simatomica · 2 years
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On the case
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azarovs · 2 years
i just think that konig and ghost should kiss
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occultamusica · 2 years
Khost - Copper Lock Hell (in Copper Lock Hell, 2014)
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doroinoue · 5 months
okay so i've been listening to the dorohedoro manga soundtrack for a while now, and my morning has been a little hectic so i decided to just ramble about all the songs and what/who i associate them with, and also which songs from the anime ost they remind me of (since the anime ost is very much inspired from the manga ost)
you can listen to the songs Here if you haven't, and i'll be going by this order, since thats the official one
Redacted, Recalcitrant, Repressed - khost: this one in my head is literally curse/risu theme and you cannot convince me otherwise Ever. Man Inside The Mouth from the anime ost is im pretty sure inspired from this song too so it All just makes sense. also the title itself reminds me of risu and the way he is and whatnot (im so shit at explaining good lird) also this is me just being insane but i think the voice of the guy singing KINDA fits risu more (the deeper more monstrous voice sounds like curse in my head too), like i love his actual voice too but when i read the manga i definitely dont imagine him with it i expected something more raspy(?), meanwhile aikawa being the one with the smoother voice (his raspy voice fits too giving that Kaiman and yadda yadda) Dont ever let me talk abt risu drhdr bro i dont stfu
Blaka Smoko - VOODOOM: i love this song so much but kai's stupid fucking face pops up in my head when i listen to it and i DONT KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH IT!!! though yeah uh this is pretty much either his song or the cross eyes in general since the lyrics are "i sell black smoke"..though the deranged laugh really reminds me of him solely. imagine a version of the drhdr manga where black smoke is like weed and they smoke that shit and get high i Think thats rlly funny i dunno what else to say tbh i think me associating the song w kai is preventing me from having too many thoughts about it. However i hope when he like shows up fr (not just in flashbacks) the anime ost makes a remix of this song cuz it genuinely fits (also i just love how this song directly mentions nikaido and kaiman, although a bit nonsensical given the context)
Dorohedoro Zombie Slushi - Candie Hank: im so certain 1000手観音 and another song (i cant remember which one) from the anime ost sampled from this one lmfao. anyway this one just reminds me of zombie ebisu, or ebisu in general. not even like living dead day, literally just zombie ebisu. its probably the vocals tbh, someone in a youtube comment was complaining abt them and another person replied "just imagine ebisu singing it" and i cant get it out of my head now. i can totally see her sing this song, especially knowing shes canonically interested in the manga ost album  (you can see her read the songs of it while checking it out in like episode 4? i think? the one where they follow doll risu around and end up in some cheap clothing store)
Eating food and fighting Wizards - Shitwife: this one makes me very nostalgic, i like how its one of the few songs that isnt just pure nonsensical chaos. like i love those too, infact im bummed out the anime ost doesnt have more chaotic songs given the manga is literally incomprehensible sometimes, but i like how this song kinda shows the more coherent and cheerful side of the story. of course this is just kaiman theme to me, i mean the title and all. i think kaiman would really like this song, he would def listen to it. it also reminds me of that scene where him and nikaido are driving in their motorcycles, it gives the vibe of a drive in the middle of the night to me anyway, not much to say for this one too, i just think its really nice (also the drums go crazy hard)
Enter the Hole - NAH: lovely magic predecessor LOL. perfect for me honestly cuz lovely magic is my fav song from the anime soundtrack. This one just reminds me of hole, i dunno. the brief ethereal part reminds me of the past of the hole though, before the lake of refuse was created (i forgot what they called that shit in the official translation forgive me..lake of refuse sounds cooler either way). thats all tbh
She is a devil - Hanali: devil nikaido theme song what can i say...i literally want this song beat for beat to play at the scene where nikaido grows her devil tail and gets devil high (if they even animate season 2 that far) either that or when theyre selling gyoza at the department store and she goes devil high again and starts beating ass. its so perfect for those scenes also i like to think the distorted singing at the very beginning is like what humans hear when a devil sings, i know it should be more ear bleeding giving the reaction everyone has in canon but whateva!!! also also i like to imagine nikaido was probably hearing something similar while her tail was growing and she was going crazy, i think maybe hearing the singing of devils in your head while slowly turning into one is a cool idea
LIZARD HEAD - Dr. Das: i cant lie this ones...a little boring for me. like the beat is cool and all, but i think this is the one song i have the least to say abt. to reference another youtube comment, they said smth abt imagining kaiman fucking around in hole to this song, and yeah. i see it. i think if the anime animates that little bonus(?) comic abt how kaiman spends his day in hole, they should use smth similar to this song
Transformations - Shackleton: ok i lied this is the one i have to say least about. i dont mind 10+ minute songs, but damn this ones even more boring to me. the pissing sounds arent helping either LOL. though i think if they had to play this song somewhere, or a variation of it, maybe it fits best at the part where kawajiri is making nikaido do the devil exam in his house or whatever...idk....
Dorohedoro - Igorrr: ALRIGHT BACK TO YAPPING. this song is so fucking good, dare i say its my favorite of the whole ost. and im not the only one, everyone seems to love this one. its literally just TIC TOC predecessor but even better. the classical music and opera singing inserted into this absolute chaos is insane and i cant think of a song that fits shin more honestly. like this is literally shin theme. it perfectly mixes his calm and rational self with the deranged outbursts he has. ive heard people say shin is a boring character and i genuinely cant wrap my head around it like HELLO...not only is his design just cool as fuck, but he has such interesting personality? my boy went through absolute hell and grew up from an aggressive and snarky kid to a calm and if i may say, empathetic guy. like he cares about the people around him, he was carrying three guys (one with his fucking mouth mind you) that passed out because of the rain flooding the underground basement. he refuses to kill people who are weak with magic, and generally doesnt really like going on killing sprees unless its a life or death situation (which since kid has made him go crazy, i like to think its probably cuz it increases his heartbeat and being a human+sorcerer maybe doubles the adrenaline this way). also the way he has inhumanely high pain tolerance, he can have his guts splattered on the ground and still manage to walk, to the point it even weirds EN out. like you gotta be some freak to get en concerned for you (or be kikurage lol). sorry this turned into a shin rant more than the song itself, i just cant believe so many people dont see how cool shin is. like hes not even my most favorite character but i will protect all the drhdr characters i like (which is most of them). anyway moving on
The Hole - Ghengis: alot of ppl say they think of hole (the place) when they listen to this song, but me personally?this song screams hole the entity, and artificial devil kai. like this song FEELS like its oozing with the sludge and that feeling every sorcerer that gets in contact with hole "magic" feels. i like to think the headaches they get is equivalent to the beat of the song LOLL. like just super loud and painful pulsing headache that can leave you paralyzed on the ground. anyway, i dont have that much to say, i just want this song to play at the central department store arc, OR. when artificial devil kai is first shown thas all
Don't Think, Just Kill - Roly Porter: i lied again this is the one i have least to say about. sorry. literally my only thoughts are that one of the songs playing during the living dead day episode is inspired by it but i frogor which one
Kaimans Head - Dead Fader: to compensate the fact i mightve lied once again im gonna ramble about something mildly related. so the one youtube upload i found of this song uses this one fucking risu fanart that legit makes me shit my pants. its honest to god the scariest freaking fanart ive seen of a character i like. its not like Shiver me timbers scary, its just so unsettling to me, like WHO COOKED THIS UP. WHO DREW THIS. i know hayashida would love it. she wishes she made risu this scary and not the catboy babygirl beautiful princess with a disorder she created (/J). anyway uh, this song goes pretty hard, i like it, i just dont have much to way besides that i like the beat maybe. also heres link to the youtube upload with the picture if u wanna know what im talkin abt
Radio 538 - Dow Jones Brotherhood: because the first time i listened to the songs was on youtube, i found this song pretty much last and uh. i dunno its cool! for some reason it reminds me of the cross eyes? ive no clue why it just does. it reminds me specifically of how all of them are basically just worshipping some guy half (if not most) of them havent even seen the face of. i like how the whole thing is basically just a cult. people built statues of the boss, tattooed his face on their hands so they never forget it, And the elites...oh those poor little guys. closest to the boss and got psychologically tortured with killing thousands of sorcerers daily and left to deal with the incomprehensible shit their boss does, while slowly building suspicion and disgust towards him, but unable to do anything because of how far theyve gone into this. like can you imagine how miserable dokuga and tetsujo must feel knowing their devotion to kai led to all their friends killed. id just die bro this is so fucked... anyway, kewl song👍 i love the cross eye elites
Stay down zombies! - Ed Cox: i honestly love how lowkey dramatic this one is. ALSO the accordion tune from el corazon is im pretty sure taken from this one! which makes two shin references yippee!!! i like how this one kinda mixes calm music with breakcore (do not erm akshually me on this one i dont care), just like how igorrr does. i dunno its just a cool song, though PERSONALLY i dont think it fits living dead day, it reminds me more of that scene where shin remembers his mothers death, and then slowly turns into a zombie. it gives off that vibe giving how the song progresses from dramatic and a bit somber, while the beat starts creeping in, accompanied by the accordion that i literally will never not associate w shin in general
ANYWAY WOW THATS ALL!!!! if even one person bothered to read all this, thank you. i love yapping about dorohedoro i love silly manga about a bunch of freaks and freak stuff and i am obsessed with hayashidas taste in music, knowing she picked all those artists cuz she likes their music makes absolute sense considering the kind of art she makes. i love you q hayashida im your biggest fan. also if you notice any grammatical errors pls remember english is not only my second language, but i also barely slept last night so that's my excuse
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Khost Protection Force Commando. CIA-Afghan Paramilitary, consisted of about 3,500 CIA-trained members. Their job was to neutralize Jihadi-Madrasah Camps in eastern Afghanistan and prevent militants from entering via the Pakistani border.
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bullet-prooflove · 9 months
StolenMoments!Series Part Four: Last Words - Vostanik Sabatino x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @novamariestark @words-and-seeds
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You’ve been in a relationship with Sabatino for three months when you are captured by insurgents outside of a village near Khost. It’s a flurry of stolen moments, nights spent tangled up in each other whilst Granger’s off base, secret smiles when you run into each other, small gestures meant to make each other’s lives easier. It’s the happiest that Sabatino has been in a long time.
Your intelligence network has been running for over two months when it happens. There’s a steady stream of information flowing through all the appropriate channels and the intel, it’s good. The task force has managed to track down several terrorist cells, striking a hard blow to Taliban efforts in the immediate area. Sabatino thinks that’s the reason they came after you, they want the names of your assets. You would rather die than give up that information. It’s Sabatino’s worst nightmare, because he remembers what they did to Sanders, he knows they’ll do worse to you.
They have half a day on Sabatino by the time he finds out that you’re missing. He’s spent a week out in the mountains, searching the caves for a guy they believe is hiding out there when he calls to check in with Granger. When he gets the news, it feels like his heart stops in his chest, the oxygen rushes out of his lungs and for a minute he can’t breathe.
“You need to come back in.” Granger tells him as he holds onto the sat phone so tightly, he hears the plastic creak.
“No.” Sabatino tells Granger, his voice rough with emotion. “I’m close to the location she was taken. I can catch up with them.”
“You’ve been out there over a week. Come back in, refuel. That’s an order.” Granger barks and Sabatino, he doesn’t give a shit because as far as he’s concerned Granger’s not his boss, he has no authority over him. Even if he was, that wouldn’t stop him.
“And lose more time? I don’t think so.” He hangs up on Granger before tucking the sat phone back into his pocket. He does a mental inventory of his supplies, considers the items he has on him, what he can harvest from the land. It gets sparse when it comes to higher up in the mountains, but he’ll handle that when he gets to it.
He manages to track the group into the Kush, submitting coordinates as often as he can to Granger. Each time the other man tries to order him back and each time he refuses. By now your team are already on route and Sabatino is trying to give them the best chance he can of catching up because from what he can see of the convoy, he’s going to need the manpower.
They’re moving fast towards the Pakistan border and if he has any hope of stopping them, he’s going to need back up because if they get you over there, you’re as good as dead.
Things turn to shit when he ends up in a skirmish with a small splinter group. He takes a bullet, it’s a through and through, transecting the muscle in his left bicep. It hurts like a fucker but it’s nothing more than a flesh wound. The problem is it won’t stop bleeding and he has nothing to stem it with. He leaves a trail of blood and three dead bodies in his wake.
It’s not long after that that your team catches up with him, the only weapon he has on him is a combat knife, he almost takes out Callen when he sneaks up on him in the brush.
“Did you see her?” Sam asks him as he bandages the wound in Sabatino’s left arm.
“Yea.” He says, closing his eyes for a brief moment. He’d caught a glimpse of you through his binoculars when he was up on the ridge. Your hands were bound in front of you, your face bloodied, smeared with dirt and marred with bruising. The beating has gone further than just your face, he could tell from the stiffness as you moved. The look in your eyes, it’s furious and fierce. You still have that fire in you despite the fact you know exactly what awaits you. “She’s still fighting.”
When they find the convoy, they’re presented with a problem. Their group is outgunned, outmanned and extremely low on resources. The Taliban outnumber them seven to one and Sabatino is wounded. Their only saving grace is when Deek’s comes through with another option. He has a prisoner they might be interested in, the father of the man that leads the group.
An exchange is negotiated.
You for the father.
When the helicopter lands with their hostage, Granger tries to shove him onto it so he can receive medical treatment.
“Sit this one out, you’re injured.”
“You know what she means to me.” Sabatino snarls at the other man, jabbing his finger towards the group. He knows all of those late-night trysts haven’t gone unnoticed, that the Acting Director understands it’s a lot more than just two agents blowing off steam. “Let me do the walk, instead of risking one of your assets.”
He makes a good point. Sabatino is expendable at least in the eyes of NCIS. If he dies here today, there’s no one to mourn him, they don’t even have to bring his body back. The CIA will claim he never existed.
It’s Sabatino that walks their prisoner into the centre of the clearing. He keeps his face impassive, his gaze fixed on you as they march forward. It’s worse than he thought, one of your eyes is bloodshot, your nose is broken. He can hear the wheeze in your chest, see the shortness of breath. He thinks they may have cracked a rib or two when they beat you. It breaks his fucking heart because he never wanted any of this for you.
When they shove you from behind, you stumble. He catches you in his arms, ignoring the pain that tears at his left bicep as he supports your weight. He wraps his good arm around your shoulders, clasping you close, tucking you into his side before he leads you towards the safety of the chopper.
It’s only as he turns his back that he hears the click of the pistol. This is the other reason it had to be him, he knows the Taliban can never let an asset like you go, not even for the father of their leader. The damage you’ve done already, it’s too great. The damage you will do if they let you go…
It would be catastrophic to their organisation.
He hauls you against him, shielding you from harm with his body as the gunshot explodes through the air, ringing in his ears. He feels the bullet searing through his flesh, the impact smashing into him.
It’s a blur after that, a haze of motion in the midst of the agony that rips through his chest. Every time he blinks the scene changes. The sky, the rotors of the helicopter, and then your face. His gaze locks on you, his hand trembling as he seeks out yours. You clasp it tightly and he smiles despite the fact he can taste copper on his tongue. He wants to tell you that it’s ok, that this was meant to happen. So long as you’re alive and safe it doesn’t matter.
He opens his mouth to speak but his brain can’t form the words in English, so he slips back into his mother’s tongue, the one he was raised on.
“Yes sirum yem k’ez,” he whispers in Armenian.
Your forehead comes to rest upon his, his fingertips ghosting along the line of your cheek as the darkness twinges at the edges of his vision. He tries to hold on, he really does but that exhaustion it overwhelms him, dragging him under.
“Yes sirum yem k’ez,” he repeats as he slips away. “Yes sirum yem k’ez,”
I love you, I love you, I love you.
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ao3feed-ncissydney · 3 months
Lifting Shadows
by SpecialAgentAnnie “Boss lady… you good…” she asks at a loss of what to do. If Michelle was the worst at human emoting, then Evie was the second worst at it; this was something DeShawn or JD would be better equipped for. Words: 1337, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of NCIS Sydney: Michelle's Struggle Fandoms: NCIS: Sydney Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Evie Cooper, Michelle Mackey Relationships: Evie Cooper & Michelle MacKay Additional Tags: Team as Family, Team Bonding, Hurt/Comfort, Gyms, Conversations, Truth, Mackey has PTSD, Mackey tells Evie about Khost, Evie Cooper is trying her best, Michelle isn't good at emotions, neither is Evie, Michelle and Evie are gym buddies, Evie tries to help Michelle via https://ift.tt/d3k4cKB
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ncisfranchise-source · 10 months
NCIS: Sydney wrapped the first half of its freshman season by shedding light on Special Agent Michelle Mackey’s tragic past — yet in doing so left us with at least two burning questions.
In the course of investigating this week’s case, Mackey made no secret of the animus she felt toward a POI — Frank Doherty, a onetime petty officer who, decades ago, had abandoned his post.
Toward episode’s end, when Mackey and J.D. unsuccessfully leaned on Doherty to detail his role (or lack thereof) in the murder at hand, a frustrated J.D. bailed on the interrogation. Mackey, alone now with Doherty, shut off the interrogation room mic, as he asked if she, as a helicopter pilot, had ever killed someone, and looked in their eyes while doing it.
Mackey proceeded to detail how she, while a member of Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 169, was stationed in Khost, Afghanistan, several Christmas Eves ago. When three young soldiers wandered off base and wound up on the wrong side of the border, Mackey disobeyed a direct order to stand down and instead grabbed a gunner and a corp man and took flight in a chopper.
The three soldiers were found and scooped up, but the chopper came under fire on the way back to the border. Heavy with fuels and the extra bodies, Mackey’s bird was none too nimble so she could only bring it in for a hard landing a few miles from base.
“The three guys went home to face the music,” she related. “My two went home in body bags.”
Question No. 1, coming out of this sobering share: Why did Mackey mute the mic, leaving J.D. and Evie oblivious to her tragic past?
“She’s a woman who has built a career on being strong and having an armor, and leading with that strength,” NCIS: Sydney star Olivia Swann told TVLine. “I think that, in her mind, showing any sign of vulnerability to her team would change their view of her. She doesn’t think would be helpful for her role as a leader.
“She’s protecting herself but also protecting her team,” Swann continued, “because when you’re out in the field, when someone knows a weakness it shifts their behavior.”
Also, “No matter how close I think we’ve seen [the merged NCIS/AFP team members] start to become, she’s a very guarded person and, I think, finds it difficult to trust people,” says the English actress.
Yet while we now know what defied order led to Mackey facing a court martial, as DeShawn told Evie in the series premiere, Mackey was eventually found not guilty. Question No. 2 is thus: How could that be?
Swann — who told TVLine “we haven’t even begun to scratch the surface” of what she has been told about Mackey’s backstory — affirmed that the question surrounding the court martial outcome is indeed “very interesting, and I can’t wait for whatever episode it is that that comes out, where we find out the whole story.”
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ozymoron · 11 months
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viff-thology · 1 year
Resume : EtY 0.0
1988 : Dead End Platoon
In the autumn of 1988, Andrey, Sergey, and Doryanev were stationed as a logistics platoon unit for mandatory military drafting in Khost, Afghanistan. After several weeks, five more new soldiers joined from the Russian-Ukrainian border, including Yuri. Like other new soldiers who came from conscription, Andrey, Doryanev, Yuri, and Sergey had complicated morale when they got stationed in Afghanistan--as they felt they had been lied to by the country. This is because the military officials campaigned for mandatory drafting as a peacekeeping mission, not human fodder in active conflict soil--and they can't refuse or leave until their two-year serving has ended.
As a logistic unit, their primary task was to build railways, ditches, hiding places, ammunition warehouses, and barracks. Their location was surrounded by mountains, which earned them the nickname 'dead-end platoon' because, unlike other platoons with evacuation routes, they had no escape route other than going up to Mount Khost.
The soldiers assigned to the Dead End Platoon were in poor condition. There were about fifteen soldiers who had served for a year or two there, and most of them were in terrible conditions. There was a lot of unfair seniority, bullying, and unfair food distribution. As they held the logistic warehouses, it has become a loophole for some illegal actions. Many soldiers traded items to local residents for food, clothing, and even drugs. The new soldiers were usually not even armed with firearms. They were mainly ordered for labor-intensive menial jobs, while older soldiers opted for lighter jobs such as patrolling, where they generally bullied locals for food and pleasure.
Until one day, a sudden attack ambushed their platoon. The unprepared soldiers were scattered. The enemy occupied their warehouses and captured and killed the remaining soldiers. Sergey and his quick wit allowed him and several new soldiers to escape in time. Under Andrey's plan, the surviving soldiers managed to infiltrate the warehouse, steal some of their weaponry, and evacuate to the mountain. Their task was to hold out until evacuation from the nearest platoon came. There, they were met by a woman from a village nearby, promising them help and shelter for a day or two in return for protection from the mujahedeen. Doryanev, who believed the words, brought the remaining platoon into the village, even though Yuri had already voiced his disbelief. Sure enough, it turned out that the opposing mujahideen had been hiding in the village houses, and the soldiers were greeted with a siege. Only Andrey, Sergey, and Yuri survived the attack. The explosion badly injured Yuri's leg, so Sergey and Andrey had to drag him from the village. They hid in the forest for several days until the evacuation came, during which the Russians announced to the world that they were withdrawing from the war. All soldiers were evacuated back to Russia after declaring defeat and retreating from the conflict. Unfortunately, the bodies of Doryanev and other soldiers could not be saved. This war has caused many changes to the psychic condition of its survivors.
Unfortunately, the public did not warmly welcome the veterans' return to Russia, partly because people had no other way but to trust the information they got from newspapers, radio, and official news channels controlled by the state. The peacekeeping mission was considered a failure because Afghanistan remained at war. Veterans cannot immediately criticize the news or speak freely because of limited speech rights. The public feels veterans are spending state money on shameful and futile results. Other veterans with injuries or permanent disabilities cannot work to support their families, and the state does not pay their salaries truthfully. Not to mention, many veterans returned home with troubled psychological conditions, which eventually caused new problems and irritation within society. The issue further aggravates veterans who hope to be welcomed after risking their lives on the battlefield.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
ISLAMABAD (AP) — An explosion ripped through a hotel in Afghanistan's eastern province of Khost on Monday, killing at least three people and wounding seven others, police said.
The blast occurred at a city hotel frequented by Afghan people and refugees from Pakistan's former militant stronghold of North Waziristan bordering Afghanistan, said Mustaghfir Gurbaz, a police spokesperson in Khost.
He said officers were investigating to determine what caused the blast and who was behind it.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility, though Afghanistan's Taliban government has blamed the regional affiliate of the Islamic State group — known as the Islamic State in Khorasan Province — for previous attacks.
Gurbaz provided no information about the Pakistani refugees staying at the hotel. Authorities in Pakistan have said members of the Pakistani Taliban, known as Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan or TTP, are hiding in Khost and elsewhere in Afghanistan.
TTP is a separate group but is a close ally of the Afghan Taliban, which seized power in Afghanistan in August 2021 as U.S. and NATO troops were in the final stages of their pullout from the country after 20 years of war.
Pakistani officials say many TTP leaders and fighters have found sanctuaries in Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover, which also emboldened the Pakistani Taliban.
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444names · 1 year
the entire article on the baljuna covenant from wikipedia
Ablat Accenda Aceing Achisted Acted Acurvin Acycludands Aderower Aftai Aftatitent Afted Aftegaink Agent Agents Ainexigns Akiliturvin Akisectit Alsoultury Alzings Ament Amits Amiture Ancisman Ancts Apinai Apity Arevermisto Aringolon Arroda Asafteme Asoughted Assians Asting Atees Atter Aughre Aught Autnueners Avound Avounkhely Bably Bacter Bastou Beacce Beent Beits Betaing Betrik Bitably Bited Bleding Blogh Boderle Borchal Bords Brabadidefe Brable Bumoubut Busse Butnusue Capaus Capha Caphy Cetion Chans Chaternal Chave Chingoloved Chishmers Choninalled Chusans Cidly Cistioner Cistor Clatizentai Closseted Cluengod Clusent Comend Cominged Comity Commew Compans Comparrial Compician Comple Conembet Conempt Conons Conspect Cormary Coutai Crountion Daile Darly Darrourgut Dautuigh Deartillose Defend Dellong Dents Depiceei Derad Dereits Dessix Devedectful Devese Diany Didecongran Diussionly Douslicts Doutual Dratood Dructepin Drumnandely Eateng Eitly Engolortly Eptury Ereep Ersoded Esentum Espuda Ession Esteatery Evaill Eventiour Exchi Feaved Fecia Ficitlet Fiested Finqal Folion Follossiber Fouburu Frobas Froops Froted Froulty Frowikhip Futnuescem Gaimancy Gaining Gards Gentrat Glostiont Gloyall Gried Gropped Haign Haninglig Haniting Hasaftaw Hasiburp Hasongold Hasumna Hatoring Haventic Heity Herstifid Hesely Heted Himath Hinamemüng Hings Hispic Histor Hitly Hittle Holda Hosed Hough Houss Ifere Ificed Ikerly Ilisposting Illited Inecesce Inghterist Inion Ishgantly Jaman Jambleters Jamedid Jamukhign Jects Jejecesse Jejejejecte Jidelly Jingeng Jocaphy Jocidevers Jociver Jocrunk Junis Jurviven Jusly Khards Khasentried Khashied Khimating Khing Khishment Khoictived Khoss Khosted Khowears Kiplarly Kirulters Kuchans Kuition Kuity Lacrapaut Lating Leacru Leashipped Letin Letry Light Limmud Liturving Logiced Lonus Lords Lossed Loweved Loyated Malike Mangenated Mannecen Mards Marrincyclo Ments Mewhieded Mided Midend Mident Mielainghts Mistrund Mitle Moded Monang Monly Motaigh Mound Moventin Muspichants Musumpicem Müjing Müngollown Netené Nexights Nincer Nothans Nowere Oationg Oatteme Offeadece Offined Ogendsm Ognonly Ogreater Onwal Opormal Orial Oriance Orsecom Othdratory Oughts Outured Overetrack Owera Paimenmisky Paiments Paings Panclat Panctiall Parde Parriers Paugh Picirasibet Plackgred Ploclower Porece Posed Posing Posiout Possen Poted Preekin Proda Promied Pronexcharn Propoemn Prossent Proury Prout Prowinciang Prown Pubse Purist Qabance Qalthed Qalty Ranting Readed Reath Recals Recen Recionai Redial Rehed Reher Remen Renuddy Rernided Reted Retiany Retral Rioted Rivinhe Rought Ruchounid Safer Salbuse Santer Sawasce Scaphy Seque Sheatocle Shipped Shiting Shlitted Sireating Sixtum Somen Somente Somity Sonwatene Soost Sough Sounder Soundial Soure Soureit Souted Souterdeld Spinies Staig Stial Stormas Stotemer Strains Stratine Stritivise Suchosse Suctoted Sughrolly Sught Suptifeary Suringummen Swards Sweak Swere Swords Sworisped Swors Sworth Swout Teroady Thdrulakily Thenced Theorthed Therhercep Thers Thishand Thood Thoste Thoutnue Thricting Thromild Thureving Thurpe Thusceeshem Tichistaing Tinaimse Tinothesse Tocrosens Toged Toodurp Toons Trasived Trasured Tratif Tribut Tring Troquese Trout Twoonvishal Ultinflimid Uncep Unied Unknowaljin Untrablacts Ureare Urest Uruld Uslimathei Ustimsents Vellity Waind Warnempt Warribly Warrodaught Wasiblan Wasiners Wayed Werees Wevention Whans Wheme Whold Wholl Whound Whout Winctful Wingumod Witers Withead Worathisted Worchined Woreake Wormal Wormigh Wortly Woughre Woughtent Woughu Wounat Woutee Yearge Yualturchal
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williamkergroach55 · 1 year
The CIA sets up Daech in Afghanistan
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The Central Intelligence Agency's control of the international heroin market was the main reason why the boys got killed all those years in Afghanistan. The sale of heroin provided a hidden financial windfall to America's real bosses on Wall Street. The secret weapon that the globalists were counting on to help them cope with the worst stock market crisis in their history were the poppy fields of Helmand. But, snap! The Yanks got kicked out of Kabul! Fortunately, Langley (CIA headquarters) found a new opportunity to do harm: to create a new caliphate on the doorstep of China and Russia.
The "godfather" Karzai
After the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001, all was well: opium production in Afghanistan had resumed dramatically, overseen by "President" Hamid Karzai, a dedicated CIA agent. Washington had military bases in Helmand, Herat, Nimrouz, Balkh, Khost and Paktia, Bagram, Kandahar and Shindand, in Herat, only 100 kilometers from the Iranian border. They were within striking distance of Russia and China. But since the Taliban chased American soldiers out of their country, nothing is going to happen anymore: Wall Street will not be able to count on the manna brought by Afghan heroin in the face of the stock market tsunami for which it is responsible.
A promising pipeline
The so-called war on terror, led by the United States in Afghanistan, was the usual American politician's blabla. It was all a pretext to threaten Central Asia militarily. The U.S. air bases built in Afghanistan were positioned to strike Russia, China, Iran and eventually the oil-rich countries of the Middle East if they strayed. Afghanistan was right in the path of the oil pipeline that would carry oil from the Caspian Sea to the Indian Ocean. The U.S. oil companies, Unocal, Enron and Halliburton (the company of vicious Vice President Dick Cheney), had arranged a juicy deal: they had managed to secure exclusive rights to a pipeline that would carry natural gas from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan and Pakistan to Enron's natural gas-fired power plant in Dabhol, near Mumbai, India. That's where the American Deep State was! Happy as a piranha in troubled waters.
Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, a flop
Al Qaeda, too, was a "brilliant" idea of William Casey, the CIA director - Ronald reagan's campaign manager in the 1980s. The idea was to pick up the most fanatical Muslims from all countries and send them to fight the Russian troops in Afghanistan. It was hoped to create a "new Vietnam" for the Soviet Union. The CIA financed the Taliban and Al Qaeda equally, as long as they broke the Communists.
Yet despite the dollars, al Qaeda had recruitment problems. James Jones, President Obama's former national security adviser, was forced to admit under oath to the U.S. Congress that al Qaeda's presence in Afghanistan was "very small." With only 100 members, no more, in the entire country, and not even an operational base, al Qaeda simply did not exist. The "terrorist threat" in Afghanistan was therefore bogus.
Islamic destabilization
After its defeats in Iraq and Syria against the Russians, the CIA is now striking back with a new terrorist state in Afghanistan. Islamic State sleeper agents, are being flown into Afghanistan by helicopter from Pakistan, Iraq and Syria as we speak. Since September 2018, Russian and Kyrgyz political officials have been warning about the arrival of these Islamist troops in Central Asia. The objective of CIA strategists is to sow, as usual, the seeds of trouble in the region. The installation of an Islamic state in the middle of Central Asia would be a new threat to the Russians and the Chinese. The United States is very happy about this, because it will never give up on Central Asia. This region is too important for its destiny as a world power. To achieve this, they need to find an instrument to destabilize the region that serves their geopolitical goals well. An Islamic State is the ideal instrument. 
Islamic State, the American know-how.
The American deep state has a long experience in building terrorist organizations. One recalls that to serve as cadres for the Islamic State in Syria, officers of Saddam Hussein's army had previously been opportunely released from prison by the American military. Washington had then released an obscure preacher named Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi from Camp Bucca, the American prison in Iraq, around 2009. Al Baghdadi was to serve as a messianic figure for a Muslim world heated up by the attacks and massacres in Palestine. Iraqi officers, in particular the former Iraqi intelligence colonel, Hadji Bakr, had designed the structure of Daech. So the Iraqis kept the store running until our scum got Russian bombs on their bearded faces.
Today, the Islamic State is redeploying to Afghanistan. Daech's forces in Central Asia are estimated to already number more than 10,000 men, in Islamist movements such as Hizb ut-Tahrir in Uzbekistan, or Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Islamic Jihad Union in Pakistan. Many of the fighters of Daech in Syria and Iraq come from Central Asia.
Divided Taliban
The Taliban in Afghanistan are divided against this new "Made in America" threat. It is a country of clans. And among them, there are the conservatives, who want to remain among the Pashtuns; the Pakistani agents; and those who favor an alliance with the Islamic State. The latter believe that the Taliban must "modernize" the jihad. The Islamic State in Khorasan (EIK) seeks to absorb the latter to lead the fight against enemies... That Washington will designate for them. Right now, the targets are Iran, China, Russia and their Central Asian allies.
It is in this context that the recent assassination, proudly announced by the Taliban, of the head of the Daech cell responsible for the attack on the Kabul airport, which cost the lives of 13 American soldiers and nearly 170 Afghan civilians in August 2021, takes on all its importance. The war between the Taliban and Daech-K is raging in the newly liberated country.
Daech, an existential threat to the Taliban
Since its inception in 2015, the Islamic State-Khorassan Province (ISIL-KP or ISKP) has taken hold in Afghanistan and has carried out numerous terrorist attacks against government forces and religious minorities. With the Taliban coming to power in August 2021, the group found an opportunity to reorganize and regain ground, particularly in Kunar and Nangarhar provinces. But the Taliban quickly crushed Daech's men in Farah, Logar and Zabol provinces. As a result, Daech is retreating to urban terrorism, targeting mainly government forces and religious minorities, such as the Hazaras. Since the departure of U.S. troops, EI-K has already committed at least 119 attacks, mostly against Taliban officials and fighters. Although the Taliban are Sunni of the Hanafi rite, EIIL-K calls them infidels. Daech also, of course, attacks Shiite minorities, such as the Hazaras. The Islamic State thus seeks to challenge the doctrinal purity of the Taliban, in an Islamist overkill familiar to those who know these circles. Although the Taliban have, for the moment, a superiority in terms of numbers and weaponry, the EIIL-K remains an existential danger for the new Taliban government.
That said, despite EIIL-K's offensive in Afghanistan, the Salafist ideology advocated by the terrorist organization is struggling to gain a lasting foothold in the country. The fanaticism and universalist vision of the EIIL-K are repulsive to an Afghan population that would like all these foreigners to finally leave them alone. The Taliban have set up a counter-terrorism campaign in Afghanistan which shows that they know how to deal with the problem: Salafists are eliminated without trial.
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And now
I am dead
(Have some khost and limbo kid.)
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Members of the Khost Protection Force, a CIA backed Paramilitary originally made up of soldiers of the former Afghan Communist government. KPF operated independently of the Kabul government. 2010s, Afghanistan
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peepawleo · 2 years
"....Dont worry, kiddo, you'll be okay soon. "
Khost is so sad
Cuz khost keeps falling through things and people ;(
[Talking in the third person just because]
Maybe you can ask your uncles for help with that.
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