#Jill Baxter
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nastasya--filippovna · 1 month ago
Show: Its a Sin. Written by Russell T. Davies Song: You're Gonna Go Far by Noah Kahan for @faith-f0rgotten-land
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moviepolaroids · 3 months ago
Its A Sin Sticker Set / T Shirt and more!
show follows a group of friends in the 1980s as they navigate life, love, and the devastating impact of the AIDS crisis
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alice-blogs-things · 1 year ago
It's been three years now since It's A Sin came out, and I'm once again thinking about Colin Morris-Jones. Who effectively moved to a different country to pursue a job he loved. Who was the first person out of the core five to lose someone to AIDS- his mentor, someone he trusted enough to come out to, who represented everything he wanted to have in adult life. Who started as an outsider, not connected to the other four at all really, but by the end was so loved by them all. Who was the only one who actually took Jill seriously in episode two, who actually tried to help her learn more about the epidemic and helped her find Gloria after he was taken back to Glasgow. Who lost his job because he was caught reading about AIDS and his boss wanted to get rid of him. Who just wanted a quiet life, but was denied even that. Who wanted to learn everything, but had the bad luck to never get that far.
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admireforever · 2 years ago
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It's A Sin (s01e05)
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trypoed · 7 months ago
I'm just thinking.
Hoffman’s path as Jigsaw's apprentice began with revenge, with the desire to inflict suffering on the one who had caused him pain. And his path ended with revenge as well. His final act of vengeance was not only against Jill personally, but also against John. It was as if he was trying to make John suffer by taking the life of someone John cared about.
It doesn’t matter that John was already dead. It doesn’t matter that killing Seth Baxter wouldn’t have brought Angie back.
Revenge is blind.
"Fix me, motherfucker," Amanda cried to John. Nothing changed for her.
"Fix me, motherfucker" - this is precisely what Hoffman could have snarled in fury and despair, feeling betrayed, if John were still alive. Hoffman was hurt all over again, and the only way he knew how to cope with his pain was by inflicting it on others in revenge. For him, too, nothing had changed.
Both Amanda and Hoffman were ultimately defeated because John didn’t fix people. He broke them further. And they were both undone not by John’s hand, but by the consequences of his designs.
And I am curious about how John would have reacted to what happened to Jill. Would he have been as lenient with Hoffman as he was with Seth Baxter? “Everyone deserves a chance,” he shouted directly into Hoffman’s face, speaking about the man who had so unfairly and cruelly taken the only person he held dear from him. “You didn’t see the blood! You didn’t see what he fucking did to her!” and John showed no trace of understanding or sympathy in response. But what would he have said if he had seen Jill’s blood? If he had witnessed what Hoffman had done to her? Would he have given Hoffman the proverbial chance? I’m not sure.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 1 year ago
Find the Word
Thanks @sleepywriter00 for the tag!
Rules: find the given words in your WIP(s), then tag others with new words
My words: psycho, pranked, soil, grave
Your words: new, clean, decide, system
Tagging with zero pressure @theeccentricraven @mysticstarlightduck @little-peril-stories @blind-the-winds @buffythevampirelover @mk-writes-stuff @eccaiia @cowboybrunch @addicted2coke-theothercoke @gottestod-writes @chauceryfairytales @frostedlemonwriter @talesofsorrowandofruin @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @theprissythumbelina or anyone else who wants to hop on
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @fairy-tales-of-yesterday per usual you can hop on
Keep reading for:
Liam and Maddie discuss the science of shapeshifting
George X Liam is a thing now
Beau creates a beanstalk
Noelle's research finds an article
Psycho Insane (closest synonym) - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Maddie POV)
“Thanks for researching all of this,” I said. “I mean, not being an animal morphian, you didn’t have to.” Liam leaned against the wall. “I always wanted to be an animal morphian. When I realized I got to train one, I just did a bunch of research. To both benefit your learning and just to learn a few things myself. Shapeshifting is just fascinating in general. Like, you can change your mass, like, that shouldn’t be a thing! But it is, and that’s, like, insane.” “Wow,” I breathed. “So what happens to the mass that you lose?” “No idea,” said Liam, smiling. “What if we took the mass from something?” I asked. “Great, but where would that something come from?” “I dunno,” I said. “Matter can’t be created or destroyed. We’ve learned that in science class.” “You’d be right,” said Liam. “But we’re in another dimension.” “So you’re saying matter can be created or destroyed in this dimension?” “Perhaps,” said Liam, pressing his hands together in deep thought. “But what if instead we’re borrowing mass from another pocket dimension? Like, there’s a pocket universe of just mass, and we put our mass there if we’re lessening our mass, or borrowing mass from there if we increase our mass?” “Hm,” I said. “That could work, but isn’t it complicated?” “Who knows?” said Liam. “We’re in another dimension. Anything is possible. The rules of this universe are different than the rules of Ceteri.” “That’s cool.” “Glad you agree, kiddo.”
Actually, matter can be created or destroyed but only with an anti-matter particle :)
Pranked Trick (closest synonym...) - from The Secret Portal Part One
Maddie gave Kelsey a small punch in the arm. She looked past Kelsey’s shoulder. “Hey, Liam, what are you dressed as?” Liam, who was talking with George, wore a black full-piece covering his whole body with glow sticks along his arms, legs, and torso. Upon Maddie’s query, he put a hood over his head, then zipped it shut over his face, glow sticks forming a circle. “A stick figure.” Maddie burst out laughing. Kelsey smirked, clapping slowly. “You win. You win.” Unzipping the hood, Liam smiled at George. “See? This is hilarious. It’s simple, but it’s super clever. I barely put any more effort than Gabe, yet everyone I’ve encountered says this is the best costume here. That’s the trick of Halloween. You either need to go all out or you need to be very, very clever about what you decide to be and what materials you use.” George, now eating what Ceters called a “cupcake,” nodded, very entertained by his new friend. While George loved sharing all of his speedster-induced hours research, Liam always managed to make a good argument out of seemingly everything. It was one of the fascinating things about him. He was glad Liam approached him working on one of the computers about a month ago, otherwise George wasn't sure he would’ve been able to work up to potential rejection from the only boy his age he’d interacted with in a decade.
Soil - from School of the Legends Year One
Beau widened his stance, holding his arm out, palm aimed at where he’d planted the beans. Jack glanced at Jill, both sharing a confused expression. Jack looked at his cousin. “Beau, what are we supposed to see?” “Just watch the soil,” Beau said, his brow clenching together. Jack obeyed, looking at where the beans were. A sprout suddenly poked its head above the ground. Jack’s eyebrows rose, and a glance at his sister told him she had the same reaction. The sprout began growing, now at Jack’s knee. “Beau, you’re...you’re gifted.” Beau’s smile stretched across his face. “Yeah, isn’t it amazing?” He glanced at Jack, his eyes shining. The sprout now shot up faster, and Beau flicked his eyes back to the stalk. “Merde,” he muttered as he tried to regain his concentration. He, Jack, and Jill grunted as the stalk broke the ground at such a force they were knocked to their feet. Beau scrambled up as fast as he could, holding his palms out toward the beanstalk. It slowed first, then stopped. Jack tilted his head back, squinting to see the top of the beanstalk--which didn’t help. “O...kay…,” Jill soon said, breaking the silence. “That just happened.” “What are we going to do with this?” Jack asked, now standing. “There’s now a giant beanstalk in the middle of the yard! How are we going to explain to Da?” “You won’t need to.” Jack whirled around to see his dad leaning against a post on the porch. “I saw the whole thing.” “I’m sorry, Oncle Erskine.” “Don’t be,” he said. “D’ya know how much that would sell for?” He laughed.
Grave - from The Secret Portal Part Two (article Noelle is reading)
One thing I must make clear is that I AM Inutilia. I did not quit because I no longer believe in equality for my people. Quite the opposite. I still am a firm believer that we should get as much equal rights as those with powers. However, Raissa Kamanzi is NOT the way to do it. Ms. Kamanzi is obsessed with power. She does not truly believe in the equal rights of Inutilia, rather the dominance. She wants to oppress the system just as much as the old one oppressed us. A taste of their own medicine, she would say. This is not the answer. All Raissa has given us is a harder time to be accepted by society around us. It gave an excuse for bigots to become even louder, people who considered themselves neutral to become bigoted. It gave those in power a reason to persecute us from a genetic standpoint. We lost access to the portal last year because of her. We can no longer be with Ceters, in a world where WE are the norm. One thing I will say about Raissa is that she is a complicated woman with many heavy burdens and regrets. She holds tight to her morals, and will never cross a line that others would. However, that does not make her morals right. That does not make her policies right. I did not join the Refugae initially because I wanted control of the world. I did not join so others would suffer just so I would not. I joined because I was sick of the lynching, the riots, the massacres, the genetic engineering to attempt to erase the gene. I was sick of the suffering. But I see Raissa’s tactics are only going to deflect the suffering from herself to others. That it is causing people to flee to Ceteri, and those who cannot cross the portal to stay, suffering. Raissa is digging the grave of her own people. The arrival of the Aequales was the first sign. I do not believe the Aequales is the savior we need, for many other reasons, but its preaching of equality and peace is dragging more and more people away from equality. They can still hate us, but if they support Atsila McLain, suddenly, they can wipe their hands clean of their bigotry. Inutilia are still suffering under Raissa, and we have no escape. I ask you to support social reforms and to engage in political action. We must stop this violence. We must in order to survive. For all Inutilia. For all Alii.
I wrote two articles in this chapter - one of someone who worked with Atsila but left, the other who worked with Raissa but left. I really ended up being proud of the articles themselves even though I'm revising Noelle's research purposes later.
It is funny. She's like "hm maybe other perspectives would be nice to read about to form an opinion that seems logical" but then she does that and is like "nevermind these are both biased what a waste of time"
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motheroftheantichrist · 1 year ago
Theories that I don't actually believe, but have fun thinking about: Saw edition
Adam was the original Jigsaw apprentice.
While I know this isn't true, and don't actually believe Adam would even be a good apprentice, it's just funny to me how well it could actually fit into the bat shit crazy narrative of this franchise.
John Kramer has just begun his work as Jigsaw. He's killed Cecil, and maybe a few others. Jill Tuck, concerned by his increasingly erratic behavior, hires a private investigator to tail her ex-husband and report back. Enter: Adam.
He trails John to his warehouse and either springs one of the traps and escapes, earning John's regard, or is caught by John and deemed useful for his particular skill set. Seth Baxter has just been killed and John needs someone to tail Hoffman, so Adam is recruited.
He finds most of the people in Logan's game, other than Logan, Anna, and Mitch, who John new personally. The others seem more like people that Adam would have found, or found out about given his line of work. He probably saw Carly steal the purse and inhaler and was able to track her down. I always thought that it was a stretch that John had happened to know about that, and managed to find her as well.
Adam is planted in the bathroom game because it requires two people, and to test Amanda. If you look carefully at John's reasons for testing Adam in Saw 1, they are pretty flimsy compared to Gordon's. He dislikes that Adam stalks people, even though that's what John does to grab victims as well as get a feel for Hoffman as a person, and claims he is passive in his own life, which may be true, but is a considerably weaker excuse than he usually uses when choosing test subjects. Not to mention the fact that Adam is never given any actual instructions. He was simply there to act as Amanda and Hoffman did in Saws II and IV.
The bullet that Lawrence had was a blank. It was enough to injure Adam, and would have been believable if Lawrence had decided to actually try to kill him, but he would have survived.
John can tell that Amanda is teetering on the edge over Adam's fate and has a feeling she is going to go back, so he puts Adam back in the bathroom, which is why he is still seemingly trapped there when she returns to "kill" him. This is then followed by the usual theories about the plastic not being held on for long enough, and the corpse being someone else's.
Adam was the one who switched the chain on the decoy corpses foot when he found out that John was going to leave a tape to lead Lawrence to the bathroom (maybe he's the one who convinced him to do it) with the hopes that Lawrence would realize he was still alive.
Thank you for coming to my insane and completely pointless TED Talk.
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grxmreaperx · 1 year ago
You literally have no idea how happy I am that my first request is for Hoffman!! I’ve been rewatching the Saw series and I’m SO obsessed with this man
Pairing: Mark Hoffman x reader
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: not many, slight angst. Mentions of blood and a couple of the traps. mentions of sex, but nothing explicit (this time
Summary: you and Mark are the only two Jigsaws left standing. John and Amanda were killed in Jeff’s game and Mark has made it clear that Jill is no longer welcome. You and the detective have grown close, working together to set up John’s so-called games and making sure Hoffman’s name stays out of the FBI’s mouths. You always warned him that Jigsaw lets no one go untested. He didn’t believe you until Jill received a box.
Takes place around Saw V/Saw VI. This might end up being a part of a longer piece, I’ve had a story in my head for a while, so if you guys like this I’ll start working on the longer work!!
“When’s your test, Detective?”
“I don’t need one.”
“You know John is going to test you at some point, right?”
Hoffman smirks. “And what makes you think that?”
You toss the screwdriver on the table, admiring, as John has coined it, “The Rack.”
“Amanda is right, John doesn’t let anyone go untested. She’s been tested. I’ve been tested. That leaves you, Detective.” You don’t allow yourself to look at him, instead admiring your handiwork in front of you.
He pulls his gloves off, shoving them into his pockets as he watches you. He knows you’re right. He hasn’t taken his life for granted, but neither had you. But here you were, a survivor of the game and one of the few people John trusts with his work.
“I just wish you’d let me help you. I can help you prepare, for whatever your test will be.” You finally look over, staring at him, examining his face for any sort of confirmation, confirmation that he’ll give in and let you do something for him.
He scoffs. “I’ll be fine, sweetheart. What, you worried about me or something?”
You cross your arms and stay silent. Normally you’re fine with the teasing, the back and forth, but not when his life could be at stake. Even if neither of you would say it aloud, but you cared for one another. You both had given into the tension months ago, developing a relationship that you both agreed, at the time, was nothing more than sex. But with every broken nose snapped back into place, every cut bandaged, and every casual touch, you both became more and more aware that this wasn’t true.
Your silence stabs at his chest. Softening ever so slightly, he says “Don’t worry, I can handle whatever the old man throws at me. I’ll be okay. I’ve set up enough of these things to know what I’m doing.”
Your sigh fills the room. “Whatever you say, Hoffman.”
“I’ll be right there.” He shuts his phone, jaw tense.
“Everything alright?” you ask from your seat in front of the monitors. You had both been watching as William Easton made his way through his game, blood in his wake.
“Yeah. Erikson says they have the Seth Baxter tape. Some specialist is analyzing the thing and they want me there.”
You feel your shoulders tense. After a moment of silence, all you can ask is “You need any backup?”
He smiles. “No, no. You stay here and run the game. Make sure everything goes smoothly. I’ll be alright. Be back as soon as I can.”
He run a hand over your arm as he makes his way towards the door. You fix your eyes on the screen, steadying your breathing.
“Mark,” you say, as he steps over the threshold.
He looks back at you, eyes still on the screen.
“Be careful.”
You see his reflection on the screen nod, before closing the door behind him.
The third shot on the carousel went off when one of your security cameras went black. You sit up in the desk chair, poking at the keyboard, trying to get the feed back. Groaning, you hoist yourself up, grabbing a tool kit and your gun, and heading to the broken camera on the back of the building.
Your phone rings as you tinker with the faulty camera.
Preparing yourself for the worst, you answer.
“Hey, where are you? I’m back.”
“I’m out back, one of the cameras cut. All good?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll tell you about it when you get back in. But I’m fine. You good?”
A weight is lifted off of you. “Yeah, all good. Be in soon.”
He didn’t notice the note on the keyboard until his phone was flipped shut, trying to slow his heart rate. You didn’t put this here, did you? Where would you have gotten it? You knew about it, of course, but why would you put it here? You didn’t even know when he was coming back. You had been there when he had written it.
“Are you sure about this? Amanda is good at what she does, even if she is a bit hot headed. Just like someone else.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. This is our game, not hers. Once she’s out of the picture, it’ll just be you and me.”
His eyes darted around, trying to think of some explanation. He’d have to ask you when you came back in. He thought about going out to “help” you, even if he knew you didn’t need it, just to calm his nerves. He hated the idea of you out there by yourself, focused so intently on what you were doing that you wouldn’t notice someone coming up behind you through the darkness. Even though he would never admit it, he couldn’t wait for you to get back inside. His nerves were fried after the fire, and he needed to see you.
He was so lost in thought that, before he could react, he felt an electric shock pulse through his body.
As soon as you got the red light on the camera blinking again, your phone buzzes.
Impatient, you thought, flipping the phone open.
“Hello, Detective.”
Nothing. Dial tone.
Your eyebrows furrow and you feel your breath hitch. You quickly dial him back, pressing the phone to your ear.
No answer.
Fuck. You leave the toolbox on the concrete, pulling your gun from the holster around your waist, and slowly make your way back inside.
You slink through the hallways back to the command center, listening for anything that tells you where he is, that he’s okay. That he’s alive.
Then you hear glass shatter.
You could’ve sworn you heard a car door slam shut outside, an engine starting, but you don’t care. You quickly make your way to the room, the window in the door shattered and –
The bear trap falling from the bars.
You throw the door open, and you suddenly forget how to breathe. Mark is one the floor, alive and bleeding, the side of his face torn to shreds.
You holster your gun, rushing over to him.
“What the fuck happened? Stay here, I have a kit in my car. Don’t move, and that’s not a suggestion.”
He nods slightly, breathing heavily through his nose.
You rush outside, hands fumbling with your car keys, pulling the door open and searching the glove box for your first aid kit.
When you get back inside, Mark has moved against the wall, head leaning back against the stone. You crouch down beside him, pulling out a clean needle and thread.
“I can do it,” he says through gritted teeth, reaching for the supplies.
You slap his hand away. “Shut up. You’re not doing this.” He sees your tense jaw, your eyes wide, and decides to listen.
Once you’ve stopped the bleeding and have at least half of his cheek sewn back up, your heart has stopped trying to escape from your chest and your hands have gotten steady again.
“Who did this?” you ask him, his face finally whole again.
“Jill Tuck.”
“What? Are you serious?”
The rage in his eyes gives you you’re answer. All you can do is nod. Jill motherfucking Tuck.
You start applying an antiseptic to his face, ignoring his insistence that he’s fine.
“So,” you start, breaking the silence. “Do you want me to say it now or later?”
His eyes meet yours, and he lets out an annoyed laugh. “Later, thank you.”
You can’t help but laugh, relieved and angry and fearful all at once.
I told you so, Hoffman.
“Cmon,” you say, grabbing his hand as he forces himself to stand. “Let’s get you home.”
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madame-mortician · 3 months ago
Analysing the Family Dynamic of Saw
A very obvious theme in the Saw franchise is the found-family aspects for the main antagonists. It’s not subtle at all with Amanda and John’s relationship but I wanted to delve more into it.
John Kramer is a man with no family. His only true loved-one is Jill Tuck, who he divorced after becoming emotionally detached from everybody. He was going to have a son with Jill but tragically she suffered a miscarriage which started John’s downward spiral into the monster he becomes. He created a puppet character for his unborn son, which he named Billy. The interesting thing here is that he later reused his unborn son’s doll for his Jigsaw games, updating the design from a cute little doll into a terrifying looking dummy. John uses Billy as a mascot of sorts, speaking through him to his victims. I think it’s interesting to note that he’s using the representation of his unborn child as his mascot. I also think it’s worth noting that he updated the design from a cute children’s puppet to the more adult, bigger dummy version, almost like a grown-up version. A major part of Saw is the theme of “legacy” and the kind of legacy John will leave after he dies. It ends up being a big one but at the start he had no kin. He shut Jill out of his life and never had children, so all he had was his work. Yet even then he uses the representation of his unborn son to speak through.
Then there’s Mark Hoffman. We don’t know much about his home life but we see he has a great emotional attachment to his sister, and she’s the only one in his life. It’s clear he has no romantic partners and if his parents are still alive he isn’t close with them. Like John, his whole life spirals after he loses a loved one, with his bitter hatred towards people like Seth Baxter fuelling him into the murderer he becomes later. When John finds out he pinned a Jigsaw trap on him he decides to test him with a rigged trap. The trap isn’t rigged so that Hoffman will die, but so that he will survive. He “proves” his ideology for Hoffman who is then coerced into helping Jigsaw. One could argue John only enlisted Hoffman’s help to both punish him, and because his inside u of the police department would be helpful and whilst I agree, I also believe John took the opportunity to make himself somebodies mentor. You gotta remember by this point he’d pushed everybody else away, he must’ve been extremely lonely and considering he was so excited to be having a child it’s clear he wanted nothing more than to take somebody under his wing and teach them things only he could. It was likely not a conscious decision, I doubt John recruit Hoffman with the intention of becoming a father figure towards him, but subconsciously he desired that. It’s why he treats him like a student, but doesn’t give a crap about anybody else he recruits (Obi for example.) At first Hoffman seems reluctant to accept the help. He joins John mostly because he’s forced to. Eventually he becomes a devoted disciple but it took him a while to get comfortable. I also think a major turning point was Amanda.
Now obviously after Amanda survives her test, John comes to her and recruits her and we all know she has major abandonment issues, specifically with John. She states multiple times that she sees John as a father figure, who she becomes obsessed with because her own father was a horrible abusive person. Whilst Amanda becomes unhealthy devoted to John, he becomes more forgiving of her. He definitely sees Amanda as a daughter, likely more than he sees Hoffman as a son, and he gives Amanda multiple second chances because he doesn’t want her to fail. John is a huge hypocrite throughout the entire series and his relationship with Amanda is no different. He punishes people for things when Amanda has done way worse, and he knows but chooses not to call her out unless he wants to teach her a quick lesson.
Here Hoffman’s relationship with John becomes a game of trying to one-up Amanda. It’s obvious to Hoffman that Amanda is John’s favourite and he sees her as a daughter. Even though it’s not likely Hoffman desires to be seen as a son, he still becomes jealous and starts a rivalry with Amanda, which is mostly one-sided. Amanda isn’t shown to be jealous of Hoffman, but it’s also clear she doesn’t particularly like him. Hoffman however, despises her, and gets her killed. I don’t just think he disliked Amanda because she was close with John though, I also think a major part of his relationship with her is that Amanda reminds him of his deceased sister. He doesn’t want to feel that heartbreak again, so he shuts Amanda out deciding he doesn’t like her and then getting rid of her when he can’t stand seeing her around. His entire motivation has been for his sister and now he sees a woman who reminds him of her, working for Jigsaw just like he is and it disgusts him.
Jill Tuck‘s relationships are interesting. She isn’t a part of the whole Jigsaw thing, so she hardly interacts with John or his apprentices however she does reunite with Amanda after her “rehabilitation.” Amanda was one of her patients who she gave up on, and seeing her “fine” shocks her even though she subconsciously knows Amanda is not just cured like that. It’s clear she cares about her and seeing her after being tested BY HER HUSBAND would’ve been upsetting for her. Her relationship with Hoffman is worse, because she meets up with him multiple times, mostly just to get him to fulfil John’s will. Her scenes kind of read to me like a tired mother and her son that she’s distant from. Unlike Hoffman and John, her relationship isn’t really motherly. It’s almost a step-mother dynamic. Like she lives with you and your father loves her but you just kinda tolerate her. They’re only working together because she’s telling him to do whatever John told her. He only does it because she’s John’s ex-wife. Of course then she tries to kill him, and he is utterly betrayed before he goes on a long hunt to kill Jill. Again, I don’t really see Hoffman and Jill’s relationship as a surrogate mother situation but he kills her and it almost feels like matricide.
Admittedly Lawrence Gordon doesn’t really for into the found family aspects of Saw. He definitely becomes a loyal and devoted follower of John’s and kills Hoffman as vengeance for him killing Jill, but his relationship with John doesn’t feel like a father-son dynamic at all. At a stretch it kinda feels like a distant cousin who comes to help with fixing a car but you wouldn’t spend Christmas with you know? Weird allegory but it’s the vibes. He has no relationship with Amanda, none with Hoffman, his only relationship with John is seemingly more like a job than a family and he barely knows Jill.
Logan Nelson.
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choicesficwriterscreations · 5 months ago
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Meet Our MCs and OCs: A - I
Ride or Die: Lyra Lexington 
Wake the Dead: Xiomara Calloway
Open Heart (LI: Ethan Ramsey) F!MC: Marchia Bisognin  (Featured: February 2023)
Open Heart (LI: Tobias Carrick) F!OC: Nyla Imani Hassan
High School Story NB!MC: Ilo Jordan Lee 🏳️‍🌈
Immortal Desires NB!MC:  Saini Amanda Rusanen  🏳️‍🌈
Immortal Desires OC: Skylar Sasha Barnett-Lyons  🏳️‍🌈 (Featured: September 2023)
It Lives in the Woods F!MC:  Riikka Lovisa Yläkorpi  🏳️‍🌈 (Featured: November 2023)
It Lives in the Woods M!OC: Ashley Clark  🏳️‍🌈
Bloodbound F!MC: Adeeba Augustine
Open Heart F!MC: Noelle Valentine 
The Royal Romance/Crimes of Passion F!OC: Croia Thorne
Immortal Desires MC: Luca O’Rinn  🏳️‍🌈 (Featured: December 2023)
Immortal Desires OC: Viktor Ivanov  🏳️‍🌈
The Royal Romance OC: Alice Thornton
The Royal Romance OC: Delilah Young
The Royal Romance MC: Lily Anne Walker
The Royal Romance MC (1): Mia Jones
The Royal Romance/Heir MC (2): Riley Brooks
Princess Swap F!MC: Daisy Hawthorne
The Cursed Heart F!MC: Ella (Featured: November 2024)
Dirty Little Secrets M!MC: Dick Ryder
High School Story F!MC: Evie Ayana  🏳️‍🌈 (Featured: March 2024)
ILB F!MC: Harper Addison Vance-Fisher 🏳‍🌈
ILITW F!MC: Jo Hunter
Open Heart F!MC: Sawyer Brooks (Featured: April 2023)
Crimes of Passion : TM!FC: Ceri Rose  🏳️‍🌈
Open Heart F!MC: Arundhati Kulkarni
The Elementalists: Rams Erndheart  🏳️‍🌈
Laws of Attraction: Fiona Lightwood  🏳️‍🌈
Open Heart F!MC: Casey Mara Valentine   (Featured: September 2023)
Open Heart F!MC: Alexandria Lee
Open Heart F!MC: Jill Valentine
Open Heart M!MC: Remy Miles
Open Heart M!MC: Oliver Valentine  🏳️‍🌈
Blades of Light & Shadow F!elf!MC: Autumn Nightbloom
Guinevere: Geneviève de Carmelide
Wake the Dead F!MC: Eva Archer  (Featured: June 2024)
Open Heart F!MC: Eleanor Bloom
Open Heart M!MC: Jake Twenboah (Featured: May 2024)
Blades of Light and Shadow F!Elf!MC: Marya Moonglory  🏳️‍🌈
Open Heart (LI: Ethan Ramsey) F!MC: Genevieve McClure
Open Heart (LI: Bryce Lahela) F!OC: Natalie Michaels
Open Heart NB!MC: Baxter Lucafont  🏳️‍🌈
Red Carpet Diaries M!OC: Avalon Hammond  🏳️‍🌈
The Royal Romance F!MC: Harley Hughes
Open Heart F!MC: Meera Bose
Open Heart F!MC: Casey Hollyn Valentine
Red Carpet Diaries F!OC: Natalia York
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ghostiegram · 1 year ago
a hoffstrahm analysis by a person who has never seen the saw movies but Has watched a lot of youtube:
1- the cube trap. one could say it is a sign of hoffman's hatred of strahm as it is his way of quietly disposing of him, but let's look at this closer and from the lens that mark hoffman has a little soft spot. the trap is relatively simple and not really as gruesome as the rest tend to be. this could just be because hoffman didn't have time to waste and just wanted peter gone, which is like true to an extent to me, but also i believe its probably the most merciful trap he had on hand that would just rid us of strahm quickly. i mean yeah drowning people isn't really fun or nice but like there's a lot worse in this series. but strahm obviously escaped because he's hot like that and mark was staring at that stretcher like "goddamn that sexy son of a bitch escaped," which is in my mind equal parts shocked that it was escapable and admiration towards strahm for finding a way out. like cmon that's one of the hottest things strahm has done besides kabedoning jill tuck into a wall
mark hoffman seems to have that vigilante justice mentality since he thinks he can decide who's worthy of punishment or not (example: seth baxter, even though that was mostly vengeance) so i think that his Duty would push past any other pursuits in his life as a jigsaw apprentice.
which brings us to
2- glass coffin. the attempt on marks part to force strahm into the "if you can't beat em, join em" mentality. that's kind of a joke. but anyway instead of hoffman just immediately hydraulic pressing strahm to death he offered that mercy option via the coffin. the cube trap didn't have that sort of option offered, because i feel like these traps were just covert ways of murdering a man who honest to god didn't deserve a whole saw trial.
and the point of the coffin was like "hey dude just trust me u gotta stop poking ur nose into my business or it's going to kill you because im the jigsaw now." peter strahm didn't listen because he's too hot for that tho.
i believe hoffman just wanted peter strahm to just mind his own business because he was an exceptional man. probably would've wanted him to succeed, if not for the fact that it would be mark's own downfall here if strahm won. strahm was a thorn in his side that he wouldn't have minded keeping for a little while but at the end of the day the most logical option was to remove it.
this whole analysis is probably bullshit but i have brainrot your honor teehee
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dannyreviews · 5 months ago
Veteran British born/based film/TV actors born before and including 1937 still alive:
With the recent death of Dame Maggie Smith, I thought I'd detail the legendary actors of UK cinema and television that are still living.
Eileen Bennett (b. 1919)
Beulah Garrick (b. 1921)
Elizabeth Kelly (b. 1921)
Elisabeth Kirkby (b. 1921)
Sara Luzita (b. 1922)
Annabel Maule (b. 1922)
Paul Harding (b. 1923)
Vincent Ball (b. 1923)
David Lawton (b. 1923)
Anne Vernon (b. 1924)
Laurie Webb (b. 1924)
Thelma Ruby (b. 1925)
Pete Murray (b. 1925)
Michael Beint (b. 1925)
Shelia Mitchell (b. 1925)
Kerima (b. 1925)
David Attenborough (b. 1926)
Elizabeth Benson (b. 1926)
Margaret Barton (b. 1926)
Terry Kilburn (b. 1926)
Stanley Baxter (b. 1926)
David Frankham (b. 1926)
William Glover (b. 1926)
Josephine Stuart (b. 1926)
Patricia Davidson (b. 1926)
Glen Michael (b. 1926)
Araby Lockhart (b. 1926)
Eileen Page (b. 1926)
Rosemary Harris (b. 1927)
Cleo Laine (b. 1927)
Lee Montague (b. 1927)
Genevieve Page (b. 1927)
Neville Phillips (b. 1927)
Jean Lodge (b. 1927)
Barbara Ashcroft (b. 1927)
Jill Freud (b. 1927)
Jean Southern (b. 1927)
Antonia Pemberton (b. 1927)
Peter Cellier (b. 1928)
Jeanette Landis (b. 1928)
Sheila Ballantine (b. 1928)
Dorothea Phillips (b. 1928)
Jeannie Carson (b. 1928)
Hazel Ascot (b. 1928)
Brenda Hogan (b. 1928)
Raymond Llewelyn (b. 1928)
Pauline Brailsford (b. 1928)
Leonard Weir (b. 1928)
Kevin Scott (b. 1928)
Patricia Routledge (b. 1929)
Colin Jeavons (b. 1929)
Michael Craig (b. 1929)
Thelma Barlow (b. 1929)
Peter Myers (b. 1929)
Paul Williamson (b. 1929)
John Gale (b. 1929)
Phillip Ross (b. 1929)
Jimmy Fagg (b. 1929)
Hazel Phillips (b. 1929)
Mignon Elkins (b. 1929)
Margaret Stallard (b. 1929)
Maya Koumani (b. 1929)
Clive Revill (b. 1930)
Roy Evans (b. 1930)
Una McLean (b. 1930)
Roddy Maude-Roxby (b. 1930)
Ruth Trouncer (b. 1930)
Cyril Appleton (b. 1930)
Vera Frances (b. 1930)
Gary Watson (b. 1930)
Keith Alexander (b. 1930)
Libby Morris (b. 1930)
Pauline Jefferson (b. 1930)
Claire Bloom (b. 1931)
Leslie Caron (b. 1931)
Carroll Baker (b. 1931)
Virginia McKenna (b. 1931)
Vivian Pickles (b. 1931)
Stanley Meadows (b. 1931)
Gerald Harper (b. 1931)
Patricia Greene (b. 1931)
Ellen McIntosh (b. 1931)
Elvi Hale (b. 1931)
Maureen Connell (b. 1931)
June Laverick (b. 1931)
Denyse Alexander (b. 1931)
Arthur Nightingale (b. 1931)
Eileen Derbyshire (b. 1931)
Carl Held (b. 1931)
Shelia Bernette (b. 1931)
George Eugeniou (b. 1931)
Corinne Skinner-Carter (b. 1931)
Tusse Silberg (b. 1931)
Petula Clark (b. 1932)
Prunella Scales (b. 1932)
Phyllida Law (b. 1932)
Ray Cooney (b. 1932)
Edward De Souza (b. 1932)
Alan Dobie (b. 1932)
John Turner (b. 1932)
Roland Curram (b. 1932)
Gabriel Woolf (b. 1932)
Johnnie Wade (b. 1932)
Eileen Moore (b. 1932)
Laurie Leigh (b. 1932)
William Roache (b. 1932)
Athol Fugard (b. 1932)
Carmen Munroe (b. 1932)
Norman Bowler (b. 1932)
Marcia Ashton (b. 1932)
Thelma Holt (b. 1932)
Sally Bazely (b. 1932)
Ronald France (b. 1932)
Edwina Carroll (b. 1932)
Michael Caine (b. 1933)
Joan Collins (b. 1933)
Sian Phillips (b. 1933)
Sheila Hancock (b. 1933)
Elizabeth Seal (b. 1933)
Shani Willis (b. 1933)
Patrick Godfrey (b. 1933)
Caroline Blakiston (b. 1933)
Donald Douglas (b. 1933)
Ann Firbank (b. 1933)
Vera Day (b. 1933)
Tsai Chin (b. 1933)
Geoffrey Frederick (b. 1933)
Marla Landi (b. 1933)
Monte Landis (b. 1933)
Mary Germaine (b. 1933)
Ruth Posner (b. 1933)
Barbara Archer (b. 1933)
W.B. Brydon (b. 1933)
Robert Gillespie (b. 1933)
Brian Patton (b. 1933)
Arthur White (b. 1933)
Barbara Archer (b. 1933)
Sally Bazley (b. 1933)
Madhur Jaffrey (b. 1933)
Jeanette Sterke (b. 1933)
Ann Rogers (b. 1933)
Barbara Knox (b. 1933)
John Boorman (b. 1933)
Derek Martin (b. 1933)
Michael Aspel (b. 1933)
Bill Edwards (b. 1933)
Ninette Finch (b. 1933)
Una Kay (b. 1933)
Pat Galloway (b. 1933)
Judi Dench (b. 1934)
Eileen Atkins (b. 1934)
Tom Baker (b. 1934)
Alan Bennett (b. 1934)
Jean Marsh (b. 1934)
Annette Crosbie (b. 1934)
Wendy Craig (b. 1934)
Richard Chamberlain (b. 1934)
Millicent Martin (b. 1934)
John Standing (b. 1934)
Vernon Dobtcheff (b. 1934)
Nanette Newman (b. 1934)
David Burke (b. 1934)
Geraldine Newman (b. 1934)
Renny Lister (b. 1934)
Priscilla Morgan (b. 1934)
Audrey Dalton (b. 1934)
Leila Hoffman (b. 1934)
Simone Lovell (b. 1934)
Magda Miller (b. 1934)
Robert Aldous (b. 1934)
Ram John Holder (b. 1934)
Jamila Massey (b. 1934)
Margaretta D’Arcy (b. 1934)
Leslie Saeward (b. 1934)
Maurice Podbrey (b. 1934)
Steve Emerson (b. 1934)
Peter Bland (b. 1934)
Michael Darlow (b. 1934)
Barbara Archer (b. 1934)
Joy Webster (b. 1934)
Jacqueline Ellis (b. 1934)
Jacqueline Jones (b. 1934)
Diana Payan (b. 1934)
Gillian Eddison (b. 1934)
Julie Andrews (b. 1935)
Julian Glover (b. 1935)
Jim Dale (b. 1935)
Anne Reid (b. 1935)
James Bolam (b. 1935)
Christina Pickles (b. 1935) 
Judy Parfitt (b. 1935)
Wanda Ventham (b. 1935)
Amanda Barrie (b. 1935)
Derren Nesbitt (b. 1935)
Nadim Swalha (b. 1935)
Gary Raymond (b. 1935)
Janet Henfrey (b. 1935)
Melvyn Hayes (b. 1935)
Susan Engel (b. 1935)
Amanda Walker (b. 1935)
Delena Kidd (b. 1935)
Derek Partridge (b. 1935)
Allister Bain (b. 1935)
Derry Power (b. 1935)
Phyllis MacMahon (b. 1935)
Rowena Cooper (b. 1935)
Lisa Gastoni (b. 1935)
Derek Partridge (b. 1935)
Jill Dixon (b. 1935)
Des Keough (b. 1935)
Barbara Angell (b. 1935)
Lucille Soong (b. 1935)
Anita West (b. 1935)
June Watson (b. 1935)
David Daker (b. 1935)
Shirley Cain (b. 1935)
Bobby Pattinson (b. 1935)
George Roubicek (b. 1935)
Glenn Beck (b. 1935)
Shirley Greenwood (b. 1935)
Isabella Rye (b. 1935)
Anna Barry (b. 1935)
David Andrews (b. 1935)
Michael Danvers-Walker (b. 1935)
Brian Blessed (b. 1936)
Richard Wilson (b. 1936)
Tommy Steele (b. 1936)
Edward Petherbridge (b. 1936) 
Ursula Andress (b. 1936)
John Leyton (b. 1936)
Jess Conrad (b. 1936)
Elizabeth Shepherd (b. 1936)
Sandra Voe (b. 1936)
Doug Sheldon (b. 1936)
John Golightly (b. 1936)
Peter Ellis (b. 1936)
Andria Lawrence (b. 1936)
Jon Laurimore (b. 1936)
Tony Scoggo (b. 1936)
Barry MacGregor (b. 1936)
Frank Barrie (b. 1936)
Kenneth Farrington (b. 1936)
Eileen McCallum (b. 1936)
Frederick Pyne (b. 1936)
Philip Lowrie (b. 1936)
Marian Diamond (b. 1936)
Anthony Higginson (b. 1936)
Elsie Kelly (b. 1936)
Ann Taylor (b. 1936)
Heidi Erich (b. 1936)
Keith Faulkner (b. 1936)
Ruth Meyers (b. 1936)
Julia Blake (b. 1936)
Heather Downham (b. 1936)
Robin Gammell (b. 1936)
Auriol Smith (b. 1936)
Frances White (b. 1936)
Anthony Hopkins (b. 1937)
Edward Fox (b. 1937)
Vanessa Redgrave (b. 1937)
Tom Courtenay (b. 1937)
Steven Berkoff (b. 1937)
Susan Hampshire (b. 1937)
Barbara Steele (b. 1937)
Shirley Eaton (b. 1937)
Kenneth Colley (b. 1937)
Ian Hogg (b. 1937)
Sheila Reid (b. 1937)
Valerie Singleton (b. 1937)
Suzy Kendall (b. 1937)
Gawn Grainger (b. 1937)
Tom Georgeson (b. 1937)
Alan Rothwell (b. 1937)
Michael Knowles (b. 1937)
Jocelyn Lane (b. 1937)
Michael Kilgarriff (b. 1937)
Clifton Jones (b. 1937)
Paul Collins (b. 1937)
Anna Dawson (b. 1937)
Marlene Sidaway (b. 1937)
Jeremy Spenser (b. 1937)
Freddie Davies (b. 1937)
Justine Lord (b. 1937)
Davyd Harries (b. 1937)
Hugh Futcher (b. 1937)
Anne Cunningham (b. 1937)
Anne Aubrey (b. 1937)
Vic Taliban (b. 1937)
Dorothy Paul (b. 1937)
Denis Tuohy (b. 1937)
Claire Neilson (b. 1937)
Patricia Collins (b. 1937)
Jan Waters (b. 1937)
Dorothy Paul (b. 1937)
Brian Grellis (b. 1937)
Kenneth Alan Taylor (b. 1937)
Yvonne Buckingham (b. 1937)
Eileen Helsby (b. 1937)
Ray Donn (b. 1937)
Terrence Scammell (b. 1937)
Pauline Devaney (b. 1937)
Rosie Bannister (b. 1937)
Jeanne Roland (b. 1937)
William Gaunt (b. 1937)
Rosaleen Linehan (b. 1937)
Norman Coburn (b. 1937)
Rosie Bannister (b. 1937)
Luciana Paluzzi (b. 1937)
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skylarsblue · 2 years ago
✦Who I Write For✦
(This will be added too over time)
⭑Bo Sinclair ⭑Vincent Sinclair ⭑Lester Sinclair ⭑Michael Myers (OG, 2007, & Gramps) ⭑Thomas Hewitt ⭑Bubba Sawyer ⭑Jason Voorhees ⭑Ghostface (Billy & Stu) ⭑Tiffany Valentine ⭑Brahms Heelshire ⭑Billy Lenz ⭑Carrie White ⭑Baby Driftwood ⭑Otis Driftwood ⭑Pyramid Head ⭑Herbert West (if a male/masc reader) -Bonus- ⭑Carly & Nick; House of Wax ⭑Sydney; Scream
Dead By Daylight
♢Evan MacMillan - The Trapper ♢Anna - The Huntress ♢Max Thompson Jr. - The Hillbilly ♢Sally Smithson - The Nurse ♢Herman Carter - The Doctor ♢Ji Woon Hak - The Trickster ♢Danny Johnson - The Ghostface ♢Philip Ojomo - The Wraith ♢Amanda Young - The Pig ♢Rin Yamaoka - The Spirit (only SFW) ♢Kazan Yamaoka - The Oni ♢Frank Morrison - The Legion ♢Susie Lavoie - The Legion (only SFW) ♢Julie Kostenko - The Legion ♢Joey - The Legion ♢Adiris - The Plague ♢Caleb Quinn - The Deathslinger ♢Carmina Mora - The Artist ♢Sadako Yamamura - The Onryo (only SFW) ♢Tarhos Kovacs - The Knight ♢Adriana Imai - The Skullmerchant ♢Nemesis - The Nemesis -Bonus- ♢Jill Valentine ♢Leon Kennedy ♢Cheryl Mason ♢Carlos Oliveria ♢Claudette Morel ♢Bill Overbeck ♢Vittorio Toscano
Our Life; Beginnings & Always
❧Cove Holden ❧Derek Suarez ❧Baxter Ward ❧Elizabeth Last (x readers for non-sibling characters) ❧Kyra Preece ❧Tamarack Baumann ❧Qui "Autumn" Lin
⚂Lawrence Beetlegeuse Shoggoth ⚂Lydia Deetz (only SFW) ⚂Adam Maitland ⚂Barbara Maitland ⚂Ms.Argentina
Call of Duty; Modern Warfare
✚Simon "Ghost" Riley ✚Johnny "Soap" MacTavish ✚John Price ✚Kyle "Gaz" Garrick ✚Alejandro Vargas ✚Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra ✚Valeria Garza ✚Alex Keller ✚Farah Karim ✚Nikolai ✚Konig ✚Horangi
❦Eddie Brock & Venom (2015) ❦Frankenstein's Monster - Mary SHelly ❦Classic Monsters; Dracula, Werewolves, etc. ❦Krampus(yes you read me) ❦Y/N from Stuck on A Childhood Crush/Friend & Killer (aka Cordelia)
Yes that's write. You can have your Y/N x Reader fics now.
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neapolitantoebeans · 1 year ago
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list of Saw victims from the FBI files from Saw V! (Some are blurry, trying to pause super quick on a tv is hard)
It doesn’t look like they’re really in order based on the movies, but interesting nonetheless
File 1: Cecil Fletcher (the guy who slammed the door on Jill’s stomach causing her miscarriage in Saw IV),
Mark Wilson (the guy that was covered in the flammable gel in the room full of numbers in Saw)
Seth Baxter (the pendulum trap guy from the beginning of Saw V, killed Hoffman’s sister)
File 2: Paul Leahy (the razor wire trap guy from Saw),
Amanda Young (you know who she is ofc),
Donnie Greco (the guy that Amanda killed in her trap to get the key to the Reverse Bear Trap in Saw)
File 3: Adam Stanheight (if you don’t know who Adam is why’re you here tbh),
Lawrence Gordon (my favorite one-footed man),
Zep Hindle (kidnapper of Lawrence’s family, drugged by John, killed by Adam in Saw etcetera)
File 4: Jeff Ridenhour (guy hidden under the red sheet in John’s workshop that David Tapp saved in Saw),
Michael Marks (Death mask guy who had to cut the key out of his eye that was an informant for Eric Matthews in Saw II),
Jonas Singer (guy who was hit in the back of the head with a nail-studded bat in Saw II)
File 5: Xavier Chavez (big buff dude from Saw II),
Laura Hunter (blonde girl who died to the nerve gas house in Saw II),
Gus Colyard (guy who was stupid enough to put his eye up to a peephole in Saw II and got shot in the face)
File 6: Daniel Matthews (son of Eric Matthews, found locked in a safe at the end of Saw II),
Addison Corday (died from the Razor Box trap in Saw II, prostitute in Saw IV that propositioned John),
Obi Tate (helped John kidnap the victims in Saw II, burned to death in a furnace)
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hoffmansbignaturals · 1 year ago
Might be dumb question but how does Saw 6 play out in your jillsaw au?
That's a very good question. No Jillsaw questions are dumb because even I don't know half the answers yet
Jillsaw 100% would put William Easton in a trap. I'm pretty sure I'll be going with having Jill die in 3, keeping John alive to fill in Jill's role in the later movies.
The only huge difference would come in the cop side plot, since Hoffman and Strahm are swapped over. Bluetooth earpiece guy (forgot his name lmao) would still be there, but Rigg would take the place of Perez. Instead of having the 'gotcha' being that the fingerprints were placed after death, it would be that they'd already found Hoffmans body and he had been dead too long to have been the accomplice.
John is going to be getting Strahm's ass with an unbeatable trap. Maybe the reverse bear trap? not sure.
not sure how strahms seth baxter moment/jigsaw involvement would work. very much open to input, I'm not closing off jillsaw just for me, I'm very happy for other people to give thoughts/headcanons for how it plays out
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ostendird-oddie · 6 months ago
im thinking abt ur apprentice rehab au again its sooo. i wanna know does jill and mark have a better relationship in it cuz i think those two could be really interesting if they didn't despise eachother so much
They do!!! They grow pretty close overtime actually. At first it's really hard because despite John's death Mark wants to continue to make games and such but he gets distracted by working with Jill and Strahm. Jill's the only therapist adjesant person he's ever been to (cuz let's be real, he aint confessing to murder) and they bond over shared trauma and life experiences. I think Angie tried to get Baxter to go to rehab a few times so Jill had met her. They talk about it a lot. Jill feels guilty about not "fixing" Baxter earlier. Both of them come to a conclusion that what happened to Angie was not their fault and there's nothing they could've done. After some time Mark grows very protective of her. I hate what they did with his character in saw 7. Most of the traps in saw 4 were to punish people who abuse wemen but in saw3D he's a misogynist all of a sudden? I think this AU's version of "Back the fuck off" happens after Peter is particularly mean to Jill and Mark just drags him aside for a few words. Their relationship is not perfect by any means but they've became a family of sorts to eachother
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