#Jonathan is so sweet and I would give him the world
korn-dogz · 1 year
would u b willing to do a jd x reader (gender neutral if thats ok!!) thats just fluff stuff? also maybe this is a lil specific and cheesy but could u include him calling them the nickname pumpkin
Jonathan would definitely call you that and I need to write more for Jonathan he’s such a sweetheart <3
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Summary: you’re helping Jonathan get rid of his hangover
WARNING: mentions of alcohol, vomiting, fluff, Jonathan calling the reader “pumpkin” and other nicknames
Also I will do gender neutral reader for anyone :)
Jonathan is currently drunk as hell, he couldn’t drive so you had to walk him to your house, your house wasn’t very far away from the bar he went to which was good. Jonathan had his arm on top of your shoulders and one arm was holding Jonathan’s arm that he put on you and the other arm was holding Jonathan’s waist so he doesn’t fall
When he was drunk Jonathan had very knobby knees, so he was swaying side to side as you tried to contain him “augghh… Y/N….how fuckin’ far is your house" you two haven’t even walked for a minute, you looked over at Jonathan “it’s literally right there” you pointed to your house which wasn’t far, he looked over to where you pointed “holy shit, it’s so fuckin far” you sighed and had to ignore Jonathans protests about how far your house was. Finally, you two made it to the house, you struggled to get your keys out your pocket as now Jonathan was leaning on you with his full body weight, you got your keys out and unlocked the door; you pushed it open and Jonathan and you come stumbling in. You try your best to walk you and Jonathan up the stairs, he wasn’t heavy but he was really depending on you to get him up the stairs, you somehow got the two of you up the stairs and now you had to go for your bedroom, Jonathan was making this hard because he wouldn’t stop swaying from side to side “Y/N…?” Jonathan stops and so do you “Y-Yeah?” You huffed though your words, Jonathan didn’t say anything, instead he leaned in and bit your neck “ow! Fuck!” Your eyes shut at the pain, he bit you twice more before you pulled him off “Jonathan! What the fuck- whatever let’s get you to bed” you knew Jonathan would bite people when he’s drunk but this one really hurt
You placed Jonathan down on your bed, you sat on your bed waiting for you to tell him what to do “ok jon here’s a bucket, if you need to throw up do it in here, I’ll sleep in the other room, wake me up if you need anything" you placed the bucket beside the bed and looked at Jonathan, he had a look of uncertainty on his face. He still had his purple track suit on so your hand gently unzipped his zipper and took off his track suit, he was wearing nothing under that track suit “why are you wearing nothing under the track suit? you know what- doesn’t matter, I’ll get you a shirt" you walked over to your closet and rummaged around for anything that he could wear, finally you found a black Mötley Crüe shirt that Jonathan gave you. You walked back over “ok Jonathan, rase your arms up” Jonathan’s arms wobbled as they slightly got up, you gave up and just raised his arms up and pulled the shirt over him. Next was his pants, you prayed that he was wearing underwear and when you pulled down his pants thankfully he was, you got a par of sweat pants and put that on him, through out this whole time of putting on clothes for him he didn’t say a word. You looked at Jonathan’s and felt bad for him, your hands went to his face and with both hands on the side of his cheeks your raised his head up “you ok?” Your thumb rubbed on his cheek as he leaned his head into your hands and his hands went up to hang on to your wrists "can you….please stay with me…?” He looked down as his cheek was pressed against your hand “yea…sure” you let go of his face and sat closely beside him, close enough that Jonathan leaned his head on your shoulder
He groaned as the familiar feeling of him leaning on you came back, you twisted a strand of his hair in your finger “do you want to lay down?” He nodded and you got up and with one hand on the back of his head and the other on his chest, you gently laid him down on the bed; you walked over to the other side and laid down beside him “good night Jonathan, remember the bucket is beside you if you need to throw up” he scoots closer to you and hugs you tightly as he nods his head “thank you Y/N…” he buries his head into your neck “I love you….” You smiled and pat his head “I love you too Jon” you hug him as you both drift off into sleep
Jonathan is the first one to wake up, he notices that he’s holding on to you; he doesn’t have enough time to think of what’s going on he has the uncontrollable urge to throw up, he leans over the side on the bed and sees a bucket, he throws up in the bucket. You are woken up by the sound of Jonathan throwing up, you quickly sat up and held his hair back. Once he was done he looked over at you with tired eyes “what happened last night..?” He slowly blinked and waited for you to respond “I’ll tell you later….I’ll get some Advil from downstairs stay here” he nods as he watches you leave the room. He stares down at himself and sees that his track suit is gone and so are his purple pants, he sees he’s wearing a motley Crüe shirt that he gave you and a pare of your sweatpants, his mind starts to wonder to this morning where he was cuddling with you, *why was I cuddling them?* he thought to himself *and why am I wearing their clothes?* his mind tries to dig out any memory he had from last night but then he sees you enter the room with a pill bottle and a glass of water. You walk over to him and hand him the pill bottle, he opens it and you hand him the glass of water, he puts the pill in his mouth and swallows it down with water
“Make sure to drinks lots of water, it’ll help you" you sounded like his mother… well if his mother cared about him, he put his hand to his forehead and groaned “my head is pounding…” he whined as he laid back down, you sat beside him and felt his forehead with the back of your hand “you’re burning up, it’ll go away soon" you run your hand down to his cheek and rub your thumb on his cheek, he smiles at you as you lean down to kiss his cheek, your lips pull back with a pop sound as he smiles even wider "thank you for always taking care of me pumpkin” you laughed “pumpkin?” He started to laugh along with you as you leaned in again to kiss him on the lips, you pulled back once you tasted the vomit, you whipped your lips with your hand “I’ll give you all the kisses you want later hehe”
Through out the day you help Jonathan get over his hangover, you make him breakfast and give him lots of cuddles. You two sit on the couch watching MTV as he turns to you “you know…” you turn your head over to face him, he’s looking down and playing with his hair “I really appreciate all that you do for me, I mean I really do, I love you so much and you really do make me a better person" the moment he ended his sentence you turned his head to face you and gave him a long kiss, he quickly kissed you back holding your face close to him “of course Jon, I would do anything to make you feel safe and happy" you kiss him again before he can respond “I love you so much muffin” you laugh into his mouth as you two continue to kiss until dawn.
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luveline · 11 months
Steve zombie au with reader getting hurt at the new camp (like always) and Eddie offering support as a friend but Steve gets all jealous while trying to take care of HIS girl
for you my love ♡ steve zombie au —steve is riddled with guilty jealousy as you and eddie become friends. fem!reader 2k
It's a brave new world.
For starters, there are enough guns at camp and able bodied gunmen for fires in the daytime. There are warm meals eaten under the sun, songs sung quietly but nonetheless sung around the fire. There are happy children. There are books to be read to them, and batteries to power flashlights for story time under the stars. 
Things aren't perfect, but after the tragedy of The College, things are good enough. Steve can bring himself to leave your side (though not for the first few days where he's bed bound, and not for a few more after that). 
He can't lie, he hates that you like Eddie so much. His jealousy is a raging monster of stiff spines and dry eye twitches, insecurity that you've met someone new and that you trust them so quickly. 
You were cagey at The College, scared of Steve's friends and petrified Steve was going to break up with you. He couldn't understand at the time how you would ever think such a thing, but now, with Eddie sitting by your knee and a piece of string between his fingers weaving a cat's cradle, your eyes alight with delight, Steve gets it. He totally gets it. 
"It's not hard," Eddie promises you, letting the string fall from his fingers and into your lap. 
"I don't have a complicated brain," you say. 
"It's not rocket science. Even Steve can do it." 
Steve picks an overcooked Lima bean up from his discarded dinner tray and aims to flick it between Eddie's eyes. You're gathered around the campfire in your cold weather coats, a procession of young (ish) adults knee to knee chatting away the worthless hours. When the Lima bean smacks Eddie in the cheek, Steve could pin it on any number of the people gathered. Christopher is a renowned professional when it comes to bothering people, and Jonathan has that older brother's penchant for being irksome, but Steve owns up to it. 
"That's a touchdown." 
Eddie gives him the finger as he instructs you, completely unbothered. "It's those two fingers– No– Yeah, you got it. And then push this finger under this, and this finger… Nice." 
In another life, there's a Steve who doesn't care. He hasn't had to vy for your attention before besides sharing your friendship with Robin, and he's pathetically sorry about it —you should have friends. Steve thinks unabashed that you're the best person they ever made. All you want (all you've ever wanted) is to be loved and to give love back. He's known that about you for a very long time. And in his eyes you deserve what you want. 
You deserve to have friends. He can share Robin, and you can have friends of your own, too. You can have everything. 
Steve can't get a handle on how it's making him feel, is the issue. He's envious as a teenager with their first crush. 
"You honestly just need to practise," Eddie assures you, laying back in the grass with his arms behind his head. 
"You'll have to show me again." 
You stay sitting and Eddie shows you the pattern again without sitting up. You aren't flirting with one another. Steve wonders if that would feel better, to be jealous of something substantial, but you're doing normal things. Eddie is treating you with exactly the kindness and friendship you deserve. Steve wishes he managed it himself when you first met, because you're his best love and his best friend. 
Robin not included. (Robin is always included. Steve would die for her.) 
Like she can sense his devotion, Robin puts a hand on his shoulder, pulling his weight gently to the left. "You'll burn a hole in his leather jacket." 
"I hope he catches on fire." 
"What are you so worried about? She had plenty of chances to leave you for somebody new. Jonathan's been nothing but sweet to her the entire time they've known one another and she barely notices." 
Steve grimaces. "Jonathan likes her too?" 
"He wants to be her friend, just like Eddie. I, on the other hand, want to marry her." 
"Funny." Steve yanks grass up from its roots, the blades soft and cold between his fingers. There's an ice patch growing on his ass and thighs from the cold as the temperature drops. "It's fucking cold." 
"You can move closer. I need to go and find Sarah for a bit. Don't burn your new kicks, Steve, they were a great trade." 
Robin swapped a useless handgun for them to the resident portable blacksmith. Steve wriggles his toes in them gratefully. 
Steve and the remaining group move closer to the fire slowly. When the sky is black and smooth as velvet dotted only by stars like pin holes, Will comes running with a miraculous bag of marshmallows, trailed by his ragtag group of friends; Dustin with his fraying hat, Lucas, and a teenaged boy named Peter. 
Steve couldn't believe Lucas was alive at first. Eddie told the story to him when he was recovering in the shitty portable medbay. You'd been sleeping in the plastic chair by Steve's bed, your face pressed to his chest, a puddle of drool soaking into his t-shirt. He'd stroked your forehead for hours. 
Eddie and a whole bunch of Hellfire members didn't quite manage the escape rendezvous orchestrated by Hopper at the start of the apocalypse. You and Steve must have just missed them when they set out in Eddie's van for safety. The story goes that Eddie's shit with directions, and while he managed to get to Michigan eventually, it was hard. They met up with a group of much older people who were able to take some of the weight off, eventually finding a group of military soldiers who'd been drafted to protect a politician's family. Their group kept growing and growing. While they never set up camp somewhere permanent, they've kept it together. If Eddie's group (or moving community) had managed to make it to The College, Steve thinks they might have survived the attack.  
But you're together now. Hawkinites reunited, Hopper alive and well and nursing new plans. 
"Hopper give those to you?" Christopher asks Will. 
"How's that fair?" Eddie asks. "Family favouritism." 
"I have to share them," Will says. 
"Oh, well. Never mind. Accusation renounced." 
The teens kidnap Eddie and run off to find sticks for marshmallow roasting. You turn to Steve with a smile that makes him feel worse rather than better, so subtly devoted. 
"How's your arm?" you ask, leaning into his shoulder. 
"Can I have a look?" you ask. 
Steve offers his arm with no qualms. You fight to push back the sleeve of his coat and jacket. His wound is closed and healing nicely, but the infection must've been in his muscle or something because the ache won't go away. It feels as though he's done a hundred pull ups with one arm alone. 
You don't touch anywhere near the site. 
"I think it's looking better." You thumb over one of his little moles. "Pretty." 
"You're pretty." 
"You're prettier," you say, folding his sleeves down again with infinite care. He thinks you might be batting your lashes at him. That, or he's whipped to the point of delusion. "You feel okay, hm? You're mopey tonight. Do you want to go sleep?" 
Steve shakes his head vehemently. "And miss marshmallows? No way." 
You both notice that your question of mood went unanswered. Luckily for him, you dip down to rub your cheek against his sleeve. "Love you." 
He loves you too. He says it under his breath, pressing his cheek to your head for as long as you're willing to stay there. 
"Y/N-kins, Steven," Eddie says, returning with a handful of long branches covered in foliage. "I have a job for you." 
You pull leaves off of the branches. It should be an easy job with the three of you sitting criss cross applesauce yanking the twigs naked excitedly, but you pull with too much enthusiasm and stab the meat of your thumb. 
You hiss and look down. Your noise draws Eddie and Steve's attention in tandem, Eddie closest to the injured hand. 
"Oh, shit," Eddie says, pulling his sleeve over his hand. He presses it to your skin as a surprisingly fat rivulet of blood springs and drips down to your wrist. "Here, don't get it on your clean coat." 
Steve doesn't know why he does it. He isn't proud. But he thinks, That's my girl. Eddie's being friendly, and Steve knows that's all it is, but he can't stop himself from batting Eddie's hand away and moving in protectively. 
"Cop a feel somewhere else, Munson," he bites. 
"Steve!" you say, laughing. 
Eddie rolls his eyes, sitting back in his spot with a laugh of his own. "Ridiculous. I wouldn't cop a feel ever 'cos I respect women–" 
"Nice," you say. 
"And if I were trying to flirt with her, Harrington, I'd definitely do it better. But as you both know my heart is promised to someone very important. I'm busy keeping the memory of metal alive, I don't have time for stealing girlfriends. Not that you're not worth stealing, Y/N." 
Steve dabs your hand. You wink at Eddie playfully. "You keep her alive, Eddie. Are you gonna play some more rock songs for us tonight?" 
"How do you manage to hurt yourself every single day?" Steve asks, distracted from the conversation by your cut. It can't be a quarter of an inch long but it's bleeding in a rush. 
"See how it got faster when you came to save me?" you ask Steve. His heart drops, but you continue, "My heart gets faster when you're close. My blood pressure rises." 
Steve tries not to show how pleased he feels at the compliment. You tap his elbow knowingly. 
Steve assesses your cut. It stops bleeding just as soon as he leaves it alone and the kids arrive with their marshmallows, putting an end to Steve's makeshift medbay. 
Someone puts a couple more logs on the fire to get it roaring now that night is creeping in. Steve insists on roasting a marshmallow for you. 
"I have one working hand left," you protest. 
"And knowing your luck, you'll burn it." 
"I'd never control you like that," Eddie says, deadpan.
Steve stabs Eddie with a stick that's lightly smouldering at the tip. You tell Steve off, but when he presents you with a roasted marshmallow for eating you give him the world's greatest thank you kiss. Another after you've eaten it, your lips sticky with sugar. 
"Do you want mine?" Steve asks. 
You wrap your arm around his waist for a lopsided hug. "No. Don't ask me again though, I might say yes." 
"Do you want mine? Seriously, honey–" 
"I'll have it," Eddie says with a shit-eating smile, eyes trained on the fire where he toasts his own marshmallow. 
You wave your hand at him. "No, you won't." You lift your chin to kiss his cheek. "It's yours. Don't let it burn, handsome." 
Alright, Steve might have jumped the gun on the whole jealousy thing. 
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amomentsescape · 5 months
Bro, I love your writing so much and it’s so cool to see some new Gotham stuff pop up on my feed s🥹❤️❤️🥹❤️🥹 if it’s alright, could I please have some fluffy and slightly suggestive headcanons of some Gotham boys, including but not limited to the J squad, with a punk or alt s/o? If you don’t want to do anything suggestive, tho, I totally understand
Please and thank you in advance if you decide to do this ❤️
J Squad + Oswald, Victor, & Bruce with Punk! Reader
Includes: Jerome, Jonathan, Jervis, Oswald, Victor, Bruce
A/N: I hope you enjoy! I wasn't able to make every character suggestive, but I tried my best to make the HC's fit your request!
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Jerome Valeska
He loves your aesthetic
Has asked you time and time again to help him get dressed before a heist
Thinks your outfits would not only look badass while murdering people, but they would also help you blend in at night
"Practical and sexy, doll"
Loves when you place your tall, leather combat boot on his leg, asking him sweetly to help you lace it up
He likes to trace his fingers along your leg at this, sometimes going a little too high which earns him a swift smack to the hand
He just lets out a chuckle at this
"I'll get you back later..."
If you're out and about and he notices people looking at you, he immediately helps you embrace it
Will twirl you around in the middle of the street and place a big kiss to your lips
Whispers in your ear how gorgeous and sexy you are whenever he gets the chance
If he's out on a heist and he sees something he thinks you'll like, he'll take it
Even if it steers him off his current mission a bit
Starts having you paint his nails religiously as "good luck"
But in reality, he just likes how his pretty fingertips look wrapped around your neck
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Jonathan Crane
This sweet boy is in awe of you
Your edgy looks, your interests, everything
He's never been introduced into this genre before, but you've opened a whole new world for him
Absolutely falls in love with the music you listen to
He just connects to it so well
He also adores being a dress up doll for you
Want to try out a new makeup look on him? Go for it.
You want to see what he'd look like in an edgier outfit? He's ready.
You want to dye his hair a crazy, experimental color? Let's do it!
Seeing him dressed similar to you empowers him in a way
He's used to being hidden in the background, so you pulling him away from that insecurity is like a completely different life to him
Gets extra touchy when you have chokers on
Will softly give you little kisses just above and below the accessory
He's ashamed of it, but he lets his eyes wander for just a little too long when you get all dressed up
He tries to hide it but will turn into a huge blushing and stuttering mess if you catch him in the act
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Jervis Tetch
He's definitely intrigued by you
He's used to his world being full of chaotic color and fantasy
But you have this certain edge and uniqueness about you that he hasn't come across before
They say opposites attract for a reason
He feels like you balance him out
You actually help him feel his emotions and openly discuss the things floating around in his head
But of course, being opposites still come with a few disagreements
He finds your taste in music and makeup a little... much
His taste is a little softer and more elegant, but he's not one to judge what you enjoy
He's just tried listening to a couple of your favorite songs and found them scary
He's also not very knowledgeable in this particular genre
So if you bring up something, he'll simply look at you like you've grown a third head
But besides that, he's overall supportive on whatever you want to wear or do
Loves when you both get dressed up together for a night out
It gives him a deep sense of thrill when people look at you both while out
You two may have opposite styles, but your aesthetics are similar in the fact that they don't "fit in" with the public eye
And Jervis honestly loves that
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Oswald Cobblepot
You caught Oswald's eye almost immediately when he first encountered you
Something about the way you held yourself drew him in
And when he got to know you?
He was so interested
He wanted to learn more about your clothing choices, the music and art styles you liked, what made you interested in the aesthetic, etc.
He might not share the same exact passion for the things you do, but he will always be very respectful on supporting your interests
He also just finds your look to be super attractive
He doesn't mean to, but he finds himself becoming a little more submissive around you
He's used to throwing out orders and making decisions in his normal day-to-day life
But coming home to you immediately allows him let go of those reigns
You just tell him what to do, and he'll do it
You've accidentally gotten him to whimper a couple times just by complimenting him or giving him words of praise
When you kiss him, you can feel his whole body fall into you
He literally turns into Jello
But he's still an emotional man too, so give him lots of love and attention, and he'll be fully content
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Victor Zsasz
Well, obviously he adores how you look
I mean, he wouldn't consider his own look to be punk, but he's aware that he's taken inspiration from the genre in the past
Honestly thinks you two make a badass duo
Even the Zsaszettes admire you whenever you're around
He also likes how easy it is to spot you in a crowd
Not that he stalks you while he's out "working" or anything
He loves your normal outfits of course, but if you wear anything that shows a little skin?
Oh boy, does that dark gleam shine in his eye
He just about sinks his teeth into you (literally)
Victor is known to keep his cool no matter what, but you are able to tell when he really likes a particular outfit that day
A hand on your lower back, a lingering glance, and a teasing smile are all signs
But he also will not hesitate to pinch your butt at the most random times too, public or not
Makes you hold his weapons sometimes because he thinks they make you look even edgier
He also has a thing for any piercings you have too
He's not sure what it is, but he's fascinated with how the cool metal sinks into your skin
He'll play with them too if you let him
He's careful not to hurt you
Unless that's what you want, of course...
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Bruce Wayne
He honestly doesn't really think anything of it or notice it much
Which isn't a bad thing by any means
Bruce doesn't judge based on looks, so however you decide to present yourself is just who you are in his eyes
But he also cares a lot about your interests
He'll happily sit beside you and listen to your music, shop with you for new clothes, and come with you for your latest piercing or tattoo
You name it, he's there
If it means a lot to you, then it means a lot to him
But he does think it's pretty cool to have such a badass partner
Has helped you dye your hair a handful of times
He kind of gets a slight thrill from knowing that he's the only one that gets to see all sides to you
People may see you one way when you're out in public, but he also gets to see you when you're at home sleeping in his bed or cuddled up on his couch watching some crazy show he's never heard of
He just likes knowing that he gets all of you
He finds it pretty romantic
Really likes any leather pieces you own
You may have persuaded him to buy a couple jackets based on ones that you already had in your closet
But he especially loves the leather on you
Becomes a bit touchier when you have it on, tracing his hands along the material
He thinks it looks great on you and will definitely let his gaze linger a little longer than usual
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leslie057 · 2 months
rating things owned by nancy elizabeth wheeler
because she’s got a lot of little things. mostly they are very cute and strange little things.
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starting off strong we have the prettiest tissue box in the world. 9/10, i think if i were sick it would make me feel better to have such a nice tissue box.
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i’m fairly certain this is her diary beside it because her diary looks pink in the upside down version of her bedroom. so this is probably it? 11/10, i want to read it so bad. and very sweet pic with mom—7.5/10.
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next up these pinstripe pants !! 10/10 i love them so much. oh and the index finger ring is there obviously, 8/10, such a consistent piece of her character.
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a ribbon for being the bestest girl ever in the world. 10/10. also the card of cardinals: 6/10, probably just a christmas card or something rather than a symbol of her love for birds. but i still like it.
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mr rabbit gets 11/10 for the name alone. and why does he look dead. i love him. he’s me.
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descent from xanadu: QUITE LITERALLY 0/10. at first i was SO excited to cheer her on for reading a sex and drugs book at school but as it turns out? bizarre and gross. seems to go heavy on nonconsensual stuff. i snagged a free pdf and command f’d for whore and bitch. lots of results obviously (one use of c*ck crazy bitch…lovely). it seems men in this book say a lot of sexist stuff that the women pretend to hate but love which i can’t imagine is great for a teenage girl to consume. also just not sexy at all.
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literally so bad, and this is not the worst of it.
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sooo bad. the author was what 70 (??) writing that his female character got clinically DIAGNOSED with being a slut for every guy she comes in contact with. i know options for sexy literature were probably limited at this time but…please go check out something else. i wanna bonk her on the head with this book (paperback) and hug her. you don’t need to read this to be cool and sexually aware. moving on.
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on the other side of that, the blondie calendar gives us a sense of the GOOD media she’s consuming!! a 10/10 no questions asked. we don't really get to see many of her hobbies or interests outside of investigation so this is a much appreciated detail.
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of course like all good things in life the blondie calendar does get replaced. its replacement is what i will call Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #1 seen in her room in s4. i give it a 4/10 because idk what’s going on really.
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and here is a very crunchy screencap of Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #2 from s4 which i will give a 5/10. note the boyfriend typical photography above it, for sure a 10/10.
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there is also Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #3 which gets an 8/10 because i like the composition and the piano player. where did she get this and why. interior decoration is her passion.
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the sleeping bag and crochet pillow setup. 7/10. would take a cat nap here.
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pluto!! 15/10, the best mickey mouse character i would say. i hope her cousin is taking good care of him.
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bulletin board 10/10. i love how obvious it is that she has had this up for forever. probably a nice constant in her life.
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and my favorite pic up there is this precious one. look at herrr. 5000/10.
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her floral weekender bag. 6/10, i like it, but not as much as i like the speedwalk and the toss into the backseat. she was SO ready for her lab takedown road trip.
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trapper keeper is a 9/10 because they probably put anything and everything on trapper keepers back in the day and yet still she chose this lovely understated hot air balloon. elegant.
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tom cruise poster is 1000000/10 actually. she is so loyal to that man. actually though not a great pic of him all things considered so maybe i give it a 999999/10. (i love it so much because i know for a fact that jonathan byers works proactively to never acknowledge this poster, because he is more mature than that.) (he is not more mature than that, in fact he is a little pouty about mr cruise.)
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KITTY FIGURINE. 10/10. i thought it was just in s4 but i found it on her other nightstand in s1. very very adorable. i imagine it is now one of the first things she sees in the morning (well that and her blue telephone: 8/10) which is bizarre and cute. the mixtape drawer gets a 10/10 for reasons that i don’t think i need to get into.
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white fingerless gloves! 10/10. so chic for monster hunting.
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black fingerless gloves from s4. hmmm 3/10, they're cool i guess but they don’t feel very nancy and the white ones are so much better. especially because you may get the splatter effect of monster blood on them in a battle scenario, which would be badass.
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piggybank (with her name on the side). 2/10 unfortunately i don’t like him. he looks at me like i took out his whole pig village and i just need some quarters. also did she paint this herself? in that case, 3/10 for customization lol.
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pastel underwear drawer: 10/10. her committment to the hollistic aesthetic and color palette of her room is impressive here. it was a good idea to use this drawer as a deterrence against her little brother and a money hiding place but clearly he has no manners and is a THIEF.
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STRIPED SOCKS. 10/10. i realize it's hard to see because she's moving so fast (slow down he is not going anywhere) but they are indeed stripey even though i would have guessed solid white. and wow what good sleeping socks. stripes are just cozier. hope she got lots of sleep in those.
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
Firehouse Harrington
firefighter!Steve Harrington x f!reader/f!oc
series masterlist
warnings | 18+ SMUT, wooh boy very much smut, angst, PTSD-like behavior, rough sex, slight dubcon in the beginning, seriously it's very much smut, ok???
a/n | this was inspired by a post I saw from @carolmunson about Mr. Harrington being a fireman, need I say more? Will definitely be writing for this man again.
For a long time, Steve felt like he wasn’t really great at anything. School never came easy to him, getting by with barely passing grades. Sure he was alright at sports in high school, but that faded fast. And King Steve? Well, that was all a facade. It seemed like everyone around him had some sort of talent. Nancy was a great writer. Jonathan, a great photographer. Robin was wicked smart. Eddie had the guitar. And Steve was just… Steve. 
After Vecna was defeated, he felt listless, like he was just moving through life without any direction. He didn’t have the grades for college. He was stuck in a dead-end job. All his friends were moving on to bigger and better things, and he was watching grass grow in Hawkins. At least when the world was ending, he had a purpose. 
But then, when Operation Desert Storm kicked off in 1990, Steve realized what he was great at. He enlisted that year, shipped straight to the gulf, because the one thing Steve knew he was great at was running towards danger and somehow figuring out how to handle it. It was the worst two years of his life, fighting a useless war that no one really understood. But it was there that he met some older men, vets who had reentered service. They told him that, when he got back to civilian life, the best job for a man with a taste for chaos would be at a fire station. And they were right.
Before he served, there was still a softness that Steve let show to the people he cared for, but something slid into place, steel plates over his heart. When he returned, he was harder, quieter. He moved to Indiannapolis, and while he was only twenty-six, he fit right in with the older men at one of the local fire stations. His days fell into simple rhythms. He smoked like a chimney, waiting for the alarm to blare so he could go into auto-pilot action. He never felt more at peace than when he was running into a burning building. It made him feel useful. 
On his nights off, some of the other men at the station would usually drag him out to bars, more often strip clubs, always goading each other into trying to get laid. Steve hated it, usually getting himself so drunk he could only remember slivers of the night behind his throbbing headache the next morning. The men were downright predatory towards women, wolf-whistling and shouting from the open garage at anything with legs. Steve hated that too, but he joined in because another part of him really liked it, the false power he felt when he’d flash a smarmy grin at women passing by. 
Today was no different. An uncharacteristically sweltering day towards the end of August. It was time for monthly maintenance on the trucks and Steve had been tasked with hosing them down. He was stripped down to just his white wife beater tucked into a pair of work pants, his dog tags sticking against the slightly damp skin of his chest. He heard one of the men let out a low whistle, whipping his head around in time to catch a glance of a pretty thing in a sweet little dress.
“Hey, sugar, you wanna come take a ride on a real fire truck?”  
“Pretty girl, where you going so fast, come spend some time with me!”
The men continued lobbing borderline obscene phrases her way. Steve just chuckled, watching her stop, stricken by the men’s shouts. Her knuckles turned white around the strap of her bag.
“In your dreams, perverts. Go fuck yourselves.” The men howled at her retaliation. Usually the women didn’t stick around to give them a piece of their minds. She flipped them off and then kept walking. Steve couldn’t help but smile at her boldness. A brief interruption to the usual rhythm.
They got a call that night from the Indiana University Campus. A microwave had exploded in one of the dorm’s communal kitchens. The fire itself was not a big deal, but they had evacuated the entire building, a frantic crowd of teens to sift through outside. Steve and his team have been trying to figure out just how the microwave exploded in the first place, and it’s proving near impossible as they try to talk to hysterical co-eds. A freshman points him to that floor’s RA and Steve feels his stomach twist when he sees who she is. The same girl that flipped him and his cat-calling team off just that afternoon. She was still wearing that pretty dress, now with a large sweater thrown over it in the cooling night. When she saw him approaching, it was clear she remembered him as well, letting out an incredulous laugh before furrowing her brow at him.
“You’re who they called? Fan-fucking-tastic. Tell me, did you put out the fire with an extinguisher? Or did you just harass it until it smothered out?” Steve’s jaw is slack. The mouth on this chick.
“Ma’am, my team and I are just trying to figure out what caused the fire in the first place, then we’ll be out of your hair.” She huffs.
“Well, I don’t think it takes a genius to put two and two together. You take a witless freshman coupled with an ancient microwave and sooner or later you’re gonna have a fire on your hands.” Her arms are crossed over her chest, hip cocked to the side as she glares at Steve. 
“Are you referring to the freshmen you’re supposed to be in charge of? I was told you’re the RA for the floor the fire was on.” She falters, just slightly. Steve’s got her on that one.
“Look, the fire is out, douchebag. Thank you so much for your help, now can you just let us get back into our fucking dorms?” Steve’s about to tell her what he thinks of her foul mouth, when one of his team calls him over. A resident has admitted they had started the fire by putting a metal fork into the microwave on accident. It’s a quick flurry of activity, giving the kid a stern talking to, and then clearing the scene. As the students start to shuffle back into the building, Steve cranes his neck from the truck, trying to find her again, but she’s lost in the crowd. He collapses into bed that night thinking about her very angry, very pretty face.
It’s Friday, Steve’s night off. He’s been prodded out to a bar by some of the other men at the station. The music is blaring and the lights are dim and all Steve wants is for the (very) stiff drinks to keep coming until everything starts to blur a little. Both of his buddies have slinked off with nameless women, getting their dicks wet while they can. Steve sits alone at the bar, nursing a few fingers of whiskey, when he hears a very familiar voice ordering a beer. He whips around in his seat, and sure enough, there she is, this time in jeans that fit too good and a little tank top. His throat tightens, and then she sees him and lets out that same disbelieving laugh.
“I must be more drunk than I thought because there’s no way in hell I’m actually seeing you again.” Steve snorts at her exasperation, throwing back the rest of his whiskey, grinning around the sting.
“Sorry, baby, we meet again.”
“I’m not your baby, dickweed. Have a nice night.” She spins to walk away but Steve, seemingly loosened up by the few glasses he’s already had, stands, grabbing her wrist to yank her back towards him. She stumbles on her feet, body pressing up against his to get her bearings.
“What the fuck is your problem? You can’t just—”
Her words die in her throat as Steve brings one large palm to rest along her neck, thumb pressing under her chin to tilt her face up to him.
“You know, you should really be careful how you run that mouth, baby. Someone might have half a mind to put it to better use.” His other hand rests on her hip, fingers dipping just below the waist of her jeans. She sneers at him.
“Oh yeah? Someone like you? You gonna put me in my place, big, tough, fireman?” His fingers on her neck firm up, pressing harder into her skin. The music’s too loud to hear, but he can feel the whimper thrumming in her throat. He splits into a snide smile.
“Oh baby, I think you want me to teach you a lesson.” Her eyes are blown wide, staring up at him, lips parted.
“Mmhm. In fact, I think you’d enjoy it.” He’s dipped down to let his lips murmur right up against her ear. He can feel the way she shudders against him. She gasps when he jerks back from her, grabbing one of her wrists to pull her behind him through the crowd. Her protests die in the thumping bass of the music.
He finds the bathroom towards the back of the bar, dragging her in behind him. It’s empty, and he locks the door before turning back to her.
They’re on each other in an instant. It’s a fight for dominance, all clashing teeth and clicking spit, hands grasping at whatever bare skin they can find. He wraps his hand around her throat, pulling back to look at her, swollen lips and darkened eyes.
“My name’s Steve, baby. I’m gonna wanna hear you saying it. Do you understand?” She nods, trying to dip back into his mouth, but he muscles her around until he’s pressing her up against the wall, digging his thick thigh between her legs to press harshly against her clothed cunt. She lets out a whine.
“I said, do you understand?” He presses against her harder, drawing a gasp from her.
“Yes what, bunny?”
“Yes, Steve.” He grins, keeping his hand around her throat as he licks back into her mouth. He brings his other hand to her jeans, quickly undoing them and shoving his hand down the front of her panties. When he swipes through her folds, she moans, throwing her head back against the wall.
“Aw, you’re fucking soaked. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you like me, baby.” She whimpers as he presses hard circles into her clit, starting to grind her hips against his hand. He slips two fingers down to her entrance and she preens as he starts to thrust up into her. She’s putty in his hands, a writhing mess.
“This all you need, huh doll? Just needed my fingers to shut that dirty mouth of yours up? Look how desperate you are. Fucking slut. You like getting fucked in some dirty little bathroom by a stranger, huh? You that much of a whore?” He can feel her clenching around his fingers with his words, can tell she’s close. He takes his fingers away, and she whines at the loss of his touch.
“Asked you a question, doll. Tell me, are you that big of a slut?” 
“Fuck– please, p-please keep going. I was so fucking close– please keep g-going.” He just tuts, stepping back from her, noting how unsteady he is without his hand holding her up by her neck.
“Still such a dirty mouth, I think it’s time we put it to better use, yeah?” Her mascara is running, and though she still glares at him, she nods.
“Get on your knees, like a good girl.” He starts unbuckling his belt, watching as she slowly sinks to her knees.
Her eyes widen when he takes his cock out, stroking himself lazily before stepping forward to run the head along her bottom lip.
“Gonna be good for me, baby?” She nods, gazing up at him through her damp eyelashes.
He bends down, bringing his hand to stroke her cheek before smacking her across the face. It’s light, but still enough to make her head turn, she gasps.
“Words, doll.”
“Yes, Steve, I’m gonna be good for you.” He grins, standing back upright, guiding his dick to her lips. It’s heaven as she sinks her mouth down onto his cock. When she gets about halfway down, she starts to try to pull back, but Steve has another idea. He grabs onto her hair, fisting it to keep her in place. She whimpers, bringing her palms to his thighs to try to push away.
“Shh, shh, baby. You wanna be good for me, right? You gotta take it all, pretty. Take all of me down that little throat.” He starts to cant his hips forward, until he can feel her nose grazing his pelvis, her throat constricting around his cock. He pulls her off his dick by her hair and she sputters, eyes watery and choking on air. 
“Go ahead, baby. Keep being good for me.” He doesn’t even have to guide her, she dips back in, hollowing out her cheeks around his dick before taking all of him again. Steve groans when he hears her little gags. She slowly finds a rhythm, taking him as deep as she can and pulling off to suckle at the tip.
“Got a perfect mouth, bunny. Fuck– just needed something to do with it, huh?” She moans at that and the vibrations around his cock make him throw his head back.
“You like this, baby? Getting your throat fucked?” She hums in response. Steve chuckles.
“God, you really are a whore.” He looks down and can see that she’s dipped her hand into her panties. Steve yanks her back by her hair, causing her to gasp.
“Did I say you could touch yourself, doll?” She’s a mess, spit drooling down her chin, her makeup all but fucked off. She shakes her head.
“N-no, daddy.” Her eyes go wide the minute she says it, seemingly shocked by her own words. Steve’s brain short circuits for a moment before he chuckles.
“Oh, doll. Is that what you need? You need daddy to teach you a lesson?” He’s already hauling her up by her arms, pressing her front down against the sink countertop.
“Don’t worry, baby. Daddy’s gonna give you exactly what you need.” He yanks her jeans and panties down in one harsh swoop, causing her to whine from the stark chill of the air.
He runs his palm from the back of her thigh up to the meat of her ass, kneading into the skin there before drawing his hand back and slapping her hard. She jerks forward into the counter, and for a moment, Steve worries he’s gone too far, but then a long drawn out moan sounds from the back of her throat. He smirks.
“You’re something else, bunny. Why don’t you tell daddy what you need, huh?” He leans over her, cock slipping between her slick thighs. He pulls her head up by her hair until she’s looking at him through the mirror. He brings his lips right to her ear.
“What do you need, baby?”
“You, daddy. I need you.” He rears back to smack her ass again. 
“Gotta be more specific than that, doll.” She gasps, “y-your cock. Please, I need your cock. Need you to fuck me, daddy, please–”
“Shh, shh, pretty baby. Just had to ask, yeah? Use your words like a good girl. Daddy’s gonna give it to you.”
He strokes his cock between her folds, groaning at how wet she is before pressing up against her entrance. She keens as he starts to push in, back arching under him.
Steve lets out a low moan, “fuck, bunny, think your pretty little pussy can take all of me? S’fucking tight, christ.” She gasps as he continues to press forward, wiggling her hips back to take more of him.
“Yes, yes, I can take it, I can take it– fuck– please keep going, Steve.” They both sigh when his hips meet the plush of her ass. He hovers over her, pressing his forehead between her shoulder blades.
“God, you’re perfect. Fucking made for me.” He presses a kiss to the nape of her neck, “can I move, baby? You ok?” 
“Yes, yeah, please fuck me. Want you to fuck me, Steve.” That’s all the permission he needs, starting a desperate pace as he rolls his hips against her. His dog tags have slipped out of the collar of his shirt and are trailing the top of her spine as he continues to fuck her.
He brings one hand to snake down her front, finding her clit and drawing firm swipes across it, “need you to come for me, baby. Want you to come on my cock. Can you do that for me, pretty?” She whines as he starts to draw sloppy circles around her clit.
“Y-yes, gonna come for you. Don’t stop– fuck– don’t stop.” He’s practically laying over her now, grinding his hips deeper into her. Steve can feel the pleasure pulling taut in his spine, on the brink of snapping.
“Come, baby. Come for me.” That’s all it takes. She yelps out a broken cry and he can feel her pulsing around him. He quickly pulls out, pumping himself a few times before he’s spurting all over her ass, shivering as he comes down. They’re both breathing hard, he rests his palms on the countertop, framing her body with his arms. She’s sunk down on her forearms, head dipped between her elbows. Steve takes a few deep breaths, tucking himself away before stepping back to take in his cooling spend dripping down her thighs.
“Shit, I’m sorry. Let me clean you up.”
He keeps a hand pressed to the hilt of her spine, a reassurance as he grabs a paper towel and gets it damp before drawing it across the mess he made. She whimpers under his ministrations, and he feels his heart catch in his chest. He gets down on his knees behind her, pressing a kiss to the back of each thigh before he slowly pulls her jeans back up around her hips. Steve can’t explain it, just a while ago she was making his blood boil, but now all he wants to do is take care of her.
He steps back, letting her press up and turn around to lean back against the counter. She swipes away the drippy mascara under her eyes. Steve’s fingers flicker with the urge to cup her cheek, stroke that soft bit of skin where he can still see the dampness of her tears. She’s smiling, still a little dazed. He clears his throat.
“Wanna apologize. For that day outside the station.” Her brow furrows.
“You weren’t the one howling at me, last time I checked.”
“No, but I didn’t stop them. I know that’s not right. They shouldn’t be talking like that to anyone. I should’ve stopped them.” She shrugs.
“I’ve heard worse. I should apologize too. For being so rude that night outside the dorm. I was really stressed, you know? And seeing you brought all that rage at those bastards back. But I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. You were just trying to do your job.” She holds out her hand to him and he tentatively takes it in a firm shake. Steve speaks first.
“I’m sorry, but I’m realizing that I don’t even know your name.” She smiles and when she tells it to him, his brain starts playing it on an infinite loop, like a ditzy drugged-out drumbeat.
“Might be doing things a little backwards here, but are you hungry, wanna go get something to eat?” She grins, stepping in closer to him to let her palms span over his chest.
“Uh, yeah, you just gave me the workout of a lifetime. I’m fucking starving.” Steve feels like he’s melting under her touch. Something long dormant starting to stir.
“Still gonna have to work on that dirty mouth, huh, pretty?”
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galactic-magick · 1 year
You’re Not Scary, Johnny: The Spot x Reader
Summary: What if Spot’s family didn’t leave him after the accident? In other words, Jonathan had a spouse and baby daughter and goes to see them for the first time since becoming The Spot.
Words: 1.8k+
Warnings: Some swearing and vague mentions of suicidal thoughts
Author’s Notes: The baby daughter is not specified to be biological or adopted bc I wanted to keep the reader gender-neutral! Also thanks to Julia from The Spot discord server I’m in for suggesting the name Dottie! (haha get it like spot and dot)
Jonathan wasn’t one to immediately give up on anything.
After all, he was one of the top scientists working on Alchemax’s toughest project, full of initial failures and screw-ups. He had numerous opportunities to quit during his lengthy years of schooling and career, but he never did. He was always incredibly self-driven, and having a family in edition to that motivated him to succeed even more. He married you—the most wonderful person in the universe to him, and had a beautiful daughter named Dottie he couldn’t wait to raise with you.
That is, until he woke up on the Alchemax floor that dreadful day, surrounded by debris from the destroyed collider.
He remembers seeing his hands first, ghost white with a couple black spots on each. But they weren’t like a bruise or mole that stayed it place—they were fluctuating and pulsing like dark matter. Convinced he was just seeing things, he tried to rub his eyes, only to feel nothing and instead see his fingers come out through a hole on his leg.
He screamed in terror, pushing his gangly body off the ground and stumbling towards the nearest reflective surface he could find.
“No, no, no-” his voice shook, looking at himself for the first time.
He turns away, too horrified to look any longer. He couldn’t go home to you like this, let alone live any sort of life at all like this. He scans his gaze over the rubble, running to the first intact thing he sees. “I can- I can fix this. There has to be a way to fix this!”
Jonathan wasn’t one to immediately give up on anything.
He got to work searching for anything salvageable from the labs and collider, theorizing and writing equations and running tests for weeks, not that he realized it had been that long. His mind bordered on madness, obsessing over every single detail that could possibly fix him.
“I have to fix this, I have to fix this…” he muttered to himself over and over, voice cracking. Every test and experiment failed day after day, nothing worked. He didn’t want to give up, but maybe this was something not even his genius intellect could fix.
Jonathan wasn’t one to immediately give up on anything—but now he had to.
He slumped onto the floor, wailing into the void of the abandoned building. He screamed and cried as much as he could without having tears, begging to anyone who could hear to be put out of his misery.
His face fell to his hands, or at least what was left of one. His thoughts returned to you, with your sweet eyes and smile he adored so much and the heartwarming memories you’ve shared over the years. You’re his everything, his other half, and everything he’s ever wanted. He thought about holding your daughter for the first time, wanting to give her the world and more.
He couldn’t go back to you like this. He couldn’t even look at himself, so why would you? His daughter would surely be afraid of him and he’d lose everyone he loved in an instant. He couldn’t put himself through that, he just couldn’t. You probably think he’s already dead, might as well let you remember him as he was.
You never thought you’d have to deal with being a single parent. You and Jonathan have an incredibly healthy relationship and marriage, so you figured you’d be together forever. You never thought you’d have the unthinkable happen to you, having to go on after the death of a husband.
Each day gets harder and harder, and everything that was fine or even good before becomes a struggle. You know pretty soon your emergency savings will run out and paying rent will be a problem, and you’ll have to start picking up overtime at work and have to spend less time with the baby. You’re more alone than you’ve ever been in your life, and you still don’t even know for sure what happened.
No one dares stand up to Alchemax, not even after a disaster like this. You had asked Jonathan multiple times to consider somewhere better to work, but he assured you it was the only place he could do the full extent of his work, which you understood. Still, if he had left this wouldn’t have happened to him.
He wouldn’t be dead.
All you want to know is how he died. Was it painful? Was it quick? Was it peaceful?
Every night you lie awake, the questions racing through your mind. Most days you’re thankful that Dottie is not a fussy baby, but sometimes you wish she was so you’d at least have something to distract you.
It’s been a few months since the accident, and Jonathan is still crippled with fear. He refuses to look at himself, covering himself with layers of clothing to get around the city and avoid seeing his own skin. He tries to keep ignoring the voice in the back of his mind telling him to go home, muffling it with the anxiety of being seen by the one person  who could completely shatter his soul.
But if he did go to see you, at least he’d finally know. He wouldn’t be left wondering his whole life what you’d say and how you’d react. He might not have the both literal and metaphorical hole in his heart aching for closure forever.
He knows you’re usually home by the hour, the baby probably down for a nap while you have some free-time. He approaches the door of your shared apartment, hand hovering next to the door. He knocks quietly, and hears you shuffling towards it.
“Who is it?” your voice is like honey, and his heart wrenches.
“Please don’t—please don’t freak out, okay darling? It’s Jonathan,”
The door swings open faster than he thought possible, and you fling yourself into him.
“Holy shit I thought you were dead, I-” you sob into his chest, your tears blurring your vision enough that you can’t see him clearly. “They said—they said everyone in the building died from that explosion-”
You pull away slightly, looking him up and down.
“Why do you have so many layers on? It’s super warm out,” you reach up to pull off the mask and glasses over his face, but he stops you.
“There’s something you need to know before you do that,” he says. “I survived, yes, but not without enormous cost. The explosion left me severely deformed,”
You try to fight his grip on your hand, attempting to reach up again, “Johnny, you know I will still love you no matter what. Please just let me see you-”
A wave of deep concern washes over your features, “What happened?”
“I-I tried to fix it, but it can’t be fixed. I’m a monster now, I don’t even look human anymore. Somehow my body fused with a black hole I was carrying during the explosion, and now that’s all I am...just holes,”
You do your best to take in and process his words, but you know you won’t truly understand until you see it for yourself.
“I’m going to look at you, okay?” you tell him sternly.
He sighs in surrender, awaiting the inevitable. You start by taking off his gloves, interlocking your fingers with his white ones. He hums at your touch.
“I’m still here, Johnny,” you assure him. Next you unzip and slip off his jacket, revealing his torso and arms covered in black spots. It’s certainly strange, you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t, but it doesn’t scare you. The spots look like splotches on an artistic painting, and you already love them.
You decide to wait to take off his pants and shoes, and instead bring your hands to his head. You remove his hat, smoothing your palms over his completely white and bald head. Of course you loved his gorgeous hair before, but you’ll get used to this.
You hesitate your fingers around his face, waiting for a sign of approval.
Jonathan nods, but he grabs your hands once again, “Darling, I literally don’t have a face anymore. You’re not going to see what you want to see,”
“I don’t care. I want you no matter what,”
You rip off his mask and glasses in one go, met with a deep black hole staring back at you.
He sighs again, turning away from your gaze, “I understand if you don’t want to be with me anymore. You don’t deserve a life married to someone like me,”
“Johnathan,” you scold him. “When I married you I promised to love you no matter what. For better and for worse and all that shit, okay? Sure this will be an adjustment, but I want to adjust with you. I’m just happy you’re alive,”
You watch as his face spot fluctuates in size and shape, and you decide to interpret that as his new way of expressing emotions. You appear to be right, because he quickly pulls you into a tight embrace and whimpers into your shoulder.
“I’ve missed you so much,” he mumbles, his body shaking as he holds you closer and closer, to the point you feel yourself going through a couple of his spots. “But what about Dottie? She’ll cry every time she sees me,”
“You don’t know that,” you say, rubbing his back, tracing your fingers around one of his spots. “Her first word was ‘Dada’ you know. I talked about you a lot to her while you were gone,”
“Mmhm. She can crawl now too. I’ll go get her from her crib, this is usually around the time she wakes up anyway,”
Jonathan slowly releases his grip as you slip out of his arms, bracing himself for whatever might happen. He looks like something from a horror movie, of course she’s going to be afraid. He may have lucked out with you wanting to stay with him, but there’s no promises his daughter will feel the same.
You come out of the bedroom holding her, a bit bigger than the last time he saw her. You place her gently on the floor so she can crawl around, and she doesn’t even seem to notice Jonathan at first, more interested in the toy next to her. She grabs it and sits upright, and then finally sees him.
To Jonathan’s surprise, she doesn’t seem phased by his appearance. She simply cocks her head slightly to the side and stares at him.
“Dada!” she finally babbles, giggling to herself.
“She...she recognizes me?” he asks, in awe of her cute little face.
She continues to giggle, repeating his name over and over. She rolls forward onto her hands and starts crawling towards him, grabbing onto his leg. Jonathan leans down to pick her up, and she flails around happily, settling into his arms and poking her hands into his holes on his face and chest.
“How is she not scared of me?” he says, completely dumbfounded.
“Because you’re not scary, Johnny,” you smile, wrapping your arms around the two of them and kissing his cheek. “You’re family. Spots or not,”
Dottie squeals as if in agreement.
“I suppose so,” he hums, resting his head on top of yours.
Jonathan would never give this up for anything.
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munsonsreputation · 1 year
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hi everyone, as the month of february comes to an end, i think it’s only appropriate that i give you a list of works that i’ve been reading and obsessed with this month! it’s even more important that we show love to all the writers out there who forge these unique stories and even allow readers to request their very own smutty, fluffy, and/or angsty ideas that turn into amazing creations because of these talented writers.
please be sure to show these writers some love by interacting with their works: reblogging, leaving comments, and tags. all the love and kindness will mean the world to them!!!!
📌: fave | 🫀: fluff | 🪡: angst | 🕯: smut
Friday by @softharrington 🫀🪡📌
first off, casper is an amazing writer. second, this story literally broke my heart then mended it back together all at once. please please give this a read, so many emotions and it’s soooo well written
Single Thread by @keeryshouse 🫀
i’ve seen a bunch of spiderman!steve ideas and fics floating around tumblr and this has to be one of my favorites. you cannot tell me that steve harrington isn’t spiderman coded as fuck!!! the friends to lovers trope woven with the scared to hurt reader will always always be my guilty pleasure. anna, the amazing writer is also planning on writing some more parts to this so go and check it out!!!
This request by @sattlersquarry 🫀
i am a SUCKER for Hopper!reader, I think it’s so sweet and to think El would have another sibling besides Will and Jonathan her step bros are really cute. Moving on, the little quirks and expressions in this imagine is so so so sweet!!
This request by @stevebabey 🫀📌
holy shit this is so fluffy…I feel like I’m in freshman year experiencing my first kiss all over again. First of all, the comparing hand size trick ALWAYS works. It will never fail. And this amazing fucking piece of work will never make me fail to blush and smile like I have a crush!!!!
Love Letters: Day Five by @upsidedownwithsteve 🫀
one bed trope will always have me in a chokehold. This fic does an amazing job at encapsulating the feeling to the nervousness but also the soften that two people share when they are obviously into each other. and of course, eddie is always a little shit, but i love the appearance that him and all the other characters make here!!!
This request by @newlips 🫀
this one is room-mates to lovers, and as someone who hates storms this is filling my giddy heart with so much warmth and comfort. while i have no one to cuddle with while it’s raining, i’d like to think that steve would totally cuddle me throughout those storming nights!!!
Glue by @gorgeousgetawaycar 🫀📌
steve picking up the snacks for movie night is such a him thing to do. in my head, i’d like to think that after baker!reader and steve start dating a little longer, he’d invite her to movie night OR EVEN BETTER…she invites them over to her place (or steve’s) and the house is filled with the sweet treats she has baking for his friends. eventually they all come to fall in love with her and her baking, and steve falls even harder for her. yeah, this is so sweet, it’s like my personal self insert, and i love it so so much!! everyone who loves baking better go read this and if you don’t like baking just pretend you do!!!!
Lay All Your Love On Me by @lovebugism 🕯📌
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, OH MY WORD, I AM SCREAMING! never in a million years did i think i’d need stancy x reader SMUT, but this….this rocked my fucking world. steve is so in love with reader and nancy, i actually cannot even. everyone better go read this and melt. thanks bug, for writing this fucking absolute masterpiece, ily!!!!!!
Scoops Ahoy by @tiredfangirlsworld 🫀
gosh, imagine if steve never worked at scoops…we would have been deprived of sailor!steve, but nevertheless we prevailed in this little imagine. first off, robin always cracks me the fuck up, her character is so funny without even trying and this writer does a great job at setting the scene of the friendship that reader and her have, along with steve in the mix. i totally agree with reader here, the sailor getup is totally a good look for steve and i wish we could’ve gotten a commercial for s3 promo!!!!
Just The Two Of Us by @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint 🫀 🪡
you would expect it to be extremely smutty and filthy, but this is smutty but soft and kind. i actually really really love this fic as it focused more on reader and steve rather than reader, steve, and the audience watching. they’re giggly and want to know how to pleasure one another, ah-ma-zing read!!!!!!!!
This request by @familyvideostevie 🫀
this is such a simple yet sweet sweet concept. it’s totally something that i think would happen in the stranger things universe. dustin and steve’s dynamic is also written SO well—those two go back and forth and despite his age, steve knows that dustin is a genius. i also feel like steve and reader hit it off and eventually date and dustin would parade around hawkins saying some shit like “yeah you see those two! i made that shit happen!”
This request by @luveline 🫀📌
goddamnit i am an absolute whore for domestic fluff (we need more of it tbh). the way that reader and steve interact and talk about the simplest things while cooking dinner is so fucking relatable. it’s the twinge of domesticity and i feel like all of us crave in a relationship. just someone to talk to while we do the most mundane things, but it’s special because we’re doing it with the one we love. i love this so much, go read it rn!!!!!
Bestfriend!Steve by @sweeteststevie 🫀 🪡
ok wow, this one really touched my heart and steve is such a sweetheart. he doesn’t try to poke and prode, but just lets reader talks and allows her to answer what she feels comfortable. i love this so so so much and the gentleness they share is so fucking sweet!!!!
Reminiscence by @caxde🫀 🪡
oh to go from exs to lovers in a snap, this would be a dream! the fact that reader and steve never stopped loving each other—i also wish for that kind of hope and love in my own life, but i’m not sure i could possibly bear it so through fics it is! i love how steve and reader remember their little “voodoo” thing while she’s patching him up. it’s so cute and another way of saying they never forgot one another!!!!
Valentine’s Day by @hey-barnes-stole-a-jeep 🫀 🪡
their confession made me so soft omg. reader is so relatable and i think we’ve got to shed the light on unexperienced!reader, there is no shame and if anything steve would totally make you feel safe and comfortable!!! he’s so gentle with reader and i would die for this man!!!
Love In The Dark I (ongoing series) by @xspeter 🪡
ahhhhh i love this take on s4 but from mayfield!sister perspective. also the nightmares things are so realistic and it almost feels at through the readers are realizing it is a dream as we read. this is currently an ongoing mini series so be on the look out for the next part! i’m so excited to read part II!!!!
Forever Winter by @new-romqntics 🫀 🪡📌
first of all, i love cleo sm!!! this is one of my comfort fluffs that i revisit time and time again. i think that recognizing self doubt and worries is something that it vulnerable yet beautiful because it can open doors and especially the heart. i love how steve doesn’t try to “fix” reader but just wants to help!!! ilovesoftsteviesm <3
Illicit Affairs by @lilacletter 🕯📌
ohmyfuckingod…when i read this, i kid you not…i buried my face into my pillowed and squealed!!!!! first and foremost, autumn is one of the most incredible writers and i have had the pleasure of reading her works. reading her writing is almost like seeing the events take place in my head, her attention to detail and just everything is so incredible. this is smut and you’ll definitely enjoy it #ilovedilfs <3
This request by @lucasnclair 🫀
when i tell you i am shy!reader, i mean that!!! this is totally what it feels like to be so enamored and in love with someone, so much so that you are so shy, but they know just the right way to crack you out of that shell without making you feel embarrassed. i go back to this every time and it’s soooo sweet and gentle!!!!
Cherry Wine by @cinemaquinn 🕯
everyone knows that fluffy smut is always a hit. i love the way this is is written and the fact that there is no shame in being a virgin and the way that eddie just assures reader through everything. i love this so much and it has a very very special place in my heart muah!!!!
This request by @ddejavvu 🫀📌
exterminator!eddie is not a concept i thought i needed in life, but this shit was so cute and funny. also mei/daisy’s authors note in the beginning of the imagine made me giggle so that’s a plus! also eddie just holding the fucking snake and wayne needing to rip it out of his hands made me LOL so hard. i feel like reader and eddie would’ve gotten to know each other better during the ride to the hospital and in the emergency room too. he’d probably offer a date to make up for it and from then on our they’re together and reader is just like, “yeah he might not have gotten all the snakes but he did get my heart.”
Twenty Four Hours (ongoing series) by @ghost-proofbaby 🪡📌
holy shit this slow burn eats me up every single time i read it!!! this is a modern!au and i love the way that is is depicted through the writing: everything from the photo proof and group chat messages are a really good addition to the story!!! i read hour six a few little while ago and OH MY GOD….SO SO SO GOOD!! i don’t want to spoil it so everyone go and read it and let’s enjoy the rest of the series together!!!!
In Bloom by @suncatcherss 🫀 🪡
HOLY FUCK I AM CRYING. this is a mixture of a teeny tiny angst with a whole lotta fluff. the way that reader and eddie are so smitten for each other and do not even get me started on the fact that eddie gifted her the fucking rose!!!! stop!! and then he says “i want to introduce my best girls to each other” …. SOBBING. THIS IS TOO FUCKING SWEET!!!!
All Mine by @hard-candy-writing 🕯
OLDER!EDDIE AHHHHHHHH!!!!! this fic absolutely made me melt…the writing is just incredible and their dynamic works so well. AND THE PIERCING ON HIS **** AND THE WAY HE MAKES HER CALL HER DATE AND BREAKUP WHILE HE …. YEAH, YOU READ THAT RIGHT!!! i don’t want to spoil this smutty goodness, so everyone go and read this rn!!!!!
This request by @mirkwoodmunson 🫀
i always thought eddie would be the goof to scarf down sprinkles of all things because he’s too lazy to fix himself something good…but now that i think about it, that man probably gets HELLA munchies and is a pro and cooking something fast and easy. he can’t stand not having an actual meal and this was so funny and light-hearted!!!!
Devil & Angel AU (steddie x reader) by @thyme-in-a-bubble 🕯📌
GUYS….THIS AU IS SO FUCKING FILTY AND I LOVE IT TO PEICES! ok first of all, i came across this au a few days ago and since they i’ve been HOOKED!!! i believe lea is continuing to add to this AU as she gets more ideas and asks about it, so keep an eye out for more imagines and blurbs regarding this AU!!!
Safe With Me by @singularattitudeofasafetypin 🫀
eddie’s headass defintely drives like a fucking maniac, but OMG he’s so soft for reader. this made me so warm inside and he’s just so sweet. eddie would probably get some shit from the kids because they need to get wherever the fuck they’re going QUICKLY…but i bet you reader gifted eddie one of those keychains that says “drive safe, i need you here,” and he just looks at it and doesn’t give a shit about the kids complaining because he wants to be here for you always. YEAH OK IM A FLUFF WHORE GO READ THIS!!!
The Customer’s Always Right (ongoing series) by @lovebugism 🫀🕯📌
I AM OBSESSSED AND I MEAN OBSESSED WITH THIS SERIES!!!! virgin!eddie is so soft for reader and doesn’t give a fuck about her reputation and i love this so much. i also really really really love how reader is written in a way that shows that she’s always been searching for this REAL DEEP infatuation and love that she had for eddie!! go read this rn because it’s so fucking good, GO GO GO!!!!!
This request by @roanniom 🫀🕯
EDDIE WOULD SO DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!!! that men is such an in love menace and him hiding to surprise her is SUCH A HIM THNG TO DO!!! he definitely planned the whole thing out a few days prior and even made sure to call in to get you the day off. this man is romantic his own way!!!
Husband? by @corals-library 🫀
i have this feeling that eddie would die to have you call him your husband!! he would get such a kick out of it and love the way it makes him feel—he would call you his wife all the time, and the kids would call you both mom and dad hahaha!! yeah this is so fluffy and cute and i just know eddie talks to wayne the next day and ask him opinions of rings <3
Three Men And A Baby by @munsonsduchess 🫀📌
GUYS GUYS GUYS, I LOVE THIS!! first off, “rosie posie?!?!” THE NICKNAME EDDIE HAS FOR HIS LITTLE GIRL IS SO ADORABLE. also my guilty pleasure is when writers include other characters within the story…idk i think it’s a nice little treat to see how they interact with each other and whatnot. i love the fact that eddie can just call up hopper for help and even goes to karen!! we need to see more karen y’all!!! <3
Until I Found You by @crrddcffn 🫀📌
fuck this made me so soft…shy!reader needs more attention and i love this so fucking much. i love that reader just goes for it and calls him cute and is kinda shocked by it at first, nevertheless it all works out. they’re so adorable and i would to read more about shy!reader and eddie in the future!!!
Bets, Deals, and Favors (series tba) by @pinkrelish 🪡
I READ THIS A FEW DAYS AGO AND IT HAS ME FOAMING AT THE MOUTH FOR MORE!!!! I don’t want to say TOO much because this is a beauty that speaks and reads for itself, but just know it’s gonna get spicy and i love that harrington plays the mediator hahahaha.
This request by @forourmoons 🫀📌
EDDIE YOU FUCKING CHARMER!!!! i swear to god this man is so head over heels for his girl that he literally does not give a shit about the looks he gets. he knows reader probably hates feeling everyone’s eyes on her and he sees her start to go down and he’s just like “fuck it, here i go!” HE DOESN’T CARE BECAUSE HE’S WITH READER AND HE’D DO ANYTHING FOR HER! fuck this is so fluffy, i need this man!!
happy reading & thank you to all the writers for taking the time to share your creativity with the world, and thank you to the readers for keeping our love for writing alive!!!! 💘💘💘
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vickyvicarious · 10 months
Dracula Declarations of Love
There is so much love, and so much talk of love, in this book. It's extremely hard to pick a favorite, but let's give it a go (or just get emotional over a bunch of quotes lined up together).
I tried to stick mostly to declarations/talk about (rather than acts of) love, primarily to focus on specific quotes and help me narrow it down to just twelve (still a big challenge). Before anyone asks, no, "I too can love" is not on here because Dracula's version of love doesn't stack up to the others for me in terms of emotional impact. And these were definitely chosen by my personal preference of specific quotes; there are a bunch of other great words of love that didn't make it in. Also, important note - this is not exclusively romantic love by any means.
The whole quotes don't fit in the poll, so please read below before you vote.
Full Quotes:
11 May, Lucy: "Oh, Mina, couldn't you guess? I love him. I am blushing as I write, for although I think he loves me, he has not told me so in words. But oh, Mina, I love him; I love him; I love him!"
24 May, Quincey: "If that other fellow doesn't know his happiness, well, he'd better look for it soon, or he'll have to deal with me. Little girl, your honesty and pluck have made me a friend, and that's rarer than a lover; it's more unselfish anyhow."
19 August, Mina: "I have cried over the good Sister's letter till I can feel it wet against my bosom, where it lies. It is of Jonathan, and must be next my heart, for he is in my heart. [...] I must write no more; I must keep it to say to Jonathan, my husband. The letter that he has seen and touched must comfort me till we meet."
24 August, Jonathan and Mina: "Then he took my hand in his, and oh, Lucy, it was the first time he took his wife's hand, and said that it was the dearest thing in all the wide world, and that he would go through all the past again to win it, if need be. [...] Well, my dear, what could I say? I could only tell him that I was the happiest woman in all the wide world, and that I had nothing to give him except myself, my life, and my trust, and that with these went my love and duty for all the days of my life."
24 August, Mina: "Lucy dear, do you know why I tell you all this? It is not only because it is all sweet to me, but because you have been, and are, very dear to me. It was my privilege to be your friend and guide when you came from the schoolroom to prepare for the world of life. I want you to see now, and with the eyes of a very happy wife, whither duty has led me; so that in your own married life you too may be all happy as I am. My dear, please Almighty God, your life may be all it promises: a long day of sunshine, with no harsh wind, no forgetting duty, no distrust. I must not wish you no pain, for that can never be; but I do hope you will be always as happy as I am now."
7 September, Arthur: '"What can I do?" asked Arthur hoarsely. "Tell me, and I shall do it. My life is hers, and I would give the last drop of blood in my body for her."'
17 September, Mina: "Jonathan asks me to send his 'respectful duty,' but I do not think that is good enough from the junior partner of the important firm Hawkins & Harker; and so, as you love me, and he loves me, and I love you with all the moods and tenses of the verb, I send you simply his 'love' instead."
30 September, Mina and Arthur: '"I loved dear Lucy, and I know what she was to you, and what you were to her. She and I were like sisters; and now she is gone, will you not let me be like a sister to you in your trouble? I know what sorrows you have had, though I cannot measure the depth of them. If sympathy and pity can help in your affliction, won't you let me be of some little service—for Lucy's sake?" [...] "I know now how I suffered," he said, as he dried his eyes, "but I do not know even yet—and none other can ever know—how much your sweet sympathy has been to me to-day. I shall know better in time; and believe me that, though I am not ungrateful now, my gratitude will grow with my understanding. You will let me be like a brother, will you not, for all our lives—for dear Lucy's sake?"'
3 October, Jonathan: '"Nonsense, Mina. It is a shame to me to hear such a word [unclean]. I would not hear it of you; and I shall not hear it from you. May God judge me by my deserts, and punish me with more bitter suffering than even this hour, if by any act or will of mine anything ever come between us!" He put out his arms and folded her to his breast; and for a while she lay there sobbing."
3 October, Jonathan: "To one thing I have made up my mind: if we find out that Mina must be a vampire in the end, then she shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone. I suppose it is thus that in old times one vampire meant many; just as their hideous bodies could only rest in sacred earth, so the holiest love was the recruiting sergeant for their ghastly ranks."
11 October, Mina: "You are nearest and dearest and all the world to me; our souls are knit into one, for all life and all time."
31 October, Mina: "We are truly in the hands of God. He alone knows what may be, and I pray Him, with all the strength of my sad and humble soul, that He will watch over my beloved husband; that whatever may happen, Jonathan may know that I loved him and honoured him more than I can say, and that my latest and truest thought will be always for him."
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ax-y10 · 5 months
Tumblr media
in which; wilbur and ted as dads
about; it is feminine anatomy but everything else is gender neutral, sorta, wilbur is a girl dad, ted is a boy dad, giving birth/pregnancy, crying, mentions of fighting, so so so fluffy, they're so sweet
word count; 696
taglist; @phxntomsdusk, @pheliiaa, @average-vibe
- an absolute sweetheart in the hospital.
- making sure that you’re comfortable and safe with what’s happening.
- he would hold your hand when you’re pushing and when you’re not doing anything, letting you squeeze as hard as you need.
- advocates for you!!
“we can’t give you an epidural. you don’t fit the criteria”
“but i’d like to have it-”
“they need the epidural! give it to them!”
- he definitely had to step out at a point to gather his thoughts and calm himself down because you were in pain! you were pushing a new human out of you! and it was hurting you!
- as much as he wanted to be in there with you during then, he couldn’t handle seeing you in pain.
- but as soon as the baby has had snuggles with you, he’s immediately scooping the baby up and swaddling it against his chest, keeping it warm.
- he spent weeks hiding away in the nursery with a rolled up towel and teaching himself how to hold a baby.
- you’d walked in one day and he was holding it so wrong so you had to help him
“as cute as this is, you are basically suspending the baby in the air. you can’t have their legs dangling”
“oh so like this?”
“wil, that’s better but you need to- okay let me show you”
“ohhh, that’s how you hold them. got it!”
- he’s such a girl dad!
- when your daughter gets a little older, he always says to you late at night that the day is getting closer and closer to where he needs to fight guys who try to hurt her.
- he supports her in everything she chooses to do.
- if she wants to move across the world? “okay sure! go for it! but please call me. i can’t deal with being away from my baby”
- if she likes girls and not boys? “i’ll need to meet the lucky girl!”
- definitely cries when she moves out
“we’re gonna miss you, pumpkin!”
“i’ll miss you too dad! i love you so much!”
“i love you too, sunshine! visit us all the time. we will be thinking of you”
- definitely adores the interactions between his daughter and you. from you doing her hair for the first day of school to going dress shopping for her formal/prom. loves all of it!
- ted is a boy dad. no doubt about that.
- when he found out you were having a boy, he immediately pulled you into a warm kiss.
“i can’t believe we’re having a boy!”
“ted, you sorta made him-”
“damn right i did!”
-ted would definitely want to name it after schlatt or eddie, his reasoning being "they're my bestfriends and i include them in everything i do!"
-and then you shoot back, "ted. i told you months ago. this is our thing to cherish and take care of, not jonathan's or eddie's."
-when it's just you, ted and the baby in bed at night, he's always snapping candid photos of you and the baby. one of you curled around the baby, another of you smiling fondly at the sleeping baby.
-he will watch when you're breastfeeding your son. not in a creepy way but more of a "that's my life partner and that's my son and they look so beautiful together."
-admires you and his son when he's on your hip, when you're walking down the street and pushing the pram, when you're changing his diapers. he loves everything about the domesticity of it all.
-cries when the baby cries but then immediately recollecting himself and comforting him as well as he can.
-when his son moves away for college or moves out, tears are shed and ted sends him off with a warm, fatherly hug, and a new set of whatever cheesy dad gifts he can find. (your son definitely comes back a week later to visit because he felt bad for his parents)
-he makes sure to meet his girlfriend, and his wife, and always has a good impression on all of his son's partner's families.
-goes to every event that his son is at. he can't help being away from his boy.
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kedreeva · 2 years
The funniest thing about Robin's "It shocked me to my core, but I like you, I really like you" is that it probably was shocking, but it shouldn't have been particularly unexpected.
I think that a lot of people see King Steve and the thought stops at "douchebag jock." And there's accuracy in that! We see him being a dick to people we like. We hear Robin talk about how he came to class late and made a mess where he sat and ignored her even though she was right there.
But the other side of that coin is the reason why it's easy for people in-verse to be obsessed with him, the reason that he's King and not a douchebag loner. It's not the sports, although that may help. But lots of the kids play sports. It's a little bit the looks, but he's not the only pretty boy in school. It's not the money, although I'm sure that doesn't hurt either. And maybe the combination of things gives him a leg up, but at the end of the day, even when he falls from favor in season 2 he still plays sports, he still looks good, he still has money. But people aren't obsessed with him anymore because of one reason- he's no longer giving attention.
Because when Steve doesn't ignore someone, being the recipient of his attention is electric. And sometimes that electricity is deadly and you don't want it focused on you, like when he breaks Jonathan's camera, but sometimes it is bringing light to your whole world, like every time he pulls Nancy in for kisses or looks at her like she's the whole world.
Steve is the center of attention in almost any setting he's in, and being his center of attention has got to be An Experience. And I imagine that trying to get into that sweet spot and failing is where a lot of the general "douchebag jock" resentment comes from. People scraping for a reason to dislike him (when actually, god, when he's NICE to you it's fucking amazing, best feeling in the world even back then), blaming it on him being conceited about being good at sports or having good looks or being a rich kid etc (and again, it IS those things, too, but it's NOT those things). And Steve absolutely capitalizes on his attention being a commodity for personal gain (social status, sex, etc), and THAT is where the douchebag status actually stems from.
In Robin's case, she was mad about Tammy only wanting Steve's attention (as opposed to Robin's attention) but imagine what would have happened if Steve had paid attention to Robin? Like at all? Tammy would have noticed her, then. Everyone would have noticed her, back then. But he sat right there within arms reach and ignored her entirely, to the point where he didn't even know she existed, and so no one else did either, and that brewed some resentment.
It is also the reason that Nancy was so... novel, to Steve. She didn't want attention. She accepted his attention, sometimes, when it suited her, but she a) didn't want all the attention he could give her and b) didn't want what his attention in public would give her. And he recognized that even if he didn't understand it. She gets nervy about going to a party with him, and he assures her it's just the four of them- her and him, and the two people that know about them, and he's welcoming to her friend that knows. He comes over when she's studying and is baffled that she actually just wants to study (and that's an entirely separate meta). After they've had sex, she gets spooky about it and he assures her no, he didn't tell anyone, and also he shushes Tommy and Carol when they're getting loud about it in the cafeteria. Nancy's acting like she's honestly a little embarrassed to be seen in public with him and that's WEIRD. Like yeah ok, getting his ass handed to him by Jonathan is what caused the burning building of Steve's self-perception to finally collapse, but it was Nancy that set the fire.
Robin saw him before it was alight, and what she's finding, when she finally gets to know him, is that it's still true; having his attention is still electrifying. It still lights up the world. It's just that he isn't leveraging it for anything anymore. He's just Like That; he just puts all of himself into whatever he's doing, and it's actually really fun and great when what he's doing is genuinely being your friend.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
Fall For You 🌸❤️
Summary; After Nancy breaks his heart for the last time Steve has enough and decides to branch out of Hawkins with you and Robin at his side, Travelling in a Winnebago.
Nights stargazing, camping and Steve seeking comfort in you lead to more... Your feelings deepen. You just don't know if he feels the same.
Warnings; angst, fluff, comfort, fwb relationship, smut, 18+, minors dni.
I don't give anyone permission to copy, reuse or repost my work.
Pls consider reblogging, liking, etc if you enjoyed this ❤️✨
It happened again.
Nancy had chosen Jonathan again. It's not like he shouldn't have expected it. How many times had it happened now?
He thought that after all the shit that had happened in the Upside Down that things would be different.
"It's always been you Nance," he told her about his fantasy involving her, the Winnebago, six little nuggets.
It wasn't enough, he felt like he wasn't enough, the same horrid sense of not being good enough fills him, like how he felt when Nancy and Jonathan got together after him and Nancy broke up.
The two main saving graces he had was Robin and you.
After staying a while to help with rebuilding the town after the earthquake caused by The Upside Down and Vecna's destruction by El, the three of you had left Hawkins.
It was just for a little while, to travel, see a bit more of the world outside of your little town in a Winnebago.
You and Robin were close anyway, just finished senior year together and you grew close to Steve since all the shit that went down last year.
There was a huge double bed in the camper van. The three of you took turns using it or would use the bunk beds, and talk well into the night.
It was a little awkward when dates were around, usually when one of you would bring a date home the remaining two would camp out under the stars to avoid any awkward encounters.
Well that being said there hadn't been much practice on that rule yet.
"Let's all camp out together. It's a beautiful night" Robin announces excitedly as she holds the hand of her date Elise who's very sweet, and adores Robin already.
"Yeah, it's romantic if you're on a date" you point out and Robin smiles and nudges you along beside Steve.
"You and Steve can look at the stars together, come on it will be fun. Ghost stories, roaring fire, pretty sky, Steve already got the tents and fire set up"
Buoyed by her enthusiasm you nod.
"Okay, okay. I'll get the marshmallows" Robin looks so delighted and it's nice watching her be so happy with her date and in general.
"Okay, okay" you join Steve who smiles at you.
"Hey, honey, guess we're a twosome tonight huh?" he motions you to sit on one of the logs that surround the fire, it's getting even darker outside and slightly chilly.
Robin goes first telling spooky ghost stories, anything that happened in Hawkins is off-limits, you're all trying to deal with the trauma entailed with what happened the last few years.
The four of you have flashlights and take turns in telling a story each, Elise's story is truly terrifying, a real story about the woods you're all in and a double murder.
Steve notices that you're shaking and he wraps his jacket around you, you give him a grateful smile.
When you get in the tent there's just the one massive sleeping bag.
"Take the bed, I'll get some blankets, sleep on them" he assures you and you pat the bed.
"We're adults Steve, think we can share the bed and keep our hands to ourselves" you tease and he nods, turning his back as you get changed into your night clothes, he keeps his boxers and shirt on.
There's a funny tension in the air between you, it's been hanging around for a while now and you don't know what to make of it.
Steve is handsome, very handsome you've always thought that, the butterflies in your belly are new though.
Steve glances at you, noticing your furrowed brows.
"You okay sweetheart?" how can you tell him that just him laying beside you is giving you butterflies?
"Mmm," he props up on his shoulder and you know he doesn't believe you, his hand touches your shoulder, thumb grazing over it sending tingles over your body to your horror a small moan escapes your lips.
"Um, that was. I uh" you stammer but barely finish as Steve's eyes darken.
"That moan all for me honey?" you're pretty sure your brain goes haywire as Steve moves closer.
"What if it was? What are you going to do about it?" the words fall from your lips and Steve smirks, his lips meet yours and you kiss hungrily, he pulls you onto his lap and his hands cup your backside.
"Steve" you sigh as he kisses your neck, sucking at the skin, your hand's fist in his hair and you rock against him.
"Shit" he groans and you feel how hard he is, he takes off your nightshirt and strokes your cheek.
"You're so beautiful, do you want to do this sweetheart? We can stop if you want to?"
"Don't stop, I want this, do you?" he kisses you again.
"Fuck yes"
When you wake up your body is entwined with Steve's, he kisses your neck as he wakes up and you turn to him meeting his lips.
"Steve that was" amazing you say in your head and Steve seems to read your mind.
"Mindblowing, it was a one-time thing though right?" he caresses your cheek, your stomach sinks a little bit but you nod.
"Yeah, one time".
It's a lie that you both tell yourselves until it happens again a few nights later.
And the night after that. Sneaking around so Robin doesn't notice. Stealing moments together, Steve buried between your thighs or you riding Steve until your both spent when Robin is out buying groceries for you all or exploring.
It's just sex though. You know that Steve still loves Nancy, sometimes he says her name in his sleep or you hear him mention missing her to Robin.
It sends ice through your veins and you try to hide how much it does hurt. Of course, he still loves Nancy, he's not gonna fall out of love with her in the space of a few months is he?
That's the crux of your first argument, you spend all day ignoring his flirty gazes, trying to fight these feelings that are brewing up inside you, as close as you are with Robin she's equally as close to Steve so you can't mention your feelings to her either.
It's annoying you that you can't switch these feelings off, bury them away and when Steve comes up to you while you're preparing dinner you are still brooding.
"Hey, you've been off all day? What's going on?" you shrug.
"I'm fine. Just because I don't want to have sex with you, Steve doesn't mean I'm in a mood or something. Maybe I don't want to be used you ever think of that?"
His eyes widen. "Use you? We've always been clear about what this is. I don't hear you complaining when I'm balls deep inside you"
His words make you fume even though he's right and you concentrate on dinner.
"Yeah, I'm very clear this is just a friends with benefits thing, Steve, so that means I can go on that date with Aaron then?"
Aaron was a guy you kept bumping into when you were in town, He was nice, funny and he had asked you out earlier this week.
At first, you said you'd think about it but if Steve doesn't care then maybe you should say yes. Steve's eyes flash dangerously and you wait for his response.
"Fine" he snaps irritated and stalks off.
Fine? He was fine with it. So it looks like you were going on a date tonight.
Robin could sense a weird energy in the air ever since your date Aaron had come to join the three of them for hot chocolate and smores.
Steve was currently brooding and had been overprotective and tense since Aaron arrived.
She doesn't know what's going on. Every time Aaron touches you Steve stiffens.
He must be jealous. So does that mean he likes you? When did that start happening? She's confused, very confused and vows to keep an eye on things closely from now on.
Steve tries to ignore the burning feeling in his gut but he can't, he's pissed and every time Aaron touches you it sends pulses of anger through him.
You laughing at the dickhead's jokes makes him even more irritated. He's relieved when the guy leaves.
As you're getting ready for bed he corners you, gently tugging at your arm.
"How did the date go?" he asks you and you shrug.
"It was fine. He was fine" Steve scoffs.
"Fine bet he got your panties wet at being just fine huh?" you roll your eyes. Could he be more obvious.
"Oh, my god. You can't even admit that you're jealous, can you?"
"You think I'm jealous of that douchebag? As if he can pleasure you like I can" his hands rest on the wall, at your sides.
"Arrogant much?" you huff and he leans closer to you twirling your hair around his fingers.
"No, I just know you, honey, I know what you're doing. Like you think that shithead could bother me?"
"Aaron asked me out on a second date I told him no but if you don't care then..." His jaw tightens and he gently tugs at your arm and a growl escapes his throat.
"I want you to tell that douchebag to clear off, you want the truth? I am fucking jealous and the thought of him near you drives me crazy alright"
Robin is out like a light on the sofa snoring loudly so he takes your hand and leads you into the bedroom.
It's risky, Robin could wake up at any time and you could be caught but that doesn't stop him from kissing you, hitching you up so your legs wrap around his waist and he fucks into you relentlessly against the wall.
You stifle your moans by burying your head into his shoulder, biting down on it. Waves of pleasure rock over you as he stills, a guttural groan issuing from him as he comes.
Breathing heavily he rests his forehead against yours.
"Tell him no please" he murmurs as he strokes your cheek.
"Why?" your heart is racing as you wait for his answer.
"Because I'm jealous and because you're mine"
Something between you and Steve deepens after that night, your conversations last through the night, him lying in your bunk with you as the sun rises and you've both had no sleep but are smiling nonetheless.
Baking attempts with Robin that go awry as you attempt to make mega brownies and Cookies.
Movie nights where you fall asleep nestled into his chest after the credits roll and he and Robin continue talking.
The first time the two of you tried to have shower sex and it was so not how the movies showed it to be, though the two of you ended up breathless with laughter.
Listening with a smile on your face as he manages to communicate with Dustin via walkie talkie and his parting words melt your heart.
"Henderson? I miss you know" His eyes light up as Dustin says the same and you nearly tear up because their brotherly bond is so sweet.
Nights like tonight stick in your mind as you lay with him and Robin laughing at the names you make up for each star.
It's when Steve is grinning at Robin and his eyes catch yours, all soft and full of warmth that those three little words enter your head.
I love you. Stunned you get up, stumbling a bit, mind racing. Shit! Shit! Shit!
"You okay?" Robin asks you looking worried and you nod, faking a smile.
"Uh yeah, headache, think I need to lay down" you reassure her and Steve gets up.
"Do you want me to come with you?" you shake your head.
"Nah, stay out here with Robin. I'll be okay" You practically race inside and urge yourself to calm down.
Those three words were a timebomb, now that you knew how deep your feelings were you were screwed.
Why the hell did you have to fall in love with him when he could still love someone else? Would you ever compare to Nance in his eyes.
"It's always been you Nance" he told Nancy that, there was no use telling him how you felt because he wouldn't feel the same way you did.
It was a catch-22 because you didn't want to stop this thing you had with Steve but you didn't want to get your heart broken either.
What the hell were you going to do?
Steve joining you in bed wakes you at around four am.
"You feeling better honey?" he asks you as he kisses your hair.
"Not really" you mumble and turn around so you can cuddle into his chest. His heartbeat speeds up and you peer up at him.
"Your hearts beating really fast" he chuckles as you say this.
"Hmm, Sure it has nothing to do with the beautiful girl in my arms" The words are lovely and to your horror tears pool in your eyes, shit you needed to get a grip.
"Hey, he soothes what's wrong?" you make something up, tell him it's just your head but you can tell he doesn't believe you, he does pull you back down to his chest.
"You can tell me anything sweetheart. Is something bothering you?" the tears keep coming.
"I'm falling in love with you" His breath hitches as the words spill out and now they are out you can't take them back.
"What?" you sit up your stomach sinking, he runs his hand through his hair and you wait for his response and wait.
"Jesus... Honey, I... We" he stops and starts and you look away as the tears keep falling.
"It's okay, you still love Nancy, I know. Maybe you should go, Steve. Maybe we should stop this...us" He startles, swallowing hard as he stares at you.
"Stop?" it causes you pain you've never felt in your life but you give a firm nod.
"I'm not Nance, I'll never be Nancy or compare to her and I can't keep breaking my heart hoping you might feel the same, whe you don't"
Robin comes in at that point, chatting excitedly about a meteor shower, she freezes as she sees your tears and the look on Steve's face.
"Robin can I bunk in with you tonight?" you ask her and she nods as you race into the room and cry out all the tears.
"What the hell is going on?" you hear her question Steve and you borrow under the covers blocking out their voices and letting the pain take over.
It's quiet, too quiet as the three of you have breakfast. Robin keeps looking between you and Steve and you figure he filled her in on what was going on or maybe she already knew deep down.
You hate this, the tension. This should be fun for Robin, fun for you and Steve but now it's awkward.
Maybe things would be easier for Robin and Steve if you went home for a little while. Just until things blow over?
Until your heart stops feeling like it's been split in two. What can you do though? You can't force Steve to feel the same way, he doesn't and you have to accept that.
With that decision in mind your head to your room and use the phone to call your parents. Turns out they are on holiday with their friends but you figure you could crash at home for a few days.
"Honey, you should have called sooner you could have come with us," your mother tells you.
When the conversation is done you head back out to tell Steve and Robin. Steve isn't there when you go to the kitchen and Robin explains he's went to clear his head.
"Uh. I'm gonna head back home for a little while" Robin's eyes widen.
"What no!! You can't. We're like the three musketeers, we can't split up. I get why you and Steve didn't say anything about what was going on, though to be honest I'm kinda hurt you didn't"
"We should have. I'm sorry Robin. It was just all so confusing and happened so fast, I fell in love with Steve and it's just a mess" She rushes over to hug you tightly.
"He's the world's biggest dingus" You smile at her words, you know she doesn't mean them she's just upset.
"I'll be back before you know it, I promise you" She still looks sad but perks up a bit, you squeeze her arm and begin to pack your heart heavy.
Steve returns from his walk and finds Robin looking upset, he feels guilty for not saying about his relationship with you and made sure to tell her everything last night.
It still doesn't stop him from feeling guilty for keeping secrets though, she is his best friend.
"She's going back to Hawkins just so you know," Robin tells him and she takes his hand.
Something cracks in Steve's chest or at least it sure feels like it.
"For good?" he can't imagine not seeing you, the thought makes him feel sick.
"No for a little while. I don't want her to go but maybe it will be good for her. Maybe she might meet a nice guy or something, we can become a foursome on the road"
Robin's words hit Steve hard and the thought of someone touching you, making love to you, calling you his tightens the knot in his stomach.
He's not stupid, he knows how he feels about you but he's scared of getting so close to someone again because he's fallen for you more than he ever did Nancy and it's terrifying.
"You love her don't you?" Robin squeezes his hand and he nods.
"Yeah, I do" she looks exasperated.
"Then stop being a big dingus and go tell her or you'll regret you never did" he swears and gets up.
"Do you think I don't want to? I do but I'm terrified okay? Terrified because I'm in love with her, way more than I've ever loved Nancy and you know how much I loved Nancy, I'm scared I'll just get my heart stomped on"
She softens. "So you'd risk losing the person you pretty much just admitted is the love of your life because you're scared? I get it love is terrifying at times but it's also beautiful and sometimes you just need to suck it up and grab life by the balls" She looks confused. "At least I think that's the saying"
He smiles as she pats his arm.
"Don't lose her because you're scared Steve" He takes a deep breath and then heads to the bedroom knocking on the door.
"Can we talk?" he asks as you stop packing, you agree and he sits beside you.
"I don't want things to be awkward Steve, maybe if I go away for a bit then when I come back we can go back to normal"
"Back to normal? Just friends you mean?" you confirm this and he shakes his head.
"No, I don't want you to go anywhere and I don't want us to be just friends" This stops you in your tracks.
"Steve" you begin to say but he cups your face tenderly with his hands.
"I love you, sweetheart, I love you too" Your lip wobbles and you choke out a sob.
"I'm not Nancy though, I know I'll never measure up to her" he scoffs and looks deep into your eyes.
"No, you're not Nance. You're the love of my life and what I feel for you is more, so much more than what I felt for Nance, she was my first love, yeah but I want you to be my last"
He's crying softly now too and you kiss him, and he's kissing you back gently, then he moves to kiss your forehead.
"Stay" he pleads and you nod throwing your arms around him. Robin peeks her head around the door.
"You're staying?" she asks hopeful and you tell her yes through tears. Happy tears.
"Thank god! Now come on I need help making the pancakes" Steve stands up gesturing for your hand and pulling you in for a kiss.
"Come on, step to it lovebirds" Robin calls and you and Steve exchange grins as you head back into the kitchen to join her.
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sadlybeans · 1 year
Jonathan Kent Headcanons ✨
x Reader edition!
@greenkiki and @simligul requested these so here ya go! Hope you like them <3 pls pretend i didn’t take this long to have them ready
Jon’s really bright and friendly but he has trouble making friends and talking to people at first, so he had a lot of trouble approaching people he found cute/attractive as a teen.
As he grows older he gets more confidence but he still has a rather passive attitude towards it, he gets really flustered if he’s being hit on.
Because he can read people easily he gets the clue that you like him pretty quickly! He still won’t make the first move for a while though, wanting to make sure he isn’t misinterpreting things.
He brings you flowers every single date. Even if it’s only one tiny flower, he still does it. He likes doing small little things to make you happy.
He would be ready to introduce you to his parents really soon because he’s the ride or die type. Clark’s happy with whatever and whoever makes Jon happy, but you need to really charm Lois because she wears the pants in that household.
Unfortunately you also need to sway the Waynes! Not only is Damian his best friend but they’re also his in-laws from Kon’s side, so they’re family. If you get Bruce and Jason on your side, you’ve made it.
He keeps his superhero identity a secret but you might figure it out quickly because he’s terrible with coming up with plausible excuses and he hates lying to you. Still, you let him believe he’s being really sneaky because it’s cute to see how he scrambles for an explanation for missed dates and calls.
Speaking of calls, he calls every single day you can’t see each other, but he texts good morning and good night every day.
If you’re ever hurt he’ll burn down the world for you— Jon may be a sweet ray of sunshine but he’s also not afraid of doing unhinged shit when his loved ones are hurt.
There’s huge benefits of dating Superboy! If you ever mention you want to have something specific you can only get in one remote part of the world, he’ll get it in less than an hour.
He’s really nice to sleep next to because he’s always warm so you’ll never need a blanket again <3
He would propose in a private intimate setting and would give you Ma Kent’s engagement ring. Nice picnic with a lot of cute lights, maybe a meteor shower, he’d ask his mom to help him make the food himself.
I don’t think having kids is on the works for him for quite some time so you’ll probably spend the first years of marriage travelling and enjoying life.
You’d probably live in the Kent farm where he grew up because it’s quiet and peaceful, and he can go anywhere he needs super quickly so he also can take you to work in the city every morning if you need him to.
Despite eventually being Superman he would have a very ‘ordinary’ happy life with you. If you were a hero or vigilante yourself maybe things would be a little different but you’d def have a peaceful life at the end <3
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luveline · 1 year
I think I might be technically evil for sending you three requests in one day when you’re probably overloaded with everyone else’s too… but if I may be evil for a moment… could you do something where shy!reader has a sleepover with Jonathan or something and she does her nightly routine and she does it for him too?? Like I want to tie his hair up in a lil ponytail and sweep the baby ones back with a fluffy headband and do a little skincare routine on him <3 I’m giving you so so so many kisses my love <3
technically a gorgeous sunbeam whom I adore maybe <3 shy!fem!reader teaching Jonathan the steps to her skincare routine ♥︎
If you were to describe Jonathan in one word, it would be calm. The kind of calm he's worked hard for. When his home can be anything but and his past rife with noise, Jon has carved a little slice of quiet sanctuary. You love sharing it with him. 
The closer you've grown, the less you worry about disrupting said sanctuary. The first few times you'd slept over you followed his motions, washing your face with his minty bar soap, changing when he changed, watching movies until you fell asleep on his shoulder. 
But a girl can't live like that every weekend. It's bad for your skin, no matter how much you like him.
So you'd introduced small parts of your routine on a trial basis. Jonathan, eternal sweetheart, loverboy extraordinaire, hadn't minded one bit. In fact, he'd been curious. 
He stands in the doorway of the bathroom with a charmed smile on his face. You blink through suds and catch his stare, surprised he's put down his book. 
"What are you doing?" he asks. 
"Just face soap," you say, turning on the faucet again to cup a handful of water and wash away the last of the suds. You dry your eyes quickly with a small face towel. "Sorry, was I being super loud?" 
"No," he says, hand on his elbow. 
"Oh," you say, and you're timid yourself, so you know the look on his face rather well. "What do you want, baby?" 
Jonathan sits down on the wooden box by the door that serves as their laundry basket. He's had his hair cut recently, and the shorter strands against his forehead beg for some handling. You nibble your lip, wondering if it's worth the embarrassment. Jonathan has had you more vulnerable than this, what's the worst that could happen? 
You raise your hand to his hair, stroking it gently from his head to see his eyebrows clearly. 
"I could do it with you?" he asks. "Your routine." 
"My routine? It's not so complicated, Jon, just moisturiser and…" You cross your arms behind your back. "You want to do it with me?" 
"Yeah. Is that weird?" 
"No," you say. It's so, so sweet. "Not weird." 
You take your headband off and slip it over his head. His eyes close in total trust, and you try to deserve it, using your gentlest touch. Once it's around his neck you pull it back up, easing his short hair away from his face. 
"I forgot what your forehead looked like," you say. 
He gazes up at you adoringly. 
You slide the hair tie from your wrist and tilt your head in question. He smiles like he's somewhere else, and that'll have to do. He gets distracted sometimes, and you don't know if it's the truth but whenever you ask what he's thinking about he always says, "You." Best to not ask, and avoid the hot flush. 
You rake your fingers through his hair to get the longer pieces beside his neck and make the world's smallest pony tail at the nape. 
"Pretty," you say gently. You flick his ponytail. "If you wash your face, we'll do the rest together." 
Jonathan stands up and skirts around you to the sink,  his fingers touching the tiniest slice of your exposed midriff for a millisecond more than what could be accidental. You know he didn't do it to make you self-conscious, but you pull your pyjamas a little higher up your hips. 
He goes to use his soap. You hand him yours before he can start, and he makes quick work of washing his face. You splash your face to make it tacky again and open your palm, dipping it toward him so he does the same. 
"Toner. I think I'm supposed to use a cotton round, but I just put it in my palm."
"It's purple," he says, startled. 
"The bottle," you say with a delighted laugh. "It's clear, swears. I think it's mostly water and aloe vera. It made my nose pores smaller."
"Did it?" he asks. 
You shrink. "It didn't?" 
"No, I mean. I never noticed them changing size." He laughs and shakes his hand. You tip a small well of toner into his hand and he waits for you to do the same for yourself, copying your hand movements exactly. 
"It's sticky." He wipes his hand in your bare arm. 
"Thanks, jerk. Just wash it off!" 
He tries to hide his smile and fails. 
You pick up your smaller tube. "Moisturiser," you say. 
He knows how to use it, so you don't bother explaining why you put it all over until he asks, "I get all greasy on my nose, do I…?"
"I'm not sure. I think, uh." You realise you're going to have to talk about something he doesn't know, and you never enjoy that. Correcting people feels like a nightmare — you're always worried they'll get annoyed or defensive, or that you'll come off as a know it all. But Jonathan doesn't do that, so you explain. "When you wash your face, you take all the oils off of your skin, and your skin reacts by making more of it. Sometimes it makes too much, and you end up greasy. If you moisturise it can help give some of the oil back and your skin doesn't feel the need to make too much." You pat a white smear across his cheek. "At least, that's what I think. I could be wrong." 
"Sometimes I use some of that serum your mom got me, but I skipped it today because I ran out. Sorry, Jon, it's much shorter than I thought it was now we're doing it." 
"I bet you're right," he says. His smile is gooey smooth. The entire time you'd been talking, he'd looked entranced. "What's next?" 
"I don't mind. Five minutes doing something with you is better than without." He peels your headband off like he hasn't just said something insanely lovely. "How do I look?" he asks, his dampened baby hairs a wild curling mess around his face.
You tuck your arm into his. "You look perfect." 
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jojikawa · 8 months
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝘿𝙞𝙤: 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙐𝙧𝙜𝙚 | 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙀𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩
This is a dark romance with descriptions of violence, gore, racism, sexism, and NSFW themes. The reader is black in this AU but this story can be enjoyed by all walks of life.
This chapter contains smut and NSFW descriptions. Slight gore warning.
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Art by: Umikochanart dividers
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Even to this day, Dio doesn’t know all of the secrets of the mask. His knowledge was exclusively surface level: The mask is activated with blood and unlocks the part of the brain that allows mortals to achieve Godhood. Almost every day he discovered new things about himself, the effect it had on his mind and body… and lastly, the effects it had on you. You’ve had a lot more time to adjust to your life as a vampire while Dio was stuck in a coffin.
The poor man had such a hard time controlling his hunger and it wasn’t like he gave a damn anyway. He drained pretty women—and men, that he hated, whenever he got the chance. He’s a God, why not feed whenever he wants? Although, he rarely saw you feed at all. He would be lying if he said he never had fantasies of you feeding on young women he favored. Unfortunately, Dio wouldn’t really see you indulge in your vampirism at all. You just read books and did anything except for what he wanted. How much can one person really read? He missed those days when the pining was mutual. He missed being about to make you blush and hide your face. He missed overloading your young mind with anxiety whenever he would kiss you. To this day he blames Jonathan for his shortcomings…even if it had nothing to do with him.
He made the decision to give you space. It may have been a bad idea but at the moment he didn’t know what else to do. Dio was on the cusp of madness, fighting hard against the violence that would ensue if he were to force you to love him. The world has done him so much wrong but the one thing he wanted to believe was true was your love. All the bad things you’d were things he never wanted to take as the truth. You were just angry. You’re always just angry. The fact that he felt insecure around you was baffling.
Perhaps, giving you space was a mistake. His bed was cold and empty without you. Since the moment you’ve arrived, you’ve given him the very warmth he lacked. The feeling of loneliness made him bitter. The kind of bitterness that turned into anger and would make him grit his teeth, clench his fist, and narrow his eyes at the nearest victim.
Dio’s mansion was big. Not nearly as big as his stolen castle from 100 years ago but he knew how to navigate it well. While looking for you, he couldn’t smell your scent at all. It was a sweet smell he memorized so that he would be able to find you in any situation…unfortunately, all he could smell was blood. It was fresh and the mere lingering scent made him lick his lips and smirk. Were you feeding? How adorable…but without him? That’s a hard pass. 
He followed the trail, coming across things he did not expect. He found…bodies. Dead bodies. He recognized them too. They were some of his human servants—no, all of his human subjects. Bloodless and twitching with delight. They would surely die very soon.
When Dio found you, your back was turned, still dressed in black silk sleepwear. The room was dark, hiding the monster that you had become. When you didn’t reply, he could only grin. Now, he understood. “You aren’t as good at controlling your hunger as you think you are.” He reveled in the feeling of you being dependent on him.
“I don’t care.”
Dio chuckled to himself. No matter how you chose to speak to him, he only found you adorable. The best thing he could think of to describe it was one love for a pet. You bother your beloved so much and when they bite you, you don’t even feel angry.
“I see you’ve put your stand to good use.” Dio stepped over the bodies and kneeled down beside you. “It looks like you’re able to influence the actions of others or at the very least—their feelings towards you.”
“I don’t care, Dio.”
Dio’s expression fell for a moment. It’s been so long and you still haven’t warmed up to him since he lied. Not even Petshop fixed things permanently. The bird adored you and you spent a lot of the day taking care of them…all while ignoring Dio. You gave into his touch. You’d let him hold you and kiss you wherever he’d like but you still weren’t all there. It was like you’d disassociate and he didn’t enjoy it if you weren’t present.
“Enyaba told me that she overheard you having words with Kakyoin before his departure to kill Jotaro Kujo.” His arm snaked under the back of your knees and the other around your torso as he picked you up bridal style. “Is that so?” You uttered flatly. “And, word has gotten to me that Kakyoin has failed to kill Jotaro and the two have become fast friends.”
You couldn’t see Dio’s face but you could tell he wasn’t exactly happy at that fact. The subtle tonal shifts in his voice showed you that he was mildly annoyed.
But that was surprising. Kakyoin joined Jotaro? Because of your stand?
Dio wanted to be angry with you but his soft spot didn’t allow it. Instead, he wanted to get to the bottom of this issue with your stand. He composed a test. Dio took you to where he was supposed to be meeting his new subject.
The Mansion twisted in shape, the walls and halls becoming unfamiliar, never allowing you to navigate them without the help of your possessive husband. Where you arrived was unknown but it was near the entrance. There, in front of you, was Enyaba but she wasn’t alone. Next to her was a tall man. He was big but not the same build as Dio. He has silver hair that seemed to stand up on its own. “Dio, what is this?” You clung to his shirtless body, earning a smile from him.
“Enyaba, please, tell me who this is again?”
The old woman cackled to herself with a particular bow and arrow in hand. The same one she used on you before.
“This is Jean Pierre Polnareff. He has become our new associate, whether he wants to be or not.”
“Polnareff, eh?” If Dio wasn’t holding you, he would be stroking his chin mischievously right now. “(y/n), use your stand power on him. Whatever it may be.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Why?”
“I want to see if Polnareff too joins Jotaro.” 
“And if he does?!” 
Dio chuckled at your aggression. He often found your attitude endearing. “And if he does, he will perish along with the rest of them.”
You narrowed your eyes even further. “I am not doing this.” You wiggled your way out of Dio’s arms. He let go of you, almost dropped you but you landed on your feet. “This doesn’t feel like royalty. These people don’t feel like servants to me. This is a cult.”
“But, mademoiselle,” The Frenchman intervened. “I chose to follow Dio by choice. I do not mind this rite of passage if it means—”
“Oh, I know you didn’t.” You turned to Dio. “When is this supposed to end? Johnathan is dead. Erina is dead. I don’t understand why you need to still go after that family.”
“Polnareff, Enyaba, you’re both dismissed.”
And just like sheep, they left.
Your arms were at your sides. Your clawed hand clenched itself just a little, readying you for whatever might possess Dio to act out in response to you questioning his motives. Although he was frightened to most, your fear for him dulled. Your disagreements with him evolved into just wondering what he’d do next.
The pit of anxiety suddenly blossomed in your stomach. He opened his mouth to speak but none of what he was saying to you could be heard. The deafening static of your mine filled your head and clouded your eyes. Dio was the source of your stress; the source of your undying body and insatiable hunger. You failed to resist acting on your own, feeling the need to protect yourself by inflicting pain before it could be inflicted upon you. You wanted to erase him.
You blacked out.
Sinking your teeth into him wasn't something completely foreign. Dio believed it to be a sign of uncontrollable love. Only he would allow his blood to be drawn by you…usually, if it were more…consensual.
His blood barely touched your tongue before he used The World to pry your sharp talons for nails out of his body.
“How many people have you killed?”
You flinched. “Wh-What?” His voice brought you back to reality, blood pooling from small wounds in his shoulder blades and running down his arms. They sealed themselves before he repeated himself. “How many people have you killed in your lifetime?”
“I-I haven’t killed anybody.” You shook your head in disbelief, showing genuine fear all over your face. Dio’s face remained unchanging. “But you have. Several of my servants, actually. Don’t tell me that it’s already left your mind.”
Your expression visibly changed to one of sorrow. “I didn’t…”
Dio’s lips went from neutral to a twisted grin. “So, that’s how you’ve stayed fed all of this time. I figured that such unladylike behavior wasn’t foreign to you, given your response from before…but now, it’s as if you have no recollection of it. Interesting.” he chuckled to himself, using his free hands to explore your body. He loved the pain inflicted on him. It was sexy, after all. He loved how the humanity left your eyes when you would taste the blood of others. He loved your embarrassed expression that washed over your face once you’ve gotten enough blood to stave off the hunger. It was like an urge you couldn’t control. Your primal instincts would take over and Dio enjoyed the idea that at any moment, you could kill him. Just like how you killed those poor non-stand users.
“Stay in denial all you’d like—in fact, I like it much better that way.” His arms fit perfectly at the curve of your back. The smell of the sanguine fluid pouring out of his wounds was intoxicating. He wasn’t healing himself on purpose. He wanted to entice you with his body. You felt him pull you closer against him, it filled your body with warmth and lust. You hated him but you wanted him too.
Buried deep inside of you, was a naive part of you that wanted to love Dio. The part of you gave your first kiss to him—the part of you that longed to have someone love you back, regardless of your upbringing or background. Who was lucky? You or Dio? You wanted to believe that Dio was lucky to have you, given how rotten he is but…could anyone else want you like this? You were a monster.
“I accept you for who you are and whoever you’ll turn out to be.”
You were speechless. You didn’t know how genuine his love for you was; if you could even call this love. Would you feel better if you just accepted him and his way of expressing himself?
You thought of Jotaro and his family. You thought of Joseph. And lastly, you thought of your child with Dio.
The feeling of his hand rubbing your cheek tenderly almost made you shiver. He could be so nice when he wanted to and you craved his gentle touch. Although, his words and actions felt oddly familiar. It was almost like Deja Vu. Was he…re-enacting the love interest’s actions from the novel you were reading before?
The Immortal Knight held his Immortal Princess in a time of uncertainty.
Those are the first words that came to your mind. You didn’t doubt that Dio accepted you but you stayed silent anyway. Never in your life have you met someone like him.
His fingers made your way to his chin and tilted your head up just a bit. Your face was once again filled with innocence and wonder. Dio wanted nothing more than to soil it. Your whole being was that of a beautiful virgin. His hungry lips pressed to yours. He tasted the lingering blood on your lips, making his kiss all the sweeter. You could sense the desperation within him.
“You will be mind forever.” He muttered between your lips. His tongue wormed its way into your mouth. Any small movement you made caused him to hold you even tighter; it was as if you'd disappear if he didn’t.
After such a tender moment, Dio returned you to his room, although he wasn’t interested in going back to sleep. The delicious stench of blood made him want to breed your beautiful body. This time, he would fuck you and you’d enjoy it this time. Then he’ll know he can conquer you any time it seems like you’re staying away. 
To be honest, you wanted him too. His blood. It was almost like your relationship was transactional. Dio was grateful that his wife was a gorgeous gluttonous monster and you were grateful you had such a willing meal. You didn’t know why Dio’s blood seemed better than the others. It was most likely because it was Jonathan’s body you were harvesting from. Although, your hunger was different. It is clear to him that your hunger was amplified by the pregnancy symptoms.
He carried you to his nearby sitting chair. There was one in almost every room he spent time in. This one was different, though. This was for lap sitting. It was rare for you to stay with Dio in one place these days but he wanted to change that. You brought him so much relief when there was no other option to satiate his sex drive.
Dio held you between his legs, an arm underneath your thighs while his free hand covered your eyes so that you couldn't see what he was up to. But you felt it. His fingers traced your clothed cunt lightly, sending sensations to your stomach that burned with anxiety and delight.
“D-Dio…?” You felt the tips of his claws slice the fabric before he slid his fingers inside. He started with two. By instinct, you grabbed his forearm, trying to push him away. He resisted, not budging at all. “Dio!” You squirmed under his touch, attempting to remove his hand that was obscuring your vision. “Aw, don’t try to act so innocent now.” He smirked down at you and kept you close to his chest. “You’ve already opened your legs for me before.” He chuckled at the lewd memories. “You practically threw yourself at me, begging for me to fill your womb.” The rumbling of his voice in his chest gave you a sense of joy. A part of you felt safe. Although Dio was infatuated and obsessed, he was always here. For you.
“I’ve wanted nothing more than to please you, (y/n).” His digits curled inside of you, scratching your pelvic wall. You trembled and moaned at the contact. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure. You clawed at his hands, drawing blood from him but it wasn't enough to deter him from keeping at it. Nothing you did would turn him away. “My (y/n).” He sighed into you, taking in your natural scent. His primal instincts were screaming at him to ravage you.
“If fucking me is what you want then j-just get it over with!” You squeezed your eyes shut, accepting that you couldn’t break free, and tried your best to endure. “Aw~ And so soon? I’ve only just started preparing you. I can tell that I am the only man who you’ve allowed to touch you this way. Such a loyal girl you are.”
The World revealed itself, aiding Dio in holding you down once your stand came out. You never originally planned for it to show itself but it was like a reflex at this point. His stand held you by your ankles, preventing you from closing your legs over his hand. Dio made himself comfortable, resting his cheek against your temple. “Resist all you’d like. I enjoy the idea that you want to run away from me but you can’t.”
Your juices coated his fingers, overflowing and dampening the fabric of the chair beneath you. “D-Dio, please!” You cried out, your body jerking in different ways due to the sensation. “You were made just for me.” He whispered into your ear. “Leagues above the common whore.” He sped up his pace. Your clawing at his hands ceased, and you gripped his wrists, squeezing them tightly as a way to maintain your bearings in this situation. “—Dio, I’m going to…”
“Shh…” He hushed you. “You don’t want young Pucci to hear his Goddess spouting such filthy speech.” He felt your fluids slicking up his fingers. He could smell it too. It was an odd sweet smell that tempted him to give it a taste. The World let go of your ankles, turning its attention to your top that was still intact. It made no expression as it used its hands to tear the front open, exposing your chest. Now, he could see your tits bounce as he tortured your cunt below. Your whining and buckling only fueled him even more. 
Your core was getting hotter and at any moment, you felt like you could squirt all over him…but he wouldn’t let you. His pace was fast but inconsistent, now allowing you to ride your high long enough to cream your juices. Why was he putting you through this? Well, because he enjoyed the idea of being the one to soil your innocence, obsessed with the idea of being your first everything and being the only person able to make you feel good. You imprinted onto him with your kindness and gentleness while you were both human and now all he wants to do is imprint onto you. Even if it meant just being able to satisfy you sexually, he would take it. As long as you needed him.
Dio’s hand lowered from your eyes to your mouth to prevent your moans from alerting any nearby guests. It was surely an indecent sight. You saw The World in front of you. It looks you in the eyes, its face unchanging as it places its hands on your breasts, kneading them in a massage-like manner. The pleasure was overstimulating! Your eyes became glossy from the unbearable feeling. You tried to cry Dio’s name but you couldn’t.
“Should I allow you to cum now, my dear?” His hand removed itself from your mouth and his fingers grabbed the sides of your face so that you could speak. “I-I…” You were unable to form words.
Your husband smirked. “Go ahead then. Release all over me so that I can release inside of you.” The World’s fingertips proved nimble when it began playing with your nipples. All of these sensations were lick electroshocks, powering your core and making it hot. You were unable to control yourself. Your body tensed up before a warm liquid spilled onto Dio’s hand.
You sighed, your whole body was tired from trying to break out of his grasp. There was no time for you to relax before you were being flipped onto your stomach by The World. You knew fingering you wasn’t all Dio wanted but did it have to be so soon?
What was left of your clothing was torn off and your naked bottom was brought to Dio’s clothed pelvis. You felt how hard he was underneath. The precum leaked from his garments, staining your skin as he readied himself for you.
“You have no idea how much I desire you.” He said, finally unsheathing his cock from his bottoms. He pushed your head down so that your ass stayed up. His member was burning hot and the cum leaked out even more as it rested between your cheeks. The veins pulsated on your soft skin. 
You were unable to form words. He’s never handled you like this before. Despite the both of you being over 100 years old, your sexual chemistry was rather novice. In reality, this was just some guy you dated for a little while in your childhood. How could his love be of such burning passion from such little time together? Even after his century-long slumber, the first thing he did was locate you.
Dio placed a hand on your hip while the other grabbed a large chunk of your ass. He spread them apart, watching the leftover vaginal juice mix with his leaking fluid. The man seemed to have a hard figuring out which hold he wanted to ravage first.
Then he got an idea.
You felt the pad of Dio’s thumb place itself right on your asshole and without warning he pushed himself into your vagina. He found a way to stimulate both holes at the same time. 
“D-Dio!” He had only just begun but you felt like you couldn’t take it. You were still so sensitive from his previous antics. “Who do you think you are? Denying your husband your body. Careful, I’ll split you in half.” His cock slid in and out with ease because he had already fucked you open with his fingers. All you could do was hold onto the arm of the chair for dear life. Tears pricked the orders of your eyes, threatening to spill out from all of the pleasure. This time was so much more different than the other times and was much more enjoyable than your first time together.
Your walls squeezed him so much that he became intoxicated with lust. Little by little, his cum leaked out, helping his cock become more slick with both of your juices. You held onto the arm of the chair for dear life as he tore up your insides. If you weren’t mistaken, you could feel him in your stomach.
With every movement, his grip on you grew stronger. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your cunt threaded to explode with cream at any moment. Dio’s hand that lay on your ass snaked its way up to your neck. He pulled you up so your back was now up against his chest.
The man felt your walls pulsating at his thrusts. He became like a feral animal, the way he fucked into you. It became so much that you couldn’t hold your moans in anymore. Dio’s confidence had been restored when he knew he could still dominate you with little effort. It was then that you felt your insides getting extremely hot. You felt a grunt emerge from his chest. He was cumming and coating your walls. Your adorable yet sexy mannerisms were too much. You take dick way too well.
For a brief moment, his vice grip finally loosened up. Your womb was already aching as it dripped with his fluid. Despite moving the least, you were tired and out of breath. On instinct, your hand raised to your lower abdomen. You audibly sighed as you stood up straight and turned around to Dio. He didn’t seem to be trying to clean himself up at all.
You looked down at his, still throbbing, hard cock. “Oh, Dio, don’t tell me—”
“I want to do missionary too.” His eyes narrowed at you and his lips curled into a grin. You physically cringed. His sex drive was probably worse than your hunger for blood. You can’t imagine what he might’ve put those poor prostitute women through. Your legs were still trembling from the previous activities.
It didn’t seem like you had a choice once Dio carried you over to a nearby sofa. He laid you on your back, immediately slumping onto you in a tired mess. “Dio—Ah!” You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt him enter you one last time. He lazily pumped his load into your womb and you felt his heavy breath against the crook of your neck. A deep groan escaped his throat as if he exerted all of his energy so quickly.
Your eyes opened a bit, staying half-lidded. Even though it was clear that your husband was tired, he kept going. He was like a machine…or, more accurately, has become sex addicted. You caught a glimpse of Dio’s shoulder. You saw a star-shaped birthmark. It all came back to you that this was Jonathan’s body that he stole.
‘I’m sorry, Erina.’
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enter-drfrog · 8 months
CPDS as quotes from my theatre department’s discord
“You were born out of hate sex? That explains a lot about you” -Robert Grove (almost definitely in reference to Chris)
“I could really use some meat snacks” -Max Bennett
“Where the fuck are my lips?” -Dennis Tyde (except he’s too sweet, I don’t think he would swear intentionally)
“Three monks, dressed as……three monks” -Chris Bean (this is just the nine wise men quote)
“I don’t jump ropes. I prefer to trip on them” -Annie Twilloil
“Something’s wrong with this kid. He watched SpongeBob…and now he’s all gay” -Trevor Watson (for reasons I can’t explain)
“Go sing a romantic ballad about the moon, you cuck!” -Robert Grove
“All I had was an inhaler and a dream” -Vanessa Wilcock-Wynn-Carroway
“You guys got skittles in there???” -Max Bennett
“I spit on Charles Dickens” -Robert Grove
“She has a son and a husband. She’s seen boy chest before. It’s just boy chest!” -Sandra Wilkinson
“Wow. Standing up is crazy” -Vanessa-Wilcock-Wynn-Carroway
“I used to get mad at people and approach them teeth-first” -Robert Grove
“He got that little Victorian orphan in him” -Annie Twilloil (probably about Dennis)
“The only thing straight about me is my hair. I have scoliosis” -Chris Bean
“I’ve always wanted you to die. That’s my dream” -Robert Grove (about Chris obviously)
“We have a lot of hoes” -Dennis Tyde
“The world would be a better place if people were having sex instead of war” -Annie Twilloil
“Did you watch those videos as a kid? Probably not. You were probably normal” -Max Bennett
“You know a lot of words. And you said a lot of them. And I didn’t know any of them” -Dennis Tyde
“I’m trying to be with you, not like you” -Sandra Wilkinson
“I did wander…..once” -Max Bennett
“It’s giving bubonic plague” -Annie Twilloil
“Hey listen, I’ve fucked a lot of dudes in my day” -Trevor Watson
“This is now a dictatorship and I win” -Robert Grove
“And look at how much more mature I am. Look at my accolades” -Chris Bean
“Pumpkins or ghosts?” “Errrr—Orange!” -Vanessa Wilcock-Wynn-Carroway
“Cringe, cringe, cringe” -Jonathan Harris (after ‘not so fast Inspector!!’ or not being able to open a single door)
“I’m just a really bad person” -Robert “Yeah you give off that vibe” -Trevor
“Ack, why do you have your arms out?” -Annie Twilloil
“I just love bullying children” -Robert Grove
“I just want to frown all the time and listen to rock and roll and be sad” -Trevor Watson
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claireunoia · 2 years
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♡ㅤׄㅤִㅤ ୨୧ jonathan byers would actually be the most perfect, loving boyfriend there ever was. he’s such an amazingly caring, kind guy. there’s no other way to describe it. from the way he treats the people he loves shows exactly that, his protective gentle nature always made your soul smile, if that was even possible.
you don’t care though because it was true. jonathan was the little firefly that came into your life. he spread his wings, and instantly brightened up your world. you never thought you would ever fall in love with such a soft, nurturing human. but you were so incredibly grateful.
he’d be just the cutest and most domestic.
-ˏˋ ❀ ❀ ❀ ˊˎ-
it was one early morning at the byers trailer. after a study session going on for too long last night, you decided to stay over his and made sure to let tell your parents know. they absolutely adored your lover and trusted him so it didn’t take too much convincing to do. and joyce? oh man did she love you so. she practically treats you like her own.
you had woken up from your slumber, your fatigue body dragging itself into the kitchen and living area as best as you could. your eyes were met with the sight of your shirtless boyfriend *due to the fact he gave you his shirt for you to sleep in* at the stove, a spatula in his hand as he cooked. will was sitting at the little table coloring while joyce was pacing around looking for her purse.
the byers mother caught your sluggish figure first, a beautiful smile illuminating her face when she sees you.
“morning, sweetheart. how are you feeling?”
“good morning, ms. byers. i’m great, thank you! how about you?”the older woman scoffs lightly, grabbing her purse she finally finds on the couch. “oh love, it’s joyce! it’s some coffee left in the pot, help yourself out sweetheart” the words were a bit rushed as she grabbed everything she needed for work. making sure to peck both of her boys on their cheeks, giving you a hug before announcing her departure.
jonathan turns his head from the sizzling skillet to face you. giving you that warm smile you just love so so much.
“hey honey” he softly greets, a content hum emitting from him at the way you wrapped your arms around his waist. your face pressed against the relaxed muscles of his bare back.
“hi baby” you reply with the same sincereness, giving his body one last tight squeeze before breaking away from him. backing away to go up to ruffle will’s hair, giggling when he groans and shakes your hands off him. a smile plastering his face regardless at your antics.
“i’m making some eggs, babe. would you like some?” you immediately nod your head, coincidentally feeling your stomach vibrating with raging hunger in that moment. the older byers boy chuckles at your frantic motions, moving away from the stove momentarily to place a sweet kiss at your forehead.
“go grab a plate, i’m almost done. i’ll make you the special”suddenly will perks up, a confused expression on his face.
“what’s the special?”
“well, will. it’s called the special for a reason, buddy. it’s only reserved for y/n”
*follow my library account @rileybinaalibrary & turn on notifications to know whenever i post a fic
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