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Happy Pride Month! (: 🏳️‍🌈✨
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the ironbat friendship saga continues
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grasshopper man
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You know what? Why do people keep drawing Barry as the young one of the justice league. Why is he the baby of the group. He should be the same age as or older than all of them for a change. Let him be the 30-40 year old dad he was always meant to be, hanging out with other superheroes and being a nerd
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Starting to think a cooler headcanon for Clark’s upbringing might just be that the entire town of Smallville collectively decided to just go with it and accept that Martha and John's kid has superpowers, but we don't talk about it.
Someone's tractor gets stuck and nothing can get it out? "Be a dear and run down to the Kents, would you? Ask for Clark?"
"Why Clark, we need a machine--"
"Run along now."
Or if he kicks too hard and the football vanishes into the upper stratosphere, no it didn't, we all collectively saw it land over there *vague hand movements*
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Time travelers have realized that Bruce Wayne will always, without exception, base his crimefighting persona on the first thing to crash into his window on a particular night. Now, they have an ongoing contest to see who can make him adopt the most ridiculous persona.
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for the hundredth time, ben's batman and brenton's nightwing fit so well TOGETHER. their personalities and fighting styles are somewhat similar.
even their ages irl fit perfectly; bruce would have been 27 when he adopted dick at age 10 or so with their 17 years age gap.
they would have been one of the sexiest duos ever. i cannot.
they're my batman and nightwing ALWAYS.
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begging dc to bring back the letters column (from the flash 1959 issue 168)
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Listen, if I had the time I would just make Justice Leauge the mockumentary, lol.
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"Speedsters are boring, they're useless they just run fast."
Wrong! Jay Garrick can make sonic bombs by just hitting his helmet at the right frequency. Barry Allen can disassemble and reassemble himself molecule by molecule at will. Wally West can freeze a person in time by removing their potential kinetic energy. Bart Allen can trap entities between molecules. Eobard Thawne can age someone to dust with a touch. Literally any of them can throw a grain of sand with enough force to go through any armor you care to imagine. Speedster abilities are not only endlessly creative, they're horrifyingly OP.
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some interviews
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Me: ugh another forced heterosexual romance
Justice League Unlimited:
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Me: okay I can get behind that
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a what-if scenario, as proposed by @lurkinglurkerwholurks and developed by myself, @audreycritter and lurker over on discord.
The original what-if: You know those delightful scenarios where Bruce is so pressed or scared or in danger that he yells for Superman and Clark POOF appears? Take alllllllllll of those, all that fear and pain and desperation...What would be required in that moment for Bruce to yell Clark’s name instead of Superman?
He’s so so so careful. Would it be an extreme amount of those emotions, like Jason’s death? Or is it something he specifically needs Clark for and needs him NOW? Like how much would that scare the living snot out of Clark to hear?
What if: Bruce finds Lois close to death -- maybe a few seconds away from dying, and it's a sure thing. Her heart is still beating, but she doesn't have long.
It’s kind of like a scene in a movie, where something happens that’s so big, so quietly awful, everything slows down and the rules don’t matter anymore. Internally, Bruce would go really still and hyperfocus to figure out how to fix this, but he’s not stupid.
Bruce sees Lois and knows. He clears the comms, kneels down next to her, and calls for Clark -- all in less than five seconds. Because there's no one else to make those snap judgements right now other than him -- or even knows why they need to be made.
Clark hearing his name shouted like that would make his entire world go staticky with panic. Because hearing Superman’s name shouted like that by Bruce Wayne has always meant the end of the world, and somehow this is so much worse.
He’d hesitate for a second because surely it’s a mistake? Why would Bruce call him that on open comms? Why is Bruce's heart suddenly pounding in his chest?
Bruce calls him Clark for two reasons: 1) Because he's about to give Clark the worst news of his life and 2) to remind him of his humanity. To remind him he's Clark at his core, because what he's about to see will shake those very foundations.
There’s nothing they can do. No medevac, Clark can’t take her anywhere. She will die, and it’s a certain thing. Lois just needs to see Clark. She needs to be able to say goodbye.
Bruce is both their friends and that’s what makes it worse. The weight of that grief -- grief for Clark, but also Lois because she is his friend too. He loves her, too, in a completely different way. And now he’s watching another person he loves die in front of him and he can’t stop it.
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How To Be a Villain in the Batman Universe in 5 Easy Steps
select a theme
think up plenty of puns about that theme
buy a suit in a color that suits the theme
find something thematic to wear on your head
poison the water supply
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Baffled by the lack of Dark Knights of Steel fan fic about the Robins. Like, the story is sitting there for the taking!
Dick and Jason's stories can be adapted without really having to change anything. Duke and Steph are a little harder, but a few nudges here and there and you've got your story. Cass isn't in Tales of the Three Kingdoms so we can assume she comes later, but again you just need a few touches to adjust.
But Tim and Damian? How in the world did they get wrapped up with the Robins? Is Damian still Bruce's son in this universe? Does he have latent Kryptonian powers? Is he illegitimate or did Talia and Bruce get married? Was he raised by his grandfather to believe he is the rightful heir to the kingdom, only to run away when it got to be to much?
And how does Tim fit in? Are his parents nobles in this universe, and if so are they dead or did he run away? Does he sneak out at night to help the Robins but slip back into a mansion before morning?
And there are so many little details too! Jason has his white streak, where did it come from? How long have Tim and Cass been stationed in the other kingdoms? Where is Damian at the start of Dark Knights of Steel? What about Barbara, how does she fit into all of this? Are the other Robins a little annoyed that Bruce showed up with Cass and said 'she's one of you now' despite them all being a tight nit group, or did they accept her? What are Kal and Zala's relationships with the Robins like?
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i would like to thank world's finest for teaching me chemistry
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