#Just to be perfectly clear
lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 months
Rebel Moon AU Thoughts
Just thinking about Lena meeting James the robot after waking up from her aoe heal. I'm imagining that he immediately drops the knee, relieved to have regained his purpose. He formally pledges his fealty, and vows to protect her.
And then Lena, gentle Lena in a body forced to do battle, leans down and lifts his chin, pressing a soft kiss to James' filigreed metal forehead before letting her own rest against it.
"Thank you."
He is a vestige of the life she'd once known, unchanged where Kara is irrevocably so. Then, flanked by her guardian and her savior, Lena faces the people of Veldt with her chin high.
It is time to reclaim her mantle, and finally bring peace to her people.
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lostryu · 1 year
raising a cat is wild. sometimes i playfully pretend to choke him and he just starts purring so loud. like damn son i didn’t know you were a lesbian.
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sbnkalny · 2 years
many so-called "cinephiles" haven't fucked a single movie
Yo garbage-empress technician if you see this so-called free Man, the human way twist away the gates of steel
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spiderh0rse · 1 year
i would very much like to climb into the coffin now please and thank you
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cuntvonkrolock · 1 year
loustat is a tumblr user/tiktok user relationship
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botanicalbasil · 1 month
I hate being a person who loves bugs, I can't say anything without the person I'm talking to reacting with disgust. Today I had to literally beg a coworker for the life of a spider, and then after I put it in a nook outside she thought it'd be funny to show me a video she took of her killing one. Like idk man. Birds scare the shit out of me but I still get why people love them. They come in pretty colors and they sound nice and they're interesting to observe. I don't understand why people don't feel the same about bugs. The rich amber color of a cockroach, the iridescent glow of a fly, the intricate hydraulics that power their little legs, the chirp of a beetle, the art of the spider's web... It's all so beautiful. Why is it the habit of so many to destroy?
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x-v4mp3y3lin3r-x · 1 year
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frogwithastrawberry · 3 months
I don't think we talk enough about when Kaz was holding the parem to hide it from Nina. Because to me, that scene is a pretty good example of their relationship.
Nina was fully willing to do anything to get the parem from Matthias. If it was picking his pocket, fine. If it was sleeping with him, fine. I feel like she was probably willing to do more with Matthias than say- Jesper or Wylan. (I feel like she would have avoided Inej for Inej's own comfort)
But she was still willing to do things out of character for her to get the parem.
Yet, when she heard that Kaz had it, she stopped. You can say it's just because she knew Kaz would probably hurt her but here's the thing: I don't think he would have. Kaz is pretty big on "protecting his investments", and he isn't going to injure one of his crows greatly right before a huge plan.
And I think Nina knew that too. I think the reason she didn't try to reason with or steal from Kaz was partially because she knew she wouldn't win. But her knowing she wouldn't win also means that she was guaranteeing to herself that she wouldn't use her powers on him. Because even Kaz Brekker isn't immune to an altered Grisha's powers.
Nina wasn't willing to hurt Kaz and break his boundaries for the parem, and I don't think Kaz was willing to hurt her.
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feeling emotional
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about this
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cecoeur · 2 months
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my sleep paralysis demons (affectionate).
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unloneliest · 1 year
in the lonely hearts club job leverage asks the question "does romantic love exist?" and answers it by having eliot buy parker a venus fly trap on hardison's behalf, expecting no recognition and revealing eliot remembers a throwaway comment parker made on their second job together.
we all know this.
but was anybody going to tell me hardison already had a browser window open looking for restaurants to buy eliot in portland in response at the start of the episode immediately after that? or was i supposed to figure it out on a rewatch all by myself?!
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somerandomcockroach · 2 months
A large burning canvas could be seen in the distance.
The neat fingers, full of small dents from the friction of the sword handle, caught a small flame, which immediately went out from faint pressure.
There was silence, a living silence, one of those that strains with its sound. A warm wind heated his battered, but carefully polished armor.
"You want to say something"
"I want" Blurr answered, turning sharply to the dark silhouette behind him that was quietly watching him until now. He clenched his fist with a grinding sound, where the spark died out, and demonstratively opened it towards the darkness. "And this is how you are paid for making the world freer! This is what remains of your legacy, and you react as if it doesn’t concern you at all!"
"It does not concern me anymore" the figure answered him calmly.
"Shockwave, stop!"
"Is that an order?"
"It's a request” His angry expression made it clear that this request was an obligation. “I just don't recognize you for these few months." His hand shook slightly with anger. Black smoke seeped through the cracks in his armor.
"I don't recognize myself for even longer time." Blurr visibly trembled at these words, realizing where the dialogue was leading. Shockwave slowly approached, his long, deformed fingers, three times longer than one of Blurr's fingers, carefully reached out to his hand and wrapped his palms in his huge paws, kneeling down to be on the same level with him. "Blurr, I-"
Blurr turned his head away so as not to see one piercing, but such a swampy dim light of his terrifying eye, which had become more precious to him than his weekly knightly brigandage. "Shut up. It's too early, we haven't agreed on when exactly to do this"
The dull mass of metal, which was only a tangible casing, after some hope of catching at least a spark of doubt, only lowered its head heavily. The crackling of the fire continued to be heard around. The soot reached them, gifting them with at least some warm light among the shades of cold before dying. Realization, regret, reluctance were not reflected in the knight's optics. His armor, always proudly looking into the face of danger, now reflected only the cowardly lights of the fire from behind. Despite this, he did not remove his hand from the strong lock until the blades themselves parted. Shockwave disappeared. Disappeared as he had done for the past few months.
Blurr turned back to the burning wall. From afar were heard screams, squeals, grinding, clanking. The column of fire did not subside, as if it was fed by fuel from secret reserves. It had been burning like that for hours, as if to show the greatness of this building over others that would have left only a column of smoke long ago.
Shockwave's last school of dark magic was burning out, as was the will of its creator to live.
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fictionadventurer · 8 months
Never underestimate the power of a good mediocre piece of fiction.
It's not deep. It's not mind-blowing. It's not going to blow you away with its layered character arcs and intricate themes. It's just a story that's just well-constructed enough that you're not going to be distracted by major flaws, and it's pleasant and relaxing and doesn't demand too much of you.
Those kind of stories are a vital part of any interior landscape.
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orangelemonart · 2 years
Let’s Make A Baby, part 4 (final)
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Part 1  Part 3 Part extra
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chiakery · 5 months
Okay but Dariax specifically using a phrase "If he [Taros, Dariax's older brother] was the tree that stayed there [in their hometown], I'm the rock that people keep throwing." (EXU episode 5, around 26:10) Makes what transpired with Dorian in this episode so much more painful.
Because he built a similar kind of relationship with Dorian: so obviously looking up to him ever since they've met, trusting his lead and his abilities to fix whatever Dariax could mess up. And he gets thrown away again, in a sense. He doesn't have any say in Dorian leaving him, no opportunity to plead his case. He just got tossed on the wind. Again. And it was for his safety, and Dorian did it only out of love and care for him, but that's a small consolation.
He was happy to see his best friend be a little more himself after a long journey full of grief and he just wanted to do something to make Dorian feel proud of him, to give him a bit of light in those dark times.
And when he looked back, Dorian wasn't there anymore.
Sometimes the stone gets thrown away. Sometimes people just leave it on the side of the road and continue on.
No one asked Dariax what he wanted to do. Not even he himself, I believe. After all, if times and times again, someone or something else keeps deciding for you, why bother? Why not just... Let the wind push you along the path?
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existennialmemes · 11 months
Ok it's a matter of well established fact that Cats are Autistic,
but now I submit to you this incomplete list of equally Neurodivergent animals:
Dogs (ADHD)
Opossums (AuDHD)
Foxes (BPD)
Raccoons (PDA & OCD)
I will not absolutely elaborate
Dogs: Heavily affected by their emotional state, especially WRT perceived rejection. Difficulty switching tasks once they've become invested. Difficulty controlling where their focus goes, but Very Good at focusing.
Possums: Frequently misunderstood and misidentified by people who don't really know what they're looking at.
Foxes: Depicted as wily and unpredictable. Capable of great wisdom or great mischief. Often alone, but actually quite social for the right people.
Raccoons: Very invested in their rituals. Curious and capable, but not at your command. Often stereotyped as only caring about crime and cleanliness.
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