#Keicho (HS)
karkats-longsleeves · 3 years
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HighwayStar flirting with Keicho and BadCo via grinning and making him see hallucinations <3 Love...
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bd-handystand · 3 years
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Merry Homestuck Eve
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cuefunkymusic · 5 years
Never be mine || chapter 1
Keicho Nijimura/Okuyasu Nijimura x reader // childhood friends self insert
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chapter 1 (you’re here, dude) | chapter 2 (s o o n)
Word count- 1618 Oh boy, I haven’t written a) fanfiction or b) angst in m o n t hs so I'm probably super rusty at this stuff, so sorry if it ends up being bad later :’) Feedback is VERY appreciated!! Thanks for reading in advance.
|-under the cut-|
Looking through the car window, you couldn’t help but take in all of the sights. Some of them you remembered as a child, though some of them were completely new to you. Morioh had certainly changed in the past 8 years.
It was only recently that your mom had decided to make the move into Morioh. After hearing about your grandfather’s recent death, you were both distraught, and things seemed to go even more downhill.
Last week, your mom had found out that In his will he had written that his house would be inherited by her. The apartment you and your mother used to live in was run down. The outer city was a complete wasteland- trash was everywhere, the terrain was desolate, and it seemed like the place had been devoid of all hope. Your mother didn’t even bat an eye before deciding to make the move.
In comparison, Morioh was such a change from the city, and a willing one, too. Tranquility and life seemed to exude from the town, and the whole place filled you with hope. Years before your parents had divorced, you had all lived in Morioh together. After things had fallen apart, you moved to the outer city with your mother. The last thing you were expecting was to be back here, 8 years later.
After a few moments of taking in the scenery, the car turned left into a driveway. Looking out the window, your eyes were met with a small house, with a pathway leading up to the main door with a cute little fenced gateway. It was tiny but homey. Although in comparison, anything would be better than your old apartment.
Your mom parked the car, and you stepped out, looking around. It was a bright, sunny day, and you could hear birds singing joyfully while a soft breeze blew. For summer, it wasn’t as hot as you expected it to be- the temperature seemed to be just right, and not uncomfortably hot.
“Hey, y/n, can you help me with the boxes in the trunk?” Turning around, you took a box from your mother as she grabbed another. The two of you walked up the steps of the house, and your mom went in front of you, taking out a key from her pocket.
You watched as she inserted it into the lock, and the door opened. You weren’t expecting anything in particular, but as you walked into the house you were taken aback.
Everything about the house seemed so cozy and homey. You immediately felt at ease as you walked around in the main room, and even though it was empty, the house seemed to welcome you.
As you set down a box, you sighed as you took in the sight of the interior. A staircase lead up to the second floor, only to three rooms. The other rooms seemed relatively small but livable. Walking around the house, you counted four, five other rooms on the main floor.
Going back to the room your mother was in, you smiled. “This is such a nice place,” you mused, wondering what room you would end up claiming as your own.
“It surely is an improvement from that old apartment,” your mom said, walking over to the room on her right. “I’m actually not sure if we’ll have enough furniture to fill the whole house.”
“Didn’t grandpa also issue money to be distributed to us, to help with both the move and the furniture?” you asked, looking over to your mother, who was currently walking around the house.
“Yes, there was. Although, I don’t think that there was too much of it left over after the move. At least to buy furniture.” You frowned. Perhaps there would be a working opportunity for you to gather money for more furniture?
Looking out the window, you could see that the other people in the neighborhood were outside. Of course, they must have been notified that someone new was moving in. You grimaced as you remembered that at one point or another, you’d have to meet all of them.
When you and your mother lived in the outer city, you hadn’t had the best experiences with your neighbors. Of course, this wasn’t an apartment, so it was different, but it didn’t change the fact that no matter where you lived, it seemed like your neighbors were always against you in some way.  
The people that had lived above you always threw parties, and whenever you tried to complain to them they would curse you out drunkenly, telling you to go back to your apartment. When you had reported it to your landlord, they were just as useless, saying there wasn’t really any use in stopping them.
Later, you had found out that those people had bribed said landlord to let them keep throwing parties. The people next to you weren’t any better. They would always leave their stuff outside your door in the hallway, and again, the landlord didn’t seem to do a single thing about it.
Everyone that was there already seemed well adjusted, while you and your mother were just the newbies in the complex. Even though several years had passed, it seemed like your neighbors had never really accepted you.
You hoped that the new neighbors would be better, although deep down, you had a feeling they would be just as worse.
Almost as if it was on cue, you heard a knock at the door. This early? It had only been 30 minutes since you and your mother had just gotten here. Couldn’t the neighbors wait? Before you could protest, your mother walked by you and opened the door.
Looking over to see who it was, you saw a woman, probably in her late thirties, with a boy who seemed around your age. They both had strikingly dark purple hair, and the boy had his hair in a neat pompadour.
“Hey there, it’s nice to meet you!” your mother smiled as she shook the hand of the woman, and then who you could assume was her son. Unwillingly, you walked over next to your mother to greet your new neighbors.
“Oh? Who’s this?” The woman asked as she looked at you, smiling. Before you could speak, your mother spoke instead. “This is my daughter, y/n.”
The woman held out her hand to you, and you shook it, noting her very firm grip. “Nice to meet you. I’m Tomoko Higashikata, and this here is my son, Josuke.” She gestured to Josuke, who stood next to her.
“Hi Miss l/n, y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” Before you could really do anything else, your mom and Ms. Higashikata started talking, seemingly endlessly.
If anything, your mom was quite a talker. Sometimes, you had to pull her away from conversations in order to talk to her, or even leave a place. Luckily, it wasn’t like she knew many people she could talk to for hours. Until now.
You and Josuke stood there for a few minutes awkwardly, as your mothers conversed. Shifting your weight, you pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, trying to start up a conversation. “So, uh… how long have you lived here for?”
“I’ve lived here for… pretty much all of my life, actually!” Josuke’s voice seemed lighthearted and humorous, and something about him just seemed to exude friendliness. Had you actually lucked out with neighbors this time?
After a moment, you continued the conversation. “Oh, nice. My mother and I actually used to live here in Morioh eight years ago. We only moved back now,” you said, a smile creeping up on your face unbeknownst to you.
“Cool, cool. So do you know if you’re gonna attend the public high school here?”
Oh, yeah. School started soon. You had almost forgotten- you had been enjoying your break so much you weren’t even keeping track of time anymore. Hopefully, said high school was close to your house. Where you lived before, it was such a long walk to get there.
“Yep. I’m starting my first high school year at that public high school. What about you?”
“Oh, me too!” Josuke was smiling ear to ear, giddy with excitement. “Maybe we’ll have the same classes together!”
For a neighbor, Josuke seemed very friendly. Something that you would normally doubt. But you could tell that his friendliness was genuine. Turned out that you had lucked out with neighbors after all.
“Hopefully so!” you agreed, actually looking forward to starting school for once. At least you’d be able to meet more people, and even if you didn’t, you had Josuke.
Before you could say anything else, you heard your mother start to say goodbye to Ms. Higashikata.
“Well, Josuke, we’d best get going by now.” Josuke’s mother smiled warmly to your mother, waving goodbye. “It was nice to meet you two! Hopefully we’ll be able to talk more!”
As they started to walk down the steps, you heard Josuke’s voice yell out as you saw him turn towards you, waving wildly.
 “Bye, y/n!”
���...Bye, Josuke!” you waved, watching him and his mother walk down the street and back into their own house.
“Hey, y/n! Can you help me with these boxes?” hearing your mom’s voice from outside, you opened the door to help her unload stuff from the moving van. You smiled to yourself as you walked over to her.
Luckily, the Higashikata family seemed nice. Even if the other neighbors weren’t as kind, at least you still had them. Lifting up a box full of clothes, you walked back inside the house, setting them down.
Even though it hadn’t started, you had a feeling this school year was gonna be great.
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karkats-longsleeves · 3 years
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A compilation of some recent Keichuuya stuff 🤗!!!
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bd-handystand · 4 years
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BC: D--> No they are not my friends and no I did not invite them for Tonio’s Pity Pasta Party.
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bd-handystand · 4 years
I am here to be my usual lovely self ( I start spam spawning cheese wheels )
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bd-handystand · 4 years
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A very important game will be happening soon. A game with no winners. But no losers either. Some of them know this. The rest do not. But first, I have to ask you one thing...
What will these young ones’ names be?
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bd-handystand · 4 years
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BC: D--> This game better be worth it, Holly...
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bd-handystand · 5 years
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Asleep in Class
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bd-handystand · 4 years
John Madden
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bd-handystand · 4 years
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LL: Trust me, it’s gonna be greato! PP: Oh man, speaking of greato; is Tomoko coming? LL: Probs.
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bd-handystand · 4 years
ass mc-military bro--> get out of a youtube rabbithole consisting of CHEESE, FRIES, and other UNHEALTHY JUNK recipe videos
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bd-handystand · 5 years
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The Okuyasu Tarot 9-17
The Hermit: WoF Oku
Wheel of Fortune: Timeswap Oku
Strength: MG Oku
The Hanged Man: Keicho (hs)
Death: Fateswap Oku
Temperance: Manis Nijimura and Dirty Cash
The Devil: “Ghost in the Machine” (Coffee Stand Infection Oku)
The Tower: Stand Infection Oku
The Star: Okuyasu (Hs)
0-8 18-21
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bd-handystand · 6 years
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Bethesjo Online Event...End?
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bd-handystand · 5 years
A voice echoes through your subconscious............ 4........3.............2...........fuck you.
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bd-handystand · 5 years
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tP: ~What did I walk into???~ dU: DreamWorks Deathhh Battle. tP: ~Why!?~
(I thought of this at 3 am...)
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