#Canto I learn?
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don-dake · 6 months ago
On Standards, Variants & Mix-ups
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Stumbled upon this picture ↑ and this interesting, albeit, rather old webpage (article's from 2007) recently, where the author touches on the topic of “Standardised” and Variant Characters and some examples of the differences between Hong Kong and Taiwan style 繁體字 (Traditional characters).
“Standardised”, put in quotes because what's considered a Standard may be subject to changes any time.
What caught my eye was the characters for 「茨」、「丸」 and 「遨」 in particular, because while I knew about the other characters and their 異體 (variants) shown here, I never noticed/knew about the slight differences between the “Standard” (標準字體) and Popular (俗寫字體) variants for 「茨」、「丸」 and 「遨」 before, (no) thanks too to the added confusion brought on by font styles sometimes!
I realise in the grand scheme of things, especially as we go farther still into this digital age (and not forgetting about changing Standards every now and then), minor discrepancies in font styles are not going to really matter. But if one feels like being pedantic; wanna be “more correct” and all that…then this is something worth taking note of! (笑)
While I'm taking notes, I only realised now too that technically, characters like 「讀」、「續」、「犢」、「竇」 and 「櫝」 should be written with a
「*𧶠」 [🇭🇰🇲🇴 juk⁶; 🀄 ㄩˋ/yǜ]
*n.b.: in case it still can't be seen clearly, the 「罒」 is actually a compressed 「四」.
phonetic component rather than a
「賣」 [🇭🇰🇲🇴 maai⁶; 🀄 ㄇㄞˋ/mài]
This revelation certainly makes it clearer now why 「讀」、「續」、「犢」、「竇」 and 「櫝」 are pronounced with an ‘ㄨ/u; ㄩ/yü’ sound!
So have I been writing 「讀」 (and all other relevant characters) “wrongly” all this while?! (囧) Depending on what “Standards” one goes by I guess, confusing computer font styles notwithstanding! (笑)
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shmoo06 · 12 days ago
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Too real
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don-dake · 8 months ago
I was unaware of a Cantonese Day (July 25th) until now! And I've missed it by a day, according to my timezone!
Oh well Happy (Belated) Cantonese Day all the same! 🧧🧨
And I'm intrigued by the characters used in the image; characters for words I already know, but have never seen most of them written with these characters!
In the interest of being able to read better and expanding my knowledge, don't mind me when I list the words out here in plain text, for my own future reference.
Characters in parentheses are alternative characters for the same words, and characters I would normally choose to use if I have to write/type them out.
澩嫪 (撈攪) [🇭🇰🇲🇴 laau² gaau⁶]
䒐䒏 (𤷪𤺧) [🇭🇰🇲🇴 mang² zang²]
捩棄 [🇭🇰🇲🇴 le² he³]
輘輷 (景轟) [🇭🇰🇲🇴 ging² gwang²]
犖确 (甩咳、𪙛𠸉) [🇭🇰🇲🇴 lak¹ kak¹]
崖广 (牙煙) [🇭🇰🇲🇴 ngaa⁴ jin¹]
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Happy Cantonese Day 2024
Today is 10th Anniversary of Cantonese Day.
Compared with Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese still keeps some Middle Chinese vocabulary.
Nowadays, Cantonese still influences the world as its global native speaker population is not small.
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thelesbianluthor · 6 months ago
Smosh vs aliens you live on forever in my heart
Thinking about what could have been for those four girls if they had not been forced to deal with those horrors..
Thinking of Tampa finally making friends and maybe finding a connection with Mary in their weirdness. Tampa learning to let go of her fears, Mary learning to let of her guilt over her parents situation, Mackenzie feeling loved and d cherished by her friends and winning her game and Tabitha becoming a gymnast and getting her well deserved medal. All the girls going to Mackenzie's games and cheering for her and going to Tabitha's competition and doing the same.
They could have been the best of friends and grown up together.
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meganechan05 · 2 months ago
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"Let me see your face"
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delusinalandpassionate · 6 months ago
Is it me or is this really a confirmation that Don pretends to be someone else
Because look what we get in the play
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localwhiskeyuncle · 1 month ago
I've been sitting here for the first few circles in Inferno thinking 'man, Dante is the pettiest man alive' but then the more I research medieval Italian history to better understand the text, I'm starting to realize, no, it isn't specific to Dante. Medieval Italians in general were the pettiest people alive. They were just banishing people from their cities left and right for personal feuds that morphed into political wars. Dante was not an outlier here he was a man of his time, he was just a little sillier with it.
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pirata-jack · 11 months ago
So, new Ishmael Id, and thus new uptie dialogue. this ones pretty important as it vaguely refers to Catherine!
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the important thing is "that child" that the narrator refers to. and since the narrator refers to anyone with an id as a child (except for the times it doesn't lol) it can be assumed that there will be a Cathy ID. which yeah obviously duh it'd sell gangbusters amounts of moo la, but there's a more interesting bit here which is who is supposed to GET the ID.
There's only 2 female sinners left to get it, that being Rodion and Don, as Outis and Faust are Wuthering butlers as well as Ryoshu and Ishmael being Edgar butlers. so, if assuming they wish to keep Heath straight would leave just those two, though there is of course the possibility that they do a Sunshower Heathcliff thing again and not care about genders and give it to Hong Lu who would honestly fit pretty well. I suppose with who it comes down to, I think Hong Lu would fit the best as Cathy, though I honestly kinda really enjoy it being don, weirdly enough. Even if it doesn't fit very well i still think it'd be really cute to see a ghost Don floating around.
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hua-fei-hua · 5 months ago
extremely tempted to go the classical weeb route and just transcribe the honorifics as they are instead of translating them. i don't care that long-guniang is going to be that much longer than ms. long; i cannot be bothered to spend all that careful time thinking about localization
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priestperverter · 5 months ago
also mutuals who r learning chinese like. pls. lets chat. LETS CHAT. (girl who studies english voice) i cant believe ive forgotten my mother tongue
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harukapologist · 5 months ago
uni killed me....And then i fell ill.......and now my midterms are approaching
but i think falling ill might've been for the bette because I felt like I was starting to burn out a little
In a rare moment of feeling better, I take the chance to post, how have you been friends!!! I've been playing limbus company (as always) and now I got to canto 5!!!! so excited for ish character development
dieci rodya is my pride and joy
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don-dake · 9 months ago
遐想 對 現實 (daydream vs. reality)
I remember when those “Expectation vs. Reality” posts were quite the thing back in the day. Probably not as popular now but, just thought of this one from an old HK series from 2003.
Context: Main character (man in white Mao suit) is the Emperor Yongzheng from the Qing Dynasty who time travelled to 2003 Hong Kong. Hence, his way of talking is more formal Cantonese than the usual colloquial speech of other modern HK characters. And his views on women are on the chauvinistic side.
English translation and description provided in the ALT Text.
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reality. ↓
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《九五至尊》 (2003) | 第十四集
就腳 (🇭🇰🇲🇴 zau⁶ goek³)
爛溶溶 (🇭🇰🇲🇴 laan��� jung⁴ jung⁴)
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throughpatchesofviolet · 3 months ago
I'm really fond of my new blog theme ... I was pleasantly surprised when I was color picking from Sunshower!Heathcliff--the blues and browns pair so nicely with one another.
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hugsohugs · 26 days ago
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well. at least. we didn't have to kill funny robot girl
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sensitiveaangel · 19 days ago
i want to learn chinese so badddddd
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earthtooz · 2 years ago
my life mission is to collect all east asian languages
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