#okuyasu (stand infection)
rougepancake · 1 year
notre dame
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Ft. Rohan Kishibe & Jotaro Kujo x Eldest Daughter!F!Reader
Warnings: None. Just some hcs for how they’d act with a stubborn gal like the eldest daughter. (Please it’s mostly fluff I couldn’t help myself). Not proofread.
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Upon first meeting, he finds you incredibly unbearable. He hates that attitude of “everyone just depends on me, I can’t let them down” or “if I don’t step up then no one else will, and I can’t risk that”
What didn’t help was that you were a well known painter, which meant that he would constantly be seeing you at exhibits whenever they opened.
Mainly because your pieces were being put on display. (That only infuriated him more)
Upon further inspection, he realized that your pieces were of abstract things. And there was always a girl with her back facing the audience who was enjoying said things
He hated that he liked your style
In fact, he convinced himself that he totally hated you so that when Koichi brought you by the next time, he had a reason to be a dick
And to say he was stunned would be an understatement
He was genuinely surprised that you had just appeared because you were… worried??
“What do you want?” He leaned in the doorway, sneering down at you. “I’m a busy man so spit it out.” He was nagging you but he wasn’t really that annoyed. You were in front of him, your arms full of your art supplies and your tone serious.
“Koichi told me a while back that you tend you shut yourself up when you’re writing.” You began, and he had such a hard time understanding your tone. “So I figured I would give you some company. It wouldn’t hurt, right?”
And for whatever reason, he couldn’t tell you no. Which he also hated.
Dude was stunned that you went out of your way tbh. Was even more stunned when you began to paint in silence
He got distracted tho and accidentally ended up scratching himself with the pen pretty badly
You asked him if he was okay and immediately began cleaning up his ‘wound’ even though he didn’t ask you to
“Hey! Get your hands off of me!” He pulled his hand away from your grasp, shooting you a sharp glare.
“It’ll get infected if you don’t clean it.” You said stubbornly, returning his glare and grabbing his wrist harshly. “And I know you don’t want that to happen.”
That’s when it clicked for him
You spend all your time taking care of others. It was best demonstrated in the way that you often defended Josuke or Okuyasu in battle- even though you didn’t have a stand
Even if you were injured, you wouldn’t let Josuke help you. And your stubbornness bothered him
Rohan seemed to realize that you put yourself last for everything. Even when you guys have gone out and there’s something you want, you put it off for another day
Or if someone offers to pay for you, you refuse and pay for yourself
You’re just always last on your list of priorities
And in that moment he seems to have some sort of epiphany
“Why do you paint?” He looks down and into your eyes, ignoring the stinging in his hand as you tend to it.
“I don’t know.” You shrug it off, and he swore he heard your voice shake.
“Fine. Be that way.” He huffed and crossed his legs. “What do you paint?”
You froze. “Excuse me?”
“What do you paint?”
You sighed softly and looked up at him, your eyes shining in slight awe. “No one’s ever asked me that before.” You paused. “I paint my favorite things. Why do you ask?”
“Ah.” He said simply, looking away from you. “I’ll let you have this one.” He sighed. “You’re not as annoying as I thought you to be.”
After this he pampers you and gets called out by Josuke
But pampers in the sense of like “hey I saw these paints and thought they would look good with your style”
Watches you paint in silence a lot. He has come to the conclusion that it’s peaceful for the both of you and has found your presence to be quite comforting while he’s working on a project
Still finds that “everyone before me” type of personality annoying and calls you out on it A LOT
Rohan found you insufferable but Jotaro finds you ABSOLUTELY INTOLERABLE
He genuinely hates it and he hates how you’re okay with it
Like people come to you and just dump their woes on you and you’ve come to accept it and he’s like tf??? No???
It makes no sense to him because you just seem to take care of everyone and put yourself last. Like every single time someone gets injured, you pull some mom type bs and suck it up and help them
Even when Josuke is right there- like you insist on helping (Josuke heals them when you leave or turn your back since you don’t have a stand and won’t understand what’s going on)
Jotaro finds your “I don’t need people to take care of me but I need to take care of others” vibe to be useful, but at the same time he just can’t stand it
When he first met you, he had come across you while you were working. He found out later that you’re a good friend of Josuke’s mother and that’s when he officially got to meet you
Your arm was broken and yet you were running around the house, shouting at Josuke and helping his mother with her chores
It left him stunned in a way that he didn’t know was possible
When you introduced yourself to him, he brushed you off. He could tell you weren’t down for his tough guy act
He figured if you really wanted to get to know him, you’d push past his stubbornness and do so, but he soon found out you were equally as stubborn as he was
You found him at the Grand Morioh Hotel and offered to put your stubbornness to the side if it meant that you got to know him better
I’ll be so honest the first thing you asked about were the various scars on his body
He was surprised because typically people don’t ask about them. They just assume that they were from his delinquent days and move on
It was so weird to him that he just kinda stood there awkwardly and looked at you
“Since I’m here and all- why don’t we get to know each other?” You shrugged and walked over to a nearby chair, sitting down and crossing your legs as you looked up at him.
“Makes no difference to me.” He grumbled and crossed his arms, tilting his head just right the brim of his hat covered his eyes.
You sat in silence for a while, observing him. “Tell me about those scars. The ones at the base of your neck.” You pointed and propped your elbow up onto the armrest of the chair.
“Excuse me?” He looked at you and you saw the hint of surprise shining in those eyes of his.
“If you’re uncomfortable, then you don’t have to. But I’d like to know what happened. They look pretty rough.”
He told you and internally LOVED how you listened intently, asking questions and paying attention to his every word
But he didn’t tell you that 🙄
He’s picked up on how you both tend to put others first, and bit by bit, he warms up to you
It starts with slowly agreeing with what you’re saying, or helping you do minor things like clean up. It’s things like that that he secretly enjoys doing with you
And while helping you pick up after Josuke while his mother is away, you wound up cutting your hand on a shard of broken glass
Hurt like a bitch but you didn’t let him know that
He forced you to take a break and sit down so he could clean it up and OH BOY it was worse than he thought
Especially your reaction to it
“I’m fine, alright?” You huffed, trying to pull your hand away from his grasp. The palm of your hand was oozing with blood, and you just knew it was going to scar. It stung so bad that you had tears in your eyes, but you bit your cheek to prevent yourself from seeming weaker than you already looked.
“Shut up and let me clean that thing.” He argued, rolling his eyes and grabbing your wrist harshly, resulting in a hiss of pain from you. He slowly wiped away the blood from your palm, furrowing his brows in concentration as you worked. He felt his heart drop when he saw you shaking slightly.
“I said it’s fine.” You choked out, sighing at his determination. His grip on your wrist loosened and he hummed in response to your words.
“You don’t seem fine.”
“That doesn’t matter. I will be soon enough.”
He began to disinfect it, his arm instinctively flying out to hold you in place as he worked. You tensed up in pain, but said nothing, refusing to look down at him for fear that he might see your tears.
“You’re right.” He mumbled. “You will be fine.” He paused and grabbed the gauze. “But you can’t be stubborn all the time.”
He’s still a bit of a douche to you, but then again you are too
But then you guys come to a mutual realization that it’s okay to confide in someone and after that you really begin to warm up to one another
He still enjoys helping you, but hates doing it where Josuke can see or hear because he knows he’ll never hear the end of it
“Oooh you like my mom’s friendddd” “Shut the hell up.” “Yes sir.”
Takes no shit when it comes to you at that point. If he sees someone giving you hell after you’ve been through enough then he’s gonna kick their ass.
Tsundere type like Rohan but we love him so it’s okay
Is so willing to listen to all your family problems and such, constantly telling you that you’re his favorite out of all of them or cheesy stuff like that. (He hasn’t met a single one of your family members and would like to keep it that way for fear he’d beat them for looking at you the wrong way)
Both of you still nag each other for being stubborn, but now you’ve come to an understanding, so it’s slightly more tolerable than your first encounter
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zuszab · 1 year
What's their respective Stand powers? How was it for everyone to be transferred to a place that speaks something totally different? Have they met any of the actual Jojo characters? How much do they take from what each character is based on?(Aka how much personality or traits do they share)
What is your power?
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How it was?
As I wrote earlier, there is an IT company in Japan that can help eliminate the dangerous virus that infected Moon and Sun. The other three were sent there to see if they too were infected with this shit, and if they were infected, they asked them to destroy it for them as well. And Fredy Fazber's company doesn't care that their animatronics don't speak Japanese
Who do you meet there?
Sun -( I meet young man named Josuke and his mum, a tall guy Jotaro, Okuyasu and, and... and. . . That's all what I remember. Oh, right! I meet also an amazing programers from that company what they try to fix us! :D
Moon -(Teenager Josuke, who fix me after I get hit by wierd arrow and his mum. She's lovely in her way~ I meet girl who can move her hairs, it's weird but I like it. There's was some dwarf Koichi and talented manga writer Rohan. Of course I meet people from company that are destroying virus at my head and some others problems in ours codes. Oh! I meet, again, Bloodmoons they're now friends with Sun
Eclipse -(No one worthy of my attention. The only one who catched my eye are mr. Yoshikage Kira and young boy Josuke Higashikata. They have very intresting Stands~ Somehow I'd like to cooperate with them to saver gain my goal
Lunar -(Not much, becouse I'm Eclilse's Stand-thing and I can't go so far away from him... I meet a girl with moving hair and a manga writer Roham or something like this. I also meet a Josuke Higashikata and normal looking guy Youshikage Kira which make Eclipse happy just by looking at their powers from this Stand-thing
KC -(The same people who Moon meet.
How much personality?
Sun is smart, confident, brave, friendly and loyal, his likeable personality helps him make friends
Moon is righteous, though blunt individual. He is ruthless with his enemies but loyal to his companions. Moon is a rather cold and prideful animatronic
Eclispe is a despotic manipulator, often showing a lack of conscience or empathy. He has great ambitions and a lust for power. He set himself the goal of becoming the most powerful being on Earth. To achieve this, he is willing to use anyone and everything he can, ignoring morality that would only limit him <- from Dio || He is a serious and caring man (for, according to his criteria, important people). He is also very clever and very careful in his actions, looking for and choosing the safest ones before making a decision. However, it must be remembered that he is not an angel and when he is nervous he becomes quite aggressive and violent <- from Fugo
Blood- have a gentle heart and is loyal to those he likes. He is highly perceptive, wise and quick-witted. Blood is an extremely cool individual, able to keep his composure in even the direst situations. He usually remains the the most mature half of Bloodmoon
-Moon is a rough and choleric teenager who has quite childish behavior. He has a penchant for brutally simple actions that work surprisingly well at keeping his opponents off guard. Moon is almost as short-tempered as Eclipse, being quite loud, vulgar and violent in his outbursts. Despite his exuberant behavior, he shows a sweet side to those who get to know him. He values his friends above life and considers "friendship" to be the most precious thing in the world. Aware of his handicaps, Moon is willing to let Blood and Sun look after him. He usually remains the least mature half of Bloodmoon
KC doesn't care. (Let me quote here) ,,I don't care about 'living' or 'dying' or who's 'just' and who's 'evil'!! (...)"~ Johnny Joestar || He is an impulsive and brutal man with a good heart. He consistently shows his emotions when he's happy, he smiles, when he's sad he starts to cry. KC often acts on impulse and rarely takes the time to observe and analyze his opponent. He is a very curious person. This curiosity extends to the habit of trying to learn everything. He also has a confrontational and violent side. In battle, KC is very aggressive and qualified to land deadly blows <- from Okuyasu
Lunar is an abrupt, snappy with his elders (read: Eclipse), courageous and confident. He advocates aggressively asserting hisself, when his patience go out. Lunar is particularly violent in his fights by Eclipse's personality. He also has a vindictive side and repays tenfold any wrong committed against him
BONUS: How did you feel when you got off the plane?
Sun -( I got scared at first! I thought maybe I had a new glitch, but thanks to Eclipse, I realized that people there speak a different language. I don't know Japanese so I tried to talk using sign language. Some people understood me and helped me, all of them they were really nice!
Moon -(Ermm… I was shocked more by culture different than their weird sounds language. It wasn't bad, me and Sun used sign language to communicate with humans
Eclipse -(Hmmm… Honestly? I was scared… damn scared… *sigh* But!! I didn't show it to anyone and I was lucky enough to meet people who speak English~☆
Lunar -(For me it was normal, I knew Japan and Japanese from teenagers who sometimes came to our Daycare just to watch anime. It was weird for me, but I did it with them. I was really excited when I heard that we'll be transferred there! Now I'm not…
KC -(Confused. Very confused
Is there anything else you'd like to know?
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bd-handystand · 4 years
(( Lets mash it up! I'm sending over a certain Jolyne Jolene, if you're interested...)) - Stand-Infected-Jotaro
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SF Jolyne + JJBF Okuyasu = THE WOVEN HYDRA
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
i like your theory about josuke fixing arrow stands but he can’t fix diseases :( i think anything at the cellular level pretty much is a “disease”, like cancer or infections
Can’t he? I can’t remember canon ever saying he couldn’t
Sure there’s Okuyasu’s father, but I always interpreted that as being the fact that there wasn’t really anything left that he could fix. Crazy Diamond needs at least a small piece to fix, and Dio’s cells had completely taken over and essentially replaced his body. And even if Josuke did tried fixing it, Okuyasu’s father would just kinda. Cease to exist
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mistaeq · 4 years
Could u do headcanons for Yukako/Trish/Okuyasu/Koichi/Narancia/Polnareff (possibly Pesci if you can??) With a oblivious stand user reader? Like they are trying to impress the reader with their stands abilities (like what they can do that the reader didn't knew of) it's fine if u don't wanna do this, just wanna tell u that I love ur fics 😁❤️❤️
Multiple Character Work: Impressing an Oblivious Stand User s/o HCs
TW // none
In case someone else was wondering, yes, Pesci is a character i DO write for :) the boi needs more love
Impressing their s/o Headcanons, neutral!s/o
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More than trying to impress her s/o, Yukako would use it to be helpful.
Obviously, if you happened to notice that she's helping with something more than just the abilities you knew about, she'll be more than happy of being praised for her power.
Yukako cares more about you than about herself. She'd fill you with compliments, reminding you that anyways, her stand isn't the only strong one. She knows your stand is also really powerful.
If you're taller than her, she'll totally try to impress you by getting things on high shelves on her own with her hair.
On the contrary, if you're shorter, she'll try to impress you by taking stuff from high shelves for you with her hair.
She'll let her hair ~ take you higher ~ making you levitate. She lives for your smiles and laughs.
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Trish would use her power to make you laugh when you're in a bad mood. Also, Spicy Lady is always ready to have a talk with you. There aren't many stands able to talk so clearly.
She knows you might end up staying alone on the sofa or on the bed. She'll make it jiggly for you to have fun on it.
Trish cares about making sure you're okay. When you trip on something, she'll immediately make the floor jiggly, so you don't get hurt. You never thought of her power under this perspective. She's your sweetheart.
You two play with your food a lot. Trish will transform your food into jelly, you're too cute when you bite on it.
When you're in public, she doesn't use it unless you're in danger. Trish will try to impress you saying it's too strong to be used in public. She just doesn't want to be noticed.
Being a baby stand user - you got your stand only a little time ago -, you are amazed, seeing Trish's abilities.
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Poor boi has no chill. As soon as you start dating, he will exaggerate in showing you The Hand's power.
He really sometimes just wants to help, but completely forgets you're not used to have his stand around.
He asked you to stay for the night at his home after a date. He was struggling with opening the door. He got tired and straight up deleted it.
He deletes your clothes when you're home. You often smack him in the face.
You have to stop him, otherwise he would straight up use The Hand to delete everyone who messes with you. He's the cutest, you love the way he uses his power for you, but you have to help him to chill.
He's needy, he needs to be kissed and to have your attention. He'll frequently delete the space between you two, unwillingly scaring you when he randomly appears next to you. Please deal with this goofball.
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Koichi uses his power to protect you from people harassing you, whenever he hears or sees someone catcalling you.
"Oookay, master! Let's kill da perv! Beeeeetch!" Act.3 will make those perverts' face so heavy they'll sink their head in the concrete. You can't hold back from laughing at Act.3 screaming and cursing, though.
Koichi would totally use Echoes Act.1 to stick a whispered "I love you" sound to you when you need something relaxing to sleep.
Okay, he'll admit he uses Act.3 to make shopping bags feel heavier, so he can carry them for you and look like a strong gentleman.
Act.3 is more or less the same height as Koichi. When Koichi can't be with you to be in another room, Echoes will take care of you during your sleep. You won't notice the difference. So smart.
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The smol boi just wants to stay alone with you as much time as he can, he'll use Aerosmith to find the places with no people at all. He needs privacy.
Narancia will let you use Aerosmith's propellers as a fan during summer. You couldn't imagine a little plane could be so useful.
He'll write lovey dovey sentences for you in the sky using his stand.
If he has to take care of you while you're sick or exhausted he'll use his stand to treat you to some snacks. Aerosmith will bring the snacks to you from the kitchen.
Aerosmith's wheels are perfect to massage your back. Narancia's stand is as fond of you as its user, it loves spoiling you.
Narancia's stand gives him a perfect excuse to let you use his gadget. He loves holding you from behind, his hands on yours, teaching you how to use it. You can't judge how you're doing, you're not used to guide toy planes, but Narancia always says you're doing amazing.
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What can I say? Silver Chariot literally becomes your shadow. Jean Pierre is overprotective, he'll use Chariot to look after you every second.
This might sound dangerous, but nothing happened and you spared some money: Silver Chariot's sharp and pointed sword pierced your earlobes. Oh mon dieu.
Jean Pierre gave you your first pair of earrings. Hypoallergenic ones, to protect your lobe from infections, but they had the same shape as his. A red half-heart. Silver Chariot was so proud.
Chariot will spoil you with little presents. Not even Polnareff knows where the fuck did his stand get that stuff. It probably stole all of it. Jean Pierre plays it cool and says it was him who told Chariot to bring you those gifts.
Jean Pierre often asks you to praise Silver Chariot. His stand is a sweetheart, and will do its best for you if praised. But you can't imagine Silver Chariot doing better than it already does.
Just like its user, the stand has no shame. It'll be too focused on watching you and will run into any type of stuff on the road. Chariot broke a whole supermarket shelf once, because of this. But you must admit you felt loved, when Jean Pierre explained you what was his stand thinking.
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He wasn't confident about his stand. But just until he met you. Knowing that you found him and his stand Beach Boy awesome made him the happiest man ever.
He'll start to show more off what he can do. Also, after he stopped a man who had stolen your wallet using his stand, he became your hero.
Pesci will brag a lot with La Squadra about how useful his stand, Beach Boy, is for you. It's so precise he gets rid of the mosquitoes bothering you, and you are always thankful. You usually thank him by cuddling with him.
When someone asks how can someone like him be with someone like you, he doesn't feel offended anymore. Your love raised his self-esteem, and he says you're with him because he used his stand to fish for your heart.
Unfortunately, his stand has no personality and it's not humanoid like many others, but the line of the fishing rod will ofter wrap around you - obviously, without the hook -, showing its user's feelings.
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whoknowsbud · 4 years
Stand Mutation AU DiU
Again, this is FILLED with body horror and somewhat loose connections to the recent epidemic but they are there. There’s also a massive amount of angst around the Nijimuras.
See the first post & explanation here
Morioh is under a sort of quarantine. Due to not being contagious, it may be more of a research center, to keep research subjects in one place. When people start getting infected again (from the arrow, of course) there’s a pretty massive panic, from people assuming the virus must be evolving. So, aside from finding Josuke, the Speedwagon Foundation has Jotaro there to find who’s using the arrow.
Josuke is pretty much Crazy Diamond; his pompadour is basically a massive diamond helmet, with a heart-shaped front, a few thorny details from dad. Skin might be a little shiny, or sparkly.
Okuyasu begins as extremely feral and rather monstrous, but over time becomes more human. His form becomes smoother, until the infection becomes localized on his right arm. He has the common headlight eyes and his normal hair, but with the black mark covering above his eyes & reaching the tip of his nose, in addition to his scar.
Keicho is also fried, and is basically something of a human-transformer mix. Green camouflage body, bandages around his head, gun arm, helicopter blades in his back… Looks a little like something you’d expect to see if the Terminator had real flesh, with additional machine parts..
Koichi gains the common headlight eyes and starts turning green first. Following, not overnight but still fast, comes the beak, tail, and his lower legs become wheels. He does not lose any of his ability or evolve in the same way, but does change. As ‘act 2’, he regrows his legs (the wheels now his feet), his beak becomes more of a reptile snout, and he’s more armored. As ‘act 3’, he’s back to looking more human. The wheels are now just his heels (yes, heelys), and his tail is shorter.
Yukako… maybe fully made of hair? Or just the same as canon...
Tonio can just imbue his food with the sort of healing power. That or he grows the Pearl Jams on his body, which is very disturbing, so we'll probably go with the first. His power is extremely limited with this infection, which upsets him quite a bit. He can strengthen your body and all, but what can it do with stand shit? This isn't the flu.
Rohan’s arms are like heaven's door's hat; just the yellow lines outlining them. Depending on mood, desperation, & writers block, his sketchy-ness spreads more through his body.
Shigekiyo is a bunch of Harvests in a trench coat! Original Shigechi is essentially the ‘queen bee’ so to speak.
Mikitaka is an actual alien (cause fuck you, we do what we want). Planet was probably overrun by the virus, and he left to… either help other planets with it or prevent it or something… That or just. To find somewhere he can live a better life.
Tamami… probably just about the same, but creates locks on himself as well, for each victim currently affected - not because of guilt or anything, just to make sure they’re still in his control should they separate.
Hazamada is pretty much just Surface.
Akira is, basically, a toxtricity (amped, of course.) But yea, basically take RHCP, give it rocking hair and music ability, and there ya go.
Yuya basically sends his own feet, which gains a vague body to go with them.
Kanedaichi is SuperFly. A few bug decals on the tower maybe… He uses radio waves to communicate, and an unsettling doll to make himself known… Tickle me Elmo.
Terunosuke appears to be origami, with his face drawn on. Despite this, he can’t actually change his overall form.
Yoshihiro is probably the same as canon...
Kira’s mutation is much more subtle than most. His skin is pink, he has Killer Queen’s eyes, and very sharp and stiff ears. He hides most of this with makeup, contacts, and clips his own ears, to live under the illusion that he's 'just a normal guy'. When he feels stress, his face starts turning translucent, so you can see his skull - which reveals that his ears are more part of his skeleton. His hands frequently explode, and his sweat is explosive.
Stray Cat is just the same as in canon.
As mentioned earlier, the Nijimura’s story here is (I believe) even more upsetting than it is in canon. Though Angelo doesn’t happen, Josuke’s grandfather is dead.
Keicho finds the arrow, as he did in canon, but nicks himself in the process. He (somehow) hears the Speedwagon Foundation is looking for it and, realizing the arrow played a big part in the infection, panics. This makes his infection, which was already starting to mutate him, go wild. He turns feral in a different way than most; he guards the arrow, obsessing over it - like their dad over that ripped picture. Okuyasu, of course, tries to get through to his brother.
His body isn’t completely developed; the helicopter blades are half-stuck in his body and his gun doesn’t work. So, when Okuyasu tried to reach him, Bad Company only understands that someone is approaching the arrow, and attacks him… With the arrow. Fully aware of what the arrow did to his brother, Okuyasu is at peace with what’s going to happen to him. His only family is like this, and they don’t even remember him… How much worse could losing his own mind be?
The house is said to be haunted, so when Josuke and Koichi pass it, they stop to look. Koichi mentions, now that he understands a little of the infection, that he wonders if the ‘ghosts’ ‘haunting’ it are just more victims. Josuke realizes it's likely, and tells him to call Jotaro and wait outside.
Koichi calls Jotaro and does not wait outside; he goes in after Josuke, gets lost, and ends up finding the room Bad Company is in.
Meanwhile, Josuke’s struggling against Okuyasu, who may or may not be crying. Josuke realizes this guy really is a victim, and thinks he must be able to help. So, when he does take him down, he tries to fix this, only to feel terrible because this is another thing he can’t fix. But he can’t stay, because Koichi screams, so he has to run.
He finds the room, but it’s obvious that whatever attacked Koichi hasn’t left, and he’s worried this’ll go horribly wrong if he runs in, but if he doesn’t, Koichi’s probably going to die. This is when he hears the bass boost ‘bbbvvvrrrrrrrrr’ and he spins, ready to fight, but Okuyasu’s already erasing the space between them and Koichi, and now he’s in range for Josuke to heal him. Josuke’s not sure what’s happening, but it’s obvious Okuyasu isn’t going to attack. So, Josuke’s healing Koichi, and trying to figure this all out, “so do you… have a sibling here?”
He nods, looking at him with pleading eyes, begging for something. Josuke starts thinking aloud, “they must be infected, too… uh, you... want me to fix them?”
He's nodding so vigorously it looks almost painful, and this is when Koichi wakes up, and he shrieks because what the fuck is that. Josuke makes sure he's okay (Koichi's irises are turning bright yellow, but he can't worry about that right now), and has Okuyasu watch Koichi.
Okuyasu is surprised that he's being trusted like this; but Josuke's already ripping the door off the frame, holding it in front of him like both a shield and battering ram, and he's charging in.
Koichi is far, far too tired to move himself, so Okuyasu carries him away from the fight. But Okuyasu starts fidgeting, worried. He's hearing shots, explosions, and yelling, and there's a lot of smoke. Obviously Koichi's worried too, so they kinda sneak back over to get a look, and what koichi sees is... alarming, to say the least.
Uninfected, you don't see the full quality of his skin, and his helmet just looks like a weirdly solid block of hair. But now koichi's getting the whole picture, and… He's gorgeous.
His body is suddenly shining and sparkling from the armor, his skin almost glittery, and the massive diamond form encasing his head reflects light like a goddamn disco ball - it's all almost blinding
Sexuality crisis ahem so anyways
Josuke eventually gets Bad Company down, and he's trying to heal him, but the light suddenly comes on. They all know someone else is here, so Okuyasu - not wanting anything to keep his bro from getting fixed like he was - runs in to intercept the form coming fast, but Keicho's a little faster
But instead of going for the arrow, it's Okuyasu he targets.
Okuyasu and Josuke are alarmed at this; he'd shown that he only cared about the arrow, why do this? Why go after Okuyasu, before he even got the arrow back?
But Keicho's looking at him - even as this electric being's arm goes through his stomach, his eyes are focused on his brother.
"I act on my orders," he says, whereas before the only thing he ever said was "the arrow", "follow orders"... things like that.
Because Bad Company had been ordered to protect the arrow at all costs
But Keicho Nijimura did that to protect his brother
Which clearly worked against him but moving on
Okuyasu makes this cry, this wail, and Koichi can feel the hurt echoing in him and wishes he could've done something as the being takes the arrow into the light
But Josuke realizes there's a fuse box in here, and its being overloaded, and they need to get out right now, so he grabs the two survivors and jumps out the window.
He ends up being hurt pretty bad splinters of wood dig in his calves and his back, but he's gotta make sure these two are ok.
Josukes not sure if that actually helped, because he's crying so so hard now, and the three just sit there for a while
Okuyasu looks at josuke, crying, pleading... Josuke knows what he wants
"I saw it," he chokes out, "you should know.. Ididn't bring him back, I barely reached him… You did."
Jotaro spots the building when the room explodes and comes running, of course relieved to see these kids are sitting outside, safely... Well. Not dead. Josuke asks about Okuyasu.
"Yea that happened to me, he'll be fine. It's pretty common."
Then he sees Koichi's eyes are a little different and just fuckn grabs the kid and stares super close for a few minutes
Irises are yellow, but more important, the whole ball is getting kinda... segmented? Like... there are creases forming. W/e - they're slowly becoming headlights.
It's an uncomfortable minute for these children, until Jotaro lets him go and says (usual deadpan), "you've been infected."
Then jotaro sets him down and says, usual deadpan, "you've been infected." And Josuke freaks out, assuming he was the cause.
So, Jotaro has to explain that - no, the only way to become infected is if you or a (close enough) relative is injured by the stand arrow. Okuyasu jumps on the phrase, practically barking with desperation. Jotaro, having gone through a rather similar stage, figures it out pretty quickly, "you know about it… where is it?"
“Is that what that weird arrow was back there," Josuke wonders around, jumping when Jotaro focused on him, "well, uh… some electric thing took it… after killing this guy's brother."
Jotaro can't really do much with that, so he moves on, "alright, you three get to the Speedwagon building, I'm gonna do a walkthrough."
They agree, but Okuyasu's looking at the house & not moving Josuke & Koichi try to reassure him about keicho, while Jotaro just walks right in to investigate.
After a minute he comes out carrying Weird Frog Dad who's holding the ripped picture, "what is this." Okuyasu makes this "aa!" sound while the other 2 are Shook.
Okuyasu's looking at Josuke, though he's already moving, but Jotaro stops him, "this can't be fixed." Josuke's like "but i gotta try" and does, and newsflash it doesn't work, but he sees the picture and fixes that and at least that's sweet
So, nearly on the opposite side of the emotional spectrum, the next day we see Koichi skating to school. At first he's very weirded out, tries to hide it, but then he realizes "wait. The town's full of infected people, this isn't that bad." His mother and sister, of course, freak out, but Koichi knows enough to explain it all and put them a little at ease.
Also he does not end up with Yukako, they both deserve better. Like, yea she probably still has her obsession, but it gets handled after the first time. It takes a little while for her to adjust to... not.. doing any of that. But they're both way healthier for it. Not cool or healthy to date your fixation or stalker
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cerolinda · 5 years
He's technically an alien. All Stand Users are infected by alien life. His mother came in contact with residue from the meteorite while pregnant, and he became one with the alien virus. That's why the arrows don't work on him; he's already part of them.
That said, Mikitaka looks and acts like a person, and has feelings like anyone else. He likes to help people, it makes him feel more human.
Mikitaka has the sweetest singing voice. Just... Never loud.
He'll change forms constantly just to make Josuke and Okuyasu laugh.
His mother is not mind controlled, and is actually his mother lol
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imagine-shenanigans · 5 years
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Alright now that I’m not distracted, here’s my ocs! Theres only two so I included a sona! Mind you that my OCs started as Sonas as well, so I haven’t developed new looks (face, body type, and hair/eye color wise, their outfits are good though i might alter them a touch) yet!
Under the cut since it’s long
Cassandra Arancini and Valentine
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Cassandra Arancini is a member of Bruno’s gang.
To cut things short since you asked about stands, but I’m gon tell you about Cassandra anyway, Cassandra entered a competition with a friend as a child, and the two agreed to work together on their own pieces for it, in order to do their best and keep each other company. However, when the day of the competition came, Cassandra’s friend betrayed her and stole her work. When confronted, the friend said that Cassandra had stolen HER work, which led to Cassandra becoming shunned (since her friend was a bit more well respected in teh community due to her family). Cassandra went apeshit, to put it lightly, and ended up tying her ex-friend to a chair, and trashed her room in front of her, before leaving her there. She basically just scared the shit out of the other girl. Cassandra turned herself in afterwards, and considering she had no family, she had nowhere else to go. Eventually she joins Bruno’s gang, and becomes their interrogator! 
Her Stand, Valentine (the 5sos song), reflects Cassandra’s strong hatred of Liars. Valentine’s Ability, Lie To Me, allows Cassandra to tell if someone is lying by measuring a multitude of factors such as heart rate, sweat, and guilt levels. I mean, it can tell anyway but those measurements are a bonus. Valentine is able to use the arrows it has to shoot those who lie. It’s a gradual scale, the worse you lie and the more times you lie to Cassandra, the more sensitive areas it targets, and the more power Valentine uses.
PYNK and Nasty Majesty
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PYNK’s real name is Minato Ayanami, though she pretends that her real name is PYNK! 
Her stand, Nasty Majesty (like the song from Off The Hook, from Splatoon), is pretty simple! So I’ll talk about it first. Its composition is fairly goopy, kind of like slime but more solid! It can stretch fairly easily as well. Nasty Majesty’s ability is that when it bites something, it gives it an infection! Not a super one, just a normal one that can be treated if you disinfect the wound. Nasty Majesty has a personality as well, just a bit! It likes to cuddle into Minato’s arms (a reference to how lonely Minato really is, and how touch starved), and talks a LOT. By chittering. Basically imagine the inkling gurgling sounds and that’s it! N.M is basically just a weird dog tbfh
Minato is emancipated, and receives a monthly stipend. She has recently moved to Morioh, since she found an apartment there, and she was shot by Okuyasu’s older brother. She is initially introduced as a villain, who has a bark that is FAR worse than her bite. She talks a HUGE game about how cool she is and how much she’s going to just like, take over the whole area. She ends up playing cat and mouse with Josuke and the gang, and is pretty soundly beaten because she has. nothing to back up her claims! They don’t hear from her again, and end up going to school. The teacher talks about a new student, and OUT WALKS MINATO. She locks eyes with Josuke, starts sweating, and spends the whole class burning a hole into her desk. After class, she ends up confronting Josuke and it looks like they’re going to fight, and she suddenly just. gets down on her knees and starts profusely apologizing and ends up begging Okuyasu Josuke and Koichi not to tell anyone that she fought them, because she doesn’t “Want to be that new bitch that’s weird and can’t get any friends.” 
Part 4 Sona + Superstar
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Keeping in with part 4, here’s my Part 4 sona!
I won’t get into sona stuff because i’m really excited to talk about superstar fajskdl;
Superstar is based on the song Jump Up, Superstar! from Mario Odyssey. Superstar’s ability is, as such, Jump Up! Superstar’s primary ability is to enhance the user’s jumping/leg power. The user can run up to around 30mph (sprinting), jump up to 20 feet, and has an extremely powerful kick. These, of course, extend to Superstar itself when it’s out and about. Its Trump Card is the ability to double all prior abilities from their naturally enhanced state, as well as render the user invulnerable for precisely ten seconds. Upon the ending of this state, the user faints, and is rendered unconscious from the mental and physical strain for a few hours. The user may double up on the ability, though this will hospitalize the user for approximately two weeks. Three times in a row... would likely kill them.
When Superstar’s ability is in use, the user’s legs glow with rainbow stars and move! And when using the trump card, the user glows bright rainbow colors.
Also its around 7 or 8 feet tall. 
b u n b y
Okay so one last stand because i really love this one, it’s Young and Menace, like the fall out boy song!
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Young and Menace’s ability is called “Kill Me Twice”! It allows the user to be killed once and be revived per person. So, if the user is killed by... lets say... Jotaro. Then the user would revive with a boost to their metaphorical stats! They’re also invulnerable for 20 seconds. (However, they come back in their underwear). BUT! If Jotaro were to kill the user again, they would die permanently. 
The ability also extends to accidents! So if the user is killed in an accident, such as drowning, and there were no other people involved in their death, and it had not been intentional, the user would be allowed to revive! However, only one death per type of accident is allowed, the same as the rule with people. 
also young and menace has a bit of a personality as well - it chitters and makes clicking noises a lot, and is VERY expressive with body language. It attempts facial expression frequently, but its eyes (which are made of glass) are stuck in the same position permanently. 
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ylla · 8 years
Friday Night Gurus - Chapter 1
Series: JJBA Ships: josuyasu (others will eventually happen too, but im tagging as i go) Tags: au where theyre famous, modern au, pining, josuke is a hot mess and has exactly 0 chill Rating: T (for this chapter only, bc eventually there will be sex/smoking the devil’s lettuce)
AO3 link
reeeeee so i’ve been in and out of the doctor’s office with a sinus infection so intense, i’ve been to the ER due to pain. fun shit. i came up with this AU while listening to music while waiting for someone to come smother me with a pillow to put me out of my misery.
this unbeta’d because i wrote this on my phone while waiting. i plan on keeping up with this idea because it delights me. next chapter will follow shortly too, because i’m trying to break this up into smaller chunks as i hammer it out on my phone (which fucking sucks, lemme tell ya). if you notice anything weird, tell me about it so i can fix it!!
The first time Josuke Higashikata meets Okuyasu Nijimura was because of a fuckup in a magazine photo shoot schedule. The shoot in question was for a feature in Rolling Stone; award season was coming soon and they wanted to feature the current Biggest Names in Music. Some poor intern (who was probably promptly fired) fucked up EVERYONE’S schedule, so all the bands and singers had to come in during the same hellish week in June. It was a nightmare for all involved.
Of course, the cover would feature the biggest name in the industry which, naturally, was Josuke. Discovered at sixteen, with two world tours, four albums (two of which went platinum), and at least 20 different awards, he was twenty-four and still going. His latest album dropped too late for Grammy consideration last year, but he was feeling real confident. This was his year. He’ll get that fucking Grammy, even if he killed him.
Josuke still considered himself to be a chill, down-to-earth kind of man despite his superstardom; able to roll with the punches whenever they came. He got that sometimes things just didn’t go your way, but he still couldn’t help it when his precious time off gets thwarted by some dumb idiot.
“What the fuck, Koichi?” Josuke whined on their way to the shoot, “Why couldn’t have this happened literally like, last week?”
Koichi Hirose was his manager, agent, PR guy, and truth be told, the only person beside his mother and grandfather who truly knew him. “Stop whining, it’s not the end of the world.”
“Dude, this was supposed to be my first week off in forever—“
For someone who was 5’3 and weighed 110lbs soaking wet, Koichi could be intimidating. He gave Josuke a look before parking and turning off the car, “Can’t be helped. They wanted to do the cover shoot last since there’s two of them.”
Josuke made a face. He forgot that this would be a dual cover. Him on one side, some band on the other. “Who’s the other band?”
Like he was still in school, Koichi started rattling off some facts, “Arrowhead, they’re a metal band. Comprised of four members. Skyrocketed up the charts this past year with their second album. You guys fought over #1 album and singles on Billboard on and off all year.” Koichi was the type of guy who always did his homework, “Now come on, you’re gonna be late.”
The shoot was operating in some random ass warehouse in some backassward part of Los Angles. Josuke and Koichi waltz into some giant room that was getting set up; a group of 4 people huddled in a corner eating what appeared to be a large quantity of Taco Bell with a sharp dressed man standing near them. Josuke’s kind of people.
“Oi! Tonio!” Koichi called out with a wave, before gesturing at Josuke to follow him over. Josuke barely restrained an eyeroll; his hair was up in a ponytail and he was wearing some worn-out sweats with an old t-shirt, not exactly looking good for first introductions.
“Koichi,” the finely dressed man shook Koichi’s outstretched hand, “good to see you.”
“Josuke, this is Tonio Trussardi, we work at the same agency.” Koichi gestured at Tonio, “And Tonio, this is Josuke Higashikata.”
Josuke held out his hand and got a firm handshake, “Nice to meet you.”
“Pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Tonio’s eyes sparkled. He let go of Josuke’s hand and gestured to the group of people sitting behind him, “These are my charges, Arrowhead.”
He started with introductions, pointing to a man leaned up against the wall, who had sleepy eyes and a face Josuke would find attractive if it wasn’t for the tattoo on his chin, “Yuuya Fungami, drummer.” Yuuya nodded in greeting. Tonio pointed to a pretty girl with long black hair who was intently staring at Koichi, “Yukako Yamagishi, lead guitarist.” She didn’t even acknowledge Josuke, but held out a hand for Koichi to shake (which he did, if a little hesitant due to her staring). He swept a hand towards a man with impressively tall hair and two braids, “Keicho Nijimura, bassist.” Keicho gave them a cold stare and said nothing. “And last, but not least,” Tonio clapped his hand on a scarred man who had been too busy slamming a taco the entire time and didn’t notice people had walked up, “Okuyasu Nijimura, lead singer and rhythm guitarist.”
Okuyasu jumped a little, before turning a little pink and waving, “Sup?” His voice sounded he had came out of the womb smoking like a freight train.
Josuke was taken aback when he got a good look at the guy. The symmetrical scars running parallel on Okuyasu’s face did nothing to detract from how goddamn hot he was. Square jaw, angular face, black and silver hair pulled up into a ponytail, three piercings in each ear, ripped arms that had tattoos snaking up them, good God almighty. The first thought that entered Josuke’s mind when looking Okuyasu in the face was Oh no, he’s hot. The first words out of his mouth were “Those tacos smell so fuckin’ good.” Real smooth.
Without another word, Okuyasu offered him one. Josuke ignored how the blonde guy glared at him, and took the proffered taco, “Thanks dude.”
“S’no prob.”
As Josuke started chowing down, about to start chatting up the cute guy, when Okuyasu unceremoniously got up and walked away. Trying not to look so bitter, Josuke turned towards Koichi, but Yukako was asking him incredibly personal questions about his life, while Tonio started ushering Yuuya to hair and makeup, “Photographer’s not here yet, but you need to be ready since you’re the first up.”
“Yeah yeah, stop pushing.”
Keicho’s cold stare was unwavering and was starting to give Josuke the heebie jeebies, “Oi, Koichi. I’m gonna have a smoke.” Josuke didn’t bother to listen for Koichi’s stammered reproach before heading outside (which might have been a strangled cry for help). Truth be told, he really didn’t need a cigarette, he just kind of wanted to go pout. But luck would have it, when he went outside, Okuyasu was sitting on the curb with earbuds in, watching some video. Nosy as shit, Josuke hovered over his shoulder to see what he watching, “Are you watching Real Housewives of Atlanta??”
Okuyasu nearly jumped out of his skin, phone fumbling in his hand, “Oh shit!” he whipped around, wearing glasses he didn’t have on earlier, unlit cigarette dangling from his lips, “Uh, I can explain.”
Oh no, he’s so fuckin’ cute Josuke hollered inwardly. He held his hands up in defense, “Sorry man, didn’t mean to scare ya.” Pulling out his own pack of cigarettes, he sat down beside him on the curb, “Don’t gotta explain anything to me, I love trashy reality shows.”
“You ain’t makin’ fun of me, are ya?” Okuyasu asked, scowling.
“What? Nah, reality shows are the shit. I love binge watching them.” Josuke fished around in his pocket, “You got a lighter?”
As if Okuyasu was trying to divine if Josuke was lying, he stared at him for a few seconds before handing over his lighter, “Jus’ asking. Keicho gives me shit for watching them, but they’re hilarious.”
Josuke lit his cigarette, “Don’t let anyone tell you how to live your life.” Inhale. He gave Okuyasu a serious look, speaking on the exhale and handing his lighter back, “Fuck what he thinks.”
Okuyasu was quiet while he lit up and took a drag. For a moment, Josuke was worried that he had already overstepped his boundaries with someone he literally just met. God, no wonder he didn’t have any friends.
He was snapped out of mentally kicking his own ass when Okuyasu spoke, holding up his right earbud, “Wanna watch with me?”
“Hell yes I do, which episode are you on?”
“The one where Ridickulous shows up—“
They ended up talking while watching, not really paying much attention to the show until Ridickulous showed up, which was met with raucous laughter. Josuke learned that Keicho was Okuyasu’s older brother, that the only thing better than chocolate or strawberry ice cream was strawberry ice cream with chocolate chunks, he smoked his cigarettes like he did his joints, he smelled insanely good, most of his tattoos didn’t have much more meaning than “They looked cool as shit when my dude drew them”, and that Okuyasu Nijimura was the most genuine person he had ever met. He was sweet, eager to please, loud, and friendly. Josuke was already dangerously enamored.
Josuke hadn’t even been aware of how much time passed until Koichi came out, “They’re looking for you guys. Keicho’s almost done, so you both need to go to hair and makeup.” Yukako hovered in behind Koichi, her eye’s sliding between Okuyasu and Josuke with a blank expression on her face.
“Shit, I hadn’t even realized,” Josuke stood up and held a hand out to help Okuyasu up, “Let’s go before we get murdered.”
With a grin, Okuyasu took his hand and hopped up, “Yeah, god forbid we disappear for a minute.”
It was hilarious watching Okuyasu, who had never had makeup put on him in all his life, grimace as his face was caked. “This shit smells weird.”
Josuke couldn’t help but cackle while he did his own hair, “Get used to it, dude. This is your life now.”
Makeup finished, Okuyasu got started on his own hair, “Josuke, the least surprisin’ thing you could ever tell me about yourself is the fact that you don’t let anyone else do your hair.” He was fighting with stubborn strands that didn’t want to stay still, “The pomp is cool, you pull it off.”
A quick glance in the mirror told Josuke that he managed to keep his blush to a minimum, “Thanks dude, you got some slick style there yourself.” The shy, pleased grin that crossed Okuyasu’s face was an image he wanted branded to the inside of his eyelids.
Okuyasu was up for pictures first, looking anxious and green. It was clear to Josuke that he had no idea what he was doing. “Dude, just relax!” he shouted, “You’re looking fine!” What he didn’t say was that he meant that two ways. With a slight nod, Okuyasu relaxed slightly, and his pictures started coming out better. Josuke was trying to go for the somewhat disinterested watching, but damn, he couldn’t help but stare. This dude was cute. Out of the corner of his eye, Josuke caught Keicho staring at him again. What was that guy’s deal??
He couldn’t ruminate on an answer, because as soon as he thought that, Yuuya suddenly sat down beside him, causing Josuke to yelp in a totally manly way, “Jesus! You scared the shit out of me!”
“Sorry dude,” Yuuya was eating a leftover taco, “Busy watchin’ the show?” He tilted his head toward the photographer fussing at Okuyasu, shit-eating grin on his face.
Josuke did not like that smug look Yuuya was sporting, “He looks nervous. Jus’ tryin’ to help him out.”
“That’s just how he is,” without looking over his shoulder, Yuuya tossed the taco wrapper behind him, hitting a trashcan, “He doesn’t know how to chill out.”
They sat in silence few a couple of minutes before the eyes Josuke felt on his back were getting on his last goddamned nerve, “Why is that guy staring at me like I murdered everyone he’s ever cared about?”
Yuuya eyed Keicho for a second before shrugging, “That’s just how he is too.”
Before Josuke could even ask what the fuck that even meant, Keicho punched Yuuya’s shoulder as he walked by, “Come on, asshole. It’s time for the cover.”
“Ow, that fuckin’ hurt, dickhead.” Taking his time, Yuuya stood up and stretched, rubbing his punched shoulder. “By the way, Okuyasu’s single,” Yuuya said casually, as if he was answering a question that had been posed.
Josuke sputtered, his face scarlet, “WHAT MAKES YOU THINK—“
Yuuya pointed at his nose, “I got a nose for romance,” and then he dead ass winked at Josuke before walking away. Josuke wondered if he was that obvious. Perhaps that explains why big bro Keicho stared daggers at him. Maybe he needed to work on being subtle, but Higashikata’s were never, ever subtle (thanks mom).
The cover shoot didn’t take too long, much to Josuke’s surpise. Not a whole lot of time passed before it was Josuke’s turn. Okuyasu was dragging his feet, watching intently, while Keicho was demanding they leave. Tonio, bless him, told them that he needed to speak to Koichi about business matters before they left (mercifully saving him from Yukako’s question of “What do you look for in a woman?”) Josuke didn’t know if Tonio was picking up on something, or just making assumptions, but he appreciated it.
When the pictures were mercifully done, Josuke ran to the bathroom real quick to reorient himself, muttering under his breath, “Okay, Higashikata. You got this. You’re cool, suave, and undeniably handsome.” Josuke applied a quick coat of lip gloss before heading back out there, “Get that cute guy’s number.”
After leaving the bathroom, Josuke was greeted to an almost empty room. Okuyasu was nowhere to be found. In fact no one associated with Arrowhead was there; Keicho had muscled them out of the door as soon as Josuke left the room, Koichi helpfully explained, patting Josuke’s shoulder as he felt his confidence leak out of him like a sad balloon.
Josuke pouted the whole way home, and Koichi couldn’t tempt him out of a foul mood. “Josuke, what’s the problem??” Koichi asked, finally fed up with his huffing and sighing, “Why are you like this?”
“Koichi, I’m gay,” Josuke said, head leaned against the window.
“I know this, you’ve told me before. What does that have to do with you sighing like a moody teenager?”
“I was gonna ask Okuyasu for his number, but they left before I could.” He felt like a fucking fool, why did he have to run to the bathroom like a scared baby? It was taking a lot of effort to not punch his own face in. “That Yuuya guy told me he was single and everything. Was I that obvious??”
As they sat at a stoplight, Koichi patted his shoulder, tactfully choosing to not answer the last question, “Don’t sweat it, Hollywood is small. You’ll run into him again.” Actually, Koichi could easily get Okuyasu’s number, but he knew better than to offer. It would only hurt Josuke’s pride.
Josuke shrugged and changed the subject, deciding to throw a pity party for himself later, “So about that Yukako chick…”
Koichi grimaced, “She followed me around the whole time. Asked me how I got such a high powered client when we’re the same age! And a bunch of personal stuff like my underwear size and what kind of man did I consider myself to be.”
“At least she’s cute?” Josuke offered, an apologetic smile on his face.
“She is that…also intense. Very…intense…”
“Did you get her number?”
Koichi sighed as he pulled into Josuke’s driveway, “She took my phone, put her number in it, and then texted herself.”
“Damn,” Josuke snorted with mirth, “Hey man, you might end up getting laid before my dry spell ends. I’m rooting for ya.”
Josuke didn’t need to look at Koichi to know that he was getting a look. He hopped out of the car and waved goodbye as his friend pulled out of the driveway. Upon walking through the front door, he greeted an empty house. “I’m home!” he called out to no one. Josuke really wished his mom hadn’t moved back east, but after his grandfather had that heart attack and refused to move to Los Angeles, someone had to stay with him. He could use advice, and was tempted to call her. No, he was grown ass man. No advice from mom, you die like a man.
…He’ll just call her later.
One shower and ordered pizza later, Josuke laid on his bed, booted up both his laptop and PS4. It was time for Netflix and Learning As Much About Your Crush As Possible. With Netflix on Worst Cook’s in America, pizza in one hand, and beer in the other, he typed in Arrowhead into Google and got to work.
Two hours later, he laid on his bed, hands folded across his chest, and stared at his ceiling, Netflix and pizza forgotten. Arrowhead’s second, self-titled album had been on repeat for the last hour. Metal was never his cup of tea, but Okuyasu’s husky, rough voice made the hair on the back of his neck stand up and chills run down his spine. If he didn’t have it bad for Okuyasu before, he certainly fucking did now. Josuke briefly wondered if this is how he sounded when he woke up in the morning, or when he was needy and wanted—
Josuke promptly rolled over and started screaming into his pillow. Why was he like this?
You’re a fucking mess he thought to himself, You have it bad for a dude who you barely even know, just because the way he sings goes directly to your dick.
“He’s also really hot and nice,” Josuke mumbled aloud. He paused before tearing out of bed, determined to shower, do anything that would get his mind off of Okuyasu. “I also need to stop talking to myself!” he said, ripping his clothes off, jumping into lukewarm water.
After a long, somewhat cold shower, Josuke steeled himself. He was gonna get that fucking number.
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zuszab · 1 year
SAMS X JOJO AU? Oh fuck yeah!! Got any information on it? Story? Ideas for what you shall do with it? Out of curiosity it looks to be based on part 5, is this the case? Are KC and Bloodmoon going to get any specials names based on music like other Stands? Is there any other characters in the AU such as Lunar, Monty, Earth, etc?
I have a "story sketch" but it's a bit chaotic
New attendants for Daycare?
Sun and Moon were separated because the manager feared that the virus Moon had infected could spread to Sun's program and cause even more damage. They had peace for a while. A new personality began to form in Sun's head, they named it Eclipse. Eclipse is the remnants of Moon's defense code, which has merged with the code that blocks certain Sun functions such as lying, hurting people, etc. Instead, a new personality has arisen in Moon's head from the mutated defense code affectionately called the Kill Code. Developers wanting to prevent further development of Kill Code got to work as soon as they noticed it. They succeeded, but this resulted in the fusion of the remnants of Sun's personality code with Moon's underlying code. This sweet and innocent personality they named Lunar. The manager got an idea from some people to separate the new personalities from the originals so they would have a reserve for the Daycare robots. He agreed to it. Eclipse, Lunar and Kill Code got their own bodies. Lunar and Eclipse became Sun and Moon's alternates, and Kill Code became Daycare's bodyguard
How they end in Japan?
Unfortunately, the virus that infected Moon had partially spread to Sun. Freddy Fazber Pizza Plex programmers did not have the proper skills to remove the virus from their codes. Recently, it became famous about a Japanese IT company that managed to destroy one of the most dangerous viruses in the world. They wrote to them asking if they would be able to remove the virus from highly developed artificial intelligence, they replied that it should not be a problem for them. After arranging and agreeing everything, they sent all five of them to this company to check them and clean them of dangerous errors
How they get Stands?
Sun - he was stabbed by an arrow. He sensed a threat to the life of a certain women and saw a strange arrow flying in that direction. He ran there and pulled the woman away at the last moment. He get hit at head, it was so strong that it destroyed the most important parts. When he turned back on he saw some worried boy, almost immediately he saw that he had some strange figure behind him. After a short conversation, he thanked him for saving him. They split up. After a few days, he noticed that the robot he had killed long ago began to reappear, but it was different. Over time, he realized that his visualization caused by the guilt of killing him became the embodiment of his mental strength, the so-called Stand
(As for the rest, I'm still creating it)
Characters personality/vibe?
Sun - Josuke Higashikata
Moon - Noriaki Kakyoin
Eclipse - Dio Brando, Pannacotta Fugo
Blood + Moon - Jotaro Kujo + Narancia Ghirga
Kill Code - Johnny Joestar, Okuyasu Nijimura
Lunar - Jolyne Cujoh
I want to start the story with Sun waiting for Moon to talk about the current situation and plans for the future. Of course Eclipse has plans for world domination
Yes, this is based on part 5 and a little on part 4
Perhaps, but I'm not sure. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them :3
There's an Eclipse and Lunar
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Others are "normal" for now and there's no Earth here yet
If there's anything you'd like to know more, feel free to ask ;)
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bd-handystand · 5 years
"Hey, Okuyasu... Are you doing alright...?" -Stand-infected-jotaro
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“Oh, Jotaro, wasn’t expecting you to cal! I’ve been good, kinda bored but hey, how much fun can you have without your hands? Oh! Mrs. Holiday says shes gonna try and convince the higher ups to move me to lighter containment, even with my ability risk!”
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bd-handystand · 5 years
Star approaches cautiously to the fleshbudded boy, noticing he seemed kind of uneasy. "Hello...! How're you?" (( standswap Stand-infected-Jotaro ))
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“Oh, uh, hey. I’m good, I guess?”
>He seems to be gritting his teeth a bit and grabbing at the fabric of his sweater. If you could hear his breathing, he seemed to shift from casual breathing to a controlled deep breathing...
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bd-handystand · 5 years
Important question: which Okuyasu is most accepting of affection?
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(I tried to stick only to my lads based on mostly Okuyasu...also god damn I have a lot of lads)
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bd-handystand · 5 years
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Even a simple weed can mean plentyYou just have to look for the right person...
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bd-handystand · 5 years
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The Okuyasu Tarot 9-17
The Hermit: WoF Oku
Wheel of Fortune: Timeswap Oku
Strength: MG Oku
The Hanged Man: Keicho (hs)
Death: Fateswap Oku
Temperance: Manis Nijimura and Dirty Cash
The Devil: “Ghost in the Machine” (Coffee Stand Infection Oku)
The Tower: Stand Infection Oku
The Star: Okuyasu (Hs)
0-8 18-21
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bd-handystand · 5 years
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Post-Reboot Stand Infection Oku and Ghost in the Machine classpects.... Heirs of Time and Rage.
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