#Jase Ewing
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froppy-butterflyfan2000 · 5 months ago
A case is solved after one incident, triggered that siblings got involved at the library after their apartment got ruined. It leads to heartbreaks and losses as a result.
Dan, Max, Velvet, Stella Junior of Solaria (mentioned fairy that got defeated by Ethan), Elizabeth, Umbra-Violet/Umbra-Victoria, Alice, Kai of Solaria (mentioned), Astra Nova Lumenia, and Dorana II S. Lumenia belong to @gloriousdreamunknown
Morgan Morningstar (mentioned), Haruko Fife (mentioned), and Reggie Mann (mentioned) belong to @aprilbrowines
Ethan Corduroy, Bradley McPherson (mentioned), Evelyn Utonium, Serpent Corduroy, Sandra Stoppable, and Travis Mystery belong to @ej-cappy-universe
Niko Corduroy, Albius J. Artica, Janaya A. Bloodworth-Thomason (mentioned), Jase Ewing, Hannibal Demerest, Hibonite, Brooklyn, Duchess/Tiara, Josie Test (mentioned) and Mirage B. Fagry (mentioned) belong to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
Candy Nguyen/Candy Thompson (mentioned), Sienna Grey/Sienna James (mentioned), and Maddie Langston (mentioned) belong to @cooltmoney95
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vulnerablequeen · 4 months ago
Jean-Philippe (partie 2)
La journée suit son cours, je suis plus ou moins concentrée à la job. Mais ça, c’est juste parce que c’est le 4 à 6 du jeudi. Je suis toujours fébrile à l’idée de boire du vin. Je parle de la situation à mes ami·es. 
« Est-ce que je lui réécris? », leur demande-je, sachant très bien que je vais pondre une belle petite phrase accrocheuse à Jean-Philippe dans deux verres de vin no matter what. Je ne fais qu’assurer mes arrières. 
Mes ami·es me conseillent autant qu’iels me déconseillent de renchérir avec une phrase timidement coquine. OK, les chum·es. Je vais écouter mon petit cœur dans ce cas-là. C’est correct. 
On est deux verres de vin plus tard. It’s time. 
Je largue mon attaque en DM : « Si jamais ça te tente d’avoir une compagnonne d’écriture pour un de tes shows, on pourrait se motiver dans un café. SI JAMAIS! » 
Ew, j’ai dit « compagnonne ». Moving on.
Il prend du temps à répondre. 
Fuck. J’ai tout gâché. 
Je vis mon 4 à 6 comme tous les jeudis: j’enchaîne les verres de blanc. J’embarque sur le rouge, je me sens un peu triste. Je commence à être fatiguée. C’est prenant, se mettre out there. Se rendre vulnérable. De laisser sa destinée amoureuse dans le cellulaire d’un autre. Pis y’est en couple, anyway. Qu’est-ce que je fais? 
Je quitte le 4 à 6 pour me réfugier dans ma torpeur avec mon chat. J’ai faim. Je traverse le parc près de chez moi quand je reçois trois textos. Trois. 
C’est Jean-Philippe. 
« C’est pas tombé dans les mains d’un sourd » (le comique) « C’est sûr que j’écris rien si t’es là par contre J’ME CONNAIS! »  « Mais sait-on JAMAIS. » 
Attendez. Je pense que mon cœur m’a lâché. C’est ça, mourir? Est-ce qu’on peut mourir de bonheur? Enterrez-moi vite au parc Baldwin. J’ai besoin d’une pause pour reprendre mes esprits. 
Je relis ses messages. J’écris rien si t’es là par contre. Si je suis là. Je vais être partout où tu veux, mon homme. Il est définitivement célibataire. Ou TRÈS ouvert. Ça, c’est clairement du flirt. Je ne peux plus le nier, moi qui ai tant espéré. 
It’s on, bitches. Je sors l’artillerie lourde avec ma répartie et des flèches coquines, mais sans plus. Je dois le faire languir un peu. Macérer. Comme un bon vin, qui peine à être dégusté. 
Je lui propose qu’on se jase ça ce soir, tant qu’à. Il est 19h et je suis juste assez alcoolisée pour être drôle, flirty. J’ai pas besoin d’alcool pour être comme ça, c’est juste que je me sentais particulièrement chatte. Meow.
« On dirait qu’on est dûs pour se jaser, hein? », me répond-t-il. Oui, Jean-Philippe. On est plus que dûs. Je te dirai pas que je regarde des shows dans lesquels tu figures pis je m’imagine toutes sortes de scénarios coquins. Dis-moi pas que je vais les réaliser? Me donnerais-tu cette chance-là?
Voyons, je suis complètement coucou. Je fan girl trop. Mais il me donne juste assez de jus pour que j’aie envie de finir le litre au complet. Je bois ses paroles. 
On se dit qu’on va se reparler de nos disponibilités, parce que ce soir il est trop fatigué. Normal. Ben correct, c’était un peu précipité. Faut que je me calme. Faut QU’ON se calme. Je le veux en forme quand on va se voir parce que God knows que ce ne sera pas reposant. 
Cue la nuit.
Ding de-ding de-ding. 
Mon alarme du matin sonne, mais j’étais déjà réveillée. Beaucoup trop excitée à l’idée qu’on se réécrive. Je lui écris mes dispos. J’attends d’avoir les siennes. 
« Maudit, y’a rien qui fonctionne pour moi! », m’a-t-il rédigé. Bon. Pas grave. On trouvera un moyen. 
Il continue à écrire. Les trois petits points de suspension bondissent.
Ils arrêtent.
Ils bondissent.
Ils arrêtent. 
J’ai un mauvais feeling. 
Suis-je allée trop loin? J’ai les mains moites, les genoux mous, le cœur en guénille. Qu’est-ce qu’il veut me dire? 
Vvvvz vvvz (un son de vibration). 
« L’autre truc qui me chicotte, c’est que je suis terriblement en couple. Hier, je suis complètement tombé sous ton charme mais puisque ça devient flirty tout ça (en tout cas, complètement de mon bord je dois t’avouer) je suis plus prudent ce matin je dirais. On est un couple qui se permet quand même certaines libertés occasionnelles, mais on est plutôt dans un mode plus serré vu qu’on essaie de faire un bébé. »
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froppy-butterflyfan2000 · 4 months ago
Dr. Albius Jack Artica, Castriel Milton Archer (A Grossologist), Clark Christopher Jones (Tamara’s cousin), Hannibal Demerest/Hortensia Drizella Nessuna Demerest, Duchess/Tiara the Bee Angel, Eugenia Maximoff, Marianne of Domino, Agrippa Zane, Jase Ewing, and Michiko Tadahashi are camp counsellors. This camp is for those who wants to become superheroes.
which oc is a camp counselor? what kind of camp is it?
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randomgooberness · 2 years ago
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This is Jack and Tower, they’re characters from a campaign me and my pals have been doing for over a year and a half- and it means a lot to me. Jack is my character, and he’s the mc of my webcomic, @killcount, which posts twice a week and is nearing its 5th anniversary in a few months. Tower belongs to @collabwithmyself, who is an AMAZING character writer and one of my best friends. I’m genuinely shocked over how this relationship came to be in the campaign itself- neither of us expected it but it’s currently one of my favorite things. 
Under the cut is a portion of the scene.
"Dude, I-I can walk, you don't have to--" Tower stammers in Jack’s grasp, being carried to the bathrooms of the hospital labeled Lemons Room, which the two of them had grown used to this past year.
Carrying the high of the fiery, victorious fight with the Ten of Pentacles, the ghost that had been haunting Jack’s mind for the past two months and torturing him inside out, he finds himself lighter than he had felt in a year- no…has he ever felt this good?
What happened with Tenpents would eventually settle in- the abuse he’d gone through with him living in his head would haunt him still, and he’d have to reheal from something like this yet again- as if what he went through as a child wasn’t enough. Torn open, over, and over again. 
But not tonight. All Jack knows is he feels full of butterflies as he sets Tower down.
“You have a bad head.” He smooches Towers temple.
Tower is as red as a tomato. Truthfully, their headache had considerably lessened the moment they weren't around so many people, but they're still tongue tied.
Jack laughs- tearing his eyes from his friends flusteredness. He doesn’t know why he did that, but it felt right. 
He looks in the mirror at his now shirtless form, and grimaces at the wound Tenpents had left behind- one that, his own blessing as he lit the room ablaze healed for the most part, but let behind a vivid mark.
“…ew.” He pokes at the new purple scar.
"...s'that where Tenpents got you?” Tower blinks towards Jack.
“…Yeah.” he grumbles. “…Hurt like a bitch. Went right where my appendix was when I was a kid.”
"Ugh, you had yours taken out too?" They stand up, considerably less wobbly than before. The solitude and the Advil are working wonders for their headache, thank God.
“Yeah! What, you get appendicitis as a kid?”
"Yeah, when I was eight. Sucked ass, but Jase let me borrow his DS while I was stuck in the hospital."
“That's nice.” Jack laughs a bit. “I didn't get that. My dad jus’ told Strangelove to yoink it out. Got my tonsils out the same day.”
"...what the fuck?" Tower blinks in bewilderment. "Don't you need it unless it blows up? And-- I thought you had to go to the dentist for tonsils?"
“Its good to have- but you don’t NEED it.” Jack shrugs. “Dads from the sixties where they yoinked it out if they cut you open. So he decided I didn’t need it either.”
"That's bullshit," he mumbles, awed. He approaches the sink beside Jack to wash his sweaty hands, and splashes his grimy face for good measure.
Jack laughs. “You can use the shower if you want.”
He takes a moment to drink out of his cupped hands - apparently a whole bottle of water wasn't enough for this guy!! - and nods. "Uh. Yeah. Okay. If you're cool with it."
“Yeah no I don't care.” Jack shrugs. “I might use it after. I just gotta hype myself up.” He plays with his long hair. “…this shit really is a mess when its out of the ponytail, huh?”
"You need help with that or anything?" they offer automatically. "Maybe we can cut it. Mine's getting pretty long too."
“…I don't think I’ve…ever actually cut my hair before.” Jack mutters. “…Closest I've gotten was…cutting random strands that annoyed me.”
"Huh. Well, I've never cut mine before either, always got taken to the barber." He rubs the back of his neck. "We'd probably make total messes of ourselves if we tried, huh..."
He looks in the mirror. 
…He’s tired of carrying all this weight with him- on his shoulders. He’s tired of it being a mess that he can never maintain, something easy for others to grab and take advantage of- even if he ties it up and keeps it close, they can always see. They can always tell. 
He vaguely remembers what Amaris told him about letting go. It…was so horrifying to him- he melted the freezer aisle in fear. 
But…he’s tired. He needs to let go. 
He takes out his first aid kit, digging out his scissors, and grabs a strand of hair. 
He angles it between the two blades, and takes a deep breath. 
He’s letting go. 
Tower takes a deep breath as the storm of Jack's emotions washes over him. But it solidifies into a burning resolve, and he hesitantly relaxes, content to simply watch Jack work.
The freckled man saws through his mane- cutting through it all with reckless abandon- cutting it onto a short bob, like how he had it as a child, and continues to cut higher.
The Tower watches as the storm brings everything down. The locks fall, and they watch them tumble like cinders from flames, like stones from a wall, like rain from the sky.
Justice, with blade in hand, cuts away the imbalances, settling the scales of his mind at last, forming an unruly crown to rule over himself as he always should have.
Change is here, painful and raw and right.
Once he’s finished, Jack stands there, staring at the mirror. 
Its…not the best. Actually, it kinda sucks. Its choppy and a buncha hairs are standing up and different lengths, but he has such a big grin. 
Its pride. Bare chest with no extra weight and letting go of hair that's grown far too long. He lets out a laugh, and looks to Tower, eyes sparkling.
His own eyes shine as he takes Jack in. Standing tall, the most at ease that Tower's ever seen him. Changed. Ready to change.
He's so proud of him.
God, he thinks he loves him.
"You... you look like a mess. In a good way."
Jack grins like a moron, lighting up. 
"Y-yeah?" His sharp teeth look less like weapons, more like crooked youth. God, Tower can feel it back.
Tower is literally lighting up, the glow returning to their markings, intensifying and fading with the pulse of their heart.
"You look... I-I guess you look more you. If that... makes sense."
"Y-yeah...I-I guess this...this is me." 
His voice is a delicate rasp, not out of fear, for once- so much excitement that his heart is pounding. He's here. He's real. 
Jack Wexler doesn't need to be a weapon, or a shield. 
Jack Wexler is allowed to love.
He stares at Tower.
When was the last time Tower felt like this? There's no envy to taint their heart, no possessiveness of something that doesn't belong to them. Just... the desire to see someone happy. To help them be happy.
Is this what love is supposed to be?
Jack places a hand on Towers cheek. 
They're both so fucking gross, standing in the gender neutral bathroom labeled Lemons, recently cut hair sprawled amongst the floor. Jack can still feel a film of old tears on his face and he still feels the slight hiccup-y feeling of a post-breakdown, but god this is the happiest he's been in weeks. 
He exhales, tracing his thumb down Towers chin.
They shut their eyes, feeling their skin buzz at the touch. For once, the circuit doesn't need to be forced - sparks jump back and forth between the two, carrying both their emotions with them. Happiness. Relief. Adoration.
After all they've gone through, even with whatever's coming next looming over the horizon, they can take solace for a moment in the eye of the storm.
Jack closes the gap between them, and their lips lock with one another. 
It's warm, and it's loving, and it's right.
He shudders, not unpleasantly. He doesn't know what to do, he's never kissed anyone before, but he rocks forward on the balls of his feet a little.
He smacks their foreheads together. 
"Sorry--!" Tower breaks away, flushed and sweating, and bursts into nervous laughter. "Sorry! Are you okay?"
Jack laughs a little, tilting his head back. 
"Yeah! Yeah! Your headbutts are nothing compared to the one Gage gave me earlier today." He snorts, leaning forward again.
"Pff-- what?" they giggle. "Sorry, I've never--" Oh, oh geez, here they go. This time they just shut their eyes and let Jack carry the kiss. They've learned a lot from him already, so... what's one more lesson?
Jack starts laughing, and leans in again. 
He kisses Tower. He's usually better at it drunk, but hey, at least it's better because the other party isn't better at it than him! 
...He gets too into it and one of the lightbulbs nearby explodes. They weren't even on.
Tower yelps, and then starts laughing all over again, pressing his head into Jack's shoulder. His face feels very hot. "Sorry!"
"It's okay!" Jack snorts. "Let's get you cleaned up, okay? Both of us. I can shower with my underwear on I don't care. You are not putting a shirt back on me, though. Just by the way."
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sibillascribbles08 · 2 years ago
Decided all the Jasonnie I write for the valentine’s event is gonna take place in Future Donnie’s timeline from my fic Not Part of the Plan (yeah that means he’s doomed by the narrative but don’t worry about that I won’t be writing sad shit (I already did all that oopsie))
Anyway first week prompt is Music based, so I’m writing this scene loosely inspired by Wow I’m Not Crazy by AJR (because that song is very jasonnie vibes in my brain)
Donatello wasn’t sure this was a good idea.
Then again, he hadn’t been sure it’d be a good idea to approach Jase at the junkyard where he happened to find the dragon digging through some junked computers, interestingly without his usual purple jacket.
Donatello approached, after a lot of thinking, because part of him was in fact worried. Their last encounter ended when the mech the dragons were building exploded due to power overload. Jase almost got caught in the blast, only saved by deciding to jump into Donatello’s arms, allowing the turtle to shield them both.
Donatello tried not to overthink the situation. It’d just be terrible of him to let the guy die, even if they were enemies. The only part that started eating at his mind was the fact he’d been so relieved.
So, he approached. Of course the encounter started messy, Jase spitting out empty threats that Donatello easily countered, but when it was clear a fight wouldn’t break out the dragon relaxed, mostly.
Somehow, it ended with Donatello inviting Jase to chat with him over pizza.
Somehow, Jase agreed to it.
Could be a trap. An attempt to win back Donatello’s trust just to sneak around him and steal his tech. But he braced himself for that, wouldn’t be bringing a lot of tech to these meetings and definitely wouldn’t take any home with him.
Regardless, far too late to take any of it back now. After Jase gave him a confused look when the brick wall twisted open, the pair of them stepped into Hueso’s restaurant.
“Should have guessed this wouldn’t be a normal pizza place.” Jase sighed, hands tucked into the pockets of his not purple jacket.
“Sorry, but we’d have a much more difficult time going anywhere else.” Donatello gestured to his own face. “Relax, I bring April in here all the time so they’re used to seeing humans by now.”
Jase mumbled, glancing around the crowded dining room. “Hope they won’t be upset if I end up staring.”
“Just don’t stare then.” Donatello gave him a smirk before turning back to the host desk.
It took a minute from Hueso to return to it, adjusting his hat. He greeted Donatello with a smile, but raised an eyebrow at Jase.
“Oh?” The skeleton asked, grabbing the menus. “A new guest for today?”
“Yes, this is Jase. He’s my--” His brain stumbled over what word to use for a second. “Friend.”
Hueso continued to stare, as if he was trying to read Donatello’s mind, but finally lead them to a table.
Jase at least seemed to settle in, mostly. He did flinch a couple of times when a yokai or mutant would wander past the table. Though whether he was surprised by their size or their shape, Donatello couldn’t say.
“Huh, surprised the pizza here is normal.” Jase glanced over the menu, then squinted. “Or not.”
“The slugs are good, I promise.”
“You would think so.”
Donatello glared. “And what is that supposed to mean?”
“Well you’re a turtle, right?” Jase raised an eyebrow at him. “I bet you guys would eat like, spiders.”
“Scoff, I do not eat spiders.” Donatello crossed his arms. “They’re far too valuable for pest control. Crickets on the other hand.”
“You eat shrimp don’t you? How is it any different?”
“There’s no way they taste the same.”
Donatello knew that they, in fact, did not taste the same, but that wasn’t the point. “Shrimp are just bigger and slightly different bugs.”
“I can’t peel a cricket.” Jase scoffed, but was starting to smile.
“You could if you were careful enough.”
That actually got him to snort in amusement. He sat up, smiling even wider now. “Yeah, okay, having fun trying to picture that. How would that even work?”
“Well,” Donatello held up a finger. “If you don’t want to go through the trouble of using some precision knives, you could always pop off the head and squeeze it like toothpaste.” 
Jase gagged, sticking his tongue out. “Ew, no. No thank you.”
“Same thing as shrimp.”
“No it is not!” Jase shouted, but smiled even wider.
Donatello smiled back, glad the tension in the air was finally gone. He began to wonder, back in the junkyard, that if they weren’t being pitted against each other they might get along. Maybe that hypothesis was accurate.
They had another brief, playful argument about what kind of pizza to get. Donatello kept calling him a coward for avoiding any of the stranger options, but finally gave up. They just ordered two mediums, save the trouble of taking thirty minutes to decide what to eat.
“So.” Donatello tried to pick a topic when they got their food. “How much information about yourself are you willing to share?”
Jase’s expression shifted back to that half glare, showing he had his guard up. “Depends what you’re asking.”
“Well, as a starting question.” Donatello plucked one of the slugs off his pizza and chewed on it. “Why do you hang around Kendra?”
Jase’s glare sharped for a second, but then relax as he picked a slice up off his own plate. “I don’t. Not anymore.”
Donatello almost dropped his food. “Huh?”
“What, was the lack of a jacket not enough of a hint?” Jase rolled his eyes and started to chew.
“She kicked you out?”
“I left.” Jase let out a long sigh and drank some water. “After the whole explosion incident that almost killed me--”
“You’re welcome.” Donatello clicked his teeth and kept eating.
“Shut it, you’re the reason I got trapped up there in the first place. Anyway, after that mess it was kind of the final straw. I’d been trying to get away from her since...”
Jase suddenly got very quiet, eyes focused on something in the dining room. Donatello followed his gaze, but couldn’t spot anything out of the ordinary. Did one of the other patrons catch his eye? No. His gaze looked far too distant for that.
Jase suddenly chugged some more water, long enough that he gasped for air when he stopped. He put his pizza down, fingers digging into the table as he took a few deep breaths.
“Since,” He suddenly continued, “Something else happened. But it’s not that simple, you know, her being my step-sister and being under the same roof for a while. I moved in with my dad, changed colleges, this whole mess was just what I needed to finally put my foot down.”
Geez, it took an explosion for that? Why didn’t Jase just leave sooner? Donatello didn’t verbalize that question.
Instead he’d try something else. Seemed like a good time for a subject change. “So... with her not around... we really don’t have to keep being enemies.”
“We might, if you try and get in my way.” Jase returned to eating, but he was going so much slower than Donatello who was already on his third slice.
“Okay, but why would I?” Donatello waved a hand. “Planning to make a giant mech to wreck the city again?”
“While making a mech sounds nice, I don’t have the resources, and it’s not my main priority.”
“So what is?”
Jase studied him, suspicious as ever. Donatello tried to keep his expression neutral, or at the very least not smug.
“Prescription drugs.” Jase shoved the last of the slice in his mouth.
“The cost of a lot of prescription drugs is insane. Do you want to just look up the cost of insulin? It’s insane, for something people need to survive. I want those hacking resources to bug the systems so they cost less.”
Donatello tilted his head. “That’s uh... surprisingly noble?”
“My dad’s a pharmacist, I grew up hearing about it a lot.” Jase grabbed a new slice. “I didn’t mind doing whatever Kendra suggested for a while if it meant I had the resources but now, well, I’ll just have to figure it out myself.”
Donatello rubbed the back of his neck. “I mean... I could help?”
Jase stared at him, through him. “Uh huh, what’s the catch?”
He smirked. “Don’t betray me and steal my tech?”
“Come on, Von Ryan, you don’t expect me to fall for that, do you?”
“What motive could I have at this point to trick you? Is it so hard to believe that I--”
A soft buzzing interrupt them. Jase pulled out his phone, tapping it to cut off whatever caused the noise. Then he pulled a small bottle out of his other pocket. Pills? He popped one out and downed it with some water before putting it away again.
“Fine.” Jase continued the conversation. “It’s not impossible to believe that you might--”
“What was that?”
“What did you just take?”
Jase stared at him like he was stupid. “My anti-anxiety meds?”
“Oh.” Donatello suddenly wondered if he’d put his foot in his mouth. “Uh, why do you need--”
“None of your business.” Jase’s voice took on a dangerous edge that he hadn’t used before.
Right. “Topic completely forgotten about.” Doantello waved both hands in front of him. “Anyway, I find that when we aren’t fighting on opposite sides, J-son, you’re rather easy to talk to. I theorized back in the junk yard we might be able to become friends, and so far you’re only proving my theory.”
“I could leave.”
“But you haven’t yet.”
Jase pouted at that, almost crossing his arms before he decided to finish off his water. Hopefully the waiter would come by soon with a refill. “Well, the pizza is good. And... talking to you wouldn’t be terrible if you stopped asking such personal questions.”
Yeah, that was fair. “Well, in that case, I’ll allow you to ask me one in return, or let you pick an entirely new topic.”
Jase hummed, fingers resting on his chin as he sat there considering his options. “That shield you summoned, that wasn’t a piece of tech, was it?”
“Yes, and no.” Donatello twirled his hand, summoning a small spy drone to rest on his palm. “It’s a special ability I have that allows me to construct tech using... magical energy, in simple terms.”
“What, are you serious?” Jase rested his chin on his hand. “That’s just busted.”
Donatello laughed. “Indeed, it can be. It is, however, limited to things I know how to actually build piece by piece.”
“Oh, such a limitation for someone like you.” The sarcasm in his friend’s voice couldn’t be more obvious. “But does that mean you could like... make a giant mech?”
“Why, do you want to parade one around town again?”
“I wouldn’t be opposed.” Jase cracked a smile.
“Too bad, I haven’t worked on the schematics for something of that scale.”
“Well I have.” He sat up straight again and held out his up as the water approached with the jug. “We’ll just have to compare notes.”
“Does that mean you want to hang out again?”
“To build a giant mech? Of course. Just when are you free again?”
Donatello grinned, not quite able to figure out the light feeling in his chest. His legs swung back and forth under the table, trying to get some of the giddy feelings out of his system. “I have plenty of free time, just name a time and place. Oh, oh, what kind of equipment do you want it to have?”
“Laser guns might be a bit much for a joy ride.” Jase snickered. “But oh, this one should have some audio systems. We could have it belt out dramatic lines, or hit the block with some music.”
“Dramatic lines? I bet I could pull some out of the dozens of Jupiter Jim movies we have at home.”
Jase actually snorted when he laughed, covering his nose. “Jupiter Jim? You’re into corny, old sci-fi?”
“Excuse you, but Jupiter Jim is a classic.” Donatello pointed at him. “Just what kind of shows are you into?”
“Well, not to drop the big plot twist, but it’s robots. Transformers and Gundam in particular are...”
The conversation continued, for an amount of time that Donatello didn’t even keep track of. It didn’t feel like a long time, not in the slightest, but the evidence was stacked against him when he finally looked back at the restaurant to see it mostly empty.
“Hueso.” Donatello hissed as he paid his tab while Jase went to the bathroom. “You should have told me it was getting so late.”
“Nonsense.” Hueso took the cash with a smile. “I did not want to interrupt your date.”
Donatello’s eyes went wide and his hands froze in midair as Hueso walked off to the register.
Then finally, his brain caught up.
“My WHAT?”
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riphimopen · 3 years ago
hand me ur favorite slasher headcanons pls precious and beloved mutual please i want to see them
oh BOY um. UM wow no ones ever asked 4 headcannons let me think.
ok well. michael myers nongender, mixed parsi+white, five ten king, ultimately the most bland person you will ever meet but commits atrocities. has really bad hand tremors. grew its hair out super long for a while as a kid bc smiths grove neglected it past haircut privileges but then got it cut for a hearing later on and is growing it out again (mullet) (derogatory). thinks laurie is a fucking nerd for holding a blunt with 2 hands lol
JASING 4HEES...... ah jason. literally just some dude. hes not all soft and timid like ppl portray him a lot like hes a very chill and sweet guy but also has a SUPERBITCH streak and loves 2 shittalk ppl. married to michael for 40 + yrs funniest shit i ever seen doc. loves it when the weather gets warm enough to go out without layers
frederick my boy. thinks capitalism is tha bees knees. cant handle spicy food at all and is really sensitive abt it. has hypermobility! and freaks ppl out by bending their elbows backwards lol. she and michael are both any pronoun bitches michael bc they dont care, freddy bc she thinks its funny as hell. transphobic homophobic. sucking and fucking billy lenz. gets beat up daily
leatherface. BUBBAH. he and drayton actually cook together a lot and when they moved underground, the two of them set up the kitchen together and had #sibling bonding. none of the sawyers r gender EXCEPT drayton who is a trans king. chop top and nubbins have a handshake where they like dap each other up and body slam and whoever goes flying has to pay the other a buck
goatsface: well billy and stu are that couple who are in the hallways like "babe do you want my gum" "sure" /spits in your mouth/ like in front of everybody but then you ask if theyre dating and billy is like ew lol im not a fucking fa- and sydney bodyslams him
u know what? thank u for asking this was really funny and i laughed #irl #ngl. #tbh. these are my thoughts and i am distributing them like corn to chickens
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froppy-butterflyfan2000 · 2 years ago
Janaya (An experienced Agent of The Lucitor Family), Jase Ewing (WOOPH Australia Branch Super Spy), Munchausen Young-Hat (Assasin, Thief, & Substitute Henchwoman), Vincent/Shadow (The Circle's Fiendmaker and Spy), Gracious Hardley (Chemical X Super Ninja of Tobe's Ninja Clan), and Michiko Takahashi (Interdimensional Spy).
Which OC is skilled in the art of stealth?
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fisheoctrashdump · 4 years ago
Jess 1-20 (with Jax, Blez, and Kaya)
So I completely forgot about the holiday headcanon and I currently can't think of any now so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As we know, Jess is absolutely horrible at cooking.
I do imagine she has times where she thinks "Sacra and Blez make it look so easy…" and attempts to cook anyway, which predictably ends in disaster.
Even little Jess is bad at cooking, but she still enjoys helping with cooking/baking and dumping too much or weird ingredients into what's being made.
I also like to imagine Jess vibes in the kitchen with whoever is cooking (assuming she's not drowning herself with work) to feel like she's helping somehow. She usually somehow ends up standing in front of whatever drawer or cabinet the other person needs to get into every single time lol
She's surprisingly clingy when she's sleeping.
Before bless, I feel like Jess liked sleeping in smaller beds because it felt less empty.
Shortly after they started dating, Jess panicked that her bed wasn't big enough and went out to buy the biggest bed she could find. (Jase regretted helping her with it when he finds out why she got it lol)
Jess actually really enjoys driving. I imagine she finds long drives to be soothing, and it's something she does when she finally decides to take a break from the pressure of work or whatever else. She could barely fuckin see for the longest time, but she still managed to be a fairly decent driver despite this and nobody knew she had shit vision because of this lol
Admittedly, there were times Jess went without bathing for a few days because she was so focused on her work. She eventually forced herself to speed shower when she remembered to do it while drowning in her work. The other three in bleblesscra are a big help in reminding her to take care of herself and help her breaks
(I'm going based off of memory for the next few so if things contradict other things then oof)
Just gonna stick hugging and general physical contact together
I don't imagine Jess is super comfortable with hugging, especially during and shortly after gen1 events. She does make an exception with Blee and Sacra, but only after she trusts them more.
Jess changes a lot by gen2. She is so much more affectionate with everyone around her.
She feels uncomfortable initiating kisses, especially in public. After she and Blee start dating, Jess is very reluctant to kiss her considering what happened right before they did start dating. She eventually just feels comfortable enough around Blee that she allows herself to do this, as long as it's in private. When she starts dating Sacra, she still only initiates in private.
During gen2, Jess will kiss her partners whenever the mood hits. Typically, it's still mostly when she's alone with her partners, but occasionally Jess will see one of her partners and be filled with so much love for them that she will kiss them regardless of where they are or who's around.
Babies ewe
I don't have anything to share about her sex life that hasn't been mentioned before :(
Physical appearance
The biggest change to Jess's physical appearance between gen1 and gen2 is the glasses. Jess can finally see. I feel like she never got glasses before because she just didn't like them and really didn't want them. She will go times before gen2 where she will refuse to wear her glasses, but she eventually gets used to them
She also has shorter hair in gen2, but it's not much shorter. It's armpit length I think.
Jess goes through a major wardrobe change between gen1 and gen2 holy shit. Before and during gen1, Jess wore mostly only darker colors like brown and black, and wore very concealing clothing. She owned pants, button up shirts, and high collared compression shirts, mostly.
After moving to earth, Jess expands her wardrobe a little. She starts adding orange and yellow clothing, and eventually, she also adds things like dresses and tank tops once she gets more comfortable with the idea of it :)
She also owns clothing for little space! Little Jess likes to wear overalls, but she also has like long striped socks and cute skirts and stuff uwu
No jewelry for her normally, but…
She does own a lot of jewelry for when she's in little space. Little jess loves jewelry, but it's mostly the cheap plastic stuff. I could see her wearing like ten necklaces at once and bracelets covering her arms and running around like that lol
Jess is short for Jessabelle OwO
I think Sacra calls her Jessy when she's in little space
I don't think there's much for nicknames for Jess tbh
I don't think Jess is much of a dancer, though I do like to imagine Sacra sometimes gets her to dance with him like a romantic slow dance kinda thing.
Jess doesn't like singing in front of other people. She's not super great at it, either. She sometimes sings certain songs when it's just her and Sacra, though.
Though Jess gets annoyed by little things very easily, it takes a lot to make her actually angry. She says things she doesn't mean when she's mad, and when in an argument with her, she will cut deep to whatever will upset that person. She takes her anger out on the source, usually, but this is sometimes a problem she faces with her partners. She will learn to hold back with them if they ever anger her, eventually.
Soft spot
Blee, Sacra, and Blez. She is so in love with them.
Photography. Seeing certain photos makes her melt, especially the amazing places she's photographed while doing travel photography.
The bleblesscra cats, eventually. Once she gets more comfortable around them, she welcomes all three of them laying on her (though she's still not sure why they choose to sleep on her so often lol)
Her children, once she has them.
Adrien, Jase, and Jax.
Probably Amanda, too.
Favorite possession
Her camera. This one is pretty obvious why
Her twenty one pilots jacket uwu
Favorite photograph
I mentioned this one before, actually, because I tried so fucking hard to draw it XDD 😭
Before and during gen1 events, Jess refused to have her picture taken. It takes a little while after moving to earth before Jess warms up to the idea, and she decides to make the first picture of her a picture of her and her partners together. It's her favorite, and always will be.
Relationship with ___
Jess's relationship with Jax is significant because he's the first person she connected with after being separated from her family (I mean, other than Embry but that was short lived XDD ._. )
Aside from reconnecting with Jase, of course, Jax became the only person Jess could rely on. She noticed early on into knowing Jax that he seemed to have a strong fondness for her, and honestly, it felt nice. Weird, but nice. It wasn't something she was used to, but Jess felt comfortable enough around Jax to start opening up to him. It was slow, of course, but she wanted to be closer to him.
By the time story events start, Jess will have a deeper friendship with Jax than she ever thought possible. He's the one she goes to for advice, and the one she most likes spending time with other than Blee. This all comes at a price, though, because she will realize that there's a lot that Jax is hiding from her and it feels strange. He knows so much about her, but she doesn't know a lot about him. She will understand, in a way, because after all she does keep some things from him (regarding Adrien, most specifically), but the balance between what she knows and what he knows is definitely off.
Additionally, she starts to wonder why Jax and Kiro are so distant. If it were her brother, she wouldn't hesitate to rebuild their relationship. She's even still trying with Jase, after everything they've gone through so far. All of this combined with the fact that Jax is hiding something from her about Jase causes Jess and Jax's relationship to suffer for a lot of gen1 events. In fact, it gets worse after she finds out what it was Jax was hiding from her. It hurts her, but when she finally gets a chance to talk to him face to face after atrova events, she is able to work through things with him and Jax ultimately gives the promise to Jess that he will be more open with her.
Leaving Jax behind to go to earth with the others will actually be pretty hard on Jess. She talks to him pretty often, and looks forward to seeing him on their visits. At one point during one of their visits to kartoffel, (before Jess has any kids of her own), Jax makes an excuse to spend time alone with Jess and they finally address the romantic feelings for each other that have been growing over the years. Jess and Jax make the decision to start dating, and enter a long distance relationship.
During gen2, Jess doesn't really have any issues with Jax. She's not aware of Jax keeping secrets from his other family because he doesn't do that with her anymore. She has known about the issues with Josine and Kiyan, and all of Jax's concerns and theories about everything.
Jess feels a lot of love for Jax like she does with her other partners. She sometimes wishes one of them lived closer so she could see him more often, but that's really her only complaint.
Blez didn't really make a good first impression on Jess. To her, Blez seemed like a child pouting over not getting her way. She felt even more uncomfortable being around Blee, because Blez gave them odd looks.
Once Blez apologized to Jess on atrova, she agreed with the points that were made, but she still didn't really feel that Blez was sincere about her intention of getting along with her. She was, though, and for a brief time she felt more comfortable in the group when Blez was around.
After Blez and Clay break up, she feels bad for her, but she doesn't think about it too much. When Blez talks to her and Sacra about her feelings for Blee, she wasn't really surprised, but… the timing was horrible, honestly. Regardless, Jess had no issues with Blez and told her to take that chance with Blee, if she really felt that way. (I've thought before that Jess might be uncomfortable or weirded out by Blez's feelings for Blee, just because of her situation with Jase, but I changed my mind on that. Blez is obviously different than Jase, and Jess would see that and not really be concerned about her being an insane yandere lol)
Through the rest of the story events, I have been imagining little moments between Jess and Blez where Blez asks Jess to help her learn how to defend herself and such. Actually, I think this happened during old hnmp events too? If it did I guess I just really liked that idea and it has stuck with me ever since.
Anyway, during this I feel like Jess starts to develop feelings for Blez. She sees Blez as a completely different person from where they started, and Blez shows the more complicated sides of her without completely unloading all her problems on everyone.
As they get closer, and Jess realizes her feelings for Blez, she kind of panics about it. Almost as bad as when she realized she had feelings for Sacra, honestly. The last of the story probably has so much going on that she's able to keep the thought out of her head, but once everything is resolved and they're all deciding what to do next, Jess is very aware of her feelings for Blez. And, she's just not sure that Blez even feels the same way.
At some point after they get to earth (and also after Blez and Blee start dating) Jess tries to find some way to confess to Blez. I'm not exactly sure how this will happen yet, tbh, because I still don't see Jess as confident enough to confess. Maybe Blez will? Who knows?
Anyway, Jess is so super soft for Blez. I imagine the positive energy Blez brings to the relationship is great for Jess. Also, whenever Blez starts going on about a new interest like an otome or show or something Jess is always just really supportive and trying but also so confused. She doesn't follow along with a lot of Blez's interests. It's moments like when Jess is sitting with Blez while she works on her cameras, or when they sneak off together to drink monsters and Blez lets Jess pick all the music that makes their relationship.
I imagine Jess to be a very overprotective parent. With Kaya specifically, she becomes this way more with her after the event with Jaiden's dad. Jess feels horrible about what happened, and she blames herself for not being able to prevent it. All Jess wanted was for her kids to experience a better life than she got to, and with Kaya, she feels like she failed her.
Jess is very encouraging to Kaya. She noticed that Kaya seemed to pick up the same habits as her when it comes to work, so Jess tries to do for Kaya as her partners did for her. She helps Kaya take breaks and tries to encourage her to go hang out with her friends rather than letting her school work consume her. Some days it seems this worked a little too well, because Kaya will stay out until (or after) her curfew.
Despite all this, Jess is trying to trust Kaya to make good decisions. She does ask questions about where she's going and who she's going with, but Jess knows Kaya is prone to lying.
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awkwardbluefish · 5 years ago
Tangled Ties and Tutorials
Y’know I just a had to write a little something @doc-squash even if it is a little rushed
Dick was close to laughing, watching Jason and Damian argue like a pair of cats and dogs. Over a chair. A chair that Jason was already clearly sitting on.
Jason didn’t seemed fazed by that fact, palms pressed on his knees and sitting on the edge to poke and prod at Damian.
Damian was pouting, frowning if you asked the boy, right back. He was basically cuddling the arm rest, sitting on his thighs that only kids seemed to be comfortable doing.
A bubble of surprised laughter escapes Dick’s throat as Jason decides poking his tongue is the right thing to do.
“Real mature Jase,” Dick teases, resting his left arm on the back of the chair and crossing his legs.
“He started it!” Was the echo he receives, from both adult and child. He snickers.
“Uh, Dick?” Came a questioning voice and Dick grins, swivelling in his seat to look at Timmy as Jay and Damian continue to bicker.
“Yeah Timmy?” Dick hums in question. Wasn’t Timbo supposed to be as WE soon?
“Could You help me out with something?” Tim asks, voice dropping nervously as he glances at the two others who’ve stopped bickering. He licks his lips. “...it’s guy stuff.”
Dick blinks before nodding at his baby brother. He seemed embarrassed and Dick didn’t really want to make it worse.
Like a true acrobat he vaults over the couch, swinging an arm around Timmy’s shoulder to steal him away from the room.
Jason blinks. And he grins.
Without a thought he launches himself into Dick’s space and wrestles with the baby bird of the family.
“Move, Jay!” Damian whines and Jason is tempted to hug the little baby. Ew, Dickie is running off on him.
“I thought you wanted the other chair.” Jason teases and Damian huffs, cheeks slightly flushed before flopping on his back, hair tickling Jason’s brown jeans.
Jason crosses a leg over the other as Damian pouts, thinking. “What was that all about?”
Jason has wondered that too and an awful devious thought flashed in his mind. He grins. “Maybe he grew his first pube?”
The reaction was even better than what he was hoping for. Damian gags and his face scrunches up, fingers going over his ears as he scowls at Jay.
Jason cackles.
“Jaybird?” Jason halts his laughter, chuckling as he turns to face Dickie. “A little help here?”
He blinks, now Dickie was looking embarrassed. With a dramatic sigh he gets to his feet, ruffling Damian’s hair as he goes.
“See ya, Baby bat but the men are calling.” A pillow hits the wall as he turns the corner.
“Real mature Jay.” Dick says, again. Jason just grins.
“What’cha need Bigwing?” Jay hums, eyeing Dick’s sheepish look.
“Er,” Dick coughs into his fist. “Timmy needs help with his tie.” He rushes out.
Jason barks out a laugh. “Yeah, no. I can’t help you there Dickie. I don’t do ties. Have you tried watching a tutorial or somethin.’”
Dick lets out a sigh. He shakes his head with a small grin. “Yeah, but I don’t think the tie is supposed to go around the head.”
Jason bursts out laughing, his frame shaking as he sees Tim struggling with a black tie tangled in his hair.
“Ey, Stop your fussing.” Jason admonishes, whacking the pale hands away. Timmy pouts and Dick looks way too amused. “Ya’ll make it worse.”
A couple of re-runs later and the tie is back around Tim’s head.
“That’s it.” Tim finally says, waving his hands around and ducking away from the two. “Get Damian.”
Jason raises a brow and grins. “Now I can do that at least.”
He struts away from the two, whistling as he does. “Dames!” He hollers as he enters the lounge and a little head pokes up from behind the couch. “C’mere, you’re our only hope.”
Damian blinks before looking at him in disgust. “Ew, I don’t wanna see a pube!”
Jason stares before shaking his head slowly. A snort escapes him and with a shaky hand he waves Damian toward him.
“It ain’t a pube, I was just yanking on your leg.” Damian goes slack in relief and Jason really wishes he had video camera with him.
When they get back to the other two birds, Timmy is slothing against Dick’s shoulder. Dick pats hums awkwardly, looking rather sheepish at Damian.
“You do realise I don’t use ties?” Damian finally asks. Tim whines and Dick blinks. Jason sighs.
“Just use a clip-on.” He decides, crossing his arms.
“That’s not right.” Dick sighs as Damian hangs off of his frame. “Play the video again.”
Tim whines. “I’ve seen you two disarm bombs faster than this.”
“What are you four doing?” They all turn and smile awkwardly as Bruce strides into the room, a thick eyebrow raised. He looks too amused to not know what they were attempting to do.
The others part and Bruce untangles the tie from Tim’s head. “How in heavens name do none of you know how to tie a tie?”
“Why would we?” Jase pipes up. Bruce raises a brow at him as he does a loop with the fabric. “When you always do it for us?”
Bruce shakes his head and looks back at Tim, hands cupping his shoulders when he finishes.
Tim smiles, looking sheepish and grateful. Bruce’s expression softens.
“Thanks dad.”
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jgroffdaily · 8 years ago
Tumblr media
Jonathan Groff is starring in a new musical — but it’s a podcast
Back in 2015, a New York Times “Modern Love” column proclaimed, “To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This.” The “this” referred to asking a series of questions — 36, to be exact — designed to foster intimacy between two people. Now, those three-dozen questions are being put to the test again in a wildly inventive new musical podcast from the producers of Limetown and costarring Hamilton Tony nominee Jonathan Groff.
36 Questions, a new, three-act musical whose first installment is available now, stars Groff (Hamilton, Frozen, Glee) and Jessie Shelton as a couple who use those famous questions to try and save their marriage. Their story, which features original music and unfolds over the course of the podcast, poses questions about love, intimacy, and the lies people tell to their significant others.
“I saw a ‘musical podcast’ in the subject line and I was immediately intrigued,” Groff tells EW of being approached for the project. He plays Jase, who is married to a woman named Judith (Shelton) — except, that’s not the name she gave him when they met, dated, and wed. After learning of her deception, he flees to his childhood home and she follows, bringing a copy of the 36 questions along with her. (There’s also a duck involved, but we swear it makes sense in the context of the story.) “There are a lot of questions [in the musical] about identity and what we present in relationships as opposed to what we actually are in relationships, and what happens when those labels fall away,” he explains. “The story sort of ends up becoming like a Richard Linklater movie as it evolves. It jumps to places that you wouldn’t expect and you really get to see the emotional evolution in this relationship as it goes along.”
Producers first approached Chris Littler and Ellen Winter — who wrote, directed, and composed 36 Questions — with the idea for the musical a year and a half ago. From there, the pair used the works of Stephen Sondheim and other musicals as inspiration (“I like cheesy musicals and Ellen likes cool musicals so we kind of run the gamut on theater taste,” explains Littler), along with cinematic influences like Linklater’s Before trilogy and Michel Gondry’s Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
The 36 questions were a part of the story from the very beginning and became integral to both the storytelling and unlocking the musical’s two central characters. “We knew from the get-go that we wanted to include all of them, we were hoping they would all be answered,” says Littler, adding, “We also figured out pretty early on that question 18 specifically — it’s a complete f— you right in the middle of the questions — question 18 is, What is your most terrible memory? It’s halfway through, it’s a question a lot of people don’t want to answer, so that was something that we were like, oh, there’s something there.”
Creating a musical in the podcast space, as opposed to a traditional theatrical production or a movie, takes the audience and cameras out of the mix, but that challenge was part of the appeal for the creative team. “We were like, we don’t really know how to do this, but that was what made it so exciting,” laughs Winter. Adds Littler, “We don’t have reservations about much. We’re not the reservations type — we’re more, okay, that sounds impossible — how do we do that?
For Groff, learning Winter and Littler’s “jazzy and bluesy and interesting and intricate” music in the short period of time he and Shelton had for rehearsing and recording was a challenge. But crafting a musical in the recording studio was a somewhat familiar territory. “It sort of ends up being like an old-school radio play from back in the day,” he says. “I actually really loved the recording aspect, and I’m sort of comfortable with it because of the recordings that I’ve done and also the acting that I’ve done in Frozen, where you get to live completely in your own imagination because there’s no set, there’s no audience, you’re in your own head. There’s an intimacy that comes with recording — the mic picks up everything. So the vocal performance gets to be extremely intimate, which will hopefully be an intimate experience for people when they have our voices in their ears.”
“I think what makes it relatable is that we all lie — lots of relationships are built on people bending the truth or at the very least showing each other the best version of ourselves,” he adds. “And so as the musical progresses and the story progresses and we get to know the characters more, it becomes about why we ‘lie’ in relationships and how sometimes that can be a positive thing and a negative thing and it’s a very complex thing, because it’s something we innately all do to survive.”
Without spoiling anything, Winter and Littler tease that Jase and Judith do get through all of the 36 questions by the podcast’s end, and much about their characters will be revealed as the task is completed. Things get heavy, they say, but it’s not completely dark (remember, there is a duck.) “You learn a lot about [the characters] through these questions, and you as the listener might get some of the answers you’re looking for,” says Winter. “I think a lot of it is about the lie and your words, your relationship, how those little things have a whole chain of events leading to it and after, and how it affects everybody — once you create a connection with someone, how all of your actions are going to affect everyone that they are connected to, in some way.”
And while the directions 36 Questions takes with those questions remains to be seen, Groff, Littler, and Winter all share the same excitement that the musical is a podcast — something anyone can listen to without the barrier of being able to afford a ticket inside a theater.
“[When I first] talked to the producers, and they were talking about how expensive musicals are, how it’s so pricey to see a Broadway show, even an Off-Broadway show, and they wanted to play with form in the podcast and do a podcast musical, which hasn’t really been done yet. So they wanted to do it as an experiment and create something as a way to provide people with an original musical as a podcast first, so you’re getting it for free. And I thought that sounded really cool,” said Groff.
As Littler puts it, it allows everyone to be in the Room Where It Happens. “It’s way cheaper than Hamilton! And has way more ducks.”
he first act of 36 Questions is available now (with the next installment coming June 24) — listen above, or via iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or Pocket Casts.
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whyjesswhyjess · 8 years ago
I failed TWICE to catch the same kazoo that Billie Joe threw precisely at me and here's why it's ok and it doesn't really matter. I'm trying to make this my last Green Day themed post for a bit because I know I've drained everyone's testicles this weekend and I'm gonna try to give my very-own-serious-insight about the whole concert thing. Let's see how this one goes. I lined up both days from 9am, because despite this being my 3rd and 4th Green Day concert, I've never managed to be anywhere near close to barrier. Being on barrier for a show is always great. Being on barrier for your favorite band is amazing. But being on barrier when the showman is Billie Joe is a whole new thing. I was close to the point where I could see a band-aid peak from his right buttcheek when his shirt lifted. I was so close that I could see the delicacy he used to lay down Blue on stage. I was so close that I was wet with his sweat (yeah, ew but whatever) and I could see clearly the little stars tattooed on his wrists, the same little stars that I have too. I don't want to be a sap, but that man is HAPPY to be where he is, and he makes the effort to give people attention. He locks eyes with people who need it, and he knows who needs it. I decided, against my own hygienic standards, to wear the same outfit for both nights, because really you can't beat 2005 BJ. And for a matter of luck and state strategy, I ended up pretty much in the same spot both nights. I had this idea of the flags, for many reasons. First of all WHY NOT, and secondly because I knew how Billie Joe is big on LGBT rights. I went and bought us two flags, wore mine as a cape, and as a result, he grabbed it from Jase's hands during Still Breathing and made the effort of giving it back to us. Now, I'm not hype about how our flag is now covered in Billie's sweat, I was too at some point, I'm just stoked about the reaction from the crowd, the general cheer that he received when he wrapped himself in it. I'm just glad that we made a few people happy. The Kazoo is a whole different thing though. During the first night's King for a day, he locked eyes with me while singing "Princess by dawn in a leather thong" and I mean, ok Billie, I'm ok with you thinking that I'm a princess in a leather thong, really. Then something greater happened. After the song finished he turned towards me again and aimed at me. He threw me his kazoo. Whelp, I missed, and when he realized he half mouthed a "sorry". That made it. His half apology. But then last night, for the second night's King for a day, he saw me again, pointed at me and locked eyes. And guess what? He aimed again precisely at me when throwing his kazoo, staring at me. And let me tell you, when he's staring at you, you KNOW he's staring at you and not at your neighbor or to someone behind. And guess fucking what? The kazoo got snatched by the girl next to me. He saw it happening, lowered his shoulders and frowned. That, again, made it. During the day I told my liners what happened the night before because I had photos coming through my feed, and I stated that whatever happened, I was happy. I had my *moment* with Billie, I managed to score Mike's pick. I could not possibly ask for more, for that second night. And then the kazoo happens again, and again Billie makes sure I know he's sorry that I didn't get it. I was bummed, of course, also for Louden Swain's kazoo reasons. But you know what? On a second thought, I don't care if I don't have my kazoo. I have the memory of Billie Joe TRYING TWICE to throw it in my direction, aiming precisely at me, possibly remembering that I missed out on it the previous night,possibly due to the same outfit, and that's honestly so much more valuable than a fucking plastic kazoo. So here I am trying to decide which one is my favorite memory, if the flag or the kazoo. But then I remember that a really close friend had the same kazoo experience in Australia last week, it got thrown precisely at her and got snatched even there,and I mean, what are the odds? In two oceans both of 6 thousands people, we both got the same chance and frankly that's where I decide that my favorite memory is perhaps this coincidence. The amazing thing about lining up for almost 12h with strangers is the sudden realization that they are not strangers at all. They are there for the same exact reason that you are, they share your same love and passion for that particular band, and possibly for even more things. (See the conversation about cosplay held up in front of a beer last night!). Make friends with your fellow liners, they will be close to you during the night, look out for them, exchange gums and lollies, make sure they get to barrier as much as you do, give them advice. Listen to their stories of 67 previous Green Day concerts, to their interactions with other fans, be their friends. Make sure that the tinier ones are well protected and that the first timers enjoy themselves as much as you do. That's what you'll go home with. New friendships. New memories. New emotions. New bruises. New holyshitdidthathappen moments. I'm not here to tell you how good Green Day are on stage, and how much energy they put into the show and how talented artists they are. We all know that! Billie is not only a rockstar and a great artist, Billie is honestly a pocket size miracle in the form of a ball of energy. I have more love and respect for him, his Blue baby and a certain other car Baby and a certain Misha person that I have for some people I actually know in real life. It's these kind of nights and days and even only split second moments that fill your heart SO MUCH that make life worth living. Do the nerd thing, friend. Go line up early. Buy the tickets. Be a fan. Scream at the top of your lungs. Wipe your tears fearlessly after your favorite song ends. Don't be afraid of showing how much you CARE about your thing. Laugh. Live. Love what you love. These are the things that will keep you fucking alive and #StillBreathing and you're not alone in this madness. I'm with you. First line. Passing through the #DoorCsquad #RevRadTour #RevRad #GreenDay (Credit to Intsta @ frunztunz for the video)
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partyardi · 6 years ago
My last mix of 2018. These have been my favorite tracks the last two months and mean a lot to me. I hope you all enjoy!
Previous mixes: Party-ardi – House-pardi-vol-3 Thegnarparty – House-pardi-vol-2
*All music used for creative purposes only*
Tracklist: slow dancing in the dark - Joji life me from the ground - San Holo sweet symphony - arabmuzik salt - sober rob getaway - keys n krates in my head - celia eventually - calunde test drive - joji finding myself ft restless modern - yitaku home - medasin trust - xander suberbloom - houndrack x premes x jameson hodge hideway - olivia nelson let's go - balki & duran mirrors - whipped cream x hekler let go - toy box waiting for u - verzache i can't believe it (jase remix) - t-pain tired - medasin too good at goodbyes (snakehips remix) - sam smith if you wanna - alex lustig the getaway - oddkidout homeskillet - trickshot company - baauer better not (krane remix) - louis the child bounce back - vowl. purple skies (jase remix) - jada we could - vincent who hurt you - daniel caesar fractions - cray all that's left - manila killa girls don't cry - young fresco shrine - jase long distance - hoodboi riri thick (moods remix) - ian ewing & sunblvd cyberlove (house flip) - bvrger southern nites & california lites - g6kidd roaming - max fry x hanz breaking news - louis the child couch dreams - stereo cube good - cabu work for you - medasin clementine (laxcity remix) - instupendo unfaith - ekali how low - col3man & carling first breath - kaivon the in between - elephante leaving - ekali
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idunlikegirilikebah · 8 years ago
clay - 0 (u ugly, beeyotch)
blebz - 4 (if u were a catgirl, i woulda bumped u up. but guess what? U AINT)
blee - 9 (blee. Y U NO SINGLE????????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
zenn - 3 (hottie body, nottie laugh)
danny - 2 (because his ass is passable :T i dun curr much about traitor bitches)
cecilia - 8 (she has some jess qualities, which makes her a fucken hottieeee)
michael - 6 (hmmm… i’d tap that)
enzo - -100 (u fugly, bitch)
jax - 5 (ehhh ehhh ehhhhhhhhh)
kiro - 7 (mirror mirror on tha wall, u da hottest hari of them all. also i wanna bone your daughter uwu)
sacra - 9.5 (heavy breathing) (SWIGGITY SWOOTY IM COMIN FOR THAT BOOTY)
circa - 1 (girl u look all sickly n shit. no. also you seem to have a past with blee somehow and I DONT TRUST YOU)
dex - .5 (ew [gagging noises])
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fisheoctrashdump · 4 years ago
Also, Jase and 1, 3, 6, 7, 11, and 20 with Cecilia ewe
His favorite holiday is Halloween!
He loves the spooky times. Jase goes all out with halloween decorations and costumes every year. He even wears a cape for like the entire month of October. He loves doing family halloween costumes, which most definitely includes Jess and Adrien (and he forces them both into participating).
Cecilia prefers to celebrate samhain instead of Halloween, so she tries to get out of it every year. Jase will sometimes celebrate Halloween earlier in the day (or just, you know….. the whole fucking month before) so he can celebrate samhain with Cecilia, because he knows it's really important to her
Sleeping has always been a struggle for him since he was young. Jase has little to no trouble falling asleep, but he often wakes up through the night, usually due to nightmares. He's also a pretty light sleeper, so even the slightest noise will have him wide awake, depending on the circumstances.
Jase showers a lot. Usually once a day, but some days he will shower twice a day. That's it that's all I got XD
He's a hugger. Jase hugs people even if they don't know each other very well.
He wasn't always like this, especially when he was younger and living with his mom the first time. I imagine the first time Adrien hugged Jase after they first became step siblings was a very important moment for Jase, especially with not having the chance to grieve over his aunt properly.
So, he shows people he cares about them, who they are, and whatever issues they're dealing with by hugging them.
He was so bad at kissing the first time he did. He has improved drastically in the time he's been dating Cecilia lol
He is very specific about kissing. He likes to have a kiss before Cecilia leaves, but it has to be perfect before he will let her go. Same with Adrien. No one knows how exactly to do kiss to Jase's standards, but maybe he's just stalling so he has more time ;P
Jase is uhhhh he's very vanilla? I imagine Cecilia tries to introduce new things into their sex lives but Jase doesn't respond well to like 90% of them. He's also a bottom, which works out horribly with Adrien lol I don't have much to say about this unfortunately ;m;
Jase has a weird wardrobe. Outfits will range from like a fishnet top, a shrek crop top, black high waisted jeans, and giant heels, accessorized with flamingo sunglasses and a satan is my daddy dad hat,
To a band shirt, black jeans, a leather jacket, and converse
Also, Jase and Cecilia steal each other's clothes all the time. It's not uncommon for Jase to end up wearing a Cecilia outfit and vice versa.
Something else is that dresses and skirts aren't uncommon to find in his wardrobe, and he will wear them when the mood strikes lol
Relationship with ___
With Celie,,,,,,,,,,
Jase has always found Cecilia to be an interesting person ever since they met. He discovered a lot of his interests through her, actually.
While starting to actually recover from his past traumas (and accepting the consequences for his actions against the others on atrova), Cecilia was a source of comfort for him. He felt very safe with Cecilia, and still does. Even before their relationship was a romantic one, she was so important to Jase because he had a neutral support system with her. She was mostly unaffected by his actions on atrova, and was able to provide him both relief and comfort for working through his issues, and the push he needed to make things right with blesscra (after they had time to decide if they were willing to allow Jase to be a significant part of their lives)
Cecilia and Jase really understand each other. Even without Jase reading celie's mind or whatever. They both rely on each other. They have a very similar sense of humor, also. (Even if Cecilia is more secretive about finding certain things to be amusing, unlike Jase.)
Cecilia is Jase's best friend, and his biggest weakness, but he doesn't mind that. Their relationship helped reshape his identity, and led him to be a better person overall.
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fisheoctrashdump · 4 years ago
Well then,,,,,,....... I challenge Y O U to do Alora 1-20 with Zerx, Galatea, and Adrien ewe
Alora isn't a big fan of the more popular holidays. I can see her kinda liking Halloween, but she never really does anything for it.
I imagine she makes up little fake holidays at her convenience
Alora: dad!!! I can't believe you made plans to do something today!
Adrien: why? what's today?
Alora: it's "drink tea and make kandi with Alora" day :(
Adrien: of course, I can't believe I forgot about that. I'll stay home with you, Ali :)
Alora: :)
Additionally, I imagine she comes up with ridiculous holidays just for fun (and to mess with Arvid)
So, she actually learned to cook from Jase :) Alora is pretty good at cooking, but she does cut corners and uses convenient foods to save time (like using canned foods and such)
But also, she cans her own food sometimes! She even convinced Jase to try a dish she made with her own canned food, and he didn't like it, but he also didn't hate it ewe
She cooks for her friends and family, especially for Adrien (since he's not able to). She's the only reason Adrien Jr gets to eat actual meals when he's staying with them lol.
She cooks for Clara a lot, too. With all the work Clara gets wrapped up in, it's easy for her to just grab whatever is convenient or easiest to eat at the moment, so she sometimes makes food for Clara and stops her to eat a meal without multitasking
Despite her skill and frequency with cooking, Alora doesn't normally eat the things she makes.
Alora just sleeps whenever she feels tired. Sometimes she gets into one of those modes where she can sleep 4 hours and be fine, then other times she will sleep for 12+ hours and still be tired.
She gets really cold during the night, so she wears warm pjs and has a lot of blankets.
Alora doesn't really like driving that much, but she loves being able to just go wherever she wants when she feels like it. That makes it worth the effort put into driving, she thinks. She won't drive for very long, though, unless there's an important reason to
She normally showers, and baths are saved for special occasions. Alora doesn't wash her hair often because of the texture (and it's pretty dry), but she cleans her body daily.
She hugs her family a lot. This of course excludes Amber, who Alora wouldn't even think about touching at the moment. I think she hugs Adrien Jr the most bc he babey. She wants to hug Galatea a lot, but she tries to avoid it around the rest of the family because she is worried they might somehow Know
She's not had her first kiss yet lol ;w;
She want kiss, but I feel like it's just something she gets nervous about. She might be feeling brave enough to go for it one moment, and then right before it happens she jumps away and pretends like she didn't almost kiss that person.
She hasn't had sex before.
I feel like she is sexually attracted to Galatea, but it's something she feels uncomfortable with currently, especially with the fact they are already hiding their relationship. I don't see her being sexually attracted to Zerx or Clara, but maybe that will change later on for Clara? Idk
Also, Alora technically is aspec with being demi, so
General physical contact
She really likes physical contact with others. I feel like she is probably constantly finding little ways to be physically affectionate with Zerx (and Galatea when they're alone) whenever they're spending time with each other. She also stays pretty close to her family. She is not against lying on top of Clara, or hugging Arvid super tight so that he can't get away, or poking Amanda's arm a few (several) times before she starts talking lol
She also wants Adrien to hold her when she's had a bad day or something. She sits next to him and he puts his arm around her, and they just stay like that while Alora rants about whatever is bothering her.
Physical appearance
Alora is 5'5, and unhealthily underweight
She has a few scars on her arms and back as result of the abuse she suffered while her mother was keeping her from her family
She has wavy hair, but I'm actually in the process of figuring out the exact style right now, because I think I want it to be different from her original design
She has yellow eyes, which was like some kind of recessive thing (even though Adrien's eyes are orange, stecella had yellow eyes). She likes to joke that means Amanda was actually her mom, because it comforts her, in a way.
Pastel goth,,,,,,,,,,
I've reblogged a lot of clothing in her style before now, and I've made a collage of stuff I imagine her wearing, that's how obsessed I am with her style lol
She wears a lot of baggy sweaters, usually. She is pretty much always wearing skirts and dresses. Her colors are usually pink, white, and black, but she will occasionally wear other colors as long as they're pastel
She wears a lot of jewelry. She has a lot chokers, pink heart ones being her favorite
She has a septum piercing, too.
She will wear other jewelry as long as it is heart, raven, or satanic/wiccan themed.
She also wears kandi, but she's very specific about which ones.
Her nickname is Ali, but she only lets Adrien call her that. He's called her that pretty much since she was born lol
I'm not sure if she would have any other nicknames
She likes dancing. She's actually pretty good at it, but she wouldn't care if she wasn't. She dances at home mostly, but she will dance in public if the situation is appropriate (or just if the music hits the right way)
She's always singing. She will sing when there's a song in her head, or when someone plays a song she really likes, or if she is coming up with potential lyrics to go along with a song Clara's writing, or if she's practicing for a piece they're doing for her choir.
Alora is a soprano, so she feels more comfortable singing higher notes and soprano parts. Sometimes when she's listening to music with her friends and she knows there's a high note coming up she will go all out and put her heart and soul into singing that note. Singing brings her a lot of joy, and she refuses to let anything stop her from singing if she decides she wants to do it.
Alora gets angry really easily. She gets unpredictable when she's mad, and can sometimes lash out at those undeserving of her anger. Normally, though, she's able to keep it directed at the source. Amber and Erika have seen her anger more than anyone has, except for maybe Galatea and Adrien. (Not that Alora was mad at them, just that they are her go to when she can't eliminate the problem of what's angering her.)
She has gotten violent before with people when she was mad. Alora physically fought Erika twice, and nearly did the same with Amber (but was stopped by Adrien).
Soft spot
Galatea, Clara, and Zerx. She is the softest around them than she is with anyone else.
Porcelain stuff, mostly like tea sets. She looks at a lot of them and wants so many, but she only has two tea sets right now
Flowers and succulents. She loves plants in general, but those are her favorites. She gets really attached to her plants
Legato. She loves birds in general, too, but she love her birb the most :3c
Really complicated choir pieces, stuff that she has to practice forever on. Once it all comes together, the end result makes her feel so calm and joyful.
Pretty skirts, dresses, and accessories uwu
Adrien Jr and Sebastian, though I imagine her and Sebastian being closer to each other in comparison to her and Adrien Jr.
Favorite possession
One of her tea sets, though I'm not sure yet which.
One of Galatea's pokemon thing (maybe plushie?) she stole from her :3c
The knife she got from Sebastian for a semi recent birthday gift (this is headcanon so, lol)
Favorite photograph
A picture of her and Zerx when they first started hanging out (and before they started dating)
Relationship with ___
Alora and Zerx's friendship came out of nowhere. They'd known each other pretty much their whole lives, and they definitely had talked to each other before, but they didn't really feel a connection until some point in middle school. They started spending all their time with each other after that point.
I feel like them dating is something that happened pretty recently, but I'm not sure how it happened or when exactly. I think Alora would have been the one to confess first, though.
Alora feels very calm around Zerx. She isn't quite as open with him as she is with Galatea, though. I feel like Alora believes she needs to conceal certain things from him so that he won't stop liking her.
I've felt like Alora and Galatea have always been close. She has leaned on Galatea a lot through her whole life. I feel like they understand each other better than anyone else. They talk about anything and everything, and neither of them feel like they have to hide anything from the other. Well, except for one thing.
Alora is probably more protective over Galatea than she is of anyone else, even Clara.
When Alora is getting worked up because something isn't to her standards, or when she makes a mistake and is super hard on herself, Galatea is the one that helps her out of that. Most of the time, Alora is able to overlook her mistakes when she's with Galatea.
She is,,,,, so close to Adrien. Alora spends a lot of time with Adrien. She knows she can always go to him for advice when facing an issue, but certain things she's afraid of telling him, the situation with her mother being one. She's afraid that if she brings it up, it will upset Adrien.
Still, Adrien's presence always makes her feel safe and comfortable.
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