digglesgiggles · 7 hours
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digglesgiggles · 1 day
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lilac doodle :3
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digglesgiggles · 7 days
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i wanted to find the creators twitter and i'm actually sobbing rn
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digglesgiggles · 8 days
gang the extra S is NO MORE i found the old email for my old abandoned acc and changed its user MY BRANDDDD IT'S HERE IT'S BACK
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digglesgiggles · 13 days
being an anti and having your fellow cult members turn against you because you're THAT annoying is crazy work btw
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digglesgiggles · 15 days
i'm honestly at a loss for words because waking up and hearing someone was trying to throw me under the bus for something i did when i couldn't even legally drink lmao.
i really don't get this kinda motivation to tear me down. it's fine if people don't like me, there's PLENTY that don't, and i'm okay with it because the only important people to me are the ones that bothered to get to know me past all the petty drama they see me post online.
it's just like. you guys know you don't NEED an insane reason to hate me right? you can just hate me. because some stupid thing i did as a growing teenager (that was admittedly dealing with undiscovered hypersexuality, which may have led to the specifics of why i sought out certain content) really isn't contextual to the type of person i am at all.
it doesn't represent who i am but it still makes me deeply ashamed. but this is never something i've tried to hide either, i'm more than sure i've brought up multiple times in the past how i used to be so foolish and how it's why i feel strongly about the issue.
speaking of issues. "attack other creators" doesn't really apply when anything of RECENT coming from me is literally just? exposing a pedophile. if that scares you, then you've got way bigger problems than me having a platform.
for some god forsaken reason having the confidence to speak out against certain issues labels you as the "callout lover" because you were stupid and childish about drama at the unripe ass age of 18. i hear it constantly, from ex friends, from people that met me that didn't realize i have a LIFE outside this stuff, i am constantly having to pay the price for my stupidity as a child because half the community thinks i still act like that.
the amount of apologies or confessions i've gotten from people that "didn't realize i was chill and had a bad impression of me" after they finally spoke with me personally is endless. and it's genuinely because of people like this anon.
i just can't.. make friends anymore because of shit like this. and it's fucking horrible.
i'm probably self sabotaging half the time because i'm more convinced that people will hate to see me rather than just say hi but god why even test the waters when people like this are running around saying things like this to my closest friends?
for the thousandth time, i do apologize to the people that were genuinely harmed by my past actions and there's little to no excuse for how immature i was. i was just a teenager trying to be an adult for the majority of my growing years.
but no one that runs around spreading shit like this deserves my apology. you can go fuck yourself for all i care. because i know you're just some petty ex friend trying to ruin my current relationships.
I mean there is pro and anti ship, which I don’t really touch on cuz as long as people arent being hurt by it irl I stand on the fact that people should mind other people’s business, but considering that back then diggles as a person is not really good and it has painted that picture for so long for a lot of people who knew. I mean lying about your age when you were a minor, doing nsfw audio as a minor and then dating kia while lying that they were of age when they were the same age kinda raising some stuff, I’m genuinely surprised that you’re still friends with them.
Just for your information I’m not here to attack you and stuff. It just boggles me that their community is so blind and deaf to past shit and the attack other creators that does not hold them in good light despite genuinely not doing anything to them.
yes, people have past shitty actions, but also holding against it against them doesn't solve anything, especially something like this (i have ALSO lied about my age as a child and done dangerous things whilst lying), and it happened literally 5 years ago? you're also incorrect that kia and diggs were dating when diggs was lying about his age; that is untrue, and i'm aware of this AS someone whos known them both since i was 13. diggs was not lying about their age when i met them, lmfao. you all just love to assume that people stay as bad as you do, don't you?
this, ask doesnt do anything for anyone. especially considering most of this is just plain wrong and i know for a fact that whoever sent this ask is probably apart of whatever bullshit stalker group is following them around like rats because you guys just can't stand the fact that people have the ability to get better and move past mistakes diggs isnt an irredeemable fucking human being for lying about their age when they were like 15/16, they're 23, they owned up to their mistakes and crazy concept; traumatized teenagers do weird shitty things for attention or to fit in because theyre traumatized! you know most of the people who are my age now probably lied about their age when they were younger right?
and as i mentioned before i did it too, and in fact it was WORSE, i was like, 10! does that make me a horrible awful human being that should be burned at the stake because i did something 6-8 years ago? no! i was a kid! i was a troubled needy kid who wanted to fit in where i shouldn't have been. and yeah, diggs was older, but that doesnt forfeit them from doing things to try and escape a bad environment irl. the lack of sympathy here is absolutely fucking insane and i'm so fucking glad i'm not apart of whatever the fuck you people are doing because you're sooo fucking hypocritical it makes me genuinely laugh, because how do you think that diggs is like satan on earth and try to trudge up any past mistakes while saying in the same breath that they attack other creators, dude you're literally stalking and harassing, and i also KNOW you are, the only mfs who know this shit ARE the stalkers, and you absolutely know who you are.
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digglesgiggles · 18 days
me when i dni but still get put on a list for easy harassment
[🟠]: neutral
anyone whos friends or moots with dreemurr: immediate block, shes friends with almost every pro in the fandom, so just look out
gen list:
stay safe ! if you see this, reblog so everyone is aware !
thank you
so glad i dont recognize any of these names except for maybe 2 yuck
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digglesgiggles · 1 month
i'll never recover from losing the old monotale/monofell animatic the fact it's never coming back is horrid to me
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digglesgiggles · 1 month
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me when redraws happening and it's gays.
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digglesgiggles · 1 month
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sry abt the inactivity gng. have a redraw
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digglesgiggles · 2 months
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can you guys guess what my first fandom was lmao
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anyhow i drew this spunky guy and if you know what he is you deserve a giant cookie cake
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digglesgiggles · 2 months
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anyhow i drew this spunky guy and if you know what he is you deserve a giant cookie cake
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digglesgiggles · 2 months
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wdym guys i'm a complete purist that hates any form of creativity that doesn't fit my standards and i'm totally dating my partner so i can enforce my standards onto them
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digglesgiggles · 2 months
the bad gang argues about tea
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digglesgiggles · 2 months
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speaking of bill can we talk about the irreparable damage this animation caused like this HAS to be responsible for bill sans
really nice that bill cipher is finally getting his asriel arc (ion know if bro is getting redeemed but hey we got the childhood trauma)
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digglesgiggles · 2 months
really nice that bill cipher is finally getting his asriel arc (ion know if bro is getting redeemed but hey we got the childhood trauma)
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digglesgiggles · 2 months
don't u just hate when you possess an anxiety ridden child and then you have to process all your repressed trauma
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