#Mai slowly falls in love with the idea of Azula.
the-genius-az · 3 months
Azula kidnaps the Omega Mai after leaving the asylum.
But it's not what you think, my good friend! Azula won't treat her badly, noooo, she'll make Mai think that the princess is the only thing that's right in the world.
She'll put her on the bed and tie her up so she can't escape, leave her in bad condition for a week and then BOOM! That will change her little by little, giving her the best things, praise and pampering until Mai melts little by little.
And so Azula will finally have the Omega of her dreams!
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withgirl-sq · 6 months
Katara objecting at Azula's wedding
My mind has been overtaken by this so it may slowly become a multi chapter fic (maybe after Avatar Azula is done?) but wanted to get some ideas out:
This is set in a post canon fic where Azula was in prison and Katara visited her until they became friends (and fell in love but were too afraid to tell each other)
When Azula is released, she wants to help the Fire Nation in some way and finds out that some important Earth Kingdom noble (maybe a prince?) is looking to marry and that they can use it to firm up the relationship between the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation -- (This would obviously have to mean that Kuei has forgiven her lol)
Katara is asked to be whatever the Fire Nation's version of Maid of Honour is and then it would basically become the film Made of Honor if anyone has seen that? If not, it's basically the Maid of Honour trying to get the bride to fall in love with them while supporting the wedding until he has to object
Eventually they would get to the wedding and Katara would have no choice but to object during the vows
Side note - I live for Sokka shipping Azutara so I think he'll be the first one she tells and he would help her with schemes to 'win' Azula
If anyone is interested in this, please let me know and I'll try and give it some more serious thought!
Also always welcome any ideas people have ❤️
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cardboardqueen · 2 months
ok so i read The Goblin Emperor recently (absolutely recommend) and it's given me some thoughts about a:tla specifically post canon zuko
he is the very young very new leader of a nation that's very abruptly lost its previous monarch. He's spent the last few years away from court and almost certainly isn't used to using his court manners even if he does technically know them. He's taking the country in a very different direction than his father with bold new political ideas and radical friends. The only heir to speak of is someone he'd really rather not pass the throne to. While he does have some support from his elders he was absolutely Not trained to take the throne and certainly not with so little warning.
sound familiar?
so now I'm thinking of a post-canon zuko fic of epic proportions that goes into as much detail in the world building and politics as TGE does.
Zuko finding a good secretary jesus christ please
Zuko slowly learning how to talk to his cabinet members as an adult, trying to balance being their Fire Lord, trying to be seen as an equal in competency and not a boy king, and acknowledging that he really isn't up to speed.
Zuko learning all the servant's names
Zuko's struggle not to lose himself in the overwhelming force of being The Fire Lord
learning regular teenage emotional regulation but instead of telling your dad you hate him because he asked you to turn the music down you're screaming at your minister of agriculture in front of the whole cabinet and you can't remember why it was important
he was expecting the assassination attempts and even the coups. He wasn't expecting the more subtle attempts to lock him out of his own government
look i know we all love ignoring the political implications of gay shipping, but zuko is absolutely not in a stable enough position to be the first fire lord to get gay married. we're ignoring the opportunities presented by a well suited marriage of convenience. are they co-conspirators in world betterment and shenanigans? does the fire lady get him to take a fucking break for once? is it a slow burn where they eventually fall in love but like, 7years into being married? do they have elaborate arrangements of 'cultural informants' and ladies in waiting that are just a stream of consensual lovers? some options for your consideration under the cut
Yue (in a yue lives au)
most reassuring to an international audience
nonthreatening to a domestic audience
the optics of marrying the NWT princess are great and logical without requiring too many mental gymnastics
has spent her whole like preparing to do something unpleasant for the sake of her tribe and would probably consent to the marriage
politically powerful but a non-bender, very low chance of a waterbending heir
zuko has grown up around girls that could kill him and respects women, the fire nation might be an improvement on the NWT
once she breaks out of her shell she'd be a snark machine
the in world artists would get a kick out of the water/fire symbolism. there would be so many plays and paintings and poems
i understand that her death has symbolic and narrative importance but let me play here
relatively reassuring to a domestic audience
minimally objectionable to international audiences
marrying into a family that was powerful and favored in Ozai's time would pacify traditionalists without requiring zuko to actually make traditionalist political decisions
Mai can play the court game even if it drives her mad
azula would have an internal fit but they may be able to maneuver it such that it manifests as azula being driven to make Mai the most successful fire lady that ever was
Random Earth Kingdom Noble
afiak neither bumi nor kuei have children. idk what the heir situation is but i know there's an earth prince in alok so idk
'marrying an earth kingdom noble is a very logically and politically sound move' says zuko's cabinet. 'ok' says zuko, 'which one?' chaos ensues
someone tries to propose mai as an earth kingdom noble because her father was governor of New Ozai. the eyeroll is audible
great potential for OC shenanigans
sokka would throw a fit
potential for lovely zukki ot3 a la many of erisenyo's fics
allying with an important figure from mostly neutral kiyoshi island might translate to a mostly neutral political move and minimize outrage on all sides
she can make very heavy handed speeches about 'if we can forgive him so can you' when the earth kingdom representatives start getting mean
gives her an excuse to stay and keep and eye on zuko (and keep some warriors around to keep an eye on him too)
even if she didn't grow up in court suki is sharp, she'd pick up on the important bits quick and the rest she could pass off as her quaint provincial upbringing
imagine how the fire nation court fashion would respond to the Fire Lady in the Kiyoshi Warrior Gear. the heat exhaustion alone
objectively hilarious
i don't actually think it fits with her character arc about independence and growth but it's not significantly worse than making her a cop sooo
i really don't ship them so i'm imagining this for practicalities and logistics only but you do you
it would be absolutely hilarious for the bei fongs to go from 'no we have no children' to 'yes we would like to propose that our daughter marry the fire lord' overnight. even funnier if it's toph's idea and she has to wrangle proof that she is actually the heir of one of the wealthiest families in the earth kingdom
relatively reassuring to an international audience
the domestic audience doesn't know what to think. on paper she's a foreign merchant's daughter which is fine. in reality didn't she destroy like 10 war balloons? is that a war crime? she won't stop jump scaring the treasurer?
she'd get a kick out of redesigning all the parts of the palace that make zuko sad
the agni kai arena is now her earthbending practice ground, i hope you weren't attached to those tiles!
zuko's cabinet is free of secret loyalists in a week. toph spends her first month there roaming the halls listening for lying hearts
minor concern of earthbending heirs? she gets a kick out of all the anxiety
toph and azula would be hysterical to see interact. like introducing two cats through a bathroom door. maybe they fall in love idk. they almost certainly fuck at least once. their sparring matches threaten to destabilize the architecture and also the rim of caldera city
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sokkastyles · 6 months
personal opinion, I dont like how the comics made ozai and usra relationship. I always headcanon that they were in love and happy at first but slowly ozai became more greedy and abusive to his kids and kept playing mind games with them. I think Ozai does love usra but he loves power more and is willing to sacrifice anything to get it. I know everyone hates the live action, but I like it because they give ozai some dept. He's still an abusive asshole. But an abusive asshole that does have love for his family. Or did. But he cares more about power. And is willing to do anything to get it. I feel like with abusive parents they always make it seem all black and white and stuff when its not.
I didn't hate the live action and I do think they were attempting to give Ozai more depth, but I think they weren't successful in this, partially because I think there's a misconception about what "depth" means, especially when it comes to morally black and gray characters.
Original Ozai does have depth. It is hinted that he loved Ursa, and I think that he would say that he loves his children. Even when Zuko confronts him with what he did to him, he doesn't just laugh evilly, he justifies himself, and looks outraged by Zuko's accusation that what he did was cruel and wrong.
My problem with the attempts to give Ozai, and Azula to an extent, more "depth" in the live action is that they seem to mistake depth for sympathy, and it's not the same thing. The show kind of attempts to "explain" Ozai in a way that actually flattens the character, in my view, and misunderstands how abuse and abusive people work. Ozai isn't playing mind games with his children because he's looking for a "strong" heir (although he may tell himself that.) He's doing it because of his own insecurity and deep need to feed that insecurity. It's all about him.
I think he loved Ursa because she belonged to him, and loved that his children also belonged to him. I think he started to resent Ursa after she had children, actually, at the same time that his view of ownership strengthened. Because having his children both affirms that she is his and, simultaneously, means that he has to share her with the children, who demand so much of her time. I think this is at the heart of his resentment for Zuko (Ursa's firstborn and a boy, who Ozai sees himself and his own weak need in) and his to mold Azula in his image and distance herself from her mother (because he won't make the same mistake he did when Zuko was born, and because Azula is a mini version of her mother that Ozai can mold in the way he can't an adult Ursa.)
This is pretty psychologically complex stuff, which I feel adds more depth to a character than attempts to rationalize their actions, which often fall flat, particularly since Ozai's behavior should not be rationalized. I don't love the explanation the comics give of Ozai and Ursa's relationship, but I'm not a fan of the idea that they were in love, either, especially with the implication that Ozai might have once been a good husband, because like, there are people like this in the real world who never once had good intentions. There are people who get into relationships like this all the time. I believe Ozai would have been capable of charming Ursa once, but does that mean that the relationship was ever good, or does it just mean that Ozai is a good manipulator?
I actually think that the situation was probably similar to what we see Zuko (and Azula) slowly come to realize in the show: that the relationship was never good, but Ozai was good at convincing his family that it was good or at least, that he knew what was best for them.
I mean, Ozai was able to convince Ursa that the only way out of her situation was to commit murder, an act that would brand her as a traitor, put her out of her children's lives forever, and give Ozai everything he wanted. She was being manipulated in much the same way that Zuko was manipulated - banished and made to think it was her fault, made to be complicit in Ozai's crimes.
That tells me more about their relationship and about Ozai as a person than the comics or the live action do with, as I said before, much less exposition.
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 2 months
Hmmm it's been a while since I posted one of my weird crossover ideas on tumblr. Let's fix that.
For the past few days I've been enjoying daydreaming about a Avatar the Last Airbender/Wingfeather Saga crossover. But it's. probably not what you would expect, haha. I'll probably never write it as more than ideas though, so I may was well post the concept here.
So this takes place in the Wingfeather world of Aerwiar, several years before the Fall of Anniera that jumpstarts the war/plot happening in the book series. One day, Artham Wingfeather is in one of Anniera's port towns and is called over by a concerned citizen, who leads him to a crowd watching a rowboat slowly drift to shore. The rowboat contains two small children, who Artham brings ashore and takes back to Castle Rysen.
The small children in question are Zuko (age 4) and Azula (age 2). In this version of events, the Fire Nation royal family is a bit darker than in canon and, after Ozai flies into a rage and burns Zuko (yes he still has his scar I know I'm mean, but there's a POINT I swear) Ursa decides she needs to get her kids the heck out of the Fire Nation. But Ozai is suspicious and possessive of her in general and has her under guard so she can't escape the palace, so she entrusts her kiddos to a few trusted servants, who pack them up in a rowboat with food and water and send them off, hoping they'll make it to a coastal village and be taken in by a kindly family.
Most of this is explained/implied in a note that Ursa sent along with the kids, that Artham reads and passes on to Esben (and Nia and Arundelle). They are properly horrified.
However, what no one realizes is that these kiddos have come through a portal between the two worlds. So Artham and Esben ASSUME that SOMEWHERE these kid's mom is being held captive by their cruel father and so they send out search parties/reconnaissance teams to try and rescue her, and because any father so cruel as to hurt his son the way Ozai hurt Zuko needs to be stopped. The brothers also wonder if, perhaps, this is somehow connected to the Tragic Accident that befell their parents and aunt Illiya a year before when their ship was lost and they were killed. And they start to wonder if, perhaps, that wasn't an accident, but that they stumbled upon whatever This was and tried to stop it and got in the way. (They don't suspect Bonifer... at first...)
Anyway, Artham finds himself caretaker for these two small children and develops a bond with them, especially Zuko (what, you thought I WASN'T going to use this as an excuse to make a connection between two of my favorite characters of all time?). Arundelle also becomes close with them, and- besides the cooks in the castle- she's the first person Artham tells about the kids. Because I thought it'd be fun to make Arundelle a healer (hey, why shouldn't she be good with healing plants and herbs? heh) and have her be the main person who treats Zuko's burn.
Azula recovers from the trauma of being separated from her mom and home pretty quickly since the new place she's in has kind, caring people, nice food, is still a palace, and she's two. She loves playing with Arundelle and listening to Artham's stories. She's very bright and friendly and talkative. She IS very attached to her brother tho, sleeping in the same bed as him the first few nights in this new place, even defending him/trying to explain his actions the way she's heard adults do. (when Artham finds the siblings they're clinging to each other in their little boat, terrified)
Zuko is more complicated. He's had the physical trauma of being burned paired with the emotional trauma of being hurt and abused by his father (the burning wasn't the first time, just the most severe). He understands a little more of what's going on than his sister. He love, love, loves being held, especially by Artham, because since Azula was born he's not been allowed to act like a "baby" and hasn't gotten much physical affection. He's very shy and has periods of mutism when meeting new people or encountering distressing/unfamiliar situations. Little guy has also had his senses severely rattled by losing both half his vision and half his hearing in one fell swoop. In short, he's a mess. The first time he's alone with Artham he has a panic attack because he thinks Artham will hurt him, but Artham being so kind and understanding and gentle with him helps him unlearn that. Zuko becomes very attached to Artham very quickly and... Artham becomes attached to him pretty fast too.
(Additionally, Zuko is terrified of Bonifer. The only explanation he can give for that is, "He looks at me like father did." which does plant a little seed of suspicion in Artham's mind specifically)
So, long term, this severely messes up Gnag/Bonifer's plans, since suddenly the Annierans are combing the Hollows/The Killridge Mts/even the Doonlands trying to find Zuko and Azula's family. This either forces the baddies to speed up their plans... or derails them altogether. I haven't decided yet, haha. The Annierans do find out something of what Gnag is doing (they don't connect Bonifer to it right away tho) and end up with some preparation for the attack that eventually comes. I think the attack on Anniera is still somewhat successful, but a lot less so than in canon. Like, I don't think the entire populace is captured/scattered and I haven't decided if I want Artham and Esben to still get captured or not. (if they do I have this great mental image of 7-year-old Zuko and 5-year-old Azula trying to rescue them from Throg. Just. just imagine the CHAOS even a pair of BABY firebenders could do in Aerwiar. Imagine.)
Oh yeah, to give you a better idea of WHEN this happens, Nia is pregnant with Janner when Artham finds Zuko and Azula. I just thought it'd be fun for Zuko to have the same age gap with Janner he has with Aang and it makes it close enough for things to come together plot wise.
So yeah, that's my thoughts on how Zuko and Azula could potentially have prevented the Fall of Anniera. xD
Other random things they cause:
Artham adopting them
Artham and Arundelle getting married a few years before Anniera falls after the closeness and bonding that comes from caring for a pair of traumatized children.
Absolute chaos with their firebending (the Annierans chalk this up to the old stories of Annieran/Anyaran kids having special powers to defend their home with and decide not to question it further)
So yeah, there's my late night thoughts on a WFS/ATLA AU. where Artham adopts Zuko and Azula. because why not. I hope it was a fun read. :D
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745voiceofthepeople · 10 months
My turn for an ask @745voiceofthepeople !
What do you think about a mermaid AU except the Fire Family are the mermaids and not the Water Tribe family?
Katara and Sokka are desperately trying to prove that they can be good pirates/fisherman(I don’t know which) to their parents so they go out on the sea by themselves. While out there, they accidentally catch two mermaids their age.
Mermaids are regarded as myths so Sokka is so happy to show their parents that they caught them but Katara feels guilty. She knows that if they bring them back to the tribe they’ll never be allowed to leave. In a split second decision, she frees them both much to her brother’s annoyance.
They return to the village and don’t talk about the mermaids but that night Katara hears something pattering against her window. She looks outside to see someone in the water, throwing fish at her window. Azula claims she came back because she wants to know why Katara let her and her brother go. This begins Azula and Katara’s friendship and later relationship.
I love this idea!
It’s a unique twist of the Water/Fire dynamic. And I am all here for it! Remind me of your mermaid Katara AU, but I love the twist with Azula being a mermaid now.
And I can defiantly see Sokka and Katara reacting in the way that they do. Both have demonstrated a desire to live up to their parents expectations/example in canon. So I can easily see that being translated into this AU.
What’s also Interesting is the difference in how Pirates and fisherman may treat Mermaids.
If you go fisherman, I can easily see Hakoda (though perhaps not Kya) wanting to either use mermaids Zuko and Azula as “hunting dogs” (to use a categorical term) to lure fish into nets and other things of that ilk. Thus Azula and Zuko would be used for this practical purpose. Enforcing a kind of servitude. With Waterbenders being around to ensure neither could swim away and escape. Katara would probably come to a similar conclusion. Leading her to not pity, but sympathize with Azula and Zuko.
Or depending of the tribes beliefs, I can also see Hakoda, Kanna, and the tribe viewing as mythical beast sent as a blessing from the spirits. Being used in either the above capacity. Or being kept as “honored guest” in a gilded cage. Either way, neither option would be a life Katara would wish on herself or on another sentient being. Especially not a cute mystical being like mermaid Azula. Leading her to not pity, but sympathize with Azula and Zuko and to let them go despite whatever benefits (material or spiritual) their capture may bring the tribe. Much to Sokka’s chargin
In regards to the pirates, I can see them wanting to keep Mermaid Azula and Zuko as “pets”. Tourist attractions to attract wealthy patrons from all over the world. Pretty much being held as indentured servants or entertainment. Something that Katara (despite being a pirate herself) would not stand for.
With Azula, I can see her being absolutely befuddled that an enemy (humans) that had captured her and her (dum dum) brother decided to let them go. They (Katara and Sokka) had them “dead to rights”. So why did the human girl cut the net and let them go? Which would lead to seek out Katara for answers. On just exactly what the (pretty) human girl is playing at?
From there, Azula and Katara have many conversations, and slowly but surely fall for one another. I can even see a scene where Azula shows Katara around the sea floor.
This is an amazing idea @waterfire1848 !!!
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
No Sound but Silence: Overcast
You're an idiot
You're throwing everything away over her?
You can sue for custody. You can keep the kid if that's what you want
Dad will come around. This kid could be your ticket back in with him, if you're smart
Look who i'm talking to
You don't even realize what you have, do you? Dad's always going on about the Kaji legacy, and you just secured it for the next generation
Mai still asks about you, you know
I bet she could be talked into playing step-mommy in a few years
Azula had sent her brother dozens of texts since his confrontation with Ozai. Zuko had no idea when or why she had gotten so invested in the idea of him reconciling with their father, but it was beyond irritating at this point and feeling more like an assault. Katara suggested he block her.
"It doesn't have to be permanent," she said. "Just until she stops being so persistent in her attempts to set you up with Mai again."
"Jealous?" Zuko asked with a teasing smirk. Katara jabbed her foot- the one not currently in his talented grip- into his side.
"I'm not jealous," she told him.
"Careful, or I won't massage that one," Zuko warned. "And I know you know I'm not interested in Mai. Still, blocking my sister is...a big step."
"I know." Katara rubbed her stomach gently. "I don't know if I could block Sokka either." Zuko's hands paused on Katara's foot and he looked at her stomach thoughtfully.
"Do you think our kids will get along like you two?" Katara smiled at Zuko.
"Yeah," she told him. "I'm sure they will."
"I hope they all take after you," he said. "However many we have, I hope they get everything from you."
"That's not fair!" Katara laughed softly. "If they don't take anything from you, then every single annoying thing they do will be my fault. Besides, it'll be sad if none of them takes after you. I want a bookish, serious, creative little mini-you.
"Sure," Zuko scoffed. "With a side of over-competitiveness and not so small chance of being a sociopath." Katara jabbed Zuko with her foot again.
"Stop that!" she ordered. "That's my future baby you're talking about! Look Zuko, what's wrong with you father- what's wrong with Azula- people aren't just born that way. They're made that way. And when they're old enough, they choose to be that way. You made different choices, and because you did, our kids are going to grow up differently. They're going to be loved and safe, and they are going to have a whole different set of choices to make."
"I know," Zuko sighed. "But what if-"
"Hey!" Katara cut him off with another jab. "I want my little Zuko, mister. I want at least one just like you." Zuko looked like he would argue further, but finally he chuckled and shook his head.
"Alright," he said. "I give. But I have one question."
"Yes?" Katara eyed him suspiciously.
"Just how many kids do you want to have."
Katara was having an awful time. She was now approaching six months pregnant and in an almost constant state of discomfort. The baby had taken after her night-owl tendencies and had woken her with sharp kicks to her ribs that were almost too precise to be accidental, and those were on the nights when she could get comfortable enough to fall asleep in the first place. Although her nausea had long since passed, Katara had discovered the joys of heartburn. To top it all off, now that her pregnant belly couldn't be hidden beneath baggy clothes anymore, her teachers were beginning to treat her differently. So were her classmates, for that matter. Even though her closest friends were still standing beside her, school was slowly shifting from a necessary annoyance to a daily misery. That she could hardly fit at the school desks anymore unless she sat sideways was just the icing on the cake. She was tired and wanted to not be pregnant anymore.
"You'd better be real frikin' cute," she muttered to her stomach as she made her way to lunch.
Walking into the cafeteria was an interesting experience. Half the tables fell silent when she walked through the doors. The other half started whispering furiously amongst themselves. She was clearly a main topic of discussion at all of them.
"Katara!" Jin stood up and waved wildly, as if Katara had forgotten where their group had sat nearly every lunch period since Katara, Jin and Song were freshman. Still, Katara grinned and hurried over. Jin moved her chair to give Katara space between her and Toph.
"Here," Toph said, handing Katara a jar of what looked to be dried leaves and seaweed floating in pondwater.
"What is this?" she asked holding the jar up to her face with a grimace.
"My mom said it's supposed to make sure your milk comes in with all the vitamins and garbage your baby needs," Toph said. "It smells like the water from our rain gutters, though. Drink it at your own risk."
"Toph, your mom is sending care packages to pregnant teens?" Song laughed. "No offence, Katara, but I thought for sure getting pregnant would make Poppy Beifong lead the charge to have you shunned from all better society."
"Oh, trust me, she was there for a while," Toph assured her friends. "But one thing Poppy loves is young people getting married and having babies. I think she's hoping I follow in your footsteps. Just, you know, with the orders reversed."
"That's...sweet of her," Katara said, setting the jar aside. "I guess."
"Sweet...meddling...manipulative," Toph shrugged. "It's all the same with my mom. I don't expect you to drink that. I just wanted you to know that she's still just as crazy as ever."
"I'll say!" Meng scoffed. "If she really thinks getting pregnant and married right out of high school is aspirational, she's loonier than I thought. No offence Katara."
"None taken," she said emphatically. "Girls, this pregnancy thing sucks!"
"You're a good cautionary tale," Meng said, patting Katara's hand.
"Um...thank you?" Katara's brows furrowed. She felt Toph move sharply just before Meng let out a pained cry.
"What was that for?" she demanded.
"Sorry, didn't see ya there," Toph apologized insincerely. Meng glared at her but said nothing else. Instead she turned back to Katara.
"Have you heard from Aang lately?" she asked. Katara felt her cheeks heat up. It had been weeks since Aang had confronted her, and she had only seen him in passing since. Her friends all knew that, even though none of them had commented much on his absence at their table.
"Knock it off, Meng," Jin warned her.
"I'm tired of pretending everything is fine!" Meng said. "Katara is the one who got pregnant. Why is Aang the one who had to leave the group?"
"I didn't tell him he couldn't eat with us!" Katara protested.
"You had a fight with him!" Meng reminded her.
"That doesn't mean I kicked him out of our group! I didn't tell any of you that you couldn't talk to him. Aang not being here was his choice!"
"Right," Meng scoffed. "So never mind the fact that you broke his heart."
"Aang's crush isn't Katara's problem," Jin protested. "She and Zuko have been dating for two years! If he hasn't gotten over her by now, that's on him."
"Well, maybe it's not that simple!" Meng said, leaping to her feet. "Maybe he tried to let you go, and thought he had, but now you're pregnant and getting married and rubbing it in his face and he can't move on because he's in love with you!"
"What?" Katara leaned back in her seat, her eyes wide with shock. Meng shook her head and spun on her heels.
'You know what? Just forget it. I keep forgetting that everything is just about you now."
"What?" Katara stared after her friend, her mouth opening and closing as she tried to say...anything. Toph, Jin and Song surrounded her immediately.
"I don't know what I did to her," Katara said in distress. "I didn't tell Aang he couldn't hang out with us! I didn't!"
"Forget what she said," Song assured her. "We know what happened with Aang isn't your fault. Meng is just...going through something right now."
"She shouldn't be taking it out on you, though," Toph muttered darkly. "That was crappy of her." Katara shook her friends off with assurances that she was fine.
"I know I've been eating up a lot of the attention lately," she apologized to her friends. "I don't want you to feel like you have to be on eggshells with me."
"Forget it," Jin said firmly. "You're our friend, and a lot of big stuff is happening to you. We all know that if any of us needs the spotlight, you'll give it up happily. But that's our little niece or nephew you're carrying, and we want to be there for you."
"Meng isn't mad at you," Song told Katara. "She...well, she decided now was the perfect time to tell Aang how she feels about him, and it didn't go well. Aang wasn't cruel or anything, but you know him. He has the tact and emotional awareness of an amoeba. Meng is taking it out on you because it's easier than admitting that it's time to move on from a crush she's had since she was 9." The girls fell silent and turned to Meng's empty seat.
"Still," Toph said after a moment. "She's being a jerk." Her friends gave their firm agreement.
Part 1… Part 25, Part 26, Part 27
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Sokka x Zuko and Azula’s sister series: Part One
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Imagine being Zuko and Azula’s younger sister and Sokka having a crush on you. You reject him worried about his intentions but slowly find yourself falling for the water tribe boy.
Part two here
You were Zuko and Azula’s younger sister, the twin of Azula but with no fire bending abilities and so both your siblings were fond of you. Zuko because he saw the way your father treated you because you couldn't bend and Azula because due to your lack of bending she didn’t see you as a threat but just as her sister. You were always in the middle of your two siblings, the one who they came to settle arguments and petty disputes. You loved your siblings a lot and the feeling was mutual so they were just a tad overprotective of you, particularly when their friends started taking an interest in you...
Sokka’s POV
"Remind me why we've never met your younger sister before?" Toph asked and Zuko sighed "y/n never felt welcome here because of our father and so she avoided the capital and lived in the colonies with family friends most of the time. She really likes travelling and just stayed out of the war entirely. This will be her first time in the capital in years". "You must be happy to see her huh?" Katara asked and Zuko grinned "you have no idea!".
As soon as your ship arrived the gang watched as Zuko turned from Firelord into a happy older brother. "Y/n!" Zuko cried and he ran forwards to hug you. Sokka followed him with his eyes and then gaped "that’s Zuko’s sister?". "Yeah so?" Toph asked confused. "She looks nothing like him she’s....hot!" Sokka cried with a large grin on his face. Zuko had been holding out on him. 
Still reeling from this revelation Sokka tried to catch Zuko alone but it was hard. Zuko had thrown you a large welcome home party and he’d hardly left your side for hours. However finally Azula ousted him claiming twin time and Sokka snook up beside him. "So your sister...why did you never tell me about her before?" Sokka asked "i’m insulted?". Zuko frowned "I told you about y/n before". "Yeah but why did you never introduce me to her?". "You want to meet her?". "Duh??? I mean I knew your family had good genes and Azula’s pretty and all but y/n is something else!". Zuko narrowed his eyes "wait you want me to introduce you because you like her?". "Yes! Fire nation girls are always good but wow your parents did wonders on this one". Zuko attacked Sokka and Sokka yelped caught off guard. "She’s my baby sister!" Zuko cried "you are going nowhere near her!". "Aww come on Zuko, you know me! Don’t you trust me?". "I trust you but nobodies good enough for my sister, imagine it I asked your permission to date Katara!". Sokka started to laugh "I'd honestly wish you luck, you may be the Firelord but Aang’s the avatar. You really think you can compete with that?". Zuko blushed "that wasn't my point, the point is wouldn’t you be protective of Katara?". "Yes but I also know she’s her own person and I can’t control who she dates". "You're just saying that because you want to date my sister". "Maybe a little bit" Sokka admitted "but I also think we’d really get on”. Zuko scoffed going to turn away but Sokka grabbed his arm "no really! Zuko think about it! Me and your sister are a lot alike. Firstly we’re both non-benders with powerful siblings who overshadow us. Secondly were both from nations who put a lot of pressure on us and thirdly we both know you!". Zuko groaned loudly "what's it going to take to make you give this up?". "How about, you let me talk to her tonight and watch us. If you don’t think she likes me or don’t like how I act around her then I'll stop seeing her". "Fine" Zuko agreed "but i swear Sokka you hurt her at all and I'll..". "Yeah yeah burn me, banish me..hunt me down with your army, whatever...y/n’s waiting for me!" and he rushed away.
Your POV
The palace had changed a lot since you’d last been here and you were pleased. It reminded you less of your childhood and more of somewhere pleasant. Zuko had made everywhere brighter and removed most of the flags and portraits which used to haunt every wall. It was nice to see that the palace wasn’t the only thing that had changed, Azula and Zuko were different too. They were no longer at each other’s throats and were more confident. Zuko was the happiest you’d ever seen him and Azula had a much healthier attitude without your father’s abuse. She was still your older sister though and she stepped away to go scold Ty lee for doing handstands on the furniture leaving you alone. You were admiring how much nicer the ballroom looked without all the heavy drapes when someone appeared in front of you.
"Hi i’m Sokka" the boy said and you blinked "hi...Zuko’s friend right?". Your brother had told you all about his journeys and that name sounded familiar so you took a guess. Thankfully you were correct and Sokka nodded "so you've heard of me?". "Yeah Zuko writes to me all the time! Water tribe right?”. Sokka nodded and you smiled "if the hair, eyes and everything didn’t give it away. So Sokka how are you enjoying the fire nation?". "Very much" he smiled glancing at you but you didn’t seem to notice. "How’s your return been?" he asked. You sighed "it’s okay, just a bunch of idiot guys thinking they have a chance with me either because they're a non-bender or they know my brother". Sokka gulped as you looked at him "but anyway did Zuko ask you to talk to me? I'm pretty sure he wants me to become friends with all his friends so i’m guessing he sent you over?". Sokka shook his head "i came on my own i err wanted to meet you". "Ow really?" you asked suspiciously and Sokka nodded "Zuko talks so much about you i wanted to see the real deal, I feel like I already know you". You smiled and Sokka just stared. "That’s sweet, would you like to dance?". Sokka paused "what?". "A new song is starting and i’d love to join in and now i know you're my brother’s friend who won’t try anything i feel safe asking you, so care to join me?". You held out a hand and Sokka took it immediately "okay".
Zuko’s POV
Zuko glowered watching you and Sokka dance and Azula chuckled appearing beside him. "Leave it alone brother you’ll only make it worse by disapproving". "So what we just let this happen?" he asked outraged at the very idea. "They're dancing not getting engaged but either way i’d let it happen". "What?" Zuko yelled "you approve of her and Sokka?". Azula shrugged "of all your friends Sokka is the best, i think y/n and him would get on". Zuko glared "y/n is not being forced into anything". "Did i say that?' Azula asked annoyed "if i thought he was pressuring her at all i’d kill him myself but look how he’s looking at her, our sister has ever inch of power and it’s wonderful".
Sokka’s POV
Sokka was worried you’d be too advanced a dancer for him but luckily you were a skilled and thoughtful partner. You led Sokka around effortlessly and helped him feel at ease. Soon enough he stopped feeling out of place and was beginning to enjoy it. You chatted to him softly and the song slipped away quickly.  After dancing you grabbed a drink and carried on talking together. Sokka was surprised how conveniently he'd got to spend time with you and so he wasn’t upset when it came to an end. Ty lee and Mai suddenly called out to you and you smiled "sorry i promised Ty lee i’d spend time with her, you can come too if you want?". "No it’s fine i should probably find my friends, they'll be thinking i ditched them for a pretty face". Sokka was building up to asking you out but you shattered that with your next sentence. "Just tell them i’m Zuko and Azula’s sister and they’ll realise there’s no way this could be romantic" you laughed. Sokka laughed loudly "ha ha! Ha ha! Yeah good one! See you later y/n!" and rushed away to hide the large blush on his face.
Your POV
After the party you returned to your family's wing of the palace to find Zuko, Mai and Azula all waiting for you and based on the expression on Mai’s face they’d been waiting a while. "So how was it?" Zuko asked and you looked from him to Mai confused "how was what?". "Sokka? the boy you were dancing with...are you two a thing now?" Mai asked. You laughed "Sokka? We’re just friends! What am i dating every guy i talk with?". "No but...he didn’t ask you out?" Zuko asked. You shook your head "no of course not, why would he?". "Because he fancies you" Zuko said and Mai hit him "Zuko!". "No he doesn’t" you laughed "he was just being a friend". Azula shot you a look and you paused "ow...i didn’t even realise". “Yep...there it goes” Azula smirked and you frowned “I...I’m going to bed” and you stormed into your room angrily. You slammed your door and sighed sinking onto the floor. Just when you thought you’d made a real friend it turned out he wanted more from you. You were sick of being pursued just because of your title or looks, why couldn’t anyone just want to be your friend? You slumped into bed with this angry thought while a certain boy’s face lingered in your mind. 
The next day Sokka appeared before you at breakfast just as he had last night.  "Hey y/n" Sokka smiled but you didn’t return his greeting or smile. "Zuko told me what you told him" you replied coldly. Sokka paled "y/n I can explain...". "Why did you lie to me? Were you pretending to be genuinely interested in me as a friend just to get my guard down or something? God you're just like all the other fire nation guys". Sokka shook his head "no that's not it! Y/n I did like you...a lot! That's why I talked to Zuko about asking you out but when i started getting to know you and you mentioned how so many guys think they have a shot with you just because they know Zuko and how you felt safer with me because you could trust me not to have any bad intentions...I decided to just be your friend". "That seems pretty convenient" you replied and Sokka nodded "I know it sounds like that but it’s true, as much as I think you're very interesting and beautiful I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Zuko mentioned how you didn’t like the capital and I guessed not knowing which men you can trust can’t help so I figured being your friend would be better than trying anything with you. I promise all I want from you is a friendship, you can trust me. I won’t try anything". You eyed Sokka suspiciously but he saw a glimmer of truth there and got the instinct to believe this boy, you decided to trust it. "If I do you can turn me over to your brother and sister” Sokka carried on and you opened your eyes wide. "Wow you are telling the truth". Sokka smiled "I really am". "Okay fine we can be friends" you agreed and Sokka sighed in relief "great! Fancy a walk in the gardens?". “Lead the way” you smiled and Sokka started down the corridor.
Zuko’s POV
Zuko was glancing out of the window above the gardens when something caught his eye. Zuko’s eyes nearly popped out of his head as he saw who you were with. "Why are they still together?" he yelled and Mai frowned coming to stand beside him "why? Did you do something to wreck Sokka’s chances?". Zuko paused "well not really but I do happen to know y/n hates guys trying to get close to her so I may have left slip Sokka’s true intentions with that in mind but I was only doing it to protect her”. Mai frowned "well y/n clearly doesn't care. Your plan failed I guess". Zuko sighed massaging his temple and Mai frowned "don’t you trust Sokka?". "Of course I do just not with my sister". "Well y/n’s not a kid anymore Zuko, you can’t scare guys away from her, leave them be. Y/n’s smart if she trusts him then you should so don't do anything else to mess with them, okay?". "But..." Zuko started when Mai shot him a glare and he sighed "fine".
Your POV
After that day you started spending lots of time with Sokka. It was nice knowing he was never going to try anything with you and so you didn’t have to always be on your guard like you normally were. You could be natural and that helped the two of you get closer. When the time came for Sokka to leave you were genuinely upset. You weren’t sure what you’d do for fun without him and realised you’d enjoyed your time at home for the first time in years because of him. When he wasn’t here...you worried all that would melt away.
2 months later
Sokka had left a while ago and while your home didn’t transform into a horrible place you felt Sokka’s absence profoundly and realised you’d actually formed a pretty strong bond there. You wrote to each other regularly but it wasn’t the same. You figured you’d stop missing him after a few weeks but as time passed and you still wanted to see him you contemplated there might be more behind this than you thought...maybe you missed the water tribesmen for a particular reason.
You’d never had romantic feelings for anyone before and so had no idea if what you felt for Sokka was more than just a friendship or not. However you knew there was only one way to find out, you had to see him again.
Zuko was planning a diplomatic trip to the water tribe for a festival they were having and you caught him in the last minute planning stages with your sister. You figured it’d be easier to make your request with a short time frame, that way your siblings would be blindsighted and wouldn’t work out your true intentions for wanting to come with them. “Y/n” Azula said spotting you first and Zuko’s head jerked up “hey what brings you here?” he asked softly. “Not much I just wanted to ask you about something”. Zuko nodded setting his papers down “of course, ask me anything”. You smiled awkwardly and hovered in front of them "Can I come with you both to the water tribe?". Zuko paused "why on earth would you want to come with us to the Water Tribe?". You shrugged "I've never seen the water tribe before that's all...and you know I love travelling". Zuko shrugged "of course you can come! Why didn’t I think to invite you...It’s a bit last minute but I’ll go tell the captain the change of plans and work on getting you some warm clothes, I’ll have it all ready by tonight” he smiled and patted you before walking away. You smiled at how easy that was when you heard a cough. Your sister smirked at you from the far end of the table and you winced "ow hey Azula I forgot you were there". "Figures" she smiled "so want to admit the real reason you asked Zu Zu to tag along?". You paused "I have no idea what you mean" and Azula smirked. "Well he's got blue eyes, brown hair he usually wears in a ponytail and he’s very goofy for a princess to have a crush on". You blushed "what Sokka? That's not why I'm going at all". Azula sighed "and people say you're the sibling who got all the social skills...y/n you're very obviously blushing right now! Not to mention your letters to one another come and go a thousand times a day". You sighed "fine I want to see Sokka again but Azula please don’t tell Zuko! He won’t let me come if he knows”. Azula smiled "relax, I have no intention of telling our brother". "You don’t...why? Are you gonna try and get me to convince Zuko to give you and Ty lee that holiday again? Because i already told you i tried...". "No” Azula said sharply "you're my little sister, I like the idea of you sneaking around behind Zuko’s back like I did so I won’t tell him". You raised an eyebrow "weird but for our family not too weird, thanks I guess?". Azula nodded "no problem but be careful y/n, from what i’ve seen that boy of yours is quite the charmer and he isn’t inexperienced with princesses either". You frowned but were too embarrassed to ask what she meant so just fled from the room. What on earth were you getting into?
You looked into the stuff Azula said and saw it was true. Apparently Sokka had quite the dating history He’d dated a water tribe princess, a kyoshi warrior, had the affection of the world’s only metal bender and even Ty lee had found him attractive. This all played on your mind the whole journey to the water tribe and you were worried you’d underestimated Sokka. You’d been so focused on working out if you liked him you didn’t pay a second thought to what would happen if you did....you’d be way out of your depth dating someone like Sokka and the thought made you wary. However there was no time for that now, the ship was pulling into the dock on the other side stood your water tribesman.
So I totally forgot Kiyi exists until after I wrote this, so in this universe Azula and Zuko only have one other sibling. 
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sparkles-and-trash · 3 years
The Gaang are Roommates AU ~
note: this is a rewrite and repost of my old roommates au, there was some stuff I wanted to change, and I wanted to make the parts a little longer, so yeah, ta-dah! 
- think modern setting in the canon universe, bending is still a thing 
- the Gaang are all in going to Ba Sing Se University 
- I’m gonna change the ages a bit to make it easier for myself, sorry 
- Zuko, Sokka, Suki and Mai are 20, Katara, Ty Lee and Azula are 19, Aang, Toph and Yue are 18
- so, Zuko, Sokka, Katara, Aang and Toph end up living together in a big loft type apartment 
- Sokka and Aang are old best friends, they met Toph in Middle School, and Katara is a natural part of the group 
- until now Sokka and Katara have both been living in the dorms, and they both hate it intensely 
- but now that Aang and Toph are also in uni, they all decide to move in together!
- …but the only problem is that the only place they find that they like is just out of their price rage (Toph’s parents aren’t supportive of her major so they’re not helping out much)
- enter: ~ Zuko ~
- so, Zuko has been living with his uncle Iroh since his Father, who’s a high up in some big and important company the Fire Nation, disowned him for speaking up against the company’s shifty treatment of workers and ruining a lot of sacred land etc 
- they’re still firebenders and the scar still happened, not in an Agni Kai, but it happened 
- but after Zuko started uni, Iroh really tried to push him to meet some people his own age and make some friends
- the only people Zuko talks to on the regular besides Iroh is Azula, Ty Lee and Mai, and Mai is the only one who is like, his friend yanno?
- the last year the deal was that if Zuko didn’t branch out, Iroh would have him live one year with other students
- it’s his idea of tough love 
- Zuko tried to do some random kid’s homework to have them pretend to be his new friend in front of Iroh so he wouldn’t have to, but Iroh can tell he’s lying so easily 
- so, Zuko ends up hearing about the Gaang through Mai, who heard from Ty Lee, who plays field hockey, Suki, who’s best friends with Sokka
- so, he goes to meet them, and it’s so awkward mY GOD
- Katara is a B I G environmental activist and HATES Ozai and his company, with good reason
- she eases up a tad when Zuko admits to being turned away from as a teen, but she is still suspicious
- Aang loves him right away, ofc, and that makes Katara even more suspicious because she’s pretty protective of Aang
- she claims it’s because he’s so kind and believes everyone but she totally liikeees hiiiim
- Toph is just like, sure, as long as he pays his rent idgaf
- Sokka is weirdly quiet, because he’s had a huge crush on Zuko forever, and the only one who knows is Aang (and Toph but she ain’t no snitch)
- so, ya boy makes the cut, and before they know it, it’s move-in day!
- but, the idiots didn’t think through the facts that it’s only three bedrooms oops
- and Toph is NOT afraid to pull the “I’m blind and I need my space” card
- and nobody’s up to fight her on it, so 
- let’s just say there is A LOT of back and forth, but with Katara refusing to room with her brother again, and Zuko being rightfully scared of Katara, it ends up with Zuko and Sokka sharing a bedroom, and Katara and Aang
- they have separate beds ofc
- but still, tension, man, so much tension
- it takes a while, but the dynamics starts working out really well
- Zuko is good at grocery shopping and likes to clean, and Aang is always happy to help him out
- Sokka loves cooking, so he does that a lot
- Katara is always on top of the others with schoolwork and making sure everyone is okay, and she usually does it in genius, sneaky ways so people doesn’t even notice that she does it
- Toph is clearing the air off bullshit
- like, she will call a bitch out
- but because she cares about said bitch
- so, Aang knows that Sokka has a crush on Zuko because Sokka told him in a weak moment, and Toph knows because she just knows
- Aang is a good friend tho, and he tries to like, ease them together
- but he is so awkward about it, the poor thing, and Zuko doesn’t understand AT ALL
- Toph is just sitting back and sighing a lot
- Katara doesn’t understand either but she just stays out of it (smart girl)
- but okay, we know how oblivious Zuko can be right?
- Sokka can give him googly eyes and blush and stutter around him so much and he still has no clue at all
- Zuko starts thinking Sokka just doesn’t like him at all
- but then one night Zuko has this really intense nightmare
- okay and quick addition, his scar is… handshaped? Like, you can clearly tell what happened to him
- but nobody talks about it, yet
- but then he’s having a terrible nightmare and is talking and begging and pleading in his sleep
- so much that Sokka wakes up
- and he catches on pretty fast, but had no idea what to do
- so he just shuffles over to Zuko’s side of the room and starts tapping his shoulder rapidly
- but nothing happens
- so he just… gently and awkwardly pats his head until Zuko wakes up
- and Zuko is like… wat u doin there bro
- and Sokka is like… just patting ur head to wake you from a nightmare bro
- and they awkwardly just mumble and go back to their beds
- but Zuko is smiling a lot because someone who’s not his family or a family friend really cares about him
- after that, Zuko slowly starts opening up to all of them, but Sokka especially 
- he never really tells them about being cast out and burned tho
- until one day he kinda casually slings it into a convo all fast and awkwardly
- it’s just Toph, Aang and Sokka there
- Toph yells so WHAATTT so loudly and just metalbends the whole fridge into a clump in rage
- Aang cries lmao but he tries to hide to and be supportive and not awkward
- Sokka is kinda quiet, but he carefully asks about it that night when they’re in their beds, and they talk a little about it
- Aang tells Katara (with permission) and she awkwardly, but wholeheartedly tells him that he can always talk to her
- they do that «awkward sibling hug» from Gravity Falls after
- *hugs stiffly* «pat, pat»
- but okay, Toph and metalbending when angry, it happens quite a lot 
- this was the first time it was the fridge, but the toaster, the microwave, and several other appliances have met the same fate
- everyone is kinda used to it now, and she always replaces it
- except Zuko, who’s still kinda new to them all
- but what are you supposed to say when your new friends is so outraged by the abuse you went through that they crush a whole ass fridge?
- it actually reminds him that he’s cared for here, by these people who owe him nothing, and is not related to him, and it makes him a little dizzy to have people care this way
- he casually mentions it to his Uncle Iroh the time he’s in at work, that his new friend is a metalbender and squashed their whole fridge when she was pissed on his behalf
- Iroh is thrilled
- to the point of offering Toph a job lmao
- Toph, desperate to cut of as much ties with her family and be as self-sufficient as possible, agrees
- and now Iroh have two formerly rich kids with no clue about any sort of customer service and basic stuff like that working for him
- Toph is a hard worker tho, and she and Zuko work surprisingly well together
- Katara is a little relived, because the more those two work, the less are the chances of either of them trying to cook or do too many chores around their apartment
- they mean well, or, Zuko does, but he does so much dumb shit when trying to help lmao
- Sokka starts spending a lot of time over at The Jasmine Drago too
- Aang is still trying to keep the fact that Sokka likes Zuko a secret, but he is having trouble
- Katara is his biggest weakness, and now they’re suddenly alone with her a lot
- someone else who could always read Sokka really well is Suki
. whom he used date in high school, but they parted as friends and everything s cool
- but Sokka is a little taken aback when she comes into The Jasmine Dragon one day, hand in hand with Sokka’s childhood crush obsession, Yue
- for the first time in man’s memory, Sokka is a little speechless
- and Suki’s like “lmao dude I haven’t seen you like this since the first time you saw Zu-”
- cue Zuko popping out behind them like “WELCOME TO THE JASMINE DRAGON FRIENDS OF SOKKA :D”
- Sokka is so fucking red, poor boy is just about having an aneurism at this point
- but luckily something happens and Zuko gets distracted
- Suki is having the time of her life tho, Sokka always used to tease her for her crushes before and after they dated, and suddenly, here they are
- at the apartment, Aang decides they need some apartment traditions
- they’ve been living there for almost three months, after all
- so he decides that weekly movie nights are mandatory
- so are pillowforts
- Katara is actually really excited for it, she loves all things cozy and fall-like
- also… she is weak for Aang, y’all, and she loves seeing him all excited
- Zuko barely knows what a pillowfort is, he didn’t think real people actually made it
- but imagine these dorks in a pillowfort with hot chocolate and lot’s of pillows
- Toph claims that she thinks it’s soo dumb, but she will always make sit in the middle of the group all wrapped in her blanket and laughing when the others jump and get spooked from the horror movies Sokka always wants to watch
- and she will make sure the fort is right and perfect lmao
- Zuko is a little awkward about it at first, but he likes it too
- Sokka always manages to plop in next to Zuko lmao
- they haven’t talked about the head patting incident yet, but Zuko is def starting to feel the butterflies
- one time after a movie night Sokka falls asleep on Zuko’s shoulder, after the others have left for the night
- Zuko can’t resist waking him up with awkward head pats similar to the one Sokka used on him
- Sokka thinks he died and went to heaven lmao
- but then he fully wakes and sees Zuko’s shit eating grin and can’t help but laugh at the whole thing
- and Zuko has his “oh no he’s hot beautiful and I really adore him” moment
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the-genius-az · 3 months
Alpha Azula is seriously injured and Omega Mai needs to take care of her alpha
(Sorry, but I have a much better idea.)
The two had gone from town to town, walking calmly until some bandits appeared, and in a moment of distraction Azula did not notice the person behind her.
Everything happened very quickly, the Omega simply looked at her Alpha on the ground with a sword in the middle of her torso, and immediately everything turned red.
When it came to sense, everyone was dead, while the princess tried to stay alive, with that will of fire that captivated her so much.
Mai immediately approached Azula and knelt down to stop the bleeding with her hands.
"Azula, please don't you dare die!" She shouted with concern and desperation, throwing common sense out the window.
"I... I should have been more attentive, Mai," She tried to laugh but blood came out in her voice, as she looked at her Omega.
"Shut up, shut your damn mouth, you idiot," The omega grumbled with a small flash of anger as she continued to try to stop the bleeding. "I'm trying to stop the bleeding... Please stop talking and just breathe."
Azula looked at her, starting to feel so tired and dizzy, perhaps from the great loss of blood.
"Mai...I don't think she'll survive," She murmured softly, not wanting to cause her girlfriend any more pain.
"Damn it, of course you're going to survive," The omega growled, struggling to keep her expression but failing.
Around her, her eyes became watery as she looked at the wound in despair.
"No... It can't end like this..."
"Mai... Look at me, everything will be fine" She murmured slowly while looking at her Omega, not wanting her to cry.
"No, damn it, no" The omega cursed, trying to stop the tears that were already gathering in her eyes.
"Don't tell me that, don't you dare..."
She couldn't think of a world where Azula wasn't there. I didn't want to think about that. I didn't want to live in that world.
"Mai...Don't cry, you're perfect" She murmured with difficulty, feeling so much guilt for making her beloved cry.
"No, don't say that... Don't say my name that way"
Tears ran freely down the omega's cheeks, which fell into Azula's wound, mixing with the blood that did not stop falling.
"You can't die, you can't leave me, you can't... Damn it"
"I just hope... that you know that I loved you during my life, and I promise that I will continue to love you in the next," She promises with difficulty, while grunting from the intense pain.
The Alpha never wanted to abandon anyone, and she hates herself for doing that to her beloved Omega.
"No, don't go," The omega begged, stifling a sob, but to no avail as the sobs continued.
"You can't, I need you... You can't just die" The omega crouched close to her, her expression becoming desperate.
"You are my Alpha, you belong to me..."
But it all ended when the Alpha left the world.
The omega felt the exact moment when Azula stopped breathing, and at that moment she stopped.
For several seconds, nothing. Not a sound or thought inside her head until a piercing scream slipped through the omega's throat and the tears increased.
"NO! Why did you leave me?!?!"
She let her forehead fall against her Alpha's torso and cried, she cried like she had never cried before.
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soopersara · 2 years
ooooh, something about the Prisoner of Omashu?
Have I ever mentioned that I'm a semi-secret whump fan? Like... above and beyond the hurt/comfort in things like Only by Starlight. This was the start of a whump fic that I blasted through in a few weeks a while ago before I ran into the problem that I've always seemed to run into when I write something more whump-y than hurt/comfort-y - and that's the fact that once I get the scenario set up and I start working through the plot that I want to follow afterward, I can't seem to figure out a way to have the character recover enough to like... survive through the rest of the plot without drastically changing the tone of the piece and squashing all of the tension that I had built up.
Anyway, The Prisoner of Omashu may never see the light of day because I got 14k words in before I realized that I'd backed myself into a corner at around the 2k word mark, but the basic idea was:
Azula captures Zuko in early Book 2
Azula travels to Omashu for... some reason? Unclear what that was.
Zuko is tortured while in Omashu
Azula captures Katara when the Gaang reaches the city
Katara has to heal Zuko, they very slowly grow closer together, and eventually escape the palace, find the rest of the Gaang, and flee
I'll throw a segment below a cut because as much of a trainwreck as this turned into by the 14k mark where I stopped writing, I do still kind of enjoy the beginning:
"This system is really quite ingenious," Azula said idly as she strolled on, seeming not to notice or care how steep the ramp was. "If we had an adequate force of earthbenders at home, I would suggest something similar to Father. He would appreciate the efficiency, don't you think, Zuzu?"
Zuko didn't respond. His good eye was swollen almost shut, and in the dimness of the night, he had to keep his focus on his feet to keep from toppling over the edge of the narrow ramp.
Azula turned back on him severely. "You can admire their intelligence, Zuzu. If these people weren't smart, it wouldn't be half as satisfying to watch them crumble." Zuko stared back at her, and Azula gave an exaggerated sigh. "Oh relax, dear brother. If I wanted to see you hurled to your death, I would have done it a long time ago."
He still didn't respond, and Azula clucked her tongue before turning down the ramp again.
"Of course, the slides only do half of the work. The trapdoors are the real stroke of brilliance. One of these ramps can only serve ten or so destinations, but each trapdoor doubles that number. Of course, after centuries of use, some of the ramps naturally fall into disrepair, and they have to be sealed off to prevent terrible accidents." Azula walked on door a few more yards before she turned back, her smile apparent even in the half-darkness. "The way they manage it is fascinating. Would you like to see?"
Tired to the bone, Zuko stopped. "What is this really about, Azula?" His words came slower than usual thanks to his split and swollen lower lip.
Her smile didn't shift in the least. "You know, Zuzu, one of my greatest regrets is that we played together so little when we were children. I was so busy with my friends and my studies, and you were so busy with--well, I don't really know what you did most of the time. Now that we're both older, I want to make amends for that. I've planned a lovely little game for us. I think you'll be surprised." She motioned to one of the guards, and the massive tile between them lifted.
Zuko glanced down at the black opening. "I'm not interested in any of your games."
Azula gave her best imitation of a look of disappointment. "Don't be such a spoilsport, Zuzu. The game hasn't started yet." She turned her smile to one of the guards, and the man grabbed Zuko by the arms, wrenching them backward.
"Hey! What the--" Zuko struggled against the guard's steely grip. "Let me go!"
Smiling eerily, Azula gave a nod to the other guard, and a second pair of hands closed in on him, clamping down on his shoulders and forcing him to his knees.
"You see, Zuzu," Azula said calmly, "I need you in prime condition for our game. And I'm afraid I played a little too rough with you earlier today. So until I find a way to remedy that, I need to put you where I won't be tempted to do it again."
Though he struggled, the hands shoved and dragged him until he was seated in the narrow opening. One pair of hand lifted from his shoulders, and Zuko fought with all his strength to free himself. The stone slab closed up to his waist, and the second pair of hands returned, pressing down, crushing his shoulders until Zuko fell onto his back, his head cracking against the edge of the stone. Dazed, he blinked up at the starry sky as the slab slid up over his chest.
"Don't worry, Zuzu." Azula leaned over him, an expression of something approaching kindness in her eyes. "You'll still be able to breathe. These things aren't airtight. And I had arrangements made so that you could even have water to drink."
Zuko's head throbbed and Azula's hard amber eyes gradually came back into focus. "Please," he croaked. "Azula, please don't. Let me go." He struggled. The compartment was scarcely wide enough for his shoulders, a few inches too short to admit his full height. He could scarcely move, much less hope to escape.
"That would spoil the game," Azula whispered, and she pushed his head down, wedging it into the compartment. His ponytail wrenched to the side, and a trickle of blood ran down the back of his neck. "You'll be safe here, big brother. It took a lot of effort to stop the deliveries long enough to move you here. Once they start again, no one will be able to reach you for a long time."
Breathing hard, Zuko strained to move, but his head was wedged in too tightly to do much more than turn it slightly from side to side. With each small motion, the stone tore deeper into his scalp, and more blood streamed along his neck and down his back. "No!" Voice shaking, he stared pleadingly up at his sister. "Don't leave me here!"
Slowly, Azula rose to her feet and backed away. "Goodbye, Zuzu. I'll be back for you when the rest of the game is ready."
With a grinding sound, the slab closed the rest of the way, leaving Zuko trapped in utter darkness.
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patchofsunlight · 4 years
Warmth | Zuko x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Avatar!Reader AU | Zuko has made many mistakes and holds uncountable regrets, but maybe Y/N can still love him back. Spoiler: she does.
REQUEST (by anon): “Could you do a zuko with maybe a f! avatar? Him falling in love with her like how they joked in ember island play. And him being tormented when she 'dies' in cross roads and them having some tender moment of confessing either in the western temple or ember island? maybe the play has the kiss and he confesses idk”
WARNINGS: Y/N is the Avatar, so Aang doesn’t exist. kissing, there might be swear words but I don’t really remember, bad editing. lots of mutual pining and some angst. I don’t know if I did this request justice but I really tried?
OBSERVATIONS: there’s a bit of Sokka x Reader bc I’m a weak woman but in the end he’s the main Zuko and Y/N shipper. not having Aang seriously hurt me. I wrote most of the Zuko sad rant in the beginning listening to Words Fail by Ben Platt and I think it would be interesting if you guys listened to that while reading? idk
I hope you all like it!!! feedback is always appreciated, so keep that in mind and thank you very much for reading!!
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There was a hole inside his chest that Zuko simply couldn’t get rid of. It hurt him to his core, bringing pained sobs to the edge of his throat and slowly dismantling his soul.
He always thought getting rid of Y/N would quench his anger, rebuild his honor and complete his destiny. Now, his father accepted him again, Mai was his girlfriend, and Azula treated him like a true brother, in her own deranged ways. The Fire Nation considered him a hero, the man who killed the Avatar.
Then why did it trouble him so much? Why did he wake up every night in a cold sweat, with tears stinging his eyes? Why did he have the same nightmare over and over where he was the one responsible for her death, hitting her with lightning and watching as the light inside her disappeared, leaving behind only her idle body and Katara’s desperate cries? Why couldn’t he be satisfied? He had fulfilled his fate. He had done what he was meant to do, sided with his people, and fought against his greatest enemy. Why wasn’t he happy? Why couldn’t he ever be happy?
Back in Ba Sing Se, he saw her at the Jasmine Dragon more than once. He couldn’t believe his eyes when she first entered the teashop, and he was pretty sure she had recognized him, but Y/N managed to send a polite smile in his direction and sit down, greeting “Mushi” with joy. When Zuko served her tea, she asked him what his name was as if she didn’t know. She didn’t confront nor attack him — she simply let him live his new life and went on living hers. It felt like she had washed off his sins, erased the bloodstains he carried in his soul and hands. Y/N freed him of his past and he had thrown it all away.
It was the right thing to do, he had told himself day after day after day. Except it wasn’t, and now Iroh refused to talk to him and the Avatar was probably dead and, in the case she wasn’t, she would never forgive him. She wouldn’t let him be free of himself again and he would never get redemption for his mistakes.
He wished he could go back in time and fight alongside Y/N in that crystal cave, wished he could live up to the trust Katara offered him before they were saved, wished he could have stopped Azula from throwing that lightning bolt. He wished he could do things in the right way, yet he couldn’t. Zuko tried so hard to regain his so-called honor and to bring his father pride but his only real achievement was engulfing himself in guilt and regret, being aware that powerful and forgiving Y/N could be dead because of his lack of dignity and character — this couldn’t be honor. Violence, betrayal, death, and hurt couldn’t be honor, and he wasn’t sure he wanted his father’s pride if it meant feeling like this, like he was no good, like he was not worthy of love or praise or admiration.
Zuko had spent a great part of his life hating himself, but nothing compared to the hate he felt every night after waking up from another crushing nightmare. How dared he make this about himself and his feelings of guilt when the Avatar could be dead? How dared he worry about the Fire Lord’s pride when the world’s last hope was gone? How dared he indulge in self-pity after all he had done? He didn’t deserve pity, didn’t deserve help, he only deserved to wallow in his own pain and die. But that wouldn’t fix anything, neither would it bring Y/N back — he had to act, and he had to do it fast.
Going after Team Avatar was not difficult. He thought he would feel complicated like he had when first betraying Y/N’s trust, thought it would hurt like coming back to the Fire Nation did. Thankfully, leaving only caused a new type of satisfaction to bloom inside his chest, giving him the sensation he was finally walking through the right path. Hope seemed to pour out of every pore in his body and he could somehow think of better, future days when he would have done enough to make up for his mistakes, days when he didn’t feel the urge to scream every time he looked at a mirror. Maybe then he wouldn’t have to despise himself like he currently did, maybe things would be okay and he would be truly happy, if that was even something he had the capability to do.
But then they didn’t want him. He left everything behind, he charged every inch of his hope with the idea of joining the Avatar, and they didn’t want him. Why would they? Why would they, after everything he had done? How could he have even considered they would accept him, that she would trust him again? Of course they didn’t want him. No one did and no one ever would and that was entirely his fault — it was his fault that he was a bad person, took the wrong decisions, and caused pain and destruction. It was his fault he never did the right thing and he should’ve known he would be rejected again, for being rejected was just what he deserved.
But it still hurt. Oh, Spirits, it hurt. She couldn’t even look at him, even after he helped them defeat Combustion Man and was finally accepted in the group. Sadly, it made Zuko realize that, no matter where he stood, he would never be a part of their team, and Y/N would never trust him entirely. For some reason, that was more upsetting than their rejection. He wanted to impress her, wanted her to like him, and she never would.
“Y/N? Can I—can I come in?”
The Avatar looked up from the map she was currently analysing on her bed, studying his figure carefully before nodding with hesitance, “yes. Do you need something?”
He sighed deeply and walked towards her, feeling his heart crack when she brought her legs closer to her body and away from him the moment he sat on the edge of the bed, “I—I just wanted to talk to you about, well, you know, everything.”
Her expression hardened and she averted her eyes back to the map, “we have nothing to talk about, Zuko. You can go back to your room.”
The Fire Nation Prince swallowed nervously, “Y/N, please. I’m so, so sorry. I have made so many mistakes, I—”
“Zuko,” her voice was firm and emotionless, but that quickly changed when she met his gaze, “I thought things could be different. I thought things could be different back in the North Pole, when we first talked to each other and you told me about Azula. I thought things could be different when you saved me as the Blue Spirit. And I was so convinced things would be different when we met again in Ba Sing Se that I—” she scoffed at her own words, “I had a crush on you, can you believe that? That’s why I visited the teashop so regularly, I just wanted to see you. Stupid, of course. I should’ve known.”
Zuko was sure she could hear his anxious heart beating from the other side of the bed. They were less than a foot away, and yet it felt like miles. He didn’t want her to think about him like that, he didn’t want her to be disappointed in him. Damn, she used to have a crush on him, she liked him, and he screwed everything up like usual. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m—I’m here now, I’m on your side.”
“Yeah, but I thought you were on my side back then too. Anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore. You need to teach me firebending and that’s the only reason you’re allowed here. Talking is unnecessary.”
“Please, I—”
“You should leave, Prince Zuko,” he flinched at the title escaping her lips, hating how it sounded bitter coming from her, “I have really important matters to deal with. We’ll start my firebending training tomorrow.” 
“Leave, Zuko.”
With a heaviness inside his stomach, he left the room, missing if by a second the frustrated tear that ran down Y/N’s cheek. She wanted to trust him, but how could she? How could she let him in after his betrayal? She had always been forgiving, but she refused to be naive — seeing Zuko side with Azula in the crystal caves hurt her deeply and shoved her little crush on him down her throat. She couldn’t go through that again, it would be simply idiotic to. Y/N had to stand her ground. She wouldn’t be hurt by him again.
“Hey, jerks. Mind if I watch you two jerks do your jerkbending?”
“Get out of—” Zuko was interrupted by the Avatar’s laughter. Sokka smiled softly at her, cheeks blushing. For some reason, that only managed to piss Zuko off even more, “get out of here!”
“Okay, take it easy. I was just kidding around,” the Water Tribe boy winked at Y/N, “see you later?”
“Sure, we still need to see that part of the temple we found yesterday. Exploration partners!”
“Exploration partners!” he agreed with a chuckle and turned away from them. “Bye, Y/N. Jerkbending… Still got it.”
Zuko glanced at her with irritation while she watched Sokka leave. He felt already incredibly frustrated for not being able to produce his fire and not knowing why, he definitely did not need to watch as Sokka and Y/N flirted. 
They would make a cute couple, though, and she smiled so brightly at him it was physically painful to watch. He wanted her to smile like that at him, look like that at him. But she wouldn’t — she was over her crush and had no reason to ever feel anything towards him again, not after what he had done. He didn’t deserve her love anyway, so maybe it was for the best.
“So? Any progress, Sifu Hotman?”
“I told you not to call me that,” he snarled angrily and she sighed.
“Sorry, Sifu Hotman.”
“This was a mistake,” he sat down roughly, ignoring the ache on his legs due to the sudden movement, “maybe teaching you firebending is not my destiny.”
She looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, not understanding, “what do you mean?”
“How can I teach you anything when I’ve lost my fire, Y/N?” he chuckled sadly, letting one of his hands go through his hair in distress. “I wanted to be on the good side of the war and I can’t even make myself useful.”
“You haven’t lost your fire, Zuko,” her voice was careful, “I think you’re just going through some internal conflict and that’s reflecting on your bending, but if you were meant to teach me firebending, you will. Your destiny is still your destiny regardless, Sifu Hotman.”
“It’s easy for you to say, you’re the Avatar! I’m not even sure who I am anymore, but you have always known what your destiny was.”
“Yeah, and I was scared of it,” she smiled softly, “I ran away and disappeared for a hundred years. People died because of my absence. I have made mistakes, and I have failed many, many times. Sadly, that doesn’t make me less of an Avatar. Zuko, if you must be my teacher, it’s gonna work. We’ll figure things out and you will get your fire back. Okay?”
He stared inside her eyes. There was still some sort of mistrust in them — she was willing to help him because she needed him, but still suspicious. She wasn’t really sure he was on their side, but this was a start. He was going to fix everything and he would make her proud. He would make Y/N happy to call him a friend. Or something more.
Maybe he had a crush on her, too.
Toph’s idea to look for the original source of firebending had greatly backfired (no pun intended, even though Y/N could clearly hear Sokka’s laughter in her head at the joke). They traveled to the Sun Warriors’ ancient city and found an impressive temple adorned with statues. Things were going surprisingly well until they weren’t, and now they were stuck in a disgusting glue because Zuko touched the pretty gemstone. Hours had passed and Y/N was increasingly more annoyed at their situation.
“You had to pick up the glowing egg, didn’t you?”
“At least I made something happen! If it were up to you, we’d never have made it past the courtyard.”
“Maybe, but we wouldn’t be stuck here either, so did you really win?”
Zuko rolled his eyes, “this is stupid. How are we getting out of here?”
“Help!” the girl screamed as loudly as she could, being met with only silence.
“Who are you yelling to? Nobody’s lived here for centuries,” the Fire Prince argued and it was Y/N’s turn to roll her eyes.
“Well, what do you think we should do, genius?”
“Think about our place in the universe?”
Despite her current irritation, Y/N couldn’t help but smile at his words. He instinctively smiled back and she felt warmth spread through her chest.
She was starting to think she wasn’t as over her crush on him as she thought.
They were rescued by the Sun Warriors and judged by the last dragons, and Y/N was sure she hadn’t felt this alive in a while. After burning Katara (it was so long ago it seemed like a different life), she had thought of fire as something destructive, harmful, but she could now see it with new eyes. Fire could be love, life, and power. 
The Avatar glanced at Zuko. Maybe she could try and see him as that, too. 
“You did well today,” Zuko complimented warily, avoiding her gaze, “if we keep up the training, you might become a better firebender than me.”
“Why, thank you, Hotman,” she smiled brightly and Zuko was sure he could pass out right there, “I just have a great teacher.”
The Avatar felt Sokka before she saw him, laughing at the way he hugged her from behind joyfully, leaning his chin on her shoulder. “Hey, honey. What’s up?”
“Doing fine,” he mumbled, brushing her hair off his face delicately, “wanna grab something to eat?”
“I think I’m gonna train some more and clean myself later. I’ll meet you after?”
“Sure! I’ll be back inside. See you, Y/N, Zuko.”
They both watched as the Water Tribe boy entered the temple again. There was a weird burning sensation running through Zuko’s blood when he asked, voice slightly raspy and overly quiet, “so, you and Sokka, huh? You make a nice couple.”
She turned her head to him so quickly it almost gave her whiplash, “what? No! I mean—” she blushed at the question, flustered by the fact he would even consider something like that. The Fire Prince waited silently, irritation surfacing at her stammering. He wasn’t sure why that angered him so much, but he decided to be still and listen, “we are just friends,” she concluded, “he means a lot to me, but so do Katara and Toph, you know? We are—we are just friends. He even likes that Kyoshi Warrior, Suki! So, yeah, we are definitely not a couple.”
“I see,” Zuko felt curiously static with that piece of information, “and you don’t have feelings for him?”
“No, of course not. I mean, I had a thing for him when we first met, but now it’s gone. He’s my best friend and I love him, just not like that.”
“Okay. Good.”
“Good?” Y/N turned her head to the side in confusion and he paled considerably, finally noticing the meaning of his own words. “Why is that good?”
“Oh? I—it’s good that you love him! Yeah, having friends is amazing, right? Yeah.”
She smiled amusingly, “it truly is.”
The Avatar chuckled lightly, “come on, Sifu Hotman. Let’s do that leg movement again, I think I’m not doing it right.”
Days passed and a lot of things happened. Zuko knew Y/N wouldn’t be happy with Sokka’s suicide mission, but he couldn’t let him do it alone, so he accompanied him to the Boiling Rock. Again, she wasn’t happy when he followed Katara for revenge for her mother’s death, but then at least someone had Katara’s back and was ready to protect her. He desperately wanted to earn Y/N’s trust and friendship, but that was rather difficult when he insisted on doing the stuff she didn’t want him to do.
They continued their training on Ember Island and the whole Team seemed to thoroughly enjoy the place. Y/N was giving her all to learn firebending and was succeeding splendidly. To be honest, Zuko loved to see her get the moves right — every single time she made it, she would look at him with bright eyes and grin. It was the most beautiful sight Zuko had ever seen and he would do anything to have it permanently engraved in his mind.
They stayed up late during one particular night. They were both exhausted after hours of training and ended up sat beside each other on the ground on the back of the Fire Nation Royal Family’s beach house. The air between them was filled with silence and heavy breathing from their previous effort.
“Hey, Zuko?” after a few moments, Y/N called him gently, voice tired and raspy giving him chills. She laid down and stared at the dark sky. “Look at the stars with me.”
He blinked, “really? I mean, shouldn’t we go inside?”
“Please?” her eyes met his and his heart skipped a beat. “Just for a bit.”
“Okay,” Zuko whispered, lying down next to her. They looked at the sky quietly for a bit.
He liked to be around her. It could be the Avatar thing, but Y/N had a calming aura around her that was just unmissable. Being next to her like this gave him the feeling things would be alright, the feeling he was not worthless. It was a lie, of course. There was no way to know how their plans would go, and he was pretty much worthless.
But being beside her was enough to trick his mind. Maybe the little crush he harbored towards her had become something more — Spirits, he liked her so much. Not that it mattered, considering there was no way she would ever love him back, not after everything he had done.
“When I was younger, I believed we became stars when we died.”
He turned his head to look at her, “really?”
She turned to look back and his breath hitched at their close proximity. She chuckled, “yeah. I didn’t even know I was the Avatar back then, I was so young. They told me when I was sixteen, and I ran away shortly after,” there was bitterness to her words, “like a coward.”
“You are not a coward, Y/N. You had no way of knowing how things would go.”
“You really think so?”
“I do. Besides, if you hadn’t run away, you wouldn’t have been stuck on ice for a hundred years, and I would never have met you, which would be awful,” he widened his eyes, completing quickly, “and Sokka, Katara, and Toph, too. I wouldn’t have met them either. Of course.”
Her smile was so pretty he forgot how to breathe, “you’re right, Zuko. I don’t think I would have liked to live a life where I never met you,” she smirked before going on with teasing eyes, “and Sokka, Katara, and Toph, too. Of course.”
“Of course,” he agreed with a blush on his face. They stared at each other carefully and Zuko was pretty sure his heart was performing a professional routine of somersaults inside his body. He definitely was past just a simple crush.
Y/N smiled that dazzling smile of hers before averting her gaze to the stars again and yawning. “We should go in.”
“We should,” the Fire Prince immediately started to sit up, but she held him down with a hand to his chest, and probably felt his crazy heartbeat under her fingers.
“Just a bit more, Prince Zuko,” she whispered, eyes trained to the sky. Slowly but surely, she moved her hand from his chest to his own hand, creating goosebumps on every inch of skin she lightly touched on the way there. Zuko could feel his body burn at the barely-there feeling of her fingertips. She intertwined her fingers with his carefully, giving him the chance to pull away if he so wished. He let out a shaky breath and squeezed her hand. She immediately squeezed his back in reassurance.
In the middle of the quiet and comfort they suddenly found in each other, they fell asleep under the stars, fingers playing with each other until exhaustion finally engulfed them in dreams of pretty smiles and light touches.
It was nice to dodge the nightmares.
“I’ve heard you and Zuko slept outside today,” Sokka had a teasing tone to his voice. Y/N glared at him, “you are together now or something?”
“We are not,” she countered, scratching Appa while they talked. Zuko, Toph, Katara, and Suki had left for the beach already. Y/N still needed to feed her sky bison and Sokka offered to help with the excuse of being a good friend. The Avatar was absolutely sure that wasn’t the real reason he stayed back alongside her and he was currently proving her right, “we were just stargazing and then fell asleep.”
“Stargazing, huh? Real cute. I bet it was an endearing impromptu date, wasn’t it?”
“Since when do you even know the word impromptu?”
“I am always full of surprises.”
“Right,” she rolled her eyes and he laughed loudly, “it was not a date.”
“But you do like him, right?.”
“What?” she turned her entire body to him, furrowing her brows and crossing her arms in a defensive stance. “Why would you say that?”
“Because I know you better than you know yourself and I can tell you have feelings for him,” Sokka copied her movements, staring at her with a smirk, “I also know he likes you back.”
Y/N scoffed and transferred her attention back to Appa, “he does not.”
“So you admit you like him!”
“Shut up, Sokka!” she glared, but quickly gave up under his intense eyes and raised brows. “Yeah, I like him. It doesn’t matter, though.”
“Yes, it does! He feels the same! Look, what about this,” he leaned in closer, that crazy look he had whenever making up a plan taking over his face, “we are going to watch that play about us tonight, right? Well, you guys can sit next to each other! Like a couple!”
“That’s a terrible idea, honey.”
“It’s not! I bet he’s gonna make a move!”
“He won’t, because he’s not in love with me.”
“Wait, you’re in love with him?”
Y/N’s entire body tensed up. She shouldn’t have said that. She wasn’t in love with Zuko! Was she? I mean, she did love to be beside him, and her heart sped up when he gave her one of his rare smiles, and training with him when he had his shirt off was distracting to say the least. Besides, he really seemed to have changed and grown — she felt like she could trust him again, but she could never be sure, and she was adamant on not getting hurt once more. Especially now, when she was dealing with so many things. If he betrayed her a second time… Spirits, it would be just too much to handle.
“I don’t know,” she muttered and Sokka’s cheeky smile faltered, “I don’t want to be.”
He stretched an arm out to hold her hand fondly, “it’s fine, Y/N. Whatever happens, I’m here for you, okay?”
The Avatar smiled sadly, “thank you, Sokka. I’m really glad to have you in my life.”
“I know, honey. I’m great like that.”
She laughed loudly and he grinned in satisfaction, turning her body around and starting to lead her towards the beach, an arm through her shoulders holding her close to his body.
“Shut up, Sokka. You’re so stupid.”
“Yeah, yeah. I love you too.”
Zuko felt a pang to his chest when Sokka and Y/N arrived at the beach holding each other so dearly, but he knew he had no right to complain. She would be better off with Sokka anyway — he was good-looking, nice, funny, smart. Meanwhile, Zuko was nothing but a sad mixture of mistakes and regrets. The Avatar deserved more than that.
“Hey, Hotman,” she walked to him with a smile, planting a kiss on Sokka’s cheek before leaving his side. “Why are you all alone on the sand?”
“Because he’s boring,” Toph answered from some feet away and Katara chuckled. Zuko could feel his face redden.
“He is not,” Y/N argued amusingly, sitting down beside him and grinning. She glanced at him with a happy spark in her eyes, “are you excited for the play tonight?”
“No,” he muttered, but his lack of vivacity didn’t bother her in the slightest, “the Ember Island plays are always ridiculous.”
“I think it’s going to be fun,” she shrugged contently, basking in the hot sun, “if it isn’t, we can always throw food at the stage or whatever.”
He tried really hard, but couldn’t bit back the smile that took over his frown. He watched her attentively, noticing how she seemed to glow in the daylight, giving off this incredible warmth he had only ever seen on her. He averted away his gaze, feeling his neck and face heat up at how unapologetically beautiful she was.
Zuko cleared his throat quietly, “yeah, I guess.”
She only smirked in response.
The play could be worse, he figured. Yes, their portrayal of him was horrible (even though his friends — could he call them friends? Were they friends? He hoped they were — said otherwise) and the actress playing Y/N was not nearly as pretty as the Avatar really was, but Y/N was next to him and, at some point, she had leaned her head on his shoulder tiredly and stayed there. All the training was getting to her and he felt inexplicable joy in the fact she trusted him enough to rest her body on his.
“Look,” her voice was raspy from sleepiness and a chill ran down his spine, “I think now is when you join Team Avatar and becomes our friend.”
He nodded carefully not to disturb her from her position and his heart skipped a beat when she nuzzled closer to his neck. Zuko watched as actor Zuko was accepted into the group and just after a scene with only him and actress Y/N started. Actor Zuko stared at the actress longingly, “my dear Y/N… I know I have wronged you in many ways, but I wanted to apologize for my mistakes and beg for your forgiveness!”
Y/N giggled at that, nudging him affectionately, “that really happened.”
He smiled, eyes following the performers on stage. Actor Zuko continued, “your forgiveness… And maybe your love, Avatar.”
They both immediately tensed up at the words and Y/N moved her head slightly, brows furrowing in confusion.
“My love, Prince Zuko?”
“Yes, my darling.”
They all watched as Actor Zuko and Actress Y/N kissed passionately, earning cheers from the audience. Sokka whistled loudly and Y/N turned to glare at him, receiving a wink in return.
“I have been in love with you since we first met!” Actor Zuko declared excitedly, holding Actress Y/N’s hands. “You are the only one who can make me forget about my teen angst. I love you, Y/N.”
“Well… I don’t!” Actress Y/N moved away swiftly and the crowd gasped in surprise. “I have accepted you in my group, Prince Zuko… But I’ll never accept you in my heart! You’re a bad person that doesn’t deserve my love!”
“What?!” Sokka almost screamed in disbelief. Y/N finally took her head off Zuko’s shoulder, incertitude swimming in her eyes. Before she had the chance to speak, Zuko had already left. The Water Tribe boy widened his eyes at her. “Go after him!”
Y/N nodded her head, getting out of her seat and walking after Zuko, calling his name. He ignored her, feeling anger boil inside him. He knew she would never directly say something like that, but he also knew it was true. She would never love him — he wasn’t worthy of her love, and he was pretty sure she was aware of that too.
“Zuko, wait!” she finally catched up to him, holding his arm and pulling him back. “It’s just a stupid play, Zuko. None of that is true.”
“Really, Y/N?” he turned to stare at her, rage covering his expression. “Because I’m almost certain it is. They said I don’t deserve love, Y/N, and that’s true. After everything I’ve done…”
“No!” she exclaimed desperately, shaking her head vehemently in disagreement. “Zuko, of course you deserve love. Yes, you have made mistakes, but all of us have. You shouldn’t care about what some actress says.”
“But they’re right, Y/N,” he insisted, feeling tears stinging his eyes, “I’m unworthy of love and everyone knows, and that’s why nobody actually loves me.”
“I love you!” she yelled out before she could stop herself, breath hitching at the troubled look taking over his face. Y/N sighed deeply, crossing her arms shyly and looking away, “I do,” her voice was small as she blushed, “I thought I was over my little crush for you but I wasn’t, and it’s—it’s much more than a little crush. I was afraid of admitting it but I know who you are, Zuko. You are loyal and smart and so inherently good and I love you. Spirits, I really do.”
  He stared at her for a second, processing her words. She fidgeted anxiously and he smiled at all her small manners. With certainty to his movements, Zuko took a step forwards and cradled her face in his hands. He studied every inch of her expression, waiting for some kind of rejection. She offered him a hopeful smile and he was quick to smash his lips with hers, feeling the warmth that always surrounded her consume him entirely. He kissed her passionately, happiness pouring out of him — the words “she loves you” echoing inside his mind like a broken record, filling his heart with joy.
She moved away when there was no more air in her lungs, breathing heavily and grinning like a mad woman. Y/N lifted her arm and touched his scar so fondly it physically hurt. Never before had he been touched with such care and it made tears flood his eyes, something she instantly noticed, giggling at his cuteness and drying one running tear with her thumb. She felt like her chest was full. He kissed her thumb lovingly when it rested near his mouth. 
She loved him. She thought he was worthy of love, of her love, even after everything he had done. No matter how many mistakes he had made, she still loved him, and that thought was enough to make Zuko feel some sort of hope towards the future.
Spirits, she really loved him.
“I love you too, Y/N. Very, very much.”
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is it good? not really. could it be worse? yeah lmao
taglist: @bottledcostcowater @lammello @coldlilheart @azucanela @samsmultifandomblogs and @knaite-solo that asked to be tagged on this particular piece
thank you all for reading!! I hope you liked it!!
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Zuko x reader (tea shop au)
Summary: you become friends with the two baristas from your favorite tea shop and slowly start to fall for one of them (keep in mind this takes place in the modern day, covid is still around sorry :p)
A/n: I came up with this love story kind of idea while in quarantine since where I’m from things are still pretty messy (not just because of covid but the whole country is a mess lol) so it’s hard for me to imagine love scenarios that are so different from the reality I’m currently living in. That being said, this seemed to be good enough to make my brain enjoy it while also tricking it into believing maybe it could happen to me one day (even though I’m pretty sure I’m gonna die alone :’) Anyways I was thinking of making these a series? Don’t know maybe I won’t finish it I’m too busy but I’ll give it a try
Warnings: none at lest yet
Being alive during a pandemic isn’t easy, not to mention how stressing it is to be a college student as well. The combination of trying to take care of yourself while also loosing your mind and dealing with anxiety isn’t the best. The student life is already tiring on its own, but the social interaction and good fun memories that come with it makes it a little less dreadful. Of course, that is gone now too, so we’re left with only the overworking-yourself-till-your-body-gives-out part of the experience. It may sound depressing but after a bit more than a year you learn to live with it, you adapt and find new ways to relax and have fun.
That’s why you’ve been visiting the new tea shop near your house. It opened a few months ago and since you first stepped foot in the warm, inviting place you haven’t been able to go a day without their so contagious good vibes (and tea too, obviously). Well maybe you don’t visit it every single day but at least three times a week, on mondays, wednesdays and fridays to be exact. It’s become part of your routine, not only is it good because it implies spending time outside of your room but the friendly, cozy atmosphere of that place also helps you concentrate on your studies and actually get the work done. And yeah maybe having to wear a mask the whole time isn’t super comfortable but it’s worth it, at least the shops were opened again. One of your favorite things about the tea shop is the staff, from the baristas to the waiters to the owner, this last one being the first one you met. This man is incredibly sweet and is capable of lifting your mood with such simple words and a warm cup of tea. Iroh, that being his name, moved to your hometown a year before the pandemic started with no intentions of working at any shop, let alone open one. It was the arrival of his two nephews in need of a helping hand that made him come up with the best idea of his life, and the best thing that happened to you later on. You don’t really know what his relatives coming to town has to do with him opening a tea shop but he never explained, so you never asked. He is very fond of his nephews, specially the older one, a boy named Zuko. The other is a girl named Azula, which you learned is the youngest sibling even though she seems a lot more mature than her brother. Both of them work with his uncle, Zuko as a barista and Azula as the cashier, but sometimes she likes to take and prepare your orders too, just to prove she’s better at tea-making than her brother. Every time she does so you play along with it, nodding to everything she says only to then confess to Zuko that you find his tea to be better warmed than her sister’s. You’d like to say that comments like that one make him blush, but there’s no way of telling with the damned mask covering his face. This place has very strict covid prevention policies, which you are glad of cause not many shops did, so you’ve never seen their faces (or at least not the entirety of them). It’s kind of weird cause you’re pretty sure they do know what you look like since you have to take yours off every time you take a sip of your drink or a bite of your food. You only once saw Azula with her mask off, hanging from her right ear. She was outside standing next to the entrance while smoking a cigarette, she had the prettiest face you’d ever seen. But you don’t know what the faces of her brother and uncle look like, though you try to imagine it from time to time. You’re pretty sure Iroh has a beard, you can see it poking out of the sides of his mask, but what really intrigues you is his smile. He’s one of those people who are able to smile with just their eyes, so you imagine his smile is the phisical representation of happiness itself. Now Zuko’s face was harder to imagine. He wore his dark hair right in front of his eyes, kind of like grown out bangs that covered the upper part of his face. You know his eyes are of this yellowish but also hazel like color, and you’re 99% sure he has dark bags under them. But apart from that you aren’t sure what to think of his facial features, you don’t know if he has a beard or a sharp jawline, nor if his nose is pointed like his sister’s or a bit round like his uncle’s. He could have no nose at all for all you know! This types of thoughts are the ones that roam your mind while you’re trying to solve the algebra problem sitting on the book page in front of you. Maybe it’s time for your you to take a break and order another tea, you think of trying out the new matcha one Iroh added to the list last week but instead you opt for the good old jasmine tea, the old man’s favorite.
You’re surprised when you see Zuko starting on your order instead of his uncle, even though he works as a barista too he usually takes care of the food orders. It’s not that he’s bad at making tea (like his sister states), he’s only extremely good at making a few variety of them and messes up any other order completely. Bobba, black and green tee are his specialties, with oolong and herbal coming right behind them, but jasmine is one of his worst. And you’re gonna have to be the one drinking a whole cup of it. You look to your left and catch Azula’s eyes fixed on his brothers back, then they move to you and even though words aren’t coming out of her mouth you know exactly what she wants to say. Shit, good luck.
“Here you go, a jasmine tea with three sugar’s” his voice breaks your staring contest with the girl next to him and it takes you a good minute and a half to react and take the cup. You really wish you had taken a seat next to the window instead of opting for the counter, now you’ll have to try the drink while he’s standing in front of you.
You can feel Azula’s eyes burning the side of your face, you know she’s either at the verge of tears or feeling sorry for you. Before chickening out you lift the cup and bring it to your lips, letting the liquid in and swallowing. Everyone behind the counter stops, waiting for your reaction. They don’t really know what they’re expecting you to do or say, but it definitely isn’t what is currently going on in your head (and mouth).
“Oh. My. Fucking god. This is amazing.”
a/n: this wasn’t proof read so thank you for making it this far :)
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passable-talent · 4 years
Hey please continue your Zuko fic as soon as possible! I love it so much!
oh I’m so surprised I got this request within hours of posting part 3 👀👀
agsbfjcjs I tease I’m loving this series too
well everyone, here we are again
| part 1 | part 2 | part 3 |
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“Who’s Mai?”
Zuko’s eyebrows moved a bit in confusion before it registered that you might’ve been asleep, that night, when he told you of his old girlfriend. And even then, he hadn’t mentioned her name. Slowly his hands pulled from where they had kept gentle grip on your biceps.
“I, uh,” he stuttered, “let’s find somewhere to talk.” You let him lead you into a room in the temple up toward the top of the cliff, far away from the rest of the team, and even Haru or the Duke weren’t likely to come up here.
Uneasy, you settled down against the wall, one leg extended in front of you and the other bent, it’s foot flat on the ground. You did your best to feel for Zuko’s heartbeat, like Toph could, to determine sincerity. You couldn’t sense it well enough yet, having barely gotten a grasp on seismic sense in the first place, and let your knee fall to the side.
“So who’s Mai?” You asked again as he sat down against a wall adjacent to yours. Not too close, but not too far away.
“An old girlfriend I had before I was banished. We spent some time together when I returned to the Fire Nation, but... it didn’t feel right. I’m not the same as I was before I was banished.” Any number of snarky replies came into your mind, but you didn’t respond, merely waiting for him to continue.
“Well, Sokka and I, we went to the Boiling Rock, a high profile prison in the Fire Nation. We were trying to pass as guards, but I got found out, and kept as prisoner.” You leaned forward with concern, for a moment forgetting the point of the conversation as you worried for him.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, nothing happened,” Zuko said, tossing his head to the side in a bit of guilt. “But the warden... the warden was her uncle, and she came in to see me.” You raised an eyebrow, leaned back to press your spine to the wall, interested in where this would go.
“I had written her a letter, before I left, and it wasn’t a very good one. I hadn’t known what to say. She was pissed, and threw it at me, and scolded me, and...” he shook his head, and looked down at his feet.
“It wasn’t good.” At this point, you began to wonder why he was telling you all of this. As much as you were more likely to air on the side of finding fault in his actions, it seemed to you like nothing had happened. There was nothing for you to be angry about- he hadn’t had some tearful declaration of love or anything, so what was the issue?
“I locked her in my cell to get away so that Sokka and I could escape with Hakoda and Suki. I feel kinda bad about that, but she got out, so whatever.” You tilted your head, not giving him the luxury of avoiding eye contact. You weren’t quite glaring, but you did find yourself trying to intimidate as best you could.
It was a good wall to build around you.
“And I feel so confused,” he said, closing his eyes and clenching his fists, “because I don’t understand. I wasn’t a good boyfriend even when we were ‘together’ earlier in the summer, and I wrote her a bad letter, and I left, and I locked her in a cell, and she still helped me escape. She stood up against Azula to help me escape.” This caught your attention, as you knew the guts it would’ve taken to stand up to the psychopathic princess. It was a sacrifice- it would’ve made her just as much an enemy to the Fire Nation as Zuko.
“I just don’t get it,” he said again, and you looked away from him.
“Ever considered that you’re sometimes a pretty good guy and that people care about you?” You said, without pausing on any particular word because you wanted to get the statement done and over with quickly. With your foot pressed to the floor you could sense through seismics the way his head jerked up to look at you, even if you didn’t look at him.
“You think so?” He asked, and a quick laugh made your chest jump once.
“Sometimes,” you said, turning your gaze back to him. “Was this all you wanted to talk to me about? Figure out why she would do that for you?”
“Well, that, and...” he pushed a few strands of hair from his face in nervousness. “I just wanted to be honest with you. When we met, I- I did nothing but lie, and I don’t want to lie to you ever again. I want you to know everything. Including the awkward moment I had with my ex-girlfriend.” Slowly a plan formed in your mind, and you narrowed your eyes in focus.
“Why does what you do with ex-girlfriends concern me?” You asked, and his eyes met yours, slight confusion in his expression. He swallowed, working out your meaning. This was his opportunity- would he say he cared about you? That he loved you? That he wanted you to not be jealous because his heart now belonged with you?
“You know why,” he said after a moment’s pause, eyes still locked on yours and voice low. A small smirk came to your face.
“I’m afraid I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Y/N,” he said quickly, voice almost firm. He paused to gather his courage and knotted his fingers into the fabric of his pants. “I care about you. And I wanted you to know that you don’t need to worry about Mai.” He paused a moment longer, finally breaking eye contact, which was a great relief to you.
“And even I know you don’t feel the same right now, but I know you did once, and I’m trying to earn that back again.” You swallowed hard, your gaze on the side of his face now that he’d turned it from you. With a split second decision you scooted closer, sitting beside him, and leaning your shoulder against his. You had to make moves like this, and the hug from before he had left, because if you didn’t, you’d never learn to. You were reaching out of your comfort zone, slowly, just like he was.
“I can’t trust you,” you whispered, feeling as though the two of you would break apart and scatter if either spoke too loud. “Not yet.”
“I know,” he said back, the badger frogs filling the silence between the two of you.
“But I’m getting there,” you said, resting your head onto his shoulder. “You’re earning it back, slowly.” He nodded, and the two of you fell into a comfortable silence. You let your eyes skip closed, and for a moment felt as though you could fall asleep, leaned against him like this.
This was how you had leaned on him when you were exhausted and on break from the Jasmine Dragons. You’d rest your feet and lean on him, and the two of you would talk until the break was over. It was so familiar, the sound of his breathing, the firmness of his muscle.
“You think you can ever trust me again?” Zuko asked, vulnerability in his voice, “After what I’ve done to you?”
“I think so,” you said, breathing softly. “I did once. And deep down, you’re that same guy. When you were in Ba Sing Se, you were guided by nothing but the kindness you were shown by your uncle. I’m not foolish- I know that Azula manipulated you. I know that, even though you aren’t the pure soul I thought at first, that you’re not the hunter that Katara thinks you are, either.” You changed your neck position, almost nuzzling your face into his shoulder. “Give me time. Show me you can be someone I should trust.” You heard him nod, and your eyes drifted closed.
When on the edge of falling asleep, sounds change. They’re heard, but not processed, merely accepted as background noise in a world fading away. It was like this, halfway between sleep and wake, when nothing was processed nor even remembered, that you heard Zuko promise.
“I promise I’ll become a man you can let yourself love.”
request for a part 5
edit: part 5 has been multiple times requested it’s all good
edit: | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 |
-🦌 Roe
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slythergirlimagines · 4 years
Well Why Don’t You?- Zuko x Reader
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Summary: You and Zuko constantly dance around each other, and Sokka and Toph have had enough. Fluff, with a tiny bit of angst!! Masterlist
(GIF isn’t mine!) Words: 3,398 Request: yes
**** let me know if I you all want a masterlist!
Well Why Don’t You?
The first party Zuko hosts is a year after the war. It is a “welcome to Fire Nation” party, to honor the new members of one of Zuko’s outreach programs.
One year after the war, and everything is slowly starting to feel normal. Your parents had died before the war began, and having no where else to go, you ended up sticking close to Zuko, your best friend.
Zuko had brought up the idea first, claiming that he had no one left either, and it had really worked out quite well for the both of you. You gave Zuko advice and opinions with an honesty no one else would. Zuko offered you a place of belonging and a deep friendship.
Though you missed your parents and your friends, you had never felt quite so happy as you did with Zuko. You knew a lot of that happiness had to do with your feelings for him.
Zuko had joined your side and won you over first. You believed him before anyone else did, and as time progressed, you slowly started opening up to each other. You often teamed up in battle and just naturally gravitated towards each other. Toph and Sokka had teased you about it relentlessly. You had realized you loved him when Azula struck him with lightning, when you had almost lost him.
Then Zuko had healed and had become Firelord, and you hadn’t said a word to him about your feelings. Now you are really starting to regret it as you watch him dance with Mai. They had broken up a long time ago, but that didn’t make you feel better as you watch him pull her tighter to him and whisper in her ear. Angrily, you slam your finished drink on the table.
“Another.” You demand, and Sokka looks at you with troubled eyes.
“Y/n, you’ve been drinking a lot more than usual, are you sure you can handle another?” He asks you, brows furrowed. You must be really obvious if Sokka was noticing something wrong.
“Obviously it has everything to do with Lover Boy and Mai.” Toph says, inclining her head in the direction of the dance floor. For a blind girl, Toph really does see everything.
“No it doesn’t.” You hiss.
“Ooh you hit a nerve.” Sokka giggles, tipping his drink back. You aim a hard kick to his shin. Sokka chokes on his drink, and you take a little pleasure in his sputtering. Toph pats him a few times on the back, but she’s laughing too hard to really help.
“Ok, ok. I’m sorry. I won’t say anything else about your all encompassing love.” Sokka says.
“All encompassing love for who?” Zuko asks, head cocked to the side like a puppy. Mai is there, arm wound tightly through his. She smiles at you, but the expression looks forced on her usually bored face.
“For wine.” You cover smoothly. “I was just about to get another drink and Sokka was teasing me for being an alcoholic. I showed him though.”
You nod at Sokka, who now sits rubbing his shin.
“That’s my girl.” Zuko smiles. “Guys, you all remember Mai?”
Everyone at the table nods, and exchanges pleasantries. Zuko pulls out a chair at the table and seats Mai, and then takes the chair in between you both.
The wine is catching up with you, and your head is fuzzy, even fuzzier with Zuko so close. You want to kiss him, to hold his hand, to be with him. All of that is impossible with Mai next to him. Of course Mai is beautiful, and of course that’s who Zuko would go for. Mai is a badass and she’s controlled. She’d be the perfect match for Zuko and his mood swings.
You stand up too quickly suddenly desperate to get away, and knock over your empty wine glass. You wobble in place before regaining your balance.
“Y/n?” Zuko asks, concern etching his face. “Are you alright?”
“Fine!” You say in a voice that tells everyone you are absolutely not fine. “I’m just off to get some wine! Haha that rhymes.”
Your awkwardness combined with the alcohol has just made a painfully embarrassing moment that you’ll never expunge from your brain.
Sokka bursts into drunken laughter like a child, and Toph rolls her eyes. You barley manage to get yourself out of the party before you start crying.
The next party Zuko hosts, you are prepared to make a move. Toph has taken to giving you weekly pep talks, and she’s bolstered your confidence a lot.
You had picked out the perfect dress, a black gown with a plunging back. The bodice was tight against your figure, and emphasized your curves. You spent all day creating a dramatic makeup look and pinning up your hair. You knew you looked good, hopefully Zuko would see it too.
You take up your usual spot at the table with Toph and Sokka. Katara and Aang were hardly ever at these things, too busy running their academy or fixing the world. Toph and Sokka are a bit more like you, with no where to go.
Toph and Sokka are starting a drinking game, and you’re too zoned out to really listen to the rules. You’re eager to see Zuko, and even more eager to have him see you.
“With the rate she’s going, we’re going to die of alcohol poisoning.” You hear Toph say.
“What?” You ask. Toph smiles sheepishly, and looks to Sokka to say something.
“Well...” Sokka says, and his face says that he is absolutely trying every way to get out of this.
“Are you playing a drinking game about me?!” You demand. Their smiles give it all away, and suddenly you feel rather affronted.
“What are the rules??” You smack your hand down on the table.
“Obviously it has something to do with being the most beautiful girl in the room.” Zuko says, smiling at you. He places a kiss to your cheek, and then sits down. You could literally explode on the spot, but even in your high you don’t miss Sokka and Toph taking a synchronized drink.
So it was about you and Zuko then.
“Thank you.” You tell Zuko, and you can’t help the warmth that colors your tone. Who gave him the right to be so charming? You knew this was his normal diplomatic persona, the one he used to flatter his subjects. You could pretend it was real for a night.
Sokka and Toph drink again, and this time is not subtle at all. Zuko notices, and quirks his eyebrows at them.
“So what are the rules?” He asks, truly perplexed.
“Don’t have any.” Toph says. Zuko rolls his eyes, but leaves them to their own game.
You’re about to ask Zuko to dance, when an advisor comes up to him.
“Lord Zuko, I have someone who would really love to meet you.” The old man says. The person who wants to meet Zuko is clearly the beautiful young woman trying her best to pretend she isn’t watching the exchange.
Zuko notices this too, and smiles at his advisor.
“Of course, give me just a moment.” He says. You’re torn between two feelings. On one hand, you love Zuko’s devotion to his people, but on the other, jealousy is eating at you.
Zuko smiles at you softly.
“You really do look lovely.” He says. “Don’t go anywhere guys, I’ll be right back.”
You watch him walk away, with a heavy heart. It seemed like nothing would truly be enough to capture his attention.
“Drink!” Sokka calls, indicating your wistful glances at Zuko. You drink until your glass is empty.
You don’t go to the third party. Every inch of your body hurts, and your head is pounding. You think you might have a fever, but you don’t want to call anyone in to check. You absolutely despise being sick, and sometimes you like to just wallow in your sorrows.
Toph comes in to check on you before the party. She’s dressed in a lovely green gown, and a gold headpiece.
“Toph, you’re gorgeous.” You croak. “Stay away from me though, I’ll get you sick.”
Toph gives you a pitying look.
“You sound awful.” She says.
“I feel it.”
“Do you want me to send somebody in to check on you? No offense, y/n, but you actually look like you could be dying.”
“Thank you Toph, I really wanted to hear that.” You mutter into your pillow.
There is silence for a few seconds as Toph debates what to do.
“Seriously Toph, I’m ok. Go have fun.” Then sitting up, you tease her. “Tell me all about Sokka’s reaction when he sees you in that dress.”
Toph blushes, and hurries away like you expected her too. Content at your privacy, you fall back on your bed to get some sleep.
You had only just fallen into a fitful sleep, when you are awoken by someone stroking your face.
Zuko sits in your bed in his party robes, looking more concerned than you’d ever seen him.
“Zuko?” You croak. Maybe this is a fever dream or a hallucination. There’s no way that Zuko left his party to come sit with you.
“Hey.” He says softly. “Toph told me you were sick. I sent for a healer a few minutes ago.”
He brushes a few sweaty strands of hair out of your face and you groan internally. How could he ever want to be with you after seeing you like this?
“Get away from me, you’re going to get sick!” You protest when you realize that he’s sitting too close.
Zuko rolls his eyes, and moves closer just to spite you.
“I don’t care about any of that, y/n.” He says. He leaves his hand on the side of your face, and his thumb strokes your cheek bone. “You’re really hot.” He says.
You know he doesn’t mean it the way it sounds, but in your feverish state his words are funny.
“No you’re the hot one.” You say, giggling. Zuko smiles, but he also looks more concerned than before.
“You’re delirious.” He says. The healer knocks on the door, and Zuko hurries to let him in.
The healer makes him stand away from you, as he gets to work. Zuko paces, watching everything with his amber eyes.
You’ve never really noticed how beautiful his scar is, before right now.
“Thank you, y/n.” He says, and you blush.
You definitely hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
“My lord, I think she’ll be ok after some rest. We just need to break the fever.” Zuko winces, and you think that he must be remembering the time he was sick in Ba Sing Se. He had told you about it long ago, about how painful it was.
“Alright.” Zuko says, “Thank you for seeing her. I’ll stay with her.”
“My lord, I am perfectly happy to stay...” the healer trails off at Zuko’s face.
“I’m not leaving her.” Zuko says, tone final. The healer bows his head, and starts instructing Zuko.
“Keep the cloth cold, and keep her under the blankets. I’ll come by to check every few hours. The best thing for her to do is sweat it out.”
You hear the door close, and then Zuko sits beside you on the bed again. You hadn’t realized that you had closed your eyes.
Zuko’s hands replace the healers, and he starts pressing the cold cloth against your forehead.
“What about your party?” You croak.
“More important things for me to be doing.” Zuko says. You are ill, quite possibly delirious, but you could swear you hear some deeper meaning in his words.
The fourth party Sokka and Toph are armwrestling, and you are keeping score. You all are by far the loudest table, and you know that if it wasn’t for your status as war heroes, you would have been kicked out long ago.
Zuko has been floating around tables all night, shaking hands and kissing babies. The people love him, and they see him for the great ruler he is. You’re happy for him, and you’re proud. But you also miss him.
Zuko finds his way over to you all during round 8. Sokka is only up by one point, and the narrow margin has really been a blow to his pride. You’ve decided to call a winner at round 9, so this victory really determines the outcome. You hate how into their stupid game you are.
Toph is just edging out Sokka when Zuko’s hand touches your back. He lets it trail slowly upwards and cup the back of your neck, thumb rubbing in slow circles.
“Who’s winning?” He asks lowly, to not disturb the serious concentration. You’ve never been more turned on in your whole life.
“It’s a toss up right now.” You say, obviously flustered. “If Sokka wins this round, he’s the winner, but if Toph wins we go into sudden death.”
“Mmm.” Zuko says close to your ear. Goosebumps explode down your body, and you fight a shiver. You glance over at him, and you lock eyes.
Is he looking at your lips? Is he leaning closer? Am I?
“Victory!” Toph cries, slamming Sokka’s arm into the table.
Your moment with Zuko is broken as you turn to them.
“That’s a tie. Round 9.” You say. You turn back to Zuko with a smile, and find one mirrored on his face. He looks happy, you think. More content than he has in a long while.
“Y/n?” A cocky voice asks you. You turn to find one of Zuko’s youngest advisors standing there. He is around your age and rather handsome. One of the types that knows it too.
“Dance with me?” He smirks, holding out a hand.
“Sorry.” Zuko says, with faux politeness. He drops his arm around your shoulders and curls you into his side. “We just can’t spare her. She’s our scorekeeper.”
His arm is holding you tight against him, possessively. Your whole body is fuzzy again as you smile at Zuko.
You turn back to his advisor and shrug.
“No one else can do it.” You say by way of explanation.
Zuko doesn’t move his arm the rest of the night, and neither do you.
Sokka and Toph are done with the games. You and Zuko had been dancing around each other for years now and it was really starting to get annoying. They couldn’t even enjoy getting drunk at parties anymore without one of you looking longingly at the other all night.
That’s why they were currently holed up in an unused advising room discussing plans.
“We’ve got to do something, Sokka. It’s not even fun to drink anymore.” Toph cries, slamming a fist on the table.
“Tell me about.” Sokka says. “All they do is drool over each other.”
“You’re the master strategy guy, let’s come up with a plan. There’s got to be something we can do.” Toph taps her foot rapidly against the ground.
Sokka sits in deep thought for a minute, hand rubbing his jaw. His blue eyes are far away as he considers several options.
“Well, jealousy didn’t work either time they were around other people. Zuko was still too chicken when y/n got all dolled up, and aside from locking them up together I just don’t know what will break their stubborn minds.” Sokka groans.
Suddenly, he and Toph both jump up.
“That’s it!” Toph says. “New mission, find a door that locks from the outside and lock those idiots up.”
The fifth party Zuko hosts, you rewear the black gown. You liked it, and Zuko had called you beautiful when you wore it. Maybe tonight it could be your lucky charm.
It’s Zuko’s birthday, and you had managed to get Aang and Katara here as a surprise, and they were going to stay the entire weekend. Iroh was also going to come stay, and you had planned a smaller private party for tomorrow. You knew Zuko would be thrilled to spend some seeing his friends, and actually getting to spend some time with them.
You were just finishing spraying yourself with perfume, when Toph comes barreling into your room.
“Y/n, quick it’s Zuko!” You are in instant worry mode as you follow her out.
“What’s happened Toph? Is he alright?” You question.
Toph leads you through the winding corridors, and into a back part of the palace.
“Toph!” You demand as you come to a stop in front of a door you’ve never seen.
Sokka stands there, dressed in his finest blue party outfit. Toph is in her usual green.
“You guys? What’s going on. Where’s Zuko? Is he alright?” You question.
“He will be.” Toph says from behind you. Sokka opens up the door, and before you can ask anything else, Toph shoves you inside and the door slams shut.
Instead of falling onto the ground, something warm and hard catches you. Arms wrap around you to steady you, and you can instantly tell it’s Zuko.
“Zuko? What’s going on?” You ask him. “Are you ok? Toph said-”
“They did the same to me.” He chuckles. Your eyes are adjusting to the darkness, and you can just make out his smile. “I think we’re being set up.”
“Oh.” You say, as calmly as possible.
“Yep! And you’re not coming out until you talk about your feelings.” Toph says. “Gonna be weird to have a birthday party with no birthday boy. So you better make it quick.”
Zuko still has his arms around you, and you find that you haven’t moved yours either. You’re so close that you can feel his body heat.
“Zuko.” You whisper, softly. “I’m sorry they’re ruining your birthday.”
You can’t say that you feel that badly about having some alone time with Zuko, but you feel the need to share it all the same.
“Don’t be.” He whispers back, head lowering. “This is exactly where I want to be anyways.”
Your face breaks out into a grin as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“Yeah?” You ask.
“Yeah.” His lips are on yours immediately after, and there’s no more time for talking.
Zuko pulls you as close as he can, pressing hot kisses down your neck and to your collarbone.
“This is my favorite dress.” He says, running a hand over it appreciatively. “I always thought about how I’d tear it off of you.” He growls and then brings his lips back to yours.
In between passionate kisses you manage to respond.
“Then why don’t you?”
The invitation seems to be all he needs, because his hands are suddenly everywhere. They leave warm tingling trails wherever they touch, and you think you might be in heaven. Zuko’s hands deftly find the zipper, and he’s got it halfway down when the door is thrown open.
You and Zuko blink guiltily into the bright light of the hallway, and you can just make out the horror on Toph and Sokka’s faces.
“I did not think it would work this well.” Toph says, thoughtfully.
Sokka simply looks disgusted at the whole thing, and shudders.
“This room is occupied.” Zuko says, winking at you. He closes the door with a well aimed kick and you all are alone again.
“Hi.” You whisper, smile too wide for your face.
“Hi.” Zuko says. He leans down and kisses you again, a little less hungry than before. He takes his time, really exploring your mouth with his tongue.
You’ve never loved him as much as you do right now, in this tiny closet.
“Zuko.” You say, pulling back from the kiss. “I love you.”
Zuko pulls your face up to look into his eyes.
“I love you too. So much.” He says, and then he kisses you again and again.
“We better go.” You say, almost sadly. “People are going to start missing you.”
“I don’t care.” He growls, nipping at your lips.
“I have a suggestion.” You say, coyly. You stand on your tip toes to whisper in his ear. “Why don’t we make an appearance, and if you’re really good, we’ll sneak away and finish what we started.”
Maybe Zuko hugs his friends and promises to see them tomorrow. Maybe you stay at the party for all of ten minutes. Maybe Zuko all but carries you away. And maybe, for years to come, you and Zuko find yourselves in the habit of getting stuck in tight spaces.
A/n: Wow two in one night! I hope you enjoyed reading this story! I’m going to try to get through as many requests as I can this weekend, so keep an eye out. If you want to request something, please do! My asks and inbox are always open! I hope I tagged everyone who asked, but if I didn’t, please let me know and I’ll add you! As always you can find my work under the tag slythergirlimagines!
Taglist: @galacticamidala @a-random-queer-kid @taeeemin @realimbo @samsmultifandomblogs
@fire1ordzuzu @shortmexicangirl
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reinerispretty · 4 years
beneath the moon. (sokka x f!reader) pt16
hiiiii everyone :) i am back! i’ve finished my finals for the semester and i am so so excited to continue these fics! i’ll admit i was experiencing some major burnout and just overall not having fun anymore but i think having my worst semester ever be over will help a lot hehe!!
“We’re coming back for them,” Sokka reassured her. “We just have to get Appa first, and then we’ll all escape.”
(Y/N) looked back toward the palace. It made her uneasy to leave her friends when they might need her, even if it was only for a moment. She looked at Sokka once more, taking his hand in hers and squeezing. “You guys go ahead, I’m going to find them.”
“(Y/N)!” Sokka whisper-shouted after her, but (Y/N) couldn’t just go with them and hope that her friends would be okay, or that they would know what was going on.
The Southern Water Tribe armor that (Y/N) wore on her back weighed a few pounds, slowing her down as she ran over to Aang and Appa. Sokka reached him first and (Y/N) could hear their two voices but not the words they were saying. Sokka turned to look at her, his face contorted in an expression of anger, fear, and sadness, and her stomach dropped. “What’s going on?” She asked once she finally reached them. 
Aang looked panicked. “Katara’s in trouble! We have to leave now!” 
“Okay,” (Y/N) said with a breath. As scary as the prospect of Katara being in danger was, her own emotions would have to be put aside. “We’ll say goodbye and then we’ll head out.” 
“There’s no time!” Aang insisted, and (Y/N) glared at him. Sokka had literally just reunited with his father, his hero, and the moment was being ripped from him. The least they could do was let him say goodbye. Katara was strong, she’d be alright. Or at least, that was what (Y/N) had to keep telling herself. 
“Sokka, tell your dad thank you for his hospitality,” (Y/N) said with a slight smile. “We’ll see him again soon.” Sokka ran back to his father and (Y/N) turned back to Aang. “You,” She said, jabbing her finger at him. “Need to calm down.” She grabbed his hand and lifted herself onto Appa’s back, flopping over awkwardly in the saddle from her armor. “I know you’re in love with Katara, but she’ll be okay until we can get there. She’s one of the best fighters I know.” 
Aang’s face paled. “W-what are you talking about? I’m just worried about my friend.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” (Y/N) muttered. Her eyes caught Sokka as he jogged back over to them. “I’m just worried about my friend, too.” 
Once Sokka was on Appa’s back, they flew off back toward Ba Sing Se, the afternoon sun behind them. Aang confessed that he didn’t know the details of what was happening to Katara, only that he had seen a vision of her being in trouble. “Normally I’d call you ridiculous,” Sokka said as he lay in a starfish position on the saddle. “But Avatar powers always prove me wrong so I’ll just shut up.” 
“Did you guys manage to convince the Southern Water Tribe to go to the North, at least?” Aang asked. (Y/N) shrugged. 
“I’m not sure how many of them were fully convinced.” 
“I don’t know if they’ll go now that we’re not there,” Sokka said. “(Y/N) was the only reason they were even starting to consider it.” 
“It would have been a nice accomplishment, but they don’t even teach women anything beyond healing. It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to leave the city so exposed.” (Y/N) sighed. “Would have been nice though, so give Hahn another punch in the nose for challenging my claim to the throne.” 
“You’re thinking about going back to rule?” Aang asked. 
“You never told me that,” Sokka looked at her with furrowed brows.
“The war will be over at some point,” She said quietly. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed movement down below. She leaned over the side of Appa’s saddle to see the earth moving in a rather unnatural way. “What is that?” She asked Aang. 
He swooped Appa down toward the movement and there, at the base of it all, was a familiar tiny girl, surfing across the rock. “Hey!” Sokka called out to Toph. “Need a ride?” Toph flailed at the sound, losing her focus and falling to the ground. Aang, Sokka, and (Y/N) winced at her fall. 
“Are you okay?” (Y/N) called out, but before she knew it Toph was barreling toward them. She had used her earthbending to launch herself in the air and the three of them all scrambled to catch her safely. Toph crash landed on (Y/N), sending her rolling onto the other side of Appa’s saddle. She sat up quickly, an angered expression on her face. 
“Don’t scare me like that!” She said into the empty air where she thought Sokka would be. 
“Sorry,” Sokka said from the opposite side of the saddle. (Y/N) coughed as she sat up, trying to gain back the air that had been knocked out of her. The armor had protected her a bit, but although Toph was small, she was as dense as the rock she bended. 
“What happened to meeting with your mom?” Aang asked, and Toph frowned. 
“It was a trap,” Toph grumbled. “Two idiots captured me. Unluckily for them, I invented metalbending.” 
Sokka laughed, but it slowly faded when he realized that no one else was joining him. “You’re not...you’re not joking?” 
“Toph!” (Y/N) exclaimed, grasping her friend by the arms. “That’s so exciting! You invented metalbending--that’s supposed to be impossible!” She engulfed Toph in a hug and squeezed tightly. 
“Get off of me!” Toph protested, squirming in (Y/N’s) arms. (Y/N) released her, but the smile on her face never faded. “But yeah,” Toph smirked. “It’s pretty cool of me. What about you, Aang? How’d it go with the guru? Did you master the Avatar State?” 
(Y/N) had meant to ask Aang about that as well, but had gotten distracted. All three of them turned to look at him, but he stared off into the distance. “Aang?” Sokka asked, and the young boy tensed, turning back to stare at his friends. 
“Yep, everything good with the guru! Avatar State, completely mastered,” He said with a slight laugh. (Y/N) and Sokka exchanged a confused look. 
They landed at their house in the city and rushed inside. They were immediately greeted by Momo, who had crawled onto Aang’s shoulders as soon as they entered. Toph flattened her feet against the floor of the house. “There’s no one else here.” 
“I knew it!” Aang exclaimed. “Katara is in trouble!” 
“Oh no,” Sokka breathed. (Y/N) opened her mouth to reassure her friends, but she closed it quickly when she realized it would be no use. She knew it in her heart that Katara was in trouble and the longer they waited the further away they were from saving her. 
“Wait! Someone’s at the door,” Toph said, and a second later a knock sounded against the thick wood. “Actually, I know who it is. It’s an old friend.” Before (Y/N) could inquire just exactly who Toph could have become friends with, she opened the door, revealing General Iroh.
Now normally, upon seeing a member of the Fire Nation, (Y/N) would whip out her water from the pack at her hip and immediately start fighting. But although it had been months since she had last seen him, she remembered his face. He was there the night Yue had died. He had fought against a member of his own nation in order to protect the Moon Spirit. He had fought alongside them against Azula just a few weeks prior, when she had been hunting their group through the Earth Kingdom countryside. It was safe to say that she was rather conflicted over her opinion of General Iroh, but she figured no one who had come to attack them would knock first. 
“I need your help,” He said, looking gravely at the four of them. At her side, Aang and Sokka took their fighting stances while Toph simply waved. (Y/N) remained rather relaxed. 
“You know him?” Aang questioned Toph. 
“Yeah! We met in the woods and I knocked him down. Then he gave me tea and some very good advice.” 
“Toph, I think the next time you meet our enemies in the woods, you should share it with us.” (Y/N) stared down at her friend, but it had no effect on her. 
“I can’t tell someone’s an enemy by their feet,” Toph scoffed. 
“May I come in?” Iroh asked, entering the home once Toph gave him permission. “Princess Azula is in Ba Sing Se.” 
“She must have Katara.” Aang’s brows furrowed in anger. (Y/N) had only met Azula a handful of times, but one time was too many with the evil Princess of the Fire Nation. 
“She has my nephew as well,” Iroh said. 
“Then we’ll work together to save Katara and Zuko,” Aang said very decidedly, resulting in Sokka blinking his eyes in confusion. 
“I’m sorry, you lost me at ‘Zuko,’” He said. Iroh placed a hand on Sokka’s shoulder. 
“I know you do not like my nephew, but I promise that there is good inside of him.” Sokka shook Iroh’s hand off of him. 
“Good inside of him isn’t enough! Come back when the good’s outside of him, too.” 
“Katara’s in trouble!” Aang said, perhaps the most serious that (Y/N) had ever seen him. “All of Ba Sing Se’s in trouble. We have to work together.” 
Sokka’s blue eyes flickered to meet (Y/N’s), the edge of his eyebrow raising as he silently asked her opinion. She spread out her hands and shrugged. “We’re supposed to help people, Sokka.” He inhaled a deep breath before nodding. 
“I brought someone along who might be able to help.” Iroh led them outside, where a Dai Li agent was tied up and gagged on their front steps. 
“Oh dear,” (Y/N) said, surprised at the sight. Iroh removed the gag from his mouth. It took very little to get him to talk. 
“Azula and Long Feng are plotting a coup! They’re going to overthrow the Earth King!” 
“Where’s my sister?” Sokka demanded, gathering the Dai Li’s shirt in his fist. 
“In the crystal catacombs of Old Ba Sing Se, deep beneath the palace!” 
Their group traveled to just outside the palace, where Toph confirmed that there was indeed an ancient city beneath the present one. They decided to split up, Aang and Iroh would rescue Zuko and Katara, while Toph, Sokka, and (Y/N) would warn the Earth King about the coup. 
The group of three ran up the stairs to the palace when they noticed General How making his way toward them. Sokka pulled both girls behind a pillar and they watched as the General was arrested by Dai Li agents. “The coup is happening right now,” Sokka whispered. “We’ve got to get to the Earth King.” 
As silently and as carefully as possible, they ran to the throne room. Earth King Kuei sat pleasantly in his seat, his beloved bear Bosco at his side. They had made it, with only a few moments to spare. 
The traditional green and gold colors of the Kyoshi Warriors flashed in front of (Y/N), landing just a few inches from Sokka’s face. “Hey there, cutie,” The warrior said, and both Sokka and (Y/N’s) faces reddened, albeit for different reasons. 
“I’m uh,” Sokka stuttered, but Toph used her earthbending to fling the girl out of the way. 
“They’re not the real Kyoshi Warriors!”
“Sorry to disappoint you,” said the familiar voice of the Fire Nation girl, Mai. She flung her daggers at (Y/N), but she waterbended a stream of water in front of her and froze it, catching the daggers within it. She melted the ice and the sharp pieces of metal clattered to the floor. 
“I don’t really have any training in throwing daggers,” (Y/N) said as she picked them up. “But back home I used to throw spears to catch dinner. It’s kind of the same, right?” She used all of her force to throw a dagger back at Mai, missing her by only a few inches. The girl quickly darted for her, so (Y/N) had to think on her feet. She encased the daggers in a water bubble, freezing it as hard as she could and pelting it at Mai. 
“This fight is over,” Azula said, drawing everyone’s attention to the center of the room, where she held a flame dagger against Kuei’s throat. (Y/N) looked to Sokka, who dropped his weapon and sank to the ground. She and Toph followed suit. Ty Lee fiercely jabbed at their backs and sides, effectively chi blocking all of them. 
Dai Li agents lifted them to their wobbly legs, taking the friends, King Kuei, and Bosco to the lower levels of the palace, where the prisons were. They were tossed unceremoniously into their cell and had the door shut behind them, allowing for only a sliver of light to enter the room. 
(Y/N) had been thrown in last, resulting in her being closest to the exit. Blinking her eyes to help them adjust to the darkness, she stared at the door, which was fashioned from thick metal to keep earthbenders in. “Toph,” (Y/N) called out. It would take a bit for them to regain their ability to use their limbs and bend, but there was still hope. Toph grunted in response, her face smushes against the floor of the cell. “The door is metal.” 
Toph grinned into the darkness. 
Once each member of their party had gained their mobility, they made sure the outside of the cell was completely free of Dai Lee agents before making their escape. The door loudly crunched beneath Toph’s hands and clattered even more loudly as she tossed it into the hallway. “I hope no one heard that,” King Kuei said. 
“Let’s go,” Sokka ordered, and the four of them plus Bosco ran back up to the surface. Night had fallen while they had been imprisoned, allowing them to sneak around the palace grounds with little difficulty. 
“We have to find Katara and Aang,” (Y/N) whispered, stopping in her tracks just before they were about to pass through the gates. 
“We’re coming back for them,” Sokka reassured her. “We just have to get Appa first, and then we’ll all escape.” 
(Y/N) looked back toward the palace. It made her uneasy to leave her friends when they might need her, even if it was only for a moment. She looked at Sokka once more, taking his hand in hers and squeezing. “You guys go ahead, I’m going to find them.” 
“(Y/N)!” Sokka whisper-shouted after her, but (Y/N) couldn’t just go with them and hope that her friends would be okay, or that they would know what was going on. She first went to the spot where Iroh and Aang had disappeared into the ground. The hole they had created to travel to the catacombs had been covered up by Toph, so as to not draw unwanted attention to them. When (Y/N) didn’t see Aang or Katara there, she made quick laps around the palace, evading the sight of the Dai Lee. 
Oddly enough, sneaking around the palace felt comforting to her. It reminded her of being back home and sneaking past her own guards, so that she could practice her waterbending through the night. Yue would be waiting up when she returned, a disappointed yet humored look on her face. 
(Y/N) was nearly finished with her second lap around the palace when she spotted them. Encased in a beam of moonlight, Katara had Aang’s arm strung around her shoulders as she attempted to carry him to safety. (Y/N) ran forward, quietly calling out Katara’s name. The girl turned around, her eyes welling with tears. (Y/N) noticed immediately how limp Aang was in her arms. The edges of his clothes were singed and at the very base of his back was a raw and angry burn mark. 
(Y/N’s) ears were ringing as she stared at Aang. This couldn’t be happening. There was no way that she could be losing yet another person she loved too soon. But here Aang was, his head slumped forward and all of his weight leaning into Katara’s body. She couldn’t see his body rising or falling with his breaths. Tears fell against her cheeks one by one, the shock settling in her bones.
Numbly, (Y/N) took Aang’s other arm and slung it around her own shoulder. She led Katara to the spot where she had left Sokka, and he, Toph, Kuei, and Bosco were all waiting atop Appa’s back. Sokka hopped down to help them. “I’m so glad you’re okay!” He said quietly, looking from Katara to (Y/N). It only took a few more seconds for his own realization to set in. “Let’s get him on Appa.”
They lifted him onto the air bison and took off, fleeing Ba Sing Se. Katara pulled out the small vial of water from the Spirit World Oasis. Master Pakku had given it to her before they left the North Pole. Carefully, she moved Aang onto his side and applied the water to his back. It glowed bright blue, as it water usually did when it was used for healing, but then the color suddenly faded. From all of her years of healing training, (Y/N) knew that could only mean one thing. A sob collected in her throat and her eyes welled with tears once more, her fingers curling tightly into the fabric of her clothes. 
Then, as Katara held onto Aang, his tattoos began glowing the same bright blue as the Spirity World Water. He groaned lowly, just barely enough for anyone to hear, but all of his friends were listening so intently. His eyes opened just enough to look up at Katara. He gave her a small smile before slipping back into unconsciousness, his chest rising and falling with breath. (Y/N) let out a deep sigh of relief, wiping the tears from her face. 
Toph remained toward the back of Appa with Katara and Aang, while (Y/N), Sokka, and King Kuei devised a plan about where they should head next. It was mostly just Sokka and (Y/N) coming up with a plan while King Kuei listened intently. “We should head back to Chameleon Bay,” Sokka said. “My dad might still be there.” 
“And if he isn’t, we have a good enough view from Appa to see them if they’re anywhere else.” 
They flew back to where they had been just a few hours prior and luckily, the men of the Southern Water Tribe remained where they had left them. Hakoda walked out to greet them, his face becoming grave once he saw the condition Aang was in. 
“Katara,” He opened his arms to hug his daughter, but she ignored him, instead giving orders to the Water Tribe men about where exactly to place Aang and what she would need. Awkwardly, Hakoda turned to (Y/N) and Sokka. “I didn’t expect to see you so soon after you left.” 
“Ba Sing Se has been taken by the Fire Nation,” Sokka said, very seriously for a boy of fifteen. 
“Princess Azula has the Dai Li under her control,” (Y/N) said. “If we don’t act carefully, the rest of the Earth Kingdom might fall.” 
“Sounds like we need a plan,” Hakoda said. He smiled down at his send. “Care to lead a war meeting?” Sokka met his father’s smile with one of his own. He nodded eagerly. “Meet me in my tent in a few minutes. I’m going to get some tents set up for you and your friends.” 
(Y/N) grinned at Sokka, hitting his arm playfully with his fist. “Look at you! Soon you’ll be Commander Sokka or something like that.” He turned to look at her. 
“What you did back in Ba Sing Se was risky, (Y/N). You could’ve been hurt.” (Y/N) scrunched her nose. 
“I said you’ll be Commander Sokka soon, not right now.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I couldn’t leave them behind. It might not have been the move you would’ve done--” 
“You’re right, I wouldn’t have. You can’t jeopardize your own life to try to save people.” 
“If I hadn’t tried, there might not have been any lives to save!” (Y/N) snapped. “Katara was weak and Aang...Aang was dead, Sokka. I don’t care what you say. I know I did the right thing.”
Sokka opened his mouth to fire back, but stopped himself. He inhaled a deep breath. “You’re right. But you have to be more careful. Don’t think I didn’t notice your empty water pack.” For good measure, he squeezed the pack at her hip and nothing came out. She had used it all when fighting Mai. (Y/N) hadn’t even noticed that she was out of water. 
“Sorry,” (Y/N) muttered, avoiding his gaze. She felt like she was in trouble. Sokka took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze. 
“Come lead the meeting with me?” He was smiling down at her and (Y/N) rolled her eyes, her own smile appearing on her lips. Sometimes, being with Sokka felt so natural that it was so easy to get back to normal. 
They remained with the men of the Southern Water Tribe. King Kuei would show off Bosco to anyone who would listen and eventually, the two set off to see the world. When Katara wasn’t healing Aang, she slept on a cot at his side, to make sure that he wouldn’t need anything throughout the night. She had all of her meals delivered to the tent. The only time anyone could talk to her was if they entered with her express permission. 
Sokka and (Y/N) spent the majority of their time together. They attended war meeting after war meeting. They took their meals together so they could continue their discussions of how to best attack the Fire Nation during the eclipse. Some nights, they would fall asleep among their work. 
Toph spent the majority of the time bouncing between Sokka, (Y/N), and Katara, or resting against Appa’s comfy fur. Toph was perhaps the only person who was getting an actual break from anything, but during the nights where (Y/N) and Sokka would present their plans to the rest of the tribe, she would be listening intently to uncover anything that needed to be adjusted. 
After about a week of remaining in the same spot, the tribe loaded onto their ships to find a new area to camp. Only a few days after they had set sail, they encountered a Fire Naiton ship. Part of Sokka and (Y/N’s) plan was that Aang could not be discovered, so they all attacked with full force and commandeered the ship. The men changed into Fire Nation uniforms while Toph, Katara, and (Y/N) used cloaks to cover the clothes that would be a dead giveaway. Having a Fire Nation ship under their control allowed them to pass through the seas without any fear of danger. 
Perhaps the nicest thing about staying on the Fire Nation ship was that (Y/N) had her own room and a nice bed to sleep in. It had been ages since she had slept on anything other than a mat on the floor, so as soon as she claimed the room for her own she slept for hours, only being woken to a heavy banging at her door. 
Sleepily, she stood, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she opened the door. Sokka was in front of her, a plate of food in his hand. “I thought you had died,” He said, pushing past her to enter her room. “You slept for thirteen hours!” 
“‘S that a lot?” (Y/N) asked through a yawn. Her brain was taking longer to wake up than her body. “I don’t think it’s enough.” 
“I brought you dinner. I tried to wake you up for it but you wouldn’t answer. You scared me,” Sokka grumbled. (Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh. “What’s so funny?” 
“You’re so dramatic. I was just sleeping.” She took the plate from Sokka’s hands and began picking at the food. “Thank you, I appreciate you.” She sat on the edge of her bed and Sokka joined her. 
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something,” He said, and she yawned. 
“If anyone tries talking to you after you’ve woken up, you’re such a monster, but you want to have full on conversations with me four minutes after I’ve woken up.” 
“It’s been more like three minutes, I think,” And they both smiled. “Do you remember when you said you were going back to the Northern Water Tribe after the war?” 
“I don’t think that’s what I said, but I’ve thought about it.” She rubbed her eye once more. “People are trying to challenge my throne, so I’d like to put a stop to that.” 
“So you want to rule the Northern Tribe? I thought you hated it there.” 
“I do,” (Y/N) said immediately. “Or, I did. But I don’t know what I’m going to want in the future and we definitely don’t know what’s going to happen once Aang defeats the Fire Lord.” She shrugged. “It’s not like I’m going to become the chief of my tribe tomorrow.” 
Sokka nodded, rubbing the palms of his hands against his pants. “Okay, cool. You had me worried for a second.” 
“Worried about what?” 
“You leaving.” (Y/N) smiled, offering him a grape, and he popped it into his mouth. 
“I’m not leaving anytime soon. Someone has to shut down your ideas about convincing animals to fight against the Fire Nation.” 
“Appa and Momo do it, I can’t see why other animals won’t!” (Y/N) giggled. 
“As much as I’d love to see a platybus bear absolutely wreck Prince Zuko, I don’t think it’s going to happen.” Sokka threw his head back at the mental imagery, his laugh sounding throughout the room. (Y/N) smiled at him as he laughed and realized just how unlucky she was. (Y/N), last remaining princess of the Northern Water Tribe was head-over-heels, wholeheartedly in love with Sokka. 
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