#Kate thank you as always for letting me borrow your boy!
blissfulalchemist · 3 years
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So this was a prompt request from way back yonder that was suggested by @belorage​! It’s a little fluff piece from a shared verse with her Wes, his smaller partner in crime Liz, and the tired Danny.
"Just jump. I'll catch you." 
“Liz, I’m pretty sure we shouldn’t be doing this,” Danny advised, following his sister up the ladder, “Dad could get mad.”
She snorts, looking back down at him through the tangled mess of curls, “If mom’s right about who’s genetics are whose, then I think I’m safe.”
“And if they’re wrong?” She gives a shrug, pulling herself up to what is the confirmed final level of stability on the old skeleton of a statue. “Liz,” Danny huffs, Liz dropping the backpack off her shoulder, “what even is the point of doing this anyway?”
“Defiance,” she reaches a hand out, Danny using it to bring himself up next to her, “A need to show that they can’t keep getting away with what they’re doing.”
His eyes go wide a moment before rolling them, “Seriously?! You’re still on about the school not firing Mr. Heyworth?”
“He started it,” she grumbled, opening the bag, “And it’s not just about him either. Not tonight at least. That old man Drubman is proposing a law that will allow for big business to raise taxes on the reservations here in the state and possibly cause harm to the land.” Her brother sighed, crossing his arms, “Not to mention his stance on just about everything else.”
Danny groaned, rubbing his temples, he should have known better, “How is this going to help again?” 
Liz pulled out a big piece of cloth, smiling, “It's to bring attention to it so the voices that need it can be amplified and heard!” She raised a fist in the air, her words echoing to the empty sky. Danny raised an eyebrow at her, “Look just trust me it’ll work.”
“I’m just trying to understand how you’ll get old man Drubman to even notice from the pedestal he put himself on.”
“Because I asked Hurk what would I have to put on this flag to get under his skin the most,” Danny sat down, shaking his head, “I then confirmed it with a second source.”
“You asked Addie,” Danny brought his knees to his chest, forehead resting against them, “Liz why?”
“That was rhetorical loquita!” Danny’s voice muffled as he took to reciting whatever poem he found comfort in that week. When he finished he stood taking a deep breath, “Okay, what is it you need me to do.” Liz smiled, wrapping her arms around him, “God, stop. Stop it before I change my mind.” 
“You’re the best lanky younger brother one could ever ask for, you know that?” She ruffled her hair, needing to stand on her tiptoes.
“I’m serious about leaving you behind.”
“Right! Okay well I need you to help me unfold this and hold the bottom half steady so I don’t blow away with the wind.” Danny opened his mouth to protest, “I thought ahead,” Liz tugged on the red thin ropes, “You’ll stay down here and hold these.” 
“I was going to ask if you’d rather me tying the top half since I’m taller.”
“Not by much,” Getting there though, “Besides you’re too much of a scaredy cat. I, on the other hand, have no fears.”
“Fine, okay. Whatever you say.” Danny breathed out slowly, grabbing the ropes, “Just hurry up, cause we aren’t supposed to be up here to begin with.”
Liz tied two more ropes at the top of the canvas across her body, grabbing hold of the steel beams, “What makes you say that?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe the gate and signs that we jumped over to get here.” She waved him off, pushing herself higher to some plywood to stand, “You know Padre’s working tonight right? Doesn’t that worry you?”
Liz rolled her eyes, “Oh yeah, I’m really worried about him arresting us Danny,” she stretched for a pole above her, tossing the rope over it, “Wessy ain’t going to do anything to punish us. He’s going to actually agree with me.”
“Dad won’t!”
“That sounds like a bit of a you problem, Danny,” she tied a loose knot, stepping back to admire her work, “Do you think it’s high enough? Nah, it’s not high enough.” Liz took the ropes back down, eyes scanning the best route to climb higher, “Hey loosen your grips on the ropes, I’m gonna go higher up!” She didn’t wait for a response as she climbed the tangles of old mesh and poles, legs dangling as she gathered momentum to make it to the small intersection of steel beams.
She took a deep breath, swinging once more towards her destination. She closed her eyes, feeling the wind pass over her as she flew the ten feet, time slowing with the horizontal momentum. The first feeling of her feet landing on the beam and everything sped up, her arms reaching for the first thing she could grab hold of. Heart pounding in her chest, wind blocking out any other sound, a smile growing on her face as she felt herself steady on the intersection. “I did it!” She cried out, howling into the night sky, “Did you see that Danny! I did it! I’ve never jumped it before without stumbling!”
“What!” Danny’s voice higher pitched and farther away, “You’ve climbed this before!” She nodded looking out over the county, the lights from Fall’s End visible from this height, the full moon above her seeming close enough to touch. “Liz! How many times have you done this!” She waved him off, shuffling to the spot she needed to secure the canvas, “LIZ!” She felt the bottom tighten, Danny having secured it while she worked on the last knot. “Get back down here! Now!”
“I’m fine! Stop worrying!” The next best place to tie the other side was a little farther up, with only a single silver pole to grab onto, “I need to get just a tad higher.” Liz’s hands started to shake as she took a few more deep breaths, feet slowly moving along the beam, feeling the rocking of the structure, “You got this. You’ve come this far. You can do this,” she whispered. When she was close enough she wrapped her leg around the pole, hands working as quickly as they could to tie the canvas into place, only made harder with her shaking hands. The swaying grew, Did the wind pick up more speed?, her stomach turning as she finally got it secured, letting out the breath she’d been holding in.
The last corner straightened out, “Okay! Can you come back down now! You’re starting to scare me, Lizzy!” You and me both Danny-boy, the groan of the metal made Liz stiffen, knuckles white as she gripped the pole. “Liz….”
Her eyes went wide as the pole shifted beneath her, Liz screaming as it bent to the left over a mostly open area. There was a small section of the plywood she could try to grab onto if she let go, but looking down at it now, there was no way she could ever manage to make it. The pole stopped, mostly flat, Liz’s heart speeding out of her chest, breathing shallow and quick. “I wanna go home now!” She was going to be sick as the pole finally stopped moving up and down.
“Use your belt to secure yourself!” Danny cried out, “Make sure it’s as tight as you can make it!”
Liz shook her head, the movement making her bury her face into the sleeves of her clothes, “I can’t!”
“You can! Just wrap your legs so you can cross your ankles! Just like Wes taught us! Remember?”
“Okay,” she whispered, “Just like he taught us. Like the playground.” Her legs shook and protested as she moved them into the proper position, ankles crossed. Her thighs gripped the pole hard enough for her to unbuckle the belt she wore, securing it around the pole. “Okay I did it!” Tears stinging her eyes as she shut them tightly, the ground spinning each time she looked, her arms clutching the pole.
“Good! I’m gonna get help! Just stay put!”
“Where else am I going to go Danny!” The wind roared in her ears muffling any sounds from where Danny had been. “Welcome to your life,” she mumbled, “There’s no turning back, even while you sleep, we will find you.” Her breath shaky as sobs wanted to start wracking through her body, “Acting on your best behavior, turn your back on mother nature,” she whined as the pole swayed, “Everybody wants to rule the world.” 
“Liz!” Her ears picked up on the not so subtle sound of a megaphone blasting Wes’ voice, “Doin’ okay?”
“I’m hanging over my death! So that’s a no!” This is no time for dumb questions!
“Thought you had no fears?” Danny taunted, Couldn’t resist that one I guess you jerk.
“I have one fear apparently!” The wind blew once more, “Just get me down from here!”
“I will,” Wes assured, “but you gotta get yourself to the beam behind ya.” Are you insane old man?!, “Just slide back,” Get the fire department with the big ladder!.
“Like when we used to play spies, Liz,” Danny interjected, feedback from the megaphone following.
“This isn’t a tree, Danny!” Useless! All of them! All these men are useless!
“You can do it, kid,” Wes encouraged. Fine. Okay, Liz released her grip around the pole, pushing herself back slowly, legs slow in their movements. 
“There’s a room where the light won’t find you. Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,” she stiffened with the gust of wind, Maybe the wrong song choice.
“When they do, I’ll be right behind you,” Wes sang to her, she glanced down to his face, the encouragement clear. He meant it, she just had to trust him, Padre’s not gonna let anything bad happen to you. Liz steeled herself taking a deep breath, starting to move once more. “Atta girl!” Her feet finally touched the beam, “Now just unhook the belt.” She did as she was told, her shaking limbs securing her to the beam. The metal cool against her face as she hugged the beam. 
She just needed to rest, they had to be getting something better to get her down, “Now what!”
“He’s gonna meet you halfway,” Danny said, Liz feeling the rattling of the metal. Meet me halfway?! That’s not helpful, can’t be helpful, “Just turn to your right.” Nope fuck you, fuck you, “Lizzy I promise you, just turn to the right.”
“Over ‘ere kid,” Wes called out, Liz turning her head watching him between the hair blowing in her face. His arms were outstretched, waving her down, standing where she started out before needing to go higher. Liz started to push herself up, the wind gluing her back down to the beam, shaking her head. “Lizzy,” he tried again, “You trust me?” Mostly, she nodded, “Need you to sit up.” Slowly she brought herself to a sitting position, “There ya go. Jus’ take your time gettin’ back here.” Her head spun looking down, stomach turning in knots, eyes looking for a way down too quickly for her to focus. Her breathing getting shallower, rapid, oh she was going to be sick, or faint, Would get me to the ground faster if I did right?. Down, she needed down, best way to get down, “Liz,” Wes snapped, his fingers following suit garnering her attention, “Focus.” She nodded, stretching out a leg to the beam across and a bit lower from her. 
She could almost reach it, eyes looking upward to a thin pipe. She took a deep breath reaching for it, tugging it for stability, palms sweating. “Just need to hold onto it briefly, just to make it to the other side.” She clenched her jaw, pushing herself off to where she wanted to be, hands grabbing onto the sturdier pieces of metal. From here she could make out the smirk on Wes’ face, hazel eyes still filled with worry, You and me both. She swallowed looking at the distance between the two, even with his arms outstretched she’d have quite a jump.
“Liz, look at me,” her eyes locked with his, “Just jump. I’ll catch you.” 
“It’s- I don’t know. It’s still pretty far, Wessy,” she choked out.
“You won’t fall,” he adjusted his stance, planting his feet, “I got you.” Her lip trembled, Alright this is on me and my stupidity. Gotta face it like an activist. She steeled her legs to jump, her foot slipping when they stayed rooted. She shook her head, tears freezing in the wind. “Count of three?” She shook her head fervently, “Yeah. One.” I hate this. One, her legs loosened, “Two.” Two, she swallowed back the shaking, Deep breath, “Three.” Three!, her legs obeyed as they left the safety of the beam. A freefall, soaring away with her body lead and weightless at the same time, her eyes focusing on Wes’ outstretched arms the only guarantee of her safety, her own reaching for him. Slowly, she flew closer, fingertips brushing his.  
The impact was sudden and jarring as she gripped onto him, nails digging into the leather jacket, Wes stumbling back two steps, arms encircling her. She gasped, once steady, the sobs starting, burying her face into his chest. He kissed the top of her head, smoothing her hair, “I got you,” repeating through his heavy breathing. 
Liz took deep breaths stopping the sobbing, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“I know,” Wes kissed her forehead, “Come on. Let’s get down.” She nodded, letting him take the lead, the trip down made easier with the metal work feeling more like a ladder. 
Danny quickly had her wrapped in a hug, his own crying wetting her hair, “Don’t ever do that again.” He pulled away hands on her shoulders, his light brown eyes serious as they looked right into hers, “I’m not kidding Liz. Don’t ever do something like this again.”
“I don’t plan on it,” she assured, her breathing finally starting to even out.
Wes cleared his throat, “Save it for solid ground.” The two nodded, following him down the various ladders to the base where stairs finally signaled that the statue met the earth. The three of them collapsed on the benches outside of the base, Liz’s vision no longer feeling as if it was spinning, finally laying down. 
“I’m sorry for scaring you both,” she said finally, feeling in control of herself again sitting up.
“I’m sure Padre will agree with me that we’re just glad that you’re safe,” Danny shook his head looking to the sky on his back, legs on either side of the bench like Wes. “Still though: What were you even thinking? You didn’t need to go higher, you acted impulsively and-.”
Wes’ hand reached over covering Danny’s mouth, “Hush.” His eyes flicked over to Liz, “What’d we learn?”
She shifted, sighing, “Don’t go climbing that high without the right equipment.”
Wes shook his head, failing at hiding the smile, “Close enough.”
“No,” Danny protested, “Not close enough. Liz you n-.”
“Danny,” Wes interrupted quickly, shushing him, “calmate.” Liz smiled watching Danny huff, crossing his arms, “She knows better,” Wes’ eyes turned to stare her down, “Right?”
She looked down to her feet, “Yeah. I know better.”
He gave a curt nod, sitting up, “Let’s go home. Gotta beat the wardens.”
Liz’s eyes went wide, “You’re not going to tell them are you?” 
The two rushed to keep up as Wes made his way to the truck, “Nope.”
“They’re going to know eventually,” Danny pointed to the canvas poster blowing above, “Liz isn’t exactly subtle.”
“It’s called direct action,” she grumbled, rolling her eyes.
“Well whatever it’s called, it has your signature.”
“Nope,” Wes corrected, loading up his bike into the bed of the truck, “Hurk and Adds already takin’ credit.”
Liz’s mouth fell, “That’s not fair!”
He secured the bike down, “Works in your favor though.”
“A.K.A mom and Dad don’t find out it was you,” Danny’s voice condescending. 
“We still need alibis,” Liz mocked, hands on her hips.
“Already got ‘em,” Wes held his hand out for the keys, Danny tossing them over. “Now, get in.”
The two teens squeezed into the old truck, Wes pulling out onto the main road, an old mix tape filling in the brief silence. “There’s one more thing,” Liz started, “How did you get there so fast?” Wes furrowed his brow, “Look, I believe in my brother, don't get me wrong, but no way he’s The Flash.” Danny gave a shrug agreeing, “And no offence but neither are you, Wessy, even with your bike.”
Wes smirked, “I’m not stupid, Liz. Been goin’ on and on ‘bout that new policy.”
“Proposal,” she corrected, “I’m trying to stop it from passing.”
He gave a small eye roll, “Saw the canvas in the garage ‘nd figure only best place to hang it was ol’ Joe.”
“Just lucky that you guessed the right night,” Danny rolled his eyes at Liz’s assumption.
“Amatures,” he chuckled, “Used to sneak out all the time. Knowin’ you, kid, tonight was perfect.” He looked over to the both of them, “Good effort, but two out of ten. Docked for my heart attack.”
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aquanova99 · 3 years
Playing with Fire (Demetri x Reader)
Final Part
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A/N: I’m sorry it took so long for this to come out lol I hope you all liked this last chapter.
A/N: thank you so much for reading this, I’m sorry for any mistakes! As always requests are open!! Please reblog if you enjoyed this 💛
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Any second now. The tenor you were waiting for would come back. Any time now.
 “Dem…” Felix hesitated, you didn’t want to hear it and he knew that but you both knew you’d have to move eventually
 “Don’t.’ You growled
 “Its been a week. You need to feed. She—She’s not waking up. Shes gone.”
 Another growl escaped your throat. You knew you’d been playing on borrowed time. Everyone had left you to mourn only because Marcus had ordered you process things. Whatever that meant. You’d been hoping that the venom Vladimir put in y/n would still cause a transformation of some kind. Anything to keep her with you for a little longer. You’d waited an eternity for your mate, it seemed too cruel to have her disappear within a matter of days. After the fourth day you knew she wouldn’t change, her skin didn’t harden the way yours did. She got cold but not like you either. She just wouldn’t wake up. You hadn’t moved from your room since everything went down, holding her limp body since.
 “D, please don’t make me do this. Masters orders for you to come down.”
 “Why, so they can use Chelsea and Corin on me? Make everything seem fine and dandy?”
 “Marcus won’t let them do that. Come on. If its not me it will be the twins.”
 You didn’t care. You half hoped someone would just get rid of you, but no. You were still needed. Your ‘gift’ was something the volturi wouldn’t part with without a fight. Unless they found another one of you. Felix felt bad but he didn’t want the twins to get involved.
 “I’m sorry D.” Felix began prying you off y/n’s body. As much as you tried you knew you wouldn’t be able to outmaneuver him. Especially when you’ve gone this long without feeding. He was able to drag you to the throne room. The kings wanted to see you.
 “Ah Demetri, we are sorry to have to bring you out here dear boy.”
 “Masters forgive my bluntness but what is it you all need?”
 “Relax Demetri we have a job for you.” Caius started, a warning as to not push his buttons.
 “Im not leaving her.”
 “We won’t touch her.” Marcus said matter of factly.
 “But when you return, you have to figure out where to put her to rest.”
 You growled at Caius’s statement. “What do I have to do?”
 “We just need you Felix and the twins to make sure the Denli coven aren’t planning anything wild. Last we heard from the Cullen boy they were planning on joining him here. Best to pay an in person visit to make a statement.” Aro debriefed.
 “And I have to go because?”
 “Because you have to feed. And this is the only way to get you out of the castle.” Caius snapped. You sighed there was no getting out of this.
 “Fine.” You turned to the rest of the guard, “Lets get this over with.”
 The flight there put you on edge. Jane didn’t hesitate to make sure you were focused entirely on the mission.
“You have 30 minutes to find someone to feed on, and then we have to go.”
 You debated just running away. How would they find you anyways? Not that you actually could since you wanted get back to your mate. Apparently, you took too long to move because Jane made Felix accompany you. You were surprised Jane was putting up with you as much as she had been at this point. You and Felix found someone rather quickly but you took your time heading back.
 “Ready?” Alec asked. The two of you nodded and you led the way to the Denalis. When you finally arrived a few miles from their house Jane stopped the group of you from going all at once.
 “Alec you and Felix go first. The only one we should have to worry about is Kate. We will come in a few minutes. Alec nodded and headed off with Felix.
 “Why don’t we all go at once.”
 “We should make sure they aren’t willing to start a fight when they have the numbers.”
 “Well then we should at least go in hearing distance.”
 “Very well.” She sped away first, you were usally the faster one in the group but you weren’t all there mentally. It took you a while before you got to Jane. “This time speed up, we are meeting up with Felix and Alec.”
 You sighed, but ran ahead and did as you were told. You did need to get back. The Denalis were cooperative. Apparently Edward was just bluffing. They hadn’t heard from any of the Cullens since the confrontation. Thinking about that day just brought back painful memories. You wised you had fought to get to know your mate sooner instead of waiting those two weeks to find the other hybrids. You thought of how many minutes youd wasted. Your whole existence was basically on autopilot at this point you don’t even remember leaving their house.
 It took a day to fly near the states. A day to get to the denalis. Two more days to get home. You were getting impatient. The ride back seemed to go on forever.
 Jane snapped you out of your thoughts, “Demetri? Is there anything we can do to help you?”
 “Unless you can turn back time.” You sighed, “no.”
 “And if she wasn’t gone?” Alec asked
 “Alec!” Felix hissed
 “Don’t you think I’ve been through enough? Why would you say something so cruel?” You stood up. “How dare you?!?”
 Jane stopped you before you could get any further
 “Jane relax. He has no idea. We aren’t even certain he’s right.” Felix.
 “Demetri hes trying to tell you something.” Jane told you.
 “What. Are. You. Talking about?”
 “Carlisle, ran some tests. Apparently during the newborn war in Seattle the wolves helped wipe them out. The one that showed up got injured and Carlisle took some blood samples to run tests. One of them was to see what venom did to his blood…” He hesitated to say the next part, “its still a theory. But he noticed that venom took a much longer turn around time. It’s a weird effect, but the venom shouldn’t have killed her.”
 “Her tenor shouldn’t have disappeared then.” You weren’t about to get your hopes up now.
 “You’ve never had to find a tenor of someone who was turned, have you?” Alec asked
 “Don’t do that. You cant do that. I can—” you voice broke out in a sob again. You had to try and get it together.
 “Demetri.” Alec stood to face you. “Try and find it. This mission was supposed to buy her the time she would have needed. Try and find her.”
 “No. I can’t.” you kept shaking your head until you felt Felix’s hand on your shoulder
 “D. You have to try. For her sake.” The plane was beginning to descend. You tried to focus on the others in the castle first. You started with the leaders, then Carlisle, then Heidi. Then you tried to find her, your y/n. You weren’t even sure what you were looking for. But after awhile you found something. You weren’t even sure it was right, but the tenor, the pull felt warm. Suddenly, the plane couldn’t descend quick enough. You had to prove this wasn’t a mind game. That you weren’t tricking yourself.
 The second the plane landed you took off towards Volterra. You didn’t care who saw you could take care of them later. The others followed behind you. You probably made it there in record time. You threw the doors open. Rushing back towards your room where you last felt her tenor. You almost broke the doors down.
 “Demetri!” She jumped up to hug you. You almost collapsed right then and there. She still looked like her, you almost couldn’t believe it. She was in your arms again. You were frozen in place. You didn’t dare blink in case she disappeared again.
 “You-you’re okay??” You finally pulled back to look at her.
 She laughed and smiled up at you, “Well you aren’t going to get rid of me that easy.”
Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @artaxerxesthegreat @aunt-pipie @avyannadawn @imtoanonymousforyou @lacychick @minghao3o @quarthly @volturiwolf @alecvolturiswifeforever @raindancer2004 @venusdelaroix @jelly-fishy-babie
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midnightwinterhawk · 3 years
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I put together a little collection of Sterek and Steter fics for funsies. “Just a few fics”, I thought, “nothing too crazy.” Thirty fics later I had to cut myself off and finalize the list. You can thank @the-cookie-of-doom​ for the inspiration. 
These primarily fall under the Hurt Stiles Stilinski category because I apparently like to see my comfort characters suffer. Most of these have hopeful/happy endings but mind the tags. For reals.
Placed under a cut since I have no self control and this turned into a long post.
adore to see your eyes fly by @1001cranes
(11,309 l E)
stiles is a pyromaniac, derek is a sociopath. a match made in some kind of heaven. teen wolf kink meme fill.
take my heart from me by @areiton
(23,188 l NR)
He didn't really mean to adopt Derek's pack of puppies. He didn't mean to make himself important to them.
To Derek.
He just wanted to keep them all safe.
That's all Stiles ever wanted.
"Why Can't You?" by @asterekmess
(3,602 l T)
Now. This was happening now, and he couldn’t be less prepared.
After a long night, things between Stiles and his father come to a head.
And You Say You're Alone by bi_leigh_bi
(30,314 l E)
Between the kanima, the Argents, and Peter's untimely return from the dead, everything has fallen apart. Stiles and Derek try to put their lives back together once the crisis has passed. Stiles deals with the aftermath of being tortured, and the distance growing between he and Scott. Derek attempts to become a stronger alpha and keep his pack safe, and that includes Stiles.
A Victory March by @churkey
(2,688 l T)
When Stiles is eight he learns that nothing will be the same. His dad comes home one day after work and sits Stiles down for a talk. He explains that werewolves and all the monsters are real.
They're real and not hiding under anyone's bed.
Bury the Moon by darthjamtart
(16,592 l M)
First things get bad. Then they get worse. Stiles doesn’t know what he’s sacrificed until it’s too late.
Dying is the easy part.
Love's Violent Delights by @dexterous-sinistrous
(10,685 l E)
Derek caught the way the man’s eyes looked over Stiles before lingering on his ass. He waited for the clerk to place the key on the counter before he reacted.
Stiles startled at the loud noise, turning away from the pamphlets in the display box to see Derek pinning the clerk’s head against the counter. He drew in an even breath, looking between the struggling man and Derek.
Derek briefly looked at Stiles, hesitating before he saw the gleam of excitement in Stiles’ eyes and the hint of lust in his scent. “Ever look at him, or any other Omega, like that again, and I’ll slice your eyes out with my claws.” He shoved the man back, not caring of the commotion that was made as he snatched up the key from the counter.
Empty by @discontentedwinter
(48,034 l M)
Jordan Parrish is the new sheriff of Beacon Hills, a town haunted by its past.
Your Vision Borrows Mine by hazyascent
(188,781 l E)
Stiles has encountered a fair share of monsters before, way out of his league - the kinds that children are afraid are hiding in their closets and under the bed.
He’d even become one himself when he was void. The nogitsune was in his house, his body, and his mind.
But the worst monster he’s ever faced took even more from him and got away with it.
It’s why Stiles has never really been as terrified of werewolves and kanimas and darachs as he should have been. They’re really not that scary, relatively speaking, and he has a whole team on his side. They always found a way to win - until they lost someone they really loved.
Stiles doesn’t know how to be normal, not after everything he’s done and everyone he’s hurt. The nogitsune is gone, but another monster is on its heels.
His uncle is back. And Stiles has never felt more alone.
It Was a Wednesday by @isthatbloodonhisshirt
(80,129 l M)
“What happened? Where are you? What’s that sound?”
Derek jumped, having momentarily forgotten Scott was on the phone with him because Stiles had started moving. He’d stalked over to the other side of the cave, still eying Derek warily and growling, then settled protectively over a mass of clothes, leaves and animal innards. It was probably where he was sleeping.
Lovely. No wonder he smelled like death.
“Stiles,” Derek said, answering Scott’s question. Or, one of them, at least.
“Stiles? What do you—Stiles is making that noise?”
“How fast do you think you can make it to the south lot of the Preserve?”
Tiny Houses by @ohmyjetsabel-blog
(77,183 l E)
"So this is what Stiles does. He lies in Scott’s bed and waits for Melissa to say she’s found someone to get it out of him, to cure him of the wrongness and the bad, and he dreams.
God, he dreams.
He dreams of fire and swollen bellies and that scene in Alien, of giving birth to jackals through his urethra, the whole horrific nine yards. His head is a terrible place to be, he can’t imagine his stomach is much better, why anyone would want to put a thing inside of it."
I'm There in the Water by @spaceprincessem
(15,878 l T)
“But it’s—” Derek paused, his words unsure, “it’s not like us,” he swallows hard, chin dipping to his chest in frustration, “it’s like a…”
“An abomination,” Stiles finished, nodding his head as he finally lets his gaze really look at Derek since Scott had pulled them from the water.
He suddenly wished he hadn’t because the way Derek looks at him makes Stiles feel like he is ten years old again. Like Derek is seeing him for the first time since they accidentally fell into each other’s orbit all those years ago. Like Stiles isn’t a burden or invisible.
Like he is enough.
Or five times Stiles felt like he was drowning and the one time he finally caught his breath
Gunplay is Not Really Our Kink by theroguesgambit
(2,577 l M)
“The rules to the game are simple. One bullet, six chances. You pick it up and take turns pulling the trigger on the other man, or we gun you both down right now. You play along, only one of you has to die. Fun game, huh?”
Derek and Stiles are captured by a group of hunters and forced to play a twisted game that only one of them might walk away from.
The Price by theroguesgambit
(18,452 l M)
Stiles must surrender the most important thing in his life to protect the town… and no one can figure out what it was.
Nieważny by Zethsaire
(2,037 l E)
The pack is gone, everything they've ever cared for destroyed. Now Stiles and Derek hunt the hunters, taking revenge in the only way they know how; blood.
Make Me Bleed by @asarcasticwitch
(2,304 l E)
Peter’s expression contorts, impressed or surprised, Stiles can't decipher, but the grin on his face proves he’s not exactly disappointed with the unexpected turn of events.
“Which bite exactly were you hoping for, hm?” The older man curls one hand around the back of Stiles’s neck, trailing his thumb along his pale, fragile throat.
Stiles tilts his head back in unyielding submission, giving the wolf no room to debate his sincerity. “I’m sure you can figure it out, Alpha.
Two Roads Converge in a Graveyard Town by @cywscross
(15,645 l T)
The Deadpool brings one more assassin to Beacon Hills. A man's gotta eat after all.
when you're going through hell (keep going for me) by cywscross
(57,022 l T)
Peter is abandoned in the aftermath of the fire, and Eichen House takes ruthless advantage. Six years later, when he's finally able to move again, he finds himself in a cell with a boy in a straitjacket.
(Kate’s biggest mistake was letting Peter live. Eichen House’s biggest mistake was letting Peter meet Stiles.)
Don't Fail Me Now by @discontentedwinter​
(36,315 l E)
Stiles goes to Derek looking for help.
He finds Peter instead.
Peter takes what he's wanted for a very long time.
Sanctuary by DiscontentedWinter
(56,525 l M)
The Hale Wolf Sanctuary isn’t just for wolves.
It turns out it’s for Stilinskis as well.
Bite Down by EclipseWing (@shadow-of-the-eclipse)
(27,586 l M)
In which Stiles is forced to survive the zombie apocalypse with a sociopathic murdering werewolf for company.
Into Eden by @graciebirdie
(12,232 l M)
Stiles deciding to bring home the stray alpha he'd hit with his jeep probably made him certifiable, if it hadn't turned out Peter was as crazy as he was.
Before you let go (and the light takes you in) by Issay
(4,032 l E)
Stiles makes one last errand - goes to leave flowers on all the other graves. Fuck, so many graves. The grief is as endless and as inescapable as the sky.
He goes home and there is a thing wearing his father's face, waiting for him in the kitchen.
Call My Name by KouriArashi ( @gingersnapwolves )
(81,370 l M)
After moving to Beacon Hills, Stiles starts having recurring dreams of a man in some kind of prison, who needs his help. Things get so bad that he ends up in Eichen House, where he finds out that the man is real.
Hide my tears in the rain. by MrsRidcully
(6,865 l M)
After  years spent successfully dodging werewolves, evil spirits and wendigos,  it was a drunk driver who stole his Dad, a drunk driver with a  suspended license and a record sheet as long as Stiles’s arm. Stiles  would have laughed at the irony if he hadn’t been so busy screaming.
In My Veins Like Disease by romanoffbarton
(1,140 l T)
He tries to leave once.
Foreshock by @twothumbsandnostakeincanon
(22,816 l E)
The day Stiles’ mom died, he almost leveled his house.
Not on purpose. Not even by mistake, really. More by instinct.
Since then he's dug his fingers into everything his has left, holding on with desperation.
Desperation never stopped an earthquake.
Your Touch is My Choice by twothumbsandnostakeincanon
(2,171 l T)
The first time John does it, Stiles is two years old and about to run into the road.
“Mieczysław!” Heart pounding, John grabbed him by the back of his neck and got a hand around his tummy, snatching him back. “No, you have to stay away from the road,” he said firmly.
Shameful Company by Whispering_Sumire (@whispering-sumire755)
(38,779 l E)
"Did I turn into a unicorn?" Peter asks dryly, and Stiles glares at him for a moment before the laughter bubbles up, unbidden, nearly unwilling, and he looks so surprised at the sound, his shock dimming it for a moment before it bursts through with even more trembling ferocity. A long, thin, willowy hand curls into a soft fist over his mouth, and he's shaking, frail, more tears falling, but the copper of his eyes are glowing, crinkling around the edges and scrunched with mirth.
"No," Stiles chokes, chuckling wetly. "No, fuck you, a unicorn? What, like, Rainbowcreep? Zombiesparkle?"
[About a year before the fated Hale fire, Peter starts having nightmares that involve a woman with red hair. The nightmares lead to a spell that brings a man back through time, and, eventually, though the time-traveler is traumatized in the most horrific ways, and Peter's never been good with or for people, in general, they develop a bond that neither of them expects.]
Would You Forgive Me If I Called You Hope, Peter Hale? (Hope, By Any Other Name) by Whispering_Sumire
(10,099 l T)
Stiles has scars. He owns that, he accepts it, he's cataloged and memorized every single one, he's hyper fucking aware of them all.
"What do you want, Peter?" Having the more untrustworthy of the Pack getting protective weirds him the fuck out, leaves an odd fluttering in his chest, like moths, waiting perilously and suicidally to be burned.
He doesn't like it.
"You're injured," the man says, "and whatever it is, it's put you in enough pain that I nearly fainted when I-"
"- Used your werewolf mojo on me without my permission?" Stiles smirks, and Peter gives him a black look, crossing a leg over his knee and smoothing out some invisible wrinkle on his pants.
"Tell me the truth Stiles, how bad is it?"
[Or: The one where Stiles has scars, is more than a little fucked up, and Peter notices. He helps.]
211 notes · View notes
slafkovskys · 3 years
me, you, and the stars / j. norris
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my masterlist!
title from summer days by martin garrix
warnings(s): swearing, nsfw content (18+), jealousy, josh is just an asshole for the first half idk, alcohol, mentions of underage drinking
word count: 4.9k
“look y/n, we're leaving whether you’re with us or not!” you hear josh’s familiar voice shout from the other side of the closed door. you hear a deep sigh before a thump, which you’re fairly certain is him propping himself against the wall.
“no you won’t!” you respond. you brush the tinted wand of your lip gloss over your lips before twisting the cap back on and dropping it back into your makeup bag. you take your phone off of the charger before walking back into your bedroom and across the floor to the door. you pull it open to find josh (unsurprisingly) still on the other side. “well well well, what do you know? you’re still here.”
“you don’t have to act like such a brat,” he grumbles. he pushes away from the wall and takes in your choice of outfit, raising an eyebrow, “that’s what you’re wearing?”
“i’m not doing this with you tonight, josh. last time i checked, i’m an adult and i didn’t ask for your opinion. if you don’t like my outfit, you are more than welcome to stay behind and cry about it and i’ll make sure to have a couple drinks for you,” you roll your eyes as you smooth down your dress, a loose little number that fell from thin spaghetti straps and fell just at the middle of your thighs.
“i just don’t want to have to watch over you all night. guys are- they’re gross y/n,” he’s a couple of steps behind you on the stairs as he starts his little spiel. “i don’t want you to be exposed to that.”
“then why the hell did you invite me to come if you’re just going to be overbearing the whole time? besides, like i said before, i’m twenty years old and i haven't needed a babysitter since the third grade. if i can survive your friends, i should be able to survive a bonfire with a couple of strangers.”
you don’t tune in for his response as you walk out of the front door of the rented cabin and towards the truck. the passenger seat, which had always been designated as yours ever since he’d gotten his license, was empty and the rest of the group that was riding with you was piled into the back. you pull open the back door and will looks at you confused. you jut out your bottom lip and look at him with pleading eyes, “will you take shotgun?”
“what’s the problem now?” he slides out of the backseat anyway and takes the passenger seat while you take his seat.
“i don’t wanna talk about it,” you buckle your seatbelt and cross your arms over your chest, turning your head to look out of the window when josh opens the driver’s side door.
“seriously?” he scoffs when he finds one of his best friends where you were supposed to be. it wasn’t rhetorical, but you act like it was as you turn your body away from his watchful eyes. “whatever.”
he pulls away from the house with the rest of your group following behind in a separate car. your destination was another cabin not far from your own for a bonfire put on by someone who you didn’t even know. hunter had found out about the party on his trip to the grocery store with coale earlier in the day and once the information was shared with the group that there was allegedly going to be free alcohol, it wasn’t hard to get everyone on board.  
the cabin was a little ways down the road, not that far but still too far to walk. when josh pulls behind the already long line of cars in the driveway, you all pile out and head for the house where everyone immediately splits up into their own groups.
emily tried to convince you to come with her and kate outside, but you declined, promising to join them a little while later instead. you quickly found the alcohol piled into a plastic bin on the counter, fish yourself out a can, and retreat to the living room.
your eyes scan the room. there were already loads of drunk twenty-plus-year-olds stumbling around and you even noticed some teenagers who had either convinced their parents to let them come or snuck out, making the rounds as well. your knack for observing caused you to focus on a boy.
he couldn’t be older than you, not by much if he was, and he was staring right back at you. unlike you, though, he wasn’t alone. he was quick to abandon whatever conversation he was having before to make his way across the room once he realized that you had noticed him. you turn your head quickly and your cheeks burn at the realization that you had been caught.
you don’t have time to slip away before he’s standing in front of you. his grin is soft as he speaks, “hi.”
you swallow, heart-pounding for some unknown reason, before lifting your head to meet his eyes. you muster your best ‘i’m fine i swear’ smile, “hey there.”
“i hope i’m not bothering you or anything. i just saw you standing over here by yourself and figured i would just come over to make sure that you’re okay?” he scratches the back of his neck.
“aw, that’s sweet of you,” you say, running a hand through your hair. “i’m okay, i just kind of like to know my surroundings, get a feel of the place before i really do anything. weird habit i guess.”
his eyes track your can as you raise it to your lips, “no, no, you’re fine. i’m ben by the way.”
he holds out a hand to which you raise an eyebrow at. he notices and pulls it away quickly. you shake your head and giggle softly, “i’ve just never had a guy try and shake my hand at a party before, ben, but i’m y/n. it’s nice to meet you.”
“you too,” he moves to lean against the wall beside you, his shoulder barely touching yours. “are you from here?”
“no actually. just visiting with some friends on vacation. i’m from oxford,” he raises his eyebrows. you wave your free hand around, “it’s in-”
“i know where it’s at. one of my buddies is from there, i’ve just never met anyone else who was,” he grins. “i’m not from here either. grew up outside of toronto for a little bit and i’ve kind of been a bit of everywhere since.”
“so you’ve traveled a lot?” you ask, turning your body towards his. he hums and you raise your eyebrows, “i want to do that so badly. it’s, like, on the top of my bucket list.”
“you don’t get to travel much?”
“i mean, not really. i’ve been to dallas, new york, the ‘bigger’ places. the only place outside of the us that i’ve been is ottawa which is not that extravagant if i’m honest,” the thought of josh crosses your mind at the mention of ottawa, but it’s gone almost as quickly as it came when ben chuckles.
“why specifically ottawa? it’s not usually people’s first choice,” he raises his eyebrow and you shrug. “it’s complicated?”
“a little bit. anyways, what brings you here? do you know who owns this place?” you ask and his face flushes.
“um, i do. well, not me. my dad does. he let me borrow it for the week so i packed up a couple of my friends and borrowed the family dog and here i am,” he watches as you perk up at the mention of a dog. “do you want to meet him?”
“he’s here? can i?” it doesn’t take much for you to follow him away from the living room and down the hallway. he pushes open a door and (though it wasn’t your smartest decision to follow a stranger into a room) you're met with the sight of a dog. you gasp and he lifts his head, standing up with a stretch as you bend down. he moves off of his very comfortable-looking bed and moves in between your open arms. you squeal, “hello!”
“his name is tex, short for texas,” ben takes a seat on the bench beside the washing machine and watches as you embrace the golden retriever. “he likes you.”
“what’s not to like?” you question, looking up at the brunette with a smile. tex huffs as he takes a seat and you squeeze him gently, “you’re just the sweetest boy, aren’t you? i bet you’ve never done anything wrong in your entire life.”
“he’s does have a knack for shoes-” you cut ben off with a glare and he raises his hands in surrender, “you’re right. he’s never done anything in his entire life.”
“good answer.”
you don’t know how long you were in there with ben, playing with tex and making small talk before someone stumbles inside. he looks between ben and you and smirks, “sorry ben. we’ll find somewhere else.”
you realize then that there was a girl behind him and your cheeks burn as he closes the door. you find a neon green rope and dangle it in front of tex who eagerly snatched it from your hand. “i should be getting back out there. thank you for letting me play with him.”
“actually, i was going to ask if you wanted to get out of here? we could drive around a little bit,” he’s nervous and that was something that you could tell right off the bat. “you just said that you don’t travel much and i know it’s nothing astronomical, but i could just show you some places around town.”
in your slightly not sober mind, it didn’t even click that it was well into the night. you smile, “that sounds good. let me go and tell my friends and i’ll meet you back in the living room?”
“sounds good,” he watches as you bid tex farewell and follows you out of the room. you part ways as you head off to look for someone that you knew. it didn’t take long before you found josh outside surrounded by people. while he was the last person you wanted to tell, almost everyone that you knew was with him and you were beyond ready to leave.
you make your way over, tugging on the sleeve of his t-shirt to get his attention. he tilts his head to the side and when he realizes it’s you, his hand comes to rest on the small of your back as he pulls you to his side. he bends down to hear you, “what’s up?”
you're very aware of the attention that you’ve drawn from the group, the females who didn’t know about yours and josh’s abnormally touchy relationship especially, but you just push yourself on your tiptoes so that your mouth is beside his ear, “i’m leaving.”
he makes a noise of disapproval, “with who?”
“ben,” you shrug as though it was nothing.
“who the hell is ben?”
“we met earlier. he’s gonna show me around.”
“it’s past midnight, y/n. the only place you’re going is back to the cabin and i’m going to be the one taking you there. now, if you want to go so badly, give me five minutes and we’ll leave.”
“no, josh,” you try to pull away from him, but he doesn’t allow it whatsoever. “let me go!”
“y/n,” he sighs, handing his cup off to will who dumps whatever was in there into his own and turns you both away from the group. he keeps an arm slung over your shoulder as he slowly walks you towards the house “i don’t know how much you’ve had to drink tonight, but obviously too much if you think i’m letting you leave with someone that you just met.”
“we met the other day, at the grocery store,” the lie slips easily from your lips but josh shakes his head. he’s known you long enough to know when you were lying and the way that you were avoiding his eyes told him everything that he needed to know. that and you had been very adamant on not tagging along for any grocery store runs since you had arrived. you groan once you realize that he’s not letting you off that easy and try, once again, to pull away from him, “it wasn’t even that much! and what about you? i don’t want you driving me home if you’ve been drinking!”
“i’m 6’1 and almost 200 pounds, princess. i’ve barely had one full beer and i’ve been sipping on that for about an hour. i’m perfectly fucking fine to drive,” he rolls his eyes. he walks you both through the house and points to the couch where two couples were making out, “if you don’t believe me we can sit right there and wait for half an hour. will that appease you?”
“i fucking hate you,” you spit, finally pulling away from his grasp. you storm towards the front door and throw it open, finding ben perched on the swing out front. he stands when he sees you and your eyes soften, “ben, i’m-”
“oh, so you’re ben?” josh slides up behind you and holds out his hand for ben, poor ben, who looks very confused as he reaches out to shake it, “‘m josh. thanks for offering to give my little y/n here a tour of the town at one o’clock in the morning, that was very, very kind of you, but she’s going to have to decline. you have a good one though.”
“i want to hear that from her,” ben looks at you almost hopefully. “y/n?”
“i’m sorry,” you mumble, turning away from him and making your way down to where josh had parked. he takes his sweet time making his way down the driveway and refuses to unlock the truck until his hand covers yours on the handle, “will you please just unlock the door?”
“lose the attitude,” he scoffs, “you didn’t even know him.”
“i was getting to know him josh. you always fucking do this,” you huff and he finally unlocks the door. his hand tightens on yours as you both pull on the handle. you rip your hand away as you lift yourself into the truck and sink onto the passenger seat. he watches as you reach out to pull the door closed. you pause to utter the words, “and i’m not yours so you can stop fucking saying it.”
before pulling the door closed rather forcefully. he scoffs and shakes his head, making his way around the front of the truck. he starts it and throws it in reverse, putting his hand behind your seat to look out of the back glass, “we’re talking about this when we get back.”
you lean forward and turn the radio up, drowning him out.
the second that he kills the engine, you snatch the keys from his hand and stomp towards the front door. you throw it open, not bothering to close it as you tossed the keys onto the counter and made quick work of going to your room, rushing to beat him because he could move a lot faster than you were able to.
you hear his loud footsteps echoing in the otherwise quiet house as he ascends the stairs after you. you make sure to slam the door when he’s barely six feet away and twist the lock.
“leave me alone!” you shout as you pull out a pair of shorts from your bag. you peel off your clothes and throw them in the pile along with your other dirty clothes and make your way into the bathroom.
you grab your toothbrush just as you hear the lock turning and you want to scream. you ignore him when he walks in, leaning against the door at first. when you don’t pay him any mind, instead grabbing your toothbrush. he grins knowingly, used to your antics, “you’re ignoring me now?”
when you don’t answer, he moves to stand behind you so that you would have to look at him in the mirror, but you only turn towards the door. he chuckles, “oh, you’re good.”
you for sure thought that he wouldn’t wait you out, but he seemingly had no problem doing so. he takes a seat on the edge of the bath and props his head in his hands, watching you intently as you start to take off your makeup. you pick up a bottle and he points his finger, “what’s that for?”
you continue your silence.
“you have to talk to me at some point. we’re here for three more days, y/n,” he sighs and you shake your head. you look into the mirror, connecting your eyes with his, and you open your mouth to speak. his eyebrows raise and he smirks, which causes you to close your mouth and grab a towel to dry your face.
you weren’t going to let him win.
when you turn to exit your bedroom, he follows quickly behind. you make your way into the kitchen and turn on your phone, connecting it to the speaker that sat on the counter. it was jack’s and he had specifically told everyone not to run the battery down because he had forgotten to bring the charger, but it was the only way that you would be able to drown josh out.
you pick your playlist and turn your volume all the way up before tucking your phone in the waistband of your shorts. you move over to stand in front of the sink, fishing out some of the dishes so you could start to fill the sink. josh leans over the other side of the counter, “you’re so pissed off at me that you’re doing the dishes? are you serious?”
you look up at him and point to yours, a silent way of saying ‘i can’t hear you.’ something changes in his eyes and you look down at the sink as he pushes away from the counter. in a matter of seconds, the speaker is turned off and his hands are on your hips. the music is still playing and you feel his hand pull your phone from its place. with one of his hands holding your phone, you're able to turn around, “hey!”
“hi,” he smirks knowingly. he pauses the music and pockets your phone in his jeans. you go to reach for it, but he grabs your wrist, “now, you can either continue to act like a brat or we can have an adult conversation.”
you glare at him, “i’ll keep being a brat, thanks. now leave me alone and give me back my phone.”
in an instant, he’s lifting you onto the counter. his hands cage you in and you look at him with wide eyes, “what is your problem, y/n?”
“i could ask you the same question, josh,” you hold his gaze. you wanted so badly to reach out and place your hand on his cheek, press your lips to his own, but you couldn’t. you shouldn’t. you were still mad at him. “you’re such a fucking cockblock and i’m sick of it.”
“it’s not my fault that you can’t take a fucking hint,” he rolls his eyes. you take a deep breath and he looks at you with an expression that seems almost shocked, “are you- why do you think i did that?”
“because you’re an asshole?” you accidentally touch your hand to his and you pull it away quickly.
“please don’t do that,” he sighs. he reaches for your hand and you let him curl his fingers around your own. it felt strange, it felt- it felt good. “you’re the only one that matters to me, y/n. why can’t you understand that? because i don’t know how much clearer i can be.”
“you’re drunk josh,” you repeat what you had said earlier when he offered to drive you home.
“you know damn well that i’m not, y/n.” and he was right. you know josh, been around him enough to know what he was like when he was under the influence and this, this wasn’t it.
“what do you mean?” you squeeze onto his hand. “you said that i’m the only one that matters to you. what do you mean?”
“i haven’t taken anyone home in almost a year because of you. even in belleville, even when i got called up. they tried to get me to hook up with someone but i couldn’t. you’re the only person that i want in my bed and you-” he pauses, shaking his head.
“what did i do, josh? you’ve been a total asshole to me and i’m supposed to realize that that means that you want me? what are we, eight?” you shake your head, untangling your  fingers from his. you lean back on the counter and he looks at you almost pleadingly, “you aren’t my boyfriend and you need to stop acting like it. this shit isn’t going to fly anymore.”
he goes quiet before he leans forward. his lips press to yours and a warm feeling takes over your body. you melt into him when he moves one of his hands to rest on your back and the other to rest on your cheek. his hand pulls you forward and you wrap your arms around his neck. he’s the one to pull away first, breathing heavily. his eyes are glazed over and by the way he’s gripping onto you, you can tell that he doesn’t want to let go. “was- is this okay?”
you squeeze his wrist on the hand that rested softly on your cheek as though he would slip away before you leaned back in after taking a deep breath. his hands slides up your back, slipping under the hem of your shirt and you pull away this time, pressing your nose into his neck, “not here. someone could walk- josh!”
you tighten your arms around his neck as he takes you down the hallway to what you knew to be his bedroom. he pushes open the door and drops you down onto the bed, which causes you to squeal as his body covers your own.
you run your hands along his shoulders and he slides his fingertips under your shirt. he’s nervous, you can tell, maybe a little hesitant as well.
“josh,” you call, running your index finger along his jaw, “this is okay with me. i promise you. is it okay with you?”
“more than okay,” he confirms, ���are you sure that you want to do this? things won’t ever be the same if we do.”
why did he have to say that?
if it was anybody else, you wouldn’t have even had to think about it. if it was ben, it wouldn’t have meant anything. but this wasn’t just anyone. it wasn’t just ben who you had known all of an hour before you were willing to get into his car. this was josh who you had known since you were kids. josh that you had harbored a crush on since you were thirteen and he was fourteen. josh who you were forced to watch from a distance as he got older and buffer from the hours spent training, who you had to watch as he brought the occasional girl home to meet his mother.
you had never told anyone how you felt and no one ever seemed to notice, which was fine. perfect even. but now-
you look into his eyes as you whisper the single word, “please.”
that seems to be all he needs before he hooks his fingers in your shorts and tugs them downward, taking your panties with them easily. he tosses them to the side and chuckles as his fingers lightly run across your slit, “you’re already soaked.”
“i’ve been waiting a long time for this,” you admit, biting your lip as his thumb runs over your clit.
he sinks his index finger in slowly, pressing his lips to yours as you gasp. it doesn’t take long for him to work in a second before he speaks again, “why didn’t you say anything?”
“to be fair, i thought i was the last person that you wanted to sleep with. you aren’t the best at showing your emotions,” you grumble and he grins.
“you and your attitude,” he shakes his head, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he stretches you open. “what am i gonna do with you? don’t think that i’ve forgotten about how much of a little brat you were being earlier.”
“well,” in a sudden act of boldness, you move your lips to dance over his ear, “what are you gonna do about it? because as much as you seemed to want me out in the kitchen, you’re moving awfully slow.”
that seemed to ignite something inside of him.
it was only a couple of minutes later when both of your clothes were thrown about the room and he was ripping open a condom. you grin as he presses the tip to your slit, taking some of the wetness.
“josh,” you moan as he sinks in, slowly filling you. “fuck.”
“worth waiting for?”
“you pick the worst times to be an ass- holy,” you arch your chest into his as he bottoms out. you try and pull away but he wraps his arms around your thighs, keeping you still.
“that’s it, princess,” he coos, sucking a mark into your neck. “look so pretty on my cock. can’t believe i waited this long to see you like this, fuck.”
a whine forms in your throat as he pulls out, only to thrust right back in. he lets you dig your nails into his back as he finds his pace, finding your g-spot almost a little too quickly.
his hips snap against yours and his mouth makes its way from your neck to your breasts, taking the opportunity to leave hickeys there as well. there was no way in hell that you were going to be able to hide what had happened and you somehow find the words to voice that, “everyone’s gonna know.”
“fucking good,” he lands a particularly harsh against your spot, “want them to know that you’re mine. that they can’t have you. i’ve seen the way they look at you and i don’t like it.”
“we’re gonna have to work on that but now, i’m gonna-”
“you’re gonna ask me nicely,” his thumb finds your clit and he begins to circle. “you’re gonna show me that you can be good and say please.”
“i hate you,” your words have no real meaning and he knows that by the chuckle he has the audacity to let out. “please josh, please let me cum. i’ll be so fucking good, let everyone know i’m yours.”
“say it again,” he demands.
“i’m yours,” and that was the end.
you feel him spill into the condom before he give you permission, spilling over his cock as you tighten your arms around his neck and press your lips to his as you ride through the aftershock. he rocks upwards a few more times before slipping out and resting his head on your bare chest. his fingers run over one of breasts, “didn’t show these enough attention.”
“they’re covered in hickeys,” you breathe out, “they got the memo.”
you find yourself tangled under his covers not thirty minutes later, both fresh from the shower. you had spent minimal time actually under the water and more time-pressed against the wall with his lips pressed against yours.
your hand ran through his hair as his head rested on your naked chest. you can’t help but stare over his shoulder out of the large window that overlooked the lake. the stars were twinkling high above while everything else was quiet. too quiet.
you patiently wait until you were positive that he was asleep when you start to shift backward, trying to escape his grip. you had your feet on the ground, ready to search for your clothes before he makes a noise of protest.
“woah,” he says when you move to get out of the bed. his hand curls around your side and pulls you back to his chest, “what are you doing?”
“i’m going back to my room,” you look at him confused. “everyone’s bound to be home soon and i don’t want them to find us like this.”
“i don’t care if they see us, y/n. what part of you being the only one that i want didn’t you understand?” he sighs as he pushes your hair out of your face. you wrap one of your hands around his arm as he does so, “i don’t just want you for tonight. i want you for the long run, y/n. i don’t know exactly what that entails, but i do know that i want you to be here when i wake up in the morning. we can talk about it then, okay?”
you look into his eyes, trying to find any hint that he wasn’t telling you the truth, but you couldn’t. you relax into his chest and let his arms wrap around you once again, “in the morning.”
“in the morning,” he agrees and presses his lips to the top of your head.
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712005 · 2 years
[ 12:00am ]
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The world was ghostly-quiet except for my thought flowing like a tears. It would be an understatement if I said I was bored, but who cares.
" Well that all for today class, you may now leave"
I got all my things and left the class. My legs felt like noodles but I needed to keep up my pace with my classmates.
" Is that her "
" Yeah I think so "
" Wow she looks dead "
Whispers filled the hall an di tried to ignore it. I craved for a cigarette.
" I miss her "
All the kids where in the field moving like the sun, while I sat alone by the lemming light. But then I heard a voice. It was a girl my age. Her hair was red, just like blood. The end of hair where poison needles and her eyes where bags of bleach.
" Wow are you get alright"
" Of course i am"
But then the balls rang, as we matched out like ants making an anthills. As always the snakes waited for me outside. I simply moved passed them. Neither caring of my oblige behaviour. Walking down the white clean road, a group of kids ran passed me with sunny smiles.
" God damn it "
It started raining cats and dogs. I quickly ran under Miss Kate shop. She is the embodiment of truth. Today she looked quit glumly, it wasn't anything surprising to me.
" Hey sweetie, are you alright "
" Am good miss "
" Excuse me, could I get a bag for this "
I looked back to see a thrall behind my back. I quickly walked to the back, to wait for my turn.
" Here's your things "
It took like an hour, surprisingly to get to my turn. Lazily walking to the counter, Miss Kate stared at me with her, nurturing eyes. After having a pleasant conversation with her, I left the shop with a light headed mind.
Strolling back to my house, the stars shined on me. I wasn't even near my doors, but that didn't stop me from hearing my dad barking.
Welcomed with the smell of dead soul, some of my dad men where entangled in lust acts. My dad was no different ,he held a women by her throat. While scanning her body like a predictor. This made me wonder, how I was his offspring. He was a sadistic but who am i to judge. He's eyes where locked doors and his hair where dusty granite. The only thing that shocked me to the least was how young looking he was, but I would never trust the devil. I quickly walked to my room. Since I knew he was too busy with his disgusting deeds to notice me coming in. As soon as I entered my room, my eyes wondered to my mirror. My eyes gentle scanned the belt mark on my hand and glue on my hair, from my classmates.
" Is this really me "
I quickly looked away. I couldn't bare my reflections, my broken figure. Then and then, my doors swigged open, revealing a slander figure. It was one of my dad men.
" He want you "
Swiftly moving past him, I walked down the stairs to see my dad laying calmly on the chair.
" I want you to get us drink darling "
Cringing from beneath my stomach, I looked away from him. He never called me " darling ". Only when my mom was alive.
" But its's dark "
" Do I look like I care "
He throw the money at my face, as his men chuckled. Raging out of the house, the pokeroot dusty road consumed me as I made my way down to the shop, only to see two kids playing a game. But it was too dark to see what game it was.
" Hey, what could I get you "
Dropping the cash in front of him, I pointed at the bears behind him. He reliantly got the drinks. I wouldn't blame him, it was pretty late. Reaching into my pocket as he came back to the counter, I felt a crusty dusty cigarette.
" Can you get me a cigarette too please "
" Thank you "
Leaving with a fake smile, I walked back to my house. There a group of boys smoking.
" Could I borrow your lighter "
" Thank you "
Some people say smoker are more liable to death but trust me, nice people die early. I quietly let a sigh out as I reached my house.
" Finally guys, the bears here "
Without a thank you nor sorry from my dad or his men, I walked back to my room. For I am back to my lovely cave, only to smoke and wonder to dream land.
Within seconds, I was back here. Why you may ask, but without an answer. I sat down to listen to my teacher blubbing about our project. But suddenly I felt an ought to let a river out. Rushing to the toilet, I slammed the door. Leaving a cracking smile. One that would remain with me.
Coming out of the toilet, I looked into the mirror, my hair was red, just like blood. The end of hair where poison needles and her eyes where bags of bleach. Leaving with a cracking smile, I got my gun and bulb switch from my tights.
Walking through the halls, I used padlocks to lock all the doors, as all the teacher locked at me with suspicion and fear. I gave them a childish wave with a manic smile as my hand reached the bomb switch without losing eye contact my goals. Doors and glass shattering as screams escaped from all the classrooms. But at the corner of my eyes I noticed one of the teacher was screaming, as she had escaped her death. Just one glance at me, made her legs tremble.
" Why would you do this "
" Why- we both know why "
I really didn't want to waste time on her. As soon as I set my eyes on my gun, she flied. Doors slamming and feet's pattering as the cat and mice chased each other. Swigging my hand swiftly I landed a bullet in her head.
" Sorry miss "
Walking out of the school with a cracked smile, I happily ran down the dark road, only to hear my dad barking. But not for to long. Welcoming with a smell of deal soul, all my dad men where dead. Thank to the poison I had put in there drinks yesterday.
" How could you do this, after all that I had done for you "
Letting a manic laugh, I looked him dead in the eyes
" Why are you laughing "
He screamed like a spoiled child. But down his body went like a broken door as my bullet had claimed him head. I quietly let a satisfied sigh, I sat down on the chair. Lilting my cigarette.
" The world ghostly-quiet "
" And- cut " said the director. that was the last thing I heard before a group of applaud followed. My fellow act and actress hugged and praised me for my great acting. We all screamed with joy, for we had finally finished all shooting for the movie.
" Billie it was nice working with you"
" And it was nice working with you, Mr Dean "
" Thank you" he said with a sunny smile as I hugged him.
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Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave
Chapter 2- Listen To Your Heart (Through Fire)
Warning- swearing, mention of death
This chapter is from Emmett’s POV. I’m also horrible with names, so since Emmett didn’t have a last name in the movie I borrowed one from another Cillian role!
“This is all their fault, they brought that creature here!” A strange voice yelled, dragging Emmett back to consciousness.
“You know that’s a lie. We’ve all seen the boat the creature came over on, no human would have lasted on there with it. This could have happened at any point, which is what I have been telling all of you for months but almost no one wanted to listen to me. I was just paranoid, remember? If it wasn’t for Regan and Emmett we’d all be dead! Last time I checked though, you don’t run this community.” Katherine stated calmly and Emmett recognized that deceptive tone. He could hear the fire edging into her voice and knew that whoever she was talking to was sure to lose the fight. He himself had been on the receiving end of that anger more than once.
“They have to leave, they can’t stay.” The person repeated.
“If they leave, I leave. It’ll take me an hour to pack what I need.” the icy tone in her words indicating that she meant every one. “Just give me an hour Denny, and then we’ll be out of here and you can go back to living with your head’s up your asses.”
“Now wa-wait a minute Katie. There’s no reason you have to leave too.” Denny stuttered nervously.
“No, if you force them out you force me out too. I’m not leaving a child to take care of an injured man.  It would be a death sentence for the both of them. I care about them and I won’t let them die alone. Unlike you I won’t sacrifice someone for my own safety, I’m not a monster.” Katherine spat back venomously.
“Don’t you dare bring that up you bitch!”
“Or what, huh, what are you going to do about it Denny? Kill me too? Go on then!” Katie yelled back voice dripping with a hatred Emmett had never heard from her before.
Before the argument could get any more heated, a voice that sounded frail and elderly spoke up, “If she leaves I’m leaving too.”
“No mama Lou.” Katie began to protest but was quickly shut down by several others in the crowd stating that they too would leave. Emmett was shocked to hear so many people taking their side, simply assuming that more people would be like Denny and blame them for causing such devastation. Maybe, just maybe there might still be some good and decent people left in this world after all he thought.
“Face it man, you’ve lost. Half the island would leave if she goes.” a male voice taunted.
“Fuck you Chase! Fine, they can stay. Since I’m outnumbered” Denny angrily replied and it sounded as if the crowd began to disperse.
“Thank you mama Lou, but I don’t know what on Earth possessed you to say that.” Katie whispered though Emmett could still hear her every word.
“I saw the way you looked at him last night. He’s the boy you told me about isn’t he? The one you loved when you were young, the one you still love. This world needs more of that sweetie, especially now. Listen to your heart.” The elderly lady simply stated.
Emmett took a shaky breath not hearing any of the rest of the conversation. After all this time she still loved him, it took him by surprise. He had never stopped loving her. Sure, he loved Nora and his kids and he wouldn’t have changed them for the world. But there wasn’t a day that went by when he didn’t think about her, his Katie. He had always felt so guilty about it and he was convinced that she had forgotten all about him. Nora never talked about her at all and Lee and Evelyn didn’t talk about her much. It was like they knew it still hurt. But on occasion, usually after a few too many when he would finally get the nerve to ask, they would tell him bits about her life. Lee told him she had been stationed in Hawaii but was choosing to spend as much time deployed as she could. Evelyn told him of her accomplishments, medals and awards and he felt immensely proud and only slightly heartbroken when they showed him the pictures she’d sent of her re-enlistment ceremony with the Pearl Harbor Monument shining in the background and her uniform crisp and white in the warm sunshine. What he never knew was that they did the same in turn when Katie asked about him, sending her pictures of him and the boys and telling her how well he was doing at the factory with her feeling the same sense of heartbroken pride when she learned of what an amazing father and husband he had become.
The opening of the door pulled him from his thoughts as Katie quietly crept into the room. However, she quickly saw that Regan was the only one still sleeping. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” She smiled at him, the smallest of smiles almost like she was afraid of his reaction. “You didn’t wake me up.” He smiled back at her and pointed to the open window. Katie’s face quickly fell and she sighed “How much did you hear?”
“Enough to know that you really don’t like Denny, but apparently you really like Regan and I. You didn’t have to threaten to go with us Kate, I would never ask you to go back to that hell.”
“You listen to me Emmett Miller, I would walk through a thousand hells and battle hundreds of those things for you two. That’s my best friends’ oldest baby, and you… well…” Katie faltered here, her confidence quickly failing.
“You love me.” Emmett filled in for her and watched her sharp intake of breath.
“Yes, but you have a family. So it’s not like it really matters how I feel.” She gestured half heartedly to her chest and turned towards Regan’s sleeping form trying to compose herself.
“Had a family.”
“What?” She spun back around to face him.
“I lost the boys on the first day of the invasion, Nora passed 11 weeks ago. Though if I’m being honest I lost her the day we lost the boys. I did all I could, but I know she blamed me. Hell I blame myself. I was trying to get us out of town, when those damn things attacked. One minute I was driving the next I was waking up after someone crashed into the side of the car. The boys died on impact, thankfully. They never really had to know the horror of those monsters or the fear of making noise. But I’ll never forget seeing them like that.” Emmett stopped and saw the tears shining in her eyes. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have laid that all out there.” He sighed, swiping at his own tears that had managed to escape.
“Emmett, I am so sorry. I didn’t know” Katie whispered. She silently crossed the room and grasped his hand gently. He in turn clung to her like a drowning man, allowing himself more human contact then he had in months. He tugged down on her hand until she sat beside him.
“I’ve never really told anyone other than Evelyn that and even then she didn’t know all of it,” he whispered. “And I think this is the first time I’ve cried. And this might sound crazy so please don’t judge me, but I just want you to lay here with me. I just want to feel safe for once. Can you just hold me, Katie please.” His voice cracked.
She could sense that Emmett was on the verge of breaking. He had always hid his vulnerability, afraid to seem too weak. But she knew him well enough to know when he had reached his breaking point. Katie gently laid beside him on his uninjured side, sliding her arm under him, gently pulling him into her and he turned just slightly to rest his head against her chest. She felt his arms tighten around her as the sobs finally broke free and he let out all the heartache of losing his family. Katie gently placed her lips against his hair whispering “It’s ok Em. You’re safe now and I’m not going anywhere. I’ve got you.” And as the sun slowly faded in the sky and the shadows began to creep across the floor with the sound of waves gently crashing in the distance, Emmett slowly let down the walls he had built around his emotions and cried himself to sleep in Katie’s warm arms. And for the first time in over a year… he felt safe.
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
Coral, Baby’s Breath, and Forget-me-nots
For Maribat March 2021 day 11 prompt Mominette.
this is a sort of sequel to day 5 prompt Last Time about Marinette and her husband, named Flynn (he’s British (sort of)).
enjoy ~
Marinette remembers the day she met her late husband.
They were in college, just trying to make it through. He had just moved to the states from London and didn’t really know anyone so she invited him to a study group she was going to. Marinette sat down beside Tim, Kon on his other side with Steph and Cass across from them. Marinette’s new friend, Flynn, sat across from her, and the six studied for hours, eventually moving the study group back to Marinette’s apartment.
They ran into Jason there, Marinette wrapping the older man in a hug as the other five filed into the apartment.
“Hey, Jay-Jay,” Marinette said as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Whatcha doin’ here? Don’t you have your own place?”
“I don’t have Cool Ranch Doritos and Funyuns.” Jason pressed a kiss to Marinette’s forehead. “Hey Pix.”
“You know your brother, sisters, and Kon. The cutie with brown hair and blue eyes is Flynn from my Business Administration class.” Marinette smiled and settled against his side. “Flynn, this is my brother in all but blood Jason.”
“Hello, guy that my sister thinks is cute,” Jason said while looking at his other siblings.
“Hello, Marinette’s brother in all but blood.” Flynn smiled.
Marinette remembers her first date with her late husband.
Marinette rifled through her closet looking for something to wear on her date with Flynn. She knew she wanted something a little edgier than what she normally did, granted she usually showed up to class in sweats but it was the thought that counts.
Eventually, she turned to look at Jason, who was drinking a smoothie while lounging on her bed. “What do you think?”
“What about that Jagged Stone shirt you have, not the merch the one, the one that you made him that he gave you after you left Paris with a pair of ripped jeans, some heeled ankle boots, and a leather jacket?” Jason let a smirk spread across his face as Marinette stared at him before she tackled him, making sure that he didn’t spill his smoothie on her bed.
“Thanks, Jay-Jay.” Marinette pressed kisses to his cheeks before going back to her closet. “Hey, Jay-Jay? Can you do my hair for me?”
Marinette got dressed while Jason plugged in the curling iron and got out Marinette’s makeup, knowing that she’d ask him to do her makeup too.
Marinette wore a pair of dark grey ripped skinny jeans, a black oversized shirt with hidden embroidery of a musical note at the bottom hem, brown lace up wedge booties and a brown leather jacket (that she borrowed from Jason). Jason had curled her hair away from her face and the left side pinned in the back while her makeup was light. Her eyes were done in a mix of pinks and browns with copious amounts of glitter, a thin black wing, and light mascara. She had a light pink lip and gold highlight, which matched the gold earrings she wore.
Flynn, on the other hand, wore blue jeans with a nice tee and sneakers with his hair styled away from his face.
They went to lunch and walked around a local park, simply talking and getting to know each other.
And Marinette would never forget the day she got married.
Jason was her man of honour, wearing a beautiful coral suit jacket with coral dress pants. Cass, Steph, and Barbara were her bridesmaids, all in beautiful coral dresses. Their dresses were long dresses with lace cap sleeves and flattering on all three girls. Kate was stepping in as mother of the bride, and she wore a beautiful bronze coloured dress. The dress was off the shoulder, with a lace bodice and a satin skirt that reached her knees. Carrie was the flower girl, with a satin and tulle dress with flowers trapped inside the tulle. Her dress was white with coral coloured flowers.
Tim, Kon, Duke, and Damian were Flynn’s groomsmen, with Damian being his best man simply because the boys fought for it and Damian won. Tim, Kon, and Duke all wore black dress pants with coral dress shirts and baby's breath boutonnieres. Damian wore coral dress pants, a white dress shirt, and a black suit jacket with a baby’s breath and forget-me-not boutonniere. Dick was the only one not wearing coral, as he was dressed in a light gray three-piece suit. Dick had graciously offered to be the officiant.
Bruce wore a simple black three-piece suit with a coral tie and forget-me-not blue pocket square. Selina wore a stunning silver and bronze one-shoulder dress with forget-me-nots and baby’s breath woven into her hair. They were filling in for Flynn’s parents, who had disowned him for not wanting to follow in their footsteps. However, Flynn’s grandmother, a wonderful woman named Ariella, had decided to simply remove Flynn’s parents from her will and leave only Flynn in it because she had always been closer to Flynn than to his parents. She wore a lovely bronze shift dress and tan flats and sat in the first chair on Flynn’s side.
Marinette wore a white princess-style dress made of satin with a tulle overlay and matching coral flower petals trapped between the layers of tulle. She had baby’s breath and forget-me-nots braided into her hair. She would always remember it as the beginning of her happy life.
The days her children were born were some of the happiest days of her life.
Marinette and Flynn had prepped for months before their first child was born. Jaden was born just after midnight on September ninth. She had brown hair and her mother’s blue-gray eyes. Rowan, their second child, was born just before noon on January fifteenth. He looked like a miniature version of Flynn. With Charlie, their third, being born nearly a year later on January thirteenth at six in the afternoon. He had black hair and Flynn’s blue eyes.’. Haden, their youngest, was born two and a half years after Charlie, on July twenty-seventh at a little after six in the morning. She looked like a miniature version of Marinette.
Marinette would always say that her favourite creation in life was her children, and she would never regret a single second spent with them.
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
Like We Used To: 30 *The End*
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A/N: I can’t believe the last chapter is finally here! I’ve loved writing this story! Let me know what you think. The POV was suggested by tpwk. Thanks, love!! 
And if anyone wants me to write a story for them, please message me any requests! I’d love to keep writing! :) Thank you so much for all of your love and support!! 
P.S. Did the first two sentences of this chapter get to you like it did to me? Remember the first chapter??
[Click Here For Previous Chapters]
This day could have gone a lot worse. Granted, it was only 11 AM. For weeks leading up to this point the subtle feeling of irrational panic nagged at the back of Harry’s mind. Did he get his haircut the right way? Was his suit properly tailored? Was he forgetting anything? It felt like he had done so little to prep, although he knew that not to be true. He had gone to plenty of events before, but this one would be the biggest and most important, after all. 
Harry brushed his hair back with his fingers and straightened his birdseye dusty rose suit jacket and made sure his navy dress pants were at the proper height before grabbing his floral tie, draping it around his neck. He took a deep breath, tilting his head up slightly for more room as he tied it, making sure it fell just perfectly against his white button up and stepped back to get a better look at the whole ensemble.  
The door flew open and Harry watched in the mirror as Jeffrey walked in wearing a full navy suit with a pink tie to match Harry’s suit and he smiled widely, smacking a hand on his shoulder. 
“How are you feeling?” Jeffrey asked, the sounds of shouting laughter more noticeable with the door open.
Harry took a deep breath and grinned, nodding, “A bit nervous, mate.”
Jeffrey laughed, “You act as if you’ve never been in front of hundreds of people before.”
“Yeah, this is exactly the same,” Harry said, sarcastically.
Lewis poked his head in the door, dressed in the same thing as Jeffrey, except his suit was still untied. His eyes widened, waving a rather large sized box in his hands, “This just arrived for you.”
Harry nodded, stepping closer and grabbing the box out of Lewis’ grasp, following him out to the main room. There, he saw Mitch and Matt talking in the corner of the room, dressed in the same suit as the other two with beers in hand, while a woman with a camera skirted around everyone, filming. Harry sat down while the boys stood around to watch as Harry neatly unwrapped the box and pulled off the lid to see a card laying on top of what looked like a black hoodie. His eyes furrowed, looking through the window at the beautiful, warm May weather. It was far too nice out to need a hoodie. But as he pulled it out, his lips twitched upward into a smile, recognizing it as the hoodie he let Elizabeth borrow the night of the dare at the manor house after Kate and Lewis’ wedding.
The boys surrounding him clearly didn’t understand the significance, but Harry ignored their verbal thoughts of confusion as he opened the card, a picture of 14 year old Harry and Elizabeth fell out, with him kissing her cheek so hard that it made her make a fish face. He chuckled and read the card aloud.
“My Love,
I thought that after four years you might want your hoodie back. It’s kept me warm for long enough. I guess I can share it now. Do you like the picture? It was 16 years ago, almost to the day, and I can remember it so clearly in my mind. I remember right after this picture was taken, you gave me your ring pop and jokingly proposed to me. Do you remember what I said?”
Harry laughed. His voice began to break as he started to get emotional, reading the next line of the letter out loud, picturing the moment in his memory, 
“I said ‘No, because it’s not strawberry flavored’. So what did you do? You ran 6 blocks back to the convenience store to buy a strawberry flavored ring pop, just so you could fake propose to me again. So typical of you. At 14 years old, you were just as kind, thoughtful, and as loving as you are now at 30. You always go completely out of your way to make sure that I am happy. You are that same 14 year old boy that I fell in love with 16 years ago (but with better hair). I can’t wait for more adventures with you. I can’t wait to grow old with you. I can’t wait to keep trying to one-up each other with gifts. And although I might not ever be able to top that strawberry ring pop, I'll still try. I have one more gift for you, but it’ll have to wait until tonight.
I love you, baby. See you at the altar.
Your bride,
Harry wiped the tears that had fallen down his cheek and laughed, slightly embarrassed at the emotions he had displayed in front of his friends. But they didn’t seem to mind as they all crowded around him, squeezing his shoulder and giving him hugs while the videographer continued to film them, joking about the last line. He found himself wondering what gift she could possibly have for him tonight and his mind wandered to all of the different types of lingerie she could have bought.
There was a knock at the door and Harry turned in his seat to see the one of the wedding coordinators pop their head in, eyebrows raised, “How are we doing? Are we ready to go?”
Harry stood up, smoothing out his suit again, “Yeah, we’re ready.”
The wedding coordinator stepped to the side and Harry’s mom, Anne came into view, smiling sheepishly. The second they caught eyes with each other, Anne cooed with emotion, covering her mouth with her hands before dropping them and jogging in the room towards her son, arms outstretched. Harry laughed, smiling widely and taking her into his arms in a tight embrace.
When Anne pulled away, she blotted underneath her eyes, blocking the tears from rolling down her face, “You look so handsome, my darling boy. I am so beyond proud of you.”
“Thanks, mum. You look lovely.”
She kissed his cheek and wiped away the lipstick mark before saying, “I just saw Lizzy. She looks beautiful. I’m so happy for the both of you.”
Before he could respond, the wedding coordinator clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention and round them up as it was time to get ready for the processional. Harry took one quick swig of his beer before following his friends out, arms linked with his mother. The boys made sure their suits were buttoned and ties were straight as they made their way through the stone building towards the back entrance. 
Harry heard echoing clicks of heels and faint soft voices from a room nearby and felt the butterflies flutter in his stomach, realizing that Elizabeth was only feet away. The soft rhythm of string instruments sounded from the live band and through the speakers, covering the garden and signaling the start of the procession. Matt was directed to go first, followed shortly by Mitch, Jeffrey, and Lewis. 
Anne tightened her grip on her son’s arm, turning to him and saying, “Are you ready?”
Harry nodded, blowing out some air, “Let’s do it.”
The coordinator directed them to make their way out, opening the door for them as they stepped into the fresh air. He looked out at the rows upon rows of guests who watched him as he made his way down with his mom by his side, smiling at his friends and family who came. He finally took in the decor, seeing all of the beautifully whimsical flowers, lanterns, and little tidbits leading up to the altar that stood just before a picturesque pond. Seeing all of their months of hard work come together made it feel more real. 
Once at the end of the aisle, Harry kissed his mother’s cheek before she sat down at the front row, and he joined his friends, taking his spot in the middle, next to Lewis, his best man, shaking the hand of their officiant. He looked, again, at the rows of guests and his eyes fell upon Kim, Elizabeth’s mom who sat at the front on the other side of the aisle, her eyes wide in happiness. 
A flash of dusty rose rounded the corner into view as he saw his sister, Gemma, walking towards him wearing a spaghetti strap, high slit, wrapped dress, color matching his suit top, holding a beautiful small bouquet of flowers. They smiled at each other as she made her way to the other side of the altar followed by Sarah who walked carefully down the aisle. Kate was next in view, and for some reason this made Harry’s heart pound even harder, nerves really starting to kick in. He would be seeing his bride soon.
Harry began to bounce lightly on his toes in anticipation and Kate shot him a reassuring smile as she joined the other two. Elizabeth’s sister and maid of honor, Jenny, was the next to come into view, smiling and taking her place at the front. Everyone watched, affectionate laughs ringing throughout the seats as 4 year old Mia came skipping down the aisle, basket of flowers in her arms that she had forgotten to toss onto the ground, beaming at the attention she was getting. She reached her mom at the front, holding onto her hand and swaying lightly.
The tone of the music changed and a voice over the speaker said, “Please rise for the bride.”
Eruption of people getting up on their feet echoed and Harry’s heart beat faster, shuffling from side to side. He could feel the butterflies that were in his stomach make his way up to his chest, forming a lump in his throat. His mind flashed through the past 16 years or so of memories with Elizabeth, from the first moment he met her, to the day he had left. He recalled the day he saw her again, walking down the aisle as a bridesmaid in Kate’s wedding. She looked even more beautiful than he remembered. From that moment on, he knew that he was done looking. No one could compare to her. No one could even come close since the day he met her when they were 14.
Still, even though he was so sure, he couldn’t help but feel the rush of nerves taking over him, waiting in anticipation to see her. Harry looked down at his toes, afraid to look up. He could feel all of the emotions starting to build up in his chest and he was afraid that if he looked up, he might lose it. 
He heard soft scattered gasps of awe in front of him and he took a deep breath before looking up. His heart skipped a beat, looking down the aisle, eyes landing on the love of his life. She looked like she had come straight from a fairytale. Her strapless corset lace top held onto the draping puffy laced sleeves that hung just above her elbow, the smooth skirt of the a-line dress flowed elegantly behind her as her arm hooked on her father’s. There was no stopping it. Harry let out a soft whimper, a few tears spilling out. The overwhelming feeling of love encapsulating his entire being. He felt unbelievably lucky.
He felt Lewis squeeze his shoulders in recognition but continued to stare at the face of his bride as she softly giggled at his reaction, eyelashes fluttering. Elizabeth wrinkled her nose and quickly stuck her tongue out at him, making him chuckle as the feeling of anxiousness washed away. When they reached her, John turned to his daughter, pulling her into a tight squeeze and kissing her cheek.
“I love you, sweetheart,” he whispered to her before turning towards Harry and shaking his hand, pulling him into a fatherly embrace, “Be good to her,” his voice cracked, stifling his emotions.
“Always,” Harry grinned at him as he pulled away. 
John took Elizabeth’s hands and connected them with Harry’s before joining his wife in the front row. The officiant started off his spiel as the guests finally took their seats and Harry grinned, looking Elizabeth up and down.
“You’re beautiful,” Harry mouthed, smirking.
Elizabeth grinned and winked at him, “You’re beautiful,” she joked, making him chuckle again.
The officiant wrapped up his speech before directing Harry to take the rings from Lewis and to start his vows. He handed Elizabeth the wedding band and fidgeted with Elizabeth’s band between his fingers. Feeling the eyes of hundreds of their closest friends and family on him started to make him feel nervous again. Concerts were one thing, but expressing your love for someone in such an intimate way felt like something entirely different. 
He cleared his throat, speaking slowly into the microphone that the officiant held in front of him, his voice emitting through the speakers, “Well, I’m a much better song writer than I am vow-writer, but I tried,” he joked, causing harmonious laughter as he continued, “Lizzy, you have been my best friend since I was 14 years old. No amount of distance or time has ever changed my love for you. Not for one minute. So I promise, for the rest of my life, I will decorate our home with candles and rose petals. I will share a sleeve of oreo cookies with you. I will let you steal all of my hoodies. And I will always remember to get you the strawberry flavored ringpop. With this ring, I am yours.”
The guests laughed and he smiled tenderly as Elizabeth chuckled, a tear falling down her cheek while he pushed the ring onto her finger. With her other hand, she quickly wiped it away before joining hands with him again. He felt her palms beginning to sweat and tremble. Sensing her nervousness, he squeezed her hands harder and ran his thumbs across the top, soothing her. 
Elizabeth took a deep breath, and began to speak, her voice trembling slightly from both nerves and emotion, “Harry,” she started, smiling at him, “I often think back to how this all started and am constantly blown away by all of the circumstances that always lead us back to each other. No matter how hard as I tried to avoid you,” Elizabeth laughed, causing everyone else to laugh as she continued, “You always came back. You are my constant. You are my everlasting. You are my anchor when I need to be brought back down to earth, and you are my rocketship when I need to let loose and dream. I’m proud to have been able to watch you grow into the man you’ve become, and I am proud to stand beside you as your wife. So, I promise to be your certainty when things seem uncertain, and to always tell you that your music is great, even when I think it’s not. With this ring, I am yours.”
Harry laughed as Elizabeth slid the band onto his finger, looking into her beautiful brown eyes as the officiant pronounced them husband and wife. He pulled her into him by the waist as she placed a hand on his neck and softly pressed their lips together, the guests jumping to their feet, clapping and whistling. A rush of exhilaration went through him and he wrapped his arms around her waist, arching back and squeezing her tight, lifting her off her feet. The two of them smiled into the kiss and she giggled as he set her back down.
“Ladies and gentleman, Mr. and Mrs. Styles!” The officiant declared.
Harry took Elizabeth’s hand and shot his arms in the air, forcing Elizabeth’s arm up with him, victoriously. She beamed as they made their way back down the aisle towards the house, practically skipping. They rounded the outside of the building towards a little gazebo, waiting for the rest of the wedding party to take pictures together before heading in to party with the guests. 
Pictures only took about 15 minutes before they made their way inside, the wedding party being introduced, and dinner being served. Speeches were made while eating from some of the wedding party and a few guests, Elizabeth laughing so hard that she needed to have her makeup touched up because of the tears that streamed down her face. 
As people began to finish eating, a voice spoke through the speakers, “Ladies and gentleman, it is time for the bride and groom’s first dance as husband and wife, if you could turn your attention to the dance floor.” 
Harry smiled, standing up and outstretching a hand for his wife who gulped down her glass of water before standing beside him, yelps from guests echoing throughout the room. Once at the center of the dance floor, the beginning tune of a piano began as Elizabeth and Harry took their positions, but suddenly Harry broke away, waving a hand across his chest to tell the hired band to stop. Elizabeth furrowed her eyebrows at him and he grinned mischievously, walking up to the stage and grabbing the mic.
“Lizzy’s going to kill me, I can see it in her eyes,” he joked, before addressing the room. “So, first of all, I’m a terrible dancer, so I just want to apologize in advance. Luckily, something I happen to be quite good at is singing. So if I could have my lovely band come up here,” he waved around the room as Mitch, Sarah, Adam, Charlotte, and Ny made their way to the stage, smiling, causing the room to fill with shouts of excitement. “We have prepared a little surprise for my beautiful wife tonight. I’ll be singing a song that I wrote for her.”
Harry rejoined his shocked wife on the dance floor, wrapping her arms around his neck while he held her close with his free arm, the other still holding the microphone. 
“You’re so sneaky,” she whispered in his ear, out of range from the microphone.
He kissed her forehead before the music began, swaying his wife slowly in circles and singing the lyrics to the song he wrote when he thought back on their entire relationship, specifically for their first dance.
You're wearing that dress I like
Those heels make you six feet high
In the taxi you're trying to put your make-up on
While singing the words to your favourite song
My god, it's been awhile
Since the last time I saw you smile
Sometimes life gets so crazy that we can forget
All the little things we did back when we first met
Suddenly the room grows quiet, I'm lost in your eyes
It feels like we're all alone, as the lights go on
It's getting late, wish we could stay like this forever
Dancing 'till both our feet ache
My love, nothing can break these arms
In your embrace, this crowded room doesn't matter
But dancing like it's our own stage
My love, I just wanna say that you look incredible tonight
And all our friends are going home
Just leaving us all alone
And there's moments like this I never wanna let go
We're still those two kids putting on a show
Standing in the room, so quiet, I'm lost in your eyes
It feels like we're all alone, as the lights go on
It's getting late, wish we could stay like this forever
Dancing 'till both our feet ache
My love, nothing can break these arms
In your embrace, this crowded room doesn't matter
But dancing like it's our own stage
My love, I just wanna say that you look incredible tonight
Staring in your navy eyes as we hold each other
Dancing through the night
It's getting late, wish we could stay like this forever
Dancing 'till both our feet ache
My love, nothing can break these arms
In your embrace, this crowded room doesn't matter
But dancing like it's our own stage
My love, I just wanna say that you look incredible tonight
Oh, incredible tonight
Incredible tonight
My love, I just wanna say that you look incredible tonight
 They came to stop as the music ended and all of their friends and family cheered, clapping and whistling loudly. Harry turned off the mic and looked down at his bride, smiling, “I love you,” wiping a tear from her cheek.
She laughed, sniffling, “I love you, too. Sorry,” she apologized, wiping another tear that fell down.
He laughed, kissing her forehead again, “So emotional tonight. Are you crying because you hated it, or loved it?”
She laughed, lightly pushing him, “I loved it, baby. Thank you.”
The two went to go thank the band members and they continued their night, dancing, laughing, eating cake, and making their rounds mingling with their friends and family. Eventually it was time for the send off, and everyone was directed to line up outside with their sparklers. As soon as they were lit, Harry took Elizabeth by the hand and they raced down the long line, laughing and smiling, feeling the immense amount of love from the guests. They stopped at the end and Harry dipped his wife into a romantic kiss, the shutters of the photographer’s camera going off. 
Harry’s old classic car waited for them just feet away. At the passenger side he opened the door for Elizabeth before rounding to his side and getting in. They waved once more to everyone as he drove off, heading towards home. They would be flying out to Italy in the morning for their month-long honeymoon. Elizabeth’s head rested on her husband's shoulder as he drove, tired from the events of the day. Harry’s heart soared, occasionally glancing down at his wife, still astonished that he got to spend the rest of his life with her. 
“So,” Harry spoke, “You mentioned that you had a gift for me in your card that I had to wait for until tonight.”
Elizabeth sat up, smiling, “Yeah. It’s at home. It’s a surprise.”
Again, his mind kept racing through all of the things it could be, listing them off in his head. When they got home, Elizabeth led her husband up to their room and directed him to close his eyes. Shuffling was heard around the room before he felt something thin and almost folder-like being forced into his hands.
“Okay, you can open,” she said, sitting beside him.
He opened his eyes and looked down in his hands to see what looked like a calendar. But upon further inspection, it looked to be a boudoir calendar. Beautiful and elegant pictures of his wife in lingerie on every page. Harry’s heart pounded, smiling, “Wow, these are amazing,” he flipped through the months, looking at all of her graceful poses and admiring her shape, “I love this one,” he noted, pointing to the picture from the month of September, wearing nothing but covering herself by hugging a pillow, her hair up in a neat wispy bun. She looked so natural.
He continued to flip through the pages, grinning as he landed on the last page. It looked different from the rest. She was covered up a little more, her silk robe tightly tied, her hair let down in loose curls. She had her hand held up, a finger in front of her mouth like she was ‘shushing’, and a sign in the other hand. His eyes squinted as he read the sign she carried. You’re going to be a daddy!
Harry shot up off of the bed, the calendar slipping from his hands and plummeting to the floor, “What?!” He exclaimed, “Shut the hell up! What? You’re pregnant?!”
His heart raced, stomach suddenly feeling like it was filled with rocks, looking at his wife who was smiling, her hands clasped together by her mouth. She nodded her head in affirmation.
“I’m going to be a dad?” A lump in his throat began to form, tears welling up in her eyes again, “How long have you known? When are you due? When did you find out?” a million questions came to mind as he continued to stand, arms out in shock.
She giggled, “I’ve known for almost a month now. The due date is on Christmas, can you believe that? Remember when I had that bad batch of takeout and felt ill and we thought it was stomach flu so I went to the doctors?”
Harry gasped, “Christmas? Holy shit! And that’s when you found out?! That was forever ago! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
She bit her lip nervously, “I wanted to, but I was just scared. They’ve had me come back to the office a few times already to do blood work since I’ve miscarried before. They’re considering me higher risk, so they just wanted to make sure my levels were on the right track, and they are. So I thought this would be a good wedding gift. Are you mad?”
Harry listened in disbelief, shaking his head, “Mad? Are you kidding me? I’m gonna be a dad!” He exclaimed, a tear trickling down his cheek as he collapsed on the floor, kneeling in front of his wife and grabbing hold of her still flat stomach. He kissed her belly before pressing his ear against her, almost as if he was trying to listen for a heart beat, “Hello, baby” he spoke softly, “I’m your daddy.”
Elizabeth laughed, running her fingers through his hair, “It can’t hear you yet.”
Harry shook his head, wiping his tears, and sitting up, pulling her into a tight hug, “I love you so much! I can’t believe you’re going to make me a dad. But from now on I want to go to every doctor’s appointment. I want to be there every step of the way.”
Elizabeth smiled sweetly at her husband, nodding and taking hold of his face, crashing her lips onto his. “You’re going to be an amazing dad,” she whispered.
The End.
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talesofstyles · 5 years
Mess Is Mine
Hi again babes. I’ve got something for you; it’s a single dad!harry (and single mum!yn). This is something I never thought I would even consider writing (because the thought of the MC having kids not with Harry kills me... I know 😂) but the idea has grown on me and I’ve finally got my shit together and put it down in writing. I think this is one of my favourite things that I’ve ever written so far so maybe you won’t like it but eh I’ll just post it anyway. Right I’m gonna stop rambling. Tell me what you think!
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YN had it all; a cosy three bedroom house in the heart of Notting Hill (and by cosy it actually is cosy as in warm, comfy and inviting and not just some word a landlord would say to cover the fact that the place is either cramped, falling apart or has never been updated), a fulfilling job, a drop-dead gorgeous, loving husband with really nice icy blue eyes (and arms and broad shoulders and thighs and… she could go on forever but let’s not dwell on that right now) and the sweetest gurgling little baby boy. People say he’s YN’s twin only with his daddy’s eyes and hair colour.
Two years later, with a baby girl in tow, the cosy little family of three grows into a lively family of four. It all seems perfect, doesn’t it? Their marriage was perfect. They were what people would call the typical Hallmark family.
But nothing truly is perfect, isn’t it? Happily ever after only does exist in children’s tales. With two children, they were no longer “that cute couple plus baby”, they turned into a proper family overnight. James and YN were less of a couple and more of a mum and dad 24/7, which took a strain on their relationship. And as if that wasn’t enough, James was also in the run for a partnership in his firm, which would make him the youngest senior partner in Addleshaw Goddard, one of the most prestigious law firms in the City. Being one of the top lawyers in the City and working with high-profile clients such as large commercial companies or financial institutions, James had already been working long, unsocial hours. But that was nothing compared to the hours after he knew he was in the running for partnership. He basically lived in his office. He took more big cases to put his name on the map so weekends off were merely a myth. He got what he wanted in the end, full equity partnership in Addleshaw Goddard, six figure salary, £500 an hour, but little did he know that in order to get what he had always wanted, he had to lose what was matter the most.
“What? Now?” James lets out a heavy sigh. “I can’t now, YN. Av’ got to see a client at lunch. But I’ve already cleared my schedule from 3:30 to 4:30 so I’m still picking up Finn.”
This time, YN lets out a heavy sigh. She knows that she can’t get pissed at her ex-husband for not being able to pick up their three year old daughter at her nursery. It’s her fault after all; she’s the one who forgot that the nursery only opens for half-day on that particular Thursday. Pippa’s teacher had to call her to remind her to pick up the little girl. “Alright, thanks anyway.”
“Anytime. Give her a kiss f’me,” James asks her.
“Will do. Bye,” YN pinches the bridge between her nose as she hangs up the call. Glancing at the clock on the wall for a second, she tidies up some scattered papers and puts it aside as she stands up and walks towards the lift.
“YN!” One of her colleagues catches her as she waits for the lift. “The guests just got here and they’re all in their dressing rooms. Lisa already looked over the script a few times and she said everything’s good. Oh no, wait, I think they’re gonna need to look over the red chair again but other than that it’s fine. And- wait, are you going somewhere?”
“Yeah. Pippa’s nursery is closed at half twelve today so I need to go and pick her up now,” she answers as she takes another glance at the Kate Spade on her wrist. She knows she needs to go really soon. “I won’t be long but just in case anything happens before I get back, find Mike or Tom. Thanks!”
“Ah, alright then,” the crew nods at her. “See ya!”
How could she go from Wood Lane to Portobello Road then back to Wood Lane in less than half an hour, she’d never know. It’s in the middle of the day, mind you. But anyway, YN is back at the studio with her very excited three year old who gets to go with her mummy to work. No doubt, her older brother would be very jealous when he finds out later.
It’s not the first time YN brings her child to work, she had brought even both of them a few times before but she never brought them on Thursday. Thursday is always her busiest day at work because they’re filming the show every Thursday and not Friday when it airs even though the show is filmed as live. As a production coordinator, YN needs to be on her feet most of the time, making sure that everything is smooth sailing.
“Hey! Who have we got ‘ere, eh?” Elliot, one of the camera operators, greets them with a smile as they walk into the set. He looks down at the little girl with a teasing smirk. “D’you work ‘ere, miss?”
The little girl shakes her head and giggles. “No.”
“Pippa!” One of the crews, Chloe, calls her name as she walks towards them and the little girl smiles, turning around to see who has just called her. “Golly! Look at how big you’re getting, sweetheart! That’s a very pretty dress you’re wearing, can I borrow it sometime?”
The little girl let out another fit of giggles. “It won’t fit!”
“Ah! Too bad, s’pretty.”
“YN,” another crew walks towards them, but calling her name this time instead of her little girl. “We’re going in five and Mike asked for you.”
“Ah shoot,” she mutters under her breath, realising that there were things that still need to be done and she’s only got five minutes left. Even less because she needs to find her boss first because apparently he’s been looking for her. “C’mere darlin,”
“I’ve got spare time if you want me to watch her?” Chloe offers. “Props all done for now until red chair and it won’t be for a while.”
“You won’t mind?” YN looks up at Chloe as if she were Mrs Claus and Chloe shakes her head, smiling as she takes the little girl’s hand. “Oh Chloe, you’re an angel! Thanks! Pippa darlin’, mummy needs to work so you’ll stay with Chloe for a bit, alright? Be a good girl and listen to Chloe.”
Knowing her daughter is in good hands, she crosses the list of things that she needs to do before they start filming without worry. Fortunately for them the guests are wonderful this week—yes, some guests could be a pain in the arse. One time some Hollywood A-List (YN truly believes that the A stands for arsehole) demanded not one, not two but TEN dressing room. That’s right, TEN.
YN is still supervising the set as they film when she sees Chloe walks in without her daughter. She knows that someone probably calls her to prep the set for the red chair segment but she thought Chloe was just going to drop Pippa with her before she started working. “YN!” Chloe calls her as she walks towards her. “We bumped into Harry Styles’s daughter in the hallway earlier with her nan. Pippa and her have been playing together since then. I asked Pippa to come with me but she refused and Harry’s mum offered to watch her, so I left her in his dressing room.”
“What?” Her eyes widen in surprise. Her daughter? Playing in the dressing room?
“I’m so sorry. I could go back and-“
“No, no, it’s fine,” YN cuts her short, smiling so Chloe won’t feel like she’s upset, trying to mask the fact that she’s not actually happy about the situation. It may or may not get her in trouble after all. “Thanks for watching her earlier. I’ll just go and get her now, I don’t want her to bother them.”
“They’re having fun, YN, really. ‘Sides Harry’s mum is so nice,” Chloe reassures her.
“I know she must be, but I’ll just go and check on them regardless,” she insists. “We’re gonna have a break in three anyway.”
Standing in front of Harry’s dressing room, YN takes a deep breath before she knocks on the door. She hears a soft woman’s voice, no doubt Harry’s mum, saying “come in!”, before she opens the door.
“Mummy!” Pippa giggles and runs towards the door with her arms wide open and ready to wrap her mum’s legs.
“Hi darlin’,” she looks down at her daughter before turning her head to smile at Harry’s mum and daughter. “Are you being nice to your new friend?”
“She’s wonderful. They’ve been playing nicely for a while,” Harry’s mum chimes in.
YN apologises. “I’m sorry if she’s disturbed you.”
“Oh, not at all!” She smiles at YN. Her smile is so warm and it reminds her of her own mother. “Pippa is so sweet and they’re having fun. Nothing to apologise, love. In fact I have to thank you for bringing her because otherwise Anya would get bored.”
YN chuckles. “Glad you think so. But I can just take her with me-“
“No, no, no, you can absolutely leave her here. I can watch her. They’re having fun and I don’t want to separate them if you don’t mind,” Anne reassures her, looking at the silly little girls who were giggling at each other as they poke each other’s nose.
“Oh that’s really sweet of you, but are you sure?” She hesitates. “My daughter can be a handful.”
Anne laughs. “She’s been wonderful with me, darlin’. Really, it’s great for my granddaughter to have someone around her age to play with.”
Everyone’s head turns towards the door when they hear someone twisting the handle. The fact that they don’t even bother to knock makes YN realise who’s behind it even before the person enters the room.
“Hello!” Harry smiles as he closes the door behind him. “Got a new friend, huh?”
“Daddy!” Anya beams. “S’my friend, Pippa!”
“Hi Pippa!” Harry sweetly crouches down to be at their level, before reaching out his hand to shake Pippa’s. “I’m Harry, nice to meet you.”
“Hi!” Pippa grins and shakes his hand.
“And you must be Pippa’s mum,” Harry smiles as he stands up and walks towards YN. “Sorry, I’m really terrible with names but you do look familiar. Think I saw you last time I was here as well.”
“I was,” she nods, the corners of her mouth quirk up. She chooses to apologise instead of acknowledging his comment. “I’m sorry my daughter has disturbed yours, she’s not supposed to be here. One of the crews tried to get her to leave but she wouldn’t budge.”
“Oh nonsense!” Harry counters. “I’m sure she’s not, they look like they’re having fun. Just let them play, s’nice for them to have someone around their age. If Pippa weren’t here, my daughter would ask for that, and I’m trying to cut down screen time,” Harry says, tilting his head to where the iPad is sat on the table.
YN chuckles. “Alright then if you’re fine with it too. Mrs-“
“Just call me Anne, dear,”
YN smiles at her. “Anne, would you like to save my number so you can just call me the second Pippa starts being a little terror?”
Anne and Harry laugh. YN thinks that even if you don’t know them, you probably could have guessed that they’re related somehow, seeing how similar their facial features are especially when they’re laughing. “I’m sure she won’t, but I’ll save your number just in case she asks for you.”
YN’s phone is buzzing for the second time in the span of five minutes, and the same unknown number appears on the screen. She continues to ignore it; first, because she simply hates answering calls. Second, because it’s bloody Saturday so if it’s turn out to be work related, she’s got an excuse not to pick up. Third, she just really really—and she couldn’t stress this enough—hates answering calls.
James picks the kids up every Saturday morning to spend the whole day with him and brings them back every Sunday morning. It wasn’t easy at first for YN; she ended up on his bed with the kids and him on his own couch more times than she would like but she has grown to be alright having the whole day for herself. In fact, now she likes it. And she won’t say this out loud of course but she secretly looks forward to it.
After the third call ten minutes later goes unanswered, she blindly searches for his phone on the end table next to the couch without tearing her gaze from the magazine that she’s reading. Looking at the screen for a second, she sees a notification for a new voicemail and she plays it.
“Hi YN, it’s Harry. We met the other day at the studio. I’ve got your number from my mum. Anyway, Anya has been asking for Pippa nonstop so I was just wondering if you guys are up for a playdate sometime soon? Please call me back if you’ve got time. Thanks! Have a good weekend!”
She’s just realised that she has been ignoring calls from Harry sodding Styles.
YN sits up straight immediately before she dials his number and he picks it up after only the second ring. “Hi YN! Y’alright?”
“Hello, sorry I didn’t hear when you called earlier. I’m good thanks. You?” YN tries her best to sound nonchalant and it’s going well so far.
“Good, thank you. Nothing to complain really,” he chuckles. “Anyway, I was just wondering if you’re up for a playdate sometime soon?”
“Of course! Pippa would love it. They really did get along the other day,” she agrees and she tries to stifle her giggle. If someone told her last week that Harry Styles would call her and ask for a playdate she would definitely laugh at that person’s face and say, ‘you joking?’.
“Great! When’s best for you?”
“Probably on the weekends. Is that alright for you?” She asks.
“Yeah! How about today? Are you busy? Have you got any plans? Anya and I are just chilling around the house and I could tell that she’s bored. She thinks I’m less fun now that she’s made a friend,” Harry jokes.
YN laughs politely. “I’m sure she thinks you’re just as fun. And I’m not busy right now but my kids are with their dad every Saturday. How about tomorrow? Or if you’re busy maybe next weekend?”
“Oh,” Harry pauses before he continues. “Tomorrow’s perfect! What time is best for you? We haven’t got any plans so we can go anytime.”
“Say 3pm-ish?” She suggests.
“That’s perfect for us!” Harry answers excitedly. “Have you got any idea where we should go? Pippa is basically Anya’s first friend so we’ve never done any playdates before.”
“How about the Heath? Is it too far for you guys?”
“Not at all! We live in Hampstead,” Harry informs her.
“Oh, that’s brilliant! We can meet on the east side of the Heath. See you tomorrow, Harry,”
“See you tomorrow! Bye, have a lovely day YN,” says Harry.
“You too!” YN says before she hangs up.
“Anyaaa!” Pippa wiggles her hand out of her mummy’s so she can run towards Anya who’s holding her daddy’s hand. Anya grins at her new friend and the two of them share the sweetest hug like two old mates who haven’t seen each other for years instead of two strangers who have just met three days prior. It really is precious to see their friendship blooms in such a short period of time.
“Hello!” Harry smiles as he walks towards YN and the kids. “Y’alright?”
YN nods and smiles back at him. “Yeah, thanks. How are you?”
“Good! Who’s this little man?” He says as he reaches out his hand towards the little boy. “Hi, I’m Harry. What’s your name?”
The little boy, much shyer than his little sister hesitates to shake Harry’s hand. He looks up at his mum and YN has to nudge his shoulder to make him reaches out his hand and shake Harry’s. “I’m Finn,” he says at last.
“Nice to meet you Finn!” Harry says before he turns his head towards his daughter. “Anya, come and say hi to Pippa’s brother.”
The weather is quite nice for early October. Shorts season is definitely gone but the autumn breeze isn’t quite bone-numbing just yet. The colour of the autumn leaves make the scenery as if it comes out of a painting, it’s simply beautiful wherever they look. They ask if the kids want to go for a walk, but they spot the playground and can’t help but run towards it before Harry and YN have the chance to convince them to go for a walk instead. All three of them.
Trying to be discreet, Harry takes a quick glance at YN’s hand as they walk into the gated area of the playground to see whether or not she has a wedding band on, but he’s not quick enough to fight back the smile that’s creeping onto his face when he realises she hasn’t got one. He recalls back to Thursday when they met at the studio as they filmed The Graham Norton Show and he realised that she didn’t have a ring on that day either. Harry knows that once, maybe she forgot. But twice? She’s not putting that on.
They play with the kids on the playground. Harry patiently helps them to climb onto the slide one by one and YN waits patiently for them at the end of the slide. Then they put them on one of those large net swings where they can put all three of them on one swing and Harry pushes them higher every time, earning a shriek of giggles.
When the kids finally had enough of the playground, Harry and YN take them for a walk towards Parliament Hill. Luckily, Anya warms up rather quickly with Finn as well as Pippa so the three of them have been playing together nicely. Finn walks in front of Harry and YN, holding Pippa’s hand on one of his hands and Anya’s on the other.
“Pippa is so sweet,” Harry begins when he realises that it’s the perfect time to start a proper conversation. It was just not possible when they were looking after the kids on the playground. He looks over to YN and smiles at her.
YN lets out a chuckle. “You’re just being nice, she’s a handful.”
“I’m not!” Harry shakes his head. “She’s really sweet. Finn, too. He’s a great big brother.”
“Well, they have their moments,” YN tells him. “But I’m lucky, I guess. They rarely fight. Pippa can be quite bossy sometimes though, so when they fight it’s usually just because Finn has had enough.”
Harry laughs. “Do you know where she gets that from?”
“Definitely her nan,” YN chuckles.
“Is she close with her nans? Both sides?” Harry asks as he waves at his daughter when she looks over her shoulder to see him. “Do you see them often?”
“Quite close, yeah, and with both sides. Both of our parents live in Surrey, mine in Farnham and James’s in Virginia Water so we see them at least once a month,” YN answers. “How about Anya?”
“Well, she’s named after me mum so she’s definitely her favourite grandchild so far,” Harry grins. “She’s basically Anya’s second parent, my mum.”
“Oh, I thought her mother is Russian!” YN exclaims. “I love her name.”
Harry’s grin widens as he shakes his head. “Thank you. No, my mum’s name is Anne and I want to name my daughter after her, but having two Anne(s) would be confusing. So I opted for another version of Anne.”
“That’s a really gorgeous name. Your mum must be very happy,” YN says as she tucks her hands inside her pockets because it’s getting a bit chilly.
“Definitely made her my mum’s favourite grandchild for sure. Well, she’s currently her only grandchild so that may change sometime soon,” Harry says proudly, grinning even wider. “I’m gonna be an uncle in a few weeks.”
“Oh, congratulations!” YN gasps. “That’s so exciting!”
“It is! We all can’t wait to meet the baby,” Harry adds. “But we don’t know how Anya is gonna take this though. She has been the baby in the family her whole life.”
“I’m sure she’ll be just fine,” YN smiles at Harry reassuringly. “Anya is a sweet girl. Bet she’ll love having a little mate to play with. ‘Sides cousins are the best!”
“You’re right, cousins are the best,” Harry nods, chuckling a little. “Finn and Pippa are lucky. They’ve got built in best friend forever.”
“Both me and their father grew up as an only child so even before we got married we knew we wanted to have at least two. We both hated the fact that we haven’t got any siblings,” YN explains.
“Do you plan to have more?” Harry asks, testing the water as nonchalant as possible. He has an assumption but before he can be sure of himself, he needs to hear it from her.
“Uh,” YN clears her throat, pausing before she continues. “We’re separated.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know,” Harry mumbles, looking down so YN won’t see the smile that’s creeping onto his face. He doesn’t even know why he’s smiling but he does. And he’s clearly having a hard time trying to hide it. “How different it is with divorce if I may ask?”
“Well, we’re just waiting really. Because one of the grounds for divorce is that we have to live apart for at least two years, and during that time we can get a legal separation. We haven’t reached that mark yet so we still have to wait, soon though. After that we can get decree nisi.” YN doesn’t let Harry respond before she continues. “How about you? I’ve never heard you talk about Anya’s mother but I don’t really follow celebrity gossips,” she chuckles. That’s a lie by the way, she reads glossy magazines like OK! and Hello! quite religiously every week.
“That’s because she’s not in the picture,” Harry smiles, pausing to clear his throat before he continues. “We weren’t together or anything, didn’t even know her to be honest. All I knew was that she got pregnant and that she was planning to give the baby up, so I stepped in and took her. Got sole custody. Nobody really knows about this so I’d appreciate it if you’d just-“
“Don’t worry, not my story to tell,” YN smiles at him reassuringly as she cuts him short. “So you took her on your own since she was born?”
Harry nods proudly. “Right from day one. Her mother didn’t even want to see her after she was born so after I got green light from the peds I took her home straight away. She was only five hours old, looking like a little pink sausage in a blanket,” Harry smiles, clearly reminiscing the day he got to bring his daughter home for the first time.
YN chuckles. “You’re bloody amazing. Just want to say this in case nobody has told you. But I’m sure they do.”
“Thank you,” Harry grins wider. “So are you. We haven’t got the easiest job, us,”
“I mean it Harry,” YN says, stopping abruptly from walking to look at Harry properly in the eyes. “Those early days are rough, I really can’t imagine doing it alone.”
“It was a blur,” he stops walking and lets out a giggle as he looks at YN. “T’was rough. But the good thing about being a single parent right from the start is that you’re used to being alone. I’ve never known what it is like to have a second set of hands. Well I’ve got my mum but it’s still different, I guess. And it must not be the case with you, so you’re the real MVP here,” he ends tamely.
YN lets out a chuckle and they lapse into silence. It’s definitely not an uncomfortable silence. They just look around at the magnificent view before them as they walk around, letting the kids take the lead. It has been a while since both YN and Harry feel at peace. They don’t know it yet, but happiness will be back within their arm's reach very very soon.
Part II
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fandomrewrites · 4 years
Season 1; Episode 9: Wolf’s Bane
Hi everyone! I hope you all like this chapter and are enjoying the story so far. As always constructive criticism is appreciated!
Season 1; Episode 9: Wolf’s Bane
Pairings: Scott McCall x Twin Sister, Lydia Martin x Best Friend, Nate Wilson (OC) x Reader
Warnings: Mild violence, swearing
Word Count: 3,919
Season 1 Masterlist
I gripped the wheel of Derek’s black Camaro as I was speeding through side streets of Beacon Hills. Scott was beside me in the passenger seat and Stiles was in the back. Kate Argent and another hunter were in a black SUV behind us, thinking that we were Derek. Scott and Stiles keep glancing out the rear windshield.
“Faster?” I ask.
“Much faster,” the two boys say in unison.
I step on the gas to speed up. Finger still tightly wrapped around the steering wheel.
Stiles blurts out from the back seat, “I don’t think you’re grasping the concept of car chase.”
“If I go faster I’ll kill us.”
Scott then speaks, “If you don’t go faster-”
Stiles interrupts, “A lot faster.”
Scott continues, “They’ll kill us.”
I sigh but step harder on the gas, glancing in the rear view mirror to check how close the other car is.
I turn a corner and Stiles looks behind him once more then says, “They’re gone.” He looks down at the police scanner in his lap and raises the volume. “All units, suspect is on foot headed north, last seen on Hancock.”
I quickly change direction, making my way towards the area Derek was last seen. I speed the car into an alley, where Derek is trying to get away from Mr. Argent.
The car screeches to a stop. Scott throws the passenger door open and screams at the werewolf, “Get in!” He then climbs into the backseat beside Stiles as Derek pushes off the ground and throws his body into the car.
As soon as he is inside I slam my foot back onto the gas and speed away from Argent.
From the backseat Scott immediately starts scolding Derek, “What part of laying low don’t you understand?”
Derek ignores him and lightly hits the door with his fist, “I had him.”
“Who? The Alpha?” Stiles sticks his head between the front seats.
“He was right in front of me. And then the police showed up.”
“Hey, hey, hey, they’re just doing their jobs.” Stiles defends.
“Thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the state.”
Derek and I simultaneously glare at Scott as he finishes talking. Scott then gets annoyed, “Can we seriously get past that? Yes, I made a dumb ass mistake. I get it.”
“I told you it was stupid to blame him, it’s why I told Sheriff I never saw him.”
Stiles ignores our argument and asks Derek, “How’d you find him?”
The werewolf falls silent at the question. Scott sighs, “Can you try to trust us for half a second?”
“All three of us.” Stiles says, once again sticking his head between the seats. Derek glares and Stiles shrinks back allowing Scott to take his place.
Derek takes a breath before answering, “The last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris.”
“Our chemistry teacher?” Stiles asks as I knit my eyebrows together and frown.
Scott then asks, “Why him?”
“I don’t know.”
“What’s the second?” I prompt.
“Some king of symbol,” Derek then reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls our a folded piece of paper. When he opens it I glance over to see a simple photocopy. I hear Scott sigh as I suck in a breath.
Derek glances between us, “What? You know what this is?”
I nodded as my twin answers, “I’ve seen it. On a necklace.”
“Allison’s necklace,” I whisper as I slow the Camaro.
The next day Scott, Stiles and I arrive at school together. As we make our way through the double doors Scott speaks up, “This is going to be impossible, you know? Why can’t you just do it, (Y/N)?”
“Because I like seeing you sweat,” I smirk.
Stiles interrupts before Scott can start arguing, “Just ask her if you can borrow it.”
“Simple. You ask. Hey Allison, can I borrow your necklace to see if there’s something on it or in it that will lead me to an Alpha werewolf I need to kill in order to get back together with you.”
I burst out laughing as Scott glares at us, “You’re not helping.”
“Just talk to her.” I answer when I stop laughing. “It’s about time you have a conversation anyway.”
“She won’t talk to me. And what if she only takes it off when she’s like in the shower?”
“That’s why you ease your way into it. Get back on her good side. Remind her of the good times. Then you ask for the necklace.” Stiles advises his best friend.
There’s a pause in conversation as we both turn to look at Scott, who has a dazed look on his face, “You’re thinking about her in the shower, aren’t you?”
I start shaking my head as Scott says yes. Stiles then snaps in his face, “Stay focused. Get the necklace, get the Alpha, get cured, get Allison back.”
“In that order.” I add on.
Scott nods, “Get the necklace.” We then separate as we make our way to class but before I make it to history I spot Lydia down the hall. I quickly make my way over to her and gently pull her into an empty room.
“Why did you kiss Scott?” I ask before she can speak.
She looks slightly taken back, “I never-”
“Don’t try that Lyds. You and I both know I’m great at telling when people are lying.”
She sighs and her shoulder’s slump, “I guess just knowing how well he’s been doing in lacrosse and knowing that you were right about him trying to protect us the other night...” She trails off.
“You just couldn’t help yourself?” I raise my eyebrow waiting for her to continue.
“I know that sounds horrible and I’m a total bitch.”
“You know I love you and that will never change, but for someone as smart as you, sometimes you’re really dumb.”
She purses her lips then links her arm with mine as we head out the room. Only separating when I get to my class.
After first period I stopped by my locker then went to find Nate. As I walked towards his locker I spotted Danny, “Hey, Danny.” I smiled, “Have you seen Nate?”
“Yeah, he was headed to the stairs about a minute ago.” He pointed in the direction he was talking about.
“Thanks,” I quickly made my way to where Danny pointed.
As I turned the corner something caught my eye in an empty classroom. I paused for a minute peering in. Inside the class were two people, a boy and a girl. I couldn't make out either of their faces but they were standing very close and had their arms wrapped around each other.
As I took the two teens in, I noticed a red backpack on the table beside them. It was then that I realized who the guy in the room was. I jumped when the warning bell rang, the two teens springing apart and fixing their clothes.
I stumble away from the door, my fingers wrapped tightly around the strap of my backpack. I abruptly turned and walked away before either person noticed I was there.
I walk into class a minute late and sit in the last available seat, the one right near Stiles. I mumble a quick apology to the teacher and she continues class.
Stiles leans over noticing my dazed look, “Are you alright?”
I stiffly nod keeping my eyes locked on the notebook in front of me.
As soon as class ends I quickly stand up and head out the door. Stiles chases after me and unfortunately catches up. He grabs my hand yanking me to a stop, “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Can you please let me go?” I answer emotionlessly.
“Something clearly happened. You look like you’re about to cry.”
I gulp then shake my arm loose. I run a hand through my hair and take a deep breath, “I don’t want to talk about it. At least not right now.”
Stiles nodded, face full of concern as I turned and walked away.
I opened my locker and shoved my books inside and quickly slammed the door shut. I headed to the cafeteria but when I see my friends sitting together, I couldn’t bring myself to sit with them. So instead I looked for Scott.
The minute I saw Scott I made my way to his table and sat down.
“Why aren’t you sitting with your friends?”
“You and Stiles are my friends too.”
Scott raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth to speak but before he could, Stiles dropped his tray on the table sitting beside me.
He quickly glanced at me but then turned to Scott, “Did you get her to give you the necklace?”
“Not exactly.”
“So no.” I deadpan.
At the same time Stiles asks, “What happened?”
“She told me not to talk to her. At all.”
“Great job.” I roll my eyes, both boys look at me, clearly wondering why I’m being so bitchy.
Instead of acknowledging me Stiles brings his attention back to Scott, “Did you find anything else?”
“Just that I know nothing about girls and they’re totally psychotic.”
I glare at Scott as he mumbles, “Sorry.”
Stiles sighs, stopping us from an argument he knew was bound to happen, “Okay. I came up with a Plan B in case something like this happened.”
“What’s Plan B?” Scott asks as his eyes fill with hope.
“Just steal the stupid thing.”
Before Scott can react his eyes drift behind us. I turn my head to see what he’s staring at to meet the gaze of Jackson.
“He’s watching us.” Stiles then turns his head to follow our eyes.
“Why is he watching is?” I question, clearly left out of the loop.
“He found out that Scott’s a werewolf.”
My eyes widen, “What? How?”
“We don’t know.”
“Just act normal,” Scott speaks up for the first time since catching Jackson’s eye.
Scott looks panicked as Stiles and I watch him, “What’s wrong?”
“Jackson’s talking to me. He knows I can hear him.” Stiles starts to turn around as I lightly slap his arm and Scott continues to talk, “Look at me. Talk to me. Pretend like nothing’s happening.”
Scott stares at his tray as he tries to concentrate on anything but Jackson’s voice.
It’s silent at our table as Scott clenches his teeth and look up at us, “Say something. Talk to me.”
“I... I don’t know what to say. My mind’s blank.” Stiles speaks, panic lacing his voice.
“Your mind’s blank? You can’t think of something to say?”
“Not under this kind of pressure! And FYI, he’s not sitting with them anymore.”
Scott and I both turn our heads to the table seeing that Jackson is no longer sitting there. My eyes drift and notice that Nate isn’t there anymore either.
Scott breaks me from my train of thought, “Where the hell is he?”
I can tell Scott is getting angry but before I can say anything a hand is place on my shoulder. I turn and follow the arm up to see Nate standing slightly behind me, “Hey babe, why aren’t you sitting with is?”
I knock his hand off my shoulder and stand up making my way out of the cafeteria, knowing that he was going to follow.
Once we are in the hall we turn to each other, “What’s wrong, baby?”
“Don’t play dumb.”
“Seriously, (Y/N/N). Why are you mad at me?” He knits his eyebrows together and tries to grab my hand. 
Before he can touch me, I slightly back away and cross my arms, “I saw you” I say through clenched teeth.
“Saw me what? You’re going to have to be more clear babe.”
I hold out my hand, “Don’t,” I whisper, tears threatening to spill. I take a deep breath before I continue, “I saw you and Claire kissing.”
Nate’s mouth drops open, he quickly starts speaking, trying to defend his actions, “(Y/N), I...”
“Don’t try to come up with an excuse Nate. No one is going to treat me like that.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I’m over this stupid relationship.”
“(Y/N), please. You don’t mean that, baby. I love you.”
“Don’t try.” I choke out, tears now falling freely down my cheeks. “We’re done.” I turn away from him quickly wiping at my face.
At the end of the day I find Stiles heading to his car, “Wait up!”
He turns at the sound of my voice. “Can I hang out with you? I don’t really want to be around anyone else at the moment.”
“Yeah of course. Hop in.” He opens the passenger side door for me and I smile as I step into his jeep.
As he pulls out of the parking space I can see him glancing at me from the corner of his eye. Finally he breaks the silence, “Are you-”
Before he can finish the sentence I interrupt, “I caught Nate cheating on me.”
“He what?”
“He was kissing Claire. I confronted him about it when he came up to our table at lunch and I broke up with him.”
There was a pause as Stiles took in the information, “I’ll punch him for you. Do you want me to punch him for you?”
I cracked a smile as I looked at him, “No, if anyone gets to punch him I want to.”
He gently smiled back, “Are you okay?”
I sighed, “I don’t know.”
He just nodded as he continued to his house.
When we finally got there, we quickly made our way to his room. Both of us throwing our bags to the floor as I go to sit on his bed and he goes on his computer. “Stiles?” We hear his dad call.
“Yes,” We both turn to face the door and see Derek.
“Derek?” We both ask, looking at him with wide eyes. We both then quickly shut our mouths just as Mr. Stilinski cracks the door open.
“What did you say?” He asks, “Hi (Y/N).”
“Hi Mr. Stilinski.”
“Yes, Dad?”
“Just headed back to work. But I’m coming tonight. Your first game.”
Mr. Stilinski doesn’t make any move to leave, “I’m so unbelievably proud of you.”
“So am I. Very proud. Of myself.”
The sheriff turns to leave then pauses and asks, “They’re really going to let you play this time?”
I nod my head and answer, “Yes, he made first line.”
Sheriff’s smile widens, “So proud.”
As soon as Mr. Stilinski shuts the door and walks away Derek speaks, “Scott didn’t get the necklace?”
“He’s still working on it. But there’s something else we can try. When we were trapped in the school that night Scott sent a text to Allison telling her to meet him there.” Stiles replies.
“Scott didn’t send the text.” I answer.
“Can you find out who sent the text?”
Stiles shakes his head, “No. But we know someone who can.”
After waiting for a few minutes Danny walks into Stiles’ room with his bag hanging over his shoulder.
“You want me to do what?”
“Trace a text.” Stiles says like it’s no big deal.
“I came here to do lab work. That’s what lab partners do.”
��And we will. After you trace the text.”
“What makes you think I know how?”
“I saw your arrest report.” Stiles shrugs.
“I... That was... I was only thirteen. The charges were dropped. No. We’re doing lab work.”
Danny pulls up a chair to sit beside Stiles at his desk. I was casually laying on Stiles bed and Derek was sitting in a chair as far away from Stiles and Danny, reading a magazine trying to look inconspicuous.
Danny leans over to Stiles, “Who is he again?”
Before Stiles can answer I reply, remember the lie I told Nate, “His cousin...” I trail off not thinking of a name.
Stiles continues for me, “Miguel.”
Derek glares over the top of his magazine as Stiles cringes. “Is that blood on his shirt?” Danny asks.
“He gets horrible nosebleeds. Miguel, I thought I told you to just borrow one of my shirts?”
My lips immediately pull into a smile. Seeing Derek shirtless is just what I need today.
Derek’s glare hardens, he slowly stands up and puts the magazine down. He moves to Stiles’ closet, looking at his shirts.
Stiles starts talking to Danny but my attention stays focused on Derek.
“Stiles,” Derek grumbles. He is holding a shirt in his hands, “This... no fit.”
“Try something else.”
Derek pulls out another shirt and Stiles speaks, a smirk evident in his voice, “That looks good. What do you think, Danny?”
“The shirt?”
“I think... I think it’s a nice shirt.”
“Think he should try something else?”
“I do,” I mumble, knowing that Derek would hear me. As he quickly fixes his glare on me I lick my lips but just as fast as he turns his attention on me he turns back to the boys.
Danny is having trouble speaking but manages to get out, “It’s... It’s not exactly his color.”
Annoyed, Derek pulls off the T-shirt, exposing his abs once again. I bite my lower lip raking my eyes up and down Derek’s body as I hear Stiles whisper something to Danny.
Derek looks over at the boys once more, “None of these fit.” And once again the t-shirt comes off and I get to sit back and admire his gorgeous stomach.
Derek finally picked out a shirt and y eyes move to Danny who is tracing the text. After a couple of minutes he speaks, “There. The text was sent from a computer. This one.”
Derek and I move to stand behind the two high school boys to look at the screen. Derek then asks, “Registered to that account name?”
“That can’t be right,” Stiles says. My mouth is hanging open in surprise. The name on the screen reads Beacon Hills Hospital - Melissa McCall.
Danny soon leaves and Stiles, Derek and I make our way to the hospital.
I sit in the back of the jeep staring down at my phone as Stiles speaks with Scott. He’s on speaker phone but the words aren’t registering. Nate keeps texting me and trying to call.
He’s apologizing and asking if I’m coming to the game tonight.
I close my eyes and take a breath, gripping my phone tightly. I finally open my eyes and shove my phone back into my pocket, tuning back into the conversation just as Derek asks, “Is there anything on the back of it? There has to be something. An inscription. An opening. Something.”
“No, the thing’s flat. And no it doesn’t open. There’s nothing in it, on it, around it, nothing. And where are you, Stiles? You’re supposed to be here. You’re first line.” There’s a pause then Scott continues, “You won’t play if you’re not here.”
“I know. If you see my dad, tell him... tell him I’ll be there. Just a little bit late.”
He hangs up. Derek begins speaking the moment Stiles’ phone is in his pocket, “You’re not going to make it.”
“I know.”
“And neither of you said anything about your mother,” Derek continues looking at me.
“Not until we know the truth.”
We all turned to look at the looming building that is Beacon Hills Hospital.
Stiles opens his door but Derek stops him before he can get out, “Wait.” Instead of saying anything else he punches Stiles’ shoulder.
“OW! What was that for?” Stiles grips his arm as he gapes at Derek in shock.
“You know what that was for. Now go.”
Stiles gets out and waits in front of the jeep for me to follow. I climb over the seats and into the drivers spot but once again Derek stops me before I can get fully out, “Was it really necessary for you to be drooling over me too?”
“Yeah, I’ve had a sucky day. I needed it.” I shrug then step out of the jeep, making my way to Stiles.
Stiles and I pace the empty hospital corridor looking for Derek’s uncle, Peter’s room. There is an eerie silence surrounding is. Stiles then picks up his phone talking to Derek, “We can’t find her.” There’s a pause as Derek answers. “Yeah well, he’s not here either.” Another pause as my mind races, oh no, “He’s not here. He’s gone.”
I turn to look down the hall when Stiles talks. My eyes land on a man with a half burned face and a long coat. He has a seemingly friendly smile on his face as his eyes meet mine.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Stiles lower his phone and turn his head to look in the direction of the man.
“You must be (Y/N) and Stiles.”
I suck in a big breath and quickly find Stiles hand to clutch onto. We both take a shaky step back then see Jennifer, Peter’s nurse, standing on the other end of the corridor.
“What are you doing here? Visiting hours are over.” She states.
Stiles and I look between the Alpha and his nurse. He starts nervously mumbling, “You... and him... you’re the one who... and he’s the one... Oh, my God. We’re going to die.”
Once the words tumble out of his mouth a hand presses to Jennifer’s cheek and slams her head into the wall making her crumble to the ground.
“That wasn’t nice. She’s my nurse.” Peter pouts mockingly.
“She’s a psychotic bitch helping you kill people.” Derek says to his uncle. He then turns to me and Stiles, “Get out of the way.”
Derek opens his mouth revealing sharpened fangs, he lowers in an attack pose. Stiles whispers. “Oh, damn.”
We both press ourselves to the wall as Derek launches himself at Peter. Peter however barely moves. His eyes flash red and he grabs Derek by the jacket, slamming into the wall. The wall cracks on impact. Peter then slams him into the opposite wall with the same result.
I stand shocked, frozen to my spot against the wall. Stiles pulls me down so we can avoid being hit by the wall plaster that crumbles around us.
Peter drops Derek and drags him towards the nurses body, “You think I killed Laura on purpose? One of my own family?” Peter pauses digging through his nurses unconscious body for her car keys. “My mind, my personality, was literally burned out of me. I was being driven by pure instinct.”
Stiles and I slowly start crawling away but we can still hear Peter and Derek. “You want forgiveness?”
“I want understanding. Do you have any idea what was happening to me in those years? Slowly healing cell by cell. Then even more slowly coming back to consciousness. Yes, becoming Alpha, taking that from Laura, it pushed me over the plateau in the healing process. I can’t help that. And I tried to tell you what was happening. I tried warning you.”
Stiles and I slowly inch ourselves towards the Morgue, where Derek and Peter last were. But when we peek around the corner, neither werewolf is in sight.
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nazariolahela · 5 years
Something Domestic: Chapter 16
A/N: Hey y'all! This story is told in first-person narrative, from Riley’s (MC) POV. There will likely be smidges of canon in this, but not too much. Thanks for reading, and please leave feedback, and/or if you would like to be tagged.
I’m sorry this is so late. January has been crazy busy for me at work. Just wanted to let y’all know that next week is the final chapter in Riley and Liam’s story. I promise I will have that one out on time. 😉 
Catch up here
Series Tags: @burnsoslow @aworldoffandoms @dcbbw @ladyangel70 @texaskitten30 @sunandlemons @jlynn12273 @indiacater @jared2612 @rainbowsinthestorm @drakesensworld @badchoicesposts @msjr0119 @katurrade @blackcoffee85 @cynicalworlds-blog @hopefulmoonobject @cmestrella @sugarandspice-milkandhoney @superharrietsuper @custaroonie @lady-calypso @ritachacha @olympianpantsuit @desiree-0816 @the-soot-sprite @kate-mckenzie @narrytheworld @octobereighth @lynne1993 @queen-anastasia-universe @loveellamae @sarzkh31​ @iaminlovewithtrr
Synopsis: When Riley Brooks takes a new job as a nanny for the affluent Rhys family in New York’s Upper East Side, she assumes she’s just going to care for the children of the couple who hired her. But instead of just school pick-ups and afternoon snacks, she also finds herself spending time with Liam, the handsome divorced dad. Can Riley control her feelings for Liam while still performing the job she was hired for?
All characters are the property of Pixelberry Studios. Thanks for allowing me to borrow them.
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Chapter Summary: Riley makes a tough decision, and Liam finally confronts Madeleine.
“Miss Riley? Can we go see Dora and Diego again?” Andrew asks, tugging on my sleeve. We’re walking down Broadway on our way to lunch. After that, we’ll make our way to the Children’s Museum of Manhattan. Today is an in-service day, so he has the day off from school. It’s kind of nice to be able to go out in public again with the kids I watch. I haven’t encountered a single paparazzo in over a month. I smile as I adjust his stocking cap and wipe the snot running from his red nose. I then pull the collar of my winter coat up and we continue our walk.
“We will. But we need to eat first. Okay, bud?”
“Can I have chicken nuggets? Dad says I can’t have them, but Grandma always sneaks me some when she comes over.”
I giggle. Andrew is such a fun kid. He’s the sweetest nine-year-old I have ever met. And always so polite. I’ve been his nanny for almost a month now. Every morning, he greets me at the door of their townhouse with a picture he drew the night before. And every evening before I leave, he invites me to stay for dinner and offers to share his food with me. His dads hired me after Madeleine kicked me to the curb. Thankfully the agency didn’t terminate my employment. During my first interview with Adam and Derek, I asked them if my tabloid issue would be a problem. They looked at each other and smirked. Then Adam reminded me that neither of them were interested in me that way, so I have nothing to worry about. 
Truthfully, they’re the nicest couple I’ve worked for. They go out of their way to make sure I have everything I need to take care of their son. They’ve even invited me to move in with them to be a live-in nanny. Both Adam and Derek travel a lot for work, so I spend a good amount of time with Andrew. Derek’s mom stays with him in the evenings and on weekends when they’re both gone, but she’s getting older and they fear she won’t be around too much longer. They offered me free room and board, and a personal vehicle to use at my leisure, but I can’t seem to commit to giving up my apartment. 
We arrive at Fred’s — one of my favorite spots in Manhattan — and grab a table. It’s my preferred restaurant in New York City that allows dogs. Even though I haven’t had a dog since high school, I love coming here because it reminds me of my parents’ old Lab, Coco. The waiter arrives at our table and I order the Turkey Club for me and the Sesame Chicken Fingers for Andrew. As we eat, Andrew talks about their upcoming trip to Cabo and asks me if I’m going to come with them.
“I don’t know, bud. I’d have to check with your dads.”
“They said that if you moved in with us, you could,” he replies and shoves a chicken strip in his mouth. I guess that’s one of the perks of being a live-in nanny. You’re basically a member of the family.
After lunch, we head over to CMOM. Andrew helps Diego rescue animals and plays the drums at Dora’s house. I laugh as I snap photos of him on my iPhone, sending them in a group text to Derek and Adam. After a few hours of fun, I gather Andrew up and we make our trek back to his townhouse. On the way home, we walk past an ice cream shop. He grabs my hand and begs me to buy him a treat. My mind wanders to when I used to take Philip here and my eyes begin to water. Nope. Not gonna cry.
“Sure. Let’s go, bud,” I reply as we enter the shop.
We arrive home shortly after and I send Andrew upstairs to wash up for dinner. A few minutes later, the door opens and Derek’s mom, Patricia walks in. 
“Hello, dear. How was your day? I assume my grandson was on his best behavior?”
I laugh. “He always is.” She smiles and pats my shoulder before making her way into the kitchen to start preparing dinner. I follow her into the kitchen and pull ingredients out of the fridge for her. 
“So, how are things with the boy toy?” she asks as she cuts up some vegetables. 
“I think I’m going to have to break up with him.”
She stops cutting and stares at me. “What’s going on?”
I chew on my bottom lip. “I’m in love with someone else.”
She points the knife in her hand to a stool, motioning for me to sit. “Spill it.” I tell her everything about Liam and me, the kids, the divorce, and the tabloid scandal. I then tell her about Josh and how nice and how good looking he is, and how bad I feel for wanting to dump him. Her brows form a deep V as she listens to my sob story. Then, she reaches over and places her hand on mine.
“Let me tell you something, dear. Before I married my Elliot, there was someone else. Sure, he was a whole bowl of eye candy and a demon in the sack, but he wasn’t what I needed. We didn’t have that connection.”
I frown. “But, he’s been so good to me these past few weeks. I feel like an asshole.”
“You will for a while, sure. But it’s not fair to give him false hope with another man waiting in the wings. The best thing you can do is be honest with him.”
“But what if he hates me?”
She chuckles. “If he truly cares about you, he’ll want you to be happy.”
I nod, taking in her words, then check my watch. “Shit. I gotta go meet Josh. I’ll see you in the morning, Patricia! Thanks for everything!” She waves as I grab my bag from the living room and rush out the door.
Half an hour later, I sit at Starbeans, fiddling with the cardboard sleeve of my coffee cup. I replay the events of last week. After a month of not talking to Hana or Liam, I was able to reconnect with both of them. My heart feels full again. Except now I have to work up the courage to break things off with Josh. To be honest, it’s always been about Liam. Even after no contact for a month, I held out hope he would find out who leaked the story and come crawling back to me.
Speaking of. I can’t believe that bitch Madeleine set me up. I try to figure out why she would do that to me. I’ve never been anything but an exceptional nanny to her kids. Why would she try to ruin my life? Liam said it was because she never wanted the divorce, but wanted to continue fucking other men. Philip and Charlotte are the perfect children and from what I learned from his friends, Liam was a wonderful husband. Some people are never happy, I guess.
I spot Josh strolling into the coffee shop. He’s wearing his signature charcoal gray suit, his phone pressed to his ear, and his black leather messenger bag draped over his shoulder. His brown eyes sparkle as he locates me and makes his way over to my table. In another life, I think I could be happy with Josh. But ever since I met Liam, I haven’t been able to look at another man like that. He ends his call and leans over, pressing a kiss to my cheek. I motion for him to take a seat.
“Let me grab something to drink,” he says, moving toward the counter.
I point to the coffee cup sitting across the table. He smiles and takes a seat, bringing the cup to his lips, and takes a sip. “So, how was work today? Did you and Andrew do anything fun?”
“We did. I took him to Fred’s, then we visited CMOM.”
He smiles. “That’s awesome. Glad you guys had fun. And how are things with Hana? Have you guys been talking?”
Josh is aware of mine and Hana’s falling out. I practically talked his ear off about it on our first date. Instead of running for the hills at the first sign of my crazy, he sat there and listened, offering advice on how to fix our relationship. Another reason why I feel bad about what I’m about to do. It’s only been a few weeks, but he’s a great guy and I really like him. The only problem is my heart doesn’t belong to him. Patricia’s words ring in my mind. It wouldn’t be fair to string him along while pining for another man.
“Things are good. We’re having dinner later this week.”
“I’m glad you two could make up. I know how hard it’s been not having her in your life. What about Liam?”
I pause, “What about him?”
“Your friend Drake said you guys were going through a rough patch as well. He didn’t give up too many details, but he said you guys were close.”
I chewed my bottom lip. “Oh, I...I actually used to work for Liam. I was his kids’ nanny. Until I was let go.”
He cocks an eyebrow and waits for me to continue. “His ex-wife was jealous of our relationship, so she leaked their divorce to the tabloids and blamed me for it.” I then proceed to tell him everything about the last few months. 
Josh nearly spits his coffee. “Wait...you are the homewrecking nanny?” He sputters, wiping his chin. “How did I not put two and two together? You said your old boss fired you because she thought you were sleeping with her husband. And when I saw him at the bar last week, I remembered reading about it in the tabloids.” He shakes his head. “I don’t know why I didn’t recognize you from the story.”
Well, this is awkward. “Yeah...that’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Look, Josh. You’re an amazing guy, but Liam and I…”
His face falls. “Wait, are you breaking up with me?”
My stomach turns. I’ve only broken up with one boyfriend. He was the star quarterback of my high school football team, and it was after I caught him feeling up the head cheerleader under the bleachers after homecoming. I lean across the table and take his hands in mine. “I’m so sorry Josh. I never meant to hurt you. The truth is, I’m in love with Liam. I have been. And it’s not fair to you to pretend that I’m not.”
He sighs and drops his head. “You know. I always thought this day would come. You’re obviously way out of my league, but I was hoping my luck would change. Is there anything I could have done differently?”
I shake my head and squeeze his hands. “You are an amazing guy and you’re going to make some woman very happy someday. I just know it.”
He nods and stands from his seat. Leaning in, he presses a chaste kiss to my lips. “See you around, Riley,” he says, then turns and walks out. When he’s gone, I exhale and rub the ache in my chest. Just then, my phone chimes. I look down to see a message from Liam. Weird timing. I look around the room to see if he’s here, then open the text.
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Here we go. I gather up my purse and hail a cab to my apartment. I drop off my tote bag and freshen up. Twenty minutes later, I arrive in the lobby of Liam’s penthouse and the memories of my firing come flooding back. A woman I don’t recognize sits at the receptionist's desk. She can’t be older than 18. She looks up from her phone and plasters a huge smile on her face. “Good evening, ma’am. How can I help you?”
“Riley Brooks, here to see Liam Rhys.”
She nods and reaches into the desk drawer, pulling out a familiar black envelope. “Mr. Rhys requested that I give this to you. You can just head on up.”
I swallow and take the envelope. I swear this is déjà vu. I take a deep breath and make my way to the elevator, pressing the keycard to the panel. As the car makes its ascension to the penthouse floor, I can’t stop the tears from falling. Being back here brings back so many memories. When the elevator car reaches the top floor, I quickly wipe my cheeks and step into the foyer. Nothing has changed here. Except for the energy. I move further into the townhouse, taking it all in. I hear shuffling and turn to see Liam coming down the stairs. His blue eyes light up as he sees me, and he rushes down the stairs two at a time. Scooping me up in his arms, he plants a slow, sensual kiss to my lips.
“God, how I’ve missed you,” he says, gripping my hips and pulling me against him. His tongue darts out, slipping between my parted lips. Our kiss grows fervent and his hands slip under the hem of my sweater, his fingertips slowly dragging up my sides. I haven’t felt him in so long, my body almost forgot how good it feels when he touches me. We start pawing at each other’s clothes, not noticing Leo stroll into the penthouse.
“Jesus, you two. Get a room.” We break apart as Leo approaches. He inhales deeply. “Smells like sex in here. You two waste no time, huh?”
I shoot him a death glare and Liam just rolls his eyes. “Well, we’re here, let’s get this show on the road,” he says to his brother.
Leo smirks and reaches into his pocket, retrieving his phone. He begins tapping on the screen. “All in good time, little brother. You have to be patient.”
Liam sighs and grabs my hand, guiding me to the sofa. We both take a seat and watch as Leo finishes his text and slips his phone back in his pocket. He sits on the adjacent sofa, wearing a shit-eating grin. I look at Liam in confusion.
“What’s going on?” I ask. Leo holds up his finger. Moments later, the elevator chimes and the doors slide open. Madeleine strolls in, her nose buried in her phone.
“Let’s make this quick, Leo. I have to pick up the kids befo-” she stops when she looks up and sees Liam and I sitting on the couch. Her eyes narrow when she looks at me. “What is she doing here?”
Liam snorts. “I should be asking you the same thing. This is my house.”
“Your brother brought me here. Said we needed to talk.”
Leo takes this moment to stand up and motion for Madeleine to sit. “Have a seat. You, me, my brother, and his nanny need to have a chat.”
“I don’t have time for this,” she snaps and turns to walk away.
“Madeleine. Sit.” Leo says, his tone flat. She stops in her tracks. After a few moments, she sighs and moves to sit on the chair.
Leo grins. “Well, since we’re all here. Let’s get down to brass tacks. I’ve asked you all here because we have a bit of a conundrum. My charming brother here has been trying to get to the bottom of this tabloid scandal for the last month.”
“Why are we still talking about this shit? The divorce is final,” Madeleine huffs, rolling her eyes.
My blood boils. “Because ‘this shit’ damn near ruined my career. And I want answers!” I shout. Liam places his hand on my back rubbing it in slow, soothing circles. I take a deep breath. “I want to know who did this to me and why.”
She smirks. “What do you want me to do about it? I don’t care about your career. I care about my kids. Whoever leaked it put them in danger.”
Liam sits up, void of emotion. “You mean you?”
His accusation catches her off guard. “Wh-what? What are you talking about?”
He turns to his brother, both of them sharing an amused look. Madeleine’s eyes dart from Leo to Liam, then to me. “What are you guys getting at? You think I did this?”
“We know you did, sweetheart. And we have proof,” Liam says.
Liam looks at Leo and nods his head. Leo pulls out his phone and taps a few buttons before placing it face-up on the coffee table The audio begins playing.
“So, what’s going on with you and my brother?”
“We’re divorced. What do you mean?”
“Are you getting back together?”
*laughter* “No. Not even a little. To be honest, I don’t know why I married him in the first place.”
“Good. I’m glad to hear that. What about your new guy?”
“Rashad? Eh...he’s nice. But ohmygods, he’s so boring.”
“Boring? How so?”
“All he ever talks about is his stupid firm. If I have to hear one more time about international contacts and the Portera Group, I’m going to pull my hair out strand by strand.”
*laughter* “Well, what’s going on with the nanny situation? I trust Belinda is working out well.”
“Better than I could have imagined. At least I don’t have to worry about the kids when they’re in her care.”
“C’mon, Maddy. What was wrong with Riley?”
*laughter* “Where do I even start? I should have never hired someone right out of college. All these young girls see is a paycheck. They don’t give a shit about the kids.”
“That’s odd. I never got that from Riley. She seemed to really like the kids.”
“That’s what she wanted you to see. How many times did she put my kids in jeopardy with the fucking paparazzi? And those stupid ass tabloids. My kids don’t need to see lies about their parents in some trash rag. Charlotte told me she looked through one of them and saw a picture of herself. Then she started asking me questions. They’re only six and four, but they’re not stupid. That’s why I had to get rid of her.”
“Get rid of her?”
“Yes. I had Mara leak the divorce story to the tabloids and blame Riley.”
“Wow. Why couldn’t you just have fired her?”
“Liam would never go for that. He’s so pussy whipped. That was always his problem. He only saw her as a piece of ass.”
*laughter* “You know my brother never could resist a pretty face. That’s why he ended up with you.”
“And I ended up with the wrong brother. You know it’s always been you. I just wish you wouldn’t have waited so long to see it.”
“Madeleine. I didn’t want to interfere with what you and my brother had.”
“Leo. Don’t give me that. I was never in love with Liam. I thought you knew that. How many times did I call you when I was married to him? If you would have said the word, I would have left him for you just like that.” *fingers snapping*
“What about the kids?”
*laughter* “That’s what family court is for. Do you actually think the judge would let him take them? I can play the neglected wife quite well. The only reason he agreed to joint is because I manipulated him into playing the ‘perfect marriage’ card. You should have seen the look on Riley’s face. After the tabloid story leaked, all our friends thought he cheated on me with the nanny. The whole thing played out just like I planned it.”
“Wow. You are one diabolical woman, Maddy.”
“You don’t know the half of it.”
The audio ends and everyone sits stunned. Except for Leo. He just leans back — a smirk on his face — examining his nails. Liam’s face is beet red and he takes several deep breaths, trying to control his rage. Madeleine’s mouth hangs open in disbelief, all the color drained from her face. I sit back, trying to swallow the baseball-sized lump in my throat. Finally, Leo breaks the silence.
“So, what do you have to say for yourself, Maddy?”
Her face twists up in anger. “You set me up, you asshole.”
I leap from my seat. “You set me up! You hateful bitch!” Liam grabs my arm, trying to pull me back down. Thank gods his grip is strong because I’m two seconds away from leaping over this coffee table and tearing her face off.
“You broke up my family, you skank.”
Liam’s voice booms. “Don't pin this on her. You broke up our family when you slept with another man.”
“You could have made this easier on yourself if you would have just agreed to my deal, Liam. We could have had the perfect family front and you’d still get to keep your whore.”
“Fuck you, Madeleine,” I spit out.
“Okay, okay. As fun as this is to watch. It’s getting a little too heated for my taste,” Leo says, standing up to step between us. “We all know Maddy here is a hateful shrew. But what do you want from her, Liam?”
“Sole custody. Or I take this to the judge.”
“You wouldn’t,” she snaps.
“Watch me.”
She stares him down with a look of absolute hate. Her eyes dart to me, then to Leo. After several long seconds, her head drops back and she rolls her eyes. “Fine. You can have sole.”
Liam nods. “I’ll have my lawyers draw up the new paperwork. Now, get the fuck out of my house.”
She scoffs then gathers up her things and stomps out. Leo turns back to us, a huge smirk on his face. “This was fun. Let’s do it again sometime.” He leans over and claps his brother on the shoulder, then winks at me and heads toward the elevator.
Once we’re alone, Liam turns to me and frames my face in his hands. “I’m so, so sorry, Riley. I had no idea.” I place my hands on his chest and nod, trying not to cry.
“I never realized she hated me that much. All I cared about was being Philip and Charlotte’s nanny. I didn’t take this job because I thought you were hot. I took it because I love kids and I felt this was a good fit. Falling in love with you was just a bonus.”
He grips my chin in his thumb and forefinger, tipping my face up towards his. “You’re in love with me?”
“Of course, I am.”
He smiles and leans down to claim my mouth with his. The kiss is soft at first but quickly grows rough and passionate. He lets out a low moan and I take that as an opportunity to slide my hand beneath the waistband of his pants.
“Fuck, Riley,” he growls.
I grab his hand and walk him up the stairs to his bedroom. Once we’re there, I push up his shirt and plant featherlight kisses across his chest. He grasps my face in his hands, pulling it to his and kissing me hard. The kisses become hotter, teeth tugging lips, and hands roaming every inch of each other’s bodies. We shed our clothes and I climb onto his four-poster bed.
“You know. I saw this bed on my first day here, and I almost jumped on it to test it out. Good thing I didn’t, huh?”
“If I came here and saw a beautiful woman like you in my bed, I’d have thought I’d died and gone to heaven,” he smirks.
I wrap my hands around his neck and pull his body on top of mine, his weight pinning me down on the soft mattress. His stiff cock finds my pussy, nudging at my opening. I grip his length in my hand and stroke it up and down my clit. He trails kissed down my neck, across my collarbone, and to my breasts. He takes one of the pink buds in his mouth and begins to suck. The sensation shoots to my core. He moves to the other one, giving it a gentle nibble. Pretty sure I’m dripping wet right now.
He continues kissing his way down my body, his tongue drawing a line down my naval until he reaches the apex of my thighs. His hot breath sends a shiver through my body. His tongue flicks my clit and I nearly come on his face at that moment. Another stroke of his tongue against my folds elicits a moan from me. Before long, I’m writhing against his face, my orgasm slamming into me. I lay on the bed, struggling to catch my breath as he looks up at me, his face shiny from my arousal. He kisses his way up my body and captures my lips.
“Condom?” I ask. He nods and reaches into the nightstand to retrieve one from the drawer. He tears it open and rolls it over his cock. I lean up and capture his lips in a sweet kiss, then he thrusts into me. I wrap my legs around his hips, pulling him close.
“Riley…” he grunts.
“I’m right here, Liam.” He presses his forehead against mine and grips my ass, his hips pistoning as he drives his cock into my pussy. I feel another orgasm tear through me with blistering heat. I look up at him and see his eyes close as his orgasm follows shortly after. He collapses on top of me, breathing heavily and dotting my neck and face with kisses.
“Wow…Holy shit, Riley.”
Yep, pretty much how I feel right now. Who knew that it could feel this good after a month. I run my hands through his hair, caressing the soft strands. He sucks in a deep breath, then rolls off of me, and pulls me into his chest. He plants a soft kiss on my shoulder.
“Can I tell you something?”
I turn back to look at him. “Sure.”
“Earlier. When you said you were in love with me. Did you mean it?”
I nod.
He smiles and presses a kiss to my forehead. “Good. Because I’m in love with you, too.”
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randomoranges · 4 years
drag meeting au part 30
The day before the holiday madness descended upon his parents’ house, Edward made his usual pilgrimage across town and to the heart of the city. It was a similar route he had borrowed many times before, over the course of the years he’d lived here, and whenever he was in town, he returned to this particular place; Kate’s original stomping grounds.
 Evolution Wounderlounge had come into his life at an odd point and quite by accident. At the height of his sixteen years of life, Edward had been questioning his entire existence quite a lot, as well as his sexuality and general identity. There were times when he felt as though two different Edwards lived inside of him and fought on a daily basis. There was the one that liked to watch hockey, had a fascination for motorcycles and liked manual work. Then, there was the softer side – the one whose gaze lingered on the display of pretty dresses, who yearned to try on a lipstick to see how it would look on him and who had more opinions than he cared to share. The overlap between both versions of himself was how he never seemed to find interest in girls, when most of his friends were now starting to date and related their experiences later on. Instead, Edward was starting to notice the way shirts looked on some of the older boys in school, on how one particular boy looked after gym class and of course, his never ending infatuation with Wayne Gretzky.
 He was starting to wonder if there wasn’t more to this – if this didn’t mean something else – something he couldn’t even bring himself to admit to himself, but it lingered at the back of his mind and festered with time.
 And of course, mixed in with all of that was the fear that something was very wrong with him, that his parents would institutionalise him if he spoke a word of this on top of disowning him on the spot. (Luckily, that hadn’t happened; his parents had been very accepting and had spent the better part of that particular evening reassuring him that he was loved and that there was nothing wrong with him. But that wasn’t for now.)
 It was how he’d found himself one day walking aimlessly down the streets, trying to sort through his thoughts. He hadn’t really been paying attention to where he’d been going, but he’d found himself standing in front of the door to a – club of sorts. There were posters on the door announcing the week’s upcoming shows and Edward had been – intrigued by the people on the poster as well as their names; Lady Ruby, Peach Bosom, and Fibonaci Sequins to name a few.
 The shows were late in the evening – night-time really, but Edward had tried the door and found it unlocked. He figured he had nothing to lose and so he had entered the darkened corridor and had followed the sound of voices and faint music, wondering where exactly he had stepped in.
 Once he’d walked down the narrow corridor, he found an open space of sorts, which was probably filled with chairs and tables when there were shows, as well as a small stage and a bar-counter on the other side. He’d never been in such a place before and he was completely shocked and surprised by what he saw on stage.
 People – majestic creatures of sorts – were rehearsing something or other before a woman sitting in the “audience.” They looked otherworldly, what with their elaborate hairdos, sequined dresses, and high-heeled shoes. Edward wasn’t sure who they were or where they had come from, but he tried to make himself invisible and watched as they practiced their craft before his eyes, hoping no one would notice him.
 “Excuse me, who let in the little boy? Are you lost, darling?” One performer asked some time later. She had a high-pitched voice that couldn’t have been natural, but Edward wasn’t paying attention to that at the moment, too mesmerized by the opulent details of her dress and the jewelry dangling from her arms.
 “I’m not a little boy!” He blurted out and that caught the attention of some of the other women who came out to see what was going on. Edward felt his cheeks flush, but stood his ground, even if he did want the floor to swallow him whole.
 “Ooh, he’s feisty,” Another lady commented and this one had bright pink hair and really thick make-up on, but it suited her immensely.
 “Settle down, girls,” The – matron of the place – for that was how she looked and acted, almost regal like, said and the other women quieted down some. “Who let you in, young man?” She asked and motioned for Edward to step forward. He did and felt oddly scrutinised by the others, but he focused on her instead.
 “No one; the door was unlocked.”
 “Sugar Candy, weren’t you the last one in?” The matron said and turned in the direction of one of the girls.
 “Ah shit – I forgot to lock the door when I got in!” She disappeared in a sea of bright green ruffles and Edward blinked, wondering if he hadn’t imagined her.
 “Well then, I’m afraid this is no place for lost young men such as you. We’re in the middle of a rehearsal you see,” The matron went on, calm and soothing in her quasi-deep voice. Edward felt – safe with her, somehow, even though he’d just met her. It may have had something to do with her long, cascading sleeves or the deep colour of her eyes, or the kindness behind her smile,  but Edward felt as though he could tell her his darkest secrets and she would guard them with her life.
 “I’m not here to spy; honest.” He defended and that got a good laugh from the others.
 “Oh, he’s funny! Can we keep him, Miss Adore, please? He’s so cute! I could just bite those cute little cheeks of his!” Another one said and Edward brought a hand to his cheeks as though wanting to protect them from this woman’s teeth – in case.
 “Girls, please, you’re making our guest uncomfortable, show some respect.” She told them before turning back towards him, “I doubt you’re a spy, darling boy, but we don’t usually let outsiders come to our rehearsals.” She offered him an apologetic smile and for some reason, Edward was upset he couldn’t stay.
 “What if – what if I worked here? Could I stay if I worked here?”
 There was something about this place – something about the poster, the names and these women that kept drawing him in – that called out to him. He wasn’t sure what it was, couldn’t put a name to it, but he felt a pull and knew that he needed to be here, somehow.
 Miss Adore blinked, seemingly perplexed by this proposal. She had clearly not been expecting this and Edward couldn’t blame her – he hadn’t expected this from himself either. “I’ll need some time, darling. It’s not every day we get such kind offers. I’m not quite sure we have employment suited for someone like you.”
 Edward wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but – he was willing to do anything, even if it sounded all quite impulsive to him. “I can clean tables – I can mop the floors or set up the tables before the shows. Whatever you need me to do.” He implored. Miss Adore studied him for a moment, took in his appearance and the desperate look upon his face, and then nodded to herself, as though she had read something in him that Edward ignored himself, but that was the answer she needed.
 “Very well, come back tomorrow around four; we’ll discuss your tasks and your wages.”
 Edward couldn’t believe his luck and thanked her profusely, before being told to leave. Edward did as he was told and then headed back out, not entirely convinced this had at all happened.
 It took him a while afterwards to piece everything together; to realise that the women he had been so impressed with were not actually women – that they were drag queens, but he had never heard of such a term and had been afraid to bring it up around his parents or anyone else in his entourage, fearing that they would judge him. Of what, he wasn’t sure, but Edward knew that it wasn’t exactly an everyday thing for men to dress up as women.
  Luckily, Miss Adore was there to guide him; to answer his questions as she gave him tasks to complete around the club. She always made sure he was there when there weren’t any shows, seeing as he was only sixteen, but she sat with him when he had a break to talk and see how he was doing.
 Miss Adore became Edward’s mentor and confidant. It took Edward six months before he told her he thought he was gay and another four others before he admitted to liking women’s clothes.
 It was Miss Adore who saw Edward’s early sketches of what Klondike Kate could be and she was the one who helped him fine-tune the persona and the costume. She was there to coach Edward, there to show him the ropes, learn how to apply makeup properly, how to lace up the boots correctly and finally, nearly three years later, it was Miss Adore who had the great pleasure to introduce Klondike Kate to the stage for the very first time.
 And now, much as he had when he’d been young, Edward was going back to see his dearest Miss Adore for some much needed advice.
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fixxofvixx · 5 years
BLOODRIGHT - Vampire Taekwoon AU - Chapter 14
Surprise! I finished another chapter~ The plot thickens~ 😂😂
I hope you will enjoy this chapter! Let me know what you think!!!
"I......I know you don't sleep but if don't need to do anything for a while....could you stay next to me until I fall asleep?" You blushed and pointed to the other side the of huge bed.
"You sure?" You nodded and he smiled. "It would be my pleasure."
He stood and walked around to the other side the bed and settled on the mattress. You scooted to the middle of the bed until you could reach his arm. You curled your hand lightly around his, not wanting him to be uncomfortable. Instead, he laid further down on the bed and secured your hand firmly in his. You smiled and closed your eyes. You were almost asleep when you finally said what had been on your mind.
"I love you, too, Taekwoon."
You were lost. You couldn't find anybody.
When you woke, Taekwoon was gone. He didn't leave a note or anything but you assumed he was still in the mansion. You doubted he would leave without telling you. There had been a glass of water and some pain killers next to your bed but you didn't take them yet. You had borrowed some more clothes from Taekwoon's closet and showered quickly. Your head hurt but you really wanted to eat something before taking any medicine. You had walked out of the room and down the hall but you didn't see anyone. You trudged down the stairs to the first floor and finally spotted a woman carrying some boxes.
"E-Excuse me?" The woman turned to you and bowed. Her red eyes looked kind and she seemed nice.
"Yes, ma'am, how can I help you?"
"Have you seen Taekwoon?"
"Ah, yes, he was with Her Majesty out in the garden a few moments ago."
"Thank you......" You waited for her to give you her name.
"Kate, ma'am, my name is Kate."
"Well, thank you very much, Kate." She bowed again and hurried off with her boxes.
You turned around and headed towards the door you remembered leading to the garden. Walking through the door, you wandered through the first section of the garden but still didn't see anyone.
You felt tired again so you sat down on a nearby bench. You hoped that Taekwoon would wander by and find you. You lowered your head to your hands and tried to ease the ache. A few minutes passed by before you heard a voice.
"Well, don't you smell lovely."
You instantly recognized the voice and you shot your head up to see Khan. He stood not 20 feet from you, his eyes just as sinister as you remembered them. Fear rippled through your entire body. You stood up quickly and backed away towards the house.
"Aw, don't leave so soon. I just want to get reacquainted. We didn't get to talk much before."
"You mean when you were trying to kill me? Yeah, it kind of gets in the way of casual conversation. How did you get in here, anyway?" You continued to back away in hopes of getting closer to the house so that you could call for help. Taekwoon said vampires had exquisite hearing. So, why wasn't he here? Didn't he hear Khan, or you?
"I have my ways......and people."
People? Does he mean those who had been attacking Taekwoon and you? Was he behind it all? Or was it his mother?
"What are you thinking so hard about? Come....have a seat and let's become friends."
"Never in your wildest dreams, you psychopath."
"Well......that's not very nice. You realize I could simply kill you right now? I'm trying to be polite."
"You're failing. Do you really think I would trust you? You can't bite me, I have already agreed to be Taekwoon's donor and I've signed the contract."
"Has it ever occurred to you that I can do much, much more than just bite you? You're lucky I haven't."
In an instant, he was in front of you. His hands covered your arms in a bruising grip. You screamed in response and almost as quickly, you were free. When you opened your eyes, you saw Taekwoon fighting with Khan. Royal guards swarmed the two and Khan was quickly restrained. Taekwoon continued to release a barrage of punches as Khan struggled to gain control and break free. You had somehow ended up on the large section of grass that lay at the entrance to the garden. You saw a blur fly past you and then stop at Taekwoon. Taekwoon's father was pulling him away from Khan so that the guards could take him away. Although his father was older, Taekwoon seemed to have the advantage of strength. He was having a difficult time removing Taekwoon from the fight.
"Taekwoon, enough! We have him!" Taekwoon's father placed himself between Khan and his son. He grabbed Taekwoon's face and forced him to look away from Khan. "Go check on y/n. We will take care of this."
Taekwoon stopped instantly and snapped his head over to you. He sped to your side, picked you up, and took you into the house. You ended up just inside the door on a chaise lounge.
"Are you hurt?" Taekwoon frantically checked you, his fingers hurriedly grazing over your skin in search of an injury.
"I think I'm okay. You showed up just as he grabbed me." Taekwoon's fingers grazed over the newly forming bruises on your arms.
"Y/N, dear, are you alright?" Taekwoon's mother hurried to your side looking much like her son. You nodded to her and attempted a reassuring smile.
"I'm sorry. I should have been here. I was in the lab with my mother all morning running tests on the box we received yesterday. The doors are rather thick in there."
"That's okay. I should have waited in the house. I went looking for you and then asked...." You gasped when you remembered the woman from earlier. "Were you ever in the garden today?"
"No....I've been with my mother like I said. Why?"
"I went looking for you earlier and there was a woman carrying boxes in the hallway. I asked her if she'd seen you and she said that you were out in the garden with your mother."
"What did she look like? Was she a vampire? Did you get her name?" Taekwoon rapidly fired the questions at you and his mother placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him.
"One at a time, Taekwoon. She's had quite a fright."
"Sorry..." Taekwoon gently curled his hand over your cheek.
"It's fine. I want to know as much as you. Yes, she was a vampire. She said her name was Kate and she had long brown hair in a braid. Um....she was about my size and height and that's all I remember."
"Taekwoon, we don't have anyone here by that name."
Your eyes widened as you thought about how close to danger you'd been. You grabbed Taekwoon's hand and held on tight. He stood from his crouched position and moved to sit next to you. He pulled you to his side and you welcomed the contact.
"Y/N, let's get some food in you, shall we? You look rather pale." Taekwoon's soft voice worked wonders for your frazzled nerves. You stood when Taekwoon did, as he kept you glued to his side.
"That sounds good. I woke up with a headache and wanted to eat something before I took the medicine you left."
Taekwoon stopped and looked down at you.
"By the bed. There was a bottle of pain killers and some water."
"I...didn't leave anything by the bed, y/n. We have no need for pain killers here so I doubt we even have anything." You tensed at Taekwoon's words.
"Then....who did?"
Taekwoon released you and sped upstairs. Unwilling to stand there, you let your body drop back down to the chaise lounge. A few seconds later, Taekwoon returned with the glass of water and the bottle of pain killers. He handed the bottle to his mother and she opened it. She carefully smelled the contents and gasped.
"Smells like arsenic." Your heart lurched when you heard his mother's words.
"Dammit! This is getting worse! This is why I urged you to get CCTV, mom! I'm taking Y/N back home! Too many things have happened here and I can't....I can't lose her."
You looked up at Taekwoon's face and saw the worry and fear etched into it. You immediately rose from your seat and wrapped your arms around him. You could feel his body shaking so you tightened your hold. His long arms curled around you and brought you closer.
"Let's finish the tests on the contents of the box and see if we can get anything out of Khan. After that, I'll send some of my security with you to make sure you get home safe. Is that okay with you, y/n?"
"Y-Yes, of course. Whatever you all need to do."
An hour later, a full-course meal sat in your belly and your headache was finally fading into the background. You stayed close to Taekwoon as much as you could. Khan still wouldn't speak. His parents were due to 'collect him' soon. Taekwoon swore that he wouldn't be collected alive.
Soon after you had finished, Taekwoon's mother came to find you.
"Y/N, I'm sorry it's so delayed but this is one of the things that was meant to be in the box I sent you." She handed you a clear glass bottle of what looked like bright red candies. "These are meant to help you recover from when Taekwoon feeds. They help replenish the blood in your body."
"Oh, wow, thank you! I didn't know there was such a thing." You accepted the bottle and looked at the bright pills in inside. They were almost the color of Taekwoon's eyes.
"We've made a few developments over the years, thanks to a few prominent scientists having the desire to continue their craft....eternally. Just take one of these soon after he feeds and they will help you feel better. You can take one now, if you like." She sat down next to you. After you took one, she reached up to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear and smiled.
You looked up at her, smiling in return.
"I don't think I told you before but, I'm so glad you accepted. You're good for Taekwoon. He looks so happy and more at ease now that you accepted him. He may be over a couple hundred years old but he will always be my little boy. We only had Taekwoon but now I have a daughter that I can spoil." She giggled slightly and your cheeks flushed. A daughter? She had welcomed you so fast and without hesitation. A warm feeling spread throughout your body.
Taekwoon suddenly sat down beside you and wrapped an arm around your waist. You jumped slightly at his abrupt movement but settled quickly. He placed his chin on your shoulder from behind and you could just barely catch his smile out of the corner of your eye.
"Get in line, Mother, I saw her first."
His mother rolled her eyes and reached forward to pull on Taekwoon's ear. She stood and smacked him on the shoulder before leaving the room.
You looked at Taekwoon and could see his ever-stoic face. The one he had when he was deep in thought.
"She's right, you know."
"About what?" You laced your fingers with Taekwoon's and settled more against his chest behind you.
"I am much, much happier now that you accepted." He turned his head and placed a soft kiss just under your ear. You closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of the simple gesture. You jumped when you felt Taekwoon's lips glide down your neck and back up again.
Just then, a door slammed and you heard loud heels clicking on the floor from the front of the mansion. The sound echoed throughout the halls and it gave you a bad feeling in your stomach. You had a guess as to who it was which made you instinctively move closer to Taekwoon.
"It's okay. Come on, I don't want my mother to deal with her alone." Taekwoon stood and kept one of his hands firmly linked to yours. Your body trembled slightly as you remembered your last encounter with Khan's mother only a couple of days ago.
As you reached the foyer, Khan's mother was already arguing with Taekwoon's mother. Khan's father was standing off to the side talking on the phone.
"I want my son, NOW!"
"Well, you're not getting him. He has attacked y/n twice, causing injuries both times. This is enough to punish him with death--"
"I will see this place burned to the ground with all of you inside before I let that happen! Hand him over at once!!"
"HOWEVER, since he is family I have decided to give leniency."
"Mother!" Taekwoon strode over to his mother with you in tow.
"Just a moment, Taekwoon. He will not be executed. But, neither will he be released. He will be denied a donor and live out the rest of his days in his cell."
"I will kill you where you stand! Give me my son!" Khan's mother charged towards Taekwoon's mother but didn't quite make it. Taekwoon released your hand and in an instant was restraining Khan's mother.
Almost at the same time, someone rushed past you and grabbed your arm. You let out a scream and tried to pull away from your assailant. They held you from behind and judging by the strength it was a vampire. You turned your head to see the woman who had 'helped' you earlier, Kate.
She smiled a sinister smile and produced a long smooth knife from inside her long braid. She positioned the knife at your neck, just under your jaw.
Taekwoon noticed what happened and his face turned to pure rage. He flung Khan's mother to the nearby wall where his own mother rushed to her to gain the upper hand. Taekwoon slowly advanced on you and your captor. The look on his face should have been a clear warning to to woman holding you. His silent message was loud and clear. Once he got his hands on her, he was going to kill her.
"That....is a very foolish thing to do. Release her now and I will consider sparing your life."
"I don't believe that you are in a position to give orders, prince." Kate sneered as she spoke Taekwoon's title as if she was disgusted to even mention it. "One flick of my wrist and you're minus a donor."
"You wouldn't live to see much past that."
"I'm prepared. I'm willing to give my life in exchange for a new ruler."
"Father, now!"
Taekwoon yelled as he looked behind you and Kate. Kate turned to see what was happening but it was a mistake. In the instant that she was distracted, Taekwoon sped forward, grabbed Kate's wrist and jerked her away from you entirely. Taekwoon forced her to drop the knife before kicking it to the far wall. You had assumed he would have killed her but he restrained her instead. Once she was subdued, he turned to you.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I think so."
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip every limb from your body slowly and painfully." Taekwoon's hand was wrapped around Kate's neck. His long fingers allowed him to fully encompass her neck. You knew it wouldn't take much for him to do it.
"Go ahead. There are plenty more like me, ready to die for our cause." Kate's voice shook. Her words were brave but you could tell she was scared.
"Take her and put her with Khan." Taekwoon released her throat and guards came from behind you to take her. You hadn't even realized they were there.
As soon as the guards took Kate from Taekwoon, you ran back to his side. He looked you over quickly to make sure there were no injuries. When he was satisfied, he turned to his mother and Khan's mother. Taekwoon's mother had easily restrained the woman with her arm twisted at a painful angle behind her back.
"What are we going to do with her?" Taekwoon's voice was laced with anger and you were reminded of when you had encountered Khan's mother a few days ago. It would seem that this was the only way you were going to meet with her.
"Let her go."
"Father!" Taekwoon snapped his head over to where his father had just entered the room.
"Do it, now." Two more guards came forward to escort Khan's mother and father out of the mansion. The look of triumph on Khan's mother's face was enough to raise your own blood pressure. Taekwoon held tight to you and you suspected it was because he needed an anchor. If he let you go, he would go against his father's wishes and attack Khan's mother. Taekwoon's father didnt speak until Khan's parents were completely out the door.
"If we detain her, their followers will have a reason to revolt. If we release her, they will have no reason to attack just yet." Taekwoon's father spoke directly to his son. He knew Taekwoon was on a hair-trigger.
His words made sense, of course. But that didn't mean Taekwoon wanted to agree with it, it seemed.
"But, Father, if we--"
"I know, Taekwoon, I understand your arguement. But, we need to use our minds more than our hearts. I know you are as angry as I am. But we can't make things worse."
Taekwoon nodded but you could tell that he wanted to argue.
"I'm taking y/n home now. I can't wait any longer. Other vampires cannot make it past my gates and I need to keep her safe."
"I understand. We will keep you updated on what we find or if Khan says anything. I'm going to speak with our new inmate." Taekwoon's father walked back in the direction he came, leaving you with Taekwoon and his mother.
"I am sorry to see you leave but I fear that our home does not offer as much security as Taekwoon's. We will send some of our guards with you to make sure you travel safely. We can also station some guards close to the town so they can assist you if you need it. Oh, how I wish you both could stay forever." Taekwoon's mother approached you with a solemn look on her face.
"I'm sure we can visit again....when it is safer." You smiled at his mother and she seemed delighted.
"You are also welcome to visit us as well, Mother." Taekwoon placed his arm around his mother's shoulders and pulled her close. She slapped at him and laughed. Taekwoon turned to you and his expression softened.
"Let's go home."
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writingkeepsmewhole · 5 years
Stolen Moments.
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This is part 14 to Betrayal. The first fic in my 365Fics challange. I am going to try my hardest to post a new fic every day this year. I had to start it with my favorite. I hope yall enjoy it. P.S. If you've never seen dirty dancing your not going to get the middle part of this part.
Fic Summary: Scarlet spends some time with Dean. 
Dean Winchester x OC Scarlet
Warnings: Language, Mentions of sex. I think that’s it.
Taglist Would love to add you:  @thewinchesterchronicles @amandamaesweetheart @scarlettreneem @deans-baby-momma
Part 1  Part 13
When we woke up again it was to the sound of someone knocking on the door. Both me and Dean look at each other wondering who it could be and knowing we both were only in our birthday suits..
“Hold-.” Dean didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence the door being opened by Ruby bouncing threw the door.
“Hey, we are leaving to go get break-  Are you two naked under there?” She asks going from excited to shocked.
“No, we are just wearing invisible clothes.” I say trying not to let my embarrassment show.
It was one thing for her to know about me and Dean it was another for her to catch us in bed together.
“Oh cool. Well anyways we are leaving in like thirty minutes so you two need to get up and get dressed okay?”
“Okay, Ruby you can leave now.” 
“Fine but if only if you promise to get dressed and not have sex.”
Feeling my face flush I grabbed the pillow behind me and chuck it at her.
“Get out.” I say it hitting her in the face and falling to the floor.
“Oh my gosh I’m sorry! For that I’m taking this with me.” She says bending over and picking up the pillow carrying it with her as she leaves and shuts the door behind her.
“Did that just happen?” Dean asks looking at me.
“Yes.” I nod moving to get out of the bed, only to have Dean grab me and pull me back in tapping me under him.
I giggle when he starts to pepper my face and neck with kisses.
“What are you doing?” I ask threw my laughter.
“Getting my fix before we start the day.”
“Oh you are addicted to kissing me?”
Moving up he kisses my nose and nods.
“Sorry thought I would tell you before things got serious.” 
“Well now that, that is out of the way we have to get ready.”
“Fine.” He says dropping his head to my shoulder.
We both got out of bed getting dressed in silence. Neither me nor Dean was a morning person so it worked out well.
I got dressed in simple jeans, a T-shirt and boots. Throwing my hair in a high pony I only put on mascara and some nude lips.
Dean got dressed in a similar fashion adding a red flannel over his black T-shirt.
“Where’s my jacket?” I ask him looking around for it.
“You left it downstairs.”
“Great now your dad’s gonna think I’m messy.” I say as Dean opens the bedroom door holding it for me to walk out first.
“We are both equally messy.” I say as I pass him.
“Yeah I know.” He says smacking my butt then quickly moving down the steps two at a time a boyish grin on his face.
“Really?” I ask following after him.
“Oh can I borrow you for a moment sweetie.” Kate says once I reach the bottom of the steps, Dean going to join Sam and John in the living room.
“Yeah sure.” I say Kate pulling me into the kitchen.
“I know you really don’t know me.” She says getting my attention.
“But I noticed that Dean’s birthday is coming up and I wanted to ask you what would be something we could get him. John always sends him camping gear but I wanted to do something different this year and I thought since you know him best.”
“Oh, right.” I say blushing and not knowing why.
“He’s pretty easy to please. He loves pie, and classic rock music, Baby, and beer. He’s a typical guy.”
“Baby?” She asks looking confused.
“Oh he’s car. He calls her Baby so much I can’t help but do it.”
“That’s so cute.” She says laughing softly.
“What’s cute?” Dean asks walking into the kitchen.
“Here’s your jacket.” He says holding it out to me.
“Thanks babe.” I say taking it and pressing my lips to his jaw without thinking about it.
I once again feel myself blush but this time I know why. I was getting comfortable with being Dean’s “wife”.
“Your welcome sweetheart.” He says kissing my head.
“Dad’s ready to go by the way.” He says to Kate.
“Oh right, yes let’s go get some pancakes.” She says grinning and rushing out of the room.
“She really wants some pancakes.” Dean says making me giggle.
“She made me want pancakes.” I say putting my jacket on.
“I’ll get you some pancakes babe.” He says winking wrapping his arm around me and leading me out of the house.
After a surprisingly normal family breakfast we spent the rest of the day at John’s house reminiscing over memories. Dean, Sam and John watching the local football game that was on, while me and Ruby talked outside. It was an easy day. As it got later people started to show up again, the same ones that was here yesterday. I was happy to see Bobby’s familiar face. Him and John friends for a long time.
When dinner time rolled around I offered to help Kate cook, surprised when Dean offered to help. He turned on an oldies station as we did. 
It was odd how well we moved around each other as if we have cooked together for a long time. I couldn’t help but smile at that thought.
As we cooked the radio started playing LoverBoy by Mickey and Sylvia. This was the first time we were alone and I was glad for the quiet everyone else outside or dusted throughout the house.
I was humming along the song from one of my favorite movies as I frosted cake. Slowly swaying to the music. Dean behind me doing something with the turkey.
I didn’t fight the smile when Dean pressed up against my back. 
“Sylvia.” He sings along with the song kissing the shell of my ear. 
I let out a giggle but quickly play along.
"Yes mickey?" 
“How do you call your lover boy?” He sings placing his hands on my hips.
"Come here lover boy." 
“And if he doesn't answer?” His lips moving down my neck.
"Oh lover boy.." 
“And if he still doesn't answer?”
"I simply say, baby oh baby, my sweet baby, you're the one" I sing softly reaching my hand up to run it through the hair at the back of his head. Tilting my head back his lips easily find mine. I kiss him back spinning around to face him. I smile into it as his hands run up my back him pulling me closer.
When someone clears their throat we jump apart looking at the door to see John standing there.
“You taking dancing lessons now?” He says as if nothing happened it making me start laughing.
“Yeah I'm learning how to cha cha.” I say looking up at Dean. His ears were red telling me he was embarrassed.
“Well you two wrap it up and come hang out by the fire.” He says closing the fridge door from getting a drink and leaning us alone.
“Did that just happen?” I ask looking up at Dean him letting out a groan.
“That song is cursed.”
“For interrupting a good time hell yeah it is.”
“It’s not like we could do anything in the kitchen.” I say us returning to a previous tasks.
“Hasn’t stopped us from trying.”
“Dean!” Is say my face heating up.
“Come on, let’s go join the family fun.” He says Re-putting the turkey in the oven. 
“Fine, no funny beniss.”
“Yes ma’am.” He says kissing my cheek and pulling me towards the back door, a beer in hand.
“Will you finish up?” Dean ask’s Kate as we pass her in the dining room.
“Sure thing sweetie.” She says patting his arm and standing up to do just that.
We walk outside Dean’s fingers lace with mine, he walks off the porch and the chair next to Sam and Ruby, in front of the fire. There was only the one left, Dean sitting in it. I was surprised when he pulls me into his lap, his hand leaving mine to land on my hip.
“Well alright then.” I say to him, earning a wink.
“So how are things going?” Sam asks his eyes bouncing between the both of us.
I knew Sam knew and Ruby but it was a bit weird to talk about.
“Everything's good. You?” Dean says sipping his drink.
“What do you mean?” Sam asks quickly.
“Nothing relax Sammy, just asking how you are.” 
“I’m good.”
“Okay good.”
“So how’s dinner coming, I’m starving!” Ruby says drawing out the last word.
“Should be done in few. I’m sure Kate will call for us when it is.” Dean says pushing my bra strap back on my shoulder.
“Thanks.” I say say smiling at him.
He winks and smiles back.
“So what did you make?”
“Thanksgiving food.” I answer her.
“But it’s not thanksgiving?”
“Well duh, but it’s what she had in the kitchen. I assumed that’s what she wanted to feed all these people.”
“Dad loves thanksgiving food. That’s probably why.” Sam says a solom undertone to his voice.
“Well at least there is pie.” Dean says smiling trying to lighten the mood.
“Yeah that I had to threaten you how many times not to eat?”
“Babe it’s pie, you don’t turn down pie.”
“Well Babe-” I say poking his nose.
“You can’t have something that wasn’t offered to you yet.”
“Kate wouldn’t care. She thinks I’m “cute” remember?”
“What?” Sam asks.
“Kate asked me what Dean would want for his birthday. I told her what he likes and she said that it was cute not that she thinks your cute.”
“I think I'm adorable.” He says smirking.
“I think your full of it.”
He grins at me making me smile back, his eyes meeting mine.
“Hey!” Ruby calls making me jump.
“No PDA.” She says pointing at me.
“I’ve seen you make out with Sam in our kitchen.” I say earning a laugh from Dean and her. Sam just looking flushed.
“Yeah but that’s in my own house not at my “in laws” house.” She says doing air quotes around in laws.
“Well it’s a little too late for that.”
“And I’m going inside.” Sam says standing up, Dean chuckling.
“Oh come on now Sammy you should enjoy the moment.” He says after him.
“Yeah.” Sam says waving as he gets closer to the porch.
“Now I have to go inside.” Ruby says standing up and grabbing her drink.
“Why? You like Sam better than me?” I ask looking up at her.
“Well he gives me sex and you don’t.” She says shrugging and turning to chase after him.
I shake my head and turn to face Dean.
“How are them to together?”
“They say opposites attract?”
“I guess so.”
“Hey, most people would say we won’t last.” He says making my stomach flip.
“You think we will?” I ask meeting he’s green eyes.
“Hell yeah. I think we are going to last a lifetime.”
“You been watching to many chick flicks.” I say my butterflies dancing in my stomach.
“I’ll blame that on you.” He says grabbing the back of my neck gently and pulling me down to press his mouth to mine.
I kiss him back knowing that this wouldn’t last. It might right now, but we would have to go back home. Rebecca would get better and Dean will do the right thing.
I feel bittersweet as I kiss him knowing that I would have to enjoy and savour these stolen moments.
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hawkinspostbite · 5 years
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐈𝐈𝐈
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Words: 4,110
A/N: I do not claim to, nor do I own Stranger Things; the concept, characters, plot, etc.
[ᴊᴀɴᴜᴀʀʏ 𝟷𝟿𝟾𝟻]
On January 12, Carol threw a rager that had majority of the junior class in a funk for about a week. Since she was away for New Year’s, Carol wanted to make up for it by throwing a party to celebrate the new school semester. As if anybody was actually excited about going back to classes again.
Kate had helped Carol prepare for the party for at least a week. She endured a painful drive to Carmel, alone with Tina’s older brother - their alcohol supplier. As well as countless hours of babbling from her friends on what to wear and who to be with.
She just wanted this damn party to be over with.
Finally the night had come. Kate arrived at Carol’s at 7:30. Walking into the kitchen, she double-checked that all the drinks were cold, and had back-ups on hand. The music would be continuous all night, due to borrowing Tina’s 6-tape cassette player, and Tommy had come through earlier to set up the three kegs in the backyard.
Tina poured the girls each a shot of vodka. “Jesus Christ Carol, would you lighten up? This is a silly Saturday rager, not the Met Ball.” Kate handed her a cup. “Drink up sister.”
Around 8:00 people began to arrive, and by 9:00 the party was in full swing.
For the first hour, Kate had been on the lookout for her brother. He hadn’t been to a party since Halloween, but she could hardly predict what did anymore, so she didn’t know if he would show up or not. She remained in the kitchen, quietly watching over the alcohol.
Much to her dismay, Tommy had arrived late, and brought Billy with him. “Harrington, what’s happening?” Tommy strode up to her.
She grabbed two beers from the bin beside her, handing them to Tommy. He handed one to Billy before cracking his open. “Nothing much actually.” She flicked the water droplets from her hand onto the boys in front of her.
Tommy pouted. “No boys suiting the princess tonight?”
Kate sighed in annoyance. “Guess not Tommy. Carol's out back waiting for you. She couldn’t get the keg spout to work on the second barrel.”
“Son of a bitch.” Tommy muttered before going out the back door.
Billy stood in front of her, taking a sip from his beer.
A few moments later he followed Tommy.
About a half an hour later Kate had joined the vast majority of the party-goers in the backyard. Billy had began his keg challenge - in which he tried to see if anybody was willing to attempt and beat his very impressive record of forty-two seconds.
Nobody stepped up.
“I’ll give it a go.” Kate’s mouth worked before he brain could react. Her brother had set a record relatively close to Billy’s, so why couldn’t she give it a try?
“Alright, Harrington’s the only one with balls enough to try.” Tommy grinned. “Come here, I’ll lift you up.”
“No. Carol, Tina, can you guys do it?” Kate turned to look at her friends.
The pair stepped away from the crowd with smiles. “We’d be happy to.” Carol spoke.
“Girls support girls.”
Kate stepped up to the keg, placing her hands around the rim. Tina and Carol grabbed her legs and lifted her up. “Time starts now!” Tommy shouted, and the crowd began to count.
“One, two, three.” - What the hell was she doing? She didn’t even like beer.
“Nine, ten, eleven.” - Was she doing this to annoy Billy or to restore the Harrington name?
“Twenty, twenty-one.”
Her eyes darted over to notice Billy intently watching her.
“Twenty-six, twenty-seven.” - His hair looked really nice.
“Thirty.” - Why the hell did she just think that?
“Thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six.” - Holy shit.
“Forty, forty-one.” - Just a few more seconds.
She slapped the keg, coughing as the remaining liquid in her mouth spilled out, drenching the front of her shirt. The crowd was cheering. Carol grabbed her arm. “Holy shit, you just beat Hargrove’s record!”
Kate shook her head at her friends. “Never again.” She kicked the barrel. “Never let me do that again.”
She used her sleeve to wipe her chin. Billy walked up to her, holding out his hand. “Congratulations Keg King.”
She shook his hand. “I’ve always wondered what it was like to be king.”
“Would you like a beer to celebrate your victory, your highness?” She dropped her hand, the ground began to shift a little.
“Shush. Stop talking.” She took a few seconds to compose herself before going inside. “No more drinks for me. God, please.” She swatted at the bottle of beer Billy tried to hand her.
He sighed, placing it back in the bin. “You wanna get out of here?” He asked her, helping her to stand up a little straighter against Carol’s cabinets.
“I don’t like you.” She mumbled.
“Okay. That’s okay.” Billy placed an arm around her shoulders and began to lead her out to his car. He helped her into the back seat, and that was the last thing Kate remembered about that night.
The next morning Kate awoke, still in the back seat of Billy’s Camaro, but sans her shirt and shoes. Instead, her upper half was covered with Billy’s denim jacket. In front of her, Billy sat asleep in the drivers seat.
“Holy fuck!” She exclaimed, sitting up.
“What! What?” Billy awoke with a start, turning around to see what the problem was.
“I have no shirt on? Jesus Christ, turn around!” She shouted at him.
He quickly turned back around. “Where is my shirt? Why am I not wearing it? Hargrove you better start fucking talking or I am gong to loose my shit back here!”
“Its up here!” He grabbed her shirt from the dashboard and tossed it back at her.
She began to re-dress. “Why was I not wearing it?” She poked his shoulder. “You can look now.”
“You spilled beer all over it last night. When you beat me at the keg-stand. Do you remember anything?”
“Oh my god. Oh my god, did we sleep together? Please tell me we didn’t sleep together.” She buried her face in her hands.
“No. No we didn’t sleep together, you passed out in the back seat after I took your wet shirt off you.” He paused. “Wait, why are you so worried about having potentially slept with me?”
Her face dropped. “You’re an asshole.”
“So are you!”
“Excuse me?”
“You punched me in the face! You stabbed me in the neck with a needle! What do you mean you aren’t an asshole?”
Kate had to stop for a second before responding. She almost laughed. Here she was at 7AM, in the back of Billy Hargrove’s car, arguing with him. And he wasn’t acting like a total dick? Was it all a front?
“You’re right, you’re right. I did in fact punch you in the face.”
“…And stab me in the neck with a needle!”
“With good reason!”
“Yeah! You kicked my brother’s ass. You knocked him out! So we’re even.”
“Yes, even.”
“Not even, not even close.”
She grabbed her shoes from the floor and climbed into the passenger seat. “Can you please just take me home?”
Billy begrudgingly drove Kate to the end of her street. “Hey Harrington. I know a way you could even the score.”
“Enlighten me.”
“Go on a date with me.” Billy grinned.
“Oh you’ve got to be joking.” She placed her hand on the door handle. But Billy clicked the lock.
“Not joking.”
Kate sighed. “Fine. Fine! Tomorrow night, I will meet you at the end of your street at seven thirty, and then you can take us some place that nobody will see us. And then we can continue on with our lives.”
“Or not.”
“Hargrove, I swear-“
“Fine. Tomorrow night, seven thirty. It’s a date.”
“Fine.” She stepped out of the car. “Thanks for the ride. See you.”
“See you.” He grinned at her as he sped down the street.
The next night Kate kept her word and met Billy at the end of old Cherry Road at seven thirty. He was waiting in his car, music on full-blast. She smacked the window with her palm. “Open up? It’s freezing out here!”
The door unlocked and she climbed in. “Where to?” She asked.
“Someplace quiet.”
They ended up parking at the top of Satler’s Quarry, the radio on just low enough to be heard. “So….”
“The reason I brought you here is because you told me to take you somewhere nobody would see us.” Billy spoke.
“I thought you would take us somewhere in Carmel or something, not to the quarry!”
“Jesus, are you ever happy?”
Kate scrunched her nose up. “Very seldomly.”
“This can just be an unconventional date. One where we just talk.”
“Just talk? That’s it?” Kate reached over and placed her hand on Billy’s forehead. “You’re not running a fever.”
“What are you doing?”
“Just making sure you aren’t sick or possessed or something. Talking is fine.” She unbuckled her seatbelt and turned to lean her back against the door. “Talk.”
“So tell me about your childhood?”
“Wrong. I have a few questions first.”
Billy rolled his eyes.
“Why do you hate Lucas? Is it because-“
“No, it isn’t because he’s black…”
“Then why do you hate him?”
“I don’t! I don’t hate him.” She cocked her head at him. “When I first got here I sort of hated everybody. I fucking love California, it’s the only place I know. And I didn’t want to move here, Christ, who would want to voluntarily live here?”
“No, I totally agree.”
“So I guess I figured that since I wasn’t happy, Max couldn’t be either… So I don’t hate Lucas. Just the idea of him.”
“Got it. Next question, are you really an asshole or is it all just an act?”
“Your whole, persona-“ She motioned to him. “It screams “asshole”. But yesterday morning I think I may have met the real Billy.”
“How do you mean?”
“I don’t really think you’re an asshole, like you just said, you’re unhappy. People do things to piss other people off when they’re unhappy. - You don’t want to be in Hawkins so everybody in Hawkins has to suffer too.” Billy’s eyes traveled to look out the window. “Don’t tell me I’m wrong.”
“You’re not wrong.”
“I’ve got you figured out.” She smirked. “Now. Ask me something.”
Kate and Billy spent their entire date asking questions about each other. And by the end of the night Kate believed she had found the real Billy. Or at least part of the real Billy.
The part of real Billy she had discovered was the complete opposite person she thought he was. The real Billy had a wicked sense of humor, was terrible at flirting, and had admitted that he knew he was a jerk.
Billy had believed that he had actually had a good time. For the first time since moving to Indiana, he had enjoyed spending time with someone.
Billy stopped at the end of Kate’s street. “Want to do this again sometime?” He asked.
Kate inhaled slowly, looking over at Billy. “Sure. Friday night good for you?”
“You’d be okay with missing Andy Wilson’s party?”
“I could honestly not care more about Andy Wilson’s party.”
“Then great, it’s a date.”
[ғᴇʙʀᴜᴀʀʏ 𝟷𝟿𝟾𝟻]
Valentine’s day. Lover’s holiday, single’s day of solitude, and just another excuse for Tina to throw a themed party.
It was ten minutes before homeroom, Tina and Carol were following Kate down the crowded hallway towards her locker. As she opened it, a piece paper fell onto the ground.
“Awe, a love-note? From who?” Carol bent over to grab the paper but Kate snatched it before she could see it. “Hey!”
“It’s for me. I get to read it.” She turned her back to the locker and faced her friends. The Valentine was technically not a Valentine at all, but a piece of lined paper. A pencil-drawn heart on the front of it. She unfolded it.
𝘏𝘦𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘵-𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘧𝘧. 𝘣𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦? - 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘚𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘥𝘮𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘳
Blush crept onto her cheeks. “Harrington, what’s on that note that’s making you blush so much?”
“Nothing. It’s nothing.”
She stuffed the note into the breast pocket of her jean jacket. “Fine, don’t share. Come on.” Tina rolled her eyes and the three girls continued on with their day.
Later that night Kate found Billy at Tina’s party. - Behind the wall that connected the living and dining rooms. “Hey.” He handed her a cup full of liquid. She took a sip. Vodka-cran. Her favorite.
“Thanks for the note by the way.”
“How do you know it was me?”
Kate laughed. “You’re the only person I know that doesn’t know the proper times to capitalize letters.”
Billy touched his bottle to her cup. “I’ll cheers to that.”
“You being right. Again.” The pair laughed. “Anybody suspect anything?”
“Nope. Carol and Tina were there when I read it but they didn’t see anything.” She turned around to peek out from behind the wall they were standing behind. “You wanna get out of here?”
“Don’t feel like talking much?”
“Not necessarily.” She smiled up at him.
Billy nodded, leaving the room. Kate waited quietly in her spot. “Yeah I’m not feeling too hot man, I’m gonna head home. See you.”
A few minutes later Kate came from behind the wall. “Hey Tina.” She walked up to her friend, coughing. “I don’t feel good at all. I’ve gotta dip.”
Tina placed her hand on Kate’s cheek. “Well you are a little warm.” She sighed. “Did you want to go upstairs in my room, take a little nap?”
“No!” Kate cleared her throat. “No, I just want to go home.”
“Do you need a ride or-“
“No. No ride, I’m fine Tina, really.” She smiled at her friend. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Kate left Tina’s house and walked to the end of the block, where Billy was waiting for her. “What took so long?” He asked as she climbed into the passenger seat.
“Tina tried to get me to stay in her room but luckily I got out of that. Her mattress is uncomfortable anyway.” That made Billy chuckle.
“Quarry or the junkyard?”
“Not the junkyard.”
“Quarry it is.”
Billy and Kate drove to the quarry. Where they spent the rest of the night talking - sort of. They used their mouths, it just wasn’t for talking.
[ᴍᴀʀᴄʜ 𝟷𝟿𝟾𝟻]
In March things got real. As real as a top-secret relationship, that wasn’t technically labelled a relationship can get.
Kate and Billy had their first fight.
It was a Friday night, and Billy and Kate were going to a bonfire at the old junkyard with the rest of their crew.
Steve was in Indianapolis with their parents, doing a job shadow.
Kate had spent the afternoon and evening at the Wheelers with the kids. The plan was for her to go right from Mike’s to the junkyard, but Max insisted that the boys show her how to properly play through a game of D&D, and now they had been playing for five hours.
The time was getting later and later, and before Kate knew it, it was eleven at night. Hop had picked up El and Will. And Kate realized that she now had no other choice but to stay over at Mike’s with the rest of the crew. She couldn’t possibly leave then, without looking suspicious.
So she accepted her fate, and settled in for the night.
The next morning she managed to slip out before any of the other kids woke up. She biked home, and let herself in the garage door. She went inside and was almost up the stairs before realizing that there was a person in her living room.
“Billy?” Billy was, in fact, sitting on her couch. “…How are you in my house?”
“Where were you yesterday?”
She narrowed her eyes at her. “At Mike’s. I’m not fighting about this.”
“I am.”
She turned to walk upstairs, Billy followed. “Max wanted to learn how to play D&D. Everyone knows my brother isn’t home, and it got so late that if I left they would all be suspicious. That’s it. That’s the story.”
Billy glared at her as she opened her bedroom door. He followed her inside, sitting down on her bed.
“And once again, how did you get into my damn house?”
“You left the sliding door unlocked.”
She sighed in annoyance. “Ah, ah, no!” Kate swatted at his thighs.
“What?” He got up.
“Don’t lay on my bed in outdoor clothes.” She smoothed out her comforter, shaking her head.
“Come again? I can’t lay on your bed in “outdoor clothes”?”
“No. No!” She went back to getting her clothes out of her dresser. “The bed is a sacred place. You only get into bed after you have been showered.” She turned to look at him. “And I know you haven’t showered.”
“How’s that?”
“You smell like a literal fire.”
“You’re insane!”
She groaned. “I am not insane unless diagnosed by a medically-trained professional!”
He stomped towards the door. “Oh don’t pull that nerdy bullshit with me. You’re acting crazy.”
“Billy, all I ask is that you don’t sit on my bed unless you shower! Why does that make me crazy?!”
“Because! It just does!”
“Get out.”
“Are you serious?”
“Billy, just get out! You said crazy, so I might as well act it! Goodbye!”
“You are ridiculous-“
“Goodbye! Billy!”
He groaned and slammed the door shut on his way out. Kate stood in her spot as she waited to hear the slam of the back door. After hearing him officially leave, Kate angrily continued on with her day.
Steve returned home that afternoon, to a silent house, save for Kate’s room. Playing a maximum volume was Motley Crue, as Kate laid on her bed, tiredly staring at the ceiling.
Steve knocked on the door, but the music was too loud. He opened it. “Hey, I’m back…” He scrunched his nose at the sight of his sister laying in her pajamas at 4PM. “Everything okay?”
Kate sighed, using her remote to pause the music. “Peachy.”
“Are you sure?”
“Peachy Steve!” She screeched, and Steve took that as his opportunity to leave her alone.
Kate spent the rest of her weekend alone in her room, listening to Motley Crue and contemplating everything. But mostly Billy.
On Monday, Billy approached her in the hallway before third period. She placed her hand on his chest, attempting to push him away. “We are not doing this here.”
“Yes we are.” He said through his teeth.
“Billy-“ He grabbed her arm and pulled her around an empty corner.
“Let me speak.” She huffed, tugging her arm away from him. “I’m sorry I overreacted about you not coming Friday night. I’m sorry I laid on your bed. And I’m sorry I said you were crazy.”
“And insane.”
“And insane.” He sighed. “Am I forgiven?”
Kate pursed her lips, contemplating being difficult or just agreeing with him. “I suppose.”
”But don’t forget the bed rule buddy.”
[ᴀᴘʀɪʟ 𝟷𝟿𝟾𝟻]
Steve ruined April.
It was crunch-time for the seniors. Preparing for finals, last-minute committals to universities, shit like that. So it was only natural that Steve literally screwed everything up for himself, and coincidentally Kate too.
Steve failed to get into Tech. Tech! Granted, Steve wasn’t a genius, but he wasn’t a total dud either, so Kate was obviously floored when her brother revealed that he couldn’t even get into the local tech school.
But that wasn’t the only reason Kate wanted to kill her brother. The other reason was because of their dad. When Mr. Harrington found out that Steve had failed to get into Tech he was even more upset than Kate was. He had decided that since Steve wouldn’t be attending college, that his punishment would be a job.
A real job.
And lucky for Steve, the new Starcourt mall was opening soon, and there were tons of businesses hiring.
Unlucky for Kate, her dad decided to take this Steve lesson, and make it a Harrington-kids lesson, resulting in Kate also being forced to get a job. But over her dead body would she be caught having a job at the mall. So she opted for the Hawkins community pool instead.
The only positive to the whole “having a real job” thing was when Kate interviewed with the pool manager, Alan, he liked her so much that he made her the assistant manager, earning her an extra 35 cents per hour.
Kate spent April earning her lifeguard certification, fighting with Steve, and silently plotting a way to kill her parents, out of sheer childish anger.
[ᴍᴀʏ 𝟷𝟿𝟾𝟻]
“You’re joking right now.” Kate clenched her jaw as she watched Billy walk through the gates of the Hawkins Community Pool.
So much for laying low!
Alan had called the pool staff in for a pre-season meeting. But Billy had failed to mention that he was also part of the staff.
“What are you doing here?” She whispered.
“I’m a lifeguard now. Cool right?” He clicked his gum, smiling at Heather Holloway, who had just walked through the gate.
Kate elbowed his side. “Eyes here buddy.” He retrained his focus onto her. “I thought we were supposed to be playing it cool? Getting a job at the same place as me is literally the opposite of playing it cool!”
“Technically I’m sleeping with my boss… that’s cool.”
“Oh my god!” She slapped her forehead. This was hopeless. Above her, Billy was smiling wickedly. “Go over there and stand by Freddy. For real.”
He pouted, but did as he was told.
He behaved himself for the remainder of the meeting.
The pool officially opened on Memorial Day. Billy and Kate were the only two scheduled for the entire day, 11-7. They had hardly gotten to speak to each other that day, considering it was spent watching the town of Hawkins try not to drown.
Promptly at 7:00 Kate had made sure everyone was gone from the pool, and locked up the front gate. She had sent Billy to check the locker rooms while she closed up the register and front desk.
She went to sit down at the edge of the pool, sticking her feet in. Behind her, Billy cleared his throat. She turned to see him standing in his lifeguard uniform, grinning and holding two white plastic-wrapped popsicles in his hand. “Twin pop?”
He offered her a treat, and then took a seat next to her. Kate smiled and opened up the wrapper. “Banana… Where have you been hiding these all day?” Banana was her favorite.
“I snuck a little cooler in this morning. Got some beer too-“
“No. No, I want to remember this.” She smiled once again. “What kind do you have?”
“Ugh. You’re so predictable.”
“Banana is weird.”
“Whatever.” Kate rolled her eyes, looking at the water. “Thank you.”
Billy looked over at her, immediately overcome with the feeling of confusion. “For what?”
“For the popsicle… And everything else the past few months.”
“Are we even dating?”
“I don’t know…” Things became quiet. “Whatever this is though,-“
“It’s nice.” He grabbed her hand. “It’s nice.”
Billy nodded, squeezing her hand.
They sat in silence and ate their popsicles, and he never let go of her hand.
[ᴊᴜɴᴇ 𝟷𝟿𝟾𝟻]
Steve graduated in June.
Kate planned a surprise graduation party for him, inviting all of the kids over to their house after the ceremony for cake, ice cream, and swimming.
After the graduation party summer was in full-swing.
Steve practically lived at the new mall, he and Robin were the only employees at Scoops Ahoy.
Being a manager meant Kate was at the pool almost every day, the only upside to that was the fact that she had managed to schedule herself and Billy the same hours so that when they were off, they were off together.
Dustin was off at camp, so the Harrington house was a lot quieter without it’s third inhabitant.
The rest of the kids managed to balance their time between screwing around at the mall, sneaking into the pool, and spending time kissing each other.
Kate had a firm belief that this summer was going to be different. She had a decent job, a “boyfriend”, and no parents to tell her what to do.
What Kate didn’t know was that summer was going to be extremely different. More different than she could ever want, or imagine.
195 notes · View notes
quarterfromcanon · 4 years
1-4. For the asks
Thank you so much for sending these! <3 
Once I started to answer them, I realized there were comparatively few recent television shows appearing on the list. I seemed to keep gravitating toward older ones I remembered from years ago. I took a handful of days to mull it over in case I was forgetting something, but nothing else comes to mind. Maybe my ongoing list of Shows to Watch During Quarantine will turn up some fresh results but, for now, it looks like I’ll be taking a little trip down memory lane. :) 
This turned out to be a pretty long and rambly post, so I’ll stow it under the cut!
Top 5 TV Shows 
1. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - I can’t imagine this surprises anyone who has been following this blog for the past two years or so. It brought fellow fans into my life, got me back into writing fic, and prompted countless tags of meta. It’s the show my mind drifts to on a weekly basis (if not daily) even a full year after the finale. Just when it seemed I’d reached an age where that level of intense fandom involvement and character attachment might be fading, it proved that quite the opposite was true. I’m very thankful to the series for that, and for the people whose paths have crossed mine as a result.   
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2. Schitt’s Creek - This is my #1 Feel Good show and, though I’ve been dodging spoilers for the final season until it gets uploaded to Netflix, I get the impression that it will remain in that top spot. The world feels softer and more hopeful there. It’s healing for my soul. I’m going to have a dreadfully difficult time saying goodbye, but I’m glad there are six season to revisit whenever I want. 
3. Stranger Things - The theme song alone sends such a rush of excitement through me. I love the aesthetic and the atmosphere. I sometimes have mixed feelings about the romances but the FRIENDSHIPS sure do have a direct line to my heartstrings. I think the way they’ve combined media influences into their own story is really neat. You get something that’s new and engaging, but you can also go back and enjoy the sources of inspiration with fresh appreciation. 
4. Joan of Arcadia - I can’t help it. The snark, the jackets, the early 2000s songs, the performances -- the nostalgia for this show is so strong. It’s not without its problems, but it did have some really good things to offer as well. I remember an episode that was one of my earliest introductions to the concept of a trigger, and the effect it could have on a person if exposed to one of theirs. The series dealt a lot with grief and the many forms it can take (I STILL can’t hear Fiona Apple’s cover of “Across the Universe” without getting misty-eyed). I’m also surprised, looking back, at the somewhat positive way I recall them discussing homosexuality on the several occasions that it came up in the show. Not to give too much credit since I don’t think there were recurring canonically LGBTQIA+ characters but, for a kid who spent most days around closed-minded people of a certain religious leaning, it was meaningful along my individual journey. I’d like to provide the several examples that are most vivid in my memory:
A. A girl with short hair, short nails, little to no makeup, and a bulky leather jacket is generally assumed to be a lesbian by the bullies at school. The show directly confronts the fact that “gay” should not be used an insult, that identity should not be assumed without the person telling you so, AND makes sure that the character in question never pushes back by saying harmful things about lesbians despite not actually being one herself. 
B. A boy who is questioning is able to confide in his big brother and have a fairly calm conversation about it; the awkwardness mostly comes from neither of them being accustomed to openly discussing emotions, not from the possibility of a negative response regarding the subject matter. 
C. Another character is accidentally discovered to be gay (he only appears in the one episode, if my memory serves), and some of the leads have the opportunity to share that for personal gain. However, even though he is a popular jock who is a bit of a jerk in the hallways, the show makes it clear that the right choice is still to leave the telling of that information up to him and him alone. 
Like I mentioned, it can’t be said that representation was in abundance here - for instance, I don’t believe anything other than straight or gay was presented as a possibility - but any accepting acknowledgement in a faith-centric series was something for me to hold on to in my still-deeply-closeted days. As a final Very Important personal side note, this show brought Judith Montgomery into my life (pictured below on the left), and that feels like it merits a shoutout for being what I consider a rather significant marker in my awakening. 
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THE OVERWHELMING CRUSH I HAD - and still have - is one for the books. 
5. Pushing Daisies - This is another show with an aesthetic I adore. The series has such a fun, whimsical energy. The crime-solving! The clothes! The cast! There's a lot to love. It’s the kind of world I wish I could visit... well, minus the evidently rampant murder rate. 
Top 5 Overrated TV Shows
1. Once Upon A Time - *deep sigh* I tried to stick with it for so long. I think I’ve seen five out of the seven seasons in their entirety. It just felt like everything got mired down by excessive (and increasingly convoluted) subplots, often for the purpose of tossing in as many fairytale and/or Disney characters as possible. Plus, quite honestly, there was too much emphasis on romantic love. For a show whose first season involved a curse being broken by [potential spoiler, I suppose] a mother kissing her son’s forehead, I ultimately found myself up to my ears in romantic ships. It reached such a stifling extent that, if you were not particularly attached to those pairings, there wasn’t a whole lot else to entice further viewing. 
2. Under the Dome - I don’t know for certain what the general public opinion of this series was, but it felt like the commercials always featured alleged rave reviews, so I figured I could include it here. I was vaguely interested in Season 1, mainly as a fan of Rachelle Lefevre’s work. Season 2 pulled me in with the introduction of a new townsperson and I threw WAY too much of my heart into that attachment, which backfired when that character was killed. I made quite the spectacle of my heartbreak, so much so that my family doesn’t let me mention this show around them anymore. :P Season 3 was, to phrase it delicately, not a great time. The series did introduce me to a few new-to-me actors, though, so that was cool. 
3. Bates Motel - Even the incentive of learning that the two characters I liked most share a lot of screen time later in the series hasn’t been enough to call me back to this one. I don’t know if it was the pacing that put me off or what, but the prospect of finishing the remaining seasons feels so daunting. There are evidently five seasons in total and I believe I’ve only seen two of them thus far. I will probably muddle through it someday just to see how it goes, but the fact that I am so disinclined to prioritize it made this feel like a fair addition to the list. 
4. Lost - My interest in this series unfortunately waned right before fervent fandom spiked. I don’t have any specific complaints that come to mind about what I saw; I just sort of drifted and then stayed away. Teachers I liked and peers I spent time with were starting to latch on to the show and I couldn’t find even the slightest inclination to give it a second try. However, did I still dutifully read all the latest installments in my friend’s Sawyer Ford and Kate Austen fanfiction when she passed me handwritten copies at lunch? Sure. I was glad it made her happy, even if I was no longer a viewer. 
5. Hemlock Grove - I say this as someone who still mourns the fates of some characters in this show, so I wouldn’t go so far as to claim that the series stopped being able to make me feel anything. I’m just of the opinion that, in some ways, it might’ve been better off stopping at one season. That’s where the book it was based on ends, and things just didn’t feel as cohesive after that. Season 3 especially was - borrowing from my above review of Under the Dome - not a great time. That being said, there are also certain elements from the book that I could’ve done without in the Season 1 adaptation but... well... here we are. 
Top 5 Underrated TV Shows
1. Picnic at Hanging Rock - Another one that won’t surprise followers of this blog. I have rhapsodized about it quite frequently since I found it a little over a month ago. It’s a period piece mystery miniseries with LGBTQIA+ representation, gorgeous costumes, and Samara Weaving. This felt specifically designed to wedge its way into my heart, and I’m quite content with the space it now occupies.
2. Dark - I’m so intrigued by the overlapping timelines with all of the morally gray characters. It’s possible to like one of these people in the timeline where they’re young but dislike them as adults, or vice versa. It also makes me think of Rant by Chuck Palahniuk a little tiny bit with the idea that time travel, specifically tampering with your own timeline, might make you physically and behaviorally unrecognizable to yourself. And the SONG CHOICES! I have gotten some solid new music selections from this series. 
3. Sense8 - I still need to watch the finale. I really do. But I knew it would make me sad so I’ve avoided it for... two years now? Pretty close, I think. The concept is fascinating and the cast is so strong. Plus the cinematography! They came up with some of the coolest ways to depict the link these characters share and what it’s like when they connect over distance. The planning and careful editing it all must’ve taken... I remain in awe. 
4. Penny Dreadful - There were definitely some story/writing choices I didn’t particularly like along the way, but I did get engrossed in the creepy goodness and the performances -- Eva Green’s Vanessa Ives most of all. It left me wishing for more period piece “monster mash” stories, because having all those classic characters in one place was a blast. It also helped me understand why Helen McCrory was once slated to play Bellatrix Lestrange because she can be terrifying. Oh and Sarah Greene in her Wild West outfits? Perdita Weeks with short red hair in fencing garb, and later in all leather with boots and a long jacket? I WAS NOT PREPARED AND I HAVE STILL NOT RECOVERED. I NEVER WILL.
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5. Wonderfalls - There’s some cringe-inducing handling of certain representation in the series, but I have such a weak spot for quippy outcasts who become reluctant chosen ones (Joan Girardi in Joan of Arcadia, Wynonna Earp, Jaye Tyler in this series, et cetera). I also really love the sibling dynamics here. They bicker, tease one another, help each other out of trouble, and have rare but genuine heart-to-hearts. Caroline, Lee, and Katie all did such a great job blending their characters’ adult personalities with certain childhood attributes that rise to the surface in the presence of family.  
Top 5 Movies
1. Addams Family Values - I’ve rewatched this movie at least once annually since I found it in Media Play at age 13. Usually, I’ll play it around Halloween or, at the latest, Thanksgiving. It’s mouth-along-with-every-line level ingrained in my memory. I find myself leaning forward in my seat before favorite parts because I’m still that excited to relive them. Why this movie, and why this devotion to such a degree? It’s hard to explain, even to myself. I can tell you, however, that I hold up every other portrayal of the Addams characters to the versions found in this. Everybody in the cast just feels that perfect for their part. 
2. Clue - I was already pretty fond of this movie to begin with, but then my sister got older and claimed it as a favorite of her own, so now she just supplies me with further excuses to watch it repeatedly. It’s also been a bonding piece of media with a couple of close friends and such through the years. It’s incredible to think not everyone in it was the first choice for their roles; what everybody brings to the table is so top-notch that I wouldn’t have it any other way. I also LOVE knowing that it originally went to theaters with different endings depending on which showing you attended. I gather people weren’t terribly thrilled with the stunt back then, but I kinda think some moviegoers would be into that approach these days? Then again, one hit that tried something different tends to start a fad, so maybe I’d end up regretting the suggestion after a while. :P
3. The Craft - This. Movie. Yes, Act III is a major bummer even though I know it’s coming, and I’ll always wish it ended differently. Even so. This. Movie. I tend to headcanon mostly for shows and sometimes books, but The Craft is a beloved exception. I love so much about it: the magic, the music, the clothes, the settings, the dynamics within the friend group, the performances. I had no idea when I first got the DVD at 17 that it would become such a part of my life, but I’m so glad it found its way to me. 
4. Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion - The soundtrack is a glorious ’80s and ’90s treat for my ears. The colorful costumes are perfectly suited to the main characters’ version of the world. There are so many great lines and it feels like everyone is having a lot of fun in their roles. I LOVE HEATHER MOONEY SO MUCH. She’s my awful, scathingly sarcastic, little grungy grump and she fills my heart with joy. 
5. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - I was pretty sure at least one of the three had to appear on here. I think, if I were to tally them all up, The Return of the King features most of my favorite moments, so it wins the spot. “I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you!”, ‘Edge of Night,’ Éowyn in battle, The Army of the Dead, ‘Into the West’... I end up crying during the end credits every time. So, yeah, ultimately, I would choose the third part of the trilogy if I could only watch one. 
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Phew, that’s it! All the questions answered, all the shows and movies listed! Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read it all, and thanks again to @monaiargancoconutsoy for sending in the prompts! <3
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