#Mirage Belladonna Fagry
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She Who Became The Staryummy Slayer who Avenged her Father.
This drawing is inspired from the quote section in her character bio.
ChunLu 【-Lofty Goals-】 Military Lolita OP Dress, the one Mirage is wearing, is from @lolita-wardrobe
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Mirage B. Fagry, daughter of Stocking Anarchy and Patrick Fagry, but she prefer to be called Belladonna Fagry.
Birthday: February 3rd (Aquarius)
Sexuality: Asexual (Heteroromantic)
Species: 50% Ghost and 50% Angel/Demon (She is like the evolution of Preyas, Angelo Preyas and Devil Preyas from the Bakugan series).
An employee for Brain Freezer’s Coffee Shop and Holly’s bully. She was raised in a farm with Panty’s brother and grandma (yes Panty have a brother which make Stocking is Panty’s brother’s half/step sister? Idk, it is mind blowing and confusing. I mean Stocking become a demon when she kill Panty.), but came to Townsville for some reason. (When will season 2 come out?! I need to know Stocking’s backstory more!)
Personality: She is focused on her task and have a serious nature. Unlike her mother she show no sexual tension or platonic bonds. She can be rude toward Holly and anyone and sometime fart in public. She might be doing this to not hurt the people she care about because deep down she have the desire to cause havoc. 
Appearance: She inheirt her mother’s skin and eye colour. When she not in her work clothes, she wore a Gothic Lolita dress and a crown in her hair. She have distinctive stockings on her legs all the time. The only thing she inheir from her father is black and red for her hair that is almost slimy. In her angel form she have a pair of small wings and a white Lolita dress similar to her mom. 
Powers and Abilities:
- Like her mom, she have the ability to turn stockings (her own or presumably anyone else’s) into holy Angelic katanas, Stripes I and II which can damage and destroy Ghosts, Demons and other Angels. Usually she fights with only one sword, but when pressed can remove both her stockings to duel-wield. If she train enough, she will be able to gain impossible ability with her blades, such as able to create myriads of slicing waves. All she can do is spin around with her swords extended to slice everything around her.deflect bullets from demonic revolvers. However, because she is a ghost, the holy Angelic katanas drain her chaotic energy making her weak.
- She can possess anyone or anything (car or poop)
- Enhanced strength and endurance from both angelic and demonic attributes.
- Non-combative ability to be fat, thus she can eat sweets and meats whenever she want.
- Good luck in gambling, thus she have an addiction to gambling.
Bobby: once was Gaby’s boyfriend, Bobby thought of ending his own life that is until he met Mirage when she ask him to get out of the coffee shop. Bobby try to ask her on the date, but get dozen of rejections along the way. When he saw her ghost form, he is afraid of her, but later on accept her when Janaya tell him that if he love her, he should accept her for who she is. He will do his best to protect her.
Janaya: Mirage know that he have a crush on her, they both share a coworker relationship. She dislike him for being lazy. She did not expect that he know about her weapons and her mom.
Holly: Mirage does not like Holly because she alway late for her curfews or made mistake on the orders, that is why she pick on her. She sometime ask if Holly would come out of her bubble.
Beppi: share a friendly relationship with him as well.
Andrew Cunningham: Mirage meet Andrew when he flirt with her, causing them to engage in a sword fight. They bond a friendly rivalry mentor-student relationship, they would go to a Casino to gamble with Janaya stopping them.
Garterbelt: She sometime go to him for guidance in her hometown, and alway listen to his order to train or going on a mission. Garterbelt sometime tell Mirage that she should never exist, because of her background, and Garterbelt thought she would be just like her mom, but not. He expect her to become an angel, but she told her that she decide what she want.
Tamara Thunder: They both like to beat up Andrew and Janaya for screwing up.
Damien: If she meet him, she would accidentally give him chaotic energy, unlocking his ghost form temporary.
Her uncle: He try to make Mirage to start her duty as an angel by staging a heart breaking and emotional scene just like his grandma did to Panty (with Garterbelt help), but it did not work, she was very piss at him.
Corset: He is manipulativng Mirage to free her mom and release the gate of Hell to unleash her demon side. But Mirage want to make her own choice.
Her aunt: Panty is trying her best to be a good aunt to make up her role as a sister to Stockings, but she often fail and end up treating her poorly. Mirage have to clean her aunt’s dirty work because she is so dependent. She also blame her for Stocking’s exile. Despite, her being a rule freak and all, she got her rebellion from her.
Her parents: She barely meet her parents, but she know that Stockings is in prison beyond heaven and hell.
Karter: She is the only person to tell Tricia Baxter that he have been enduring her shit for a long time and want her to be happy, she even spill a latte on her shirt. She only apologized to Karter for giving him tension.
Tricia: Mirage hate her because she is similar to her aunt. She try her best to maintain her ghost form and demon form so she won’t be capture by her.
Garterbelt: “I am a Bitch because I am sick and tired of you putting expectations on me despite the fact you treat me shit. What did I ever did to you? I listen to your orders, complete my mission, train hard, but you keep telling me I would never be an angel, only a sin with no redemption!”
Tricia: “You should be careful not to bite the hands of the people you depend on.”
Karter: “It is impossible for us to see the good in others, but you don’t. I hope one day you will become a pure angel.”
Bobby: “Get your suicidal thought out your head, and get your lazy ass out of the store. We are closed! Got it memorized?”
Holly: “Stop crying!”
Panty: “How can you be the ruler of heaven when your sin treating my mom poorly until she became a demon?”
Andrew: “Here you go,” ($1,000,000), "Yes, sensei."
Niko: "Yes master,"
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Mirage Belladonna Fagry: A Ghost Hunter who couldn’t catch a break from one supernatural encounter after another.
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Tiara and Mirage - Ex-Ghost Hunting Partners
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Cappyverse drawings I did on different days.
Travis Mystery belongs to @ej-cappy-universe
Elizabeth belongs to @gloriousdreamunknown
Hannibal Demerest and Mirage Fagry belong to me
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Mirage B. Fagry and Holly Test
Inspired by the song, Ruthlessness covered by Annapantsu
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“Coffee! Coffee!” Said the dragon whisperer, Enya. Stella Junior exhaled tiredly. Since she and Enya are going to stays at planet Earth for a long time, they has been going out shopping for themselves and getting to know this city. Especially now that Stella Junior, with help from Bloom, open up a bank account at The Bank in Townsville, transferring her money from Magix to Earth and converting Magix’s monetary system to American Dollars, and getting her first ever Earth credit card. Stella Junior had manage to magically shrunk their shopping bags to pocket-sized, keeping their new clothes in her skirt pocket to prevent her arms getting sore. But she is definitely now exhausted.
“I never try Earth’s coffee before. But I preferred the one at Molly Moo back at Pixie Village,” said Amaya, Pixie of Rainbow and Stella Junior’s pixie companion. Tori, Enya’s pixie companion, slightly nod. Tori and Amaya came for a visit because they miss them. Three people agreed that they want to go inside. Sapphire Diamond, Enya’s chihuahua fairy pet barks, joining in on wanting to go inside. Oh great now it’s 4 against 1. Is Sapphire Diamond even allowed to go inside? She is consider an animal, despite once was a discarded toy. Plus, there could be a policy stating no dogs are allow.
“I don’t thinks Sapphire Diamond is allowed to enter the coffee shop, Enya,” said Stella Junior. “Plus, we.. No, don’t give me the puppy eyes,”
Stella Junior seeing Enya’s eyes widened and have a pleading expression on her face.
“You are not ten years old, you are fourteen.”
Enya put her hands together.
“Please Stella Junior?”
She need to say no. Marianne and her godmother, Bloom can say it easily.
“No, Enya,” said Stella Junior. “I have to pay for you all. I already spent my allowance on our shopping spree. Bloom lectured me about spending our money wisely.”
“Aww, you are no fun. Where is the old Stella Junior?”
That sentence hits Stella Junior hard. It takes her a few seconds for the moonlight fairy, Stella Junior to be defeats. She decides to enter Chillaxation for a coffee break. Enya, Amaya, Tori, and Sapphire Diamond are in a jolly mood. As the five enter inside the coffee shop. Stella Junior picked up the scent of roasted coffee in the air with the hint of hazelnuts, caramel, vanilla, lavender flavour syrup, and chocolate. From the sound of soft jazz music to the biodegradable and solar powered charged lanterns, hanging up on the ceiling, brighten up the place, it is actually quite relaxing. It is no wonders why the Townsville Kids stop by to get snacks and drinks there. There are even a books, stacked in the bookcase at the back of the coffee store. Twinkly would definitely love to read them all. If she joins them. The five join in the line to the counter. Stella Junior notices dog treats and cat treats on the menu. Ok, that is perfect. This place allow dogs and cats to enter. Stella Junior looks at her friends. “Okay, please tell me what do you want? Except for you, Sapphire Diamond, I will decide which dog treats is suitable for you.”
“Bark!” Sapphire Diamond barked. Enya, Amaya, and Tori look up at the menu and the donuts on display.
“Milky coffee and a coconut eclair!” Enya said with a smile.
“I definitely wants their finest rainbow smoothie,” said Amaya.
“An iced coffee please,” said Tori.
Stella Junior nodding at all of their answers. A curly red haired girl with teal/navy blue gradient eyes covered by her teardrop shaped glasses. She is standing by the counter and stares at Stella Junior and her friends. She is wearing a white shirt with a blue collar and blue sleeves. The name tag, Holly Test is on her shirt. Holly is shunned because she see two pixies, she has never seen them in her lifetime. She wonders if they are from Townsville’s supernatural community. And if not, then they must be new here. Holly cleared her throat, and bring back her bright composure after settling in on her new encounter. This is not the time to be looking, she needs to make some sales.
"Hello and welcome to Chillaxation, what can I get for you?" She greeted them with a smile on her face.
“Can I have… A small milky coffee and coconut eclair for Enya, three peanut butter dog donut treats with carob icing for the dog, Sapphire Diamond, one rainbow smoothie for the pixie, Amaya, and an iced coffee for the other pixie, Tori.” Stella Junior ordered. “Make sure Enya, Tori, and Amaya are written on their respective cup. All of the cups have to be small too.”
“One small cup of milky coffee, one coconut eclair, three peanut butter dog donuts with carob icing, one small iced coffee, and a small cup of rainbow smoothie. Anything else?” Holly asked.
“I want both an iced coffee and a rainbow smoothie!” Said Amaya. Stella Junior shushed Amaya, the customers hearing Amaya’s outburst. Stella Junior’s cool composure fractures a bit. Holly Test stares at Stella Junior, then goes back to typing on the keyboard on the POS Terminal, editing the order. “So two small iced coffees then?” Holly asked, ensuring the order is correct. Stella Junior nodded. “Did you want anything for yourself?” Holly asked. Stella Junior shook her head.
Holly nods. "That will be $35.86.”. While Stella Junior takes out her VISA card from her wallet, to tap it into the scanner, Holly turns her head and calls someone to get his order.
A girl with slushy dual colored short hair, black and red and blue eyes is holding a tray of someone else's order. She is wearing the same uniform as Holly except the name tag said, "Mirage Fagry" on her blouse.
“Miss Fagry, this we need two small cups of iced coffee and a small cup of rainbow smoothie for our new… fairy, I MEANS pixie customers, and a small cup of milky coffee for the child named Enya.” Holly instructed, while processing everything she saw. “I will have Mx. Creecher get the dog treats and donut.”
Mirage nod in ennui. Mirage got two cups from the stacks of blank labeled cups and poured refrigerated coffee into Amaya’s cup and Tori’s cup. Then Mirage goes to the ice dispenser machine to dispense some ice to the iced coffees. Mirage stirred the ices in the coffee with a spoon, and then sealed the lid in each cup. Mirage then gets another cup from the stacks of blank labeled cups, but only this time a small size. She dispenses hot coffee into the cup and added hot milk from the milk dispenser. Finally Mirage filed the blank label on each cup with a black sharpie marker, marked their order. Mirage put their orders on the tray. “The rainbow smoothie will be coming soon,” Said Mirage to Stella Junior. She did not care about the presence of the pixies that much than Holly. “So please wait at one of our available tables.”
Stella Junior nod.
“Let’s go sit down,” said Stella Junior. Both pixies, fairies, and fairy pet goes take a seat at the free table to wait for their order. Enya frowned, wondering why they have to wait. It would be so much better if there is magic in this place. Stella Junior pulls out her cellphone to goes through Hologram, one of Earth’s social media network platforms. Mirage goes to the backroom to make the rainbow smoothie. Meanwhile, Beppi, another employee of Chillaxation with multicoloured hair, applied gloves to get one coconut eclair from the stand, and place it into a paper bag. Then get the dog treats in a separate paper bag as well. They put the bags of ordered treats on the tray. Twenty minutes later, Mirage came back with the small rainbow smoothie. As Mirage placed the rainbow smoothie on the tray, she called out their names.
“An order of milky coffee for Enya! An iced coffee for Tori! An iced coffee and rainbow smoothie for Amaya! With dog treats and a donut!”
Stella Junior stopped what she is doing on her phone. She turns off her cellphone, and put her phone away by putting it in her skirt pocket to leave her table. Mirage served Stella Junior the purchased goods.
“Thanks you,” said Stella Junior.
"You are welcome. Enjoy." Mirage replied. Stella Junior take their orders before heading back to sitting with her friends. Enya drank her milky coffee and eating her coconut eclair, while Tori drank her iced coffee, and Amaya drank her rainbow smoothie. “Wow! This is the best smoothie I ever tasted!” Amaya complimented. Stella Junior watched them eat and drink, while opening up the paper bag and giving Sapphire Diamond her peanut butter dog donut treat with carob icing. Stella Junior’s cellphone vibrates. Stella Junior pulls out her cellphone to see an emojix sent by Bloom, Enya’s mother and her godmother, expressing a mini Bloom tapping her foot and looking at the time from her wristwatch she is wearing. Stella Junior frowns, realizing that they took so long to go back to Bloom and Enya’s house. Stella Junior send an emojix of Enya drinking coffee, then send a text message that they will be back soon to ease Bloom’s mind. Stella Junior release another sigh. She wish she can say no, otherwise Bloom won’t have to worry. Then again, she should just tell Bloom that they will be running late and where they are now. Also, seeing them being happy go lucky, it’s probably worth it.
Enya Peters-Eraklyon, Stella Junior Dorana Solaria, Amaya, Tori, and Sapphire Diamond belong to @gloriousdreamunknown
Beppi Creecher, Holly Test, Marianne of Domino (mentioned), and Mirage Fagry belong to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
The Cappyverse belongs to @ej-cappy-universe
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Cappyverse fanarts I made.
Another not-so typical day for Ethan as he went on a shopping trip with Niko and Mirage and Janaya came along, with Kelsey.
Munch and a Quill Cat Fiend, Tomie.
Ethan Corduroy and Serpent Corduroy belong to @ej-cappy-universe.
Janaya A. Bloodworth-Thomason, Mirage Belladonna Fagry, Munchausen Young-Hat, Niko Corduroy, and Tomie belong to me, @froppy-butterflyfan2000.
Princess Kelsey of Volta belongs to @cooltmoney95.
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I decide to write a fanfiction of Princess Callyie: Generation Rising Star
My decision to write a fanfiction of @princesscallyie G: RS is inspired by the anime Re: Creators, @thepaladincosplays, and @kururu418.
The fanfiction is called The Misfits. The story revolve around Holly Test, the metahuman daughter of Brain Freezer and Mary Test. She formed a group, The Misfits, a band of teens who are secretly helping the VL on stopping the YBA. At the same time each characters are facing their own personal demons. MY 
Holly Test: The sheltered daughter of Susan Test and Brain Freezer. She is a smart girl, but due to her flaws (shyness, learning disability, anxiety, and her traumatic past, and the absent of her mom) lead her to be anti-social. She have a secret crush on Cayenne. 
Mirage Belladonna Fagry (Stocking X Patrick Fagry): A ghost/fallen angel hybrid Who pretend to be human and keep her past a secret. 
Beppi Creecher: Son of Creepie Creecher and Skipper. He moved to Townville because his father star in a film, Tartula Man. 
Josie Test: Holly's 10 years old cousin. She is the daughter of Claire and Johnny Test. Claire gave full custody of Josie to Johnny when she was three months old. She is always go to Holly's room without her permission, touch her inventions, and read her diary. One day, her mom, somehow die, and Josie want to solve the mystery of her death.
Janaya Altair Oridonna: SVTFOE character, Janna's 18 years old son. He is a master in Kali, a Filipino Marital Fighting Style. He is a splitting image of Janna.
 Darcy: TGAOBAM Grim's adopted daughter and a friend of Xiang. She is trying to find out who she really was in the in the world of living.
Other characters: PurfectPrincessGirl's Adam, Princess Callyie's characters thepaldincosplays' Envie and Roger Membran, @kururu418‘s Tales of Mewni characters, Brain Freezer: Holly's fathers, and possibly @ej-cappy-universe‘s characters.
@hotsassbacon‘s Myand'r “Violet” Desire Mc-Hadden
A Surprise: Munchausen Young
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Mirage Belladonna Fagry's Theme Song
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