#Kassandra's wig
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Kassandra of Sparta, Eagle Bearer ✨
So, how did I do this Halloween? 🥹
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ravenadottir · 11 months
drag race: boys edition
we had gender bent edits, we had paralell universes, and i'm not sure if someone has done this, but in case it hasn't, here it is. did i need to do this? yes, yes i did. enjoy!
[listen, i saw a video from runner eye and if i can't stop thinking about it, you have to be the ones to be punished by it, i don't make the rules.]
roberta mckenzie. a comedy queen from glasgow. she loves the audience, mostly working up the patreons in hopes to find a gold mine of weird info dump, enough to make the rest of the bar laugh. is the makeup rough? yes, very much so. is the material roast winning? not exactly... but she's new to the game and is trying her best. plus, her outfits pay homage to jamaican patterns every chance she has and most of us enchanted by the charisma and bad puns.
rhonda. one-name-only for a one-personality-only and that is... snake! she's the one pretending to be zen and "i don't do drama" but has the most snake rattle sound effects during her confessionals. she also tries to steal henrietta hotts from luna kohko, and the audience saw it from A MILE AWAY. unsuccessfully of course... HAVE YOU SEEN LUNA? she's the trade of the season.
kassandra. she dj's on the weekends all mounted in silver gowns and small boobie bibs (as she calls them despite being annoyed other people refer to them as that). kassandra has issues with everyone that ISN'T doing recreational drugs at her gigs and call them "stiffs" for it. however, despite looking and sounding harsh... well, that's about it. there's a reason she and luna get along so well!
glitter renell. "a traditional drag queen" according to herself, and to new queens it only means "my uncle in a wig with a rough and patchy makeup work and plastic-ey wigs". the only queen not wearing "fantasy" by britney but who's noticing?? her special number involves ripping off the sleeves of her outfits and revealing MASSIVE biceps, but often times they pop off on their own. got the magic mike title of the season.
ingrid. she's a "sporty type of queen", has multiple tricks with golf clubs, and despite having a couple of head hitting tricks in her history, she tries her best. it sometimes can serve her as a pole to drop to the ground in a split and honestly? work. ingrid is considered one of the hottest and cutest since her shyness brings a different glow to her eyes, which are LOST in pink glitter and magical rainbow shaped makeup. she dares and we love it, leave her alone.
luna kohko. this is a SEASONED queen, alright? makeup on point, fashion in place, attitude to donate, and walking the runway like she built that shit. however, when it comes to friendships in the werk room... don't speak, don't come near, don't come around... in fact, don't come at all. luna doesn't waste time with phony queens and prefers things exactly the opposite of her: straight. she's a lesbian, which means she loves dating drag queens, and since entering the show she has a LIVE AND THRIVE romance with the innocent henrietta hotts. "if that crusty fucking hippie so much as breathes the same air as henrietta again, we're gonna have a fucking problem, yeah? i've seen her lurking the machines trying to strike up a conversation about climbing. there's only one building henrietta is gonna climb and it's not a limp one."
noelle waves. "we have a wall of fabric in that werk room and you continue to come out in swim suits. STOP - RELYING - ON - THAT - BODY". she's a bit reserved most of the time, but if the "girls are fighting", she's the first to step up and play MOTHER. the public likes her, but she's not exactly winning challenges. "safe" defines noelle better than "creative" or "winner", but she tries and helps everyone during challenges.
henrietta hotts. THIS GIRL HAS IT, OK? her signature look is the red lipstick and the blonde wig, and with those beautiful freckles, her persona is very much the girl next door. it makes the judges go "i feel like i haven't met henrietta yet, and i know there's someone in there that needs to... ROAR. also, baby... you need more makeup." is she the smartest? no. is she the most problem-solving? no. is she the most graceful? YOU BET HER ASS COVERED IN GLITTER SHE FUCKING IS.
graham cracker. ANOTHER UNCLE IN A WIG. barely knows how to walk in heels and is giving kim chi vibes. however, because of her leadership skills (which are not comparable to noelle's) she does manage to maintain her position for a while since most of the girls are lowkey scared of her. she's unpredictable and most of the contestants suspect she's straight.
carlota miranda. THIS IS THE MOST EXTROVERTED QUEEN ON THE RUNWAY, however, the boom mic needs to enter her throat to pick up what she's saying due to her bashfulness. not a fighter type but if someone comes for her???? she'll definitely... apologize for it. "fuck, don't fight" is her motto, followed by a timid little giggle since she tries not to curse. her style is "executive realness" but covered in crystals and diamonds. "it's either a mugler or nothing, babes. i don't have time to look like cel. sanders..."
felicia butterfly. annoying as alyssa edwards and untalented as... well, [REDACTED WINNER OF SEASON 4]. she's a one trick poney and the trick is... well, the public and the production are still trying to find it but in the mean time she becomes the bud of the joke. it's kind of entertaining watching her trying to understand anything in the werk room. it gets old but... she leaves pretty soon, so no problem there.
doge style. always wearing dogs' styles on her wigs, it's her signature. the poodle poof is AMAZING. she also becomes friends with everybody, particularly with the nervous ones, like carlota and henrietta since doge's hugs are infallible to relax the girls in situations of stress. she sometimes lets a facial hair look take over if the look calls for it, while the others are afraid of embracing it. "i'm not a woman impersonator, i'm just creative, get over it!" she has a HUGE CRUSH ON ELLA FAME, and it's reciprocated. rumour has it they fucked on the first week and are already planning a getaway.
ella fame. the most exquisite wigs in the werk room NO QUESTIONS ASKED. has beef with gigi goode for the title of best hair styles, but since her house is older and richer, she thinks she has a better chance to win this one pool on twitter. overall, ella has a walk to kill for, one that graham cracker has been trying to learn since day one. "i got it from naomi... you either know it... or you dont." she tells and retells the time she walked the same runway as naomi, even though everyone keeps reminding her that it happened as elijah, not as ella, but as she says in the confessional: "these bitches are so fucking jealous they're causing me intern wrinkles.".
jacoba zabinski. she's not very creative, doesn't have an interesting name, doesn't know how to walk differently than a constipated bear and doesn't know how to wear a wig. to be fair, she's only in the show to get clout for her male persona, jakub. bodybuilding is not paying off since his scandals in multiple gyms for his part time job as an instructor. so instagram shit tea and self taner brands have been the bread winning besides being the biggest bitch in the room. she enters the porkchop hall of fame. OBVIOUSLY.
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izasbjdphoto · 1 year
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I wanted to see these two side by side, because Kassandra was Val 1.0, and it’s fun to compare her to Val 3.0
It was a very difficult decision to reshell Val back in 2020, but I’m glad I did. I didn’t want to sell the original head though, so I got a new body for it and made it into a girl. It’s kind of funny that both heads are on DFA bodies!
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Kassandra’s body was advertised as 68cm with head, but she’s closer to 66cm in truth. Val on the other hand was supposed to be 70cm but is actually 72cm. Funny how that works!
The what is what:
Sculpts: Dollzone Chen on a DFA 68cm girl body (Kassandra) & Simply Divine Thomas on a DFA 70cm Boy body (Val)
Eyes: 16mm brown glass eyes from ACBJD (Kassandra) & 14mm Small Iris SoulinaBox eyes (Val)
Wigs: CanCan J-Series in Ivory in 8-9 (Kassandra) & Monique Adorabel in Moon Black in 8-9 (Val)
Faceups: me over at @izasfaceups
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onewingedangels · 2 years
still be thinking about ac valhalla and remembered how there are npcs running around with kassandra's wig 💀
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ilikedetectives · 4 years
Even if it is Kassandra's hair, I don't see why so many people made such a big deal out of it. Its a freaking side braid. Something many women wear every day. If Kassandra's hairstyle was a completely unique style, then fine but it wasn't. Also I don't understand the complaints about reusing a few minor assets like hair. Its not that big of a deal.
Tbh idc about assets being reused, with the scale Ubisoft wants in an open-world RPG game and only gives the devs 3 yrs, especially for a cross-gen title, reusing assets is the only way to ship the game on time. Ubi has a lot of talented devs, but Ubi doesn't give them the time, the tools, and the creative freedom that they need. This is why I often call Ubi stingy/greedy, rather than how most would call the devs “lazy”.
The majority of Odyssey's hair library is in Valhalla, but none of that bothers me. Compare the Roman architecture/statues in Origins and Valhalla, I actually think it's a clever the way the devs reuse the assets. I think a lot of people (myself included) have issues only w Kassandra's hair because to a lot of us, it IS her hair. To you it’s just a common hairstyles and that’s ok. The fact that a lot of people went nut thinking it might be her during the Valhalla trailer to the point the Narrative Director had to clarified it himself on Twitter shows it is not just a typical hairstyle; I also had to go and extinguish that dumpster-fire hope from a lot of people. I mean, nobody looks at Alfred and Basim and goes “OMG it it Leonidas??? That’s Leonidas’s hair!!!” So, why just Kassandra’s hair? The hairstyle itself is very common (I can do that side braid too), but in AC specifically, it IS Kassandra’s hairstyle and she is a protag who is loved by many (not sure about older games but are Aveline, Elise, Evie, and Aya/Amunet’ hair got reused in the same manners?). So for us to see Ubi reusing her iconic hairstyle in the AC game right after, on another female NPC who is crucial to the plot, that’s just stingy on Ubi’s end. I say stingy because Randvi already had her own character design, the sudden change in the end was prob the devs were pressed on time imo (Ubi higher-ups here thinking making AAA game is like making instant ramen). Now, I prob just overthinking this for a vg, but shouldn’t Randvi deserves her own individuality? She is an entirely different character with her own story, seeing her as being known as Kassandra’s doppelgänger is just sad tbh. At least mod the hair so it’s longer/shorter or something or reuse a different hairstyle, they don’t have to create a new one from scratch.
p/s: I do draw the line when it comes to reusing base game assets for selling mtx items in an offline, single-player game *looking at Galloglach/Hearthweru and HiddenOne/BlackRaven sets*. Free updates? By all means go ham.
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cutiekassie · 3 years
“It’s okay, My Eve”
By: Kassandra Nicole A. Salacup of 11 HUMSS 1
(writing prompt)
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“Eve are you ready?” Her dad asked.
“Yes, dad I’m ready, Jay let’s go?” she said, I looked at her with a teary eyes, I can’t stop crying every time I look at her as it pains my heart, because I can’t do anything to lessen the pain that she’s feeling.
“Yes, Eve I already prepared the car” I answered, she smiled at me and wipe the tears in my cheeks.
“let’s go dad, Jay!” she cheerfully said.
How can she be sick when she’s this cheerful and beautiful?
1 year ago
“Eve I brought your favorite cookies where are you?” I excitedly said, but her dad showed up instead, He don’t look good.
“Hi Jay, Eve is in her room, I think she’s asleep”
“Are you okay Tito?” I asked him, but Tito just showed me sad smile, maybe something bad happened with his business.
After I told Tito that I will go to Eve’s room, I just found myself stunned in front of her door.
I was too stunned about what I heard, I didn’t even notice that I’m crying already, but Eve opened her door, I automatically wiped my tears and flashed a smile.
“Jay you’re here! I missed you” she said happily.
But I’m still stunned even though I want to ask her so many questions I just can’t speak. Instead, I hugged her, telling her that everything will be okay.
“Hey, are you okay?” she asked me. I nodded my head and smiled.
“How about you, are you okay?” I thought she will hide it from me but…
“No Jay, I have cancer, stage 2 the doctor said the cancer is spreading fast and I might die” she said while smiling, but a tear fell from her eyes, that’s why I hugged her and tried not to cry too but my tears kept on falling.
We’re going to the hospital now, while on the car I kept on looking to Eve, her cancer is on stage 4 now but she’s still beautiful even though she’s wearing a wig and pale she still wears her beautiful smile, she still fighting her cancer, she is so strong, but you can see in her eyes that she’s tired.
But I can’t do anything but to give her favorites, build more happy memories, and make her life the best and happy.
I can’t still accept the fact that she only has a month to live, I don’t want to lose her but who am I and what can I do, I am no God, I can’t change her fate.
September 4, 2018
“Jay” she called me with her weak voice.
I looked at her and smiled while crying.
“Yes, My Eve?” she smiled
“T-take care o-of yourself, okay?” she said I nodded while still smiling.
“F-find a good W-wife, and be H-happy, I love you, I-I’m sorry T-that I will leave first if only I—” I stopped her from talking because she’s so tired I just hugged her and kissed her, when I looked at her, she touched my face.
“I love you too, it’s okay my Eve see you in next life”
Eve left us, but she left a good memory, a happy one, it’s like a nightmare to me but I know that Eve is fine, we might not given a chance to be together till’ our hairs turn gray, But I am sure that she’s in a better place, waiting for me.
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spellbook-gayboy · 2 years
prompt number 12? :D
"What? The sword?" Ian asked casually, looking past the hulking figure to point at the glittering artefact mounted on the wall. "Oh, that's just the thing King Arthur used! You know, Sword In the Stone?"
Rex looked on incredulously at his brother's relaxed demeanour. "What, no! the- the minotaur, dude!", pointing at the creature holding a stack of books.
"That's... Kassandra" the wizard said slowly, not understanding his fear.
"The new librarian. Apparently, the big wigs in Incheon think our organisational skills are 'unbefitting of a Bohoja stronghold' and 'a disgrace to the practice of wizarding'," he complained, air quoting the elder wizards' complaints, "So they sent Kass to help us clean up our act"
"So, she's your... librarian?" Rex asked, his raised arm lowering slowly.
Ian nodded. "I mean, I get why. 'Minotaurs are born for the bookshelves', as we all know!", uttering the apparent saying as if it was common and not the most obscure thing that the hero had heard.
"teleiósate kai oi dýo?" the librarian grumbled, depositing a large stack of grimoires on the polished wood table. "Prépei na xekiníso to kathárisma sýntoma"
Rex seemed surprised at the question, asking Ian "She speaks Greek?"
"She speaks Minotaur, if we're being technical" he explained, conjuring a steaming cup of coffee. "It's like Martian and English, y'know?"
Rex nodded at that, before coming out with "Right, well if that's the case... pós eísai símera?", raising his voice as he asked the minotaur how she was doing.
"Eímai kalá. Esý?" came the huffing response, the tone decidedly more neutral than it had been before.
"Arketá kalá!" he replied, putting a thumb up before turning back to his brother and admitting "Haven't done that in a while!"
Ian was surprised by the sudden speech, asking out loud "When the fuck did you learn Greek?!"
"Well... my parents- yes, those ones- were immigrants, so..." he drew out, "Yeah, not many good memories surrounding that particular language!"
"Huh" Ian responded quietly. "More you know, I guess!"
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tsonishepard · 4 years
From what I've seen on tumblr and yt, everyone agrees on 2 things: 1) Randvi is gorgeous and we were all bummed for a second when we thought she wasn't a romance. 2) Randvi and Eivor was totally into each other before the game even started.
Must have been the Kassandra hair that made ppl to want her. Kidding. Unless... But no for real, despite the wig snatching, Randvi was beautiful and found her so interesting and couldn’t wait to get to know her more. And when I found out in game that she was a romance? Butterflies all around.
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imtrynnawriteshit · 5 years
I can 100% see everyone going to a Halloween party at Perikles' place, and Stentor walks in to see FIFTY STENTORS LOOKING BACK AT HIM. They all have the stupidest wigs braided and cheap looking Spartan armor and hes greeted with a chorus of "pAtEr LoVeS mE bEsT!!1!" And he just huffs aggressively and leaves. And also. Yes. Kassandra harassing the Cyclops is all I ever needed. (Shed make a cute goat, too. Little ears and a tail 💕 You bet Allie likes that.)
He hates them all so much
But he's also a lil touched that they cared enough about harassing him to the extent of planning this entire thing??
He maybe gets a lil teary eyed when he's wine drunk (he needed it ok he can't deal with them without it the poor child) and tells Kass this once she comes to check up on him
Neither of them mention it afterwards, but there's a newfound bond between them
(Alex is confused and wants to be included)
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{ Look, I do NOT have a problem okay? It's just my favorite time of year!
Also, party city is KILLING it with wigs this year. The purple is a party city wig so, in the thin side and not adjustable, but very low on the shine which is great. Idk if I wanna return it or get another one and cut/sew those wafts into it. The gray one is a rockstar wig, which, yes, more of those please!
Oh I also picked up a spear of Leonidas for my Kassandra cosplay cuz $16 vs the $60+ I'd spend on etsy? Yes please. And it looks pretty damn good too! }
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aswebothshook · 6 years
I’ve mentioned before how Assassin’s Creed modern AUs are the groundwork of society so here is my take! Forgive the strange formatting, I’m on mobile— italics means it a continuation of a bullet point above it.
Aveline lets Connor stay in her big ass Louisiana mansion when he visits the Southern branch of Assassins
She inadvertently wakes him up at 2AM every other day when she practices the “Everybody Mad” choreo from Beychella
Connor resolves to get a hotel room next time but he still ends up staying with her every time
Kassandra and Aveline meet up once a year to train or whatever and they spend an entire week gazing into each other’s eyes and being lesbionic but never actually making a move. They forget about their very passionate would-be love affair until the next year every single time
Hm. Needless to say, Jacob Frye plays Fortnite
Shay Cormac has said the n-word.
Bayek and Aya are constantly found making out in strange places like not even like weird, slightly embarrassing places like closests or whatever yet but like. I don’t know. Their local GameStop? The corner booth closest to the front door in Wendy’s?
Altaïr and Malik have a 400 day streak on Snapchat and like it’s the only thing preventing Malik from killing Alty because it’s too much dedication
Also, everybody calls Altaïr “Alty”!
He doesn’t like it!
Connor is very into Minecraft in the most literal sense
Aveline taught Evie what “wig” means but Evie’s not allowed to say it
You know how Ezra Miller has a polycule or whatever? Ezio has one, too
I’m not really sure how Edward would exist, age wise, since I’ve already mentioned Haytham and Connor but in any case he’s a biker I guess
This next one hurts to type.
Arno is… Arno is a Kpop stan.
NOT one of the respectable girl groups (stan Loona!) but like a full on like BTS type boy group where they say the n word occasionally and dance stiff as hell
It’s the real reason Élise left him
Also, per Matty: Arno listens to “Lucid Dreams” on repeat after Élise leaves him
Haytham got shot :( he’s dead :(
Evie watches Naruto
Not sure how Desmond fits into this!
Oh wait shit yes I do he’s like. He’s like the one “cousin” who you’re honestly kind of sure is related to you but not quite. But like to EVERYONE even if he wasn’t their descendant in the canon game
Also! Evie and Aveline stan Loona!
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izasbjdphoto · 2 years
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I recently took some pictures of Kassandra. I think they turned out rather lovely, but how could they not with her as my model?
The what is what:
Sculpt: Dollzone Chen color matched to a DF-A 68cm S-bust girl body in normal yellow with Doll Chateau Youth jointed hands in normal pink
Eyes: 16mm glass eyes from Alice's Collections
Outfit: SD16 sized shirt (modified) and pants from Alice's Collections
Wig: CanCan J-series in 8-9
Necklace: rRabit
Faceup: me over at @izasfaceups
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onewingedangels · 4 years
i’m happy that transmog is coming back to ac valhalla but going back to blacksmith every time you want to change your armor’s appearance and also pay 50 silver for that, while in ac odyssey you literally can change that all in your inventory and for free.....
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ilikedetectives · 3 years
Even if the hairstyle is the same, its still inaccurate to say that Randvi is a copy of Kassandra imo. Which is what most people are saying. She isn't, their facial structure is completely different. But, yeah, it's real annoying that Ubi took the hair of the *lead* character from their previous game and put that one in. Just like how you don't see Eivor's hairstyles on anyone else in game, Kass' should be unique to Kass. Just kinda adds to the feel that Kass got shit on as a character.
I grow up with “teeth and hair make up the foundation of a human” so it’s normal to me when people make the association due to the hairstyle. You can always grab Kassandra and Randvi’ face textures (extraction tool called Blacksmith is free), overlay both in photoshop, and settle your case with just that. Considering there are 2 ponytails available in-game and many more female hairstyles from both Odyssey and Valhalla that could’ve been given to Randvi, so why Kassandra’s? Makes you think isn’t it? Since I talked about Noctis (FFXV), imagine a few important male NPCs in FFXVI who has the exact same hair, identical mesh, as Noctis. Actually, not just those quest-relevant male NPCs, but Noctis’s hair will now be in a male hairstyle pool, so whenever players boot up the open-world game, the engine will generate filler male NPCs with hairstyles chosen at random out of said pool. This is exactly what happens to Kassandra’s hair. I’ll leave it at this: Kassandra opens the door to being able to play as a female protag for the first time ever in this franchise (despite not being the sole choice but we gotta start crawling from somewhere first before running), don’t let this fool you into thinking everyone loves her; and my two cents about Randvi: she got shit on as well.
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"But Tabatha, the Greeks didn't even wear gold ring clippy things in their hair" SHUT UP AND DO NOT SPEAK TO ME THIS IS AN AESTHETIC I ENJOY AND WILL INDULGE IN WHENEVER I CAN. Aka Greek clipped ringy things in hair were a thing and I'm gunna ABUSE THAT FACT. Also I was wig styling today. The wig for Kassandra is the same as my one for Diana and it desperately needs a wash before MCM after it got wrecked at Rimini. #cosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/BoHqJESgWno/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=98lz8o0x85li
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g0blinoids · 6 years
hdjdjfjkekf I forgot arda delivers from chicago so I guess I'm getting kassandra's wig tomorrow??
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