#Just a theory tho
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that-gay-gal · 1 year ago
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March for Raph day 9:
“What’s wrong with me?”
My poor son :(
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kuromipuzzles2000 · 9 months ago
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idk i just did a theory and inserted it on SWAP AU Everyone is scared that Mr. 4 is planning hurt everyone again via SMGP, after all, Mr. 4 had other purposes for implement cybernetic scars on SMGP apart for leave him blind if he stresses to much...
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super-nova-2006 · 1 year ago
I've been binge watching P.M. Seymour so I can work better, it's preferable noise.
I found the '666 stab wounds' post. I think I calculated the amount of stab wounds that can cover a human body uniformally.
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faunabel · 1 month ago
i've read two fics recently where either one or both of the characters were a single parent and it was a friends to lovers type thing and so obviously the children also played a big role in the story and hMMMMMMMMM
i am so into this trope. i need more of it. it's the cutest thing. there's something that appeals to me a lot more than when the couple themselves have their own kids.
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signpaintr4evrr · 11 months ago
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Drew zpadez zlick (mainly cuz I had the idea due to a new tiktok oomf/moot whichever the newgenz uze now /lh
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storageforerealtastuff · 1 year ago
Oooh, that son of a... What secrets are you hiding???
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Kain from Realta ✨
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noisyghost · 21 days ago
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(I started sketching this design nearly immediately after season 2 ended but just now had some time to clean it up so. Excuse me rambling out loud here)
TLDR; I actually really liked the initial design + direction for Warwick-Vander (I <3 human faced werewolves)! But the show design kinda felt like a transitory state between Vander and Warwick to me, so I wanted to try my hand at blending his Arcane design with his in game design. Like a "what would he look like if the transformation kept going" kinda thing. There's a few things I'm not fully settled on, but Im mostly satisfied :)
(rambling under the readmore, its 3 am as i type this lol)
When season 2 first started, I sort of had it in my head that the narrative would have Vander "die" for Warwick to finish the transformation into his final form, forcing Vi and Jinx to finally say goodbye together. Well! That didn't happen lol. I mean. Vander did "die", but whatever was left behind isn't really Warwick. I'm not quite sure what they were going for, either with him or with how Jinx "dies", its all just a little messy when i feel like there was a more obvious narrative conclusion.
Visually i think the final design in the show is cool removed from context, but it doesn't really make sense to me in regards to the story. Like. Warwicks whole thing is that he curbs his violent impulses by killing "bad guys" in the undercity. League lore is a hot fucking mess and I don't even go there so I get that they (the writers) were playing fast and loose but I can see why so many Warwick fans were less than pleased with where the show leaves him, because it doesn't really feel like the same character outside of his initial experimentation.
In my own idea palace, Jinx fakes her death and leaves Warwick to be Zaun's new mascot. Having this literal monster that eats bad guys and saves innocent people in the process become a new symbol for Zaun feels like a no brainer to me. Imagine the iconography they'd make for this thing! And it brings Vanders whole schtick back around; he still "dies" but the Literal Memory of him lives on in Zaun, still protecting the people he cared about most. You get the bittersweet ending of Vi and Jinx having to move on because hes not really their dad anymore, but their memory is what keeps Warwick "human", still with Zaun even if Vi is doing Piltover shit and Jinx is off exploring the world.
Idk! I know the implication that Jinx faked her death is there, but whatever happens to Warwick seems to be like they didnt really have the time to fully explore the ideas they were going for, so a couple characters just got kinda left floating at the end there. If Ekko and Jinx werent going to run away together, I wanted to see Ekko befriending Warwick so they could fight to make Zaun a better place.
I have more coherent ideas than this but it's 3 am when im typing this so sorry if im not eloquent enough to properly explain what im thinking. Ekko and his weird dog that used to be his uncle. Imagine.
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feketeribizli · 5 months ago
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wrong... directions.....
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dana-chan-the-control-brain · 9 months ago
Since Foxy VA has claimed many times (rping as Foxy with only Foxy's POV, keep in mind)
That killing Mon is NOT on the table.
What I think will happen is that Old Moon will come back, be part of the family.
While NewMoon is cast off into a different body and becomes the main antagonist of this arc.
AND LIKE........... NO?
Hey Noffy again.
You know ... I had planned on writing out a post today. Of why my view on this whole situation is so different. Maybe put it finally all into words.(And I still might make it) Talking through here has been...easing on the nerves of ever making a post about tsams. That I always hesitated on for various reasons but
This episode on Tsmas. (Montys plan to bring old.moon back)My thoughts on the celestial family hasnt changed.
But personally even as someone who was/is defending the celestial family.
I HATE the idea of killing new moon to bring the old moon back. Just because he is spiralling and hurting. Lashing out at his family and wanting to kill ruin/Bloodmoon. Doesn't mean Moon doesn't love and care for his family.
I don't think Monty talked to sun about this. AT ALL I don't think sun would want this either (I hope so at least i really really hope so) considering he ran off during the last discussion after firmly stating he didn't wanna do any of the things they were suggesting. I am holding out some hope.
I am not making my judgement on old moons feelings yet. Guy ain't got the full context. Just what Monty told him (wich was heavily skewed imo) and whatever flashes he gets when active. But based on the context he got. New moon hurts his family of course he wants to do something.
The only reason I would be okay with old moon returning is if it DIDNT kill/destroy new moon.
Killing never solved anything in this show anyway.
(also not liking computer just listening to monty to shock moon. But that is a whole another can of worms)
So yeah. While I still be defending sun ( and to a lesser extend the families) desissions.
If Monty goes through with this. Without talking to any of them??? I be so pissed.
(also weird thing I seemed to notice. A lot of people in the YouTube comments seemed really excited for new moon to be gone and old moon to return. While here on Tumblr. The opposite seems to be the case. Either way. If I could have my cake they both be around in the long run. But that's a hopeful idea that likely won't happen. )
Hi, Noffy! Sorry if today's answer isn't that long, I'm a little tired😭
But yeah! I totally agree with you! Monty didn't talk about what he did to Moon with Sun today, Sun has no idea that Monty went to talk to Old Moon and I hope the computer notifies Sun what happened. Although, honestly, I'm starting to not expect anything because I'll be disappointed when it doesn't happen
I genuinely do NOT want Old Moon back. I know that Old Moon loved his family and he loved Sun even though he hurt him but... Killing New Moon now... Just because he is having psychosis episodes and in a bad mental state...? Keeping him locked in a cage, electrocuting him until he faints... It sounds like torture.
I don't want Monty or Foxy to fix anything that's happening tbh, this is the SUN and MOON show, not MGAFS, so keep the protagonists on their own show.
And yes! Please don't read the YT comments, they are full of toxicity and little kids XD
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motorghost · 6 months ago
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I have to rant about this part of A Study in Scarlet because... it seems to me that Holmes didn't just discover the hemoglobin test at the moment Stamford and Watson walked in. It seems more like he seized the first opportunity to tell ANYONE. Like he simply couldn't contain his joy and desperately needed to share it with an audience. He actually BOWS after giving Watson a demonstration.
Also... "I found it!" are the first words Watson hears from Holmes. He may as well mean "it" to be Watson. He's found IT: his audience, his best friend, his soul mate. His path in life.
This first interaction sets the pattern for their entire relationship: Holmes performing for the best and most high-value audience one could hope for while Watson gets front row tickets to the greatest show on earth. Five stars.
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quixoticprince · 30 days ago
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*In the voice of someone who's only media experience is jjba*: Wow, getting a lot of jjba vibes from tf2
Amidst the chaos and disappointments that encompassed my last two months, I had a fun connection about two of my favorite brain rot comics - you got an immortal(ish) with a harsh backstory who spirals into obsessive hatred that ends in the stealing of their obsession's bodies and subsequently haunt those family lines and those adjacent to them for generations - and I liken the Zeppelis, who shares the Joestar's generational curse by Dio/immortal creatures in general, to the Conaghers who I also see as helpers to the Mann line Its a really cool angle to look at Engie in, who since I was 14 was my least favorite character lol, this really elevated him for me
And so if the Manns are like the Joestars, that means like, Olivia Man is the equivalent of Joseph lol which is very funny to me
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luna-loveboop · 8 months ago
I find it funny that Wild, who has basically a couple years ish of full life experience, comes up with the most insane theories for everything
He assumed that the only other explanation to Four being able to split in Four was. That he was quadruplets who'd been hiding this whole time???
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Also apparently he believed that his wolf companion Twilight in botw was a diety (and felt very uhh shocked upon finding out that he was not)
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Malon made things worse, telling him about her aliens theory
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What's even FUNNIER is that every time Wild expresses any sort of confusion at magic stuff that he's never seen before, everyone else in the chain acts like it's crazy for him to be weirded out by it
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Honestly maybe Wild's the only one with his head on straight, rather than everyone else who are just like 'it's magic bro' like no he's right this is weird
I appreciate this because it's very considerate of the fact that he woke up with no memories not too long ago, so he doesn't have much experience to explain the stuff that's 'normal' for the chain. Plus the explanations he comes up with are funny.
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Art and comic and adorable character by Jojo @linkeduniverse au :D
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dreamerdrop · 2 months ago
My issue with writing Julian POV is that I don’t think Julian is actually self-aware enough to realise how mind-blowingly attracted to Garak he actually is, no.
I think he would be in denial about it conciously, because Garak is a dangerous Cardassian who may or may not be a spy. Julian would filter his attraction through whatever justifications he can for why he’s not ~really~ attracted to him. (While blushing and being flustered by Garak’s overt attraction and flirting back like his life depends on it for reasons he will conveniently brush over in his head.)
But you see, I cannot conceive that anyone could ever, ever look at Garak and not immediately be overcome with lust that makes them dizzy. I can’t imagine having someone who looks like that approach so blatantly flirty and not just immediately following them back to their store to do whatever the fuck they tell you for as long as they want.
So it’s very hard for me to write Julian not being immediately on his knees for Garak because it baffles me that he didn’t just throw himself at Garak over the table in that replimat to begin with.
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Maybe it’s my bizarre taste in men talking but how did this scene not end with Julian following him back to his store and being like “Yes, sir, what do you want to do with me, sir”.
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one-chaotic-neautral · 2 months ago
Y'all I just had a tasty as headcanon - what if Gert was Vi's prison Gf.
Walk with me here
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I found out people are shipping them already which is fun, but most seem to be during the s2 time skip which doesn't make sense to me personally but go ahead. But think about if they already knew each other?
To begin with, they match. Something about Gert was supposed to remind Jinx of Vi (at least in my interpretation: Approval from a cool older punk girl, with side bangs and lip scar, yeah)
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Maybe she picked up Vi's hairstyle; she'd already busted a lip in prison, may as well match the hair too. Or maybe she helped Vi learn how to properly cut/style her hair. But we already know Gert likes to emulate the style of people she admires.
Maybe Vi told her about her family, about Powder, who had been what kept her going through her time there. Having someone to tell about all the trouble they used to get up to, how proud she was of her genius, blue haired little sister who would someday change the world.
Maybe Gert got out a few years before Vi did, promising to look out for her sister if she ever found her. She hears about Silco's daughter, a trigger-happy terror of a girl with blue hair. Could this Jinx really be the Powder Vi spoke so highly of? That sweet, bright little kid? Of course not.
Besides, it's none of her business to get caught up with some chembaron's crazy henchman. But she decides to keep an eye out for news of her anyway. For no particular reason.
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Then, she hears about Jinx fighting back against Piltover, blowing up the council, redirecting the Grey that enforcers had used to terrorize Zaun and flooding topsides streets using her own ingenuity and inventions. Gert knows now that this is what Vi meant. Jinx was going to change the undercity for the better.
Finally meeting Jinx face to face in stillwater, there was no doubt the resemblance between the sisters. She feels proud of Jinx, herself and on behalf of the Vi she knew, seeing the symbol of hope Vi's sister grew up to be.
What if this is the first and last time Gert and Vi saw each other since stillwater.
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Maybe that's why Vi is so surprised she's there, figures things out by her blue hair. That Gert had kept her promise and looked for Powder, finding Jinx and supporting her. Why Gert instantly reached to her for support, recognising that scared, too-tough girl she'd once cared for. Why Vi doesn't let go of her hand until she's dragged away.
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Anyways I have a new headcanon now.
I think they would still be good friends had things worked out differently.
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active-mind-15 · 8 months ago
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You don't think... that maybe... just like Nash, Haizaki is— [GUNSHOT]
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Yes you're eyes aren't deceiving you. Whats going on in this picture?
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simonsezsewart · 8 months ago
My last two brain cells <3
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(Timelapse + alt versions below)
Song: Long Long Long Journey - Bill Wurtz
Bruh I struggled for over two hours on WW’s sketch, meanwhile the entire Vash drawing took two hours total… whoops 💀
But hey! Look at all the colors in their hair! It’s like little rainbows… ;w;
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(Sketches so yall can see what I’m talking about in the tags 💀)
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