alicliver · 8 months
Ah nah come off it now, now you’re just saying those type of things to flatter me and don’t I know it. Glad to hear you think so, cause I only agree. I think perhaps the one thing we have in common is that we enjoy a good bath and a good dance — some other things maybe, but less so. Oh that is one fair comparison if I do say so myself. I’ll remember that one and remind you of it whenever deems necessary. You should have that as your instagram biography. 
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i would do it tomorrow, darlin'. i think the fact you're nowhere near like her is, perhaps, a good thing. some qualities must reside though, right? aye, you know me, super threatening n' and all that. i actually do think people would be quite surprised, you know - it's like underestimating a angry chihuahua.
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alicliver · 8 months
Upgrade my life? I don’t know, I think I’m quite pleased the way it is. I’m not really fussy when it comes to fancy stuff or anything like that. I’m happy in my little cozy London flat. Curled up with a good book and a cup of tea and I really am at my happiest. What about you? Got any ideas of what you would do? I’m Alison by the way, and I couldn't complain at all. How are you darling?
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So in my new movie UPGRADED I play a character who told a little lie to impress a guy who was sitting next to her on the plane in first class by telling him she was who she hoped to be instead of the truth. My question to you is if you could upgrade your life how would you do it and why? By the way, I am Camila, how are you?
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alicliver · 8 months
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alisonjoliver: ‘I saw improvising like I’d never seen in my life by Rosamund [Pike] and Carey [Mulligan]. I am obsessed with both of them, they’re huge inspirations for me. There were so many moments on set where I was like, what am I doing here?’ — thank you @/elleuk ✨
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alicliver · 8 months
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Archie Madekwe and Alison Oliver
Photographed by Rosaline Shahnavaz
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alicliver · 8 months
you reckon? can you really see yourself going down on one knee and asking me to spend forever with ya? being serious now and all that. not but i am proud of you. and thankful for that matter. god knows there are a shit ton of creeps out there and some have gotten the hots for venetia, i know that much. at the end of the day when they realize i am nowhere near life her, it would be a massive disappointment anyways. so you've saved both parts on that behalf. am always proud of you baz. especially when you don't go knocking people's teeth out.
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we don't know where life will lead us, ali. i could be your future husband too, y'never know. well, of course it started about the film, then you, then he got a little creepy with it - but i could almost hear my agent in my ear saying 'think of the pr' ... painful. i held it back. be so proud of me.
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alicliver · 8 months
are ye serious right now barry? you know that might have just been my future husband you told to bugger off. think about these consequences babes. a guinness? really? i appreciate you looking after me, but i may not find someone like him ever again. all jokes aside, it's absolutely hilarious that if he stroke up a conversation with you, that's what he was making it about. absurd. and love you too — might have just saved my arse there.
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the light and love of my life - i just had a man come up to me in a bar and ask me for your number. he was tall, handsome, in a nice suit, wonderfully irish - even had a guinness in hand... so naturally i told him to piss off. love ya. @alicliver
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alicliver · 8 months
Don’t you know what that feels like? I mean all the hype you’ve endured in your career. No but it’s still very much surreal. I mean, one knew that we were working on something special and dare I say unique? But this? This is beyond anything I could’ve ever imagined. I’m just eternally grateful that I got the chance to be a part of it and embrace Venetia and all her sides. Yeah.. interesting is one way of putting it, that’s for sure. Not like any other thriller comedy out there. Oh god.. I’m always amazed by the creativity of people — but that is… also unique. I definitely do not have one of those and doubt I’ll be getting one any time soon. I don’t even want to know. Apparently someone even made a drink inspired by it? I just…. yeah, there are no words.
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How does it feel to be part of one of the most spoken about movies of last year? I saw all the commotion about it and it made me curious so I've watched it. It was interesting. Different than any other movie I've seen recently. Just out of curiosity, since it seems to be a thing right now, do you also have a candle that smells like the bath water? @alicliver
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alicliver · 8 months
It’s like one big karaoke night. What’s your go to song? Oh right I see. I can imagine it must be a lot to deal with. It’s your first right? Oh you will be fine babe, don’t even worry. Plus a little bit of nerves is always good. Wouldn’t make you human if you weren’t.. Or it would just mean that you don’t care. It’s always completely overwhelming to be in a room with people you admire and who have inspired you — but in every way are you worthy of being in that room. Awh that is so sweet. How the world aligns.. it’s like it was all written in the stars right? That’s exciting. I’ll be sure to go and see both you and her if I can. Yeah she’s coming to Europe so I’m hoping to catch her when she does. Right? It will forever be the Saltburn house. It’s a lovely mansion and the people are just stunning people and we have to be so grateful that they opened up their home to us.
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I really think the magic is the fact that we are all complete fangirls and just get to sing songs by our faves all together. it's grammy's week this upcoming week which I am just completely overwhelmed with, but you know, it'll be fine. so many of my fave people are there and nominated, I am sure it'll be fine. yes, and I won't lie, I think it really shows but it's so funny to me how fans have unearthed it – it actually has a little nod to Taylor in it which is even funnier. I am back on the road with her in October or something, so plenty of time, but honestly you should go see her if you get the chance, it's just a league on it's own. god to think people actually own the place and now see it forever immortalised in a movie like this....
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alicliver · 8 months
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The cast and crew of SALTBURN photographed by Jacob Elordi
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alicliver · 8 months
No of course, that’s true. Nothing can ever be everyone's cup of tea and you just have to accept it. It’s not as if I myself enjoy every single movie there is out there. As much as it’s far more preferable when people enjoy a project of yours, at the end of the day - you have to respect that not everyone are going to. I mean I know for sure not everyone enjoyed Conversations With Friends nor Saltburn — and that’s just the way it is. Oh right. I’m thankful I’ve been spared quite a few of the tiktoks, but I do get some sent over every now and then. Apparently there’s been a lot of Saltburn content on there, to the amusement of Barry, that’s for sure. Of course, it makes it far easier for everyone. I think you’ve set a prime example that not every split has to be the most dramatic and worst. Oh really? That’s so sweet. Give them all my love in return. — I get that. And just getting the chance to talk about something you’ve put your heart and soul into and really have people take an interest in it, it’s thrilling in many ways, as well as tiresome. Were you really? I didn’t ever really think we were contenders for any of them. The field is so strong. Barry was snubbed, that’s what I’ll say. But I’ll be shocked if Cillian doesn’t bring it home.
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Oh there has definitely been a few, trust me. Unfortunately, I don't think there's many actors out there who haven't had at least one project that didn't do as well as they had hoped. Its just part of the business. Opinions and taste are so personal, so there will always be someone who doesn't like what you do. I'm one of those that put off TikTok for a while, but now I just have a fake account because I just kept getting sent TikToks from all my friends. I think it helps that the split was mutual, one didn't necessarily hurt the other. Plus we're in each other's lives until the day we die so it's just easier for everyone involved if we stay civil. I told the boys that I was talking to you and they both say hi, you left quite an impression on both of them. It's just going to be a lot of promoting over the coming months, which I don't mind. I've always been someone who enjoys travelling and meeting people. Although I do prefer it when I'm not on a time limit. I have to admit though, I was quite shocked when Saltburn didn't receive any Oscar nominations.
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alicliver · 8 months
Oh right, I see. That’s so nice though. To bring a sort of element of surprise for the fans. It’s the best excuse absolutely and for sure if people start to sing along too I can imagine. It’s Grammy’s week already? Oh jesus. Goodness knows we’re all up in awards season are we not? How insanely exciting though. How are you feeling? Nervous? Excited? Wow, when you were thirteen? That’s amazing. You’re definitely busy doing it all. But it must be the best feeling I can only imagine. — Oh really? When will that be? I’ve not had the chance to catch any of Taylor’s shows yet, so maybe I should take the chance if given one. — Oh the house was nothing short of magical, really. It’s insane to think that someone actually lives there. But the owners are so lovely. And yes, it really was a summer for the books - that’s for sure.
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Actually didn’t use to cover things when I first started, only really ever at soundcheck but it became a thing I’ve just loved doing at this tour - it’s kinda magical to surprise everyone and on top of it realise that we are really all just massive fangirls at the end of the day. Plus it’s such a fun excuse to sing some of my favourite songs. I mean, just got back from Australia yesterday and then it’s Grammys week which, what the even? And then back to the studio to record a song I wrote when I was 13 and that the girlies have unearthed again. So yes, bit of a wild week or two ahead but tour in many ways is unbeatable. Right, well if you wanna come see Taylor live when I’m back to opening for her…I’d say that’s the best kinda package deal ever, but let’s see. I can only imagine, that set must have been so fun, I mean, that house…mansion..castle? Looked insane and if the people are the right kind anything is magical, isn’t it?
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alicliver · 8 months
You saying that let alone makes me think they must have forced ya. But don’t worry, I won’t ponder over it too much. Apple TV has produced some of the best shows on television in this century so it doesn't matter, I have to agree with you. If we didn’t keep each other afloat, the entire industry would fall into shambles I think. There is also no greater source for inspiration than seeing friends, acquaintances and non so, put their best work into making the art come to life on our screens. I can imagine the whole experience must have been beyond anything you’ve had the chance to work on before. Truly feels and sounds like one of them ‘once in a lifetime’ experiences. However, you are more than worthy of it and getting that recognition to be cast in something like this. After all, you’ve done some amazing projects in the past couple of years so doubt anyone could nor will be surprised you made your way into this project. — Tell me about it. I had to have a moment to myself when I walked on to set the first day. Getting to work alongside the Rosamund Pike? Like what on earth did I ever do to deserve that, you know? Oh it was insane, every day. I think we needed the breaks of those music moments to kind of not delve too deep into the story we were trying to tell. Kind of twists your neck in a 180° way. — There is no need to thank me at all, you deserve the praise and every bit of it. — Yes well, I’m currently in the midst of finishing up a movie with Jude Law and Nicholas Hoult. A crime thriller picture which I’m super excited about. Again, out on Prime. So I have to keep Prime up high in the rankings. But that is about all I can say about it for now.
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i like apple tv too, you may think i’ve been forced to say this by contract but i have not. it is my pleasure, then. you’re spot on. it’s a proper team effort in this industry, innit? praising each other and recognizing the graft everyone puts in is like the glue holding it all together. you're dead right about keeping our feet on the ground. it’s easy to get lost in the whirlwind, but the mutual support keeps us grounded. your belief in the project means a bunch. it felt like stepping into a dream. those moments where you have to pinch yourself are truly special. it’s not just about the prominent figures – it's the entire team and their collective dedication that instills promise. despite the challenges, witnessing the fruits of labor is a reward in its own right. totally get what you're saying. it’s surreal, right? one minute you're a regular person, and the next, you're on set, surrounded by cameras and lights, thinking, "is this my life or did i accidentally stumble into a blockbuster movie?" – it’s incredible when your work resonates with people. well, the energy on set must've been off the charts! especially with those ‘05 and ‘06 hits. – he made the whole experience even more surreal than it already was. thanks so much, darling, means a lot! tell me more about you and any upcoming projects. is there anything you’re not obliged to remain silent about?
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alicliver · 8 months
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“Frances, I want you so much.”
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alicliver · 8 months
You have to find your feet and start somewhere and I can imagine especially when you’re trying to write your own music — of course other artists can give you massive inspiration. And suppose it can be a lot more daunting to sing your own songs when you’re first trying to make it. Or perhaps it’s the opposite, that you feel some pressure when you’re singing something that’s not your own. Either way, you’ve it fantastically and look where you are. Oh babes, surely you have loads of things to look forward to right? And bet you have so many more tours to come. Oh please, I would love that. Like actually, adore that to bits. — Oh I think you’re being far too kind. But I really do appreciate it, trust me I do. It was still the absolute biggest honour to get to be a part of it so I could not be more thankful, even if I tried.
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it's such a magical thing, there are so many songs I brought to the stage, covering other artists that resonated for me only to realise that the feeling was so incredibly mutual. I honestly do not even know how to go on without this tour now that it's over, wish I could have shared it with you. maybe next time, now that I know you like the music? Oh, don't get me wrong, every single person was spectacular in the movie but I still think people should be shouting your name from the rooftop right this minute.
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alicliver · 8 months
Somehow I find it hard to believe that you have ever partaken in a project that has failed. But of course you’re right. And I mean, once we’ve wrapped, there isn’t much we can do. It’s out of our hands and some people are always going to like it and some aren’t, and that is okay. Although it’s of course preferable when the majority enjoy it rather than not. So I’ve heard. I’m not really keen on Tiktok, or any sort of social media — but the rest of the gang are so I’ve had some quite interesting ones sent my way. It’s entertaining though to see people’s reactions. Ah I can imagine. Of course they want to see mummy and the movie they were constantly on the set of. I think you two seem to be the perfect team and of course it’s the most appreciated by the kids. To have a rather seamless transition into everything and to see that the two of you can still be in the same room as one another. Ah of course, love to hear they’re doing well though. — Indeed with both of them. Yes it’s very exciting. I promise to give a shout when it’s out. Oh well if you have three movies coming out then it sounds like you have quite the work ahead of you — so maybe nice to have some downtime before that circus unfolds.
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You always sort of have an idea that it could do well, especially if there is nothing else quite like it. But, at the same time, it's always a hit or miss on whether your suspicions are correct. We've all done projects that we thought would do well and flopped, but then we've done projects that we bad feelings about that become classics. You never truly know what the public will like. It's definitely doing well, it's all over TikTok right now, every other video is someone reacting to Saltburn. Although it's been difficult to tell the kids they can't watch it, they keep asking. Luckily we both still get along very well, which definitely makes co-parenting a lot easier. I couldn't imagine having to parent two kids when me and the mother were always butting heads. They're both doing great, just busy with school. With both Jude and Nicholas? That's a pretty good line up, I'll definitely be looking out for that movie when it comes out. I have three movies that are coming out this year, but a part from that I'm not really working on much, not yet anyway.
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alicliver · 8 months
Oh we don’t know of her - never heard of her actually. My one true love is Prime, no other names need to be mentioned. Still, I very much appreciate it and take it to heart when it comes from someone like you. Trust me, it means a great deal. But you’re right. May we never stop praising each other in this industry, cause at the end of the day - we are all in need of one another to keep going and keep everything afloat. Not to mention to keep our feet on the ground. Not that I think I would ever not do that, nor yourself - but it helps. Oh yes of course, are you kidding me? No doubt it will be an absolute grand hit. With all the people working on it, how could it be anything but? And I mean the likes of Tom Hanks and Steven Spielbergs.. Like name drop as you should cause that’s insane. However, I think you are so worthy to work with the likes of those. You’ve really worked your way up there and it’s paying off. Yeah isn’t it? Like you take some moments when you’re on set and you can not help but to think to yourself; “How is this actually real life? How is this my life?”absolute insanity. Yeah it’s continuing to blow me away. Eternally grateful that people are liking it as much as they are. You never know what people are going to think when you do something that’s quite out there. I’m glad to hear it took you back. Trust me, we were belting the ‘05, ‘06 jams all day. That is actually amazing. I mean Spielberg is just.. Extraordinary. Both in his job but seems like it personally as well. Truly thrilled you had the opportunity to work with him, Callum. 
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it's the best platform out there. netflix who? no need for thanks, just speaking the truth. your work is great and the least we can do is praise it so you know you’re on the right track and keep doing it with so much passion. really? i hope you like it when it’s out. i can't wait for it to be out there and see if it’s good to people. tom hanks and steven spielberg are behind it so no way it’s one of those movies that fall into oblivion. – imit must be a proper honor sharing the set with those legends and worry not, i know it's a bit mind-blowing, your first big movie role landing you in the mix with such heavyweights. but you earned your spot, love. the reception speaks volumes, and you're part of something truly special. – those were indeed some bloody good times. i love when films teleport us straight back. it was a proper belter of an experience, spielberg's been on my director wish-list forever, so ticking that off feels mint.
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alicliver · 8 months
Oh no you really don’t need to thank me, like at all. I think all of us just felt it was a joy to have you and the boys around. How could any of us really? I mean I knew whatever Emerald had cooking up was always going to be a success and it was quite clear from the get go that this was not just your ordinary movie. But that people would take to it as they have, completely mind blowing. Right, sorry, ex lady that is. I think you two seem to be handling the co-parenting role to perfection. How are the boys doing these days? Currently working on a movie called The Order with Jude Law and Nicholas Hoult so that’s been keeping me occupied whilst dealing with the Saltburn whirlwind. And then we'll see.. In the talks for some things, reading scripts and what not - you know how it goes. How about you? Any upcoming projects that we can look forward to?
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I know that feeling very well, but you're doing a great job at handling it all. I'm just glad that I could help, it also entertained me while I was just sat around waiting for Rosamund and the boys. So I should be thanking you as well. I don't think I realised at the beginning how big that movie was going to be, but I will forever be grateful for it. My ex lady, but no it's fine, the longer she's in LA with you guys the longer I get the boys until she's back. She always did know how to work a red carpet, so I'm not surprised that she's been killing it every night. So, what's in store for you after all of this is over? Or don't you quite know yet?
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