#touchstarved visual novel
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raeshellys · 6 months ago
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"Are you lost, little sparrow?"
Matching CG!
As I said in the other post, I simp massively for Ais, and the OC design was absolutely done with him in mind at all times.
I was thinking about posting only my art, instead of adding the game art, but since it's supposed to be a 'matching CG', I thought the point would go through better with him by her side.
Next time I draw these two will probably be my ideas and my artstyle.
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vamprel · 6 months ago
Ais inspired necklace !!
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Sorry for the bad pic. Anyway for the layers, I’m not comfortable wearing so many layers and also I wear one necklace everyday (it’s hidden under the shirt) so it’s already kind of layered for me.
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aressapereaude · 4 months ago
Happy birthday to Vere~!
Source: Touchstarved
Pairing: Vere x Reader
Contains: Explicit language, alcohol, strong violence, it's Vere what are we expecting, gore, sex??, monsterfucking???, murder, dead dove do not eat, cannibalism, decapitation, nobody is coming, Leander needs a mop.
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It is the fourteenth of November.
The air is cold, the ground is not yet frozen over but you find your steps slipping more than they usually do. It tends to happen around this time of year. Everything slows down, and the days are all over so quickly that you're not really sure if they ever happened at all.
He's hungry, you knew that. He has always been hungry.
The hunger has been eating at him for a long time.
You met him through a friend. Well, they weren't a friend at the time... A brief but uneasy encounter outside the Wet Wick, in which you had fallen for a sly pickpocketing trick, and he had dangled it in front of you like an anglerfish, slowly luring you into the light. You did get your key back, in the end. With some interference of course.
Over time, you realised you had a lot in common. He hated the Senobium with a burning passion, and so did you; They had been lauded far and wide as the best of the best, and once upon a time you had hoped they could cure you, but not anymore. Those gates were too strongly locked and far too secretive to let the likes of you inside. After a while you had simply stopped trying, and you found that the more you grew to dislike them, the more you found yourself spending time around the fox with the hungry eyes.
And at first it was nothing, really, just hanging out with mutual acquaintances and bumping into each other around the Wet Wick, but gradually you began to take notice of the way his pupils thinned to pin pricks when he looked at you, the way his fur bristled ever so slightly when you almost came too close. You noticed how his ears tracked you with a strange alertness despite the cool composure he maintained, and how whenever he gave you that sly smirk, the corners of his lips would sort of... flicker.
The closer you got, the more these instances occurred, and it began to dawn on you, the feelings that you had for him. Every now and then, he'd slip you an extra drink and make a smooth remark about taking you home.
When he did, his tail would twitch ever so slightly, and his knee would grow restless, bouncing under the counter. His jaw would clench, and though he did his best to hide it, his breathing would pick up and heave subtly at his chest. But every time, you declined, wanting to wait for a "special moment" and in an instant it was as though it had never happened. He'd go back to the small talk, the teasing, the joking or arguing and there'd be no traces left of that hungry fox who looked at you with a desperate, secret, hidden need.
His eyes look particularly dilated tonight.
It is the fourteenth of November, and you have bought yourself an extra drink tonight. You've bought Vere one, too. He tries not to look hopeful, but you see in your peripheral the way he eyes you up and down when you're facing away from him. He's being less secretive about it tonight, even taking the time to wait until Leander has left the two of you alone.
(Alone, apart from the horned demon sitting at the end of the bar, keeping keen red eyes on you both, and the Senobium cleric outside the bar. You assume she's waiting for him to leave and take up whatever business he has with the nearest brothel. You have a feeling he won't, not tonight.)
"Happy Birthday, Vere. Let's get out of this place for a while," You murmur, leaning in. His keen ears pick up every word, but you don't want the cleric to catch wind of what you're up to.
A thin smile slits across his face, and he offers you his hand, assisting you to your feet. His expression is dark with want, and the dancing candlelight only paints him in a more monstrous light. You don't seem to mind, though, as your footsteps begin to stumble towards the door.
His sharp claws pull you back, knocking you into him, your back flat against his chest. "I was thinking we could use your room tonight."
Your breath hitches in your throat.
"Leander has the key. He won't be back until-"
"Until I'm done," Vere finishes, flashing the keys in front of you the same way he did back then. And you smile.
Ais red eyes linger on your backs until the very last moment you leave his view. As the two of you sneak off together, you shoot a quick look back to make sure you're alone.
He doesn't move from his seat.
Vere locks the door behind you and tosses the key before he pounces, a mess of hair and claws. There's a calm desperation in the way he rips your clothes off you, and the way you fiddle with the straps around him. The low growl caught in his throat spills forward as he pushes you backwards, teeth clacking against yours and splitting your lip, and the pleasure and relief shudders through him when he plunges into you.
Blood splatters across the hardwood floor.
For a moment you stand there, stunned at the explosion of colour, and then it hits you all at once. The pinprick eyes. The attentive ears. The charm, and the twitches, and the ever so slight flash of fangs each time he asked you to come with him. There is blood on the floor, and it dawns on you with a sickening crunch that this is your blood, your viscera that is now congealing between the floorboards, and it is so dark in this room.
He's panting, moving with a disturbing nonchalance for someone with such a feral look on their face. The arm that had split your belly open twists with another sick crunching noise and you feel it now, the agony as he takes a handful of intestines and squeezes.
You start to throw up, but nothing comes out.
This isn't how tonight was supposed to go. This isn't how you wanted him inside you- but then, he is inside you, isn't he? Making a mess of your organs and lapping up the fluid that leaks from your clenching abdomen, burying his face in your soft thighs...
Only to take an enormous chunk of muscle between his teeth and rip it clean off the bone. The look in his eyes is euphoric, instinctive. How could you be so stupid? Any other time you'd have loved to see him make a face like this. But now, as he shivers with satisfaction, you wish you could have died when his lips touched your lips.
You don't know when your head hits the floor but it does, and you don't feel it. Vere stands above you, violating every inch of your body in his bloodied arms, bits of your meat and sinew plastered across his cheeks and hair, dribbling down his neck and you can't tell if he's fucking you or eating you and you don't think there's a difference anymore because you're being devoured either way.
Your final thought, to your confusion, is Leander. This is his spare room, after all. What's he going to say when he gets back? Will he be angry at you for making such a mess of the floor and walls?
Clinging to life, you fade away to the sound of Vere's sharp teeth snapping through your bones.
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anam-mana · 6 months ago
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You know how I said I would paint something safer last time? I lied. Because I can’t even post this one on tumblr fully do to, you know, female presenting nipple.
But here’s a portrait of my Unnamed MC, Hero, wearing Leander’s coat.
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neatalchemist · 2 months ago
main five as things ive done (except i experienced psychosis and had hallucinations majority of my life) and im also extremely cringe
MOST OF THOSE R NSFW / MATURE 😭🙏 (no explicit stuff, mentions of it, drugs+alcohol+cigarettes mentioned)
> went to church on holy friday before easter(was eastern orthodox) to pass under the table and accidentally banged my head because i got up too fast, the table almost flipped
> always used dried up mushrooms on wounds/scratches when i used to work in the fields
> watched doctor house so much i was sure i could diagnose everything, gave myself a diagnosis and turned out correct
> helped out the barman at work, and when people asked me for "a little whiskey with coke" i'd pour the cup full of whiskey and add a drop of coke for color
> was the teamleader at a school exchange event and did the orange justice in front of everyone to make everyone less embarassed of having to work together(no one spoke to me for the rest of the week)(i was 17.)
> brought a laptop to every lecture for my management class, played minecraft, when asked, explained that i'm voice recording the class to study later, got extra credit for being devoted and passed with 100%
> almost fucked a weird girl because she said she'd give me weed(she had a knife collection and talked about fucking me with a knife to my throat often)
> collected Bones from The Fields to do rituals with(The Gods chose me)
> went into a sex shop and maintained eye contact while purchasing a Big One. (in english)(i still have some dignity)
> got super drunk and smoked 3 packs of cigarettes, debated religion with a classmate and talked to a bottle of alcohol, cuddling it in bed(my lungs died the next day and i didnt smoke for a week)
> worshipped the Forest God, almost set fire to The Forest while doing a Ritual. Got caught, swore i'd never do it (i did it immediately again the next day)
> talked to The Entity in my room via a candle at 3 in the AM(but i was very mean about it)
> on my way to band practice, walked by an active shooting (guy barricaded himself in his house w hostages n was actively shooting at the street) with police and everything, blasting 'pain' by three days grace in my shitty headphones(the area was cut off but no one told me)
> graffitied the operator symbol all over my middle school in chalk(its still there)
> hallucinated ravens talking to me and trying to get in my room in the middle of the night, saying if i didnt let them in He'd show up (actually terrifying)
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eclipsinggod · 5 months ago
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justanaspiringsomeone · 1 year ago
What if....
Eridia is essentially the Touchstarved Universe's Florida?
like it survived so long, known for its glamorous sites and whatnot, but is actually hell to live in that people can't exactly leave from.
like how do you get so many creatures in one place and not have stuff happen that would rival our world's Florida?
So instead of Florida Man it's just.... Eridia Man when weird shit happens
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undermine-the-instinct · 4 months ago
Its not blood guys, seriously
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Click for better quality!
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Happy Birthday Vere! I don't think there's a cake Big enough to fit all the candles for your age sry 🎉🥳💖
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lu-dao-writes · 9 months ago
— 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐎𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐞 (𝙇𝙤𝙧𝙚)
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Summary: An oracle unknowingly lived in a cult their entire life, cursed with a touch that sends people into madness and elation. The cult’s goal was to resurrect the demon, Māra, but thanks to being enlightened with the truth, the oracle destroys the cult and flees in search of the Senobium, desperate for a cure; and if no cure was possible then they’d open themself into death’s arms. They had no idea of the dangerous people they’d encounter in the downtrodden and shady city that is Eridia.
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— 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐬
(So that I don’t repeat myself too much, I had my friend, who is very knowledgeable in tarot, help me understand the cards when trying to figure out how this bunch feels about me. Please don’t take these as canon.)
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Leander: two of cups, the lovers, wheel of fortune reversed, eight of cups reversed, knight of swords, and knight of wands.
I thought right away that with my background in mind, I’d be the perfect victim for Leander. In desperate need of help, and nowhere to go and no one to trust.
My friend pretty much said he thinks we’re made for each other even though it’s utterly toxic. He knows what he feels and wants to do is bad, but he doesn’t care and is willing to continue a toxic cycle.
All in all, scary stuff, and I’ve all but walked into the trap he laid out.
Vere: the magician, judgment, king of coins, king of swords
When I first went over it, I was puzzled because to me it seemed too positive, because it’s Vere we’re talking about. Overall I thought that Vere could see that I’ve been dealt a bad hand in life, but I have the tools to avoid that again if I’m smart enough to not let it happen.
My friend sums it up to Vere thinks I’m capable enough to hurt him. He doesn’t underestimate me because he believes if he slips up, I can get him. If I act clueless (when I truly am just clueless), he doesn’t believe me. But our relationship overall can end up a bit positively as long as I continue to treat him like a person rather than a pet.
And apparently he’s willing to be my pet😅😳🫣… (y’all when I was told that I was wheezing. Honestly thought he’d hate my guts fr.)
Mhin: Ace of coins reversed, king of cups, the high priestess, three of coins
In short of Mhin and I’s relationship: “Don’t wanna fuck with you, but I still care a little.”
Much like how they pay attention to Ais, they pay attention to me, but they aren’t keen on getting close. Our overall relationship can be very sweet though because we can grow from one another and lean on each other strengths. “Where you fall short, Mhin can help, and where they fall short, you can assist.”
Ais: Four of Wands reversed, Ace of cups, two of cups, nine of wands reversed, four of coins, the fool reversed, ten of cups.
Wooo I tell you-.
Ais and I are quite alike, and we both draw each other in. But overall we’re fantasizing the impossible. If Ais and I were to get together, to cross the line where it’s no longer platonic, things can and will become more complicated and hard for us. We’re both too different that we’d never have much progress.
We looked more into it and it seems that arguments are frequent to happen, mainly due to Ais not wanting to change.
Bonus: Ocudeus: Three of Coins, Magician (sideways), knight of wands reversed
I forgot to write the notes down, but I believe Ocudeus has almost the same mindset as Vere with not wanting to underestimate me. Mainly just lurking I believe.
Kuras: Queen of cups reversed, the lovers, the tower reversed, ten of wands.
I think this one’s almost as bittersweet- maybe if not more- as Ais’s and I’s relationship.
My friend got orpheus and eurydice vibes. Our story is supposed to end in tragedy and he can only watch it happen. I’m supposed to be his, but it doesn’t work. We’re both shouldered with burden. Definitely also some reincarnation vibes which is a theory I’ve seen mentioned and can get behind due to the demo.
Elyon: three of cups, eight of swords reversed, The World, Seven of wands, Five of swords reversed, and Four or wands reversed.
Y’all don’t know how stunned I was at this one lol.
So my friend said that we’re close friends, and him being protective. It could be for his own benefit but he’s also genuine in wanting to keep me safe at the same time.
When I asked how we even became close because of our clear differences (him being a wealthy businessman and me a random poor individual), I got page of cups reversed, empress reversed, and queen of coins reversed.
Initially I thought I went to his brothel to feel less insecure, but my friend said he saw it more as he gives me compliments or something because he can tell I’m insecure. Maybe even offered the brothel to help with that because I need money.
Sen: Temperance reversed, six of swords reversed, ten of swords reversed, and five of swords reversed.
To put it simply, Sen is obsessed with the idea that I can possibly kill her, but I refuse to do so.
I asked my deck which love interest is best suited for me and Mhin takes the cake; and I found it very interesting because in my deck the card I got was the three of swords and the story chosen for the card is “The Crane Wife”.
— 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐲𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐦
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𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧/𝐃𝐚𝐨 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐧
𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
· · ───── ·𖥸· ───── · ·
⟡ 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 & 𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬
⟡ 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 & 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐥
⟡ 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲 & 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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allradioisdead · 1 year ago
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he's feeling mischievous
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ebonysplendor · 8 months ago
TL;DR: People are always saying "Touch grass" but even that might be dangerous in this scenario. If you thought Mike Tyson's hands were lethal, wait until you find out how our hands work.
Game Link: https://redspringstudio.itch.io/touchstarved
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Notable features: Self-Insert, Multiple LIs, DnD vibe, MC backstory selection, Multiple endings/routes, Choice-Heavy Spiciness: 3.5/5 -- Nothing too explicit and no sex scenes or anything like that, but it does get pretty suggestive and there's some flirty jokes and comments here and there, especially with one particular LI LI(s) Red Flags: ...I mean, aside from one of them being a suspiciously smooth talker and the other essentially implying that they'd corrupt us, the biggest red flag is one of them having the cleanest pickpocket skill in history
Wanna know more? Meh, there's not an age limit, but the game pages does say it's for older audiences so, me personally, ... I'd say at least sixteen, but the older, the better. Anyways, let's get into it!
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Okay, I'm sorry, but I have been coming across some damned gems lately!
Once again, this was one of the visual novels I downloaded forever ago, and what the heeeeeell, this was so good! Like, no, it was REALLY damned good. I'm not going to get into my ranting and raving like I tend to do because then the intro will get all long, but just know that, once again, I am geeked. Like, why have these game developers been going in so hard lately?!
I honestly have so much more to say, but I really want to get to the summary and the review portion, so I'm going to half-ass this intro and leave it here. That being said, this is NOT a yandere visual novel; however, it is a dark romance visual novel, so, it's still not the super teeth-rotting, cutesy, fluffy stuff.
Anyways, I'm going to tell you as much about the game as possible without ruining the game itself (like usual). Be mindful that, because it's a demo, there's not really an "end" nor is it even leading up to the end. The best way that I can qualify the demo is deadass...a demo. Like, it's a literal introduction and acts as a showcase to the rest of the game. More accurately, it flows exactly like how you'd think the prologue to a story would, "Chapter 0", honestly speaking.
Anyways, I'm done yapping; let's summarize. Just a heads up, though, it's gonna be a little lengthy, so...get comfy. All right, now let's get into it.
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So boom.
In the spirit of keeping things as brief as possible: We're cursed, and that curse flows throughout our hands, front and back; it is for this reason that we keep them completely bandaged to ensure our own safety (kinda) and for everyone else's sanity. We believe that we can find a cure in this city called "Eridia", which is known to be this city of vast knowledge, and within this city of vast knowledge is this place called "Senobium". Senobium is where we're hoping our answers lie.
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Lmao, I know that's a hell of an opener, but that's quite literally what's going on. We have been cursed since the start of forever, and we're essentially tired of feeling no sense of belonging anywhere, so we're trying to fix that; however, shit goes very left, very fast.
As we're on the way to this oh so great city of knowledge, we get hit with this ominous fog, and everyone who's travelling with us immediately knows: this is not good. No sooner than later, we're pretty certain that we hear someone getting killed nearby and the carriage that we were in is suddenly flipped over and blood gets shed very quickly. As expected, and for plot purposes, when the carriage got flipped over, our ankle took some extra damage which makes running a very unlikely option. Because of this, this terrifyingly dangerous creature wastes no time approaching us. Wanna see what it looks like?
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That, my friends, is what is referred to as a "soulless", and it can rip you to literal shreds within seconds.
For whatever reason, this thing darts past us and disappears into the mist, but we don't ask questions; we just bolt behind the carriage for cover, and we're thankful that there is still someone alive after the attack. It would be much more comforting, though, if the guy wasn't praying, because that meant either one of two things:
We were very much so fucked, and he was trying to put in a good word for himself real quick before he potentially met his maker
or 2. We are very much so fucked, and the only thing that is applicable in this scenario is to pray and hope it disappears
but either way, we are very much so fucked.
That being said, we simply can't accept that. We don't pray, because we don't have the time. We've literally come too far to get taken out right outside the very city that holds our salvation, and that's all the reminder that we need when we see those city lights through the haze.
That reminder doesn't last long, though, because remember that soulless that vanished? Well, it came back, and the guy that was praying essentially brushed up against our hand, trying to get us to dip out with him because, duh, situation kind've popping off. Now, you remember that curse I mentioned? Well, our bandages kind've tore off during all of this ruckus, and all it takes is the slightest touch to make a person go from this
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to this.
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Yeah, so...not good.
Anyways, the situation essentially keeps escalating until we're one hit point away from death...but it never happens, because the next time we open our eyes, we see him.
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Maybe we are dead, because hello~! Lookin' like an ethereal being in all of that white and attractive features! Like, gyatt DAMN. That is one fine ass angel!
Honestly, there are a lot of guys, and a lot of swooning, and a lot of introductions, so I'm going to kind've rush through those parts, especially since I don't want to ruin too much.
So, to get back on topic, essentially what goes down is that he -- his name is Kuras, by the way -- found us pretty much dead where the attack went down and brought us into the city to treat us. Now, this isn't because he's a hero or anything, but because he's a doctor and helping and healing is quite literally his entire thing, and damn, did he heal the hell out of us...suspiciously so.
Kuras tells us that, in Eridia, knowledge and secrets are what really fuels the area because it's so valuable. That being said, he can't get into exactly how he healed us so damn near perfectly. That also being said, he pretty much implies that the Senobium isn't all that's cracked up to be and that we aren't likely to find what we need there. Now although, we aren't fully believing of this due to desperation, he does point us in the direction of someone else. Some guy named Leander that we can find in some place called "The Wet Wick".
We follow Kuras' directions...but who the hell is--
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--LEANDEEEEEEER~! HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! ...Yeeeeah, this is the one I'm gonna romance first lol. Kuras is gonna have to chill for a second.
Anyways, we're here with Leander, and what happens here is...he is so obviously a playboy, but the man is smooth as shit. I mean, damn, the man gave us flowers as soon as he laid eyes on us and was talking about some "New here? I'm certain I would've remembered a face as lovely as yours". A classic playboy line, a fuckboy move, possibly, and I always manage to gravitate towards/pick them in these damn multi-LIs stories. Back on topic though, we ask Leander about the Senobium, and, much like with Kuras, he tells us that it's not only a taboo topic, but that the place is bad news.
That being said though, he's pretty confident that he's able to find an alternative to our ailment, but that we'd have to be willing to trust him a bit, which is a tall order considering the backstory we may have chosen. We bite the bullet though, because we discovered earlier that he was a pretty damn good mage, and we're really desperate. We give into his confidence...and it actually panned out well. So well, in fact, this man, once again, takes the opportunity to spit game and puts the gold in our hands next to the gold on his coat and be like "Look, we match". That man is smoother than damned butter, and I'm down bad.
Anyways, he gets us a room to sleep in for the night, and tells us to go explore, but be careful. So we do, and we run into this guy.
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Yeah, so, remember that room that Leander got for us? This guy, monster, thing just swiped the key. Lol here we go...
The thing is, we could easily get it back, but something feels...off...about him. So, we play along with his game for a bit before we're just like "A'ight, can I just get my damn key?" but he kind've avoids the topic and, of course, our desire to reach the Senobium comes up. As expected at this point, he's flatly like "It's overrated" and to simply forget about it. Well, damn...
The encounter goes for a bit more before Vere -- we finally got his name after someone called him out for causing trouble -- leaves with the someone who called after him. Despite all that we've heard about the Senobium, we can't help but see it up close and in person to at least make the journey and trials and suffering worth it.
And we do, we make it there, and we see this figure there.
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But when someone calls after us for gawking at the building, the figure disappears as quickly as we saw it. Aside from this though, a feeling of hopeless kind've takes hold and we're just...it's just like damn at this point, ya know? But then something kind've weird happens.
This red-eyed woman, who is clearly supposed to be dead as apparent from this gaping hole that she showed us on her body -- no, you don't get it. It was a literal hole that you could see through -- spoke of this seaspring that could cure, quite literally, anything. Not having much faith in the Senobium anymore, but still desperate for a cure, we follow the woman and receive directions to this mysterious seaspring and are told about some gang leader named Ais.
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We get there, and we come to the conclusion that someone probably lives here. We call out, there's no answer...you already know where this is going.
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BUT I DID NOT EXPECT THIS MAN TO BE THIS DAMN FINE. AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! Okay, okay, okay, okay, so I'm going to romance Leander first, DEFINITELY this daddy second, and Kuras is gonna be my solid third. Okay, moving on...
He -- this is Ais, by the way -- pops up and scares the shit out of us. Actually, it wasn't him that scared us, it's his loyal pack of red-eyed soulless that scares the shit out of us, and for obvious reasons. Anyways, for the sake of trying to keep this from being longer than it already is, he's actually a pretty chill dude. Once again, he is also anti-Senobium, but he is straightforward in that, "Yes, that seaspring will literally clear up whatever you've got going on, but boy, is it going to drive you batshit crazy". Well, not batshit, but it makes you a part of this thing called a "groupmind"; that explained the red-eyes. Ais described it as "one big happy family in your head". Oh...okay, so...not a good idea. Guess we weren't as desperate as we thought. He gets one of his trained soulless to take us back towards the city.
After everything that had went down today, we decided that we should officially call it a night. On our way to the room Leander funded for us, we run into some...complications.
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Ah, yes. Why would we have been able to just walk across the city and to our room? That would've been too easy. Any chance that this one is tamed, too, and Ais is just messing with us again?
Oh...oh wait...this one doesn't have the red eyes. ...Yeah, we bolt. What makes this whole situation worse though? As fast as we are running, this soulless is keeping up pretty damn easily. Also, did I say that this was the worst of it? It's not, it gets so much worse actually. Tell me why, in our panic, we literally ran ourselves into a dead end. Beautiful. What are the odds we'll survive this thing a second time around?
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Pretty damn high apparently. Bless this person because we were about to get one-hit'ed!
They help us up and...wait...didn't we...?
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Oh yeeeeeeah! This was the person from the Senobium! ...Damn, they're short lmao. That being said, we were all:
"Yo, you were at the Senobium!"
And they were all:
"So what if I was?"
Mmm...a feisty lil stallion. Big sass. I would be, too, if I was that short. Like, damn, they are not as tall as the baes. Kuras could take their ass out with one stomp if he really wanted to.
Anyways, they scold us about being alone at night and how it's not safe and all that. We follow them for a bit, and granted, we saw that they meant business, but it's still weird that if it's so dangerous, why were they travelling alone and why did they stop to help us?
"There was a bounty on that Soulless; you were just in the way. Not killing you isn't the same as helping you." Wha--?
Well, fuck you, too then! You get romanced last, Shorty McDouche.
We essentially get spicy back, and now, they're all blushy and shit as they start walking us back to our room. Yeah, take that shit, Mhin -- their name is Mhin, by the by -- but we don't have to deal with their sass for much longer because guess who comes along?!
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IT'S BAAAAAAAE!!!! .....gyatt DAYUM Mhin is short. Then again, they could be taller than or the same height as us, but we did mention that everyone was significantly taller while Mhin was "Huh...they're shorter than I thought".
Anyways, they both escort us back to the Wet Wick, and wouldn't you know it?
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Not only are all the baes here, but they all apparently know each other! All those different personalities hanging out together? Well, isn't that a wild concept. Even still, since they're all here...
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Maybe we can get to know one of them a little better...
END OF DEMO LOL. Well...actually there's more after this, but of course, it depends on who you go to talk to. This is definitely long enough, though, lol; you'll have to play the game yourself to find out more, not to mention all the details I left out.
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Whoo, FINALLY. The summary was long, but that was because the demo was long, and it had a lot going on. I swear I excluded so much detail, you have no idea, but guys...
When I tell you that this game was so good.
When I tell you that this game was so good.
FRIENDS. When I tell you. That this game. Was so. Good.
I don't think I can emphasize that enough, and I'm not even going to lie to you, at first, I was not feeling it. It's crazy to say that now, but I swear, I was not feeling this game at first, because it was feeling real Dungeons and Dragons, and as much I want to get into that...I can't. It just never vibes with me, and it's like I can't ever effectively get into it. That being said, it was rough at first, but then--!!
Listen. The story started storying, and the baes were baeing, and I was like, there is a visual novel to be played here. I knew it was a demo when I had started it, but when I tell you that I was legitimately upset when that "Thanks for playing!" message came up? DISTRAUGHT.
Anyways, my take on the game (as if it wasn't clear enough): it was great. Fantastic, even. It's just really odd how it flows like a fantasy story book but a DnD map at the same time, and yet they made it work so beautifully. The art style; those of you that have been rocking with me know how I feel about art style. Absolutely enthralled with the art. It looks straight out of one of those DnD campaign or character books. The baes! Don't get me wrong, all of them aren't my cup of tea, but the baes that I'm feening for?! Even the ones that I'm not feening for, honestly. They are sooooo handsome. Like, I want them al-- well, I want like 3 of them, to be best friends with 1 of them, and to throw hands with the other one lol. I mean, like, they're a'ight; I'm gonna have to get to know them because they a lil' too slick at the mouth lmao, but we all know that's probably going to be the sweetest of the bunch.
But yeah, this game is legit. Again, absolutely going to spend money on this one, if that's what the full version will entail. Now, just to add a bit of degeneracy...
Okay, okay, okay, anyways, but like, the game really does have mad potential. Like, look at this:
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You can pick your back story, and look at what it looks like when you pick your LI!
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There are routes! You pick your LI by route! Can you imagine how huge this game is going to be if there are routes for each character and choices within those routes? I am literally so excited! Run me the full release, dev(s)!
Anywho, this post is waaaaaay long, and I could ramble way more about this game, but I shall not. If you'd like to give this game a playthrough yourself -- and I'm telling you that you need to -- I'll put a link to it right here for ya. If you'd also like, you can give the dev(s) that ever desperate "Please. I need more. This game is so good. I will literally sell you my lung and both of my kneecaps. I beg" and let them know what it is! Donations are also super helpful should you be in a position and mindset to do so!
All righty, that's finally all from me! Sorry about the length on this one, but there was so much that needed to be said, and I could honestly say more. For the sake of length though, I'll leave you with this:
Play this game, but also, please remember to drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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alieinthemorning · 1 year ago
From One Scar to Another [Leander]
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Content: Hurt/Comfort, Scars, Kissing, Idiots in Love
Pronouns: None
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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One thing you realized about Leander,
he had a thing for rubbing swirls around the molten cracks across your knuckles.
Anytime the two of you were holding hands or snuggling close, one hand would be there as if it were drawn to them.
As much as you despised your hands and worried he would fall victim to them,
You liked when he did that.
It kept you there in the moment, and even after your bandages were back on
you still felt the warmth of him.
Something that you carried with you as you traipsed the cold streets of Eridia.
Then, one day, you had a bit of a nasty run in with a few Senobium students that stole that warmth away.
You needed your warmth back, so you returned not even two hours after leaving.
You honestly weren’t expecting Leander to still be home.
You had planned to take a moment to unwind and maybe do a few mundane things around the house before his return.
You most definitely weren’t expecting him to be standing in the middle of the room undressing.
Your breath hitched and he whipped around.
Now two rosy cheeked lovers faced each other,
with your back against the front door,
And him with his shirt locked around his elbows,
unable to look away.
Until your eyes started to wander.
Ah, you practically hear the blood in your cheeks now—
“Ah.” Finally, the wandering stopped, landing on lighting.
You had your suspicions before.
That the scar on his face and the one on his forearm, both running beneath his clothes, were connected,
'but never like this’
It truly looked like lightning had struck him, webbing out like shattered glass across the left side of his body.
“Ah—sorry, I didn’t realize you’d be coming back so early. What happened?” He said, frantically shoving his shirt back on.
You rushed forward, grabbing the fabric.
He did.
“...can I” You bit your lip, glancing at the scar.
You knew what you wanted to do,
but goodness was it hard to ask.
“Do you—” He began,
and that's all the push you needed.
“Can I touch it? Your scar?” You spit out, watching him closely.
He watched back, Adam's apple bobbing worriedly.
Until finally, he gave up. Slowly removing the shirt and sitting on the couch. You followed, slotting into your usual position.
Then, once he gave the signal, you brushed across the tender skin.
“Does it still hurt?” You wondered.
Your own marred arms, despite its look, never hurt.
At least not yourself.
Not physical.  
“...sometimes.” He breathed a sigh. “I manage.”
“Does it hurt when I touch it?”
“Nah, you’ve got magic hands.” You pinched his side. “Ow! Sorry— bad joke. But honestly… I just like uh…this.” His face was in his hand by the end of his sentence.
What a big softie.
Your big softie.
You wanted to see more of this side of him.
“What about this?” You whispered against the skin
then kissed it.
Soft as a petal,
hot as the sun.
Your face was promptly smushed between his hands as he moved your face away from his the blooming skin on his bicep to inches from his face.  
Despite his flushed face, he retained eye contact with you.
For about five seconds, then his eyes slid closed, and his forehead rested on yours.
“You…are gonna be the death of me.”
You smiled, “You’re the one who started it.”
“I never kissed your knuckles.”
“Now we know who the bold one in the relationship is.”
“You sure about that?”
Sure, the two of you were close enough to breathe each other's breaths,
but you really didn’t realize that you were getting that close.
So, when his lips slotted against yours, you were pretty surprised.
Not that you had any complaints.
You’d happily kiss him until the end of time.
And even after that.
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Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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anam-mana · 6 months ago
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CW for artistic nudity and hemophobia/blood, and an implied off screen murder. You know, all typical Touchstarved stuff.
Least accessible painting I ever made in that way. I triggered my OWN hemophobia making it, so that’s fun and new. But also, I think it might be up there as a favourite painting I’ve made? So oops!
I’ll make some safer stuff soon, promise.
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neatalchemist · 2 months ago
GUYS can anyone tell me if they remember the official redspring account on insta post on stories or posts??? i dont remember about songs the characters would listen to and they had put please please please let me get what i want by the smiths as mhin's song and thats how i actually started listening to the smiths but now i cant find Anywhere where they posted about it did i just imagine that HELP!!!
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insertisfruity · 2 years ago
Ppl who think Leander is the worst, is a dick, is nasty and is hiding it thru mystique and flattery my beloved.
Ppl who love Leander and think he's the bees knees and see potential in him my beloved.
Ppl who warn ppl abt Leander even tho they KNOW these mfs (me) r down bad and there is no getting thru my beloved. (Give us those usless warnings, girlie!!)
Ppl who know in their heart of hearts Leander probably ISN'T what he seems to more of a degree than their hoping but decides to close their eyes bc they do not wish to see my beloved.
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maddymoreau · 2 years ago
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