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Jimmy Lai denies foreign collusion allegations in his trial, challenging accusations in Hong Kong's legal battle.
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#hong kong free press#Hong Kong#47 Democrats#Chow Hang Tung#Civic Party#Gwyneth Ho#JimmyLai#John Lee#Paul Lam#art#Pillar of Shame#Zunzi#media#reporters without borders#Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China#Tiananmen Square#Tiananmen Square massacre#六四事件#天安門#八九六四#八九民運#天安門事件#politics#China#hong kong national security law#1989 Tiananmen Square protests#8964
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Yesterday marks a dark day for democracy. On August 10, over 200 Hong Kong police officers stormed the office of a pro-#democracy news publisher - @appledailyhk, in and arrested 71-year old media tycoon #JimmyLai, his two sons and four top executives of the Next Media group, the media's parent company. Boxes and boxes of documents were seized from the newspaper headquarters and Jimmy was swarmed by police into an elevator. The entire lasted from morning till the afternoon. On the same day, 10 pro-democracy figures were arrested under the new national security law, including prominent 23-year old social activist @chowtingagnes who was a Hong Kong politician and until her party Demosistō was dissolved on 30 June because of the new anti-free speech law enacted by #china She was arrested at her house yesterday evening. As the ripple effect of tyranny and #lockdown on #freedomofspeech - a basic #humanright continues, how many countries can say they stand on the right side of justice? #🇭🇰 #hongkong #freedom #asia #world #society #culture #protest #tuesday #blackouttuesday #police #abuseofpower https://www.instagram.com/p/CDwQ4rChYah/?igshid=1k8u3n5dwip3u
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Media mogul Jimmy Lai is going to return to court on Tuesday as he defends himself against charges brought under Hong Kong's national security law in three different cases.
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hkladyliberty 【黎智英、何桂藍、黃之鋒、鄒幸彤,李卓人 獲提名2022年諾貝爾和平獎】 一群來自十個國家的十五位學者早前聯合簽署、正式向挪威諾貝爾和平獎評審委員會提名五位身陷囹圄的香港民主運動家候選2022年度的諾貝爾和平獎,他們分別是黎智英、何桂藍、黃之鋒、鄒幸彤,以及李卓人。 該提明信件指出,該五人不但代表了數以百萬計香港人的希望、亦代表了無數身處中國大陸被噤聲的民運人士的聲音。他們在全世界的人權狀態都受到侵蝕的時刻、挺身而出支撐了人權和人類尊嚴,為不單是香港甚至是全世界作出了貢獻。將諾貝爾和平獎頒給他們會特顯人類德行最高尚的一面。 信件亦將五人的原則和犧牲和過去的諾貝爾和平獎得主比較,包括1935年得主死於納粹醫院的奧西茨基 (Carl von Ossietzky)、1975年得主蘇聯人權運動家沙卡洛夫 (Andrei Sakharov) 、1983年得主前波蘭總統華勒沙 (Lech Wałęsa)、以及2010年得主、在監禁中死於肝癌的劉曉波。 2021年度一群跨黨派的美國國會議員曾提名全體香港人角逐諾貝爾和平獎,獎項最終由菲律賓記者雷薩 (Maria Ressa) 俄羅斯記者穆拉托夫 (Dmitry Muratov) 獲得。 本年度則有251名個人候選者和92候選個機構角逐獎項。 負責統籌提名信件的加利福尼亞大學教授Perry Link承認,在眾多受盡苦難的候選者中獲得獎項並非易事,但香港人是絶對實至名歸,尤其其實他們早可以選擇遠走高飛。他說:「這是最真以身作則的例子,自願選擇入獄所作的犧牲令人驚嘆」 團隊綜合報導 ━-━-━-━-━-━-━-━ 📚 《時代革命》電影訪談錄現已上架:https://bit.ly/3iUjwNs ▼贊助「香港民主女神 Lady Liberty HK」團隊工作▼ ▌網店:https://ladylibertyhongkong.com/ ▌Instagram:www.instagram.com/hkladyliberty/ #nobelpeaceprize #諾貝爾和平獎 #黎智英 #jimmylai #何桂藍 #gwynethho #黃之鋒 #joshuawong #chowhangtung #鄒幸彤 #leecheukyan #李卓人 查看全部 13 則留言 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccjl7-3P8EC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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"If they can induce fear in you, that's the easiest way to control you. That's the cheapest way to control you, and the most effective way." - Jimmy Lai, 8:56-
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引自 https://t.me/ilovefatlolai/957 : 嗱,肥佬黎,呢舖我就撐你!(公海:ilovefatlolai) 集合時間:任何時間,大家自由分配 排隊路線:全港任何的報紙檔 2. 活動主題-嗱,肥佬黎,呢舖我就撐你! 其實呢次係和理非活動,8月15號希望大家可以用最安全嘅方法,去表達支持新聞自由嘅意志。方法非常之簡單,喺任何一間有售蘋果日報嘅報紙攤附近默站,你可以展示任何你覺得代表到自由嘅手勢,手勢唔需要統一咁樣亦都代表尊重他人嘅自由,如同我哋重視每一間報社以唔同方法風格報道社會真相嘅權利。 3. 活動目標- 用簡單大家都可以輕鬆做到嘅小活動,話比社會聽香港仲有人堅信 堅守 堅固咁維護第三權,香港人嘅新聞知情權係不容侵犯,香港人係唔會冷眼旁觀有人對新聞自由「说三道四」「指手画脚」。 4. 口號就無啦,大家只係默站。屆時我哋Admin小組會分為幾隊,我哋會着西裝記認,如果大家默站嘅時候見到有西裝友同你打晒眼色,大家就可以配合下,我哋會進行突擊快閃活動。大家一定要記住三個字「快,狠,準」。 . --- #天滅中共 #香港 #HongKong #蘋果日報 #appledaily #JimmyLai #hkig #hknews #tvb #icable #nowtv #娛樂 #經濟 #金融 #保險 #地產 #建造業 #教育 #IT #會計 #CIC #SPS #幼兒教育 #小學生 #中學生 #大學生 #教師 #校長 #校監 #校董 (在 Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD3_L5NHO4P/?igshid=1o0y3q62xky7z
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By Prof. Toru Kurata
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A ditadura chinesa aprendendo quem fala em democracia. #Repost @epochtimes • • • • • • China’s censorship programs for #Hollywood films were exposed in an Aug. 5 report from PEN America. The 94-page report exposes how major Hollywood studios and top directors are basing their filming decisions on the directives of the CCP.⠀ ⠀ Meanwhile, on the morning of August 10th, the Hong Kong police arrested #JimmyLai, the founder of Next Digital which publishes the pro-democracy local news outlet Apple Daily. Jimmy Lai has been a vocal supporter of the pro-democracy movement. Afterward, Next Digital’s stock price dropped, then soared 344 percent. After hearing the news of Lai’s arrest, many people in #HongKong stepped up to buy shares of his company to show their support.⠀ ⠀ And Chinese telecom company #Huawei is now reeling from the ban of sale on chips. Huawei executives have now publicly stated that they’ve run out of cell phone chips.⠀ ⠀ These stories and more in this episode of Crossroads.⠀ ⠀ ⠀ YouTube channel: Crossroads with Joshua Philipp⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Subscribe for updates : https://bit.ly/Crossroads_Joshua⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Support our work: https://www.bestgift.tv/crossroads⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Crossroads_Josh⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Follow us on Twitter:https://twitter.com/crossroads_josh https://www.instagram.com/p/CDvjXAglt0O/?igshid=13c20a0i9hyh5
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Il magnate pro-democrazia di #HongKong, #JimmyLai, è stato condannato a cinque anni e nove mesi di carcere per aver violato un contratto di affitto per la sede del #giornale liberale che dirigeva
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#Breaking: #HongKong publishing tycoon #JimmyLai jailed over lease violation
#Breaking: #HongKong publishing tycoon #JimmyLai jailed over lease violation
Hong Kong publishing tycoon Jimmy Lai jailed over lease violation https://t.co/bi3NRaTN1h pic.twitter.com/VK8ln6yhmA — Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) December 10, 2022 Source: Twitter
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Jimmy Lai Hong Kong newspaper owner denied bail-'colluded with foreign powers' ? Read More
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Hong Kong pro-democracy media tycoon released on bail: Report #bail #hong #hongkongjimmylai #hongkongprotests #jimmylai #jimmylaibail #jimmylaigetsbail #kong #media #prodemocracy #released #report #tycoon
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#Founder of Hong Kong’s popular newspaper, Apple Daily, Jimmy Lai has been arrested under the new Hong Kong National Security law. #hongkong #news #foreignnews #newspaper #law #ghanaplus #arrest #jimmylai https://ghanaplus.com/foreign/hong-kong-newspaper-raided-and-tycoon-owner-arrested-under-new-law/
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La detención del magnate hongkonés Jimmy Lai dispara las acciones de su empresa #JimmyLai #NextMedia #arrestoporconspiracionextranjera #bolsaHongKong La empresa propietaria del diario Apple Daily, de importancia crítica para Beijing, cuyo fundador Jimmy Lai fue arrestado en su casa de Hong Kong bajo los cargos de "conspiración extranjera" y "uso de palabras incendiarias", subió más del 200% en el mercado de valores.
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