#Joseph E. Montgomery III
science70 · 1 year
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Pan Am logo, 1973.
Designer: Joseph E. Montgomery III
309 notes · View notes
dcemon · 2 years
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acolhemos orgulhosamente daemon montgomery-cuninghame em nosso corpo docente! ele é um vampiro que leciona na casa zephyr aos trezentos e cinquenta e sete anos. ele pode passar a impressão de ser astuto e ignorante, e talvez você o confunda com o padrão joseph morgan, mas garantimos que é apenas uma coincidência. 
tw: morte, alcoolismo, demônios.
daemon nasceu como um padrão londrino, em uma família que lidava com a mistéria. por sorte, acabou por tornar-se um dos pequenos espiões do parlamento inglês (sua parte conservadora), e assim ascendeu socialmente. durante o reinado de gulherme iii, ele tornou-se o master of whispers e assim foi até o fim do reinado, quando foi convidado a se retirar e mudar-se para yorkshire.
lá ele conheceu um casal formado por uma bruxa e licantropo que além de convidá-lo para fazer parte do casal, apresentou para ele todo o mundo sobrenatural. juntos, eles tiveram uma filha, mas poucos anos após seu nascimento toda a família foi morta por um demônio aprisionado num artefato herdado que ficava na casa enquanto daemon estava fora.
além de perder a família, foi culpado pelo seu assassinato e teve que fugir, antes recuperando os restos do artefato. ele entrou em uma depressão absurda e alcoolismo, e foi em uma de suas bebedeiras que conheceu seu criador. warren, quem o transformou, era um amante de plots de vingança, e após 50 anos deles vivendo uma boa vida de vampiros malucões (a época do transe), ele voltou para o foco em sua vingança.
foram 200 anos para encontrar e finalmente matar o demônio, tornando o vampiro em um puta exorcista que inspirou até histórias que levaram a criação de constantine. mas depois da vingança, ele ficou vazio e sozinho, que é como esteve se sentindo nos últimos anos. compensa com álcool e cigarros, e apesar de ser um exímio professor, é arrogante, ignorante e egocêntrico.
tw: morte violenta, incêndio, alcoolismo, demônios.
daemon nasceu em uma época muito difícil, em londres, pouco após sua massiva destruição pelo grande incêndio de londres. seus pais e irmãos ficaram desabrigados após o quarto dia do incêndio, que alastrou-se para a região em que eles moravam. a casa e o comércio adjunto, que era a única moradia e também fonte de renda do casal, uma vez reduzidos à pó, trouxeram uma grande miséria para a família. desabrigados, qualquer fonte de renda era aceitável: desfizeram-se dos poucos bens que conseguiram levar de sua casa, aceitaram os mais sujos trabalhos, e até mesmo as crianças mais velhas puseram-se à trabalhar. quando chegou em idade hábil, o mesmo recaiu sobre daemon, que era uma criança esguia e rápida. uma pequena melhoria recaiu sobre a vida deles quando a criança cruzou o caminho com o de conservadores pertencentes ao parlamento inglês, que precisavam de pequenos espiões na cidade de londres que pudessem identificar jacobinos ou outros traidores da coroa, recompensando o garoto com ouro toda vez que ele conseguia arranjar informações valiosas. na época, não deveria ter mais que nove ou dez anos, e não sabia que ao delatar alguém, bem… essa pessoa não teria um final feliz. conforme crescia e entendia, carregar aquele fardo era algo que tinha que fazer pela sua família, e assim seguiu fazendo até a vitória de william de orange, em 1689.
naquela época, enquanto o império britânico se solidificava, pela ascenção do rei holandês, o rapaz também ganhava importância dentro da família real, ocupando o cargo que sempre bem soube: master of whispers. espionagem era uma das atividades favoritas de daemon, que sempre levou jeito para aquilo. um menino calado, com um sorriso travesso nos lábios e a habilidade de passar despercebido (pelo menos enquanto era padrão). o cargo oficial permitiu que sua família também saísse da pobreza, voltando à ocupar funções no comércio e até a investir no comércio exterior, conforme a marinha real ia se estabelecendo. dessa forma, os montgomery-cuninghame, que antes eram ninguém, misteriosamente ascenderam junto do rei guilherme III. a função que ocupava durou tanto o reinado do rei guilherme, e uma vez que chegou ao fim, foi presenteado com um terreno em yorkshire (a maneira delicada da realeza de se despejar alguém), para o qual se mudou. 
com seus trinta e seis anos, longe da responsabilidade para com uma família ou a realeza, daemon passou a desfrutar de outras coisas na vida. a educação que recebera graças à sua ocupação e o dinheiro que juntara permitiu investir em livros e arte, dois hobbies que o aproximaram da elite da região. nessa ocasião, conheceu tessália e armin, um casal peculiar. tudo se inicia com tessália e daemon manifestando um interesse mútuo, apesar dela ser casada, e quando pensamos que isso não pode ficar mais interessante, armim aparece. para participar, é claro. daemon não era virgem, mas como não surpreender-se com aquilo? bem, também não era a primeira vez que beijava homens, se fosse ser muito sincero. o envolvimento com armin e tessália acabou se tornando sério demais, ao ponto de daemon mudar-se para a casa que eles habitavam. e com o tempo, pode entender que nenhum dos dois era normal. armin era um licantropo, e tessália uma bruxa. fazer parte do relacionamento com eles era também abraçar e entender o mundo sobrenatural. e se era para que ele se assustasse, pelo contrário, encantou-se. era apaixonado pelos dois, e mesmo em noites sem dormir por conta das transformações de armin ou tendo que se acostumar com rituais performados por tessália, ele não foi embora. tessália engravidou poucos meses depois da mudança de daemon, e a criança foi criada sem saber se seu pai biológico era armin ou o padrão, o que pouco importava para ela ou seus pais. 
quando qetsiyah tinha três anos, um dos rituais de tessália saiu de controle. a bruxa, embora acostumada a trabalhar com entidades, descuidou-se, e permitiu que um demônio escapasse do artefato em que era prisioneiro há quase duzentos anos. em sua ira, o demônio matou a bruxa, sua filha e armin, tudo enquanto daemon ia até a cidade. voltar para encontrar o corpo de sua família completamente mutilada fez com que o rapaz perdesse sua cabeça. teve que fugir, uma vez que recaiu sobre si a culpa do assassinato, mas levou consigo o artefato quebrado que encontrou no chão. sabia que era uma herança valiosa, e diferente de todas as coisas não mexidas na casa, era o único objeto quebrado. por muitos meses, entretanto, não fez nada mais que guardar o objeto. caiu no alcoolismo e em meio uma das noites vagando seu rumo, conheceu warren. bêbado, contou-lhe toda sua história (todas as partes, juro), e quando acreditava que o homem iria lhe chamar de maluco, ele contou-lhe que era um vampiro. warren tinha nascido como bruxo e sido transformado centenas de anos antes do nascimento de daemon, quando a europa ainda era dividida em feudos. luto, dor, tudo isso era conhecido pelo rapaz, que lhe explicou até que o artefato que carregava tinha em suas partes encravados símbolos para aprisionamento demoníaco. por fim, ele ofereceu algo ao padrão cheio de dor que via em sua frente: a chance de vingar-se. para fazê-lo, nunca conseguiria como um humano comum. e foi assim que ele concordou que warren o transformasse. 
os primeiros cinquenta anos como vampiro não foram dedicados à sua vingança, pois fascinou-se quase que o meio século inteiro pelo seu criador e seu estilo de vida boêmio, até separar-se para seguir seu objetivo inicial. vingar-se de um demônio era bastante trabalhoso, e requiriu praticamente os dois séculos seguintes de sua vida. buscando, estudando, entendendo. identificar o demônio foi trabalhoso, e um caminho cheio de exorcismos menores até por fim encontrar aquele responsável pelo assassinato de sua família. dizem que as histórias que surgiram por conta de daemon, mitos e lendas associados à época, serviram até para a criação de constantine, o anti-herói de liverpool. o ocultismo e a demonologia acabaram por se tornar partes quase que intrínsecas ao seu ser, depois de séculos consumindo aquele conteúdo. como foi gostoso, vingar-se após tanto tempo. e não exorcisar o demônio, mas sim definitivamente matá-lo. só que sabe aquilo que dizem? que a vingança não ajuda em nada? bem, sábios são aqueles que conseguem perceber isso antes de perder duzentos anos de sua vida. e ali estava, um homem que tinha vingado sua família, mas que uma vez feito isso, não tinha nada.
e então, alcoolismo mais uma vez. e curtir os anos setenta! anos oitenta! anos noventa! e ele estava entediado. foi quando decidiu mudar-se para nevermore, aceitando o convite que tinha lhe sido feito quase que um século atrás para dar aula de demonologia. que bom que a posição estava vaga novamente!
tornar-se um vampiro tirou muito do que daemon tinha como humano. a verdade é que apesar de julgar o demônio que massacrou sua família, ele mesmo em momentos de sede acabou por assassinar padrões que cruzaram seu caminho.  a sede nunca foi exatamente um problema, embora demasiada logo que se transformou. seu criador, warren, era um homem muito comedido quanto à isso, pois acreditava que a alimentação de um vampiro não poderia ser algo feito de qualquer maneira. ele lhe ensinara a selecionar a pessoa, a desfrutar do momento, e, o mais importante, a tomar apenas o suficiente, sem matar. esse último ensinamento não lhe veio tão fácil, e se for ser sincero, é muito fácil de errar o ponto, mesmo com trezentos anos. a culpa que inicialmente teve ao matar a primeira pessoa foi diminuindo conforme os nomes se acumulavam, e, bem… muito de seu apreço pela vida humana acabou desaparecendo lentamente, e é um aspecto que ele espera restaurar em sua estadia em nevermore.
seu dom ganhado com a transformação e aperfeiçoado ao longo dos séculos foi a capacidade de compelir. embora seja uma habilidade forte, não é algo que permita que ele convença uma pessoa a assassinar alguém, por exemplo. na maior parte das vezes, convencer a pessoa a fazer algo grande necessita que já exista dentro dela a vontade primária, que ele amplifica com um olhar, algumas palavras. o sotaque britânico e a voz realmente dão um jeito em praticamente qualquer espécie, sendo um pouco mais resistente quem divide do mesmo dom (como sereias e bruxos ilusionistas). pequenos favores e afazeres vêm fácil para si, e é muito difícil escapar de ser compelido nessas pequenas tarefas porque a percepção do que está acontecendo também é baixa. entretanto, daemon não usa muito de sua habilidade, visto que gosta de se provar constantemente como capaz de fazer isso sem ela.
demonologia i, ii, iii e mitologia i e ii
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goalhofer · 3 years
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2021 law enforcement in memoriam.
Sgt. Gordon W. Best, North Myrtle Beach DPS EOW 1/1/21
Sgt. Daniel M. Mobley, DeKalb County PD EOW 1/2/21
Pc. Cecil E. Nunley, Sequatchie County CO EOW 1/2/21
Lt. Jeff Bain, DeKalb County SO EOW 1/3/21
Dy. Nicholas A. Howell, Henry County SO EOW 1/3/21
Sgt. Randall Sims, Texas Department Of Corrections EOW 1/3/21
Spl. Dy. Mar. Havonia D. Holley, U.S. Marshals Service EOW 1/5/21
K9 Figo, Cullman County SO EOW 1/5/21
Dy. Jonathan D. Price, Marion County SO EOW 1/6/21
Ofc. Jay Hughes, Kalispel Tribal PD EOW 1/6/21
Ofc. Brian D. Sicknick, U.S. Capitol PD EOW 1/7/21
Sgt. David G. Crumpler, Henry County PD EOW 1/7/21
1st Sgt. Timothy L. Howell, North Carolina Highway Patrol EOW 1/7/21
Lt. William L. Gardner, Denver City PD EOW 1/7/21
Conserv. Ofc. Steven Reighard, Iowa DNR EOW 1/8/21
Ofc. Arturo Villegas, Alamo PD EOW 1/10/21
Ofc. Tyler Britt, Chandler PD EOW 1/11/21
Sgt. Brian R. LaVigne, Hillsborough County SO EOW 1/11/21
Agent Luis A. Marrero-Díaz, DDP De Puerto Rico EOW 1/11/21
Agent Luis X. Salamán-Conde, DDP Municipal De Carolina EOW 1/11/21
Agent Eliezer Hernández-Cartagena, DDP Municapal De Carolina EOW 1/11/21
Det. Camerino Santiago, El Paso PD EOW 1/11/21
Ofc. Melton Gore, Horry County PD EOW 1/12/21
Sgt. Frederick H. Cameron, Fairfax County SO EOW 1/12/21
Sgt. Amelia T. Martinez, Los Angeles PD EOW 1/13/21
Det. Sgt. Stephen R. Desfosses, Norton PD EOW 1/13/21
Ofc. Hector Moya, Newark PD EOW 1/13/21
Chief Tony M. Jordan, Middleburg Borough PD EOW 1/13/21
Inv. Richard A. Sepolio, Harris County DA EOW 1/13/21
Ofc. Joseph H. Montgomery, Arizona State University PD EOW 1/14/21
Cpl. Christine Peters, Greenbelt PD EOW 1/14/21
Pc. Sherry K. Langford, Henderson County CO EOW 1/14/21
Lt. Treva Preston, Texas Department Of Corrections EOW 1/15/21
Cor. Ofc. Alfred Jimenez, Texas Department Of Corrections EOW 1/15/21
Ofc. Jerry S. Hemphill, Lanier Technical College PD EOW 1/16/21
Sgt. Edward J. Marcurella; Jr., Colleton County SO EOW 1/16/21
Lt. John Reynolds, Garden Grove PD EOW 1/17/21
Cor. Ofc. Joseph A. Martini Ulster County SO EOW 1/17/21
Dy. Adam Gibson, Sacramento County SO EOW 1/18/21
Cor. Dy. Ralph E. Serrano, San Diego County Probation Dept. EOW 1/18/21
Bailiff Gerald Smith, Pahrump Justice Court EOW 1/18/21
Ofc. Brandon M. Stalker, Toledo PD EOW 1/18/21
Warrants Ofc. Toby Keiser, Knox County SO EOW 1/18/21
K9 Riley, Sacramento County SO EOW 1/18/21
Dy. Jacinto R. Navarro; Jr., Palm Beach County SO EOW 1/19/21
Ofc. Byron D. Shields, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 1/20/21
Lt. Robert Van Zeyl, Suffolk County PD EOW 1/20/21
Lt. Frank Arnold, California Dept. Of Protective Services EOW 1/22/21
Sp. Agent Wayne D. Snyder, Georgia Dept. Of Corrections EOW 1/23/21
Lt. Juan R. Rivera-Padua, DDP De Puerto Rico EOW 1/23/21
Sp. Dy. Marshal Craig A. Kriner, U.S. Marshals Service EOW 1/23/21
Capt. Michael D. Garigan, Gordon County SO EOW 1/24/21
Lt. Hasain El-Amin, Arkansas State Hospital DPS EOW 1/25/21
Sgt. Charles F. Dotson, Baton Rouge PD EOW 1/25/21
Dy. Frank G. Holguin III, Tulare County SO EOW 1/27/21
Aux. Sgt. Louis M. Livatino, Jacksonville SO EOW 1/27/21
Cor. Ofc. John M. Bowe, Missouri Dept. Of Corrections EOW 1/27/21
Dir. Of Field Operations Beverly Good, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 1/28/21
Sgt. Tommy W. Cudd, Union County SO EOW 1/28/21
Sgt. Jeffery R. Smith, Berry College PD EOW 1/29/21
Sp. Agent Robert A. Mayer; Jr., U.S. Border Patrol EOW 1/30/21
Sgt. William P. Brautigam, New York PD EOW 1/31/21
Sp. Agent Jimmie J. Daniels, FBI EOW 2/1/21
Cor. Ofc. Juan Llanes, Miami-Dade County Dept. Of Corrections EOW 2/1/21
Sgt. Grace A. Bellamy, Georgia Dept. Of Corrections EOW 2/1/21
Lt. Michael Boutte, Hancock County SO EOW 2/1/21
Sp. Agent Laura A. Schwartzenberger, FBI EOW 2/2/21
Sp. Agent Daniel Alfin, FBI EOW 2/2/21
Det. Ofc. Robert Perez, Harris County SO EOW 2/2/21
Dy. Jack E. Gwynes, Nassau County SO EOW 2/3/21
Agent Juan Rosado-López, DDP De Puerto Rico EOW 2/3/21
Ptlm. Darian Jarrott, New Mexico State Police EOW 2/4/21
Cor. Lt. Anthony L. Hardie, North Carolina Dept. Of Corrections EOW 2/6/21
Det. Pedro J. Mejia, Pasadena PD EOW 2/6/21
Ofc. Cesar D. Sibonga, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 2/7/21
Sp. Dy. Marshal Vincent A. Gala; Jr., U.S. Marshals Service EOW 2/8/21
Dy. Ross Dixon, Cambria County SO EOW 2/9/21
Cor. Ofc. Vicky James, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 2/10/21
Inv. Eddie B. Hutchinson III, Walker County DA’s Office EOW 2/10/21
Sp. Dy. Marshal Hugh B. Bennett, U.S. Marshals Service EOW 2/10/21
Chief Timothy J. Sheehan, California Borough PD EOW 2/11/21
Dy. Donald R. Gilreath III, Hamilton County SO EOW 2/12/21
Ofc. Mitchell A. Penton, Dallas PD EOW 2/13/21
Ofc. Genaro Guerrero, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 2/15/21
Cor. Ofc. Tawiwo Obele, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 2/16/21
Maj. Esteban Ramirez III, Bell County SO EOW 2/16/21
Dy. Manuel P. De La Rosa, Hays County CO EOW 2/16/21
Sgt. Richard P. Brown, Fresno PD EOW 2/17/21
Dy. Michael J. Magli, Pinellas County SO EOW 2/17/21
Ofc. Horacio S. Dominguez, Miccosukee Tribal PD EOW 2/21/21
Lt. Eugene Lasco, Indiana Dept. Of Corrections EOW 2/21/21
Natural Resources Ofc. Jason Lagore, Ohio DNR EOW 2/23/21
Parole Ofc. Troy K. Morin, Texas Parole Division EOW 2/23/21
Ofc. Carlos Mendoza, U.S. Homeland Security EOW 2/24/21
Dy. Thomas J. Albanese, Los Angeles County SO EOW 2/25/21
K9 Luna, Duluth PD EOW 2/25/21
Res. Dy. Martinus M. Mitchum, 2nd City Court Of New Orleans EOW 2/26/21
Ofc. Dominic J. Winum, Stanley PD EOW 2/26/21
Capt. Justin W. Bedwell, Decatur County SO EOW 3/1/21
Ofc. Jose L. Anzora, Los Angeles PD EOW 3/3/21
Lt. Kenny L. Gibbons, Dyer County SO EOW 3/4/21
Cor. Ofc. Tracey Adams, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 3/6/21
Ofc. Crispin S. San Jose, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 3/9/21
Ofc. Jesse P. Madsen, Tampa PD EOW 3/9/21
Sgt. Barry E. Henderson, Polk County SO EOW 3/9/21
Dy. Stanley Burdic, Douglas County SO EOW 3/11/21
Ofc. Gary Hibbs, Chicago Heights PD EOW 3/12/21
Agent Alejandro Flores-Bañuelos, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 3/15/21
Ofc. Kevin Valencia, Orlando PD EOW 3/15/21
Sgt. LaShonda Owens, Northampton County SO EOW 3/18/21
Ofc. Matt North, Bernice PD EOW 3/20/21
Ofc. Eric H. Talley, Boulder PD EOW 3/22/21
Chief Fred A. Posavetz, Clinton Township PD EOW 3/22/21
Cor. Ofc. Robert McFarland, Iowa Dept. Of Corrections EOW 3/23/21
SM Tpr. Todd A. Hanneken, Illinois State Police EOW 3/25/21
Cpl. Kyle J. Davis, Washington County SO EOW 3/25/21
Tpr. Joseph Gallagher, New York State Police EOW 3/26/21
Sgt. Shane Owens, Broward County SO EOW 3/27/21
Tpr. Chad M. Walker, Texas Highway Patrol EOW 3/28/21
Res. Dy. James Driver, Monroe County SO EOW 3/29/21
Cor. Ofc. Luis A. Hernandez, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 3/31/21
Ofc. William F. Evans, U.S. Capitol PD EOW 4/2/21
Lt. James Kouski, Hometown PD EOW 4/3/21
Ofc. Brent N. Hall, Newton Grove PD EOW 4/3/21
Dy. Joseph B. Gore, Brunswick County SO EOW 4/3/21
Dy. Christopher W. Knight, Bibb County SO EOW 4/6/21
Sgt. James K. Smith, Iowa State Patrol EOW 4/9/21
Cor. Dy. Willie L. Dortch, Shelby County SO EOW 4/9/21
Dy. Thomas P. Barnes, Jefferson Davis County SO EOW 4/10/21
Dy. Carlos A. Hernandez, Palm Beach County SO EOW 4/11/21
Agent Christopher S. Simpkins, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 4/12/21
Det. Harry O. D’Onofrio, New York PD EOW 4/14/21
Detention Dy. Mark E. Anderson, Olmsted County SO EOW 4/15/21
Cor. Ofc. Jimmy Garcia, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 4/15/21
Ofc. David Parde, Lexington PD EOW 4/18/21
Dy. Terry Dyer, Madison County SO EOW 4/20/21
K9 Joker, Indian River County SO EOW 4/21/21
Dy. Alexander Gwosdz, Harris County SO EOW 4/22/21
Cor. Ofc. Alexey B. Aguilar, Miami-Dade Dept. Of Corrections EOW 4/23/21
K9 Kozmo, Mesquite PD EOW 4/26/21
Lt. Adam Whisenant, Florida Div Alcoholic Beverages/Tobacco EOW 4/27/21
Det. Anastasios Tsakos, New York PD EOW 4/27/21
K9 Jango, Bakersfield PD EOW 4/27/21
Cpl. Keith Heacook, Delmar PD EOW 4/28/21
Sgt. Chris Ward, Watauga County SO EOW 4/28/21
Dy. Logan Fox, Watauga County SO EOW 4/28/21
Ofc. Christopher Farrar, Chandler PD EOW 4/30/21
Det. Ofc. Michael Wall, Los Angeles County Probation Dept. EOW 4/30/21
Cor. Ofc. David J. Jean-Baptiste, Miami-Dade County Corrections EOW 5/1/21
Ofc. David A. Marshall, Texas Christian University PD EOW 5/1/21
Sgt. John Burright, Oregon State Police EOW 5/4/21
Agent Freddie Vazquez, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 5/8/21
Det. Luca Benedetti, San Luis Obispo PD EOW 5/10/21
Dy. Samuel A. Leonard, Concho County SO EOW 5/10/21
Sgt. Stephen Jones, Concho County SO EOW 5/10/21
Ofc. Jimmy Inn, Stockton PD EOW 5/11/21
K9 Khan, Monroe County SO EOW 5/14/21
K9 Jaeger, Stephens County SO EOW 5/14/21
Dy. James Herrera, Denver SO EOW 5/16/21
Lt. Adam Gustafson, West Fargo PD EOW 5/18/21
Supt. Scott D. Mahoney, Delaware County Bureau Of Park Police EOW 5/18/21
Ofc. Chris Oberheim, Champaign PD EOW 5/19/21
Ofc. Jeremy Brinton, Nogales PD EOW 5/21/21
Cpl. Thomas W. Frazier, Artesia PD EOW 5/21/21
Ofc. Scott Triplett, Memphis PD EOW 5/22/21
Det. Stephen C. Arnold, Jefferson Parish SO EOW 5/23/21
Conservation Ofc. Sarah A. Backer-Grell, Minnesota DNR EOW 5/24/21
Dy. Daniel Trujillo, Denver SO EOW 5/26/21
Tpr. John Harris, Mississippi Highway Patrol EOW 5/28/21
Agent Juan M. Urrutia, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 5/28/21
Dy. Dustin K. Speckels, Hays County SO EOW 5/30/21
Ofc. Ginarro A. New, Phoenix PD EOW 5/31/21
Sgt. Dominic Vaca, San Bernardino County SO EOW 5/31/21
Det. Ryan Park, San Diego PD EOW 6/4/21
Det. Jamie Huntley-Park, San Diego PD EOW 6/4/21
Ofc. Enmanuel Familia, Worcester PD EOW 6/4/21
K9 Kitt, Braintree PD EOW 6/4/21
Dy. William H. Smith, Baldwin County SO EOW 6/6/21
Ofc. Steven L. Rodriguez, New York PD EOW 6/9/21
Sgt. Erasmo García-Torres, DDP De Puerto Rico EOW 6/10/21
Ofc. Alexandra B. Harris, Seattle PD EOW 6/13/21
Sgt. Paul K. Mooney, Texas Highway Patrol EOW 6/14/21
Ofc. Joseph W. Burson, Holly Springs PD EOW 6/17/21
Sgt. Thomas E. Sawyer, Hammond PD EOW 6/17/21
Cor. Ofc. Gabriel Forrest, Washington State Dept. Corrections EOW 6/17/21
Sgt. Rick Entmeier, Ft. Smith PD EOW 6/18/21
Ofc. Lewis F. Cantey, Grand River Dam Authority PD EOW 6/18/21
Lt. Clinton J. Ventrca, Corinth PD EOW 6/20/21
Ofc. Gordon Beesly, Arvada PD EOW 6/21/21
K9 Zena, Cocoa PD EOW 6/23/21
Ofc. Jason T. Swanger, Las Vegas Metropolitan PD EOW 6/24/21
Ofc. Kevin Apple, Pea Ridge PD EOW 6/26/21
Dy. Anthony Redondo, Imperial County SO 6/26/21
K9 Max, St. Joseph PD EOW 6/30/21
Lt. Leslie Lentz, Missouri Dept. Of Corrections EOW 7/1/21
Det. Jon A. Cooke, Hollywood PD EOW 7/2/21
Ofc. Clinton A. Martin, Alpharetta PD EOW 7/3/21
Det. Greg Ferency, Terre Haute PD EOW 7/7/21
Cpl. Darryl D. Cross; Jr., Detroit PD EOW 7/8/21
Capt. Clay M. Germany, Wichita PD EOW 7/9/21
Ofc. William E. Collins; Jr., Doyline PD EOW 7/9/21
Sgt. Joshua B. Bartlett, Lubbock County SO EOW 7/15/21
Det. Juan A. Delgado, Bay City PD EOW 7/15/21
Ofc. Ruben Facio, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 7/17/21
Reserve Dy. Tom L. Hoobler, Childress County SO EOW 7/17/21
Sgt. Sonny L. Orbin, Missouri Dept. Of Corrections EOW 7/18/21
Ofc. Ricky N. Roberts, McLennan Community College PD EOW 7/19/21
Dy. Ray W. McCrary; Jr., Shelby County SO EOW 7/20/21
Ofc. Michael A. Sillman, Marion County SO EOW 7/20/21
Cor. Ofc. Robert L. Welch III, Missouri Dept. Of Corrections EOW 7/22/21
Ofc. J. Adam Ashworth, St. George PD EOW 7/22/21
Sgt. Jeremy Brown, Clark County SO EOW 7/23/21
Dy. Phillip J. Campas, Kern County SO EOW 7/25/21
Cor. Ofc. Daniel Giorgi, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 7/25/21
K9 Jas, Savannah PD EOW 7/25/21
K9 Rex, Michigan State Police EOW 7/25/21
Ofc. Marquis D. Moorer, Selma PD EOW 7/27/21
Ofc. Ryan A. Bialke, Red Lake Nation PD EOW 7/27/21
Lt. Matthew D. Razukas, New Jersey State Police EOW 7/27/21
Cpl. Albert R. Gomez, White Settlement PD EOW 7/27/21
Dy. Justin Smith, Burt County SO EOW 7/28/21
Lt. Gilbert C. McClure, Texarkana PD EOW 7/28/21
Tpr. Micah D. May, Nevada Highway Patrol EOW 7/29/21
Ofc. Jonathan M. Gumm, Joint Base Lewis-McChord PD EOW 7/29/21
Supervisory Agent Daniel P. Cox, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 7/31/21
Ofc. Lewis A. Traylor, Austin PD EOW 7/31/21
Agent Edgardo Acosta-Feliciano, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 7/31/21
Dy. Shaun C. Waters, Harris County SO EOW 8/1/21
Cor. Ofc. Maurice Jackson, Robertsdale PD EOW 8/3/21
Sheriff Lee D. Vance, Hinds County SO EOW 8/3/21
Ofc. Scott R. Dawley, Nelsonville PD EOW 8/3/21
Ofc. George Gonzalez, Pentagon Force Protection Agency EOW 8/3/21
K9 Byrd, Texas Highway Patrol EOW 8/3/21
Ofc. Brian R. Pierce; Jr., Brooklyn PD EOW 8/4/21
Dy. James Morgan, Baxter County SO EOW 8/5/21
Ofc. Bryan C. Hawkins, Lake City PD EOW 8/5/21
Dy. Brandon A. Shirley, Jefferson County SO EOW 8/5/21
Ofc. Ella G. French, Chicago PD EOW 8/7/21
Lt. Lonny Hempstead, Lafayette County SO EOW 8/10/21
Lt. Dennis D. Sylvester; Jr., Port Wentworth PD EOW 8/11/21
Reserve Sgt. John R. Bullard; Jr., Independence PD EOW 8/11/21
Cor. Dy. Michael A. Nowak, Leon County SO EOW 8/11/21
Capt. Ramsey O. Mannon, Effingham County SO EOW 8/12/21
Cor. Ofc. Dennis Bennett, Missouri Dept. Of Corrections EOW 8/12/21
Agent Robert D. Daffin; Jr., George County SO EOW 8/12/21
Sp. Agent Gregory C. Holland, U.S. VA Police Services EOW 8/13/21
K9 Riggs, Oakland County SO EOW 8/13/21
Ofc. Juan M. Gomez-Lopez, Pelham PD EOW 8/14/21
Ofc. Jennifer B. Sepot, Ft. Lauderdale PD EOW 8/14/21
Tpr. Lazaro R. Febles, Florida Higway Patrol EOW 8/14/21
Sgt. Ryan J. Proxmire, Kalamazoo County SO EOW 8/15/21
Ofc. Robert C. Cloninger Mt. Gilead PD EOW 8/15/21
Sgt. Steven Mazzotta, Lee County SO EOW 8/16/21
Det. Raymond O. Williamson, Pasco County SO EOW 8/16/21
Ofc. Robert A. Williams, West Palm Beach PD EOW 8/16/21
Dy. Dennis W. Dixon, Catawba County SO EOW 8/16/21
Forensic Spc. Hans Molina-Terrazas, Stein Forensic Facility EOW 8/16/21
Agent Ricardo Zarate, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 8/16/21
Ofc. Jason Raynor, Daytona Beach PD EOW 8/17/21
Ofc. Yokemia L. Conyers, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 8/18/21
Sgt. Joe Olivares, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 8/18/21
Ofc. Edward Perez, Miami Beach PD EOW 8/19/21
Dy. Eric O. Ritter, Moore County SO EOW 8/19/21
Sgt. John Harris, Tulsa County SO EOW 8/19/21
Sgt. Kuo-Sheng Wang, South Houston PD EOW 8/19/21
Ofc. Monica J. Riola, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 8/20/21
Sgt. Frank Tobar, Palm Bay PD EOW 8/20/21
Sgt. Patrick W. Madison, Coral Springs PD EOW 8/20/21
Det. Rodney L. Davis, Waycross PD EOW 8/20/21
Cor. Ofc. Darryl Goodrich; Jr., Washington Dept. Of Corrections EOW 8/20/21
K9 Ivar, Livingston Parish SO EOW 8/20/21
Dy. Harry Hutchinson, Blount County SO EOW 8/21/21
Dy. Jody Hull; Jr., St. Johns County SO EOW 8/21/21
Cor. Dy. Kevin Kokinis, Branch County SO EOW 8/22/21
Tpr. James J. Monda, New York State Police EOW 8/22/21
Det. Manuel C. Widner, Paris PD EOW 8/22/21
Ofc. Matthew A. Jimenez, Beeville PD EOW 8/22/21
Reserve Ofc. David Ruiz, Dallas PD EOW 8/22/21
Sgt. Thomas Infante, Harris County CO EOW 8/22/21
Dy. Christopher Broadhead, Polk County SO EOW 8/23/21
Ofc. Erik J. Skelton, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 8/24/21
Dy. Roger A. Mitchell, Sullivan County SO EOW 8/24/21
Dy. 1st Class Douglas L. Clark, Manatee County SO EOW 8/25/21
Chief Kenneth Kirkland, Colquitt PD EOW 8/25/21
Capt. Joseph Manning, Wayne County SO EOW 8/25/21
Dy. Christopher J. Bachelor, Hall County SO EOW 8/25/21
Sgt. John L. Trout, Bernice PD EOW 8/25/21
Cor. Dy. Lakiesha Tucker, Shelby County SO EOW 8/25/21
Senior Ofc. Randolph Boyd; Jr., Austin PD EOW 8/25/21
Sgt. Clay Garrison, Port Of Galveston PD EOW 8/25/21
Ofc. Brandon Ard, Orange Beach PD EOW 8/26/21
Ofc. Harminder Grewal, Galt PD EOW 8/26/21
Cor. Ofc. Trainee Whitney Cloud, Florida Dept. Of Corrections EOW 8/26/21
Dy. 1st Class Paul Luciano, Flagler County SO EOW 8/26/21
Senior Sgt. Steve Urias, Austin PD EOW 8/26/21
Sgt. Christopher R. Wilson, Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. EOW 8/26/21
Det. Anthony Standley, Oyster Creek PD EOW 8/26/21
Ofc. Michael Weiskopf, St. Petersburg PD EOW 8/27/21
Cor. Ofc. James N. Henry, Hays County SO EOW 8/27/21
Tpr. Sean C. Hryc, Florida Highway Patrol EOW 8/28/21
Sgt. Jason Donaldson, Caldwell County SO EOW 8/28/21
K9 Axel, Kent County SO EOW 8/28/21
Ofc. Shane Green, Sheridan PD EOW 8/29/21
Agent Chad E. McBroom, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 8/29/21
Dy. Clint R. Seagle, Clay County SO 8/29/21
Ofc. Edgar Pales; Jr., Owasso PD EOW 8/29/21
Sgt. Eric Scherr, Aurora PD EOW 8/30/21
Capt. Michael J. Stokes, Houston County SO EOW 8/30/21
Cor. Sgt. Ledell Graham, North Carolina Dept. Of Corrections EOW 8/30/21
Public Safety Ofc. Dustin M. Beasley, North Augusta DPS EOW 8/30/21
K9 Duke, Virginia State Police EOW 8/30/21
Dy. 1st Class William Diaz, Lee County SO EOW 8/31/21
Ofc. Freddie J. Castro, Overland Park PD EOW 8/31/21
Ofc. Trey Copeland, Cotton Valley PD EOW 8/31/21
Dy. Carlos D. Ortiz, Colorado County SO EOW 8/31/21
Lt. Robert Travelstead, Sonoma County SO EOW 9/1/21
Sgt. Daniel E. Watts, Jacksonville Beach PD EOW 9/1/21
Ofc. Gregory R. Young, Vernon College PD EOW 9/1/21
Sgt. Brian Mohl, Connecticut State Police EOW 9/2/21
Senior Ofc. David B. Saavedra, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 9/2/21
Sgt. William J. Yancey, Lake City PD EOW 9/2/21
Ofc. Frankie A. Gutierrez, Newnan PD EOW 9/2/21
Inv. Richard W. Humphrey, Baldwin County DA Office EOW 9/3/21
Dy. Jody Smith, Carroll County SO EOW 9/3/21
Det. Sgt. Derek E. Sidwell, Overton County SO EOW 9/3/21
Dy. Ronald R. Butler, Bexar County SO EOW 9/3/21
Marshal Michael A. Keathley, West PD EOW 9/3/21
Cor. Ofc. Honorato Antones, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 9/3/21
Det. Tom Breedlove, Hernando County SO EOW 9/4/21
Det. Ofc. Tara L. Cook, Whitfield County SO EOW 9/4/21
Ofc. Edgar Morris, Collierville PD EOW 9/4/21
Sgt. Matthew C. Moore, Arkansas Highway Police EOW 9/5/21
Dy. Michael Neau, Okaloosa County SO EOW 9/5/21
Ofc. Robert T. Joiner, Ector County Ind. School District PD EOW 9/5/21
Parole Ofc. Huey P. Prymus III, Texas Division Of Parole EOW 9/5/21
K9 Kyra, Ford County SO EOW 9/6/21
Parole Ofc. Broderick R. Daye, Iowa Dept. Of Corrections EOW 9/7/21
Cor. Ofc. Glenn Skeens, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 9/7/21
Cor. Dy. Rodrigo Delgado, San Diego County Probation Dept. EOW 9/8/21
Inv. Dusty Wainscott, Grayson County SO EOW 9/8/21
Ofc. Bonnie N. Jones, Danville PD EOW 9/9/21
Ofc. Clifford D. Crouch, Tallahassee PD EOW 9/11/21
Ofc. David A. Horton, Darien PD EOW 9/11/21
Dy. Darrell L. Henderson, Shiawassee County SO EOW 9/11/21
Sgt. Gino Caputo, Barrington PD EOW 9/11/21
Det. Charles C. Vroom, Nassau County PD EOW 9/12/21
Dy. Robert C. Mills, Butler County SO EOW 9/12/21
Ofc. Stephen Jones, Barnwell PD EOW 9/12/21
Sp. Agent Dustin Slovacek, Texas Dept. Of Criminal Investigation EOW 9/12/21
Cor. Ofc. Echo Rodriguez, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 9/12/21
Lt. James Guynes, Monroe County SO EOW 9/13/21
Sgt. Bobby Williams, Muscogee County SO EOW 9/13/21
Ofc. Noah R. LeBlanc, Laguna Vista PD EOW 9/13/21
Sgt. Shad Hammond, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 9/13/21
Cor. Ofc. Jose A. Hernandez, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 9/13/21
Dy. Willie E. Hall, Jefferson County SO EOW 9/14/21
Ofc. Blaize Madrid-Evans, Independence PD EOW 9/15/21
Probation Ofc. Julie A. Harper, North Carolina Dept. Corrections EOW 9/15/21
Cor. Ofc. Chris Watson, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 9/15/21
Sgt. Steven L. Marshall, Chatsworth PD EOW 9/15/21
K9 Tito, Eufaula PD EOW 9/15/21
Ofc. Michelle Gattey, Georgetown PD EOW 9/16/21
Lt. Earnest Oldham, Plano PD EOW 9/16/21
Capt. David E. MacAlpine, New Hanover County SO EOW 9/17/21
Ofc. Carl Proper, Kings Mountain PD EOW 9/17/21
Lt. John Stewart, Lake City PD EOW 9/17/21
Sgt. Richard J. Frankie, Ft. Bend Ind. School District PD EOW 9/17/21
Tpr. Brian Pingry, Florida Highway Patrol EOW 9/18/21
Cpl. Gregory Campbell, Richmond County SO EOW 9/18/21
Lt. Brandi Stock, Brooklet PD EOW 9/19/21
Ofc. Jimmie A. Shindler, Memphis PD EOW 9/20/21
Senior Ofc. William Jeffrey, Houston PD EOW 9/20/21
Sgt. Sherman Peebles, Muscogee County SO EOW 9/21/21
Sgt. David Miller, Clarksville PD EOW 9/22/21
Cor. Ofc. Cleadas Sherman, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 9/22/21
Ofc. Joseph J. Kurer, Fond Du Lac PD EOW 9/22/21
Agent Luis H. Dominguez, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 9/23/21
Dy. Luke R. Gross, Hancock County SO EOW 9/23/21
Senior Cpl. Arnulfo Pargas, Dallas PD EOW 9/23/21
Cpl. Charles W. Catron, Carroll County SO EOW 9/23/21
Senior Dy. Phillip D. Barron; Jr., Victoria County SO EOW 9/24/21
Ofc. Anthony C. Testa, West Palm Beach PD EOW 9/25/21
Dy. Matthew Locke, Hardin County SO EOW 9/25/21
Cor. Ofc. Charles Hughes, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 9/25/21
Cor. Ofc. Connell Foreman, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 9/25/21
Agent David B. Ramirez, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 9/26/21
Dy. Joshua Moyers, Nassau County SO EOW 9/26/21
Cpl. Robert W. Nicholson, Clark County SO EOW 9/26/21
Ofc. Donald Hall, Magnolia PD EOW 9/26/21
Undersheriff Jeffrey Montoya, Colfax County SO EOW 9/26/21
Ofc. Brian L. Rowland, Pittsburgh Bureau Of Police EOW 9/26/21
Ofc. Gregory L. Triplett, Waverly PD EOW 9/26/21
Tpr. Eric T. Gunderson, Washington State Patrol EOW 9/26/21
Agent Alfredo M. Ibarra, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 9/27/21
Det. Ofc. Tony L. Bruce, Bay County SO EOW 9/27/21
Ofc. Howard K. Smith III, Owasso PD EOW 9/27/21
Sgt. Joshua W. Stewart, Sullivan County SO EOW 9/27/21
Chief Derek S. Asdot, Green Cove Springs PD EOW 9/28/21
Sgt. Michael T. Thomas, Griffin PD EOW 9/28/21
Sgt. Logan Davis, Iron County SO EOW 9/28/21
Cor. Cpl. Terrell K. Jordan, Miami-Dade Dept. Of Corrections EOW 9/29/21
Sgt. Donald W. Ramey, Transylvania County SO EOW 9/29/21
Cor. Lt. David W. Reynolds, Butler County SO EOW 9/30/21
Dy. Teresa H. Fuller, Wilson County SO EOW 9/30/21
Cor. Ofc. Calyne St. Val, Miami-Dade Dept. Of Corrections EOW 10/1/21
Senior Insp. Jared Keyworth, U.S. Marshals Service EOW 10/1/21
Capt. James A. Sisk, Culpeper County SO EOW 10/1/21
Sgt. Nick Risner, Sheffield PD EOW 10/2/21
Ofc. Darrell D. Adams, Memphis PD EOW 10/2/21
Cor. Ofc. Melissa Maldonado, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 10/3/21
Group Supervisor Michael G. Garbo, DEA EOW 10/4/21
Cor. Ofc. Sylvia L. Allen, Miami-Dade Dept. Of Corrections EOW 10/4/21
Ofc. Julio C. Herrera; Jr., Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD EOW 10/4/21
Cor. Ofc. Vassar Richmond, Bartlett PD EOW 10/4/21
Cor. Ofc. Thomas S. Collora, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 10/5/21
Cor. Ofc. Garland Chaney, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 10/5/21
Sgt. John R. Lowry, Suffolk County SO EOW 10/6/21
Dy. Dale L. Wyman, Hardeman County SO EOW 10/6/21
Ofc. Victor Donate, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 10/7/21
Cpl. Timothy M. Tanksley, Alto PD EOW 10/8/21
Dy. John R. King, Lyon County SO EOW 10/8/21
Cpl. Dylan M. Harrison, Alamo PD EOW 10/9/21
Mstr. Tpr. Adam Gaubert, Louisiana State Police EOW 10/9/21
Mstr. Dy. William E. Marsh, Rowan County SO EOW 10/10/21
Sgt. Michael D. Rudd, La Paz County SO EOW 10/11/21
Dy. Juan M. Ruiz, Maricopa County SO EOW 10/11/21
Det. Ofc. Anthony Nicoletti, Mohave County SO EOW 10/11/21
Lt. William O. McMurtray III, Burke County SO EOW 10/11/21
Cor. Ofc. Toamalama Scanlan, Fresno County SO EOW 10/12/21
Cor. Lt. Dennis E. Boykin, North Carolina Dept. Of Corrections EOW 10/12/21
Deportation Ofc. Bradley K. Kam, ICE EOW 10/12/21
Ofc. Ty A. Powell, Windsor PD EOW 10/13/21
Comd. Sgt. Richard A. McMahan, Columbus PD EOW 10/13/21
Dy. Oliver Little, Floyd County SO EOW 10/13/21
Ofc. James E. Simonetti, Carnegie Mellon University PD EOW 10/13/21
Sgt. Raquel V. Saunders, Amarillo PD EOW 10/13/21
Sgt. William W. Gay, Bibb County SO EOW 10/14/21
Dy. Kareem Atkins, Harris County CO EOW 10/16/21
Det. Rodney L. Mooneyham, Denton PD EOW 10/16/21
Ofc. Yandy Chirino, Hollywood PD EOW 10/17/21
Ofc. Ryan A. Hayworth, Knightdale PD EOW 10/17/21
Ofc. Andrew R. MacDonald, Grand Prairie PD EOW 10/18/21
Inv. Tracy J. Dotson, Dallas County DA Office EOW 10/19/21
Tpr. Ted L. Benda, Iowa State Patrol EOW 10/20/21
Dy. Donald A. Poffenroth, Pershing County SO EOW 10/20/21
Sgt. Manuel Rodriguez, Florida Off. Ag. Law Enforcement EOW 10/21/21
Dy. Joshua J. Welge, Sarasota County SO EOW 10/21/21
Sgt. Richard C. Howe, Pittsburgh Bureau Of Police EOW 10/21/21
Tpr. Dung X. Martinez, Pennsylvania State Police EOW 10/21/21
Sgt. Michael D. Dunn, Amarillo PD EOW 10/22/21
Ofc. Jason M. Belton, Erie PD EOW 10/24/21
Supervisory Agent Rafael G. Sanchez, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 10/24/21
Ofc. Stephen Evans, Burns PD EOW 10/25/21
Ofc. Tyler Timmins, Pontoon Beach PD EOW 10/26/21
Ofc. Thomas K. Hutchinson, Haltom City PD EOW 10/27/21
Senior Ofc. Matthew L. Lyons, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 10/28/21
Ssg. Jesse Sherrill, New Hampshire State Police EOW 10/28/21
Lt. David Formeza, Perth Amboy PD EOW 10/28/21
Chief Buddy Crabtree, Ider PD EOW 10/30/21
Dy. David Cook, Kent County SO EOW 11/1/21
Sgt. Timothy Werner, Pittsburgh Bureau Of Police EOW 11/2/21
Det. Sgt. Gary R. Taccone, Erie PD EOW 11/3/21
Dy. John E. Moon, Waller County SO EOW 11/3/21
Senior Ofc. Sherman O. Benys; Jr., Kingsville PD EOW 11/4/21
Agent Anibal A. Perez, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 11/5/21
Cor. Ofc. Juan Cruz; Jr., Fresno County SO EOW 11/5/21
Sgt. Scott M. Patton, Robinson Township PD EOW 11/6/21
Cpl. Ignacio J. Romero, Lander County SO EOW 11/7/21
Dy. Lena N. Marshall, Jackson County SO EOW 11/8/21
Ofc. Paramhans D. Desai, Henry County PD EOW 11/8/21
K9 Rogue, Cedar Park PD EOW 11/8/21
Sgt. Dominic Guida, Bunnell PD EOW 11/9/21
Lt. Chad O. Brackman, Maricopa County SO EOW 11/10/21
Det. Michael J. Dion, Chicopee PD EOW 11/10/21
Cor. Ofc. Kevin Dupree, Texas Dept. Of Corrections EOW 11/11/21
Ofc. Michael D. Chandler, Big Stone Gap PD EOW 11/13/21
Parole Ofc. Ty’Isha Harper, Texas Parole Division EOW 11/15/21
Mstr. Tpr. Daniel A. Stainbrook, Wisconsin State Patrol EOW 11/15/21
Cor. Ofc. Rhonda J. Russell, Blair County Prison EOW 11/17/21
Dy. Frank Ramirez; Jr., Independence County SO EOW 11/18/21
Code Enforcement Ofc. Adam R. Arbogast, Parsons PD EOW 11/25/21
Supervisory Agent Martin Barrios, U.S. Border Patrol EOW 11/29/21
Ofc. Henry Laxson, Clayton County PD EOW 11/30/21
Agent Salvador Martinez; Jr., U.S. Border Patrol EOW 11/30/21
Pc. Madison Nicholson, Wilcox County CO EOW 12/1/21
Det. Antonio A. Valentine, St. Louis County PD EOW 12/1/21
Dy. Clay Livingston, Elbert County SO EOW 12/3/21
Ofc. Richard Houston II, Mesquite PD EOW 12/3/21
Senior Ofc. Eric Lindsey, Austin PD EOW 12/5/21
Ofc. Theodore J. Ohlemeier, Colwich PD EOW 12/8/21
Det. Joseph Pollack, Douglas County SO EOW 12/9/21
Cpl. Jack L. Guthrie; Jr., Dallas College PD EOW 12/9/21
Dy. Jailer Robert Daniel, Graves County Jail EOW 12/10/21
Ofc. Jeremy M. Wilkins, Chandler PD EOW 12/17/21
Ofc. Zachary D. Cottongim, Louisville Metro PD EOW 12/18/21
Ofc. Chad P. Christiansen, Volk Field Security Forces EOW 12/18/21
Sgt. Kevin D. Redding, Haverford Township PD EOW 12/20/21
Ofc. Mia D. Figueroa-Goodwin, Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD EOW 12/22/21
Ofc. Keona Holley, Baltimore City PD EOW 12/23/21
Agent José Ferrer-Pabón, DDP De Puerto Rico EOW 12/24/21
Lt. Matthew A. Vogel, Hudson County SO EOW 12/27/21
Dy. Sean Riley, Wayne County SO EOW 12/29/21
Sgt. Marlene Rittmanic, Bradley PD EOW 12/30/21
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meetnategreen · 3 years
The More Accurate Headline Reads: 120 Retired Generals and Admirals Pledge Allegiance to a Failed Russian Asset and Swear Their Loyalty to Their One True Orange God.
Signed by: RADM Ernest B. Acklin, USCG, ret. MG Joseph T. Anderson, USMC, ret. RADM Philip Anselmo, USN, ret. MG Joseph Arbuckle, USA, ret. BG John Arick, USMC, ret. RADM Jon W. Bayless, Jr. USN, ret. RDML James Best, USN, ret. BG Charles Bishop, USAF, ret. BG William A. Bloomer, USMC, ret. BG Donald Bolduc, USA, ret. LTG William G. Boykin, USA, ret. MG Edward R. Bracken, USAF, ret. MG Patrick H. Brady, MOH, USA, ret. VADM Edward S. Briggs, USN, ret. LTG Richard “Tex’ Brown III USAF, ret. BG Frank Bruno, USAF, ret. VADM Toney M. Bucchi, USN, ret. RADM John T. Byrd, USN, ret. BG Jimmy Cash, USAF, ret. LTG Dennis D. Cavin, USA, ret. LTG James E. Chambers, USAF, ret. MG Carroll D. Childers, USA, ret. BG Clifton C. “Tip” Clark, USAF, ret. VADM Ed Clexton, USN, ret. MG Jay Closner, USAF, ret MG Tommy F. Crawford, USAF, ret. MG Robert E. Dempsey, USAF, ret. BG Phillip Drew, USAF, ret. MG Neil L. Eddins, USAF, ret. RADM Ernest Elliot, USN, ret. BG Jerome V. Foust, USA, ret. BG Jimmy E. Fowler, USA, ret. RADM J. Cameron Fraser, USN, ret. MG John T. Furlow, USA, ret. MG Timothy F. Ghormley, USMC, ret. MG Francis C. Gideon, USAF, ret. MG Lee V. Greer, USAF, ret. RDML Michael R. Groothousen, Sr., USN, ret. BG John Grueser, USAF, ret. MG Ken Hagemann, USAF, ret. BG Norman Ham, USAF, ret. VADM William Hancock, USN, ret. LTG Henry J. Hatch, USA, ret. BG James M. Hesson, USA, ret. MG Bill Hobgood, USA, ret. BG Stanislaus J. Hoey, USA, ret. MG Bob Hollingsworth, USMC, ret. MG Jerry D. Holmes, USAF, ret. MG Clinton V. Horn, USAF, ret. LTG Joseph E. Hurd, USAF, ret. VADM Paul Ilg, USN, ret. MG T. Irby, USA, ret. LTG Ronald Iverson, USAF, ret. RADM (L) Grady L. Jackson MG William K. James, USAF, ret. LTG James H. Johnson, Jr. USA, ret. ADM. Jerome L. Johnson, USN, ret. BG Charles Jones, USAF, ret. BG Robert R. Jordan, USA, ret. BG Jack H. Kotter, USA, ret. MG Anthony R. Kropp, USA, ret. RADM Chuck Kubic, USN, ret. BG Jerry L. Laws, USA, ret. BG Douglas E. Lee, USA, ret. MG Vernon B. Lewis, USA, ret. MG Thomas G. Lightner, USA, ret. MG James E. Livingston, USMC, ret. MOH MG John D. Logeman, USAF, ret. MG Jarvis Lynch, USMC, ret. LTG Fred McCorkle, USMC, ret. MG Don McGregor, USAF, ret. LTG Thomas McInerney, USAF, ret. RADM John H. McKinley, USN, ret. BG Michael P. McRaney, USAF, ret. BG Ronald S. Mangum, USA, ret. BG James M. Mead, USMC, ret. BG Joe Mensching, USAF, ret. RADM W. F. Merlin, USCG, ret. RADM (L) Mark Milliken, USN, ret. MG John F. Miller, USAF, ret. RADM Ralph M. Mitchell, Jr. USN, ret. MG Paul Mock, USA. ret. BG Daniel I. Montgomery, USA, ret., RADM John A. Moriarty, USN, ret., RADM David R. Morris, USN, ret. RADM Bill Newman, USN, ret. BG Joe Oder, USA, ret. MG O’Mara, USAF, ret. MG Joe S. Owens, USA, ret. VADM Jimmy Pappas, USN, ret. LTG Garry L. Parks, USMC, ret. RADM Russ Penniman, RADM, USN, ret. RADM Leonard F. Picotte, ret. VADM John Poindexter, USN, ret. RADM Ronald Polant, USCG, ret. MG Greg Power, USAF, ret. RDM Brian Prindle, USN, ret. RADM J.J. Quinn, USN, ret. LTG Clifford H. Rees, Jr. USAF, ret. RADM Norman T. Saunders, USCG, ret. MG Richard V. Secord, USAF, ret. RADM William R. Schmidt, USN, ret. LTG Hubert Smith, USA, ret. MG James N. Stewart, USAF, ret. RADM Thomas Stone, USN., ret. BG Joseph S. Stringham, USA, ret. MG Michael Sullivan, USMC, ret. RADM (U) Jeremy Taylor, USN, ret. LTG David Teal, USAF, ret. VADM Howard B. Thorsen, USCG, ret. RADM Robert P. Tiernan, USN, ret. LTG Garry Trexler, USAF, ret. BG James T. Turlington, M.D., USAF, ret. BG Richard J. Valente, USA ret. MG Paul Vallely, USA, ret. MG Russell L. Violett, USAF, ret. BG George H. Walker, Jr. USAR Corp of Engineers, ret. MG Kenneth Weir, USMCR, ret. BG William O. Welch, USAF, ret. MG John M. White, USAF, ret. MG Geoffrey P. Wiedeman, JR. USAF, ret. MG Richard O. Wightman, Jr., USA, ret. RADM Denny Wisely, USN, ret. LTG John Woodward, ret.
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Everyone these white men has betrayed their country and their oath to protect the US Constitution and our democracy.
Under military law, they should forfeit their rank, their tax payer paid pensions and/or prepare themselves for the firing squad.
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deqpelis · 4 years
Las películas más esperadas en la cuarentena
Algunos de los estrenos que más ansiamos en este año cargado de  conflictos en el mundo audiovisual.
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Rodajes pospuestos, otros cancelados; estrenos que debieron hacer malabares con sus fechas u optar por otra modalidad,  volcándose directamente a los servicios de streaming sin hacerlo antes por las salas.
Pero más allá de las dificultades y cambios radicales en el mundo cinematográfico, los espectadores atraviesan la cuarentena en distintos lugares del mundo esperando con ansias una gran cantidad de películas prometedoras. 
Mientras nos adaptamos a la “nueva normalidad” podemos acercarnos a los trailers de algunos de los filmes más esperados del año. Lo cierto es, que por más que tarde en llegar, e incluso con aquella incertidumbre respecto a las fechas, el hype será el mismo (o aún más!). 
Christopher Nolan vuelve a la pantalla grande luego de Dunkirk, la gran película bélica llena de características propias del director de la trilogía de Batman, o de los clásicos instantáneos como Interstellar e Inception. La trama de TENET (2020) está más cargada de incógnitas que de respuestas; en palabras de la sinopsis oficial, el film es “Una acción épica que gira en torno al espionaje internacional, los viajes en el tiempo y la evolución, en la que un agente secreto debe prevenir la Tercera Guerra Mundial”. 
Género: Thriller | Acción 
Reparto:  John David Washington, Robert Pattinson, Elizabeth Debicki
País: 🇬🇧
Director: Christopher Nolan
2. THE FRENCH DISPATCH (La Crónica Francesa)
Wes Anderson, el director que abraza la simpleza dentro de la ambición escénica, regresa con una película que tiene de protagonistas a un grupo de escritores y periodistas franceses, encargados de producir un nuevo número de la revista “The French Dispatch”. La lista de las figuras importantes que forman parte del elenco, es prácticamente interminable. Dentro de sus protagonistas pueden encontrarse los ganadores del oscar Frances McDormand (Fargo, Three Billboards), Tilda Swinton (Michael Clayton), Benicio Del Toro (Traffic), Christoph Waltz (Django, Inglourious Basterds), y otras estrellas como Timothée Chalamet, Léa Seydoux y  Saoirse Ronan.
Género: Comedia | Drama | Romance
Reparto:  Benicio del Toro, Frances McDormand, Jeffrey Wright, Adrien Brody, Tilda Swinton, Timothée Chalamet, Léa Seydoux, Owen Wilson, Mathieu Amalric, Lyna Khoudri, Steve Park, Bill Murray, Saoirse Ronan, Willem Dafoe, Kate Winslet, Alex Lawther, Cécile De France, Henry Winkler, Elisabeth Moss, Christoph Waltz, Rupert Friend, Jason Schwartzman, Fisher Stevens, Sam Haygarth
País: 🇺🇸
Director: Wes Anderson
Uno de los grandes clásicos de los ‘80, vuelve con su protagonista Maverick (Tom Cruise). 
Uno de los mejores aviadores de la Armada estadounidense, cumple ya 30 años de servicio y conoce a un grupo de nuevos compañeros que comienzan su desarrollo dentro de la profesión. Dentro del elenco que interpreta a los novatos aviadores que ingresarán al universo de Top Gun, se encuentra el protagonista de Whiplash (2014), Miles Teller.
○  ESTRENO PREVISTO EN ARGENTINA | 7 de Enero (2021)    
Género: Acción 
Reparto:  Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, Miles Teller, Jennifer Connelly, Glen Powell, Jon Hamm, Ed Harris, Lewis Pullman, Jay Ellis, Monica Barbaro, Bashir Salahuddin, Charles Parnell, Danny Ramirez [...]
País: 🇺🇸
Director: Joseph Kosinski
4. NO TIME TO DIE (007: Sin Tiempo Para Morir)
Luego de los éxitos de Skyfall y Spectre dirigidos por Mendes, el agente británico más famoso del cine, vuelve bajo la dirección de Cary Joji Fukunaga.
James Bond (Daniel Craig) se encuentra disfrutando unas vacaciones en Jamaica, cuando debe interrumpirlas para poder acudir a una nueva misión. El agente 007 es el encargado de enfrentarse una vez más a la acción, y rescatar a un importante científico que fue secuestrado.
Género: Thriller | James Bond | Espionaje | Acción
Reparto: Daniel Craig, Rami Malek, Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw, Jeffrey Wright, Léa Seydoux, Ana de Armas, Rory Kinnear, Dali Benssalah, Billy Magnussen, David Dencik, Lashana Lynch, Christoph Waltz, Julian Ferro, Toby Sauerback, Ty Hurley, Paul O'Kelly, Lampros Kalfuntzos
País: 🇬🇧
Director: Cary Joji Fukunaga
Una nueva película del universo cinematográfico de Marvel, tiene como protagonista a la integrante de los Avengers. 
“Natasha Romanoff, alias Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), se enfrenta a las partes más oscuras de su bagaje cuando surge una peligrosa conspiración con vínculos a su pasado. Perseguida por una fuerza que no se detendrá ante nada para derribarla, Natasha debe enfrentarse a su historia como espía y a las relaciones rotas que dejó a su paso mucho antes de convertirse en Vengadora”.
Género: Acción | Comic | Aventuras
Reparto: Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh, Rachel Weisz, David Harbour, William Hurt, Ray Winstone, O.T. Fagbenle, Michelle Lee, Olivier Richters, Nanna Blondell, Joakim Skarli, Obie Matthew, Paul O'Kelly [...]
País: 🇺🇸
Director: Cate Shortland
6. A QUIET PLACE PART II (Un Lugar en Silencio: Parte 2)
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Luego del éxito de la película protagonizada por el matrimonio John Krasinski y Emily Blunt, la historia con un gran guion original vuelve en forma de secuela a la pantalla grande. 
La familia Abbot atravesó duros momentos, pero a pesar de todo continúa avanzando en silencio. Entre sus hazañas por sobrevivir y encontrar un lugar para poder refugiarse, los protagonistas descubrirán que no sólo deberán enfrentarse a los monstruos que tanto dolor les causaron.
Género: Terror | Ciencia Ficción | Thriller
Reparto:  Emily Blunt, Cillian Murphy, Millicent Simmonds, Noah Jupe, Djimon Hounsou, Wayne Duvall, John Krasinski, Lauren-Ashley Cristiano, Okieriete Onaodowan, Blake DeLong, Silas Pereira-Olson, Liz Cameron [...]
País: 🇺🇸
Director: John Krasinski
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La secuela de Wonder Woman, nos trae otra vez a Diana Prince (Gal Gadot). 
Esta vez el tiempo rodea a la heroína de DC, serán los ´80, cargados de música, luces y detalles característicos de esta época tan querida y buscada por el cine en la actualidad. En el film, la protagonista actúa como una espía durante la Guerra Fría y dentro de lo que se sabe, podremos ver a la heroína enfrentarse a la villana Cheetah, interpretada por Kristin Wiig.
Género: Acción | Comic 
Reparto: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal, Robin Wright, Connie Nielsen, Gabriella Wilde, Natasha Rothwell, Ravi Patel, Penelope Kapudija, Kelvin Yu, Bern Collaco, Shane Attwooll, Lyon Beckwith, Kosha Engler [...]
País: 🇺🇸
Director: Patty Jenkins
8. DUNE 
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Ya pasó un tiempo desde que el director de Arrival (2016) hizo oficial su nuevo proyecto, pero la realidad es que la ansiedad de los espectadores sigue siendo aún la misma. Denis Villeneuve (Prisioners, Sicario), llevará una vez más a la pantalla, la adaptación de la novela distópica de Frank Herbert. Esta vez, sus protagonistas serán Timothée Chalamet, quien interpretará a Paul Atreides y será acompañado por Zendaya en el rol de Chani.
Género: Ciencia Ficción
Reparto: Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac, Javier Bardem, Zendaya, Dave Bautista, Stellan Skarsgard, Charlotte Rampling, Josh Brolin, Jason Momoa, Sharon Duncan-Brewster, David Dastmalchian, Stephen Henderson, Paul Bullion, Chang Chen [...]
País: 🇺🇸
Director: Denis Villeneuve
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La ganadora del Oscar a mejor película de 1962, volverá a través de una remake dirigida por el gran Steven Spielberg.
La adaptación musical neoyorquina de Romeo y Julieta, nos trae a Tony (Ansel Egort) y Maria (Rachel Zegler); dos jóvenes enamorados pertenecientes a distintas pandillas de Nueva York con una gran historia de enfrentamientos. El amor prohibido es una vez más representado en la pantalla y acompañado con la excelente banda sonora compuesta por Leonard Bernstein. 
Género: Musical | Romance | Drama
Reparto: Rachel Zegler, Ansel Elgort, David Alvarez, Ariana DeBose, Rita Moreno, Josh Andrés Rivera, Corey Stoll, Brian d'Arcy James, Maddie Ziegler, Ana Isabelle, Mike Faist, Reginald L. Barnes, Jamila Velazquez, Talia Ryder, Kevin Csolak, Paloma Garcia Lee, Mike Massimino, Jess LeProtto, Annelise Cepero, Arianna Rosario, Sean Harrison Jones, Sebastian Serra, Garett Hawe, Julian Elia [...]
País: 🇺🇸
Director: Steven Spielberg
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En los últimos años, las películas de terror fueron unas de las más elegidas al momento de ser reversionadas, o llevadas a una amplia cantidad de secuelas. El caso de CANDYMAN (2020) no es la excepción. Nia DaCosta dirige el nuevo film que tiene como protagonista a Anthony McCoy (Yahya Abdul-Mateen) y su novia  Brianna Cartwright (Teyonah Parris). El artista y su pareja se mudan a Cabrini Green, el barrio con un oscuro pasado, que será develado poco a poco mientras los protagonistas vayan descubriendo cada vez más sobre el asesino serial que alguna vez fue invocado en aquellas calles de Chicago.
Género: Terror | Remake
Reparto:  Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Teyonah Parris, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Colman Domingo, Kyle Kaminsky, Vanessa Williams, Rebecca Spence, Carl Clemons-Hopkins, Brian King, Miriam Moss, Cassie Kramer, Mark Montgomery, Genesis Denise Hale, Rodney L Jones III [...]
País: 🇺🇸
Director: Nia DaCosta
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Disney continúa con la larga lista de clásicos animados trasladados a live action. En 1998, conocimos por primera vez a la heroína inspirada en Hua Mulan, la protagonista de leyendas ancestrales chinas. 
La princesa de Disney, esta vez interpretada por Liu Yifei es una mujer fuerte, que decide romper con todas las delimitaciones preestablecidas y bajo una identidad falsa, reemplazar a su débil padre y salvarlo de su obligación por ir a la guerra. 
Género: Aventuras | Acción | Remake
Reparto: Liu Yifei, Donnie Yen, Gong Li, Jet Li, Jason Scott Lee, Rosalind Chao, Utkarsh Ambudkar, Tzi Ma, Yoson An, Doua Moua, Jimmy Wong, Ron Yuan, Chen Tang, Roger Yuan, Cheng Pei-Pei, Susana Tang, Nelson Lee, Jen Sung [...]
País: 🇺🇸
Director: Niki Caro
                                                                    Por Delfina Quiquisola
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blackkudos · 4 years
Joseph Lowery
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Joseph Echols Lowery (October 6, 1921 – March 27, 2020) was an American minister in the United Methodist Church and leader in the civil rights movement. He founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Martin Luther King Jr. and others, serving as its vice president, later chairman of the board, and from 1977 to 1997 its president. Lowery participated in most of the major activities of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s, and continued his civil rights work into the 21st century. He was called the "Dean of the Civil Rights Movement."
In 2009, Lowery received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from U.S. President Barack Obama.
Joseph E. Lowery was born to Leroy and Dora Lowery on October 6, 1921. His mother was a teacher and his father owned a small business in Alabama. When he was 11, he was abused and punched by a white police officer, for not getting off the sidewalk as a white man was passing. Lowery ran home to get a gun, but his father arrived and talked him out of it. His family sent him away while he attended middle school in Chicago staying with relatives, but he returned to Huntsville, Alabama, to complete William Hooper Councill High School. He attended the Knoxville College and Alabama A&M College. Lowery graduated from Paine College. He was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity.
He attended ministerial training at Payne Theological Seminary and later on, he completed a Doctor of Divinity degree at the Chicago Ecumenical Institute. He married Evelyn Gibson in 1950, a civil rights activist and leader in her own right. She was the sister of the late Harry Gibson, an activist, and elder member of the Northern Illinois conference of the United Methodist Church, Chicago area. She died on September 26, 2013. They had three daughters: Yvonne Kennedy, Karen Lowery, and Cheryl Lowery-Osborne. Lowery also had two sons, Joseph Jr. and LeRoy III, from an earlier marriage to Agnes Moore.
American civil rights career
Lowery was pastor of the Warren Street Methodist Church, in Mobile, Alabama, from 1952 to 1961. His career in the Civil Rights Movement took off in the early 1950s. After Rosa Parks' arrest in 1955, he helped lead the Montgomery bus boycott. He headed the Alabama Civic Affairs Association, an organization devoted to the desegregation of buses and public places. In 1957, along with Martin Luther King Jr., Lowery founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and subsequently led the organization as its president from 1977 to 1997.
Lowery's car and other property, along with that of other civil rights leaders, was seized in 1959 by the State of Alabama to pay damages resulting from a libel suit. The Supreme Court of the United States later reversed this decision in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan. At the request of King, Lowery participated in the Selma to Montgomery march of 1965. He was a co-founder and president of the Black Leadership Forum, a consortium of black advocacy groups. This Forum protested the existence of Apartheid in South Africa from the mid-1970s through the end of white minority rule there. Lowery was among the first five black men to be arrested outside the South African Embassy in Washington, D.C., during the Free South Africa movement. He served as the pastor of Cascade United Methodist Church in Atlanta from 1986 through 1992, adding over a thousand members and leaving the church with 10 acres (40,000 m2) of land.
To honor him, the city government of Atlanta renamed Ashby Street for him. Joseph E. Lowery Boulevard is just west of downtown Atlanta and runs north-south beginning at West Marietta Street near the campus of the Georgia Institute of Technology and stretching to White Street in the "West End" neighborhood, running past Atlanta's Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Clark Atlanta University, Spelman College, Morehouse College, and Morris Brown College.
Lowery advocated for LGBT civil rights, including civil unions and, in 2012, same-sex marriage.
Lowery died on March 27, 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Lowery received several awards. The NAACP gave him their Lifetime Achievement Award at its 1997 convention calling him the "dean of the civil rights movement". He received the inaugural Walter P. Reuther Humanitarian Award from Wayne State University in 2003. He has also received the Martin Luther King Jr. Center Peace Award and the National Urban League's Whitney M. Young Jr. Lifetime Achievement Award, in 2004. Ebony named him one of the 15 greatest black preachers, describing him as, "the consummate voice of biblical social relevancy, a focused voice, speaking truth to power." Lowery also received several honorary doctorates from colleges and universities including, Dillard University, Morehouse College, Alabama State University, University of Alabama in Huntsville, and Emory University. In 2004, Lowery was honored at the International Civil Rights Walk of Fame at the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site, located in Atlanta, Georgia.
Lowery was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Barack Obama, on July 30, 2009. He was also given the Fred L. Shuttlesworth Human Rights Award by the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute that year.
Remarks at Coretta Scott King's funeral
In 2006, at Coretta Scott King's funeral, Lowery received a standing ovation when he remarked before four U.S. presidents in attendance:
We know now there were no weapons of mass destruction over there. But Coretta knew and we know that there are weapons of misdirection right down here. Millions without health insurance. Poverty abounds. For war billions more but no more for the poor!
Conservative observers claimed his comments were inappropriate in a setting meant to honor the life of Mrs. King, especially considering George W. Bush was present at the ceremony. None of Mrs. King's family has objected to Lowery's words.
President Barack Obama's inauguration benediction
On January 20, 2009, Lowery delivered the benediction at the inauguration of Senator Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America. He opened with lines from "Lift Every Voice and Sing", also known as "The Negro National Anthem", by James Weldon Johnson. He concluded with the following, an interpolation of Big Bill Broonzy's "Black, Brown and White":
Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get [in] back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. Let all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen! Say Amen! And Amen!
A number of conservative pundits including Glenn Beck and Michelle Malkin criticized this final passage, accusing it of being "divisive" and "racialist." Reporters in attendance called the passage a mocking of racial stereotypes, and said that the crowd received it with good humor.
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Best World War II Non-fiction History Books
ABRAMSKY, C. (ed.), Essays in Honour of E. H. Carr ('The Initiation of the Negotiations Leading to the Nazi-Soviet Pact: A Historical Problem’, D. C. Watt) Macmillan, 1974
ABYZOV, VLADIMIR, The Final Assault, Novosti, Moscow, 1985
ALEXANDROV, VICTOR, The Kremlin, Nerve-Centre of Russian History, George Allen 8: Unwin, 1963
ALLILUYEVA, SVETLANA, Only One Year, Hutchinson, 1969
Twenty Letters to a Friend, Hutchinson, 1967
AMORT, R., and JEDLICKA, I. M., The Canan's File, Wingate, 1974
ANDERS, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL W., An Army in Exile, Macmillan, 1949
ANDREAS-FRIEDRICH, RUTH, Berlin Underground, 1939-1945, Latimer House, 1948
ANON, A Short History of the Bulgarian Communist Party, Sofia Press, Sofia, 1977
ANON, The Crime of Katyn, Facts and Documents, Polish Cultural Foundation, 1965
ANON, The Obersalzberg and the Third Reich, Plenk Verlag, Berchtesgaden, 1982
ANTONOV-OUSEYENKO, ANTON, The Time of Stalin, Portrait of a Tyranny, Harper & Row, New York, 1981
BACON, WALTER, Finland, Hale, 1970
BARBUSSE, HENRI, Stalin: A New World Seen Through One Man, Macmillan, New York, 1935
BAYNES, N. H. (ed), Hitler’s Speeches, 1922-39, 2 vols, OUP, 1942
BEAUFRE, ANDRE, 1940: The Fall of France, Cassell, 1968
BECK, JOSEF, Demier Rapport, La Baconniére, Brussels, 1951
BEDELL SMITH, WALTER, Moscow Mission 1946-1949, Heinemann, 1950
BELOFF, MAX, The Foreign Policy of Soviet Russia, Vol Two, 1936-1941, Oxford, 1949
BEREZHKOV, VALENTIN, History in the Making, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1983
BIALER, S., Stalin and His Generals, Souvenir Press, 1969
BIELENBERG, CHRISTABEL, The Past is Myself, Chatto & Windus, 1968
BIRKENHEAD, LORD, Halifax, Hamish Hamilton, 1965
BOHLEN, CHARLES E., Witness to History, 1929-1969, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1973
BONNET, GEORGES, Fin d’une Europe, Geneva, 1948
BOURKE-WHITE, MARGARET, Shooting the Russian War, Simon 8: Schuster, New York, 1942
BOYD, CARL, Magic and the Japanese Ambassador to Berlin, Paper for Northern Great Plains History Conference, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, 1986
BUBER, MARGARETE, Under Two Dictators, Gollancz, 1949
BUBER-NEUMANN, MARGARETE, Von Potsdam nach Moskau Stationens eines Irrweges, Hohenheim, Cologne, 1981
BULLOCK, ALAN, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny, Pelican, 1962
BURCKHARDT, CARL I., Meine Danziger Mission, 1937- 1939, Munich, 1960
BUTLERJ. R. M. (editor), Grand Strategy, Vols I-III, HMSO, 1956-1964
BUTSON, T. G., The Tsar’s Lieutenant: The Soviet Marshal, Praeger, 1984
CALDWELL, ERSKINE, All Out on the Road to Smolensk, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York, 1942
CALIC, EDOUARD, Unmasked: Two Confidential Interviews with Hitler in 1931, Chatto & Windus, 1971
CARELL, PAUL, Hitler’s War on Russia, Harrap, 1964
CASSIDY, HENRY C., Moscow Dateline, Houghton Mifilin, Boston, 1943
CECIL, ROBERT, Hitler’s Decision to Invade Russia, 1941, Davis-Poynter, 1975
CHANEY, OTTO PRESTON, JR., Zhukov, David & Charles, Newton Abbot, 1972
CHAPMAN, GUY, Why France Collapsed, Cassell, 1968
CHURCHILL, WINSTON S., The Second World War. Vol. I: The Gathering Storm, Vol. II: Their Finest Hour, Vol. III: The Grand Alliance, Penguin, 1985
CIENCIALA, ANNA M., Poland and the Western Powers, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1968
CLARK, ALAN, Barbarossa, Hutchinson, 1965
COATES, W. P. and Z. K., The Soviet-Finnish Campaign, Eldon Press, 1942
COHEN, STEPHEN (ed.), An End to Silence (from Roy Medvedev’s underground magazine, Political Diary), W. W. Norton, New York, 1982
COLLIER, RICHARD, 1940 The World in Flames, Hamish Hamilton, 1979
COLVILLE, JOHN, The Fringes of Power, Downing Street Diaries, 1939-1955, Hodder & Stoughton, 1985
COLVIN, IAN, The Chamberlain Cabinet, Gollancz, 1971
CONQUEST, ROBERT, The Great Terror: Stalin’s Purge of the Thirties, Macmillan, 1968
COOKE, RONALD C., and NESBIT, ROY CONGERS, Target: Hitler’s Oil, Kitnber, 1985
COOPER, DIANA, Autobiography, Michael Russell, 1979
COULONDRE, ROBERT, De Staline a Hitler, Paris, 1950
CRUIKSHANK, CHARLES, Deception in World War II, CUP, 1979
DAHLERUS, BIRGER, The Last Attempt, Hutchinson, 1948
DALADIER, EDOUARD, The Defence of France, Hutchinson, 1939
DEAKIN, F. W., and STORRY, G. R., The Case of Richard Sarge, Chatto 8: Windus, 1966
DEIGHTON, LEN, Blitzkrieg, Jonathan Cape, 1979
DELBARS, YVES, The Real Stalin, George Allen 8: Unwin, 1953
DEUTSCHER, ISAAC, Stalin. A Political Biography, CUP, 1949
DIETRICH, OTTO, The Hitler I Knew, Methuen, 1957
DILKS, DAVID, (ed.), Diaries of Sir Alexander Cadogan 1938-1945, Cassell, 1971
DJILAS, MILOVAN, Conversations with Stalin, Penguin, 1963
DOBSON, CHRISTOPHER and MILLER, JOHN, The Day We Almost Bombed Moscow: Allied War in Russia 1918-1920, Hodder & Stoughton, 1986
DOLLMANN, EUGEN, The Interpreter, Hutchinson, 1967
DONNELLY, DESMOND, Struggle for the World, Collins, 1965
DOUGLAS, CLARK, Three Days to Catastrophe, Hammond, 1966
DRAX, ADMIRAL SIR REGINALD PLUNKETT-ERNLE-ERLE-, Mission to Moscow, August 1939, Privately, 1966
DREA, EDWARD J., Nomohan: Japanese-Soviet Tactical Combat. 1939, Combat Studies Institute, Leavenworth Papers, January 1981
EDEN, ANTHONY, Facing the Dictators, Cassell, 1962
The Reckoning, Cassell, 1965
EDMONDS, H.J., Norman Dewhurst, MC, Privately, Brussels, 1968
EHRENBURG, ILYA, Eve of War, MacGibbon & Kee, 1963
EINZIG, PAUL, In the Centre of Things, Hutchinson, 1960
EISENSTEIN, SERGEI M., Immoral Memories, Peter Owen, 1985
ENGEL, GERHARD, Heeresadjutant bei Hitler 1938-1943, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt,
Stuttgart, 1974
ERICKSON,J., The Road to Stalingrad Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975
The Soviet High Command, Macmillan, 1962 ‘Reflections on Securing the Soviet Far Eastern Frontier: 1932-1945’, Interplay, August-September 1969
EUGLE, E., and PAANEN, L., The Winter War, Sidgwick 8: Jackson, 1973
FEILING, KEITH, The Life of Neville Chamberlain, Macmillan, 1946 FESTJOACHIM C., Hitler, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1974
The Face of the Third Reich, Weidenfeld 8c Nicolson, 1970
FISCHER, ERNST, An Opposing Man, Allen Lane, 1974
FLANNERY, HARRY W., Assignment to Berlin, Michael Joseph, 1942
FLEISHER, WILFRID, Volcano Isle, Jonathan Cape, 1942
FOOTE, ALEXANDER, Handbook for Spies, Museum Press, 1949, 1953
FRANCOIS-PONCET, ANDRE, The Fateful Years, Gollancz, 1949
FRANKEL, ANDREW, The Eagle’s Nest, Plenk Verlag, Berchtesgaden, 1983
GAFENCU, GRIGOIRE, The Last Days of Europe, Frederick Muller, 1947
GALANTE, PIERRE, Hitler Lives and the Generals Die, Sidgwick 8: Jackson, 1982
GARLINSKI, JOZEF, The Swiss Corridor, J. M. Dent, 1981
GIBSON, HUGH (ed.), The Ciano Diaries, 1939-1 943, Doubleday, New York, 1946
GILBERT, MARTIN, Finest Hour, Heinemann, 1983
The Holocaust, TheJewish Tragedy, Collins, 1986
Winston Churchill, The Wildemess Years, Macmillan, 1981
GISEVIUS, HANS BERND, To the Bitter End, Cape, 1948
GORALSKI, ROBERT, World War II Almanac, 1931-1945, Hamish Hamilton, 1981
GORBATOV, ALEKSANDR v., Years Of My Lips, Constable, 1964
GORODETSKY, G., Stahhrd Cripps’Mission to Moscow, 1940-42, Cambridge U.P., 1984
GREW, JOSEPH C., Ten Years in Japan, Hammond, Hammond, 1945
GREY, IAN, Stalin, Man of History, Weidenfeld 8c Nicolson, 1979
The First Fijiy Years. Soviet Russia, 1917-1967, Hodder 8c Stoughton, 1967
GRIGORENKO, PETRO G., Memoirs, Harvill, 1983 GRIPENBERG, G. A. (trs. Albin T. Anderson), Finland and the Great Powers, Univ. Of
Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1965
GUDERIAN, HEINZ, Panzer Leader, Ballantine Books, New York
GUN, NERIN E., Eva Braun, Hitler’s Mistress, Frewin, 1968
HALDER, COLONEL-GENERAL FRANZ, Kriegstagehuch, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 1963 Hitler als Feldherr, Miinchener Dom-Verlag, Munich, 1949
HALIFAX, LORD, Fulness of Days, Collins, 1957
HARLEYJ. H. (based on Polish by Conrad Wrzos), TheAuthentic Biography of Colonel Beck, Hutchinson, 1939
HARRIMAN, W. A., and ABEL, 13., Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin, 1941-1946, Random House, New York, 1975
HASLAM,J., The Soviet Union and the Struggle/or Collective Security in Europe, 1933-1939, Macmillan, 1984
HAUNER, MILAN, Hitler. A Chronology of His Life and Time, Macmillan, 1983
HAYASHI, SABURO (with ALVIN D. coox), Kogun, The ]apanese Army in the Pacific War, Marine Corps Association, Quantico, Va., 1959
HEIBER, HELMUT, Goebbels, Robert Hale, 1972
HENDERSON, SIR NEVILE, Failure of a Mission, Hodder & Stoughton, 1940
HERWARTH, HANS VON (with FREDERICH STARR), Against Two Evils, Collins, 1981
HESSE, FRITZ, Das Spiel um Deutschland, List, Munich, 1953 Hitler and the English, Wingate, 1954
HESTON, LEONARD and RENATO, The Medical Case Boole of Adolf Hitler, Kimber, 1979
HILGER, GUSTAV (with ALFRED G. MEYER), The Incompatible Allies: A Memoir-History of German-Soviet Relations, 1918-1941 Macmillan, New York, 1953
HILL, LEONIDAS E. (ed.) Die Weizsacleer Papiere, 1933-1950, Berlin, 1974
HINSLEY, F. H. with THOMAS, E. E., RANSOM, C. F. G., and KNIGHT, R. (3., British Intelligence in the Second World War, Vol. 1, HMSO, 1979
HITLER, ADOLF, Mein Kampf, Hutchinson, 1969 Hitler’s Secret Conversations, Signet, New York, 1961 The Testament of Adolf Hitler. The Hitler-Borrnann Documents, Cassell, 1961
HOFFMANN, HEINRICH, Hitler Was My Friend, Burke, 1955
HOFFMANN, PETER, Hitler’s Personal Security, MIT, Boston, 1979
HOHNE, HEINZ (trs. R. Barry), The Order of the Death ’5 Head: The Story of Hitler’s SS, Seeker & Warburg, 1969 HOSKING, G., A History of the Soviet Union, Fontana, 1985 HYDE, H. MONTGOMERY, Stalin, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1971 INFIELD, GLENN B., Hitler’s Secret Life, Hamlyn, 1980 IRVING, DAVID, Hitler’s War, 1939-1942, Macmillan, 1983 The War Path, Michael Joseph, 1978
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REISCHAUER, EDWIN O., The Japanese, Harvard UP, 1977
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RIBBENTROP, JOACHIM VON, Zwischen London und Moskau: Erinnerungen und letzte Aufzeichnungen, Stuttgart, 1955
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ROKOSSOVSKY, K., A Soldier’s Duty, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1970
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RUSSELL, WILLIAM, Berlin Embassy, Michael Joseph, 1942
RYABOV, VASILI, The Great Victory, Novosti, Moscow, 1985
SALISBURY, HARRISON E., A journey for Our Times, Harper 81. Row, New York, 1983 The Siege of Leningrad, Seeker & Warburg, 1969
SCHAPIRO, LEONARD, The Government and Politics of the Soviet Union, Vintage Books, 1978
SCHMIDT, PAUL, Hitler’s Interpreter, Heinemann, 1951 SCHRAMM, PERCY ERNST, Hitler: The Man and the Military Leader, Allen Lane, 1972 SCHREIBER, H., Teuton and Slav, 1965
SCHWARZ, PAUL, This Man Ribhentrop, julian Messner, New York, 1943
SCOTT, JOHN, Duel for Europe, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1942
SEATON, ALBERT, The Russo-German War 1941-45, Arthur Barker, 1971 Stalin as Warlord, Batsford, 1976
SEVOSTYANOV, PAVEL, Before the Nazi Invasion, Progress, Moscow, 1984
SEYMOUR, CHARLES (ed.), The Intimate Paper of Colonel House, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1926
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SHIRER, WILLIAM, Berlin Diary, Bonanza Books, New York, 1984 The Nightmare Years, 1930-1940, Little, Brown, ‘Boston, 1984 The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Secker & Warburg, 1960 The Collapse of the Third Republic, Literary Guild, 1966
SHOSTAKOVICH, DMITRI, Testimony, Hamish Hamilton, 1979
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SMITH, HOWARD K., Last Train from Berlin, Cresset Press, 1942
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winsonsaw2003 · 4 years
I’m Looking For Descendants Of Charles John Irving (1831-1917) Of Newton / Singapore
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Looking For Descendants Of Charles John Irving (1831-1917) Of Newton.Son of Charles Mitchell Irving & Anne Dorothea Madgwick.
He was Resident Councillor of Penang & Malacca.Died in 1917.He married Mary Jane Tompkins. His issue:-
i) Charles John Irving (1868-?)
ii) Dorothea Irving (1869-1961). iii) Edward Alexander Irving (1870-1958) married 1stly,Christina Margaret ? & 2ndly,Dorothy Mabel Bray. His issue:- ai) Archibald Denys Irving (1899-1918). aii) Rachel May Margaret Irving(1900-?) married Edwin Lessware Price. Their issue:- bi) Ione Price . aiii) Hope Dorothy Irving (1901-1982) married Robert Fowler Walker. Their issue:- bi) Hope Lindsay Walker married John Alexander Sellers. Their issue:- ci) Gavan Richard Alexander Sellers married Anne B S J Daunay.
bii)Judith Millicent Walker (1930-?) married Peter F Holmes.
Their issue:-
ci) Hope J L Holmes.
biii) Garry Walker. aiv) Charles Arthur Le Mesurier Irving(1903-1986) married Eleanor Cree. His issue:-
bi) Edward Irving
bii) Denys G Irving married Mardilla Jordine.
His issue:-
ci)Arthur Weylan Shango Irving
biii) Charles A Irving married Dorothy Chang. biv) Katherine E Irving.
av) Janet Gilmour Irving (1906-1990) married Edward George Northway.
Their issue:-
bi) Pamela J M Northway. bii) Colin J.G.Northway married 1stly,Gillian E.T.Madge,2ndly,Henrietta S Sparkes,3rdly,Joni Langley. His issue:-
ci) Nicola Jane Le N Northway. cii) Anna Caroline Le Mesurier Northway.
biii) Roger A E Northway married Jane Ann C Kilburn.
His issue:-
ci) Mary C Northway.
cii) Edwin Anthony Le Mesurier Northway.
biv) Peter T Le Mesurier Northway
iv) Janet Gilmour Irving(1906-1990).
v) Archibald Irving (1873-1893).
v)  Sir Miles Irving (1877-1962) married 1stly, Gertrude Edith Childs-Clarke,2ndly,Margaret Mary Crick,3rdly,Emily Elspeth Grace Baillie. His issue:-
ai)Mary Catherine Irving(1903-?) married Maurice Henry.
aii) Dorothea Bertha Irving married James Samuel Montgomerie.
aiii) Margaret Graham Irving(1917-?).
aiv) Michael Miles Irving (?-1923).
av) Hilary Minden Irving(1924-2010) married Louis Joseph Pratt.
Please contact me at - [email protected]
0 notes
bdscuatui · 5 years
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Các giao dịch bất động sản ở Massachusetts cho các hạt Hampden, Hampshire và Franklin, ngày 22 tháng 3 năm 2020 AgawamAlfred Fenney Jr., và Aristea Fenney đến Viktor Savonin, Đại lộ Carr, 38.000 đô la.Eduardo Santaniello và Joseph P. DeCaro đến Irfan Ahmed và Satter Ahmed, 1347-1349 Suffield St., 450.000 USD.Garry W. Meyers đến Rebecca J. Wing và Steven Ewing, 204 Valley Brook Road, $ 290.000.AmherstRamona A. Tomlinson cho Tyler J. Tomlinson và Devin R. Tomlinson, Tòa án 3 Emerson, 100 đô la.Alan Patrick St. Hilaire, Christina Marie Carrera-St. Hilaire và Christine Marie Carrera-St. Hilaire đến Noah B. Kuhn và Kate M. Kuhn, 27 phần Newell Street, $ 12,750.Scott Ferguson, đại diện cá nhân, và Jeffrey Davis Ferguson, bất động sản, cho David B. Ruderman và Holly L. Ruderman, 64 Greenwich Road, $ 185.000.BelchertownCitizens Bank NA, RBS Citizens NA, và Citizens Bank of Massachusetts to Tang Properties LLC, 5 Old Amherst Road, $ 142.500.Hoa Kỳ Phát triển Nhà ở & Đô thị cho GJL RNL Nominee Trust, 685 Liên bang St., 153.800 đô la.Robert L. Buehler và Julie L. Buehler đến Huiping Lian và Diana Lin, 11 Metacomet St., 362.000 đô la.Summer Hill Estates Development LLC, đến Paul L. Beaulieu và Mary L. Beaulieu, 111 Daniel Shays Highway, 285.000 đô la.Constance A. Canuel, Coleen M. Smolinski và Angela M. Bamber đến Yuyan Jiang, 128 Boardman St., 339.000 USD.Cánh đồngCitibank, ủy thác và ủy thác chứng khoán tài sản Mastr 2006-2, ủy thác của Geoffrey Steil và Jennifer Steil, 126 Haynes Hill Road, $ 435.000.Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và Dòng ủy thác của RMAC 2016-CTT, ủy thác của Michael J. Sosik, ủy thác và Swede Realty Trust, ủy thác của, 51 Holland Road, 80.000 đô la.ChicopeeAshley K. Brodeur đến HCP Group LLC, 390 Montcalm St., $ 225.000.Bonnie Lemanski, Debra Ciosek, Karen Bowler, Karen Monette, Amy Marchacos và John Bowler đến Marcin Kalisz và Elzbieta Kalisz, 22-24 Austin St., 200.000 USD.Carol S. Ingram và Laurel J. Stankiewicz đến Christopher Culpepper, 51 Irene St., $ 186.000.Jeremy A. Keough và Jennifer L. Keough cho Thomas Keenan và Susan Keenan, 405 Montgomery St., $ 320.000.John Tsandilas và Patricia Tsandilas đến Christos Tsandilas, 68 Dunn St., 300.000 đô la.Josephine Mercik và James J. Mercik đến Jeremy Rudzik và Bethany York Rudzik, đường 599 Granby, 150.000 đô la.Karen M. Genetelli đến Richard Negrin, 42 Casey Drive, $ 211.000.Marsha Henry, Kathleen A. Pinizzotto và Kathleen Owczarski cho Peter D. Marcotte, 40 Shirley St., 135.000 USD.Phillip E. Russ Jr., và Nancy A. Russ cho Harry Melendez III, và Kimberly Marie Melendez, 22 Mount Vernon Road, 255.000 đô la.Shannon M. Dion cho Pauline C. Dion và Jeremy G. Dion, 17 High St., 240.000 đô la.Stella P. Doray, Deborah A. Doray, Edmund M. Doray, Norman C. Doray và Ronald F. Doray cho Jason L. Pride, 45 Lombard St., $ 224.000.Waycon Inc., đến Daniel L. Desjeans và Shawnna A. Desjeans, 39 Stockbridge St., $ 377,700.William D. Sullivan, Tricia A. Stallman và Karen M. Broughan đến Ryszard Starsiak, Phố Emery, 50.000 đô la.ColrainSasha J. Perusse, "còn gọi là" Sasha J. Rasid, "hay còn gọi là" Sasha Rasid, với Kylie R.Brunner, Justin K. Mason, 25 đường Stranahan, 175.000 USD.ConwayChristopher Hachey, Donna M. Thatcher, và Gabrielle T. Hachey, "còn gọi là" Gabrielle T. Sabella, đến Julia C. Carroll và Amy E. Lashley, 731 Shelburne Falls Road, 140.000 đô la.Đông LongmeadowRobert C. Harris đến JJJ17 LLC, 389 Elm St., $ 120.000.Đông thànhJoseph A. Baron và Janet E. Baron cho Gilson S. Hogan và Jennifer G. Hogan, 7 Knight Ave., $ 262.000.Daniel J. Costigan cho Kellie Ann Hutton và Matthew R. Robinson, 6 Rabideau Drive, $ 245.000.XóaPaul Armond Arsenault Estate, "còn gọi là" Paul A. Arsenault Estate, Melody L. Arsenault, đại diện cá nhân, đến Amanda Arsenault và Nikita T. Shamrock, 26 Lillian's Way, 281.000 đô la.Trời ạViện nhân dân cho Dan Desnoyers và Linda Desnoyers, South Chesterfield Road, 4.000 đô la.GranbyRoger A. Lebel và Briana M. Gosselin đến David Graffum và Maureen Graffum, Batch Bachelor Street, 110.000 đô la.Cánh đồng xanhTimothy F. Washburn đến PRB LLC, 17-21 1/2 Quốc hội St., $ 1.000.000.Carol C. Wandeloski, bởi luật sư, Mary E. Norwood, luật sư, cho Ann Grace Roberts Bognolo và Ramesh John Rdballie, 69 Hastings St., 260.000 đô la.Angela T. Ruggeri đến Jessica A. Pearlman, Đường 142 Leyden / Đường 140R Leyden, $ 225.000.Howard N. Stone và H. Donna Russo-Stone đến Lorelie P. Lacoy và Nicholas W. Lacoy, 46 đường Adams và 42 1/2 đường Adams, 250.000 USD.Robert W. Sienko động sản, Gregory Sienko, đại diện cá nhân, đến James C. Rae Jr., 63 Summer St., 65.000 đô la.Ngân hàng HSBC Hoa Kỳ NA, ủy thác, bởi luật sư, Wells Fargo Bank NA, luật sư, cho Gabriel E. Miranda và Gleicieny Santos, 36 Plantation Circle, 55.000 đô la.HadleyErvin K. Laclair và Erwin K. Laclair đến Tammy A. Laclair-Reagen, Vicky L. Martins và Ronald E. Laclair, 48 Huntington Road, 100 đô la.Ramona A. Tomlinson cho Tyler J. Tomlinson và Devin R. Tomlinson, 15 North Maple St., 100 đô la.HampdenMichael A. Ciecko Jr., đến Matthew R. Galica, 84 Oak Knoll Drive, $ 297.500.HatfieldQuản lý tài nguyên nhà cung cấp và cựu chiến binh Hoa Kỳ cho Coligny Baldwin và Jesse Baldwin, 35 Pantry Road, $ 254.000.cây thạch thảoAndrew J. Royer, Andrew J. Royer, Sr., và Monica R. Royer tới Chelsea B. Jordan-Makely và James R. Makely, 11 Ledges Road, $ 183.000.Hà Lan Các cựu chiến binh của Melonie J. Pitisci, 11 Old Acres Road, $ 125,659.HolyokeAlan C. Lesiege và Georgia J. Lesiege cho Chad Robert Donnelly và Teresa Donnelly, 22 Holly Lawn Road, 385.000 đô la.Ronny Sinn đến Bina M. Batchelder, 99 Saint James Ave., 210.000 đô la.HuntingtonỦy thác Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA ủy thác, Ủy thác tham gia chính của LSF9 và Hudson Homes Management LLC, luật sư, đến Robert Osterman, 46 Basket St., $ 119.000.Scott E. Cickyham, đại diện cá nhân, Barbara Cickyham Paulson, và Barbara C. Paulson, bất động sản, đến Hoa Kỳ Phát triển Nhà ở & Đô thị, 24 Allen Coit Road, $ 197,345.LeverettJoseph Williams, Jr. đến Hong Tong Cai, 475 Long Plain, 155.000 đô la.Douglas P. Glazier, Ronald P. Glazier và Terry P. Glazier đến Philip W. Hirsch, Cave Hill Road, 65.000 USD.LongmeadowDiolinda Dasilva đến Joshua P. Lamson và Rachael A. Lamson, 260 Williams St., $ 330.000.Julius S. Brecht đến Andrew H. Scott và Silvia I. Scott, 25 đường Chatham, 450.000 đô la.LudlowAmy Maschi đến Geovanni Vazquez và Jessica M. Vazquez, 33 Lazarz St., 190.000 USD.Dianne Fabrocini và John F. Olson đến Robert S. Duffy, 554 Winsor St., $ 260.000.Joaquim A. Carneiro và Andrea Carneiro đến Gail Carneiro, 154 Stevens St., 200.000 USD.Nhà xây dựng MNB LLC, đến Shamina M. Evans, 36 Hampden St., $ 189.000.Stephen Everett Foote, Rebeccah Burque, Marissa Silvestri, Marissa Foote và Anthony Silvestri đến Bank of America, 14 Bucknell St., 104,704 đô la.Trường trungJoaquim M. Henriques và Beverly A. Henriques đến Daniel E. Boudreau và Carol T. Boudreau, 69 Chipman Road, 230.000 đô la.MontagueCộng đoàn của Grace Inc., đến Olivia Joy Tusinski và Je H. Ahn, 41 K St., 90.000 đô la.Paul E. Cloutier và Michelle C. Cloutier, "fka" Michelle C. Kurtyka, đến Christie A. Lemerise, 69 Dell St., $ 221.500.Montague Real Trust Trust, Albert A. Lichoulas và Catherine M. Lichoulas, ủy thác, đến Kearsarge Millers Falls RE LLC, Millers Falls Road, 65.000 đô la.MontgomeryFrank A. Demarinis đến Tristan Kiendzior và Renee Kiendzior, 78 Đường Upper Pomeroy, $ 320.000.Giáo dụcMichele A. McHale cho Emily Dodge Goodwin và Carlos Varela, 91 North Main St., $ 290.000.Tháng Sáu A. Gardner đến Kevin Emile Boucher và Mary Ye-Yu Wang-Boucher, 70 Birch Hill Road, $ 522.000.Mark A. Blais và Mark S. Fowles đến Kaitlyn E. Dorman và Haley E. Pearl, 1300 Burts Pit Road, 375.000 USD.Perry Smith cho Jo Landers, Trung tâm dịch vụ 6, 440.000 đô la.Samuel Kelton Roberts Jr., và Christina Michelle Greer cho Angie Hauser và Christopheer Aiken, 26 Corticelli St., 250.000 USD.Joseph Wilhelm, người được ủy thác và 61 Tin tưởng có thể hủy ngang của Phố chính đối với John T. Geryk và Julie S. Martyn, 61 Main St., $ 310.000.Harold M. Portner đến Andrew Hahn, 67 Westhampton Road, 293.000 đô la.trái camAdam Stacey và Jennifer Stacy đến Kasey Elizabeth Teixeira, 110 Đại lộ Drew, 178.000 USD.Anthony Paoletti và Maria C. Paoletti đến Joseph 0. Paoletti, 147 Walnut Hill Road, 155.000 đô la.PalmerJennifer M. Toelken cho Nicholas Strange, 21 Thương mại St., $ 145.000.Monica Desmarais, bất động sản, và Frederick A. Zieminski, đại diện, cho Justin K. Cordeiro, 127 Springfield St., 155.000 đô la.Ruby Realty LLC, đến Xing Gao Wang, 2041-2043 High St., $ 138.000.RussellJoan M. Deacon, Mark E. Deacon, Diane Deacon James và John F. Deacon cho Craig R. Maryea và Connie M. Maryea, 90 Highland Ave., 200.000 đô la.William S. Russell đến Abigail Tompkins và Andrew Tompkins, 52 West Main St., 300.000 đô la.Nam HadleyBrett A. Remillard cho Howie Realty LLC, 515 Granby Road và Cypress Drive, 25.000 đô la.Noella Loiselle và Noella R. Loiselle cho Paul N. Loiselle, người được ủy thác, Catherine L. Loiselle, người được ủy thác và Tuyên bố của Loiselle Irrevocable Trust, 385 Amherst Road, $ 100.Domini Kirchner II, người được ủy thác và Laurels Realty tin tưởng vào Melanie Navarro và Maria Centeno, 68 School St., $ 196.000.Robert B. Genetelli Jr., Lisa J. Genetelli và Allison S. Genetelli cho Karen M. Genetelli, 10 McDowell Drive, 100.000 đô la.SouthamptonJohn Gwosch và Donna Gwosch cho James F. Boyle và Patricia A. Boyle, 55 Pomeroy Meadow Road và 57 Pomeroy Meadow Road, 250.000 USD.James M. Brunelle và Deborah A. Brunelle đến James M. Brunelle, 33 đường Cook, 100 đô la.NamwickJames Y. Joubert và Kathleen M. Joubert đến James Joubert Jr., 15 Gargon Terrace, $ 221.000.John T. Rock Jr., L. Kristina Erhart và L. Kristina Rock đến Austin J. Prokop và Andrea N. Prokop, 44 Buckingham Drive, $ 215.000.Mary C. Schicker đến Melissa N. Perna-Naves, 48 ​​South View Drive, Đơn vị 48, $ 237.000.Michael F. Albro và Rebecca M. Albro cho Michael G. Mcintyre, 35 đường Hills Hills, 199.000 đô la.Robert J. Goulette đến Eric A. Jackson, 14 Castle St., 177.000 USD.Ruby Realty LLC, đến Thurston Properties LLC, 10 Woodside Circle, $ 170.000.SpringfieldAle House Inc., đến 536 Worthington St. LLC, 536 Worthington St., $ 125.000.Bretta Construction LLC, đến Ram Kumar Sanyasi và Tila Rupa Sanyasi, 81 Woodrow St., $ 334,900.David M. Trehey và Antonia T. Veronesi-Trehey đến Timothy A. Raimer, 44 Colorado St., $ 197.000.Debra A. Duncan cho MPower Capital LLC, 1515 Carew St., $ 80.000.Della Ripa Bất động sản LLC, đến Cig4 LLC, 235 Pendleton Ave, $ 65.100.Della Ripa Bất động sản LLC, đến Cig4 LLC, 240 East St., $ 80.000.Nhà quản lý tài sản ngoại giao LLC, đến David Malave, 70 Carew Terrace, $ 87.000.Elba M. Mendez đến Bruce Dimm, 85 Castle St., $ 186.000.Fumi Realty Inc., đến Delsie Parker, 52 Stratford Terrace, 187.000 USD.Gabriela V. Rivero đến Chandra Nepal và Hem Poudel, 1 đường Bairdcrest, $ 239.000.Hedge Hog Industries Corp, đến Onix Ocasio, 145 Allen St., 150.000 đô la.Sparkle Three Limited Partnership và Gregory H. Ferruolo đến Colvest / State Street LLC, 535 State St., 335.000 đô la.James W. Fiore và Darlene Fiore đến Kenneth Narvaez và Stephanie A. Rivera, 18 Kensington Ave., 164.500 đô la.Jennifer Bennett đến Javier Hernandez, Debora Đại tá và Debora Hernandez, 15 Lamont St., $ 144.000.Jennifer Patricia Gottschlicht đến Dominic Jones, 166 Laurelton St., 100 đô la.JJJ17 LLC, đến Rafael Mendrell, 91-93 Noel St., $ 220.000.Karen Pelletier, đại diện, và Hubert J. Pelletier, bất động sản, đến Castle Trụ sở Inc., 8 Ansara St., 60.000 đô la.Kevin J. Tringali và Meagan A. Tringali cho Jeffrey M. Greening và Rosanna M. Greening, 235 State St., Đơn vị 408, $ 160.000.Kevin M. Shea và Bryan P. Shea đến Maureen A. Marotte, 124 đường Burt, 80.000 đô la.Lachenauer LLC, đến Joshua Sanchez và Sabrina Santiago, 66 đường Aspen, $ 195.000.Loretta A. Tupek đến Basile Realty LLC, 163 Winterset Drive, 135.000 đô la.Marie Perry đến tháng 6 Associates LLC, 155 Middle St., 75.000 đô la.Michael M. Hastie đến Karin E. Willett, số 207 đường Oak Hollow, $ 246.000.Mohammed Alkhabi và Dhuha Almaliki đến Helen Al-Mahrwuth, 17-19 Crown St., 180.000 USD.Hội trường Nina M. đến Kristol Griffith và Jerrell Glass, 22-24 Cortland St., 4.000 USD.Paul Ricco và Paul J. Ricco đến Angel DeCaro và Randy Wilson, 123 Audubon St., 50.000 đô la.Rachel M. Craig, Rachel M. Yates và James D. Yates II, đến Rachel Gillette và Mariah Miller, 57 Pelham St., 166.500 đô la.Richard E. LaFlamme và Louise M LaFlamme cho Kevin A. Nunes, 95 Rhinebeck Ave., $ 188.000.Rosanna Greening và Jeffrey Greening cho Jason Pressey, 17 Sky Ridge Lane, 285.000 USD.Thành phố Springfield đến Campagnari Construction LLC, 74 Irvington St., $ 5.000.Thành phố Springfield đến Russ Tetreault Realty LLC, Phố Hồng y, $ 1,030.Susan B. Williams và James Williams đến James Rocca và Chad Lynch, 123-125 Amherst St., 77.000 đô la.Timothy Epps Rich (REP) và Willieanna Conner (EST) đến Keisha Moore, 61 Thompson St, 51.500 đô la.Ngân hàng U S, người được ủy thác và Dòng ủy thác của RMAC 2016-CTT, người được ủy thác, cho Manuel Angel Cardona, 139-141 Moxon St., 129.150 đô la.Victor A. DeAngelo và Mary N. DeAngelo cho Michelle L. Brown, 83 Dartmouth St., 218.000 đô la.Xứ WalesJacquelyn Jovan và Corey K. Jovan đến Ronald W. Gresty Jr., và Rhiannon J. Gresty, 15 Walker Road, 20.000 đô la.đồTim J. Barry đến 2-8 Ross Ave LLC, 2-8 Ross Ave., 100 đô la.Tây SpringfieldC G S Enterprises Inc., đến KDomain LLC, 193-195 Western Ave., Đơn vị 1B, $ 168.000.Christine M. Budzynkiewicz đến SRV Properties LLC, 125 Charles Ave., $ 68.000.Này Lama LLC, đến Chad William Chapman, 454 Birnie Ave., 288.500 đô la.Mary Hunt-O KhắcConnor đến VIP Homes & Associates LLC, 175 Labelle St., $ 80.000.Raymond R. Marquis và Michelle Lynn Hầu tước cho Dominic Kirchner II, người được ủy thác và Kaydoke Realty Trust, người được ủy thác của, 600 Kings Highway, $ 170,010.William M. Gray, Lori A. Gray, Meghan Gray và Meghan A. Bisaillon cho James W. Connor, 75 Birnie Ave., 242.900 USD.WestfieldBrian M. Torpey gửi Martha B. Halperin, ủy thác và Martha B. Halperin Tuyên bố ủy thác, ủy thác của, 15 City View Road, 179.000 đô la.Cinda S. McKinney cho Robert Bellamy và Maura Bellamy, 7 Birch sân thượng, 355.000 đô la.Craig R. Maryea và Connie M. Maryea đến Derek M. Stevens và Meghan A. Gray, 567 Loomis St., 302.000 đô la.DDLP Development LLC, đến Christopher A. Santara và Jennifer L. Santara, Breighly Way, 125.000 đô la.Edward J. Robitaille và Barbara J. Robitaille đến Cheryl A. Bowe và John R. Holton, 126 Long Pond Road, 179.000 USD.Joanne M. Sampson đến Charlene M. Leinonen, 17-21 Gold St., $ 310.000.Linda B. Quigley đến Đức Rosario, 1430 Russell Road, Đơn vị 30, $ 117.000.Robert Bellamy và Maura Bellamy cho Sharon Delaine Francis và Ronald James Francis, 81 Overlook Drive, 395.900 đô la.Ryan A. Lawson và Sara M. Lawson đến Aimee-Jeanne Welch và Eric R. Welch, 1062 E Mountain Road, 222.000 đô la.Hội tiết kiệm quỹ Wilmington, Christiana Trust, ủy thác và ủy thác mua lại thế chấp Pretium, ủy thác của Cig4 LLC, 5 Princeton St., 140.000 đô la.Tây thành phốFelix J. Grygorcewicz, đại diện cá nhân, và Joseph P. Grygorcewicz, bất động sản, cho Michael J. Burke và Marie Burke, 326 đường Tây Bắc, $ 380.000.Cái gìGary M. Cabana và Virginia L. Cowles đến Wade Coleman và Stephanie Sanderson, 297 Haydenville Road, 355.000 đô la.WilbrahamHội tiết kiệm quỹ Wilmington, Christiana Trust, ủy thác và ủy thác mua lại thế chấp Pretium, ủy thác, cho Piotr Rakowski, 2 Evangeline Drive, 229.900 đô la.[ad_2] Nguồn
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Usa today Art against incarceration, glacial melt that could hurt a fly: News from around our 50 states
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Usa today Alabama
1st viscount montgomery of alamein: It’s inevitable that a illness that is constantly lethal to whitetail deer will spread to the issue, a high conservation legit says, and the results this would possibly per chance also have economically, culturally and even medically are unfathomable. Continual wasting illness is seemingly “three to five years” from exhibiting up in the issue, says Chuck Sykes, director of the Natural world and Freshwater Fisheries Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Pure Resources. Hunting generates $1.8 billion in annual financial affect in Alabama, based on the Hunting Heritage Foundation. And whitetail deer are the most in vogue game animal in the issue, based on the issue conservation department. Firearms deer season opens Saturday and runs by contrivance of Feb. 10. Sykes predicts CWD “will be introduced right here” by “that negligent, uncaring hunter who harvests a deer out of issue and doesn’t choose the time to smartly tackle the carcass.”
Usa today Alaska
North Pole: Seasonal ice park officers, missing a considerable ingredient, have launched the closure of a Christmas-themed park amid lack of ice in the condo. The Fairbanks Each day Recordsdata-Miner reports Executive Director Keith Fye says the annual ice park called Christmas in Ice became as soon as canceled for the first time in the city of North Pole. Fye cited icy climate stipulations including now not having sufficient ice on ponds to harvest for ice carving this one year. Officials dispute the icy climate ice park is found subsequent to the Santa Claus House east of Fairbanks and customarily runs for six weeks by contrivance of December. Fye says this would possibly per chance were the 14th one year. Officials dispute the park functions Christmas-themed ice sculptures, ice slides, hot cocoa and an annual focus on over with from Santa Claus.
Usa today Arizona
Tempe: An condo trend without a parking for its anticipated 1,000 residents – the first of its form in the nation – is planned all over from a delicate-rail discipline in the city. The $140 million trend can have scooters, bicycles and a few scurry-sharing autos. It also has plans to provide residents of the 636 apartments affords on gentle rail, buses, and rides with Uber or Lyft. Builders of the advanced called Culdesac Tempe, scheduled to open subsequent drop, dispute this would possibly per chance also be the first automobile-much less apartments in-constructed the U.S. The trend wouldn’t be fully parking-free: There would be guest areas on issue for company and parking for the improvement’s industrial retail. The Pattern Overview Rate will vote subsequent month on a zoning contrivance modification and trend knowing overview for the first phase of the mission.
Usa today Arkansas
Minute Rock: Plenty of issue universities have reported a drop in world scholar enrollment. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville signifies its world scholar inhabitants is down about 2% from 1,461 in drop 2017 to 1,433 in 2018. Southern Arkansas University’s knowledge presentations its world scholar inhabitants declined by about 46% in the 2018-2019 tutorial one year from 730 college students in 2017-2018. The Institute of World Training’s annual Open Doorways document presentations a dip in world college students in undergraduate and graduate programs all around the country. The downturn is a pain for universities that rely on tuition from international college students, who're usually charged increased charges. Some U.S. colleges have blamed President Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric for driving college students away, nonetheless Enlighten Department officers pushed aside the postulate.
Usa today California
Los Angeles: The teen who shot five classmates, killing two, at a Southern California excessive faculty veteran an unregistered “ghost gun,” Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva says. Villanueva instructed media retail outlets that 16-one year-susceptible Nathaniel Tennosuke Berhow’s .45-caliber semi-automated pistol became as soon as assembled from gun parts and did now not have a serial quantity. Berhow pulled the gun from his backpack Nov. 14 in an open-air quad at Saugus High College in Santa Clarita and in 16 seconds shot five college students at random. At one level, the gun jammed, nonetheless he fast cleared it and persevered capturing. Berhow counted his rounds, Villanueva has said, saving the final bullet for himself. Sheriff’s Lt. Brandon Dean of the homicide bureau said in a press free up that authorities attain now not know who assembled the pistol or equipped its parts.
Usa today Colorado
Greeley: The issue’s high water quality legit says wastewater from two slaughterhouses in the city violated security limits for five years straight because it flowed into a South Platte River tributary. Enlighten Water Quality Division Director Patrick Pfaltzgraff tells KMGH-TV that Swift Red meat Co. started meeting its discharge allow standards in January. Swift – a part of the arena’s largest meat-processing corporation, Brazil-based JBS S.A. – has now not been fined. Pfaltzgraff says a overview of how the case became as soon as handled is underway. A lawsuit in opposition to Swift filed by two advocacy teams alleges 3 million to 4 million gallons of wastewater discharged daily into Lone Tree Creek exceeded limits for ammonia, nitrogen and suspended solids from 2014 to 2018.
Usa today Connecticut
Hartford: A original document presentations nearly half of of households in the issue have an earnings that’s insufficient to duvet their total needs. The Connecticut Self-Sufficiency Customary Myth, launched by the Connecticut Office of Smartly being Care Strategy and issue Comptroller Kevin Lembo, finds that 44% to 48% of Connecticut households are under the self-sufficiency same outdated. It also finds that 25% of those are in Hartford, Bridgeport, New Haven and Waterbury. The quantity obligatory to duvet total needs corresponding to child care, housing, meals and health care can vary vastly by family form and geography. The document finds a single grownup in Hartford needs $22,398, while a single grownup in Stamford needs $37,703. For a family with two adults and two younger kids, it ranges from $63,896 in Windham to $99,668 in Stamford.
Usa today Delaware
Wilmington: The issue has teamed up with Google to support of us looking out for treatment for opioid addiction. Phrases associated to the opioid disaster are looked for in Delaware more than in every other issue. Nonetheless the tip build of results won’t consequence in native knowledge or anyone who can support. Google is trying to switch that. It will curate an knowledge box for folk looking out for addiction treatment. It will encompass a hotline as smartly as a hyperlink to knowledge explicit to Delaware, which is the first issue to team up with Google as smartly because the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. The initiative comes at a time when the issue is on tempo to compare final one year’s document-setting loss of life toll of 400 lethal overdoses.
Usa today District of Columbia
Washington: A driver tried to receive into the White House advanced early Thursday by following an legit automobile by contrivance of an external checkpoint, based on the Secret Service. The Explosive Ordinance Disposal Unit of the D.C. police department and the Secret Service replied to the suspicious automobile strategy the White House about 6 a.m. Thursday after the motive force tried to illegally make entry to the White House advanced, WUSA-TV reports. The auto, later identified as a Mercedes with Texas plates, became as soon as stopped, and the particular person became as soon as taken into custody by Secret Service, the agency confirmed. The auto has accumulated more than $1,300 value of tickets since Oct. 10, most issued strategy the White House, based on DMV data.
Usa today Florida
St. Petersburg: A man accused of molesting a baby and possession of child pornography would possibly per chance also plod free after a judge stumbled on that a detective lied to originate a search warrant in the case. The Tampa Bay Times reports Circuit Assume William Burgess III stumbled on Pinellas County Sheriff’s Detective Michael Alvarez engaged in a “ruse” to originate a search warrant for a criminal offense veteran to originate proof to prosecute for other crimes. Burgess concluded the “seemingly attain of this command” is that charges in opposition to 63-one year-susceptible James Rybicki will be pushed aside. Rybicki became as soon as arrested following a 2016 search of his home. Detectives stumbled on movies of him inappropriately touching a baby. Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said the detective left the department two years ago. Protection licensed expert Lucas Fleming called the judge’s dedication “unheard of.”
Usa today Georgia
Atlanta: Town is looking out for artists to create two avenue murals in the West Destroy as a part of its Placemaking Program, which works to transform city streets and public areas into cultural areas. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports the murals will take a seat on the intersections of White Street and Joseph E. Lowery Boulevard and White Street and Hopkins Street in southwest Atlanta. Artists must put up proposals to the Department of Metropolis Planning, the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs and the West Destroy Neighborhood Pattern. The chosen artists will be awarded $2,000 every for their create. For paunchy significant parts on the mission, artists can peek the quiz of for proposals packet. The prick-off date to put up a proposal is noon Dec. 6.
Usa today Hawaii
Honolulu: A U.S. Marine Corps knowing to put in a steel barrier to guard a part of a native training facility from seaside erosion has raised concerns among neighbors and advocates. The Honolulu Smartly-known particular person-Advertiser reports residents strategy Ewa Seaside are looking out for added blueprint of the environmental affect of a proposed 1,500-foot barrier. The Marines dispute modifications are wished on the Puuloa Vary Coaching Facility to guard the educational fluctuate shoreline from erosion. Democratic U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz called on the Marines on Tuesday to overview the environmental affect of its knowing to make the preserving wall. A replace.org petition signed by more than 1,100 of us as of Tuesday seeks a thorough environmental affect statement diagnosis beyond the much less sturdy environmental review already performed.
Usa today Idaho
Boise: A federal appeals court docket has dominated that a Philadelphia-based agribusiness company that left millions of an entire bunch poisonous cease on tribal land in eastern Idaho must pay the tribes nearly $20 million plus $1.5 million yearly. The ninth U.S. Circuit Court docket of Appeals on Friday upheld a lower court docket ruling in opposition to FMC Corp. bright a now-shuttered Idaho plant that was phosphate into fertilizer. FMC for approximately 50 years up to 2001 operated the fertilizer plant that produced 22 million a entire bunch cease saved on the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Citadel Corridor Indian Reservation. The company contended it wasn’t obligated to pay the $1.5 million annual allow payment to the tribes for storing the cease after closing the plant. The tribes dispute the money will be veteran for monitoring and cleanup on the issue.
Usa today Illinois
Springfield: Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Wednesday ordered the issue’s public colleges to correct now restrict the usage of isolation rooms for varsity students who don’t pose a transparent security risk. The Democrat said he directed the Illinois Enlighten Board of Training to arena emergency guidelines governing so-called timeout rooms after a printed document stumbled on tens of thousands of situations all over which colleges secluded college students with out excellent justification. Enlighten law permits for varsity students to be placed in “remoted timeout” if they pose security dangers to themselves or others. They’re usually is known as “calming,” “reflection” or “aloof” rooms. Nonetheless an investigation by the Chicago Tribune and ProPublica printed Tuesday examined more than 20,000 data and stumbled on kids usually described as crying, screaming, begging to be launched, ramming their heads into padded walls and prying at doors.
Usa today Indiana
Goshen: A northern Indiana sanatorium has alerted more than 1,000 surgical operation sufferers who would possibly per chance also were exposed to hepatitis, HIV and other infectious ailments attributable to a sterilization failure. Goshen Health facility leaders said in a letter to sufferers that between April 1 and Sept. 30, a sterilization technician failed to full one considerable step in the sterilizing capability of surgical tools. The sanatorium says the chance of infection is low. It is offering free testing for sufferers to establish if they were contaminated. Patient Lori Deboard instructed WSBT-TV that she’s frightened of the chance, no topic how low the sanatorium says it is. The sanatorium hasn’t launched any disciplinary stream in opposition to the sterilization technician and did now not correct now answer to a quiz of for statement.
Usa today Iowa
Des Moines: Enlighten Supreme Court docket Justice David Wiggins will back as chief justice except a successor to Stamp Cady would possibly per chance also even be appointed. Cady died Nov. 15 at age 66. A court docket spokesman said Thursday that Iowa law requires the executive justice to title one other member of the court docket to catch in when the executive can now not act. Cady had issued an command in November 2016 appointing Wiggins to behave in his build. Wiggins became as soon as appointed to the court docket by Democratic Gov. Tom Vilsack in 2003. Enlighten law says Wiggins will back as performing chief justice except the hot vacancy on the court docket is stuffed and the paunchy court docket selects a chief justice. Finding a successor for Cady would possibly per chance also choose 90 days. The court docket’s elected chief will back except the court docket holds its first meeting in 2021 and holds one other election.
Usa today Kansas
Topeka: A continual buzz about Mike Pompeo stepping down because the tip U.S. diplomat to speed for an open Senate seat in his home issue has constructed to a tell as impeachment hearings into President Donald Trump have intensified scrutiny of the Enlighten Department. The U.S. secretary of issue became as soon as in Brussels on Wednesday, dismissing questions regarding the impeachment inquiry and dismissing speculation about how lengthy he’ll cease in Trump’s administration. Against the backdrop of impeachment, tension has build in between Trump and Pompeo. And Republicans already have speculated for months that Pompeo will resign to speed for the Senate. Enthusiasm from Senate Majority Chief Mitch McConnell and others regarding such a transfer has now not cooled. Many Republicans restful behold Pompeo as their ideal candidate for preventing the bustle from turning into aggressive in a issue where a Democrat hasn’t won a Senate seat since 1932.
Usa today Kentucky
Henderson: Federal officers knowing to say a original nationwide wildlife refuge in western Kentucky. A statement from the U.S. Department of the Interior says Secretary David Bernhardt and U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell will join other dignitaries Friday in Henderson to say the Green River National Natural world Refuge. The U.S. Fish and Natural world Service says the ceremony will occur on the first 10-acre tract of what is taking place to in the end to be a 24,000-acre refuge. The condo affords habitat for a diversity of vegetation, animals, birds and fish, as smartly as open air game alternatives for company. It is the 2d such refuge that is situated fully in Kentucky.
Usa today Louisiana
Baton Rouge: Gov. John Bel Edwards has sketched out the huge outlines of his agenda for a 2d time duration, proposing original investments in education and transportation. The Democratic incumbent says his high precedence will be original bucks for early childhood education, an arena he continuously cited as he campaigned. Edwards also says he’ll continue to see Okay-12 teacher pay raises and boosted spending on public colleges, constructing on increases he and lawmakers adopted this one year. He says he’ll indicate to spend some issue surplus bucks on transportation and coastal security tasks. And he says he’d oppose any efforts to roll encourage taxes if that would also destabilize Louisiana’s funds. Plenty of Republican lawmakers are pushing for tax decreases. Edwards spoke Thursday at his first news convention since winning reelection, defeating Republican challenger Eddie Rispone.
Usa today Maine
Manchester: A issue trooper made a sensible transfer in rescuing a jeopardized owl who managed to flee to security after the support. The Maine Enlighten Police says Trooper Sam Tlumac stumbled on the disoriented owl Nov. 15 in the heart of a powerful-traveled avenue in Manchester, now not removed from the issue capital, Augusta. Tlumac took the owl to a internal reach fire department and consulted with a warden, who said the fowl would possibly per chance’ve been timid by a automobile. Police said in a Fb post that Tlumac then “had to roar a particular person to penal advanced (unrelated to the owl)” nonetheless returned to confirm on the fowl and stumbled on it doing loads better. He then took the owl outside, where it took flight to bushes in the condo.
Usa today Maryland
Luke: An environmental nonprofit says a shuttered paper mill is leaking a poisonous sludge into the Potomac River. The Baltimore Solar reports the Potomac Riverkeeper Network says the 131-one year-susceptible Luke facility has been fouling the river with sad liquor, a paper-making byproduct the issue considers a renewable energy source. It will gas mill operations. The Environmental Integrity Venture, on behalf of Riverkeeper, notified owner Verso Corp. on Tuesday that Riverkeeper plans to sue under the federal Handy resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The act requires such a stumble on be issued 90 days earlier than submitting a lawsuit in federal court docket. The complaint says issue environmental officers noticed the leak in April, weeks earlier than the closure’s announcement. Department spokesman Jay Apperson says Verso is working to quit it.
Usa today Massachusetts
Boston: Enlighten lawmakers have handed a ban on the sale of flavored tobacco merchandise, including menthol cigarettes. The ban won approval in the Senate early Thursday earlier than the Legislature broke for a vacation recess. It had earlier been handed by the issue House of Representatives. “This nation-leading step will build lives,” House Speaker Robert DeLeo said of what’s believed to be the first such statewide guidelines in the country. The guidelines now goes to the desk of Republican Gov. Charlie Baker, who in September declared a public health emergency and ordered a transient-time duration ban on the sale of vaping merchandise. Jonathan Shaer, president of the New England Convenience Retailer Householders and Vitality Marketers Affiliation, says the invoice can have “disastrous implications for public health, public security, issue tax earnings and jobs.”
Usa today Michigan
Ypsilanti: The Michigan Department of Corrections has been hit with a class-stream lawsuit on behalf of inmates who dispute they’ve been overwhelmed by power mildew and other unsanitary stipulations on the issue’s only penal advanced for women folk. The lawsuit, filed Wednesday in Detroit federal court docket, says the Huron Valley penal advanced in Washtenaw County is “working under a issue of degradation, filth and inhumanity.” Attorneys dispute women folk have suffered health concerns on story of mildew, and their complaints have gone unheeded. Spokesman Chris Gautz says the Corrections Department “disagrees with the claims.” He declined additional statement. Paula Bailey says exposure to mildew has given her a rash, scars and respiratory concerns. One more prisoner, Krystal Clark, says she suffers from power coughing and wears a conceal when visiting with of us.
Usa today Minnesota
Litchfield: Authorities dispute anyone left “booby traps” in a farmer’s field that were curiously supposed to injury farm tools. Meeker County Sheriff Brian Cruze says a farmer strategy Cedar Mills on Monday reported minor injury to a combination after a chain became as soon as drawn into the machine all over harvesting. Cruze instructed Minnesota Public Radio Recordsdata it’s untimely to take a position on motive. The sheriff says the chain would possibly per chance also were in the corn for weeks or months. Nonetheless he says when the farm family got deeper into the slash, it happened as soon as more. Mindy Johnson’s family farms about 2,000 acres of corn and soybeans. She says the 2d incident alive to a 6-foot fraction of steel rebar pounded into the ground strategy a cornstalk where it became as soon as laborious to witness. Johnson says she doesn’t know why her family’s farm would be singled out.
Usa today Mississippi
Indianola: Work is starting on the $2.5 million growth of a museum in the Mississippi Delta that’s dedicated to a native son who grew to alter into a blues yarn. A groundbreaking ceremony became as soon as held Tuesday for original condo on the B.B. King Museum and Delta Interpretive Heart in Indianola. The museum opened in 2008 strategy the condo where King grew up. The 15-time Grammy winner died in 2015 and is buried on the museum grounds. The 4,500-sq.-foot addition will condo King’s tour bus and two of his autos, a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow and a custom-painted Chevy El Camino. The museum says in a news free up that other artifacts obtained since his loss of life are being preserved and cataloged, including a guitar given to King by Les Paul.
Usa today Missouri
Columbia: A federal judge has upheld the University of Missouri’s ban on carrying concealed guns on campus. Circuit Assume Jeff Harris on Monday rejected the Missouri licensed expert total’s arguments that the ban violates the issue constitution. He also said the ban supports the college’s passion in promoting security on its campuses. The Columbia Each day Tribune reports the case started in 2015 when Royce Barondes, a professor of law on the Columbia campus, sued because he wished to withhold a firearm in his locked automobile. Attorney Overall Eric Schmitt’s build of labor declined to statement on the ruling and has now not determined whether to allure. The college said in a press free up that the ruling serves the appropriate passion of school students, workers, faculty and others on campus.
Usa today Montana
Helena: Federal wildlife officers dispute the persevered existence of two species of insects is in doubt since the glaciers and one year-spherical snowfields on which they count are melting away. U.S. Fish and Natural world Service officers said Wednesday that the western glacier stonefly and the meltwater lednian stonefly will be protected as threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. The stoneflies are dwelling in excessive-elevation, icy-water streams fed by glaciers and perennial snowfields in and spherical Glacier National Park in Montana, Gigantic Teton National Park in Wyoming and Native American tribal lands in western Montana. Natural world officers dispute melting glaciers, increased water temperatures, and adjustments in the amount of snowmelt and runoff are harming the habitat they want to outlive. Most glaciers and snowfields in a single in every of the species’ necessary areas, Glacier National Park, are anticipated to fade by 2030.
Usa today Nebraska
Lincoln: The issue is the first agreeing to share driver’s license data with the U.S. Census Bureau because the federal agency tries to conform with President Donald Trump’s command to count the amount of U.S. electorate. The Associated Press has realized that the Census Bureau and Rhonda Lahm, Nebraska’s motor autos director, signed a memorandum of idea to share the details earlier this month. The transfer has fearful civil rights teams, which behold it as a part of a backdoor transfer by the Trump administration to decrease the political energy of minorities. Last month, the American Civil Liberties Union entreated states to decline the Census Bureau’s quiz of. The agency has promised to withhold the details confidential, and Nebraska officers concluded that sharing the details complied with issue law. Nebraska only concerns driver’s licenses and identification cards to of us that will label they dwell in the U.S. legally.
Usa today Nevada
Reno: The issue’s most sensible toll road stream is awaiting avalanche season, based on the Nevada Department of Transportation, the agency to blame for keeping Mt. Rose Dual carriageway open. The toll road – formally is known as Enlighten Route 431 – is the most voice hyperlink between Reno and the Lake Tahoe Basin. At 8,911 feet, it’s also the ideal one year-spherical toll road stream in the Sierra Nevada, which makes clearing mass quantities of snow a mountainous arena. That’s why confirming reliability of a faraway avalanche triggering machine strategy frequent toll road customers can breathe a recount of relief. Reliability questions cropped up in October following a preseason inspection that confirmed a need for carpentry and electrical improvements to the constructing that properties tools for the machine.
Usa today New Hampshire
Durham: Plans to support a “Frost Fest” as every other of a aged holiday birthday party are getting a worse-than-cold reception. After concerns final one year that the tree-lighting ceremony at a park in Durham became as soon as too centered on Christmas, including a dedication to jabber a menorah to be displayed subsequent to the tree, city councilors came up with the postulate of a celebration that pays tribute to icy climate. This one year, there’s no tree lighting ceremony or worthy entrance from Santa planned. Nonetheless councilors said in trying to manufacture the holidays welcoming and inclusive, they’ve been yelled at and have gotten hateful emails and social media posts. The debate over what to encompass in the shuttle season even extends to the wreaths on gentle posts. For now, they’re going up as soon as more.
Usa today New Jersey
Jersey Metropolis: The issue is doubling down on increasing its wind energy manufacturing, and then some. Flanked by traditional Vice President Al Gore, a longtime climate activist, Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy signed an executive command Tuesday that commits the issue to make 7,500 megawatts of electricity by contrivance of wind energy by 2035. That’s more than double the 3,500 megawatt honest Murphy build for 2030. He said if the honest is realized, wind energy would possibly per chance also energy half of the issue’s energy needs and about 3.2 million homes. “We're striking ourselves on a steeper curve, and I wouldn’t attain it if I wasn’t fully confident in our skill to crest this hill,” Murphy said at Liberty Science Heart. The announcement drew reward from New Jersey Sierra Membership Director Jeff Tittel, who called it “an large step in the beautiful route.”
Usa today New Mexico
Santa Fe: The issue’s Atmosphere Department needs $1.2 million to blueprint plumes of poisonous chemical compounds seeping into groundwater from two U.S. Air Power bases, a issue legit said. Company Secretary James Kenney said he'll quiz of the money from issue lawmakers to examine and learn more about easy how to bear the contamination from Holloman and Cannon air bases, the Santa Fe New Mexican reports. “We know who ended in it, and so they’re unwilling to make a choice responsibility for it even to identify where it is and isn’t,” Kenney said. “The issue is having to make a choice that on now.” The issue sued the Air Power in March after groundwater sampling confirmed phases in some areas were a entire bunch of times increased than a federal health advisory restrict. The lawsuit calls for the Air Power to pay for finding out and cleaning up contamination. The Air Power has sought dismissal of the case and repeatedly declined to statement on the litigation.
Usa today New York
Albany: Legislation enforcement officers and prosecutors are intensifying a debate over the implementation of sweeping adjustments to the issue’s prison justice machine. They voiced concerns Thursday with adjustments which will be build to make a choice attain on the origin of 2020, including an overhaul of the issue’s bail law. It eliminates pretrial detention and money bail for the overwhelming majority of misdemeanor and nonviolent felony situations. Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple says the adjustments will jeopardize public security. He made the feedback at a press convention in Albany while joined by prosecutors and other law enforcement officers. Supporters of the adjustments dispute this would possibly per chance also forestall unhappy of us from languishing in penal advanced for low-level crimes while their situations work by contrivance of the machine.
Usa today North Carolina
Asheville: Net site visitors driving the Blue Ridge Parkway about 30 miles southwest of the city can inquire to smell smoke and behold flames capturing from the summit of Cold Mountain. The U.S. Woodland Service has closed the total 18,000-acre Gleaming Rock Desolate tract Space, including all 53 miles of its trails, to the public while a wildfire burns on the lengthy-lasting Cold Mountain in the Haywood County condo of Pisgah National Woodland. Bruce MacDonald, public knowledge officer with National Forests in North Carolina – an build of labor of the U.S. Woodland Service – said the 50-acre fire burning on the Cold Mountain summit became as soon as called in about 3 a.m. Thursday nonetheless had grown to 106 acres as of 5 p.m. Some 30 firefighters were monitoring the effort, including personnel from the U.S. Woodland Service, N.C. Woodland Service, National Park Service, Haywood County Emergency Companies and products and Cruso Fire Department.
Usa today North Dakota
Bismarck: Planners dispute a original $114 million indoor game advanced would be funded by a original sales tax and non-public donations. The Bismarck Parks and Sport District workers talked regarding the proposed facility at a gathering Wednesday night. They are saying the heart would have a necessary constructing with a separate ice arena. The blueprint entails a four-lane working and walking track and an indoor tainted-country track with elevation and obstacles. Sport workers also counsel six indoor tennis courts, adjoining to five indoor pickleball courts. Numerous companies and products would encompass two indoor basketball courts, four racquetball courts and an indoor playground. The Bismarck Tribune says the Capital Ice Advanced would be higher than 25 acres. Planners dispute if the mission is popular subsequent June, the heart would possibly per chance also open in 2023.
Usa today Ohio
Cincinnati: After months of negotiations between the Metropolis Council and the Board of Hamilton County Commissioners, the planned song venue at The Banks garnered remaining approval Wednesday. The council popular the song venue knowing and a trend settlement that will allow the mission to plod ahead. It comes on the heels of an ordinance, popular earlier this month, altering the cooperative settlement between the city and county that has lengthy guided trend at The Banks. The $27 million song venue is being constructed by Tune and Occasion Management Inc., the nonprofit concert arm of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. It will have indoor and open air event areas that will host loads of events on the identical time. It will have a capability of 4,500 indoors, with total admission seating for 2,700 of us. Open air, the venue will be in a position to support a additional 8,000.
Usa today Oklahoma
Oklahoma Metropolis: Enlighten Attorney Overall Mike Hunter says he plans to allure a judge’s command directing particular person merchandise large Johnson & Johnson to pay the issue $465 million to support tackle the opioid disaster. Hunter said Thursday that the judge’s remaining command only covers one one year of the issue’s proposed abatement knowing and that the true charges to excellent up the injury from the opioid disaster are powerful increased. Attorneys for the corporate also dispute they knowing to allure. Johnson & Johnson had asked the judge to recollect reducing the closing award based on pretrial settlements totaling $355 million the issue reached with other defendants in the case. Cleveland County Assume Thad Balkman at the birth ordered the corporate to pay $572 million nonetheless later diminished that quantity after acknowledging a miscalculation.
Usa today Oregon
Portland: New knowledge from the issue Department of Training presentations the amount of homeless college students in Oregon increased 2% final faculty one year, continuing a pattern all around the final decade. The Oregonian/OregonLive reports in the 2018-19 faculty one year, 22,215 college students were dwelling on the avenue, in shelters, briefly-time duration housing or doubled up with other families. The U.S. Department of Training requires states to make advise of a broader definition of homelessness than the federal housing authority, which usually strategy that tens of thousands more kids are counted in the as soon as a one year scholar tally than the county-by-county census of homeless of us of all ages. The issue reported 15,800 homeless Oregonians in the 2019 count. Oregon’s homeless scholar count has stayed in the fluctuate of about 22,000 in every of the past three years, including hitting a document excessive of 22,541 in the 2016-17 faculty one year.
Usa today Pennsylvania
Philadelphia: A man sent to penal advanced for all times as a 17-one year-susceptible has been chosen for a Mural Arts Philadelphia residency and must restful create a public mural that addresses mass incarceration. James “Yaya” Hough is one of many many “juvenile lifers” launched since the U.S. Supreme Court docket banned the biggest life sentences for minors. The 45-one year-susceptible Pittsburgh man has been free since this summer season after serving 27 years in issue penal advanced for raze. Hough took lessons on the encourage of bars by contrivance of the mural arts program and must restful now be an artist in residency on the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office. At a news convention Thursday, he thanked District Attorney Larry Krasner and the humanities program for giving him the chance to make public art. Mural Arts Philadelphia has produced than 4,000 murals all around the city.
Usa today Rhode Island
Providence: Police statistics level to the city is now heading in the correct path to have the fewest shootings in contemporary document this one year. The Boston Globe reports shootings in Rhode Island’s capital were taking place one year-by-one year since 2014. Providence Police Department knowledge presentations that as of Nov. 12, there had been 32 of us shot, down from 55 victims in 2018. The newspaper says that as of Tuesday, it had been a month since the final particular person became as soon as shot in Providence. Nonetheless even with the decline in shootings, Providence police document no shortage of guns after seizing more than 100 unlawful guns as of final week. Providence Police Chief Hugh T. Clements Jr. attributes the decrease in gun violence to the force remaining “laser centered on gun crimes.”
Usa today South Carolina
Columbia: A sheriff and the governor dispute a gaggle dedicated to retaining kids has donated a dog that will detect electronic devices and computer storage. Defenders for Kids says Oakley the dog can detect electronics and level them out to handlers, same to how a drug dog finds narcotics. Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott says his deputies will advise the original dog to support them get hidden storage devices that would also even be smaller than a thumbnail while conducting search warrants. Lott said at a news convention that for now the dog will largely be veteran in child pornography situations. Gov. Henry McMaster says he hopes the group can build the expert dogs in numerous locations all over South Carolina. The group says it charges about $23,000 to prepare one dog.
Usa today South Dakota
Sioux Falls: Local ad agencies have joined the chorus unhappy with a issue anti-meth marketing and marketing campaign that included the difficult tagline “Meth: We’re On It.” The South Dakota Marketing Federation is upset that the story went to a Minnesota ad agency. In a press free up, the federation says 9 in-issue agencies clarify on the contract. The federation doesn’t without lengthen criticize the promoting and marketing campaign, which drew ridicule on social media, nonetheless suggests that the in-issue agencies “would possibly per chance also have delivered a message by South Dakotans that resonates with South Dakota.” The issue is paying a Minneapolis agency nearly $700,000 for its work. Gov. Kristi Noem has called the advertisements a success. She says the promoting and marketing campaign became as soon as supposed to be “difficult,” and the Minneapolis agency became as soon as chosen since it proposed advertisements that plod beyond habitual drug consciousness campaigns.
Usa today Tennessee
Nashville: Reversing course, the issue’s Department of Training says it objectives to manufacture positive its faculty vouchers won’t be taxable. Department spokeswoman Jennifer Johnson said Wednesday that the law’s intent is that vouchers be regarded as scholarships now not arena to taxation, and the department intends to construction the program accordingly. Officials goal to resolve confusion after Training Commissioner Penny Schwinn said Monday that her idea became as soon as voucher payments were taxable. A lawmaker had asked if the payments want to be reported on oldsters’ federal earnings tax filings. On Tuesday, Johnson said Schwinn supposed to communicate regarding the program’s that you just would possibly be also imagine “submitting and issuance of federal knowledge reporting returns.”
Usa today Texas
Citadel Price: A family that disagrees with a sanatorium’s knowing to make a choice a 9-month-susceptible girl off life strengthen has been given more time to get a facility to make a choice her. Texas Appropriate to Existence, which represents Tinslee Lewis’ family, said a judge on Tuesday extended a transient-time duration restraining command in opposition to Cook Kids’s Medical Heart except Dec. 10. The sanatorium didn’t correct now statement. Doctors planned to make a choice away Tinslee from life strengthen Nov. 10 after invoking Texas’ “10-day rule,” that will be employed when a family disagrees with clinical doctors on discontinuing life-sustaining treatment. Cure would possibly per chance also even be withdrawn if a original provider can’t be stumbled on in that time. The sanatorium has said that since July, Tinslee has been on a ventilator and a machine that replaces the feature of the heart and lungs.
Usa today Utah
Salt Lake Metropolis: The taxpayer payment of mayoral portraits has risen a very good deal all around the final two a long time. The Deseret Recordsdata reports that the portrait of outgoing Salt Lake Metropolis Mayor Jackie Biskupski is anticipated to payment about $35,000, up from the $30,000 it payment for the portrait of her predecessor, Ralph Becker, and more than double the $15,000 for the portrait of Deedee Corradini, mayor from 1992 to 2000. Town’s chief monetary officer, Mary Beth Thompson, says the value of hand-painted portraits has increased attributable to inflation, affords and artist fees. Town has performed mayoral portraits for more than a century dating encourage to the mid-1800s. They line the walls in a hallway at Metropolis Corridor.
Usa today Vermont
Colchester: The issue’s only juvenile penal advanced is empty for the first time in years. Woodside Juvenile Rehabilitation Heart in Colchester has been under scrutiny for years and has faced a in actual fact perfect quantity of proceedings over procedures. Chief Juvenile Defender Marshall Pahl says several factors have ended in the decrease in inhabitants, including a combination of policy and law adjustments, particular person litigation and advocacy. Vermont Public Radio reports that lawmakers were thinking about what to attain with the flexibility. Department of Kids and Households Commissioner Ken Schatz said in January that he supports constructing a 30-bed facility to switch Woodside.
Usa today Virginia
Manassas: The National Park Service has launched a series of managed fires at Manassas National Battlefield. The park service says the burns are designed to restore views on the battlefield, withhold wildlife habitat and fight invasive species. Fires are planned on about 75 acres. The park has initiated same fires two other times since April 2018. Manassas National Battlefield runs along busy Interstate 66 and encompasses land where the First and 2nd Battles of Bull Creep were fought in 1861 and 1862, respectively. The first Bull Creep fight became as soon as the first major fight of the Civil Battle.
Usa today Washington
Bellingham: Fishing in the a part of Whatcom Creek that flows by contrivance of downtown Bellingham will cease more than five weeks early this one year because chum salmon are returning in low numbers. The Bellingham Herald reports the closure begins Friday, the Washington Enlighten Department of Fish and Natural world launched. Which strategy fishing won’t be allowed from the mouth of Whatcom Creek to the markers under the footbridge downstream of Dupont Street in Bellingham. The season for fishing along Whatcom Creek usually stays open except Dec. 31, based on the 2019-20 Washington Sport Fishing Suggestions. The issue agency closed fishing in that allotment of Whatcom Creek since the return of chum became as soon as under the amount wished for egg harvesting on the hatchery there, it said in a free up Wednesday.
Usa today West Virginia
Charleston: Companies hoping to interrupt into the issue’s fledgling marijuana market will soon be in a position to advise for permits as growers, processors, dispensaries and laboratories. The issue Bureau of Public Smartly being says its Office of Medical Hashish will open purposes Dec. 19. Citing a issue news free up, news retail outlets document purposes are due by Feb. 18 and must restful be online only. The Charleston Gazette-Mail reports the clinical marijuana program created in 2017 became as soon as supposed to birth in July. Delays included the issue adore’s banking vendors refusing to job marijuana funds, per conflicts with federal law. A workaround handed this one year allowed credit ranking unions to step in. The hashish build of labor’s director, Jason Frame, beforehand said he wished sufferers to have access to the drug earlier than the summer season of 2021.
Usa today Wisconsin
Madison: A group that promotes scholar voting has filed a federal lawsuit demanding the issue’s scholar voter identification requirements. The Andrew Goodman Foundation filed the lawsuit in Madison on Tuesday. The foundation alleges that requirements that college students level to IDs that bear the issuance date, the holder’s signature and an expiration date no later than two years after the issuance date are too onerous and designed to quit kids from voting in violation of the 26th Modification. The lawsuit names the members of the Wisconsin Elections Rate as defendants. Rate spokesman Reid Magney didn’t correct now answer to an electronic mail Wednesday looking out for statement. Priorities USA Foundation, which is funding the lawsuit, launched in February that it plans to spend $30 million to finance court docket challenges to restrictive, Republican-backed voter guidelines.
Usa today Wyoming
Jackson: Officials have named a college faculty member the original issue archaeologist. The Buckrail Each day Recordsdata reports the Wyoming Enlighten Archeologist’s Office employed Tennessee native Spencer Pelton. Officials dispute the department investigates, data, and preserves prehistoric and ancient human advise proof statewide. Officials dispute Pelton moved west in 2009 and has lived in California, Nevada and Colorado earlier than transferring to Wyoming in 2013. Department officers dispute Pelton’s learn abilities is in the early prehistory of hunter-gatherers of the High Plains and the Rocky Mountains. Officials dispute the college’s Department of Anthropology contributes tutorial alternatives in prehistory, cultural resource administration, archaeological excavation and scientific views. Pelton says he appears to be like to be like ahead to fostering curiosity into the issue’s ancient past.
From USA TODAY Network and wire reports
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Updated Book List: March
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett White Fang by Jack London 1984 by George Orwell Diary by Chuck Palahnuk In Pursuit of the Unknown by Ian Stewart Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw Dracula by Bram Stoker On Killing by Dave Grossman Candide by Voltaire Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky Call me Zelda by Erika Roebuck Hemingway’s Girl by Erika Roebuck Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant: The Unbeliever by Stephen R. Donaldson A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle Garden of Eden by Ernest Hemingway Islands in the Stream by Ernest Hemingway Heart-shaped Box by Joe Hill Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss Till We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis The Reason for God by Timothy Keller The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater Warriors Don’t Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson The only Pirate at the Party by Lindsey Stirling Frankenstein by Mary Shelley The Trial by Francis Kafka Necromancer by William Gibson The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury A Confederacy of Dunces by John Toole In Cold Blood by Truman Capote Lord of the Flies by William Golding The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom A Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco The Stranger by Albert Camus Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell Catch 22 by Joseph Heller Animal Farm by George Orwell Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer Watchman by Allan Moore & Dave Gibbons Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keys Never Let Me Down by Kazuo Ishiguro Safekeeping by Jessamyn Hope Book of Night Women by Marion James 11/22/63 by Stephen King Who Asked You? By Terry McMillan The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy Legend by Marie Lu Season of Storms by Susanna Kearsley 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher Dark Places by Gillian Flynn Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn “On Writing” by Stephen King Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams Brave New World by Aldous Huxley The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot Middlemarch by George Eliot Silas Marner by George Eliot Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Books that changed the World by Andrew Taylor Go Ask Alice by Anonymous Of Mice and Man by John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Forever by Judy Blume My Darling, My Hamburger by Paul Zindel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Manchild in the Promised Land by Claude Brown The Learning Tree by Gordon Parks Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin The Lottery by Shirley Jackson One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne A Separate Peace by John Knowles One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl I Know Why A Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou Deliverance by James Dickey The Good Earth by Pearl Buck A Hero Ain’t Nothin’ but a Sandwich by Alice Childress The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway It’s OK if You Don’t Love Me by Norma Klein Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkein Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J. K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince by J. K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Little Women by Louisa May Alcott Tess of D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy The Complete Works of Shakespeare Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell Bleak House by Charles Dickens War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy Les Miserables by Victor Hugo Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert Moby Dick by Herman Melville Typee by Herman Melville Watership Down by Richard Adams Ulysses by James Joyce The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath The Color Purple by Alice Walker Weird History 101 by John Richards Stephens The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown Persuasion by Jane Austen Essays and Poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton Walden and Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau The Magician’s Nephew by C. S. Lewis The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis The Horse and his Boy by C. S. Lewis Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis The Last Battle by C. S. Lewis This Country of Ours by H. E. Marshall An Abundance of Katherines by John Green Emma by Jane Austen The Adventures of Robin Hood by Roger Lancelyn Green A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hosseini The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams Beloved by Toni Morrision Orlando by Virginia Woolf Tracks by Louise Erdich Ruth Hall by Fanny Fern White Teeth by Zadie Smith Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf The Awakening by Kate Chopin Three Great Plays by Eugene O’Neill Our Town by Thorton Wilder A Raw Youth by Fyodor Dostoevsky The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis Stepping Heavenward by E. Prentiss Lively Art of Writing by Lucille Vaughn Payne Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan Works of Josephus Volume III by Josephus The Maze Runner by James Dashner The Scorch Trials by James Dashner The Death Cure by James Dashner Angels and Demons by Dan Brown The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde by Peter Ackroyd Cry, My Beloved Country by Alan Paton Goliath by Scott Westerfeld The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway Billy Budd and Other Stories by Herman Melville Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson The Girl who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson The Girl who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson Wicked by Gregory Maguire Son of a Witch by Gregory Maguire Murder At The Vicarage by Agatha Christie The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor Looking for Alaska by John Green Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche The Jungle by Upton Sinclair King Arthur and the Knight of the Round Table by Roger Lancelyn Green A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin Anthem by Ayn Rand Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild On War by Carl Von Clausewitz August: Osage County by Tracy Letts Only a Theory by Kenneth Miller My Ten Years in a Quandry by Robert Benchly One Day by David Nicholls The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket The Reptile Room by Lemony Snicket The Wide Window by Lemony Snicket The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket The Ersatz Elevator by Lemony Snicket The Vile Village by Lemony Snicket The Hostile Hospital by Lemony Snicket The Carnivorous Carnival by Lemony Snicket The Slippery Slope by Lemony Snicket The Grim Grotto by Lemony Snicket The Penultimate Peril by Lemony Snicket The End by Lemony Snicket Selected Writings by Gertrude Stein The School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan Gentlemen Prefer Blondes but Gentlemen Marry Brunettes by Anita Loos The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Life of Pi by Yann Martel David Copperfield by Charles Dickens The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy The Turn of the Screw by Henry James Three More Plays by George O’Neill Emily of New Moon by L. M. Montgomery The Once and Future King by T. H. White Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky The Ginger Man by J. P. Donleavy Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy Poetry by Emily Dickenson The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan The Sea of Monster by Rick Riordan The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan The Metamorphoses by Ovid The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini The Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle The Revenant by Michael Punke Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs The Complete Stories by Flannery O’Connor The Final Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle Grendel by John Gardner The Fault In Our Stars by John Green I AM THE MESSENGER by Markus Zusak The Book Thief by Markus Zusak Eragon by Christopher Paolini Eldest by Christopher Paolini Inheritance by Christopher Paolini Brsinger by Christopher Paolini Just One Damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor A Movable Feast by Ernest Hemingway The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien Mr. Midshipman Hornblower by C. S. Forestor Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen The Pocket Chaucer by Geoffrey Chaucer On Writing by Charles Bukowski Will in the World by Stephen Greenblatt Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith Crazy Love by Francis Chan The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll Penny Dreadfuls by Stefan Dziemianowics Classic Works by F. Scott Fitgerald John Carter of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs The Complete Tales and Poems by Edgar Allen Poe The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes by Stefan Dziemianowics Fall On Your Knees by Ann-Marie Mcdonald The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss Divergent by Veronica Roth A History of Greece by J. B. Bury Em and the Big Hoom by Jerry Pinto Something to Tell You by Hanif Kureishi Inkheart by Cornelia Funke Inkspell by Cornelia Funke Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke Grimm’s Fairy Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery Anne of Avonlea by L. M. Montgomery Anne of the Island by L. M. Montgomery The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum The Jungle book by Rudyard Kipling A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne The Adventure of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain Hans Andersen’s Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by J. K. Rowling All the Lights We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr Hearts in Atlantis by Stephen King Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn Diary of an Unlikely Call Girl by Anonymous Sweet Bird of Youth by Tennessee Williams The Rose Tattoo by Tennessee Williams The Night of the Iguana by Tennessee Williams World, Chase Me Down by Andrew Hilleman The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee The Copernican Revolution by Thomas S. Kuhn The Monster of Florence by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi  Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
10 notes · View notes
listlesslists · 8 years
11-8-17 my books
100 People Who Changed the World, LIFE
1984 by George Orwell
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
30 Days of Night: 1, 2, 3, 7
500 Tricks: Storage by Page One
A Burnt-Out Case by Graham Greene
A Certain … Je Ne Sais Quoi by Charles Timoney
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain (Signet Classics
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (with The Chimes)
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
After the Funeral by Agatha Christie (in Poirot: the Post-War Years)
A Home at the End of the World by Michael Cunningham
Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood
A Life in Poems: Selected Works of Khoo Seok Wan
All My Sons by Arthur Miller (x3)
All-Star Superman: 1
All the Birds, Singing by Evie Wyld
All The Sad Young Literary Men by Keith Gessen
Alms for Oblivion by Simon Raven
A Man Asleep by Georges Perec (and Things: A Story of the Sixties)
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Anarchism and Other Essays by Emma Goldman
And the Mountains Echoed, Khaled Hosseini
Animal Farm by George Orwell
An Inspector Calls, J. B. Priestley
Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery
Antigone (in The Three Theban Plays) by Sophocles (Robert Fagles translation)
A Pack of Liars by Anne Fine
A Passage to India, E. M. Forster
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
Arcadia by Tom Stoppard
A Room with a View by E. M. Forster
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
A Series of Unfortunate Events 3: The Wide Window, by Lemony Snicket
A Series of Unfortunate Events 4: The Miserable Mill, by Lemony Snicket (x2)
A Series of Unfortunate Events 5: The Austere Academy, by Lemony Snicket
A Series of Unfortunate Events 7: The Vile Village, by Lemony Snicket
A Series of Unfortunate Events 8: The Hostile Hospital, by Lemony Snicket
A Series of Unfortunate Events 9: The Carnivorous Carnival, by Lemony Snicket
A Series of Unfortunate Events 10: The Slippery Slope, by Lemony Snicket
A Series of Unfortunate Events 11: The Grim Grotto, by Lemony Snicket
A Series of Unfortunate Events 12: The Penultimate Peril, by Lemony Snicket
A Series of Unfortunate Events 13: The End, by Lemony Snicket
A Short History of England by Simon Jenkins
A Still Forest Pool: The Insight Meditation of Ajahn Chah, Jack Kornfield, Paul Bretier
A Taste of Freedom by Ven. Ajahn Chah
Atlanta Review: Asia (Spring/ Summer 2002)
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Atonement by Ian McEwan
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie
Batman Hush: 1, 2
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Verlaine: Selected Verse and Prose Poems
Black Hearts in Battersea by Joan Aiken
Black Maria by Diana Wynne Jones
Boy by Roald Dahl
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
Brighton Rock by Graham Greene
Buddhism for Beginners, Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery
Bullfighting by Roddy Doyle
Burning Your Boats: Collected Stories by Angela Carter
Carbonel by Barbara Sleigh
Cat Among the Pigeons by Agatha Christie (in Poirot: the Post-War Years)
Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House by Geronimo Stilton
Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
Ceriph: issue 2
Ceriph: issue 6
Cha-no-yu: The Japanese Tea Ceremony by A. L. Sadler
Chaos by James Gleick
Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White
Chicken Rice (24 Flavours series by BooksActually)
Chinese Ethnic Minority Motifs by Page One
Cligés by Chretien de Troyes (in Arthurian Romances by DigiReads.com Publishing)
Collected Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Collected Stories of Vladimir Nabokov
Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (x2, one translated by Pevear and Volokhonsky)
Crow Boy by Taro Yashima
Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton
Cymbeline by Shakespeare (The Pelican Shakespeare)
Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand
Daredevil Noir
Dead Man’s Folly by Agatha Christie
Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol
Dog Friday by Hilary McKay
Death Note: Another Note: The Lost Angeles BB Murder Cases
Demian by Herman Hesse
Dhammapada, Venerable Buddharakkhita
Dinosaur in a Haystack by Stephen Jay Gould
Don Quixote by Cervantes
Drawing and Painting the Portrait by John Devane
Dune by Frank Herbert
Each Peach Pear Plum by Janet and Allan Ahlberg
East Lynne by Mrs Henry Wood
Eating Chinese Food Naked by Mei Ng
Economics: Making Sense of the Modern Economy, The Economist
Elidor by Alan Garner
Emma by Jane Austen (x2)
English Literature Made Simple by H. Coombes
Erec et Enide by Chretien de Troyes (in Arthurian Romances by DigiReads.com Publishing)
ESV Holy Bible
Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton
Ethics in Buddhist Perspective by K. N. Jayatilleke
Evolve or Die (Horrible Science) by Phil Gates
Facing the Torturer by Francois Bizot
Fallen Angels: Paintings by Jack Vettriano, edited by W. Gordon Smith
Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy
Fascist Rock by Claire Tham
Favourite Singlish Tales: Three Little Pigs Lah by Casey Chen
Federal Anthology of Poetry I
Festivals Graphics by Page One
Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk
Five Children and It by E. Nesbit
Five Run Away Together by Enid Blyton
Folk Customs and Family Life (Korean Cultural Series Volume III)
Foreskin’s Lament by Shalom Auslander
For the Record: Conversations with People People who Have Shaped the Way we Listen to Music
For They Know Not What They Do by Slavoj Zizek
Four Continents by Nadine Gordimer, Chinua Achebe, et al.
Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders by Neil Gaiman
Frankenstein by Mary Sehlley
Frog and Toad Together by Arnold Lobel
From Third World to First: The Singapore Story 1965-2000, Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew
George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl
Ghost Stories of Henry James
Gitanjali by Tagore (双语版)
Gone Case by Dave Chua
Gone Case: A Graphic Novel (Book One), art by Koh Hong Teng
Gratitude to Parents, Venerable Ajahn Sumedho
Great British Editorial by Page One
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Great Hatred, Little Room: Making Peace in Northern Ireland by Jonathan Powell
Great Illustrated Classics: The Little Mermaid and Other Stories
Green First! : Earth Friendly Design (Over 100 green projects around the world)
Guerillas by VS Naipaul
Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift
Hamlet by Shakespeare (x2)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling
Have Phone, Will Paint by Zhu Hong
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
Heidi by Johanna Spyri
Hickory Dickory Dock by Agatha Christie (in Poirot: the Post-War Years)
History of Beauty, Umberto Eco
History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
Home and Exile by Chinua Achebe
House of M, Marvel
How the Bible Came to be by John Barton
How Late it Was, How Late by James Kelman
I Didn’t Know Mani was a Conceptualist by Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé
If I Could Tell You by Lee Jing-Jing
Incarceron by Catherine Fisher
Infographics: Designing and Visualising Data by Page One
Jane Austen Cover to Cover by Margaret C. Sullivan
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Japanese Tales, Royall Tyler
Japanese Tatoos by Brian Ashcraft and Hori Benny
Jeeves and Wooster: Perfect Nonsense, by The Goodale Brothers/P.G. Wodehouse
Jerusalem the Biography by Simon Sebag Montefiore
Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne
Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy
Julius Caesar by Shakespeare
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
Kim by Rudyard Kipling
King Solomon’s Mines by Haggard
Kitchen by Yoshimoto Banana
KJV Holy Bible
Kokology 2: More of the Game of Self-discovery by Tadahiko Nagao and Isamu Saito
Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D. H. Lawrence (in The Great Novels of “)
Lady Precious Stream by S. I. Hsiung
Lancelot, or, The Knight of the Cart by Chretien de Troyes (in Arthurian Romances by DigiReads.com Publishing)
Les Misérables: Volume One by Victor Hugo
Let’s Chat About the Bible by Whiting/Reeves
Let’s Give it up for Gimme Lao! by Sebastian Sim
Letter from an Unknown Woman by Stefan Zweig
Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes
Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Lists of Note by Shaun Usher
Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Lizard by Yoshimoto Banana
Lolita by Vladmir Nabokov
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
Looking for Juliette by Janet Taylor Lisle
Love for Love by William Congreve (in Three Restoration Comedies, Gamini Salgado intro)
Love Gathers All: the Philippines-Singapore Anthology of Love Poetry
Lucifer: Devil in the Gateway
Luxury for Cats (by teNeues)
Macbeth by Shakespeare
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
Malay Weddings Don’t Cost $50 by Hidayah Amin
Malgudi Days by R. K. Narayan
Man and his Symbols by Carl Jung
Marx on China
Me Grandad ‘ad an Elephant! by Vaikom Muhammad Basheer
Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare
Metal Gear Solid: 1, 2
Metamorphosis and Other Stories by Franz Kafka
Middle Land, Middle Way by S. Dhammika
Middlemarch by George Eliot
Mio, My Son by Astrid Lindgren
Miss Lonelyhearts by Nathanael West (and The Day of the Locust)
Moby-Dick or The Whale by Herman Melville
Mr Dooley by Finley Peter Dunne
Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf (x2, one with an intro by Carol Ann Duffy)
Mrs Warren’s Profession by George Bernard Shaw
Measure for Measure by Shakespeare
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Multitudes: Litmus 2016
Music & Monarchy by David Starkey & Kate Greening
My Pictorial Book of Dialect Idioms & Slangs by Kuan Eng
Mythologies by Roland Barthes
Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs
Nanyang Girls’ High School 2014 Montage
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass
Native Son by Richard Wright
Natural Heritage of Korea, Dokdo
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
No Ajahn Chah: Reflections by Ven. Ajahn Chah
Nostromo by Joseph Conrad
Not the Israel My Parents Promised Me by Harvey Pekar and JT Waldman
Nightmare Abbey/Crotchet Castle by Peacock (x2)
Occupational Hazards by Mayo Martin
Oedipus the King (in The Three Theban Plays) by Sophocles (Robert Fagles translation)
Oedipus at Colonus (in The Three Theban Plays) by Sophocles (Robert Fagles translation)
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham
Of Walking in Ice by Werner Herzog
Oh, Play That Thing by Roddy Doyle
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
On Beauty by Zadie Smith
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Gregory Rabassa translation, Penguin)
On Liberty by John Stuart Mill
On the Road by Jack Kerouac
On Ugliness, Umberto Eco
Oranges are not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson
Othello by Shakespeare
Our Animal Eye: Litmus 2014
Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha by Roddy Doyle
Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov
Papillon by Henri Charrière
Paradise Lost by Milton
Pastels for Beginners by Francisco Asensio Cerver
Peepo! by Janet and Allan Ahlberg
Persuasion by Jane Austen (x2: penguin classics and )
Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie (x2)
Phedra by Eugenia Tan
Physics by Aristotle
Playing Pretty by Euginia Tan
Poems Deep and Dangerous
Poets on Growth: An Anthology of Poetry and Craft
Possession by A. S. Byatt
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (x2)
Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George
Prozac Nation, Elizabeth Wurtzel
Puck of Pook’s Hill by Rudyard Kipling
Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw
Quidditch Through the Ages by Kennilworthy Whisp
Rashomon and Seventeen Other Stories by Ryunosuke Akutagawa (Jay Rubin translation)
Reaching for Stones: Collected Poems (1963-2009) by Chandran Nair
Rebel Rites by Deborah Emmanuel
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
Roll of Thunder, Hear my Voice by Mildred D. Taylor
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare
Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson and Ael Scheffler
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard
Runaway Horses by Yukio Mishima
Sabbath’s Theatre by Phillip Roth
Salted Vegetables and Duck Soup (24 Flavours series by BooksActually)
Samanera sikkapadani 沙马内拉学处
Sarong Party Girls by Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan
Satipatthana Sutta: The Foundation of Mindfulness
Selected Dhamma Talks in 2011 by Venerable K. Rathanasara
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen (published by Vintage)
Sense and Sensibility: The Screenplay & Diaries by Emma Thompson
Shakespeare: All 37 Plays, All 160 Sonnets and Poems (The Illustrated Stratford)
Shakespearean Tragedy by A. C. Bradley
Shakespeare the Complete Works: Volumes 2 and 3
Shakespeare’s Words: A Glossary & Language Companion by David Crystal & Ben Crystal
Shooting an Elephant and Other Essays by George Orwell
Short Cuts by Raymond Carver
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Sigalovada Sutta: The Code of Discipline for Layman
Silas Marner by George Eliot
Singapore Children’s Favourite Stories by DI Taylor and L K Tay-Audouard
Sing to the Dawn by Minfong Ho
Six Records of a Floating Life by Shen Fu
Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut
Slightly Invisible by Lauren Child
Solaris by Stanislaw Lem
Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence (in The Great Novels of “)
Sophie’s Choice by William Styron
Sophie’s World, Jostein Gaarder
Spiaking Singlish by Gwee Li Sui
Spider-Man Noir
Stoner by John Williams
SQ21, Ng Yi-Sheng
Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse
Strait is the Gate by Andre Gidé
Summer by Edith Wharton
Superman: The Greatest Stories Ever Told
Tales from Around the World
Tales from King Arthur by Andrew Lang
Tartuffe by Molíère
Tenacity: Stories Built to Last
Tennyson: Selected Poetry  (The Penguin Poetry Library)
That Night by the Beach and other stories for a film score by Phan Ming Yen
The 9/11 Commission Report
The Abyssinian, Jean Christophe Rufin
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
The Adventures of Robin Hood by Roger Lancelyn Green
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
The Andromeda Strain by Michael Chrichton
The Art of Animal Character Design (first edition) by David Colman
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
The BFG by Roald Dahl
The Beggar’s Opera by John Gay
The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker
The Blondes by Emily Schultz
The Bikkhus’ Rules for Laypeople by Bikkhu Ariyesako
The Billion Shop by Stephanie Ye
The Book of Imaginary Beings by Jorge Luis Borges
The Bookseller of Kabul by Asne Sierstad
The Brothers Lionheart by Astrid Lindgren
The Buddha and his Teachings
The Butcher Boy by Patrick McCabe
The Case for Literature by Gao Xingjian
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
The Cherry Tree Buck and Other Stories by Moore
The Children of Cherry Tree Farm by Enid Blyton
The Children of Húrin by J. R. R. Tolkien
The Chimes by Charles Dickens (with A Christmas Carol)
The Chomsky-Foucault Debate on Human Nature
The Christmas Stories by Charles Dickens
The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order by Samuel P. Huntington
The Clocks by Agatha Christie (in Poirot: the Post-War Years)
The Collected Stories of Katherine Mansfield
The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English (Translated by Geza Vermes)
The Complete Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Anderson
The Complete Fairy Tales of The Brothers Grimm
The Complete Plays of Christopher Marlowe
The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
The Complete Poems of Sappho
The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
The Complete Stories and Poems of Lewis Carroll
The Conservationist by Nadine Gordimer
The Coral Island by R. M. Ballantyne
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
The Country Wife by William Wycherley (in Three Restoration Comedies, Gamini Salgado intro)
The Crescent Moon by Tagore (双语版)
The Crossing by Cormac McCarthy
The Crucible by Arthur Miller
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon
The Dark is Rising: The Complete Sequence by Susan Cooper
The Dark Tower Book I: The Gunslinger by Stephen King
The Dark Tower Book II: The Drawing of the Three by Stephen King
The Dark Tower Book III: The Waste Lands by Stephen King
The Dark Tower Book IV: Wizard and Glass by Stephen King
The Day of the Locust by Nathanael West (and Miss Lonelyhearts)
The Dead Republic by Roddy Doyle
The Dhammapada, K. Sri Dhammananda
The Dragon Book of Verse
The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules our Lives by Leonard Mlodinow
The Earth by Émile Zola (Translated by Douglas Parmée)
The Earthsea Quartet (A Wizard of Earthsea, The Tombs of Atuan, The Farthest Shore, Tehanu) by Ursula Le Guin
The Eclogues by Virgil (Translated by Arthur Guy Lee)
The Elements of Legal Style: Second Edition by Bryan A. Garner
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-moon Marigolds by Paul Zindel
The Enchanted Castle by E. Nesbit
The Encyclopedia of American Comics
The Encyclopedia of Illustration Techniques by Catharine Slade
The Female Quixote by Charlotte Lennox
The Four Buddhist Books on Mahayana Pure Land Teachings
The Fright of Real Tears by Slavoj Zizek
The Gap of Time by Jeanette Winterson
The Gardener by Tagore (双语版)
The Gardener’s Son by Cormac McCarthy
The Girl who Could Fly by Victoria Forester
The Godfather by Mario Puzo
The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy
The Golden Ass by Apuleius
The Goldfinch, Donna Tartt
The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
The Governing Principles of Ancient China, excerpted from qunshu zhiyao
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Happy Prince and Other Stories by Oscar Wilde
The History of Rasselas by Johnson
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
The Horse and His Boy by C. S. Lewis (in collected volume)
The Invisible Man, H. G. Wells
The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
The Last Breath by Ajahn Pasanno
The Liberation of Lily and Other Poems by Lim Thean Soo
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman by Laurence Sterne
The Lioness & Her Knight by Gerald Morris
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis (x2 in collected volume)
The Literature of the United States of America by Marshall Walker
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The Little World of Liz Climo
The Lord of the Rings Part 1: The Fellowship of the Ring, by J. R. R. Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings Part 2: The Two Towers, by J. R. R. Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings Part 3: The Return of the King, by J. R. R. Tolkien
The Lost Estate (Le Grand Meaulnes) by Alain-Fournier
The Maid by Yasutaka Tsutsui
The Magician’s Nephew by C. S. Lewis (in collected volume)
The Man of Mode by Sir George Etherege (in Three Restoration Comedies, Gamini Salgado intro)
The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare (The Pelican Shakespeare)
The Merry Wives of Windsor by Shakespeare (World’s Classics)
The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot
The Mind Map Book by Tony Buzan
The Miner by Natsume Sōseki
The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould
The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins
The Moves Make the Man by Bruce Brooks
The Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk
The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri
The Natural History of Selborne by Reverend Gilbert White
The Nature of the Gods by Cicero
The Outsiders, S. E. Hinton (x2?)
The Once and Future King by T. H. White
The Phantom of the Opera by Leroux
The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
The People Reloaded: The Green Movement and the Struggle for Iran’s Future
The Poetry of Singapore
The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James (x2)
The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell
The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain
The Prussian Officer and Other Stories by D. H. Lawrence
The Queen and I by Sue Townsend
The Ragamuffin Mystery by Enid Blyton
The Rainbow by D. H. Lawrence (in The Great Novels of “)
The Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope
The Rattle Bag, edited by Seamus Heaney and Ted Hughes
The Reason Why: A Gospel Exposition, Robert Laidlaw
The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
The Romanovs by Simon Sebag Montefiore
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Secret of Killimooin by Enid Blyton
The Secret of Spiggy Holes by Enid Blyton
The Selected Poems of Carol Ann Duffy
The Signal and the Noise by Nate Silver
The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris
The Space of City Trees (selected poems) by Arthur Yap
The Spy Who Came in From The Cold, John Le Carré
The Symptom of Beauty by Francette Pacteau
The Tempest by Shakespeare
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, Sogyal Rinpoche
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
The Time is Now: Public Art of the Sustainable City Land Art Generator Initiative UAE
The True History of the BlackAdder by J. F. Roberts
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
The Vatican Cellars by André Gide
The Voice Book by Michael McCallion
The Warden by Anthony Trollope
The War of the Worlds, H. G. Wells
The Waves by Virginia Woolf
The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
The Whispering Statue (a Nancy Drew Mystery) by Carolyn Keene
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
The Wings of the Dove by Henry James
The Witches by Roald Dahl
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
The Woman Warrior, Maxine Hong Kingston
The Works of Sir Walter Scott (poetry)
The World and other Places by Jeanette Winterson
The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer (Payne translation)
The World’s Great Civilizations, LIFE
The World’s Wife by Carol Ann Duffy
The Young Adventurers and the Boy Next Door by Enid Blyton
The Zahir, Paulo Coelho
Things: A Story of the Sixties by Georges Perec (and A Man Asleep)
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
Thirty Days on the Camino by Alvin Mark Tan
Thursday Afternoons by Monica Dickens
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Top Girls by Caryl Churchill
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Totto-Chan by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Towerhill reclaimed (a 2011 high school commemorative, HCI)
Travesties by Tom Stoppard
Tristan by Gottfried Von Strassburg
Troilus and Criseyde by Geoffrey Chaucer (Norton Critical Edition)
Twelfth Night by Shakespeare
Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill
Ulysses by James Joyce
Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Unfree Verse
Understand and Criticize by John Doraisamy
Vile Bodies by Evelyn Waugh
Villette by Charlotte Brontë
Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy (x3, Rosemary Edmonds for Penguin, Louise & Aylmer Maude, Pevear & Volokhonsky)
We Rose Up Slowly by Jon Gresham
What are Masterpieces? by Gertrude Stein
Whit by Iain Banks
Why Worry? How to Live Without Fear & Worry by K. Sri Dammananda
What Does the Bible Really Teach?
W. I. T. C. H.: The Four Dragons
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
William Wordsworth
Wilde: The Complete Plays
Worlds of Amano by Yoshitaka Amano
Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Yeng Pway Ngon: 英培安: Poems 3 [Self-exile]            
Yeng Pway Ngon: 英培安: Poems 4 [Resurgence]
Yeng Pway Ngon: 英培安: Poems 5 [Other Thoughts]
Ywain, or, The Knight with the Lion by Chretien de Troyes (in Arthurian Romances by DigiReads.com Publishing)
飙车 (La Ronde et Autres Faits Divers), J. M. G. Le Clézio
Composition 摄影构图
Hi, 我们的森林,赵小敏
华韵35: 火花
华韵39: 以梦为马
假如给我三天光明 (The Story of My Life) by Helen Keller (双语版)
守车的秘密 (The Boxcar Children: Caboose Mystery), Gertrude Chandler Warner
  Castres un Autre Regard
Chronique des sept misères by Patrick Chamoiseau
Cours de francais, Linguaphone Institute
Les Penseurs Grecs Avant Socrate de Thalès de Milet A Prodicos
Texaco by Patrick Chamoiseau
두근두근 내인생 장편소설
하회탈, 다시살아나다 by 무돌
질문 상자 (Det spørs)
캐비닛 김언수 장편소설
Le Petit Prince (in Korean)
설계자들 김언수 장편소설
  Hua Lo Puu by Murti Bunanta (in English and Indonesian)
Legenda Pohon Beringan (The Legend of the Banyan Tree) by Murti Bunanta, illustrated by Hardiyono (in English and Indonesian)
  Weekly Shonen Jump 1月8日9日号
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Artifact Series R
R. Budd Dwyer's Manila Envelope
R. H. Macy’s Clothes Hanger
R. L. Stine's Library Card
R. K. Wilson's Camera
RC Racing Car *
RCMP WW1 Bugle
RMS Olympic *
RMS Titanic Coal Room Spun Handle
RWC 2011 Finals Ball
Ra's Crook and Flail
Ra's Solar Barge
Rachael Ray's Wooden Utensil Boxes
Rachel Carson's Boots
Rachel Pratt's Shrapnel
Rachilde’s Snuff Box
Radioactive Box of Twinkies
Radio Tower from the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia
Rage Inducing Slot Machine
Raggedy Ann and Andy
Raijin's Drum
Rainbow Serpent Scale
Rainer Maria Rilke's Bust of Apollo
Rainilaiarivony's Lamba
Ralph Chaplin's Original Draft of "Solidarity Forever"
Ralph H. Baer's Original Simon
Ralph Kramden's Bowling Ball *
Ralph Waldo Emerson's Trowel
Rambunctious Slingshot
Ramesses I's Headdress
Ramesses I's Medallions
Ramesses II’s Tankard
Ramesses II's Khopesh
Randy Gardner's Coffee Mug
Randy Schueller's Ink Bottle
Raphael's Canvas
Raspberry Beret
Rathwire Hillfort Stone
Raven Feather
Rawlings Leather Football Helmet
Ray Charles Sunglasses
Ray Frank Gricar's Dayton U Pin
Ray Harryhausen Model Collection
Ray Price’s Wheelie Bar
Raymond Chandler's Pipe
Raymond Kaskey's Portlandia
Raymond Loewy’s Bus Model
Raymond Loewy’s Pencil Sharpener
Reanimating Shrunken Head *
Re-assembling Piggy Bank
Rebecca Towne Nurse's Noose
Reception Bell from the Hotel California
Record from Disco Demolition Night
Recording of the Max Headroom Broadcast Intrusion
Red Adair’s Hardhat
Red Clown Nose
Red Fire Ball *
Red Flag from the Potemkin
Red Forest Flute
Red Monogrammed Tie
Red ringed Xbox 360
Red Skelton’s Doughnut Box
Red Velvet Swing *
Reflective Beach Umbrella
The Regent Diamond
Reginald Fessenden's Radio
Remati Shackle *
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn's Picture Frame *
Ren Statuette
René Descartes' Drafting Quill
René Magritte's Pipe and Bowler Hat
Renee Nele's Draw Plate
Renee Shin-Yi Chen's Porcelain Baby Doll *
Repeating Rifle
Restorative Dental Tools
Reusable Christmas Cracker
Reusable Neutron Bomb *
Reusable Pigeon Bomb
Reviving Pacemaker
Rex Krewe Doubloons
Rezső Seress' Sheet Music for "Vége a Világnak"
Rhett and Link's Clothes Rack
Rhiannon's Saddle
Rhodanthe Rose *
Rhodes Marble Bowl *
Ricardo Setaro's Radio *
Rice Growing Dōtaku Bells
Richard III's Crown
Richard Avery Hornsby‘s Blunderbuss
Richard Chase's Steak Knife
Richard E. Byrd's Smoking Pipe *
Richard Feynman's Safecracking Numerical Pad
Richard F. Gordon Jr's Spacesuit Helmet
Richard Gurley Drew’s Roll of Scotch Tape
Richard Kuklinski's Freezer
Richard Lawrence's Pistols and Andrew Jackson's Cane
Richard the Lion-hearted's Armor *
Richard Lucian Page's Pouch of Gunpowder
Richard Lucian Page's Sword Hilt
Richard Matheson's Barrett
Richard Nixon's Shoes *
Richard O'Brien's Stockings
Richard Owens' Bayonet
Richard Rowland Kirkland’s Canteen
Richard Trevithick's Iron Rails
Richard Wagner's Ring
Richard Wetherill's Cattle Brander
Richtofen's Wunderwaffen
Rick Griffin's Psychedelic Posters
Rick Grimes' Colt Python
Ric Silver's Shoes
Right Arm From the Statue of Julian of Norwich
Rin Tin Tin's Leash
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Band Instruments
Ring of Gyges
Rip Taylor's Confetti Cannon
Rip Van Winkle's Moonshine
Rita Hayworth's Nightgown
Riverton Maximum Security Prison Quartz Mine *
Road Sign from the China National Highway 110 Traffic Jam
Roald Amundsen's Binoculars
Roald Amundsen's Steering Wheel
Robert Angus Smith's Jar
Robert Atkins' Bathroom Scale
Roanoke Colony Mortar and Pestle
Roanoke Knife
Robert the Bruce's Tartan *
Robert Bullock's Gavel
Robert Crisp's Cricket Bat
Robert the Doll
Robert E. Lee's Saddlebag
Robert Ettinger's Metre Ruler
Robert Falcon Scott's Goggles
Robert Frost's Globe
Robert Frost's Pitchfork
Robert Frost's Stone Wall
Robert Hanssen's Palm III PDA
Robert Harbin's Zig Zag Girl Box
Robert Hooke's Mirrors
Robert Hooke's Music Box
Robert Johnson's Guitar
Robert J. Van de Graaff's "Van de Graaf" Generator
Robert Joseph White's Pipe
Robert Kearns’ Windshield Wipers
Robert Langdon’s Mickey Mouse Wristwatch
Robert Liston's Green Coat
Robert Louis Stevenson's Bookends *
Robert Oppenheimer's Desk Lamp
Robert Pickton's Bag of Pig Feed
Robert R. Montgomery's Flyswatter
Robert Ripley's Safari Hat
Robert Ryman's Canvas
Robert Shields’ Typewriter
Robert de Shurland's Horse Skull
Robert Smalls’ Codebook
Robert Spring's Sleeve Button
Robert Stroud's Canary Cage
Robert Todd Lincoln's Pocket Watch
Robert Wadlow's Shoes
Robin Hood's Arrow
Robin Hood's Cap
Robin William's Bicycle
Robin William's Microphone
Rob Nen's Baseball Glove
Roy Lichtenstein's "Drowning Girl"
Rob Roy MacGregor’s Bagpipes
Robot Matchbox *
Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots
Rock from the Cave of the Winds
Rod of Asclepius *
Rock Paintings from Saimaluu Tash
Rod Serling's Cigarette Case
Rodney King's Tool Belt
Rodney Wood's Propane Heater
Roger Bacon's Magnifying Glass
Roger Bacon's Robe Belt
Roger Ebert's DVD Player
Roger Federer's Tennis Racket
Roger Nowell's Wig
Roger Patterson's Film Camera
Roger Wolcott Sperry's Salt and Pepper Shakers
Rǫgnvaldr Guðrøðarson’s Hogback
Roll of Pennies
Roll of Rubber Electrical Tape
Rollie Free’s Showercap and Speedo
Roman Flagrum
Roman Scales
Romano Cattaneo's Alfa Romeo Spider *
Roman Lion Collar
Roman Pig Statue
The Romulus Amulet
Romulus and Remus' Shepard Staff
Ronald Dale Harris' Quarter Wrap
Ronald Reagan's Jelly Beans *
Ronald Reagan’s Swim Trunks
Room 22 Door
Room 1408's Door
Rosa Parks' Bus Seat
Roseland Ballroom Marquee *
Rosemary's Baby Carriage *
Rosetta Stone *
Rosie the Riveter's Rivet Gun
Ross Bagdasarian Sr.'s Witch Doctor Mask
Round Table of King Arthur *
Royal Silverware Set
Roy Chapman Andrews’ Dinosaur Egg
Roy Fransen's Diving Board *
Roy L. Dennis's Yearbook
Roy Rodger's Lunchbox
Roy Sullivan's Hat
Rubble from the North Tower
Rube Goldberg's Styling Pencil
Rube Goldberg's 'Thing'
Rube Goldberg's Wire Collection *
Rubik's Cube
Ruby Slippers *
Rudolph's Nose *
Rudolf Koch's Font Design Papers
Rudolph Valentino's Cigarette *
Rudyard Kipling's Rickshaw
Rufus Wilmot Griswold’s Gift Book
Ruins from the city of Atlantis
Rumpelstiltskin *
Rumpelstiltskin's Spinning Wheel
Runaway Chocolate Bunny
Rush Limbaugh's Microphone
Rusik's Uniform
Russian Nesting Doll *
Russian Sleep Experiment Gas Tanks
Ruth Belville's Pocket Watch
Ruth Graves Wakefield's Baking Sheet
Ryan Halligan’s Yearbook
1 note · View note
winsonsaw2003 · 4 years
Family Of Thomas Church (1798-1860) Singapore
I am looking for ��descendants of Thomas Church (1798-1860) to share some information. Son of Thomas Church & Elizabeth Dixon.He married Elizabeth Scott Of Penang. His issue:- i) Harriet Georgina Church (1827-1898) married Walter Stuart Mann. Their issue:- ai) Annie Florence Mann (1850-1941) married Thomas Vincent Fegan. aii) Horace Butterworth Mann (1851-1909). ii) Robert Church (1828-1904) married Sarah Church Waller. iii) Thomas Ross Church (1830-1926) married Florence Marryat(1833-1899).Their issue:- ai) Eva Florence Ross Church (1855-1887) married Alfred Stevens. aii) Ethel Maude Church (1857-1952) married Edmund Nicholas Alpe and Ernest Walter Russell Barry.Their issue:- bi) Ethel Mary Florence Alpe(1876-1958) married Edwin Chappell. bii) Edmund Francis Ross Alpe (1879-1944). aiii) Frederick Francis Marryat Church (1859-?) married Elizabeth H. Spiller.His issue:- bi) Catherine Mary Church(1904-1979) married Reginald Sidney Crabb. Their issue:- ci) Paul Crabb (1926-?) married ?. His issue:- di) Colin Crabb. cii) Reginald B Crabb (1927-1928). bii) Patricia Marguerite Joan Church (1906-1990) married Frank Henry Bailey Fyfe. Their issue:- ci) Dorothy Marryat Fyfe married ? Stewart. aiv) Florence Charlotte Henrietta Church (1860-?). av) Voilet Theodora Church (1863-1953) married Stanley Locker Dobie.Their issue:- bi) Marryat Ross Dobie (1888-1973) married Grace Vera Patmore. His issue:- ci) Alison Roxburgh Dobie married Anthony Allan Montgomery. bii) Beatrice Shedden Dobie (1900-?) married Allan D. Macdonald. Their issue:- ci) Robert D Macdonald(1929-?). avi) Sybil Catherine Florence Church (1866-1958) married 1stly,Gerald Edward Lyon Campbell & 2ndly, Wentworth Vernon Cole. Their issue:- bi) Mary Hamilton Campbell (1888-?) married Alfred Thomas Duncan Anderson. Their issue:- ci) Ian Duncan Hamilton Anderson (1916-?) cii) Alec Vernon Anderson(1921-?). avii) George Marryat Ross Church (1868-1940) married Emily Whymper.His issue:- bi) Robert Henry Ross Church(1904-1975) married Barbara Joyce Byers. His issue:- ci) Armorel Barbara Church married Fergus David Hanham. ci) Marryat Ross Church(1936-1941). cii) Martin Byers Church(1939-2008) married  Diane C Perry. His issue:- di) Alexander Philip Ross Church. dii) Daniel Thomas Ross Church married Olivia Stockdale His issue:- ei) Felix James Ross Church. ciii) Valentine Ross Church(1941-2008) married Anne E Mouland.His issue:- di) Marryat Frederick Ross Church. dii)Benjamin Robert Ross Church married Jessica Groves. bii) Barbara Theodora Church(1910-?) married Hugh Joseph Gray. Their issue:- ci) Brigid Penelope Gray married 1stly Anthony Bart Nesburn & 2ndly,Carl M Leventhal. aviii) Marguerite Ross Church (1872-1951) married Harry Oliver Whymper. iv) Hannah Church (1834-1852) married Samuel Gordon. Their issue:- ai) David Birdwood Gordon(1849-?) aii) Elizabeth Catherine Gordon(1851-?) married William Charles Hilditch. Their issue:- bi) Edith Mary Ann Hilditch (1870-1871). v) Charles Wright Church (1835-1890). vi) Sarah Scott Church (1837-1909) married Captain Malcolm Kemp Bourne.Their issue:- ai) Robert Kemp Bourne (1863). aii) Mabel Frances Bourne (1866-1950). aiii) Malcolm Stuart Bourne (1867-1940). aiv) Percy Trevor Bourne (1867-1893). vii) William Marryat Church (1841-1842). viii) Edward Winter Church (1843-1875). Please contact me at :- [email protected]
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bdscuatui · 5 years
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Các giao dịch bất động sản ở Massachusetts cho các hạt Hampden, Hampshire và Franklin: ngày 19 tháng 1 năm 2020 #thôngtin [ad_1] AgawamCarolyn Groux và Arthur Groux đến Tenille Carr và Heather Carr, 313 Leonard St., $ 249,900.Vận chuyển Funeral Holdings Inc., đến Douglas Trevallion và Martha Trevallion, 30 ngõ Lane, $ 63.500.David F. McGrevy, đại diện, Dennis Charles McGrevy, bất động sản, và Dennis C. McGrevy, bất động sản, đến VIP Homes & Associates LLC, 321 Leonard St., $ 82.000.Dennis G. Lang và Cynthia Lang đến Anthony Settembre, 52 William St., $ 225.000.Douglas M. Trevallion II, Douglas Trevallion, Martha L. Trevallion và Martha Trevallion đến Shawn Santos, Nicole Santos, Robert Santanella và Lynn Santanella, 30 ngõ Lane, 595.000 USD.Gregory Jason Guzik đến MS Homes LLC, North West Street, 70.000 đô la.Gregory Jason Guzik đến MS Homes LLC, North West Street, 70.000 đô la.Heather Carr, Heather Cone và Tenelle Carr đến Stephen Smith, 75 Florida Drive, 180.000 đô la.Ngân hàng HSBC Hoa Kỳ, ủy thác và Ủy thác chứng khoán FBR 2005-3, ủy thác của Daniel P. Tobias và Andrea C. Tobias, 73 Stony Hill Road, 140.000 đô la.Kevin W. Whitehead, Lisa J. Whitehead và Lisa J. Bartnik đến Joshua A. Dupuis và Casandra C. Greene, 60 Katharine Drive, $ 325.000.Công ty bất động sản Agawam Silver Street, đến SA Holding 1 LLC, 11 Herbert P. Almgren Drive, 600.000 USD.William J. Murphy và Imelda M. Murphy đến Mikaela A. Nicora và Austin T. Decosmo, 48 Dartmouth St., $ 217.500.AmherstElena Dupuis, Gary M. Dupuis và E. Dupuis đến Shana L. Hansell, 181 Wildflower Drive, $ 575.000.Công viên Isaac Young và Công viên Youngjoon đến Zachary Landsman Halpryn và Zachary Jared Eagle, 50 Meadow St., $ 217.500.Mohsen Jalali, Ali Khajeh Saeed và Parinaz Meysami đến John J. Hennessy, 242 North East St., và 26 North East Terrace, $ 188.000.Ying Zhang đến John R. Copen, 170 East Hadley Road, $ 126.000.Lời D. Peake và Janet R. Daisley cho Catherine K. Seldin, 32 Woodlot Road, 495.000 đô la.Yeshi Gyaltsen và Dolkar Gyaltsen đến Tashi Youdon, 23 Charles Lane, 150.000 đô la.Frederic Trobaugh, ủy thác, Elizabeth Trobaugh, ủy thác và Trobaugh Tin tưởng có thể hủy bỏ của gia đình Trobaugh đối với Joann Carino, Maplewood Circle, 100 đô la.BelchertownKenneth H. Snow và Linda H. Snow to Snows Self Storage LLC, 746 Bay Road, 1.400.000 đô la.John H. Harstad, ủy thác, S & J Realty Trust, Raymond Mitchell, David Allen, Sandra Coty, George Thomas Mitchell và Sharon Allen đến John H. Harstad, 360 Old Enfield Road, 100 đô la.John W. Phelon đến UFP Real Real LLC, 161 Bay Road, $ 300.000.Mona Rock và Mona L. Huber đến Jonathan Bousquet, ngõ 52 Segur, $ 237.000.Daniel P. Kramer và Deborah J. Timberlake đến Caitlyn Grace McGinn, Đường 276 Amherst, $ 185.000.George H. Adams Jr., người được ủy thác, Betty A. Adams, người được ủy thác, và Adams-Hampshire County Realty Trust cho Cedarwood Apartments LLC, 154-156 Amherst Road, $ 775.000.Gia đình Woodlot LLC, đến William Blackwood III, Phố Summit, $ 20.000.Gia đình Woodlot LLC, đến William Blackwood III, Phố Summit, $ 19.000.Robert M. Mileski đến RMM Properties LLC, 20 State St., $ 100.BernardstonRichard J. Couture và Margarete R. Couture cho William Patrick Thompson và Gayle Ann Drake-Thompson., 40 đường Gill, 335.000 đô la.Cánh đồngBrenda L. Món tráng miệng cho Christine C. Medeiros, 17 East Hill Road, $ 330.000.ChicopeeAleksandr Tverdokhelbov và Vladimir Tverdokhelbov đến Shayne Sweeney, 76-78 Muzzy St., 227.500 đô la.Campagnari Construction LLC, người nhận, Chicopee City Health và Paul Laflamme đến Campagnari Construction LLC, 122-124 Pine St., $ 255.000.Carmen Santos đến Sheila Bailey, 12 Ellen Ave, $ 176.000.Charlene L Henchey cho Elizabeth M Henchey và Brian L Wentworth, 12 Ravine St, $ 185,400.Dana L Garton đến Danielle A Langevin, 37 Albert St, 125.500 đô la.Thuộc tính của Dgl đến Jason J Libian, 216 Fairview Ave, $ 217.000.Giám mục Erin và Giám mục Christopher cho Michael Konopko, 126 Royal St., $ 157,050.HP Chicopee LLC và HP Chicopee Montgomery LLC. đến EPC Hammes LLC, 444 Montgomery St., $ 21,560,000.James F. O hèHara, Janice M. O xôngHara và Kelley K. O xôngHara đến Ariel Osgood và Miguel Sanchez, 53 Shepherd St., 178.000 USD.Linda L. Czerwiecki, đại diện, John Joseph Czerwiecki, bất động sản, và John Joseph Czerwieki, bất động sản, đến Matthew Slowik, 33 Graham Drive, 55.000 đô la.Nationstar Mortthing LLC, và Champion Mortthing Co., đến Victor M. Fernandez Velasquez, 280 Sheridan St., $ 115.000.Oksana Gavel và Sergey Gavel đến Pamelyn Pierre Louis và Philip Pierre Louis, 33 Fuller St., $ 259.900.Pamela J. Morrione và Anthony J. Morrione đến Dominic Kirchner II, người được ủy thác và Yabela Realty Trust, người được ủy thác, 334 Montcalm St., 200.000 đô la.Richard Ring và Vanessa Ring đến Brandon J. Clark, 154 Skeele St., 179.000 USD.Sandra J.Kaufmann đến Richard R. Perreault, 200 Lambert Terrace, Đơn vị 61, $ 175.000.Steven J. Goyette đến Abigail Ina Arriaga, 47 Westport Drive, $ 190.000.Teresa C. Lindsey, đại diện, Theodore J. Lindsey, bất động sản, và Theodore Joseph Lindsey, bất động sản, đến Barbara C. Lindsey-Chamberlain, 23 Mount Royal St., $ 76.000.DeerfieldElizabeth A. Bysiewski, Elizabeth A. Wright và Leigh E. Wright đến Lynne M. Paju, 10 Sunrise Ave., 301.000 USD.Robert G. Allen, Jr. và Robin J. Karlin đến Jaimie B. Allen, 175 North Main St., 240.000 đô la.Helen V. Miecznikowski cho Peter A. Burakiewicz và Theresa L. Burakiewicz, Đường núi, 130.000 đô la.Đông LongmeadowDonald W. Lomascolo và Mary Lomascolo đến C & A Realty Enterprises LLC, 147 Shaker Road, $ 625.000.Elizabeth R. Rennell cho Sarah Waltsak, 59 Hà Lan, 175.000 đô la.Laurie B. Follit cho Tyler Kane, 5 Park Place, $ 323.000.Đông thànhKathleen Weurth, người được ủy thác và Lawrence D. Molloy Nominee Tin tưởng vào Zachary D. Virgilio, 8 Wendell Ave., 200.000 đô la.Cherie Rodriguez, Cherie A. Rodriguez và Hiram Rodriguez Jr., đến Felix L. Santos Jr., 1 Vòng tròn Maxine, 220.000 USD.XóaSuzy Marie Polucci động sản, Daniel W. Keller, đại diện cá nhân, đến Bryan Michael Mathey, 66 1/2 Mountain Road, 180.000 đô la.ChungDebra P. Gaines, Gary M. Gaines, Melissa J. Gaines và Donna R. Pula cho Gary M. Gaines và Judith Ann Gaines, 9 Myrtle St./2 Myrtle St., 25.000 đô la.Trời ạMartha Lee St. Amand, ủy thác, Martha L. St. Amand, ủy thác và St. Amand Family Revocable Trust cho Bryan Osetek và Sarah Osetek, West Street, 16.500 đô la.Granby Hiệp hội Quỹ tiết kiệm Wilmington FSB, Christiana Trust, Ủy thác, Ủy thác mua lại thế chấp Pretium và Alta Cư dân giải pháp LLC, luật sư thực tế, cho Phillip Braese, 184 Taylor St., 127.000 đô la.Jill A. Kopka đến Lawrence H. Humphrey Jr., và Shaina M. Humphrey, Phố Taylor, 100.000 đô la.Donald E. McGrath và Lynn M. McGrath đến Joshua S. Moynahan, 6 Wood Ave., 210.000 đô la.Cánh đồng xanhVan K. Sullivan đến Timothy T. Williams. 46 đường Fairview. 165.000 đô laNgân hàng Mỹ NA đến Ngân hàng tiết kiệm Easthampton. Đường liên bang 208. 450.000 đô laBryan R. Harvey, Wayne D. Harvey, Lisa B. Harvey-Reber, "còn gọi là" Lisa B. Reber, và Elaine J. Sinni cho Mark W. Colby và Sandra J. Colby, 57 Overland Road, 226.000 USD.Erin H. Peters và Hassan A. Peters đến Janice E. Gianino, 28 Phillips St., $ 210.000.HadleyRuth M. Klopfer, đại diện cá nhân, Lorena D. McKinstry, bất động sản, và Alfred W. McKinstry, bất động sản, cho Willard A. McKinstry, II và Nicole M. McKinstry, 100 Honey Pot, 100.000 đô la.D. Alden Johnson, David J. Latham và Kenneth C. Latham Jr., đến Keith A. Rehbein, North Maple Street, 250.000 đô la.Gwen A. Quinlan và Thomas F. Quinlan Sr., đến Thomas F. Quinlan Jr., 1 Maegans Way, 250.000 đô la.HampdenLucille M. Beck đến Michael Beck, Michael C. Beck, Melanie Beck và Melanie Enayda Beck, 50 Mountainview Drive, 270.000 USD.Michael Craig Beck, Michael C. Beck và Melanie Enayda Beck đến Lucille M. Beck, 61 Phiên lái xe, 170.000 đô la.Hà LanDavid F. Dwyer đến Kevin L. Tighe và Công viên Deborah, 93 Wales Road, $ 262.000.Dennis A Chipps (SR & O) và Karen M Chipps cho John J Folger, 37 Kimball Hill Rd, $ 274.000.John Folger và Virginia Folger cho David N. Scaramangos và Jessica L. Folger, Đường 90 Stafford, $ 183.000.HolyokeDonald J. Mann Jr., và Emily A. Mann cho Nicholas J. Felton và Becca L. Felton, 17 Vassar Circle, 230.000 đô la.Freedom Mortthing Corp, đến Dominic Kirchner II, ủy thác và Coraxe Realty Trust, ủy thác của, 93-95 Hitchcock St., 98.500 đô la.Kathryn S. Kraus và Patricia A. O hèLeary to Abigail Elizabeth Williamson và Kevin Arthur Williamson, 56 Longfellow Road, $ 290.000.Mary Yan Xie đến Roman Shumeiko và Yuliya Shumeiko, 408 đường Southampton, $ 215,900.Nathan Santerre đến Francisco L. Rivera, 34 Vòng nguyệt quế, $ 215.000.Richard W. Asselin và Michele B. Asselin cho James T. Tonomell và Maureen M. Tonomell, 19 Longfellow Road, $ 325.000.Tnop Inc., đến Holyoke Medical Center Inc., 12 Corser St., $ 600.000.Huntington Lisa M. O KhắcBrien đến Brittany Valentine, 27 Russell Road, 150.000 đô la.J. Otten Russell Tin tưởng và Russell J. Otten, ủy thác, đến Jordan Blanchard, 3 Basket St., $ 180.000.Hiệp hội Quỹ tiết kiệm Wilmington FSB, Christiana Trust, ủy thác, Ủy thác thế chấp Pretium và Alta Cư dân giải pháp LLC, luật sư thực tế, cho Angelia M. Oliveira, 9 Park Ridge Drive, 155.000 đô la.LeydenJennifer A. Paris đến Elizabeth A. Wright và Leigh E. Wright, 155 Đường giữa quận / Đường hạt cũ, $ 295.000.LongmeadowJane H. Griggs và John E. Griggs đến Joseph Ford, 106 đường Englewood, $ 625.000.Witchwood Realty LLC, đến Sharon Connor và Andrew Cimino, 50 đường Road, $ 190.000.LudlowAlivio Alves, Geraldine Alves và Jason Robertson đến Cynthia C. Long, 665 Center St., Đơn vị 607, $ 181.000.Miller Gap Llc đến Gary G Decoteau, Center St, 55.000 đô la.Thomas A Parent và Nancy A Parent to Joseph W Robinson (JR), 150 Cady St, 269.900 đô la.MonroePaul Herber đến RMJ Ranch LLC, Đường Gore, 15.000 đô la.Đức ôngDaniel J. Finnegan và Lewis T. Garreffa cho Nicholas E. Smart, 48 Main St., $ 263.000.Gail A. Sanderson đến Richard Klisiewicz, Phố chính, $ 1.000.MontagueSouthworth Co., "còn gọi là" Southworth Transactional Co II, Inc., đến Milton Hilton, LLC, 36 Canal Road, $ 679,087.24.William Ahlemeyer và Jacqueline M. Ahlemeyer đến Zachary Wright và Alexxis Young, 11 Bridge St./27 Bridge St./Bridge Street, 232.000 USD.MontgomeryAmal Al-Ryati đến Daniel J. Nangle và Jessica L. Nangle, 7 Pineridge Drive, 300.000 USD.Salem mớiRichard Oliver và Lori Jo Oliver đến Alex Acosta và Sarah Pease, 48 phố Tây, 123.000 đô la.Giáo dụcDyson & Webb LLC, đến JKLUSS LLC, 28 Nice St., $ 450.000.Caroline E. Raisler, Isobel A. McMahon và David A. McMahon cho Justin Smith, 9 Wright Ave., $ 380.000.Judith K. Shaffer cho Ruth E. Morgan, 20 sân thượng Pomeroy, 100 đô la.Castle Pines LLC, tới 344 King Street LLC, 330 King St. và 344 King St., 1.900.000 đô la.Joseph R. Salvatore và Joann H. Salvatore đến Christian Smith, 69 Cherry St., 165.000 đô la.Sân phía bắcCông ty Mitchell Aggregate LLC, đến Công ty vật liệu Mitchell, Đường Mount Hermon, $ 417,612,38.trái camRobyn Leonard Busby, "còn gọi là" Robyn M. Leonard, và Lisa M. Richardson đến Erika L. Glory, 231 West River St., 157.500 đô la.Elizabeth A. Nichols và Curtis R. Nichols đến Kurt M. Moisan. 286288 Đường Butterworth. $ 185,000PalmerChristian J. Meyer và Jean E. Meyer cho Michael J. Morassi và Leila Morassi, 2093 Calkins Road, 279.900 đô la.Karen King, người đại diện, và Gordon H. Christiansen, bất động sản, đến Anthony Marra, Phố Thompson, 17.500 đô la.Bồ nôngNhân dân United Bank NA, người được ủy thác và Robert B. Giá ủy thác có thể hủy bỏ đối với Julio Xavier Raagas Mallonga và Brittany Evelyn Hatch Mallonga, 132 Harkness Road, 375.000 đô la.ShelburneRodney W. Willis và Laura J. Willis đến Dakota W. Willis, 107 đường Fiske Mill, $ 288.000.Nam HadleyJennifer Exware và Jennifer Saltis cho Jeremy Saltis, Cynthia Saltis và Cheade Dib, 14 North St., 192.500 đô la.Adam F. Jajko, Danielle M. Jajko và Danielle Moynihan Jajko đến Jennie Lamothe và Reggie L. Lamothe, 152 Lathrop St., $ 253.900.Luis Builders Inc., đến David R. Barrett và Karen M. Barrett, 4 Ethan Circle, 100 đô la.Christine M. Wilda và Donald J. Wilda cho Adam F. Jajko, Danielle Moynihan Jajko và Adam Frederick Jajko, 20 Valley View Drive, $ 590.000.Luis Builders Inc., đến Andre D. Rousseau, 6 Ethan Circle, $ 480,200.Stephen P. Lambert đến Stephen P. Lambert và Amanda Johnson, 7 Joan St., 100 đô la.Bradley F. Podliska đến Anthony Barstow và Heather Barstow, 11 Bunker Hill, $ 224.000.Cynthia C. Long đến Richard J. Cebula Jr., 132 Brainerd St., $ 325.000.Gail Pelland và Gail E. Pelland đến Maryalyce Dudek, 6 Saybrook Circle, $ 190.000.SouthamptonArthur L. Peters và Rita S. Peters cho Mark D. Peters và David M. Peters, 103 Strong Road, 100 đô la.Mark Hardy, Laura E. Hardy và Laura E. Riccio cho đến Benjamin C. Gillespie và Kirsten E. Gillespie, 153 Pomeroy Meadow Road, $ 303.000.Laura A. Pompei và Laura A. Facteau cho Casey L. Ostrowski và Patrick O. Guy, 11 Helen Drive, $ 263.000.NamwickDaniel W. Szenda và Anne S. Diebold cho Jonathan M. Schantz và Caitlin Schantz, 1 Vòng tròn mùa đông, 420.000 đô la.Jonathan M. Schantz, Caitlin M. Schantz và Caitlin M. Joyce đến Taras Mikhalinchik và Natalia Stepchuk, 13 Charles Johnson Road, $ 319.900.Joseph Burns, Joseph R. Burns và Carol A. Burns đến Maksim Zinchenko và Holly M. Pagano, 1 Kline Road, $ 325.000.Pramod Sarraf và Bandana Sarraf cho David B. Stratos và Joanne M. Stratos, 37 Deer Run Road, $ 470.000.SpringfieldAlba N. Gomez và Caleb J. Gomez đến Brian Santiago và Esther M. Santiago, 28 đường Drumlin, $ 233.000.Andrew J. Crane, Jennifer Ann Skorka và Bryan Manijak đến Phylis Muthee, 313 Orange St., $ 190.000.Angelina Geoffroy, Angelina Barbarisi và Christopher R. Geoffroy cho Joseph W. Powers, 274 Cooper St., $ 185.000.Barbara A. O KhắcConnor đến Francisco Flores và Norberto Plaza Pagan, 881 St James Ave., 155.500 đô la.Brenda M. Brenes và Brenda M. Lugo đến Haydee L. Arce và Luis R. Arce, 245 Bolton St., $ 253.000.Brital1987 LLC, đến Ashley M. Fisher, 86 Gralia Drive, 194.000 đô la.Carmelo Loran Jr., và Carmelo Loran cho Shigen Zhu, 54 Porter St., 100.000 đô la.Tập đoàn đầu tư Cedar LLC, người nhận, Nhà thi hành luật thành phố Springfield và Jose Viera cho Tập đoàn đầu tư Cedar LLC, 12-14 Kendall Ave., 229.000 đô la.Charles Rothus Jr., đến Laura G. Chavez, 1727 Carew St., $ 147.000.Colin T. McNally và Emily McNally đến Cherie Anne Rodriguez, 84 Donbray Road, 202.000 đô la.David V. Nietupski cho Paul Rottenberg và Lori Rottenberg, 235 State St., Đơn vị 325, $ 145.000.Edgardo A. Arroyo Marcano đến Lauren R. Pankiw, 299 đường Forest Hills, 222.000 đô la.Laguercia Family Limited Partnership và David E. Laguercia đến Greatley Realty LLC, Bay Street, 450.000 đô la.Gail A. Castle đến Lucas Feliu và Elizabeth Mercedes De Feliu, 93-95 College St., $ 125.000.George Johnson và Helen Johnson đến Mishel M. Rivera-Carrillo, 162 Mallowhill Road, 195.000 đô la.Jacob A. Saleh đến Kimberly Rios, 24-26 Jenness St., $ 193.000.James T. Lawson và Kathleen I. Lawson đến Carolina Figueroa, 51 Wachusett St., $ 203.000.Jason Libian đến Linda J. Carney, 81 Phoenix sân thượng, 138.000 đô la.Judith A. Hourihan và Imothy J. Hourihan đến Tyrone L. Lewis, 27-29 Palmyra St., $ 219.999.Kevin Nguyễn và Tovan Nguyễn đến Dean Foster-Bryan, 62 Sorrento St., 165.000 đô la.Kibbe House Recovery LLC, đến McKnight Community Development Corp, 1030 Worthington St., $ 100.Không có nơi nào giống như Home Properties LLC, đến Rachel L. Dion, 47 Glenmore St., $ 180.000.Madelyn D. Mendez đến Marangely Martinez, Đại lộ Trang 2239, $ 162.000.Margaret A. McCarthy, đại diện, và Maureen C. McCarthy, bất động sản, cho Mark Warden và Kristina Warden, 43 Sherbrooke St., 145.000 đô la.Michael A. Gardner Sr., và Janet Gardner đến Cheyenne Marie Janas, 31-33 Price St., $ 245.000.Olga Ortiz-Maldonado và Santa F. Ortiz cho Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., ủy thác và Quỹ tín thác thế chấp Novastar 2007-1, ủy thác của, 31-33 Hunt St., 145.000 đô la.Randall R. Jarry, Tammy A Jarry và Tammy A. Cassidy đến Kareem L. White, 102 Fieldston St., 121.000 USD.Remo Pizzichemi và Virginia Pizzichemi đến Yadira J. Jimenez-Tejada và Edward P. Velazquez-Gonzalez, 51 Whittier St., 141.000 USD.Reynaldo D. Rodriguez đến Grace Ann Muir, 22-24 Decatur St., $ 230.000.Richard A. Turnberg và Gayle J. Turnberg đến Stacey L. Coleman, 115 Jamestown Drive, $ 185.000.Robert Murphy và Ryan Murphy đến Carmen M. Nief, 25 Amore Road, 168.000 USD.Ryan J. Kelly và Heidi M. Kelly đến Justin M. Mestre, 87 Somerset St., $ 245.000.Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và Dòng ủy thác của RMAC 2016-CTT, ủy thác của, cho Erika Flores, 61 R Tyler St., 39.000 đô la.Ursula I. Lazarz và Casimir A. Lazarz cho Leonard Yakir, 45-47 Devens St., 236.500 đô la.Valerie Singh đến Jose Orlando Reyes Santiago, 336 Đông Ave., 100 đô la.đồDean G. Miner và Crystal P. Koziol cho David B. Collins và Maureen A. Collins, số 116 đường Gilbertville, $ 225.000.EDN Enterprises LLC, đến Ryan Robert Sullivan và Stacy Lee Sullivan, 14 Walnut St., $ 173.000.Douglas Bramble, đại diện cá nhân, và Mary J. Bramble, bất động sản, đến Russell Prouty, 154 Upper Church St., $ 137.500.Hẻm núiCông ty bất động sản Tamburrini đến Massachusetts Audubon Society Inc., Orange Road, $ 145.000.Tây SpringfieldCharles A. Pignatare và Dagmar Pignatare cho Serge Tokarev và Victoria Tokarev, 2385-2401 Westfield St., $ 356.000.Dennis Bazukin và Lyudmilla Bazukin đến Devi M. Sarki, 53 Hill St., $ 291.000.Hans A. Doup, đại diện, Carol B. Beaver, bất động sản, và Carol Beth Beaver, bất động sản, cho Adam Isaac Shalloo, 62 Ohio Ave., 350.000 đô la.Helen S. Kitchell và Ali B. Kitchell đến Konstantin P. Khodunov, Konstanton Khodunov và Leah G. Khodunov, 76 Squire Drive, $ 212.000.Kinda M. Pires gửi tới Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và Sê-ri Tín dụng thế chấp Wachovia 2006-AMN1, ủy thác của, 94 Riverdale St., $ 156,387.Patricia Gorman, Patricia A. Cooley và Mark K. Gorman đến Tatyana Yuryevna Cherykau và Vera Cherykava, 15-17 Herman St., $ 252.000.Ralph Donald Liebro đến Marco Basile, 14 Chester St., 200.000 USD.Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và Ủy thác quyền sở hữu hợp pháp GMAT 2013-1, ủy thác, đến Walide Soufane, 57 Bonair Ave., $ 165,288.Walter R. Tucker và Linda J. Tucker cho Michael Kelleher, 1304 Elm St., Đơn vị 1B, $ 65.000.William H. Lheureux đến Betty J. Byrd, 80 Brush Hill Ave., Đơn vị 12, $ 87.000.WestfieldDaniel J. Nangle, Jessica L. Nangle và Jessica L. Merati đến Ashley Marshall và Sean Major, 175 Pontoosic Road, $ 288.900.Ewa Celatka, Ewa Warzynska và Robert J. Celatka đến Dmitriy Mayboroda và Veronika Mayboroda, 132 Holyoke Road, 230.000 USD.Gary M. Weiner, người được ủy thác và Hanibal C. Tayeh cho Christopher M. Sarat, 77 Gary Drive, $ 580.000.Lynn E. Bannon, người đại diện và Barbara J. Bannon, bất động sản, đến Daniel Szenda, 68 Mountain View St., 180.000 đô la.Michael W. Monahan và Linda A. Monahan đến Tracy S. Right và Kimberly A. Constance, 66 Janis Road, 265.000 đô la.Richard G. Witherell và Caryn M. Witherell với Nicholas G. Renschler và Amanda E. Renschler, 1199 East Mountain Road, $ 415.000.Susan Coffey, người đại diện và Michael D. Coffey, bất động sản, đến Mea Afghanistan C. Serafin, 39 Glenwood Drive, 255.000 đô la.WilbrahamKaren J. Amato, Anthony D. Amato Jr., (JR & O), Darlene M Mack, Anthony D Mack và Lucille J Amato cho Paul R Samson và Diane M Samson, 16 Spruce Dr, 285.900 USD.Leslie A. Walker, John J. Ferri, Mark A. Ferri, Lynn F. Lavelle và Clarice F. Baker đến Anthony Amato Sr., và Karen J. Amato, 66 High Pine Circle, $ 376,966.Sharon J. Lee đến Joseph M. Roberts, 404 Mountain Road, 50.000 đô la.WilliamsburgDebra L. Turner cho Diane B. Karowski và Richard Karowski, 47 đường Goshen cũ, 100.000 đô la.WorthingtonLinda E. Marshall đến Anne M. Dickinson, 152 đường Witt Hill, 100.000 đô la. [ad_2] Nguồn
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Updated Booklist: January
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett White Fang by Jack London 1984 by George Orwell Diary by Chuck Palahnuk In Pursuit of the Unknown by Ian Stewart Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw Dracula by Bram Stoker On Killing by Dave Grossman Candide by Voltaire Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky Call me Zelda by Erika Roebuck Hemingway’s Girl by Erika Roebuck Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant: The Unbeliever by Stephen R. Donaldson A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle Garden of Eden by Ernest Hemingway Islands in the Stream by Ernest Hemingway Heart-shaped Box by Joe Hill Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss Till We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis The Reason for God by Timothy Keller The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater Warriors Don’t Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson The only Pirate at the Party by Lindsey Stirling Frankenstein by Mary Shelley The Trial by Francis Kafka Necromancer by William Gibson The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury A Confederacy of Dunces by John Toole In Cold Blood by Truman Capote Lord of the Flies by William Golding The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom A Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco The Stranger by Albert Camus Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell Catch 22 by Joseph Heller Animal Farm by George Orwell Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer Watchman by Allan Moore & Dave Gibbons Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keys Never Let Me Down by Kazuo Ishiguro Safekeeping by Jessamyn Hope Book of Night Women by Marion James 11/22/63 by Stephen King Who Asked You? By Terry McMillan The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy Legend by Marie Lu Season of Storms by Susanna Kearsley 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher Dark Places by Gillian Flynn Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn “On Writing” by Stephen King Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams Brave New World by Aldous Huxley The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot Middlemarch by George Eliot Silas Marner by George Eliot Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Books that changed the World by Andrew Taylor Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger Go Ask Alice by Anonymous Of Mice and Man by John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Forever by Judy Blume My Darling, My Hamburger by Paul Zindel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Manchild in the Promised Land by Claude Brown The Learning Tree by Gordon Parks Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin The Lottery by Shirley Jackson One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne A Separate Peace by John Knowles One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl I Know Why A Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou Deliverance by James Dickey The Good Earth by Pearl Buck A Hero Ain’t Nothin’ but a Sandwich by Alice Childress The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway It’s OK if You Don’t Love Me by Norma Klein Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkein Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Little Women by Louisa May Alcott Tess of D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy The Complete Works of Shakespeare Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell Bleak House by Charles Dickens War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy Les Miserables by Victor Hugo Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert Moby Dick by Herman Melville Typee by Herman Melville Watership Down by Richard Adams Ulysses by James Joyce The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath The Color Purple by Alice Walker A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole Weird History 101 by John Richards Stephens The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown Lost Empire by Clive Cussler Persuasion by Jane Austen Essays and Poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton Walden and Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau The Magician’s Nephew by C. S. Lewis The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis The Horse and his Boy by C. S. Lewis Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis The Last Battle by C. S. Lewis This Country of Ours by H. E. Marshall An Abundance of Katherines by John Green Emma by Jane Austen The Adventures of Robin Hood by Roger Lancelyn Green A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hosseini The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams Beloved by Toni Morrision Orlando by Virginia Woolf Tracks by Louise Erdich Ruth Hall by Fanny Fern White Teeth by Zadie Smith Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston The Laramie Project by Moises Kaufman How I Learned to Drive by Paula Vogel A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf The Awakening by Kate Chopin Three Great Plays by Eugene O’Neill Indian Drums and Broken Arrows by Craig Massey Our Town by Thorton Wilder A Raw Youth by Fyodor Dostoevsky The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis Stepping Heavenward by E. Prentiss Lively Art of Writing by Lucille Vaughn Payne Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan Works of Josephus Volume III by Josephus The Maze Runner by James Dashner The Scorch Trials by James Dashner The Death Cure by James Dashner Angels and Demons by Dan Brown The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde by Peter Ackroyd Cry, My Beloved Country by Alan Paton Goliath by Scott Westerfeld The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway Billy Budd and Other Stories by Herman Melville Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson The Girl who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson The Girl who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson Wicked by Gregory Maguire Son of a Witch by Gregory Maguire Murder At The Vicarage by Agatha Christie The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor Looking for Alaska by John Green Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche The Jungle by Upton Sinclair King Arthur and the Knight of the Round Table by Roger Lancelyn Green A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin Anthem by Ayn Rand Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild On War by Carl Von Clausewitz August: Osage County by Tracy Letts Only a Theory by Kenneth Miller My Ten Years in a Quandry by Robert Benchly One Day by David Nicholls The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket The Reptile Room by Lemony Snicket The Wide Window by Lemony Snicket The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket The Ersatz Elevator by Lemony Snicket The Vile Village by Lemony Snicket The Hostile Hospital by Lemony Snicket The Carnivorous Carnival by Lemony Snicket The Slippery Slope by Lemony Snicket The Grim Grotto by Lemony Snicket The Penultimate Peril by Lemony Snicket The End by Lemony Snicket Selected Writings by Gertrude Stein The School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan Gentlemen Prefer Blondes but Gentlemen Marry Brunettes by Anita Loos The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Life of Pi by Yann Martel David Copperfield by Charles Dickens The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy The Turn of the Screw by Henry James Three More Plays by George O’Neill Emily of New Moon by L. M. Montgomery The Once and Future King by T. H. White Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky The Ginger Man by J. P. Donleavy Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy Poetry by Emily Dickenson The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan The Sea of Monster by Rick Riordan The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan The Metamorphoses by Ovid The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini The Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle The Revenant by Michael Punke The Colored Museum by George C. Wolfe Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs The Complete Stories by Flannery O’Connor The Final Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle Grendel by John Gardner The Fault In Our Stars by John Green I AM THE MESSENGER by Markus Zusak The Book Thief by Markus Zusak Eragon by Christopher Paolini Eldest by Christopher Paolini Inheritance by Christopher Paolini Brsinger by Christopher Paolini Just One Damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor A Movable Feast by Ernest Hemingway The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien Mr. Midshipman Hornblower by C. S. Forestor Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen The Pocket Chaucer by Geoffrey Chaucer On Writing by Charles Bukowski Will in the World by Stephen Greenblatt Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith Crazy Love by Francis Chan The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll Penny Dreadfuls by Stefan Dziemianowics Classic Works by F. Scott Fitgerald John Carter of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs The Complete Tales and Poems by Edgar Allen Poe The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes by Stefan Dziemianowics Fall On Your Knees by Ann-Marie Mcdonald The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss Divergent by Veronica Roth A History of Greece by J. B. Bury Em and the Big Hoom by Jerry Pinto Something to Tell You by Hanif Kureishi Inkheart by Cornelia Funke Inkspell by Cornelia Funke Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke Grimm’s Fairy Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery Anne of Avonlea by L. M. Montgomery Anne of the Island by L. M. Montgomery The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum The Jungle book by Rudyard Kipling A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne The Adventure of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain Hans Andersen’s Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by J. K. Rowling
TL;DR: It’s a shit load of books. Wish Me Luck!!!
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