#Kathrine plumber
An Incorrect quote based on my life part: idfk
*Over text*
Kathrine: yo, girly pop guess what!
Jack: I’m a full ass dude but okay
Kathrine: fine.
Kathrine: manly pop, guess what!
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twig-collector · 4 months
Jack likes black coffee
Davey likes tea
Race likes hot chocolate
Spot likes oat milk
Crutchie likes orange juice
Katherine likes coffee but with lots of sweetener and sugar
Someone definitely likes grape juice I'm just not sure who
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rhysdoesstuff · 4 months
Finally a visual of how TUTS Kathrine hides from Jack in the office! (Taken from the actresses instagram) (my guess is this was taken from offstage, cause her back would be to Jack)
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marvinsbitch · 1 month
Newsie Cosplay WIP
I am currently working on a Newsies cosplay (is not Kathrine-specific) that is heavily inspired by Kathrine's KONY look from TUT's Newsies production. I saw the pants, bodice/corset look, and I got so excited. I've sewn corsets in the past. I couldn't tell from references online if it was just a bodice or corset, so I opted to do a corset.
The process you're about to see is some of the work I did to create the Newboy hat that I made. You'll also see my mockup for the corset. The fabric you'll see is NOT the final fabric.
First, I wanna show some of the process of how I made my Newsboy hat!
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You can kind of see the inside of the hat here. I essentially made a tapered diamond shape that I sewed together (two layers of fabric so it would be stiffer). the outside fabric is from a pair of overalls that didn't fit me anymore!
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This was me sewing the brim of the hat, which I basically just made a sock for. I then turned the hat inside out, put the brim piece inside, and sewed that to the inside of the hat.
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This was the finished product!
Now onto the corset! The shape and overall pattern were inspired by TUT's Kathrine KONY costume! (I'm actually so in love with it).
This was actually so perfect because I was feeling very uninspired by cosplay. my hyperfiction has been newsies for about 6ish months now. I didn't think I was gonna do any Newsie cosplays until I saw SuddenlyCampbell's (that's their TikTok) Newsie ballgown/dress they made. I literally saw this cosplay, and my brain shut off.
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(photo taken from their instagram)
I absolutely fell in love with the patchwork technique they used. I knew I wanted to make something similar.
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These photos were just some of the references I used when patterning the corset as well as working and editing a pattern I bought. When I was patterning, I got very particular with how I wanted this to look, so I went through about 3 different pattern iterations before deciding.
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This is the final shape, as well as where I placed the bones.
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After I figured out where I wanted the bone, I sewed in my boning channels and my waistband on the side. I then cut out my corset pattern again in a tightly woven fabric that doesn't stretch and a thinner red fabric on top (these are not my final fabrics. The final fabric will use the patchwork technique seen above in the newsies dress. this also will apply to the trousers I will be making, similar to the ones Kathrine is wearing in the reference photos); sewed them together, put the outside that I had just made on my muslin inside, and sewed along the edge. I then sewed along the edge again with ribbon (I have a crazy amount of ribbon, and it's also hiding my mistakes).
As for the next things ill be making!
The trousers, which will be done in patchwork
Making the official corset also done in patchwork
The collared shirt, which I will be doing in Jack Kelly blue, to reference Livsies. Something I really love about the costume work in Livsies is the use of mixing patterns, but them being subtle enough, they don't clash and look ugly. my dream for the shirt is to get custom fabric and use a deep enough blue with black newsprint text ontop. From afar, it'll look more muddled but, looking closer, you'll see its newsprint.
I hope people think this post was interesting. I love talking about cosplay and the costumes I'm making, so I thought this was a fun post. it's also nice to post my plans somewhere so I can hold myself to the project.
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Also, I thought it was funny you could see me watching Livesies in the background PFTTTT
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musicalbracket · 1 year
Round 4 - Semifinals!
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ashmoor · 2 months
No, I love Katherine as much as the next guy, but
it’s kind of fucked to name her after Joseph Pulitzer’s real daughter named Katherine, who died at the age of two 
Like ummm Why Would You Do That??
(For people who don’t know, Joseph Pulitzer and his wife had a daughter named Katherine Ethel Pulitzer, who died at the age of two from pneumonia.)
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tommmmmmmy-7 · 2 months
Watchin the full Newsies Pro-shot for the first time, I……… dislike Kathrine.
She doesn’t give me good vibes and she’s kinda annoying. Not gonna lie /:
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iloveplayrehersal · 11 months
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Awww they all want hugs 🤗🤗🤗
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kat-in-a-trashcan · 5 months
Kathrine: How could you turn your back on them now?
Jack: I don't think you wanna talk on turnin on folks. You just outsold us too your father, YOUR FATHER
-Jeremy Jordan 2024
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stickwalk · 2 months
I just watched Newsies Jr. for the first time and i have some…. uh…. thoughts.
i loved that the children’s crusade was fully Kathrine’s idea. in the original all she did was write the poster and Jack had to come up with how to print it and that always felt off-putting, to say the least, when she made it out to be their saving grace but had no idea how to pull it off.
It was cute that Jack referred to the newsies as his family when the Delancys were picking on Crutchie but it made him wanting to go to Santa Fe make even less sense. in the original you could say he was a little oblivious or just needed to be reminded that they were family but in the Jr. version he is just fully ready to abandon his family to find a new one. On top of that there seemed to be a lack of continuity with him leaving for Santa Fe right before the rally. Medda tells him about how leaving is fine but he shouldn’t run away while giving him the money to leave and saying goodbye but when David, Les, and Kathrine show up Jack says he’ll never be able to leave. it just doesn’t make much sense in my opinion.
At the mention of Crutchie: i feel like giving him a name made all the newsies look mean. I get what Disney was doing with not wanting to just call the disabled character Crutchie but it doesn’t work when he’s never called Casey. He is called Casey three times and every other time he is called Crutchie.
The first time he’s called Casey, it’s by himself. he’s talking to David and Les for the first time and says his names Casey but friends call him Crutchie. what was the point of saying Casey? he could of said ‘you can call me crutchie’ or something like that but he made a point of saying Casey. This gives the implication that he wants to be called Casey, not Crutchie. The second time he is called Crutchie is by Medda. Medda’s nice and shown to be nice and well know to the newsies so why would she call him Casey if he’s good with Crutchie? the third time is by Roosevelt when calling him to walk out to reveal the Refuge is getting shut down. in response all the newsies go ‘who?’ and then start yelling ‘Crutchie!’. with the previous implications of him not liking Crutchie compared to Casey it is just not a good look for the newsies.
During the scene where Kathrine asking the newsies why they’re afraid of Brooklyn she comes off as excessively defensive. It’s definitely her right to be defensive considering her circumstances but she was also the one that just walked in on their meeting and basically called them pathetic.
they got rid of the bottom line, the bottom line reprise, watch what happens reprise, and the little song before Jack tells everyone they won. it makes sense, it’s for kids to perform so they wanted it to be shorter thats whatever. They also got rid off That’s rich and Don’t Come a Knocking and replaced it with a song about how women can do anything which wouldn’t bother me much except it is not very good.
The scabbers gave up so quickly it’s ridiculous. it took like three sentences before they’re all in with the strike.
The scenes before and right after the World Will Know we’re mixed up together in such a way that all the dialogue feels odd and it’s confusing to follow.
I’m glad they got rid of the awkward Jathrine scenes, even though i’m okay with the ship they are odd, but so sad they felt the need to add a scene of David and Les getting crushes on the bowery beauties.
Before people come after me for being so critical of something made for kids to perform and watch: i would be a-okay with it if the changes they made made sense but they were either nonsensical for the characters/story or unevenly applied throughout the story.
Anyways it was fine. not particularly bad or good but an enjoyable experience nonetheless
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newmsies · 1 year
a world where Morris, Oscar, and Kathryn kinda grew up together because of Morris and Oscar working at The World and Kathryn making Pulitzer take her to work with him
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rhysdoesstuff · 4 months
Kathrine! (2.0)
The drawing was bugging me a bit, so I adjusted it, and added another drawing too!
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marvinsbitch · 2 months
This is a continuation to a comment I made a month or so ago about what karaoke songs different newsies would sing.
I had this idea based off of the Jack would sing Livin’ on a prayer comment (in screenshot).
I believe anytime Jack wins an argument with either Kathrine or Davey he sings We Are The Champions by Queen in their faces. Just cuz he can.
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musicalbracket · 1 year
Round 3
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I love this 💕❤️
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doththymayo · 3 months
Katherine: You plotted to abduct the president?
Racetrack: Allegedly plotted to abduct the president. Never convicted!
Davey: Uh, that's because you escaped prison.
Racetrack: No, the universe decided to set me free!
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