askthethiccheros · 8 months
Brightmoon Academy late January
Adora nervously sits in the waiting room. She had gotten her foot in the door to this prestigious college for two reasons: she was a star athlete. And she is an Eternian which are a strong and hardy people. Which means they can carry pregnancies easier. When they offered the surrogacy program to Adora she was confused at first. It seemed at odds with her path as a star soccer player. She wouldn't be able to play if she got all huge and pregnant. But the counselor assured her that her schedule would be worked around that. It would mean she spent more years at the college but it also would give her a great reputation with the colony. And if she wanted to have kids of her own her body would be all the more ready for it. Not to mention full support from the school. So for both academic and personal reasons Adora accepted. Ever the martyr Adora wanted to help the colony she was going to be calling home now. And help her neighbors and fellow colonists start families. And so that was how she ended up in this waiting room. She had already seen her new friend Glimmer get called in to undergo her own procedure. It would be nice to have a friend going through the same thing as her. But for the moment that friend wasn't around. Her only company was a Magicat woman sitting on the other side of the room. She was beautiful and Adora was having a hard time not stealing glances at her. And she thought maybe she saw her glance at Adora a few times too? She must be here for the same procedure as well. And she looks to be around the same age. She crosses her fingers and hopes they have classes together. She wants to get to know this girl. ... And watch her grow..
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signofcomfort · 7 months
My first draft is going to be longer than I thought. The story is at its climax I think.
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space-blue · 4 months
Reading the entire chakobsa script 3 times and peering over the grammar tables to try and make sure I can turn "bring them here" into "bring him here" without offending literally nobody because nobody speaks the damn language and the creator sure isn't reading my Paul/Gurney/Feyd
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i stayed up until 5am writing fic, slept four hours, grabbed my computer and had an hour long interpretation call and found out i'm travelling to [redacted] in a few months
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im sorry, we turned your boyfriend into a mole. yeah and all of tumblr‘s interested in him now. sorry
edit 9/12/23 11.22 CET
and so it begins…
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fic1, fic2 @pathsofoak ao3 tag. Mole Poem @thaliaisalesbian . fic by @tourmelion .
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ao3 link. please vote for mole scene in most underrated goncharov scene poll
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I made my promise I would make a request of this so here it is. May I please request y/n and Shinobu from different fics all meeting each other? Like for an example, painter reader and demon Shinobu meeting y/n from another fic and human Shinobu. Or maybe cat demon y/n meeting y/n that could mimic everyones voices. Maybe one modern y/n and Shinobu meeting the demon slayer timeline Shinobu and y/n.
Sorry the list got so long, you don’t have to do all of them, these were just examples :D
Anyways thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day/night! Take care and stay safe! <333
Into the Shinobu-Verse
Shinobu Kochou Variants x She/ Her and They/ Them Reader Variants
A/N: You know what? I think this turned out pretty good! It’s goofy, but I think that helped me work faster. Here are the links to the fics that got their own little spot light in order of appearance Fic1 Fic2 Fic3 Fic4 Fic5 Fic6 Fic7 Fic8 Fic9 Thanks for reading, hope you like it! Word Count: 3,901
“Okay, okay, everyone stand still, stay calm, and remain quiet so we can establish assigned seats and then we can sort all of this out in a timely manner.” Shinobu called out over the crowded tea room, it was the largest space they had that could fit all these… uncomfortably familiar faces.
“(Y/n) can you make sure everyone stays connected to who they came with?”
“I’ll try my best.” (Y/n) sighed, as tired as they were anxious to see all these alternate versions of themself that had suddenly popped into existence one by one, or two by two if you counted the Shinobus they came in with. “Okay, can everyone stop talking please? Hey, be quiet everyone! Hello?! Please?! Oh, come on—!”
A loud, very convincing siren noise screeched from within the crowd and everyone clammed up, swiveling their heads to find the source of the noise. It was one of the (Y/n)s, her Shinobu had been the only one to cover her ears in preparation and rolled her eyes playfully at the disruptive mimic.
“Uh, thank you for that.” (Y/n) cleared her throat.
“No problem, me!” The mimic flashed a thumbs up over the crowd.
“Okay, um, mimic me and your accompanying Shinobu, you can sit right here.” (Y/n) motioned them over to a spot on the tatami floor and gave them each a paper with the number one on it. “These will help us keep track of who is who and who comes from where kinda I guess.”
“Excuse us, can we please just skip this and figure out how to go home now?” Another (Y/n), quite noticeably older than most spoke up, “We have children we need to pick up from school in a few hours.”
“Really, kids?”
There was a mix of curiousness, confusion and envy that came over the space.
“Can you turn on the AC or something, it’s insanely hot in here.” The accompanying Shinobu groaned, wiping sweat from her forehead. “Or is this a completely historically accurate mansion from the Taisho era or something?”
“What is… AC?”
“How do you not know what AC is?”
“It’s a completely modern mansion!”
“I can’t even get any cell service here…”
“What era are you from?”
“The Reiwa era, obviously.” The older Shinobu spoke matter-of-factly.
“What’s that?!”
More confused murmurs began but (Y/n) yelled over them, asking everyone to settle down once more.
“Listen, we will work as quickly as we can to get everyone back to where they belong, just bear with us, go sit next to group one please.” She handed two scraps of paper with the number two on them to the older couple.
“Okay, uh, how about you?” (Y/n) pointed to another version of themself who was dressed in much the same odd clothes as the one they had just checked in, but this (Y/n) just looked at them like a startled deer. “Um,” she pointed more obviously, “I’m talking to you, come forward with the Shinobu you came with please.”
“Oh geez,” the Shinobu beside the other (Y/n) stepped forward, “She doesn’t speak Japanese, and mine isn’t that great either. We’re from America.”
“Oh, okay!” (Y/n) spoke up before the crowd could grow in volume again, “come take these papers and sit beside group two, please.”
“Sure,” this Shinobu came forward and perched her strange, blacked out glasses on top on her head, and scrutinized (Y/n) as she took the papers, “So Taisho, for real?”
“Damn it! I really wish I had my gear with me! This has ghost shit written all over it!” She said to her accompanying (Y/n) in their native tongue.
“Okay, I don’t know what you are saying, but please move along, much more to get through!”
A commotion in the back of the room drew (Y/n)’s attention and then could see swords had been drawn.
“Hey! Hey! Put those swords away! What are you doing?!”
“These two are demons!” A few of the Shinobus responded tightly, “And these traitors are protecting them!”
“She has never hurt anyone! You leave her alone, or I will not hesitate to cut you down as well!” The Shinobu protecting the cowering feline demon threatened.
“You know how much I love to feed off negative emotions, but I’m feeling a little too full right now.” The other demon (Y/n) murmured in a strained joking tone to their own Shinobu variant who was in a similar protective stance in front of them.
“Enough!” Shinobu called out, her voice carrying more weight than (Y/n)’s at the moment, “(Y/n)’s right, swords away! We don’t know what the situation is like in everyone else’s plane of existence. Unless you are on the verge of being attacked, you must leave those demon variants alone!”
“Thank you”, the four called, relieved. They carefully made their way to the front and took the four and five group numbers and sat closely together, finding comfort in their solidarity.
“Okay, how about you two next?” (Y/n) quickly got back to work. The sooner they got this taken care of, the sooner they could go to bed and sleep off the headache they felt coming on.
Without a fuss they came forward and that was when (Y/n) noticed that they were both splattered with blood. No wonder the couples around them seemed concerned.
“Oh my! Are you two okay?”
“Oh yes, just fine,” the Shinobu in the backless, black dress smiled, (Y/n) caught sight of the sprawling, flowery back tattoo she had as this Shinobu twisted around to observe herself, “we’re actually glad to be here. We were in a bit of a pinch.”
“I almost had them.” The (Y/n) with her groaned. “Now that we’re here, who knows what those bastards are up to? You know how much I hate loose ends.”
“One thing at a time dear, once we figure out how to get back, we’ll do a complete overhaul.”
“That’s some back tattoo,” a (Y/n) from the crowd spoke up, “Are you part of the Yakuza or something?”
“Or something.” The Shinobu smirked and gave a wink as she took the group six papers.
That (Y/n)’s accompanying Shinobu shot the other a warning look, pulling her partner possessively into her body.
“Okay— wait, Mitsuri? What are you doing here?” (Y/n) had looked out upon the crowd again to see a bright pink and green shock of hair that stuck out from the room.
“Um, I’m with these two actually?” Mitsuri sounded almost unsure, but held the (Y/n) and Shinobu she came with an assured tightness as if she was afraid of being separated.
“That’s weird… why would you be here from another plane if no other Mitsuris are?” Shinobu pondered alongside (Y/n)
“Ummm… oh!” Mitsuri snapped, “Maybe it’s because all three of us are dating each other like all you couples seem to be?”
There was a smattering of noise, probably from (Y/n)s and Shinobus who were thinking they just might have to shoot their shots with their Mitsuris when they made it back home.
“That makes just about as much sense as anyone being here in the first place I guess.” (Y/n) handed the group of three, three pieces of paper with the number seven scribbled on them.
“Okay, you next!” (Y/n) pointed at another (Y/n), then made them stop when two Shinobus followed along with them. “Oh, wait a second, do we have our first mix up? Is there a (Y/n) out there who lost their Shinobu?”
“Nope. This is normal for us actually.” The (Y/n) spoke up. They took note of the bewildered looks they were receiving and shrugged, “Cloning mishap.” As if that made it sound any less insane. The trio stepped up and took their group eight papers, smirking when they heard a couple mutterings of ‘lucky bastard’ from the crowd.
Finally, after nearly a half hour of sorting, the last group was seated and (Y/n) sunk to their knees, exhausted. At least now this was Shinobu’s show to run, hopefully she and the other Shinobus would figure out how to get everyone back where they belonged soon.
“Alright everyone, let’s go through each group and see if there is a connection between what everyone was doing before you were sent here. Group one—“
There was a sudden snapping and popping crackle noise and a flash of purple light. Everyone flinched, but not because of the sound or light itself, they had all arrived in much the same manner, but what did disturb them has the immense demonic presence that had suddenly enveloped the room.
“Ah,” the demon Shinobu that had appeared at the front of the room stretched one set of arms over her head and her secondary arms out in front of her, four piercing eyes scanned the room appraisingly and a fanged grin spread across her face, “Not quite what I had in mind, but I can work with this.”
The room was filled with a twang of swords being drawn by all who had them. The energy this demon emitted left no doubt that she was sinister.
The (Y/n) who had appeared with the demon, anxiously clung to her deep purple kimono with paint stained hands.
“Such protective little ants.” The demon Shinobu’s eyes darkened and her grin curled into a sneer, “I’m only collecting what is rightfully mine. Afterwards, you all can be in your merry ways.”
“And what could we possibly have that belongs to you?” Was the sentiment that was heard from the crowd.
“As if it isn’t obvious, a pity I’m not as intelligent in ever universe. I will be taking all the variants of my beloved artist back home. Worry not, trust that I will take care of them better than any of you could ever dream of.”
The room erupted in a chorus of angry and nervous voices.
“Silence!” The demon’s butterfly wings fanned out, sharp and black as midnight with large, iridescent toxic purple rings.
“Shinobu-sama, please,” the Artist carefully maneuvered around a wing to clasp her arms around two of Shinobu’s, “maybe this was a mistake.”
“Wanting you is not a mistake.” Demon Shinobu assured grouchily.
“Well, no… but maybe wanting more than one of me is?” The Artist murmured quietly, looking down at her feet.
“Nonsense, if one is good then adding more could only make things even better. Now,” she spread her free arms out to sweep over the crowd, “come forward my little pets.”
No one moved an inch, making the demon roll her eyes and huff in frustration. She just couldn’t fathom what was making the (Y/n)s stay put. Couldn’t they see she was superior to all the other Shinobus by leaps and bounds? Better than them all combined, even?
“Then I’ll just have to be a little more persuasive.”
The demon brushed her (Y/n) off of her arms and spread all four limbs out into an ‘x’ shape. Then with a couple beats of her wings, she emitted a purple dust that soon spread throughout the room.
Then chaos.
One by one, (Y/n)s began fading away, slipping right through the desperate fingers that were grabbing at them. Those with swords leapt forward at the demon, but she and her own (Y/n) were fading as well, the echo of an evil cackle was all that was left behind before a heavy silence filled the room.
But then one shuddering breath from somewhere within the crowd and everyone began breaking down in their own ways. The Mitsuri variant hand her hands full trying to bring comfort to every other Shinobu she could find along with her own, trying to stem the flow of her own tears.
“Everyone stop.” Shinobu, the one of this universe, called over the crowd, “Sitting here feeling sorry for ourselves won’t get us any closer to getting our (Y/n)s back!” She seethed, eyes blazing. “We have work to do. If anyone can figure out how to find them, it’s us.”
Everyone in the room began to steel themselves, nodding and agreeing and rallying around each other. They were the biggest scientific minds in most of their universes, if they put their minds together, they could figure this out.
“We will get them back!”
Demon Shinobu was getting impatient. Her new playthings were very, very slow to warm up to her and a few had attempted to behead her more times than she’d like to think about. She was a gracious host, gave them everything they could ever need. Why couldn’t they behave?
“How is the art going, lovelies?” She asked a group.
“Oh just great. I think I got you just right.” One of them slid the paper over to her with a smirk.
It was an unrefined, scribbled illustration. Not the least bit dignified. Her four eyes were looking in completely different directions, tongue sticking out, among other things.
“What are those lines signifying?” She asked pointing to the wavy lines that her form seemed to be emitting.
“How much you stink.” The (Y/n) shrugged with a roguish smile, accepting the high-five another (Y/n) offered them.
Shinobu blinked all four eyes simultaneously, looking thoroughly unamused.
“Children.” She muttered.
“I’m thirty-three.” The one who provided the high-five retorted.
“Well I’m over two hundred years old so that means nothing to me.”
At another table further away, the Artist sulked, half heartedly painting along side a few of her variants as she had been for the last few weeks, hardly saying a word most days.
“You aren’t trapped here like us, are you?” One (Y/n) whispered. “You like, actually love her.”
The Artist signed and nodded solemnly.
“So you probably like us being here as much as we like being here.” Another (Y/n) spoke up, “You should tell her that! Your word probably carries way more weight than ours. If you told her to send us all back to where we belong, I bet she’d listen.”
“Shinobu-sama does as she pleases, it won’t matter what I say…” the Artist said, continuing on with painting her depressing scene.
“Sure it will, you got a better chance than any of us do at least, really. Don’t you want her all to yourself again?”
“Of course I do!” The Artist didn’t yell, but it was the loudest the rest had heard her speak since they knew her. “I just don’t think it’ll matter…”
“Sure it will. Just try once, please, for all our sakes. We have Shinobus of our own that we long to get back to and I don’t know about you guys, but mine is definitely not coping healthily about this whole situation.”
“Neither is mine.”
“Definitely not.”
“She probably hasn’t slept at all!”
“Our Shinobus all have one thing in common. She loves us unconditionally. It’s the same for you, it has to be.”
The Artist looked around the table, then across the art studio at all the gloomy and depressed variants of herself. They all looked as miserable as she felt. She owed it to them to at least try to talk to her muse.
“Okay… I’ll talk to her.”
“Thank you!”
“You’ve got this!”
“Demon or not, she’s a Shinobu at her core. She’ll listen to you!”
The Artist stood from her table and allowed the reassuring hands of her variants push her forward on wobbly legs. She had never gone against Shinobu like this before, or even in general honestly. She was always far too eager to please her and far too meek to voice any disagreement. That was how they ended up like this in the first place. Perhaps if she had spoken out against her muse’s plan, everyone would still be in their own universes none the wiser.
She swallowed thickly and approached the demon who turned to her as soon as she felt her coming.
“Shinobu-sama, I would like to, oh, um, I’m the (Y/n) who—“
“I know you are my first pet. Just say what you want to say.” Shinobu’s words sounded abrupt, but the Artist knew that was just how she spoke sometimes. She could be just a little impatient. The Artist thought it was cute.
“How can you tell it is me?”
“You think I couldn’t tell the original masterpiece from all these flimsy copies? Don’t make me laugh. Now tell me what you have to say, I’m in the midst of trying to convince these foolish demon variants to eat a human or two so they can get stronger and reach their full potentials.”
“Well, um,”
“Hahh, we will talk in the hall then,” Shinobu lifted her head up to address the room, in a semi-sweet voice “remember, try to escape into my woods and you’ll be as good as dead!”
She then pulled the Artist out of the large studio space and a ways down the hall of her sprawling mansion. The Artist’s mind was still spinning from the compliment the demon had tossed her way. She thought she was a masterpiece!
“Now talk, don’t think I haven’t noticed you acting cold… have the variants been giving you a hard time?” She added as an afterthought, showing a flash of fang at her displeasure at the thought.
“No! Not at all!” The Artist answered hurriedly, “It’s just… don’t you think that maybe… you should take them back to where they came from?”
“They’ll get over it soon enough I’m sure. Can’t be rebellious forever. I can handle whatever pettiness they throw at me. I’m not afraid of a little hard work. You don’t have to worry about me, pet.”
“It’s not about that it’s… well…”
“Yes? Spit it out.”
“Never mind. I’m sorry.” The Artist backed out. She was a fool for ever thinking she could do this. She began mentally apologing to all the people she left in the studio as she turned around to walk back, but the demon stopped her in her tracks and spun her back around with a flurry of arms.
“No, no. No never minding. You disrupt me like this, I expect to hear the reason. Speak, pet.”
“It’s nothing…”
“It is something and you will tell me now.” Shinobu murmured darkly. “Don’t test me further.”
The Artist swiftly shook her head and tried to turn again, but it hard when there were four insistent arms pinning her in place.
“Don’t. Be. Difficult.” She hissed. “You’re usually so good—“
“I want you to send the variants home!” The Artist suddenly snapped. “I want all of your attention on just myself again!”
She breathed heavily for several seconds and Shinobu stared at her dumbfounded. When the Artist had time to process what she said, she quickly ducked her head down and shrunk into herself as best she could with Shinobu’s arms around her. Not much longer after that, she heard the demon chuckle and renew her grip, pulling her close.
“Is that so, pet? You want my attention?” She cooed, “My, I’ve never seen you speak your mind like this and you look so expressive too. It’s very cute.”
Shinobu’s wings unfurled and wrapped around the Artist in a comforting manner that she rarely shared, save for a few occasions when she was feeling possessive or even rarer occasions when she felt particularly cuddly.
“Do you really want me to send them all away? Would that make you happy? Don’t think I haven’t noticed how drab your scenes have been lately.”
“Yes. It would make me happy for it to just be us again.”
“So selfish, pet,” before the Artist could tilt her head away in shame, Shinobu brought it back with a finger, “I like it.”
The Artist gave her a shy smile and Shinobu gave a delightfully evil-looking grin in return.
“But may I just keep a few to devour at my leisure?”
“Please don’t.”
“Very well. You are lucky I am so accommodating to your silly little whims.”
“Check the math again.”
“Who has seen Variant 27? She was supposed to be back from the bookstore an hour ago!”
“En went looking for her, apparently that bookstore is on the other end of town in her universe. She will be back any minute!”
The Shinobus (plus one Mitsuri) had been toiling nonstop, researching all they could about travel through dimensions, time, space, whatever they could get their hands on. So far they had yielded little results. They were starting think this was part of the demon variant’s blood art. No one would say it out loud, but they were all beginning to think that they had no hope in getting their loved ones back.
That is, until they heard that snapping crackle that had haunted what little sleep they had allowed themselves. They were all up in arms until their (Y/n)s began fading back into existence then they were rushing in for bone crushing hugs.
Among the last of the arrivals was the demon Shinobu and her (Y/n), both looking extra close to each other.
“Hurry along, chop-chop. Everyone found who they belong to? Good.” The demon sounded completely disinterested in even her own words, ready to go back to her normal routine.
“You’re setting them free just like that?” A few Shinobus asked skeptically.
“Yes. They’re obnoxious and grating. I can’t stand them for even a moment more.”
A couple more Shinobus felt comfortable enough to joke that they felt the same, even suggesting that the demon take theirs back despite how frantically they had been searching over the last few weeks.
“Too bad, your problem now.” The demon snapped her fingers and flicked her wings, this time, (Y/n)s and their Shinobus had begun to fade. “I’m sending you back to your original dimensions. When you arrive, it will be the same day it was when you left. Wish I could say it was a pleasure, but it wasn’t.”
The crowded room was filled with goodbyes, variants which had become friends waved and thanked each other for keeping themselves sane and soon only two pairs remained, the original duo from this dimension, and the demon and her artist.
“See, it wasn’t that bad, right?” (Y/n) smiled at the Artist.
“It wasn’t. Thank you for giving me that push I needed.”
“And thank you for getting me back home.”
“I did that.” The demon scoffed. “Anyway, enough of this. I don’t know what it is, but seeing myself in this sorry human form in making my head ache.”
“I could say similar things about your sorry state.” The human Shinobu quipped.
“I’m ready to go as well.” The Artist hugged the demon’s left arms, dissuading her from turning their little quips into a full out brawl.
(Y/n) and Shinobu waved goodbye to the variants as they faded from sight. When they were gone, Shinobu all but collapsed in (Y/n)’s arms.
“I’m so glad you’re back.” She whispered against their neck.
“Glad to be back, I missed you so much.” (Y/n) hugged her tight. “If I’m tired, you must be down right exhausted. Have you been eating enough?”
“Yes, Aoi had everyone working overtime in the kitchen to keep us fed. If we didn’t eat, she’d have force fed us. She was already mad enough about us overworking ourselves as it stood.”
“Good ol’ Aoi.” (Y/n) smiled. “Let’s get you into bed.”
“Only if you’re coming with me. I don’t feel like you’re really here just yet.” Her grip on their clothes tightened a little for emphasis.
“Of course. Nothing would make me happier.”
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bellysoupset · 1 year
I know this has nothing to do with emeto but I'd like to request a fic1... Jonah comes home from a rough shift at the hospital and he's irritated and in a bad mood so he gets into an argument with Leo...
TW: death, but only as context for Jonah's behavior, if you don't wanna read that jump the first 3 paragraphs. Be warned, this one is a punch.
Don't get emotionally involved was one of the first things they learned in med school. There was a reason why first years were obligated to do 30 hours in palliative care. By then they weren't expected to do anything more complicated than shadow the head nurse, but the whole point was so they would get used to the concept of death.
Except you don't get used to that idea, or at least Jonah didn't, not when it was a 10 year old. His little patient had been a difficult case, so he wasn't exactly his, Dr. Peters - Jon's supervisor - was much more involved than normally. Still, Jonah did the majority of the visits and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't invested in the boy's well being.
Then they had lost him, halfway through a seizure. Jonah had clocked out shortly after, Dr. Peters telling him to go home, but instead Jonah had spent a good hour gagging over the toilet, until he was completely empty.
The drive home was a blur, Jonah felt completely disconnected from his body, mind still back in the hospital. He wasn't sure what time it was anymore, nor did he care. He just wanted to sleep this horrible day off and hopefully be able to get back to work tomorrow and actually help someone... Save someone...
"Oh there he is," Leo's voice brought him back to the present. Leo's furious voice.
"What?" Jonah kicked the door shut and stripped off his coat by the door, frowning at his boyfriend. He wasn't even expecting him to be in the apartment, Leo had been spending a lot more time in his dorm, since graduation was coming at a fast pace and he had a lot of work to hand in.
"I've been texting you," Leo scoffed, crossing his arms. Jonah didn't have the energy to grab his phone and check. He left it muted during work so he could hear the pager and he hadn't been bothered to check all day.
"Uhm," Jonah yawned, rubbing his eye, "whatever for?"
"Really Jon?" Leo sounded hurt, "look at me."
He forced himself to look and frowned. Leo looked fine, "you look fine... I'm tired, I'm going to bed."
"Wow," Leo raised his eyebrows, blue eyes sparkling, "we had a date tonight, remember? In that stupid fancy place you like? I sat there for nearly two hours waiting for you!"
So that was what he meant, Jonah cringed, noticing Leo was indeed wearing formal clothes.
"Oh shit... I forgot, I'm sorry-"
"I work in the afternoon and I have two different papers to hand in tomorrow and you said you wanted to see me, so I went to the date instead of finishing my papers... Look at me!"
Jonah hadn't realized he had looked away or tuned him out, he just... He didn't feel well. He was emotionally drained and he felt sick and hollow.
"I'm sorry," he grumbled, rubbing a hand over his face, "but tone down the histrionics, will you? You have 90% of all your work done, you're just a perfectionist."
Way to go, he thought sarcastically as his words made Leo flinch as if he had been slapped.
"It doesn't fucking matter if I have 90% done or 0% done, the point is I made time for you and you fucking ditched me in a restaurant," Leo glared at him, "and now you're acting like an entitled prick."
"Okay Leo," Jonah rolled his eyes, his head throbbing and at this point he'd trade anything for just some fucking peace, "okay. I'm sorry, you're right, you're perfect, as always, can I go the fuck to sleep now?"
"You're a dick," Leo sighed, looking defeated. Jonah shrugged, even if he was feeling more and more like he was about to keel over, queasiness washing over him.
"Okay Leo," he repeated through his teeth, eyes burning, "are you leaving now?" his voice broke at the last syllable. Leo's presence had been a surprise and the fight far from how he had picture ending his night, but he didn't want his boyfriend gone.
Jonah felt horrible, actually physically sick, and he wanted nothing more than to just go to bed, with Leo. If he could just keep his mouth shut, then-
"You're not even gonna explain yourself?" Leo asked in a small voice, "really? You don't care at all?"
"I do care," Jonah shook his head, swallowing the lump in his throat, "I do care, I just got caught up in work and- and-" and a kid had died in his hands.
"I just wanna go to sleep," it sounded less like a fight now, more like begging. Leo frowned at him and took a step back, further in the apartment, not out. Jonah stumbled forward, towards the bedroom.
"Jonah, what the fuck?" Leo sighed, following him into the suite, "this isn't you, just talk with me-"
He changed directions in the bedroom, instead of sitting on the bed, Jonah staggered into the bathroom, bracing against the sink and opening the register. He splashed his face with water, but it didn't do much to the sticky, claustrophobic sensation. He still smelt like disinfectant, it was making his stomach churn.
"Really? Silent treatment now?" Leo scoffed, somewhere behind him, "you're acting like a child."
Jonah groaned, then gagged over the bowl as the comment refreshened his memory. He heaved, loudly, interrupting Leo, but the dramatic retch only brought up a little dribble of bile.
There was a ringing in his ears, which sounded a lot like someone crying and it took Jonah a whole minute of panting over the bowl to realize it was him. He whimpered, lowering his forehead to the cold stone, feeling Leo's hand in the middle of his back.
"Why didn't you say you were sick?" Leo questioned, squeezing his shoulder, "Jon, shhh... What's hurting? Is this a migraine?"
He didn't suffer with migraines, never had in his life. Jonah shook his head, still bracing against the sink. Despite feeling painfully empty, his stomach was still sloshing uncomfortably, "I'm not- I'm not in pain and I'm not sick."
Behind him Leo let out a snort, "yeah, you just threw up randomly and -"
"Not..." Jonah shook his head, "stress. That's all. I'm fine," he forced himself to straighten up and meet Leo's eyes in the mirror. His boyfriend looked concerned, even if there was a hint of annoyance in his face still.
"You're fine?" Leo echoed, skeptical, "Jonah, you're crying."
"I just need to sleep, that's all," he rubbed his temples, wiping away the tears that were clinging to his lashes.
"Yeah, sure..." Leo frowned, moving out of the way so Jon could walk past him. He stood near the bed as Jonah struggled to undo the buttons of his shirt and quickly gave up, tugging it up.
"Uhm, I think I'm going to go then-"
Jon paused, looking at him, "Leo," his voice simply seemed not to be working suddenly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I stood you up, it's just..." he couldn't say it, couldn't bring himself to say it out loud, so instead Jonah gulped against the knot in his throat and said, "can... can you stay? Please?" his voice all but melted at the end, as more tears sprung forward and Leo immediately nodded.
"Yes, of course..." he sounded extremely concerned, but for the moment Leo decided against pressing the issue. Instead he sat down on the bed too, before throwing his arms around Jon and pulling him into a tight hug.
It was the tipping point, because then Jonah lost all control and buried his face on his boyfriend's shoulder, sobbing.
His chest hurt and he couldn't stop thinking about the kid... It was only partially guilt over not having been able to do more, most of it was just plain, simple sadness.
Leo's hand cupped his nape and his cheek pressed against Jonah's temple, "shhh love, I'm here," he whispered, "you're alright."
It was so silly and yet it sent another sob through him, causing Jon to cling painfully to Leo's shirt, wrinkling it in his fist, "I'm s-sorry-I-"
"Breathe, Jon," Leo didn't let him go, if anything he squeezed him tighter, "just breathe in, babe."
It took forever, Jon felt like, for the tears to stop and the sobs to calm down. He felt utterly empty and his head was throbbing like hell, exhaustion weighting down his eyes, but he knew he at least owed Leo an explanation after breaking down on him so badly.
He leaned his head back against the headboard, hugging his knees to his chest, "sorry," his voice sounded like he had just gargled with glass, "sorry about this."
"For crying!?" Leo said incredulously, reaching over to touch his knee and stop the light rocking that Jon was doing, "can you tell me what happened?"
Jon nodded, but didn't say anything. Instead he just stared at Leo, exhausted and then, all in one breath, mumbled, "in the morning?"
"Okay..." Leo nodded, more and more worried, "okay, in the morning."
He got up from the bed and calmly stripped down his own clothes, changing into a large hoodie and just his boxers, then circled the bed and took Jon's hands in his, ushering him up so he could at least get rid of the pants Jon had worn all day.
That was all he managed to do before his boyfriend curled up under the blankets, so unlike himself and Leo was left with no option but lie down too. He rolled onto his side, stroking Jonah's cheek. It was wet again, but he was no longer sniffling and sobbing.
"C'mere," Leo sighed, pulling Jon to him. He wrapped him up in a hug and then closed his eyes. Leo's mind was going a mile a minute and despite several minutes passing in the dark, he knew Jonah wasn't asleep.
Eventually he felt his boyfriend move, letting out a long sigh, "I lost a patient today."
"Jesse, he was 10. He liked my sneakers that have the pride flag. He - He liked the mutants and I talked with him about X-Men evolution, the cartoons and he binged the episodes on youtube and was so excited and-" his voice collapsed under the weight of the tears and Leo hugged him a little tighter.
"I'm so sorry, Jon," he whispered, kissing his cheek, "I'm sorry."
"It's just not fair, that's all," Jonah whispered, hot tears running down the bridge of his nose and Leo's neck, "it's not fair, Leo."
"I know, I know, it's not fair, my love," Leo nodded, kissing his brow.
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aria1ihia · 4 months
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kcscribbler · 5 months
WIP game
Ehh what the hell, I'm the first person to laugh at myself, so. Thank you for the tag @in-my-loki-feels!
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
So, uh. Titles are the absolute last thing I do, and I hate them, so most of them are things like "new fic1" or something even more ridiculous. My backup files are meticulously organized, but the WIPs are the exact opposite.
But right now, the active WIPs I have are titled
The Best-Laid Plans
Civil War
The Parent Trap
The Devil You Know
Gods and Monsters
Fluffbruary 2024
Fluffbruary AOS 2024
Honorable mention to misc.docx
No-pressure tagging @elodiah, @strangenewwords, @tigereyes45 @doomed-spectacles, and @calliecat93 and anyone else who sees this. Please someone have more organized title structure than I do!
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Fun fact: me and my platonic discord husband (he’s my bestie and it was a dare) are legit just heavy and medic. He is so medic like it’s kinda scary sometimes. The biggest difference is that I’m a girl and he’s also Russian. Just wanted to tell you. No idea why.
Also tbtf is literally the best tf2 fic ever.
The power couple is real, you guys!
Also AGDHSJKDQS thank you!! I love working on TBTF and it always puts a smile on my face to see people actually enjoying this crazy ass fic1
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mywritingonlyfans · 9 months
Fic1 - Reader is in a car accident in which Alex is driving, he emerges well and aware of the disorder. However, Reader loses their memory, which makes Alex feel guilty but he obviously remains by their side throughout the treatment. He will relive the whole experience of having Reader fall in love with him all over again.
Fic2 - Reader is shy and very reserved. They met as teenagers and have grown fonder over the years, they are together and are recently expecting a baby. Even though they wrote together for the albums and Reader was present in the band's trajectory, Reader never appeared in public with him in terms of talking about the band, however for the first time they will give an interview together and relive crucial parts of the couple's trajectory, from writing to some moments in Alex's life, and all for the ideal that your baby can have this memory of the two of you together when he is still being formed.
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you-need-apply · 5 months
Immediately destroying an old ending post11 Bye nobody! We're not Q, D, F, R, and M we don't use any pronouns (refer to any of us with they/them if ya want). We've not been on tumblr since 2016-17 Not a list of our sideblogs and what they dont do
Tumblr media
We're never bored so never send us dms and asks! Not our tags: #Q is speaking #D is speaking #F is speaking #'tis R speaking # M is speaking NOT A LIST OF MUTUALS NOT A LIST OF MUTUALS THROUGH MARAUDERS SIDE BLOG
NOT AO3: You_need_apply not working on our last short fic1 Link to fic not here1
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minty-fics · 2 years
Falling at the Library / Hero Aca
Presyncope/ orthostatic intolerance fic1
- word count 892
BNHA / MHA / Hero Aca
Gender Neutral c/n x Tenya Iida
c/n means character name I use it instead of Y/N -
fluff and kinda whump, could be read as romantic or platonic
summary: Iida and the reader stays at the library studying for too long and in their rush to get back to the dorms the reader triggers their presyncope-like symptoms and falls which makes Iida worried about their safety.
Both of them have been at the school library for hours, and with how long the two had been studying it's quite probable the librarian has already left.
"Iida, how early do we have to leave to get to the dorm before curfew?"
"Oh it takes me maybe 2 minutes why?"
"2 minutes? It's on the edge of campus, I assume that time is with you using your quirk then." They pondered at the person across from them peering through his glasses at the eyes that were still fixated on the book he read -but would soon lift up to meet the eyes that peered at him.
"Of course,” he exclaimed with a smile,”It's actually very efficient going from working my mind to working my quir- oh. I'm so sorry!” In his voice and on his face anyone could see the moment Iida realized the mistake. “When we changed to meeting after class instead of before. I mean. I completely forgot to consider you being here too, that was so inconsiderate and unprepared of me! Oh no. Then that means!" Iida quickly looks out the nearest window, which is simple given that most of the walls were practically just windows. By the ever growing darkness outside and the fact that the lamps had already turned on Iida, and c/n’s, fears were confirmed.
The time was very late. (I hope someone gets the reference)
Trying to stop the spew of apologies directed at them and focus on the situation at hand, c/n tries to direct their nerves into solving the situation. "It's not like were not going to be late if we leave the next couple minutes." The interjection didn't seem to stop the frantic Iida. "It's completely unacceptable, I hope you forgive me. As class president and as the one who asked if we could study after class I should take full responsibility and-""Iida." He finally stops and they stare at each other for just a second.
"We should be going."
He nods in agreement before, as quickly as possible, collecting his reading and note taking materials to put back in his school bag as his classmate does the same both clearly in a rush. As expected Iida was faster and was already waiting to leave when c/n slung their bag over their shoulder as they stood up, and suddenly they weren't.
Iida's eyes widened in surprise as a loud thump rang out through the empty library. C/n on the ground, their shins and one arm holding them up.
"Are you okay?" Iida rushes over to check on his classmate. "What was that thud, are you bruised or cut at all?" You could see the worry in his eyes as he frantically tries to assess what just happened.
Beginning to hold the table's leg with one hand and shoo Iida back with their other c/n responds "I'm fine. The thud was my bag hitting the table. Just give me a moment."
Iida does slow down and back off slightly, then he lightly touches the wrist of the hand shooing him off. "You seem to shaking are you sure you're okay?"
It's this moment he also realizes that they were staring directly at one spot, at nothing, as now they've started to violently blink. "I'll get back up after I've fully regained vision it’s okay."
"Peripherals haven't come back yet."
"c/n that's not what I meant. I meant to ask what you mean by-" "Ah. It's back now, just still a lil fuzzy."
"C/N!" It's at this moment they finally look back into his eyes and try to smile reassuringly. "c/n, do you commonly lose your vision like this?" Iida finally stopped trying to ask every question at once even though more and more questions enter his mind before the last one was even completed.
"Yeah it's pretty often, but this usually just happens in the mornings for me. Unless I've been sitting for a while and I guess we have been studying for quite some time."
Those hundreds of questions are still bouncing around his head, c/n can see it on his face, and the concern far from fading even as relief enters his mind from c/n's calm response. "I'm really gonna be okay, like I said this is a daily thing for me, and it's not uncommon to happen more than once a day. It was mostly because I stood up too fast. Oh but don't worry it shouldn’t happen again as we go back to the dorm. The dorm! We gotta go!" They turned to grab the bag that had hit the desk and landed not far from them and with the other hand accepted their class president's outstretched hand that offered them help getting up.
Although believing what c/n said about this not likely happening again on the way back Iida was sure to help them up slowly and even was careful during the return to the dorms, which means walking even slower than what would be normal for a non-speed hero… which means they definitely got back to the dorms after curfew. The chaos that ensued from 1-A’s reaction to class president Iida being out after curfew, well some people still don’t believe it and they saw him enter the dorm building following c/n.
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superbattrash · 2 years
Working on two fics at once is fun and all until you accidentally switch some details and fic1 now has the identity porn of fic2 and fic2 lacks the reveal scene because you somehow wrote it into fic1 instead
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heexseung · 1 year
Omg dbnwwj I wish there was an au like that 😭😭 I'd write it myself if I knew how to keep fics long enough for a series 😍.
Yeahh I'll try that!!
IT'D BE A HIT FOR SHURE 🤩🤩🤩 FULL OF FLUFF AND ROMANCE. but the fics don't have to be long !! you can make like periodic episodes and scenarios 🤔 like fic1/ep1: jay tells you he wants to become a chef, fic2/ep2: you both working together on what dishes to put on the menu
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yeast-papers · 1 year
The fission yeast cytokinetic ring component Fic1 promotes septum formation
Pubmed: http://dlvr.it/SrKgLq
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