#Join the darkside
zorishy · 4 months
I’ve noticed that almost every bursona enjoyer eventually caves to the sootbur
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me on my way to spread clarion corp propaganda bc my team is still in the running
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
Your time travel AUs for any Star Wars characters made me think about what would happen if a 14-year-old Ahsoka went to the future to see the Empire.
she finds and roasts her 30yo self, as any 14yo would
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twilights-stuff · 2 months
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Just finished my art of Stan and Ford for my GFxSW AU. Just to be clear, this au took place during the time of the Galactic Empire and both Stan Twins are in their salt and pepper era. Really loving the whole red and blue thing they have going on.
Bonus art, a wip of Grand Inquisitor!Bill and Ford in this au, The Master and The Apprentice:
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podsn · 1 year
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robotdragonfanatic · 1 year
If a human joined Fury's quest and became like a companion/follower- my thoughts:
their function is to collect random valuables from the area and give them to Fury (the player).
'I saw you carry one of these around and found some more. Here.'
'Think Vulgrim'll give you something for that?'
'Snatched this thingy from the maw of a hungry demon. You're welcome.'
offer tips to puzzles (since humans are the smart/creative ones)
'Streaks on the floor. Something heavy needs to be dragged over here"
'Rule of threes? Classic.'
show shortcuts and hidden passageways for easier traversal
'I use this to move around the city.'
'Found a shortcut!'
non combatant. They hide once combat starts. On easy difficulty, they throw healing items or wrath to Fury once HP reaches a low enough threshold and offers hints towards the boss' mechanics.
'Fury, heads up!'
'He's winding up! Dodge!'
'On your left!'
they're the player's lens into the world in that they ask questions which the more 'knowledgeable' characters answer via random dialogue with the Watcher and Fury. This gives some insight into the human perspective and offers info. on how the wider universe functions- the 3 kingdoms, the Charred Council, various Demon and Angel lords etc. as well as the interpersonal relationships between the Horsemen.
'So what's War/Strife/Death like?'
'Heh, you guys sound like my sibling/cousin/friend. We used to get into so much trouble. Wonder if they're alright...'
'I see now why Ulthane keeps calling them 'pigeons'.'
The human is also the first to actually voice what everyone's thinking:
'Why is everyone so obsessed with us?'
'They (the Council) locked us up and threw away the key, yet they still couldn't keep from meddling?'
'What you said about the end war... Something doesn't add up.'
Sometimes speaks up for the Watcher, once they're sure Fury won't retaliate for it.
'Fury, that's not fair...'
Extra moments:
When meeting the Lord of Hollows and undergoing his test, the human notices the skeletons looking at them and not attacking. That's when they realize the true nature of the test and try to warn Fury right before the conclusion.
'Fury, wait!'
The human offers their condolences for Rampage's death twice. The first time is soon after, whilst Fury is still too hurt and angry. The second time is sometime later, once Fury has calmed a little and grown as character. They share a moment remembering all they've lost.
'It still hurts. And it doesn't get better. At least not in what time we (human kind) have left'
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margo-mania · 4 months
Besties my irl bestie might start drawing cats art and I for one am foaming at the mouth at the idea
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Abaddon: She's nobody but a wretched, sinful, cluster of failures all wrapped up into a self-proclaimed harbinger of destruction. She will never amount to anything worthy of respect
Death: Are you prepared for the repercussions of those words?
Abaddon: Wha-
Cinder: -Kicks down door, eyes a blazing- WHERE. IS. HE.
Strife, alongside her, guns out: Yeah! I heard that a certain pigeon needed plucking!
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Star wars visions season 2: *has an episode featuring a long haired, well-spoken, obsessive, villain*
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limblesstar · 11 months
im such a midwestern farmboy krauser truther its unreal. you cannot look me in the eyes and tell me that man didn't grow up in a rural town on his families farm, caring for his animals and waking up at the crack of dawn. everything was good until it wasnt.
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sakurasfallingstar · 1 year
The Sky, the Land, the Sea, and the Cherry Tree
So this was just a weird plot bunny I've had involving Kingdom Hearts and Sakura Haruno. It probably won't go anywhere else from here, but if anyone wants to use the idea, they can. Just please give me credit.
Also, this was written on my phone late at night, and obviously, writers can't catch all their own mistakes.
Anyways, enjoy.
Kaguya felt the burning rage consumed her very being as these two boys, who where the recarnation of her sons seal her away. She wanted revenge.
Then she felt it.
The door had opened opened, just ever so slightly. She could feel the energy of the worlds seep out from behind it. The world's that were never ment to connect to this one.
She smiled wickedly. She had a the perfect thought that would make this team suffer.
Kaguya allowed her hair to extend and wrap around the the girl.  She had flung her through the opening and watched as door closed as she was sealed away. The screams of the girl's name leaving her teammates lips, brought Kaguya great comfort.
Sakura bearly had enough chakra to one last healing, but nothing more than that. She along with her teammate had let their guards down. Watching as Kaguya was sealed. She even saw Naruto fling black Zetsu to be sealed along with his mother. If only they had known what she would do.
The moment Sakura felt the hair wrap around her she tried to struggle. She even reached out for her sensei for help, but was only able to brush her fingertips against his. She heard him call out for her. Watched as her two other teammates, looked at her. Their eyes shocked with not just worry, but what seemed like helplessness.
"SAKURA," they shouted, together.
Oh, how she once dreamed of them calling her name. However unlike those dreams, it did not sound warm, or happy. It sounded like a plea for her life.
Despite moving at such a fast speed everything around me seemed like it was all in slow motivation. I watched as they grew smaller the further I got.
My eyes grew heavy, after feeling like I was flung threw an invisible force. The force had stretched before tearing. Then I saw the door.
'It closing,' my subconscious, told me as the world around was enveloped in darkness.
The last thing I could feel was my body being submerged into water.
Sora and Riku were at it again, and Kairi was waiting for them at the end point. Most days it was fun to watch, exciting even. Today, however, was different.
From where she stood, she caught a speck of pink from the corner of her eye. She began to walk toward it, and when she saw that it was a person she ran towards them.
Kneeling down toward the girl, she noted that she was breathing, but unconscious. the girl couldn't be any older than 12, yet it looks as if she had been through a lot.
The pink haired girl's clothes were worn, burned and missing it's right sleeve. Not to mention the minor bruises, and the hole that Kairi was sure if she flipped the girl over she'd find an identical one on the other side.
"Riku, can't you just hold back a little for once?"
"Now that wouldn't really do you any good. If you want to beat me then you just have to keep getting better."
Hearing her two boys' voices she called out to them for help.
It was Riku who picked her up, and it was Sora who suggested she stay over his place. His mother was the island's healer in an unofficial way, so yeah.
His mother didn't ask many questions, just hurriedly guided them to the extra room. Riku laid her down of the soft bed. They watched as Sora's mom cover the girl up with a white sheet. The woman even opened the window's blinds slightly to let some light in.
When Sora's mom left, it was quiet between them. They could only stare at the sleeping girl, as the ceiling fan provided a light hum in the background.
In a way it similar to how they first met Kairi.
A girl who they never seen before, washes up on the island. They have no idea where she could have come from. The only thing it brought to the islanders was that thought that there might be more beyond the island. Now the only thing with this girl is that she, unlike Kairi, may have some recollection of where she came from.
It took three days for the pink haired girl to wake up.
Sora was in the room just taking away, to keep her company, when she opened her eyes.
Of course he and his friends have been visiting. Not only were they curious of the girl, but they also didn't want her to feel lonely. They knew she didn't have anybody to make sure she was ok or visit, so they took it upon themselves.
Only they didn't expect how she would react when she woke up.
When I opened my eyes, I knew I was in unfamiliar territory with an unfamiliar person. I shot out of bed taking a defensive stance.
The boy before me was shocked by my sudden movements. I fact he had even fell out of his chair. I watched as he stood slowly, careful not to make sudden movements. His rose his hand, keeping his palms open, as to show he ment no harm.
"Hi. It's nice that tour awake now. My friends and I found you washed up on shore," he paused, before continuing, "We brought you to my home so my mom can look after you. She's pretty much the island's unofficial doctor. Speaking of which, I think I should tell her your awake. She probably has some questions for you to answer, and some move things to check. I'll call for her from here. She's downstairs, so she shouldn't have a problem hearing me. I can see you're a little on edge so I'll stay here so you can watch me. I promise i am not here to hurt you."
I watched as he called for his mother. I even channeled chakra to my ears to listen for reinforcements just in case.  However, true to his word it was just his mother who entered.
Slightly letting my guard down I answered all medical related questions. I still had know idea if they were friend or foe, but I wasn't going to risk it.
When she and the boy left, I could hear the his excited chatter.
"I can't wait to tell Kairi and Riku she's awake. I'm sure they'll be so excited to meet her! In fact, I should go get them right now," he said, excitedly.
However, his mother stopped him in his tracks when she spoke, "Sora, perhaps you should hold off. She just woke up, and based on her physical conditions; she must have been through a lot. Give her time."
"Ok mom."
I listened to their steps as they walked away. Once they where far enough, I checked over myself, with my chakra. I noted the bruises, and the slight scaring but nothing too serious to waste my chakra on.
With a sigh, I removed the white sheet. Bringing my legs over the beds ledge, however I could quite touch the floor. They just hung there. In fact my feet haven't hung like this since I was in the academy. Panic was staring to bubble within me.
Hurriedly, I made my way to the connected bathroom. What I saw in the mirror, cause me to almost loose my cool.
There before me stood, a girl who I have long out grown. She stared back at me with wide emerald eyes, and tousled pink hair. The baby fat still being out grown, and the purple diamond faded but still there.
My hand reached out and presses against the cool glass.
This couldn't be happening. After the fight, I knew something must have happened. Especially after being flung, but for my body to regress back into my twelve year old state seemed unlikely. Yet, my reflection proves otherwise.
Backing away, my back was pressed against the wall. I felt like I couldn't breathe, my heart rate accelerated. I even saw my hands tremble as I brought them up to run through my hair.
I was having panic attack. 
I slid down to the floor, the wall being my only real support to stay somewhat upright.
"I need to calm myself," I said, to myself.
I looked around the bath room and tried to find something to refocus on. There was nothing that caught my attention. Next best thing to do is to take deep breaths and count.
Breath in.
Breath in.
Breath in.
On and on that cycle went, until I could finally feel in control.
How long I sat on the bathroom floor for, I don't know. All I knew is I was twelve again, on an unknown island, I just had a panic attack, and I was so fucking hungry.
Seeking out wasn't an issue, but being hungry can be slightly distracting. Which would explains why the brunette boy, startled me as I raided his fridge.
Rude, I know, but cut me some slack. I fought a war, got stabbed, saved countless of lives, pumped my best friends hear manulally, punch a goddess, got transported to who knows where, and was age reduced to be a preteen. I think food being the only thing on my right now is considerably reasonable.
"You know, if you were hungry, you could've just told us," he said, with a teasing grin.
For a moment, I saw Naruto instead of him.
Looking down, I mumbled, "I didn't want to be a bother."
"You'll never be a bother here. How about we get you some warm food, and talk a bit. You know, get to know eachother."
Perhaps it was the fact that I was hungry, that he had a familiar aura, or that I didn't want to be alone; either way I took him up on his offer.
It would be from this moment on that the strings of fate would intertwine Sakura to not just Sora's soul but to his friends as well. This is where her true journey begins.
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demon slayer season 2 and dc vampire spoiler!!
so i saw akaza kill of rengoku after proposing him to become a demon and then i remembered hal saying how he wanted to rule the world with barry in DC vampires
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cowcowwow · 1 year
Wonderful. Was it extinguished or are you burning the site down?
I think I should burn the site down honestly :3 sounds funn
Do ye want to join me? 👀💕
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weeblmaodotcom · 1 year
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Kakashi could have joined the Darkside, he was a Sixth Lord. , Meme by Weeblmao.com
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sirlordevil · 1 year
Any lovely drawings I get sent are being put on my fridge.
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Credit for the cute little atrocities on my fridge currently goes to @intenselyboring
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alex-rambles · 2 years
I wish I knew someone IRL who is obsessed with Bill Cipher as me
They're all over the internet, but nowhere IRL??? This is bullshit
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