#Kakagai Week 2022
akamikazae · 2 years
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✨Kaka~Gai Week 2022✨
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Day 4: Fairytales and Legends !
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asiriyep · 2 years
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Kakagai Week 2022.
Day 2: Float/Fall.
Inspired by Sakasama no Patema - Patema Inverted.
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rainbowninjas · 2 years
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Just a normal day in Konoha….
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I'll be there to Catch You.
Words: 3677
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai
For: @kakashihasibs who came up with this brilliant idea <3
The sun was beginning to sink behind Hokage’s monument, painting the sky a brilliant orange as a final goodbye before disappearing for the night. Usually, Kakashi would be sitting somewhere high enjoying the view.
He loved watching the sunset more than anything. It was calming. 
A setting sun meant that his day was done. He could go home, clean up, and relax.
Today, however, he was standing in the middle of the training field just outside of Konoha’s walls. Somehow Gai had convinced him to have a spar right after lunch, and that spar quickly turned into a training session that lasted for the rest of the afternoon.
Now the sun was setting. 
The day was ending, and Gai looked exhausted.
“I think it’s time to call it quits,” he commented, noting that Gai was beginning to sway a little. “You need to get home and eat.”
“No!” Throwing an arm out in front of himself, Gai presented him with his signature thumbs-up pose. “I can keep going, Rival. I assure you I am in peak condition.”
With each word he spoke, Gai’s face got a little paler. His knees began to buckle under him, but he was able to recover before he fell face-first into the dirt. “You don’t look good, Gai,” he sighed. “Come on, we can spar again tomorrow after our teams finish training.”
He’d rather not train with Gai twice in a row, but if it would keep his friend from overextending himself and ending up in the hospital it was a worthwhile offer to make. 
“One more spar,” Gai insisted. “I still have energy left. I’ve never felt b-”
Alarms went off in his mind when Gai cut himself off suddenly, and not even five seconds afterwords stopped falling from his lips Gai’s knees buckled under him. Kakashi’s body moved without warning. Rushing forward, he turned his back to Gai at the last second and braced himself for impact.
Gai’s body crashed against his back, nearly knocking him down with the sudden weight. If he hadn’t prepared himself, he would have eaten dirt and Gai would never have heard the end of it.
As it was, though, everything was fine. Gai was safe, and that was what mattered.
“You really are-” he turned his head, sighing when he noticed that Gai’s eyes were closed. “Something.”
 With no other option, Kakashi slowly lowered himself down, careful to keep Gai resting against his back as he moved. Once he had one knee resting against the ground, he reached back and wrapped his arms around Gai’s legs. It took him a moment to adjust his arms properly, but once he was certain he wasn’t going to pick Gai up and promptly drop him on his head, he stood up.
“Home time,” he whispered, already beginning his walk back toward Konoha. “And don’t worry. I’ll take a long way.”
It was better that way. 
Gai got enough crap from the villagers. He didn’t need them seeing him in this state and adding that to the list of things they made fun of him for.
Kannabi Bridge
Team Minato was due back soon. That’s what Choza-Sensei had said.
He hadn’t told Gai much, but he’d smiled that soft supportive smile of his, ruffled his hair, and told him to head over to the gate to greet his eternal rival. So that’s what Gai had done. 
Without a second thought, he’d said his goodbyes to Genma and Ebisu and runoff. Though he didn’t know how long he’d have to wait for them to arrive, he was excited. Kakashi and his team had been gone for almost a week now and he just couldn’t wait to see his friend again.
Perhaps he would ask him for a challenge or invite him out for lunch. No doubt Kakashi would be hungry after such a long mission. Rin and Obito could even join them. He never minded having them around even if Obito was always trying to pick fights with him. 
“I bet their mission went smoothly,” he chattered to himself as he came to a stop just a few feet in front of the large gate where Kakashi’s team would be arriving soon. “Kakashi’s first mission as a Jonin. It must have been perfect!”
He couldn’t wait to hear all about it. Kakashi was sure to have stories to tell, and while he might not think that he was amazing, Gai would be sure to correct him. Even if Kakashi tried to shrug off his compliments he’d just repeat himself again and again until his friend understood.
Just as he always did.
“Oh!” His back straightened when he saw silhouettes in the distance. There were three that he could see clearly, but he did not doubt that the fourth member of the team was right behind them. Most likely Obito dragging his feet, pouting because he’d had to listen to Kakashi’s orders.
He always had such an issue recognizing Kakashi’s talent. No matter what his eternal rival did, Obito was sure to be there insisting that he could do it better, and while Gai had to admit that the Uchiha was a skilled shinobi in his own right, he was simply no Hatake Kakashi.
None of them were, and that’s what made Kakashi so amazing. The perfect Rival to push him into becoming a stronger shinobi. 
“Gai!” Hearing his name, he straightened up and narrowed his eyes. Focusing a bit harder on those three silhouettes. One was taller than the others, so it had to be Minato-Senpai. The one on the right had their hand extended up into the air, waving at him. No doubt Rin, based on the voice that was calling out to him. 
That meant the one in the middle was either Kakashi, his man of destiny, or Uchiha Obito. 
A smart person might have hung back and waited to see the outline of Kakashi’s mask to confirm his identity. At the very least, a smart person would call out to him. Ensure that they weren’t about to run straight at the wrong person.
Gai was not considered a smart person, and he wasn’t about to start acting like one. 
Rushing forward, he headed straight for the person in the middle. Fully prepared to wrap his arms around Kakashi and congratulate him on a successful mission. Except, the closer he got to the group the more unsettled he felt.
Something was wrong.
“Gai,” Rin smiled at him, but there was no joy in her eyes. All he could see was sadness. “It’s good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you too,” he whispered, dragging his eyes away from her and focusing on Kakashi. “How did the mission go? Did you complete your task?”
Not one of them would look at him, or even speak to him.
“Rival,” his eyes zeroed in on Kakashi’s left eye. Although it was mostly covered by his headband, which had been awkwardly pulled down over it, Gai could still make out the edges of a scar. An injury that his rival had no doubt sustained in their epic battle. “Are you-”
Before he could ask his question, Kakashi’s right eye began to close and his body fell forward. Reacting quickly, Gai stepped forward and held out his arms, catching his rival before he hit the ground.
“Sorry,” Minato-Senpai stepped up to his side and laid a hand on his shoulder, smiling when he glanced up at him. Like Rin, there was no real joy in his expression. All Gai could see was Sadness. “Could you get him to the hospital, Gai? I need to head straight to Lord third.”
“Yes,” he nodded, not needing to be asked twice. “But.” turning his eyes towards the area behind Kakashi, he frowned. There should have been a fourth person with them. Obito should have been walking behind, ready to pick a fight as soon as he saw him.
Just as he always did.
“Rin will explain,” Minato-Senpai promised, sparing a look towards the Kunoichi. “You two just get Kakashi to the hospital. He’ll need a nice long rest after this mission.”
His fingers curled into the fabric of Kakashi’s shirt. There were so many questions he had to ask. Things he needed to know, but which he knew he couldn’t. If Minato-Senpai was in a rush he would simply have to move forward and do as he was asked.
Rin would answer his questions.
She’d be able to tell him where Obito was, and why his Rival was in such rough shape.
He only hoped that the answers she had for him were kinder than the ones running around in his mind. 
“We’ll get him there,” he promised, kneeling down and slowly turning himself around, careful not to let Kakashi fall as he situated him onto his back and wrapped his arms around his legs. “I promise.”
The battle was over, and Gai was certain that he had won. Not just in terms of defeating his enemy, but in his latest challenge with his eternal rival, Hatake Kakashi.
There was little chance Kakashi had of beating him this time. He’d successfully taken down thirteen of the enemy shinobi and he’d only needed the fifth gate to do it.
“That settles it,” he declared proudly, standing over the unconscious body of his final adversary. “There’s no doubt I’ve won this challenge, Rival which means that our score is now 45-44 in my favour.”
He expected an off handed comment from his rival or a protest of some sort. After all, they hadn’t told each other how many enemies they had taken down already. Kakashi could accuse him of assuming it was his victory and then snatch it away from him, like the cool-headed Rival that he always was.
What he got instead, was silence.
Turning his head, he grinned when he saw Kakashi standing there at his side. There was blood splattered all over the front of his uniform, mostly their enemies judging by all of the bodies laying at his feet, and an empty expression in his eyes.
The smile dropped off his face as realization struck him.
Without thinking, he rushed to Kakashi’s side and wrapped an arm around his front, stopping him from crashing face-first into the ground. “You always do this,” he whispered. “You must take better care of yourself, Rival.”
There was no response.
No sassy come back, or apologetic laugh. Kakashi didn’t make a single sound as Gai tugged him against his body and placed his other arm around his back for support. 
“It’s alright. I’ve got you.” Leaning Kakashi back a little, he moved his arm away from his chest and manoeuvred himself cautiously. It took a bit of work, but once he could slide his arm behind Kakashi’s knees, he lifted him into his arms and shifted his other arm up to his shoulders so that it was supporting his head. 
Once he was certain that Kakashi was well supported, he turned his back to the battlefield and headed straight into the trees with one big jump. 
“We won,” he spoke, unable to stand the silence that lingered over him in Kakashi’s absence. “The mighty Duo of Konoha won another fight, and it was spectacular.”
He hadn’t been able to catch much of what Kakashi had done in the fight. That was one disadvantage to fighting back-to-back. There was never an opportunity to watch his rival work.
To see him tearing through the enemies' ranks. Guarding his back against anyone who would dare to try and attack him from behind. 
What little bits of his Rival’s fight he had been able to witness, however, was spectacular. Every move that Kakashi made was calculated. Even those enemies who were quicker on their feet had difficulties keeping up with him. They would stumble over themselves trying to land a hit.
Attempting to take down Hatake Kakashi, The Genius Shinobi.
None of them had succeeded of course. How could they when they were facing off against his Eternal Rival? There wasn’t a single person in the world who could defeat Kakashi.
If there was someone like that out in the world, they would have to get through Gai first to even have a chance at it.  
“You can rest now,” he smiled when Kakashi shifted in his arms. His body relaxed as if he could hear Gai’s words. “I’ll get us home.”
“Home.” Kakashi sighed. His head dropped to the side, resting against Gai’s chest as the Taijutsu master sailed through the air, jumping from one tree branch to the next. 
“That’s right, Rival. Home.”
Back where they would be safe.
Where they wouldn’t need to fight again. Not until their next mission, at least.
The one place where he could be sure Kakashi would always be alright. 
Shinobi didn’t get sick.
If they were unlucky enough to fall victim to an illness, they ignored it. Missions wouldn’t wait for them to recover and pay only came when they had completed mission scrolls showing success.
The only way to keep a Shinobi out of the field was a severe injury or an illness that knocked them out so hard they couldn’t even get out of bed.
Of course, there was an exception to every rule.
Today’s exception was Maito Gai.
The man who could barely stand on his own, and who had already face-planted against his apartment floor after getting out of his bed.
“Come on,” Kakashi eased him to his feet, holding an arm around his waist so that he didn’t fall again. “Back to bed with you.”
“No bed,” Gai muttered, a distinct lack of energy or ‘youth’ in his voice. “Need to train.”
Kakashi snorted. “In your condition? You’d be lucky if you made it two steps out the front door.”
There was a muffled protest. Words that Kakashi couldn’t quite make out, and didn’t care to try. 
“You need to sleep,” he insisted, shifting them around towards the bed and manoeuvring himself So that he could lay Gai down slowly. Without just Chucking him into the bed like he would with anyone else. “Pushing yourself is just going to make it worse.”
“No,” getting a sudden surge of energy, Gai threw an arm out and spun back around, forcing Kakashi to follow and secure his arm around his waist so he didn’t fall face-first into the floor again. “A shinobi cannot rest. Rest means falling behind on training and-“ he stopped speaking suddenly, his face turning a brilliant shade of green that Kakashi knew all too well.
Taking a step back, the copy ninja cringed when his partner doubled over himself and emptied the contents of his stomach onto the floor.
“This is going to be an all-day adventure, I see.”
Kakashi sighed, already making plans in his mind on how he was going to apologize to his students for missing out on team training.
Training which he was already three hours late for and was now going to have to send someone else to take care of, which meant that his students were never going to let him hear the end of it. They were always extra bratty when he dared to skip training, regardless of the reason he gave them.  
“Urge,” watching as Gai straightened himself up, Kakashi braced himself to move at the drop of a ryo. “See, Rival? I feel good as new.”
Kakashi could only shake his head. “You feel better because you just threw up all over your floor, which I’m going to have to clean by the way,” he was already dreading that job. “And you still look like death. Now lay down before you-”
Gai lurched suddenly, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
Jumping out in front of his partner, Kakashi braced himself for impact and grunted when Gai’s body crashed against his. “You feel good as new, huh?” he shook his head, wondering just how far Gai would have pushed himself if his body hadn’t shut down on him.
Knowing his luck, Gai would have gone all out on his day. The man had never really learned how to relax, and there was nothing that he did that he only committed half of his efforts to.
It was all out or nothing for Maito Gai.
“Well, at least now you’ll rest.” he slipped an arm across Gai’s back and guided him back towards the bed, careful not to step in the pile of vomit lying on the floor at his feet. 
“Tomorrow,” he whispered as he eased Gai back into the bed. “We’ll train tomorrow. One day of rest won’t be the end of you, I promise.” 
Once Gai was laying down, Kakashi set to work on draping his blanket over him and making him as comfortable as possible. A task he wasn’t obligated to undertake, but which he was determined to complete. If only so Gai could have just a little relief in his time of suffering.
“There,” he smiled, straightening himself up when he was finished. “Now you can sleep, and I can-” his eyes darted to the side, catching a glimpse of the pile of vomit still sitting on the floor behind him. “I can take care of clean up. After I contact someone about Team Seven’s training. But who?”
Asuma would probably complain if he asked him to join their two teams together for one morning, but he’d do it in a pinch. Kurenai would be a lot more cheerful about the last-minute job, but she’d also be nice to his kids.
They wouldn’t know what to do with someone nice. Sasuke was too angry at the world to accept kindness, Naruto would melt at even the smallest compliment and Sakura…
Well, she was the only normal one but he had no doubt she’d start calling Kurenai her favourite Sensei. It wasn’t worth the risk.
“Genma.” he decided, confident that the weapon’s expert would be able to handle his team’s bullying and would be deemed uncool enough that he wouldn’t steal any of the respect his cute little students had for him.
What little of it there was.
With that decided, he set to his next task. Informing Genma of his new responsibility. After that, he would take care of the mess Gai had made, and then maybe he’d make lunch. 
Something simple that his partner would be able to keep down. So he didn’t have to clean up any more messes later.
“You rest,” he smiled down at Gai, chuckling when the man turned onto his side and wrapped an arm around the small turtle stuffy that he kept in his bed at all times. A gift that Kakashi had won him at a festival in their youth. “I’ll take care of everything today, Rival.”
Over Worked
A Hokage’s job was never-ending.
There were meetings, endless piles of paperwork, events that required the Hokage’s presence, and smaller more personal meetings that were somehow more important that the bigger more official meetings.
All day Kakashi spent sitting behind a desk, and yet at the end of the day, he felt drained. More exhausted than he ever had after a mission.
By the time he made it home, dragging himself through the front door, the only energy he had left was conserved for getting himself to bed.
Anything more and he would collapse in his spot.
“Rival!” A cheer rang through the air as Gai came wheeling around the corner from the living room, a grin stretching across his handsome face. “You’re home.”
“I’m home.” those words never failed to make him smile. After years of feeling lost and alone, he had a home. A place where he could relax and unwind. Where he was safe.
“How was your day?” His eternal rival asked, rolling towards him. 
“It was- not something I want to talk about,” Gai’s grin somehow managed to grow even wider. “I’m ready for bed.”
“Bed does sound good,” coming to a stop right in front of him, Gai opened up his arms to him. “But I was thinking we could watch a movie.”
“A movie?”
Gai nodded his head, excitement written plane across his face for any idiot to see.
Even a tired, hokage-level idiot.
Not wanting to ruin Gai’s excitement, Kakashi opted for a solution that would give them both what they wanted.
“You watch the movie, I sleep,” he suggested, sighing when Gai narrowed his eyes. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I can stay up.”
“I don’t expect you to stay up,” Gai huffed, wiggling his fingers while Kakashi tried to piece together what he was trying to get at. “Come on, Rival. You’re usually quicker than this.”
One more wiggle of his fingers, and a warm, inviting smile, and Kakashi was suddenly struck by what Gai was trying to say to him.
Let yourself fall. 
I’ll catch you. 
“I’ll keep you company while you sleep,” his partner grinned. “Now come on. I’ve been wanting to see this movie for weeks, but I was only just able to get my hands on it.”
Taking the hint, Kakashi took a step toward Gai and promptly collapsed into his arms. It only took a little effort on Gai’s part to manoeuvre him onto his lap, and as soon as he had Kakashi took advantage of the new position and nuzzled against his neck. 
“Home,” he whispered, too sleepy to concern himself with anything but immediate sleep.
Gai’s laughter vibrated in his throat, tickling Kakashi’s bose lightly. “Yes,” he agreed, maneuvering his wheelchair around the small hallway and heading straight back to the living room. “You’re home, Rival. It’s safe.”
Sleep was already sinking its claws into him, but before he allowed it to drag him down into the darkness for the rest of the night Kakashi lifted his head just a bit and pressed a kiss against Gai’s cheek. 
“Goodnight, Gai.”
As his eyes slid closed, he was certain he caught a glimpse of a tender gaze in Gai’s eyes.
“Goodnight, Rival.”
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multbasa · 2 years
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KakaGai Week 2022
Day 1: Innovation!
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narutoevents · 1 year
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2023 EVENTS!
Open Interest Checks
SasoDei Week 2024
Neji Week 2024
MadaObi Mondays
List of Character Birthdays
Monthly Events
Multifandom - Year of the OTP
November 2023
MadaTobi Big Bang - Artist signups - all Nov
Sakura Zine Preorders - Nov 10th - Dec 10th
Founders Week - Nov 20th - 26th
Rock Lee Week - Nov 21st - 27th
December 2023
NaruHina Month - All Dec
Naruto Vacation Week - Dec 26th - Jan 2nd
Akatsuki Gift Exchange - Gifts Posted ???
January 2024
Naruto Vacation Week - Dec 26th - Jan 2nd
TobiIzu Week - Jan 1st - 7th
ButsuTaji Week - Jan 9th - 16th
ShikaNeji Week 2024 - Jan 15th - 21st
KakaSaku Dead Dove Week - Jan 22nd - 28th
Aburame Shino Week - Jan 22nd - 26th
February 2024
Izuna Week - Feb 4th - 10th
KakaIru Valentines - Feb 8th - 14th
SasoDei Week - Feb 22nd - 28th
March - May 2024
June 2024
SasuKarin Month - all June
Potential Events????
Gaara Week 2024
Aburame Week 2024
Semi-Public Discord Servers
Ino Supremacy
Past Events
January 2023
Gaara Week - Jan 12th - 19th
February 2023
Izuna Week - Feb 4th - 10th
SasoDei Week - Feb 22nd - 28th
March 2023
FemFounders Week - Mar 4th - 6th
LeeSaku Week - Mar 20th - 26th
Sakura Week (twt) - Mar 22nd - 28th
Kisame Birthday Bash - Mar 17th - 19th
April 2023
KakaIta Week - Apr 24th - 30th
ShikaSaku Week - Apr 28th - May 5th
May 2023
ShikaSaku Week - Apr 28th - May 5th
HashiMito Week - May 1st - 7th
June 2023
MultiFandom Pride Parade - June 3rd - 11th
SakuHina Week (twt) - June 5th - 11th
ShisuSaku Week - June 26th - July 2nd
KakaIru Themed Gift Exchange Signups - All June
Naruto Calendar Contributor Apps - All June
Naruro Rare Pair Month - All June
SasuKarin Month (twt) - All June
MultiSaku Month - All June
July 2023
SasuHina Month - All July
SasuSaku Month (twt) - All July
KakaGai Tanabata - July 7th
HashiMada Week - July 9th - 15th
MinaKushi Week - July 10th - 16th
Team Minato Week - July 24th - 30th
ShisuSaku Weekend - July 28th - 30th
KakaGai Smut Week  - July 30th - Aug 3rd
Naruto Rare Pair Week - July 30th - Aug 5th
August 2023
Hyuga Clan Week (tw) - July 31st - Aug 6th
Founders Tarot Zine - Preorders - all August
NejiTen Month - all August
Kisame Week - Aug 6th - 13th
Kakuzu Week - Aug 9th - 15th
KakaSaku Week - Aug 6th - 12th 
ItaSaku Week - Aug 21st - 27th
September 2023
Founders Tarot Zine - Preorders - close Sept 7th
Naruto Labor Day Mini Bang - Sept 1st - 4th
Kakashi Week - Sept 10th - 17th
Nagato Week Bingo - Sept 12th - 19th
Akatsuki Gift Exchange signup - Sept 12th - Oct 1st
HashiMada Gift Exchange signup - Sept 15th - Oct 15th
GaaSaku Fanfest - all Sept
MadaTobi Big Bang - Writer/Beta Signups - all Sept
MadaTobi Big Bang - Artist Signups - all Sept - Nov
October 2023
SasuNaruSasu Month - all Oct
MadaTobi Big Bang - Artist Signups - all Oct
Naruto Kinktober - all Oct
Akatsuki Gift Exchange signup - Sept 12th - Oct 1st
NejiTen Gift Exchange signup - Sept 29th - Oct 20th
Fest no Jutsu - Work Reveals - Oct 8th
HashiMada Gift Exchange - Sept 15th - Oct 15th
KakaYama Week - Oct 1st - 7th
Shisui Bingo - Oct 15th - 21st
Hashirama Week - Oct 16th - 23rd
ShiIta Weekend - Oct 20th - 22nd
AkaSaku Halloween - Oct 19th - 30th
TobiDei Week - Oct 21st - 29th
KakaGai Halloween - Oct 28th - 31st
Naruto Cookbook Preorders - Oct 15th - Nov 15th
KakuHida Week - Oct 30th - Nov 6th
November 2023
KakuHida Week - Oct 30th - Nov 6th
Tenzo Week - Nov 1st - 10th
MadaTobi Week - Nov 5th - 11th
Sasori Week - Nov 5th - 11th
Nohara Rin Week - Nov 12th - 18th
Founders Week - Nov 20th - 26th
Rock Lee Week - Nov 21st - 27th
2021 Archived
2022 TBA?
2024 >>
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extremeexhaustion · 2 years
Day 6 of Kakagai Week 2022
A little short, but I hope you guys still like it @kkgweek
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eyeles-writing · 2 years
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Otters Are An Endangered Species
| read also on ao3
⭐︎Word Count:  3328⭐︎
⭐︎Pairings: Hatake Kakashi/ Might Guy/Umino Iruka, Nohara Rin/Uchiha Obito⭐︎
⭐︎Content: Found family, confrontations, and some domestic fluff.⭐︎
⭐︎Description: There's something up with Kakashi, Rin, Obito, Guy, and Iruka. They're a little too close for Minato's understanding, and the man is more than determined to figure out what exactly is going on.
This post is made for Team Minato Week 2022 (@teamminatoweek) and follows Day 4′s prompt of queerplatonic relationships. Thank you so much to the people behind Team Minato Week 2022 for organizing this!! I hope you all enjoy <3
Otters are an endangered species.
Sea otters, despite being community animals, spend a large part of their days alone - they forage for food alone, they plunge under the water alone, and they escape predators alone.
Shinobi, similarly, are an endangered species.
From the moment a ninja enters the academy, they are presented with nothing but the cold truth: At any given moment, you must be prepared to die for your village. In the event of a natural disaster, you need to bring children to safety and shield civilians from falling chunks of volcanic ash. During an attack on the village, you take aim and fight. You put yourself between your people and the enemy - you die for your village, or you live to be a traitor.
Sea otters gather into groups together during the evening to rest. Scientists aren’t exactly sure why this happens - is it because it’s easier to spot predators when they’re together? Do they groom each other and provide aid to one another in dire situations?
The sea otters are just lonely, perhaps.
The sea otters gather because they spend 12 hours of their day in constant vigilance, never taking their eyes off the enemy. The animal dives into the water and drags itself along the ocean floor, eyes darting across the sand in hunt of its next meal. It finds a clam, or an octopus, or a snail, and it wastes no time. The otter aims, takes its shot, and fires - whether or not that otter gets a meal is completely dependent on its ability to hunt. To kill.
When the battle ends, the shinobi often don’t have homes to return to. Sure, they have leased apartments and estates and campsites to rest at, but there is no home involved. There’s no meal cooked with love, with appreciation. They don’t come home to a warm smile and a house decorated with years of memories. Oftentimes, a shinobi enters their home to a weary smile and a “thank god, you’re alive.”
The shinobi gets lonely.
At night, the shinobi gather at Ichiraku Ramen. After a rigorous battle, another day of convulsing and meaningless brawls, the ninja gather in the one spot where they feel a community has grown. They share sad smiles together and rarely discuss their missions - not because of confidentiality, but because the last thing they want to remind themselves of is the horror that they witnessed mere hours before.
Ichiraku Ramen is one of few locations where a group of shinobi can call home. There are no shaky breaths and teary-eyed children. Packed bags don’t lay at their feet with a heartbroken soulmate at the door when a shinobi is at Ichiraku Ramen. There is no fighting, no bloodshed, and no tears.
There is, however, a home.
The warm meal is pleasant after a long mission containing only food pills and malnourishment. Surviving on the bare minimum for a week, only to come home to a giant bowl of the most delicious ramen you could imagine, is one of the few horrendous joys in a ninja’s life. There’s nothing like it.
Minato Namikaze first suspected something when he found his students, accompanied by a variety of classmates, sitting on the concrete outside of Ichiraku Ramen for the fourth night in a row.
“We’re just hanging out,” Kakashi had said, “there’s nothing weird about it.”
“Yeah, don’t go makin’ it weird, Minato-Sensei!” Obito interrupted, pointing at his teacher in a huff. His goggles, as they always did, slipped off his head during his movement and fell to the floor. They’d been well-worn over the years and no longer stretched to fit Obito’s head, a sign of the boy’s aging.
“I’m not making anything weird,” Minato laughed, “I just don’t get what’s going on with you all lately.”
“A couple friends hanging out is nothing weird,” Iruka butted in. He glanced over at Kakashi and Might Guy, who were leaning on each other against the building behind them. He used his foot to playfully tap his friends feet.
“Ah, maybe I’m just getting old, then.” Minato smiled at the children - who couldn’t even be called children anymore, having come of age and were no longer under the teachings of their former superior. Well, if Minato wasn’t Hokage, that is.
When Minato had left, the group had burst into laughter.
“Minato-Sensei is totally going to freak out once he knows!” Rin giggled, leaning into her boyfriend’s shoulder as Minato had turned the corner a few blocks down. Obito smiled and leaned into her, still finding the sensation to be hauntingly calming even after dating for three years now.
“You think so?” Guy questioned. Kakashi shrugged, and Obito nodded enthusiastically.
“Minato-Sensei freaked out when he found out that Rin and I were dating, remember?” He said.
Minato had launched into a major lecture about dating while being a shinobi - Rin interjected to remind Minato about his very relevant wife that he started dating during his Junin years. He continued on and made the two lovers promise that they would use “an appropriate amount of protection and preventative measures” during any time of intimacy. The lecture lasted a total of 47 minutes and, in summary, one of the most awkward experiences of Obito’s life.
Rin remembers the look on Minato's face after she had told him that they dated for six months before telling him. The look of betrayal, surprise, and confusion fighting for dominance on his face was nothing short of hilarious. “Let’s pray that kid of yours doesn’t inherit your aloofness!” Rin laughed, brought to tears in amusement.
Kakashi scoffed. “He only freaked out because he thought you were going to get pregnant and end up with a baby at 17.”
The group laughed, and the night continued on. They stayed there until the shop had finally closed, and then they all parted ways - Kakashi, Guy, and Iruka went to do some late-night grocery shopping together, while Obito and Rin headed back to their shared apartment space for the evening.
Two weeks later, Minato spotted his favorite youths laying in the grass together at the training grounds. He was doing his morning walk around the village and spotted the familiar strikingly-silver hair peeking up out of the grass. He instantly headed over to find Obito, Rin, Kakashi, Guy, and Iruka in the most interesting pile he’d ever seen.
Kakashi was laying in the grass with his arms behind his head with his entire lower body covered by the body of Might Guy. His body stretched across Kakashi and Iruka, who was laying parallel to the ninja. Guy’s face was buried in his right arm, while his left gently clasped Iruka’s own right hand. About two feet to Kakashi’s right laid Obito, who was laying on his spread jacket and had his left arm over his face, shielding his eyes from the incoming sunlight. Rin was at his side, taking up the majority of the jacket space, with her face buried in the side of her boyfriend. Obito was making a gentle snoring sound, while Guy made a noise that could only be described as sixteen motorcycles exploding in weird intervals. His snoring was loud, obnoxious, and somehow being slept through by all 4 of his companions.
“You lot sure look busy,” Minato said. Obito snorted awake, which disturbed Rin and caused her to groan as she shifted away from him. Kakashi simply shrugged and responded as if he was expecting his ex-teacher to show up.
“We just trained for three hours, we’re taking a nap break to regain energy.”
Minato scoffed. “Is there a reason that you all had to nap on each other?”
Guy rolled over, groaned, and gave Minato a thumbs up. “A teammate who sleeps alone is a teammate who is destined to a life of solitude and sadness! Group napping activities not only increase team bonding and motivation, but it also provides an assurance of safety in case of an oncoming threat!”
A smile formed on Minatos face, glad to see that Guy’s mood had, as always, not been dampered.
“We were just getting to sleep,” Rin complained, “I wish you didn’t interrupt us like that!”
Obito yawned and sat up. A rush of dizziness caused him to hold his head in his hands for a moment as he craved stability. “Yeah,” he said, “I was just getting to the good part in my dream!”
Kakashi scoffed faintly as he sat up to match Obito. “What, were you and Rin finally trying out that position-”
“ANYWAY,” Iruka cut in, “thank you for waking us, Lord Fourth. It was about time we got back to training, anway.”
The man hummed in confusion and parted ways with the group, grumbling to himself about how they were most certainly up to something.
Minato had spent the rest of the day digging into the lives of his former students and their associates - he looked through school records, family records, social media posts, and even their taxes to figure out what exactly those kids were up to. It was when he found a lease agreement for all five of them that he pieced it together.
“Can you just tell us already?” Kakashi asked. He quickly became tired of the game that Minato was playing - the man was determined for the kids to tell him up front, but they all knew much better than that.
Kakashi had years of training in the ANBU. He was out now, sure, but the ideals drilled into him surely never left. There was no way he was going to break.
Rin was one of the strongest ninja in the group - she had plenty of experience in interrogation and knew exactly what strategy Minato was using. She was going in the direction of being a medical ninja for the interrogative teams, it was no surprise that she was not the first to break.
Might Guy was, admittedly, a weak person. He didn’t enjoy lying to people, and he believed that friendship and teamwork was the key to winning any fight. The fight between his heart and mind, however, proved difficult the moment that he started sweating bullets after Minato confronted the group. However, Guy was also physically strong - he bit his lip during the entire discussion so he would be in far too much pain to speak, therefore destroying his ability to break.
Iruka was indifferent. He never took any active steps to hide the truth from Minato, or anyone for that matter - he lived his life the way he wanted to and, in any moment of confrontation, was usually the one to rip off the bandaid and call it good. Iruka had taken a glance at his companions, however, and saw the look of determination on their faces. He saw the blood pooling on the bottom of Guy’s lip and decided that he, too, would play the game. Iruka was not the one to break.
Obito Uchiha was a stellar ninja. After he developed his Sharingan, he learned indispensable information that trained him in becoming a better and more determined ninja. He stopped skipping class and began showing up early to his team meetings - he was motivated this time. He studied for hours to better his skills as a ninja, determined to one day become the village leader.
During those many hours of study contained no lessons on secrecy, unfortunately.
Obito broke thirty minutes into the confrontation.
Minato stared at the group and had been silent for twelve minutes at that point.
“I know that you are all hiding something from me, and I just want you to admit it.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sensei.” Rin smiled innocently, an irritated twitch at her lip telling Minato that he was beginning to break her down. He smiled to himself.
His eyes turned to Obito, who was still sweating bullets. The boy hating lying and disappointing his sensei more than he wanted to keep a secret, it seemed. Minato took a step toward the ninja and leaned down to look at him at an equal level.
“Obito, if you tell me what it is, I won’t be mad.”
Kakashi had glanced to his left and saw the tears watering in Obitos eyes, desperate for a release. Quickly, Kakashi reached across Rin to push his hand over his teammates mouth.
“Obito, no-!” Kakashi cried out, but it was too late - Minato had seen Kakashi’s movement coming, and preemptively stuck his arm out to block it.
The group bursted into a series of groans at Obito’s confession, certainly disappointed that he broke after a mere thirty minutes.
Minato stood with his hands on his hips and smiled in satisfaction. “You admit it!” He exclaimed, and Guy instantly leapt to the floor to beg.
“Please forgive me,” Guy cried, “I didn’t want to hide the truth from you, but I-”
“I’m not mad!” Minato said, and both Guy and Obito went quiet. Rin furrowed her brow in confusion.
“You’re not…?” She asked, and Minato shrugged.
“You’re just living together! Look, I’ve grown up too, you know?” He flashed his de facto children a confident smile. “I get that you guys can’t stay kids forever. I trust you to make good decisions, okay?”
Iruka smirked. “Does this mean you’re okay with me and Guy dating Kakashi?” He asked, as if to poke the proverbial bear with a proverbial stick.
Minato’s eyes went wide, and he felt his heart drop into his stomach.
The next forty five minutes was spent in the Hokage’s office as the group struggled to stop Minato from pacing in circles around the room. He mumbled to himself before stopping to exclaim words at the group, only to then return to muttering in circles. Rin dragged him out of the pattern and had to yell at him in order to push him out of his thoughts.
“MINATO-SENSEI!” She yelled, and he stopped in his tracks. “Calm down!”
“How can I be calm?!” He asked. “Three of my students are dating and nobody bothered to tell me!”
“HEY,” Obito interjected, “I’d like to clarify that I am NOT dating Kakashi!”
“Yeah, it’s just a queerplatonic relationship.” Kakashi shrugged and watched as the look of confusion on Minato’s face only contort further.
“A- a h-wha?” He stuttered.
“A queerplatonic relationship,” Iruka repeated Kakashi’s words. “It’s when two or more people share an intimate relationship further than what most would consider friendship.”
“Like… Like leasing an apartment together?” Minato asked, puzzled. Guy nodded enthusiastically.
“EXACTLY!” He exclaimed. “Look at you, Lord Fourth! You learn something new every day, huh?”
“We’re basically all married to each other, to put simply,” Kakashi said. “In a way that isn’t romantic or sexual in nature.”
Minato contorted his face further. “Wait, so you’re getting married?”
Everyone in the room sighed.
It took another forty five minutes to explain to Minato what exactly a queerplatonic relationship was - he struggled to comprehend a level of intimacy beyond platonic and romantic, and every sentence spoken was accompanied by a series of questions from the man that lead to a rabbit-hole of discussion. Eventually, though, the group had decided that Minato had a basic enough understanding of a queerplatonic relationship to move on for the evening.
Minato had excused the five, but paused right before they were about to exit the office.
“I have just one more question for you,” he said, and each person looked back. He wore a small smile on his face and his voice was far softer than normal.
“I know it’s been years since I’ve been in charge of you all,” his eyes glanced over to his former students, who were looking at him with patient eyes, “and I want to thank you for letting me in on this. Even if it was… unintended.”
“What’s your question?” Rin asked, hands clasped and resting on her chest.
“When did this all… happen?”
The group glanced at each other. Kakashi made eye contact with Iruka and Guy, who were smiling fondly at a distant memory.
It was just after Guy had become a Jonin, Iruka remembered. He watched the two rivals argue in the distance over something trivial - likely fighting over who was in the lead for their little matches, or which one of them was going to pick the next challenge. Iruka leaned against the brick academy wall and sighed distantly, which caught the eye of Kakashi.
Kakashi glanced over at the glare in his vision - it turned out to be the headband of one of his best friends, Iruka. He beckoned the boy over and smiled at him gently, drowning out the still-arguing-Guy in the background.
“Do you guys want to go on a date with me?” Iruka blurted out, a blush creeping onto his face, and both Kakashi and Guy paused.
Minato watched as Rin and Obito glanced over at the three standing across from them in the doorway. Rin smiled fondly at the memory in her head, while Obito watched the sparkle in her eye.
A year ago, Rin and Obito had stumbled upon Kakashi laying in the grass with his two boyfriends - Iruka and Guy. What began as a midday nap turned into an evening of conversation that eventually molded into a discussion about the future.
“I dunno,” Rin sighed as she looked toward the sky, a setting sun in the distance casting a ray of purple across the clouds. “I’ve always envisioned myself living in like, a community, instead of just my husband.” Her grip on Obito’s hand tightened. “Like, with friends and family, you know?”
“That sounds like a queerplatonic relationship,” Iruka said, and Kakashi nodded. Obito hummed. A minute of silence followed as everyone let the words settle in. Queerplatonic.
“Well, aren’t we all kinda in one of those anyway?” Obito asked, puzzled.
Everyone, silently, thought about it for a moment.
“...Yeah,” Kakashi stated plainly after a few seconds of silence. “I think we are.”
“It’s true, we do everything together,” Guy agreed. Iruka nodded.
“And we were just talking about buying a farm together in the future,” Rin giggled. She looked over at Obito, who was giving her a goofy smile. She tilted her head at him, as if to say “Well? What do you think?”
“I mean, as long as I don’t lose you to that stuck-up loser, I guess I couldn’t care less what you call it!” He decided, throwing his arm around his girlfriend. Rin laughed and felt herself melt into his arm, heart fluttering in content as she realized what had just happened.
Minato felt a full-fledged grin come to his lips as he realized that all of his kids were now reliving the memory of their first realization.
“Nevermind,” He smiled, “save it for your wedding!”
Obito blushed, and Rin giggled.
“We’ll see you later then, Minato-Sensei!” She smiled, and Minato nodded.
“Goodnight everyone, get home safe, alright?”
The group slowly exited the room until only Kakashi and Minato remained. He turned to his former teacher for just a second. “Goodnight, Sensei,” he said. Minato smiled.
“Goodnight, Kakashi.”
Otters are an endangered species.
Sea otters, despite being community animals, spend a large part of their days alone - they forage for food alone, they plunge under the water alone, and they escape predators alone.
The sea otters are just lonely, perhaps.
Shinobi are a recovering species.
These ninja spend a large portion of their day either on the battlefield or in isolation - when they return from a days work of injury and hardship, though, they’re confronted with comrades. They find themselves lost in allyship and appreciation. An unbreakable bond is formed, and the ninja in question finds themselves spending more time ordering ramen at Ichiraku than dreading their next mission.
The shinobi will be okay.
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Kakashi Week 2022 Day 2: Deception & Shapeshifting
This can be seen as a continuation from “Blood Legacy”
Link to AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/GoneGirl199999
Summary: Kakashi and Gai meet again after ten years 
Are you... ?
Kakashi clearly heard the question, even though Gai didn't even open his mouth or make a sound. Life had separated and changed them in ways that neither of them imagined when they first met at the gates of the Academy, but they could still read each other with just a glance.
They stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Studying each other with their eyes and trying to find pieces of the teenagers they had once been. Kakashi was wondering the same as Gai. Is it possible that you are the same you were when I left?
None of them was. There wasn’t any signs of that skinny boy who could barely through a kunai properly. What he saw was a grown up man with manly and handsome features and a hard look, but still with that touch of compassion and love that had always characterized Maito Gai. He was also with three teenagers: a brat painfully similar to the boy Gai used to be, another from the Hyuga clan and a girl who was armed to the teeth. He should have known Gai would wanted to became a Jonin sensei. His old rival had too much love to give.
He wondered what his old rival saw in him. What was going through his mind? Was he wanting to lash out at him and finish him off for leaving the village? Did he wanted to hurt him as much as Kakashi had hurt him? Would he see him as a monster? Probably not, Gai wasn't that kind of person, but in those moments Kakashi would prefered him to do it. Everything to avoid that deception look in Gai. Kakashi had no doubt that Gai would fight him and kill him if that was what he had to do in order to keep his students safe. The same thing Kakashi would do if it was necessary to fulfill Akatsuki's goal. But he also knew neither of them had the heart to kill each other.
They charged into battle at the same time. Both of them had gotten stronger and stronger over the years, they could hardly tell which of them would win a fight. The last time they had fought together it had been in a rock-paper-scissors challenge. But for now, they probably wouldn't find out who was stronger, neither of them attacking with killing intent. Gai did not attempt to open the Inner Gates. Kakashi didn't even discover his sharingan. Even the brats realized that something was up, as they made no move to enter the battle.
Itachi had taught him the secrets of the sharingan, he taught him how to avoid being brought to the brink of death by the chakra drain. Even tho this, his chakra reserves were smaller compared to the other Akatsuki members, he knew the jutsu would end soon. He took a moment to look at the other man’s eyes, trying to tell Gai everything he couldn’t say out loud.
Gai held his eyes and Kakashi remembered how much he hated how Gai carried his heart in the palm of his hand. The deception and the pain those big brown eyes gave him, was too much for Kakashi.
I'm sorry I failed you, I'm sorry I disappointed everyone
I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you from your pain
It was when the shapeshifting ended and he wasn’t able to stare at Gai’s beautiful eyes, leaving in his place one of Sasori’s subordinates, when Kakashi understood that no matter what, they would be in love with each other for ever. They would always be Eternal Rivals until one died at the other’s hand. Because Kakashi wouldn’t let anyone but Gai to end up his life, that was only Gai’s right and the minumum Kakashi could do to pay off the damage he caused to Gai.
The copy nin opened his eyes and found himself above a rock on a cliff, sitting between Itachi and Kisame.
-We gained enough time- whispered the young Uchiha, while he closed his eyes again.
And holding back the tears, Kakashi concentrated again on the youn Kakzekage.
There was a mission to complete.
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kalira · 2 years
Curiosity and Closeness
For @kakashiweek​ - Day 6, prompt 1: What If
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E; 3.3k Kakashi/Gai
Kakashi has a hesitant, hopeful question for his partner - and Gai, embarrassed as he may be, will always welcome Kakashi, in whatever way he wishes to be close.
Featuring ace!Kakashi! Ace!Kakashi with zero personal interest in sex, in a smut fic, yes.
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thoughtsareclouded · 3 years
Naruto Fanfic Recommendations (Masterpost)
There are a variety of ships (some with none). All of the stories have happy (or at least bittersweet) endings. They are not ranked in any particular order, but they are organized by ships (or lack thereof). See the titles for links.
UPDATED 26/12/2022
No Ships
Some Crimes Are Okay If You Mean Well (By Team Kakashi)
The Cure is Toe Beans
I can’t let them see me cry
After a Year, the Consequences Remain
Would You Eat Them with a Fox?
Brother, I let you down
Two Can Keep A Secret
I Died For A Second There
Read Between the Lines (Naruto/Supernatural crossover)
Brightness in the Dark (Naruto/Supernatural crossover)
(you are) the very air i struggle to breathe (Naruto/Yuri!!! On Ice crossover)
Since When Are There Two Potters? (Naruto/Harry Potter crossover)
Dancing the silence down to morning
The Strength of the Wolf is the Pack
trust has no place for secrets
Please, write back
A Thousand Years of Light Between Us (Naruto/Harry Potter crossover)
Lost on the Road of Life
My Fine and Distant Future
Burst the Dams and Start Again
Kurama Apologizes
Ghost Story
Not in the job description
heat wave past noon
Lying is the best policy
Growing old is getting old 
Howling for You
match made in heaven...?
more important
For as Long as You'll Have Me
Into The Woods, Dark and Deep
Hold Me Close
The Hitai-ate
ANBU in the Bedroom 
Full Moon Bay
Pride, Prejudice, and Plenty of Sex
Lose Control
A Forked-Tongue Tells Many Lies
She's a Big Boy Now
Killing Me Softly
Careful Words
Mission gone Wrong
Earth Shaker
i lie awake (and pray you don’t lie awake for me)
Among Him, Bliss
Thought and Feeling Interwound
killing me to love you
The Butterfly
Craving You
Make It Rain
Always Only One Night
But we’re really NOT married!
Hide and Seek
By Blood, Bound
Ebb and Flow
You’re so Pretty, Sensei
Four First Dates
The Demon on your Shoulder
Son of the White Fang
After the Storm 
More Than Puppy Love 
The Heart Honks Three Times
The Journey to Matching
Not That Kind of Confession
Silver Screens Won’t Show Us Here 
making up for lost time
hold me down. 
Reunited and United
A New Leaf for Yamato
Of Second Chances and Secret Weapons
One disaster less
without restraint.
Hunter's Moon
abuse of power.
3 for the price of 1
happy accidents.
I Spy On The Sharingan Eye
We’re Soulmates
Saving You
There’s no way he would love me
Beside you (in my bedroll)
In The Blood
Good Morning!! 
So Screwed.
The Copy-Wheel Curse
Somewhere Between Retribution and Recovery
either sweet nothings, or nothing sweet
Boudoir (feat. Sukea)
Mine and Yours
The Great Green Beast
Testing My Patience (And My Strength)
Love Genius
Delayed (or, Why Kakashi Is Never On Time)
Training Cues
In Camera (feat. Sukea)
The Past is Just That
Love Genius
More than me
Gentle hand on black fur
Death is Highly Underrated
So take this heart, put yourself in it
got you (and your monsters too)
Out of Time
Popsicles (Extended)
Perfectly Wanted
avoidance means eventually
A Bit of A Surprise
Remember Me
Lesson No. 3 (or, the one where Kakashi is utterly destroyed) (part 3 of a series)
we’ll make it work
Proper Fuck
Too Close For Comfort
It’s not so bad, and I can’t see at all
Dirty Little Secret
The Promotion
Lord Sixth’s Birthday
A Week in Kiri with the Hound
heat lightning
poisoned at the roots
The Art of Seduction
I See You When You Hide
Kamui Blues
Neon Green
Obito for Breakfast
A Week in Kiri with the Hound
heat lightning
poisoned at the roots
I’m too young to feel this old
Fragile in Design
Breaking him down 
The Trouble with Dating a Werefox
Clone Trouble
Break the Seal
Sharingan vs Shadow Clones
your life is full of turmoil, spoiled by fantasies of who you are
Always Leave a Note
Time and Again
Can’t Steal, Can’t Give it Up (also features KakaIru)
Savour (multiple ships)
Black and White and In Between (KakaYamaIru)
Intervention (KakaYamaIru)
Birthday Break (KakaYamaIru)
Love Heals Most Scars (KakaYamaIru)
I Love Him, But I Still Love You (KakaYamaIru)
Under the Persimmon Tree
Indulgence (KakaYamaGuy/KakaYamaGai)
Gai Loses a Challenge (KakaYamaGuy/KakaYamaGai)
Tell me I’m yours (when you open the door) (KakaYamaGuy/KakaYamaGai)
Room for Two (KakaGuySukea/KakaGaiSukea - Sukea is a separate person in this fic)
Firebrand (Kakashi/Minato/Kushina)
To Reach This Point (KakaObiRin)
A Little Motivation (KakaObiRin)
talk so pretty (KakaObiRin)
Incremental (KakaObiRin)
One + One is...? (KakaYamaReader)
unconventional (KakaYamaAsu)
How We Get to the End (KakaYamaObi)
The Excavation (KakaYamaObi)
Morning Meetings (KakaIruGuy/KakaIruGai)
Double Trouble (KakaIruSukea)
Tenzou and the Wild Goose Chase (KakaYamaIru)
Original Characters/Reader Insert
The Bug Collector
One + One is...? (KakaYamaReader)
A Helping Hand
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asiriyep · 2 years
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Kakagai Week 2022.
Day 8: Guy’s Birthday!!
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rainbowninjas · 2 years
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Float/Fall : How those hours in each other’s arms felt as they lied in bed that night before the war started...
Happy KAKAGAI WEEK 2022!
Follow @kkgweek​ to check out the prompts and everything created for kakagai week!! 
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Pre-Birthday Routine
Words: 2619
Birds chirped outside, alerting Gai to a beautiful new day.
A day which he would love to spend outside doing morning laps around the village, or partaking in a challenge against his Eternal Rival. With a bright, warm sun that shone down on Konoha, welcoming a brand new day.
           The final day of the year. 
Instead of being outside enjoying the warm sun on his skin, though, Gai was stuck in bed. With Doctor’s and nurses checking in on him every hour, ensuring that he was staying put.
“I’m bored,” he complained as Shizune sat at his side looking over his X-rays. “When will I be allowed out to enjoy myself again?”
“We’re just waiting on a wheelchair to be made for you,” she assured him, holding up a hand to silence him when he tried to respond. “And no, walking on your hands is not an acceptable alternative. Even you get tired at times, Gai. A wheelchair will be beneficial.”
He knew that. 
Every nurse he’d spoken to explained it to him, assuring him that he would get used to it in time. The problem was, he didn’t want to get used to it.
He wanted to be able to walk just as he had before the war. 
He longed for the freedom to hop out of bed without the risk of injuring himself simply by applying weight onto his damaged leg.
The moment Gai had decided to open the eighth gate to try and put an end to the war, he’d welcomed death. Accepted that he would never be able to open his eyes again. That he’d never have an opportunity to see his friends smiling or his students cheering. 
He’d even accepted that he’d never be able to see Kakashi again. 
If it meant saving the world, he was more than happy to die. 
What he hadn’t expected, was to be saved.
To be offered a second chance at life, but with restrictions. 
“The wheelchair is due to be finished in just a few days,” reaching out, Shizune laid a hand over his knee. “I know this is hard, Gai. Change always is and I’ve seen more than enough people struggle with big changes due to a battle gone wrong, but you’re alive.”
That was right.
He was alive. Able to breathe in the fresh air and stare up at the sun hanging over Konoha, greeting on a brand new day.
A day that was meant for celebration. 
“Here, I brought you something,” retracting her hand, Shizune reached down to her side and picked up a small bag that was sitting beside her chair. “Emi-san threw in a few extras and said that she’s expecting to see you in person soon.”
Gai couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t even need to peer inside the bag to know what was waiting for him. Emi-san was the delightful woman who ran the Dango shop that he frequented, and it was a tradition of hers to add a few extra sticks of dango to his order on his birthday. Not even a war or Gai being confined to the hospital could stop her from keeping with that tradition, it seemed. 
            Though, today wasn’t his birthday. It was December 31st, a day early. This year was special, though. Even if he healed at record speed he would still be confined to bed tomorrow. Unable to go out and join the lineup that formed outside of her little shop every year on January first.
            A line-up that he usually stood at the front of. 
“Thank you, Shizune,” he smiled as he reached out to take the bag from her. “I will enjoy every bite that I take.”
Placing a hand over her mouth, Shizune giggled. “Well, make sure to save one,” she insisted with a playful wink. “I know for certain that someone will be popping by today for a visit.”
“A visitor?” had someone spoken to her about today? Lee and Tenten would not have bothered to inform her of such plans, and they had already visited him as soon as the doctors allowed them into the room. There was a small statue of Ningame sitting on the window ledge to attest to that fact.
A gift that both of them had pooled in together for, according to Tenten. 
“You shouldn’t act so surprised, Gai,” Shizune stood up from the chair and smiled down at him. “You know that he’d never miss your birthday. Not even a mission could keep him away.”
A warmth blossomed in Gai’s chest. Familiar and comforting, it was the same feeling he got whenever he spent time with the man in question. A feeling that he had chased for years, wishing for nothing more than to be a comfort to his friend. Someone that he could rely on when the world was crumbling around him. 
“You’re more than that,” Kakashi had laughed the day Gai had gathered up the courage to tell him how he felt. “You’re my Eternal Rival, Gai. The reason I’m still here at all.”
Gai still wasn’t quite sure when his feelings had changed. At that moment his heart had decided that Kakashi was someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Whom he could imagine a future with, side by side with the world. All he knew for certain was that one day he looked at Kakashi and everything was different, and he’d been so happy to hear that Kakashi felt the same. 
“Stay out of trouble,” Shizune turned her back to him and made her way toward the door. “I don’t want to hear about any more broken hospital beds.”
“That wasn’t my fault!”
“Yes it was,” she stopped at the door. “Oh, Hello.”
“Hello,” A familiar voice floated through the air. Just as calm as it always was. “Is it safe?”
“It’s safe,” Shizune confirmed with a smile. “Have fun.”
Gai watched as she stepped out of the room, continuing on her way towards the next job while another figure stepped into view. With a bag hanging from one hand, and a cheerful smile greeting Gai, Hatake Kakashi entered the room.
“Happy Birthday,” He began, just as he did every year when he’d show up at Gai’s bedroom window with an entire day free to spend with him. “Sorry, I’m late. Naruto caught me on the way over and wanted to chat.”
“Predictable,” Gai shook his head and chuckled. No matter what was going on in the world, Kakashi would always be late. Whether it was because he’d spent a little too much time in front of the memorial stone, or because his students wanted to catch up at the most inconvenient times. 
Some things just never changed, and Gai was alright with that.
The world might be on the path to a better future, but Hatake Kakashi would always stay the same. A comforting constant in Gai’s life.
“It’s not my birthday, though,” he reminded Kakashi, pointing at the calendar that hung on the wall beside his bed. “It’s December 31st.”
Kakashi simply sighed and stepped into the room. “And what do we do every year on December thirty-first?”
A smile tugged at Gai’s lips as he thought back to all of the previous years. All of the December 31st’s that he’d spent with Kakashi at his side, celebrating his birthday a day early with his best friend.
They would get dango together at Emi-san’s shop, have two or three competitions throughout the day, and just relax and enjoy a nice peaceful day together. With no missions to pull them away from each other suddenly, and their schedules cleared of any other obligations that they might have had. 
A day just for the two of them.  
“I brought some games,” Kakashi held the bag up in front of himself. “I wasn’t sure which ones we would enjoy, but the shopkeeper was kind enough to provide me with a few suggestions, and even threw in a nice card game when he found out I was bringing it here.”
Gai stared at him, confusion etched on his face. 
“You can’t be serious,” Kakashi chuckled. “You’re a hero Gai. Perhaps not to the same level as Naruto, who everyone is fawning over, but still. People are thankful for your role in the war. For your…sacrifice.”
Gai had heard that word before.
Lee had said it with tears in his eyes after the doctor had filled Gai in on the damage his leg had sustained.
Tenten had muttered it under her breath, a sadness in her voice.
Everyone who had visited him since he’d woken up had said it at one point or another. Most of them with kindness and cheer. They’d made it clear that they were thankful that the price for Gai’s choice had been smaller than it should have been, and they had thanked him for putting the needs of the world over everything else.
Including his own life.
None of those instances hurt quite as much as this moment.
Hearing the heartbreak in Kakashi’s voice. 
Seeing the pained look in his eyes as he stared back at him.
It was clear to Gai that while others celebrated his survival, Kakashi was stuck in the past. Even now, with Gai laying in a hospital bed in front of him, alive and well, he was terrified that he’d disappear at any moment. 
That the firey chakra Gai had unleashed inside of himself might escape the seal Naruto put over his heart, and burn him from the inside out. 
 Something inside of Kakashi had shattered when Gai chose to sacrifice him in a last-ditch attempt to save the world.
A feeling that Gai knew all too well. 
One he’d lived with for years, weighing down on his heart a little bit more every year on the anniversary of his father’s death. 
Giving his head a shake, Kakashi slapped a smile onto his face. “Never mind,” he insisted as he took a step forward and claimed the seat that Shizune had been occupying just a few minutes before. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It does,” Gai insisted. “I thought I was saving the world.”
“You tried,” placing the bag down on the table at the side of Gai’s bed, he sighed. “You couldn’t have known what was going to happen, and it almost worked. One more hit and who knows, you might have won.”
“I might have,” his left hand reached out toward Kakashi and gently cupped his cheek, a smile tugging at his lips when Kakashi leaned into the touch. “Then maybe I would be the hero of the world.”
“Now that would be something,” Kakashi chuckled. “Maito Gai, the greatest Shinobi in the world.”
“Who’s to say it couldn’t still happen?”
Pressing his cheek into Gai’s palm, Kakashi chuckled. “I have games,” he stated, pointing towards the bag sitting off to the side waiting for them to dig in and choose what they wanted to play. “And it’s your birthday, so you get the first choice.”
Gai chuckled at Kakashi’s efforts. 
Emotional conversations had never been his Rival’s strong suit. Even a war that had almost cost both of them their lives didn’t seem capable of changing that. 
Rubbing his thumb over Kakashi’s cheek, he watched as his eyes slid shut. “And how long do I have your company for today?”
“It’s your birthday,” Kakashi repeated as if Gai had suddenly forgotten what day it was. “The only thing I’ll be doing today is sitting right here, playing games with you.”
Gai blinked. “But, don’t you have responsibilities? Lee and Tenten told me that Tsunade-sama was already planning-”
A finger came up and pressed against his lips, silencing him for just a moment. 
“Not today,” Kakashi insisted, his eyes opening once more. “Today is for you.”
Gazing into those soft black eyes, Gai saw his future.
Mornings standing by Kakashi’s side, supporting him through the difficulties of leading an entire village into the future. Afternoons spent racing around the village having competitions and just enjoying life in a way they had never been able to before. Evenings, just the two of them wrapped up in each other's arms welcoming a new day.
No fear.
No regrets.
When Kakashi lowered his finger, Gai took the opportunity to ask one simple question. “Just today?” A warmth bloomed in his chest when Kakashi began laughing. 
“Today,” his partner confirmed. “And tomorrow, and the day after.”
‘Forever.’ A promise left unspoke. Lingering between the two men while they sat there staring at each other.
Satisfied with that answer, Gai retracted his hand. “Let’s not waste another precious moment,” he declared. “We have games to play, and I have every intention of winning against you in every single one of them.”
Kakashi’s laughter rang through the air. Light, unrestrained laughter. A treat to Gai’s ears after days of being stuck in a boring hospital room for days with nothing to do. 
“Is that a challenge, Rival?” Gai didn’t need to see Kakashi’s mouth to know he was smirking. From the overly pleased look in his eyes to the subtle way his mask moved with the curve of his mouth, there was no doubt in Gai’s mind that he’d struck the right cord to unlock competitive Kakashi.
A side of his partner that so few people could see. 
“A challenge that I have every intention of winning,” Gai confirmed. “I feel like the luckiest man alive today, and the most skilled. After all, who else can say they have faced off against a god and won?”
“Naruto and Sasuke,” Kakashi answered, his laughter simmering into a fond chuckle. “Sakura also punched a goddess in the head, and while I didn’t fight I did survive.”
“But I punched a God so hard that he bled,” Gai continued to argue. “I think I’ve more than earned my place as the strongest shinobi in the entire world. Even stronger than the great Hatake Kakashi.”
“Perhaps,” Kakashi agreed. “Though I still have one thing over you.”
  Snorting, Gai opened the bag Shizune had given him and plucked a stick of dango from it. “And what is that?”
Snatching the dango out of his hand, Kakashi tugged his mask down with his other hand and bit into the light pink ball at the top. While he chewed on his stolen treat, savouring every bite, Gai sat in his bed glaring at him.
“That was mine,” he grumbled while Kakashi swallowed his food. “Shizune got those for me.”
“Well, maybe if you were the strongest Shinobi in all of the world,” waving the dango in front of Gai’s face, he chuckled when he reached out and snatched it back from him. “You would have been able to stop me from stealing your precious dango.”
Gai huffed. “I could be the strongest Shinobi in the universe and you would still steal my dango from me.”
“Oh? And why do you say that?”
A feeling of pride swelled in Gai’s chest as he thought about all of the ways Kakashi could sneak up on him. The Copy Ninja’s skills in stealth were simply unmatched. Even Gai would never be able to keep track of Kakashi if he wanted to hide.
He didn’t have to tell him that, though. Kakashi knew that his stealth skills excelled above most others. 
“Because you’re my rival.” he declared with a proud smile.
“Rival,” Kakashi’s smile softened. “and here I thought I got special privileges because I was your boyfriend.”
Throwing his head back, Gai laughed so hard that tears began to run down his face. “Kakashi,” he reached up and gently wiped away the tears. “Those two words mean the same thing.”
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multbasa · 2 years
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KakaGai Week 2022
Day 8: Gai's Birthday Jan 1!
What better way to celebrate than a pull apart turtle cake
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narutoevents · 4 years
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2021 Events!
All year
Naruto Smut Monday - last Monday, each month
List of Naruto Character Birthdays
October 2021
Halloween Secret Santa - Gifts Post - Oct 15th - 31st
ShiIta Fall Week - Oct 17th - 24th
Asuma Week - Oct 18th - 24th
HashiMada Exchange - Gifts Post - Oct 23rd
GaaLee Halloween - Oct 24th - 30th
KakuHida Week - Oct 24th - 31st
KakaObi Halloween - Oct 29th - 31st
Kisame Halloween - Oct 30th - 31st
November 2021
ShikaIno Week (tentative) - Dates TBA
SasoSaku Month - all Nov
Izuna Week - Nov 1st - 7th
Rock Lee Week - Nov 21st - 27th
Founders Week - Nov 22nd - 28th
December 2021
Kunoichi Week - Dec 13th - 20th
HashiMada Bingo - all Dec
2022 Events!
Naruto Smut Monday - last Monday, each month
January 2022
TobiIzu Week - Jan 1st - 7th
SasuSaku Week - Jan 24th - 30th
February 2022
ShinoHina Week - Feb 13th - 19th
SasoDei Week - Feb 22nd - 28th
March 2022
YamaIru Week (tentative) - Mar 6th - 12th
Sannin Week (tentative) - Mar 3rd - 10th
Haruno Sakura Week - Mar 27th - Apr 3rd
ShikaSaku Week - sometime in March
Google Calendar
(More events TBA?)
Past Events
January 2021
Seasons of Anime Exchange - Reveals - January 1st
MadaTobi Gift Exchange - Apps - Dec 22nd - Jan 16th
KakaGai Week - Dec 25th - Jan 1st
Yamanaka Week - Jan 3rd - 9th
Gaara Week - Jan 12th - 19th
Shino Week - Jan 17th - 23rd
Quirk no Jutsu - Presales - Jan 15th - Feb 15th
Beginnings, a SasuSaku zine - Presales - all Jan
Recovery Big Bang - Mod Apps - Jan 6th - 31st
Naruto OC Event - Jan 25th - 31st
SasuSaku Blank Period Week - Jan 25th - 31st
February 2021
Sannin Week - Submit Prompts - Feb 1st - 5th
KakaIru Mini Bang - Theme Voting - Feb 2nd - 16th
Naruto AU Week - Feb 8th - 14th
Izuna Week - Feb 8th - 14th
Quirk no Jutsu - Presales - Jan 15th - Feb 15th
Naruto Photo Album Interest Check - Feb 14th - 28th
Multifandom Exchange - Interest Check - Jan 29th - Feb 28
Naruto Rare Pair Week - Interest Check - Feb 8th - 27th
SasoDei Week - Feb 20th - 28th
March 2021
AnkoIru Week - Feb 27th - Mar 5th
Iruka Week - Mar 8th - 14th
Multi-Sasori Month - all Mar
InoShikaCho Zine - Mod Apps - Mar 9th - 31st
Sakura Week - Mar 21st - 28th
ShiSaku Day - Mar 28th
BoruSara Week - Mar 25th - 31st
Naruto Photo Album - Apps Open - Mar 2nd - Apr 1st
Naruto AU Zine - Apps Open - Mar 5th - Apr 5th
Multifandom Trope Bingo - Apps Open - Mar 16th - Apr 25th
InoShikaCho Week - Interest Check - Mar 22nd - Apr 11th
Founders Calendar 2022 - Interest Check - Mar 30th - Apr 30th
Sannin Week - Mar 31st - Apr 7th
April 2021
Naruto Photo Album - Apps Open - Mar 2nd - April 1st
Naruto AU Zine - Apps Open - Mar 5th - Apr 5th
Sannin Week - March 31st - Apr 7th
KawaBoru Week - Apr 1st - 7th
NaruHina AU Week - Apr 1st - 7th
Hidan Birthday Bang - Apr 2nd - 4th
Naruto Femslash Week - Apr 5th - 11th
NaruHina Week - Apr 12th - 18th
SasuSaku Travel Zine - Request Zine - Mar 28th - Apr 25th
Multifandom Trope Bingo - Apps Open - Mar 16th - Apr 25th
Multifandom Exchange Apps Open - Apr 3rd - 25th
SasuSaku Fantasy Week - Apr 19th - 25th
Founders Calendar 2022 - Interest Check - Mar 30th - Apr 30th
InoShikaCho Week - Suggest Prompts - Apr 12th - May 2nd
KakaIta Weekend - Interest Check - Apr 16th - May 16th
Founders Calendar 2022 - Apps Open - Apr 17th - May 31st
NaruSaku Zine - Presales - Apr 3rd - mid-May
May 2021
InoShikaCho Week - Suggest Prompts - Apr 12th - May 2nd
NaruSaku Zine - Presales - Apr 3rd - mid-May
KakaIta Weekend - Interest Check - Apr 16th - May 16th
Founders Calendar 2022 - Apps Open - Apr 17th - May 31st
InoShikaCho Zine - Apps Open - All May
KakaSaku Month - All May
KakaIru Month - All May
KakaMei Event - May 5th - 6th
ShiSaku Weekend - May 14th - 16th
KakaObi Week - May 26th - June 2nd
June 2021
KakaObi Week - May 26th - June 2nd
InoShikaCho Week - June 2nd - 8th
KakaIru Mini Bang - June 7th - 11th
Kagumo Week - June 19th - 25th
KakaZabu Week - June 20th - 30th
Naruto OC Ship Week - June 21st - 27th
ShisuIta Week - June 21st - 27th
Konoha Pride Weekend - June 26th - 27th
SasuSaku Fashion Zine - Preorders - May 30th - July 14th
MadaTobi Gift Exchange - Gifts Post - all June
HashiMada Gift Exchange - signups - all June
Naruto Calendar - Apps - June 21st - July 25th
July 2021
SasuSaku Fashion Zine - Preorders - May 30th - July 14th
Genma Week - July 11th - 17th
KakaYama Week - July 11th - 17th
Naruto Calendar - Apps - June 21st - July 25th
Sasori Mini Bang - July 26th - 30th
MadaTobi Weeks - All July
SasuSaku Month - All July
Naruto AU Zine - Sales - July 15th - Aug 15th
Naruto Rare Pair Week - July 25th - 31st 
August 2021
Naruto AU Zine - Sales - July 15th - Aug 15th
Kisame Week - Aug 8th - 14th
Kakuzu Birthday Bang - Aug 13th - 15th
NarutAugust - prompt challenge - all Aug
Halloween Secret Santa - Apps - July 30th - Aug 28th
SasuHina Month - All Aug
SasuIno Month - All Aug
Ten Days of Tenzo - Aug 10th - 20th
ItaSaku Week - Aug 23rd - 29th
KakaIta Weekend - Aug 27th - 29th
September 2021
Multifandom Exchange - Reveals - Sept 1st
Kakashi Week - Sept 12th - 19th
Ino Week  - Sept 17th - 23rd
GaaSaku Fanfest - all Sept
Uchiha Zine - Apps Open - all Sept
Founders Zine - Pre-Sales - all Sept
ShikaSaku Week - Sept 23rd - Oct 1st
October 2021
SasuSaku Smut Week - Oct 4th - 10th
Naruto DILF/MILF Week - Oct 9th - 17th
TobiDei Week - Oct 9th - 17th
<< 2020 (Archived)  -  2022 (TBA) >>
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