So, King Arthur Pendragon 6th Edition's core book dropped on Wednesday. Kind of a big deal for me since running the GPC is my Grail Game (love that pun). I must admit I'm ... disappointed? I just wanted a core book that was, in fact, a core book that I could use with a hacked up 5E Great Pendragon Campaign (which I already have) to run a campaign. One of the big selling points on 6th Ed, to me (YPWV), was the new mass combat/battle rules, and they ... aren't in the core book? I'm sad now. More waiting, such is life.
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don-dake · 2 years
尋日又同表姐有約!今次我哋去參觀咗博物館。最近博物館開咗一個…我諗可以屬於 「懷舊那些年科技」 嘅展覽。
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↑ 到90年代中葉時候,似噉樣佈置嘅本地咖啡茶舖總算仲普遍!而家啲後生仔女應該從未親眼見過噉樣嘅舖罷?
(死囉!我呢排好似用緊 「而家啲後生嘅」 噉樣嘅詞語,用咗好似特別多…想唔認老都唔得囉!(笑)
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↑ 噉樣嘅屋企,同我姑媽佢哋以前嘅屋企佈置有啲相似,連我自己以前嘅屋都有擺設過相似嘅傢俬同電器啲嘢!
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↑ 「喂喂!請問搵邊位啊?」(笑)前兩個嘅公共電話,尤其係橙色嗰種,我記得細個嗰陣有喺好多咖啡茶舖見過!中間排嘅電話我都未親眼見過,用過喎!而中間排最右邊嘅就係以前暱稱 「大哥大」 嘅手提電話嘞!「大哥大」 我就冇機會用嘞,但第三排最左邊嘅Nokia3310,我就有嘗試過。雖然唔係自己嘅!(笑)記得有一排,好似全世界嘅人都有一部Nokia噉!想當年,Nokia真係紅牌喎!估唔到今時今日就…總之,睇到呢啲舊款嘅電話,傳呼機,同電視機,真係好懷舊喎!
講到電視機,第三排最右邊嘅電視畫面,唔知喺呢度有冇人會認得呢?我諗冇啩?我就認得喎…真係唔想承認我而家係屬於 「老一代」 嘅人都唔得囉!(笑)
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↑ 講還講,我仲未老到有嘗試用過呢啲辦公室嘅工具!(笑)但係其實我好鍾意聽到打字機嘅聲音,可惜冇機會用過打字機。
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↑展覽出便(仲喺博物館入便)擺咗一啲介紹關於本地歷史同埋文化習俗啲資料牌。睇到有柴犬嘅相,我當然要影一張相啦!(笑)呢張相係指緊本地嘅一座佛寺,(如果冇讀錯)中文名係叫 《萬德莊嚴》。聽講佢哋喺今年嘅衛塞節開始歡迎寵物嚟佛寺接受祈福?唔知明年會唔會繼續呢個新嘅習俗呢?如果係就好囉!有機會嘅話,搵一日去參觀一下罷!(笑)
仲有,根據尼泊爾嘅日曆嚟數,記得今年嘅 Kukur Tihar 就係今日。雖然我唔係尼泊爾人,更加唔會慶祝呢個日子,但既然咁啱記得今日,有個狗仔接受緊祈福嘅相好適當嘛!(笑)
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↑ 博物館出嚟喺街上睇到好多雀仔喎!一枝燈柱上仲有九隻添!「久長九長」…好意頭!(笑)
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↑ 尋晚嘅晚餐:好耐冇食嘅泰國芒果🥭糯米飯🍚!雖然泰國芒果飯係算係甜品,但我既然冇咩肚餓就當甜品係主菜嚟食!(笑)三條 「化骨龍」 都食到好開心罷?(笑)
新詞:觸及 (zuk1 kap6), 精髓 (zing1 seoi5), 中葉 (zung1 jip6)
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Ich hatte einen Gedanken über Frieda, als ich Kap6 geschrieben hab, und hear me out:
Frieda wird in den Büchern irgendwie als sehr perfekt dargestellt. Sie sagt immer das Richtige, ist super cool, extrem bodenständig und kompetent, setzt sich für andere ein, hält die Gruppe zusammen, ist mutig, usw. usw. Irgendwie hat sie kaum Ecken und Kanten, und irgendwie hat mich das plötzlich gestört.
Aber dann hab ich ein bisschen länger drüber nachgedacht und. Die Bücher sind aus Sprottes Perspektive geschrieben. Frieda ist Sprottes allerbeste Freundin, kein Wunder, dass sie Frieda in einem so positiven Licht darstellen. Mir fallen nur drei Dinge ein, in denen die Bücher, und damit Sprotte, nicht 100% hinter Frieda stehen:
wenn Frieda mit Torte zusammen ist und Sprotte das echt nicht verstehen kann
wenn Frieda mit Maik zusammenkommt und Sprotte eifersüchtig ist und 
wenn Frieda sich die Haare igelkurz schneidet und Sprotte absolut sprachlos darüber ist
Und was verbindet diese drei Dinge miteinander? Meine unerschütterliche Theorie, dass Sprotte 100% hardcore in Frieda verknallt ist natürlich.Eifersucht plus gay panic, weil Frieda plötzlich zu hot ist (plus, zugegeben, Sprottes Schwierigkeiten mit Veränderungen), plus die Tatsache, dass in jeder anderen Instanz Frieda für Sprotte einfach der allertollste und perfekteste Mensch auf Erden ist?? 
the truth is out there. i’ve connected the dots. frieda x sprotte truther 2k21 peace out
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hope-and-sleep · 4 years
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2020年3月25日 (星期三)
Woke up early because I needed to record my baby brother presenting so he could send it to his professor.  He ended up turning it in late because as it turns out, it is incredibly hard to find devices on his computer.  I ended up plugging his phone into my laptop and getting the video off there.  
I got some more daily words in yayyyy.  I’m on the word for 2/23, so only one more month of words and then I’m caught up and then I’ll look over how jyutping works again and then I’ll start properly studying.  I had some confusion over the word kap6 (及), which means ‘and’, which I didn’t like because when I speak at home, I used tung4 (同) and tung4 maai4 (同埋).  Discord buddy agreed that it was kind of weird to use kap6 in spoken, but it wasn’t unheard off.  I brought it up at the dinner table today.  My mother and father ended up agreeing that they’ve only ever heard it in music.  
Spoken versus written Cantonese is weird.
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honestsycrets · 6 years
Danish laws || Resource
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iostoday · 5 years
Paydo Driver
By: Paydo
[sc name=”ads1″]
Category: Productivity
Release Date: 2019-04-21
Current Version: 1.0
Adult Rating: 4+
File Size: 16.93 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 9.0 or later.
Copyright: Paydo
Price: Free
The Paydo Driver App allows drivers to view, manage and update their orders assigned to them by their operations managers.
[sc name=”checkios”]
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joseph345-blog1 · 6 years
Hamilton police investigating New Year’s Eve stabbing, call for witnesses
Hamilton police investigating New Year’s Eve stabbing, call for witnesses
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manuill · 6 years
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#Bonjour (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoB39-KAp6E/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e1qgrhql8qbs
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One of my dream games is to run a STAR WARS one-shot(?)/campaign finisher where there's multiple arenas of action that somehow overlap with each other, like the end of TPM or RotJ - y'know? That's a dream of mine. I'm maybe pushing to do that for my birthday this year? I've got things I'm considering (starting off the KAP6 Starter Set is also up there this year) and hoping for, but, well, we'll see. If anybody out there is reading this what era of STAR WARS would you wanna set such an event in? Break it down/build it up with me, y'know?
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