#Josie Test
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froppy-butterflyfan2000 · 5 months ago
A case is solved after one incident, triggered that siblings got involved at the library after their apartment got ruined. It leads to heartbreaks and losses as a result.
Dan, Max, Velvet, Stella Junior of Solaria (mentioned fairy that got defeated by Ethan), Elizabeth, Umbra-Violet/Umbra-Victoria, Alice, Kai of Solaria (mentioned), Astra Nova Lumenia, and Dorana II S. Lumenia belong to @gloriousdreamunknown
Morgan Morningstar (mentioned), Haruko Fife (mentioned), and Reggie Mann (mentioned) belong to @aprilbrowines
Ethan Corduroy, Bradley McPherson (mentioned), Evelyn Utonium, Serpent Corduroy, Sandra Stoppable, and Travis Mystery belong to @ej-cappy-universe
Niko Corduroy, Albius J. Artica, Janaya A. Bloodworth-Thomason (mentioned), Jase Ewing, Hannibal Demerest, Hibonite, Brooklyn, Duchess/Tiara, Josie Test (mentioned) and Mirage B. Fagry (mentioned) belong to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
Candy Nguyen/Candy Thompson (mentioned), Sienna Grey/Sienna James (mentioned), and Maddie Langston (mentioned) belong to @cooltmoney95
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froppy-butterflyfan2000 · 3 months ago
Josie and Joby Test. 😆
Which OC would say "ok boomer"?
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polarmoon · 3 months ago
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it's not hard for josie to see that something is very, very wrong with her body right now.
eloise has a hunch, but she's not going to rule out any alternatives🧬
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invinciblerodent · 1 month ago
pardon my french but I just saw a post about how someone thinks Solas must be great at eating pussy, and it's in all honesty, and with all the kindness in my heart and all the understanding in the world that I say that, while I've read some things I've thought were profoundly, irredeemably incorrect..... in my whole life, I don't think I've ever agreed less with another human being on any singular statement.
girl, not only are we not on the same page, I think we're reading completely different books altogether.
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sescoups · 9 months ago
I'm about to take a math final, pls pray for me
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froppy-butterflyfan2000 · 7 months ago
Holly, Josie, and Joby prefers playing Tiny’Mon Go! than playing Pokémon Go.
Would your OC enjoy Pokémon GO?
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 15 days ago
i’ve never made a request before so sorry if this is bad but if you could write something about matt murdock with a fake dating trope like that would be so cute, especially if there’s feelings realized during/after it :)
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a/n: i swear, i tried to just keep this short and sweet like how i usually keep requests, but then the fantasy i came up with was just too fun and too much like a fucking romcom not to just let myself go ham and turn it into a full-on long fic
word count: 3778
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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Leaning your weight against the bar, you waited for Josie to return with another round of beers for you and your friends, who still remained exactly where you’d left them, all clustered around the pool table further into the space. 
Absentmindedly, you fiddled with the ring so often glued to your fingers, passing the heirloom from each digit and sliding it onto the next. It had been your grandmother’s, and ever since her passing, the simple golden circle with a little jade embedded at the cusp of it, rarely stayed in your jewellery box as the act of simply glancing down at it on your finger somehow offered you a drop of comfort in moments of mundane gloom. 
As the heirloom arrived at your left ring finger and slid down over the knuckle, a familiar voice suddenly emanated like an echo after the bar’s front door had swung open. 
“Y/n?” your whole body froze up at the unexpected timbre. 
Slowly, you twisted around to discover none other than your ex, wide eyes trained on you as he clutched the hand of a leggy blonde. 
“Henry!” you gasped, hoping they mistook the horrified look on your face for innocent shock, “oh my god…” 
Without any warning, the next thing you knew, he’d yanked your stunned form into a hug, “how the hell are you?” he clapped your shoulder as if you were old school chums, “it’s been so long.”
“I’m–, uhm, fine,” you managed to reply. 
“Yeah?” he smiled, the insincerity in your tone completely flying over his head, “that’s great.” 
Simply to be polite, you awkwardly asked, “…how are you?” even though you truly didn’t wish to know the answer.  
“I’m good, yeah, life’s been kinda crazy lately because–, oh,” he suddenly paused to glance back at the girl by his side, “Y/n, you remember Rebecca, right?”
“Mhm,” you hummed and offered her a glance, fearing steam might billow out of your ears at any moment, “hi.”
“Hey,” she smiled brightly as she tossed her luscious locks over her shoulder, “and please don’t mind him,” she clapped a palm over Henry’s chest, “he’s just freaking out, you know, usual guy stuff before finally getting tied down.”
“I’m sorry,” you blinked, nearly pinching yourself to test if this was a nightmare or not, “before what?”
Rebecca then held up her left hand to flash you the massive rock nestled on her fourth finger. 
“I finally popped the question!” Henry grinned and draped an arm around his fiancé.
“Wow, oh wow, that’s–…” you sputtered as the blonde promptly shoved her hand in your face for you to get a better look, “that’s a really big rock, right there, on your finger…” your touch floated up and tilted her palm slightly, the light from the neon sign close by glinting in the diamond, “congratulations…”
“Thanks!” she smiled down at the ring herself before her fingers suddenly captured your own and twisted your hand around, “oh wait, congrats to you too!” 
“What?” you still simply tried to keep breathing through this agonising gut-punch of an encounter. 
“I know they say that size doesn’t matter,” Rebecca eyed the tiny green stone that adorned your grandmother’s ring, “and it doesn’t! I mean, that’s so pretty,” she uttered in a sugary sweet and insincere tone that made you feel as if you were back in high school again, “understated, simple.” 
“Ah, no way,” Henry peeked down at your hand, “you’re engaged too?”
“Uh…” you let out a shaky breath, “yep,” the lie then suddenly flew out past your lips before you had a chance to stop it, “that’s me! I’m getting married.” 
“That’s amazing,” your ex let out an airy chuckle, “who’s the lucky guy?”
But before your lips could part and let out another lie, Josie returned, “here you go, hon,” and slid four beer bottles across the bar to you before adding, “and would you tell Foggy to stop sitting on the edge of the pool table? It’s old and I can’t be responsible if it breaks on him.”
“Sure thing,” you promised and snatched up the drinks. 
“Is that your man?” Henry cast a glance to the lawyer Josie had gestured to, “Foggy, was it?”
“Foggy?” a soft giggle couldn’t help but bubble out of your lungs, “no! Don’t get me wrong, he’s great, but no, sadly, he’s already taken.” 
“Then who is it?” 
“Is it the other guy over there?” Rebecca chimed in as they both sent their glances towards your friends, “the one in the light blue shirt and tinted glasses?”
“Uh, yeah…” you squeaked as you slowly turned to look at Matt as well, “that’s–, uh, that’s him,” you watched as he readjusted his grip on the cue stick in his hand, “that’s my future husband…”
“Hm,” a sliver of judgment slipped out of Henry, “wouldn’t have pegged him to be your type.”
“Well, maybe my type has changed,” you stated, letting your lingering resentment show before you noticed how harsh it had come out and your stomach immediately began to twist and knot in regret, “I–…” you swiftly winched, “sorry,” and averted your gaze, “have a nice evening, uh–, I’m gonna go back to my friends,” you stumbled as you tried to escape. 
Though as you turned to walk away, Henry’s voice found your ears one last time, “bye!” before you heard his fiancé turn to him. 
“Pookie? Would you order me a cosmo?” her voice began to fade into the background, “I’ll go find us a table…” 
You simultaneously felt as if a truck had just run you over as your feet carried you back towards your friends, yet also completely numb, as if you’d been turned into a floating ghost of the person you used to be. 
“Who the hell was that and why do you look like you’re about to throw up?” Foggy asked cautiously as he grabbed two of the bottles in your grasp and handed one off to Matt. 
Passing one of the remaining drinks off to Karen, you then lifted your own up to your lips before tipping it back and downing around half of its contents. Once you tilted the dark green bottle back down, you were out of breath as you began to explain, “that,” you wiped your bottom lip with one of your knuckles, “was my ex,” you used that same finger to hazily point back over your shoulder, “and his fiancé,” your eyes stayed fuzzy as you added, “who happen to be the girl that he cheated on me with for a year before I one day finally caught them together.”
“Oh my god…” Karen breathed, her bottle frozen halfway on its journey up towards her lips. 
“It was on easter,” you shared, “he thought I had gone back home to see my family, but I’d actually decided to secretly do this whole big surprise, like I thought I was in fucking rom-com or something,” you sighed at your past self, “but then when he got home from work, and I was all decked out, waiting on the bed, in bunny ears and everything,” you heatedly gestured to the top of your own head, “he wasn’t alone.”
“Wow…” Foggy stared. 
“Yep…” you exhaled heavily, taking another swig before you made the mistake of glancing back over your shoulder just as Rebecca shrugged off her coat and slinked onto a stool at one of the small tables, “fuck!” you exclaimed as if you’d just stubbed your toe, “she’s even hotter than I remembered. How is that possible?” 
“Oh, she’s not that pretty,” Karen tried, but you swiftly cut her off. 
“You shut your face, she’s basically a human-sized Barbie,” your glare roamed one last time from the top of her platinum locks to the bottoms of her high stilettos, “god…” you sighed as you finally averted your gaze and lifted your bottle to drown your sorrows, “I was such an idiot back there. It was like my brain just stopped working and–, oh my god!” your palm shot up to cover your mouth as you then suddenly recalled the lie that had slipped out. Slowly, your wide eyes drifted to Matt, who still remained silent, “oh no…” 
“What is it?” Foggy chimed in. 
“Matt…” you uttered tensely, knowing your friend well enough to be aware of just how much of the interaction with your ex he had overheard, “I am so sorry…”
“What?” Karen’s glance darted between you both, “what’s going on?”
Paralysing embarrassment churned your stomach and choked out any attempt you made to share the truth. But luckily, as your erratic heartbeat thumped and found Matt’s sharp ears, he eventually filled in instead, “…they thought that she was engaged as well and then assumed that I was the guy.” 
“I am so, so sorry,” you gasped, “I don’t know why I didn’t correct them.”
But to your amazement, Matthew simply shrugged and offered you a reassuring smile, “it’s okay, don’t worry about it.”
“I was just fiddling with my ring and then they just–…” you then snuffed out your frantic explanation and instead repeated once again, “I’m sorry…”
Saddling up beside you, Karen planted a palm on your shoulder, “hey, if that was my ex, then I’d wanna give him some of his own medicine as well,” she stated, “if not just straight up cut off his balls, which is what he really deserves.” 
A faint smile then began to soften your expression as you glanced around at your supportive friends, Foggy briefly reaching out to pat your other shoulder. 
But as you averted your eyes to the nearly empty bottle in your grasp, a thought suddenly struck you like a bolt of lightning, “wait, I have an idea…” your gaze slowly lifted to lock on Matt, “I mean, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, I totally get it, but would you mind, just while they are here, to–, uhm…”
Cocking his eyebrow, he finished your sentence, “…to pretend to be your fiancé?” 
“I know, it’s stupid, and I should probably just go home right now instead of playing some weird and immature game of revenge or whatever,” you uttered as you made the decision to lie in the grave you’d dug for yourself, “but I would forever be in your debt, I'm serious.” 
Sucking in a breath, he barely had to think about it before he murmured, “sure.”
“Really?” you gasped, your brows shooting up, “you’ll do it?” 
“Yeah, why not?” Matt shrugged, “it’s the very least he deserves for treating you like that.”
“Oh,” you crossed the short distance between you two and threw your arms around him. It took a second before you felt him hug you back, but when the alcohol got to your head and made you mutter, “I love you,” into his shoulder, a low chuckle rumbled in the lawyer's chest before you parted ways. 
“So,” Karen then began to fish out the colourful spheres and roll them back into the green felt, “do we still wanna play another game?”
“Hell yeah,” Foggy picked a cue stick back up before adding a playful threat, “you’re not beating me again this time, Page.”
Once the table was set up for another round of pool and you were a few turns in, your gaze couldn’t help but wander back towards the other end of the bar too often to keep track of. Though, soon on one of the fleeting looks, your eyes grew wide as you discovered you weren’t the only one sneaking glances.
Discreetly, you shifted closer to Matthew and leaned in to whisper, “he’s looking over,” however, when he then draped an arm around your frame, you couldn’t help but stiffen up, as you hadn’t thought that far in the plan yet, “what are you–”
“Shh,” Matt hushed your squeak, “just lean into me,” he shifted to stand tall behind you, arms enveloped around your form as he slowly drew you back against his chest, “smile,” his low voice tickled the shell of your ear and caused goosebumps to erupt across your skin, “and don’t look at him.” 
Redirecting your vision back towards the game before you, you narrowly managed to catch sight of the silent slut-shaming the other lawyer flashed his friend with but a glance, before he went back to the mischievous mission he was on. 
“Foggy, would you quit it?” Karen grumbled at the man beside her as he wildly waved both of his hands in her periphery, successfully knocking off her concentration as she tried to line up her shot. 
“No way,” he kept up his flapping, even causing Karen’s golden locks to get picked up by the breeze he produced. 
“You’re cheating.”
“Nope, I am not touching you nor the table,” he stated as if he was in court, “distracting you doesn’t break any rules.”
And as she finally made her attempt, the ball didn’t go in, causing her to explode in a roar, “damn it, Fog!”
“Ha, ha, yes!” he jumped as she straightened back up, “you know, I taste something right now, what could that be? Oh yeah, victory. And it tastes sweet as candy store.” 
“Urgh,” Karen rolled her eyes at him before her glare landed upon the both of you, “Matt, your turn. Would you please set him in his place?”
“Gladly,” Matt chuckled, and as he shifted closer to the pool table, he nudged your side and asked, “hey, would you give me a hand?”
Swallowing a chuckle as you already knew he very much didn’t need it, you cocked an eyebrow, “you want my help?”  
“Yeah,” he uttered clearly and let his real message seep through his tone, guiding your gaze to flicker back toward Henry, who’s stare was still locked upon you both, “so come help me.” 
“Oh!” it finally clicked in your brain, “right,” and you swiftly slid in beside him. 
With bated breath, you grabbed Matt’s hand that wasn’t clutching the pole, and guided it over the ivory ball that rested close to one of the corners. As you began to map out and tell him where each of the other spheres were, your eyes flicked over to notice just how close you now stood, as your nose nearly grazed against his stubbly cheek as you murmured guidingly. When you retracted your touch, you barely noticed how a few of Matt’s fingers reacted, faintly following your fading palm for but a second before it floated back down to the white orb below it. 
Once he’d made his shot, you lingered in the proximity and whispered, “do you think they’re buying it?” 
“This,” your eyes momentarily flickered back towards your ex across the bar, “us.”
Matthew’s brows then floated up as you reeled him back in to the matter at hand, “oh, I–, probably.” 
“Or should we do something else?” your mind kept on spinning, “I don’t know, I feel like I’ve completely forgotten how all of that works,” you shared, “kinda just numbed and cut off that part of myself after he broke my heart, it was just how I had to get through it, shut down a little bit because suddenly romance was terrifying…”
“...can I ask you something?” he asked quietly after a breath, and when you offered him a hum in confirmation, he uttered, “are you still in love with him?” 
Time stretched out before you finally replied, “I was, for a very long time…” your voice stayed small, “…but no, not anymore… I kind of thought I was, but then seeing him again cleared it all up. All I feel when I look at him now is rage,” you exhaled, “and pity, just because I know him too well, know everything that’s messed up about him…” silence encumbered you both for a moment before you then opened your mouth once more and said, “so, should we hold hands or something?” you asked plainly, though when a genuine laugh then began to billow out of Matthew, your eyes blinked up at him as your brows swiftly knit together, “what?”
“You know,” he tried to snuff out his chuckle, “if I was actually your fiancé, I wouldn’t just stand around and hold your hand all night,” he then leaned in the short distance till his lips nearly tickled the shell of your ear, “I would have dragged you into the bathroom by now and forced the whole bar to hear us fuck.” 
“I–, u-uhm,” you flusteredly stammered as your face began to heat up, “y-yeah, yeah, that’s good too,” you barely registered your own words as they slipped out past your lips, “if that’s what you wanna do–, I mean! Shut up!” you squeezed your eyes shut as soon as you regained your own senses, “just hold my hand, you dick,” you cursed over his laughter as he swiftly slipped his palm into your own.
“Cut it out, Karen,” Foggy’s voice cut through your haze and caught your attention. 
Glancing over, you spotted as Karen was giving him some of his own medicine, pettily leaning into his eye line, “what? You were the one saying that distractions weren’t against the rules,” she continued to glare in hopes of throwing him off his game, “why? Is this not working? Do you need me to scream directly in your ear instead?”
“Oh, would you?” he sarcastically looked to her, his pitch climbing up high at his words, “going deaf in one ear is exactly what I need to beat you.”
As your wandering gaze then flickered back towards the opposite end of the bar, your eyes grew wide as you spotted only Rebecca still seated at the small table, pink cocktail in her grasp. 
“Shit,” you spotted Henry as he crossed the room, confidently walking precisely in your direction, “he’s coming over,” you hissed, and in your muppet-like panic, your hands clasped each side of Matt’s face and yanked him in for a kiss. 
At first, he froze up as you continued to freak out, but then, as his broad palms slowly slid over your waist, all of your alarm began to melt away. It felt as if you were drifting off to sleep as you relaxed into the kiss. Never in your wildest dreams had you imagined that kissing Matt would feel like this, not that such a fantasy was something you pondered often or even at all, but as you felt his tongue flicker out to dance softly against your own, your knees beneath you wobbled as you lost yourself completely. How long the peck drew out remained a mystery, as when you eventually parted, the reasoning behind it wouldn’t emerge in your memory no matter how hard you tried. 
Though as you stood there, blinking back at Matt, still utterly spellbound by the unexpected feelings currently bubbling and bursting inside of you, the man now standing off to the side cleared his throat and brought you back down to earth. 
“Bunny–, I mean, Y/n,” you whipped your head around to catch sight of your ex, “just thought it would have been awkward if I didn’t come over here to introduce myself before me and Becca took off,” he muttered before his gaze fell to Matt, his arms slowly fading from your form, “I'm Henry, nice to meet you,” your ex then offered his hand, though the lawyer by your side didn’t grasp it, even if his heightened senses had lent him to pick up on the gesture. 
“Matt Murdock,” he uttered on a cold exhale. 
Stuffing his rejected palm into his pocket, Henry then asked, “what do you do?” 
“Matthew’s a lawyer,” you took over, slotting yourself into Matt’s side before you dramatically clasped a hand over his chest, “saves people for a living. That’s actually why we’re out celebrating tonight, he just won yet another case.” 
“Oh, well congratulations then,” Henry offered in well-forged petty politeness. 
“Yeah, I was there, watching him do his thing,” you uttered as some bitter goblin of resentment then took over your soul and caused you to say, “and oh boy, I tell you, if only it would have been socially acceptable for me to interrupt the trial just to rip his clothes off, because wow.”
A scoff then rippled in Henry’s chest, “okay, sure,” his stare upon you narrowed as he then grumbled, “we both know you’re not exactly the groupie type of girlfriend.” 
“Well, maybe your sorry ass was never worth her supporting you in that way,” Matt suddenly cut in, “maybe because you never bothered treated her that way in return,” his guess hit the bullseye, “and maybe that has a little something to do with why I was the one to put a ring on her finger and not you,” your heart thumped in your chest as Matt’s touch returned to the small of your back, protectively sliding over your waist as he continued to speak in a low and chillingly stern tone, “that or you really are as terrible of a lay as she told me you were, during those very first nights when she finally learned what it was like to be with someone who wasn’t a complete fucking idiot.” 
Utterly stunned, you watched Henry’s expression as he scrambled his brain for a way to crawl back from that, but eventually, when no suitable words came to his pea-sized brain, his feet slowly began to shuffle back till his hand had snatched up his fiancé’s and he’d yanked her with him out of the bar. 
As the door swung closed behind the pair, a celebratory squeal burst from your lungs, “oh my god! Matt, that was incredible!” you jumped in place before throwing your arms around him, “I don’t know how to thank you.” 
Tangling his own arms around you, he uttered, “I’m sure we’ll come up with some way you can make it up to me.” 
And as you withdrew, just enough to smile back at him, your gaze began to drift back down towards his lip just before Foggy’s voice cut through the palpable tension.
“Do I need to remind you guys that you’re not actually engaged?” 
“No,” Matt then murmured as the two of you parted ways, quietly enough for his words to be completely inaudible, “but we could be...” 
“What?” you glanced over at him. 
“What?” he echoed in return, though a bit too quickly. 
“Did you say something?”
“Me? No,” he tried to conceal his lie with a cough, “I-I, uh, think it’s your turn,” he then changed the subject, gesturing to the pool table behind you. 
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  © 2025 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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froppy-butterflyfan2000 · 8 months ago
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It is another snowfall on a winter day in the city of Townsville. Joby and Josie, children of Johnny Test and dress in their winter clothings, came out of the house to spend the remaining winter break they have left before school start. The two kids are sitting on the bench waiting for the bus. The bus arrives, that the children get their stuffs.
“Last one to reach Fitz Maurice Hill is a rotten egg and buy hot cocoa!” Said Josie, carrying her wooden toboggan.
“Oh you are on!” Said Joby, carrying his plastic green sled, wearing a competitive smirk.
The bus took them to their respective destination, as the kids exit the bus, they then climb up to the hill by foot. Josie and Joby put down their sled and get on.
“Ready?” Joby asked.
“Ready!” Said Josie.
“GO!” They said in unison.
The two take off.
Meanwhile, the daughter of Brandon and Stella, Twinkly Astrid Bloom Solaria walking through the city, avoiding being follow. She is dress in a velvet winter buttoned up cardigan jacket, black knee high socks, black snow insulated pants, pink winter boots, and a white scarf wrapped around her neck. The one who is following her is a small, pink droplet shaped furry body, and has small bright white specks which resemble stars and have no visible limbs. The creature is looking at her with a gold-orange eyes and mouth trembling. Twinkly grumbles because all she wants was to be left alone. Honestly, why is that creature following her? Can’t she go back to Kai or back at Scaris/Paris with her family?
Twinkly is minding her own business, when she is not watching where she is going because all of a sudden she heard a loud voice, “Look out!”.
Twinkly is crash into Joby, who’s failed to move to a different direction. They groaned in pain.
“Hahaha! I win!” Said Josie, reaching the finished line. She get off her toboggan and enjoy her victory by throwing her arms in the air. You are gonna buy me hot cocoa because you…. uhhh,”
Josie is looking at Joby, faced down and on top of Twinkly.
“Ouch. That is not how you falls in love,” said Josie.
Joby groans again, he got off of Twinkly and is now lying on the snow on his knees.
“Get off me hooligan!” Twinkly shouted. “I am already off of you. You are so impatient.” Complained Joby. He groan, as he slowly got off of Twinkly and is now lying on the snow, on his knees. As he get up from the snow, the two lock their eyes again.
“Great, not you again!” Said Joby.
“Me? I obviously don’t want to see you too!” said Twinkly.
“You two know each others?” Josie asked.
Joby points at Twinkly. “This is the crazy girl I told you about!”
Twinkly’s mouth stretches wide. Crazy?!
“For real? Wow,” said Josie.
“No, I am not crazy!” said Twinkly. “I am a fairy, whose is not at the Winx level yet. I can do magic.”
Joby rolls his eyes. Josie flick her hand and scoff. “Phew! Nah, I am tired of seeing enough magic in my life. I don’t need more,” Josie denied. “Come on Joby, we need to go to the hot cocoa stand, you are paying.”
Joby let out a sigh, admitting that he lost the race. “Fine, coming.”
Josie run for the hills to the hot cocoa stand. Joby wipe the snow off his black winter jacket with his gloved hands. He picks up his earmuffs to put them on, when he saw Twinkly acting weird. He shouldn’t ask, but he did anyway. “Why are you cautious for no reason?” Joby asked, regret his decision later.
Twinkly’s eyes start dancing back and forth. “Well… I… Um…,” Twinkly muttered. The creature start whining. “Can you please help me hide Lilly?” Said the bothered Twinkly.
Joby lifted an eyebrow, and stares at the creature calls Lilly. “That’s your weird dog.” Said Joby.
“No, that’s a staryummy. That creatures you saw in the news a couple of months ago.” Twinkly corrected Joby that Lilly is a staryummy, and not a dog.
Joby is even more confused, so he gives it a thought. He then remember something about an infestation and everyone has to avoid these creatures, not to attract them by giving them sweets or soft drinks, and let either the superheroes from The Roundtable or the pest control handle them.
“Oh, I forgot.” He said.
Twinkly let out a hmph. Joby let out a hmph too, because why is she asking him to help hide this creature in the first place? They don’t like each others, and if she don’t want this ‘staryummy’ creature around her, why not call the pest control? It must be her fault for attracting this staryummy somehow. Question is, how?
“HURRY UP!” Josie screamed.
“I AM COMING SIS!” Joby screamed back at Josie. Then he turned to face Twinkly one last time. “Just calls Camp Synonymous or Townsville’s pest control…. They know what to do than me, a civilian. See ya never again!”
He leaves to go to his little sister.
“Ugh!” Said Twinkly, she is experiencing the cold weather for the first time and wish to be back home in Solaria right now. Why did her parents decide to go visit Townsville again? She glares at Lilly and kick the poor staryummy. Lilly start screaming as she got kicked by Twinkly and landed in the snow.
Lilly and Twinkly Astrid Bloom Solaria belong to @gloriousdreamunknown
Josie Test and Joby Test belong to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
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lmaowhatt · 3 months ago
what a christmas - jj m. smau.
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summary: a shocking revelation throws you into a whirlwind of desicions that have to be made and you battle with yourself on how to tell jj about your pregnancy. however, what you dont know is that hes also planning a shocking surprise that quite literally determines your future together.
set: a week after part two, early december. please read the 'set' section in part one to understand this!
psa: jarah had their baby and named her josephine joy. she is around 9 months.
one - two - three - four
pairing: jj maybank x pogue!reader
warnings: talks of pregnancy, pregnancy trope, cursing.
if theres any others feel free to let me know!
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your phone
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jjs phone
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there was absolutely no way to hide the puffiness in your eyes from the slight crying and immense amount of rubbing you had done to make sure your eyes weren't deceiving you for the hundredth time in the twenty minutes span you had spent in the restroom.
instead, you opted for fixing your mascara and adding a small amount of blush to your cheeks, blending it out with your fingers to to the best of your ability. "shit- whatever," you shut your compact, placing it back in the drawer of you and the girls' shared makeup drawer. you sighed, rustling your hair as you looked in the mirror, tugging at the strands slightly in frustration.
"fuckin' hell," you muttered, bending down to take a hold of the pregnancy test, as well as the now empty box which seemed like a necessity in the household to restock.. considering. you sighed, shutting off the bathroom light and shutting the door behind you as you made your way to you and jjs bedroom.
you quietly shut the door behind you, making sure to limit the sound your footsteps made on the creaky wooden floor. "okay.. okay," your eyes darted around the room, trying to find the most secure place to hide the test, taking into account the amount of times jj has been found poking his nose in someone elses business.
with a small curse under your breath, you grabbed a couple pieces of electrical tape that was tossed carelessly on jjs nightstand, placing them on the test and taping the excess to the bottom of your nightstand. once stood back up, your eyes caught the test box, "shit," you cursed, grabbing it and tossing it into a random drawer, placing some of your clothes over it.
"okay, yeah," you muttered, shutting the drawer closed. you nodded one last time, hand on the doorknob as you looked at the places where the evidence was hidden. you sighed, walking out of the treshold of the bedroom, shutting the door behind you and walking down the stairs into the living room.
at your sudden entrance, all eyes darted to you. you froze, locking eyes with everyone for a moment, your gaze lingering longer on sarah and jj. your fingers fiddled with the zipper on your sweater, shaking any negative thoughts out of your head, forcefully moving your legs to sit besides kie on the couch. jj watched with furrowed eyebrows as kie placed her hand over yours, beginning a small conversation with you which seemed to ease the tension in your shoulders.
jj bit the inside of his bottom lip as he noticed the slight puffiness on your eyelids, eyes glancing between yours —which never met his— and his phone, his thumb hovering over your contact.
jjs phone
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john bs phone
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"i was having a great time time on my phone john b, this better be important," sarah spoke in a firm tone as she shut the door behind her, josie well propped up on her hip. "its very important. trust me," the man spoke as he smiled at his daughter who automatically stretched her hands out to him, john b immediately scooping his hands under her armpits and tossing her lightly into the air. "john b!" sarah hissed, "i swear i will be a widow if you drop her. please stop," the woman begged, john b immediately stopping and holding josie at his waist.
the man nodded, heaving out a huge breath, "okay. what im about to tell you... you cant tell anyone. not kie. not cleo. not anyone, got that?" sarah raised an eyebrow, "youre scaring me. john b what the fuck did you do?" john b raised his unoccupied hand into the air, shaking his head at the same time. jj came out of the chateau next, wiping sweat off his forehead as sarah raised her eyebrows with a tilt of her head, "okay is like one of you two gonna talk or..?" she flickered her eyes between the two best friends.
jj sighed, wiping his hands on his khaki shorts, "its about y/n." he states vaguely, causing sarahs eyes to widen, laughing nervously. "i dont know anything," she spat out quickly. jj furrowed his eyebrows with a tick of his head, "what?" sarahs eyes glanced around the porch before settling on jj again, "what?" she asked, to which jj shrugged. "i- uh i wanted to like.. propose and wanted to ask if you could like figure out her ring size." sarahs eyes widened even further, "what?" she shrieked. jj quickly rushed to clamp a hand over her mouth, widening his eyes at john b.
"okay, sarah, baby. what part of sneaky did you not understand? please this is important." sarah swatted jjs hand away as she shifted to be able to see both boys, "i didnt think it was going to be this, i mean she jus-" sarah caught herself, forcing her lips into a tight line, shaking her head. "she just what?" jj raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest as he towered over sarah in a intimidating way. she shook her head, "nope. nothing. nada. zilch. were good." she smiled nervously as she went for the door, "i wont say anything about this. for her. and ill figure it out, for you." she smiled, now genuienly, at the two before heading back inside.
jj wiped his hands on his shorts again, sighing as he turned to john b. "sure this was a good idea?" he asks john b, poking his finger into the side of baby josephines belly, causing her to giggle. they both smiled down at her before turning serious again, "she wont. she wouldnt ruin this for you or for her, i swear." jj lets out a heavy sigh, nodding along at john bs words. "yeah. yeah, alright."
a/n: this is my first shot at an smau and tbh i had a great time making this so i hope you like it!
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froppy-butterflyfan2000 · 7 months ago
Twinkly blush at Joby. This praise is what people have always told her in Solaria, however this was different. Twinkly shook her head.
“I… I am not,” said Twinkly.
“Hey, I know what it is like to feel not appreciated and not get used to being complimented. I been there.” Said Joby.
“No it is not that,” Twinkly denied, looking at Joby. Then becomes a bit surprise. “You do? Then does this means you caused a fight between you and your own sister?”
“Uhhhhhh, yeah. Whenever we fight over a disagreement,” said Joby, but he is a understanding on sibling relationship issue through his own experiences. “All I can say is you are the most beautiful gal I ever seen.”
Twinkly’s face turned even redder. “I am glad that I am not alone on this.”
Josie’s mouth drops open, eavesdropping the conversation from afar. She cannot believe that the advices from her cousins actually works. While she is glad that these two are not fighting each others anymore. Just not how it supposed to go! Now her big brother is gaga for her!
[I found this interaction that I left in my drafts unfinished. I decided to finish it.]
Twinkly of Solaria belongs to @gloriousdreamunknown
Josie Test and Joby Test belong to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
Prompt #1,266
"You look like starlight,"
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sunflowerwinds · 9 months ago
lunch | h.c
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summary: you never questioned your sexuality until your bestfriend brittany begs you to come with her to a party where you run into a blue-eyed, shaggy haired girl. you weren’t so sure if being into men was even an option anymore. hazel only had one thing on her mind: you looked good enough to eat.
pairing: hazel callahan x fem!reader
contains: mature content & language, friends w/ benefits trope, smut — lots of cunnilingus (r!receiving), public sex, hazel lowkey is falling in love (as are you), reader’s sexuality & body type is never really described so is open to all! :)
word count: 4.1K
a/n: thank you a MILLION to the anon who requested this. i’ve actually never written something so fast 🙌🏽 obviously it is inspired by lunch by billie eilish. thank you billie for dropping this gay ass song! <33
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“Please, please, come with me.”
Brittany tugged on your oversized pajama tee as you continuously scribbled across the lined page of your notebook. You were trying to cram in for your English exam this coming up Monday and Brittany was begging for you to come with her to a big house party. You had nearly failed the last one so you were determined to make at least a high C on this next one.
She was standing behind you, letting out exasperated sighs and groans as you continued to stand your ground on staying at your dorm.
“Britt, I seriously can’t.”
“But it’s masquerade themed. Do you know how hot that would be to get with a stranger at a masquerade party?” Brittany groaned as she rested her forehead on yours. “You need this.”
You sighed when she added that last part. Ever since a jock from the football team led you on and got you trapped in a situationship for four months, Brittany has been persistent on the fact that you needed a fling: someone to help you move on and get ready for the next serious person in your life.
“Is anyone I know going to be there?” You hum as you continue to highlight a few more sections that you would be tested on.
Brittany rested her head on yours and can practically feel her grinning ear to ear.
“PJ, Josie, Stella, Isabel, and Hazel,” Brittany stated.
“Hypothetically,” you began and Brittany was squealing already, removing her body from yours to rummage through your closet. “If I go, will I be too hungover tomorrow to finish my notes for Monday?”
“Nope. I promise. I will keep an eye on you the entire time.” Brittany called over her shoulder as she pulled out a corset top that you had rarely worn since moving in. “You’ll be nearly sober.”
It was a deep green satin that made your boobs look amazing. You swore you’ve only worn it to a concert and a birthday dinner.
“Put this on with your matching skirt and get on your small heels with the straps, please. I will get ready too.”
Hesitantly setting your notebook and pens aside, you get up from your cushioned seat to get dressed. It took merely a few minutes to put on your matching outfit, putting on your mask that Brittany had purchased for you.
When you were looking at yourself in the mirror, you nodded in content. Brittany was right. It was time to just have some fun, let go.
Maybe you’ll meet someone.
You snort and shake your head to yourself.
Yeah, right. Frats were somehow worse than football players. No way were you meeting a guy there.
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Within the first few seconds of walking through the door, you had greeted pretty much all of the girls except Stella and Hazel. PJ was the one to tell you that they were probably sticking their tongues down people's throats.
“You look stunning. This green on you. I can’t get enough.” Isabel was the first to gasp over you, spotting her bright eyes and beautiful hair a mile way.
You thanked her repeatedly over the loud music. Brittany stood next to you as she scanned the surrounding area for drinks. You stood next to Josie and Isabel who apologized about your situation with your ex-situationship.
Fuck, you hated that word. You were dating but the situationship made your skin crawl.
“It’s whatever guys, honestly,” you tell them, waving them off.
“Men are pieces of shit, man.” Josie patted your back weirdly before shuffling into her girlfriend's side.
You look between the two of them with a small smile, admiring how adorable they were. Isabel and Josie fit weirdly enough considering how different the two of them were. A tap to your shoulder threw you off guard in the midst of you daydreaming about when you were going to find someone like that.
You turn to face the person, stepping back a little when you don’t recognize the masked figure. They were kind of cute. They smiled at you about the open their mouths that is until you heard Josie greet them.
“Hi Hazel. Where’s that girl you were talking to? She was cute.” Isabel calls over your shoulder.
Oh shit. This was Hazel? Scientist bomb-maker Hazel? The more and more you peered into the eye cutout of the mask, you recognized those deep blue eyes of hers.
Has she always been this attractive? Her white button up shirt had the first two buttons left open, exposing the silver chains resting on her neckline. Her chest rising and falling from the drink she just downed.
She looked… good.
“She is in a very committed relationship with her two boyfriends.” Hazel told them, nodding curtly.
“Sounds like overkill but good for her, I guess,” PJ commented, eyes widening from behind her own lace mask.
The three of them gave soft ‘sorry’s’, smacking their lips before sipping on their drinks. Brittany had come back with her drink and yours, silently sliding it into your own and mouths to you: ‘Sprite and Vodka’.
Simple but a favorite.
“Wait, why are we saying ‘sorry’?” Brittany shouted, shifting her eyes from person to person in the huddle they’ve formed.
Everyone began to explain but you were just staring at Hazel. You had no idea what was going on in your brain but your eyes couldn’t pull away from her.
“I’m sorry about that girl,” you finally speak, hoping she hadn’t noticed you staring at her like a maniac.
“No, it’s fine. It was whatever.” Hazel shrugs and she seems legitimately fine.
That would’ve sent you into a spiral about how good your flirting skills were if it was a guy. You suppose someone who looks like her can easily move on to the next girl.
“You look… great. Really great. I like your, uh, mask.” You compliment her, pointing at the plain black mask on her face.
Why are you being so awkward? You’ve definitely talked to Hazel before. What’s so different about this time?
Her smile lines deepened as her eyes followed down from your feet to the lace on your mask. You suddenly felt hot around your neck under her gaze, the sound of the people blurring into the background of the music so that you could only focus on her.
“Thank you. You look beautiful. I’ve never seen this before.” Hazel eyed your corset top, taking a sip from her silver solo cup.
You take a long sip from your drink, feeling your mouth running dry.
“Uh, yeah. I don’t wear it often. I don’t go out much.”
“What?” Hazel leaned in closer so that her ear was closer to your mouth.
The songs had increased in volume to the point where you could feel it in your chest. You shake your head and lean into her to shout: “Do you want to go somewhere quieter? I don’t want to keep shouting all night.”
This Hazel did hear and she nodded, placing one hand on your lower back as she led you through the crowd. You sucked in a deep breath as you looked behind you to see Brittany staring you down with narrowed eyes but she didn’t seem upset, more… confused.
You wave your hand to show that you were fine before letting Hazel continue to lead your body down a hallway. You did have an oral speech that Monday you had to practice for so going somewhere quieter would just be more beneficial.
Once the two of you had been able to seclude yourselves in one of the fraternity brothers rooms, you let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m kind of starting to regret coming here,” you admit softly as you glance around at the very plain room.
“Really? Why?” Hazel questioned as she lingered near the door, watching you snoop through the strangers' knick-knacks he had on his desk.
“I have shit to study for but Britt begged me to come with her. Parties really aren’t that fun when I’m not drinking as much to distract myself,” you sigh, picking up a trophy of a gold baseball man.
Hazel pressed off of the door to find her place standing next to you. The muffled music rumbled the walls but she couldn't focus on that as much as she was admiring how amazing you looked tonight.
“Distract you from what?” Hazel hums, leaning into your side to peer at the knick-knacks with you.
You try not to tense under the feeling of her warm body pressing up against the side of your back. Why were you suddenly so nervous?
“Uh, guy that was a dick and didn’t know how to properly express his feelings and said he had to ‘focus on himself’. Men make me genuinely sick.” You express with a soft huff, plopping down onto the deep blue bed.
“Shit, I’m sorry.” Hazel slowly sat down right next to you.
You shrug your shoulders, turning your head to be face to face with her. Her blue eyes were illuminating from the singular lamp that was turned on in the corner of the room. Your stomach turned at her intense eye contact.
“It’s fine. Not your fault, Hazel.”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I don’t think you deserve to be treated like that. Someone as beautiful and sweet as you doesn’t deserve to be led on by some douchebag guy.” Hazel muttered, leaning in closer to you.
You could feel her warm breath that had a lingering scent of a mix of liquors. Every single fiber in your body craved the taste of her lips. You weren’t even sure if you were completely into women but you knew that right here and right now, you wanted Hazel to kiss you.
“Then what do I deserve?” You whisper, eyes flickering down to her pink lips.
“If you want me to show you, all you can do is ask, pretty girl,” Hazel glances down at your lips as well, her ego shooting through the roof at how very obviously eager you were.
You lick your lips before whispering with a hint of whining: “Show me.”
Hazel pressed her lips onto yours, cupping both sides of your face. You gasped slightly but almost immediately fell into a comfortable rhythm chasing her lips. Your hands ghosted over her neckline, not knowing where to put your hands. You were overthinking it just because Hazel was a girl.
It was so much different compared to kissing a man. Hazel’s hands were so gentle on your face, caressing you in a sensual yet comforting manner. Fuck, you couldn’t believe how wet you were just from her kissing you. You crossed your thighs together to try and relieve that feeling but it only grew.
Her tongue swiped over your bottom lip, teasing to get into your mouth. You allowed her tongue in as her thumb caressed the underside of your jaw. The whimper that left your mouth was borderline pornographic.
“Lay back for me, pretty girl, okay? Let me make you feel good,” Hazel smirked at the sound of your moans, kissing your jaw and neck a few times.
“You’re gonna…?” You pant softly, furrowing your brows.
“Whatever you’ll let me do to you. You can say stop whenever, okay?” Hazel hummed as she nosed at your jaw before jerking to the bed.
You nod enthusiastically before scooching up on the bed, kicking off your shoes. Hazel carefully watched you as she lifted her mask to rest on the top of her head. She would need her entire face for what she was planning on doing to you.
You stare at her exposed face, lifting up your own to rest on the top of your head. Hazel smiled at this, admiring how beautiful you are. You always caught her eye but she only really knew you as Brittany’s roommate.
Now, she was really getting to know you.
She kneeled on the bed, placing her hands on your plush thighs. You watch her carefully push your skirt up your waist, biting your lip anxiously. Hazel leaned down to place a soft kiss onto your inner thighs. They were feather-like, sending shivers down your spine. Her ringed hands grip onto the outer parts of your thighs as she whispers praises unto your skin.
You shut your eyes and tilt your head back as she inched to the crotch area of your underwear. You could’ve worn a pair of a lot sexier ones but you landed on seamless hip-huggers. Her fingers thumbed over the waistband, looking up at you with needy eyes.
“Can I take these off?”
“Please, Hazel,” you buck your hips involuntarily.
Hazel leaned down to kiss over your pubic bone, looking up at you. You push your flyways out of your face as you watch Hazel tug your underwear down your legs and toss them on the bedside table. You open your legs slowly to expose yourself to her.
“Can you tell me what feels good, pretty girl? Yeah? Can you do that for me?” Hazel hummed as you placed a few more trailing kisses and licks across your thighs.
You merely whine at her words, growing more and more needy as she continues her way up your thighs. She didn’t give you any time to process it until her warm tongue swiped over your folds. You sucked in a deep breath, a shuddering moan leaving your lips.
“Fuck,” you whisper, admiring the head of shaggy hair in between your legs.
God, her tongue made your squirm like no man ever had. You swore they just licked your thighs and your hip and asked if you came. They could never compare to how amazing Hazel was making you feel. She backed up for a moment to kiss at your clit softly, enjoying the way you were practically dancing on her tongue.
Sweat beads formed at the base of your neck and the crevice of your hips as you rocked against her face. Hazel moaned softly against your wet folds, her tongue fucking into you.
That was only the beginning of it.
After that night, you and Hazel began to just have fun. You didn’t dare tell Brittany that you were sleeping with Hazel, one of her dear friends from high school. It wasn’t your fault that she gave you mind-blowing, legs pulsating, eyes rolling into the back of your head orgasms.
You assumed Brittany knew that you were seeing someone because well, she found your inner thigh hickies when you went home with her to visit her family's pool. When you came back to campus later that evening, you and Brittany arrived to see a small box sitting in front of your door.
“Oh my god is this from your little lover?” Brittany gasped as she kneeled down to pick up the little blue box with a white ribbon bow.
Your eyes widened at the box, furrowed brows at the little tag that read: ‘From, Claire’. You surprised a cheeky smile as you and Hazel had agreed she would be named ‘Claire’ when she got you these surprise gifts of your favorite candies, lingerie and dresses she would have you wear to fuck you in.
“Claire? Do I know a ‘Claire’?” Brittany hummed to herself as she unlocked the dorm room.
When you both got into the room, you flipped open the note to see: ‘Tomorrow at 6:30. Meet me at my dorm room and I’ll take you somewhere nice, pretty girl.’
You bit your lip as you opened your box when Brittany told you she’d hop in the shower real quick from being so sun-tanned. You unraveled the ribbon and lifted the lid of the blue box to see a black lingerie set but the panties were crotchless.
That little freak.
But my god, you loved it.
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Tomorrow couldn’t come faster. Brittany even tried to see who you were texting the night before you went to Hazel’s dorm.
“So am I ever going to meet your fling or are you just always going to disappear out of nowhere and coming back all smiley and giddy?” Brittany hummed as she typed furiously on her laptop, glancing up at you as she adjusted her blue light glasses.
“Hmm, I haven’t decided yet. I’ll let you know after this time,” you remarked with a cheeky grin.
“He’s not like an arms dealer or something right?” Brittany narrowed her eyes.
You snorted and shook your head. Some part of you was also just scared to say out loud that you had fooling around with a woman; let alone a friend of hers.
“No. I promise at some point, I will tell you, Britt. I’ll be back at around midnight, I hope.” You beamed, leaning over her bed to give her a kiss on the head.
Brittany chuckled at your actions, telling you how much she loved you and to be safe and not get pregnant. You knew that would never happen.
As much as you would pretend to daydream about it.
When you knocked on Hazel’s dorm room door, it swung open almost immediately to reveal Hazel in a deep green button up with a white wife pleaser underneath and a pair of baggy jeans. Her carabiner with her keys as clasped to one of the loops of her jeans.
She shut the door behind her, eyeing you up and down with a smirk. That was the thing about this little friends with benefits situation you had with Hazel; she actually made you feel sexy. She made you feel like the hottest person in the room.
Like she could eat you alive.
“Aren’t you just the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen, hmm?” One of her hands snaked around the waist of your sundress.
“Haze,” you sheepishly whine, covering your face with one hand.
“You’re cute. Take the compliment and let’s go, baby.”
Hazel smoothly grabbed your hand that was covering your face into hers, interlocking her fingers with yours. You follow her to her car, getting glances from a few girls that were coming up the stairs that looked like they were studying in the library. Something you should be doing but you were going on a late afternoon date/hookup.
You almost felt guilty. That is until you felt her place a kiss on your forehead when you approached the passengers side of her car. She tugged the door open for you, placing a hand on your lower back.
“Where are you taking me?” You hum, glancing up at her once you sit down on the passenger's seat.
“It’s a surprise, pretty girl. It’s only going to take twenty minutes to get there and it’s going to be worth it.”
She bent down to capture your lips into a soft kiss, smiling when you chased her lips when she pulled away. Her thumb traced over your bottom lip for a moment before she shut the door.
You sat in the seat releasing a shaky breath. She was able to get you riled up without fail.
The drive was in fact a lot shorter than you were expecting. Hazel’s palm never left your thigh, giving it squeezes every now and then. It made you more and more aware of the fact that you were wearing crotch less panties.
Hazel pulled into a rather dark field, the only light source being the setting sun. If you squint, you could see a variety of flowers decorating the green of the field.
“Where are we?” You chuckled, turning to face Hazel.
“If I’m going to be honest before my mom decided to go through her mid-life crisis and start sleeping with barely legal men in high school,” Hazel began, which made your eyes widen for a moment, muttering a soft ‘what’ but Hazel continued on. “She used to take me here to pick flowers to put in the little bay window in our living room. I’ve never forgotten how beautiful it was here. I think you deserve something just like this.”
Your heart soared, leaning into her face. No, you were just having sex while she showered you with gifts and treated you better than any man you’ve ever fooled around with. No feelings.
None. Absolutely none.
“You might want to tone the romance a bit, Hazel. It might ruin your reputation,” you tease, scrunching up your nose.
Hazel tilted her head as her eyes drifted to your lips and back to your eyes.
“I only care about what you think, pretty girl.” Hazel admitted with a gentle kiss to your lips.
No feelings. You kept repeating to yourself internally as you felt the apples of your cheeks heating up.
“Well, I think you’re really sweet. I kind of feel bad that you don’t really get much from me.” You frown, reaching for her chain that was resting at the base of her neck. “Or sorry, you won’t let me as much as I try.”
“I already told you. I like doing this for you. Making you feel good and seeing that pretty smile.”
”Mmm, okay, so, what are you planning on doing while we’re here?” You raise your eyebrows at her, faux innocence coaxed in your voice.
Hazel seemed to be thrown off guard but when she looked at your smile, she knew you were only messing with her.
“I have a blanket in the back seat.”
“Good because I’m wearing the present you got me,” you leaned to ghost your lips over hers.
Hazel let out a soft groan as you chuckled to yourself and tugged open the door of your passenger's seat. You look out at the gorgeous sunset then look at Hazel who looks like she’s trying to calm herself down. She eventually got out, the blanket hooked underneath her arm as she, too, looked out at the sunset.
She grabbed your hand as you marched through the flower field, the petals and grass tickling your legs. Hazel stopped a few feet away from her car to lay down the towel on a flatter patch on the ground. She laid down, looking up at you as she caressed your calf and tugging your leg forward.
You knew what she was asking of you.
“Wait, really?” You kneeled down, brushing your flyaways out of your place and looking around.
There were miles of trees and fields and there was probably no chance anyone would catch you guys. Yet there was still a slight fear in your chest that someone was going to catch you sitting on Hazel’s face.
“There’s no one around for miles, pretty girl,” she sat up right on her forearms, looking at you with nothing but hunger in her eyes.
“Okay, okay, I guess I’ll let you eat me out,” you sigh dramatically before straddling over her face.
Hazel laid back down so that she could push the skirt to your sundress up your plush thighs. She held back her smirk when she saw the lace covering your cunt and the crotchless portion that you promised you were wearing. Hazel didn’t hesitate to dive into your folds, teasing your clit slowly. You gasped and felt your knees give out so that you were full sitting on her face.
Your thighs entrapped her cheeks as your hands found her messy head of hair. Your moans freely left your mouth as she hungrily moved her jaw until the muscles ached. Her movements increased in speed as you whined and begged for her to keep going.
“Please, baby. So good, you’re so good.” You babble as you grinded your wet folds over her lips to her chin, coating her skin with your slick.
Hazel’s hands harshly gripped at your outer thighs as she followed your hip movements, letting her own moans flow out. Her rings made indents into your skin but it stung wonderfully, addictively. Your orgasm came quickly, your back shuddering as your hands were tangled in Hazel’s hair roughly.
You sat up with all your might, panting harshly as you looked down at Hazel’s flushed and wet face.
“You taste so good. Come here,” Hazel pushed up so she was sitting right up on her bottom, her hand snaking up to cup the back of your neck.
You giggle as you connect your lips, softly moaning into each other's mouths. The taste of your own juices lingered in your mouth as she messily made out with you.
“I could eat you everyday and never get sick of it,” she muttered against your lips, nibbling on your bottom lip.
And you wouldn’t hate it if she did.
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special thank you to @breezy-sapphic for reading this over <3
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f0point5 · 1 year ago
It’s blue, the feeling I’ve got
Part 2 of the Lando Norris x fakegirlfriend!reader social media au
A/N: Testing Day 1 bringing us nothing 😂 I wanted more drama and I didn’t get it. But can’t complain too much when Max is a second ahead haha. Lando has entered his own fic! We are still kind of in set up mode though so bear with. Hope you enjoy this part anyway! 🧡
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aquaholicsanonymousworld · 19 days ago
Unfinished Business
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: She and Matt Murdock have been caught in an on-again, off-again relationship, with Matt constantly pushing her away yet never fully letting go. When Nelson & Murdock’s new secretary, Karen Page, arrives, she tries to be mature about Matt’s growing closeness with her—until she repeatedly walks in on them sharing quiet, intimate moments. Though jealousy bubbles beneath the surface, she refuses to be the bitter ex.
Inspired by: My own jealousy of early Matt x Karen scenes. Much more of a Matt x Elektra girl myself.
The first time it happened, she told herself it was nothing.
Karen had just started at Nelson & Murdock, bright-eyed and eager, and Matt had always been charming—it wasn’t a crime to be charming. She had sat across from them at Josie’s, watching Karen teach Matt how to play pool, and convinced herself that the twist in her stomach was just indigestion.
The second time, it was at the office. Karen had been adjusting Matt’s tie, her fingers lingering just a second too long, and Matt had smirked in that way that used to be reserved for her. She had looked away, hands clenched, reminding herself that they weren’t together right now. Matt had made that perfectly clear.
The third time, she walked into the firm late at night to find them whispering in hushed voices, Matt leaning in close, Karen biting her lip in hesitation.
That was the moment she almost lost it.
But she didn’t. Because Karen wasn’t the enemy.
She reminded herself of that when they ended up on assignment together—something Matt was too busy to handle, so she and Karen took it on instead. It was supposed to be routine: gather information, ask the right questions, get the job done. But then a recently fired nurse gave them what was supposed to be Frank Castle’s home address, and their night got interesting.
The apartment was abandoned but filled with remnants of a life violently torn apart—family photos covered in dust, children’s drawings pinned to the fridge like ghosts clinging to the past.
That’s when Karen spoke, voice quiet in the heavy silence.
“He does this, you know,” she muttered, running her fingers along a bullet-ridden wall.
For a second, she thought Karen meant the Punisher.
But then Karen looked at her, gaze searching. “He makes you feel like you’re the only person in the world… until he doesn’t. Until he pulls away like it never meant anything at all.”
Something inside her cracked.
Because that was the problem. Not Karen. Not the lingering glances or the shared laughter. It was him.
It had always been him.
She found him at his apartment that night.
Matt opened the door, looking like he was about to head out—suit half-buttoned, tie loose, as if he had been expecting someone else.
“Going somewhere?” she asked, stepping inside without waiting for an invitation.
He tilted his head slightly, listening. “You’re angry.”
She let out a sharp, humorless laugh. “Yeah, Matt. I am angry.”
She turned to face him, heart pounding. “Tell me—what was the plan? Keep me close, but not too close? Push me away when it suits you, but never far enough that I actually leave? Or was it just fun for you, watching me walk in on you and Karen over and over again like some kind of sick test?”
Matt’s brows knit together. “Karen and I—”
She cut him off. “Karen and you nothing, right? Because you don’t let anyone have all of you, do you?” She stepped closer, forcing him to feel the heat of her words. “You get just close enough to make sure I’m still watching, then you disappear. You push and pull until I don’t even know where I stand with you. And I let you.” Her voice broke, but she pushed forward. “I let you every damn time.”
Matt’s jaw was tight, his hands curled into fists at his sides. But he didn’t deny it.
Didn’t fight her on it.
Finally, after a long pause, he exhaled sharply. “I never wanted to hurt you.”
She shook her head, laughing bitterly. “That’s the thing, Matt. You do. You hurt me, over and over again, and you act like you don’t see it.”
He took a step forward, just close enough for her to catch the subtle tilt of his head, like he was listening to the way her breathing had changed.
“You’re right,” he admitted quietly. “I push you away. Because if I don’t…” He swallowed hard. “If I don’t, I’ll never stop.”
Her breath hitched.
He reached out then, his fingers grazing the side of her face, tracing over a bruise she hadn’t even noticed forming from earlier. His touch was careful, reverent, like he was memorizing her all over again.
“I want you,” he murmured, voice rough. “I’ve always wanted you. And that scares the hell out of me.”
Her eyes burned, but she refused to look away. “Then prove it. Stop running. Stop treating me like I’m something you can pick up and put down when it’s convenient.”
The space between them vanished.
His hands cupped her face, and then his lips crashed into hers—desperate, consuming, a kiss that tasted like every moment they had lost and every one they had stolen.
She kissed him back just as fiercely, fingers threading through his hair, pulling him closer like she could fuse them together, like she could keep him from slipping away this time.
Matt groaned against her mouth, hands roaming like he was trying to convince himself she was real. Like he was scared she would disappear if he let go.
They broke apart, breathing hard, foreheads pressed together.
“I’m not letting you go again,” he promised.
She nodded, voice thick with emotion. “Good.”
Because this time, if he did, she wasn’t waiting for him to come back.
Instead, she would make him understand—her devotion wasn’t a leash, it was an offering. She had always been his, not because he demanded it, but because she had chosen him. Over and over again.
And this time, she needed him to choose her back.
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froppy-butterflyfan2000 · 1 year ago
Ivy (Lunaverse): A combination of Cottagecore, Earthcore/Bloomcore/Spring Cozy, Floral Academia/Rosecore/Meloncore, Green Academia, Lovecore, Bubblegum Witch, Forest Fairy Princess Core, Whimsigothcore, Shabby Chic, Pinkcore and Witchcore. Forestpunk in her adulthood.
Nergella (Lunaverse): A combination of Angelcore, Cutecore, Tenshi Kaiwai/Cyber Angelcore, Cinnamorollcore, Gloomy Bear Lolita, Pastel Academia, and Gothpunk
Asahi (Lunaverse): Cyber Fairy Grunge
Niko (Lunaverse): A combination of Spacecore, Dreamcore, Dreamycore, Auroracore, Art Hoe, Fairy Kei, Fairy Grunge, Alternate Girl Grunge (90’s/2000’s/Y2K), Kuromicore, Sleepycore, Goth Punk, Voidcore, Ouji and Gothic Lolita, Forest Punk, Blue Night Aesthetic, dazecore, Rustic Interior Aesthetic, Industrial Interior Aesthetic, and Downtown Girl
Trixie (Lunaverse): Frutiger Eco and Cybercore
Janaya (Cappyverse): A combination of Light Academia, High Cleancore, Punk Rock, Ouji and Gothic Lolita, Coffehouse/Cafe, Dullcore, Medieval Punk, and Wizardcore. A bit of Thriftcore too.
Hannibal (Cappyverse): A combination of Darkest Academia, Theatre Academia, Victorian Fashion, Afro-Victorian, and Victorian Gothic, Whimsigothcore, Grandmacore/Grandpacore, Guro Lolita, Analog Horror, Antique Grunge, Werewolf, Gothic Lolita, Ouji Lolita, Coffinwood, Artemispunk, Dark Paradise Aesthetic, Dullcore, Zombiecore, Clowncore/Fanfare, Forestpunk, Vampire Gothic, and Carnivalcore/Carnival Goth/Early 2000s Gothic Circus Fairy Cabaret Steampunk Fashion (when spending time with a group of Radioactive Gems)
Hiraya (Cappyverse): A combination of Steampunk and Cyberprep. Hmm with a hint of Witchcore.
Niko (Cappyverse): A combination of Chaotic Academia, Bearcore (Gloomy Bear Lolita sometime), Art Hoe, Rustic Interior Aesthetic, Downtown Girl, and Scene; a mixture of Gothic (Pastel Goth and Welwitschia Goth specifically), Weirdcore, 2K1, Dark Y2K and Y2K, Skatergirl, E-Girl, Gwar Kei, Punk Rock/Pastel Punk, Acid Pixie, Spacecore, and Retro (Then Staryummycore afterward, thanks to a staryummy named Velvet)
Leonidas (Cappyverse): A combination of Art Academia, Earthcore, and Wizardcore
Holly (Cappyverse): A combination of Coffehouse/Cafe, Comfy/Cozy, Icepunk, Science Academia, and Labcore
Duchess/Tiara (Cappyverse): A combination of High School Dream, Vintage Americana/Americana, Angelcore, Cyber Angelcore, Honeycore, and Ghostcore
Alverta (Cappyverse): French Girly, Mall Goth, Ouji and Gothic Lolita, Larma Kei, and Y3K
Michiko (Cappyverse): Y2K and Gyaru; a mixture of Agejo, Romanba Gyaru, Manba Gyaru, and Ane Gyaru
Mirage (Cappyverse): A combination of between Nu-Goth, Gothic Lolita, and Romantic Goth, dual kawaii/yami kawaii, Farmer’s Daughter, Mall Goth, Military Lolita, Nintencore, 2000’s Emo, Casinocore, futuristic ouija lolita, Angelcore, and Dollette
Joby Test (Cappyverse): A combination of kidcore, emo core (Midwest and Y2K/2000’s), 2000’s nu-metal, 2000’s rock, slimepunk, and older brother core
Josie Test (Cappyverse): A combination of yotsubacore, clovercore, studio ghibli aesthetic, kidcore, 90’s core, 2014 girly, early 2000’s girl, 2000’s Rock, slime punk, Mall Ninja, danish pastel, Sanriocore, and Y2K
Tatiana (Cappyverse): A combination of Fantasy Astronomy, Villagecore, and Balletcore
Dougal (Cappyverse): A combination of Bardcore, Lovecore, Vampire Gothic, Soft Witch, and Wizardcore
Rose (Tomstar AU): Between Princesscore, Elegant Gothic Aristocrat, Bubblegum Witch, Balletcore, and Royalcore
is there a particular subculture that could be connected with your oc? goth, cottagecore, emo, steampunk, etc
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thexfridax · 11 months ago
D.E.B.S. at 20: a Queer Cult Classic
Bessie Yuill Photo: Sundance/WireImage
There is a secret film hidden within the shadowy sapphic corners of Letterboxd. Some call it escapist trash, some call it an underrated cult classic, fools call it a male fantasy. It calls itself D.E.B.S. As other early-2000s chick flicks like Charlie’s Angels and St. Trinian’s have been reevaluated and embraced for their candy-floss aesthetics and campy wit over the years, the lesbian community was quietly reclaiming its own equivalent with 2004’s D.E.B.S.
The precursor to contemporary high-concept lesbian films like Bottoms, the spy flick is filled with something that queer female moviegoers still often yearn for: fun. That includes Jordana Brewster and her era-defying eyebrows as the impeccably named supervillain Lucy Diamond, John Woo–style fight scenes that parody the action genre in the same way as Charlie’s Angels, and a cheerfully cheap aesthetic where spies run around in plaid schoolgirl skirts.
D.E.B.S. was written, directed, and edited by filmmaker Angela Robinson. While “unapologetically queer” might be an overused phrase, it does apply neatly to Robinson. The Chicago-born director’s first project was a short film called Chickula: Teenage Vampire, calling on the long history of vampiric queer women that began with 1872’s Carmilla.
Her love of playing with genre led her to later put a lesbian spin on the movie musical by writing the underappreciated Girltrash: All Night Long and exploring polyamory in a period biopic about the creators of Wonder Woman, Professor Marston and the Wonder Women. On the small screen, she also burnished her lesbian credentials by working on several episodes of The L Word.
When D.E.B.S. started life as a short film, Robinson described it as “a story about a trio of superspies who are all chicks. I love all the comic-book characters: Charlie’s Angels, Batman, Josie & the Pussycats … But I always wanted them to be gay and they never were, so I wrote my own.” Success at Sundance led to Sony snatching the short up and deciding that D.E.B.S. should be a full-length feature.
Two decades later, the joy of this movie lies in the details. The tone is immediately set by a gravelly voice-over telling us that there is a secret test hidden within the SAT to recruit young female superspies (and establishing that, like Bottoms, this is a film aware of genre archetypes and willing to push believability). Our main character Amy (Sara Foster) is an academic overachiever — like many lesbians overcompensating for their perceived failure to live up to social norms. Her perfect score on the secret SAT test makes it even more scandalous when she falls for the aforementioned supervillain Lucy Diamond.
Queer friend groups may delight over the nostalgic frosty eye shadow and lip gloss worn by the D.E.B.S. (which stands for “discipline, energy, beauty, strength,” naturally) at all times. Flip phones, CGI holographic screens, and Goldfrapp’s appearance on the soundtrack will also remind you that you’re watching a film made in the early 2000s. And many will squeal when they spot Holland Taylor, over a decade before she came out, as the academy’s head.
Admittedly, the special effects are goofy enough to cross over into comedy, especially when our girls are abseiling into a restaurant or climbing walls with plungers, and the lighting could be charitably described as resembling teen soap operas of that era. But the chemistry between Amy and Lucy is crackling enough that YouTube compilations of their scenes have racked up hundreds of thousands of views online. Their fun enemies-to-lovers plotline begins with the pair pointing guns at each other and quickly progresses to a whirlwind romance (the other D.E.B.S. think Amy’s been kidnapped and launch a national manhunt, just as many friend groups have had to organize rescue missions for lesbians on weeklong first dates).
You could argue that espionage serves as a metaphor for the closet and that Amy is such an effective spy because she’s used to lying to herself about her sexuality. But that almost seems like too much weight to put on this meringue confection of a genre spoof: Its campiness liberates the characters to inhabit a fun, exaggerated universe with no serious homophobia or consequences. Guns are used, but the so-called superspies have such consistently terrible aim that there are no real casualties. And Lucy Diamond’s supposedly nefarious crimes are all reversible — the murders pinned on her are revealed to be misunderstandings, and she returns all of her stolen goods in order to win Amy back.
When this live-action Totally Spies with a lesbian twist debuted, it only made $97,000 and was dismissed by critics. But there were enough moviegoing gays impressed by its snappy dialogue, fun romance, and stunning supporting cast (including Meagan Good, Jimmi Simpson, and Devon Aoki with a French accent) for its reputation to grow online over time. In forums and YouTube comment sections, young girls were asking, “Are there any lesbian films where they just fall in love and have fun and don’t die at the end?” Their answer was D.E.B.S.
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rubycruzin4abruzin · 1 year ago
hit the showers
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Summary: you accidentally stumble upon Hazel alone in the locker room showers after fight club. When what was supposed to be an innocent shower becomes anything but, there’s nothing that could stop you from turning up the heat.
Pairing: sub!hazel x dom!reader
Contains: mature language and content, smut, fingering (hazel receiving), caught masturbating, shower sex, locker room sex, subby!hazel, pervy!reader, hazel begging, 18+, MDNI
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: Welcome to my first fic on this account!! Would love to know your thoughts. Requests are open for Hazel Callahan and Kit Tanthalos fics :)
Hazel Callahan flipped you onto your back, and soon had you pinned to the floor by your wrists.
You could feel your brain turn to mush as she hovered above you, her hot breath painting your neck. She stared down at you intensely as you squirmed and writhed beneath her. Her face and neck were drenched in sweat from the strenuous activity, but she knew lifting a hand to wipe her forehead would give you an advantage she couldn’t afford.
You were panting. Hard. Hazel was taking your breath away… in more ways than one. She stole all your focus when she straddled your lap, forcing you to let out a soft groan. She smirked, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “Ready to give up yet?”
You were shocked back into reality at the sound of PJ’s voice. “Wait, PJ?” your mind raced. “What’s PJ doing here…”
“Winner, Hazel!”
The voices of the fight club members cheering Hazel's name slowly drew you out of your fantasy. You blinked your eyes as you remembered that you had gone up against Hazel in a fight. During fight club. And lost.
The blue eyed girl crawled off of you, and held out her hand, offering a lopsided smile as she helped you up off the floor.
“Good fight?” She asked, slightly unsure of herself. You offered her a shy smile back. “Yeah. Good fight.”
“You ok?” She asked, noticing your slightly disheveled state. You nodded, rubbing the side of your head. “Yeah, just a little dizzy is all.”
Hazel's eyes went wide with concern. “Oh no! Did I hit too hard? I’m sorry! Do you need the nurse? Or I can get you an ice pack…” You shook your head, stifling a giggle and trying not to melt under Hazel’s worried gaze. “I’m fine Hazel. I promise.”
You looked down, and noticed Hazel’s hand still wrapped around yours. She must’ve noticed too, because she dropped your hand almost immediately and hid hers behind her back as her cheeks flushed a soft pink. You tried to hide your disappointment, but how could you not be when your longtime crush pulled away so suddenly?
PJ’s voice echoed across the gymnasium once again. “Alright ladies, good work today. Time to hit the showers!”
The members of the fight club chatted amongst themselves as they headed towards the locker room. You looked down at yourself. You could really use a shower. Your hair was tangled from laying on the mats, and your clothes were damp from sweat. Not to mention the wet patch that had begun to form in your underwear…
You looked back up at Hazel and jerked your head towards the direction of the locker room. “You coming?”
Before Hazel could open her mouth to answer, PJ and Josie quickly approached her. PJ was the first to speak.
“Hey Hazel, would you mind staying back and putting up the mats? Josie and I could use the extra time to study for Mr. G’s test tomorrow.”
Hazel flashed her a bright grin. “No problem. See you tomorrow.”
After PJ and Josie had walked off, you turned back towards Hazel. “Aren’t you also in Mr. G’s class?”
Hazel shrugged. “Yeah, but it’s fine. I can just study later tonight.”
You frowned at Hazel’s response. You were never really a big fan of the way PJ treated her, but Hazel was too nice to say anything. That or she just hadn’t realized that PJ was a bit of a bully.
“Need a hand?” You asked, gesturing to the mats strewn about the gymnasium floor. Hazel shook her head. “Nah, I’ve got it. See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow.” You responded before heading towards the locker room with the other girls.
You wondered if Hazel had finished putting up the mats yet, still slightly annoyed at PJ for making Hazel stay back and do her dirty work. As you walked out of the locker room in your fresh (non-sweaty) clothing, you peeked inside the gymnasium doors. The mats were gone and Hazel was nowhere in sight. You breathed a gentle sigh of relief. That probably meant she was able to get home before it got too late. She had a test to study for after all, and you had heard that Mr. G’s class could be a bit… confusing.
“Hey!” You hear your friend Isabel call your name from across the hall. You turn around to see her running towards you. “Hey Is, what’s up?”
“Brittany and I were gonna meet up with Stella to discuss fundraising ideas for the fight club. Stella wants to do some type of car show, but PJ says we could get a lot from our used panties…”
You cringed, rolling your eyes. Of course PJ would suggest a panty-sale. The thought of middle aged men lining up around the block to buy used panties from high schoolers made you sick to your stomach. But of course that wouldn’t deter someone like PJ.
“…I don’t know why anyone would want our used panties, but…” poor Isabel. She was so naive, and right now, you were jealous of her because of that. As much as Pj’s idea made you sick, you thought you might have a chance to throw out some fundraising ideas that didn’t involve a panty raid.
“Sure, I’ll come. Where are we meeting?”
“But I’m A Diner. Need a ride?”
“Nah, I drove here,” you answered. You shoved your hand into the pocket of your shorts to look for your phone, but came up empty. “Crap. I must’ve left it in the locker room.”
“Can I meet you guys there actually? I lost my phone and I have to find it.” Isabel nodded, smiling sweetly. “No problem, text me when you’re on your way!”
Walking back into the locker room, you found your phone sitting face up on the bench right outside the showers. You let out a small sigh of relief. You hated when your phone wasn’t with you at all times.
Just as you were about to leave, you heard the soft pitter-patter of water hitting tile. “That's odd,” you thought. “I was the last one to leave. Maybe I left the shower on?”
You trudge back into the shower room to turn off the offending nozzle, but just as you were about to pull back the curtain, you noticed the soft outline of someone behind it. Weird. You could’ve sworn you were the last to leave the locker room. Maybe you were mistaken…
You notice some articles of clothing hanging from a hook outside the shower stall. A button up shirt, a white tank top, some acid wash jeans…
Oh shit.
The person in the shower was Hazel.
You froze. If it had been any other person, you would’ve left immediately. But it was Hazel, your longtime crush, the girl who occupied almost every corner of your mind. You knew it was weird, you knew it was perverse, but the knowledge that you were less than five feet away from Hazel’s wet naked body was absolutely intoxicating.
A small wet spot began to form in your (previously fresh) underwear as you watched the water run down Hazel’s soft silhouette. You fought the urge to slip a hand into the waistband of your shorts, feeling the pulsations of your now-throbbing clit. You wanted to touch yourself so badly, but you feared you might accidentally let out an audible moan, get caught by Hazel, and have her hate you forever. “Oh well,” you thought. “Guess I’ll remember it for later…”
Suddenly, the sound of the shower handle squeaked and the water stopped running. Your stomach dropped, thinking Hazel was going to throw open the shower curtain any minute now and catch you standing there. You could feel your heartbeat in your ears. This was a bad idea. This was a really bad idea. You shouldn’t have spied on Hazel. You should have left immediately. Weren’t you supposed to be at some diner…?
Just as you were about to make a run for it, you heard a soft voice coming from the other side of the shower curtain.
Pause. What was that? Was that Hazel? Was she trying to say something? Oh god, what if she was hurt…
“Mmph… fuck…”
oh. Oh. OH!
Hazel wasn’t hurt at all. No, she was…
You turned back around to see Hazel's silhouette had changed. No longer was she encased in running water while her fingers gently massaged her scalp. Instead, her head was thrown back onto one of the shower walls, while her hand desperately rubbed at the sensitive area between her thighs.
You. Were. Floored.
Not only was Hazel wet, naked, and protected by nothing but a thin plastic curtain. Now she was also touching herself while letting out the softest moans you’d ever heard.
Fuck perversion. There was no way you were missing this.
You leaned your back against the wall as you rubbed your thighs together, desperate for some kind of stimulation. Each little noise Hazel let out sent shivers down your entire body. You swore you could get drunk off her sounds alone.
Hazel’s moans gradually got louder and more desperate as she neared her climax. Her legs shivered and her hand stayed perched right where she needed it. You, on the other hand, had to bite your lip to hold back any sounds that threatened to escape. You refused to miss any second, any movement, any gentle murmur, any…
Wait. What was that?
You slowed down in order to focus all your attention on the jumbled whimpers coming from the shower stall. You could be wrong, but you could’ve sworn you heard something all too familiar…
“Mmph… need…”
Your heart stopped. Did you hear correctly?
Oh. My. God.
Not only was Hazel wet, naked, and touching herself. Hazel was wet, naked, and touching yourself… while moaning your name.
You could’ve cum right then and there.
At this point, you made up your mind. You were gonna throw open the shower curtain and finish Hazel off yourself. Why not? After this, you were 100% certain she wanted you the same way you wanted her.
Just when you took a step and reached forward to grab the shower curtain, your phone betrayed you and fell from your pocket onto the locker room floor with a loud thud.
You froze. Hazel froze. Neither of you dared to move or say anything. The silence in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife.
Finally, Hazel meekly pulled open the shower curtain enough to peek her head out. Her face was already blushed pink from being caught, but upon seeing you flushed a bright red. You wondered if she could hear how loud your heart was beating, and Hazel was wondering the same thing.
“Uhm…. h-hey…” you finally stuttered out after what felt like an eternity.
“Hey…” she responded, refusing to make eye contact. “Uhm… did you forget something?”
“Uh, yeah… I left my phone, I was just coming back to get it.”
“Oh. That makes… sense.” Hazel's gaze fell to the floor where your phone was still laying. You quickly scooped it up and shoved it back in your pocket. “Uhm… were you… watching me?”
Your body froze at Hazel’s question, as your mind raced to think of a response. Suddenly, the confidence boost from before returned, and you met Hazel’s stare. “Were you saying my name?”
Hazel’s eyes widened at your accusation, and quickly looked away as her face flushed an even deeper red than before. “Uh uhm… I was just… uh…”
Before Hazel could mumble out a ‘sorry,’ you threw open the plastic curtain and let yourself in, pushing her up against the wall of the shower. You forced your mind to wrap around the fact that Hazel’s wet naked body was completely squashed against yours. Unfortunately, Hazel had not yet processed that fact, and desperately tried to cover herself up.
“H-hey, wait! Uh… I’m…”
“Thinking about me while you touch yourself?” A sly smile spread across your face as Hazel refused to meet your gaze. “Uh… uhm… I…”
You grabbed Hazel by the shoulders and roughly kissed her to shut her up. She gasped at the feeling of your lips on hers, but soon began to kiss you back. She swiped her tongue across your bottom lip, practically begging for access. You sighed at the feeling, happily obliging as her tongue explored your mouth.
“God, Hazel’s good with her tongue,” you thought to yourself. You started to wonder what else her tongue could be good for, when your thoughts were interrupted by a repetitive bumping against your pubic bone.
You pulled away (much to Hazel’s chagrin) and looked down to see Hazel had been rubbing herself against you after having been denied a previous release. You couldn’t help but smirk at her obvious desperation.
“What’s the matter?” You asked, feigning concern. “Are you that needy already?”
“Puh… please…” Hazel moaned in response, bucking her hips against you a little harder. You frowned, taking her face in your hands and forcing her to look at you. “Baby, I need you to use your words. Tell me what you want.”
Hazel’s eyes darted back and forth as she attempted to say something other than a weak stutter. You felt a little guilty about it. Let’s face it; you intruded her shower, pushed her against the tile, kissed her, and are now expecting her to speak in complete sentences. C’mon, you gotta cut her a little slack.
You took Hazel’s hands in yours and lightly squeezed them to calm her down. “Hazel, I want to make you feel good. Will you let me?”
Hazel involuntarily swallowed at your choice of words before nodding enthusiastically. At this green light, you reached down and slowly ran a finger through her soaking wet folds, taking an extra second to linger on her clit. Her hips stuttered as she chased your touch, a soft moan escaping her puffy pink lips. A smug smile spread across your face. “Poor baby. You must’ve really needed to cum.”
All Hazel could manage was a groan in response, which turned into a whine as your middle and ring finger danced over her opening. She rolled her hips against your teasing hand, desperately trying to get you inside her. The moment your fingers slipped past her entrance, Hazel threw her head back against the shower wall and let out the most erotic noise you’d ever heard. You kissed her to shut her up, letting her moans vibrate against your lips.
Your fingers curled to reach just the right spot as you let your palm work her clit. You could feel Hazel’s hips stutter as her breathing sped up. You pulled away, Hazel whining at the absence of your lips.
“Someone’s close,” you teased.
“C…close…” Hazel managed to squeak in response. “So close…”
“Do you want me to do anything different…” you barely got the words out before Hazel fervently shook her head, letting her nails claw into your back from under your shirt. “No… don’t stop… please… please keep f-fucking me…”
You felt yourself get dizzy at Hazel’s word choice. It should be illegal for someone to be able to turn you on this much.
Hazel pulled you closer, desperate to feel every inch you had to offer. You buried your face in the crook of her neck as your hand quickened its pace. You could feel how close she was, and you would give anything to watch her tremble under the crushing weight of an orgasm you caused.
The pressure in her lower abdomen pulsed against the arch of your wrist. “I-I’m… I’m gonna…” Hazel sputtered out, before you grabbed her jaw and brought her down to you, kissing her feverishly as she reached her climax.
Her muffled moans tasted oh so delicious, you swore you could get drunk off them alone. Strings of unintelligible pleases and praises vibrated against your lips as your hand drowned in her juices.
You pulled away from her lips and slowed your pace as her breath began to even. She was about to slam her head back against the shower wall, but you rested your free hand on the back of her skull to cushion the impact. Hazel mewled, grateful for what seemed like a caring gesture.
Eventually, she quieted and her hips stopped sputtering completely. You removed your hand from inside Hazel, and took a second to marvel at the way her juices seemed to glisten at the tips at your fingers. Curiosity took hold of you, and you dipped your middle finger into your mouth, moaning as the taste coated your tongue and mentally kicking yourself for not going down on her. Hazel’s jaw dropped as she watched you lap up her juices, reveling in the way you didn’t miss a single drop.
“Wow…” was all Hazel managed to say. You smiled, a faint blush appearing on your cheeks. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.”
“Ditto.” Hazel responded with a breathy chuckle.
You noticed Hazel's legs still shaking slightly, so you let her lean into you. A comfortable silence filled the locker room as you stroked her hair and she nuzzled into your neck.
Out of nowhere, a sharp ringing echoed around the tiled room, yanking you out of your peaceful trance. You growled, pulling your phone out of your pocket to see who the fuck was calling at a time like this. Isabel’s contact name lit up on your screen. Oh shit! You were supposed to meet up with her at the diner! She’s probably wondering where you are.
You stood and contemplated your options for a minute before Hazel finally lifted her head to ask what was going on. You stared at her big blue eyes gazing up at you, and that was all you needed to make your decision.
“Fuck it,” you exclaimed, turning off your phone and setting it outside the shower stall. “We’ll just do a panty sale.”
“Wait, what…” Hazel began to say before you cut her off with a chaste kiss. “Don’t worry about it.”
You reached behind her and turned on the shower nozzle, making the poor brunette jump in surprise.
“Wait…!” Hazel exclaimed, speaking your name before gesturing to your (now drenched) clothing. “Your clothes!”
“Eh, they were already wet anyway.” You reply, stifling a smirk at your double entendre.
Hazel watched with wide eyes as the water dripped down your body, forcing your shirt to cling to your skin and leave little to the imagination. Without warning, she grabbed your shoulders and spun you around, so your back was now pressed against the cold tile.
“Hazel, what are you… mph!” Hazel kissed you roughly before lifting your chin to force you to make eye contact. Her eyes were dark with desire, and she had this air of confidence you had never seen outside of the fight club.
“Maybe I wanna make you feel good too.”
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