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wistfulwatcher · 2 years ago
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mistynat mechanic au: loner nat scatorccio is as content as she's ever been working alone in her barely profitable auto shop, repairing cars for her equally anti-social clients. but when misty quigley brings her car in for service, she's anything but reserved. nat isn't sure what to make of her weird, but friendly behavior, nor does she know how to handle it when misty comes back again. and again, and again, and again. especially since her car seems perfectly functional, as far as nat can tell. (credit to @dykedolly for the concept!)
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Writing a MHA Fanfic with GIFs and a Taylor Swift Song (1/2)
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Betty, I won't make assumptions About why you switched your homeroom but I think it's 'cause of me
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Betty, one time I was riding on my skateboard When I passed your house It's like I couldn't breathe
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You heard the rumors from Inez You can't believe a word she says Most times, but this time it was true
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The worst thing that I ever did
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Was what I did to you
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But if I just showed up at your party Would you have me? Would you want me? Would you tell me to go fuck myself? Or lead me to the garden? In the garden would you trust me If I told you it was just a summer thing? I'm only 17, I don't know anything But I know I miss you
Betty, I know where it all went wrong Your favorite song was playing From the far side of the gym
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I was nowhere to be found
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I hate the crowds, you know that
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Plus, I saw you dance with him...
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You heard the rumors from Inez You can't believe a word she says
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Most times, but this time it was true
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The worst thing that I ever did
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Was what I did to you
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But if I just showed up at your party Would you have me? Would you want me? Would you tell me to go fuck myself? Or lead me to the garden? In the garden would you trust me If I told you it was just a summer thing? I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything But I know I miss you
I was walking home on broken cobblestones Just thinking of you when she pulled up like
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A figment of my worst intentions
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She said "James, get in, let's drive"
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Those days turned into nights
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Slept next to her, but
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I dreamt of you all summer long
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⚘ ⚘ ⚘
Pt. 2
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waitingforatruemirror · 5 years ago
shirtless in a minute
Aww, can he get any cuter?! Here you go my followers, feast your eyes with this cutie patoot.
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“okay, share...”
*whoosh sound on FB*
This is how your girl spends her leisure hours, waiting hours, most of her hours. Today she’s seated on one of Jen’s fake vintage bar stools in her huge kitchen island, in her even huge-r apartment. Jen, bless her heart, went out to get some food. She promised to be back within half an hour. It’s been fifteen minutes of sharing GIFs of Thor in all his glory.
The next minute is very important, two things happen. She hears the bedroom door open, and freaks out. For about a second.
Ah Fuc-!!
He looks up as he hears the sharp intake of a breath and the cussing that follows.
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“Hey, sorry! Did I scare you? Sorry!” A very shirtless, and an extremely good looking guy says as he walks towards the kitchen. Fresh out of the shower by the looks of it. If that sheen of water playing with the light is anything to go by.
He’s Scottish. He has a Scottish accent. HE HAS A SCOTTISH ACCENT AND HE’S SHIRTLESS?! WHAT IS HAPPENING? AM I DROOLING? Please tell me I’m not.
Luckily she was not drooling, but her eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. They were also following Mr. Shirtlessandhotaf very closely. By the time he reached the fridge, he noticed it too.
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“Yeah, sorry- um... let me put on a shirt and come back. This is pretty rude of me...” he laughed nervously.
“Uh, yeah- I mean no. Sorry, I wasn’t expecting anyone. That’s all.” She replied, saving herself from ogling him more.
“James, by the way. My name’s James. A close friend of Jen’s. Not a robber.” James joked, extending his hand to her.
She was a bit confused, almost missed a beat.
“Oh right, hi! I am May, working with Jen on a project.” She shakes his hand, and she swoons.
It was a grip to be reckoned with, strong, sturdy and a bit cold from the drink he was holding. She liked it very very much. It was a good grip, not a bone crushing one.
“Okay, I’ll see you back here in a minute.” He had a little sparkle in his eyes making her wonder if she was being obvious and he knew.
“Yeah, okay.” She agreed with a grin. That grin always gets her sociable points.
All caution thrown to the wind, she brazenly takes in his retreating back. That’s when it hit her.
Her thing is for lithe lines on a lightly sculpted body. She always thought that when someone said chocolate abs, she totally got it. But now she knew it for sure, that chocolate needs to have a give between its lines.
As if someone kept the chocolate bar out for a few minutes, and your fingers could feel the sharp lines, but they would give in to you.
*phone dings*
Broken out of her little spiel into James’ shirtless hot bod, she checks her phone.
‘Hey, running late. Might take awhile. I forgot to tell you that my friend’s there, James. Don’t worry. He’s great!’
“Was that Jen?” James asks, pulling a white chair from Jen’s extensive chair collection and seating himself next to her barstool.
He looks pretty good in that black sweater. Too bad he looked better without it, but okay.
“Yeah, she’s getting late it seems. Also, introduced you over a message.” She sounded playful.
“Well, I’m glad that’s out of the way. Formal introductions, huh?” James was playing along, quite happily too.
“So, what are you working on with Jen, or is it a top-secret?”
She replies with a smile, “I wish it was, so I don’t have to talk about it- it’s on theatre diplomacy.”
“Theatre diplomacy?” He sounded confused, “That’s a thing?”
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No you’re a thing! Oh god, a confused James is a snack James!!
“Yeah,” she sighed. “I wish it wasn’t. We got our instructions from up above, have to roll with it.”
“Are you from around here?”
“Nope, I’m from Glasgow.”
AARGHH, say Glasgow again!!!
“From Scotland then?”
“Didn’t my accent give it away?” He asked jokingly.
She chuckles at that, “It’s a pretty nice accent.” She is pretty sure James is on to her.
“Where are you from?”
“I’m from Colombo. Do you know where it is?”
James acted indignant, “Of course I do! Isn’t it in Latin America? In Colombia?”
“I’m sorry, that was bad! Sri Lanka, isn’t it?”
“It was a bad dad joke, but I’ll let it go. Yep, you got it.”
“Bet you like tea then?”
She wanted to roll her eyes, but she didn’t. Instead she just let out a huff.
“I don’t actually, I really like coffee.”
James smiled at her, like he got her exactly where he wanted her.
“Great, I know a great place for coffee two blocks down. You want to go there?”
And cue, she was reeling.
Ooh, he’s good. He’s very very good. HECK YES BOY.
She asks, “Like right now?”
He nods a little.
“Yeah sure, let me get my things.” She sounded calm and rational, a decent human.
But we all know, inside her head she was all-
James looked excited too.
“Okay! Let me put this chair back and we’ll go.”
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Fic dedicated to @ily3000-chubbythor ILY TOO
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mingrose · 7 years ago
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“I’ll take care of dinner.”
“Are you sure? Because last time—”
“It’ll be fine.”
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pllrose · 7 years ago
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Shut up. | #GIFfic
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xviruserrorx · 3 years ago
Title: "How Hard Can It Be?"
For @flashfictionfridayofficial!( but it's kinda monday so...) This is another one that takes place in Ealdor.
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Fandom: BBC Merlin
Prompt: Bursting The Bubble
Relationship: Daegal & Merlin, Daegal & Sefa, Daegal & Will, Daegal & Mordred
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,880
"Why don't you ask Hunith for help, she gave both you and me this talk."
"I already asked. She said something along the lines of "your kid, your problems"," Merlin sighed. "Besides, how hard can it be?"
"When two people love each other very much then they decide to… you know." 
Mordred ducked his head as he tried to stop himself from laughing.
"Mordred," Freya scolded him.
"Sorry," he apologized while he smoothed back Daegal's hair. Getting his still messy hair in order before he reached down and wiped away the dampness on his cheeks.
Continue reading below or over on Ao3
Daegal wasn't a morning person; he quickly learned, being around others who were. The four druids all were always up at the first break of the sun with no regard for the sleeping birds. Merlin and most of the others were used to being up early hours with being servants of the castle and all. Gilli, Will, Drea, Tristan and Isolde were used to either being up early to help around the small villages or constantly being on alert and moving, much the past bandits they were.
And he… well he was used to living in the forest, alone for most of his life. He woke up when he woke up and knew where to sleep to stay out of trouble. Lamia agreed with him when she was able to get some type of sleep and memories of her past didn't plague her. Though he usually was alone in his protest against the morning dawn.
Rustling was heard as he attempted to throw his blanket over his head against the movement around the room. He'd regret sleeping between Mordred and Kara the night before; what at the time had brought him safety and comfort, now brought him wallowing agony and self-pity of his demise. Despite their carefulness to not wake him, it was inevitable.
"Kids," he heard Will call as footsteps grew closer, "breakfast." A bout of silence passed which he presumed held the others' responses before he heard his name.
"I'm going!" He groaned. There were a few chuckles around the room before Will left. He lingered for a few seconds, taking in the last bit of his relaxation of the night before the blankets were thrown off and he braced himself against the sun. Though Daegal immediately stopped what he was doing as he heard Sefa groan.
"Had to be now," she complained to Kara who gave her a sympathetic look.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes sweetheart," she reassured him, "just that time of the month."
He furrowed his eyebrows, not exactly sure what she meant by that time of the month. But he felt something akin to panic as he saw blood on the front of her nightgown. He hardly had time to react or say anything before she had grabbed clean clothes and gone out the door.
He didn't understand why she was bleeding and if she was hurt why she didn't say anything to any of them. Though he remembered the previous night at supper overhearing Sefa telling Kara that her stomach was hurting. She had left to lay down early, though Freya and Isolde had left to check up on her later on.
"Is she hurt?" He asked to the room, in hope that someone would respond. Instead, all he got was confused glances as they all finished getting ready.
"What?" Gilli questioned with a chuckle in his voice.
Lamia cocked her head, "why would she be hurt?"
"She's bleeding."
"Daegal, it's just that time," Kara tried to explain. Putting strain on her worths once again as if he understood.
His heart quickened as he swallowed. That time sounded more like a death sentence than anything and his trust in the Druids and their secretive prophecies and whatnot made it all worse.
"Is she gonna die?" He stood and looked towards where Sefa had gone.
"You're being silly," Drea chided him, "She's fine."
"She's a woman, it's normal," Eoghan replied while tying his shoes.
"But she—she's not dying?"
"Why would she be dying, Daegal?" Mordred smiled and brushed off what everyone presumed was Daegal being a victim to early morning drowsiness.
Gilli scoffed, "the girls would say otherwise."
"We would say otherwise," Kara agreed jokingly. Though Daegal continued to look between them, confused, worried about Sefa, and unsure why his friends were laughing over something that didn't seem like a laughing matter. He swallowed harder as his throat began to ache. Mordred spared him another glance but double taked, his expression grew serious and yet softened at the same time.
"Sweetheart," he spoke in a careful tone as he closed the space and laid his hands on his upper arms. "Do you know what we're talking about?"
Daegal hesitated before he shook his head. He wished he did as it all seemed plausible to them and that someone wasn't scheming to kill someone he cared about.
The room dropped to a breathing silence as Mordred's eyes flickered back and forth on his face. "You're not joking are you?"
A hushed oh was the only noise as Daegal sniffled and shook his head in response.
"Shh, she's alright." All humour from before was gone from their voices and the atmosphere surrounding the situation as Mordred pulled him into a hug.
"So she won't die?"
"No, Daegal, it's normal for a woman to bleed like that."
He sniffed again and pulled back to look at Mordred, "Why?"
"Uh…" Mordred opened his mouth yet no words came out. "W—well…" he pursed his lips before catching Kara in his sight and looking to her for help.
"We're gonna go check up on Sefa," she smiled while Drea and Lamia were already out the door before her.
"Kara!" He whined.
She gave him a sympathetic smile. "Not my area of… expertise," she quickly said before following the other two.
"Gilli? Eoghan?" He looked towards the two remaining people.
They exchanged a look before Gilli spoke, "we'll get someone's help."
They both ran out the door as he brought his hands up and wiped tears away from Daegal's cheeks. "Everything's alright, love."
Nearby footsteps brought relief to Mordred's ears as the door was thrown open revealing Merlin and Will.
"What's going on?" Will quickly questioned.
Merlin looked around, "where're the girls?"
"Sefa's gonna die," Daegal mumbled
Merlin's eyes widened, "die?"
"She's okay," Mordred quickly jumped in and reassured to the alarming statement.
"But she's bleeding out."
"Bleeding out?!" Will repeated.
Mordred sighed, "everyone's okay, I promise."
Gilli quickly pulled Will and Merlin to the side, little explaining of the situation with realization as he saw Merlin take a sharp breath and Will cover his mouth with his hand. They exchanged a look with a deep exhale before turning back to them.
"Daegal, honey. Come here," Merlin called him with open arms.
Daegal reluctantly let go of Mordred and went to Merlin. Brought into a short deep hug first before being pushed back at arm's length, Merlin ducked his head so they were eye to eye. "Sefa isn't hurt okay? I promise you, she's alright."
He nodded, though, not much convinced.
"Come on, kiddo," Will slung his arm around him. "We need to have a little talk and explain some things."
Merlin turned towards where Mordred was still standing and waved him over, "Mordred, come."
"Why me?!" He exclaimed.
"Because he's scared and upset and is the closest to you, now come on." He dragged him in all reluctance as they left the room. The next entered and occupied with Freya who already had Will updating her on the situation. Her eyes widened for a second before she replaced the expression with a kind smile.
They stepped back as Daegal sat down at the table in the centre of the room, wrapped in a hug by Mordred who was standing behind him.
Will groaned, "why don't you ask Hunith for help, she gave you and me this talk."
"I already asked. She said something along the lines of "your kid, your problems"," Merlin sighed. "Besides, how hard can it be?"
They turned towards them, seeing Mordred trying to comfort and calm Daegal, he looked far smaller than they both remembered. Tears streaked and brushed from his red-tinted cheeks with his usual baggy fitted clothes. The pleading look of confusion and hurt upon his face didn't make it any better either.
Letting a minute pass more, they walked and sat across from him, probably more nervous than Daegal was.
"Listen Daegal…" Merlin started, exchanging a look with Will. "When two people love each other very much, they decide to… you know."
Mordred ducked his head as he tried to stop himself from laughing.
"Mordred." Freya lightly chided him with a break of a smile on her face.
"Sorry," he apologized while he smoothed back Daegal's hair. Getting his still messy hair in order before he reached down and wiped away the dampness on his cheeks.
"You know?" Will mocked Merlin's usage of the term.
"What am I supposed to say?!"
"Not you know."
Merlin scoffed, "Oh, like you can do any better."
"Well, I wouldn't say you know to someone who obviously doesn't know!"
"You two are supposed to be helping, not making things worse," Mordred scolded them.
He inwardly groaned before he bent down and grabbed Daegal's attention towards him. "You know people can love each other a lot, yeah?"
He nodded.
"It's a certain type of love though. It's not the same as when Merlin, Will, Gwen, Freya and others here tell you we love you, but when people like Arthur and Gwen, Tristan and Isolde, or Merlin and Freya-"
"Were not—"
"Or Merlin and Freya say it to each other… that is another type of love." He ignored Merlin's protest as he grabbed Daegal's hand in his. "And sometimes, people who love each other like that want to have children together."
He received another nod.
Mordred took a breath, "well, that is why Sefa was bleeding."
"She's having a baby!"
"No, no sweetheart, she's not with child—well… no, no, never mind—uh…"
Both Will and Merlin stifled a chuckle at their turn to mock Mordred's word usage.
Freya sighed and marched forward as she smacked both men on the back of the head.
Will hissed, "What was that for?"
"Both of you out, now!"
"What about Mordred?" Merlin complained.
"Now," she repeated. "You two are clearly incapable of doing this."
They looked at one another before taking their leave and waiting outside. The door slammed behind them with the situation now in the safety of Freya's hands which they trusted more than their own.
A few more minutes passed before they heard the quiet mumble of Freya's voice stop. Daegal's, quick to follow in small meek questions.
Soon Sefa appeared around the corner, frantic in search until she saw them. "Kara told me what happened, where is he?"
Sefa was quick to the door as they gestured, knocking long forgotten as she rushed in. "Daegal?" A pitiful smile graced her face as he looked up at her. Eyes red-rimmed of what she could see that wasn't immediately covered by his hand to rub away the remnants of his tears.
Freya and Mordred both smiled before they left the room, leaving her alone with him.
She bent to his height where he was sitting and pulled him gently close, "I'm okay."
"I know that now," he mumbled into her dress.
He felt her shoulders shake a bit from a small chuckle. "It's not funny."
"No, it's not sweetheart," she pulled back and stroked his hair down. "You poor sweet boy."
"Come on, love," she grabbed his hands. "Let's go do something and try to forget all this." She paused, "Well…"
Daegal wasn't ever going to be able to forget anything that had happened that day.
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hopebaker · 5 years ago
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Spencer’s reaction to you Accidentally letting out a loud fart
“Y/n that’s nasty”
Im sorry I saw this gif and just HAHAHAH
✨not my gif✨
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choikang-daesung-blog · 8 years ago
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
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Hey you dazzling human over there.
Appearance so blinding I have to use my sunglasses.
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Can’t you see me fall in love too hard for you?
Can’t you see me trying to draw your attention?
Can’t you see me?
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That silky hair, mesmerizing
That eye smile, enchanting
That plump pink lips,
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Who are you?
I want to make you my key chain forever
So cute in my hands
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Every touch flips my stomach
Every words you say lift the corners of my lips
Every song you sing melts me away
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Can’t you see I want to touch you here and there?
Can’t you see I want to kiss you here and there?
Can’t you see I try hard to make you, mine?
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Just want to be with you
Be around you
Doing crazy things
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So let’s dance the night away
Your hand over my waist
My hand envelopes you
Our fingers, entangling
Dance the loneliness away
Dance the night away
Us, together
Then, I will confess:
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credit to the owner of the gif.
I don’t own the gif T_T
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jetzelda · 8 years ago
So I can't help but wonder if you ever plan on continuing Tony's lil bastard
Hello Anon!I’m glad you asked because I was going to post about this soon.So, quick story time to explain the long absence behind Tony’s Lil Bastard and my other GifFic Story sets.My previous Lappy(read Laptop) crapped out on my gif making capabilities. So I had to wait an annoying long amount of time to save up money and purchase a new one. Lo and behold my new one is here, but my gif making software I used on my previous laptop does not want to transfer over with any kind of ease.So my essential options are caving and re-spending the money I spent on my last software, spending more ridiculous amounts of time continuing to transfer over my current software and hope I don’t kill my Comps, finding a new and potentially free and non-illegally obtained gifmaking software, or switching Completely over to the written word. (Not going to lie, I’m not wholly confident in my Writing skills, But I still love to do it.)I may repost this updated tags so that others may more readily see this, but that is the story.Didn’t mean to bore you Anon, thank you for checking in, whether for my work or for me.
The short answer is I do want to continue it, but I’ve having technical difficulties. If anyone who follows me for my gifFics see this, I politely request some form of message to let me know if you would prefer my gifs, or if you are fine with me continuing written.Sincerely,
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wistfulwatcher · 2 years ago
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mistynat canon divergence: the survivors have all reunited at lottie's compound, and are finally trying to work through their issues together. but all of them together under one roof again is a little much, and natalie decides to sneak away for a quiet little swim. of course, misty follows her, and has no intention of letting nat skinny dip alone.
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Writing a MHA Fanfic with GIFs and a Taylor Swift Song (2/2)
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Betty, I'm here on your doorstep And I planned it out for weeks now But it's finally sinkin' in
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Betty, right now is the last time I can dream about what happens when You see my face again
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The only thing I wanna do
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Is make it up to you
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So I showed up at your party
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Yeah, I showed up at your party
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Yeah, I showed up at your party
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Will you have me?
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Will you love me?
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Will you kiss me on the porch
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In front of all your stupid friends?
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If you kiss me, will it be just like I dreamed it?
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Will it patch your broken wings?
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I'm only 17, I don't know anything
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But I know I miss you
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Standing in your cardigan Kissin' in my car again
Stopped at a streetlight You know I miss you
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Pt. 1
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miettklaun · 8 years ago
About 1.01-1.04
Start here: https://twitter.com/miettklaun/status/881737297569382400
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pllrose · 7 years ago
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The DiLaurentis-Fields’ Christmas Morning | #GIFfic
Emily’s back hurts, and not from sex like she’d prefer. She and Alison have been married for a year and they’d always joked about what their children would be like when they were dating, but the kid talks have gotten way more real in recent months. Last night they fell asleep on the couch (the one that’s awful and uncomfortable, but no one has the heart to tell Jessica) talking about who would carry if they didn’t adopt. Alison decided she would, as long as they could plan it so that her due date wouldn’t be during the school year. But Emily thinks that they should definitely talk about it again, because as she was getting up off the couch, managing not to wake the blonde in the process, she realized that she’d maybe neglected to tell Alison exactly how strong Pam had made the eggnog.
Jessica quietly pads into the living room, handing her a mug. The scent wafts towards her face and of course her mother-in-law went out of her way to make her an Americano.
She kind of lets it slip that she and Alison are thinking about kids, just as Alison is starting to wake up. The brief look her wife shoots her as her eyes are opening lets her know that she heard the slip and that she’s in a bit of trouble for it, but when Jessica says, “I couldn’t have asked for a better person to love her than you,” all she can do is nod and smile because it was worth it.
After breakfast, her wife finds her looking through all of her baby pictures and old family photos around the house. Alison’s arms wrap around her waist from behind and the blonde’s head drops to rest between her shoulder blades. A smile creeps its way onto her face, and yeah, Alison’s never been able to stay mad at her for long.
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emisonislifeokk · 7 years ago
Wich episode was that shut up gif and i like your blog
Omg thank you!!
And if you’re talking about the GifFic I reblogged I think it’s from season 5 :)
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hopebaker · 5 years ago
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Imagine spencer catching you Staring at him from across the office while he is having a conversation with jj.
“Well shit”
✨not my gif✨
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julieshreds · 7 years ago
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GIF FIC | Scully x Mulder | What was really written in the script.
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