#Joseph Molesley
such-g00d-luck · 6 months
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you know it hits hard
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forsuperbang · 3 months
Molesley's cowardice being treated as something funny by the narrative whereas Thomas' is a flaw rubs me the wrong way.
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elorrabean · 1 year
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Downton Abbey and Onion Headlines: Downstairs Edition
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skatingthinandice · 1 year
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Raquel Cassidy and Kevin Doyle as Phyllis Baxter and Joseph Molesley in DOWNTON ABBEY: A NEW ERA (2022) dir. Simon Curtis
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velvet4510 · 7 months
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politicallydreadful · 9 months
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mrburnsnuclearpussy · 8 months
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Carsons unnecessary beef with Moseley
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bonhughbon · 1 year
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DOWNTON ABBEY + Barbie Posters (3/3)
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multifandomfix · 1 year
How They Cuddle (Downton Abbey Preference)
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Cora Crawley: Cora adores cuddles and loves to be close. She loves your warmth and will snuggle in so close you’re not quite sure where you end and she begins.
Edith Crawley: Edith is more of a distant cuddler. She doesn’t need to be really close, but likes to be touching you in some way, whether that’s holding your hand as you sleep, or having her arm over you.
Elsie Hughes: Elsie doesn’t frequently go all in for cuddles, but she does love those quiet moments when she can sit close to you and rest her head on your shoulder. And she certainly doesn’t mind if you put your arm around her.
Isobel Crawley: Isobel loves a good cuddle. It’s her favorite way to start a morning. You talk and giggle with your arms around each other and it always starts your days off right.
Joseph Molesley: He’s a bit shy about cuddling with you, but by gosh does he crave it. There’s something about having you in his arms, or merely the thought of it, that can just keep him smiling all day.
Mary Crawley: Mary likes to think she’s above cuddling, and she doesn’t love it all the time, but she must admit sometimes it just hits the spot. On the days she is up for it, expect her to cling to you for as long as she can.
Thomas Barrow: Thomas isn’t much of a cuddler, but he does enjoy a good, long hug every once in a while. It’s both comforting and somehow healing to him to just hold you like that for a while.
Violet Crawley: Violet pretends not to enjoy a good cuddle, but she does. You have to ease her into it, but eventually she’ll come to rely on a good cuddle every night before bed.
For anon
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @ghostsunderstoodmysoul, @icetown587, @immyowndefender, @valencethefriendlychangeling, @crimsonwidow666, @rebelbossheart, @thedailyspiritualist, @servantofsnape, @woman-simp, @justinmitchellfan
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angelswing236 · 1 year
"Give me that, before anything happens."
Fictober 2023
Category: Fanfiction
Fandom: Downton Abbey
Mrs Hughes could hear the commotion in the kitchen long before she saw it.
‘What do think you’re doing, Mr Molesley?’ came Mrs Patmore’s strident voice. ‘Have you taken leave of your senses?’
‘I have not! I am showing these good people, demononstrating if you will, Mrs Patermore, Mrs Matpore, Mrs Patmore, the proper way to de-cork a bottle of champagne,’ Mr Molesley replied with a certain level of inebriated yet dignified decorum. ‘You do it… with a sword!’
‘Aye, well, that’s all well and good, but that’s a bottle of ginger beer you’re holding, not champagne, and that’s one of my de-boning knives you’re waving about, not a sword!’ Mrs Patmore pointed out, all no-nonsense, long-suffering, unimpressed Yorkshire woman. ‘And the only thing you’re demonstrating is how to cut your hand off in one swift move, you silly man!’
Mrs Hughes descended the last step and paused for a moment, girding her loins to deal with this situation. With Mr Carson, Miss Swire and her ladyship all coming down with the Spanish flu tonight, this was the last thing she needed.
‘What in heaven’s name is going on in here?’ she asked in her best authoritative voice as she swept into the kitchen.
A gaggle of maids, footmen and hall boys stood giggling and smirking around the servants’ hall as Mr Molesley held court near the head of the table, a bottle of ginger beer in one hand, the de-boning knife in his other, the razor-sharp blade resting against the cork in the bottle.
His face lit up at the sight of her. ‘Mrs Hughes! Ah, now, you are a woman of the world! I know you’ve been around a fair bit -‘
‘I beg your pardon!’ Mrs Hughes barked, shooting a quelling glare at a tittering hall boy.
‘I mean that in an entirely respectabubble way, of course,’ Mr Molesley said anxiously, his face falling as he belatedly realised he may have inadvertently caused offence.
Mrs Hughes fixed him with a look and held out her hand. ‘Give me that knife, please. Now.’
‘He won’t listen,’ Thomas said, sitting on the other side of Molesley, calmly smoking a cigarette, tapping the ash off. ‘Me and Mrs Patmore have both tried to reason with him.’
‘He will if he knows what’s good for him,’ Mrs Hughes replied, ominously. ‘Mr Molesley, I really must insist.’
‘What I mean is you know about different customs; you’ll appreciate this,’ Mr Molesley continued, oblivious to the warning in Mrs Hughes’ voice.
‘Give me that, before anything happens,’ Mrs Hughes repeated, holding out her hand.
Instead, Mr Molesley addressed the room, ready to perform for his audience. ‘I am about to execute a trick of the high-hic-highest calibre! Behold the champagne and sword de-corking!’
With that, he slashed the knife quickly up the neck of the bottle, yelping and dropping the bottle as he succeeded only in slicing open the top of his middle finger.
Ginger beer foamed from the sturdy but cracked glass bottle as blood gushed from Mr Molesley’s finger, the two mixing together in an unholy reddish mess.
He stared at the blood as if puzzled by what it was and how it got there and then turned sheet white, his eyes rolling around towards the housekeeper.
‘Do you know, I don’t feel terribly well, Mrs Hughes,’ he mumbled, the knife tumbling from his hand as he closed his eyes and crumpled towards the floor, caught at the last minute by Thomas springing from his chair and Stephen, one of the taller hall boys.
Another hall boy gingerly picked up the bloodied de-boning knife and put it on the table as Mr Molesley lolled unconscious between Thomas and Stephen, bleeding everywhere.
‘I told him that knife were sharp,’ Mrs Patmore observed, coming up beside Mrs Hughes, looking at the tableau in front of her in disdain. ‘Is the doctor still here? Happen we’ll need him to bandage up D’Artagnan over there.’
Mrs Hughes sighed. ‘God save me from men who can’t hold their liquor and their ideas of grandeur.’
Next to her, Mrs Patmore snorted. ‘Like that will ever happen. Even the Almighty hasn’t got that kind of time on his hands.’
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snazzycicada · 2 years
to me, it feel like Mr Molesley and Thomas Barrow are almost like 2 sides of the same coin?
While Thomas is sort of implied to have a pretty bad relationship with his father, Mr Molesley has a good, supportive father
they both sidestep the worst of the war by less then honest ways. Thomas by volunteering for the medical corps (and the blighty) and Mr Moslesley by lying to Dr Clarkson
they both end up sort of having the rug really pulled out from under them and left scrambling, both ending up at Downton. Thomas loosing everything with his black market , and Mr Molesley with the death of Matthew
and then they both sort of meet in this nexus that is Phyllis Baxter. I just love both those characters
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downtondays · 11 months
Teachers : characters pt. 2
Sarah O'Brien
52, Math teacher, Thomas' godmother, good friends with Vera, lesbian, Irish
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Edith Crawley
22, French teacher, lives with her parents, daughter to Cora and Robert, sister to Mary and Sybil, pregnant with her dead's boyfriend baby
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Cora Crawley
41, local Middle School headmaster, married to Robert, mother to Mary, Edith and Sybil
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Joseph Molesley
50, History teacher, has a small crush unrequited crush on Anna, lives alone, knew John from school
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William Mason
16, Year 10 student, Mr Mason's adoptive son, Daisy's step-brother, friends with Rose and Albert
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Alfred Nugent
16, Year 10 student, O'Brien's nephew, school bully
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Albert Crawford
16, Year 10 student, friends with Rose and William
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Vera Yeats
43, musician, divorcee, John's ex-wife, lives in London, friends with O'Brien, bisexual
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Charles Carson
59, school keeper, married to Elsie, Anna's dad figure
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Daisy Mason
19, assistant lunch lady, she lives with her dad Daniel Mason and her step-mother Beryl, step-sister to William
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siska29 · 2 years
Just a quick one
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I believe Molesley wanted to show off his new bike and give soon to be Mrs Molesley Phyllis a ride 😊
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bitletsanddrabbles · 2 years
Random Prompt List
Five days before the end of NANOWRIMO I decided to start a random prompt list. I figured if I did ten a day, I would have fifty when I was done and I could post them for people to use as they saw fit - inspiration, challenges to friends, text on memes....whatever.
I was 100% successful except for the part where I forgot to post then when I was finished. Oops. Rectifying that now! Now, clearly these are rather Downton Abbey themed, but most of them are vague enough to apply to any fandom you like and even where there are names, those can be swapped out, so if you feel something you like for, say, Star Trek or something, don’t feel like it’s off limits. Go for it. If people are having fun, success has been had.
1. "If Mrs. Patmore murders you, I'm telling the jury it was suicide."
2. "Let the numbers be off! I'm not sitting at the same table as that man!"
3. "Oh bother."
4. "Downton's been a convalescence home and a movie studio. Why not this?"
5. "Where are we going to get a spare butler at this time of night?"
6. "There's not enough wine in the wine cellar for this."
7. "For the last time, put that back where you found it."
8. "Just don't tell the police. Or Carson."
9. "There is a God!"
10. "Help me with this and you can keep your job."
11. "I'd bet a year's wages it was Lady Mary."
12. "Don't you dare try to blame this on the dog!"
13. "Just think, we're getting paid to do this."
14. "Well, this situation calls for tea. And possibly a bludgeoning instrument of some sort."
15. "That's a grand idea. Why don't we simply teach the dog to carry a tray?"
16. "Did she give in gracefully, or do you need help burying the body?"
17. "Just imagine if we were American and buying nine Worth dresses per season."
18. "It could be worse, just don't ask me how."
19. "Are you certain this is a good idea?"
20. "How many bets Mrs. Patmore quits over this one?"
21. "What sort of mad suggestion are you going to make next? We get a cat?"
22. "Reading? Heavens, don't hurt yourself."
23. "You've not touched your food. Are you dying?"
24. "Try the blue one instead."
25. "That's hideous. Buy it."
26. "I hate arm garters. Why can't they just make shirts that fit?"
27. "Knife? Oh no, I slipped and cut myself on a collar."
28. "I'm not shaving in the dark, I'd be lucky if I slit my throat!"
29. "Oh, well, thank you Sweeny Todd."
30. "As if you'd survive reading anything less than Milton. A penny dreadful would finish you off!"
31. "You weren't a son either, so we're both failures."
32. "Oh dear, my actions had consequences. Blub blub."
33. "What's it like to have parents who care about you?"
34. "You want it so badly? Here. Enjoy."
35. "What do you mean she's run away to join the circus?"
36. "Well the surprise worked..."
37. "You're lucky I love you."
38. "That is not where that goes!"
39. "Dare I ask what happened to your dress?"
40. "Oh don't do that, it would make a mess of the roses."
41. "Dukes don't just vanish, unfortunately."
42. "I'm not paid enough to care about that."
43. "Now that the wireless is catching on, you should try and do something in that field. You have the face for it."
44. "Are you going to sell me into slavery if I ask for more?"
45. "If you want me to love you more then stop screaming when I have a headache."
46. "Oh don't do that! You'll hurt yourself."
47. "Oh go for it, I won't tattle."
48. "I was just committing the unholy sin of enjoying life for a few seconds."
49. "Would it kill you to smile? Wait, never mind, of course it would."
50. "Does anyone in this house happen to have some spare sanity?"
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skatingthinandice · 1 year
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I’m not used to feeling lucky.  Well, you should be.
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velvet4510 · 5 months
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