#Joe Cruz imagine
themultifandomgal · 11 months
Joe Cruz- Scare To Trust Again
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Triggers- toxic relationship, boyfriend hitting girlfriend once. Cheating. Boyfriend thinks woman shouldn't have a 'mans job'.
My shift at the firehouse finishes so I get myself ready for my date with my boyfriend Reece. I walk out of the locker room
"YN is that you?" Severide whistles
"You scrub up well" Gabby smiles
"Cruz close your mouth before you catch flies" Casey chuckles
"YN you look..." Cruz is lost for words so Brett finishes for him
"Still not sure why your with Reece" Herrmann scoffs
"Maybe because I love him" I reply rolling my eyes
"But he cheated on you" Severide frowns
"Yes but that was a drunken mistake"
"Hmmm" Matt crosses his arms as Reece arrives
"I'll see you guys tomorrow" I wave bye to everyone and leave the firehouse getting into Reece's car
"Hi baby" I smile getting into his car, but he just grunts in response. Must have had a bad day. The drive to the restaurant was silent, somethings off.
We sit down at a table in silence, Reece starts looking at the menu
"Whats going on?" I ask not picking my menu up
"Nothing" he replies. His phone beeps, he looks at it and quickly replies putting his phone back down
"Reece somethings wrong"
"Nothings wrong. Now look at your menu and decide what your having" not wanting to cause an argument I do as I'm told. We oder our drinks then our waitress walks over to us again. I notice Reece's mood shifts and he puts on a smile
"Hi what can I get you"
"I'll have the steak, medium rare. She will have the Caesar salad"
"Of course" the waitress turns around and I notice Reece watching her, more specifically her ass. I cross my arms annoyed at him. He looks back at me with a frown
"What?" He replies
"Are you serious? You were just checking her out"
"Here we go. Jealous YN as always"
"There's a difference with being jealous and being upset because your boyfriend was looking at their waitresses butt" I whisper yell
"Give it a rest YN" he sighs "I'm taking you home aren't I?"
After we leave the restaurant and head home Reece is still acting weird and constantly on his phone. So once he goes into the shower I do something I never thought I'd do, I take his phone and unlock it to check his messages. He's been messaging many woman talking to them as he would me. One message even implied that she enjoyed the sex. Furious I stand up with the phone still in my hand. I march my way to the bathroom and open the door, not caring that Reece is in the shower
"Are you fucking serious?"
"Your fucking cheating on me again?"
"Well what do you expect when your at the firehouse all the time" Reece gets out of the showers wrapping a towel around his waist
"At work!" I yell "did you forget I'm a fucking firefighter?"
"Maybe if you were at home doing the cooking and cleaning not doing mans work..,."
"Woah woah woah. Let me stop you there. It's not the 1950s Reece. When we started dating you knew I was a firefighter, you knew that I was working full time. So why now are you saying I should be in the fucking kitchen"
"My head hurts YN give it a rest" Reece gets himself dressed "let's just go to bed"
"No I'm not getting into bed with you when you've admitted to cheating and then told me that I should be a house wife"
"Shut up" I then feel a pain across my face. My eyes widen. Without saying anything I grab my stuff and leave the house with Reece calling me to come back. I get in my car and drive home, thankful I never actually fully moved in with him.
The following day I arrive at the firehouse in a mood. I've done my best to hide the bruise but gave up when it wouldn't fully disappear. I go to the lockers where Cruz is putting his things away
"You good?" he asks me "is that a bruise on you face? what happened?"
"Let's just say I'm now single" I slam my locker and head to the kitchen area to make myself a coffee
"Did Reece do this to you?" this gets the attention of everyone at the firehouse "did he hit you?" I sigh in response not really wanting to get into it
"YN what happened last night?" Gabby asks walking over to me. Tears start to threaten to spill
"He's been cheating on me again. I confronted him and he slapped me telling me to shut up"
"Oh YN" Gabby and Sylvie pull me into a hug
"Has he ever hurt you before?" Severide asks
"No. That's the first time. I left him and went home after that happened"
Later in the afternoon I hear a commotion outside
"How dare you lay a finger on YN! I hear. I rush outside and see Joe pushing Reece back
"Cruz calm down" Severide holds him back
"Reece go" I say "we're over ok"
"Babe come on. It was a stupid mistake"
"Which part? cheating on her or hitting her?" Herrmann asks
"Babe come on. I won't do it again"
"Just leave Reece"
"Oh and if you decide to harass her, I'll be making a call to my friend over in intelligence"
"Go" Joe shouts.
"Hey you ok?" Joe asks waking over to me at Mollys after our shift
"Yeah. Just sucks. I'm 30 Joe. I thought in the next few years I'd be married with kids and now I have to go through the whole process again"
"I know it's not ideal, but you'll find the right guy. Who won't cheat on you or hurt you. Never know you may have already met him just not realised it"
"I'm so scared to trust again"
"Hey look at me" I turn and look at Joe
"You will trust again, I promise"
"Thank you" I give Joe a hug thankful I have friends like him who have my back.
Months go by, I do have to get a restraining order against my ex, especially when he found out that Joe and I had starting to see each other. And Joe was right, I did learn to trust again.
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alotofpockets · 10 months
Right in front of you | Leslie Shay
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Pairing: Leslie Shay x Reader Reader pronouns used: she/her Prompt: "Is that a hickey?" Masterlist | Chicago Fire masterlist | Words: 1k
You loved to cook at the firehouse around the corner, on your days off from the family owned restaurant you worked at. Besides loving to cook, it was also a way for you to see your girlfriend when she was on shift. The environment at 51 was also not bad, you loved being around the people that Shay called her family, even though most of them didn’t know you and Shay were a thing. The two of you didn’t mind people knowing, you just didn’t want to make telling people such a big deal. Severide and Dawson knew for sure as they were her best friends, and maybe some other people had guessed and just never mentioned it. There were however also a few people that were definitely still clueless, like Cruz and Otis, as they were about to prove to you once again, you realized when you saw them walk in with their eyes focussed on you.
“Good morning boys, how was the call?” You ask as you put some scrambled eggs and bacon on a plate for each of them. Cruz was quick to give you an answer, priding himself on saving the day. “I rescued an old lady from her house before it was engulfed in flames.” Otis quickly chimes in, “Not before I located her and told you where to find her.” It was adorable how hard they were trying.  “Sounds like a great start to the day, then.” You smile. 
You had been coming to prepare food at the station for a few months now. When Shay had breakfast duty one day she asked if you could prepare breakfast for take out at the restaurant, after she relayed the many compliments the team gave to the food, you had suggested coming over to cook breakfast in the firehouse once a week, much to Shay and the team's liking. 
Not a day at the firehouse went by without Cruz and Otis trying to flirt with you. Not responding to their flirts or not showing the same interests back didn't stop them from trying every time, though. You had mentioned it to Shay after the first time it happened, wanting to be open about it. She just laughed at their antics with you, before she pecked your lips and told you, “You just tell them off or tell them about us if it gets annoying, okay?” So far, you had just found it funny, and decided to see how long they were going to keep this up, still not in any way giving them a signal that you were interested in them, of course.
You were still making scrambled eggs when Shay and Dawson got back from their call. They walked right up to you for their food, a cup of coffee, and of course they started a conversation with you. When they sat down with the rest of the team Shay overheard Cruz and Otis whispering amongst themselves. “We should start a bet on who will be able to get y/n to go on a date with them first.” She exchanges a look with Dawson, both of them working hard on keeping their laughter in. Shay, like you, thought their antics were hilarious, so she didn't stop them, unless you would get uncomfortable by it. 
Shay joins the conversation of their other teammates. She gets tired of her hair in her face so she puts her hair up in a quick messy bun. “Wow, Shay, is that a hickey?” Mills gasps. Dawson turns Shay's head her way so she can see for herself. “Sure looks like a hickey, Mills, never seen one before?” The brunette jokes. The rest of the team starts bombarding your girlfriend with questions, you look over to the group as it starts quite the commotion. “Okay, okay, calm down. You all get one question.” Shay says, knowing these people well enough to know they were going to drop it.
Capp starts off the questioning round. “Is she hot?” He immediately gets a shove to the shoulder by Tony, “Was that seriously the best you could do?” After he shrugs, Shay answers, “Yes, she's very hot.” Mills goes next, “One night stand?” She shakes her head, “No.” The team shares a look before Casey asks the next question, “Does Severide know who it is then?” Severide answers that one, letting the team know that he does. Otis decides to ask the next question, “Do we know her?” Shay noticed that you were walking towards the table with your own plate of food. “Yes, you do.” She says. You can see their brains working overtime, and have to try to hold in your laugh, as you sit down besides Shay. 
You share a look with Shay, letting her know that however she wants to handle this, it is okay with you. She smiles and puts her arm over the back of your chair. “It's really not that hard to think of a person that you all know.” She says, pulling their eyes back to her. The arm on your chair makes its way to your side, as she pulls you closer to her. “She's literally sitting right in front of you.” After finishing her sentence she places a kiss on your forehead and keeps holding you close. Most of the reactions to the news were comments along the lines of that’s great, congratulations, or you’ve got to keep this one around followed by Mouch pointing to the food and then giving a thumbs up. Of course, those reactions were all great, however, your favorite reactions were those of Cruz and Otis. Their eyes widened when they realized they had been flirting with Shay’s girlfriend for weeks. 
The newly found information made the team quickly forget about the hickey that started the conversation, as the team was happy to see Shay so happy with you. They continued asking you both questions, how did you meet? and how long have you been together? until the alarm rang and all companies were being called to a scene. Shay kisses you before getting up, “Thank you for breakfast, baby.” 
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persage · 2 years
'Cause my boy Otis deserves better
Summary:When you spend your time at 51, you draw Otis on the sly. Everyone notices it, except him. Until fate gets in the way
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Word Count: 2.5 k
Maybe it's the way he moves his hands. Maybe it's how he moves the dark curls from his face. Maybe it's the way he wrinkles his nose when he's tired after the shift and starts working at Molly's, tirelessly.
Or it's the way he writes, with his head slightly tilted to the left.
It could be just the way the light fits between his features and makes him pure, bringing out his light skin stained by many small moles. Perhaps it's his dark eyes.
You really don't know. You just can't help but drawing him.
You'd like to draw his eyes after you've seen them even closer and realized how deep they really are, because you're sure they are, more than anything else in the world. Or, again, maybe it's the way he curls his lips as he smiles.
It's probably all together and he doesn't even realize it while a few meters away you're crouched on a chair, in a corner of the 51, almost invisible and your hand moves over a sheet and captures his image, without mistakes or smudges. You could be drawing Brian with your eyes closed by now.
"Are you still here?" Your half-sister, Leslie, asks, noticing you. You've been spending a lot of time at the 51 lately (and equally at the Molly's) officially because you're soon to be Boden's new secretary, secondly to spend time with Lesley. What you didn't expect was to find yourself spending most of your free time observing Brian, scribbling his face here and there, forcing yourself from time to time to portray other colleagues as well so as not to arouse suspicion. "Let me work Lesl" You reply, letting the pen run across the paper noisily. "Our Little Artist" Kelly teases you, ruffling your hair.
"When will you set up an exhibition with our portraits?" Herman asks, chuckling. "That wouldn't be a bad idea you know" Mills replies, winking. "Think about it y/n" You smile uneasily.
"I should find better models" You reply as Cruz and Otis - Brian - shake their heads. "Listen to the nonsense" Your eyes meet and you smile at him and he reciprocates before the siren of the imminent call forces him to leave. You sigh.
He fascinates you just like he torments you, you long for him and at the same time you are afraid to get to know him better. There's something sweet, genuine about him and you admire his courage and his work, but at the same time you're terrified because deep down what do you have to offer? What can make you interesting to him? You're just a failed student who needs to work here to make some money, a failed artist who has lost her inspiration, who can't help her sister in a difficult moment, who didn't get a degree, who can't control the emotions.
"You never color it" Boden has noticed one day, admiring your drawings. "I think it would ruin it" You have replied. The truth is that you are convinced that to do this, especially when it comes to Brian, you should need to see the color gradations of his skin, his face, his freckles or his eyes. It is incorrect to portray a subject and complete it inaccurately. You will use color on his drawings when and if you can see him at very close range. Closer than the Molly's counter or the 51. For now you settle for pencil or pen.
Sometimes you dwell too much on his well-defined lips. It's one of the parts you like to draw the most, after the eyes. Then you look at the finished drawing and wonder if you are experiencing something that will never happen, or not experiencing it at all. And with every call they come back with wounded expressions from a difficult intervention and some new scar on the body or the soul ans you wonder if it really makes sense to waste all this time.
It must be said : fate works in a curious way at times.
You're -again- drawing Brian, he's wearing his uniform and he's approaching the truck laughing with Mouch. The 51 is quieter than usual today and there are few calls, an unusual thing but you don't mind. You smile when Brian turns to face you and pretend to be focusing on someone else, momentarily terrified that he will think you're crazy. You place your pen on the table in front of you, tie your hair into a spooky ponytail, then start over with the care you reserve for important things. Brian  sighs, turning back in your direction, Mouch's hand on his shoulder as he shakes his head repeatedly. You wonder what they're talking about, you get the distinct feeling that it's you, and you feel your heart pounding in your chest.
Stupid little girl.
" Someone has a crush" it's a voice behind you. The worst voice you could hear in this situation: Joe Cruz. Brian's best friend, roommate, his other half.
"Of all of us Otis? Why?" Cruz sits across from you, a hand under his chin and an inquisitive expression on his face that does not hide his happy grin. And you're terrified, now there's no way Brian won't know about it now. "I don't have a crush. I draw all of you Cruz" you reply, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks.
"Yeah sure. You draw me once in a while, once of Herman, maybe three times of Kelly because it's particularly handsome, but I'm sure most of them are about Otis." You shake your head.
"What makes you think that?"
"I've been watching you Little Shay. You know, it's pretty obvious. You're not as good as you think at hiding." You open your eyes suddenly and feel your face get hot with embarrassment. Brian's eyes are still fixed on you and this with Cruz's words short-circuit you.
"If I were you I'd make a move" You need some fresh air. You get up and head for the exit, forgetting the notebook with your drawings on the table in a hurry.
When you come back for it, an hour and two cigarettes later, it's gone.
Two days, seven hours and a new notebook later, your half-sister has abandoned you at Molly's, a beer in front of you to finish and the light chatter of the last remaining customers. Someone sits next to you and lets their chair clatter to the floor. You don't turn around and stay focused on the beer because you know all too well who's next to you. Your senses alert, your heart furious. Brian.
"It's amazing" the voice is warm, but slightly high in pitch and secretly insecure. You shrug. "Thank you" you reply. Your brain is so muddy that you don't even wonder what it's referring to
"This is yours" now you look up and you see it. Brian's hand just reaching out to give you back the notebook. You stare at him dumbfounded. You admire the way the light falls on his face, how he smiled lightly and the lips you've always drawn so carefully, even more beautiful at that non-distance. For several seconds you don't say anything, but you stay still to study him, to study his colors, his embarrassed, sweet expression. Everything seems to stop to you.
"Otis, can you close?" Question Herman before leaving the pub, making you awaken and ashamed at the same time, realizing what you're getting into. You take the notebook without saying a word and start to get up and leave, but the boy's hand stops you, gently grabbing you by the wrist. It is soft, despite the hard work his skin is not rough. His warm skin seems to burn yours, leaving invisible marks.
You look at his fingers wrapped around your wrist, then at him, his dark eyes still fixed on you. He lets you go slowly, almost reluctant to break the contactn and you realize that he has the power to make you sit back, without saying a word.
"Sorry," you say sheepishly, looking away and letting your hair fall in front of your face to cover the blush on your cheeks.
"You shouldn't apologize" He replies, continuing to observe you. You feel his hand approaching your face, his fingers lingering near your hair, and you know what he's about to do, and you wish he would. You would like to him slowly pull your hair back, put it behind your ear, to let his big fingers slide against your skin and you would like to tilt your head to one side, to let yourself go to that contact. But he doesn't.
After a few moments he pulls his hand away, thinking maybe he's going too far.
Sure, your notebook is filled with portraits of him, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.
"You're good" He whispers. "You're really good little Shay, you shouldn't waste such a talent." You just smile, let a sheepish chuckle leave your lips. Brian doesn't say it, but he feels like he's never heard a better sound in his life. He wonders how he didn't notice it before. Of course, as soon as you arrived at 51 he immediately set his sights on you, but he never really did it with an intention: partly because you are Shay's little sister, partly because he never thought he had any chance despite what Cruz said.
In short, Cruz doesn't always have brilliant intuitions when it comes to women.
Maybe Dawson's jokes could have enlightened him, sure, but anyway...Brian has never been a phenomenon with girls, in a barracks full of men like Kelly Severide why would you have to look at him? And instead you looked at him all the time, drew him so much that it filled entire pages, tracing his features with a pen and making him look much more handsome, bold, courageous, appreciable than he probably was. Because you see him this way.
"At first I didn't know whether to come to you or keep the notebook," he admits. "Then I thought it was a good excuse to talk to you."
"You don't need an excuse to talk to me Brian" you answers automatically, without thinking. He smiles, feels his heart melt in his chest. Hardly anyone calls him Brian, especially at the station.
"I needed to find the courage" he murmurs, clearing his throat. "It's easy in the barracks, between one joke and another but talking... I mean for real... It is different. Especially with someone like you"
"Someone like me?" you raise an eyebrow as he smiles. He is impossibly beautiful as his cheeks turn pink.
"An interesting girl, a curious one. An artist y/n"
"You're the only one who thinks of me like that. Artist."
He shakes his head. "That's not true, we all think so and if you start showing your drawings the whole world would do it" You shyly grab his hand which is still on the table.
"Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me." He hold yours back and intertwines his fingers with yours. He seems made to hold your hand, he seems born to grab you, to keep you close. And you wonder if hugging him gives the same effect, if even his lips are made to kiss yours.
"Listen, y / n ...." he takes on a serious tone of voice and you almost worry.
"Why have you never colored me? I mean, do you see me in black and white somehow? Does my aura tell you something? I'm not an artist, so I don't really know how these things work, but it scared me to death. Do you see me in any strange way?" he looks nervous
"Is that what worries you?"
"What else should?"
"I mean you find the notebook of someone who drew you too many times to count and you're worried about the fact that I don't color you?" you use a hint of sarcasm, realizing this confuses you.
Part of you feared there would be a different reaction, not anger knowing Otis, but at least a detachment, a rebuke. Anyone else would have been upset, but not him, he seems happy. He studies you carefully.
"You think I haven't seen you?" Your eyes widen and total silence envelops you. "What?" You're the one who doesn't understand now.
"Do you really think I haven't noticed that you spent your time looking at me and drawing me?" he shakes his head, amused by your shocked expression  "You've been going on like this for months, aren't you going to pretend that you don't believe me?"
"I..." You can't say more. He laughs and you look at him, and then start laughing , because Brian has written "liar" on his forehead. "No, you didn't understand a damn thing my dear Brian" You retort.
"Oh I don't, but Cruz does. It was just hard to believe"
"And why?"
Brian doesn't answer, he caresses his goatee thoughtfully and you understand that you won't get the truth. Not yet. "Because you're beautiful y/n, people like you fly too many meters higher then me. In short..."
"I've looked at you from the start, Brian." You confess, this time without shame, your will to make him happy is stronger than any embarrassment. You know he needs to know it, to realize his value, for once to be the protagonist, the hero of your story, of your drawings, of your life. Him and no one else.
When silence returns, he turns to you again.
"So? Why didn't you color me?"
"I've never colored you because... I had to see you up close, really close, to be able to color you the way I want" you simply reply and he opens his mouth to say something, but he can't formulate anything, not when you continue. "Modigliani painted empty eyes, without pupils, because he couldn't paint what he didn't know: the souls of the people he was portraying. He only painted those of his partner Jeanne. I suppose it's the same for me. I can't color you without knowing the your true colors, without knowing what undertone your skin is or the paths that the veins form on your body."
Without realizing it, you've started to run your fingertip along his wrist, where the vein pulsates under the skin.
"Do you think." His voice is hoarse, scratched with emotion and excitement. "Do you think you'll give me the chance to let you find out?" He asks shyly. You nod with a slight smile.
"Are you asking me out Brian?"
"I'm asking you for dinner, then let's see what happens."
"Only one?"
"Maybe more than one"
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samantha-chicago · 6 months
Who I Write For
These are all the characters I write for. Please keep this in mind when requesting anything.
All requests will be written in a female POV Many Thanks
Chicago P.D.
Adam Ruzek Jay Halstead Kevin Atwater Dante Torres Hailey Upton Kim Burgess Greg 'Mouse' Gerwtiz Hank Voight (Not Romantically)
Chicago Fire
Kelly Severide Joe Cruz Matthew Casey Blake Gallo Stella Kidd Randall 'Mouch' McHolland (Not Romantically) Sam Carver Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek Christopher Herrmann (Not Romantically) Wallace Boden (Not Romantically) Sylvie Brett Violet Mikami Leslie Shay
Chicago Med
Connor Rhodes William Halstead
911 Lone Star / 911
Evan Buckley Eddie Diaz TK Strand Carlos Reyes
Christina 'Chris' Alonso James 'Jim' Street Victor Tan Dominique Luca Daniel 'Hondo' Harroldson Decon 'Dec' Kay (Not Romantically)
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Blood Brothers (Brian Zvonecek x Reader)
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They say there are moments in your life that you will never forget. These are the moments that truly make up who you are. The moments you overcame the challenges that were thrust into your path. For you, the moment you stood alongside Hank Voight and watched while he fastened those handcuffs onto the wrists of the man who had almost beaten Joe Cruz to death.
You wouldn't forget the look on Brian's face as he answered that call about Cruz's condition.
It was devastating to see Brian on the opposite side of the glass. You watched as he held his spiritual brother's hand, his lips were moving but you couldn't hear what he was saying. His lips quirked, the left side of his mouth twitching into part of a smile. He was brave and stubborn. He had stuck to his Cruz’s side like glue since he had been wheeled out of surgery.
Herrmann had left not too long ago, with a brief peck on the cheek and a request that you would take care of Brian. You already knew what he was thinking when his pale blue eyes bored straight into yours. Brian needed a different kind of help. The kind only you could give to him.
Your eyes came to linger on Cruz, his face swollen and deformed from the kicks that had been delivered to his head. The doctor thought there may be brain damage. The paramedics weren't sure how long he'd been left there not breathing. The surgery had taken over four hours to repair the extensive damage to his internal organs. When they had brought him into the recovery room, they had made it clear that Cruz would be on a breathing tube for the near future.
It was such a waste, you thought shaking your head. All of this had happened because of a wannabe gangster that Cruz had grown up with.
The occasional beep from the life support machine was the only sound that emitted through the room, as you took a step forward and pushed the door ajar.
Brian pinched the bridge of his nose. His dark, wavy hair falling over his forehead as he turned his head away at the sound of the door shutting behind you. He was trying to keep it all, trying to hide his vulnerability, but you knew that wouldn't last long. He couldn't hide things from you.
Your hand slid into his. A perfect match, just like the glass slipper in Cinderella. There were no words between you. There was nothing left to say as Brian's shoulders trembled, the knot in his throat tightened and ached. His fingers entwined in yours shifting into something more intimate, and more real as the grief tore up his insides. His eyes were burning as your hand came to rest upon his cheek, your thumb smoothed softly over his quivering lips as you guided his gaze to meet yours.
He couldn't hide all the pain and the desperation that welled from deep inside. The fragility he felt as he stared deep into your eyes. There was comfort in you, you were here, and you were home. You were everything he needed right now. His defences began to weaken and crumble. His eyes lined with tears he had forced himself from shedding; now he couldn't seem to stop. They were sliding down his cheeks as he choked.
Your fingertips chased away that first single tear away from the curve of his unshaven cheek. There was tenderness in your touch. There were no pretences between the two of you in moments like this. The floodgates shattered.
You looped your arms through his. Your body pressed against Brian's offering up the security he'd craved ever since his life had become this hollow, fractured mess. His own arms wrapped around your slim frame, as you cradled him close. He inhaled the essence that made up your scent as he buried his face in your shoulder. His world came crashing down.
He held onto you like you were the last person on earth, he was frightened that if he ever let you go there would be nothing left for him anymore. You were his person, the other part of his tarnished soul. It was moments like this that reminded him of that.
Your small hands smoothed circles on either side of his vertebrate as he clutched onto your jacket. The material was balled up in his fists as his sobs vibrated against you. You heart wrenched and twisted at the sounds that he made. Sounds that you had never heard from him before, sounds you hoped you would never have to hear again. His heart ache killed you. You wanted to take his sorrow and make it your own; you wished you could banish it all away.
You stood like that for a long time until the only thing that you were aware of was the beating of Brian's vulnerable heart against your own.
Brian was the first to break apart. He withdrew uneasily sinking deep into one of the two plush chairs residing alongside Cruz's bed. Your hands were still connected, so he pulled you down lightly into the seat beside him. You shuffled your chairs closer together, unwilling to break your only source of contact.
Brian's head came to rest upon your shoulder, his eyes closed as his masculine frame sagged in exhaustion. The last few days had been hard on him and today was taking its toll.
He reminded you of a child, it was times like these that you remembered how innocent he was. You cupped his hand between both of yours. Your delicate fingertips traced patterns along the back of his hand, over his knuckles as you listened to the sound of his breathing.
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callmemana · 2 years
Chicago Fire Fanfics:
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Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek:
Blake Gallo:
Jimmy Borelli:
Joe Cruz:
Kelly Severide:
Matt Casey:
Peter Mills:
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booasaur · 1 year
Can you imagine the horror Cruz felt the past few days, every day, unexpectedly falling deeply in love with this beautiful, lovely and kind woman and then the knowledge that she has to kill her father, actually take the life from someone this kind girl who loves her cares about. And having this conflict, this horror eating at her, corrupting her love for Aaliyah until she couldn't touch her without feeling all the guilt and disgust at herself. Now she also has regret to live with.
Oh, anon, I've been thinking of nothing else!
I was actually afraid after we left Cruz watching Joe's supercut of Amrohi's biggest hits, ep 8 would have her buying into the mission so it'd be more of an action oriented spy thing with Aaliyah only eventually adding a last minute conflict, but that wasn't the case at all! My girl remained cold to it and it stayed only a mission she had to carry out, nothing she believed in.
What's really struck me is that despite Joe and Kaitlyn's years more of experience and close dealings with the politicians and businessmen who showed this was all a game, Cruz saw the truth of the situation more clearly than they ever did, just by listening to Aaliyah. She was able to contrast both versions she was hearing and extract the reality in a way they never could because they never cared about the other side.
Cruz is terrible for undercover work because she treats her target like a human. That's really what it comes down to, right. She saw Aaliyah as a person and valued what she thought and felt and now here we are. And the worst thing for her is that Aaliyah didn't get through to her by being a funny, charming smokeshow (or not JUST that, lol), she was kind and vulnerable. Cruz may be bad at being a spy but she's a great soldier (as we saw in that kitchen, whew) and Aaliyah's exactly the kind of person she wants to protect. Credit to the show for letting us see how agonizing it was for Cruz to go against all her morals and instincts and everything in her to do this mission. The fact that she fell in love, needed and was needed by this one person, the tragedy of it all.
And actually, credit to Laysla De Oliveira as well! I've been praising Stephanie Nur a lot so far and as I mentioned, no shade to Laysla, but Cruz has been quite opaque and hard to read, as intended, I'm sure, she's supposed to be this tough marine AND is playing an undercover role, she mostly just reflected what Aaliyah threw at her. But these last two eps, gosh, she really brought ALL these additional layers. It really sold the romance, like, first, she was NOT faking in those last two eps, but just how guilty and anxious she was, and the anger and self-loathing at the end? Even that moment on the balcony looking out where she was all rueful, it was more subtle but still so expressive:
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Honestly, I've actually really loved Aaliyah's character and was waiting for the finale to see if she lived so I could add her to my fave characters list, because I'm not gonna add a character who's built up just for an extra tragic death, but I've ended up adding BOTH. The strength of character Cruz showed in the end to realize and accept what's she'd done, and the kindness in believing both Aaliyah and even her dad deserved more grace, I found myself genuinely loving her by the end.
I really can't tell if she's going to return, but I hope so, she deserves more closure than that, they both do.
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ygsunflower · 1 year
I was listening to Post Show Recaps podcast reviewing Special Ops: Lioness Ep 1 & 2. and the two hosts brought up something that inspired me to dive a little bit deeper into Cruz’s character: They pointed out that the Marine officer was kind of using Cruz’s trauma/experience to recruit her. They then mentioned in the US how going to the military sometime is a mean for people to be able to afford college education. The fact that they are just high school graduates, barely 18 years old, and they are signing up for something that might be so much bigger than what they could comprehend at such a young age is crazy. Their conversation got me thinking, this also fits Cruz’s narrative with the military. I mean, I always low key view this show as a military/CIA propaganda recruiting program, but these two hosts made me view Cruz’s journey through a new lens (though not sure this is what the show intended for us to see)- Cruz almost serves as the opposite example of why the young teens/adults, especially troubled individuals, should join the military without hesitations for the second chance it might provide them.
Cruz had a tough upbringing, and even into her early adulthood, her life was full of chaos, abuses, instabilities, and she was unloved. Her first military encounter was so positive that she jumped right on it as her means to get out of her toxic relationship/environment. The Marine officer literally saved her from her abusive boyfriend. You can’t get that “hero/savior” image more straightforward than this. So just like those teens/young adults, she joins the military for a simple reason- it allows her to achieve whatever she wants to in the future. This opportunity gives her a future. Of course, she wasn’t really thinking the deeper meaning of being a marine and being in the military. She probably just thought- oh so apparently I performed well on the written test, and I just aced my physical exam. And on paper, military saves life, so why not? Things will only go up and life will get easier and simpler from now on. Little did she know, and even little did she prepared for the harsh implication of joining the military.
She would probably be fine if she just stayed as a Marine or a typical soldier, because neither depends much on her to perform solo. She got to excel, but she also had the protection of an unit. It’s only when she was thrown into a solo espionage mission where she only had herself making all the on the spot decisions which could lead to the life or death of not just the mission, but also her own life, her team’s lives, and possibly the government’s interests, she started to really consider the weight of being in this line of work. She started to question what she singed herself up for all those years back. I imagine her internal turmoil kept growing as she met Aaliyah and started to develop true feelings for her. With each passing day, Cruz’s realization that this life is not what she wanted only grew. She’s not made for this type of work, at least not as fit for the work as her boss, Joe. In the last episode, Cruz completely lost it, and screamed this in Joes’s face- Joe subscribes to the ideology of the CIA work, and she truly believes in it. As much as this job demands of her, she’s making the conscious decision to pursue it because that’s what she considers necessary for the just/noble cause (in her view). Cruz wasn’t like that at all. This new perspective also helped explain in my head why Cruz sometimes seem a little un-spy-like because this is literally the point. The longer she stays in this mission, the more uncomfortable and unfit she becomes for the job. She joined so she could have safety, stability, and a possibility of the freer future. In my head, she didn’t mind/care much about the military’s ideology until it went against her feeling loved for the first time in her life. And from that moment on, the cruel reality of being in the military became insufferable. What she thought could be a mean to her ideal life turns out to be the force that prevents and even destroys her chance of ever living her ideal life with her loved one... So in the end of S1, Cruz was alone, lost, and broken because her dream was once again shattered by reality.
Laysla really nailed Cruz’s internal turmoil in my opinion. The rigid posture, the hesitation, the pained and dulled eyes… You see how Cruz broke down little by little throughout the season. You see just how much all these burdens and conflicting feelings were eating her up alive especially when she’s with Aaliyah.
Hope we get a S2 where we get to see them exploring more of Cruz Manuelos, and the Aaliyah x Cruz relationship after the bloodshed. I’d love to see how this incident affects Cruz and Aaliyah.
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The Private Library
... Of Fictional Men Mistress
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Welcome! This post serves as my digital private library... my most beloved collection. None of these works are mine, and all credit is due to the lovely and incredible minds that created these works of art; (which you will find next to their titles, once you choose a category). This is the home to my personal most favorites, and most beloved stories and fanfictions and blog posts I have read. I think about these daily... I adore these. They've made my life better. They've changed my life. They've kept me going during my lowest points in life, and I mean that. I reccomend all of these. These were written by the best writers in the world; true to character, perfectly immersive, so imaginative, feels like you are there.
All of these fanfictions, stories, character & show analysis, random tumblr posts, headcannons, and beloved writings of all types, will be listed in no distinct order, inside their categories. Please Enjoy; explore them all! 🖤🗝☕🥂
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The Majorety of these reccomends are for mature audiences, 18+, so if you are a minor, please DO NOT read through these reccomends yet.
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Choose a vinyl playlist!
What genre of fandom writing do you want to spin on the turntable???
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• Favorite STARWARS Reccomendations: (The Clone Wars, Prequels, Sequels, The Bad Batch) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite BTS Reccomendations: (mostly Taehyung, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook, Jin, Hoseok) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite TMNT Reccomendations: (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Bayverse Turtles, 80s, 2003 TMNT, Rise of the TMNT, 2007 TMNT) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite MARVEL Reccomendations: (MOON KNIGHT, WandaVision, LOKI, Loki Laufeyson, Avengers, XMEN, Wolverine, VENOM) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite LIE TO ME* Reccomendations: (Dr. Cal Lightman, Tim Roth *actor*) Headcannons / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite THE BOYS Recommendations: (Billy Butcher, The Boys Team) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite MY HERO ACADAMIA Reccomendations: (Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Enji, Dabi) Analysis / Headcannons / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite Good Omens Reccomendations: (Anthony J. Crowley *The Demon*, Aziraphale A.Z. Fell *The Angel*) Analysis / Headcannons / Fanfictions 🖤
• Favorite "Warden" Hwajin Na *Get Schooled Webtoon* Reccomendations: Analysis / Headcannons / Fanfiction / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite Tom Hiddleston Reccomendations: (Tommy Hiddles *actor*) Headcannons / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite What We Do In The Shadows Reccomendations: (Vladislav The Poker, Viago Von Dorna Schmarten Scheden Heimburg, Deacon Bruke, Stu, Nick "Twilight", Anton The Werewolf, Nandor The Relentless, Guillermo De La Cruz, Lazlo Cravensworth, Nadjia of Axtapos, Colin Robinson) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite SHERLOCK Reccomendations: (Sherlock Holmes *BBC*, John Watson, classic sir arthur conan doyle books) analysis / fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite DC COMICS Recommendations: (BATMAN, The Batfamily, Nightwing, Robin, The Teen Titans) analysis / fanfictions 🖤
• Favorite Impractical Jokers Reccomendations: (The Tenderloins comedy troupe, Brian "Q" Quinn, Sal Vulcano, James S. "MURR" Murray, Joe Gatto) Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite Portal Recommendations: (Portal, Portal 2, Wheatley, Chell, the Cores) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite Ghostbusters Reccomendations: (Dr. Egon Spangler, Dr. Ray Stanz, Dr. Peter Venkman, Winston Zeddermore) Analysis / Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite AVATAR (Na'vi) Reccomendations: (Jake Sully, Neteyam Sully) Analysis / Headcannons / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite Stranger Things Reccomendations: (Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington) Headcannon / Fanfictions / NSFW & SMUT 🖤
• Favorite Tumblr Posts: (random, deep & intellectual, movie, life, advice, or most comedic posts, that make tumblr the greatest platform of all) 🖤
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>>> Return to Main Masterlist?
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i don’t understand where the “withhold your vote” idea came from, but i can’t imagine a world where it’s a good idea. Boycotting works when you withhold something someone wants. Starbucks wants our money, and they’re not getting it, hence a working boycott. The government that you disagree with, though? It doesn’t want you to vote!! It want you to be silent and scared! and a lot of people not voting, i fear, will not read “we are mad at you and are withholding support” to current politicians. I fear it will read “you scared us into hiding, keep doing despotic shit”!!
I get that the current American political landscape is a nightmare and a half. but not voting won’t solve that issue! vote 3rd party! When the election happens, someone will report percentages of who voted for who. making 3rd party a big percentage will say something! it will communicate our disillusionment of the current parties and their platforms!
Claudia de la Cruz 2024 is a good option. Her platform vocally and exactly calls for an end to the genocide in Gaza. She may not win, even if we all vote for her, but voting for her makes her a big thorn in the side of the two parties we all hate!
there are more options than Genocide Joe and Trump. don’t give up your voice because all the options kinda suck! FORCE YOURSELF TO BE HEARD, DONT GIVE IN TO NIHILISM, VOTE!
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marivelsblog1503 · 5 months
🚑 Parte I: ¿Hasta dónde hemos llegado? 🩺
Con: 557 palabras en total. Anterior: || Índice: || Siguiente: Los personajes que conoceremos en esta historia, a partir de ahora. © Todos los derechos reservados.
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«— La vida es muy cruel, las personas pueden cambiar, algunas permanecen igual. —»
«— El dolor y la perdida son difíciles de olvidar, por más que lo intentes, nada puede reparar la grieta de un corazón, incluyendo la mente. —»
«— Algunos dicen que las pérdidas pueden ayudarnos a superarnos, pero, ¿Qué pasa si no es cierto?, ¿Qué pasa si solo te encierras en ese dolor? —»
«— Estás sufriendo y nadie lo nota, lloras en silencio y nadie te consuela, esta bien querer ser fuerte para no preocupar a las personas que amas, pero recuerda que ellos siguen en tu vida. —»
«— No te alejes de ellos, sigue adelante. —»
«— Ponte de pie y sigue luchando. —»
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╔═══════ 🚑 ═══════╗
╚═══════ 🩺 ═══════╝
|| Lilan Bowden como Dina Boden. ||
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«— Chicago es mi hogar y no importa lo que otros digan, yo sé que soy una buena capitana para mi equipo en la 61, pero también una doctora. —»
|| Brian Tee como Ethan Choi. ||
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«— Soy un veterano de la marina, seguí los mismos pasos que mi padre, sin embargo tengo recuerdos dolorosos de aquellos días y eso, las pesadillas me siguen atormentando. —»
|| Anna Kendrick como Carol Boden. ||
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«— Esto es muy sencillo, yo te cubro y tú a mí, me cuidas todo el tiempo y ahora es mi turno de hacerlo contigo, estoy preocupada por ti y no quiero que te pase nada, no quiero perderte. —»
|| Eamonn Walker como Wallace Boden. ||
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«— Aun recuerdo aquella noche como si hubiera pasado un día, y sin importar los riesgos, las volvería a salvar, me importa muy poco lo que digan, ambas son mis hijas. —»
|| Melissa Ponzio como Donna Robbins de Boden. ||
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«— Aunque no las sostuve entre mis brazos cuando eran unas bebes, las tendré a ambas aquí conmigo, porque ustedes también son mis hijas, nada va a cambiar eso. —»
|| Sophia Bush como Erin Lindsay. ||
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«— Atrapamos al maldito que provocó todo esto, sé lo que siente encerrarte en tu propio dolor y te culpas por no estar con aquella persona que tanto amaste, pero no te preocupes, ellos ya no estarán sufriendo ahora. —»
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Cast de los demás personajes:
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🚒 Chicago Fire. 🔥
|| David Eigen como Christopher Herman. ||
|| Robyn Coffin como Cindy Herman. ||
|| Christian Stolte como Randall “Mouch” McHolland. ||
|| Taylor Kinny como Kelly Severide. ||
|| Jesse Spencer como Matthew “Matt” Casey. ||
|| Monica Raymund como Gabriela “Gaby” Dawson. ||
|| Lauren German como Leslie Shay. ||
|| Kara Killmer como Sylvie Brett. ||
|| Joe Minoso como Joe Cruz. ||
|| Yuri Sardarov como Brian “Otis” Zvoecek. ||
|| Charlie Barnett como Peter Mills. ||
|| Randy Flager como Harold Capp. ||
|| Dushon Monique como Connie. ||
🚓 Chicago P.D. 🚔
|| Jason Beghe como Hank Voight. ||
|| Jon Seda como Antonio Dawson. ||
|| Jesse Lee Soffer como Jay Halstead. ||
|| Archie Kao como Sheldon Jin. ||
|| Elias Koteas como Alvin Olinsky. ||
|| Patrick Flueger como Adam Ruzek. ||
|| Laroyce Hawkins como Kevin Atwater. ||
|| Mariana Squerciati como Kim Burguess. ||
🚑 Chicago Med. 🩺
|| S. Epatha Merkerson como Sharon Goodwin. ||
|| Oliver Platt como Daniel Charles. ||
|| Marlyne Barrett como Maggie Lockwood. ||
|| Torrey DeVitto como Natalie Manning. ||
|| Nick Gehlfuss como Will Halstead. ||
|| Yaya DaCosta como April Sexton. ||
|| Roland Buck como Noah Sexton. ||
|| Colin Donnell como Connor Rhodes. ||
|| Rachel DiPilo como Sarah Reese. ||
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Playlist de esta primera parte:
╚══════════ 🩺 ══════════╝
|| Arcade de Duncan Laurence. ||
|| Could Have Been Me versión Halsey. ||
|| Fight Song de Rachel Platten. ||
|| I’ts Time de Imagine Dragons. ||
Anterior: || Índice: || Siguiente:
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Joe Cruz
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Scared To Trust Again
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alotofpockets · 9 months
Lost & found | Sylvie Brett
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Pairing: Sylvie Brett x Reader Reader pronouns used: she/her
Prompt: “They found out we’re dating because my lockscreen is a picture of you.”
Masterlist | Chicago Fire masterlist | Words: 814
Truck 81 was the first to arrive back at the firehouse, after a call that involved all 51 companies. Otis stayed behind in the truck for a moment to check some things out, while the rest of the team made their way to the canteen. When he got out himself, he noticed a phone laying on the apparatus floor. He picked it up and turned it on, surely he could figure out who’s phone it was from the lockscreen right? He felt proud of himself for thinking of that when he recognized you on the lockscreen. He pocketed the phone, since you weren’t back from the call yet, and followed the rest of truck 81 to the canteen.
Otis thought he heard Engine 51 come back in, so he walked back to the apparatus floor, only to find it was Squad 3 that had arrived back. “Hey, Otis, what’s up?” Cruz greeted his best friend. “Oh, nothing, I found Y/n’s phone on the apparatus floor and thought I heard Engine 51 come in.” They head back to the canteen together, Otis plopping down once again. The team was deep in conversation, so they didn’t hear when Engine 51 actually did arrive, until the doors opened and your team started piling in. Otis was about to stand up to head your way but Cruz stops him, “Look, she’s using her phone.” Otis frowns when he sees that you are indeed using your phone. “What made you think it was hers?” He grabs the phone out of his pocket and shows Cruz the background. “I figured that it was hers, because she is the lockscreen.” Cruz starts smirking, “Dude, that means someone else on the team either has a crush on y/n or is dating her. We have to figure out who this phone belongs to.” 
The two went on full investigation mode, with a notepad in hand they crossed out everyone’s name that they saw using their phone. Of course, not everyone was on their phones, but they were already able to cross a few names off of the list. They tried to get some other people to show them their phones, by asking to see a certain picture or asking to use their phone to call. Nearly everyone was now crossed off the list. Which made them spy around in the office as well, thinking that maybe it was someone that worked there. The office employees could also all be crossed out. 
It wasn’t until Ambulance 61 pulled in that they found out who the phone belonged to. Dawson left the ambo to go straight to the canteen, like all the others had done, but Sylvie stayed behind, looking all over the Ambulance like she was looking for something. The boys exchanged a look before they made their way over to Sylvie, “Looking for something?” Otis said, waving the phone in the air. “Ah great! I thought I had lost it. Where did you find it?” Otis explains where he found the phone. “It must’ve fallen out of my pocket on my way to the ambulance then.” You reach out to take the phone from Otis but Cruz is quick to grab it from his hand instead, “Not so fast, Brett.” She furrows her brow, “What do you mean? It's my phone?” Cruz smirks as he turns on the phone, facing the screen towards Sylvie, “I think you have some explaining to do.” Sylvie’s cheeks turn red.
Back in the canteen you watch as Otis and Cruz walk in full of excitement, talking amongst themselves, with a defeated Sylvie on their tail. Sylvie grabs a cup of coffee before she makes her way over to the sleeping quarters, without speaking a word to anyone in the canteen. You stand up and follow her, finding her sitting on her bed staring at her phone. “Hey, is everything alright? Did something happen with Cruz and Otis?” You sit down next to her, placing your hand on her thigh, your eyes filled with worry. “I lost my phone, and they found it.” You nod, hoping she would continue, because that didn’t sound too bad. “They found out we’re dating because my lockscreen is a picture of you.”
“Aw, Sylvie, I didn’t know you did that. That is so cute. Can I see which one?” Sylvie hands you her phone. “You’re not upset that they found out?” You shrug, “They were going to find out eventually, right? Plus, like I said I’ve never minded people knowing, it was just nice having us for just us for a while before the team knew.” Sylvie leans into your side and lays her head down on your shoulder. “Yeah, you’re right.” You kiss the top of her head, “Yeah, don’t worry about it, we’re good.” Before Sylvie can respond the alarm rings, and you’re both off to another call.
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dandelionfairies · 6 months
Loving Me (125259 words) by dandelionfairies Chapters: 21/23 Fandom: Chicago Fire Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kevin Hadley/Original Female Character(s), Matthew Casey/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Kevin Hadley, Matthew Casey, Kelly Severide, Christopher Herrmann, Randy "Mouch" McHolland, Joe Cruz (Chicago Fire), Brian "Otis" Zvonecek, Harold Capp, Original Female Characters, Original Male Characters, Bridget Reagan (OFC), Liam Reagan (OMC), Rian Reagan (OMC), Phelan Reagan (OMC), Colm Reagan (OMC), Brannon Reagan (OMC), Wallace Boden, Cheyanne Preston (OFC), Harrison Murphy (OMC) Additional Tags: First Responder Family, First Responders - Freeform, Firefighters, Police, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Police Department, Chicago, Chicago Neighborhoods, Slow Burn, On the job injuries, Minor Character Death, LGBTQ Character Series: Part 1 of Always, Part 1 of Bed of Roses Summary: Bridget Reagan is the new paramedic on Ambulance 61 at Firehouse 51. The field is not new to her, however. She comes from a family of first responders, including a brother at 51. Matt Casey is the lieutenant on Truck 81 at Firehouse 51. He never imagined he would actually pass his test, let alone become lieutenant so quickly in this house. Bridget thinks Matt's unreachable; after all, he's a lieutenant and she's merely a paramedic. Matt doesn't do in-house relationships; it'll cause too many issues if something were to happen. Enter Kevin Hadley. Bridget falls for him; Matt is jealous of him.  
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samantha-chicago · 6 months
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chainofbeing · 1 year
Thinking fondly of the time I sent these angel lines to Joe Cruz and he sent me back a performance better than I ever imagined, easily one of my favourite moments on s1
Season 2 has moments in it that I just know will far surpass this, and I really hope we can get it made:
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