#Kenneth DiLaurentis
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fandomlife-confessions · 19 hours ago
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cabeswaterdrowned · 1 year ago
Alison DiLaurentis 2&3!
favorite thing about this character —  I really love the interplay in especially early seasons Alison but it does show up at times in s5&6a, of her being capable of being so calculating and smart to scary degrees and play games both with her peers and with adults around her who underestimate her because of her youth and girlishness, yet also there are these moments where you can see it can never quite work to 100% protect her in the society she lives in as a teenage girl is a very misogynistic community that protects predatory adult men or as a bi girl from a conservative (based on Kenneth’s views) family in Virginia, she’s so cunning which I love but that only gets her so far I always think of the flashback where she threatens/blackmails Byron and he grabs her wrist (yikes!:/) and  tells her that she plays adult games but is still a child (ew) and how Sasha plays Ali’s reactions that is such a core part of her character to me. Ik that’s not really boiling my favorite thing about her into one trait but I do think that’s a big part of why I’m fascinated with her character in general. Also I just find characters like her who are written in a way that the audiences reaction to her sort of says a lot about them because there are multiple readings possible especially when they’re women to be characters who awaken more creativity in my brain and I love that (even though that’s definitely a double edged sword because part of why she was written like that was the Pll writers wanting to keep multiple options open for what to do with her and they eventually just didn’t know what to do with her at all), it’s why the one Pll fic I’ve written was an Ali char study of sorts lol. 
least favorite thing about this character —  I touched on it because it kind of goes along with my favorite but the fact the writers clearly didn’t know what to do with her as the plot of the show progressed/especially her arc in the last two seasons (there are things in s5 regarding Ali characterization I actually like better than most people/think is a little better than it gets credit for being although there were still decisions that sucked but then there are stand out moments/episodes I think are great for her so it averages) but her redemption arc in the last two seasons is terrible writing. However (and I’ve mentioned this before/gone on rants about it in tags of other posts I’ve reblogged) I think I dislike the arc for different reasons from why the majority of viewers do, my stance is definitely not that she is “irredeemable/unforgivable” (a stance I’ve seen from people who don’t feel that way about male characters who did much more harm and did also get redemption arcs just an aside) as a character and even attempting to go that route is ridiculous. I do have mixed feelings on whether a redemption arc is the most interesting route for her as villain Alison also has a lot of potential (and I did read all the Pll books last year through beginning of this year so I’ve now seen a version of the story that went there play out and honestly kind of a slay) and I could have liked other storylines for her that didn’t try to categorize her as redeemed or evil as neatly but! I think the greatest failing of that storyline is how Alison needs to lose all of her … Alison-Ness to be considered redeemed. She has to be consistently punished (and constantly talk about how she is responsible for everything bad that has ever happened to herself and other around her) and lose every one of her sharp edges and become an almost unrecognizable character to be considered morally acceptable, it’s an especially frustrating contrast to the way the show treats literally every morally questionable man in Rosewood and I hate it lol. I could maybe have used my economy of words better to say all that I just realized but oh well :). 
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manyfandomocs · 8 months ago
World Building Wednesday + Emmett
full name: Emmett Arlo DiLaurentis
gender: Cis Male
sexuality: Pansexual
pronouns: He/Him
family: Kenneth DiLaurentis (Father), Jessica DiLaurentis (Mother), Jason DiLaurentis (Older Half-Brother), Alison DiLaurentis (Younger Sister)
birthplace: Rosewood, Pennsylvania
job: Student, TBD on future career
phobias: Drowning
guilty pleasures: Disney movies
morality alignment?: true neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
otp: Emmett/Aria
ot3: Emmett/Aria/Hanna
brotp: Emmett/Ali
notp: Emmett/Emily
Send WBW and an oc for…
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twinsdee · 3 years ago
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DiLaurentis Twins: Alison and Courtney
“I want to kill you, but I can’t.”
“Of course you can’t. We’re sisters.”
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therewillbekpop · 3 years ago
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An appropriately unhinged recap of Pretty Little Liars
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couragehopelovefaith · 6 years ago
The parents on Pretty Little Liars
I do not know if it is an unpopular opinion or not, but I have always thought that Byron and Ella belonged together and was so happy when they got married again. Aria actually being the priest really closed the circle. Sure, Byron was no means perfect, but he sure as hell was better than Tom, Kenneth or Peter and actually cared about his children. When it comes to the Hastings family...Veronica should’ve left Peter a long time ago. He’s an international jerk. I cannot understand why they killed off Wayne and didn’t even show his last moments. He was the best father of them all. 
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pllrose · 7 years ago
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I Turned My Head and Closed My Eyes | #GIFfic
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somanyfreakingtwins · 7 years ago
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this took a fucking long time
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soul-music-is-life · 7 years ago
Thoughts While watching PLL “Game Over Charles”
1) I actually kinda dig the episodes where they start with action and not where they left off the last week. Creates fun suspense.
2) Wine Moms are still in the basement. I’m honestly more interested in what they were doing down there while their daughters were fucking shit up at prom.
3) Emily worried about her bae Ali gives me life.
4) “Aria, maybe you thought he was always happy to see you, but I could never get past the bulge in his pants.” CLASSIC Mona Vanderwaal, y’all.
5) Sara: “I’m calling Tanner.” Me: “Liar!”
6) Me the first time I saw the ep: “THAT MOTHER FUCKER KILLED JASON!” Me now: “Calm down, past me.”
7) Sara knows the password. She’s. A. Fucking. Traitor. Why can’t these girls see that?
8) Hanna touching all the equipment. She’s an actual child.
9) “Don’t be so dramatic, Ali.” I fucking love her. I don’t care that she’s a psycho.
10) The dramatic close-ups of the liars shocked faces were a little much. I’m giggling at the cheese.
11) How could the girls be dumb enough to think Tanner would be working for CeCe?
12) Baby Charles makes me so sad.
13) The real villain of the show is Kenneth DiLaurentis for not accepting Charles/CeCe.
14) The kid they got to play teen Charles was really good in the role.
15) So Bethany was Charles/CeCe’s friend, but bitch was cray.
16) Keeping up with the plot: Bethany killed Toby’s mom. Radley thought Charles did it. Jessica paid off Wilden to keep it quiet. They then faked Charles’ death, got Charles a sex-change operation, CeCe was born…then sent her back to Radley.
17) “One day classes were cancelled.” *pause* “Okay, I called in a bomb threat…” CeCe is so witty. I know I should hate her, but damn.
18) Jason is attracted to his own sister. This is some Game of Thrones type shit here.
19) More plot upkeep: Bethany found out Jessica was having an affair with her dad and lost her shit. She stole CeCe’s (twinsie) clothes and snuck out. CeCe thought Bethany was going to her hurt mother, so when she saw Ali from behind she thought she was Bethany and she tried to kill her.
20) Sasha Pieterse, Vanessa Ray, and Janel Parrish really nailed the scene where CeCe broke down about how she thought she killed Ali. Ali realizing that her sister was devastated, CeCe talking about how she’d lost her family because of it, and Mona realizing she killed an “innocent” person.
21) More plot upkeep: Mona killed Bethany. Melissa came upon the body and thought Spencer did it and buried Bethany alive. So Mona didn’t really kill Bethany. Melissa burying her alive is what killed her.
22) Cece got all her money investing. Regular Bitch on Wallstreet.
23) CeCe befriended Mona in Radley, but Mona was on drugs and didn’t know it. She thought she was talking to Ali. CeCe tricked Mona into telling them all the dirty secrets.
24) Awww, look, flashback to the liars meetcute with CeCe. How I wanted so badly for CeCe to be a good guy.
25) CeCe said she didn’t trust Mona, yet she believed her when Mona told her that the girls were happy that Ali was gone? What kinda fucked up bullshit is that?
26) “I knew if you were alive you’d show up if the girls were in trouble.” Yep, that trap at the cabin totally worked.
27) Me trying to keep up with the plot: “Okay, so CeCe hired a decoy in a red coat to distract Toby/Spencer that night at the cabin and then…holy shit, Sara Harvey is the other red coat!!! Wait, why am I surprised? I already knew this! But ohyGod, so deliciously dramatic.”
28) Shana set the fire at the cabin and that pissed CeCe off because it ruined her plan. What the actual hell are the writers smoking?
29) CeCe is the one who choked Ali out in her living room…and body checked her guard Golden Retriever puppy, Emily.
30) Ali: “You almost froze Aria and Spencer to death!” CeCe: “*sarcastically* Almost.” Ali: “You drove a car through Emily’s house!” CeCe: *a little too proud* “Yeah, and I almost cut her in half, too, but is she hurt?” Me: “Only emotionally.”
31) But for real, I think CeCe picked on Emily as much as she did because she was jealous that Ali loved Emily more than her.
32) CeCe was in the hoodie, Sara was the woman in black at Wilden’s funeral, and CeCe killed Wilden to protect Ali. I am so lost.
33) CeCe be like, “Sorry, Emily. But not really.” She’s such a beast.
34) Hanna comforting Emily is really authentic for me, because I’ve seen Ashley and Shay as the BFFs they are in real life.
35) Wait, what’s going on with the Wine Moms? I want to believe they pulled a crazy stunt to get out, but the reality is that Kenneth probably came home after he came out of his drug daze and let them out.
36) Mona’s got a goddamn shiv in her high heel. I’m rolling.
37) CeCe finding Jessica dead is so sad.
38) After CeCe’s bomb didn’t explode and she just goes, “Damn it.” I pictured Heath Ledger’s Joker being confused about the hospital not blowing up in Batman.
39) I love it when Emily punches people, especially when those “people” are Sara Harvey.
40) Spencer: “You better not come back from Savannah talking like a southerner, ya hear?” Aria: “You better not come back from Georgetown talking like a politician.” Me: “Team Sparia!”
41) No, all my precious baby liars are splitting up. No. But at least we got Emison hand holding.
42) I’m still salty the writers pretty much forgot they wrote this “He’s coming for you!” scene.
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bllackcanarys · 8 years ago
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thefaketeam · 8 years ago
pll characters as jenna marbles quotes
aria: and i was like, mom, it's not a big deal. i'm in fifth grade now and i'm trying to get the boys to pay attention to me.
spencer: dad i don't know--dad, you got like six other kids!
hanna: there is no five second rule, if you drop something you just eat it at your own free will, you're gonna be fine
emily: hello i have been watching your channel for some time now and i have been wondering is your cermet going to grow
alison: it irks me to my core when people don't have a hairstyle that's appropriate for what the fuck they're doing [...] bitch, stop it, stop doing this to your hair and your face and your life and i need you to fucking not, can you not?!
ezra: we got finals tomorrow but i don't go here i don't go anywhere
toby: you didn't choose the thug life and the thug life didn't choose you either
jason: well finally the outside matches the inside. broken. beaten-down. sad, tired. (you forgot mad fucked.) mad fucked.
lucas: you know it's my dream to make a twitter account talking nothing but trash to nasa 24/7
caleb: witness to an actual murder out of ten
charlotte: hey guys welcome back to 2008 hot's channel right about now i'm gonna show you how to be extra 2008 hot first you gonna get yoself some acrylic nails
mona: i give five nights at freddy's a where pussies go to relax out of ten
jessica: next time you don't respect my personal space during teeheehaha class you're gonna get cut, bitch, cut
wren: this thing can saw through bone but not my calculator watch?
ashley: hi friends i'm getting drunk today, i don't always get drunk but when i do it's today
veronica: i like octodad but DAMN is my family annoying, i can't wait to lEAVE THEM ALL FOR MY DREAM OF STRIPPING
peter: i give who's your daddy a maury povich out of ten
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viktorrotkiv · 8 years ago
Jason Dilaurentis kissed his step sister and dated his cousin.
Jadon Dilaurentis’s dad isn’t his biological father, and no one bothered to tell him until he was about 20 years old.
Jason Dilaurentis has an aunt that he didn’t know about until he was an adult (I don’t know his age Because Reasons aka timelines suck).
Jason Dilaurentis wanted to date Aria, who kept leaving him for Ezra; Melissa, whom he was told he can never see again with no explanation whatsoever, and who was his half sister; and Ashley Marin, who rejected him after a one night stand.
Jason Dilaurentis wanted one moment alone with his brother (/sister), and no one would let him have it.
Jason Dilaurentis always felt like his parents liked Alison better, and thought that they would have preferred it if he had been the one to die/disappear.
Jason Dilaurentis’s own mother wouldn’t let him stay at Aunt Carol’s house because she was hiding her secret sister there, so he had to go home, even though he wanted to avoid the rest of his family.
Jason Dilaurentis fell down an elevator shaft for trying to help a friend. (P.S: the one who made him fall was his ex-girlfriend/cousin).
Jason Dilaurentis’s only faults were doing drugs and spying on younger girls, which, compared to everybody else on this show, means he’s basically innocent.
Jason Dilaurentis is kind and gentle, and didn’t deserve all the crap he’s been given throughout the series, not to mention not being given a proper happy ending.
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fourlynchclover · 4 years ago
earlier i thought of yet another pll plot hole that i don’t recall ever seeing anyone mention before 
so we all know how charlotte went by the name cece drake right? years and years later we meet jessica dilaurentis’ identical twin, mary drake. 
knowing ali and jason’s dad, i’d say it’s safe to assume he’d want to at LEAST know jason’s girlfriend’s last name before she came on their family vacation. 
so..why wouldn’t he question why she literally had his wife’s maiden name? 
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bettycooperthefirst · 8 years ago
Happy Fathers Day to the PLL Dads! Peter you the real MVP the dad of all rosewood sleeping around, ruining your marriage and lying to spencer for years, you go Peter 4 for you Peter! Kenneth you forgot to take Jason to run away from Charlotte good job Kenneth A+ job at protecting your children all these years. Byron you aren't that bad but where have you been your daughter is still getting tortured?! P.S. way to go cheating on Ella. Special shout out to Hanna's dad who didn't think it was worth it to pay any of her college tuition and implied he didn't believe in her, thought she was stupid and just stopped talking to her. And Wayne Fields. My dear friend. RIP. Only good dad on this show.
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twinsdee · 3 years ago
“As she ran her fingers over the mane of the imitation horse, a startling thought struck her: she'd lost her sister. Not the crazy person she had become, not the menacing presence, but that little girl who had once been her best friend.”
“Sometimes, in the middle of the night at the Radley and even now, Courtney found herself reaching out to something in the darkness. She had wondered more than once if it was for Alison's hand.”
- Ali's Pretty Little Lies
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logunmars · 8 years ago
This Dilaurentis / Drake / Hastings storyline is like watching a soap opera in reverse.
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