#Keir Starmer and Jimmy Savile
msclaritea · 2 months
My questions reg. Southport incident: Why is a children's yoga teacher Leanne Lucas organising Taylor Swift themed events for young children? Does she not know Taylor is a top MKUltra slave & moneymaker for the elite? How appropriate is to condition small kids with her music?
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Why is she using bee symbology on her website? A known Freemasons
Freemasonic symbol? Is she just gullible or is she just another chaos agent?
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Why is one of the murdered children wearing a white bridal dress and the other one displaying witch symbology on her t-shirt? (Elphaba and Galinda, the two witches from the “#Wicked” musical). There are child bride rituals within Mkultra training.
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(It was recently revealed that Ariana Grande is a practicing witch. No wonder she was so heartless to those serial killer victims' family)
Why does no MSM account mention how the 17 y old killer gained entry into the venue which caters for pregnant women, babies etc.? Why does the logo of the venue- The #HartSpace feature a triangle made out of letter A? Why is the Hart spelled without the e?
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By the way the company was set up on 13.10.2023 & is #LGBTQ+ friendly. Owner is Jennifer Louise Scholes. It is not a dance studio as #MSM mentioned, it is an antenatal, hypnobirthing, baby massage etc. venue.
Glad to see others questioning the #psyops "
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zee-man-chatter · 1 month
I'm not going to add too much, other than the end of this story has some huge implications too on how Corbyn was ousted and Starmer put in. Read it for yourself, and make your own judgements.
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albiandreams · 4 months
At last, the TRUTH about Starmer and Savile can be exposed! And it's much, much worse than you think...
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Analysis: CPS prosecuted at least 27 people – and as many as 38 – running post offices during Horizon scandal – it strains credibility to claim he knew nothing
Labour has claimed that none of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) prosecutions of innocent sub-postmasters went ‘to [Keir Starmer’s] desk. Starmer himself has now told reporters that he knew nothing about any of the cases:
I wasn’t aware of any of them. I think there was a small number within a 20-year window, that’s all I know. I don’t even now – I think the CPS are helping with inquiries – how many of those may or may not have involved Horizon.
There were at least twenty-seven and as many as thirty eight cases.
One such case that definitely happened under Starmer’s tenure as CPS head was the prosecution of Seema Misra, who was jailed for fifteen months in 2010 – on her son’s tenth birthday – for fraud that she never committed. She was pregnant when she was prosecuted and jailed – and her conviction was only quashed in 2021. The prosecution did not disclose to the court that the Post Office knew the Horizon system was faulty and had at least forty examples of the system causing shortfalls at Post Office branches.
When the scandal of serial rapist Jimmy Savile broke and Starmer was attacked for not prosecuting him, Keir Starmer did not personally deny he had been involved in the decision not to prosecute Savile, instead allowing mouthpieces – including Tory MPs – to say he was not aware of it, insisting that we believe that he ran the CPS and was never asked for his view on whether to prosecute the offender who was, at the time, Britain’s highest-profile entertainer.
Starmer boasted of his role in prosecuting former government minister Chris Huhne and promised the US he would ‘do everything’ to secure the extradition of autistic hacker Gary McKinnon – yet supposedly was not consulted by his subordinates about Savile.
he CPS claimed it had destroyed all records relating to the decision not to prosecute Savile. The CPS also claimed that it had destroyed all records relating to prosecution of Seema Misra.
We are asked to believe that Starmer was not involved in the Savile decision, was not involved in or consulted on any CPS Post Office cases – was not even aware of their existence – despite them taking place while he ran the CPS and despite revelations, a year before the Misra case, in the press about the known, widespread issues with the Horizon system causing false ‘shortfalls’ in Post Office branches.
As Labour leader, Starmer has covered up a whistleblower’s allegations of ‘sadistic’ and ‘criminal’ exploitation of vulnerable domestic violence victims by a Labour staffer who was the lover of the MP she was working for. That MP, Khalid Mahmood, did not dispute a victim’s sworn evidence in whistleblower Elaina Cohen’s successful tribunal for wrongful dismissal – and confirmed under oath that Starmer and Labour general secretary David Evans were fully and repeatedly aware of the allegations.
Starmer also sheltered at least two alleged sex pests in his Shadow Cabinet and re-admitted racist and sex harasser MP Neil Coyle back into the parliamentary party, as well as Mike Gapes, the right-wing former MP who defended fellow right-winger Ian McKenzie after McKenzie tweeted about the rape and beheading of Thornberry herself, and former MPs who defended him. He is a creature of the Establishment and sides with it every time.
What the hell was he doing while he was boss of the CPS if he didn’t know about the highest profile cases and wasn’t consulted on the widest miscarriage of justice in British legal history? This site does not believe it is credible.
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deblala · 2 months
Keir Starmer faces renewed scrutiny over allegations he protected Jimmy Savile – NaturalNews.com
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veale2006-blog · 2 months
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Britain’s New PM Keir Starmer Protected Notorious Pedophile Jimmy Savile https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/britains-new-pm-keir-starmer-protected-notorious-pedophile-jimmy-savile/
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rockrzone · 7 months
Cacat Logika ‘Banyak Belajar Banyak Lupa’
‘Banyak belajar banyak lupa; sedikit belajar sedikit lupa’ adalah “aksioma” yang kerap saya dengar saat masih menempuh pendidikan kuliah 15 tahun lalu. Saya mafhum sekali bahwa kalimat tersebut sebenarnya hanya guyonan menjelang ujian ketika para mahasiswa tengah berjibaku membaca materi. Pelajaran satu semester yang seharusnya berangsur-angsur dipelajari justru dirapel semalam suntuk. Jadilah, keesokan harinya hasil hafalan ala proyek Roro Jonggrang tersebut tercecer berantakan karena sekedar dibaca tanpa dipahami esensinya.
Menteri Propoganda Nazi Paul Joseph Goebbels pernah berkata, “Jika Anda mengatakan kebohongan sebesar apa pun dan terus mengulanginya, orang pada akhirnya akan percaya.” Walaupun sekedar gurauan, akan tetapi saya khawatir generasi masa depan akan menjadi enggan belajar dengan justifikasi banyak belajar banyak lupa. Apalagi berdasarkan skor Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022–studi untuk mengevaluasi sistem pendidikan negara pada bidang matematika, sains, dan kemampuan membaca–rerata siswa Indonesia duduk di peringkat 69 dari total 81 negara peserta. Sebagai perbandingan, Palestina sebagai negara yang berkonflik menduduki peringkat 72; hanya minus 8 poin dari Indonesia.
Cacat logika atau logical fallacy adalah proses penalaran yang keliru, akan tetapi sekilas tampak masuk akal. Hal ini berlaku pula terhadap pernyataan ‘banyak belajar banyak lupa’, yakni cacat logika dalam kategori whataboutism. Secara terminologis, whataboutism berarti menjawab kritikan dengan mengangkat isu lain yang tidak relevan demi melegitimasi tindakannya. Sebagai contoh, pemimpin oposisi Keir Starmer pernah mengkritik skandal partygate yang melibatkan PM Inggris Boris Johnson. Menanggapinya, Johnson berusaha mengalihkan perhatian dengan (secara keliru) menuduh Starmer karena gagal menuntut predator seksual Jimmy Savile ketika menjabat sebagai kepala penuntutan. Dalam situasi ini, kasus Savile yang dikemukakan Johnson bertujuan agar perhatian publik teralih dari permasalahan utama, yakni peristiwa partygate.
Pada konteks ‘banyak belajar banyak lupa’, terjadi whataboutism berupa keterbatasan otak untuk mengingat informasi dijadikan pembenaran untuk ‘sedikit belajar agar sedikit lupa’. Memang betul, lupa merupakan kondisi manusiawi disebabkan pemodelan ulang sirkuit yang mengatur reaktivasi ensambel neuron atau disebut juga sebagai sel engram. Namun demikian, kondisi ‘lupa’ tidak serta merta dapat melegitimasi argumen untuk sedikit belajar. Apabila konsisten dengan cara berpikir tersebut, lalu apa faedahnya mandi jika akhirnya kotor lagi? Apa gunanya makan jika akhirnya juga akan tetap lapar?
Dunning–Kruger effect
Pada tahun 1995, McArthur Wheeler merampok dua bank di Pittsburgh tanpa usaha sama sekali untuk menyamarkan wajahnya. Perampokan tersebut terjadi di siang bolong di bawah pengawasan kamera keamanan–dan Wheeler jelas menyadarinya. Polisi tentu langsung mengidentifikasi pelaku dengan mudah dan menjemput Wheeler pada malam hari yang sama. “But I wore the lemon juice!” gerutunya saat ditangkap.
Berdasarkan hasil interogasi polisi, Wheeler percaya melumuri jus lemon ke wajah akan membuatnya tak terdeteksi oleh kamera keamanan–walaupun mata dan mukanya terasa terbakar. Apalagi ketika mencoba memfoto dirinya dengan polaroid, wajahnya tak terekam. Dari sini, Wheeler yakin asumsinya memang benar. Padahal menurut polisi, hal ini bisa disebabkan karena: 1) roll film yang buruk; 2) pengaturan kamera tidak tepat; atau 3) Wheeler mengarahkan kamera menjauh dari wajahnya pada saat pengambilan foto.
David Dunning dan Justin Kruger di tahun 1999 mempublikasikan jurnal psikologi dengan hasil kesimpulan bahwa dalam tugas tertentu, orang dengan kemampuan rendah sering kali menilai dirinya lebih kompeten dibanding orang lain. Mereka memiliki beban ganda (dual burden). Pertama, kurangnya keterampilan menyebabkan mereka keliru melakukan sesuatu. Kedua, mereka tidak memiliki cukup informasi untuk mendeteksi ketidakmampuan karena minimnya pengetahuan dan penilaian. Temuan ini lalu dikenal sebagai Dunning–Kruger effect danmerupakan suatu bias kognitif disebabkan kegagalan metakognitif otak untuk mengukur kapabilitas diri sendiri. Filsuf Imam al-Ghazali pernah membahas hal yang sama serta menggolongkan mereka sebagai “orang yang tidak tahu dan tidak tahu bahwa dirinya tidak tahu”. Namun, perlu ditekankan Dunning–Kruger effect tidak berlaku terhadap kecerdasan secara umum, akan tetapi hanya terbatas pada penilaian keterampilan tertentu.
Anak-anak Indonesia tidak tahu betapa bodohnya mereka
Skor PISA yang dirilis tahun 2012 menunjukkan sebanyak 42% siswa Indonesia yang berusia 15 tahun tidak mencapai tingkat kemahiran terendah dalam bidang matematika. Di bidang sains, 25% siswa Indonesia tidak mencapai tingkat kemahiran terendah, sedangkan 42% lainnya berada di tingkat 1. Literasi membaca sedikit lebih baik dengan 45% siswa telah berhasil menunjukkan “tingkat kemahiran dasar”. Menariknya, Indonesia adalah negara dengan anak-anak yang paling merasa bahagia di sekolah. Lebih dari 95% mengatakan bahwa mereka bahagia di sekolah, dibandingkan dengan 85% di Shanghai yang memiliki skor PISA tertinggi.
Berdasarkan data di atas, epidemiolog dan penulis Elizabeth Pisani berasumsi siswa yang kurang kompeten merasa lebih bahagia di sekolah. Dalam artikel berjudul Indonesian kids don’t know how stupid they are, ia menyampaikan keprihatinan atas fakta “anak-anak Indonesia mungkin tidak menyadari betapa parah kegagalan sistem sekolah mereka”. Hal ini berdasarkan statistik bahwa hampir sekitar 95% siswa menilai sekolah telah cukup mempersiapkan mereka untuk pekerjaan di masa depan. Padahal, sekedar bahagia di sekolah tidak menjamin seseorang bahagia di masa depan.
Menghindari whataboutism
Agar tidak terjebak pada whataboutism ‘banyak belajar banyak lupa’, belajar sebaiknya dipahami sebagai proses kognitif untuk memperoleh pemahaman secara menyeluruh mengenai suatu keterampilan atau disiplin ilmu. Walaupun lupa merupakan kondisi alamiah yang tak terhindarkan, akan tetapi tujuan belajar adalah untuk melatih diri berpikir kritis, logis, serta membuat otak lebih siap memecahkan masalah.
Dr. Daniela Palombo menyarankan siswa yang akan menempuh ujian supaya memberi jarak pembelajaran selama beberapa minggu. “Ruang yang lebih panjang menghasilkan retensi yang lebih lama,” ujarnya. Justru yang lebih berbahaya adalah terperangkap dalam bias Dunning–Kruger, yakni minimnya informasi justru menimbulkan ilusi kepercayaan diri yang tidak sebanding dengan kemampuan sesungguhnya.
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gaoteeshirt · 11 months
Hot Tubs are just Human soup shirt
Disgraceful- should be prosecuted as so many others were. No wonder there is such apathy across western civilisation...what a joke! Although I agree that in principal this was very poor judgement and wrong, it was 17 months ago and a lot of excellent work has been done by this government to get us through this pandemic. Everyone makes mistakes I am sure Keir Starmer regrets his decision while with CPS not to prosecute Jimmy Saville!!! We need to learn from mistakes move on and everyone to work together for the future not keep trying to dredge up mistakes of the past. It is dangerous and serves no purpose. It does irreperable damage as people will be reluctant to follow any future guidelines. 
Buy it here: Hot Tubs are just Human soup shirt
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collymore · 1 year
Zero chance the Labtories will ditch the British monarchy, as their leader Keir Starmer is a staunch Tory!
By Stanley Collymore In a Republic you have a Head of State that's democratically elected for an undoubtedly   specified period of years and also a distinctly, limited term of office and, electorally too during those times you can actually get rid of him or her at the next elections. In Britain however, and in very marked contrast we are clearly stuck with this increasing tribe of bone idle but privileged and self-entitled, so preposterously literally ridiculously, regarded as so-called 'royals'. Moreover, in a republic the Head of State has one salary; also a singular official residence and morally as well as actually financially, kin aren't paid by the country. Neither does the Head of State have a private income from duchies which consist of thousands of hectares of land, farms, properties, effectively invaluable art collections, numerous jewels; lots of herds of horses, private golf courses and airfields, effectively collectively acquired over multiple centuries of brutal appropriation from all those that originally, and lawfully owned them before their actually thieving new possessors and essentially too their greedy descendants, got their hands on them, and also evidently enhanced, through this effectively basically solid monopoly of theirs, their individual, and similarly too collective value by not paying any inheritance tax on them. Sensibly, very unapologetically it's fittingly high time evidently for some real fairness, justice, equality and too, authentic democracy rather than this recurrent rather pathetically sham kind, to emerge in Britain! (C) Stanley V. Collymore 20 April 2023. Author's Remarks: Keir Starmer the current leader of what most implausibly is still daftly called the Labour Party when its essential tenets are as far removed from core Labour principles as one can possible get and actually caused me to dub the party then under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown's right-wing leadership as the Labtory Party and its likeminded adherents as Labtories; is no true advocate of democracy. Essentially, Keir Starmer is nothing but a useless clone of his string puller Tony Blair, and as political ethics go, is as kosher - no pun intended Zionist Yid Starmer - ethically in his politics as Jimmy Savile was morally sexually. Effectively the three major parliamentary parties based in England and which originated there: The Conservatives, the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats are all officially Tory in policy and political philosophy and all you idiots are being most malevolently and egregiously being had by this trio of political, financial, immoral and self-serving charlatans. And as for democratizing the British monarchical system far less so getting rid of this Middle Ages albatross just forget it. Moral and democratic persons who even as unelected and hereditary head of state as Liz Windsor was don't honour and elevate notorious war criminals like Tony Blair. But she did! Because throughout her utterly useless but all the same highly privileged and self-entitled nonagenarian existence she knew what the system was all about and still does. And so do the current leadership and financial bankrollers of the Conservative, Labtory and Lib-Dems, the octopus arms of the Tory Party. And regrettably Britain is so infested with intellectually challenged white idiots and their non-white Useful Idiot Coconuts and House Niggers that these prime assholes won't even want change, since none of them could handle or deal with real accountable, political democracy. Since brownnosing to their monarchical, hereditary and perceived societal betters in sick Britain, a country riddled with classism, racism and xenophobia from the Windsors downwards is all that these dim-witted pillocks know and understand; and accounts for why their politicians treat them accordingly.
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petnews2day · 1 year
Backlash against ‘dog whistle’ Labour tweet about Rishi Sunak
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/UUrga
Backlash against ‘dog whistle’ Labour tweet about Rishi Sunak
Michael Fabricant, Conservative MP for Lichfield, said: “Labour, knowing that their support is soft, are getting pretty desperate with this hypocritical tweet. “When Boris Johnson brought up Keir Starmer’s record on not prosecuting Jimmy Savile, they cried foul and they accused him of a ‘deliberate slur’. Now, they are doing far worse.” Labour declined to […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/UUrga #DogNews
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If we were ever in any doubt that Boris Johnson's lies are actively dangerous - and that plenty of people will simply believe them without question.
Last week, Boris Johnson parroted a far-right conspiracy about Keir Starmer, falsely claiming that he had personally failed to have Jimmy Savile prosecuted back in 2013 . Today, Keir Starmer was hounded off the street by a mob shouting about (amongst other things) Jimmy Savile. (video source)
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gwydionmisha · 3 years
It sure looks like a transparent ploy to whip up a lynch mob against the opposition in order to distract from his COVID Party scandal.
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ianchisnall · 3 years
How many more lies from our Prime Minister?
How many more lies from our Prime Minister?
One of the challenges that we are currently facing is how unreliable or rather how incompetent our UK Government is on several levels. Another challenge is how much attention is being placed by Conservative MPs into the problems that are emerging from the Government which arose many months ago. Irrespective of our political views we can applaud people like Tim Loughton, MP for East Worthing and…
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deblala · 2 months
Britain’s New PM Keir Starmer Protected Notorious Pedophile Jimmy Savile - The People's Voice
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The Adventures of Big Dog the Clown, 11th February 2022
I want you all to know that I’ve buried my inbox. I’ve buried it. I held funeral rites. I gave a speech, in Welsh and English. I sang songs. I gave a beautiful eulogy. It is dead. It is gone. It has been buried, but not in dirt - it has been buried under the weight of the 657 unread messages held within.
Anyway, WELCOME BACK TO THE CIRCUS! This is the longest update I’ve yet written, because I am busy and important and haven’t had chance AND YET the clown show has been trundling on in the meantime so the tricks have piled up, lads. As ever, don’t @ me if the dates aren’t 100% accurate, I am not a trained professional and also don’t care.
So! Where did we leave off! If you’re just catching up, the original saga is here, and the last update is here. Also, @welpnotagain made a primer here for anyone confused by all the names which I hope will help, although Tumblr is a broken and barren place for coding and working links and it suddenly won’t let me go there on this laptop so soz if that doesn’t work. And, here is an extremely brief description of the political parties, if you aren’t British and don’t know what a Tory is.
Monday 31st Jan
Let’s begin with some fun whimsy! Remember the   m a s s i v e   lorry convoy at Dover thanks to Brexit? And how lorry drivers are being forced to wait like... 14 hours in their lorries? Which has obvious enormous welfare issues because food and toilet facilities don’t exist on lorries?
Chairman of the Select Committee on Transport, Huw Merriman MP, goes to Dover and steps in human poo.
MEANWHILE, the major milestone arrives - Sue Gray finally finishes her report, and regains her work-life balance, unlike me. This is a mixed bag, actually, because we had been waiting for it with baited breath after the Met Police refused to investigate so it was going to be the only actual investigation we got; but, then the Met changed their minds when it became clear that people were starting to view them as being about as powerful as one of those paper chains of people holding hands draped in front of a charging bull, and THEN they said Sue was only allowed to make “minimal reference” to stuff they were investigating. So the report is published and you can read it yourself! But it’s diluted, and now we’re waiting for the official legal investigation. 
But it did still come with Consequences. Pippa Crerar, still doing the Lord’s work, announces that Sue Gray has revealed a “gathering” (lol) in BJ and Carrie’s Downing Street flat on Nov 13th 2020 is being investigated by police. And then Scotland Yard, who should probably put our Sue on the payroll at this point, reveal they’ve received more than 300 photos as part of Partygate. More than 300! What a party! Boris going to regret his cute idea of putting disposable cameras on the tables.
So, shit’s heating up! How does Big Dog respond?! How will he handle the reveals?? What will the leader of the country do to salvage his rapidly tarnishing reputation? Let’s check what he does in the House of Commons!
Boris accuses former lawyer Keir Starmer of letting notorious paedophile Jimmy Saville avoid justice.
This classy and dignified response is obviously an interesting tack to take, for multiple reasons; chief among them, of course, being the two pronged rejoinder that it was Margaret Thatcher, former Tory leader, who knighted Saville in spite of knowing about the paedophilia, but also, crucially one might say, that Keir Starmer had literally no power or say in the Jimmy Saville case and it therefore isn’t true. But ah, Big Dog has long been undaunted by concepts such as truth or integrity.
People are not happy though, Tumblrs.
Ian Blackford is so incensed by this and also... you know, everything else... that he actually accuses BJ of lying, which is bigger than it sounds because you are absolutely Not Allowed to accuse people of intentional lying in Parliament. The Speaker asks him if he wants to correct himself to say the PM is mistaken. “Nah,” says Blackford, “fucker lied,” and promptly gets thrown out. I presume if asked, his stance is “Lol worth it.”
Meanwhile, journalists are suddenly inundated with messages from multiple Number 10 staffers saying “We told him not to say the Jimmy Saville thing”, because it turns out that it wasn’t a panicky off-the-cuff remark. BJ thought of it as a zippy little zinger, suggested it to advisors, and every single one of them unilaterally told him it was a very bad idea. And then he did it anyway. “He doesn’t listen to advice,” said one insider, presumably through tears.
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Over on Twitter, Nazir Afzal (former Chief Crown Prosecutor who worked with Keir Starmer) strongly refutes the Jimmy Saville thing, and confirms that Starmer had nothing to do with the decisions taken; on the contrary, he “supported in bringing 100s of child sex abusers to justice”. And thus begins a weird path in which, by referencing a far-right conspiracy in a bid to smear his opponent, Boris has now caused Keir to be painted as the singular enemy of paedophilia in this country, lionising him to the nation. This is a spectacular mis-fire and also very strange for everyone who understands that Keir Starmer is, in fact, A Bit Wet.
Anyway, between the Gray Report and the Starmer Smear, Tory MPs and ministers have a big emergency meeting in Portcullis House, described as ‘packed’. Liz Truss attends without a mask, and promptly tests positive for covid.
To round off, the Daily Mail (the only paper still blindly supporting Boris Johnson apparently, although they did support Hitler back in the day so not a shock) puts a picture of Keir Starmer having a beer through a window on their front page for the third time in the past two years, trying to get it to gain traction and take the heat off Boris. Because, you know. A man drinking a beer alone in a house is the same as a man having about six hundred orgies in his own flat during a pandemic. Obviously.
WHAT A DAY let’s move on!
Thursday 3rd February
Woo, look at that! We’ve jumped so many days! MAGIC, there’s a MAGICIAN in this circus, it’s not at all that I didn’t keep track properly because I was writing up a research report on badgers, don’t @ me.
The Secret Barrister (fantastic Twitter account, if you Want In to the politics fandom I recommend you follow them) tells us that the Met suppressing the Gray report is actually the first thing they’ve done right, possibly ever but certainly during this whole debacle. This is because the Report being published in detail could actually help the Tories corroborate their stories and make it easier for them to lie their way out of the whole thing when it comes to the police investigation. Unfortunately, because the Met is, y’know, a bunch of bumbling hypercorrupt slug-like fascists, everyone has assumed this is just the Met being the Met lol. So the dancing pigs continue.
Elena Narozanski, Education Policy Specialist, resigns.
Martin Reynolds, principle private secretary to the PM (he sent out the BYOB invites), resigns.
Dan Rosenfield, chief of staff at Number 10, resigns.
Munira Mirza, Head of Policy, resigns.
Jack Doyle, director of comms, resigns.
Five resignations! In one day! Munira Mirza is especially punishing because she’s an utter dickblistering mouldy turd who has proudly worked with BlowJo for 14 years, and she actually published her resignation letter for all to see. 
Still. Never mind! Thursday was a bad day, but hopefully Friday will be better.
Friday 4th February
Sensing that things are Bad, and that the mass exodus of staff members as a direct result of his smear campaign is maybe something that needs halting, BJ holds meeting that he calls a “half-time pep talk”. Oh boy! It must have been so stirring and motivational! How did he do?
Well, here’s a literal quote from him: “As Rafiki in the Lion King says, ‘Change is good, and change is necessary even though it’s tough’.”
Lion King quotes, cool cool.
Then he goes to the press and claims the resignations were actually him firing people as a result of the Gray Report.
So how are senior Tories handling this? Well, let’s ask the Chancellor! Rishi Sunak, a man who is super careful at all times to never criticise the PM, distances himself from the Saville thing and directly tells journalists “Being honest, I wouldn’t have said it.” 
Holy shit! What will he say when asked if BJ should apologise?
“That’s for the PM to decide,” says Sunak, proving that he didn’t grow a whole spine after all; more just two and a half vertebrae.
He then looks journalists in the eye and claims we’re only struggling with heating bills because it’s a colder winter than normal (it’s not) and we’ve used up more of our gas stores (the Tories shut down three quarters of the UK’s gas storage in 2017) so Sunak be Sunak-ing I guess.
Meanwhile, former Labour leader Ed Miliband calls Boris Johnson “a stain on our politics.” It’s such a fabulous quote, isn’t it? Don’t look up him saying it, though, Ed Miliband has the whiniest voice you’ve ever heard and it will definitely detract from the incredible savagery. But WHAT a line.
SO, remember how the BBC had found a definite 7 MPs who had sent a letter of no confidence in Boris? We just need 54, remember! Anyway now they reveal they are aware of 17. The numbers climb...
But, of course, this whole thing has been dragging on for a while, and is really starting to overspill into reveals of other scandals! This is exciting because everyone has been just hand waving awful Tory acts! Like that time Boris Johnson prioritised evacuating animals from Afghanistan over people! But now everyone is starting to care about things like Boris Johnson prioritising evacuating animals from Afghanistan over people! Let’s see what else has come up.
First, the government is forced to release private messages sent between Matt Hancock and Owen Paterson about Randox (the firm that Paterson worked for that won £600m+ in covid contracts). Sorry - I haven’t mentioned Owen Paterson before. He used to be Minister for the Environment and doesn’t believe in Climate Change. That’s not relevant here, but Provides Colour. You’re welcome.
Second, Private Eye publishes a story revealing that the government gave out £600m to private company Unispace Global Ltd for PPE from April-June 2020. That money is now just… missing. No PPE. No trace of where it went. This, by the way, is a Sunak Thing.
Thirdly, Boris is revealed to have flown to the north west of England in a private jet, and everyone is furious because Environment. Also Liz Truss was found to have done the same thing in Australia, so everyone now thinks this is a new Thing Tories Do.
Fourthly, Jacob Rees-Mogg claims the morning after pill is an abortion (not sure Jacob Rees-Mogg knows what century he’s in, he’s very confused).
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Fifthly, UK Statistics Authority chair Sir David Norgrove rebukes BJ, Priti Patel and the Home Office for misusing crime figures by claiming offences have fallen when they actually increased.
And then SIXTHLY haha okay I love this one
Comedian John Finnemore posts quotes on Twitter from an article about Tony Blair in 2006, when the country was baying for his blood and he was refusing to go. The excerpts:
It is a wonderful and necessary fact of political biology that we never know when our time is up. Long after it is obvious to everyone that we are goners, we continue to believe in our “duty” to hang on, with cuticle-wrenching tenacity, to the perks and privileges of our posts.
We kid ourselves that we must stay because we would be “letting people down” or that there is a “job to be finished”. In reality, we are just terrified of the come-down.
No more outriders, no more adrenaline, no more do-or-die Dispatch Box jousts; no more staring soulfully into the camera, with the little red light on to tell him that he is now going live to every house in the country; no more feeling out pain, no more watching us watching him feel our pain.
Oh no, he thinks: he can’t face that loss. He can’t face that endocrinal cold turkey, and so he postpones...
All politicians are masters of procrastination, but there is no day they find easier or more natural to postpone than the day of their own resignation.
Stirring stuff, eh? Almost poignant. And you can really see why it’s being shared now, for all that it was actually about Tony Blair, except no, Tumblrs, no, you aren’t seeing why it’s being shared now, because the real reason is IT WAS BORIS JOHNSON WHO WROTE THOSE WORDS.
Quoth my husband on that day, sending me all this info: “Trying to find details about specific Tory scandals is like trying to eat a GBK burger.”
Seven Days Ago
Michael Fabricant in da house! That’s right, BlowJo’s stunt double is back to Help. He agrees that all those resignations - including Munira Mirza with her resignation letter - are actually BJ firing people and taking action to remedy the problems flagged up in the Gray report. It’s at this point, actually, you need to start asking yourself - when Boris started Operation Save Big Dog, because he didn’t understand that people were angry with him specifically, who exactly was he intending to fire to save his own skin? And if those people found out that they were considered expendable, would they hang about? And if they then all quit anyway, how likely would Big Dog be to claim it was intentional after all...?
Meanwhile, remember the plan to put the army in the Channel and send refugees back to France?
The Ministry Of Defence tell Priti Patel they will NOT be policing the Channel and sending refugees back to France when they take over crossings next month. So, uh. Sucks to be you, Priti.
And then CRERAR’S BACK and OH MY GOD okay okay 
The Mirror reports that Sue Gray has handed to the police a picture of Boris “I was ambushed by a cake that didn’t exist for a mere 10 minutes before returning to work” Johnson holding a can of beer at his lockdown birthday party. 
Beside him stands Rishi “I was not at the PM’s illegal birthday party because I am deeply unpopular and wasn’t invited” Sunak, holding a soft drink.
And the photo was taken by the official state photographer. 
FUN FACT! That means it’s subject to freedom of information legislation, which means anyone can ask to see it and the request must legally be honoured. Perhaps you’d like to ask for your own copy?
Six Days Ago
I swear I am not making this up. Mohammed Amersi, major Tory donor, demands his £200K back because he wasn’t invited to all the illegal parties. 
Rich people.
Nursingnotes.co.uk reports that the money wasted on unusable PPE would have been enough to double the salary of every NHS nurse, so the scandal dominoes yet continue to fall.
Then Rory Stewart, remember him? Fella who ran against Big Dog for Tory party leadership and left politics (but not spiritually). He pops back up again and dunks on Fabricant and his stupid “they didn’t resign, they were fired” claim. 
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Meanwhile, the Met are having a bad day. No one likes them anymore, and also, a watchdog has been conducting an investigation against them, unrelated to this particular circus. Today, the investigation concludes! And finds “a culture of disgraceful misogyny, discrimination and sex harassment.”
Ruh roh, Raggy.
And then, more clowns!
An unnamed cabinet minister (it is clearly Nadine Dorries let’s not piss about), FURIOUS at the lack of blind simpering sycophancy for the mighty Big Dog,  accuses Rishi Sunak as being “on manoeuvres” for criticising the PM’s attack on Keir Starmer about Jimmy Saville. The unnamed cabinet member (you will never convince me it is not Nadine Dorries) calls on BJ to sack Sunak. 
WHICH IS THE DUMBEST FUCKING SUGGESTION IMAGINABLE (IT IS CLEARLY NADINE DORRIES) because Sunak is literally the biggest contender for Boris Johnson’s role. He’s the favourite. It’s going to be him. If fired, he’d be ruthless, with nothing to lose. He could openly gun for the position. He would wipe the floor with Johnson. It would be a bloodbath. There would be a final party on the Ides of March, BYO knife. Sales of ear poison would soar. Red Wedding, Welsh-history-then-used-by-George-R-R-Martin style.
Then Nadine Dorries does the dumbest fucking interview anyone has ever seen that makes it look like she’s fucking Big Dog. (That is the link to the Michael Spicer coverage, who is of course an excellent journalist of true integrity, it’s a treat.)
And then she suggests new laws to prosecute streaming sites for airing programmes like the Jimmy Carr one in the most cynical attempts to cash in on unrelated outrage to make yourself look good I’ve ever seen.
Two round off, a seven year old girl (not Josephine, a new one called Isobel) asks BJ for an apology after her own birthday parties were cancelled. I feel you, Isobel. March baby, me. No birthdays for two years. Fuming.
Five Days Ago
Martin Lewis, the Money Saving Expert founder, reads Rishi Sunak to fuck over his proposed solution to the energy cost crisis, continuing the trend of Sunak not... quite... entirely getting away with all this.
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Meanwhile, Lord Ashcroft is currently writing a book! And he reveals some extracts. For example:
A Downing Street aide turned down a major new role because they didn’t trust Carrie Antoinette. BJ’s response? Verbatim?
“Fuck Carrie.” 
Apparently, he would regularly make excuses to avoid heading back to the flat he shares with her. He said to one colleague, “You don’t understand what it’s like upstairs.”
Which is interesting, isn’t it??? Because another story is resurrected that BJ went to a dinner party in a gentlemen’s club with journalists for the Telegraph and other right-wing papers in 2021 (he left COP26 to go to it! In a private jet! So serious about the environment!) where he willingly and without prompting told them all that he had “BUYER’S REMORSE” over Carrie and the new baby, and the bloodthirsty right wing journalists were embarrassed. When they ran the story in the New European, BJ tried to sue them.
Filed under: people I have no sympathy for whatsoever.
Four Days Ago
Remember Sunak and the energy cost crisis? It’s revealed that Britain’s two biggest energy companies make £4.5 million of profit per hour. Fun fact! That’s also how often a person in the UK dies of living in a cold home.
Dominic Grieve! Of all people! defends Keir Starmer over the Saville thing, and affirms he wasn’t responsible, AND that it’s a fascist conspiracy theory anyway, which is just INCREDIBLE.
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And also timely, because then, Keir Starmer has to be rushed into a police car as a mob of protestors swarm him outside Parliament over the Saville thing. Piers Corbyn is among them! Jeremy Corbyn’s brother! Christ. What an experience. Man’s a lunatic.
Yvette Cooper joins in over the whole “Boris lies and claims the crime stats have fallen when they have literally risen thing” and demands the PM correct the record. Astonishingly, he does not.
And then remember the picture of Keir Starmer drinking a beer through a window? That the Daily Mail were desperately trying to turn into a Thing?
The Met Police reveal that they have determined that no laws were broken over the picture of Keir Starmer having a beer. Trololol. Swing and a miss, son.
Meanwhile! Remember how one of the resignations was Jack Doyle? Director of Communications?
We have a replacement! It’s Guto Harri, a man who has spent most of his time making an appalling tit of himself in Welsh politics so I am very excited to see the rest of the UK discover how a large potato could do a better job while also mispronouncing his name, probably, I foresee a lot of “Gooto” being said.
But also this happened:
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Oh also Dominic Cummings called BoJo a clown. Bit rich.
Three Days Ago
Downing Street finally break their silence over the constant requests for a comment on the Saville thing. Excellent! It was a bald lie, and Keir Starmer has now been attacked by right wing nutjobs over it! Let’s see their official stance!
They will not be apologising for the Saville thing. “He has got other stuff to get on with today,” says the official spokesperson.
(The polls reveal, meanwhile, that 69% of the country believe that BJ is responsible for Starmer being harassed by right wing nutjobs over the Saville thing. Just looking at the opinions of 2019 Tory voters, 54% believe it. This has not gone over well as an assertion.)
But let’s see what other stuff Boris Johnson has to get on with today!
Well, now that we have the Gray Report, and Sue Gray can finally get back to her actual job and enjoying things like wine and sunsets and the laughter of babies again, obviously the Tories now solemnly understand that Changes Must Be Made. They fired/accepted the resignations of five people, of course. Totally intentional. Definitely planned. But what else? Surely there are some Big Name Resignations coming?
Step forward: the Cabinet Re-shuffle! Ministers get shunted about like a particularly determined juggler auditioning for a new circus, except the circus in question is the UK Government and the juggler is a clown, so there are only two balls and both get dropped and one turns out to be a custard pie which gives an audience member anaphylaxis and the children cry.
No one is actually sacked. Only two women get new roles, a move that even, of all fucking people, THE DAILY MAIL are pissed off by, triggering them to coin the term the “he-shuffle”, which is a really shit pun that took me half an hour to work out but JEEsus when even the Mail turns on you...
Fun fact! The new minister for housing is a landlord who once defeated a law to make homes “fit for human habitation”. 
Even more fun fact! Jacob Rees-Mogg gets a demotion to Brexit Opportunities Minister that somehow gives him an extra £35K a year for less work. In the words of John Elledge, major UK journalist, it’s a bit like trying to keep a small child occupied, so you put them in charge of keeping the garden free of goblins or something. 
The funnest fact! He may actually have a serious conflict of interest according to anti-corruption experts (he’s a major shareholder in a multi billion pound fund specialising in emerging markets.) Tories be Torying. Here’s a fun cartoon.
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Two Days Ago
The Mirror reveals photo from the Number 10 Christmas quiz showing BJ with an open bottle of bubbly. Pippa Crerar, a one-woman government killing machine at this point, tweets it during PMQs, meaning Boris has zero time to prepare. 
So he’s asked about it there and then by Labour MP Fabian Hamilton, who describes him in the photo as “surrounded by alcohol, food and people wearing tinsel”. Oh no! What a disaster! But it’s irrefutable! How could you get around this? It’s a photograph! The camera cannot lie!
Boris’ response: “It’s not true.” 
Then the Education Secretary says pupils shouldn’t be allowed to criticise BJ in class, and tries to get some teachers fired for allowing it. This is because the teachers were doing a civics and politics exercise with year six pupils, where they teach them about British political systems and due process, and then tell them about current political events. They then got the children to write letters to the Prime Minister.
The children were not kind. The grown-ass Tories are Very Hurt about it. So, let’s end freedom of speech I guess.
And then, Scotland Yard announce that they are reviewing their previous assessment that the Christmas Quiz did not meet the threshold for an investigation (remember that? When they said they don’t investigate past crimes?)
The Met begin contacting over 50 Downing St party attendees, including Big Dog.
John Major returns to the public consciousness, like getting an abnormal result on a smear test. 
Yes, I know, sorry to remind you all of John Major. But! He, too, is here for his pound of flesh! He tells the BBC that Borry J broke the law over the parties! No word on whether Nadine Dorries tried to demand his sacking too, she’s dumb enough to try.
Martin Lewis pops back up to stick the boot in again over Sunak’s stupid fuel bill loan scheme, because a YouGov poll shows most people want to opt out. It seems the golden touch is a little less golden, Chancellor?
Meanwhile, the Russian Foreign Secretary met with Liz Truss, a woman with all the talent and charisma of an old and faded hot water bottle who is the second favourite to take over from Boris Johnson. He described the meeting as “like talking to a deaf person”, by which I presume he means ‘intentionally not listening’, because the Deaf folks I’ve known have always been very attentive, I thought (except Amy Jenkins in Sixth Form who was quite honestly a massive dickhead, but that was unrelated to her hearing status. This is again not really relevant, but if you’re reading this, Amy, fuck you and give me my pencil sharpener back.)
Remember that watchdog investigation into the Met that found it was a gross nest of misogyny and discrimination?
Cressida Dick tells the BBC she is “seething angry” about the findings of all the misogyny and that, and that she has no intention of quitting. 
Immediately after, she meets with Sadiq Khan, mayor of London, who tells her he has no faith in her leadership. 
Two hours post-interview, CRESSIDA DICK MYSTERIOUSLY RESIGNS!!!! :D :D :D
What the fuck did Sadiq say to her???
Anyway this is actually fantastic news. The sordid tale of why Cressida Dickhead belongs in jail being spat on by inmates and passersby alike would take a much longer post and this one is already 8.5 fucking metres, but if you’re feeling brave, here is a Twitter thread by Simon Edge that explains it. Warning: it’s extremely upsetting, and covers police corruption around the murder of a man of colour in good detail. But DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD, crack open the good cheese, lads.
Sadiq Khan publicly says he will now work closely with the Home Secretary to replace her with the aim of restoring trust. This is very funny because the Home Secretary is Priti Patel, who will be furious about this, and I dearly wish I could be a fly on the wall.
Then the leader of Lib Dems (it’s Ed Davey, it’s okay, no one knows who it is, you aren’t alone) says Boris should have no influence over Cressie D’s replacement. Well, it’s nice for the Lib Dems to get a line.
And then Nadine Dorries decides to do some politics! Now, back in 1981, Margaret Thatcher allowed Rupert Murdoch to buy The Times and the Sunday Times. Previously, monopoly regulators wouldn't have allowed it. She managed this with one compromise: legally, Murdoch wouldn't be allowed to interfere with the Times' editorial independence.
Yesterday, Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries removed this restriction. The Times is now free to do Murdoch propaganda just like the Sun does, and, crucially, to publish Boris support pieces. Nadine Has Helped!
Even Tories are furious about this, interestingly. Including Tory voters. They quite liked the Times, and it’s about to become swamp water.
Meanwhile, Hailsham South holds a by-election. The Tories lose another seat to the Lib Dems.
And then international experts say Britain is edging closer to a Flawed Democracy so that’s Super Fun.
John Major is back, and calls for the gift of the head of Boris Johnson on a silver platter.
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In fact, cannibalising his own party is not exactly a new move from Major, so no surprises here.
Then, a “senior ally” of the Prime Minister warns Scotland Yard to be “very certain” that he breached lockdown rules. “There is inevitably a degree of discretion here,” they tell the Times. “Do you want the Met deciding who the Prime Minister is? They have to be very certain [before issuing a fine].”
Cool cool! Message received, if you come at the king you’d best not miss, a totally normal and completely legal and acceptable thing to say to the police from the government, totally fine.
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Fun times!
Meanwhile, let’s see how Jacob Rees-Mogg is getting on as Brexit Opportunities Minister.
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He has asked people to tell him what possible benefits they can think of from Brexit, because he cannot think of any. Fantastic. What a politician.
We get a gift, from r/ukpolitics! A tracker, to see which Tory MPs have sent letters of No Confidence. Fun!
I write my notes for this update. They are five pages, and over one and a half thousand words. They are 42% as long as the Sue Gray report.
Pls buy me a Ko-fi, this took seven hours to write up and I'm a shadow of my former self.
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braddersbangerz · 3 years
Everyday I wake up in Britain with the realisation that we've turned into a fascist state
Boris the cunt made a claim at Keir Starmer (this is not a pro Starmer post) about him not prosecuting Jimmy Savile which was a complete lie and then days later he has people in the streets shouting things about Jimmy Savile at him.
And that should terrify people. They live and breathe the lie, while ignoring the fact that Jimmy Savile was a die hard Tory cunt until the day the sack of wank died.
Yeah, we have the freedom to post what we want, but for how long?
I hate this country, I hate Boris Johnson, I hate the Tories, I hate the fucking Royals.
And there is nothing I can do because no one cares anymore. You can't protest because of laws and the fact that corrupt police in Boris' pocket will slam you into the ground because they like beating women and minorities, but if you're screaming about Jimmy Savile at the opposition leader, they'll do nothing.
I am so very tired.
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