#Just wanted this up so I could link it up somewhere on my page
matcha-milkies · 22 hours
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Summary: Aboard the Stan-O’-War II, Stan finds out and confronts Ford about his past relationship with Bill.
Alternatively: “Ford, why did Bill call you babygirl?”
Relationships: Sea Grunkles, Bill Cipher/Ford Pines (Mentioned)
Content Warnings: Implied/Referenced Sex
Tags: Humor, Light Angst, Banter
Inspired By: This Meme and This Comic
Word Count: 2,489
Link to AO3: Here
A/N: Yeah it’s been a HOT MINUTE five years since I watched Gravity Falls, and I’m still waiting on my copy of Book of Bill, so I’m sorry if there are any inconsistencies with canon in this. I was riffing hard off of secondhand material lol
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Stan stares up at the top bunk as the room gently sways from side to side, a cabin cradled in the bosom of the ocean. He’s lying face up on his cot, hands on his abdomen, and he’s contemplating something very deeply. It’s unnerving, this thing. He almost wishes he could forget all about it. Almost.
He bites his bottom lip and deliberates over what to do about this. He could just leave it alone. Things have been good lately. Why rock the boat, so to speak? They could go about their day, have their coffee, cast their lines into the sea, fry that leftover kraken meat for dinner. Blegh, he’s so sick of kraken meat. He’s going to have to find a way to season that thing to spice it up a bit or else he’s gonna go crazy. Why do krakens have to be so enormous anyway?
Yeah, he could do that. He could be normal.
After all, if the answer is no, then there’s nothing to worry about in the first place. And if the answer is yes… does he really want to know about it? What is he going to do, where is he going to go from there? Ask for details? He’s racked by a fullbody shudder. As if.
But deep down, he knows he’s kidding himself. If he doesn’t confront his brother, then this is going to linger in the back of Stan’s mind for all of eternity. He won’t be able to look at his twin without pondering all the ‘why’s. Why him? Why didn’t you tell me?
Stan hauls himself to a sitting position and swings his legs over the side of his bunk. He stares at the wall for a little bit, mouth quirked to the side. The Stan-O’-War II creaks, as if it’s also pondering to itself. He can hear his brother rustling papers a ways away in the other room. It’s a small boat. Of course it is. There’s only two of them to man it.
Stan starts to walk into the other room, then turns around and changes course at the last second, heading above deck instead. Hopefully his twin was too preoccupied with his work to notice. Stan walks over to the port side and leans his arms against the railing with a sigh. It’s a nice day out, at least. The sun is shining high in the sky with only a few clouds drifting overhead. They’re somewhere off the coast of Canada.
Somewhere further south but still along the same coast are his great niece and nephew, going to school again. He wonders how they’re doing. He wishes he could call them. He misses them, but he also wants to take his mind off of this. He hears footsteps pacing below deck, probably to grab a book off a shelf or something, because they soon pace right back to where the desk would be. 
Stan lowers his head until his forehead is against the railing and sighs. He’s probably going to have to ask. The thing he’s dreading is knowing that it’s not gonna go over well. He gives it maybe another ten minutes to psyche himself up, then turns and tramps back down the stairs.
Ford is situated at his desk (it’s not anyone’s desk but really it’s Ford’s desk), sifting through some old creased pages that look like they’re about to disintegrate at the slightest breeze. On his right-hand side is a cold, half-finished cup of joe. Occasionally, he mutters something to himself and pens something in his new journal. He’s entirely absorbed. He doesn’t even seem to notice when Stan appears in the doorway and leans his elbow against it.
“Uh, hey, Sixer, how’s it goin’ in here?”
Ford starts. The pen drops from his hand and rolls around on the swaying floor. “Stanley, how many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up like that?”
“I didn’t sneak up on you. I’m notoriously loud. You’re the one with your nose glued to that journal.”
“I–” Ford’s breath catches in his throat before he lets it out in a sigh. “I suppose you have a point. I’m sorry, Stanley. I’m just frustrated at how little progress I’ve made with this. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”
“You know you say that, like, every time we find some weird thing, right?”
“I didn’t think we would encounter this many paranormal phenomena outside of Gravity Falls.”
“Maybe you’re the weirdness magnet.”
“Perhaps both of us are. After all, you were the one living in my shack for all those years pretending to be me.”
“Ha, yeah…” Stan musses his own hair. “Must run in the family.”
“Anyway–” after stooping to pick up the pen, Ford seats himself at the desk again– “you know I always appreciate your company, Stan, but I’d like to make some real headway before dinner if at all possible.”
“Uh, well, actually,” Stan says, and Ford glances up with a raised brow.
“What is it? Don’t tell me you accidentally dropped something overboard,” replies Ford, testing the temperature of his coffee. He looks displeased at the result but nevertheless continues to sip it anyway.
“Relax, relax, it’s nothing like that. Sheesh, are you ever gonna let me live that down?”
“It happened yesterday.”
“Ancient history!” Eh, might as well spit it out, right? “Hey, speaking of ancient history, what was going on with you and Bill?”
Ford makes some sort of choking sound and dribbles coffee back into his cup. He casts about for a napkin or a towel. “What do you mean by that?”
“Were you like, just a fling, boyfriend-boyfriend, married? What was going on there?”
Ford sputters, gives up and rolls up his sleeve to wipe his mouth on his bare arm. His voice cracks a little as he speaks. “What- What do you- What do- Why would you–”
“Look, don’t play dumb with me, IQ. When he was in my head, he said some things. And I didn’t think much of it at the time, but see, now I got nothing but time out here on this tin can, and I…”
His twin finally manages to school himself back into neutrality, although they’re both well aware it’s too late. He’s already shown his hand. All he can do is pretend, deny, for whatever that gets him. He spares Stan a glance over his spectacles, and it seems to last an eternity, before the man finally returns his gaze to his notes. “Now is not the time to talk about this.” Oh. Okay. So not even a denial then.
“Uh, right. Sure. And when exactly is the right time gonna be?”
Ford pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs with a kind of bone-deep exhaustion. “I don’t know, Stanley, any time I’m not trying to decipher the code that we found etched onto the side of that washed up precolonial artifact last week?”
“Well, I don’t know why it needs to be a whole song and dance, Einstein, it’s a simple question.”
“Yes, we were… romantically involved. Obviously. Now please leave me in peace.” Not that he had expected that answer to buy him anything, but he still finds himself chagrined when Stan stubbornly continues his line of questioning.
“Why didn’t you tell me about that?”
“I didn’t think it pertinent.” Ford closes the book on his left-hand side, resigning himself to the unfortunate reality that this conversation is happening, and there is no walking away from it. Where would he even escape to? They’re stuck on a boat together until they land at the next port.
“You didn’t think I’d wanna know you were getting… close with the literal demon that tried to kill us?”
“He wasn’t trying to kill us when I was getting to know him. Again, this should be obvious, Stanley. I don’t know why you’re making me spell it all out for you.” He strangles the air, vibrating with more frustration than he can dissipate. “Unless it’s just to torture me, which I wouldn’t put past you.”
“What is that supposed to mean? After all the things I’ve done for you, all I’m asking for here is a little honesty.”
Ford very graciously decides not to dwell on the “all the things I’ve done for you” bit and reopen that particular wound. Instead, he doffs his glasses, the better to massage his forehead.
“Oh, for the love of… We’re in our 60s, Stan.” He unfurls his arms on the table, palms upward. “What did you want me to do, honestly? You wanted me to sit you down and tell you about my crush like we’re still in high school?”
There’s something in the sincerity of his tone that throws Stan off kilter, disarms him.
“I’m not sayin’ that! I just— You’re makin’ it sound more unreasonable than it is! I’m still your twin and I thought you trusted me with this kinda thing.”
Ford pushes his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. He stares at a point just past Stan’s shoulder, mouth flattened into a line. “Oh, god,” he laments, as it dawns on him that the emotionally mature thing to do is to be vulnerable. He sighs, busying his hands by straightening all the papers on his desk. “It’s embarrassing. It was already embarrassing, don’t you see? And this just makes it so much worse.”
“What?” Stan pulls up a chair and sits across from his twin. “Sixer, come on. You think I came in here and brought this up just to laugh at you? I mean, don’t get me wrong, it is objectively very funny, hilarious even—” he grins in the face of Ford’s glare— “but the last thing I’m gonna do is judge you. Between you and me, I think your relationship with that freaky triangle was more stable than anything I’ve ever had with any human.”
“Stable is not the word I would use to describe anything that went on in that shack in the 1980s.”
“Yeah, that just goes to show how low the bar is. Anyway, my point is, while I’m not gonna laugh at you, I definitely will still laugh.”
The scientist raises an unamused brow. “With me, you mean?”
“No, I’m just gonna laugh. Ha! Ha-ha!” Stan reaches across the desk to nudge Ford with his elbow. “Come on, it’s funny! You had a relationship with a triangle! Oh, the kids are gonna be so traumatized!”
“Wh- D- Stan, don’t tell them!”
“Why not? Dipper worships the ground you walk on. This won’t change anything for him. And Mabel… well, Mabel will laugh too actually. Very hard.” He brings a hand to his chin and narrows his eyes. “Or worse, she’ll start shipping you.”
“What does that even mean? She’s going to ship me? Where? How?”
“Uh, not important, and for all intents and purposes, I do not know what that word means either. Look, I’m just pulling your leg, Poindexter. I won’t tell them if you don’t want me to. It’s your business.”
“You honestly mean that?”
Stan sweeps an arm through the air with finality. “It’s your own business and nobody else’s. Look, I’m—” He finds himself rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry for pushing you about this. It’s not something you’d wanna look back on, I get it.”
“Oh.” Ford doesn’t really know what to do with that so he resumes straightening papers even though they’ve been straight for the past three minutes. “I’m not used to fights ending like this.”
“Yeah, me neither. It’s weird. It’s like we emotionally matured or something.”
“Something like that,” Ford agrees.
They lapse into awkward silence. That should've been the end of it, and yet.
“I guess I just don’t get it,” Stan admits.
“What don’t you understand, Stanley?”
“He’s a— Well, he’s a little two-dimensional, don’t you think?”
“It was an extremely intellectual affair, Stan. Physicality had very little to do with it.” Well, that isn’t entirely true but his brother doesn’t need to know about any of that.
“You know what, I’d believe that. I’m just having trouble envisioning what it… what it was like.”
“Why are you trying to envision that?”
“Because it’s weird, Ford! It’s weird and morbidly fascinating. It’s like a train wreck, I can’t look away.”
“Do you have any more questions? So that I can answer them and we can be done talking about this forever?”
“So you… you never… y'know…”
“No,” Ford says about five seconds too late. There’s heat rising to his cheeks and he smothers his face with his hands as Stan sits slack-jawed in abject horror.
“What? Wait, seriously? How did that even work?”
“Ask me something else.”
“Okay. For scientific purposes, hypothetically, in a hypothetical situation, how would a human with glasses and a triangular demon go about—”
“Oh, for God’s sake, Stan!”
“God had nothin’ to do with it, I know that much.” Stan leans back in his chair, then eyes Ford suspiciously. “Wait. He didn’t possess someone else, did he?”
“No!” Ford sounds genuinely horrified. “How depraved do you think I am? That would be tantamount to— I wouldn’t do that. Do you really think so lowly of me?”
“I mean, they could’ve consented beforehand anyway, right? That’s all I’m saying. Although, Sixer, I cannot stress this enough: You locked yourself in a cabin in the middle of Nowhere, Oregon and started drawing freaky symbols on the floor and communing with a literal demon. I think I’m allowed to be a little concerned.”
“Well– Sure, when you put it like that, it sounds more occult than scientific, but I can assure you my methodology was very sound.”
“Oh, okay, good. I’m glad your methodology was sound. That was the main thing I was worried about.”
“May I return to my cipher now?”
“Your Cipher, huh?”
Ford stares pointedly at his twin, trying to telepathically communicate how exhausting this conversation is.
“I just need to know how you did it. It’s gonna keep me up at night.”
“I fail to see how that’s my issue.”
“And then I’ll keep you up at night.”
“And then I’ll throw you overboard so that you can find that notebook you lost!”
“And then I’ll haunt you from the watery grave, you know I will. Besides, it’s laughable you think you could throw me overboard, Poindexter.”
“You really want to know?”
“For my own peace of mind, please.”
Ford sighs deeply, eyes shifting from wall to wall, as though afraid someone’s eavesdropping. Maybe he’s paranoid that a mermaid is listening in from outside. He gestures for Stan to lean in closer, cups his hands to his ear and whispers for a few seconds. Stan’s expression becomes unreadable.
“Oh. Wow. Creative. Okay. Welp. That answers that.” He claps his hands together as if to dispel dirt. “Say, you wouldn’t happen to have another one of those memory-wiping guns?”
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5ummit · 1 year
New Mature Content Warning Overlay (And How to Get Rid of It)
More fun community label "features"! Unlike the new mandatory label for #NSFW, this one is a bigger deal to me because it affects my entire blog and it can't be avoided by just using a different tag.
Apparently on custom blog layouts, if you happen to post or reblog even a SINGLE post that's been flagged with the mature content community label, a full-page warning overlay will appear blurring out your entire blog that must be manually clicked through every single time the page is refreshed. At first I thought this was just a bug due to my older layout but I've come to realize it's not. It's a feature (as confirmed by this recent changes post) that affects all custom themes. The formatting will vary based on your own theme but here's what it looks like on my blog:
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I don't know about you but I find this is stupid and annoying. If it could be dismissed once and never seen again that might be one thing, but that's not the case. The vast majority of my blog is not "mature" enough to warrant such an aggressive and invasive warning. I also think pop-ups are obnoxious in general and I'll be damned if tumblr's going to force me to have one on MY blog.
After some desperate googling for a known workaround and being unable to find even a single mention of it, I decided to take on the challenge myself. I'm not a theme coder, so apologies if there's a better way to do this, but luckily it only took me like 10 minutes to figure out a simple fix, which I'm now sharing with anyone else who may want it:
.community-label-cover__wrapper {display: none}
Just copypaste that somewhere in your CSS and goodbye pop-up!
If you're not sure how to access your theme code, check out this help article. You can also add the code via the Advanced Options menu, which is actually even better (if you can get it to work, it depends on how your theme was coded), because it will then automatically be reapplied to a lot of themes without having to remember to manually add it every time if you change your theme in the future.
Obviously this will only remove it from your own blog for anyone who may visit it. If you never want to see this warning again on other people's blogs you can also add this custom filter to your ad block:
Unfortunately I do not have an easy tutorial on hand for this one as the method will depend on your specific ad block app or extension.
Some additional notes:
After adding the theme code and saving the changes, give it a minute to update as it sometimes takes a little while for the page to refresh.
The warning overlay only seems to appear if a "mature" post is on the FIRST page of your blog, which is still annoying and makes the whole thing even more pointless and stupid because what if someone visits any other page of your blog, and oh no, happens to see "mature" content they weren't warned about?!
The warning also appears on direct links to "mature" posts.
This hack has NOTHING to do with entire blogs that have been flagged as NSFW. It only works for non-flagged blogs with custom themes that happen to have individual "mature" posts.
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weemssapphic · 1 month
Lipstick Stains - Pt. 24
previous chapter | next chapter | series page
Larissa Weems x fem!reader
warning: this chapter contains smut (g!p)
words: ~ 4.2k | ao3 link in title
“My mom wanted me to thank you for all the restaurant recs you gave them. By the sound of it I’m pretty sure my parents were in a food coma all weekend.”
Larissa let out a sound between a chuckle and a snort, her gaze briefly flicking up from her laptop. You were sitting cross legged on the chair across from her, a textbook flipped open in your lap and your phone in your hand, the soft, cool glow illuminating your face as you glanced up at Larissa with a grin.
“I’m glad your parents don’t seem to hate me entirely,” Larissa quipped with a small but genuine smile.
“They could never hate you, Larissa… I think my mom was just being weirdly protective,” you said with a shrug. “Wouldn’t your mom be the same?”
You could see Larissa’s shoulders tense, her smile faltering, and you frowned. Larissa didn’t speak of her parents much, or at all, really - all you knew was that they were still alive, and that they lived somewhere near London. 
“Sorry, you don’t have to-” you started quickly, worried you’d struck a nerve, but Larissa interrupted you before you had the chance to finish speaking.
“My mother has never cared for anyone I’ve chosen to be with, I doubt this would be any different.” Her voice was cool and weirdly distant, and her gaze flickered back to her laptop under the pretense of reading her emails - you could tell, though, that she was just scrolling idly, without really absorbing anything on the screen.
“Oh, so she’s, like, super critical of your partners…?”
“Of everyone. Not to mention homophobic.”
Your stomach dropped at that, your heart breaking into a billion pieces for Larissa. “What about your dad?” you mumbled, your mouth feeling a bit dry as you feared the answer.
Larissa shrugged, snapping her laptop shut and interlocking her hands in her lap as she leaned back in her chair and fixed the smooth, rounded edge of the desk with a distant, pensive stare. “I don’t think he minds, but he wouldn’t dare speak out against my mother, so it doesn’t matter.”
“It matters a lot, Riss, that’s really shit, I th-”
You were interrupted by a pounding on the door to Larissa’s office - it opened behind you with a bang, an alarmingly loud flurry of footsteps spilling into the room. Larissa’s brow furrowed as her gaze snapped to the source of the interruption, and she immediately straightened up in her seat. 
A small group of students you hadn’t yet met all flocked around her desk, their anxiety clearly palpable - until they noticed you, fixing you with curious stares as the girl at the front of the group opened her mouth to speak, glanced over at you, then shut her mouth again.
“Should I…?” you asked Larissa quietly, your voice faltering a bit as you struggled to come to terms with the sudden interruption, subtly shifting in your seat so that you were sitting properly on the chair. 
Larissa shook her head gently. “It’s alright,” she said firmly, turning her attention to the girl and raising an eyebrow. “Ms. Barclay, I hope you have a good reason for barging into my office so late in the evening.”
Larissa was in principal mode, and you sat as still as you could to not draw further attention to yourself as the students, mercifully, turned their heads to look at their principal, and the girl started speaking.
“Principal Weems, Wednesday’s gone off the rails.”
Larissa’s face fell at the mention of Wednesday, and she instantly rolled her shoulders back and placed her interlocked hands atop her desk. “Would you care to elaborate?” she hummed coolly, irritation clear in her voice.
“She’s literally torturing Tyler out in Xavier’s art studio, she thinks he’s the hyde and that tasing him is going to unlock it or something.”
Your jaw dropped at the girl’s words, your stomach churning - a glance at Larissa told you she was having a similar emotional reaction, though she was infinitely better at hiding it, her eyes widening almost imperceptibly and her knuckles turning white.
“We tried to stop her, but she was weirdly into it, she said she had a vision,” offered one of the boys.
“I’m not going to ask how you know this - quite frankly, I don’t believe I want to know. I am, however, going to have to alert the sheriff…” Larissa picked up the phone on her desk, her nostrils flaring as she dialed the sheriff’s phone number. She leaned back as she lifted the receiver to her ear, waiting for him to pick up. “Sheriff Galpin, we have a problem. And her name is Wednesday Addams.”
Larissa quickly relayed the most important details to the sheriff, giving him permission to come to Nevermore to pick Wednesday up and agreeing to meet him at the station afterwards. As she hung up, she let out a frustrated sigh before turning back to her students. “Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will be dealing with Ms. Addams accordingly and I would be very grateful if you could return to your dorms for the evening.”
The students shuffled back out of the office with mumbled ‘goodbye’s and ‘thank you’s (and a couple curious glances in your direction), and Larissa closed her eyes, a frown on her face as her lip twitched. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to leave for a little while,” she said slowly, her tone laced with annoyance and regret in equal measure. “I would be very happy if you would stay and wait for me, though I understand if you’d rather go home.”
“Of course I’m staying,” you replied firmly, placing your textbook on the edge of Larissa’s desk as you leaned over and took her hand in yours. Larissa’s eyes fluttered open, her gaze instantly softening as it landed on your hand gently but insistently intertwining itself with hers - she gave it a squeeze, before pulling her hand away and standing to fetch her coat.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can,” she said, pressing a light kiss to the crown of your head as she passed you to leave her office in a hurry.
The tell-tale click of heels just outside the door and the turning of the lock alerted you to Larissa’s return, and you closed the textbook you’d been studying and turned on the little sofa in front of the fire, craning your neck to watch the door as it opened. 
Wednesday stepped into the room first, her gaze instantly meeting yours but giving away nothing of what had transpired - aside from looking a tad spooked.
Larissa stepped through the door next, closing it gently behind herself. Her hard gaze seemed to soften just a fraction when she realized you were up and waiting for her. “Darling, could you please wait in my quarters for me? I’d like to speak with Ms. Addams alone. I won’t be long.”
You nodded in understanding, standing and making your way across the room, feeling Wednesday’s eyes on you the entire time as a soft clicking told you that Larissa was making her way over to her desk. You slipped into her quarters and closed the door behind yourself - the urge to eavesdrop was overwhelming, but you were certain Larissa would tell you what had happened later, so you took to rummaging around her kitchen for a snack and playing a game on your phone as you waited.
And tell you what happened, she did. It took a while but eventually Larissa returned to her quarters for the night, immediately finding you and pulling you in for a hug - one, it seemed, that she sorely needed. She told you she’d had to expel Wednesday, that she didn’t put much stock into the girl’s visions as Morticia’s had been just as unreliable, that she hoped, with Wednesday gone and Xavier locked up, the attacks would cease and the students could sit their end of semester exams in peace, life at Nevermore returning back to normal. 
You hoped she was right.
Then Larissa caught you yawning and glanced at the time - it was well past midnight, and she had a guilty look on her face for keeping you up as she insisted it was time to get some sleep. As you crawled into her bed and tugged at the sheets, a new addition to Larissa’s bedroom caught your eye - the painting, your painting, hung on the wall opposite the bed.
Larissa’s gaze followed your own, a blush rising on her cheeks as she realized what you were looking at. “I wanted to be able to see it every day. I think of you every time I look at it,” she murmured, almost too softly for you to hear - but you did, and it made you grin as you nuzzled into her side.
“Are you tired?” you asked Larissa softly. On the one hand, she looked absolutely exhausted - on the other, you could somehow tell she wasn’t going to fall asleep easily.
“No,” she confessed sheepishly, confirming your suspicions. 
You hummed thoughtfully, tracing your fingertips languidly over her collarbone. Larissa’s arms wound tightly around your waist, her lips pressed to the crown of your head in a firm, never-ending kiss. “I’m not tired either,” you said finally, your mind beginning to wander to all the ways you could potentially tire yourselves out, and Larissa chuckled in response. 
“You could hardly keep your eyes open a few minutes ago…”
“Well I’m wide awake now…” You slid your fingertips down Larissa’s sternum, towards the top of her silky camisole, and Larissa watched you with an amused smirk on her face.
“You’re not trying to seduce me, are you?” she teased, playfully narrowing her eyes - it made you blush as you realized you were doing a poor job of both hiding your building arousal and being seductive, and you averted your gaze.
Larissa laughed. “Come here,” she murmured, adjusting herself into a seated position against the headboard and gently tugging at your waist. She placed a firm hand on your shoulder and turned you so that you sat between her legs with your back to her. You could feel her pillowy breasts against your back as you melted into her, her lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
“You’re so beautiful,” she whispered, her breath caressing the side of your face. She paid no mind to the ever-present blush on your cheeks as her left hand began to play with your breast through your t-shirt, her thumb flicking over your slowly hardening nipple. She lifted her right hand to her mouth, sucking her middle and ring finger between her lips for a moment, then released them with a pop - they glistened with her saliva as she brought the hand down to the waistband of your shorts.
“May I?” she husked and, when you breathed out a ‘yes’, slipped her hand beneath the waistband of both your shorts and your underwear - you immediately spread your legs to allow her better access. “Good girl…” 
Larissa’s wet fingers began to rub your clit, slowly and firmly, drawing a throaty sigh of pleasure from your lips as your head lolled to the side, your cheek resting against her shoulder. Her fingers dipped lower, gliding through your folds as her lips found your neck, pressing a series of soft kisses to your skin. You gasped when she bit into the junction between your neck and your shoulder, then moaned as her tongue soothed over the little dents her teeth had left in your skin.
“F-ffuck… Riss…” You bucked your hips against Larissa’s hand, wordlessly urging her towards your entrance - your silent request worked, two of Larissa’s fingers slipping inside you with ease and slowly sinking deeper. Your walls clenched around them, your eyes fluttering shut as you started to roll your hips, eager to have Larissa fill you.
Larissa’s fingers felt so damn good, the way they curled into your sweet spot, stroked your walls, made you mewl and whimper and moan - each ministration showed you how intimately Larissa knew your body, how dedicated she was to bringing you over the edge.
Your mind quickly filled with dirty thoughts and your arousal skyrocketed as you pictured Larissa above you, filling you to the hilt, pounding into you, and, suddenly, you ached for a stretch her fingers couldn’t quite provide.
“R-riss…?” you murmured between gasps of pleasure. Larissa let out a questioning hum that vibrated against your neck, causing you to mewl softly and briefly lose your train of thought. “C-can you… I m-mean would y-you want to - mmmh, fuck…” 
You’d never asked Larissa to shift for you before - during each of the few times she’d done it in the past, she’d always been the one to suggest it, and you suddenly found yourself unsure if she would take it the wrong way, as if you didn’t think she was enough for you just the way she was.
“What do you need, darling?” Larissa prompted directly into your ear, her voice so raspy with desire that it nearly made your eyes roll back in your head.
“C-could you shift and - mmh - f-fuck me?” you finally stuttered out, holding your breath as you waited for an answer - your nerves rising when Larissa’s fingers briefly stilled inside of you. “It’s okay if you d-don’t want to, I shouldn’t h-have as-”
The breath was knocked from your lungs by the sudden feeling of Larissa’s bulge pressing against your tailbone, the rest of your sentence dying in your throat as your mouth went dry.
“Shh…” Larissa murmured in reassurance. “I’m glad that you asked… I want to.” You could tell from the way that the words dripped from her lips like honey, her voice low and velvety, that she did want to - the second your mind was free of doubts, you pressed yourself back against her, the breathy sigh tumbling from your lips mixing with the deep moan that emanated from Larissa’s chest.
Larissa pulled her fingers out of you, her hands trailing up your body, slipping underneath your t-shirt and tugging it up, up, up, until she’d freed your upper body entirely. The t-shirt was tossed haphazardly aside, and Larissa’s hands immediately found your breasts, groping and squeezing, toying with your nipples, pulling moans and whimpers from your lips as she subtly rocked her hips against you from behind, grinding against your tailbone, teasing both herself and you.
“R-riss…” you warned breathily, your arousal so intense, so burning, so all-consuming that you could hardly stand it. 
“Sorry,” Larissa let out with a chuckle that was just as breathy, just as laced with desire, and she gripped your hips, urging you from between her legs and encouraging you to lie back against the pillows, so that she could get on her knees between your legs to make quick work of your shorts and underwear and toss them onto the floor beside the bed. She slipped her fingers beneath the waistband of her own trousers and gave them a tug, revealing black, lacy underwear that clearly wasn’t made to contain the bulge straining inside of it. Your legs spread a little wider without you realizing it, revealing your dripping cunt to Larissa, who quickly removed her remaining clothing to reveal her hard cock. 
She leaned over you, placing one hand beside your head to prop herself up as her other hand began to caress the outside of your thigh, sliding down to the back of your knee and urging you to bend it and spread yourself open as far as you could. She took hold of her cock and ran the tip up your slit, her cheeks flushing and her eyelashes fluttering as she felt how wet you were. “Fuck…” she mumbled, finding your entrance and slowly pushing in.
The stretch felt incredible, and Larissa was careful to go slowly, taking her time as she sheathed herself inside of you. It was hard to keep your eyes open but you wanted to watch Larissa, wanted to see every micro-expression crossing her face as she fucked you, so you fought against your fluttering eyelids, one of your hands reaching to grab Larissa’s forearm next to your head, needing the physical contact.
Larissa gave you a moment to adjust to the feeling of being full once she’d bottomed out inside of you, her now free hand reaching up to cup your cheek and draw you in for a kiss that was so tender it made your heart clench. 
Your cunt followed suit, your walls fluttering around Larissa’s cock as you started to subtly rock your hips against hers. “Mmmh… p-please…”
Every single nerve-ending in your body seemed to light up as Larissa began to thrust, the drag of her cock in and out of you feeling heavenly against your tight, slick walls. Larissa’s hand slid from your cheek to your throat, closing gently around it as her tongue pushed your lips apart and flicked eagerly against your own, her hair falling in waves around your face, acting as curtains and shutting out everything that wasn’t her.
There was something about her moans when she was fucking you with her own cock that drove you mad - they were deep, guttural, loud, a tangible representation of how good you made her feel as she started to pound into you. The air filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin, your moans mixing with Larissa’s grunts, the occasional bump of the bed frame against the wall. It was obscene and it made your head spin - judging by the arousal written plain as day across Larissa’s face, she was feeling exactly the same way, her eyes scrunched shut in absolute bliss.
You managed to pull a vulgar groan from Larissa’s chest when you sucked her tongue between your lips, humming against it, and her hips picked up their pace, your body jolting with every thrust. You reached a shaky hand between your legs, rubbing your clit with desperation, your breath hitching audibly in your chest.
Feeling the coil behind your navel tighten rapidly, you released Larissa’s tongue from between her lips to mumble out “f-fuck, g-gonna cum…”, your head tipping back against the pillows and your back arching as you tried your best to keep it together so that you and Larissa could cum together.
“It’s okay, d-darling,” Lariss murmured hoarsely against your lips. “‘m - ahh - c-close… let go…”
With Larissa’s permission, you came undone - unraveling completely beneath her. No longer able to keep your eyes open, you rode out your high with your eyes slammed shut, stars exploding against the backs of your eyelids, your orgasm prolonged by the feeling of Larissa trembling above you as she came as well, emptying her load into your cunt.
“Mmmm…” Larissa let out a breathy hum as her muscles began to relax and her cock went soft inside of you, and you could tell that her orgasm had tired her out - which had been your goal in the first place. She slumped against you, her hand releasing your throat and fisting at the sheets next to your head instead, her breath hot and heavy against your collarbone.
Your arms wrapped around her automatically, pulling her tightly against you, her skin warm and sweaty against your own. Her head rested in the crook of your neck, and she brushed her lips against your pulse point with a soft sigh and a sleepy smile.
The following morning was a slow one for you, with Larissa rising early to take care of some things before she had to drive Wednesday to the train station. 
You curled up on what had unofficially become your side of the bed, your eyes heavy-lidded with sleep as you watched Larissa get ready at her vanity, prying each and every bobby pin open with straight, white teeth, holding them between long, nimble fingers and sliding them into her hair, her usual updo slowly taking shape. It reminded you so much of the first time you woke up in this bed, a little confused and a little embarrassed and just a tad nervous - only this time, you were none of those things. 
Nestled beneath the covers and looking up at Larissa, who twirled her silvery locks between her fingers, whose bright blue eyes danced over her reflection in the mirror as she made herself presentable, you felt a sense of safety, content, of love so overwhelming that it stole the air from your lungs. And this time, instead of frantically trying to cover your bare torso with the sheets, you simply nuzzled against your pillow and allowed sleep to pull your eyes shut again, drifting back to sleep as Larissa took care not to wake you.
You woke a few hours later and took your time getting dressed and making coffee before heading for the door to Larissa’s office with two mugs in hand. You listened first for any signs that Larissa could be on the phone or in a meeting, before using your elbow to gently ease the door open just a crack and peeking into the office.
Larissa’s head turned automatically at the sound, her frantic typing ceasing almost instantly and her lips curling into a soft smile. “Good morning, darling,” she hummed, beckoning you into her office.
“Coffee?” you asked as you strode over to her desk, placing one of the mugs in front of Larissa and the other at the edge of her desk as you leaned down for a kiss, which the principal eagerly returned.
“Thank you,” she murmured against your lips, cupping your cheek as she pulled away. She brushed her thumb across your lower lip for a moment, her eyes tracking the movement, watching your lip snap back into place as she retracted her hand. Her attention fell to her coffee and she closed her eyes as she took a sip. “This is so much better than the coffee in the teacher’s lounge.” 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sleep in so late…” Your brow furrowed as you saw the empty mug on Larissa’s desk, not one of her own. “Why did you go all the way there instead of just coming into the kitchen?”
“I didn’t want to wake you,” she replied simply. “You deserve the sleep.”
Your heart swelled at that, so much so that it was hard to keep the smile off your face. “And you deserve good coffee,” you countered with a raised eyebrow.
“I mean it, sleep in while you can.” Larissa smirked. “When you get to my age, your body will start to wake you up early against your will.”
You started to giggle, which turned into a full belly laugh, drawing a chuckle out of Larissa as well. Larissa returned to her work shortly thereafter and left you to prepare some food, as it was almost lunchtime. A meeting would cut Larissa’s lunch break short, but you joined her at her desk to soak in her company while you ate.
At a quarter to four, Larissa snapped her laptop shut and stood from her desk with a heavy sigh. “I want to take you to dinner tonight,” she declared as she slipped her phone into her handbag and rummaged around the top drawer of her desk for her car keys. 
“Yes, ma’am.” You grinned up at her, rising to your feet as well to meet Larissa halfway for a quick kiss.
“Wednesday’s train leaves in an hour, I should be back around 5 at the latest,” Larissa added as she headed for the door, and you called out a goodbye before she shut the door to her office behind herself. You figured that, if Larissa would be back at 5, and would probably want to check her emails again and get changed, you’d be heading out for dinner around 6:30 at the earliest - plenty of time to just chill. 
You ended up getting more time than you’d bargained for - when Larissa still wasn’t back by 5:15, you shot her a quick text, asking if everything was alright. Perhaps Wednesday’s train was delayed, you figured, that wouldn’t surprise you considering how public transportation could be around these parts.
Still, it wasn’t like Larissa to not answer at all, to not even read your text, and you found yourself growing increasingly worried when the clock hit 5:45 and you still hadn’t heard a peep from your partner, your stomach churning uncomfortably.
You stood from where you’d been seated in front of the fire, pacing about as you wondered how much she would have to be delayed to warrant calling the police. As you stood by the window, watching the sky slowly darken as the sun disappeared on the horizon, two figures came into view, crossing the courtyard and heading straight for what appeared to be a large conservatory at the edge of the school’s property.
The back of the young boy’s head looked vaguely familiar, though you couldn’t be quite sure. What you were sure of, however, was that you recognized the girl at his side - and that she was not supposed to be here.
Taglist: @littledollll @nlr-33 @mysaviorfalsegod @imlike-so-gaydude @rainbow-hedgehog @enchantressb @alder-saan @autumn-leaves-chasing-breeze @amateurwritescm @brienneswife @principal-weems09 @messynessi @larissaoftarthweems @anti-bright-places @lvinhs @catechristiesstuff @ladyzmilf002 @milfsloverblog @opheliauniverse @orangeisnttheonlyfruit @im-a-carnivorous-plant @alexusonfire @bigolgay @kimiinou @wastdstime @scream-queenlover @imprincipalweemspet @justcallmelittleone @willowshadenox @milfsloverblog @leftoverenvy @yahaqueen @peggycarter3 @lilfartbox1 @makemyworldworthliving @crow-raven-crow @mosscoveredcrucifix @opalthefrog @barbarasstar @giogwensversion @theswordmaiden @sapphictacobomb @jadewolf22
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skz catching you reading fan fiction
pairing: idol ot8 x reader
wc: ~5.4k
warnings: lots of reader being embarrassed obv. pet names, hyunjin’s is a tiny bit angsty (sorry), a very brief joking mention of dying in seungmin’s
an: this is a repost from my recently deceased blog hyunjins-orange-slice. may she rest in peace. some of the fanfictions mentioned in this are mine and have been linked. others i just made up. 💕
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“Come here. Across my lap, princess.” He ordered.
‘oh this is getting good’ you said quietly to yourself. you were in bed, cuddled up under the covers, the only light coming from the screen of your phone. your eyes flashed across the page quickly, needing to find out what happens next. it had clicked in your brain earlier today that there could quite possibly be fan fiction about your boyfriend floating around on the internet somewhere. you were aware of his fame. but that’s not why you’re with him, even though that’s how you met him. you had been together for a while now, and you cursed yourself for not thinking of this sooner. of course there’s fan fiction about him. and even though it makes you cringe in a way, you couldn’t stop yourself from immediately searching for it as soon as you got home. chan is still at the company, always working the long hours, so you were unsure when he would be home. but you assumed it would be late. so you allowed yourself to get lost in the world of stray kids tumblr. you had read a few already, but this one, this one was spicy. you could feel that familiar throb in between your legs.
“Honey..” He said in a surprised tone. “You’re so wet.” He ran his middle finger up your slit, playing in your wetness. He gently prodded your entrance. You moaned quietly against his thigh. “Only a couple more.” He said, then he spanked you again.
you squeezed your thighs together, briefly thinking of grabbing that buzzing friend from the top drawer of your nightstand. but before you could do so, the bedroom door opens. a tired chan enters, setting his bag down. you let out a gasp and clutch your phone against your chest as he looks up at you, suspicion on his face.
"whatcha doin, baby?" he asks.
"uh.. no-nothing." you stammer back. real smooth.
"why are you hiding your phone from me?" he looks a little concerned now as he sits on the bed next to you. he didn’t want to let himself think that you may be romantically talking to someone else. but he couldnt help it. you could read his feelings all over his face. and as embarrassing as it was, you couldnt bare for him to think you were cheating. it’s best that you just tell him the truth.
"i.. i might have been reading a story.. about you. written by a stay." you say, unable to look at him. you stared at the outlet on the wall across from the end of the bed.
he laughed. "fan fiction?!" he exclaimed, laughing even more. your face turned a bright red. "show me. let me see." he said, reaching for your phone.
you held it tighter to your chest. "no!" you argue, pulling away from him.
"cmon baby. let me seeeee." he whined, reaching for your phone again. you held it out of his reach, so he used his not so secret weapon. he started tickling your sides. you immediately screamed in pained laughter and folded your body in on itself and toward him, trying to detach his hands from your skin. he let go, grabbing the phone, and jumping off the bed. he ran to the corner of the room and you sat up on your knees on the bed. you didn’t move any closer, having realized your defeat.
"Good girl baby, suck daddy’s cock, choke on it, you can do it, take it all, that’s my girl…?" he read aloud. his sentence ending in a question, not having thought that the fan fiction you would be reading would be smut. the tips of his ears turned slightly pink, and you covered your face with your hands before he could look at you. "you’re reading a fan fiction called ‘his good girl, always’?" he asked, slightly stunned. but you could hear the amusement returning to his voice. "what does dom daddy chan mean?"
you groaned. "is this what you fantasize about, baby?" he asked but you couldn’t answer him. "look at me, honey."
you shook your head no, still covering your face with your hands. "i said look at me, princess. cmon, be a good girl." an involuntary whimper escaped your lips at that, and you slowly peeked at him over the tips of your fingers. a smirk was on his face, one dimple poking out, his eyes dark with lust. "let’s finish reading this, yeah?"
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“hey min?” you called. an answering grunt came from the other room. “could you pass me my phone? soonie is sleeping on my lap.”
you were sure he heard you. you could hear him get up from his desk and walk to the nightstand to get your phone. but that had been a couple minutes ago. what was taking him so long?
"minho?" you called again. he slowly shuffled into the living room, your phone in his hand, his face pointed at the screen. there was a smirk on his face.
oh shit.
you remembered what you had been doing on your phone last. you were sure you fell asleep earlier with tumblr open to the story you were currently reading. you enjoyed reading fan fiction about your boyfriend, though you never wanted to admit that to him. you felt like you might not have a choice in the matter now. you had been caught. he stopped a few feet away from you, still scrolling, his eyes moving back and forth as he read. the smirk on his face only grew as he continued to skim the page.
"min, give me my phone please." you said quietly. he held a finger up, shushing you.
"My cock drunk little slut, takes my cock so good." he read from the screen. "is this what you’re always reading on your phone?" minho asked, finally looking up at you.
you buried your head in your hands, scaring the cat off you lap. "i didn’t know you liked to read fan fiction about me. you have the real me, you know?" he said. "why am i always calling the reader kitten? is that a thing that stay thinks i like?"
you groaned. you could feel him come closer, until he was standing right in front of you. he dropped your phone onto the couch next to you, you could feel it bounce on the cushion. "hello?" he asked. you still couldn’t look at him. your face burned with embarrassment. your whole body burned with embarrassment. he wrapped his hands gently around your wrists and tugged. you let him pull your hands away from your face. he let go of your wrists and then used his fingers to tilt your chin up, so you were facing him. he was grinning, and you couldn’t help but notice the veins running up and down his arms. his arms never failed to make you a mess for him. "is that what you want? for me to call you kitten?" you tried to look away from him, but his grip tightened on your chin. "ah ah." he scolded. "answer me."
"i- it’s- um.. it’s something that i’ve thought about.." you admit. his thumb moved to gently stroke your cheek.
"you should have just told me that." he says, sweetly. "you want me to manhandle you too, like in that story? want me to use toys and eat my cum from your pussy?" his thumb has made its way to your lips now. gently rubbing back and forth before pressing into your mouth. you wrapped your lips around the digit, running your tongue around it.
"mmhmm" you mumbled around his finger.
"i think that can be arranged.. kitten." he purred.
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you were sat in the corner of the room, butt on this hard ass wooden bench, swallowed by your boyfriends hoodie, face buried in your phone. changbin had begged for you to go to the gym with him today, and so you agreed. he’s so cute when he pouts and puffs his little cheeks out. but you had no intention of working out with him. you just said you would come. so he’s working out while you watch from the sidelines. and oh boy you could watch him work out for hours. he was currently doing the bench press? bench pressing? he was laying down on the bench thingy and pushing up on the bar thingy with the heavy thingies on the ends. chan was spotting him but changbin didn’t need it. he was all sweaty and yummy. so buff. were you drooling? see this is why you were looking so intently at your phone. if you watched him work out for too long, you got all soft and gooey and you didn’t want that. but looking at your phone wasn’t helping either. in fact, tumblr may be making your situation worse. but you couldn’t look away. not when there was a detailed fan fiction in front of you about your boyfriend. you were just reading it at first because it interested you. you know, for science. did they describe him correctly? did they get his size right? you were surprised to find out that the stories were actually pretty accurate. so then you kept reading. and now your 8 thousand words deep in a slow burn smut fic about him and you just so happened to get to the good part while you were in the gym with him. fuck. your body started getting hot. you stretched and removed your hoodie from your body. you kept scrolling, the content getting spicier and spicier. he was doing what with his tongue? holy shit why hasn’t he ever done that to you in real life?
"are you hot baby?" his voice pulled you from your fantasy land and startled a jump out of you.
"ah!" you exclaimed. you held your phone close to your chest, your cheeks burning up and flushing red. he was standing in front of you, sweaty. his black muscle shirt sticking to his body. he wiped the sweat from his face with a small white towel. your mouth filled with saliva at the sight of him. you forcibly swallowed before answering him. "uh.. yeah i got a little warm." you tell him.
"are you okay? you seem a little flustered." he sits down next to you on the bench. he chuckles to himself. "you know, you’re acting like you usually do when i’m teasing you."
your face and body were on fire. you looked down at the floor, at the wall, anywhere but at changbin. your silence must have been loud.
"baby?" he reaches for your arm. you flinch at the contact, not out of fear, but out of desire. you were in the gym and you were so embarrassed. you couldn’t have him touch you at all, not even on the arm. your phone clattered to the floor, having lost your grip when you flinched. you immediately reached for it, but changbin beat you to it. and of course, just your luck, he glances at the screen as he hands it back to you. "what’s this baby? what’re you reading?" he skims the page some more. "those are some naughty words.." he says, quieter this time. you try to take the phone from him but he moves it out of your reach, continuing to read. "this is about me?" he says a little too loud.
"bin, give me my phone back please." you say, reaching for it. he hands it over.
"sure baby. i didn’t know you liked to read fan fiction about me." he was smirking at you. clearly poking fun. "and it was dirty fan fiction too. baby. i didn’t know you were so naughty." he chuckles.
"binnie.. please don’t. i’m flustered enough as it is."
"was the story that good?" he asks, serious now.
you nod. "it’s pretty good, yeah. and we’re here in the gym and you’re all sweaty and muscly and i’m about to loose it, bin."
he outright laughs now. "okay baby. let’s get you home and you can tell me about your story." he stands and takes your hand, leading you out to the car.
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"You are so beautiful, baby.” He said, stroking your cheek. “Such a pretty girl, about to suck her daddys cock.” You could feel your panties getting wet. “Open.” He ordered.
you absentmindedly rubbed your thighs together, trying to get any friction you could, so absorbed in the story you currently had open. you were in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, your elbows on the countertop. you eyes were glued to the screen. you were in the kitchen to make some dinner. you were hungry and you knew hyunjin would be home soon and probably would want something to eat as well. but now your hunger for food was long forgotten as a hunger for something else took over your mind. you didn’t even hear hyunjin put his key in the lock and open the door. he kicked his shoes off and dropped his bag, but you had no idea. one hand was against your mouth, the other hand had a death grip on your phone, thumb scrolling away at the text. hyunjin approached from behind, a little entertained that you hadn’t noticed him, and curious about what has you so focused. he peeks over your shoulder to glance at your phone.
The image of him above you may as well have been holy. It was holy to you. He was a god, and you worshipped him as such. “Fuuuck, baby.” He moaned, breathlessly.
he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist, scaring the daylights out of you. you jumped, dropping your phone, it clatters noisily onto the counter.
"what are you reading, angel?" he asks softly against your neck. he places a small kiss there.
"nothing." you lie quickly.
"didn’t seem like nothing." he hummed against your skin. "seemed kinda dirty. can i see?" he reaches around you for your phone and you don’t stop him. you know that you will never win an argument against hwang hyunjin. his long fingers close around the device, and he stands straight as he brings it to his face to look. you straighten as well, but you don’t turn to face him. you don’t want to see the look on his face when he sees what you’ve been reading.
"are you reading smut about me?" he asks. when you don’t answer, out of embarrassment, he gently grabs your shoulder and turns you around. "is this fan fiction?" you slowly nod your head, not looking at him, trying to understand his tone. he sounded upset.
"are you unhappy with our relationship?" he asks. that startles you to attention. you look up at him, his eyes filled with sadness.
"what? no, jinnie. absolutely not."
"then why are you reading this, if not to get something that you crave?" he argues. "am i not fulfilling your needs?"
"no. you are. i just—"
"i don’t understand why you would need to read this, unless you’re unhappy with me." he cuts you off. "especially smut. if i’m not satisfying you sexually, then we need to talk about that."
"that’s not it." you tell him. "i started reading it while you were away on tour because i missed you so badly. and some of it is actually.. good. so now, when i miss you and want to picture different scenarios about you, i’ll read some. i promise it has nothing to do with our relationship. it’s just fun to read what stay writes about you. and that one i was reading just now.. is pretty hot.." your cheeks flush. "i was actually going to bring it up with you to see if maybe you wanted to try something like that.." you look down at your hands, twirling your fingers together.
"you promise? if there’s something wrong, i can’t fix it unless you tell me about it." he says, holding you by the shoulders.
"i promise."
he’s smiling down at you now. "well then i guess let’s see what you’ve been reading. i saw you rubbing your thighs together, it must have been good to get you all hot and bothered like that." he starts reading the screen again. his smile grew the more he read. "so.. the part that you like.. is it the face fucking? or the daddy/princess dynamics?" he asks, seriously. but you feel it straight in your core. your panties sticking to your skin.
"i kinda like all of it.." you say quietly.
he sets the phone back down on the counter and brings his hand up to stroke your cheek. you noticed he was still a little sweaty from practice, and that only made you wetter. he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your mouth, his lips so plump and soft. he pulls away only an inch or so and then says against your lips, "well then get on your knees, princess."
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"hey sungie, could you grab my phone?" you ask, just getting out of the shower, wrapping the towel around your torso and reaching for your comb.
"sure." he pauses whatever game he was playing and gets up to retrieve your phone from the bed for you. when he grabs it, he looks at the text filled screen. it only takes a moment for him to read the words.
‘that’s it baby, you like it when i ride your cock like this?’ ‘yes mommy.’
he felt his cock twitch in his pants, and his ears flame with heat at the same time. he drops the phone back on the bed and turns around and leaves the room immediately without saying anything to you.
"sungie?" you look after him, worriedly. you drop your comb and follow him into the living room. he’s pacing back and forth in front of the couch, biting on his thumb nail. "what’s wrong?" you ask. he doesn’t answer you. he just keeps pacing back and forth. you wonder what the heck has gotten into him. you return to your bedroom and grab your phone from where it was laying on the cover. you look at the screen. that fan fiction you had been reading was still open. oh no. was he freaked out that you were reading this? you’d never told him about it because you thought it might freak him out, and maybe you were right. you returned to the living room. han was sitting on the edge of the couch now, a blank stare on his face, his mind a million miles away.
"did you read what was on my phone?" you ask him.
he looks up at you, startled. "uh yeah, i did. i’m sorry! i didn’t mean to read it, it was just open and a couple words jumped out at me and i couldn’t help but read them but i promise i wasn’t trying to spy on you or anything it was an accident, i-" he was rambling.
"sungie, it’s okay." you cut him off. i don’t mind that you looked at it. i have nothing to hide. especially from you." you smile at him.
he looks back down at his hands, silent yet again.
"did you want to talk about it?" you asked. "do you have any questions?" you walked over and sat next to him on the couch. he leaned back, throwing his head over the back of the couch dramatically, his eyes shut. you noticed his hands were covering the tent in his pants. so he must have liked what he read you thought.
"it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it right now. i can go back to the bathroom and we can talk about it after you’ve had time to think." you move to stand from the couch but han grabs your wrist. you look at him, his eyes wide.
"you were reading fan fiction about me?" he asked quietly. you nodded at him. "and you like to read that stuff?"
"i do." you answer him. "is that okay with you?"
he nods slowly, still thinking pretty hard about something.
"what do you like about them?" he asks.
"i just like to imagine different scenarios about you. especially when you’re gone on tour and i miss you. but i must admit, i’m pretty partial to subby jisung." you tell him, smirking. you loved to tease him. his face flushed a bright pink at your words.
"what’s subby jisung like?"
"well," you start, placing your hand on his thigh. "subby jisung is very needy, and whiny. he just can’t help it, he wants the reader so bad."
he shifts uncomfortably in his seat, trying to adjust his pants discreetly, but he fails.
"do you like the thought of that?" you tease. "did you like what you saw? the reader in that story was riding subby jisung as he begged. is that what’s got you hard?"
he shook his head no.
"then what was it?" you ask. he removes his hands from his front, fully exposing his erection to you, only hidden by his sweatpants. he makes grabby hands at you, and you smile. you stand up from the couch and drop your towel to the floor, fully naked in front of him. "what do you want, sungie? what did you read that you liked so much?"
"mommy.." he said quietly.
"what was that?" you say, teasing him some more. you loved it when he got like this. all soft and shy. you leaned down and grabbed the waistband of his sweatpants, clinging tightly to his small waist. you tugged them down and off him completely, his cock standing at attention.
"mommy.." he said a little louder. "please.."
"please what?"
"ride me, mommy. please." he begged. and how could you say no to that?
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you were both on the couch, facing each other, your legs tangled together. felix was playing a game on his switch and you were scrolling tumblr. it didn’t take long after you found the fic for you to start rubbing your thighs together. you “accidentally” brushed your foot against felix’s pants.
“hey angel, be careful where you’re kicking.” he giggles, never taking his eyes off the screen.
“sorry lixie.” you say softly, trying to hide the neediness in your voice. apparently you failed, because felix put his game down and looked up at you.
“what’s the matter, flower?”
you just shake your head no, still staring down at your phone.
“did you watch that maniac fan cam of me again? baby i know you like the ending fairy but im literally sitting right here. i couldn’t even perform because i was injured.”
that makes you smile a little. you do really love that performance. it’s his smile at the end. but no, you were wet from something else this time. “no, that’s not it.” you tell him.
“then what?”
you just shyly hold out your phone to him. he gently takes it from you and skims the words on the screen quickly. “oh. fan fiction? i’ve read this one actually. it’s pretty good but i wouldn’t say it’s my favorite one.”
you look at him, shocked. “you’ve read that one?”
“yeah i think changbin and i read this one together actually.” he laughs. “i try to stay away from the smut, because it’s a little weird to read that about yourself you know? but occasionally one will pop up and i’ll look it over.” he hands the phone back to you.
“pop up? pop up where?” you’re still shocked, mouth hanging open.
“on my tumblr.” he says matter of factly. “my favorite ones are the fake text ones. the unhinged ones where im sending funny memes.” he’s laughing again and you’re just looking at him. his beautiful face and you’re just in awe of him. of course this man would read his own fan fiction. he’s chronically online. “so.. are you going to tell me what you read that got you all bothered?”
“uh.. i just thought it was hot.. you know?” you say quietly, unable to meet his gaze.
“you like the thought of sucking me off while im playing games online? isn’t that what that one is about?”
you nod slowly.
“you just like the idea of sucking me off? or is it the thought of han or jeongin hearing you on the other side?”
you groan, grinding your hips into nothing. “lixie..” you whine.
“what, angel? i’m just trying to understand you.” he teases. he moves to climb on top of you, your back against the couch cushions, him hovering above you, caging your head with his arms. “do you want to talk about it some more?” he leans in closer. “or do you want to maybe act out your favorite fan fiction with me?” he places a gentle kiss on your lips and you’re lost. nothing exists but him.
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what choices had you made in life to bring you to this point? alone, in bed, one hand in your pants and the other hand gripping your phone, tumblr open. your favorite seungmin fic filling the screen. you had started reading fan fiction about him, and you weren’t proud of it. you just wanted him so badly. and if you were going to fantasize about him, might as well have some help from the internet, right? maybe you were just trying to make yourself feel better. you had known seungmin for a little while now. you have had a crush on him for just as long. it might even be more than a crush if you’re being honest with yourself. ever since you moved into the dorms, you’ve had some huge heart eyes for the guy. but he’s so intimidating. you were scared to ever talk to him. so here you were, hand down your pants, alone at the dorms, moaning his name.
“fuck. seungmin. yes.” you moan to yourself. maybe you were being a little too loud. but you didn’t care. no one was home, and it felt too good. your fingers making sloppy wet sounds as you pumped them in and out. the mental image of him above you had you right on the edge of release. when suddenly.. there’s a knock on the door.
what the fuck do you do in this situation? you yanked your hand out of your pants so fast, and pulled the blanket up over your head like there was someone actually in the room with you to hide from. you held your breath. trying to be as quiet as possible. after a minute or two, there it was again, the knocking.
“i know you’re in there.” he said. seungmin. you would know his voice anywhere. you’ve been obsessed with it for months now. “are you decent? i’m coming in.” he warns. and before you have time to panic about that, the door cracks open and seungmin sticks his beautiful head inside. he looks around and sees that your hiding under the covers. he walks in and sits on the edge of the bed.
“so.” he starts. “i think we should probably talk about that.” he pokes at what he thinks is your leg, but he can’t be sure. you’re just a pile of blankets. you pull the blanket down to reveal your face, bright red cheeks and watery eyes.
you look at him, but he’s not looking at you. he’s staring at your phone, which is laying on top of the covers, still on and open to tumblr.
“is that my name on the screen?” he asks, emotionless. you couldn’t tell if he was mad or disgusted or intrigued. he pointed at your phone with his index finger.
“i can explain.” you say.
“no need.” he looks into your eyes now. “you’re obviously reading fan fiction about me while you touch yourself. what else is there to explain?”
you seriously wanted to crawl into a hole and die. you prayed for the earth to swallow you up in that moment. where was the alien invasion when you needed it? “i— i guess you’re right..” you mumble. “there nothing else to explain.” you look up at the ceiling, tears pricking your eyes. “i’m sorry.” you tell him.
“don’t be sorry. i quite enjoyed hearing your moans from outside the door. what a thing to come home to.” he smiles his teasing smile at you and in that moment you’re glad that you’re in bed and not standing, because your legs turned to jello.
“i didn’t know my roomie was such a slut for me.” he says, reaching for the blanket. “my little slut.”
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god, your boyfriend had beautiful hands. you had this thought every day, multiple times a day. but you could never say anything to him. you were way too shy for that. and wouldn’t that be weird? ‘hey, innie i think you’re hands are really sexy.’? you were embarrassed just thinking about it. so you kept it to yourself. suffered in silence, drooling over his hands. you had recently turned to tumblr to fulfill your jeongin hand needs. and that was working out fine for a little while. but now, sat on the couch next to him, it’s like his hands are sending out a signal. a loud blaring siren that says hey! here we are! look at us!
the way he’s holding his phone, the muscles flexing as he uses his thumb to scroll instagram. your mind was immediately filled with dirty thoughts. so against your better judgement, you opened tumblr and continued reading. was it dangerous to read this while sitting so close to him? sure. but you couldn’t just excuse yourself to the other room without him having questions. so it’s either this, or just openly stare at his hands until he notices. what you didn’t anticipate however, was him putting his hand on your bare thigh, slowly rubbing your leg up and down, lovingly. he was doing it absentmindedly, ghosting his fingertips across your skin as he scrolled. you were sure your panties and your pajama shorts were probably soaked through at this point.
you forced your eyes back to the screen, but it only made things worse. in the real world, he’s gently rubbing your leg. in tumblr world, he’s wrapping his hand around your throat and squeezing. you accidentally let out a whimper, squirming in your seat. his hand stilled on your leg as he looked up at you. you dropped your phone onto your lap, and covered your face, mortified.
he laughs at you. “you’re adorable. why’re you hiding?” he reaches to try to pry your hands from your face. his fingers wrapping around your wrist send a shiver through your body, straight to your core.
“are those my hands?” he asks, chuckling nervously. you peek in between your fingers and see that your phone was displaying a rather large close up of his hands. somehow, the story you were reading had scrolled all the way back up to the top. there was the title of the story, and a picture of his hands. well fuck.
“i— uh-.” you stammer.
he holds his hands out in front of his face, turning them over and examining them. “what’s so special about them?” he asks, not really expecting an answer. “you must really like them if you’re reading fan fiction about them.” he laughs. “but i’m right here. you have the real thing on the same couch as you. why read about it?” he asks.
your face is bright pink. “i was embarrassed..” you admit softly.
“embarrassed? how long have you been thinking about this?”
you kind of shrug as an answer, meaning it’s been a while. he reaches for your phone, and before you can stop him, he’s scrolling. “choking?” he looks up at you. “is that what you want, baby? for me to wrap my hands around your pretty little throat?” your eyes went wide and you swallowed hard. “aren’t you going to answer me?” he teases. “i bet my big hand would fit almost all the way around..” in one swift motion, he wraps his hand around your ankle and tugs, forcing you onto your back, him kneeling in between your legs. he leans over you, his breath against your cheek, his hand slowly sliding up your chest, his index finger playing with the little dip at the base of your throat.
“i’ll put this hand here..” he says, wrapping it around your throat but applying no pressure. “and i’ll put this one here.” his other hand finds your soaked pajama shorts. “already prepped, baby.” he places a soft kiss against your lips before sliding his hand into your panties, his middle finger finding your hole. “let’s see how long you can last.”
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🚨reminder: this blog is 18+ only. i’ve been getting a lot of new followers (which i greatly appreciate) but if there’s no age identifier on your blog, i’m blocking you no questions asked. (for my own sanity and peace of mind.) ik some people don’t actually go to my page to read the warnings, so im going to start attaching a warning at the bottom of all my posts. thanks for understanding. 💕
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/17/2024 Crew Recap
Well, today was once again a day of new and exciting things happening, and some fun progress on all fronts. Anything I missed -- as always please add. Links to all the threads are in the pictures so please visit them, I want to make sure people who actually posted them are credited :) I realize this is a lot, so if you don't wanna read it all, please at least hop to the bottom for a special message.
===Today's Impact===
Petition Status: We broke 58,000 Signatures! Great job everyone!
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Our Flag Means Death Status on Television Stats -- Numbers went up a bit!
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#SaveOFMD Trending #4 in Hungary, way to go friends!
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Wondering if your calls are working? THEY ARE! Apparently they are cataloging and categorizing calls.
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Warner Bros Discovery Inc is still trending downward!
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Our Flag For Palestine - Care for Gaza Fundraiser is up to $7535!
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The team on this is pretty great about transparency, feel free to check out the twitter thread here
===Cast / Crew Sightings===
Chaos Dad, David Jenkins posted about the 35th Annual Glaad Media Awards Nominating Our Flag Means Death for Outstanding Comedy Series!
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Con O'Neill started posting stories on IG with #SaveOFMD and also he showed up in a Screen Rant Plus interview! Our Flag Means Death Interview: Con O’Neill On Izzy & Blackbeard In Season 2
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And our Pirate Queen Ruibo Qian was reposting save ofmd art on IG!
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=Latest Twitter / Other Platform Insanity=
So apparently someone updated the Our Flag Means Death Wikipedia page to say one of the Production Companies was Astroglide, you cheeky little fuckers.
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Squishables joined the fun with Astroglide.
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Astroglide Announced a Live Reaction Video to OFMD they'll be doing on Friday. Thanks to IG: _Irene_Adler for bringing this to my attention! Somehow I missed it looking at this post this morning.
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1. Could HBO’s Beloved ‘Our Flag Means Death’ Jump To Another Ship After Cancellation?
2. Our Flag Means Death's "numbers weren't there" for renewal says MAX's boss - but it is welcome to sail to another platform
===Ways to Help===
So I found of a new way to keep engagement up that I hadn't heard of before-- I apologize if you all already know about it and I'm repeating it! Daily Clicks to help with Engagement: Clickable Links below:
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Our Flag Means Death Wikipedia Page Google Search for Our Flag Means Death Google UK Search for Our Flag Means Death Our Flag Means Death IMDB
Fundraiser for LimbPower
Looks like another fundraiser going on by our fellow OFMD Crew, right now is by For Our New Unicorn, that benefits LimbPower. This has been going on since December but has had some ramp up since the cancellation announcement. If you're looking for somewhere to donate, seems to be a good cause!
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Calls / Emails / Faxes
I don't believe anything has changed in terms of calls and emails but here's the latest info in case you're just joining us, there's a lovely post over at @renewasacrew's post.
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Postcards / Outside the US Fans
@renewasacrew has the following awesome post about how to send mail from outside the US: Are you outside the US and looking to send Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav a letter? 🏴‍☠️
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As usual, sharing the petition with posts is super helpful, and @merryfinches has a cool guide on how to get additional email addresses if you want to help send more signatures here
Hashtag Updates from yesterday
#RenewAsACrew #SaveOFMD #TheNumbersWereThere.
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❤️❤️Lastly because even if you are tired of hearing it, I'm going to keep saying it, so suck it up buttercup here comes some love ❤️❤️
Every single one of you is enough.
If you bust your ass for this campaign, YOU ARE ENOUGH.
If you signed the petition and that was it, YOU ARE ENOUGH
If you lurk and keep an eye on things, YOU ARE ENOUGH.
If you do nothing at all, and just take care of yourself, YOU ARE ENOUGH.
There is NOTHING in this world that you could do to make you not enough.
Remember that.
You are amazing-
and beautiful-
and everything you do every single day is wonderful-
and YOU are worthy of love.
You are doing a great job just being you. Keep doing that.
We are so lucky to have each and every one of you here on this planet with us.
Remember to drink some water, and take care of yourself if you can. Even if it's just a few minutes a day. You got this, and you're loved. 🥰
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Love you crew. Have a good night/day, wherever you are on this little blue dot. <3
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peakyswritings · 29 days
My Father’s Daughter
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Time to Say Goodbye
Arthur Shelby x Daughter!OC
Summary: sometimes the hardest decision is the better one.
Warnings: mentions of death, alcohol and drug addiction, rocky father-daughter relationship, tiny reference to sex, angst, season 6 spoilers, English is not my first language.
A/N: guess we’re starting from the ending! Each chapter will be a standalone. They will be linked, but they can be read separately. This is set in season 6.
Edit: putting this here cause I think I haven’t been as clear as I wanted to, since it created a bit of confusion🙈 This is the end of Rosalind’s story - or at least, of her story within the family. I wanted to try something different than what I usually do and start from the ending. In the next chapters I’m going back to 1919 and from them on I’ll explore how things turned out the way they turned out.
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In the dim light of a room she knew all to well by now, Rosalind looked for her undergarments among the mess of clothes lying on the floor. The sun was about to set, and she needed to leave before it got too dark. These days, the streets of Birmingham weren’t safe even for a Shelby.
She slid into her slip, the cool material bringing some relief to her skin, still warm from the activities that had been going on up until a few minutes before. Although she didn’t want to admit it, she would’ve liked to stay a while. He would’ve liked it too. But it would just mean to pointlessly carry over something that was bound to happen all the same. She had never been one for cuddling, anyway. Running a hand through her ruffled red locks, she glanced at her… whatever Isiah Jesus was to her.
He was still lying in bed, a cigarette lazily hanging from his lips. He kept his gaze on her, watching her every movement. “So you’re leaving.”
“Does your father know?”
“Not yet.”
A sigh escaped her lips as she zipped up her dress. She had to tell him, she knew she did. As tempting as the prospect of just leaving without telling anyone else was. “I’ll tell him tonight.”
“Y’know where he is?” he inquired. Isiah was no stranger to Arthur Shelby’s habits, and the course they had taken of late. One could never tell whether he’d go back home or spend his night in the Chinese shop whose business was thanks to the generous amount of money he spent in it.
“Drunk, somewhere,” she shrugged. “Maybe high. Maybe both.”
She wasn’t worried. She knew her father would show up, eventually. He always did. He needed someone to take care of him when he was too wasted to even stand. She couldn’t be that someone anymore. And it wasn’t like he deserved it. She loved him, of course she did, despite everything. But love was not enough.
“I can’t convince you to stay, can I?”
Isiah’s question hung in the air for a while, then, just like it came, it faded away. He knew the answer, she didn’t need to say it. It was more like himself talking to himself. There was a glimpse in his dark eyes, one of sadness, perhaps. Sadness, and something else Rosalind refused to see. That look could’ve almost compelled her to stay, had things been different.
“What will I do without you, eh?” He let out a chuckle, a poor attempt to lighten the atmosphere. “You’ve been pestering me since you came around.”
“Well it’s time you got yourself a woman. Start a family,” she teased him, sitting on the bed to put on her shoes.
He laughed, shaking his head. The only woman I’d start a family with doesn’t want to hear any of that, he thought to himself. But he didn’t say it. Cause he couldn’t.
Rosalind would’ve missed him too, there was no point in lying to herself. But there was no point in dwelling over what could’ve been either. It was time for her to turn page, to leave that life behind. Was she running away? Yes, she had no intention of hiding it from herself. Maybe if she ran fast enough she could escape the old curse. Polly had said it once. It’s in us. In our blood. We need to move, or it catches up with us.
Maybe it would catch up with her anyway.
Her gaze rested on Isiah one last time. She wondered if she’d forget about his face, overtime. If it would deform and fade until it became an indistinct blur and she could no longer picture it in her mind, like it had happened with her mother. She leaned in to press a kiss on his lips. It was chaste, tender, so different from the ones they had shared until then. She wanted to imprint the feeling of his soft lips against hers. That was the one thing she didn’t want to forget.
“Goodbye, Isiah.”
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The sound of Rosalind’s heels on the cobblestones resounded in the empty street, breaking the uncanny stillness. Wrapping herself tighter in her expensive coat, she watched are her breath came out in little white clouds in the chilly air, illuminated by the street lamps. Small Heath was so different from the way it used to be years ago. There used to be workers in every corner, striking iron, shovelling coal, lighting fires. Now it was dead silent.
The gun she always carried with her granted her a faint feeling of safety. There had been a time when she was untouchable. When she would walk down the street knowing no one would dare look at her twice, let alone hurt her. Then Aunt Polly was killed, and all of her certainties came tumbling down. If Elizabeth Gray could be taken out, there was no hope for any of them.
When she walked through the front door of her house, she was hit by the reek of booze and smoke. Her father was there. He was sitting at the head of the table, with rumpled clothes, disheveled hair, and an empty look in his eyes. He didn’t say a word. She wondered if he had noticed her stuff was missing, or if he was too stoned to pay attention to anything. She took a seat in front of him, trying to figure out whether he was lucid enough to have that conversation. Or any conversation.
“I’m leaving.”
A heavy silence hung in the air. He didn’t look surprised. In fact, there was almost no emotion on his face. He looked like a dead man forced to stand by some invisible string, like a puppet in a theatre. It wasn’t the first time she got the impression that all the shit he took - the booze, the cocaine, the opium - had drained all the life out of him, leaving just the shell of the man he once was.
For the first time since she had entered the house, he raised his gaze on her. The gaze she met every time she looked in the mirror. That was the one thing she could never escape from.
“Leaving where?”
“America. New York.”
“To do what?”
“I’ll figure it out,” her voice faltered. All the firmness she had armed herself with was threatening to slip away. Her father’s stare was hard, unflinching. She didn’t let it intimidate her. “In truth, I asked uncle Tommy if he needed help with anything, in New York. He said I should talk to you first.”
As if her father was in the conditions of having that conversation.
A silent question arose in his face, but he didn’t say anything. She didn’t give him the chance to. “Then I changed my mind. Whatever I’ll do, I’ll do it on my own.”
Her father nodded to himself, leaning back in his chair and folding his hands in his lap. “So ye’re walking out on us. On your old man. On your family.”
That attempt to instil a sense of guilt sent a wave of burning rage through Rosalind’s spine. She didn’t give in to it, though. She didn’t raise her voice. She didn’t snap. She limited herself to raise her eyebrows and and let out a scoff. “What family?” she asked dryly.
Her father shifted uncomfortably in his chair, lowering his gaze, his own facade crumbling.
She could’ve stopped there. She could’ve spared him the pain. But she didn’t. “Aunt Polly’s dead. Uncle John’s dead. Esme and her kids have vanished into thin air. Michael’s in America, and he hasn’t been a part of this family since he’s been sent away. Uncle Tommy’s not himself anymore. Aunt Ada’s raising two fatherless children. God knows what Finn’s up to. And you…” she paused, grimacing. “You’re a mess.”
A pained expression crossed her father’s face. Her words were more venomous than poison. She knew she was hurting him. Part of her felt bad for that, but the other part wanted to make him feel a tiny part of the pain that had been inflicted upon her since the day she was born. That was the one thing she’d always carry with her.
“Linda left you because you fucked up. I didn’t like her, you know it. But she took care of you, and you fucked up. She left, and even that didn’t change you.”
She didn’t blame Linda for leaving. She had a long list of things to resent her for, but leaving with Billy was not one of them. She couldn’t take care of him anymore. And now Rosalind knew how Linda felt. Everyday she was waiting for the news that her father had been found dead in an alley, with a syringe in his arm. Or killed in one of the fights he engaged in, chasing the thrill of his long gone backstreet days. She had prepared herself to hear something like that a long time ago. She had come to terms with the fact that he was beyond saving.
Her father loosened the collar of his shirt as if he was choking on the truth his daughter was dumping on him. A glimpse of guilt shone in his eyes, and yet, no apology left his lips. “Walking out on yer old man,” he repeated in muffled words.
“You walked out on me first.”
None of them said another word. Not Arthur, who was still digesting what his daughter had said to him, nor Rosalind, who hadn’t meant for their confrontation to take that turn. But too many things had been left unspoken for too long. And Arthur Shelby, despite his efforts to be better, had not managed to escape the curse that had been passed on to him by his father, and by his father before him. His inability to apologise was the proof.
With nothing left to say or do, Rosalind walked out that house she couldn’t call home, and closed the door behind her.
That was the last conversation she ever had with her father.
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My Father’s Daughter taglist: @strayrockette @justrainandcoffee
General taglist:
@iamngoclinh08 @lilywinchesterlove @fandom-puff @capitanostella @caelys
@lucillethings @peakyxtommy @queenofkings1212 @lyarr24 @kmc1989
@call-sign-shark @ce1iat @red-riding-wood @optimisticsandwichgladiator
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littleplantfreak · 3 months
Say my name - Sakura Haruka
Normally I'm bad with titles but without further ado! A ficlet(?) about Sakura struggling to call his lovely partner by their first name! It's SFW (but still under the cut) btw
I tried to keep it they/them for neutrality but if you find a stray 'she' somewhere that's my bad
(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
“I really don’t know what to do with him Suo! Every time he tries to say it he just freezes and sputters until he calls me ‘you’ or he changes it to another word last minute. Last week he tried so hard he nearly turned purple and gave himself a headache!” whining, you practically drape yourself over the table in defeat.
“Wow…our captain really is shy when it comes to that stuff, huh?” Suo’s holding back but you can tell he wants to laugh. Once Sakura shows up he’ll throw a teasing remark or two in but you’ll still be at square one.
“Maybe a nickname? Or what if you don’t look at him when he says it? What if he spells it out-“
“I don’t think we need to go that far,” interjecting gently before Nirei could start going through an insane list of things that may or may not actually work for the present problem, Suo leans forward, looking at you from across the table. “There’s something we can try that might work if you're up for it."
It’s not a bad plan actually, if more simple than you thought it’d be. You’re waiting behind the support wall in the middle of Cafe Pothos, obscured from anyone just walking in. Nirei and Suo are at the same table near the front that you were at before, and Kotoha is cleaning dishes at the sink, though she knows what’s going on and has a ear turned towards the main stage of this event making sure she doesn’t miss a thing.
From where you’re peeking before Haruka opens the door, you can see Nirei’s tense shoulders, both trying and failing to appear casual not that your boyfriend will pay it any mind. Sometimes you're afraid he'll end up like Hiragi and his nervous stomach issues. Suo is the picture of tranquility as he eyes Nirei’s notebook before greeting Haruka. You hear your boyfriend stop, possibly looking around for where you said you’d be waiting for him earlier.
“Bathroom~,” Suo singsongs smoothing over his partner’s stuttering. “By the way, Nirei’s been wondering about their first name! It seems the notebook page he has on them is incomplete without it…” he’s drawing attention, not to the boy himself, but the pen and notebook he’s gripping on to waiting on Sakura to take the bait. Nirei had opted for silence as he clicks his pen and as if to write it down.
"It’s-" a short pause before he actual says the full weight of your name, matter of factly too, without fumbling it at all and you’re suddenly too giddy to contain yourself.
“S-Sorry I wasn’t listening. Could you say it again?” Nirei squeaks out.
There’s annoyance in his voice as Sakura says it again, and before he can get anything else out, you’ve decided this is your cue.
“Yes, Haruka?” You blink looking at him, poorly portraying innocence but you can tell blood is rushing to your face and you cannot rub your smile off if you tried.
“Oh my~ Sakura you’re so bold calling your partner by their first name!” Red eyes glittering wickedly as he taunts “How romantic!” He gasps with a hand over his mouth. Looking flustered but proud is Nirei, nodding vigorously, and Kotoha giving Sakura a pat on the back in congratulations. You’re proud of him yourself, despite having to coax your name out of him with the help of his vice captains.
He's wide-eyed going between you and Suo, gears clicking in to place that he'd been set up as he settles for firing at the brunette "Wha- you- I'm GONNA KNOCK YA-,"
"Oookay we're heading out now!" Before he starts a fight, you link an arm through his and begin leading him towards the door. He’s puffed up like an angry cat but his body completely yields when it’s you who’s maneuvering him away the cafe after saying a quick goodbye to everyone.
It's quiet, the path you take through town on the way to your house and he doesn't look at you when he mumbles a quiet apology. You aren't quite sure what he’s apologizing for but you stop walking and wait for him to start speaking again.
“Sorry fer takin’ so long to say it.” He’s still not looking at you but your heart breaks a little at how small he sounds. You touch his cheek enough for him to turn and look at you, uncertainty clear in his bi-colored eyes.
“Honey I never meant to rush you. If you’re still working on it that’s okay! I never wanna make you feel uncomfortable,” brows knit together in worry now that you’re holding his face in both hands, searching signs that you took it too far.
“I think I’ll be able to say it now - especially if it makes ya look as happy as ya did at the cafe. Not all the time, but when we're alone I think I can." He’s almost fully settled into your hands now, melting into warmth he’d been craving since he woke up this morning. He always wondered how such soft hands could touch something as rough as him and still continue to make the effort to hold him. You wait for him to finish soaking up his much needed affection for a few more minutes and then you're both walking again, slowed by the urge to stay close for as long as possible.
"...and she popped out from behind the pillar and said "Yes, Haruka?"" Kotoha mimics your voice as she's giving Umemiya the rundown of what he missed.
"He's growing up so fast!" He wails theatrically wiping a tear from his eye.
"He's changed a lot since he came here, and even more since they started dating. I think he's getting soft with how fast they were able to drag him away without a fight."
"So he went from alley cat to house cat huh. Nothing wrong with that." he grins digging into his omurice. Kotoha smiles and hums in agreement. Nothing wrong with that in the slightest.
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fuckyeahmhawkefenris · 3 months
It is unbearably quiet on tumblr lately, and what little talking there is, it's all about the next game. Yeah, we're no longer in 2012, I get it.
I'll just keep entertaining myself however I can.
I've always wanted to talk about one fic I secretly refer to as one of the hidden gems in the fenhawke archives. I have never ever seen anyone bring it up, and in all these years I've never dared to recommend it to anyone... Don't think you can even find it so easily? For good reason tbh...
Thing is, it's a fill for da kink community on livejournal. Anyone remember that place? The safe haven where anyone could anonimously submit the kinkiest most shameless things you could think of - offering prompts, filling them... Those were some desperate times when we were painfully low on content, and it was very hard to find something to read. Finding a story with characterization that suited your vision was near impossible!
I myself was desprate enough to brave through countless pages of imageries I could not stomach, skimming through them just to get the general idea until something captured my attention.
So I found this, and honestly, to this day to me it is one of the best examples of... idk, not just good characterization, but the overall feeling of the fenhawke relationship, why I can't let go of them after 12 years? It's all subjective, of course, but no fanfic ever resonated with me as deeply as this. Also back then mage Hawke was not very popular and most stories featured rogues... I used to be very sad and lonely!
Warning: it's extremely triggery. I wouldn't even recommend reading the first part at all, because it's too difficult and painful to get through. Hell, I couldn't read it! I was looking through the text very VERY briefly to get only the most basic and vague understanding of what was happening, and it was still hard! There is a lot of abuse, rape, slavery things...
To get the idea:
The Alone quest did not get resolved as planned. Danarius managed to win that battle, captured Fenris and returned to Tevinter, gravely injuring Hawke in the process (Fenris thought he was killed). To break the remains of his will, Danarius threatens to erase Fenris's memories of Hawke, and he succumbs and stops resisting altogether. I don't want to recall the details, but it was awful. Go straight to part 17 (it's a flashback) to read a very lovely take on fenhawke first night together. It's super sweet and gentle, though painfully sad in context. Still, beautiful. Well, it gets worse before it gets better! Somewhere in part 19 Fenris's friends come for him (they sailed all the way here on Isabela's new ship) and he's rescued. What follows is an exceptionally touching tender reunion with Hawke. Oh, and then, once all is settled comes the second part - All the King's men, which is much less controversial and fairly easy to read. Fenris copes with his experiences, and Hawke is always there for him. There are some truly fantastic moments as they slowly get close to each other again! Isabela is pretty great here, and Anders... sorta made me warm up to his character? And it's all fairly believable and close to how we see them in the game.
I'm saying all this and linking this fic on the off chance that someone with tastes similar to mine ever needs something like it. I know I am grateful it exists, and still hold it very dear to my heart. Definitely never regretted finding it!
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So... @muffinlance wrote a really awesome story. I read a post from a point in time, though I truly do not remember when since it seems like I've been working on this project forever, saying that she gives blanket permission for people to print and bind the story into a book (I think there was an also addendum saying that they do not give permission to be sold, since selling fic is illegal). This fic has had total control over my whole brain since it was sent to me (@creatorofthemind I believe it was you, so thank you forever for tuning me into it) back during the days of like chapter six or seven.
So here I am now, sharing this amazing journey of my first ever bookbinding adventure. Further reading below.
So to give you an idea of what's going on, this is a fanfiction about Zuko (Avatar the Last Airbender) (animated show version, the LA show did not exist yet and we do not speak of the movie) being adopted by Hakoda, Father of Katara and Zuko. (This might have also been what kicked off the Give Zuko A Parent craze, but don't fact check me.)
Overall, the characters from the show stick very well to the cannon versions, but where MuffinLance really shines is in the rich backstories and fleshed out feeling of all the non cannon elements. Especially the background characters. I would argue that the writing in this peice of fanwork could easily rival the cannon show at many points of comparison.
Now that you have context, we can get into the actual process.
To start, I used this guide to figure out where to even begin, and fount the included resource list to also be quite helpful. I cannot for the LIFE OF ME figure out where I found the template I used for the front matter and such, but it must be somewhere and I will link to it when I inevitably come across it again.
Then I began to typeset. This step took... a long time. I worked in chunks from about September of 2022 to late March of 2024. I would get a big section done, sometimes even the entire thing, but then find I hated the way I had done it and give up for months at a time. Such is the life of ADHD and flitting interest in projects I suppose.
And then finally, step one was done, and I was left with pages on a word document that look like this. (And do please let me know if you want the link to the document. It was so much work, and I would love to not be the only one to use it.)
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Next step was printing out this beast. Ended up being about eight pages of front matter, and about 630 pages of body text.
That I printed wrong.
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Before finally getting it right. And then not getting a picture of it, because I finished at 4 am and had work at 7, and am also an idiot.
Then I simply stitched along, putting everything together into a beautiful text block.
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And came up with a design for the cover.
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Yes the glue did end up lumpy. Ignore it.
Yes I did have to sketch out the design onto a scraped page several times before I figured out what I was doing. Ignore that too.
The cover design does wrap around the entire cover. No I did not get a picture before I glued the thing down. See again: I'm an idiot. And just... massively impatient.
Finally, we get to the stage of gluing. Behold, my bookpress.
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Of course, topped with Madam MuffinLances own actual professional-people book, Fox's Tounge and Kirin's Bone. It is Excelent. Here is the LINK so you can go and support this amazing author with the real-monies as well as the internet-kudos.
Then, once everything is glued together, one must give the book its "gilt" edges.
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heaven-s-black-box · 5 months
Definitely a Date- Lyney x Neuvillette's child!Reader
Return to File
Recovery date: April 18th, 2024
Description: Hello 👋, I just wanted to say I loved the Neuvillette story and I would like to see a continuation where the relationship with Lyney and the reader was explored, but if it's not to much to ask I'd also like some more context with the relationship between Neuvillette and the readers mother.
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with @crystalkat6747, we thank her for her contribution. This was fun, and ended up being super long. I clearly have favorites, lol.
Part: 1 2 3 4
Word count: 2 699
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"I’m going out with Lyney today,” Y/n said before taking another bite of their croissant. “We might leave the city.”
“Very well, I won’t wait for you at dinner time.” Neuvillette stopped spreading the jam on his bread. “And if you could, ask him to stop climbing up to your window. He’s going to get arrested one of these times.”
Y/n inhaled sharply and began choking on their food. They grabbed their tea cup and chugged the drink before coughing some more. Neuvillette watched them carefully, pushing his chair back in case he needed to help.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m-” they coughed some more, “I’m fine,” they wheezed. “I didn’t think you knew about that,” they muttered, pouring themself more tea.
“I had my suspicions, but that was how he came looking for you the other day.”
Y/n cringed a bit at the mention of the other day. It had been three days since they and their siblings had scared their father shitless, and a day since the twins had gone back to Liyue where they were currently running a small legal business. In that time Y/n had stayed close to their father and been helping around the Palais Mermonia; whether it was their way of making up for scaring him or them trying to comfort themself was uncertain.
“On a different topic, I’ve been giving your question some thought.” Y/n’s brows furrowed in confusion. “About why your mother and I are no longer together.”
“I believe it was as I said before, my duty as your father is to protect you, and your mother did not believe we could do that here. She’d always taken the prophecy seriously, and as the water level began to rise she became more anxious about what might happen. However, I refused to abandon my duties here and while she could not make you leave with her– at least you would have somewhere outside of Fontain you could go.”
“I’m guessing there was more to it?”
A small smile pulled at Neuvillette’s lips. “Yes, but it doesn’t concern you.”
Y/n leaned their chin on their palm and watched their father as he flipped to the next page of the Steambird. His eyes were solemn in a way akin to how they looked after a trial. They’d always known that he hadn’t liked the idea of the divorce, but they’d also gotten the feeling it was partly because he blamed himself. After their mother had left Fontain, he’d made it a point to spend his lunch break with them and take them to see shows they expressed interest in as though he were trying to make up for his previous absence caused by work.
In fact, they’d been in the audience together when Lyney and Lynette had debuted in the Opera Epiclese.
“So, when-”
A knock echoed through the house and Y/n rushed to the front door, Neuvillette close behind.
“Hey,” Y/n breathed out.
“Good morning, Y/n.” Neuvillette heard Lyney say just before he turned the corner. To his surprise, the magician was not in his usual clothes. Instead he was dressed in black slacks and a red dress shirt, sans his usual hat. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yes, let me just-ah!”
Y/n turned around to find their father standing at the end of the hallway.
“Enjoy your day.”
“Mhm,” Y/n nodded.
Lyney held out his arm for Y/n to take, and they waved goodbye to their father before stepping outside and linking their arm with his. Neuvillette watched them walk down the street, arm in arm, before closing the door to finish his morning routine.
“Nice outfit,” Y/n hummed, leaning into the magician’s side.
“Thank you, you look good too.”
They walked past shops with windows full of mechanical toys and fancy jewelry, occasionally stopping to talk about the items on sale. Y/n shared the story of  a new line of accessories they came across, and how the melusine who was sourcing the material had gifted them one of the first watches made. Lyney smiled as they went on about how pretty the watches circuitry was, which ended with them asking about Freminet’s recent inventions.
Lyney was more than happy to share about Pers’ latest upgrade as they headed towards Cafe Lutece. 
“What are we doing here?” Y/n wondered aloud as Lyney led them up to the counter.
“Grabbing snacks.”
Y/n shrugged, and ordered a batch of conch madeleines. When they turned back from getting their mora out, they found the exact change already on the counter. They turned to Lyney who grinned and pulled them away to a table where they could wait.
“I could have paid for myself.”
“It’s no problem, I like treating you when we go out.”
Y/n let out a fond sigh as a white box was set on the table. The young adults thanked the shop owner before Lyney took the lead once again, dragging Y/n to the aquabus station.
They boarded the Navia line and found themselves reminiscing about the recent flooding of the nation at the mention of their friend. The melusine went on with her speech, occasionally catching the interest of the two as she pointed out animals nearby. Y/n let their head rest against Lyney’s shoulder, unable to see the way the tips of his ears turned red.
In the sky, the sun shone brightly– unobstructed by clouds.
“You know…” Lyney started once they’d separated from the rest of the aquabus riders on their way towards the Opera Epiclese, “when we uncovered the whole scheme behind my first show here, I had nightmares for a week straight that you’d been the one drawn.”
He squeezed their hand but didn’t look at them. His eyes were trained forward as they turned away from the rainbow roses lining the path to look at him. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the frown adorning their lips.
“What brought that up?”
Lyney’s eyes flickered to their before he looked away again and started steering them towards the Icewind Suite installation.
“I figured you’d be home the other day, and when Monsieur Neuviellette barged into your room and you weren’t there…” He trailed off. “I’m not saying you have to tell someone everytime you go out,” he backtracked frantically when he caught Y/n looking away. “It was just, so unlike you to disappear like that.”
“Sorry. For scaring you guys, I mean.”
The two fell silent as they took a seat along the edge of the installation. Lyney set the box of treats between them and Y/n leaned back on their hands to watch the dancing machines.
“Oh, one, I’m supposed to tell you to stop climbing up to my window before you get arrested. Apparently the other day wasn’t the first time father’s caught you.” Lyney nearly choked on a blubber profiterole as his face turned nearly the same color as his vision, making Y/n laugh. “Secondly, why did you come looking for me the other day?”
Lyney stumbled over his words for a minute, still stuck in a coughing fit as he regretted not bringing anything to drink.
“I-” he coughed a bit more, “I wanted to tell you that Lynette and I got a show in Sumeru.”
“Really?” Y/n gasped, clapping their hands together. “That’s amazing, when is it?”
“A few months out, but Lynette and I have to visit the venue sometime next month to make sure everything will work.”
“That sounds fun.”
Y/n took a bite of one of the madeleines, turning back to the sweeping dance. Lyney propped his elbows up on his knees and leaned against his palms, watching them.
They looked over at him from the corner of their eye before inclining their head in confusion.
“I want you to come with us.”
“For the show?” Y/n asked around another mouthful of madeleine. They shielded their mouth with their hand before swallowing. “Obviously, if you need me backstage.”
“No, well yes, but I mean next month. I want you to help us make a unique trick for our first international show.” Y/n stopped mid bite as Lyney continued. “I know right now you just come and go as you please, and that’s fine if you want to keep working at the Palais Mermonia, but I want to offer you a proper position in our show.”
Y/n sat up straight and stared at their half eaten madeleine for a moment before popping it into their mouth. 
“I’ll think about it,” they said after they finished it.
The answer seemed to satisfy Lyney as the magician smiled and turned to watch the dancing mechanisms. Across from them, the sun began to droop low enough that it washed out the show– its light glancing off the shiny metal and into the audience's eyes. They took this, and the completed sweets, as a sign that it was time to move on.
Lyney once again took the lead, looping his arm around Y/n’s and leading them back to the aquabus station.
Once back in the main court, he dragged them off to hotel debord where they had dinner before he once again dragged them off without an explanation.
“Alright, I wasn’t going to ask, but what’s all this about?” Y/n laughed as the magician dragged them through the court.
Streetlight had already turned on as the sun was hidden behind the high walls of the court. Lyney was no longer holding their arm but had a tight hold on their hand as they raced through the city.
“I haven’t seen you in four days, need to make up for lost time,” he laughed.
Lyney dragged them all the way out of the city before he slowed down again so they could walk side by side. He gently swung their hands back and forth, smiling as they ran their fingers over some of the calluses on his. They followed a practiced path down to the beach as the sun cast a golden glow over the landscape.
Y/n stopped suddenly when they hit the sand, causing Lyney to be yanked back, and took a deep breath. Lyney found himself smiling at this as he took off his shoes and socks.
A gentle tap at their knee lowered Y/n’s gaze to their feet Where Lyney was kneeling.
“What are you doing?” They asked, feeling their face heat up.
The magician grinned and carefully raised one of their feet to his knee where he began to take off their shoe.
“Taking your shoes off.” They yelped and grabbed his shoulders to balance themself as he removed the shoe and sock. “Other one.”
“I can definitely do that myself,” they laughed awkwardly.
“But I’m trying to spoil you,” he hummed as he set their other, now bare, foot down. He wrapped his arms around their legs and rested his chin against their abdomen. “Now how about a swim?”
“Are you trying to get me in my underwear?” They laughed, trying to ignore the heat spreading across their face and down their neck.
Y/n was so preoccupied with their own embarrassment that they missed the red tint that had also begun to cover Lyney’s face.
“If it makes you feel better I can strip first.”
“Ah, you’re serious.”
The realization stunned them, their thoughts running a mile a minute as they wondered if this had been a date in the first place. Not that they minded, but they couldn’t recall Lyney calling it a-
“AH!” they shrieked as Lyney wrapped an arm under their knees and the other around their back.
“Or we could just do this,” he laughed.
They shrieked and flailed as the deceptively strong magician picked them up and carried them over to the soft waves, then tossed them in. Y/n spluttered as they surfaced, wiping the water from their eyes just in time to watch Lyney jump in after them.
The wave hit them in the face, causing them to inhale water and start choking again.
“Are you okay,” he laughed, standing next to them in the water.
He wrapped an arm around them, patting their back as their head hung between them.
“You jerk,” they wheezed. “Now our clothes are wet.”
They sighed and kicked off the seafloor to float on their back, and Lyney joined them. He intertwined their hands so they wouldn’t float apart, and the two lay there watching the sky darken and the stars appear.
Y/n’s voice was muffled by the water in his ears.
“Was this a date?”
The magician swung his feet under him and began to tread water as they’d floated away from shore. Y/n did the same, but grabbed Lyney’s shoulders to stabilize themself leaving the two practically nose to nose.
“No, if it was a date you’d definitely know.”
“And how would I definitely know?” Y/n inclined their head.
“Well for one I would have brought you flowers when I picked you up, two I wouldn’t let you pay for anything-”
“You didn’t let me pay for anything.”
Lyney cleared his throat awkwardly. “And three I would certainly hope you’d remember me asking.”
“So your sister helps you dress up for all your outings with friends? And you always walk arm in arm and pull out their chair?”
“How did you know Lynette helped me pick this out?”
“Lyney, in all the time we’ve known each other I’ve almost exclusively seen you in your show wear. For the first month we knew each other I wasn’t sure you owned anything else, then I just found out you’re a bit of a workaholic,” Y/n chuckled and moved their hands to cup Lyney’s face.
Lyney moved his hands up to their waist.
“This isn’t a date,” he said, causing Y/n to look at him incredulously. “I was going to ask you out on a date when I brought you home,” he grumbled, making Y/n laugh.
They dropped their head to his shoulder as theirs shook with every laugh. Lyney hugged their waist as they moved closer and pulled them back to where he could at least stand.
“Nope. I’m still going to ask you, so save your answer for then.”
Y/n pulled back with a wide smile and nodded before the two wadded back to shore.
Lyney used his vision to dry them off, and they headed back into the city– once again hand in hand.
As soon as they arrived back at Y/n’s place, they turned around with an expectant grin. Lyney had to admit that he was less nervous than he’d expected, probably because they’d already made their answer very clear.
He flicked his wrist, and a rainbow rose appeared in his hand. They giggled as they reached for it, but Lyney pulled it back slightly.
“Would you do me the honor of going on a date?”
“I would love to go on a date with you, Lyney.”
Lyney didn’t let them take the rose, moving it away again as they reached for it, and instead tucked it behind their ear.
“How does dinner tomorrow night sound?”
“It sounds perfect,” they hummed as they reached up to hold the hand lingering near their face. “Goodnight, Lyney,” Y/n whispered as they pressed their lips to his cheek.
Y/n yelped, nearly falling off the stool at their vanity when Lyney spoke from behind them. The magician was perched on their open window sill with one leg crossed over the other and the day’s Steambird in his hands.
“Good morning,” he grinned at them. “Anyways, maybe it was a date.”
He stepped into their room and handed them the Steambird.
There, on the front page, was a picture of them watching the Icewind Suite. Lyney was leaning towards them with his chin in his palm and a lovesick look in his eyes and Y/n was watching the dance. The headline read Magic and Justice on a date?!
“Lynette?” Y/n sighed.
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chaithetics · 4 months
Fics for Palestine! June!🖤❤️🤍💚
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Hey Tumblr besties! We did a couple of fics and had some awesome donors in May so let's give it another go - it's a new update for June!
Do you want to support a good cause? Help Palestine and get a fic at the same time? Then please read!
I will write a fic for you with your chosen pairing and whatever prompt you want (it can be vague or specific!) and have it posted on Tumblr no later than June 30th!
All you need to do is send me same-day confirmation/a screenshot of either your receipt or sent email as a private message or in the ask box!
This is fundraising for Palestine, so you could donate to any fund or organisation on the Operation Olive Branch list, eSims for Gaza, UNRWA, Gaza Funds, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, and any other Palestinian fundraisers or organisations you want to support!
As we all have different currencies, all the go fund mes I've donated to have been in USD or Euros, so I'm going to keep this at the tier system is with whatever currency the fundraiser is in. If it is somewhere like UNRWA it can just be whatever your currency is 🥰
For emails, I've made this post on free ways to support Palestine and also this post encouraging American users to contact their senators. You can email your politicians asking for an immediate permanent ceasefire, an increase in UNRWA funding, creating and granting humanitarian visas for Palestinians, recognising Palestine as a state and withdrawing recognition of the state of Israel, placing sanctions on Israel that include economic and political sanctions and military embargo. If you need support with any emails, I'm happy to help! 🫶
Here is my Chaithetics Masterlist for navigation or if you want to get a vibe of my writing x
And here is the Fics for Palestine Masterlist of the fics I've done so far with this initiative.
If so many people responded to this with donations/emails that I became too overwhelmed. I would come up with a new date for some pieces or temporarily close/reopen for others. It didn't happen with the couple of weeks of May but this post will be regularly updated!
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Characters I'll write for:
Any Pedro Pascal characters
Any Oscar Isaac characters
Any Dev Patel characters
Any Succession characters - we love Stewy here in particular! (just not Logan, Old Guard, or Greg.)
Any Fallout characters
Any The Bear characters
Tommy Miller
Marvel characters like Matt Murdock, Wanda, Bucky etc.
There is more that I can't think of but you're more than welcome to reach out to ask in the comments, DMs, or my inbox before donating or anything! 💞
What I'll write and won't:
I'll write fluff, smut, angst or any combination of your choice!
I can write plus-size readers, disabled readers, poc readers, fem readers, GN readers, keep it description-less, whatever your preference is! I'm bi/queer so I'm happy to write straight pairings or wlw/queer pairings and readers!
I'm just not comfortable and won't write fics that are non-consensual, 'dark', heavy kink, gore, vore, paedophilia, and nothing with under-18 readers or characters (this includes characters 'aged up' for a fic), or actor/celebrity x reader, just their fictional characters.
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The Tier System!
If you donate $1 in the Fundraiser's Currency:
You will get a drabble/ficlet 100-500 words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
I know that places like the places like the Palestine Children's Relief Fund will let you donate $1 US but Go Fund Me has a $5 minimum donation for example and some other organisations might as well. But I know that there are content creators on social media like Yuval who are saying you can venmo/paypal them a $1 and they'll take those donations to a go fund me. So you can do that, send me a screenshot of the receipt and maybe just a link to the creator's page so we all know it's legit 🥰
If you write an email to a Politician:
You will get a fic that is at least 500+ words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
You just need to provide a screenshot that has the content of the email, is sent, and has the politician's email address/name visible. You of course can blur out any of your personal details and send this in PM. I'm happy to help draft emails, find resources as well if that's useful!
If you donate $5 in the fundraiser's currency:
You will get a fic that is at least 500+ words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
Just provide a screenshot that's confirmation of your donation.
I'm personally doing a few different $5 donations across different families and I know many are, if you're doing that you could send in different receipts which again could be different fics. And that would apply with other tiers as well!
If you donate $10 in the fundraiser's currency:
You will get a fic that is at least 1,500+ words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
Just provide a screenshot that's confirmation of your donation.
If you donate $20 in the fundraiser's currency:
You will get a fic that is at least 2,500+ words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
Just provide a screenshot that's confirmation of your donation.
If you donate $50 in the fundraiser's currency:
You will get a fic that is at least 7,000+ words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
Just provide a screenshot that's confirmation of your donation.
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Since October 2023, over 36,000 Palestinians have been murdered during Israel's genocide and illegal occupation of Palestine, this includes civilians, children, journalists, media personnel, and medical/healthcare personnel. Over 80,000 have been injured and so many Palestinians have been displaced and are trying to evacuate and cross the borders. Israel's ethnic cleansing, numerous war crimes, and colonisation have been terrorising the Palestinian people and land since 1948.
We all have a part to play, so donate if you can, attend rallies, protests, vigils etc, share the content and resources about Palestine, especially what comes from Palestine, make sure you're centring Palestinians and engaging with their content, engage with educational resources, watch and read Palestinian films and books, write to your politicians. We all have a part to play so please do whatever is financially and physically accessible to you x I'd also appreciate it if you could share this post as well! My blog is a much smaller platform compared to many in these communities, and if any other writers wanted to consider doing something similar to this, I'd encourage you to!
Thank you for reading this far, let's stay empathetic and support each other in these difficult times. Free Palestine and all indigenous peoples! 🖤❤️🤍💚pal
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kaziwi · 1 year
Robin, 5?
Thank you for being the first event participant!!! I hope you enjoy!!
Link to Event
"You're really red right now"
Character(s): Nico Robin
WC: 537
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"Woah watch it Y/N!" Franky shouted as he stopped you from walking into a wall. You looked up, a little shocked at what happened and took a minute to remind yourself what just happened. Oh, that's right. You were reading.
Now usually you weren't super into books, but you really wanted to impress Robin. The archeologist practically lived in the Sunny's library, so you thought that maybe if you also showed a interest in books, you could join her once and awhile. You had randomly picked a book you found laying around and started reading, only indulging to get close to her...but somehow you found yourself trapped within the story.
The plot, setting, characters, everything was just amazing. You never wanted to stop reading it...so that's why your crewmates have been stopping you from tripped while you walk around with your nose in the book.
"Thanks Franky," you sighed.
"Maybe you should sit down somewhere and read that, don't want you walking off the ship into the sea!"
You waved off his concern and continued your reading. The main deck might be a nice place to sit in the sun and read...and maybe Robin would be there too. You left the kitchen and made your way to the stairs. You'd just be a little more careful...but this chapter was SO GOOD you couldn't keep your eyes off the page and this one part where-
You felt yourself start to fall forward, only to realize that you were falling down the stairs. The book flew out of your hands as you braced yourself for the impact...but it never came. You opened your eyes to see your book being held out in front of you by a....a hand sprouting from the ground?!?!?!
You took in your surroundings and realized there were a few other hands holding you up, insuring you wouldn't hit the floor. You heard a familiar fufufu as you looked up to see Robin giggling at you.
"Are you okay? Seems you were so caught up in this book you tripped," she said, taking the book and looking at the back of the cover. You honestly had wished you had hit the floor because the embarrassment you were feeling right now made you want to explode. As she calmly flipped through your book, you sat there staring at her while being tangled in her arms. If you tripping wasn't bad enough being in this awkward position didn't help at all.
While panicking in your head, you failed to realize the arms slowly lowing you to the ground. They carefully positioned you so you sat on the steps. Robin looked down at you from above as you covered your face. The embarrassment was so bad that your face looked like a tomato.
"You're really red right now," Robin chuckled as she handed the book back to you. You slowly uncovered your face and took it back, not really looking at her.
"That's by one of my favorite authors, it's such a great read. Would you care to join me in the library for tea later? I'd love to discuss it with someone."
You were kind of baffled by her request, you FALL and embarrass yourself and she still wants to hang out?!?!?! You immediately agree to meet her in the library later, and as soon as she was out of sight you did a fist pump and continued to read your book.
Little did you know a small eye sprouted next to you, watching to make sure you didn't trip again.
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weemssapphic · 1 year
Lipstick Stains - Pt. 5
previous chapter | next chapter | series page
Larissa Weems x fem!reader
summary: the one where reader takes Larissa on a stargazing date.
words: ~3.1k | ao3 link in title
chapter-specific warnings: none / fluff
A/N: chapter 11 of 'in my head' will be out in the next two days - in the meantime, enjoy this humble offering &lt;3
“Are you free this weekend?” you asked. You were splayed across your bed, cell phone pressed to your ear. It was a Tuesday evening and you’d been over the moon when Larissa had called you out of the blue, claiming to simply want to hear your voice.
“What did you have in mind?” Larissa’s voice was sultry and suggestive, and a heat began to pool in your belly.
“I mean… I was thinking maybe we could go stargazing or something?” You held your breath as you waited for a response that didn’t come - the silence that came from the other end of the line was deafening.
“Okay, nevermind, that was a cheesy idea, forget it. What about-”
“Darling,” Larissa cut you off. “It was a wonderful idea. It’s just…”
“If you don’t want to, we don’t have to, it’s okay!”
“It’s not that. I would love to. But perhaps somewhere closer to Burlington?” Larissa sounded nervous and you furrowed your brow.
“Yeah, sure. There should be some good spots near Shelburne or something?”
You heard Larissa let out a shaky breath. “Yes, we can do that.”
“Are you sure? Is everything alright?”
“Yes, love, everything is fine.” Larissa paused, and for a moment you thought she was done speaking. “I’m sure you’ve heard of the… incidents that have occurred here in Jericho recently.”
“That bear that’s been mauling hikers?”
There was a beat of silence.
“Yes. That one. I wouldn’t want to put you in harm’s way by going out into Jericho’s woods at night.”
“Don’t worry, Larissa, we can go here. It’ll be fine.” You tried to sound reassuring, and you weren’t sure you were entirely successful, but then you thought you heard a hint of a smile in her voice when she next spoke and it made you grin.
“Quite the little romantic I’ve found myself here.” You could picture the way Larissa’s eyes would close slightly as she spoke, the way her nose would crinkle and her cheeks would turn rosy. 
“Don’t act like you don’t think it’s a cute date idea.” Larissa could hear the scowl in your tone and she laughed, her voice filling the phone like a melody.
“I do, darling. I wouldn’t have agreed to it otherwise.”
“Good. I can pick you up Friday at 10?”
“You want to drive me?” There was surprise lacing Larissa’s voice, but she didn’t sound displeased.
“Is that okay?”
“Yes, of course it is. I’m just pleasantly surprised.”
“You know, you don’t have to take charge all the time. You can give up the reins for a bit.”
The silence that stretched between the two of you was so long that it had you wondering if Larissa had hung up.
“Thank you.” There was an emotion in her voice that you couldn’t quite place. Before you could probe her further, she changed the subject to some prank that her students had pulled that day, and the subject was quickly forgotten.
When you hung up nearly an hour later, you were tired but your heart was full.
Larissa wasn’t able to call you every day, but the texts she would send you sporadically throughout the day more than made up for that fact. They ranged from a simple “I do so wish you were here right now” to a picture of her hot chocolate one afternoon at the Weathervane, and they made your heart flutter gently against your ribcage each time her name graced the screen of your phone.
Friday night finally rolled around and you left for your date in black pants and a thick sweater - it had been a surprisingly warm day for this time of year, and you were sure it couldn’t get much colder.
You pulled up Nevermore’s winding drive just as the clock in your car changed to 10 pm. As your headlights illuminated the castle-like building, Larissa stepped out of the shadows, and you found yourself suppressing a giggle at her choice of clothing - a sleek gray dress and matching wool coat, complete with black gloves and black kitten heels.
“Do you always dress like you’re attending fashion week when you go stargazing?” You jogged around the car to open the passenger side door for her and Larissa snorted.
“Only when I’m trying to impress a beautiful woman,” she retorted, matching your teasing tone.
“You don’t have to impress me, Larissa,” you said pointedly, raising an eyebrow at the older woman as she ducked her head to get into your car. 
Larissa smiled gratefully up at you. “I always dress like this, I feel quite comfortable.”
“I can’t fathom how.” Laughing, you made your way back to the driver’s seat. 
“Aren’t you going to be cold in just a sweater?”
“I’ll be fine.”
Larissa raised an eyebrow. “If you’re certain…” She leaned over the center console, taking your chin between her fingers and holding you firmly in place. Her mouth was mere inches away from yours, her breath warm on your lips, and her eyes glittered like sapphires even in the darkness that had enveloped the car.
“Kiss me,” you whispered, and Larissa closed the gap, still holding you firmly as her lips moved against yours.
The drive to Shelburne was a quiet one - Larissa’s hand rested on your thigh the entire time, her fingers drawing little patterns on the fabric of your pants. Occasionally you looked over, each time finding Larissa looking back at you, lips curled up into a blissful smile.
Pulling into the parking lot at Shelburne Pond, you were delighted to find you’d be alone tonight, as not a single other car was parked in the lot. You opened Larissa’s door for her again, then busied yourself by opening the trunk to grab the bags that you’d brought. As you fumbled with the clasp of one of the bags, you felt Larissa’s warm body press into your back, her arms snaking around your torso to tug you closer as her chin came to rest on your head. 
A contented hum vibrated throughout Larissa’s chest - you could feel it against your back and on your head, and your entire body began to tingle. 
“What did you bring?” Larissa’s voice was low, thick like honey, curious - this woman was going to be the death of you.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” you teased, hefting the bags out of the trunk and taking a step back. Larissa moved in tandem with you, not once loosening her grip on your body as you slammed the trunk closed. You turned in her arms.
“Do you want to find a spot or do you just want to stand in the parking lot the whole night?”
Larissa grinned down at you, baring pearly white teeth. She stepped back then with a nod, allowing you to lead the way to a small clearing at the edge of the pond and pull a large picnic blanket out of your bag. Larissa watched as you set up the space with a fuzzy blanket and a few throw pillows that you’d convinced Cassandra to let you borrow. 
You turned then as you plopped down on the blanket, craning your head back to look up at Larissa and reaching out a hand for her to take. The blinding smile that you were rewarded with as she gingerly kicked off her heels and placed a gloved hand into your own made your heart do a somersault against your ribcage. She lowered herself carefully next to you, tucking her legs underneath her and looking fondly down at the arrangement of blankets and pillows.
“You put a lot of thought into this.” She stated it as a fact and you nodded, sucking your bottom lip between your teeth.
“Is it okay?”
“Oh, darling, it’s perfect.”
Your heart swelled as Larissa lifted your hand to her mouth, placing soft, warm kisses to your knuckles. Flipping your hand over, she kissed your palm - you giggled, and you could feel her smile coyly against your skin, her eyes darting up to meet yours. She kissed her way up to your wrist, pushing the sleeve of your sweater up your arm as far as she could to chase the exposed skin with her lips, never breaking eye contact as she did so.
You could feel the heat in your cheeks, which were certainly scarlet by now - you were sure Larissa noticed this as well, even with the moon as your only source of light, because she leaned in and kissed you, smiling so brightly that you mostly ended up kissing her teeth.
“I brought something else,” you whispered as you pulled back from the kiss.
“Oh?” Larissa watched you curiously as you reached into one of the bags and pulled out a large thermos, unscrewing it carefully and holding it out for Larissa to take. 
“It’s not as good as the Weathervane’s but I hope you like it anyway.”
Larissa sniffed the beverage cautiously - her lips curled into a grateful smile as realization dawned on her. She looked so radiant in that moment, moonlight kissing her cheekbone and the tip of her nose (her perfect, kissable nose), casting a silvery glow over her blonde locks, making her teeth sparkle as she grinned at you.
She took a careful sip of the hot chocolate, eyes fluttering shut as the sweet taste exploded on her tongue, a hum of delight reverberating in the quiet space.
You leaned back on the picnic blanket, finding a comfortable position against the pillows to look up at the stars. Larissa gingerly screwed the thermos shut and set it aside, laying down next to you on her side and propping her head up on her hand. Her other hand cupped your cheek, long fingers gently pressing into your face and turning your head to face her.
“Thank you,” she said quietly, sincerely. Then she leaned down to kiss you, chastely, softly, before settling on her back, scooting close until her arm was pressed against yours and lacing your fingers between her own.
You broke the silence. “I’ve always been shit at identifying constellations, by the way.” 
Larissa laughed, squeezing your hand. “Don’t worry, darling, I’m not here for an astronomy lesson.”
“Oh, thank God,” you joked, unable to stop the wide grin that had broken out across your face at the sound of Larissa’s laughter - you would do anything to hear her laugh more often.
The view was nothing short of breathtaking. It was a clear night, the stars twinkled brightly like jewels in the inky black sky. The only sounds were the occasional chirping of crickets, the rustling of the wind in the trees, and Larissa’s deep, rhythmic breathing beside you. 
“I wonder if there will be any shooting stars tonight,” Larissa mused. 
You turned your head to face her. The stars were reflected in her eyes as she gazed up at the sky as if hypnotized. “Have you ever wished on a shooting star?”
Larissa’s lips quirked up slightly, her head still turned up to the sky. “I have, a long time ago.”
“What did you wish for?” you breathed.
Larissa chuckled, her eyes fluttering shut briefly. “I wished for the girl I liked to like me back.”
“And? Did she?”
Her eyes opened, searching the night sky as if it held the answers to all the questions in the universe.
“No. Not that girl, not then, anyway.”
“Oh. She missed out, then,” you whispered, your heart clenching for Larissa - how could anyone not like her back? You couldn’t fathom it, not when you liked her so much you’d give her all the stars in the sky if she only asked.
Larissa turned her head to the side, tearing her eyes away from the stars and searching your face, a wistful smile painted on her lips. 
“What would you wish for now? If we saw a shooting star?” you asked. You held your breath as Larissa contemplated.
“I would wish for tonight to never end, I think.”
It was your turn to smile. “I would wish the same, I think.”
You turned your head back to the sky, feeling Larissa’s gaze boring a hole into the side of your head.
“The stars are very beautiful tonight,” you murmured.
“So are you.” Larissa’s voice was soft, so soft you barely caught what she’d said. You felt your cheeks go pink and turned to face her again. Her painted lips were pulled into a small smile as she regarded you through her lashes, her expression so soft that you felt your heart flutter in your chest - you were falling harder and harder every time you looked at her, that much was certain.
Larissa adjusted herself on the picnic blanket and opened her arms to you. You scooted closer until you felt her arms wind around you, pulling you snugly against her and tucking your head under her chin. She was warm and soft - she made you feel safe as she held you tightly, absentmindedly stroking your arm as the two of you looked into the night sky.
A gust of wind rustled in the trees, washing over you and causing you to shiver - okay, so maybe it was a little colder than you’d anticipated, as the temperatures dropped with each passing hour.
“Oh, darling, are you cold?” Larissa’s worried voice vibrated against your cheek where it rested against her sternum.
“It’s fine, Riss,” you murmured, but then you shivered again and Larissa chuckled.
“I won’t say I told you so,” she teased, letting go of you for a moment and propping herself up.
“What are you- no, don’t take off your coat, you’ll freeze!”
Larissa shrugged off her coat and draped it over your shoulders. “Hush.” She pressed a kiss to your lips and pulled you flush against her again, taking care to ensure the large coat was wrapped fully around your body. “I’ll be fine, I promise.”
You snuggled into Larissa’s chest again.
“I’m buying you a proper coat.”
“No buts,” Larissa chuckled. “You’re never properly dressed and it will only get colder.”
“I have a coat,” you grumbled, though the thought of going shopping with Larissa had piqued your interest. You could feel Larissa’s smile against your hair, though she said nothing further.
Minutes felt like hours as the two of you held each other, occasionally pointing out certain bright, twinkling stars or little (mostly made-up) constellations and patterns. You’d never felt such peace before as when you felt Larissa’s warm, soft body against yours, as when you could hear her steady breathing and smell the familiar scent of her perfume all around you. Her presence grounded you like no other, and you could only hope to provide her the same comfort. It was only when you yawned against Larissa’s chest that she brought a hand to your cheek, tilting your head up to look her in the eyes.
“Tired?” she teased.
“Maybe a little…” You reached for your phone and checked the time - 2:47 am. You glanced sheepishly at Larissa, turning your phone screen towards her. She squinted against the bright light, then covered her mouth with a gloved hand.
“Oh, dear… I can’t ask you to drive me back to Nevermore this late, I’ll just-”
“You could stay with me?” The words left your mouth before you could stop them. Larissa looked a bit hesitant, so you hastily continued. “Only if you want to of course - my roommates shouldn’t be home, Robin and Christin are out of town for the week and Cass is out, she’s gonna crash somewhere else. But if you don’t feel comfortable I compl-”
Larissa shut you up with a firm kiss. “I will stay with you. I have to say it’s not often that I spend the night away from Nevermore but… I do want to, and I would hate for you to drive back through Jericho alone at this time of night.”
You were reluctant to entangle yourself from Larissa, but you were certain that you’d fall asleep if you stayed there another minute. You packed up the pillows and the picnic blanket and Larissa helped you carry the bags back to the car. The drive back to your apartment was short without traffic and you were grateful for it - you could feel your eyes threatening to shut as you drove and you so wanted to get back to cuddling the older woman as fast as possible.
A proper tour of the apartment would have to wait until morning, you reasoned, though you showed Larissa where the bathroom and kitchen and, of course, your bedroom were.
The two of you got ready for bed as quickly as possible. You didn’t really have any clothes that you thought might fit Larissa, not without looking a bit ridiculous, so you offered her her own Nevermore shirt.
“I’ve been sleeping in it every night,” you admitted, cheeks tinged pink.
Larissa looked at you with so much affection you thought your heart may burst.
“It’s alright, I can shift my clothes,” she said, thrusting the shirt back towards you. “You wear it.”
In an instant she had shifted on a pair of lavender silk pajamas. 
“Way to be all fancy,” you grumbled, pulling your own sweater over your head and unclipping your bra. Larissa watched you with parted lips as you shimmied into the Nevermore shirt, then shed your pants to pull on a pair of shorts.
You slipped into bed and patted the space next to you, smirking at the blonde. “Well? I know it’s not as big as yours but it’s pretty comfortable.”
Larissa joined you - she seemed both out of place in the small bedroom and as if she belonged there and had never belonged anywhere else. A divine being, sent directly from heaven just for you, somehow simultaneously too good for you and exactly the sort of person you’d spend an eternity with.
You leaned back against the pillows and opened your arms to Larissa, who snuggled against you immediately with a gentle sigh and propped her chin on your chest. She slipped a hand underneath your shirt, her skin warm against yours. Her fingers flexed against your abdomen, brushing against the waistband of your shorts and causing your breathing to stutter.
“Riss,” you mumbled sleepily, looking down at Larissa who was watching you with a devilish smirk.
“I’m sorry, darling,” she cooed, sliding her hand away from your shorts and resting it on your belly.
“In the morning?” You could barely keep your eyes open, your eyelids shutting of their own accord as sleep fought to welcome you into its embrace.
“In the morning,” Larissa said softly, an inexplicable warmth settling in her chest as she watched you drift off.
taglist: @rainbow-hedgehog @enchantressb @alder-saan @eveymay @amateurwritescm @brienneswife @principal-weems09 @messynessi @larissaoftarthweems @anti-bright-places @lvinhs @catechristiesstuff @ladyzmilf002 @milfsloverblog @opheliauniverse @orangeisnttheonlyfruit @im-a-carnivorous-plant @alexusonfire @bigolgay @kimiinou @oceansblooming
let me know if you want to be tagged in the next part or want me to remove the tags ✨
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polyamorousmood · 3 months
Hi there, I want to thank you first for running such a helpful page!
So I'm actually just starting to explore polyamory. My girlfriend has been poly since I met her over a dating site, but I'll admit when we first started dating my insecurities made me not want to hear much about her other partners.
But over time, I started realizing not only that I may want to date more people but that I was missing out on a part of my girlfriend by avoiding something that is a feature of her person. And luckily we did have a good talk about it! We are gonna have a tabletop game night soon for me to hang with some of her partners, and maybe I'll be lucky and they find something to like in me too.
But honestly, it still gives me some anxiety to see her talk about her time with other people. I hate feeling jealous like that after wanting to work on it! I just really love her and don't want my insecurities to make us break up. Do you have any good advice for how I can help reassure and center myself?
I just want this girl to be happy and I'd like to be able to continue to be someone who makes her happy
Well, then I'll start by saying you're welcome! I'm so pleased you get something nice out of this blog 🥰
I have talked several times about how to handle jealousy I was going to post links, but honestly, it'd be like 6 links at this point. Search for "#jealousy" on this blog and you can find them. Please read those, they contain good thoughts.
I am struggling to find the words to explain just how touching I find it that you're opening up to this side of your partner. Its the sweetest, most beautiful of revelations. As a poly person I feel what you said is very true, and I would be really touched you're wanting to open that up.
I would therefore also be very concerned with making sure it went well, and be willing to do a lot to help you out. So I think it'd be a good idea for you to make dedicated time to thoroughly talk over your concerns with your partner before, and talk about how you felt about everything after. I find it useful to mention anything, even if you dealt with it and it ended up okay. Its totally fair and in fact probably helpful to your partner to say "it was a little weird at first when you gave X a hug, but I realized that was stupid and I think I'm okay now."
I think for someone in your position, who is working on expanding what you're comfortable with -- and as something not mentioned in the other posts I've made -- its going to be important to find the sweet spot for growth. That is, generally exposing yourself to situations that are uncomfortable, but that you're able to accept/work through/handle. Factors for this could include (but are not limited to):
length of exposure
topics/types of discussion (sex, similarities/differences between you and other partners, attractiveness, (dis)enjoyment of activities with other partners, etc)
type of activity
what sort of affection is shared with whom
the degree of "publicness"
Think it through, and start out with some things you know you can handle. Again, if you want to make progress, you should be seeking something that is a bit uncomfortable, but not so much discomfort you can't get over it in a timely manner. (As an example, my cutoff would probably be something like "I'm still bothered by the end of the next day, and after talking to my partner about it," but its okay if yours is somewhere else.)
Also worth noting you don't have to have a "total success" to be successful here. There may be certain things you're never fully comfortable with seeing/hearing about. Since it sounds like everyone else is okay with you not being comfortable with any knowledge, I'd be surprised if it'd be a problem for you to maintain a few boundaries about it, even after you've put in a lot of work to being more open.👍
Since you mentioned already that you're uncomfortable with her sharing things she'd done with others, I'd like to offer three points to that specifically.
Congrats fr fr on that self-awareness! 🧠Legit you should be proud
You can start small here too. If you're not ready to know full details about something, but want to try something, maybe just ask her to give you a one-sentence summary when you ask how it went so you can practice!
I want to offer you a reframing here. I think you're likely feeling insecure when she mentions fun with her other partners because your thought is something sorta like "she has so much fun with them, she can't even stop thinking about it when she's with me... she must like that more..." . . . But what if... instead... you worked on replacing that thought with something like "she loves me so much, she wants to share even her special experiences from her other partners with me"? Does that feel more wholesome? and do you think that paints your partner in a kinder light, too?
I wish you the very best of luck, but quite frankly, I don't think you need it. I think you've done very well so far, and will continue to do so under your own power. And I do hope you feel powerful for tackling this.
And as always, I LIVE for updates. I'm proud of you!! 💙💖🖤🥰
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coloredsolos · 1 year
Do you have any jean/reader fic recs? Thank youuuu
yes yes yes!! i’ll categorize them because I’m not sure exactly what you’re looking for!! (all of the fics will be on ao3 and yes, all of them have smut hehe) if you know any other jean/reader fics please let me know!! i’m starving here!! also these are all 1+ chapter fics!!
Respectfully, an Absolute Mess by Ercthesloth
this one right here. i laughed, cried and wanted to choke the reader at certain points. it is so incredible. this is a modern au that is not completed. please make sure you read the tags and warnings because this has some heavy topics!! also, the final pairing is still up for debate I believe (it’s a jean/reader and eren/reader fic, they both want the reader but reader is very torn)
Ice Cream, You Scream by LilacMochi
i loveee this one, I can’t wait for my updates because fuckboy jean has my entire heart! reader and jean both work at ice cream parlor, jean is an absolute fuckboy but he can’t seem to understand why he has such a soft sport for the reader? this isn’t completed and has relatively slow updates but god it’s so good.
The Boys at Work by spiteless
(also @/spiteless-xo on tumblr!! i didn’t know if she wanted to be tagged but she posts on tumblr too!! I read her stuff religiously. she has some fic recs as well)
read up to current spot in a NIGHT! I could not put it down. another jean/reader and eren/reader, but jean is readers best friend and tries to warn the reader to stay away from fuckboy eren… but does the reader ever listen? also love the fact this one is a modern workplace au (is that what it’s called?) like it’s AFTER college (with some flashbacks of course) but I love love love it
Summer by ratboiradio
also @/ratboiradio in tumblr! I had no clue gracie had a tumblr and nearly fell to the ground when I saw they did!!
I love me a period piece and this one… I have no words. jean/reader fic that has everything you could possibly need (aka jean and cats!) also did not know I needed french speaking jean until I read this… be warned this also gets a little heavy at some parts, so just make sure you read the tags/ warnings!!
I will also be starting on a modern au fic soon! this of course will be a jean/reader fic… are we surprised. anyways I will be posting on ao3, however I will also make sure to post the link to it somewhere on my page! I hope these fic recs help!! pls send me some if you know any good ones!!
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blackroseguzzi · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Otherworldly : Part 1
Series based off Honey Kisses 🍯💋
Summery: Winter brings home a friend from college. Kai finds her intoxicating, and the feeling seems to be mutual. Pre-cult Kai Anderson.
Warnings: Intercourse, body parts..all the other warnings that SMUT might have haha
I really hope you guys like part 1! It’s my first time ever really attempting smut.
@evan4ever enjoy!
Kai sat down in his basement, trolling the internet. His mind couldn’t let go of the image of you in the shower.
Did you always shower at your friends houses with the door open? The way the hot water ran down the curves of your body was something he was going to dream about tonight. He would probably jerk off to the same though in the morning…or every morning for a month. He scrolled aimlessly around the internet, attacking some feminist page and insulting woman who were commenting about the harm of gendered bathrooms.
Then he heard footsteps coming down the basement.
“Winter, I told you to knock before you come down here.” Kai hissed.
“She’s asleep.”
Kai’s head shot up at the sound of a female voice that was not his sisters. It was YOU.
“Does she always fall asleep this early?” Your voice was as smooth as butter. Kai ran his hands through his dark brown hair and then moved the laptop from his lap to the coffee table in front of him. Adderall was the only reason he was awake at this hour.
He watched as you slowly made your way over to the couch, sitting in close to him. He could smell the familiar scent of the Dove shampoo he used. A flash of your naked body flooded his mind.
“Yeah, she’s not much of a party animal,” Kai responded, curious to know the reason for her decent down into his headquarters. He wondered if she was going to bring up the fact that he had watched her in the shower.
“Well, I guess not everyone is as feral as I am,” She giggled. The sound shooting through Kai’s body like heart shaped bullets.
“I’m Kai, Winter’s brother,” He debated on holding out his hand, but that felt too formal coming from someone who had just seem this girls pussy.
“I know. Winter talks a lot about you.”
“All good things I hope?” Kai stared into her eyes, feeling that soul sucking connection again.
“Well, she says you're protective, manipulative, and a little….crazy,” She smiled devilishly at him “and in my world I’d say that’s all good things.”
Kai could feel his blood pumping straight to his dick. She snuck in closer, and peaked over at his computer screen, your eyes wandering around the open tab, gathering information on what exactly Kai had been doing before she had come down to his dungeon.
“Ohhh another keyboard crusader.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him “I like to send Crash Safari links to members of pro-life Facebook pages,” She giggled. Oh. He wasn’t expecting that. She was a little bit vile, and that surprised Kai from her sweet girl next door appearance.
She had on a baby blue oversized sweater that dropped down at one shoulder, and he could make out a Lacey white bra strap somewhere beneath her long y/h/c. She had the most perfectly pink lips, and he imagined what the chubbier bottom one felt like in between his teeth.
“You’re a bit different than the friends my sister usually brings home,” Kai leaned back on the couch and studied her face.
“I like Winter. She has something special about her, but I can’t put my finger on it yet..I think she likes me because I write all her Political Methodology papers. Now the teacher looks at her like she’s the Prime Minister of his dick.” You both laughed lightly the air between you getting heavier.
“I still don’t know your name,” Kai stated.
“Y/N, but YOU, Mr. Anderson, can call me whatever you want.”
“Is that so?” Kai raised his eyebrow.
“What was the name you gave me in your mind when you were imagining yourself fucking me in the shower?”
She leaned in so that their faces were barely an inch apart. Kai could hear his heart beating, lustfully. This girl was exhilarating. Where had she been his whole life?
His body moved before his mind and his lips crashed into hers. She moved slower than him, making the urgency in their makeup session wind down to a sensual pace. She wanted him to savor this.
Her lips tasted like honey, and they were just as soft. He snuck is hands under her blue sweater and he cupped her breasts as she snaked her tongue into his mouth to let him know that she was enjoying whatever he was doing.
“I want you to show me what you were thinking about as you watched me,” Her voice was low in his ear. She moved with ease and straddled his waist, grinding her body against his extremely hard dick.
“Well, I can’t do that until you’re completely naked,” Kai responded, squeezing her breasts and she let out a small moan. She lifted her arms, and Kai removed her shirt. Was he dreaming? He had to be dreaming.
She reached behind her back with one hand and with a single motion her bra was now in Kai’s lap between them.
She grabbed his face and continued grinding him while she kissed him. Their tongues intertwined in a perfect simultaneous dance.
“Get up,”She whispered against his lips. She removed herself from his lap and slowly slid down her tight yoga pants. She wasn’t even wearing any underwear. Kai undressed himself far messier then she had. He stumbled a bit at as he wiggled out of his pants. She was looking right at his penis when he finished pulling off his socks. She licked her teeth and Kai’s knees weakened as she knelt before his throbbing cock. Where the fuck had she learned to do that with her mouth? Kai moaned and threw his head back in ecstasy. She kept going faster, grabbing his hands and placing them on her head. This girl wanted him to pull her hair while she was chocking on his dick.
He obliged, happily.
He peaked down at her, and her eyes were staring right back at him. That sent him to another world. He yanked her up by her hair and he smashed his face onto hers again. They finally made it to the bed.
“What do you want from me,” She said breathlessly.
“I want you to ride me until I cum,” Kai plummeted on the bed, watching as she crawled her way on top of him. Her skin was so smooth. She wasn’t the skinniest girl he had ever seen, she had curves in all the right places. He like it though- A man wanted to feel and hold a woman’s body, not bones. She grabbed his dick and guided it inside her, starting off slow and increasing the pace exactly how Kai liked it.
“You like that?” She ran her hands through her hair, arching her back as she did.
Kai could stare at her all day. She looked like a renaissance painting. God, her naked body should be worshipped. She stuck one of his fingers in her mouth and started sucking it.
“I’m going to cum,” Kai chocked out, before releasing himself inside of her. She road it out for a moment and leaned forward, her face inches from his. They didn’t kiss, she just kept moving slowing on top of him. They stared into each other’s eyes like they had when she was in the shower that evening. That soul connecting electric intimacy.
“Did I live up to your expectation, Kai?”She smirked down at him, her face flushed and beads of sweat sprinkled her forehead.
“You exceeded my expectation,” He said in a complete state of pleasure.
He watched as she took in a breath and let out the sexiest moan he had ever heard.
Holy fucking shit. She had just gotten off by hearing how much she had pleased him. He felt her body on top of him release and liberate her orgasm. It was possibly the most tantalizing thing he had ever witnessed.
She finally rolled off of Kai and lay next to him on the bed, both of them staring at the basement ceiling.
“That was..”
“otherworldly,” Kai finished for her. He moved surveyed her delicate side profile as she lay still, and he wondered what she was thinking. 
“You know,” she twisted her head towards him. Looking his facial features over like she was trying to remember every single detail of it down the the small beauty mark on the tip of his nose. She really liked that particular attribute. “You would look so amazing with blue hair.”
She got up quickly, Kai stayed naked and propped himself up on his elbows as he watched her make her way over to her clothes left in a heap on the floor. She bent down, and Kai made a mental note that if they ever fucked again he was going to make sure that was the view he was fucking her in. I mean…Wow.
“Blue? You’re lying,” He let out a huff. He never did much with his hair, especially now that he was always too depressed and drugged up to even comb it.
She finished getting dressed, pushing her feet back into her cute bunny slippers.
“I would never lie to you.” There was that devilish grin again.
She played with her Lacey bra in her hands for a moment before dropping it on his laptop and making her way quietly back up the stairs.
He had a gut feeling you were going to have him wrapped around your finger.
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