#Karl Geary
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celluloidrainbow · 5 months ago
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NADJA (1994) dir. Michael Almereyda After the death of Count Dracula, his daughter Nadja and her familiar Renfield arrive in New York to burn it his corpse, hoping this ritual will free her from her own vampiric curse, but then Nadja gets sidetracked when she meets a lost soul in a bar. Lucy is not a vampire, but she too is suffering from ennui – bored by her life and her relationship with husband Jim. Meanwhile, Jim is bailing his uncle, Van Helsing, out of jail: after learning of the disappearance of the Count's corpse, he enlists his nephew in his quest to destroy any trace of any vampire still left in the city. As the plot develops, Nadja visits her sickly brother, Edgar, who’s being looked after by a nurse called Cassandra. Van Helsing and Jim’s quest to seek out Dracula’s descendants also leads them to Edgar, bringing the two halves of the story together... (link in title)
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rwpohl · 2 months ago
nadja, michael almereyda 1994
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twenty-words-or-less · 3 months ago
Hamlet (2000)
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Summary: Claudius (Kyle McLachlan) kills his brother (Sam Shephard), the Denmark Corporation CEO (or "king"). Hamlet seeks to avenge him.
Squarely turn-of-the-century but still decent. Modern setting and retention of Shakespeare dialogue was evidently a winning combination.
Rating: 3.5/5
Photo credit: The Sundae
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sungleams · 1 year ago
“I wouldn’t worry about it, true doesn’t care if you believe in it or not.”-Juno Loves Legs by Karl Geary
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queerographies · 2 years ago
[Juno ama Gambelunghe][Karl Geary]
"Juno ama Gambelunghe" racconta di due adolescenti che tutti considerano due piccoli delinquenti. Entrambi trovano la salvezza l'una nell'altro.
Nella Dublino degli anni Ottanta, Juno è una dodicenne ribelle, aggressiva, e soprattutto sola. Figlia di una sarta e di un meccanico improvvisato, troppo povera persino per quelle strade squallide, trova comprensione e tenerezza soltanto in un coetaneo, Seán, detto Gambelunghe, anch’egli emarginato, ma per ragioni opposte: è tormentato dai compagni, ma anche dagli educatori, incarnati dalle…
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queerliblib · 9 days ago
Irish? Queer? we’ve got books for you
Irish authors, settings (or both!), with a St. Patricks’ Day romance thrown in - all available at the Queer Liberation Library!
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Books pictured are listed below, and there are more in the list in our collection if you click through!
Some Integrity by Padraig Regan (multi-award winning irish poetry, queerness as a way of looking)
In the Name of Love: the movement for Marriage Equality in Ireland by Una Mullally (what it says on the tin)
Moments of Glad Grace by Alison Wearing (ultimately a family story, exploring ancestral connections to Ireland and a daughter’s relationship with her aging father)
All Our Hidden Gifts by Caroline O’Donoghue (teens, tarot, and catholic school)
Juno Loves Legs by Karl Geary (young friendship in 1980’s Dublin)
Lucky to Be Yours by Shannon O’Connor (fun F/F rom-com!)
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steelycunt · 9 days ago
in honour of st patrick’s day!! some irish novel recs..(☘️ = particular fav of mine)
small things like these - claire keegan ☘️
leonard and hungry paul - rónán hession
the rachel incident - caroline o’donoghue ☘️
ruth and pen - emilie pine
trespasses - louise kennedy ☘️
intermezzo - sally rooney
juno loves legs - karl geary ☘️
panenka - rónán hession
foster - claire keegan ☘️
the bee sting - paul murray (i got about halfway through before i had to give it back to the library but was loving it)
close to home - michael magee ☘️
+ everything else claire keegan has written!!
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rustbeltjessie · 8 months ago
What r some books that r close to uu
Ohhhh this is so difficult. There are so many. So I’m gonna go with whatever pops into my head.
Books I first read a long time ago that are close to me: On the Road by Jack Kerouac, The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry, Girl Goddess #9 by Francesca Lia Block, the Dangerous Angels series by Francesca Lia Block, Sassafras Cypress and Indigo by Ntozake Shange, The Early Diaries of Anaïs Nin, Angel Maker by Sara Maitland, Tales of a Punk Rock Nothing by Jamie Schweser & Abram Shalom Himmelstein, Foxfire by Joyce Carol Oates, Look Homeward Angel by Thomas Wolfe, Fatal Interview by Edna St. Vincent Millay, Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery, Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh, A Girl’s Guide to Taking Over the World: Writings from the Girl Zine Revolution, Memoirs of a Beatnik by Diane Di Prima, Written On the Body by Jeanette Winterson, Pussy King of the Pirates by Kathy Acker, A Coney Island of the Mind by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg, The Mysteries of Pittsburgh by Michael Chabon, The Night Country by Stewart O’Nan, Why Things Burn by Daphne Gottlieb, Geek Love by Katherine Dunn, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, etc. etc., etc.
Books I’ve read more recently that already feel close to me: The Girl in the Green Silk Gown by Seanan McGuire, The Wendys by Allison Benis White, frank: sonnets by Diane Seuss, Saint 1001 by Daphne Gottlieb, The Collected Poems of Lynda Hull, Juno Loves Legs by Karl Geary, I Love You So Much It’s Killing Us Both by Mariah Stovall, Some Strange Music Draws Me In by Griffin Hansbury, First Love by Lilly Dancyger, Romantic Comedy by James Allen Hall, Fifty Beasts to Break Your Heart and Other Stories by GennaRose Nethercott. Etc.
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scotianostra · 8 months ago
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Happy Birthday actress Laura Fraser, born July 24th 1976 in Glasgow.
Laura attended Hillhead High School and is a former member of the Scottish Youth Theatre. She trained at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama.
During her time there, she got a supporting role in Gillies MacKinnon's film Small Faces. This was on top of a couple of other minor roles she had taken (such as 'Big Day for the Bad Guys). The college authorities took a pretty dim view of the amount of professional work she had been taking on, questioning her commitment to the course.
Having not been enjoying her time at the Academy, and encouraged by her parents, she dropped out after a year and moved to London.
Later on, she has appeared in numerous films in supporting roles, but always noticeable as lead characters. All these roles have demonstrated her versatility in characterisation and style to the full.
From the fantasy of ‘Neverwhere’, a comedy of ‘Virtual Sexuality’, the Shakespearean drama of ‘Titus’, emotional drama of ‘Forgive and Forget’ and slapstick of ‘Kevin and Perry’. She effortlessly adapts to all the genres, very seldom was she cast as characters with her native Scottish accent.
After appearing in the 2003 Irish comedy, Coney Island Baby, Laura relocated to the US where she married Irish-born American author actor and club owner Michael Geary,.
She landed a role in the well regarded US TV movie, Iron Jawed Angels. In early 2005, Laura returned to live in Glasgow with her husband and stepdaughter, and a desire to start a family and focus on local work. She found she was pregnant in late 2005, and spent time working as a choreographer on a pantomime written by her father 'Oh Yes He Is!' for the charity Sense Scotland.
In May 2006 she and Karl became proud parents of a baby girl. Laura intended to not work for 12 months and be a full-time mum, but by September 2006 she was back making a film for the BBC.
Other TV roles for Laura include, Casanova, Ian Rankin's Reichenbach Falls and Florence Nightingale and her role in the US series Breaking Bad and spinn-off Better Call Saul as Lydia Rodarte-Quayle.
Laura maybe a star over the pond nowadays, but she has also been cast in some great shows based in Scotland, including Traces with Martin Compston, and Crime with Ken Stott and Dougray Scott,
Next up for Laura in anpther crime drama, Patience, a 6-part police crime set in York , it should hit our screens before the end of the year.
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tea-leaf-girl · 7 months ago
recent reading list
juno loves legs - karl geary
the general in his labyrinth - gabriel garcía márquez
mouthful of forevers - clementine von radics
perfume - patrick suskind
jazz - toni morrison
hot milk - deborah levy
year of the monkey - patti smith (currently reading)
any other recommendations you guys have let me know please im always looking for more !!! ‎౨ৎ⋆。˚ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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leblogdemarinaetjm · 1 month ago
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SAMEDI 15 FÉVRIER 2025 (Billet 3/3)
Pardon pour cette illustration un peu cucu et kitsch, mais tellement « datée » qu’elle en devient « signifiante » (comme disait le prof de philo de JM, qui était plutôt Roland Barthes qu’Henri Bergson). Elle devrait rappeler quelques souvenirs à beaucoup d’entre vous…
Hier, effectivement, c’était la SAINT-VALENTIN,et comme nos journalistes et nos responsables écologistes sont des citoyens exemplaires, ils ont trouvé l’excellente idée de diffuser à la radio, à la télé, et dans les journaux, ad libitum ce jour-là, l’annonce que TOUTES les fleurs en vente chez les fleuristes étaient « pestiférées »… euh, pardon, « contaminées à 100% aux pesticides ». A l’exception des fleurs françaises et Bio (qui valent bien sûr beaucoup plus cher que les autres). La Saint-Valentin étant une des 3 grandes occasions dans l’année d’en acheter (avec la Fête des Mères et un anniversaire), imaginez le dilemme pour les amoureux s’ils comptaient en offrir à l’élue de leur coeur… et le manque à gagner des fleuristes !
L’annonce, sûrement réelle au demeurant, aurait quand même pu se faire à un autre moment, non ? Comme disait un célèbre humoriste : « On vit une époque formidable ! ».
En tout cas, nous, pas de petit restaurant cette année (à cause des températures nocturnes trop fraîches), pas de théâtre non plus (pour les mêmes raisons), juste un petit apéro dînatoire à la maison, pas trop riche (nous allons bientôt nous mettre en maillot de bain)… et devant un programme télé, mais surtout pas devant « Les Victoires de la musique », dont il est systématiquement dit dans la Presse le lendemain que la soirée a été poussive et qu’elle n’en finissait pas. Non, nous avons choisi un épisode en Replay d’« Echappée belle » avec Sophie Jovillard, consacrée au Berry. Nous y avons même vu, comme un clin d’œil subliminal, une allusion à la Saint Valentin…
Et pas de fleurs non plus… pas du tout à cause des injonctions de nos chers « khmers verts » bien de chez nous (c’est à se demander comment nous avons fait pour survivre jusqu’à ce jour !), non, à cause… ou plutôt grâce à Olivia de Lamberterie (critique littéraire à Elle et à Télé Matin). En effet, hier, à Télé Matin justement, elle a parlé d’un livre « Juno et Legs » de l’irlandais Karl Geary qui l’a littéralement emballée. Elle en avait les yeux qui brillaient. Un livre d’amour au sens large (et beau) du terme nous a-t-elle dit… un livre idéal à offrir pour une Saint-Valentin. Marina nous dira prochainement ce qu’elle en a pensé.
Ne manquez pas de lire le petit paragraphe ci-dessous.
« Après « Vera », finaliste du « Prix Femina Etranger » et du « Prix Libr’à nous » (2017), Karl Geary revient avec un roman déchirant ancré dans son Irlande natale. Juno et Legs, deux gamins dans le Dublin des années 80. La pauvreté influence chaque minute du destin de Juno. Pour tenir, les adultes boivent ou cognent ; les enfants, eux, trompent l’ennui dans la délinquance. Lorsqu’elle se lie d’amitié avec Legs, tout change. La dureté est toujours là, mais ils créent ensemble un espace protégé, où ils parlent, rient, imaginent d’autres horizons possibles. Après « Vera », mélodrame pudique et sublime, Karl Geary crée un inoubliable duo d’adolescents, frondeurs et attachants.
Encensé par la critique en Grande-Bretagne, « Juno et Legs » a notamment reçu le soutien de Douglas Stuart : « Les personnages sont si vrais, si désespérément en quête d’amour que le lecteur a envie de les réconforter. Ce roman m’a brisé le cœur. Je voulais qu’il ne finisse jamais. »
Karl Geary
Ancien acteur, Karl Geary est aujourd’hui scénariste et romancier. En 2017, « Vera », son premier roman, a été très remarqué. Il travaille actuellement sur une adaptation au cinéma qui sera réalisée par Gabriel Byrne. »
(Source : « printemps-du-livre »)
368 pages
Pas d’indication de prix, c’est un cadeau.
Editions de L’Olivier
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cantquitu · 3 months ago
What were the last 5 books you read and did you like them? (I'm bored 😅)
I haven't been reading at all. Truly dreadful behaviour 😪
The last five books...hmm, well I'm currently reading Stone Yard Devotional by Charlotte Wood. But "currently reading" is a euphemistic term for "crawling through it at a snail's pace". Not because I don't like it, but because my concentration is shot to shit.
Before that I think the last 5 books I read were -
Mayflies by Andrew O'Hagan - my friend lent it to me because she thought I'd LOVE it (intense music-based teen friendships in 80s Glasgow - I should have)...but I didn't. I think i was probably just in a bad mood.
In The Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado - I just love her writing. Sometimes it goes on superfluous tangents but there are always gems to be found.
Wandering Stars by Tommy Orange - another that was recommended to me by someone who assured me I'd love it, and it was highly-acclaimed and certainly good, but i dunno, it didn't really stick with me.
Juno Loves Legs by Karl Geary
The Bee Sting by Paul Murray
Queen of Dirt Island by Donal Ryan
...oh, that's 6! I read a bunch of those in the same week. Those last 3 are all by Irish writers (men, for a change!) and I liked them all. Juno Loves Legs is gorgeous, and I absolutely loved The Bee Sting. I read it a year after everyone else did and I'd been a bit put off by the hype, but it's truly fantastic.
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valleygirlintelligentsia · 3 months ago
10, 13, 16, 17
What was your favorite new release of the year? Rebel Girl by Kathleen Hanna for sure, but I only read like three new releases
What were your least favorite books of the year? The 2000s Made Me Gay by Grace Perry, The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters, The Girls by Abigail Pesta, and Juno Loves Legs by Karl Geary
What is the most over-hyped book you read this year? I don't know if this counts, but I read Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney on recommendation from my boyfriend at the time, and I thought it was just fine. And then a couple months later he dumped me over text! Lol!
Did any books surprise you with how good they were? I was expecting Any Other City by Hazel Jane Plante and Idlewild by James Frankie Thomas to be good, but I was blown away by both of them.
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mikemaggio-blog · 2 years ago
Juno Love Legs: A Review
Here’s my review of Karl Geary’s Juno Loves Legs, a novel I thoroughly enjoyed and highly recommend.
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saturdaynightmatinee · 2 years ago
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Título Original: The Burrowers
Año: 2008
Duración: 96 min.
País: Estados Unidos  
Dirección:  J.T. Petty
Guion: J.T. Petty
Música: Joseph LoDuca
Fotografía: Phil Parmet
Reparto: Doug Hutchison, Clancy Brown, William Mapother, Sean Patrick Thomas, Karl Geary, Jocelin Donahue, Laura Leighton, David Busse, Alexandra Edmo, Brighid Fleming, Christopher Hagen, Galen Hutchison, Harley Coriz, Suzi McLaughlin, Tatanka Means, Seri DeYoung, David Midthunder, Jon Kristian Moore, Cole Resch, R.J. Rice, Bonnie Morgan, Chris Grabher
Productora: Blue Star Pictures. Distribuidora: Lionsgate
Género: Horror; Thriller;Western
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unnamednarrator · 8 months ago
9 people you want to know better tag :)
three ships: everlark (breathe if ur not surprised), shirbert (anne with an e), olive & adam from the love hypothesis (my red flag is that i loved that book idc that it’s cringe, i loved how cringe it was! sue me!)
first ship: everlark (reading the hunger games aged 12 did irreparable damage to my neurons)
last song: tough love by gracie abrams (her whole new album is ON REPEAT in this house)
last movie: pride & prejudice (2005 ofc bc im not an animal, on the plane bc it’s my plane comfort movie)
currently reading: juno loves legs by karl geary (it’s like a mashup of the book thief and sing street, which are both some of my fav pieces of media so it’s safe to say i’m loving it)
currently watching: lauren louise/big book lady’s youtube videos! and taskmaster reruns all day everyday
currently eating: ive been travelling so my food situation has been very different than normal but i’ve been loving this vegan cream cheese from an irish brand called hungry soul
currently craving: the end of late stage capitalism!
tagging: @skylightangels @bbrooklynbabe @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @petruchio @purple-cube @katnissdoesnotfollowback @thedelicatearcher @thesweetnessofspring @thesunpersists
tagged by @themarydragon 🥰
9 people you want to know better tag
Three Ships: Zelink (Zelda/Link, Legend of Zelda), Shirbert (Anne/Gilbert from Anne of Green Gables or Anne With An E) and Locklyle (Lucy/Lockwood from Lockwood and Co)
First Ship: i joined tumblr in 2017 for BoTW Zelink and all of my fandom experience spiralled from here. i started playing LoZ games before that though, maybe 2008? and there was a fanfic tab (though it wasn't called like that) on the help website i used
Last Song: ......... "Last Night - Official Madison Song" by Chris Anderson and DJ Robbie (it's on my summer playlist bc of childhood nostalgia, i don't go out of my way to listen to it usually 😂)
Last Movie: Maze Runner: The Death Cure (justice for Newt)
Currently Reading: book wise, I just finished The Two Towers (and am not so patiently awaiting Return of the King to, well, return to the library so i can borrow it)
Currently Watching: Once Upon A Time (nearly done with S1)
Currently Eating: waiting for my dinner to cook (ratatouille and semolina and eggs)
Currently Craving: CHEESE. my kingdom riches gratitude for a scrap of french cheese!!!!
tagging: @js589 @ohmyoverland @hailqiqi @unnamednarrator @practicallyasleep @cateringfears @applesjuice @redplaidjacket @beckybubbles would love your thoughts on this if that's something you're up to :)
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