seeing the group complete, but there’s so little exploration and discussion of moments like this and I wish we as a fandom would give them a little bit more love. 
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marysuperwholock · 4 years
Kidnapper: We have your sister, Firelord
Zuko: My sister?
Kidnapper: Yes.
Zuko: My condolences.
Kidnapper: What?
Zuko: Yeah, you don't have Azula. Azula has you.
Zuko: Good luck *walks away*
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the-genius-az · 4 months
I think about the idea where Maizulee are soulmates, but they are VERY obsessive with each other, they hate everyone who gets close to them or separates them.
but there is someone specific, who Mai and Ty Len hate, and that is Lu Ten.
They hate him because he ALWAYS wants to have Azula, every time he sees her he immediately goes to her and picks her up and everything, and they know perfectly well that he does it on purpose, he told them himself.
Lu Ten loves his little baby cousin, and loves teasing his little soulmates, watching them chase him while he tries to run away with Azula is adorable.
All the adults accept the three obsessives, but Lu Ten does not, he does not accept how his little cousin simply prefers to spend time with them before him, so he always kidnaps her.
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azulaakgae · 4 years
"stories need villians"
is such a bullshit excuse for azula not having a redemption arc. azula being the antagonist post-agni kai a year after the war ended was lazy and bad writing. there is no reason the 14 year old abused child soldier with mental health issues should CONTINUE to be a villian in a post-war environment. if anything those things about her should be even more of a reason for her to *have* a redemption arc!? I would have preferred they didnt include azula in the comics at all than see bullshit straitjackets and "mentally ill people do evil things" tropes
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julietwiskey1 · 3 years
De-aged Azula AU: The coronation
Azula suffers a breakdown the night before she is to be coronated Fire Lord. In the middle of all the pain and confusion she cries out for help in making it stop. The spirits answer her plea for help, but decide on a course of action that they believe would be the most amusing to themselves.
The next morning, Azula wakes up again in her five-year-old body in a room that is hers, but isn’t. Some of the decorations she recognizes but most of them she doesn’t. And what’s worse is that there is now some guard banging on her door saying that she has to get down to the coronation plaza or she will be late. Suspecting that this is one of her father’s games she complies while expecting to beat Zuzu again (last time they played the fake kidnapper game, and she got away while poor Zuzu was successfully kidnapped).
She eventually makes it over to the plaza and the sages as quickly as her five-year-old legs will let her go through the strangely deserted halls. The sages all look at her funny like there is something weird about her (there is nothing wrong with her, they are the ones that looking even older than the last time she has seen them). The old sages all give each other a look and a nod that looks like they made some unspoken agreement, then they direct her to kneel on some fancy cushion.
Then they start speaking while placing something on her head. “By decree of Phoenix King Ozai, I now crown you Fire Lord Azula.” She was so caught up in that phrase and the now heavy (too heavy) weight on her head to notice the giant white sky bison landing in front of them. The sages must have been thinking about something else to because they take even longer to acknowledge the giant beast in front of them.
She stands up to get a better look at the people who just jumped down. And then a man with a scar that seems so familiar, like he came out of a bad dream, starts talking. “Sorry but you’re not going to become…uh.” A look of befuddlement washed over the burn victims face as he asks with a voice of genuine confusion “Azula?”
Azula doesn’t know what this game is, but she doesn’t like it. She doesn’t know the people in front of her, but she knows she doesn’t like them. She feels it in her bones that they want to hurt her, and she knows somehow that they are some of the best benders in the world. She turns to run back into the palace so she can find father, mom or Zuzu so that they can explain the game to her. She doesn’t care if in doing so she loses, she doesn’t want to play this stupid game anymore.
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darkmoongazer · 2 years
ATLA Fanfic Search
4Hi ya'll
I'm looking for a ATLA fanfic but I can only basically one thing and it's driving me mad.
it features Jet, Zuko, and Smellerbee (It could be one of the other freedom fighters but I'm almost certain it's Smellerbee)
It happens in Ba Sing Se
Jet still suspects Zuko of being a firebender
Smellerbee(?) thinks Jet has a crush on Li
Zuko reads a rejection letter crafted by Smellerbee(?) to reject Jet
Please help
THANK YOU TUMBLR more specifically muffinlance
It was indeed "The Worst Prisoner" by emletish (AO3)
More specifically part II
But first let me tell you about part I and as all things I recommend it’s going to be a series of quotes of the best moments with no context
Gaang kidnapps Zuko fic.
Good uncle Iroh
“Trust me, you don't want Zuko,“He is a terrible kisser.” (Ch. 2)
“I am the only person here who hasn't accidentally wrecked a town,” (ch. 4)
Repeated use of the word “Hedgehog fucker”
“I think you need to push deeper ... into me ,” (ch. 10)
“And maybe he deserved to be kicked in his nuts eight times—” (ch. 11)
“This seemed to annoy the Giant Koi Monster. It stared at Zuko.” (ch. 15)
Secret Old People Flower Friends club (ch 16. )
“Is Pakku one of your flower friends?” (ch 16. )
Now, for part II (the one I was searching for)
“Death from too many love proverbs.” (ch. 1)
“Ah, yes! The Flower Friends!” (ch. 1)
“Hey, Azula, is that our dad wearing a sequinned tutu over there?” (ch. 1)
“Go fuck yourself, Jet!” .“I already did!” (ch. )
At least you've admitted you're stalking me now” (ch. 9)
Bossy Sexy Katara
“because you're both tall, grumpy bitches with messy dark hair and two swords.” (ch. 9)
Lee read Smellerbee's Guide to Letting Jet Down Gently out loud. (ch. 9)
They were arrested by the district guards not long after the fifth pineapple. (ch. 9)
Crush? The plot was rapidly thickening. (ch.10)
Frozen hell, the spirits had given Sokka a rare and hilarious gift. (ch. 11)
Code Names courtesy of Sokka (ch. 11)
“Do you think they'll ever figure out that Zuko's really a firebender?” (ch. 11)
“Oh no, not written instructions!” “Lee's one true weakness!” (ch. 12)
Yeah that’s all I got. I left out a lot of my favorite scenes because their too long. This story is so fucking good. 
Author Emletish is still working on the third in series but the other two parts above are complete. 
10/10 story. 
I loved rereading. 
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
Maybe It Is Good That Azula Did Not Reunite With Ursa in the Comics
I know how you constantly wish that Ursa and Azula could finally have their long awaited reunion and that you hate the comics because, among a lot of other things, they did give us this long-awaited reunion. But, considering how they have written how other people react to and behave around Azula, it might have been better that they didn't have Ursa find out and/or have Ursa confront Azula, especially after Azula led the Fake Kemurikage kidnappings. Cause the comic writers, especially Yang, would have probably used the reunion to have Ursa disown Azula. And even worse, portray said disownment as an moment of empowerment for Ursa (who never wanted to have Ozai's kids in the first place, let alone one who "took" after her abuser/kidnapper in Ozai) like when parents of children with severe ASPD finally snap on their child and throw them out the house and/or disown them.
Yeah, I only want that plot, or literally any plot, to happen if it's being written by people are at least minimally competent at writing anything.
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