#Jules lore
maxikha-ffxiv · 5 months
Julianne lore drop time.
Things locked into place for me doing mch questline on her yesterday (I'm likely raiding as mch next expac and Jules would be my alt for that to not mess with gear drops). Here's what I got:
- (former) Count Tarresson de Dzemael was the only high ranking member of the family who actually cared for Julianne. He was the one that fully embraced her adoption and was responsible for her getting treated as well as she did growing up, even though she wasn't true Dzemael blood.
- Julianne always had a passion for healing, and was studying the abilities of the scholars of Nym whilst growing up in Ishgard/joining the arcanist's guild.
- She is involved in the storyline of the MCH questline, but as a healer assisting with keeping the machinists up instead of "MCH WoL leading the charge"
- due to Tarresson's leave of the house (he's off in kupoland), no one else in the house liking that she was treated as well as she was by him, and Tedalgrinche's multiple attempts at sabotage of the MCH guild, Julianne found herself exiled from the House due to Tedalgrinche concocting an elaborate lie.
- after the events of the MCH questline Tedalgrinche walked back his statements, her name was cleared, but Julianne hasn't learned this yet.
- Tarresson himself recommended Julianne to Sharlayan as a wonderful choice for their Sage program and promised to vouch for any Sharlayan scholars who came to Ishgard to study the church in return, as having direct support from at least one if not more of the high houses of Ishgard would be beneficial.
- Julianne hasn't talked to anyone in House Dzemael since her exile save three, Tarresson, her former handmaiden Fayeth, and Jandelaine on occasion when she needs a hair appointment (she always enjoyed his skills with hair).
- Julianne has done well in her studies to become a proper sage, to the point of beginning to prepare to take an exam to be certified to practice the craft outside of Sharlayan.
- She is currently spending time abroad to learn other forms/styles of healing, as her studies in becoming an eventual archon (goal after sage) would be based on the benefits of applying other styles of healing with Sharlayan's Sage
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sygneth · 1 year
allright i have few thoughts about Jules Pidieu and yall need to listen
He is old. Probably good 10-15 years older than most of his colleagues. Maybe more. From guys like Jean, Chester, Torson, definitely more. He has to deal with a bunch of guys with unsophisticated sense of humor all the time. The talks with Harry makes absolutely no impression on him, he is used to that kind of shit. It may seem that he is tired of it, dealing with drunk officers on duty, with their stupid jokes and using him to banter with one another via official channels. He tries to stay professional. And yet still plays the game and passes all the messages, even not the relevant ones. And even though he seems reluctant, it doesn't take much to convince him to pass even the extreme ones. In his own manner, but he will.
Heck, if Harry will refer to himself as "Firewalker" in the first conversation, Jules will go along with that too, if you call the precinct more than once (well, right after he told Jean that Harry refers to himself as *firewater* and I refuse to belive he didn't do that on purpose as he literally said that right a statement before)
But there is another thing. There is constantly someone in the comms besides him. The rest of the precinct, or at least the C-wing seem to hang out in there all the time. He is a man that others like to have around. What is more, if Harry will ask him for the details of his personal life, what Jules says, suggests he and Harry have been talking quite a lot too. "You're not really keen on mentioning your home life, so I've always assumed things weren't that good on that front" - is what he says.
Yeah, we may assume that Harry is rather keen on talking to people and also talking about himself, though one still needs to talk to another person quite a time to notice which topics they'd rather avoid.
Another thing is, that Jules seems to have heard about Harry's life before the RCM, it's just that the question takes him off guard and then Jean appears and cuts it short.
Even if he looks like he's done TM with the shit he has to deal with, I think he finds some satisfaction in it. He will never admit it, because what he does is sigh and probably roll his eyes while lighting another cigarette, but he actually likes the fact that people come gossip to him, that he is in possession of most of the precinct's secrets, that there won't be a drama he will miss. He wouldn't go into all this if there wasn't a part of him that liked it. He is just very subtle showing this.
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rekindlevn · 2 months
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Weekly Devlog Update! 23/07/2024
Smaller update this time, but that's because we all finally took a proper break from things so that we can get back into the swing of things.
And boy, did we ever!
At this stage, planning out the routes for each of the boys is nearly complete, and a good few scenes have been written. We are biting at the bit to get you some snippets in the coming weeks!! Fun thing too -- we recently had a poll that asked you lovely souls what you want to see from us, more specifically what you want to see of the boys ...
And it seems you simply want it all! Anything from shitposting memes, to behind-the-scenes dev stuff and the randomest lore drops on our sweet trio.
So with that in mind, please keep your eyes peeled in the coming days for some little tidbits coming your way -- and if there is anything in particular you wanna see, don't hesitate to send us an ask!
Whenever we see one come though we kick our feet like little school girls, it's quite the sight ^-^
We hope you are all keeping safe!
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Hey Google how do I unlearn Fortnite's storyline and lore
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justanaspiringsomeone · 4 months
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Masks of masks
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steamysthings · 4 months
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tfw someone fucks up so bad you create a new safety protocol over it (or, when your alien coworker has to freddy fazbear you into his spacesuit to keep you from getting killed by atmospheric conditions. idk i wanted to draw these two again)
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ravetillyoucry · 2 months
Chapter 22 - Flyaway
prev - chapter 1
Jules held the flesh on her thigh in a tight squeeze with one hand, the other in her mouth as she bit down. The first shot of the day was always the worst.
"Y'know..." The girl's eyelashes looked especially long as she kept her gaze down at the needle, "Isn't one a day the regular, recommended dosage? You have what, three? I mean... Is that really necessary?"
She was used to it by now. Size-shifting wasn't something Jules particularly ever wanted to associate herself with. It was a part of her that she hated more than anything. To be seen as a spectacle on one end of the spectrum, to be perceived from every angle, or to be defenceless and weak on the other end, invisible to anyone who didn't care to take extra notice. A minority within a minority, with the ability to shift to both. The best of all three worlds, and Jules couldn't bear it.
She hummed as she wiped her saliva off on one of the towels, "I'm not a regular person. But, I can't let anyone see me that way. You're.. Lucky enough you even know. Little shit."
The shifter hopped down from the bathroom counter, pulling her tights back up just to bounce around the penthouse trying to find her other shoe- not before running her hands through the equally as long brown hair of the girl first, of course. She leant against the frame of the bathroom door as she watched Jules stumble around for a moment, the shifter mumbling under her breath all the while.
"Julie.." She sighed, "You should go easier on yourself. It's not healthy to hold back like this. I mean.. You know.. You see-"
"Yeah, I see Hosah. You know half the time he's not even stuck, he just does it on purpose for attention. That's all it is with him, he needs something, anything to make people feel bad for him. I'm not like that. Elaine, I'm not like that."
"I wasn't gonna say that." Elaine spoke, running her own hands through her hair this time.
The shifter paused. She tilted her head, thought for a moment, and laughed, "You're right. It's just... The other night, I feel like.."
"You were too mean? Again?"
"I wasn't mean enough. God. You don't get it, I can't deal with him. Just.. Pathetic. Absolutely. He's not even fucking qualified. He's not! Not a single college credit." She stopped for breath, scoffing at her own train of thought as she shook her head, "I... It's not like I'm gonna let him go though. It sucks. I can't stand him. But I can't do it."
Elaine turned her back to the shifter, busying herself with her toothbrush and toothpaste, her voice echoing across the tiles of the bathroom, "And you can't stop talking about him either. If you hate him, why are you so attached to him? I don't get it."
"Cmon, El, you know he's like my brother. Just..." And just as quick as she took to attacking him, she came to his defence.
"No 'just'. You're both as bad as each other. It's why you deserve each other. The perfect pair."
Jules scoffed, pulling on her other shoe as she headed towards the door, "God, please. We're nothing alike. I mean, I have self respect, that's something."
"Sure you do." Elaine listened for the unlocking of the front door, and that same 'Goodbye, I love you' that was said every morning, on queue. "Bring back something for dinner on your way home."
"Yeah, yeah." The shifter rolled her eyes, the smile on her face dropping as soon as she shut the door behind her.
She huffed. The bicker her and Hosah had a week or two back still played on her mind. The things she should've said, and even the things she shouldn't have. Bringing up Chris was a low blow, but bringing up all the clubs they weren't allowed to get into however, was quite the proportional one. Despite how badly she wanted to humiliate Hosah, she knew he and Teddy were different. She knew this wasn't a casual fling that'd pass by with the seasons, with no hard feelings regarding to the fact she was probably the reason things didn't work out. He'd never forgive her if she fucked with their.. whatever it was they had going on.
She still stood by what she said. They'd gone through most of the shit together, and look at her. She wasn't in therapy, she wasn't being stalked and preyed upon, despite that probably being entirely out of his control, and she certainly wasn't letting it all get to her. He only suffered for pity, she suffered to become stronger. That was the difference between the two of them. Maybe to anyone else, he had the right to be a miserable shit, but to her, well, he wasn't any more worth than what came of his uncle. A stain in the carpet, even less than that.
He was infuriating. All Jules wanted was to send him back to butt-fuck nowhere Colorado and let him rot under the care of some poorly paid care workers for the rest of his life. Have someone with nothing else better to do sit around and talk to him like a pet, since that was probably all Edward was in it for. That was what pissed her off the most. How he didn't hate the way they all treat him. He was barely human in their eyes, and how he didn't see it, she'd never know. He needed Jules, and hell, Jules even needed him sometimes too. He's naïve, self destructive, and honestly, he was incapable. But she understood. She knew exactly what to do, what would help him, but he was too blind even to see that. Jules gritted her teeth as she stumbled her way out of the elevator door, trying to calm herself in order to at least appear somewhat presentable for the meeting ahead of her.
It wasn't often her dad called her about anything at all, and his sudden curiosity regarding the agency, his business, was something that worried her, to her core. It was this type of thing she had nightmares about. That he'd finally have enough of paying for the building, paying the wages, and he'd pull the plug. The agency started because of Jules, to protect her and those alike. There was a type of responsibility, an obligation she had to keeping everything sound and steady. As hard as she tried to come off as uncaring or cold, she couldn't help but care deeply for the cause. She might not be able to embrace her curse, but those with no other choice didn't deserve half the shit they got. Not many other shifters had the privilege of being able to shoot up somatotrophin three times a day, and Jules had to use that to her advantage.
Jules didn't really think back on the reason she even recruited Hosah in the first place all that often. He had such a way with words, no, with other shifters. He could get anything out of them, all he had to do was shrink down to their level, or perch himself in their palm, and it'd come spilling out. She watched it happen before, in the facility, it was why he was a favourite. Not only would he cooperate, being the obedient little shit he was, but he could get others to do it too. It made her sick to watch, but she knew when her father dipped from the agency, that it'd be plentifully convenient.
This was it, the final straw. The pair had come close to certain danger with how Scotty had convinced them it was absolutely necessary to go back and check Hosah's old apartment, and Teddy wasn't prepared to risk it again. He knew they shouldn't have gotten into the car the moment the engine started, and it was only with a stroke of luck that they were able to weasel out of it.
Hosah wasn't a doll, or a precious piece of glass that risked cracking and shattering if not handled correctly, he knew that. He knew Hosah had done just fine without him before, and he'd probably do just fine without him if he were to disappear into thin air overnight, but the obligation Teddy felt to protecting the shifter was strong, the feeling overpowering all logic his brain could muster up.
He didn't really think before he spoke all that often, not nowadays, not around Hosah, at least.
"I love you." Teddy didn't even realise what he'd said until he'd heard it himself, coming out of his own mouth. "I just... thought you'd like to know, since things have been weird lately."
Teddy spent the majority of his childhood in isolation. There wasn't much of anything to do once classes were over, and although he was constantly surrounded by people, none of them really wanted to talk to him. He didn't know what exactly he'd done wrong, and it ate him alive. Sometimes he'd stare at his own reflection and wait for the swarm of cicadas or the three aliens stacked upon eachother to come crawling out from under his skin, but they never did. That was what bothered him so badly, this was him. There was no other land he could return to where there'd be others of his kind, waiting with open arms, the truth was, Teddy was a human, whether he liked it or not.
Socialising with his peers felt a lot like the choir practices the church would make everyone participate in twice a week, except, Teddy was always just slightly out of tune. He knew it, everyone else knew it, and despite how much he turned the pegs of the cello he'd practice playing until his fingers bled, it'd always sound ever so slightly off. Instead of making it obvious, Teddy found it'd be easier to keep his head down, to not draw attention to himself, and that became an excruciatingly difficult task by the time he hit puberty and grew a foot taller.
The rules that came along with being a human being weren't something Teddy completely understood, even now at twenty six years old, but he knew even less when he was half his age. Teddy questioned the ideas and stories presented to him as fact, especially in school, especially when it came to the teachings of the bible. He didn't get it. He didn't get why his peers would give him dirty looks when he walked past them in the hallway, he didn't get why God would make him in such way that made him unloveable, unable to be saved, stuck in the stagnancy of his own desires, afraid that even acknowledging such things would make them too loud, too obvious, that God, or worse, his peers would know.
It took Teddy an embarrassingly long time to accept the fact he was gay. It took him even longer to pull his head out of the sand and act upon his darkest, best kept secret that was his sexuality. For a while he just thought he didn't have the ability to love someone, not like that. He loved many things with the whole of his heart, he loved feeling the sun on his face, even when it'd get in his eyes and give him a headache from the squinting, he loved cold breezes in the early winter that'd nip at the tips of his nose and ears, he loved fresh pastries in the morning on his way to work, and he loved making small talk with the cashiers even more than that, especially when he could tell with their shifting expressions that he'd brightened their day, even just slightly.
Hosah was the first person he could say with confidence that he was in-love with. He loved the idea of certain people, the prospect of them twisting and converting into the idealised versions of themselves that Teddy had invented and interacted with in depth in his head, but Hosah was different. He didn't find himself wishing certain behaviours or traits upon him, even the parts of the shifter that weren't at all desirable or even likeable, they weren't fixed in the mental image Teddy created of him. Maybe it was because Hosah was so unapologetic about who he was. He wished he could be like that. That Hosah cried in front of him, that Hosah lounged in his palm like there was nothing else in the world but the two of them, that Hosah leant into the brushing of the same hand through his hair. Teddy wished he could've done all those things at once. He wished he could've lifted the shifter up towards the light and said, is this such a sin? If God saw them both, if God saw the gentle cradling of his own creations, if he saw the way Hosah's face flushed, one cheek redder than the other depending on which side he'd slept on, when he'd first awake in the morning by Teddy's side, the love he feels being so powerful that it seeped from his heart and out of his pores, would he change his mind, and allow it just this once? Teddy wasn't sure if he hoped so or not, as an eternity in hell would be more than worth the human lifetime of love and affection he relished in.
What he wished most of all, was that he could tell himself not to care. Not to look at his peers as they snickered and glanced at him for questioning what was put in front of him as fact, to continue playing even if the tune wasn't quite right, and to press his hands against his cheeks as he stared himself down, telling the cicadas- or the aliens, that he knew they were there, and that he loved them dearly.
"I love you dearly." He added, ".. You don't have to say it back. I just.. It's true."
Hosah sat and thought for a moment, adjusting his seat on the desk beneath him. It killed Teddy to know that he'd never be able to look inside of the shifters brain and see what he was thinking. He'd even settle just for a few seconds of watching the cogs turn beneath the flesh of his forehead.
"I never understood that sentiment before, actually." The shifter spoke, nonchalant as ever, "If you love someone, you tell them, unapologetically. And saying it back isn't so hard either. I don't understand why saying I love you isn't something we've normalised already. I mean, no one dislikes being told they're loved, so, I don't get it."
It seemed like he was going on a rant to avoid saying it back after all. Teddy smiled, his crooked tooth being as charming as ever with how it hung over his lip, just slightly. He really hoped Hosah wouldn't hate him for what he was going to do.
"You know.. I think I'm gonna get lunch with Jeanne today, or, I'll try." Without stopping to hear the slew of words coming out of Hosah's mouth in protest, Teddy got up from his chair, "Uh- tell Thierri I'm sorry I couldn't make it later, 'kay?"
There were no 'if', 'buts' or 'maybes' about it, Teddy was going to get Hosah, and hopefully himself, off of the case. He had no idea why Jules allowed the two to work so closely to such a criminal in the first place, especially when the shifter was being put into such dangerous positions, even going as far as to needing to leave his apartment to avoid an actual serial killer from invading his home, and or killing him. It was cartoonish how messed up the situation sounded, especially when put so bluntly in his head.
Finding Jeanne wasn't too much of a challenge. Maybe if he were in a crowd, sure, but around the office, he was quite hard to miss with his short stature and general boy-ish features, despite the fact he was the eldest amongst the rag-tag team.
Although Teddy could clearly see the experienced detective in his direct line of sight, something kept him from approaching the man. He usually didn't look back at his past and cringe, but god, the embarrassment he felt remembering their previous interactions turned his stomach into knots. He took a moment to clear his throat, swallowing to try get rid of the dry sensation in his mouth, and he bit the bullet.
"Jeanne." Teddy's voice faltered as he called out.
He wondered what it was about the detective that made him as intimidating as he was. Jeanne looked over upon being called with expectant eyes (well, a singular expectant eye), his body unmoving from its position leaned up against the wall. Usually, around this time, he'd be out in the smoking area with Hosah. Maybe that was all it was, Teddy had spotted him in a different place than he'd expected him to be. It wasn't quite his appearance that made him hard to keep your cool around, as he stood at almost a whole foot shorter than Teddy, his face still rather soft in terms of his features, like he'd never finished puberty. It was just.. his aura. Stone cold, calculated, and pungent of fresh coffee. He'd have to ask what cologne Jeanne wore when the conversation topic was less of a serious one.
"...Let's get lunch. I need to talk to you."
For once, Teddy almost thought he saw the man crack a smile at him.
The detective shook his head as he stood up straight, "I already told you, you're fine. I forgive you, in fact. It's okay."
"No, it's.. it's not that. Not that Im not still extremely sorry, but, there's something else I need your advice on." Teddy found himself fidgeting with the buttons on his shirt sleeve, unable to directly look Jeanne in the eye as he stuttered.
"You know how I lost my eye, Edward?"
Teddy braced himself for a tragic, yet inspirational tale that'd heighten his already undying respect for the man, "Ah, no, sir."
"Yeah. I can't tell you either. Signed an NDA." Jeanne gave him a firm pat on the back as he lead the way out of the agency's office building, "You can pick the place, I'm not a fussy eater."
No wonder Hosah got along so well with this guy.
The pair didn't really seem to have much in common besides their care for Hosah. He was the only thing they could really talk about on the journey, and it took most of his efforts and energy for Teddy not to gush or say something stupid. Despite the constant reassurance from Jeanne that he was forgiven for his past mistake, Teddy was still overcome with guilt and embarrassment. It hindered his ability to have a nice conversation about anything other than work with the detective, and it clouded his mind whenever the two were alone together.
It had been months by now, but the memory was still fresh in Teddy's mind. Jeanne had told Hosah, maybe if you were there sooner. He didn't like to think of himself as an overly emotional person, but watching the tears spill down the shifters face without him even realising himself, Teddy just couldn't contain himself. He was ashamed of what he did after that, so much so that he didn't even want to think about it. He wasn't himself in that moment, he was the person he thought he grew from years ago. A person who goes to unforgivable measures to seek justice for those that don't ask for it. The truth was, as a boy, Teddy got into a lot of fights. He was an emotional child, one overwhelmed with the weight of not having a single soul his own age who understood or even spoke to him, and when he saw or heard something he disagreed with in any capacity, he didn't know how to cope with it.
Teddy promised himself to never, ever use his fists against another person, unless in a life or death situation. Hearing Jeanne say those words felt like life or death, and Teddy had no idea what overcame him when he entered that staff room and tried to lay his hands on the detective. He didn't expect Jeanne to be so tough, but he was taught the fact very quickly. That was when Teddy learnt that Jeanne was quite the reasonable person and was very open to issuing an apology once confronted with the weight his words had on the shifter.
Being put on the spot to decide where to eat, Teddy took his superior to a place he frequented in his early days of detective-hood. A family owned burger restaurant in the centre of the city. It was nothing fancy, and the food definitely wasn't anything special, but Teddy really had no idea what type of guy Jeanne was, especially in terms of an ideal lunch. He didn't seem to mind the choice, at least.
"Hm." Jeanne looked over the various screen captures from the forum board that Teddy had printed off earlier in the day, "And Scotty told you to catfish this guy?"
".. Essentially." It was hard to speak clearly with a mouthful of burger.
He slid the papers back towards Teddy from the other side of the booth, "It's so stupid that it might just work. I say go for it, but not on your home computer. At the library or the office. I doubt you know how to go incognito, remove yourself from the grid, become untraceable. Someone down on B-block'll know."
"Yeah.. Yeah. Okay. Right." Teddy fidgeted with the papers between his fingers, trying to slip them back into the folder he'd brought them in as smoothly as possible, and failing miserably. "Well, that's not actually all I wanted to talk with you about.."
He swallowed, hard. Jeanne didn't seem to be the type to blow up with emotions at people, especially in a public space, but Teddy couldn't help but worry. Maybe he'd be offended on Hosah's behalf, and would lecture him on how terribly he misunderstood the shifter and undermined his strength, both mental and physical, and his capability to continue on with the case despite the clear danger it put him in.
"It's, it's the case. I can't let Hosah stay on it, I just.. I know something really, really bad is gonna happen, it's already bad enough as it is, but-"
Jeanne cut him off, reaching an arm forward to rest his hand upon Teddy's, "No, I agree. Completely. I just don't know what the boss'll say about it. I doubt she'll even think twice before shrugging it off as a 'he'll be fine' situation."
"I haven't spoken about it with him yet." Teddy added.
"It's best if you don't. Pin it on the boss, she'll gladly take the fall for it, and shes done Hosah far more dirty before, he'll get over it."
Teddy pulled his arm away, his eyebrows furrowing as he considered the two paths ahead of him. He could either lie to Hosah about knowing anything about him being taken off the case, or he could tell him the truth and face the music of his actions for the greater good. It'd be so unbelievably hypocritical of him to go down the first route, especially after making a point to push Hosah to be honest and open with him about everything, and it'd be even worse in the long run if he'd slip up and reveal it was his own idea all along, not Jules'. At the same time, however, the last thing he wanted was to fight Hosah again. It wasn't right of him to make this choice for the shifter, he was his own person and could decide whether he wanted to stay on board or not, but there was no way Hosah would make the right decision and remove himself from the line of fire headed straight for him.
He nodded, "Yeah, you're right."
"Mhm. She has a meeting today with the previous head of the company, so we'll slip in her office tomorrow to talk about it." Jeanne had already started to get up to go back, having barely touched his food. "And... Don't look so beat up. It's the best thing for Hosah's safety. Even if he doesn't realise it."
And realise it, he didn't.
Once Teddy got back to the office, slightly exhausted from the mental anguish he'd been put through as his mind racked back and forth between guilt and embarrassment, he headed straight for Hosah. He still wasn't quite sure what he was going to do, Jeanne had given him the best advice he could get, but his swelling heart told him otherwise.
"No, no. Dude. I've told you like five times now, they need to be the other colour to stack." Hosah lectured, swatting the giant’s hand away from the card game. Teddy always thought solitaire was, you know, to be played in solitude.
Thierri pushed his chair away from the desk with his head in his hands, “But, I thought it was descending numbers from ten?? Man, I don’t fucking get this game.”
“I don’t know how much more plain and simple I can put it for you!” The sight was certainly one to see, that’s for sure. A shifter, not even the size of one of the cards they were playing with, yelling at Thierri in a similar fashion to how he imagined the stories of doing homework at the dinner table with your dad when described to him.
It took a moment of exasperated sighing in frustration, along with the dragging of a few cards across the desk with all of his might, before Hosah actually completed the game rather quickly, only then noticing the fact Teddy had come back in the time between.
“Oh, hey.” Hosah sounded completely out of breath as he finally god the chance to speak, “You have fun?”
“As fun as work talk gets, sure.” Teddy shrugged, pulling over his own chair to Thierri’s desk, “…Are you having fun?”
Hosah flashed a look of exhausted annoyance before laughing, pinching the bridge of his nose like the morning paper between his pointer and his thumb, “As fun as playing solitaire with someone who’s never even touched a deck of cards gets.”
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dipplinduo · 8 months
“Yeah. Right. Um…here. They’re for you.”
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Guess who’s back with silly drawings of the lil guys!
So, um, this drawing is VERY different compared to what I’ve done before ^^;. I wanted to mess around with styles and coloring techniques and while messing around decided to draw Juliana and Kieran as cats because…why not, haha! I guess here their names are Catliana and Meowran though.
The scene is based on Chapter 10, when Kieran gives Juli white carnations and nerium oleanders! Between lovers, white carnations can represent the couple’s loyalty, while the oleanders can be symbolic of everlasting love due to a Greek myth, but…are also known for being quite poisonous :)
Anyways, please enjoy Catliana and Meowran! I know this isn’t my best work, but I do think they came out pretty cute!
Awww, iirc, you're one of the artists who can draw Pokemon/animals easier than humans? If not, my mistake, love it either way, but if so (and probably just in general)? That's seriously so touching that you'd think of how to depict them in a way where you could make this fanart and share it, I'm touched you wanted to make it. And I love the design choices you made!!
Was low-key selfishly hoping for a flower presentation depiction and I love love love that you made that dream come true 🥹💛
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starleska · 3 months
oh my gosh, Archie kisses Miss Hoolie on the hand before asking her to dance at the cèilidh!!!! 😖💖
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cordycepswitch · 20 days
Yall I’m laid up with a broken arm (don’t worry it’s a minor fracture, my dignity is more injured because it was very silly how I broke it) and I desperately want to go to the beach so I’m doing beach drawings of my ocs this weekend. I know the PSL is out but it’s not yet Labor Day so it’s still summer gosh darn it! But to draw my little guys at the beach I had to figure out their swimwear situation first so here’s my little outfit test lmk what you think…
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jules creating the gauntlets to conceal midas' golden touch is healing her inner child
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justanaspiringsomeone · 7 months
The Betrayal
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“Strange. How one moment everything is fine and happy… but a new chapter can’t ever start without a tragedy.”
It’s Monet’s BDAY! I give you pain and lore~
The betrayal for Monet was… not pretty, she was tracked, hunted down and nearly brutally murdered had she not fallen into a river and gotten help.
A hooded friendly, weird old looking gondolier Monet named Charon manage to take her to a small village but instead of giving payment like one typically does.
He gave her a knapsack; filled with her favorite book, sewing supplies and most importantly… the money she got for her journey to Eridia.
She had her next objective.
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vonlipvig · 6 months
rewatching the game, mostly because i'm going to a the game themed escape room tomorrow. as one does.
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kawaiiblue18 · 1 year
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Family portraits
So Sonic family tree lore has been swimming around my head to point that it’s gone from headcannons to its own somewhat au that ties in Sonic’s many parents and siblings
The full condensed au lore is below the Keep reading
I was gonna draw a portrait of Tails & Sonic as well as Sonic, Shadow, Maria, & Charles but I didn’t like how they looked so yeah
Might attempt to draw them again later idk
I’m very normal about the sonic fandom wdym
So basically, Jules had a fling with Aleena when they were in their 20s, but Aleena’s parents forbid them from marrying because Jules was not of royal heritage like Aleena was. However, Aleena’s parents never properly reinforced them to separate until Aleena found out that she was pregnant and Jules was banished from the kingdom. Eventually, the triplets are born with Sonic being the spitting image of Jules with Aleena’s green eyes. (As for why Manic is green and Sonia is pink, I’ll just say it runs in Aleena’s family which is why Aleena’s parents are the color they are in the family tree.) Since Charles, Jules’s older brother, still lives within the kingdom, Aleena asks him to help her in raising the triplets which Charles readily accepts. (Robotnik never steals the kingdom from Aleena here so Aleena never gives up her kids.) Charles is the one who gives her the idea to give Sonic his birth name Olgilvie Maurice, named after both of Sonic’s grandfathers. Charles and Aleena co-parent the triplets, Olgilvie spending more time with his ‘Uncle Chuck’ than his siblings. The three siblings find out that they all had a love for music so Aleena crafts them those medallion necklaces. (They don’t have magic powers like they do in Sonic Underground.) But unlike his siblings, Olgilvie is born with an unusually high amount of chaos energy which gifts him the ability to run at super sonic speeds. When he turns 10 years old, he decides he wants to go off and see the world. His family disapproves so Olgilvie tries to run off, but Charles catches him. Charles doesn’t want Olgilvie to leave, but knows he can’t stop him so Charles gives Olgilvie his plane. From then on, Olgilvie introduces himself as his nickname Sonic to anyone he meets. Sonic then stumbles upon a fox kit that he takes under his wing as his adoptive little brother. All of Sonic’s cannon game story lines stay the same. At some point between adventures, Sonic reunites with Jules and Charles. In all that time separated, Jules had fell in love and married Bernadette (he has a thing for purple hedgehogs I guess lmao), essentially making her Sonic’s stepmother. (Jules never gets robotized here.) Jules never gets to meet Sonia or Manic. Continuing the family tree, Sonic falls in love with Shadow and they have kids with their combined high amount of chaos energy. Their first born daughter is named Maria in memory of Shadow’s adopted sister and their second born son is named Charles after Sonic’s uncle. 
Woo boy thats lot. Props to you if you actually read all of that :))) 
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puppygirlpencil · 8 months
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Day 4, featuring the old folks! Mostly focusing on Sonic's parents this time :3
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blucifer08 · 7 months
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A lore dump about my new OC Jules.. I'm copying this over from where I was rambling on twitter, so apologies for any formatting issues. Idk if I've mentioned this here, but through a lot of nonsense, Jules winds up pingponging between the thirteenth, the First, and the Source. There are a lot of time shenanigans involved in that..
Anyways, jules lore below the readmore
Jules was born on the Thirteenth but grew up on the First. And there they were taken in by a small, close-knit Hyur family. They grew up alongside their young son, whom they became the best of friends with. Despite the coming end--the two kids had a relatively nice childhood and made the most of what they had together. But as resources became more sparse and the damnation of the Star more evident, Jules' adoptive parents looked to anything they could for hope. Unfortunately, they became wrapped up in a group of people attempting a primal summoning. Using light harnessed here in Ahm Araeng where the Flood was stopped, they attempted to create a Primal who could fix things. How? They weren't sure. But regardless, the summoning /worked.../
Jules and their adoptive brother were there when it happened. How delighted everyone was when the summoning /worked/ only to have their minds ripped from them. All except Jules, blessed with the Echo. Jules hid and cried, unable to stop the oncoming onslaught, and..The primal soon consumed all who had summoned it, and slayed Jules' adoptive brother. Jules was young, and powerless to save them, and at the time, too fearful to even attempt anything. And from this birthed Jules' insatiable desire to get stronger.. no matter what it takes.
It also brought about their interest in primals, which Jules thought of as an actual God at the time. It's not until they make it to the Source in ARR that they get corrected on this. But, they wish they could go back and save them so badly.
It acts as inspiration for them as a summoner, to harness the power of primals and use it for their own purposes. They go a bit far with it, testing the limits of summoning and even testing the limits of what magic their own body can handle.
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